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Published: Jul 11, 2020 License: Apache-2.0


OpenEBS CStor CSI Driver

CSI driver implementation for OpenEBS CStor storage engine.

Project Status

This project is under active development and considered to be in Alpha state.

The current implementation supports the following for CStor Volumes:

  1. Provisioning and De-provisioning with ext4 filesystems
  2. Snapshots and clones
  3. Volume Expansion



Before setting up OpenEBS CStor CSI driver make sure your Kubernetes Cluster meets the following prerequisites:

  1. You will need to have Kubernetes version 1.14 or higher
  2. You will need to have OpenEBS Version 1.2 or higher installed. The steps to install OpenEBS are here
  3. CStor CSI driver operates on the cStor Pools provisioned using the new schema called CSPC. Steps to provision the pools using the same are here
  4. iSCSI initiator utils installed on all the worker nodes
  5. You have access to install RBAC components into kube-system namespace. The OpenEBS CStor CSI driver components are installed in kube-system namespace to allow them to be flagged as system critical components.
  6. You will need to turn on ExpandCSIVolumes and ExpandInUsePersistentVolumes feature gates on kubelets and kube-apiserver.
Setup OpenEBS CStor CSI Driver

OpenEBS CStor CSI driver comprises of 2 components:

  • A controller component launched as a StatefulSet, implementing the CSI controller services. The Control Plane services are responsible for creating/deleting the required OpenEBS Volume.
  • A node component that runs as a DaemonSet, implementing the CSI node services. The node component is responsible for performing the iSCSI connection management and connecting to the OpenEBS Volume.

OpenEBS CStor CSI driver components can be installed by running the following command.

The node components make use of the host iSCSI binaries for iSCSI connection management. Depending on the OS, the spec will have to be modified to load the required iSCSI files into the node pods.

Depending on the OS select the appropriate deployment file.

  • For Ubuntu 16.04 and CentOS.

    kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openebs/cstor-csi/master/deploy/csi-operator.yaml
  • For Ubuntu 18.04

    kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openebs/cstor-csi/master/deploy/csi-operator-ubuntu-18.04.yaml

Verify that the OpenEBS CSI Components are installed.

$ kubectl get pods -n kube-system -l role=openebs-csi
NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
openebs-csi-controller-0   4/4     Running   0          6m14s
openebs-csi-node-56t5g     2/2     Running   0          6m13s

Provision a cStor volume using OpenEBS CStor CSI driver
  1. Make sure you already have a cStor Pool Created or you can create one using the below command. In the below cspc.yaml make sure that the specified pools list should be greater than or equal to the number of replicas required for the volume. Update kubernetes.io/hostname and blockDeviceName in the below yaml before applying the same.

    The following command will create the specified cStor Pools in the cspc yaml:

    kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openebs/cstor-csi/master/examples/cspc.yaml
  2. Create a Storage Class to dynamically provision volumes using OpenEBS CSI provisioner. A sample storage class looks like:

    kind: StorageClass
    apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
      name: openebs-csi-cstor-sparse
    provisioner: cstor.csi.openebs.io
    allowVolumeExpansion: true
      cas-type: cstor
      cstorPoolCluster: cstor-sparse-cspc
      replicaCount: "1"

    You will need to specify the correct cStor CSPC from your cluster and specify the desired replicaCount for the volume. The replicaCount should be less than or equal to the max pools available.

    The following file helps you to create a Storage Class using the cStor sparse pool created in the previous step.

    kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openebs/cstor-csi/master/examples/csi-storageclass.yaml
  3. Run your application by specifying the above Storage Class for the PVCs.

    The following example launches a busybox pod using a cStor Volume provisioned via CSI Provisioner.

    kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openebs/cstor-csi/master/examples/busybox-csi-cstor-sparse.yaml

    Verify that the pods is running and is able to write the data.

    $ kubectl get pods
    busybox   1/1     Running   0          97s

    The busybox is instructed to write the date when it starts into the mounted path at /mnt/openebs-csi/date.txt

    $ kubectl exec -it busybox -- cat /mnt/openebs-csi/date.txt
    Wed Jul 31 04:56:26 UTC 2019
How does it work?

