Index ¶
- Variables
- func StartMockGrpcServer(location string) error
- func StartMockHttpServer(location string)
- type Api
- type BgpAddPath
- type BgpAdvanced
- type BgpAsPath
- type BgpAsPathAsSetModeEnum
- type BgpAsPathBgpAsPathSegmentIter
- type BgpAsPathSegment
- type BgpAsPathSegmentTypeEnum
- type BgpCapability
- type BgpCommunity
- type BgpCommunityTypeEnum
- type BgpExtCommunity
- type BgpExtCommunitySubtypeEnum
- type BgpExtCommunityTypeEnum
- type BgpRouteAdvanced
- type BgpRouteAdvancedOriginEnum
- type BgpSrteBindingSubTlv
- type BgpSrteBindingSubTlvBindingSidTypeEnum
- type BgpSrteColorSubTlv
- type BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv
- type BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlvExplicitNullLabelPolicyEnum
- type BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv
- type BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv
- type BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv
- type BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv
- type BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlvAddressFamilyEnum
- type BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure
- type BgpSrteSegment
- type BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv
- type BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv
- type BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv
- type BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv
- type BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv
- type BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv
- type BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv
- type BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv
- type BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv
- type BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv
- type BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv
- type BgpSrteSegmentList
- type BgpSrteSegmentListBgpSrteSegmentIter
- type BgpSrteSegmentSegmentTypeEnum
- type BgpSrteSrMplsSid
- type BgpSrteV4Policy
- type BgpSrteV4PolicyBgpCommunityIter
- type BgpSrteV4PolicyBgpExtCommunityIter
- type BgpSrteV4PolicyBgpSrteV4TunnelTlvIter
- type BgpSrteV4PolicyNextHopAddressTypeEnum
- type BgpSrteV4PolicyNextHopModeEnum
- type BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv
- type BgpSrteV4TunnelTlvBgpSrteSegmentListIter
- type BgpSrteV6Policy
- type BgpSrteV6PolicyBgpCommunityIter
- type BgpSrteV6PolicyBgpExtCommunityIter
- type BgpSrteV6PolicyBgpSrteV6TunnelTlvIter
- type BgpSrteV6PolicyNextHopAddressTypeEnum
- type BgpSrteV6PolicyNextHopModeEnum
- type BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv
- type BgpSrteV6TunnelTlvBgpSrteSegmentListIter
- type BgpV4Interface
- type BgpV4InterfaceBgpV4PeerIter
- type BgpV4Peer
- type BgpV4PeerAsNumberWidthEnum
- type BgpV4PeerAsTypeEnum
- type BgpV4PeerBgpSrteV4PolicyIter
- type BgpV4PeerBgpSrteV6PolicyIter
- type BgpV4PeerBgpV4RouteRangeIter
- type BgpV4PeerBgpV6RouteRangeIter
- type BgpV4RouteRange
- type BgpV4RouteRangeBgpCommunityIter
- type BgpV4RouteRangeNextHopAddressTypeEnum
- type BgpV4RouteRangeNextHopModeEnum
- type BgpV4RouteRangeV4RouteAddressIter
- type BgpV6Interface
- type BgpV6InterfaceBgpV6PeerIter
- type BgpV6Peer
- type BgpV6PeerAsNumberWidthEnum
- type BgpV6PeerAsTypeEnum
- type BgpV6PeerBgpSrteV4PolicyIter
- type BgpV6PeerBgpSrteV6PolicyIter
- type BgpV6PeerBgpV4RouteRangeIter
- type BgpV6PeerBgpV6RouteRangeIter
- type BgpV6RouteRange
- type BgpV6RouteRangeBgpCommunityIter
- type BgpV6RouteRangeNextHopAddressTypeEnum
- type BgpV6RouteRangeNextHopModeEnum
- type BgpV6RouteRangeV6RouteAddressIter
- type BgpV6SegmentRouting
- type Bgpv4Metric
- type Bgpv4MetricSessionStateEnum
- type Bgpv4MetricsRequest
- type Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum
- type Bgpv6Metric
- type Bgpv6MetricSessionStateEnum
- type Bgpv6MetricsRequest
- type Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum
- type Capture
- type CaptureCaptureFilterIter
- type CaptureCustom
- type CaptureEthernet
- type CaptureField
- type CaptureFilter
- type CaptureFilterChoiceEnum
- type CaptureFormatEnum
- type CaptureIpv4
- type CaptureIpv6
- type CaptureRequest
- type CaptureState
- type CaptureStateStateEnum
- type CaptureVlan
- type Config
- type ConfigCaptureIter
- type ConfigDeviceIter
- type ConfigFlowIter
- type ConfigLagIter
- type ConfigLayer1Iter
- type ConfigOptions
- type ConfigPortIter
- type Device
- type DeviceBgpRouter
- type DeviceBgpRouterBgpV4InterfaceIter
- type DeviceBgpRouterBgpV6InterfaceIter
- type DeviceDeviceEthernetIter
- type DeviceDeviceIpv4LoopbackIter
- type DeviceDeviceIpv6LoopbackIter
- type DeviceEthernet
- type DeviceEthernetBase
- type DeviceEthernetBaseDeviceVlanIter
- type DeviceEthernetDeviceIpv4Iter
- type DeviceEthernetDeviceIpv6Iter
- type DeviceEthernetDeviceVlanIter
- type DeviceIpv4
- type DeviceIpv4Loopback
- type DeviceIpv6
- type DeviceIpv6Loopback
- type DeviceIsisMultiInstance
- type DeviceIsisRouter
- type DeviceIsisRouterIsisInterfaceIter
- type DeviceIsisRouterIsisV4RouteRangeIter
- type DeviceIsisRouterIsisV6RouteRangeIter
- type DeviceVlan
- type DeviceVlanTpidEnum
- type Event
- type EventLink
- type EventRouteAdvertiseWithdraw
- type EventRxRateThreshold
- type Flow
- type FlowArp
- type FlowBurst
- type FlowContinuous
- type FlowCustom
- type FlowDelay
- type FlowDelayChoiceEnum
- type FlowDuration
- type FlowDurationChoiceEnum
- type FlowDurationInterBurstGap
- type FlowDurationInterBurstGapChoiceEnum
- type FlowEthernet
- type FlowEthernetPause
- type FlowFixedPackets
- type FlowFixedSeconds
- type FlowFlowHeaderIter
- type FlowGre
- type FlowGtpExtension
- type FlowGtpv1
- type FlowGtpv1FlowGtpExtensionIter
- type FlowGtpv2
- type FlowHeader
- type FlowHeaderChoiceEnum
- type FlowIcmp
- type FlowIcmpChoiceEnum
- type FlowIcmpEcho
- type FlowIcmpv6
- type FlowIcmpv6ChoiceEnum
- type FlowIcmpv6Echo
- type FlowIgmpv1
- type FlowIpv4
- type FlowIpv4Dscp
- type FlowIpv4Priority
- type FlowIpv4PriorityChoiceEnum
- type FlowIpv4Tos
- type FlowIpv6
- type FlowLatencyMetrics
- type FlowLatencyMetricsModeEnum
- type FlowMetric
- type FlowMetricFlowMetricGroupIter
- type FlowMetricGroup
- type FlowMetricGroupRequest
- type FlowMetricGroupRequestChoiceEnum
- type FlowMetricTransmitEnum
- type FlowMetrics
- type FlowMetricsRequest
- type FlowMetricsRequestMetricNamesEnum
- type FlowMpls
- type FlowPfcPause
- type FlowPort
- type FlowPpp
- type FlowRate
- type FlowRateChoiceEnum
- type FlowRouter
- type FlowRouterModeEnum
- type FlowSize
- type FlowSizeChoiceEnum
- type FlowSizeIncrement
- type FlowSizeRandom
- type FlowTcp
- type FlowTxRx
- type FlowTxRxChoiceEnum
- type FlowUdp
- type FlowVlan
- type FlowVxlan
- type FlowsUpdate
- type FlowsUpdateFlowIter
- type FlowsUpdatePropertyNamesEnum
- type GetCaptureResponse
- type GetConfigResponse
- type GetMetricsResponse
- type GetStatesResponse
- type GosnappiApi
- type GrpcTransport
- type HttpServer
- type HttpTransport
- type IsisAdvanced
- type IsisAuthentication
- type IsisAuthenticationBase
- type IsisAuthenticationBaseAuthTypeEnum
- type IsisBasic
- type IsisInterface
- type IsisInterfaceAdvanced
- type IsisInterfaceAuthentication
- type IsisInterfaceAuthenticationAuthTypeEnum
- type IsisInterfaceIsisMTIter
- type IsisInterfaceLevel
- type IsisInterfaceLevelTypeEnum
- type IsisInterfaceLinkProtection
- type IsisInterfaceLinkStateTEIter
- type IsisInterfaceNetworkTypeEnum
- type IsisMT
- type IsisMetric
- type IsisMetricsRequest
- type IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum
- type IsisV4RouteRange
- type IsisV4RouteRangeOriginTypeEnum
- type IsisV4RouteRangeRedistributionTypeEnum
- type IsisV4RouteRangeV4RouteAddressIter
- type IsisV6RouteRange
- type IsisV6RouteRangeOriginTypeEnum
- type IsisV6RouteRangeRedistributionTypeEnum
- type IsisV6RouteRangeV6RouteAddressIter
- type Lag
- type LagLacp
- type LagLacpActorActivityEnum
- type LagLagPortIter
- type LagPort
- type LagProtocol
- type LagProtocolChoiceEnum
- type LagStatic
- type Layer1
- type Layer1AutoNegotiation
- type Layer1FlowControl
- type Layer1FlowControlChoiceEnum
- type Layer1Ieee8021Qbb
- type Layer1Ieee8023X
- type Layer1MediaEnum
- type Layer1SpeedEnum
- type LinkState
- type LinkStateStateEnum
- type LinkStateTE
- type LinkStatepriorityBandwidths
- type MetricLatency
- type MetricTimestamp
- type MetricsRequest
- type MetricsRequestChoiceEnum
- type MetricsResponse
- type MetricsResponseBgpv4MetricIter
- type MetricsResponseBgpv6MetricIter
- type MetricsResponseChoiceEnum
- type MetricsResponseFlowMetricIter
- type MetricsResponseIsisMetricIter
- type MetricsResponsePortMetricIter
- type Neighborsv4State
- type Neighborsv4StatesRequest
- type Neighborsv6State
- type Neighborsv6StatesRequest
- type PatternFlowArpHardwareLength
- type PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter
- type PatternFlowArpHardwareType
- type PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter
- type PatternFlowArpOperation
- type PatternFlowArpOperationChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowArpOperationCounter
- type PatternFlowArpProtocolLength
- type PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter
- type PatternFlowArpProtocolType
- type PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter
- type PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr
- type PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter
- type PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr
- type PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter
- type PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr
- type PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter
- type PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr
- type PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter
- type PatternFlowEthernetDst
- type PatternFlowEthernetDstChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter
- type PatternFlowEthernetEtherType
- type PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter
- type PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode
- type PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter
- type PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst
- type PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter
- type PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType
- type PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter
- type PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc
- type PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter
- type PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime
- type PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter
- type PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue
- type PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter
- type PatternFlowEthernetSrc
- type PatternFlowEthernetSrcChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter
- type PatternFlowGreChecksum
- type PatternFlowGreChecksumChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowGreChecksumGeneratedEnum
- type PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent
- type PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter
- type PatternFlowGreProtocol
- type PatternFlowGreProtocolChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter
- type PatternFlowGreReserved0
- type PatternFlowGreReserved0ChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter
- type PatternFlowGreReserved1
- type PatternFlowGreReserved1ChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter
- type PatternFlowGreVersion
- type PatternFlowGreVersionChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowGreVersionCounter
- type PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents
- type PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter
- type PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength
- type PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter
- type PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader
- type PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter
- type PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag
- type PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter
- type PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength
- type PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter
- type PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType
- type PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter
- type PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber
- type PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter
- type PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType
- type PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter
- type PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag
- type PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter
- type PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType
- type PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter
- type PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved
- type PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter
- type PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag
- type PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter
- type PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber
- type PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter
- type PatternFlowGtpv1Teid
- type PatternFlowGtpv1TeidChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter
- type PatternFlowGtpv1Version
- type PatternFlowGtpv1VersionChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter
- type PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength
- type PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter
- type PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType
- type PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter
- type PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag
- type PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter
- type PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber
- type PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter
- type PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1
- type PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1ChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter
- type PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2
- type PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2ChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter
- type PatternFlowGtpv2Teid
- type PatternFlowGtpv2TeidChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter
- type PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag
- type PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter
- type PatternFlowGtpv2Version
- type PatternFlowGtpv2VersionChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter
- type PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum
- type PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksumChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksumGeneratedEnum
- type PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode
- type PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter
- type PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier
- type PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter
- type PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber
- type PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter
- type PatternFlowIcmpEchoType
- type PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter
- type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum
- type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksumChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksumGeneratedEnum
- type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode
- type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter
- type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier
- type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter
- type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber
- type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter
- type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType
- type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter
- type PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum
- type PatternFlowIgmpv1ChecksumChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIgmpv1ChecksumGeneratedEnum
- type PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress
- type PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter
- type PatternFlowIgmpv1Type
- type PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter
- type PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused
- type PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter
- type PatternFlowIgmpv1Version
- type PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter
- type PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment
- type PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter
- type PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn
- type PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter
- type PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb
- type PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter
- type PatternFlowIpv4Dst
- type PatternFlowIpv4DstChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter
- type PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset
- type PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter
- type PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum
- type PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksumChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksumGeneratedEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength
- type PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter
- type PatternFlowIpv4Identification
- type PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter
- type PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments
- type PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter
- type PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw
- type PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter
- type PatternFlowIpv4Protocol
- type PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter
- type PatternFlowIpv4Reserved
- type PatternFlowIpv4ReservedChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter
- type PatternFlowIpv4Src
- type PatternFlowIpv4SrcChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter
- type PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive
- type PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter
- type PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay
- type PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter
- type PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary
- type PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter
- type PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence
- type PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter
- type PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability
- type PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter
- type PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput
- type PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter
- type PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused
- type PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter
- type PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength
- type PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter
- type PatternFlowIpv4Version
- type PatternFlowIpv4VersionChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter
- type PatternFlowIpv6Dst
- type PatternFlowIpv6DstChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter
- type PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel
- type PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter
- type PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit
- type PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter
- type PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader
- type PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter
- type PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength
- type PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter
- type PatternFlowIpv6Src
- type PatternFlowIpv6SrcChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter
- type PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass
- type PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter
- type PatternFlowIpv6Version
- type PatternFlowIpv6VersionChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter
- type PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack
- type PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter
- type PatternFlowMplsLabel
- type PatternFlowMplsLabelChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter
- type PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive
- type PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter
- type PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass
- type PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter
- type PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector
- type PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter
- type PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode
- type PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter
- type PatternFlowPfcPauseDst
- type PatternFlowPfcPauseDstChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter
- type PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType
- type PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter
- type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0
- type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0ChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter
- type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1
- type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1ChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter
- type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2
- type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2ChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter
- type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3
- type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3ChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter
- type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4
- type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4ChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter
- type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5
- type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5ChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter
- type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6
- type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6ChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter
- type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7
- type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7ChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter
- type PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc
- type PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter
- type PatternFlowPppAddress
- type PatternFlowPppAddressChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowPppAddressCounter
- type PatternFlowPppControl
- type PatternFlowPppControlChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowPppControlCounter
- type PatternFlowPppProtocolType
- type PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter
- type PatternFlowTcpAckNum
- type PatternFlowTcpAckNumChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter
- type PatternFlowTcpCtlAck
- type PatternFlowTcpCtlAckChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter
- type PatternFlowTcpCtlFin
- type PatternFlowTcpCtlFinChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter
- type PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh
- type PatternFlowTcpCtlPshChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter
- type PatternFlowTcpCtlRst
- type PatternFlowTcpCtlRstChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter
- type PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn
- type PatternFlowTcpCtlSynChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter
- type PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg
- type PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter
- type PatternFlowTcpDataOffset
- type PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter
- type PatternFlowTcpDstPort
- type PatternFlowTcpDstPortChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter
- type PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr
- type PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter
- type PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho
- type PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter
- type PatternFlowTcpEcnNs
- type PatternFlowTcpEcnNsChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter
- type PatternFlowTcpSeqNum
- type PatternFlowTcpSeqNumChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter
- type PatternFlowTcpSrcPort
- type PatternFlowTcpSrcPortChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter
- type PatternFlowTcpWindow
- type PatternFlowTcpWindowChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter
- type PatternFlowUdpChecksum
- type PatternFlowUdpChecksumChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowUdpChecksumGeneratedEnum
- type PatternFlowUdpDstPort
- type PatternFlowUdpDstPortChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter
- type PatternFlowUdpLength
- type PatternFlowUdpLengthChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter
- type PatternFlowUdpSrcPort
- type PatternFlowUdpSrcPortChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter
- type PatternFlowVlanCfi
- type PatternFlowVlanCfiChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter
- type PatternFlowVlanId
- type PatternFlowVlanIdChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowVlanIdCounter
- type PatternFlowVlanPriority
- type PatternFlowVlanPriorityChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter
- type PatternFlowVlanTpid
- type PatternFlowVlanTpidChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter
- type PatternFlowVxlanFlags
- type PatternFlowVxlanFlagsChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter
- type PatternFlowVxlanReserved0
- type PatternFlowVxlanReserved0ChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter
- type PatternFlowVxlanReserved1
- type PatternFlowVxlanReserved1ChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter
- type PatternFlowVxlanVni
- type PatternFlowVxlanVniChoiceEnum
- type PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter
- type Ping
- type PingChoiceEnum
- type PingIpv4
- type PingIpv6
- type PingRequest
- type PingRequestPingIter
- type PingResponse
- type PingResponseResponseIter
- type Port
- type PortMetric
- type PortMetricCaptureEnum
- type PortMetricLinkEnum
- type PortMetricsRequest
- type PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum
- type PortOptions
- type ProtocolState
- type ProtocolStateStateEnum
- type Response
- type ResponseError
- type ResponseResultEnum
- type ResponseWarning
- type RouteState
- type RouteStateStateEnum
- type SendPingResponse
- type SetCaptureStateResponse
- type SetConfigResponse
- type SetLinkStateResponse
- type SetProtocolStateResponse
- type SetRouteStateResponse
- type SetTransmitStateResponse
- type StatesRequest
- type StatesRequestChoiceEnum
- type StatesResponse
- type StatesResponseChoiceEnum
- type StatesResponseNeighborsv4StateIter
- type StatesResponseNeighborsv6StateIter
- type TransmitState
- type TransmitStateStateEnum
- type UpdateFlowsResponse
- type V4RouteAddress
- type V6RouteAddress
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var BgpAsPathAsSetMode = struct { DO_NOT_INCLUDE_LOCAL_AS BgpAsPathAsSetModeEnum INCLUDE_AS_SEQ BgpAsPathAsSetModeEnum INCLUDE_AS_SET BgpAsPathAsSetModeEnum INCLUDE_AS_CONFED_SEQ BgpAsPathAsSetModeEnum INCLUDE_AS_CONFED_SET BgpAsPathAsSetModeEnum PREPEND_TO_FIRST_SEGMENT BgpAsPathAsSetModeEnum }{ DO_NOT_INCLUDE_LOCAL_AS: BgpAsPathAsSetModeEnum("do_not_include_local_as"), INCLUDE_AS_SEQ: BgpAsPathAsSetModeEnum("include_as_seq"), INCLUDE_AS_SET: BgpAsPathAsSetModeEnum("include_as_set"), INCLUDE_AS_CONFED_SEQ: BgpAsPathAsSetModeEnum("include_as_confed_seq"), INCLUDE_AS_CONFED_SET: BgpAsPathAsSetModeEnum("include_as_confed_set"), PREPEND_TO_FIRST_SEGMENT: BgpAsPathAsSetModeEnum("prepend_to_first_segment"), }
Enum of AsSetMode on BgpAsPath
var BgpAsPathSegmentType = struct { AS_SEQ BgpAsPathSegmentTypeEnum AS_SET BgpAsPathSegmentTypeEnum AS_CONFED_SEQ BgpAsPathSegmentTypeEnum AS_CONFED_SET BgpAsPathSegmentTypeEnum }{ AS_SEQ: BgpAsPathSegmentTypeEnum("as_seq"), AS_SET: BgpAsPathSegmentTypeEnum("as_set"), AS_CONFED_SEQ: BgpAsPathSegmentTypeEnum("as_confed_seq"), AS_CONFED_SET: BgpAsPathSegmentTypeEnum("as_confed_set"), }
Enum of Type on BgpAsPathSegment
var BgpCommunityType = struct { MANUAL_AS_NUMBER BgpCommunityTypeEnum NO_EXPORT BgpCommunityTypeEnum NO_ADVERTISED BgpCommunityTypeEnum NO_EXPORT_SUBCONFED BgpCommunityTypeEnum LLGR_STALE BgpCommunityTypeEnum NO_LLGR BgpCommunityTypeEnum }{ MANUAL_AS_NUMBER: BgpCommunityTypeEnum("manual_as_number"), NO_EXPORT: BgpCommunityTypeEnum("no_export"), NO_ADVERTISED: BgpCommunityTypeEnum("no_advertised"), NO_EXPORT_SUBCONFED: BgpCommunityTypeEnum("no_export_subconfed"), LLGR_STALE: BgpCommunityTypeEnum("llgr_stale"), NO_LLGR: BgpCommunityTypeEnum("no_llgr"), }
Enum of Type on BgpCommunity
var BgpExtCommunitySubtype = struct { ROUTE_TARGET BgpExtCommunitySubtypeEnum ORIGIN BgpExtCommunitySubtypeEnum EXTENDED_BANDWIDTH BgpExtCommunitySubtypeEnum COLOR BgpExtCommunitySubtypeEnum ENCAPSULATION BgpExtCommunitySubtypeEnum MAC_ADDRESS BgpExtCommunitySubtypeEnum }{ ROUTE_TARGET: BgpExtCommunitySubtypeEnum("route_target"), ORIGIN: BgpExtCommunitySubtypeEnum("origin"), EXTENDED_BANDWIDTH: BgpExtCommunitySubtypeEnum("extended_bandwidth"), COLOR: BgpExtCommunitySubtypeEnum("color"), ENCAPSULATION: BgpExtCommunitySubtypeEnum("encapsulation"), MAC_ADDRESS: BgpExtCommunitySubtypeEnum("mac_address"), }
Enum of Subtype on BgpExtCommunity
var BgpExtCommunityType = struct { ADMINISTRATOR_AS_2OCTET BgpExtCommunityTypeEnum ADMINISTRATOR_IPV4_ADDRESS BgpExtCommunityTypeEnum ADMINISTRATOR_AS_4OCTET BgpExtCommunityTypeEnum OPAQUE BgpExtCommunityTypeEnum EVPN BgpExtCommunityTypeEnum ADMINISTRATOR_AS_2OCTET_LINK_BANDWIDTH BgpExtCommunityTypeEnum }{ ADMINISTRATOR_AS_2OCTET: BgpExtCommunityTypeEnum("administrator_as_2octet"), ADMINISTRATOR_IPV4_ADDRESS: BgpExtCommunityTypeEnum("administrator_ipv4_address"), ADMINISTRATOR_AS_4OCTET: BgpExtCommunityTypeEnum("administrator_as_4octet"), OPAQUE: BgpExtCommunityTypeEnum("opaque"), EVPN: BgpExtCommunityTypeEnum("evpn"), ADMINISTRATOR_AS_2OCTET_LINK_BANDWIDTH: BgpExtCommunityTypeEnum("administrator_as_2octet_link_bandwidth"), }
Enum of Type on BgpExtCommunity
var BgpRouteAdvancedOrigin = struct { IGP BgpRouteAdvancedOriginEnum EGP BgpRouteAdvancedOriginEnum }{ IGP: BgpRouteAdvancedOriginEnum("igp"), EGP: BgpRouteAdvancedOriginEnum("egp"), }
Enum of Origin on BgpRouteAdvanced
var BgpSrteBindingSubTlvBindingSidType = struct { NO_BINDING BgpSrteBindingSubTlvBindingSidTypeEnum FOUR_OCTET_SID BgpSrteBindingSubTlvBindingSidTypeEnum IPV6_SID BgpSrteBindingSubTlvBindingSidTypeEnum }{ NO_BINDING: BgpSrteBindingSubTlvBindingSidTypeEnum("no_binding"), FOUR_OCTET_SID: BgpSrteBindingSubTlvBindingSidTypeEnum("four_octet_sid"), IPV6_SID: BgpSrteBindingSubTlvBindingSidTypeEnum("ipv6_sid"), }
Enum of BindingSidType on BgpSrteBindingSubTlv
var BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlvExplicitNullLabelPolicy = struct { RESERVED_ENLP BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlvExplicitNullLabelPolicyEnum PUSH_IPV4_ENLP BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlvExplicitNullLabelPolicyEnum PUSH_IPV6_ENLP BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlvExplicitNullLabelPolicyEnum PUSH_IPV4_IPV6_ENLP BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlvExplicitNullLabelPolicyEnum DO_NOT_PUSH_ENLP BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlvExplicitNullLabelPolicyEnum }{ RESERVED_ENLP: BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlvExplicitNullLabelPolicyEnum("reserved_enlp"), PUSH_IPV4_ENLP: BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlvExplicitNullLabelPolicyEnum("push_ipv4_enlp"), PUSH_IPV6_ENLP: BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlvExplicitNullLabelPolicyEnum("push_ipv6_enlp"), PUSH_IPV4_IPV6_ENLP: BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlvExplicitNullLabelPolicyEnum("push_ipv4_ipv6_enlp"), DO_NOT_PUSH_ENLP: BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlvExplicitNullLabelPolicyEnum("do_not_push_enlp"), }
Enum of ExplicitNullLabelPolicy on BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv
var BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlvAddressFamily = struct { IPV4 BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlvAddressFamilyEnum IPV6 BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlvAddressFamilyEnum }{ IPV4: BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlvAddressFamilyEnum("ipv4"), IPV6: BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlvAddressFamilyEnum("ipv6"), }
Enum of AddressFamily on BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv
var BgpSrteSegmentSegmentType = struct { TYPE_A BgpSrteSegmentSegmentTypeEnum TYPE_B BgpSrteSegmentSegmentTypeEnum TYPE_C BgpSrteSegmentSegmentTypeEnum TYPE_D BgpSrteSegmentSegmentTypeEnum TYPE_E BgpSrteSegmentSegmentTypeEnum TYPE_F BgpSrteSegmentSegmentTypeEnum TYPE_G BgpSrteSegmentSegmentTypeEnum TYPE_H BgpSrteSegmentSegmentTypeEnum TYPE_I BgpSrteSegmentSegmentTypeEnum TYPE_J BgpSrteSegmentSegmentTypeEnum TYPE_K BgpSrteSegmentSegmentTypeEnum }{ TYPE_A: BgpSrteSegmentSegmentTypeEnum("type_a"), TYPE_B: BgpSrteSegmentSegmentTypeEnum("type_b"), TYPE_C: BgpSrteSegmentSegmentTypeEnum("type_c"), TYPE_D: BgpSrteSegmentSegmentTypeEnum("type_d"), TYPE_E: BgpSrteSegmentSegmentTypeEnum("type_e"), TYPE_F: BgpSrteSegmentSegmentTypeEnum("type_f"), TYPE_G: BgpSrteSegmentSegmentTypeEnum("type_g"), TYPE_H: BgpSrteSegmentSegmentTypeEnum("type_h"), TYPE_I: BgpSrteSegmentSegmentTypeEnum("type_i"), TYPE_J: BgpSrteSegmentSegmentTypeEnum("type_j"), TYPE_K: BgpSrteSegmentSegmentTypeEnum("type_k"), }
Enum of SegmentType on BgpSrteSegment
var BgpSrteV4PolicyNextHopAddressType = struct { IPV4 BgpSrteV4PolicyNextHopAddressTypeEnum IPV6 BgpSrteV4PolicyNextHopAddressTypeEnum }{ IPV4: BgpSrteV4PolicyNextHopAddressTypeEnum("ipv4"), IPV6: BgpSrteV4PolicyNextHopAddressTypeEnum("ipv6"), }
Enum of NextHopAddressType on BgpSrteV4Policy
var BgpSrteV4PolicyNextHopMode = struct { LOCAL_IP BgpSrteV4PolicyNextHopModeEnum MANUAL BgpSrteV4PolicyNextHopModeEnum }{ LOCAL_IP: BgpSrteV4PolicyNextHopModeEnum("local_ip"), MANUAL: BgpSrteV4PolicyNextHopModeEnum("manual"), }
Enum of NextHopMode on BgpSrteV4Policy
var BgpSrteV6PolicyNextHopAddressType = struct { IPV4 BgpSrteV6PolicyNextHopAddressTypeEnum IPV6 BgpSrteV6PolicyNextHopAddressTypeEnum }{ IPV4: BgpSrteV6PolicyNextHopAddressTypeEnum("ipv4"), IPV6: BgpSrteV6PolicyNextHopAddressTypeEnum("ipv6"), }
Enum of NextHopAddressType on BgpSrteV6Policy
var BgpSrteV6PolicyNextHopMode = struct { LOCAL_IP BgpSrteV6PolicyNextHopModeEnum MANUAL BgpSrteV6PolicyNextHopModeEnum }{ LOCAL_IP: BgpSrteV6PolicyNextHopModeEnum("local_ip"), MANUAL: BgpSrteV6PolicyNextHopModeEnum("manual"), }
Enum of NextHopMode on BgpSrteV6Policy
var BgpV4PeerAsNumberWidth = struct { TWO BgpV4PeerAsNumberWidthEnum FOUR BgpV4PeerAsNumberWidthEnum }{ TWO: BgpV4PeerAsNumberWidthEnum("two"), FOUR: BgpV4PeerAsNumberWidthEnum("four"), }
Enum of AsNumberWidth on BgpV4Peer
var BgpV4PeerAsType = struct { IBGP BgpV4PeerAsTypeEnum EBGP BgpV4PeerAsTypeEnum }{ IBGP: BgpV4PeerAsTypeEnum("ibgp"), EBGP: BgpV4PeerAsTypeEnum("ebgp"), }
Enum of AsType on BgpV4Peer
var BgpV4RouteRangeNextHopAddressType = struct { IPV4 BgpV4RouteRangeNextHopAddressTypeEnum IPV6 BgpV4RouteRangeNextHopAddressTypeEnum }{ IPV4: BgpV4RouteRangeNextHopAddressTypeEnum("ipv4"), IPV6: BgpV4RouteRangeNextHopAddressTypeEnum("ipv6"), }
Enum of NextHopAddressType on BgpV4RouteRange
var BgpV4RouteRangeNextHopMode = struct { LOCAL_IP BgpV4RouteRangeNextHopModeEnum MANUAL BgpV4RouteRangeNextHopModeEnum }{ LOCAL_IP: BgpV4RouteRangeNextHopModeEnum("local_ip"), MANUAL: BgpV4RouteRangeNextHopModeEnum("manual"), }
