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Published: Jan 26, 2023 License: Apache-2.0


voltctl, a CLI for VOLTHA

This repository contains voltctl, a CLI tool for managing and operating VOLTHA components.

It functions similarly to the docker CLI or kubernetes kubectl CLI, in that it's a simple standalone control application which can perform various functions and has flexible and customizable output formats either as a table or JSON.

Build / Install

To install the voltctl command, downloads are available for multiple platforms and architectures from the github releases page, or you can compile your own copy by installing Go 1.13.x, checking out the code and running make build.

Shell Completion

voltctl supports shell completion for the bash shell. To enable shell Completion you can use the following command on most *nix based system.

source <(voltctl completion bash)

If you are running an older bash 3.x shell (default on MacOS), then you can try the following command:

source /dev/stdin <<<"$(voltctl completion bash)"

If you which to make bash shell completion automatic when you login to your account you can append the output of voltctl completion bash to your $HOME/.bashrc:

voltctl completion base >> $HOME/.bashrc

Configuration file

voltctl stores it's configuration file in ~/.volt/config. An example of the configuration file can be found in the voltctl.config file in this repo.

Usage and Commands

$ ./voltctl -h
  voltctl [OPTIONS] <command>

Global Options:
  -c, --config=FILE                     Location of client config file [$VOLTCONFIG]
  -s, --server=SERVER:PORT              IP/Host and port of VOLTHA
  -k, --kafka=SERVER:PORT               IP/Host and port of Kafka
  -e, --kvstore=SERVER:PORT             IP/Host and port of KV store (etcd) [$KVSTORE]
  -d, --debug                           Enable debug mode
  -t, --timeout=DURATION                API call timeout duration
      --tls                             Use TLS
      --tlscacert=CA_CERT_FILE          Trust certs signed only by this CA
      --tlscert=CERT_FILE               Path to TLS vertificate file
      --tlskey=KEY_FILE                 Path to TLS key file
      --tlsverify                       Use TLS and verify the remote
  -8, --k8sconfig=FILE                  Location of Kubernetes config file [$KUBECONFIG]
      --kvstoretimeout=DURATION         timeout for calls to KV store [$KVSTORE_TIMEOUT]
  -o, --command-options=FILE            Location of command options default configuration file [$VOLTCTL_COMMAND_OPTIONS]
  -m, --maxcallrecvmsgsize=SIZE         Max GRPC Client request size limit in bytes (eg: 4MB)

Help Options:
  -h, --help                            Show this help message

Available commands:
  adapter        adapter commands
  completion     generate shell compleition
  component      component instance commands
  config         generate voltctl configuration
  device         device commands
  devicegroup    device group commands
  event          event commands
  log            log config commands
  logicaldevice  logical device commands
  message        message commands
  version        display version

Help specific to each command can be found by running volctl <command> -h.

Changing the command output format

Each command has a default output table format. This can be overridden from the command line using the voltctl --format=... option. The specification of the format is roughly equivalent to the docker or kubectl command. If the prefix table is specified a table with headers will be displayed, else each line will be output as specified.

The output of a command may also be written as JSON or YAML by using the --outputas or -o command line option. Valid values for this options are table, json, or yaml.

Overriding Default Command Format and Order

The default format and ordering of commands can be overridden (specified) by the command line options, but they can also be set via a configuration file so that the overrides don't have to be specified on each invocation.

By default the file ~/.volt/command_options is loaded, but the file used can also be specified by the environment variable VOLTCTL_COMMAND_OPTIONS or via the command line arguments.

A sample of this file is include in the repository as voltctl_command_options.config.

Ordering a list output through a given field

By default voltctl does not order the oputput of a list command, e.g. voltctl device list. By providing the -r the output can be ordered based on a field of the proto object returned by the command. For devices an example sorting would by by SerialNumber or Type or AdminState. See an example below.