The following steps indicate the PV provisioning workflow as it passes through various components.

  1. Create PVC with Storage Class referring to OpenEBS CStor CSI Driver.

  2. Kubernetes will pass the PV creation request to the OpenEBS CSI Controller service via CreateVolume(), as this controller registered with Kubernetes for receiving any requests related to cstor.csi.openebs.io

  3. OpenEBS CSI Controller will create a custom resource called CStorVolumeClaim(CVC) and returns the details of the newly created object back to Kubernetes. The CVCs will be monitored by the cstor-operator (embedded in m-apiserver). The cstor-operator will wait to proceed with provisioning a CStorVolume for a given CVC until the Kubernetes has scheduled the application using the PVC/CVC to a node in the cluster.

    This is in effect working like waitforFirstConsumer.

  4. When the node is assigned for the application, Kubernetes will invoke the NodePublishVolume() request with the node and the volume details - which includes the identifier of the CVC.

    This API will then specify the node details in the CVC.

    After updating the node id, the OpenEBS CStor CSI Driver - Node Service will wait for the CVC to be bound to an actual cStor Volume.

  5. The cstor-operator checks that node details are available on CVC, and proceeds with the cStor Volume Creation. Once the cStor Volume is created, the CVC is updated with the reference to the cStor Volume and change the status on CVC to bound.

  6. Node Component which was waiting on the CVC status will proceed to connect to the cStor volume.

Note: While the asynchronous handling of the Volume provisioning is in progress, the application pod may throw some errors like:

  • Waiting for CVC to be bound: Implies volume components are still being created
  • Volume is not ready: Replicas yet to connect to controller: Implies volume components are already created but yet to interact with each other.

On successful completion of the above steps the application pod can be seen in running state.

Expand a cStor volume using OpenEBS CStor CSI driver
  • Only dynamically provisioned volumes can be resized.
  • You can only resize volumes containing a file system if the file system is ext4.
  • Make sure that the storage class has the allowVolumeExpansion field set to true when the volume is provisioned.
  1. Update the increased pvc size in the pvc spec section (pvc.spec.resources.requests.storage).
  2. Wait for the updated capacity to reflect in PVC status (pvc.status.capacity.storage).

It is internally a two step process for volumes containing a file system:

  1. Volume expansion
  2. FileSystem expansion
Snapshot And Clone CStor Volume using OpenEBS CStor CSI Driver
  • VolumeSnapshotDataSource feature gate needs to be enabled at kubelet and kube-apiserver
  1. Create snapshot class pointing to cstor csi driver:
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openebs/cstor-csi/master/deploy/snapshot-class.yaml
  1. Create a snapshot after updating the PVC and snapshot name in the following yaml:
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openebs/cstor-csi/master/examples/csi-snapshot.yaml
  1. Verify that the snapshot has been created successfully:
kubectl get volumesnapshots.snapshot
NAME            AGE
demo-snapshot   3d1h
  1. Create the volume clone using the above Snapshot by updating and modifying the following yaml:
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openebs/cstor-csi/master/examples/csi-pvc-clone.yaml
  1. Verify that the PVC has been successfully created:
kubectl get pvc
NAME                    STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS              AGE
demo-csivol-claim       Bound    pvc-52d88903-0518-11ea-b887-42010a80006c   5Gi        RWO            openebs-csi-cstor-sparse  3d1h
pvc-clone               Bound    pvc-2f2d65fc-0784-11ea-b887-42010a80006c   5Gi        RWO            openebs-csi-cstor-sparse  3s


Path Synopsis
Package v1 is the API version +groupName=cstor.openebs.io
Package v1 is the API version +groupName=cstor.openebs.io
This package has the automatically generated clientset.
This package has the automatically generated clientset.
This package has the automatically generated fake clientset.
This package has the automatically generated fake clientset.
This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset.
This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset.
This package has the automatically generated typed clients.
This package has the automatically generated typed clients.
Package fake has the automatically generated clients.
Package fake has the automatically generated clients.

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