Fine-Tune LLMs with Ray and DeepSpeed on OpenShift AI
Fine-Tune Stable Diffusion with DreamBooth and Ray Train
Hyperparameters Optimization with Ray Tune on OpenShift AI
Integration Tests
Admin access to an OpenShift cluster (CRC is fine)
Installed OpenDataHub or RHOAI, enabled all Distributed Workload components
Installed Go 1.21
Common environment variables
CODEFLARE_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR - Output directory for test logs
CODEFLARE_TEST_TIMEOUT_SHORT - Timeout duration for short tasks
CODEFLARE_TEST_TIMEOUT_MEDIUM - Timeout duration for medium tasks
CODEFLARE_TEST_TIMEOUT_LONG - Timeout duration for long tasks
CODEFLARE_TEST_RAY_IMAGE (Optional) - Ray image used for raycluster configuration
MINIO_CLI_IMAGE (Optional) - Minio CLI image used for uploading/downloading data from/into s3 bucket
NOTE: is the default image used for creating a RayCluster resource. If you have your own custom ray image which suits your purposes, specify it in CODEFLARE_TEST_RAY_IMAGE environment variable.
Environment variables for Training operator test suite
FMS_HF_TUNING_IMAGE - Image tag used in PyTorchJob CR for model training
Environment variables for Training operator GPU test suite
TEST_NAMESPACE_NAME (Optional) - Existing namespace where will the Training operator GPU tests be executed
HF_TOKEN - HuggingFace token used to pull models which has limited access
GPTQ_MODEL_PVC_NAME - Name of PersistenceVolumeClaim containing downloaded GPTQ models
To upload trained model into S3 compatible storage, use the environment variables mentioned below :
AWS_DEFAULT_ENDPOINT - Storage bucket endpoint to upload trained dataset to, if set then test will upload model into s3 bucket
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - Storage bucket access key
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - Storage bucket secret key
AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET - Storage bucket name
AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_MODEL_PATH (Optional) - Path in the storage bucket where trained model will be stored to
Environment variables for ODH integration test suite
ODH_NAMESPACE - Namespace where ODH components are installed to
NOTEBOOK_USER_NAME - Username of user used for running Workbench
NOTEBOOK_USER_TOKEN - Login token of user used for running Workbench
NOTEBOOK_IMAGE - Image used for running Workbench
To download MNIST training script datasets from S3 compatible storage, use the environment variables mentioned below :
AWS_DEFAULT_ENDPOINT - Storage bucket endpoint from which to download MNIST datasets
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - Storage bucket access key
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - Storage bucket secret key
AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET - Storage bucket name
AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_MNIST_DIR - Storage bucket directory from which to download MNIST datasets.