$ voltctl adapter list
ID                   VENDOR            VERSION       SINCELASTCOMMUNICATION
openolt              VOLTHA OpenOLT    2.3.0-dev     NEVER
brcm_openomci_onu    VOLTHA OpenONU    2.3.0-dev     32m10s
$ voltctl adapter list --outputas json
[{"Id":"openolt","Vendor":"VOLTHA OpenOLT","Version":"2.3.0-dev","LogLevel":"","LastCommunication":"NEVER","SinceLastCommunication":"NEVER"},{"Id":"brcm_openomci_onu","Vendor":"VOLTHA OpenONU","Version":"2.3.0-dev","LogLevel":"DEBUG","LastCommunication":"2020-04-04T20:48:59Z","SinceLastCommunication":"1s"}]

After piping through python -m json.tool:

        "Id": "openolt",
        "LastCommunication": "NEVER",
        "LogLevel": "",
        "SinceLastCommunication": "NEVER",
        "Vendor": "VOLTHA OpenOLT",
        "Version": "2.3.0-dev"
        "Id": "brcm_openomci_onu",
        "LastCommunication": "2020-04-04T20:46:45Z",
        "LogLevel": "DEBUG",
        "SinceLastCommunication": "1m57s",
        "Vendor": "VOLTHA OpenONU",
        "Version": "2.3.0-dev"
$ voltctl device list
ID                                      TYPE                 ROOT     PARENTID                                SERIALNUMBER    ADMINSTATE    OPERSTATUS    CONNECTSTATUS    REASON
1398f977-3630-43d2-8d3b-1ae395a95162    openolt              true     540fc38e-cf35-4d14-8b01-7760acecefaa    BBSIM_OLT_0     ENABLED       ACTIVE        REACHABLE
5bacc996-b922-41fc-8ddc-a92d29729955    brcm_openomci_onu    false    1398f977-3630-43d2-8d3b-1ae395a95162    BBSM00000001    ENABLED       ACTIVE        REACHABLE        omci-flows-pushed
$ voltctl device list --format 'table{{.Id}}\t{{.SerialNumber}}\t{{.ConnectStatus}}'
ID                                      SERIALNUMBER    CONNECTSTATUS
1398f977-3630-43d2-8d3b-1ae395a95162    BBSIM_OLT_0     REACHABLE
5bacc996-b922-41fc-8ddc-a92d29729955    BBSM00000001    REACHABLE
$ voltctl device list --outputas json
[{"id":"d2960b6e-f963-4acb-83c9-492b3211cf6b","type":"brcm_openomci_onu","root":false,"parentid":"e2c1d2cd-c260-4285-8632-7b205aed660a","parentportno":536870912,"vendor":"OpenONU","model":"","hardwareversion":"","firmwareversion":"","serialnumber":"BBSM00000001","vendorid":"BBSM","adapter":"brcm_openomci_onu","vlan":0,"macaddress":"","address":"unknown","extraargs":"","proxyaddress":{"deviceId":"e2c1d2cd-c260-4285-8632-7b205aed660a","devicetype":"openolt","channelid":0,"channelgroup":0,"onuid":1,"onusessionid":0},"adminstate":"ENABLED","operstatus":"DISCOVERED","reason":"stopping-openomci","connectstatus":"UNREACHABLE","ports":[{"portno":536870912,"label":"PON port","type":"PON_ONU","adminstate":"ENABLED","operstatus":"ACTIVE","deviceid":"","peers":[{"deviceid":"e2c1d2cd-c260-4285-8632-7b205aed660a","portno":536870912}]},{"portno":16,"label":"uni-16","type":"ETHERNET_UNI","adminstate":"ENABLED","operstatus":"UNKNOWN","deviceid":"","peers":[]},{"portno":17,"label":"uni-17","type":"ETHERNET_UNI","adminstate":"ENABLED","operstatus":"DISCOVERED","deviceid":"","peers":[]},{"portno":18,"label":"uni-18","type":"ETHERNET_UNI","adminstate":"ENABLED","operstatus":"DISCOVERED","deviceid":"","peers":[]},{"portno":19,"label":"uni-19","type":"ETHERNET_UNI","adminstate":"ENABLED","operstatus":"DISCOVERED","deviceid":"","peers":[]}],"flows":[{"id":"8c4fd2d0f768700a","tableid":0,"durationsec":0,"durationnsec":0,"idletimeout":0,"hardtimeout":0,"packetcount":0,"bytecount":0,"priority":1000,"cookie":"~3fd5629a","inport":"16","vlanid":"0","setvlanid":"900","output":"536870912","writemetadata":"0x0384004000100000","meter":"2","tunnelid":"16"},{"id":"5d0b3499cd2bf4ac","tableid":0,"durationsec