Enum of NextHopMode on BgpV4RouteRange
var BgpV6PeerAsNumberWidth = struct { TWO BgpV6PeerAsNumberWidthEnum FOUR BgpV6PeerAsNumberWidthEnum }{ TWO: BgpV6PeerAsNumberWidthEnum("two"), FOUR: BgpV6PeerAsNumberWidthEnum("four"), }
Enum of AsNumberWidth on BgpV6Peer
var BgpV6PeerAsType = struct { IBGP BgpV6PeerAsTypeEnum EBGP BgpV6PeerAsTypeEnum }{ IBGP: BgpV6PeerAsTypeEnum("ibgp"), EBGP: BgpV6PeerAsTypeEnum("ebgp"), }
Enum of AsType on BgpV6Peer
var BgpV6RouteRangeNextHopAddressType = struct { IPV4 BgpV6RouteRangeNextHopAddressTypeEnum IPV6 BgpV6RouteRangeNextHopAddressTypeEnum }{ IPV4: BgpV6RouteRangeNextHopAddressTypeEnum("ipv4"), IPV6: BgpV6RouteRangeNextHopAddressTypeEnum("ipv6"), }
Enum of NextHopAddressType on BgpV6RouteRange
var BgpV6RouteRangeNextHopMode = struct { LOCAL_IP BgpV6RouteRangeNextHopModeEnum MANUAL BgpV6RouteRangeNextHopModeEnum }{ LOCAL_IP: BgpV6RouteRangeNextHopModeEnum("local_ip"), MANUAL: BgpV6RouteRangeNextHopModeEnum("manual"), }
Enum of NextHopMode on BgpV6RouteRange
var Bgpv4MetricSessionState = struct { UP Bgpv4MetricSessionStateEnum DOWN Bgpv4MetricSessionStateEnum }{ UP: Bgpv4MetricSessionStateEnum("up"), DOWN: Bgpv4MetricSessionStateEnum("down"), }
Enum of SessionState on Bgpv4Metric
var Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNames = struct { SESSION_STATE Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum SESSION_FLAP_COUNT Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum ROUTES_ADVERTISED Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum ROUTES_RECEIVED Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum ROUTE_WITHDRAWS_SENT Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum ROUTE_WITHDRAWS_RECEIVED Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum UPDATES_SENT Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum UPDATES_RECEIVED Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum OPENS_SENT Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum OPENS_RECEIVED Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum KEEPALIVES_SENT Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum KEEPALIVES_RECEIVED Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum NOTIFICATIONS_SENT Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum NOTIFICATIONS_RECEIVED Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum }{ SESSION_STATE: Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("session_state"), SESSION_FLAP_COUNT: Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("session_flap_count"), ROUTES_ADVERTISED: Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("routes_advertised"), ROUTES_RECEIVED: Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("routes_received"), ROUTE_WITHDRAWS_SENT: Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("route_withdraws_sent"), ROUTE_WITHDRAWS_RECEIVED: Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("route_withdraws_received"), UPDATES_SENT: Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("updates_sent"), UPDATES_RECEIVED: Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("updates_received"), OPENS_SENT: Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("opens_sent"), OPENS_RECEIVED: Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("opens_received"), KEEPALIVES_SENT: Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("keepalives_sent"), KEEPALIVES_RECEIVED: Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("keepalives_received"), NOTIFICATIONS_SENT: Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("notifications_sent"), NOTIFICATIONS_RECEIVED: Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("notifications_received"), }
Enum of ColumnNames on Bgpv4MetricsRequest
var Bgpv6MetricSessionState = struct { UP Bgpv6MetricSessionStateEnum DOWN Bgpv6MetricSessionStateEnum }{ UP: Bgpv6MetricSessionStateEnum("up"), DOWN: Bgpv6MetricSessionStateEnum("down"), }
Enum of SessionState on Bgpv6Metric
var Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNames = struct { SESSION_STATE Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum SESSION_FLAP_COUNT Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum ROUTES_ADVERTISED Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum ROUTES_RECEIVED Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum ROUTE_WITHDRAWS_SENT Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum ROUTE_WITHDRAWS_RECEIVED Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum UPDATES_SENT Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum UPDATES_RECEIVED Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum OPENS_SENT Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum OPENS_RECEIVED Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum KEEPALIVES_SENT Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum KEEPALIVES_RECEIVED Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum NOTIFICATIONS_SENT Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum NOTIFICATIONS_RECEIVED Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum }{ SESSION_STATE: Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("session_state"), SESSION_FLAP_COUNT: Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("session_flap_count"), ROUTES_ADVERTISED: Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("routes_advertised"), ROUTES_RECEIVED: Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("routes_received"), ROUTE_WITHDRAWS_SENT: Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("route_withdraws_sent"), ROUTE_WITHDRAWS_RECEIVED: Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("route_withdraws_received"), UPDATES_SENT: Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("updates_sent"), UPDATES_RECEIVED: Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("updates_received"), OPENS_SENT: Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("opens_sent"), OPENS_RECEIVED: Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("opens_received"), KEEPALIVES_SENT: Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("keepalives_sent"), KEEPALIVES_RECEIVED: Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("keepalives_received"), NOTIFICATIONS_SENT: Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("notifications_sent"), NOTIFICATIONS_RECEIVED: Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("notifications_received"), }
Enum of ColumnNames on Bgpv6MetricsRequest
var CaptureFilterChoice = struct { CUSTOM CaptureFilterChoiceEnum ETHERNET CaptureFilterChoiceEnum VLAN CaptureFilterChoiceEnum IPV4 CaptureFilterChoiceEnum IPV6 CaptureFilterChoiceEnum }{ CUSTOM: CaptureFilterChoiceEnum("custom"), ETHERNET: CaptureFilterChoiceEnum("ethernet"), VLAN: CaptureFilterChoiceEnum("vlan"), IPV4: CaptureFilterChoiceEnum("ipv4"), IPV6: CaptureFilterChoiceEnum("ipv6"), }
Enum of Choice on CaptureFilter
var CaptureFormat = struct { PCAP CaptureFormatEnum PCAPNG CaptureFormatEnum }{ PCAP: CaptureFormatEnum("pcap"), PCAPNG: CaptureFormatEnum("pcapng"), }
Enum of Format on Capture
var CaptureStateState = struct { START CaptureStateStateEnum STOP CaptureStateStateEnum }{ START: CaptureStateStateEnum("start"), STOP: CaptureStateStateEnum("stop"), }
Enum of State on CaptureState
var DeviceVlanTpid = struct { X8100 DeviceVlanTpidEnum X88A8 DeviceVlanTpidEnum X9100 DeviceVlanTpidEnum X9200 DeviceVlanTpidEnum X9300 DeviceVlanTpidEnum }{ X8100: DeviceVlanTpidEnum("x8100"), X88A8: DeviceVlanTpidEnum("x88A8"), X9100: DeviceVlanTpidEnum("x9100"), X9200: DeviceVlanTpidEnum("x9200"), X9300: DeviceVlanTpidEnum("x9300"), }
Enum of Tpid on DeviceVlan
var FlowDelayChoice = struct { BYTES FlowDelayChoiceEnum NANOSECONDS FlowDelayChoiceEnum MICROSECONDS FlowDelayChoiceEnum }{ BYTES: FlowDelayChoiceEnum("bytes"), NANOSECONDS: FlowDelayChoiceEnum("nanoseconds"), MICROSECONDS: FlowDelayChoiceEnum("microseconds"), }
Enum of Choice on FlowDelay
var FlowDurationChoice = struct { FIXED_PACKETS FlowDurationChoiceEnum FIXED_SECONDS FlowDurationChoiceEnum BURST FlowDurationChoiceEnum CONTINUOUS FlowDurationChoiceEnum }{ FIXED_PACKETS: FlowDurationChoiceEnum("fixed_packets"), FIXED_SECONDS: FlowDurationChoiceEnum("fixed_seconds"), BURST: FlowDurationChoiceEnum("burst"), CONTINUOUS: FlowDurationChoiceEnum("continuous"), }
Enum of Choice on FlowDuration
var FlowDurationInterBurstGapChoice = struct { BYTES FlowDurationInterBurstGapChoiceEnum NANOSECONDS FlowDurationInterBurstGapChoiceEnum MICROSECONDS FlowDurationInterBurstGapChoiceEnum }{ BYTES: FlowDurationInterBurstGapChoiceEnum("bytes"), NANOSECONDS: FlowDurationInterBurstGapChoiceEnum("nanoseconds"), MICROSECONDS: FlowDurationInterBurstGapChoiceEnum("microseconds"), }
Enum of Choice on FlowDurationInterBurstGap
var FlowHeaderChoice = struct { CUSTOM FlowHeaderChoiceEnum ETHERNET FlowHeaderChoiceEnum VLAN FlowHeaderChoiceEnum VXLAN FlowHeaderChoiceEnum IPV4 FlowHeaderChoiceEnum IPV6 FlowHeaderChoiceEnum PFCPAUSE FlowHeaderChoiceEnum ETHERNETPAUSE FlowHeaderChoiceEnum TCP FlowHeaderChoiceEnum UDP FlowHeaderChoiceEnum GRE FlowHeaderChoiceEnum GTPV1 FlowHeaderChoiceEnum GTPV2 FlowHeaderChoiceEnum ARP FlowHeaderChoiceEnum ICMP FlowHeaderChoiceEnum ICMPV6 FlowHeaderChoiceEnum PPP FlowHeaderChoiceEnum IGMPV1 FlowHeaderChoiceEnum MPLS FlowHeaderChoiceEnum }{ CUSTOM: FlowHeaderChoiceEnum("custom"), ETHERNET: FlowHeaderChoiceEnum("ethernet"), VLAN: FlowHeaderChoiceEnum("vlan"), VXLAN: FlowHeaderChoiceEnum("vxlan"), IPV4: FlowHeaderChoiceEnum("ipv4"), IPV6: FlowHeaderChoiceEnum("ipv6"), PFCPAUSE: FlowHeaderChoiceEnum("pfcpause"), ETHERNETPAUSE: FlowHeaderChoiceEnum("ethernetpause"), TCP: FlowHeaderChoiceEnum("tcp"), UDP: FlowHeaderChoiceEnum("udp"), GRE: FlowHeaderChoiceEnum("gre"), GTPV1: FlowHeaderChoiceEnum("gtpv1"), GTPV2: FlowHeaderChoiceEnum("gtpv2"), ARP: FlowHeaderChoiceEnum("arp"), ICMP: FlowHeaderChoiceEnum("icmp"), ICMPV6: FlowHeaderChoiceEnum("icmpv6"), PPP: FlowHeaderChoiceEnum("ppp"), IGMPV1: FlowHeaderChoiceEnum("igmpv1"), MPLS: FlowHeaderChoiceEnum("mpls"), }
Enum of Choice on FlowHeader
var FlowIcmpChoice = struct { ECHO FlowIcmpChoiceEnum }{ ECHO: FlowIcmpChoiceEnum("echo"), }
Enum of Choice on FlowIcmp
var FlowIcmpv6Choice = struct { ECHO FlowIcmpv6ChoiceEnum }{ ECHO: FlowIcmpv6ChoiceEnum("echo"), }
Enum of Choice on FlowIcmpv6
var FlowIpv4PriorityChoice = struct { RAW FlowIpv4PriorityChoiceEnum TOS FlowIpv4PriorityChoiceEnum DSCP FlowIpv4PriorityChoiceEnum }{ RAW: FlowIpv4PriorityChoiceEnum("raw"), TOS: FlowIpv4PriorityChoiceEnum("tos"), DSCP: FlowIpv4PriorityChoiceEnum("dscp"), }
Enum of Choice on FlowIpv4Priority
var FlowLatencyMetricsMode = struct { STORE_FORWARD FlowLatencyMetricsModeEnum CUT_THROUGH FlowLatencyMetricsModeEnum }{ STORE_FORWARD: FlowLatencyMetricsModeEnum("store_forward"), CUT_THROUGH: FlowLatencyMetricsModeEnum("cut_through"), }
Enum of Mode on FlowLatencyMetrics
var FlowMetricGroupRequestChoice = struct { INGRESS FlowMetricGroupRequestChoiceEnum EGRESS FlowMetricGroupRequestChoiceEnum }{ INGRESS: FlowMetricGroupRequestChoiceEnum("ingress"), EGRESS: FlowMetricGroupRequestChoiceEnum("egress"), }
Enum of Choice on FlowMetricGroupRequest
var FlowMetricTransmit = struct { STARTED FlowMetricTransmitEnum STOPPED FlowMetricTransmitEnum PAUSED FlowMetricTransmitEnum }{ STARTED: FlowMetricTransmitEnum("started"), STOPPED: FlowMetricTransmitEnum("stopped"), PAUSED: FlowMetricTransmitEnum("paused"), }
Enum of Transmit on FlowMetric
var FlowMetricsRequestMetricNames = struct { TRANSMIT FlowMetricsRequestMetricNamesEnum FRAMES_TX FlowMetricsRequestMetricNamesEnum FRAMES_RX FlowMetricsRequestMetricNamesEnum BYTES_TX FlowMetricsRequestMetricNamesEnum BYTES_RX FlowMetricsRequestMetricNamesEnum FRAMES_TX_RATE FlowMetricsRequestMetricNamesEnum FRAMES_RX_RATE FlowMetricsRequestMetricNamesEnum }{ TRANSMIT: FlowMetricsRequestMetricNamesEnum("transmit"), FRAMES_TX: FlowMetricsRequestMetricNamesEnum("frames_tx"), FRAMES_RX: FlowMetricsRequestMetricNamesEnum("frames_rx"), BYTES_TX: FlowMetricsRequestMetricNamesEnum("bytes_tx"), BYTES_RX: FlowMetricsRequestMetricNamesEnum("bytes_rx"), FRAMES_TX_RATE: FlowMetricsRequestMetricNamesEnum("frames_tx_rate"), FRAMES_RX_RATE: FlowMetricsRequestMetricNamesEnum("frames_rx_rate"), }
Enum of MetricNames on FlowMetricsRequest
var FlowRateChoice = struct { PPS FlowRateChoiceEnum BPS FlowRateChoiceEnum KBPS FlowRateChoiceEnum MBPS FlowRateChoiceEnum GBPS FlowRateChoiceEnum PERCENTAGE FlowRateChoiceEnum }{ PPS: FlowRateChoiceEnum("pps"), BPS: FlowRateChoiceEnum("bps"), KBPS: FlowRateChoiceEnum("kbps"), MBPS: FlowRateChoiceEnum("mbps"), GBPS: FlowRateChoiceEnum("gbps"), PERCENTAGE: FlowRateChoiceEnum("percentage"), }
Enum of Choice on FlowRate
var FlowRouterMode = struct { MESH FlowRouterModeEnum ONE_TO_ONE FlowRouterModeEnum }{ MESH: FlowRouterModeEnum("mesh"), ONE_TO_ONE: FlowRouterModeEnum("one_to_one"), }
Enum of Mode on FlowRouter
var FlowSizeChoice = struct { FIXED FlowSizeChoiceEnum INCREMENT FlowSizeChoiceEnum RANDOM FlowSizeChoiceEnum }{ FIXED: FlowSizeChoiceEnum("fixed"), INCREMENT: FlowSizeChoiceEnum("increment"), RANDOM: FlowSizeChoiceEnum("random"), }
Enum of Choice on FlowSize
var FlowTxRxChoice = struct { PORT FlowTxRxChoiceEnum DEVICE FlowTxRxChoiceEnum }{ PORT: FlowTxRxChoiceEnum("port"), DEVICE: FlowTxRxChoiceEnum("device"), }
Enum of Choice on FlowTxRx
var FlowsUpdatePropertyNames = struct { RATE FlowsUpdatePropertyNamesEnum SIZE FlowsUpdatePropertyNamesEnum }{ RATE: FlowsUpdatePropertyNamesEnum("rate"), SIZE: FlowsUpdatePropertyNamesEnum("size"), }
Enum of PropertyNames on FlowsUpdate
var IsisAuthenticationBaseAuthType = struct { MD5 IsisAuthenticationBaseAuthTypeEnum PASSWORD IsisAuthenticationBaseAuthTypeEnum }{ MD5: IsisAuthenticationBaseAuthTypeEnum("md5"), PASSWORD: IsisAuthenticationBaseAuthTypeEnum("password"), }
Enum of AuthType on IsisAuthenticationBase
var IsisInterfaceAuthenticationAuthType = struct { MD5 IsisInterfaceAuthenticationAuthTypeEnum PASSWORD IsisInterfaceAuthenticationAuthTypeEnum }{ MD5: IsisInterfaceAuthenticationAuthTypeEnum("md5"), PASSWORD: IsisInterfaceAuthenticationAuthTypeEnum("password"), }
Enum of AuthType on IsisInterfaceAuthentication
var IsisInterfaceLevelType = struct { LEVEL_1 IsisInterfaceLevelTypeEnum LEVEL_2 IsisInterfaceLevelTypeEnum LEVEL_1_2 IsisInterfaceLevelTypeEnum }{ LEVEL_1: IsisInterfaceLevelTypeEnum("level_1"), LEVEL_2: IsisInterfaceLevelTypeEnum("level_2"), LEVEL_1_2: IsisInterfaceLevelTypeEnum("level_1_2"), }
Enum of LevelType on IsisInterface
var IsisInterfaceNetworkType = struct { BROADCAST IsisInterfaceNetworkTypeEnum POINT_TO_POINT IsisInterfaceNetworkTypeEnum }{ BROADCAST: IsisInterfaceNetworkTypeEnum("broadcast"), POINT_TO_POINT: IsisInterfaceNetworkTypeEnum("point_to_point"), }
Enum of NetworkType on IsisInterface
var IsisMetricsRequestColumnNames = struct { L1_SESSIONS_UP IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum L1_SESSION_FLAP IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum L1_DATABASE_SIZE IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum L1_BROADCAST_HELLOS_SENT IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum L1_BROADCAST_HELLOS_RECEIVED IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum L1_POINT_TO_POINT_HELLOS_SENT IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum L1_POINT_TO_POINT_HELLOS_RECEIVED IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum L1_PSNP_SENT IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum L1_PSNP_RECEIVED IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum L1_CSNP_SENT IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum L1_CSNP_RECEIVED IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum L1_LSP_SENT IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum L1_LSP_RECEIVED IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum L2_SESSIONS_UP IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum L2_SESSION_FLAP IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum L2_DATABASE_SIZE IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum L2_BROADCAST_HELLOS_SENT IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum L2_BROADCAST_HELLOS_RECEIVED IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum L2_POINT_TO_POINT_HELLOS_SENT IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum L2_POINT_TO_POINT_HELLOS_RECEIVED IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum L2_PSNP_SENT IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum L2_PSNP_RECEIVED IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum L2_CSNP_SENT IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum L2_CSNP_RECEIVED IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum L2_LSP_SENT IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum L2_LSP_RECEIVED IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum }{ L1_SESSIONS_UP: IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("l1_sessions_up"), L1_SESSION_FLAP: IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("l1_session_flap"), L1_DATABASE_SIZE: IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("l1_database_size"), L1_BROADCAST_HELLOS_SENT: IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("l1_broadcast_hellos_sent"), L1_BROADCAST_HELLOS_RECEIVED: IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("l1_broadcast_hellos_received"), L1_POINT_TO_POINT_HELLOS_SENT: IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("l1_point_to_point_hellos_sent"), L1_POINT_TO_POINT_HELLOS_RECEIVED: IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("l1_point_to_point_hellos_received"), L1_PSNP_SENT: IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("l1_psnp_sent"), L1_PSNP_RECEIVED: IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("l1_psnp_received"), L1_CSNP_SENT: IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("l1_csnp_sent"), L1_CSNP_RECEIVED: IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("l1_csnp_received"), L1_LSP_SENT: IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("l1_lsp_sent"), L1_LSP_RECEIVED: IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("l1_lsp_received"), L2_SESSIONS_UP: IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("l2_sessions_up"), L2_SESSION_FLAP: IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("l2_session_flap"), L2_DATABASE_SIZE: IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("l2_database_size"), L2_BROADCAST_HELLOS_SENT: IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("l2_broadcast_hellos_sent"), L2_BROADCAST_HELLOS_RECEIVED: IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("l2_broadcast_hellos_received"), L2_POINT_TO_POINT_HELLOS_SENT: IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("l2_point_to_point_hellos_sent"), L2_POINT_TO_POINT_HELLOS_RECEIVED: IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("l2_point_to_point_hellos_received"), L2_PSNP_SENT: IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("l2_psnp_sent"), L2_PSNP_RECEIVED: IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("l2_psnp_received"), L2_CSNP_SENT: IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("l2_csnp_sent"), L2_CSNP_RECEIVED: IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("l2_csnp_received"), L2_LSP_SENT: IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("l2_lsp_sent"), L2_LSP_RECEIVED: IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("l2_lsp_received"), }
Enum of ColumnNames on IsisMetricsRequest
var IsisV4RouteRangeOriginType = struct { INTERNAL IsisV4RouteRangeOriginTypeEnum EXTERNAL IsisV4RouteRangeOriginTypeEnum }{ INTERNAL: IsisV4RouteRangeOriginTypeEnum("internal"), EXTERNAL: IsisV4RouteRangeOriginTypeEnum("external"), }
Enum of OriginType on IsisV4RouteRange
var IsisV4RouteRangeRedistributionType = struct { UP IsisV4RouteRangeRedistributionTypeEnum DOWN IsisV4RouteRangeRedistributionTypeEnum }{ UP: IsisV4RouteRangeRedistributionTypeEnum("up"), DOWN: IsisV4RouteRangeRedistributionTypeEnum("down"), }
Enum of RedistributionType on IsisV4RouteRange
var IsisV6RouteRangeOriginType = struct { INTERNAL IsisV6RouteRangeOriginTypeEnum EXTERNAL IsisV6RouteRangeOriginTypeEnum }{ INTERNAL: IsisV6RouteRangeOriginTypeEnum("internal"), EXTERNAL: IsisV6RouteRangeOriginTypeEnum("external"), }
Enum of OriginType on IsisV6RouteRange
var IsisV6RouteRangeRedistributionType = struct { UP IsisV6RouteRangeRedistributionTypeEnum DOWN IsisV6RouteRangeRedistributionTypeEnum }{ UP: IsisV6RouteRangeRedistributionTypeEnum("up"), DOWN: IsisV6RouteRangeRedistributionTypeEnum("down"), }
Enum of RedistributionType on IsisV6RouteRange
var LagLacpActorActivity = struct { PASSIVE LagLacpActorActivityEnum ACTIVE LagLacpActorActivityEnum }{ PASSIVE: LagLacpActorActivityEnum("passive"), ACTIVE: LagLacpActorActivityEnum("active"), }
Enum of ActorActivity on LagLacp
var LagProtocolChoice = struct { LACP LagProtocolChoiceEnum STATIC LagProtocolChoiceEnum }{ LACP: LagProtocolChoiceEnum("lacp"), STATIC: LagProtocolChoiceEnum("static"), }
Enum of Choice on LagProtocol
var Layer1FlowControlChoice = struct { IEEE_802_1QBB Layer1FlowControlChoiceEnum IEEE_802_3X Layer1FlowControlChoiceEnum }{ IEEE_802_1QBB: Layer1FlowControlChoiceEnum("ieee_802_1qbb"), IEEE_802_3X: Layer1FlowControlChoiceEnum("ieee_802_3x"), }
Enum of Choice on Layer1FlowControl
var Layer1Media = struct { COPPER Layer1MediaEnum FIBER Layer1MediaEnum SGMII Layer1MediaEnum }{ COPPER: Layer1MediaEnum("copper"), FIBER: Layer1MediaEnum("fiber"), SGMII: Layer1MediaEnum("sgmii"), }
Enum of Media on Layer1
var Layer1Speed = struct { SPEED_10_FD_MBPS Layer1SpeedEnum SPEED_10_HD_MBPS Layer1SpeedEnum SPEED_100_FD_MBPS Layer1SpeedEnum SPEED_100_HD_MBPS Layer1SpeedEnum SPEED_1_GBPS Layer1SpeedEnum SPEED_10_GBPS Layer1SpeedEnum SPEED_25_GBPS Layer1SpeedEnum SPEED_40_GBPS Layer1SpeedEnum SPEED_50_GBPS Layer1SpeedEnum SPEED_100_GBPS Layer1SpeedEnum SPEED_200_GBPS Layer1SpeedEnum SPEED_400_GBPS Layer1SpeedEnum }{ SPEED_10_FD_MBPS: Layer1SpeedEnum("speed_10_fd_mbps"), SPEED_10_HD_MBPS: Layer1SpeedEnum("speed_10_hd_mbps"), SPEED_100_FD_MBPS: Layer1SpeedEnum("speed_100_fd_mbps"), SPEED_100_HD_MBPS: Layer1SpeedEnum("speed_100_hd_mbps"), SPEED_1_GBPS: Layer1SpeedEnum("speed_1_gbps"), SPEED_10_GBPS: Layer1SpeedEnum("speed_10_gbps"), SPEED_25_GBPS: Layer1SpeedEnum("speed_25_gbps"), SPEED_40_GBPS: Layer1SpeedEnum("speed_40_gbps"), SPEED_50_GBPS: Layer1SpeedEnum("speed_50_gbps"), SPEED_100_GBPS: Layer1SpeedEnum("speed_100_gbps"), SPEED_200_GBPS: Layer1SpeedEnum("speed_200_gbps"), SPEED_400_GBPS: Layer1SpeedEnum("speed_400_gbps"), }
Enum of Speed on Layer1
var LinkStateState = struct { UP LinkStateStateEnum DOWN LinkStateStateEnum }{ UP: LinkStateStateEnum("up"), DOWN: LinkStateStateEnum("down"), }
Enum of State on LinkState
var MetricsRequestChoice = struct { PORT MetricsRequestChoiceEnum FLOW MetricsRequestChoiceEnum BGPV4 MetricsRequestChoiceEnum BGPV6 MetricsRequestChoiceEnum ISIS MetricsRequestChoiceEnum }{ PORT: MetricsRequestChoiceEnum("port"), FLOW: MetricsRequestChoiceEnum("flow"), BGPV4: MetricsRequestChoiceEnum("bgpv4"), BGPV6: MetricsRequestChoiceEnum("bgpv6"), ISIS: MetricsRequestChoiceEnum("isis"), }
Enum of Choice on MetricsRequest
var MetricsResponseChoice = struct { FLOW_METRICS MetricsResponseChoiceEnum PORT_METRICS MetricsResponseChoiceEnum BGPV4_METRICS MetricsResponseChoiceEnum BGPV6_METRICS MetricsResponseChoiceEnum ISIS_METRICS MetricsResponseChoiceEnum }{ FLOW_METRICS: MetricsResponseChoiceEnum("flow_metrics"), PORT_METRICS: MetricsResponseChoiceEnum("port_metrics"), BGPV4_METRICS: MetricsResponseChoiceEnum("bgpv4_metrics"), BGPV6_METRICS: MetricsResponseChoiceEnum("bgpv6_metrics"), ISIS_METRICS: MetricsResponseChoiceEnum("isis_metrics"), }
Enum of Choice on MetricsResponse
var PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowArpHardwareLength
var PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowArpHardwareType
var PatternFlowArpOperationChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowArpOperationChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowArpOperationChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowArpOperationChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowArpOperationChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowArpOperationChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowArpOperationChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowArpOperationChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowArpOperationChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowArpOperation
var PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowArpProtocolLength
var PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowArpProtocolType
var PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr
var PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr
var PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr
var PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr
var PatternFlowEthernetDstChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowEthernetDstChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowEthernetDstChoiceEnum AUTO PatternFlowEthernetDstChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowEthernetDstChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowEthernetDstChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowEthernetDstChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowEthernetDstChoiceEnum("values"), AUTO: PatternFlowEthernetDstChoiceEnum("auto"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowEthernetDstChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowEthernetDstChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowEthernetDst
var PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeChoiceEnum AUTO PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeChoiceEnum("values"), AUTO: PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeChoiceEnum("auto"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowEthernetEtherType
var PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode
var PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst
var PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType
var PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc
var PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime
var PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue
var PatternFlowEthernetSrcChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowEthernetSrcChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowEthernetSrcChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowEthernetSrcChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowEthernetSrcChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowEthernetSrcChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowEthernetSrcChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowEthernetSrcChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowEthernetSrcChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowEthernetSrc
var PatternFlowGreChecksumChoice = struct { GENERATED PatternFlowGreChecksumChoiceEnum CUSTOM PatternFlowGreChecksumChoiceEnum }{ GENERATED: PatternFlowGreChecksumChoiceEnum("generated"), CUSTOM: PatternFlowGreChecksumChoiceEnum("custom"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowGreChecksum
var PatternFlowGreChecksumGenerated = struct { GOOD PatternFlowGreChecksumGeneratedEnum BAD PatternFlowGreChecksumGeneratedEnum }{ GOOD: PatternFlowGreChecksumGeneratedEnum("good"), BAD: PatternFlowGreChecksumGeneratedEnum("bad"), }
Enum of Generated on PatternFlowGreChecksum
var PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent
var PatternFlowGreProtocolChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowGreProtocolChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowGreProtocolChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowGreProtocolChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowGreProtocolChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowGreProtocolChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowGreProtocolChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowGreProtocolChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowGreProtocolChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowGreProtocol
var PatternFlowGreReserved0Choice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowGreReserved0ChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowGreReserved0ChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowGreReserved0ChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowGreReserved0ChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowGreReserved0ChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowGreReserved0ChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowGreReserved0ChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowGreReserved0ChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowGreReserved0
var PatternFlowGreReserved1Choice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowGreReserved1ChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowGreReserved1ChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowGreReserved1ChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowGreReserved1ChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowGreReserved1ChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowGreReserved1ChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowGreReserved1ChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowGreReserved1ChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowGreReserved1
var PatternFlowGreVersionChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowGreVersionChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowGreVersionChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowGreVersionChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowGreVersionChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowGreVersionChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowGreVersionChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowGreVersionChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowGreVersionChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowGreVersion
var PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents
var PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength
var PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader
var PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag
var PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength
var PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType
var PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber
var PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType
var PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag
var PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType
var PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved
var PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag
var PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber
var PatternFlowGtpv1TeidChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowGtpv1TeidChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowGtpv1TeidChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowGtpv1TeidChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowGtpv1TeidChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowGtpv1TeidChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowGtpv1TeidChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv1TeidChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv1TeidChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowGtpv1Teid
var PatternFlowGtpv1VersionChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowGtpv1VersionChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowGtpv1VersionChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowGtpv1VersionChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowGtpv1VersionChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowGtpv1VersionChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowGtpv1VersionChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv1VersionChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv1VersionChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowGtpv1Version
var PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength
var PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType
var PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag
var PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber
var PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Choice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1ChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1ChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1ChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1ChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1ChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1ChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1ChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1ChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1
var PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Choice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2ChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2ChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2ChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2ChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2ChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2ChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2ChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2ChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2
var PatternFlowGtpv2TeidChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowGtpv2TeidChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowGtpv2TeidChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowGtpv2TeidChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowGtpv2TeidChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowGtpv2TeidChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowGtpv2TeidChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv2TeidChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv2TeidChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowGtpv2Teid
var PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag
var PatternFlowGtpv2VersionChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowGtpv2VersionChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowGtpv2VersionChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowGtpv2VersionChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowGtpv2VersionChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowGtpv2VersionChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowGtpv2VersionChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv2VersionChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowGtpv2VersionChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowGtpv2Version
var PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksumChoice = struct { GENERATED PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksumChoiceEnum CUSTOM PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksumChoiceEnum }{ GENERATED: PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksumChoiceEnum("generated"), CUSTOM: PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksumChoiceEnum("custom"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum
var PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksumGenerated = struct { GOOD PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksumGeneratedEnum BAD PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksumGeneratedEnum }{ GOOD: PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksumGeneratedEnum("good"), BAD: PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksumGeneratedEnum("bad"), }
Enum of Generated on PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum
var PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode
var PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier
var PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber
var PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIcmpEchoType
var PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksumChoice = struct { GENERATED PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksumChoiceEnum CUSTOM PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksumChoiceEnum }{ GENERATED: PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksumChoiceEnum("generated"), CUSTOM: PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksumChoiceEnum("custom"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum
var PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksumGenerated = struct { GOOD PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksumGeneratedEnum BAD PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksumGeneratedEnum }{ GOOD: PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksumGeneratedEnum("good"), BAD: PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksumGeneratedEnum("bad"), }
Enum of Generated on PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum
var PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode
var PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier
var PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber
var PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType
var PatternFlowIgmpv1ChecksumChoice = struct { GENERATED PatternFlowIgmpv1ChecksumChoiceEnum CUSTOM PatternFlowIgmpv1ChecksumChoiceEnum }{ GENERATED: PatternFlowIgmpv1ChecksumChoiceEnum("generated"), CUSTOM: PatternFlowIgmpv1ChecksumChoiceEnum("custom"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum
var PatternFlowIgmpv1ChecksumGenerated = struct { GOOD PatternFlowIgmpv1ChecksumGeneratedEnum BAD PatternFlowIgmpv1ChecksumGeneratedEnum }{ GOOD: PatternFlowIgmpv1ChecksumGeneratedEnum("good"), BAD: PatternFlowIgmpv1ChecksumGeneratedEnum("bad"), }
Enum of Generated on PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum
var PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress
var PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIgmpv1Type
var PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused
var PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIgmpv1Version
var PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment
var PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn
var PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb
var PatternFlowIpv4DstChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIpv4DstChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIpv4DstChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIpv4DstChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIpv4DstChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIpv4DstChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIpv4DstChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4DstChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4DstChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIpv4Dst
var PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset
var PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksumChoice = struct { GENERATED PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksumChoiceEnum CUSTOM PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksumChoiceEnum }{ GENERATED: PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksumChoiceEnum("generated"), CUSTOM: PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksumChoiceEnum("custom"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum
var PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksumGenerated = struct { GOOD PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksumGeneratedEnum BAD PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksumGeneratedEnum }{ GOOD: PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksumGeneratedEnum("good"), BAD: PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksumGeneratedEnum("bad"), }
Enum of Generated on PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum
var PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthChoiceEnum AUTO PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthChoiceEnum("values"), AUTO: PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthChoiceEnum("auto"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength
var PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIpv4Identification
var PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments
var PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw
var PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolChoiceEnum AUTO PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolChoiceEnum("values"), AUTO: PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolChoiceEnum("auto"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIpv4Protocol
var PatternFlowIpv4ReservedChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIpv4ReservedChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIpv4ReservedChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIpv4ReservedChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIpv4ReservedChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIpv4ReservedChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIpv4ReservedChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4ReservedChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4ReservedChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIpv4Reserved
var PatternFlowIpv4SrcChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIpv4SrcChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIpv4SrcChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIpv4SrcChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIpv4SrcChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIpv4SrcChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIpv4SrcChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4SrcChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4SrcChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIpv4Src
var PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive
var PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay
var PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary
var PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence
var PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability
var PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput
var PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused
var PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthChoiceEnum AUTO PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthChoiceEnum("values"), AUTO: PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthChoiceEnum("auto"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength
var PatternFlowIpv4VersionChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIpv4VersionChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIpv4VersionChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIpv4VersionChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIpv4VersionChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIpv4VersionChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIpv4VersionChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4VersionChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIpv4VersionChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIpv4Version
var PatternFlowIpv6DstChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIpv6DstChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIpv6DstChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIpv6DstChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIpv6DstChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIpv6DstChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIpv6DstChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIpv6DstChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIpv6DstChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIpv6Dst
var PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel
var PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit
var PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader
var PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthChoiceEnum AUTO PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthChoiceEnum("values"), AUTO: PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthChoiceEnum("auto"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength
var PatternFlowIpv6SrcChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIpv6SrcChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIpv6SrcChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIpv6SrcChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIpv6SrcChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIpv6SrcChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIpv6SrcChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIpv6SrcChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIpv6SrcChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIpv6Src
var PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass
var PatternFlowIpv6VersionChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowIpv6VersionChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowIpv6VersionChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowIpv6VersionChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowIpv6VersionChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowIpv6VersionChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowIpv6VersionChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowIpv6VersionChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowIpv6VersionChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowIpv6Version
var PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack
var PatternFlowMplsLabelChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowMplsLabelChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowMplsLabelChoiceEnum AUTO PatternFlowMplsLabelChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowMplsLabelChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowMplsLabelChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowMplsLabelChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowMplsLabelChoiceEnum("values"), AUTO: PatternFlowMplsLabelChoiceEnum("auto"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowMplsLabelChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowMplsLabelChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowMplsLabel
var PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive
var PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass
var PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector
var PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode
var PatternFlowPfcPauseDstChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowPfcPauseDstChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowPfcPauseDstChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowPfcPauseDstChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowPfcPauseDstChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowPfcPauseDstChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowPfcPauseDstChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowPfcPauseDstChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowPfcPauseDstChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowPfcPauseDst
var PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType
var PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Choice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0ChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0ChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0ChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0ChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0ChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0ChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0ChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0ChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0
var PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Choice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1ChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1ChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1ChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1ChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1ChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1ChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1ChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1ChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1
var PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Choice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2ChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2ChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2ChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2ChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2ChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2ChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2ChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2ChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2
var PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Choice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3ChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3ChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3ChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3ChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3ChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3ChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3ChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3ChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3
var PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Choice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4ChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4ChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4ChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4ChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4ChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4ChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4ChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4ChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4
var PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Choice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5ChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5ChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5ChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5ChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5ChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5ChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5ChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5ChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5
var PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Choice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6ChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6ChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6ChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6ChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6ChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6ChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6ChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6ChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6
var PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Choice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7ChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7ChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7ChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7ChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7ChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7ChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7ChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7ChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7
var PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc
var PatternFlowPppAddressChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowPppAddressChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowPppAddressChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowPppAddressChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowPppAddressChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowPppAddressChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowPppAddressChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowPppAddressChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowPppAddressChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowPppAddress
var PatternFlowPppControlChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowPppControlChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowPppControlChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowPppControlChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowPppControlChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowPppControlChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowPppControlChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowPppControlChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowPppControlChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowPppControl
var PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeChoiceEnum AUTO PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeChoiceEnum("values"), AUTO: PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeChoiceEnum("auto"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowPppProtocolType
var PatternFlowTcpAckNumChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowTcpAckNumChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowTcpAckNumChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowTcpAckNumChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowTcpAckNumChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowTcpAckNumChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowTcpAckNumChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowTcpAckNumChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowTcpAckNumChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowTcpAckNum
var PatternFlowTcpCtlAckChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowTcpCtlAckChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowTcpCtlAckChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowTcpCtlAckChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowTcpCtlAckChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowTcpCtlAckChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowTcpCtlAckChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowTcpCtlAckChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowTcpCtlAckChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowTcpCtlAck
var PatternFlowTcpCtlFinChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowTcpCtlFinChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowTcpCtlFinChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowTcpCtlFinChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowTcpCtlFinChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowTcpCtlFinChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowTcpCtlFinChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowTcpCtlFinChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowTcpCtlFinChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowTcpCtlFin
var PatternFlowTcpCtlPshChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowTcpCtlPshChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowTcpCtlPshChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowTcpCtlPshChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowTcpCtlPshChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowTcpCtlPshChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowTcpCtlPshChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowTcpCtlPshChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowTcpCtlPshChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh
var PatternFlowTcpCtlRstChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowTcpCtlRstChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowTcpCtlRstChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowTcpCtlRstChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowTcpCtlRstChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowTcpCtlRstChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowTcpCtlRstChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowTcpCtlRstChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowTcpCtlRstChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowTcpCtlRst
var PatternFlowTcpCtlSynChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowTcpCtlSynChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowTcpCtlSynChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowTcpCtlSynChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowTcpCtlSynChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowTcpCtlSynChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowTcpCtlSynChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowTcpCtlSynChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowTcpCtlSynChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn
var PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg
var PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowTcpDataOffset
var PatternFlowTcpDstPortChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowTcpDstPortChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowTcpDstPortChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowTcpDstPortChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowTcpDstPortChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowTcpDstPortChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowTcpDstPortChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowTcpDstPortChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowTcpDstPortChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowTcpDstPort
var PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr
var PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho
var PatternFlowTcpEcnNsChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowTcpEcnNsChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowTcpEcnNsChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowTcpEcnNsChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowTcpEcnNsChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowTcpEcnNsChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowTcpEcnNsChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowTcpEcnNsChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowTcpEcnNsChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowTcpEcnNs
var PatternFlowTcpSeqNumChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowTcpSeqNumChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowTcpSeqNumChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowTcpSeqNumChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowTcpSeqNumChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowTcpSeqNumChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowTcpSeqNumChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowTcpSeqNumChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowTcpSeqNumChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowTcpSeqNum
var PatternFlowTcpSrcPortChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowTcpSrcPortChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowTcpSrcPortChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowTcpSrcPortChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowTcpSrcPortChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowTcpSrcPortChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowTcpSrcPortChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowTcpSrcPortChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowTcpSrcPortChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowTcpSrcPort
var PatternFlowTcpWindowChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowTcpWindowChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowTcpWindowChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowTcpWindowChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowTcpWindowChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowTcpWindowChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowTcpWindowChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowTcpWindowChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowTcpWindowChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowTcpWindow
var PatternFlowUdpChecksumChoice = struct { GENERATED PatternFlowUdpChecksumChoiceEnum CUSTOM PatternFlowUdpChecksumChoiceEnum }{ GENERATED: PatternFlowUdpChecksumChoiceEnum("generated"), CUSTOM: PatternFlowUdpChecksumChoiceEnum("custom"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowUdpChecksum
var PatternFlowUdpChecksumGenerated = struct { GOOD PatternFlowUdpChecksumGeneratedEnum BAD PatternFlowUdpChecksumGeneratedEnum }{ GOOD: PatternFlowUdpChecksumGeneratedEnum("good"), BAD: PatternFlowUdpChecksumGeneratedEnum("bad"), }
Enum of Generated on PatternFlowUdpChecksum
var PatternFlowUdpDstPortChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowUdpDstPortChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowUdpDstPortChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowUdpDstPortChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowUdpDstPortChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowUdpDstPortChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowUdpDstPortChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowUdpDstPortChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowUdpDstPortChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowUdpDstPort
var PatternFlowUdpLengthChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowUdpLengthChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowUdpLengthChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowUdpLengthChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowUdpLengthChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowUdpLengthChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowUdpLengthChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowUdpLengthChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowUdpLengthChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowUdpLength
var PatternFlowUdpSrcPortChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowUdpSrcPortChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowUdpSrcPortChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowUdpSrcPortChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowUdpSrcPortChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowUdpSrcPortChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowUdpSrcPortChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowUdpSrcPortChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowUdpSrcPortChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowUdpSrcPort
var PatternFlowVlanCfiChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowVlanCfiChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowVlanCfiChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowVlanCfiChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowVlanCfiChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowVlanCfiChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowVlanCfiChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowVlanCfiChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowVlanCfiChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowVlanCfi
var PatternFlowVlanIdChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowVlanIdChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowVlanIdChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowVlanIdChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowVlanIdChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowVlanIdChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowVlanIdChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowVlanIdChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowVlanIdChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowVlanId
var PatternFlowVlanPriorityChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowVlanPriorityChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowVlanPriorityChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowVlanPriorityChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowVlanPriorityChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowVlanPriorityChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowVlanPriorityChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowVlanPriorityChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowVlanPriorityChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowVlanPriority
var PatternFlowVlanTpidChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowVlanTpidChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowVlanTpidChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowVlanTpidChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowVlanTpidChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowVlanTpidChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowVlanTpidChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowVlanTpidChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowVlanTpidChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowVlanTpid
var PatternFlowVxlanFlagsChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowVxlanFlagsChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowVxlanFlagsChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowVxlanFlagsChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowVxlanFlagsChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowVxlanFlagsChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowVxlanFlagsChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowVxlanFlagsChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowVxlanFlagsChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowVxlanFlags
var PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Choice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowVxlanReserved0ChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowVxlanReserved0ChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowVxlanReserved0ChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowVxlanReserved0ChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowVxlanReserved0ChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowVxlanReserved0ChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowVxlanReserved0ChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowVxlanReserved0ChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowVxlanReserved0
var PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Choice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowVxlanReserved1ChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowVxlanReserved1ChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowVxlanReserved1ChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowVxlanReserved1ChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowVxlanReserved1ChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowVxlanReserved1ChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowVxlanReserved1ChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowVxlanReserved1ChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowVxlanReserved1
var PatternFlowVxlanVniChoice = struct { VALUE PatternFlowVxlanVniChoiceEnum VALUES PatternFlowVxlanVniChoiceEnum INCREMENT PatternFlowVxlanVniChoiceEnum DECREMENT PatternFlowVxlanVniChoiceEnum }{ VALUE: PatternFlowVxlanVniChoiceEnum("value"), VALUES: PatternFlowVxlanVniChoiceEnum("values"), INCREMENT: PatternFlowVxlanVniChoiceEnum("increment"), DECREMENT: PatternFlowVxlanVniChoiceEnum("decrement"), }
Enum of Choice on PatternFlowVxlanVni
var PingChoice = struct { IPV4 PingChoiceEnum IPV6 PingChoiceEnum }{ IPV4: PingChoiceEnum("ipv4"), IPV6: PingChoiceEnum("ipv6"), }
Enum of Choice on Ping
var PortMetricCapture = struct { STARTED PortMetricCaptureEnum STOPPED PortMetricCaptureEnum }{ STARTED: PortMetricCaptureEnum("started"), STOPPED: PortMetricCaptureEnum("stopped"), }
Enum of Capture on PortMetric
var PortMetricLink = struct { UP PortMetricLinkEnum DOWN PortMetricLinkEnum }{ UP: PortMetricLinkEnum("up"), DOWN: PortMetricLinkEnum("down"), }
Enum of Link on PortMetric
var PortMetricsRequestColumnNames = struct { TRANSMIT PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum LOCATION PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum LINK PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum CAPTURE PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum FRAMES_TX PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum FRAMES_RX PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum BYTES_TX PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum BYTES_RX PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum FRAMES_TX_RATE PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum FRAMES_RX_RATE PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum BYTES_TX_RATE PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum BYTES_RX_RATE PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum }{ TRANSMIT: PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("transmit"), LOCATION: PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("location"), LINK: PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("link"), CAPTURE: PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("capture"), FRAMES_TX: PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("frames_tx"), FRAMES_RX: PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("frames_rx"), BYTES_TX: PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("bytes_tx"), BYTES_RX: PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("bytes_rx"), FRAMES_TX_RATE: PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("frames_tx_rate"), FRAMES_RX_RATE: PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("frames_rx_rate"), BYTES_TX_RATE: PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("bytes_tx_rate"), BYTES_RX_RATE: PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum("bytes_rx_rate"), }
Enum of ColumnNames on PortMetricsRequest
var ProtocolStateState = struct { START ProtocolStateStateEnum STOP ProtocolStateStateEnum }{ START: ProtocolStateStateEnum("start"), STOP: ProtocolStateStateEnum("stop"), }
Enum of State on ProtocolState
var ResponseResult = struct { SUCCESS ResponseResultEnum FAILURE ResponseResultEnum }{ SUCCESS: ResponseResultEnum("success"), FAILURE: ResponseResultEnum("failure"), }
Enum of Result on Response
var RouteStateState = struct { WITHDRAW RouteStateStateEnum ADVERTISE RouteStateStateEnum }{ WITHDRAW: RouteStateStateEnum("withdraw"), ADVERTISE: RouteStateStateEnum("advertise"), }
Enum of State on RouteState
var StatesRequestChoice = struct { IPV4_NEIGHBORS StatesRequestChoiceEnum IPV6_NEIGHBORS StatesRequestChoiceEnum }{ IPV4_NEIGHBORS: StatesRequestChoiceEnum("ipv4_neighbors"), IPV6_NEIGHBORS: StatesRequestChoiceEnum("ipv6_neighbors"), }
Enum of Choice on StatesRequest
var StatesResponseChoice = struct { IPV4_NEIGHBORS StatesResponseChoiceEnum IPV6_NEIGHBORS StatesResponseChoiceEnum }{ IPV4_NEIGHBORS: StatesResponseChoiceEnum("ipv4_neighbors"), IPV6_NEIGHBORS: StatesResponseChoiceEnum("ipv6_neighbors"), }
Enum of Choice on StatesResponse
var TransmitStateState = struct { START TransmitStateStateEnum STOP TransmitStateStateEnum PAUSE TransmitStateStateEnum }{ START: TransmitStateStateEnum("start"), STOP: TransmitStateStateEnum("stop"), PAUSE: TransmitStateStateEnum("pause"), }
Enum of State on TransmitState
Functions ¶
func StartMockGrpcServer ¶
func StartMockHttpServer ¶
func StartMockHttpServer(location string)
Types ¶
type Api ¶
type Api interface { NewGrpcTransport() GrpcTransport NewHttpTransport() HttpTransport Close() error // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type BgpAddPath ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpAddPath interface { Msg() *otg.BgpAddPath SetMsg(*otg.BgpAddPath) BgpAddPath // ToPbText marshals BgpAddPath to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpAddPath to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpAddPath to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpAddPath from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpAddPath from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpAddPath from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpAddPath Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // PathId returns int32, set in BgpAddPath. PathId() int32 // SetPathId assigns int32 provided by user to BgpAddPath SetPathId(value int32) BgpAddPath // HasPathId checks if PathId has been set in BgpAddPath HasPathId() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpAddPath is the BGP Additional Paths feature is a BGP extension that allows the advertisement of multiple paths for the same prefix without the new paths implicitly replacing any previous paths.