":0,"durationnsec":0,"idletimeout":0,"hardtimeout":0,"packetcount":0,"bytecount":0,"priority":1000,"cookie":"~4df91e40","inport":"536870912","vlanid":"900","metadata":"0x0000000000000010","setvlanid":"0","output":"16","writemetadata":"0x0000004000000000","meter":"2"},{"id":"21a5ad60293e6c60","tableid":0,"durationsec":0,"durationnsec":0,"idletimeout":0,"hardtimeout":0,"packetcount":0,"bytecount":0,"priority":10000,"cookie":"~ba31a4f2","inport":"16","ethtype":"0x0800","ipproto":"17","udpsrc":"68","dstsrc":"67","setvlanid":"900","pushvlanid":"0x8100","output":"536870912","writemetadata":"0x0000004000000000","meter":"2","tunnelid":"16"}]},{"id":"e2c1d2cd-c260-4285-8632-7b205aed660a","type":"openolt","root":true,"parentid":"28d1128f-7d9a-48fa-b60b-d96e1491d92a","parentportno":0,"vendor":"BBSim","model":"asfvolt16","hardwareversion":"","firmwareversion":"","serialnumber":"BBSIM_OLT_0","vendorid":"","adapter":"openolt","vlan":0,"macaddress":"0a:0a:0a:0a:0a:00","address":"bbsim.voltha.svc:50060","extraargs":"","adminstate":"DISABLED","operstatus":"UNKNOWN","reason":"","connectstatus":"REACHABLE","ports":[{"portno":1048576,"label":"nni-1048576","type":"ETHERNET_NNI","adminstate":"ENABLED","operstatus":"ACTIVE","deviceid":"","peers":[]},{"portno":536870912,"label":"pon-536870912","type":"PON_OLT","adminstate":"ENABLED","operstatus":"DISCOVERED","deviceid":"","peers":[{"deviceid":"d2960b6e-f963-4acb-83c9-492b3211cf6b","portno":536870912}]}],"flows":[{"id":"e1746c5320441c57","tableid":0,"durationsec":0,"durationnsec":0,"idletimeout":0,"hardtimeout":0,"packetcount":0,"bytecount":0,"priority":10000,"cookie":"~f81586a7","inport":"1048576","ethtype":"0x0800","ipproto":"17","udpsrc":"67","dstsrc":"68","output":"CONTROLLER"},{"id":"12f8e0237d36dcab","tableid":0,"durationsec":0,"durationnsec":0,"idletimeout":0,"hardtimeout":0,"packetcount":0,"bytecount":0,"priority":10000,"cookie":"~ce6c3527","inport":"1048576","ethtype":"0x88cc","output":"CONTROLLER"},{"id":"35f0a5d7315c8b8a","tableid":0,"durationsec":0,"durationnsec":0,"idletimeout":0,"hardtimeout":0,"packetcount":0,"bytecount":0,"priority":1000,"cookie":"~986cca9a","inport":"536870912","vlanid":"900","setvlanid":"900","pushvlanid":"0x8100","output":"1048576","writemetadata":"0x0000004000000000","meter":"2","tunnelid":"16"},{"id":"755a065fb691c418","tableid":0,"durationsec":0,"durationnsec":0,"idletimeout":0,"hardtimeout":0,"packetcount":0,"bytecount":0,"priority":1000,"cookie":"~531d5ec9","inport":"1048576","vlanid":"900","metadata":"0x0000000000000384","popvlan":"yes","output":"536870912","writemetadata":"0x0384004000000010","meter":"2","tunnelid":"16"},{"id":"e11f009524a53eb2","tableid":0,"durationsec":0,"durationnsec":0,"idletimeout":0,"hardtimeout":0,"packetcount":0,"bytecount":0,"priority":10000,"cookie":"~ba31a4f2","inport":"536870912","ethtype":"0x0800","vlanid":"900","ipproto":"17","udpsrc":"68","dstsrc":"67","output":"CONTROLLER","writemetadata":"0x0000004000000000","meter":"2","tunnelid":"16"}]}]
voltctl device list -r SerialNumber
ID                                      TYPE                 ROOT     PARENTID                                SERIALNUMBER    ADMINSTATE    OPERSTATUS    CONNECTSTATUS    REASON
627b9dae-e09a-441b-84be-f00be56b6a6f    openolt              true     cca9b6be-d090-4a6f-8847-83dfaf8aeb57    BBSIM_OLT_10    ENABLED       ACTIVE        REACHABLE
eaa538ce-633d-4426-8993-bab0d2db53d3    brcm_openomci_onu    false    627b9dae-e09a-441b-84be-f00be56b6a6f    BBSM000a0001    ENABLED       ACTIVE        REACHABLE        initial-mib-downloaded
Configure logs in the VOLTHA components