func NewBgpAddPath ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpAddPath() BgpAddPath
type BgpAdvanced ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpAdvanced interface { Msg() *otg.BgpAdvanced SetMsg(*otg.BgpAdvanced) BgpAdvanced // ToPbText marshals BgpAdvanced to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpAdvanced to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpAdvanced to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpAdvanced from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpAdvanced from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpAdvanced from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpAdvanced Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // HoldTimeInterval returns int32, set in BgpAdvanced. HoldTimeInterval() int32 // SetHoldTimeInterval assigns int32 provided by user to BgpAdvanced SetHoldTimeInterval(value int32) BgpAdvanced // HasHoldTimeInterval checks if HoldTimeInterval has been set in BgpAdvanced HasHoldTimeInterval() bool // KeepAliveInterval returns int32, set in BgpAdvanced. KeepAliveInterval() int32 // SetKeepAliveInterval assigns int32 provided by user to BgpAdvanced SetKeepAliveInterval(value int32) BgpAdvanced // HasKeepAliveInterval checks if KeepAliveInterval has been set in BgpAdvanced HasKeepAliveInterval() bool // UpdateInterval returns int32, set in BgpAdvanced. UpdateInterval() int32 // SetUpdateInterval assigns int32 provided by user to BgpAdvanced SetUpdateInterval(value int32) BgpAdvanced // HasUpdateInterval checks if UpdateInterval has been set in BgpAdvanced HasUpdateInterval() bool // TimeToLive returns int32, set in BgpAdvanced. TimeToLive() int32 // SetTimeToLive assigns int32 provided by user to BgpAdvanced SetTimeToLive(value int32) BgpAdvanced // HasTimeToLive checks if TimeToLive has been set in BgpAdvanced HasTimeToLive() bool // Md5Key returns string, set in BgpAdvanced. Md5Key() string // SetMd5Key assigns string provided by user to BgpAdvanced SetMd5Key(value string) BgpAdvanced // HasMd5Key checks if Md5Key has been set in BgpAdvanced HasMd5Key() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpAdvanced is status: under-review Status: under-review Configuration for BGP advanced settings.
func NewBgpAdvanced ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpAdvanced() BgpAdvanced
type BgpAsPath ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpAsPath interface { Msg() *otg.BgpAsPath SetMsg(*otg.BgpAsPath) BgpAsPath // ToPbText marshals BgpAsPath to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpAsPath to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpAsPath to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpAsPath from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpAsPath from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpAsPath from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpAsPath Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // AsSetMode returns BgpAsPathAsSetModeEnum, set in BgpAsPath AsSetMode() BgpAsPathAsSetModeEnum // SetAsSetMode assigns BgpAsPathAsSetModeEnum provided by user to BgpAsPath SetAsSetMode(value BgpAsPathAsSetModeEnum) BgpAsPath // HasAsSetMode checks if AsSetMode has been set in BgpAsPath HasAsSetMode() bool // Segments returns BgpAsPathBgpAsPathSegmentIter, set in BgpAsPath Segments() BgpAsPathBgpAsPathSegmentIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpAsPath is this attribute identifies the autonomous systems through which routing information carried in this UPDATE message has passed. This contains the configuration of how to include the Local AS in the AS path attribute of the MP REACH NLRI. It also contains optional configuration of additional AS Path Segments that can be included in the AS Path attribute. The AS Path consists of a Set or Sequence of Autonomous Systems (AS) numbers that a routing information passes through to reach the destination.
func NewBgpAsPath ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpAsPath() BgpAsPath
type BgpAsPathAsSetModeEnum ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpAsPathAsSetModeEnum string
type BgpAsPathBgpAsPathSegmentIter ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpAsPathBgpAsPathSegmentIter interface { Items() []BgpAsPathSegment Add() BgpAsPathSegment Append(items ...BgpAsPathSegment) BgpAsPathBgpAsPathSegmentIter Set(index int, newObj BgpAsPathSegment) BgpAsPathBgpAsPathSegmentIter Clear() BgpAsPathBgpAsPathSegmentIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type BgpAsPathSegment ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpAsPathSegment interface { Msg() *otg.BgpAsPathSegment SetMsg(*otg.BgpAsPathSegment) BgpAsPathSegment // ToPbText marshals BgpAsPathSegment to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpAsPathSegment to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpAsPathSegment to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpAsPathSegment from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpAsPathSegment from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpAsPathSegment from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpAsPathSegment Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Type returns BgpAsPathSegmentTypeEnum, set in BgpAsPathSegment Type() BgpAsPathSegmentTypeEnum // SetType assigns BgpAsPathSegmentTypeEnum provided by user to BgpAsPathSegment SetType(value BgpAsPathSegmentTypeEnum) BgpAsPathSegment // HasType checks if Type has been set in BgpAsPathSegment HasType() bool // AsNumbers returns []int64, set in BgpAsPathSegment. AsNumbers() []int64 // SetAsNumbers assigns []int64 provided by user to BgpAsPathSegment SetAsNumbers(value []int64) BgpAsPathSegment // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpAsPathSegment is configuration for a single BGP AS path segment
func NewBgpAsPathSegment ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpAsPathSegment() BgpAsPathSegment
type BgpAsPathSegmentTypeEnum ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpAsPathSegmentTypeEnum string
type BgpCapability ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpCapability interface { Msg() *otg.BgpCapability SetMsg(*otg.BgpCapability) BgpCapability // ToPbText marshals BgpCapability to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpCapability to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpCapability to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpCapability from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpCapability from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpCapability from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpCapability Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Ipv4Unicast returns bool, set in BgpCapability. Ipv4Unicast() bool // SetIpv4Unicast assigns bool provided by user to BgpCapability SetIpv4Unicast(value bool) BgpCapability // HasIpv4Unicast checks if Ipv4Unicast has been set in BgpCapability HasIpv4Unicast() bool // Ipv4Multicast returns bool, set in BgpCapability. Ipv4Multicast() bool // SetIpv4Multicast assigns bool provided by user to BgpCapability SetIpv4Multicast(value bool) BgpCapability // HasIpv4Multicast checks if Ipv4Multicast has been set in BgpCapability HasIpv4Multicast() bool // Ipv6Unicast returns bool, set in BgpCapability. Ipv6Unicast() bool // SetIpv6Unicast assigns bool provided by user to BgpCapability SetIpv6Unicast(value bool) BgpCapability // HasIpv6Unicast checks if Ipv6Unicast has been set in BgpCapability HasIpv6Unicast() bool // Ipv6Multicast returns bool, set in BgpCapability. Ipv6Multicast() bool // SetIpv6Multicast assigns bool provided by user to BgpCapability SetIpv6Multicast(value bool) BgpCapability // HasIpv6Multicast checks if Ipv6Multicast has been set in BgpCapability HasIpv6Multicast() bool // Vpls returns bool, set in BgpCapability. Vpls() bool // SetVpls assigns bool provided by user to BgpCapability SetVpls(value bool) BgpCapability // HasVpls checks if Vpls has been set in BgpCapability HasVpls() bool // RouteRefresh returns bool, set in BgpCapability. RouteRefresh() bool // SetRouteRefresh assigns bool provided by user to BgpCapability SetRouteRefresh(value bool) BgpCapability // HasRouteRefresh checks if RouteRefresh has been set in BgpCapability HasRouteRefresh() bool // RouteConstraint returns bool, set in BgpCapability. RouteConstraint() bool // SetRouteConstraint assigns bool provided by user to BgpCapability SetRouteConstraint(value bool) BgpCapability // HasRouteConstraint checks if RouteConstraint has been set in BgpCapability HasRouteConstraint() bool // LinkStateNonVpn returns bool, set in BgpCapability. LinkStateNonVpn() bool // SetLinkStateNonVpn assigns bool provided by user to BgpCapability SetLinkStateNonVpn(value bool) BgpCapability // HasLinkStateNonVpn checks if LinkStateNonVpn has been set in BgpCapability HasLinkStateNonVpn() bool // LinkStateVpn returns bool, set in BgpCapability. LinkStateVpn() bool // SetLinkStateVpn assigns bool provided by user to BgpCapability SetLinkStateVpn(value bool) BgpCapability // HasLinkStateVpn checks if LinkStateVpn has been set in BgpCapability HasLinkStateVpn() bool // Evpn returns bool, set in BgpCapability. Evpn() bool // SetEvpn assigns bool provided by user to BgpCapability SetEvpn(value bool) BgpCapability // HasEvpn checks if Evpn has been set in BgpCapability HasEvpn() bool // ExtendedNextHopEncoding returns bool, set in BgpCapability. ExtendedNextHopEncoding() bool // SetExtendedNextHopEncoding assigns bool provided by user to BgpCapability SetExtendedNextHopEncoding(value bool) BgpCapability // HasExtendedNextHopEncoding checks if ExtendedNextHopEncoding has been set in BgpCapability HasExtendedNextHopEncoding() bool // Ipv4MulticastVpn returns bool, set in BgpCapability. Ipv4MulticastVpn() bool // SetIpv4MulticastVpn assigns bool provided by user to BgpCapability SetIpv4MulticastVpn(value bool) BgpCapability // HasIpv4MulticastVpn checks if Ipv4MulticastVpn has been set in BgpCapability HasIpv4MulticastVpn() bool // Ipv4MplsVpn returns bool, set in BgpCapability. Ipv4MplsVpn() bool // SetIpv4MplsVpn assigns bool provided by user to BgpCapability SetIpv4MplsVpn(value bool) BgpCapability // HasIpv4MplsVpn checks if Ipv4MplsVpn has been set in BgpCapability HasIpv4MplsVpn() bool // Ipv4Mdt returns bool, set in BgpCapability. Ipv4Mdt() bool // SetIpv4Mdt assigns bool provided by user to BgpCapability SetIpv4Mdt(value bool) BgpCapability // HasIpv4Mdt checks if Ipv4Mdt has been set in BgpCapability HasIpv4Mdt() bool // Ipv4MulticastMplsVpn returns bool, set in BgpCapability. Ipv4MulticastMplsVpn() bool // SetIpv4MulticastMplsVpn assigns bool provided by user to BgpCapability SetIpv4MulticastMplsVpn(value bool) BgpCapability // HasIpv4MulticastMplsVpn checks if Ipv4MulticastMplsVpn has been set in BgpCapability HasIpv4MulticastMplsVpn() bool // Ipv4UnicastFlowSpec returns bool, set in BgpCapability. Ipv4UnicastFlowSpec() bool // SetIpv4UnicastFlowSpec assigns bool provided by user to BgpCapability SetIpv4UnicastFlowSpec(value bool) BgpCapability // HasIpv4UnicastFlowSpec checks if Ipv4UnicastFlowSpec has been set in BgpCapability HasIpv4UnicastFlowSpec() bool // Ipv4SrTePolicy returns bool, set in BgpCapability. Ipv4SrTePolicy() bool // SetIpv4SrTePolicy assigns bool provided by user to BgpCapability SetIpv4SrTePolicy(value bool) BgpCapability // HasIpv4SrTePolicy checks if Ipv4SrTePolicy has been set in BgpCapability HasIpv4SrTePolicy() bool // Ipv4UnicastAddPath returns bool, set in BgpCapability. Ipv4UnicastAddPath() bool // SetIpv4UnicastAddPath assigns bool provided by user to BgpCapability SetIpv4UnicastAddPath(value bool) BgpCapability // HasIpv4UnicastAddPath checks if Ipv4UnicastAddPath has been set in BgpCapability HasIpv4UnicastAddPath() bool // Ipv6MulticastVpn returns bool, set in BgpCapability. Ipv6MulticastVpn() bool // SetIpv6MulticastVpn assigns bool provided by user to BgpCapability SetIpv6MulticastVpn(value bool) BgpCapability // HasIpv6MulticastVpn checks if Ipv6MulticastVpn has been set in BgpCapability HasIpv6MulticastVpn() bool // Ipv6MplsVpn returns bool, set in BgpCapability. Ipv6MplsVpn() bool // SetIpv6MplsVpn assigns bool provided by user to BgpCapability SetIpv6MplsVpn(value bool) BgpCapability // HasIpv6MplsVpn checks if Ipv6MplsVpn has been set in BgpCapability HasIpv6MplsVpn() bool // Ipv6Mdt returns bool, set in BgpCapability. Ipv6Mdt() bool // SetIpv6Mdt assigns bool provided by user to BgpCapability SetIpv6Mdt(value bool) BgpCapability // HasIpv6Mdt checks if Ipv6Mdt has been set in BgpCapability HasIpv6Mdt() bool // Ipv6MulticastMplsVpn returns bool, set in BgpCapability. Ipv6MulticastMplsVpn() bool // SetIpv6MulticastMplsVpn assigns bool provided by user to BgpCapability SetIpv6MulticastMplsVpn(value bool) BgpCapability // HasIpv6MulticastMplsVpn checks if Ipv6MulticastMplsVpn has been set in BgpCapability HasIpv6MulticastMplsVpn() bool // Ipv6UnicastFlowSpec returns bool, set in BgpCapability. Ipv6UnicastFlowSpec() bool // SetIpv6UnicastFlowSpec assigns bool provided by user to BgpCapability SetIpv6UnicastFlowSpec(value bool) BgpCapability // HasIpv6UnicastFlowSpec checks if Ipv6UnicastFlowSpec has been set in BgpCapability HasIpv6UnicastFlowSpec() bool // Ipv6SrTePolicy returns bool, set in BgpCapability. Ipv6SrTePolicy() bool // SetIpv6SrTePolicy assigns bool provided by user to BgpCapability SetIpv6SrTePolicy(value bool) BgpCapability // HasIpv6SrTePolicy checks if Ipv6SrTePolicy has been set in BgpCapability HasIpv6SrTePolicy() bool // Ipv6UnicastAddPath returns bool, set in BgpCapability. Ipv6UnicastAddPath() bool // SetIpv6UnicastAddPath assigns bool provided by user to BgpCapability SetIpv6UnicastAddPath(value bool) BgpCapability // HasIpv6UnicastAddPath checks if Ipv6UnicastAddPath has been set in BgpCapability HasIpv6UnicastAddPath() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpCapability is status: under-review Status: under-review Configuration for BGP capability settings.
func NewBgpCapability ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpCapability() BgpCapability
type BgpCommunity ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpCommunity interface { Msg() *otg.BgpCommunity SetMsg(*otg.BgpCommunity) BgpCommunity // ToPbText marshals BgpCommunity to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpCommunity to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpCommunity to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpCommunity from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpCommunity from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpCommunity from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpCommunity Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Type returns BgpCommunityTypeEnum, set in BgpCommunity Type() BgpCommunityTypeEnum // SetType assigns BgpCommunityTypeEnum provided by user to BgpCommunity SetType(value BgpCommunityTypeEnum) BgpCommunity // HasType checks if Type has been set in BgpCommunity HasType() bool // AsNumber returns int32, set in BgpCommunity. AsNumber() int32 // SetAsNumber assigns int32 provided by user to BgpCommunity SetAsNumber(value int32) BgpCommunity // HasAsNumber checks if AsNumber has been set in BgpCommunity HasAsNumber() bool // AsCustom returns int32, set in BgpCommunity. AsCustom() int32 // SetAsCustom assigns int32 provided by user to BgpCommunity SetAsCustom(value int32) BgpCommunity // HasAsCustom checks if AsCustom has been set in BgpCommunity HasAsCustom() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpCommunity is bGP communities provide additional capability for tagging routes and for modifying BGP routing policy on upstream and downstream routers. BGP community is a 32-bit number which is broken into 16-bit AS number and a 16-bit custom value.
func NewBgpCommunity ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpCommunity() BgpCommunity
type BgpCommunityTypeEnum ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpCommunityTypeEnum string
type BgpExtCommunity ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpExtCommunity interface { Msg() *otg.BgpExtCommunity SetMsg(*otg.BgpExtCommunity) BgpExtCommunity // ToPbText marshals BgpExtCommunity to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpExtCommunity to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpExtCommunity to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpExtCommunity from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpExtCommunity from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpExtCommunity from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpExtCommunity Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Type returns BgpExtCommunityTypeEnum, set in BgpExtCommunity Type() BgpExtCommunityTypeEnum // SetType assigns BgpExtCommunityTypeEnum provided by user to BgpExtCommunity SetType(value BgpExtCommunityTypeEnum) BgpExtCommunity // HasType checks if Type has been set in BgpExtCommunity HasType() bool // Subtype returns BgpExtCommunitySubtypeEnum, set in BgpExtCommunity Subtype() BgpExtCommunitySubtypeEnum // SetSubtype assigns BgpExtCommunitySubtypeEnum provided by user to BgpExtCommunity SetSubtype(value BgpExtCommunitySubtypeEnum) BgpExtCommunity // HasSubtype checks if Subtype has been set in BgpExtCommunity HasSubtype() bool // Value returns string, set in BgpExtCommunity. Value() string // SetValue assigns string provided by user to BgpExtCommunity SetValue(value string) BgpExtCommunity // HasValue checks if Value has been set in BgpExtCommunity HasValue() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpExtCommunity is the Extended Communities Attribute is a transitive optional BGP attribute, with the Type Code 16. Community and Extended Communities attributes to trigger routing decisions, such as acceptance, rejection, preference, or redistribution. An extended community is an 8-Bytes value. It is also divided into two main parts. The first 2 Bytes of the community encode a type and sub-type fields and the last 6 Bytes carry a unique set of data in a format defined by the type and sub-type field. Extended communities provide a larger range for grouping or categorizing communities.
func NewBgpExtCommunity ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpExtCommunity() BgpExtCommunity
type BgpExtCommunitySubtypeEnum ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpExtCommunitySubtypeEnum string
type BgpExtCommunityTypeEnum ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpExtCommunityTypeEnum string
type BgpRouteAdvanced ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpRouteAdvanced interface { Msg() *otg.BgpRouteAdvanced SetMsg(*otg.BgpRouteAdvanced) BgpRouteAdvanced // ToPbText marshals BgpRouteAdvanced to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpRouteAdvanced to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpRouteAdvanced to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpRouteAdvanced from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpRouteAdvanced from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpRouteAdvanced from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpRouteAdvanced Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // MultiExitDiscriminator returns int32, set in BgpRouteAdvanced. MultiExitDiscriminator() int32 // SetMultiExitDiscriminator assigns int32 provided by user to BgpRouteAdvanced SetMultiExitDiscriminator(value int32) BgpRouteAdvanced // HasMultiExitDiscriminator checks if MultiExitDiscriminator has been set in BgpRouteAdvanced HasMultiExitDiscriminator() bool // Origin returns BgpRouteAdvancedOriginEnum, set in BgpRouteAdvanced Origin() BgpRouteAdvancedOriginEnum // SetOrigin assigns BgpRouteAdvancedOriginEnum provided by user to BgpRouteAdvanced SetOrigin(value BgpRouteAdvancedOriginEnum) BgpRouteAdvanced // HasOrigin checks if Origin has been set in BgpRouteAdvanced HasOrigin() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpRouteAdvanced is configuration for advanced BGP route range settings.
func NewBgpRouteAdvanced ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpRouteAdvanced() BgpRouteAdvanced
type BgpRouteAdvancedOriginEnum ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpRouteAdvancedOriginEnum string
type BgpSrteBindingSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteBindingSubTlv interface { Msg() *otg.BgpSrteBindingSubTlv SetMsg(*otg.BgpSrteBindingSubTlv) BgpSrteBindingSubTlv // ToPbText marshals BgpSrteBindingSubTlv to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpSrteBindingSubTlv to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpSrteBindingSubTlv to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpSrteBindingSubTlv from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpSrteBindingSubTlv from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpSrteBindingSubTlv from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpSrteBindingSubTlv Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // BindingSidType returns BgpSrteBindingSubTlvBindingSidTypeEnum, set in BgpSrteBindingSubTlv BindingSidType() BgpSrteBindingSubTlvBindingSidTypeEnum // SetBindingSidType assigns BgpSrteBindingSubTlvBindingSidTypeEnum provided by user to BgpSrteBindingSubTlv SetBindingSidType(value BgpSrteBindingSubTlvBindingSidTypeEnum) BgpSrteBindingSubTlv // HasBindingSidType checks if BindingSidType has been set in BgpSrteBindingSubTlv HasBindingSidType() bool // FourOctetSid returns int32, set in BgpSrteBindingSubTlv. FourOctetSid() int32 // SetFourOctetSid assigns int32 provided by user to BgpSrteBindingSubTlv SetFourOctetSid(value int32) BgpSrteBindingSubTlv // HasFourOctetSid checks if FourOctetSid has been set in BgpSrteBindingSubTlv HasFourOctetSid() bool // Ipv6Sid returns string, set in BgpSrteBindingSubTlv. Ipv6Sid() string // SetIpv6Sid assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteBindingSubTlv SetIpv6Sid(value string) BgpSrteBindingSubTlv // HasIpv6Sid checks if Ipv6Sid has been set in BgpSrteBindingSubTlv HasIpv6Sid() bool // SFlag returns bool, set in BgpSrteBindingSubTlv. SFlag() bool // SetSFlag assigns bool provided by user to BgpSrteBindingSubTlv SetSFlag(value bool) BgpSrteBindingSubTlv // HasSFlag checks if SFlag has been set in BgpSrteBindingSubTlv HasSFlag() bool // IFlag returns bool, set in BgpSrteBindingSubTlv. IFlag() bool // SetIFlag assigns bool provided by user to BgpSrteBindingSubTlv SetIFlag(value bool) BgpSrteBindingSubTlv // HasIFlag checks if IFlag has been set in BgpSrteBindingSubTlv HasIFlag() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpSrteBindingSubTlv is configuration for the binding SID sub-TLV. This is used to signal the binding SID related information of the SR Policy candidate path.
func NewBgpSrteBindingSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpSrteBindingSubTlv() BgpSrteBindingSubTlv
type BgpSrteBindingSubTlvBindingSidTypeEnum ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteBindingSubTlvBindingSidTypeEnum string
type BgpSrteColorSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteColorSubTlv interface { Msg() *otg.BgpSrteColorSubTlv SetMsg(*otg.BgpSrteColorSubTlv) BgpSrteColorSubTlv // ToPbText marshals BgpSrteColorSubTlv to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpSrteColorSubTlv to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpSrteColorSubTlv to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpSrteColorSubTlv from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpSrteColorSubTlv from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpSrteColorSubTlv from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpSrteColorSubTlv Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Color returns string, set in BgpSrteColorSubTlv. Color() string // SetColor assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteColorSubTlv SetColor(value string) BgpSrteColorSubTlv // HasColor checks if Color has been set in BgpSrteColorSubTlv HasColor() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpSrteColorSubTlv is configuration for the Policy Color attribute sub-TLV. The Color sub-TLV MAY be used as a way to "color" the corresponding Tunnel TLV. The Value field of the sub-TLV is eight octets long and consists of a Color Extended Community. First two octets of its Value field are 0x030b as type and subtype of extended community. Remaining six octets are are exposed to configure.
func NewBgpSrteColorSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpSrteColorSubTlv() BgpSrteColorSubTlv
type BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv interface { Msg() *otg.BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv SetMsg(*otg.BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv) BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv // ToPbText marshals BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // ExplicitNullLabelPolicy returns BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlvExplicitNullLabelPolicyEnum, set in BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv ExplicitNullLabelPolicy() BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlvExplicitNullLabelPolicyEnum // SetExplicitNullLabelPolicy assigns BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlvExplicitNullLabelPolicyEnum provided by user to BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv SetExplicitNullLabelPolicy(value BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlvExplicitNullLabelPolicyEnum) BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv // HasExplicitNullLabelPolicy checks if ExplicitNullLabelPolicy has been set in BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv HasExplicitNullLabelPolicy() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv is configuration for BGP explicit null label policy sub TLV settings.
func NewBgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv() BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv
type BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlvExplicitNullLabelPolicyEnum ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlvExplicitNullLabelPolicyEnum string
type BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv interface { Msg() *otg.BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv SetMsg(*otg.BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv) BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv // ToPbText marshals BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // PolicyName returns string, set in BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv. PolicyName() string // SetPolicyName assigns string provided by user to BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv SetPolicyName(value string) BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv // HasPolicyName checks if PolicyName has been set in BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv HasPolicyName() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv is configuration for the Policy Name sub-TLV. The Policy Name sub-TLV is used to attach a symbolic name to the SR Policy candidate path.
func NewBgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv() BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv
type BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv interface { Msg() *otg.BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv SetMsg(*otg.BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv) BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv // ToPbText marshals BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // PolicyPriority returns int32, set in BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv. PolicyPriority() int32 // SetPolicyPriority assigns int32 provided by user to BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv SetPolicyPriority(value int32) BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv // HasPolicyPriority checks if PolicyPriority has been set in BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv HasPolicyPriority() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv is configuration for the Policy Priority sub-TLV. The Policy Priority to indicate the order in which the SR policies are re-computed upon topological change.
func NewBgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv() BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv
type BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv interface { Msg() *otg.BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv SetMsg(*otg.BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv) BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv // ToPbText marshals BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Preference returns int64, set in BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv. Preference() int64 // SetPreference assigns int64 provided by user to BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv SetPreference(value int64) BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv // HasPreference checks if Preference has been set in BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv HasPreference() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv is configuration for BGP preference sub TLV of the SR Policy candidate path.
func NewBgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv() BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv
type BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv interface { Msg() *otg.BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv SetMsg(*otg.BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv) BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv // ToPbText marshals BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // AsNumber returns int64, set in BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv. AsNumber() int64 // SetAsNumber assigns int64 provided by user to BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv SetAsNumber(value int64) BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv // HasAsNumber checks if AsNumber has been set in BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv HasAsNumber() bool // AddressFamily returns BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlvAddressFamilyEnum, set in BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv AddressFamily() BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlvAddressFamilyEnum // SetAddressFamily assigns BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlvAddressFamilyEnum provided by user to BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv SetAddressFamily(value BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlvAddressFamilyEnum) BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv // HasAddressFamily checks if AddressFamily has been set in BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv HasAddressFamily() bool // Ipv4Address returns string, set in BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv. Ipv4Address() string // SetIpv4Address assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv SetIpv4Address(value string) BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv // HasIpv4Address checks if Ipv4Address has been set in BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv HasIpv4Address() bool // Ipv6Address returns string, set in BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv. Ipv6Address() string // SetIpv6Address assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv SetIpv6Address(value string) BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv // HasIpv6Address checks if Ipv6Address has been set in BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv HasIpv6Address() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv is configuration for the BGP remote endpoint sub TLV.
func NewBgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv() BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv
type BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlvAddressFamilyEnum ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlvAddressFamilyEnum string
type BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure interface { Msg() *otg.BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure SetMsg(*otg.BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure) BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure // ToPbText marshals BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // LbLength returns int32, set in BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure. LbLength() int32 // SetLbLength assigns int32 provided by user to BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure SetLbLength(value int32) BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure // HasLbLength checks if LbLength has been set in BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure HasLbLength() bool // LnLength returns int32, set in BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure. LnLength() int32 // SetLnLength assigns int32 provided by user to BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure SetLnLength(value int32) BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure // HasLnLength checks if LnLength has been set in BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure HasLnLength() bool // FuncLength returns int32, set in BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure. FuncLength() int32 // SetFuncLength assigns int32 provided by user to BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure SetFuncLength(value int32) BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure // HasFuncLength checks if FuncLength has been set in BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure HasFuncLength() bool // ArgLength returns int32, set in BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure. ArgLength() int32 // SetArgLength assigns int32 provided by user to BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure SetArgLength(value int32) BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure // HasArgLength checks if ArgLength has been set in BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure HasArgLength() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure is configuration for SRv6 Endpoint Behavior and SID Structure. Its optional. Summation of lengths for Locator Block, Locator Node, Function, and Argument MUST be less than or equal to 128.
func NewBgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure() BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure
type BgpSrteSegment ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteSegment interface { Msg() *otg.BgpSrteSegment SetMsg(*otg.BgpSrteSegment) BgpSrteSegment // ToPbText marshals BgpSrteSegment to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpSrteSegment to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpSrteSegment to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpSrteSegment from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpSrteSegment from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpSrteSegment from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpSrteSegment Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // SegmentType returns BgpSrteSegmentSegmentTypeEnum, set in BgpSrteSegment SegmentType() BgpSrteSegmentSegmentTypeEnum // SetSegmentType assigns BgpSrteSegmentSegmentTypeEnum provided by user to BgpSrteSegment SetSegmentType(value BgpSrteSegmentSegmentTypeEnum) BgpSrteSegment // TypeA returns BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv, set in BgpSrteSegment. // BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv is type A: SID only, in the form of MPLS Label. // Configuration for SR-MPLS with Label, TC, Bottom-of-Stack and TTL. TypeA() BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv // SetTypeA assigns BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv provided by user to BgpSrteSegment. // BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv is type A: SID only, in the form of MPLS Label. // Configuration for SR-MPLS with Label, TC, Bottom-of-Stack and TTL. SetTypeA(value BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv) BgpSrteSegment // HasTypeA checks if TypeA has been set in BgpSrteSegment HasTypeA() bool // TypeB returns BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv, set in BgpSrteSegment. // BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv is type B: SID only, in the form of IPv6 address. TypeB() BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv // SetTypeB assigns BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv provided by user to BgpSrteSegment. // BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv is type B: SID only, in the form of IPv6 address. SetTypeB(value BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv) BgpSrteSegment // HasTypeB checks if TypeB has been set in BgpSrteSegment HasTypeB() bool // TypeC returns BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv, set in BgpSrteSegment. // BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv is status: under-review // Status: under-review // Type C: IPv4 Node Address with optional SID. TypeC() BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv // SetTypeC assigns BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv provided by user to BgpSrteSegment. // BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv is status: under-review // Status: under-review // Type C: IPv4 Node Address with optional SID. SetTypeC(value BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv) BgpSrteSegment // HasTypeC checks if TypeC has been set in BgpSrteSegment HasTypeC() bool // TypeD returns BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv, set in BgpSrteSegment. // BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv is type D: IPv6 Node Address with optional SID for SR MPLS. TypeD() BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv // SetTypeD assigns BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv provided by user to BgpSrteSegment. // BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv is type D: IPv6 Node Address with optional SID for SR MPLS. SetTypeD(value BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv) BgpSrteSegment // HasTypeD checks if TypeD has been set in BgpSrteSegment HasTypeD() bool // TypeE returns BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv, set in BgpSrteSegment. // BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv is type E: IPv4 Address and Local Interface ID with optional SID TypeE() BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv // SetTypeE assigns BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv provided by user to BgpSrteSegment. // BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv is type E: IPv4 Address and Local Interface ID with optional SID SetTypeE(value BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv) BgpSrteSegment // HasTypeE checks if TypeE has been set in BgpSrteSegment HasTypeE() bool // TypeF returns BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv, set in BgpSrteSegment. // BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv is type F: IPv4 Local and Remote addresses with optional SID. TypeF() BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv // SetTypeF assigns BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv provided by user to BgpSrteSegment. // BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv is type F: IPv4 Local and Remote addresses with optional SID. SetTypeF(value BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv) BgpSrteSegment // HasTypeF checks if TypeF has been set in BgpSrteSegment HasTypeF() bool // TypeG returns BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv, set in BgpSrteSegment. // BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv is type G: IPv6 Address, Interface ID for local and remote pair with optional SID for SR MPLS. TypeG() BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv // SetTypeG assigns BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv provided by user to BgpSrteSegment. // BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv is type G: IPv6 Address, Interface ID for local and remote pair with optional SID for SR MPLS. SetTypeG(value BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv) BgpSrteSegment // HasTypeG checks if TypeG has been set in BgpSrteSegment HasTypeG() bool // TypeH returns BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv, set in BgpSrteSegment. // BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv is type H: IPv6 Local and Remote addresses with optional SID for SR MPLS. TypeH() BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv // SetTypeH assigns BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv provided by user to BgpSrteSegment. // BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv is type H: IPv6 Local and Remote addresses with optional SID for SR MPLS. SetTypeH(value BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv) BgpSrteSegment // HasTypeH checks if TypeH has been set in BgpSrteSegment HasTypeH() bool // TypeI returns BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv, set in BgpSrteSegment. // BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv is type I: IPv6 Node Address with optional SRv6 SID. TypeI() BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv // SetTypeI assigns BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv provided by user to BgpSrteSegment. // BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv is type I: IPv6 Node Address with optional SRv6 SID. SetTypeI(value BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv) BgpSrteSegment // HasTypeI checks if TypeI has been set in BgpSrteSegment HasTypeI() bool // TypeJ returns BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv, set in BgpSrteSegment. // BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv is type J: IPv6 Address, Interface ID for local and remote pair for SRv6 with optional SID. TypeJ() BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv // SetTypeJ assigns BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv provided by user to BgpSrteSegment. // BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv is type J: IPv6 Address, Interface ID for local and remote pair for SRv6 with optional SID. SetTypeJ(value BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv) BgpSrteSegment // HasTypeJ checks if TypeJ has been set in BgpSrteSegment HasTypeJ() bool // TypeK returns BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv, set in BgpSrteSegment. // BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv is type K: IPv6 Local and Remote addresses for SRv6 with optional SID. TypeK() BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv // SetTypeK assigns BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv provided by user to BgpSrteSegment. // BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv is type K: IPv6 Local and Remote addresses for SRv6 with optional SID. SetTypeK(value BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv) BgpSrteSegment // HasTypeK checks if TypeK has been set in BgpSrteSegment HasTypeK() bool // Name returns string, set in BgpSrteSegment. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegment SetName(value string) BgpSrteSegment // Active returns bool, set in BgpSrteSegment. Active() bool // SetActive assigns bool provided by user to BgpSrteSegment SetActive(value bool) BgpSrteSegment // HasActive checks if Active has been set in BgpSrteSegment HasActive() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpSrteSegment is status: under-review Status: under-review A Segment sub-TLV describes a single segment in a segment list i.e., a single element of the explicit path. The Segment sub-TLVs are optional.
func NewBgpSrteSegment ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpSrteSegment() BgpSrteSegment
type BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv interface { Msg() *otg.BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv SetMsg(*otg.BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv) BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv // ToPbText marshals BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Flags returns string, set in BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv. Flags() string // SetFlags assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv SetFlags(value string) BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv // HasFlags checks if Flags has been set in BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv HasFlags() bool // Label returns int32, set in BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv. Label() int32 // SetLabel assigns int32 provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv SetLabel(value int32) BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv // HasLabel checks if Label has been set in BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv HasLabel() bool // Tc returns int32, set in BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv. Tc() int32 // SetTc assigns int32 provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv SetTc(value int32) BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv // HasTc checks if Tc has been set in BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv HasTc() bool // SBit returns bool, set in BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv. SBit() bool // SetSBit assigns bool provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv SetSBit(value bool) BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv // HasSBit checks if SBit has been set in BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv HasSBit() bool // Ttl returns int32, set in BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv. Ttl() int32 // SetTtl assigns int32 provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv SetTtl(value int32) BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv // HasTtl checks if Ttl has been set in BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv HasTtl() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv is type A: SID only, in the form of MPLS Label. Configuration for SR-MPLS with Label, TC, Bottom-of-Stack and TTL.
func NewBgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv() BgpSrteSegmentATypeSubTlv
type BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv interface { Msg() *otg.BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv SetMsg(*otg.BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv) BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv // ToPbText marshals BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Flags returns string, set in BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv. Flags() string // SetFlags assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv SetFlags(value string) BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv // HasFlags checks if Flags has been set in BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv HasFlags() bool // Srv6Sid returns string, set in BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv. Srv6Sid() string // SetSrv6Sid assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv SetSrv6Sid(value string) BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv // Srv6SidEndpointBehavior returns BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure, set in BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv. // BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure is configuration for SRv6 Endpoint Behavior and SID Structure. Its optional. Summation of lengths for Locator Block, Locator Node, Function, and Argument MUST be less than or equal to 128. Srv6SidEndpointBehavior() BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure // SetSrv6SidEndpointBehavior assigns BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv. // BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure is configuration for SRv6 Endpoint Behavior and SID Structure. Its optional. Summation of lengths for Locator Block, Locator Node, Function, and Argument MUST be less than or equal to 128. SetSrv6SidEndpointBehavior(value BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure) BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv // HasSrv6SidEndpointBehavior checks if Srv6SidEndpointBehavior has been set in BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv HasSrv6SidEndpointBehavior() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv is type B: SID only, in the form of IPv6 address.
func NewBgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv() BgpSrteSegmentBTypeSubTlv
type BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv interface { Msg() *otg.BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv SetMsg(*otg.BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv) BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv // ToPbText marshals BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Flags returns string, set in BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv. Flags() string // SetFlags assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv SetFlags(value string) BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv // HasFlags checks if Flags has been set in BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv HasFlags() bool // SrAlgorithm returns int32, set in BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv. SrAlgorithm() int32 // SetSrAlgorithm assigns int32 provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv SetSrAlgorithm(value int32) BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv // HasSrAlgorithm checks if SrAlgorithm has been set in BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv HasSrAlgorithm() bool // Ipv4NodeAddress returns string, set in BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv. Ipv4NodeAddress() string // SetIpv4NodeAddress assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv SetIpv4NodeAddress(value string) BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv // SrMplsSid returns BgpSrteSrMplsSid, set in BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv. // BgpSrteSrMplsSid is configuration for SR-MPLS with Label, TC, Bottom-of-Stack and TTL. SrMplsSid() BgpSrteSrMplsSid // SetSrMplsSid assigns BgpSrteSrMplsSid provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv. // BgpSrteSrMplsSid is configuration for SR-MPLS with Label, TC, Bottom-of-Stack and TTL. SetSrMplsSid(value BgpSrteSrMplsSid) BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv // HasSrMplsSid checks if SrMplsSid has been set in BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv HasSrMplsSid() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv is status: under-review Status: under-review Type C: IPv4 Node Address with optional SID.
func NewBgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv() BgpSrteSegmentCTypeSubTlv
type BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv interface { Msg() *otg.BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv SetMsg(*otg.BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv) BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv // ToPbText marshals BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Flags returns string, set in BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv. Flags() string // SetFlags assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv SetFlags(value string) BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv // HasFlags checks if Flags has been set in BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv HasFlags() bool // SrAlgorithm returns int32, set in BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv. SrAlgorithm() int32 // SetSrAlgorithm assigns int32 provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv SetSrAlgorithm(value int32) BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv // HasSrAlgorithm checks if SrAlgorithm has been set in BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv HasSrAlgorithm() bool // Ipv6NodeAddress returns string, set in BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv. Ipv6NodeAddress() string // SetIpv6NodeAddress assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv SetIpv6NodeAddress(value string) BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv // SrMplsSid returns BgpSrteSrMplsSid, set in BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv. // BgpSrteSrMplsSid is configuration for SR-MPLS with Label, TC, Bottom-of-Stack and TTL. SrMplsSid() BgpSrteSrMplsSid // SetSrMplsSid assigns BgpSrteSrMplsSid provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv. // BgpSrteSrMplsSid is configuration for SR-MPLS with Label, TC, Bottom-of-Stack and TTL. SetSrMplsSid(value BgpSrteSrMplsSid) BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv // HasSrMplsSid checks if SrMplsSid has been set in BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv HasSrMplsSid() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv is type D: IPv6 Node Address with optional SID for SR MPLS.
func NewBgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv() BgpSrteSegmentDTypeSubTlv
type BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv interface { Msg() *otg.BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv SetMsg(*otg.BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv) BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv // ToPbText marshals BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Flags returns string, set in BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv. Flags() string // SetFlags assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv SetFlags(value string) BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv // HasFlags checks if Flags has been set in BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv HasFlags() bool // LocalInterfaceId returns int32, set in BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv. LocalInterfaceId() int32 // SetLocalInterfaceId assigns int32 provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv SetLocalInterfaceId(value int32) BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv // HasLocalInterfaceId checks if LocalInterfaceId has been set in BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv HasLocalInterfaceId() bool // Ipv4NodeAddress returns string, set in BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv. Ipv4NodeAddress() string // SetIpv4NodeAddress assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv SetIpv4NodeAddress(value string) BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv // SrMplsSid returns BgpSrteSrMplsSid, set in BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv. // BgpSrteSrMplsSid is configuration for SR-MPLS with Label, TC, Bottom-of-Stack and TTL. SrMplsSid() BgpSrteSrMplsSid // SetSrMplsSid assigns BgpSrteSrMplsSid provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv. // BgpSrteSrMplsSid is configuration for SR-MPLS with Label, TC, Bottom-of-Stack and TTL. SetSrMplsSid(value BgpSrteSrMplsSid) BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv // HasSrMplsSid checks if SrMplsSid has been set in BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv HasSrMplsSid() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv is type E: IPv4 Address and Local Interface ID with optional SID
func NewBgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv() BgpSrteSegmentETypeSubTlv
type BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv interface { Msg() *otg.BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv SetMsg(*otg.BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv) BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv // ToPbText marshals BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Flags returns string, set in BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv. Flags() string // SetFlags assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv SetFlags(value string) BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv // HasFlags checks if Flags has been set in BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv HasFlags() bool // LocalIpv4Address returns string, set in BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv. LocalIpv4Address() string // SetLocalIpv4Address assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv SetLocalIpv4Address(value string) BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv // RemoteIpv4Address returns string, set in BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv. RemoteIpv4Address() string // SetRemoteIpv4Address assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv SetRemoteIpv4Address(value string) BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv // SrMplsSid returns BgpSrteSrMplsSid, set in BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv. // BgpSrteSrMplsSid is configuration for SR-MPLS with Label, TC, Bottom-of-Stack and TTL. SrMplsSid() BgpSrteSrMplsSid // SetSrMplsSid assigns BgpSrteSrMplsSid provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv. // BgpSrteSrMplsSid is configuration for SR-MPLS with Label, TC, Bottom-of-Stack and TTL. SetSrMplsSid(value BgpSrteSrMplsSid) BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv // HasSrMplsSid checks if SrMplsSid has been set in BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv HasSrMplsSid() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv is type F: IPv4 Local and Remote addresses with optional SID.
func NewBgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv() BgpSrteSegmentFTypeSubTlv
type BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv interface { Msg() *otg.BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv SetMsg(*otg.BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv) BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv // ToPbText marshals BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Flags returns string, set in BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv. Flags() string // SetFlags assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv SetFlags(value string) BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv // HasFlags checks if Flags has been set in BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv HasFlags() bool // LocalInterfaceId returns int32, set in BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv. LocalInterfaceId() int32 // SetLocalInterfaceId assigns int32 provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv SetLocalInterfaceId(value int32) BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv // HasLocalInterfaceId checks if LocalInterfaceId has been set in BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv HasLocalInterfaceId() bool // LocalIpv6NodeAddress returns string, set in BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv. LocalIpv6NodeAddress() string // SetLocalIpv6NodeAddress assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv SetLocalIpv6NodeAddress(value string) BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv // RemoteInterfaceId returns int32, set in BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv. RemoteInterfaceId() int32 // SetRemoteInterfaceId assigns int32 provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv SetRemoteInterfaceId(value int32) BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv // HasRemoteInterfaceId checks if RemoteInterfaceId has been set in BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv HasRemoteInterfaceId() bool // RemoteIpv6NodeAddress returns string, set in BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv. RemoteIpv6NodeAddress() string // SetRemoteIpv6NodeAddress assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv SetRemoteIpv6NodeAddress(value string) BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv // SrMplsSid returns BgpSrteSrMplsSid, set in BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv. // BgpSrteSrMplsSid is configuration for SR-MPLS with Label, TC, Bottom-of-Stack and TTL. SrMplsSid() BgpSrteSrMplsSid // SetSrMplsSid assigns BgpSrteSrMplsSid provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv. // BgpSrteSrMplsSid is configuration for SR-MPLS with Label, TC, Bottom-of-Stack and TTL. SetSrMplsSid(value BgpSrteSrMplsSid) BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv // HasSrMplsSid checks if SrMplsSid has been set in BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv HasSrMplsSid() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv is type G: IPv6 Address, Interface ID for local and remote pair with optional SID for SR MPLS.
func NewBgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv() BgpSrteSegmentGTypeSubTlv
type BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv interface { Msg() *otg.BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv SetMsg(*otg.BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv) BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv // ToPbText marshals BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Flags returns string, set in BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv. Flags() string // SetFlags assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv SetFlags(value string) BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv // HasFlags checks if Flags has been set in BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv HasFlags() bool // LocalIpv6Address returns string, set in BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv. LocalIpv6Address() string // SetLocalIpv6Address assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv SetLocalIpv6Address(value string) BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv // RemoteIpv6Address returns string, set in BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv. RemoteIpv6Address() string // SetRemoteIpv6Address assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv SetRemoteIpv6Address(value string) BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv // SrMplsSid returns BgpSrteSrMplsSid, set in BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv. // BgpSrteSrMplsSid is configuration for SR-MPLS with Label, TC, Bottom-of-Stack and TTL. SrMplsSid() BgpSrteSrMplsSid // SetSrMplsSid assigns BgpSrteSrMplsSid provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv. // BgpSrteSrMplsSid is configuration for SR-MPLS with Label, TC, Bottom-of-Stack and TTL. SetSrMplsSid(value BgpSrteSrMplsSid) BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv // HasSrMplsSid checks if SrMplsSid has been set in BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv HasSrMplsSid() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv is type H: IPv6 Local and Remote addresses with optional SID for SR MPLS.
func NewBgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv() BgpSrteSegmentHTypeSubTlv
type BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv interface { Msg() *otg.BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv SetMsg(*otg.BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv) BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv // ToPbText marshals BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Flags returns string, set in BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv. Flags() string // SetFlags assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv SetFlags(value string) BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv // HasFlags checks if Flags has been set in BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv HasFlags() bool // Ipv6NodeAddress returns string, set in BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv. Ipv6NodeAddress() string // SetIpv6NodeAddress assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv SetIpv6NodeAddress(value string) BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv // Srv6Sid returns string, set in BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv. Srv6Sid() string // SetSrv6Sid assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv SetSrv6Sid(value string) BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv // HasSrv6Sid checks if Srv6Sid has been set in BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv HasSrv6Sid() bool // Srv6SidEndpointBehavior returns BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure, set in BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv. // BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure is configuration for SRv6 Endpoint Behavior and SID Structure. Its optional. Summation of lengths for Locator Block, Locator Node, Function, and Argument MUST be less than or equal to 128. Srv6SidEndpointBehavior() BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure // SetSrv6SidEndpointBehavior assigns BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv. // BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure is configuration for SRv6 Endpoint Behavior and SID Structure. Its optional. Summation of lengths for Locator Block, Locator Node, Function, and Argument MUST be less than or equal to 128. SetSrv6SidEndpointBehavior(value BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure) BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv // HasSrv6SidEndpointBehavior checks if Srv6SidEndpointBehavior has been set in BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv HasSrv6SidEndpointBehavior() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv is type I: IPv6 Node Address with optional SRv6 SID.
func NewBgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv() BgpSrteSegmentITypeSubTlv
type BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv interface { Msg() *otg.BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv SetMsg(*otg.BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv) BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv // ToPbText marshals BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Flags returns string, set in BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv. Flags() string // SetFlags assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv SetFlags(value string) BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv // HasFlags checks if Flags has been set in BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv HasFlags() bool // SrAlgorithm returns int32, set in BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv. SrAlgorithm() int32 // SetSrAlgorithm assigns int32 provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv SetSrAlgorithm(value int32) BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv // HasSrAlgorithm checks if SrAlgorithm has been set in BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv HasSrAlgorithm() bool // LocalInterfaceId returns int32, set in BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv. LocalInterfaceId() int32 // SetLocalInterfaceId assigns int32 provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv SetLocalInterfaceId(value int32) BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv // HasLocalInterfaceId checks if LocalInterfaceId has been set in BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv HasLocalInterfaceId() bool // LocalIpv6NodeAddress returns string, set in BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv. LocalIpv6NodeAddress() string // SetLocalIpv6NodeAddress assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv SetLocalIpv6NodeAddress(value string) BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv // RemoteInterfaceId returns int32, set in BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv. RemoteInterfaceId() int32 // SetRemoteInterfaceId assigns int32 provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv SetRemoteInterfaceId(value int32) BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv // HasRemoteInterfaceId checks if RemoteInterfaceId has been set in BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv HasRemoteInterfaceId() bool // RemoteIpv6NodeAddress returns string, set in BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv. RemoteIpv6NodeAddress() string // SetRemoteIpv6NodeAddress assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv SetRemoteIpv6NodeAddress(value string) BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv // Srv6Sid returns string, set in BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv. Srv6Sid() string // SetSrv6Sid assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv SetSrv6Sid(value string) BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv // HasSrv6Sid checks if Srv6Sid has been set in BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv HasSrv6Sid() bool // Srv6SidEndpointBehavior returns BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure, set in BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv. // BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure is configuration for SRv6 Endpoint Behavior and SID Structure. Its optional. Summation of lengths for Locator Block, Locator Node, Function, and Argument MUST be less than or equal to 128. Srv6SidEndpointBehavior() BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure // SetSrv6SidEndpointBehavior assigns BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv. // BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure is configuration for SRv6 Endpoint Behavior and SID Structure. Its optional. Summation of lengths for Locator Block, Locator Node, Function, and Argument MUST be less than or equal to 128. SetSrv6SidEndpointBehavior(value BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure) BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv // HasSrv6SidEndpointBehavior checks if Srv6SidEndpointBehavior has been set in BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv HasSrv6SidEndpointBehavior() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv is type J: IPv6 Address, Interface ID for local and remote pair for SRv6 with optional SID.
func NewBgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv() BgpSrteSegmentJTypeSubTlv
type BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv interface { Msg() *otg.BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv SetMsg(*otg.BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv) BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv // ToPbText marshals BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Flags returns string, set in BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv. Flags() string // SetFlags assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv SetFlags(value string) BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv // HasFlags checks if Flags has been set in BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv HasFlags() bool // SrAlgorithm returns int32, set in BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv. SrAlgorithm() int32 // SetSrAlgorithm assigns int32 provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv SetSrAlgorithm(value int32) BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv // HasSrAlgorithm checks if SrAlgorithm has been set in BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv HasSrAlgorithm() bool // LocalIpv6Address returns string, set in BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv. LocalIpv6Address() string // SetLocalIpv6Address assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv SetLocalIpv6Address(value string) BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv // RemoteIpv6Address returns string, set in BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv. RemoteIpv6Address() string // SetRemoteIpv6Address assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv SetRemoteIpv6Address(value string) BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv // Srv6Sid returns string, set in BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv. Srv6Sid() string // SetSrv6Sid assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv SetSrv6Sid(value string) BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv // HasSrv6Sid checks if Srv6Sid has been set in BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv HasSrv6Sid() bool // Srv6SidEndpointBehavior returns BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure, set in BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv. // BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure is configuration for SRv6 Endpoint Behavior and SID Structure. Its optional. Summation of lengths for Locator Block, Locator Node, Function, and Argument MUST be less than or equal to 128. Srv6SidEndpointBehavior() BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure // SetSrv6SidEndpointBehavior assigns BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv. // BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure is configuration for SRv6 Endpoint Behavior and SID Structure. Its optional. Summation of lengths for Locator Block, Locator Node, Function, and Argument MUST be less than or equal to 128. SetSrv6SidEndpointBehavior(value BgpSrteSRv6SIDEndpointBehaviorAndStructure) BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv // HasSrv6SidEndpointBehavior checks if Srv6SidEndpointBehavior has been set in BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv HasSrv6SidEndpointBehavior() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv is type K: IPv6 Local and Remote addresses for SRv6 with optional SID.
func NewBgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv() BgpSrteSegmentKTypeSubTlv
type BgpSrteSegmentList ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteSegmentList interface { Msg() *otg.BgpSrteSegmentList SetMsg(*otg.BgpSrteSegmentList) BgpSrteSegmentList // ToPbText marshals BgpSrteSegmentList to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpSrteSegmentList to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpSrteSegmentList to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentList from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentList from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpSrteSegmentList from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpSrteSegmentList Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Weight returns int64, set in BgpSrteSegmentList. Weight() int64 // SetWeight assigns int64 provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentList SetWeight(value int64) BgpSrteSegmentList // HasWeight checks if Weight has been set in BgpSrteSegmentList HasWeight() bool // Segments returns BgpSrteSegmentListBgpSrteSegmentIter, set in BgpSrteSegmentList Segments() BgpSrteSegmentListBgpSrteSegmentIter // Name returns string, set in BgpSrteSegmentList. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentList SetName(value string) BgpSrteSegmentList // Active returns bool, set in BgpSrteSegmentList. Active() bool // SetActive assigns bool provided by user to BgpSrteSegmentList SetActive(value bool) BgpSrteSegmentList // HasActive checks if Active has been set in BgpSrteSegmentList HasActive() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpSrteSegmentList is status: under-review Status: under-review Optional configuration for BGP SR TE Policy segment list. The Segment List sub-TLV encodes a single explicit path towards the Endpoint.
func NewBgpSrteSegmentList ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpSrteSegmentList() BgpSrteSegmentList
type BgpSrteSegmentListBgpSrteSegmentIter ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteSegmentListBgpSrteSegmentIter interface { Items() []BgpSrteSegment Add() BgpSrteSegment Append(items ...BgpSrteSegment) BgpSrteSegmentListBgpSrteSegmentIter Set(index int, newObj BgpSrteSegment) BgpSrteSegmentListBgpSrteSegmentIter Clear() BgpSrteSegmentListBgpSrteSegmentIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type BgpSrteSegmentSegmentTypeEnum ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteSegmentSegmentTypeEnum string
type BgpSrteSrMplsSid ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteSrMplsSid interface { Msg() *otg.BgpSrteSrMplsSid SetMsg(*otg.BgpSrteSrMplsSid) BgpSrteSrMplsSid // ToPbText marshals BgpSrteSrMplsSid to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpSrteSrMplsSid to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpSrteSrMplsSid to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpSrteSrMplsSid from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpSrteSrMplsSid from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpSrteSrMplsSid from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpSrteSrMplsSid Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Label returns int32, set in BgpSrteSrMplsSid. Label() int32 // SetLabel assigns int32 provided by user to BgpSrteSrMplsSid SetLabel(value int32) BgpSrteSrMplsSid // HasLabel checks if Label has been set in BgpSrteSrMplsSid HasLabel() bool // Tc returns int32, set in BgpSrteSrMplsSid. Tc() int32 // SetTc assigns int32 provided by user to BgpSrteSrMplsSid SetTc(value int32) BgpSrteSrMplsSid // HasTc checks if Tc has been set in BgpSrteSrMplsSid HasTc() bool // SBit returns bool, set in BgpSrteSrMplsSid. SBit() bool // SetSBit assigns bool provided by user to BgpSrteSrMplsSid SetSBit(value bool) BgpSrteSrMplsSid // HasSBit checks if SBit has been set in BgpSrteSrMplsSid HasSBit() bool // Ttl returns int32, set in BgpSrteSrMplsSid. Ttl() int32 // SetTtl assigns int32 provided by user to BgpSrteSrMplsSid SetTtl(value int32) BgpSrteSrMplsSid // HasTtl checks if Ttl has been set in BgpSrteSrMplsSid HasTtl() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpSrteSrMplsSid is configuration for SR-MPLS with Label, TC, Bottom-of-Stack and TTL.
func NewBgpSrteSrMplsSid ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpSrteSrMplsSid() BgpSrteSrMplsSid
type BgpSrteV4Policy ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteV4Policy interface { Msg() *otg.BgpSrteV4Policy SetMsg(*otg.BgpSrteV4Policy) BgpSrteV4Policy // ToPbText marshals BgpSrteV4Policy to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpSrteV4Policy to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpSrteV4Policy to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpSrteV4Policy from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpSrteV4Policy from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpSrteV4Policy from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpSrteV4Policy Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Distinguisher returns int64, set in BgpSrteV4Policy. Distinguisher() int64 // SetDistinguisher assigns int64 provided by user to BgpSrteV4Policy SetDistinguisher(value int64) BgpSrteV4Policy // HasDistinguisher checks if Distinguisher has been set in BgpSrteV4Policy HasDistinguisher() bool // Color returns int64, set in BgpSrteV4Policy. Color() int64 // SetColor assigns int64 provided by user to BgpSrteV4Policy SetColor(value int64) BgpSrteV4Policy // HasColor checks if Color has been set in BgpSrteV4Policy HasColor() bool // Ipv4Endpoint returns string, set in BgpSrteV4Policy. Ipv4Endpoint() string // SetIpv4Endpoint assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteV4Policy SetIpv4Endpoint(value string) BgpSrteV4Policy // NextHopMode returns BgpSrteV4PolicyNextHopModeEnum, set in BgpSrteV4Policy NextHopMode() BgpSrteV4PolicyNextHopModeEnum // SetNextHopMode assigns BgpSrteV4PolicyNextHopModeEnum provided by user to BgpSrteV4Policy SetNextHopMode(value BgpSrteV4PolicyNextHopModeEnum) BgpSrteV4Policy // HasNextHopMode checks if NextHopMode has been set in BgpSrteV4Policy HasNextHopMode() bool // NextHopAddressType returns BgpSrteV4PolicyNextHopAddressTypeEnum, set in BgpSrteV4Policy NextHopAddressType() BgpSrteV4PolicyNextHopAddressTypeEnum // SetNextHopAddressType assigns BgpSrteV4PolicyNextHopAddressTypeEnum provided by user to BgpSrteV4Policy SetNextHopAddressType(value BgpSrteV4PolicyNextHopAddressTypeEnum) BgpSrteV4Policy // HasNextHopAddressType checks if NextHopAddressType has been set in BgpSrteV4Policy HasNextHopAddressType() bool // NextHopIpv4Address returns string, set in BgpSrteV4Policy. NextHopIpv4Address() string // SetNextHopIpv4Address assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteV4Policy SetNextHopIpv4Address(value string) BgpSrteV4Policy // HasNextHopIpv4Address checks if NextHopIpv4Address has been set in BgpSrteV4Policy HasNextHopIpv4Address() bool // NextHopIpv6Address returns string, set in BgpSrteV4Policy. NextHopIpv6Address() string // SetNextHopIpv6Address assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteV4Policy SetNextHopIpv6Address(value string) BgpSrteV4Policy // HasNextHopIpv6Address checks if NextHopIpv6Address has been set in BgpSrteV4Policy HasNextHopIpv6Address() bool // Advanced returns BgpRouteAdvanced, set in BgpSrteV4Policy. // BgpRouteAdvanced is configuration for advanced BGP route range settings. Advanced() BgpRouteAdvanced // SetAdvanced assigns BgpRouteAdvanced provided by user to BgpSrteV4Policy. // BgpRouteAdvanced is configuration for advanced BGP route range settings. SetAdvanced(value BgpRouteAdvanced) BgpSrteV4Policy // HasAdvanced checks if Advanced has been set in BgpSrteV4Policy HasAdvanced() bool // AddPath returns BgpAddPath, set in BgpSrteV4Policy. // BgpAddPath is the BGP Additional Paths feature is a BGP extension that allows the advertisement of multiple paths for the same prefix without the new paths implicitly replacing any previous paths. AddPath() BgpAddPath // SetAddPath assigns BgpAddPath provided by user to BgpSrteV4Policy. // BgpAddPath is the BGP Additional Paths feature is a BGP extension that allows the advertisement of multiple paths for the same prefix without the new paths implicitly replacing any previous paths. SetAddPath(value BgpAddPath) BgpSrteV4Policy // HasAddPath checks if AddPath has been set in BgpSrteV4Policy HasAddPath() bool // AsPath returns BgpAsPath, set in BgpSrteV4Policy. // BgpAsPath is this attribute identifies the autonomous systems through which routing information carried in this UPDATE message has passed. This contains the configuration of how to include the Local AS in the AS path attribute of the MP REACH NLRI. It also contains optional configuration of additional AS Path Segments that can be included in the AS Path attribute. The AS Path consists of a Set or Sequence of Autonomous Systems (AS) numbers that a routing information passes through to reach the destination. AsPath() BgpAsPath // SetAsPath assigns BgpAsPath provided by user to BgpSrteV4Policy. // BgpAsPath is this attribute identifies the autonomous systems through which routing information carried in this UPDATE message has passed. This contains the configuration of how to include the Local AS in the AS path attribute of the MP REACH NLRI. It also contains optional configuration of additional AS Path Segments that can be included in the AS Path attribute. The AS Path consists of a Set or Sequence of Autonomous Systems (AS) numbers that a routing information passes through to reach the destination. SetAsPath(value BgpAsPath) BgpSrteV4Policy // HasAsPath checks if AsPath has been set in BgpSrteV4Policy HasAsPath() bool // Communities returns BgpSrteV4PolicyBgpCommunityIter, set in BgpSrteV4Policy Communities() BgpSrteV4PolicyBgpCommunityIter // ExtCommunities returns BgpSrteV4PolicyBgpExtCommunityIter, set in BgpSrteV4Policy ExtCommunities() BgpSrteV4PolicyBgpExtCommunityIter // TunnelTlvs returns BgpSrteV4PolicyBgpSrteV4TunnelTlvIter, set in BgpSrteV4Policy TunnelTlvs() BgpSrteV4PolicyBgpSrteV4TunnelTlvIter // Name returns string, set in BgpSrteV4Policy. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteV4Policy SetName(value string) BgpSrteV4Policy // Active returns bool, set in BgpSrteV4Policy. Active() bool // SetActive assigns bool provided by user to BgpSrteV4Policy SetActive(value bool) BgpSrteV4Policy // HasActive checks if Active has been set in BgpSrteV4Policy HasActive() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
func NewBgpSrteV4Policy ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpSrteV4Policy() BgpSrteV4Policy
type BgpSrteV4PolicyBgpCommunityIter ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteV4PolicyBgpCommunityIter interface { Items() []BgpCommunity Add() BgpCommunity Append(items ...BgpCommunity) BgpSrteV4PolicyBgpCommunityIter Set(index int, newObj BgpCommunity) BgpSrteV4PolicyBgpCommunityIter Clear() BgpSrteV4PolicyBgpCommunityIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type BgpSrteV4PolicyBgpExtCommunityIter ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteV4PolicyBgpExtCommunityIter interface { Items() []BgpExtCommunity Add() BgpExtCommunity Append(items ...BgpExtCommunity) BgpSrteV4PolicyBgpExtCommunityIter Set(index int, newObj BgpExtCommunity) BgpSrteV4PolicyBgpExtCommunityIter Clear() BgpSrteV4PolicyBgpExtCommunityIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type BgpSrteV4PolicyBgpSrteV4TunnelTlvIter ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteV4PolicyBgpSrteV4TunnelTlvIter interface { Items() []BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv Add() BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv Append(items ...BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv) BgpSrteV4PolicyBgpSrteV4TunnelTlvIter Set(index int, newObj BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv) BgpSrteV4PolicyBgpSrteV4TunnelTlvIter Clear() BgpSrteV4PolicyBgpSrteV4TunnelTlvIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type BgpSrteV4PolicyNextHopAddressTypeEnum ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteV4PolicyNextHopAddressTypeEnum string
type BgpSrteV4PolicyNextHopModeEnum ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteV4PolicyNextHopModeEnum string
type BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv interface { Msg() *otg.BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv SetMsg(*otg.BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv) BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv // ToPbText marshals BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // RemoteEndpointSubTlv returns BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv, set in BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv. // BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv is configuration for the BGP remote endpoint sub TLV. RemoteEndpointSubTlv() BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv // SetRemoteEndpointSubTlv assigns BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv provided by user to BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv. // BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv is configuration for the BGP remote endpoint sub TLV. SetRemoteEndpointSubTlv(value BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv) BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv // HasRemoteEndpointSubTlv checks if RemoteEndpointSubTlv has been set in BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv HasRemoteEndpointSubTlv() bool // ColorSubTlv returns BgpSrteColorSubTlv, set in BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv. // BgpSrteColorSubTlv is configuration for the Policy Color attribute sub-TLV. The Color sub-TLV MAY be used as a way to "color" the corresponding Tunnel TLV. The Value field of the sub-TLV is eight octets long and consists of a Color Extended Community. First two octets of its Value field are 0x030b as type and subtype of extended community. Remaining six octets are are exposed to configure. ColorSubTlv() BgpSrteColorSubTlv // SetColorSubTlv assigns BgpSrteColorSubTlv provided by user to BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv. // BgpSrteColorSubTlv is configuration for the Policy Color attribute sub-TLV. The Color sub-TLV MAY be used as a way to "color" the corresponding Tunnel TLV. The Value field of the sub-TLV is eight octets long and consists of a Color Extended Community. First two octets of its Value field are 0x030b as type and subtype of extended community. Remaining six octets are are exposed to configure. SetColorSubTlv(value BgpSrteColorSubTlv) BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv // HasColorSubTlv checks if ColorSubTlv has been set in BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv HasColorSubTlv() bool // BindingSubTlv returns BgpSrteBindingSubTlv, set in BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv. // BgpSrteBindingSubTlv is configuration for the binding SID sub-TLV. This is used to signal the binding SID related information of the SR Policy candidate path. BindingSubTlv() BgpSrteBindingSubTlv // SetBindingSubTlv assigns BgpSrteBindingSubTlv provided by user to BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv. // BgpSrteBindingSubTlv is configuration for the binding SID sub-TLV. This is used to signal the binding SID related information of the SR Policy candidate path. SetBindingSubTlv(value BgpSrteBindingSubTlv) BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv // HasBindingSubTlv checks if BindingSubTlv has been set in BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv HasBindingSubTlv() bool // PreferenceSubTlv returns BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv, set in BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv. // BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv is configuration for BGP preference sub TLV of the SR Policy candidate path. PreferenceSubTlv() BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv // SetPreferenceSubTlv assigns BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv provided by user to BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv. // BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv is configuration for BGP preference sub TLV of the SR Policy candidate path. SetPreferenceSubTlv(value BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv) BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv // HasPreferenceSubTlv checks if PreferenceSubTlv has been set in BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv HasPreferenceSubTlv() bool // PolicyPrioritySubTlv returns BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv, set in BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv. // BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv is configuration for the Policy Priority sub-TLV. The Policy Priority to indicate the order in which the SR policies are re-computed upon topological change. PolicyPrioritySubTlv() BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv // SetPolicyPrioritySubTlv assigns BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv provided by user to BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv. // BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv is configuration for the Policy Priority sub-TLV. The Policy Priority to indicate the order in which the SR policies are re-computed upon topological change. SetPolicyPrioritySubTlv(value BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv) BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv // HasPolicyPrioritySubTlv checks if PolicyPrioritySubTlv has been set in BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv HasPolicyPrioritySubTlv() bool // PolicyNameSubTlv returns BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv, set in BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv. // BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv is configuration for the Policy Name sub-TLV. The Policy Name sub-TLV is used to attach a symbolic name to the SR Policy candidate path. PolicyNameSubTlv() BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv // SetPolicyNameSubTlv assigns BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv provided by user to BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv. // BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv is configuration for the Policy Name sub-TLV. The Policy Name sub-TLV is used to attach a symbolic name to the SR Policy candidate path. SetPolicyNameSubTlv(value BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv) BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv // HasPolicyNameSubTlv checks if PolicyNameSubTlv has been set in BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv HasPolicyNameSubTlv() bool // ExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv returns BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv, set in BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv. // BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv is configuration for BGP explicit null label policy sub TLV settings. ExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv() BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv // SetExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv assigns BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv provided by user to BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv. // BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv is configuration for BGP explicit null label policy sub TLV settings. SetExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv(value BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv) BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv // HasExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv checks if ExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv has been set in BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv HasExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv() bool // SegmentLists returns BgpSrteV4TunnelTlvBgpSrteSegmentListIter, set in BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv SegmentLists() BgpSrteV4TunnelTlvBgpSrteSegmentListIter // Name returns string, set in BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv SetName(value string) BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv // Active returns bool, set in BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv. Active() bool // SetActive assigns bool provided by user to BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv SetActive(value bool) BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv // HasActive checks if Active has been set in BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv HasActive() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv is configuration for BGP SRTE Tunnel TLV.