Check the current log levels:

$ voltctl log level list
read-write-core     default        DEBUG
adapter-open-olt    default        DEBUG
global              default        WARN
open-flow-agent     default        DEBUG

Configure the global log level:

$ voltctl log level set INFO
global           default        Success

Configure the default log level of a component:

$ voltctl log level set ERROR read-write-core
read-write-core    default        Success

Set the log level of a specific package within a component:

$ voltctl log level set WARN adapter-open-olt#github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/kafka
COMPONENTNAME       PACKAGENAME                                 STATUS     ERROR
adapter-open-olt    github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/kafka    Success

Get list of valid log packages for a component:

$ voltctl log package list adapter-open-olt
adapter-open-olt    default
adapter-open-olt    github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/adapters/common
adapter-open-olt    github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/config
adapter-open-olt    github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/db
adapter-open-olt    github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/db/kvstore
adapter-open-olt    github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/flows
adapter-open-olt    github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/kafka
adapter-open-olt    github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/ponresourcemanager
adapter-open-olt    github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/probe
adapter-open-olt    github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/techprofile
adapter-open-olt    github.com/opencord/voltha-openolt-adapter/internal/pkg/config
adapter-open-olt    github.com/opencord/voltha-openolt-adapter/internal/pkg/core
adapter-open-olt    github.com/opencord/voltha-openolt-adapter/internal/pkg/resourcemanager
adapter-open-olt    main

If you do not see packages in your output it is possible you are not retrieving the data from the correct path in ETCD. The data is stored according to the helm chart defined value for kv_store_data_prefix.

If you deployed according to the README in the voltha-helm-charts README the value for kv_store_data_prefix is service/voltha/{{ .Release.Name }}_{{ .Values.global.stack_name }}, e.g service/voltha/voltha1_voltha1.

If you are unsure about the kv_store_data_prefix you can check through one of the pods, e.g. rw-core. Make sure to use the correct namespace for -n by checking it with kubectl get pods -A and then issue:

$ kubectl describe -n voltha1 $(kubectl -n voltha1 get pods -l app=rw-core -o name) | grep KV
KV_STORE_DATAPATH_PREFIX:  service/voltha/voltha1_voltha1

You can set the path for any voltctl command by exporting the KV_STORE_DATAPATH_PREFIX variable, e.g. KV_STORE_DATAPATH_PREFIX=service/voltha/voltha1_voltha1.

A full example command is:

KV_STORE_DATAPATH_PREFIX=service/voltha/voltha1_voltha1 voltctl log package list adapter-open-olt
Configuring the message size

When you run VOLTHA with a high number of OLTs/ONUs is possible that the gRPC response exceeds the default 4MB in size. This will be addressed on the server side in a future release, but you have the option to exceed the allowed response size using the -m, --maxcallrecvmsgsize=SIZE option.

The common error message when this happens is:

ERROR: RESOURCEEXHAUSTED: grpc: received message larger than max (4241141 vs. 4194304)

If that happens, retry the command passing the -m option, eg:

$ voltctl device list -m 8M


Path Synopsis
* Copyright 2019-present Ciena Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* Copyright 2019-present Ciena Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* Copyright 2021-present Ciena Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* Copyright 2021-present Ciena Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* Copyright 2021-present Ciena Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* Copyright 2021-present Ciena Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* Copyright 2021-present Ciena Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* Copyright 2021-present Ciena Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* Copyright 2019-present Ciena Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* Copyright 2019-present Ciena Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* Copyright 2019-present Ciena Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* Copyright 2019-present Ciena Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* Copyright 2019-present Ciena Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* Copyright 2019-present Ciena Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* Copyright 2019-present Ciena Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* Copyright 2019-present Ciena Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* Copyright 2019-present Ciena Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* Copyright 2019-present Ciena Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* Copyright 2019-present Ciena Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* Copyright 2019-present Ciena Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* Copyright 2019-present Ciena Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* Copyright 2019-present Ciena Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

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