func NewBgpSrteV4TunnelTlv ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpSrteV4TunnelTlv() BgpSrteV4TunnelTlv
type BgpSrteV4TunnelTlvBgpSrteSegmentListIter ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteV4TunnelTlvBgpSrteSegmentListIter interface { Items() []BgpSrteSegmentList Add() BgpSrteSegmentList Append(items ...BgpSrteSegmentList) BgpSrteV4TunnelTlvBgpSrteSegmentListIter Set(index int, newObj BgpSrteSegmentList) BgpSrteV4TunnelTlvBgpSrteSegmentListIter Clear() BgpSrteV4TunnelTlvBgpSrteSegmentListIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type BgpSrteV6Policy ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteV6Policy interface { Msg() *otg.BgpSrteV6Policy SetMsg(*otg.BgpSrteV6Policy) BgpSrteV6Policy // ToPbText marshals BgpSrteV6Policy to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpSrteV6Policy to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpSrteV6Policy to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpSrteV6Policy from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpSrteV6Policy from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpSrteV6Policy from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpSrteV6Policy Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Distinguisher returns int64, set in BgpSrteV6Policy. Distinguisher() int64 // SetDistinguisher assigns int64 provided by user to BgpSrteV6Policy SetDistinguisher(value int64) BgpSrteV6Policy // HasDistinguisher checks if Distinguisher has been set in BgpSrteV6Policy HasDistinguisher() bool // Color returns int64, set in BgpSrteV6Policy. Color() int64 // SetColor assigns int64 provided by user to BgpSrteV6Policy SetColor(value int64) BgpSrteV6Policy // HasColor checks if Color has been set in BgpSrteV6Policy HasColor() bool // Ipv6Endpoint returns string, set in BgpSrteV6Policy. Ipv6Endpoint() string // SetIpv6Endpoint assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteV6Policy SetIpv6Endpoint(value string) BgpSrteV6Policy // NextHopMode returns BgpSrteV6PolicyNextHopModeEnum, set in BgpSrteV6Policy NextHopMode() BgpSrteV6PolicyNextHopModeEnum // SetNextHopMode assigns BgpSrteV6PolicyNextHopModeEnum provided by user to BgpSrteV6Policy SetNextHopMode(value BgpSrteV6PolicyNextHopModeEnum) BgpSrteV6Policy // HasNextHopMode checks if NextHopMode has been set in BgpSrteV6Policy HasNextHopMode() bool // NextHopAddressType returns BgpSrteV6PolicyNextHopAddressTypeEnum, set in BgpSrteV6Policy NextHopAddressType() BgpSrteV6PolicyNextHopAddressTypeEnum // SetNextHopAddressType assigns BgpSrteV6PolicyNextHopAddressTypeEnum provided by user to BgpSrteV6Policy SetNextHopAddressType(value BgpSrteV6PolicyNextHopAddressTypeEnum) BgpSrteV6Policy // HasNextHopAddressType checks if NextHopAddressType has been set in BgpSrteV6Policy HasNextHopAddressType() bool // NextHopIpv4Address returns string, set in BgpSrteV6Policy. NextHopIpv4Address() string // SetNextHopIpv4Address assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteV6Policy SetNextHopIpv4Address(value string) BgpSrteV6Policy // HasNextHopIpv4Address checks if NextHopIpv4Address has been set in BgpSrteV6Policy HasNextHopIpv4Address() bool // NextHopIpv6Address returns string, set in BgpSrteV6Policy. NextHopIpv6Address() string // SetNextHopIpv6Address assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteV6Policy SetNextHopIpv6Address(value string) BgpSrteV6Policy // HasNextHopIpv6Address checks if NextHopIpv6Address has been set in BgpSrteV6Policy HasNextHopIpv6Address() bool // Advanced returns BgpRouteAdvanced, set in BgpSrteV6Policy. // BgpRouteAdvanced is configuration for advanced BGP route range settings. Advanced() BgpRouteAdvanced // SetAdvanced assigns BgpRouteAdvanced provided by user to BgpSrteV6Policy. // BgpRouteAdvanced is configuration for advanced BGP route range settings. SetAdvanced(value BgpRouteAdvanced) BgpSrteV6Policy // HasAdvanced checks if Advanced has been set in BgpSrteV6Policy HasAdvanced() bool // AddPath returns BgpAddPath, set in BgpSrteV6Policy. // BgpAddPath is the BGP Additional Paths feature is a BGP extension that allows the advertisement of multiple paths for the same prefix without the new paths implicitly replacing any previous paths. AddPath() BgpAddPath // SetAddPath assigns BgpAddPath provided by user to BgpSrteV6Policy. // BgpAddPath is the BGP Additional Paths feature is a BGP extension that allows the advertisement of multiple paths for the same prefix without the new paths implicitly replacing any previous paths. SetAddPath(value BgpAddPath) BgpSrteV6Policy // HasAddPath checks if AddPath has been set in BgpSrteV6Policy HasAddPath() bool // AsPath returns BgpAsPath, set in BgpSrteV6Policy. // BgpAsPath is this attribute identifies the autonomous systems through which routing information carried in this UPDATE message has passed. This contains the configuration of how to include the Local AS in the AS path attribute of the MP REACH NLRI. It also contains optional configuration of additional AS Path Segments that can be included in the AS Path attribute. The AS Path consists of a Set or Sequence of Autonomous Systems (AS) numbers that a routing information passes through to reach the destination. AsPath() BgpAsPath // SetAsPath assigns BgpAsPath provided by user to BgpSrteV6Policy. // BgpAsPath is this attribute identifies the autonomous systems through which routing information carried in this UPDATE message has passed. This contains the configuration of how to include the Local AS in the AS path attribute of the MP REACH NLRI. It also contains optional configuration of additional AS Path Segments that can be included in the AS Path attribute. The AS Path consists of a Set or Sequence of Autonomous Systems (AS) numbers that a routing information passes through to reach the destination. SetAsPath(value BgpAsPath) BgpSrteV6Policy // HasAsPath checks if AsPath has been set in BgpSrteV6Policy HasAsPath() bool // Communities returns BgpSrteV6PolicyBgpCommunityIter, set in BgpSrteV6Policy Communities() BgpSrteV6PolicyBgpCommunityIter // Extcommunities returns BgpSrteV6PolicyBgpExtCommunityIter, set in BgpSrteV6Policy Extcommunities() BgpSrteV6PolicyBgpExtCommunityIter // TunnelTlvs returns BgpSrteV6PolicyBgpSrteV6TunnelTlvIter, set in BgpSrteV6Policy TunnelTlvs() BgpSrteV6PolicyBgpSrteV6TunnelTlvIter // Name returns string, set in BgpSrteV6Policy. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteV6Policy SetName(value string) BgpSrteV6Policy // Active returns bool, set in BgpSrteV6Policy. Active() bool // SetActive assigns bool provided by user to BgpSrteV6Policy SetActive(value bool) BgpSrteV6Policy // HasActive checks if Active has been set in BgpSrteV6Policy HasActive() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
func NewBgpSrteV6Policy ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpSrteV6Policy() BgpSrteV6Policy
type BgpSrteV6PolicyBgpCommunityIter ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteV6PolicyBgpCommunityIter interface { Items() []BgpCommunity Add() BgpCommunity Append(items ...BgpCommunity) BgpSrteV6PolicyBgpCommunityIter Set(index int, newObj BgpCommunity) BgpSrteV6PolicyBgpCommunityIter Clear() BgpSrteV6PolicyBgpCommunityIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type BgpSrteV6PolicyBgpExtCommunityIter ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteV6PolicyBgpExtCommunityIter interface { Items() []BgpExtCommunity Add() BgpExtCommunity Append(items ...BgpExtCommunity) BgpSrteV6PolicyBgpExtCommunityIter Set(index int, newObj BgpExtCommunity) BgpSrteV6PolicyBgpExtCommunityIter Clear() BgpSrteV6PolicyBgpExtCommunityIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type BgpSrteV6PolicyBgpSrteV6TunnelTlvIter ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteV6PolicyBgpSrteV6TunnelTlvIter interface { Items() []BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv Add() BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv Append(items ...BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv) BgpSrteV6PolicyBgpSrteV6TunnelTlvIter Set(index int, newObj BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv) BgpSrteV6PolicyBgpSrteV6TunnelTlvIter Clear() BgpSrteV6PolicyBgpSrteV6TunnelTlvIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type BgpSrteV6PolicyNextHopAddressTypeEnum ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteV6PolicyNextHopAddressTypeEnum string
type BgpSrteV6PolicyNextHopModeEnum ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteV6PolicyNextHopModeEnum string
type BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv interface { Msg() *otg.BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv SetMsg(*otg.BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv) BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv // ToPbText marshals BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // RemoteEndpointSubTlv returns BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv, set in BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv. // BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv is configuration for the BGP remote endpoint sub TLV. RemoteEndpointSubTlv() BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv // SetRemoteEndpointSubTlv assigns BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv provided by user to BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv. // BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv is configuration for the BGP remote endpoint sub TLV. SetRemoteEndpointSubTlv(value BgpSrteRemoteEndpointSubTlv) BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv // HasRemoteEndpointSubTlv checks if RemoteEndpointSubTlv has been set in BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv HasRemoteEndpointSubTlv() bool // ColorSubTlv returns BgpSrteColorSubTlv, set in BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv. // BgpSrteColorSubTlv is configuration for the Policy Color attribute sub-TLV. The Color sub-TLV MAY be used as a way to "color" the corresponding Tunnel TLV. The Value field of the sub-TLV is eight octets long and consists of a Color Extended Community. First two octets of its Value field are 0x030b as type and subtype of extended community. Remaining six octets are are exposed to configure. ColorSubTlv() BgpSrteColorSubTlv // SetColorSubTlv assigns BgpSrteColorSubTlv provided by user to BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv. // BgpSrteColorSubTlv is configuration for the Policy Color attribute sub-TLV. The Color sub-TLV MAY be used as a way to "color" the corresponding Tunnel TLV. The Value field of the sub-TLV is eight octets long and consists of a Color Extended Community. First two octets of its Value field are 0x030b as type and subtype of extended community. Remaining six octets are are exposed to configure. SetColorSubTlv(value BgpSrteColorSubTlv) BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv // HasColorSubTlv checks if ColorSubTlv has been set in BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv HasColorSubTlv() bool // BindingSubTlv returns BgpSrteBindingSubTlv, set in BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv. // BgpSrteBindingSubTlv is configuration for the binding SID sub-TLV. This is used to signal the binding SID related information of the SR Policy candidate path. BindingSubTlv() BgpSrteBindingSubTlv // SetBindingSubTlv assigns BgpSrteBindingSubTlv provided by user to BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv. // BgpSrteBindingSubTlv is configuration for the binding SID sub-TLV. This is used to signal the binding SID related information of the SR Policy candidate path. SetBindingSubTlv(value BgpSrteBindingSubTlv) BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv // HasBindingSubTlv checks if BindingSubTlv has been set in BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv HasBindingSubTlv() bool // PreferenceSubTlv returns BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv, set in BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv. // BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv is configuration for BGP preference sub TLV of the SR Policy candidate path. PreferenceSubTlv() BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv // SetPreferenceSubTlv assigns BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv provided by user to BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv. // BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv is configuration for BGP preference sub TLV of the SR Policy candidate path. SetPreferenceSubTlv(value BgpSrtePreferenceSubTlv) BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv // HasPreferenceSubTlv checks if PreferenceSubTlv has been set in BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv HasPreferenceSubTlv() bool // PolicyPrioritySubTlv returns BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv, set in BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv. // BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv is configuration for the Policy Priority sub-TLV. The Policy Priority to indicate the order in which the SR policies are re-computed upon topological change. PolicyPrioritySubTlv() BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv // SetPolicyPrioritySubTlv assigns BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv provided by user to BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv. // BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv is configuration for the Policy Priority sub-TLV. The Policy Priority to indicate the order in which the SR policies are re-computed upon topological change. SetPolicyPrioritySubTlv(value BgpSrtePolicyPrioritySubTlv) BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv // HasPolicyPrioritySubTlv checks if PolicyPrioritySubTlv has been set in BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv HasPolicyPrioritySubTlv() bool // PolicyNameSubTlv returns BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv, set in BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv. // BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv is configuration for the Policy Name sub-TLV. The Policy Name sub-TLV is used to attach a symbolic name to the SR Policy candidate path. PolicyNameSubTlv() BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv // SetPolicyNameSubTlv assigns BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv provided by user to BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv. // BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv is configuration for the Policy Name sub-TLV. The Policy Name sub-TLV is used to attach a symbolic name to the SR Policy candidate path. SetPolicyNameSubTlv(value BgpSrtePolicyNameSubTlv) BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv // HasPolicyNameSubTlv checks if PolicyNameSubTlv has been set in BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv HasPolicyNameSubTlv() bool // ExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv returns BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv, set in BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv. // BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv is configuration for BGP explicit null label policy sub TLV settings. ExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv() BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv // SetExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv assigns BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv provided by user to BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv. // BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv is configuration for BGP explicit null label policy sub TLV settings. SetExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv(value BgpSrteExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv) BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv // HasExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv checks if ExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv has been set in BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv HasExplicitNullLabelPolicySubTlv() bool // SegmentLists returns BgpSrteV6TunnelTlvBgpSrteSegmentListIter, set in BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv SegmentLists() BgpSrteV6TunnelTlvBgpSrteSegmentListIter // Name returns string, set in BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv SetName(value string) BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv // Active returns bool, set in BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv. Active() bool // SetActive assigns bool provided by user to BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv SetActive(value bool) BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv // HasActive checks if Active has been set in BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv HasActive() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv is configuration for BGP SRTE Tunnel TLV.
func NewBgpSrteV6TunnelTlv ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpSrteV6TunnelTlv() BgpSrteV6TunnelTlv
type BgpSrteV6TunnelTlvBgpSrteSegmentListIter ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpSrteV6TunnelTlvBgpSrteSegmentListIter interface { Items() []BgpSrteSegmentList Add() BgpSrteSegmentList Append(items ...BgpSrteSegmentList) BgpSrteV6TunnelTlvBgpSrteSegmentListIter Set(index int, newObj BgpSrteSegmentList) BgpSrteV6TunnelTlvBgpSrteSegmentListIter Clear() BgpSrteV6TunnelTlvBgpSrteSegmentListIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type BgpV4Interface ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpV4Interface interface { Msg() *otg.BgpV4Interface SetMsg(*otg.BgpV4Interface) BgpV4Interface // ToPbText marshals BgpV4Interface to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpV4Interface to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpV4Interface to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpV4Interface from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpV4Interface from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpV4Interface from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpV4Interface Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Ipv4Name returns string, set in BgpV4Interface. Ipv4Name() string // SetIpv4Name assigns string provided by user to BgpV4Interface SetIpv4Name(value string) BgpV4Interface // Peers returns BgpV4InterfaceBgpV4PeerIter, set in BgpV4Interface Peers() BgpV4InterfaceBgpV4PeerIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpV4Interface is configuration for emulated BGPv4 peers and routes on a single IPv4 interface.
func NewBgpV4Interface ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpV4Interface() BgpV4Interface
type BgpV4InterfaceBgpV4PeerIter ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpV4InterfaceBgpV4PeerIter interface { Items() []BgpV4Peer Add() BgpV4Peer Append(items ...BgpV4Peer) BgpV4InterfaceBgpV4PeerIter Set(index int, newObj BgpV4Peer) BgpV4InterfaceBgpV4PeerIter Clear() BgpV4InterfaceBgpV4PeerIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type BgpV4Peer ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpV4Peer interface { Msg() *otg.BgpV4Peer SetMsg(*otg.BgpV4Peer) BgpV4Peer // ToPbText marshals BgpV4Peer to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpV4Peer to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpV4Peer to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpV4Peer from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpV4Peer from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpV4Peer from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpV4Peer Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // PeerAddress returns string, set in BgpV4Peer. PeerAddress() string // SetPeerAddress assigns string provided by user to BgpV4Peer SetPeerAddress(value string) BgpV4Peer // AsType returns BgpV4PeerAsTypeEnum, set in BgpV4Peer AsType() BgpV4PeerAsTypeEnum // SetAsType assigns BgpV4PeerAsTypeEnum provided by user to BgpV4Peer SetAsType(value BgpV4PeerAsTypeEnum) BgpV4Peer // AsNumber returns int32, set in BgpV4Peer. AsNumber() int32 // SetAsNumber assigns int32 provided by user to BgpV4Peer SetAsNumber(value int32) BgpV4Peer // AsNumberWidth returns BgpV4PeerAsNumberWidthEnum, set in BgpV4Peer AsNumberWidth() BgpV4PeerAsNumberWidthEnum // SetAsNumberWidth assigns BgpV4PeerAsNumberWidthEnum provided by user to BgpV4Peer SetAsNumberWidth(value BgpV4PeerAsNumberWidthEnum) BgpV4Peer // HasAsNumberWidth checks if AsNumberWidth has been set in BgpV4Peer HasAsNumberWidth() bool // Advanced returns BgpAdvanced, set in BgpV4Peer. // BgpAdvanced is status: under-review // Status: under-review // Configuration for BGP advanced settings. Advanced() BgpAdvanced // SetAdvanced assigns BgpAdvanced provided by user to BgpV4Peer. // BgpAdvanced is status: under-review // Status: under-review // Configuration for BGP advanced settings. SetAdvanced(value BgpAdvanced) BgpV4Peer // HasAdvanced checks if Advanced has been set in BgpV4Peer HasAdvanced() bool // Capability returns BgpCapability, set in BgpV4Peer. // BgpCapability is status: under-review // Status: under-review // Configuration for BGP capability settings. Capability() BgpCapability // SetCapability assigns BgpCapability provided by user to BgpV4Peer. // BgpCapability is status: under-review // Status: under-review // Configuration for BGP capability settings. SetCapability(value BgpCapability) BgpV4Peer // HasCapability checks if Capability has been set in BgpV4Peer HasCapability() bool // V4Routes returns BgpV4PeerBgpV4RouteRangeIter, set in BgpV4Peer V4Routes() BgpV4PeerBgpV4RouteRangeIter // V6Routes returns BgpV4PeerBgpV6RouteRangeIter, set in BgpV4Peer V6Routes() BgpV4PeerBgpV6RouteRangeIter // V4SrtePolicies returns BgpV4PeerBgpSrteV4PolicyIter, set in BgpV4Peer V4SrtePolicies() BgpV4PeerBgpSrteV4PolicyIter // V6SrtePolicies returns BgpV4PeerBgpSrteV6PolicyIter, set in BgpV4Peer V6SrtePolicies() BgpV4PeerBgpSrteV6PolicyIter // Name returns string, set in BgpV4Peer. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to BgpV4Peer SetName(value string) BgpV4Peer // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpV4Peer is status: under-review Status: under-review Configuration for emulated BGPv4 peers and routes. Configuration for basic emulated BGP peer settings.
func NewBgpV4Peer ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpV4Peer() BgpV4Peer
type BgpV4PeerAsNumberWidthEnum ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpV4PeerAsNumberWidthEnum string
type BgpV4PeerAsTypeEnum ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpV4PeerAsTypeEnum string
type BgpV4PeerBgpSrteV4PolicyIter ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpV4PeerBgpSrteV4PolicyIter interface { Items() []BgpSrteV4Policy Add() BgpSrteV4Policy Append(items ...BgpSrteV4Policy) BgpV4PeerBgpSrteV4PolicyIter Set(index int, newObj BgpSrteV4Policy) BgpV4PeerBgpSrteV4PolicyIter Clear() BgpV4PeerBgpSrteV4PolicyIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type BgpV4PeerBgpSrteV6PolicyIter ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpV4PeerBgpSrteV6PolicyIter interface { Items() []BgpSrteV6Policy Add() BgpSrteV6Policy Append(items ...BgpSrteV6Policy) BgpV4PeerBgpSrteV6PolicyIter Set(index int, newObj BgpSrteV6Policy) BgpV4PeerBgpSrteV6PolicyIter Clear() BgpV4PeerBgpSrteV6PolicyIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type BgpV4PeerBgpV4RouteRangeIter ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpV4PeerBgpV4RouteRangeIter interface { Items() []BgpV4RouteRange Add() BgpV4RouteRange Append(items ...BgpV4RouteRange) BgpV4PeerBgpV4RouteRangeIter Set(index int, newObj BgpV4RouteRange) BgpV4PeerBgpV4RouteRangeIter Clear() BgpV4PeerBgpV4RouteRangeIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type BgpV4PeerBgpV6RouteRangeIter ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpV4PeerBgpV6RouteRangeIter interface { Items() []BgpV6RouteRange Add() BgpV6RouteRange Append(items ...BgpV6RouteRange) BgpV4PeerBgpV6RouteRangeIter Set(index int, newObj BgpV6RouteRange) BgpV4PeerBgpV6RouteRangeIter Clear() BgpV4PeerBgpV6RouteRangeIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type BgpV4RouteRange ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpV4RouteRange interface { Msg() *otg.BgpV4RouteRange SetMsg(*otg.BgpV4RouteRange) BgpV4RouteRange // ToPbText marshals BgpV4RouteRange to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpV4RouteRange to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpV4RouteRange to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpV4RouteRange from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpV4RouteRange from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpV4RouteRange from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpV4RouteRange Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Addresses returns BgpV4RouteRangeV4RouteAddressIter, set in BgpV4RouteRange Addresses() BgpV4RouteRangeV4RouteAddressIter // NextHopMode returns BgpV4RouteRangeNextHopModeEnum, set in BgpV4RouteRange NextHopMode() BgpV4RouteRangeNextHopModeEnum // SetNextHopMode assigns BgpV4RouteRangeNextHopModeEnum provided by user to BgpV4RouteRange SetNextHopMode(value BgpV4RouteRangeNextHopModeEnum) BgpV4RouteRange // HasNextHopMode checks if NextHopMode has been set in BgpV4RouteRange HasNextHopMode() bool // NextHopAddressType returns BgpV4RouteRangeNextHopAddressTypeEnum, set in BgpV4RouteRange NextHopAddressType() BgpV4RouteRangeNextHopAddressTypeEnum // SetNextHopAddressType assigns BgpV4RouteRangeNextHopAddressTypeEnum provided by user to BgpV4RouteRange SetNextHopAddressType(value BgpV4RouteRangeNextHopAddressTypeEnum) BgpV4RouteRange // HasNextHopAddressType checks if NextHopAddressType has been set in BgpV4RouteRange HasNextHopAddressType() bool // NextHopIpv4Address returns string, set in BgpV4RouteRange. NextHopIpv4Address() string // SetNextHopIpv4Address assigns string provided by user to BgpV4RouteRange SetNextHopIpv4Address(value string) BgpV4RouteRange // HasNextHopIpv4Address checks if NextHopIpv4Address has been set in BgpV4RouteRange HasNextHopIpv4Address() bool // NextHopIpv6Address returns string, set in BgpV4RouteRange. NextHopIpv6Address() string // SetNextHopIpv6Address assigns string provided by user to BgpV4RouteRange SetNextHopIpv6Address(value string) BgpV4RouteRange // HasNextHopIpv6Address checks if NextHopIpv6Address has been set in BgpV4RouteRange HasNextHopIpv6Address() bool // Advanced returns BgpRouteAdvanced, set in BgpV4RouteRange. // BgpRouteAdvanced is configuration for advanced BGP route range settings. Advanced() BgpRouteAdvanced // SetAdvanced assigns BgpRouteAdvanced provided by user to BgpV4RouteRange. // BgpRouteAdvanced is configuration for advanced BGP route range settings. SetAdvanced(value BgpRouteAdvanced) BgpV4RouteRange // HasAdvanced checks if Advanced has been set in BgpV4RouteRange HasAdvanced() bool // Communities returns BgpV4RouteRangeBgpCommunityIter, set in BgpV4RouteRange Communities() BgpV4RouteRangeBgpCommunityIter // AsPath returns BgpAsPath, set in BgpV4RouteRange. // BgpAsPath is this attribute identifies the autonomous systems through which routing information carried in this UPDATE message has passed. This contains the configuration of how to include the Local AS in the AS path attribute of the MP REACH NLRI. It also contains optional configuration of additional AS Path Segments that can be included in the AS Path attribute. The AS Path consists of a Set or Sequence of Autonomous Systems (AS) numbers that a routing information passes through to reach the destination. AsPath() BgpAsPath // SetAsPath assigns BgpAsPath provided by user to BgpV4RouteRange. // BgpAsPath is this attribute identifies the autonomous systems through which routing information carried in this UPDATE message has passed. This contains the configuration of how to include the Local AS in the AS path attribute of the MP REACH NLRI. It also contains optional configuration of additional AS Path Segments that can be included in the AS Path attribute. The AS Path consists of a Set or Sequence of Autonomous Systems (AS) numbers that a routing information passes through to reach the destination. SetAsPath(value BgpAsPath) BgpV4RouteRange // HasAsPath checks if AsPath has been set in BgpV4RouteRange HasAsPath() bool // AddPath returns BgpAddPath, set in BgpV4RouteRange. // BgpAddPath is the BGP Additional Paths feature is a BGP extension that allows the advertisement of multiple paths for the same prefix without the new paths implicitly replacing any previous paths. AddPath() BgpAddPath // SetAddPath assigns BgpAddPath provided by user to BgpV4RouteRange. // BgpAddPath is the BGP Additional Paths feature is a BGP extension that allows the advertisement of multiple paths for the same prefix without the new paths implicitly replacing any previous paths. SetAddPath(value BgpAddPath) BgpV4RouteRange // HasAddPath checks if AddPath has been set in BgpV4RouteRange HasAddPath() bool // Name returns string, set in BgpV4RouteRange. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to BgpV4RouteRange SetName(value string) BgpV4RouteRange // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpV4RouteRange is emulated BGPv4 route range. Configuration for BGP route ranges.
func NewBgpV4RouteRange ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpV4RouteRange() BgpV4RouteRange
type BgpV4RouteRangeBgpCommunityIter ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpV4RouteRangeBgpCommunityIter interface { Items() []BgpCommunity Add() BgpCommunity Append(items ...BgpCommunity) BgpV4RouteRangeBgpCommunityIter Set(index int, newObj BgpCommunity) BgpV4RouteRangeBgpCommunityIter Clear() BgpV4RouteRangeBgpCommunityIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type BgpV4RouteRangeNextHopAddressTypeEnum ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpV4RouteRangeNextHopAddressTypeEnum string
type BgpV4RouteRangeNextHopModeEnum ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpV4RouteRangeNextHopModeEnum string
type BgpV4RouteRangeV4RouteAddressIter ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpV4RouteRangeV4RouteAddressIter interface { Items() []V4RouteAddress Add() V4RouteAddress Append(items ...V4RouteAddress) BgpV4RouteRangeV4RouteAddressIter Set(index int, newObj V4RouteAddress) BgpV4RouteRangeV4RouteAddressIter Clear() BgpV4RouteRangeV4RouteAddressIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type BgpV6Interface ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpV6Interface interface { Msg() *otg.BgpV6Interface SetMsg(*otg.BgpV6Interface) BgpV6Interface // ToPbText marshals BgpV6Interface to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpV6Interface to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpV6Interface to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpV6Interface from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpV6Interface from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpV6Interface from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpV6Interface Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Ipv6Name returns string, set in BgpV6Interface. Ipv6Name() string // SetIpv6Name assigns string provided by user to BgpV6Interface SetIpv6Name(value string) BgpV6Interface // Peers returns BgpV6InterfaceBgpV6PeerIter, set in BgpV6Interface Peers() BgpV6InterfaceBgpV6PeerIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpV6Interface is configuration for emulated BGPv6 peers and routes on a single IPv6 interface.
func NewBgpV6Interface ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpV6Interface() BgpV6Interface
type BgpV6InterfaceBgpV6PeerIter ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpV6InterfaceBgpV6PeerIter interface { Items() []BgpV6Peer Add() BgpV6Peer Append(items ...BgpV6Peer) BgpV6InterfaceBgpV6PeerIter Set(index int, newObj BgpV6Peer) BgpV6InterfaceBgpV6PeerIter Clear() BgpV6InterfaceBgpV6PeerIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type BgpV6Peer ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpV6Peer interface { Msg() *otg.BgpV6Peer SetMsg(*otg.BgpV6Peer) BgpV6Peer // ToPbText marshals BgpV6Peer to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpV6Peer to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpV6Peer to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpV6Peer from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpV6Peer from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpV6Peer from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpV6Peer Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // PeerAddress returns string, set in BgpV6Peer. PeerAddress() string // SetPeerAddress assigns string provided by user to BgpV6Peer SetPeerAddress(value string) BgpV6Peer // SegmentRouting returns BgpV6SegmentRouting, set in BgpV6Peer. // BgpV6SegmentRouting is status: under-review // Status: under-review // Configuration for BGPv6 segment routing settings. SegmentRouting() BgpV6SegmentRouting // SetSegmentRouting assigns BgpV6SegmentRouting provided by user to BgpV6Peer. // BgpV6SegmentRouting is status: under-review // Status: under-review // Configuration for BGPv6 segment routing settings. SetSegmentRouting(value BgpV6SegmentRouting) BgpV6Peer // HasSegmentRouting checks if SegmentRouting has been set in BgpV6Peer HasSegmentRouting() bool // AsType returns BgpV6PeerAsTypeEnum, set in BgpV6Peer AsType() BgpV6PeerAsTypeEnum // SetAsType assigns BgpV6PeerAsTypeEnum provided by user to BgpV6Peer SetAsType(value BgpV6PeerAsTypeEnum) BgpV6Peer // AsNumber returns int32, set in BgpV6Peer. AsNumber() int32 // SetAsNumber assigns int32 provided by user to BgpV6Peer SetAsNumber(value int32) BgpV6Peer // AsNumberWidth returns BgpV6PeerAsNumberWidthEnum, set in BgpV6Peer AsNumberWidth() BgpV6PeerAsNumberWidthEnum // SetAsNumberWidth assigns BgpV6PeerAsNumberWidthEnum provided by user to BgpV6Peer SetAsNumberWidth(value BgpV6PeerAsNumberWidthEnum) BgpV6Peer // HasAsNumberWidth checks if AsNumberWidth has been set in BgpV6Peer HasAsNumberWidth() bool // Advanced returns BgpAdvanced, set in BgpV6Peer. // BgpAdvanced is status: under-review // Status: under-review // Configuration for BGP advanced settings. Advanced() BgpAdvanced // SetAdvanced assigns BgpAdvanced provided by user to BgpV6Peer. // BgpAdvanced is status: under-review // Status: under-review // Configuration for BGP advanced settings. SetAdvanced(value BgpAdvanced) BgpV6Peer // HasAdvanced checks if Advanced has been set in BgpV6Peer HasAdvanced() bool // Capability returns BgpCapability, set in BgpV6Peer. // BgpCapability is status: under-review // Status: under-review // Configuration for BGP capability settings. Capability() BgpCapability // SetCapability assigns BgpCapability provided by user to BgpV6Peer. // BgpCapability is status: under-review // Status: under-review // Configuration for BGP capability settings. SetCapability(value BgpCapability) BgpV6Peer // HasCapability checks if Capability has been set in BgpV6Peer HasCapability() bool // V4Routes returns BgpV6PeerBgpV4RouteRangeIter, set in BgpV6Peer V4Routes() BgpV6PeerBgpV4RouteRangeIter // V6Routes returns BgpV6PeerBgpV6RouteRangeIter, set in BgpV6Peer V6Routes() BgpV6PeerBgpV6RouteRangeIter // V4SrtePolicies returns BgpV6PeerBgpSrteV4PolicyIter, set in BgpV6Peer V4SrtePolicies() BgpV6PeerBgpSrteV4PolicyIter // V6SrtePolicies returns BgpV6PeerBgpSrteV6PolicyIter, set in BgpV6Peer V6SrtePolicies() BgpV6PeerBgpSrteV6PolicyIter // Name returns string, set in BgpV6Peer. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to BgpV6Peer SetName(value string) BgpV6Peer // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpV6Peer is status: under-review Status: under-review Configuration for BGPv6 peer settings and routes. Configuration for basic emulated BGP peer settings.
func NewBgpV6Peer ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpV6Peer() BgpV6Peer
type BgpV6PeerAsNumberWidthEnum ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpV6PeerAsNumberWidthEnum string
type BgpV6PeerAsTypeEnum ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpV6PeerAsTypeEnum string
type BgpV6PeerBgpSrteV4PolicyIter ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpV6PeerBgpSrteV4PolicyIter interface { Items() []BgpSrteV4Policy Add() BgpSrteV4Policy Append(items ...BgpSrteV4Policy) BgpV6PeerBgpSrteV4PolicyIter Set(index int, newObj BgpSrteV4Policy) BgpV6PeerBgpSrteV4PolicyIter Clear() BgpV6PeerBgpSrteV4PolicyIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type BgpV6PeerBgpSrteV6PolicyIter ¶ added in v0.6.4
type BgpV6PeerBgpSrteV6PolicyIter interface { Items() []BgpSrteV6Policy Add() BgpSrteV6Policy Append(items ...BgpSrteV6Policy) BgpV6PeerBgpSrteV6PolicyIter Set(index int, newObj BgpSrteV6Policy) BgpV6PeerBgpSrteV6PolicyIter Clear() BgpV6PeerBgpSrteV6PolicyIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type BgpV6PeerBgpV4RouteRangeIter ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpV6PeerBgpV4RouteRangeIter interface { Items() []BgpV4RouteRange Add() BgpV4RouteRange Append(items ...BgpV4RouteRange) BgpV6PeerBgpV4RouteRangeIter Set(index int, newObj BgpV4RouteRange) BgpV6PeerBgpV4RouteRangeIter Clear() BgpV6PeerBgpV4RouteRangeIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type BgpV6PeerBgpV6RouteRangeIter ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpV6PeerBgpV6RouteRangeIter interface { Items() []BgpV6RouteRange Add() BgpV6RouteRange Append(items ...BgpV6RouteRange) BgpV6PeerBgpV6RouteRangeIter Set(index int, newObj BgpV6RouteRange) BgpV6PeerBgpV6RouteRangeIter Clear() BgpV6PeerBgpV6RouteRangeIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type BgpV6RouteRange ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpV6RouteRange interface { Msg() *otg.BgpV6RouteRange SetMsg(*otg.BgpV6RouteRange) BgpV6RouteRange // ToPbText marshals BgpV6RouteRange to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpV6RouteRange to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpV6RouteRange to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpV6RouteRange from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpV6RouteRange from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpV6RouteRange from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpV6RouteRange Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Addresses returns BgpV6RouteRangeV6RouteAddressIter, set in BgpV6RouteRange Addresses() BgpV6RouteRangeV6RouteAddressIter // NextHopMode returns BgpV6RouteRangeNextHopModeEnum, set in BgpV6RouteRange NextHopMode() BgpV6RouteRangeNextHopModeEnum // SetNextHopMode assigns BgpV6RouteRangeNextHopModeEnum provided by user to BgpV6RouteRange SetNextHopMode(value BgpV6RouteRangeNextHopModeEnum) BgpV6RouteRange // HasNextHopMode checks if NextHopMode has been set in BgpV6RouteRange HasNextHopMode() bool // NextHopAddressType returns BgpV6RouteRangeNextHopAddressTypeEnum, set in BgpV6RouteRange NextHopAddressType() BgpV6RouteRangeNextHopAddressTypeEnum // SetNextHopAddressType assigns BgpV6RouteRangeNextHopAddressTypeEnum provided by user to BgpV6RouteRange SetNextHopAddressType(value BgpV6RouteRangeNextHopAddressTypeEnum) BgpV6RouteRange // HasNextHopAddressType checks if NextHopAddressType has been set in BgpV6RouteRange HasNextHopAddressType() bool // NextHopIpv4Address returns string, set in BgpV6RouteRange. NextHopIpv4Address() string // SetNextHopIpv4Address assigns string provided by user to BgpV6RouteRange SetNextHopIpv4Address(value string) BgpV6RouteRange // HasNextHopIpv4Address checks if NextHopIpv4Address has been set in BgpV6RouteRange HasNextHopIpv4Address() bool // NextHopIpv6Address returns string, set in BgpV6RouteRange. NextHopIpv6Address() string // SetNextHopIpv6Address assigns string provided by user to BgpV6RouteRange SetNextHopIpv6Address(value string) BgpV6RouteRange // HasNextHopIpv6Address checks if NextHopIpv6Address has been set in BgpV6RouteRange HasNextHopIpv6Address() bool // Advanced returns BgpRouteAdvanced, set in BgpV6RouteRange. // BgpRouteAdvanced is configuration for advanced BGP route range settings. Advanced() BgpRouteAdvanced // SetAdvanced assigns BgpRouteAdvanced provided by user to BgpV6RouteRange. // BgpRouteAdvanced is configuration for advanced BGP route range settings. SetAdvanced(value BgpRouteAdvanced) BgpV6RouteRange // HasAdvanced checks if Advanced has been set in BgpV6RouteRange HasAdvanced() bool // Communities returns BgpV6RouteRangeBgpCommunityIter, set in BgpV6RouteRange Communities() BgpV6RouteRangeBgpCommunityIter // AsPath returns BgpAsPath, set in BgpV6RouteRange. // BgpAsPath is this attribute identifies the autonomous systems through which routing information carried in this UPDATE message has passed. This contains the configuration of how to include the Local AS in the AS path attribute of the MP REACH NLRI. It also contains optional configuration of additional AS Path Segments that can be included in the AS Path attribute. The AS Path consists of a Set or Sequence of Autonomous Systems (AS) numbers that a routing information passes through to reach the destination. AsPath() BgpAsPath // SetAsPath assigns BgpAsPath provided by user to BgpV6RouteRange. // BgpAsPath is this attribute identifies the autonomous systems through which routing information carried in this UPDATE message has passed. This contains the configuration of how to include the Local AS in the AS path attribute of the MP REACH NLRI. It also contains optional configuration of additional AS Path Segments that can be included in the AS Path attribute. The AS Path consists of a Set or Sequence of Autonomous Systems (AS) numbers that a routing information passes through to reach the destination. SetAsPath(value BgpAsPath) BgpV6RouteRange // HasAsPath checks if AsPath has been set in BgpV6RouteRange HasAsPath() bool // AddPath returns BgpAddPath, set in BgpV6RouteRange. // BgpAddPath is the BGP Additional Paths feature is a BGP extension that allows the advertisement of multiple paths for the same prefix without the new paths implicitly replacing any previous paths. AddPath() BgpAddPath // SetAddPath assigns BgpAddPath provided by user to BgpV6RouteRange. // BgpAddPath is the BGP Additional Paths feature is a BGP extension that allows the advertisement of multiple paths for the same prefix without the new paths implicitly replacing any previous paths. SetAddPath(value BgpAddPath) BgpV6RouteRange // HasAddPath checks if AddPath has been set in BgpV6RouteRange HasAddPath() bool // Name returns string, set in BgpV6RouteRange. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to BgpV6RouteRange SetName(value string) BgpV6RouteRange // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpV6RouteRange is emulated BGPv6 route range. Configuration for BGP route ranges.
func NewBgpV6RouteRange ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpV6RouteRange() BgpV6RouteRange
type BgpV6RouteRangeBgpCommunityIter ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpV6RouteRangeBgpCommunityIter interface { Items() []BgpCommunity Add() BgpCommunity Append(items ...BgpCommunity) BgpV6RouteRangeBgpCommunityIter Set(index int, newObj BgpCommunity) BgpV6RouteRangeBgpCommunityIter Clear() BgpV6RouteRangeBgpCommunityIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type BgpV6RouteRangeNextHopAddressTypeEnum ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpV6RouteRangeNextHopAddressTypeEnum string
type BgpV6RouteRangeNextHopModeEnum ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpV6RouteRangeNextHopModeEnum string
type BgpV6RouteRangeV6RouteAddressIter ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpV6RouteRangeV6RouteAddressIter interface { Items() []V6RouteAddress Add() V6RouteAddress Append(items ...V6RouteAddress) BgpV6RouteRangeV6RouteAddressIter Set(index int, newObj V6RouteAddress) BgpV6RouteRangeV6RouteAddressIter Clear() BgpV6RouteRangeV6RouteAddressIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type BgpV6SegmentRouting ¶ added in v0.6.1
type BgpV6SegmentRouting interface { Msg() *otg.BgpV6SegmentRouting SetMsg(*otg.BgpV6SegmentRouting) BgpV6SegmentRouting // ToPbText marshals BgpV6SegmentRouting to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals BgpV6SegmentRouting to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals BgpV6SegmentRouting to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals BgpV6SegmentRouting from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals BgpV6SegmentRouting from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals BgpV6SegmentRouting from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates BgpV6SegmentRouting Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // IngressSupportsVpn returns bool, set in BgpV6SegmentRouting. IngressSupportsVpn() bool // SetIngressSupportsVpn assigns bool provided by user to BgpV6SegmentRouting SetIngressSupportsVpn(value bool) BgpV6SegmentRouting // HasIngressSupportsVpn checks if IngressSupportsVpn has been set in BgpV6SegmentRouting HasIngressSupportsVpn() bool // ReducedEncapsulation returns bool, set in BgpV6SegmentRouting. ReducedEncapsulation() bool // SetReducedEncapsulation assigns bool provided by user to BgpV6SegmentRouting SetReducedEncapsulation(value bool) BgpV6SegmentRouting // HasReducedEncapsulation checks if ReducedEncapsulation has been set in BgpV6SegmentRouting HasReducedEncapsulation() bool // CopyTimeToLive returns bool, set in BgpV6SegmentRouting. CopyTimeToLive() bool // SetCopyTimeToLive assigns bool provided by user to BgpV6SegmentRouting SetCopyTimeToLive(value bool) BgpV6SegmentRouting // HasCopyTimeToLive checks if CopyTimeToLive has been set in BgpV6SegmentRouting HasCopyTimeToLive() bool // TimeToLive returns int32, set in BgpV6SegmentRouting. TimeToLive() int32 // SetTimeToLive assigns int32 provided by user to BgpV6SegmentRouting SetTimeToLive(value int32) BgpV6SegmentRouting // HasTimeToLive checks if TimeToLive has been set in BgpV6SegmentRouting HasTimeToLive() bool // MaxSidsPerSrh returns int32, set in BgpV6SegmentRouting. MaxSidsPerSrh() int32 // SetMaxSidsPerSrh assigns int32 provided by user to BgpV6SegmentRouting SetMaxSidsPerSrh(value int32) BgpV6SegmentRouting // HasMaxSidsPerSrh checks if MaxSidsPerSrh has been set in BgpV6SegmentRouting HasMaxSidsPerSrh() bool // AutoGenerateSegmentLeftValue returns bool, set in BgpV6SegmentRouting. AutoGenerateSegmentLeftValue() bool // SetAutoGenerateSegmentLeftValue assigns bool provided by user to BgpV6SegmentRouting SetAutoGenerateSegmentLeftValue(value bool) BgpV6SegmentRouting // HasAutoGenerateSegmentLeftValue checks if AutoGenerateSegmentLeftValue has been set in BgpV6SegmentRouting HasAutoGenerateSegmentLeftValue() bool // SegmentLeftValue returns int32, set in BgpV6SegmentRouting. SegmentLeftValue() int32 // SetSegmentLeftValue assigns int32 provided by user to BgpV6SegmentRouting SetSegmentLeftValue(value int32) BgpV6SegmentRouting // HasSegmentLeftValue checks if SegmentLeftValue has been set in BgpV6SegmentRouting HasSegmentLeftValue() bool // AdvertiseSrTePolicy returns bool, set in BgpV6SegmentRouting. AdvertiseSrTePolicy() bool // SetAdvertiseSrTePolicy assigns bool provided by user to BgpV6SegmentRouting SetAdvertiseSrTePolicy(value bool) BgpV6SegmentRouting // HasAdvertiseSrTePolicy checks if AdvertiseSrTePolicy has been set in BgpV6SegmentRouting HasAdvertiseSrTePolicy() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BgpV6SegmentRouting is status: under-review Status: under-review Configuration for BGPv6 segment routing settings.
func NewBgpV6SegmentRouting ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpV6SegmentRouting() BgpV6SegmentRouting
type Bgpv4Metric ¶
type Bgpv4Metric interface { Msg() *otg.Bgpv4Metric SetMsg(*otg.Bgpv4Metric) Bgpv4Metric // ToPbText marshals Bgpv4Metric to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals Bgpv4Metric to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals Bgpv4Metric to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals Bgpv4Metric from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals Bgpv4Metric from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals Bgpv4Metric from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates Bgpv4Metric Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Name returns string, set in Bgpv4Metric. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to Bgpv4Metric SetName(value string) Bgpv4Metric // HasName checks if Name has been set in Bgpv4Metric HasName() bool // SessionState returns Bgpv4MetricSessionStateEnum, set in Bgpv4Metric SessionState() Bgpv4MetricSessionStateEnum // SetSessionState assigns Bgpv4MetricSessionStateEnum provided by user to Bgpv4Metric SetSessionState(value Bgpv4MetricSessionStateEnum) Bgpv4Metric // HasSessionState checks if SessionState has been set in Bgpv4Metric HasSessionState() bool // SessionFlapCount returns int32, set in Bgpv4Metric. SessionFlapCount() int32 // SetSessionFlapCount assigns int32 provided by user to Bgpv4Metric SetSessionFlapCount(value int32) Bgpv4Metric // HasSessionFlapCount checks if SessionFlapCount has been set in Bgpv4Metric HasSessionFlapCount() bool // RoutesAdvertised returns int32, set in Bgpv4Metric. RoutesAdvertised() int32 // SetRoutesAdvertised assigns int32 provided by user to Bgpv4Metric SetRoutesAdvertised(value int32) Bgpv4Metric // HasRoutesAdvertised checks if RoutesAdvertised has been set in Bgpv4Metric HasRoutesAdvertised() bool // RoutesReceived returns int32, set in Bgpv4Metric. RoutesReceived() int32 // SetRoutesReceived assigns int32 provided by user to Bgpv4Metric SetRoutesReceived(value int32) Bgpv4Metric // HasRoutesReceived checks if RoutesReceived has been set in Bgpv4Metric HasRoutesReceived() bool // RouteWithdrawsSent returns int32, set in Bgpv4Metric. RouteWithdrawsSent() int32 // SetRouteWithdrawsSent assigns int32 provided by user to Bgpv4Metric SetRouteWithdrawsSent(value int32) Bgpv4Metric // HasRouteWithdrawsSent checks if RouteWithdrawsSent has been set in Bgpv4Metric HasRouteWithdrawsSent() bool // RouteWithdrawsReceived returns int32, set in Bgpv4Metric. RouteWithdrawsReceived() int32 // SetRouteWithdrawsReceived assigns int32 provided by user to Bgpv4Metric SetRouteWithdrawsReceived(value int32) Bgpv4Metric // HasRouteWithdrawsReceived checks if RouteWithdrawsReceived has been set in Bgpv4Metric HasRouteWithdrawsReceived() bool // UpdatesSent returns int32, set in Bgpv4Metric. UpdatesSent() int32 // SetUpdatesSent assigns int32 provided by user to Bgpv4Metric SetUpdatesSent(value int32) Bgpv4Metric // HasUpdatesSent checks if UpdatesSent has been set in Bgpv4Metric HasUpdatesSent() bool // UpdatesReceived returns int32, set in Bgpv4Metric. UpdatesReceived() int32 // SetUpdatesReceived assigns int32 provided by user to Bgpv4Metric SetUpdatesReceived(value int32) Bgpv4Metric // HasUpdatesReceived checks if UpdatesReceived has been set in Bgpv4Metric HasUpdatesReceived() bool // OpensSent returns int32, set in Bgpv4Metric. OpensSent() int32 // SetOpensSent assigns int32 provided by user to Bgpv4Metric SetOpensSent(value int32) Bgpv4Metric // HasOpensSent checks if OpensSent has been set in Bgpv4Metric HasOpensSent() bool // OpensReceived returns int32, set in Bgpv4Metric. OpensReceived() int32 // SetOpensReceived assigns int32 provided by user to Bgpv4Metric SetOpensReceived(value int32) Bgpv4Metric // HasOpensReceived checks if OpensReceived has been set in Bgpv4Metric HasOpensReceived() bool // KeepalivesSent returns int32, set in Bgpv4Metric. KeepalivesSent() int32 // SetKeepalivesSent assigns int32 provided by user to Bgpv4Metric SetKeepalivesSent(value int32) Bgpv4Metric // HasKeepalivesSent checks if KeepalivesSent has been set in Bgpv4Metric HasKeepalivesSent() bool // KeepalivesReceived returns int32, set in Bgpv4Metric. KeepalivesReceived() int32 // SetKeepalivesReceived assigns int32 provided by user to Bgpv4Metric SetKeepalivesReceived(value int32) Bgpv4Metric // HasKeepalivesReceived checks if KeepalivesReceived has been set in Bgpv4Metric HasKeepalivesReceived() bool // NotificationsSent returns int32, set in Bgpv4Metric. NotificationsSent() int32 // SetNotificationsSent assigns int32 provided by user to Bgpv4Metric SetNotificationsSent(value int32) Bgpv4Metric // HasNotificationsSent checks if NotificationsSent has been set in Bgpv4Metric HasNotificationsSent() bool // NotificationsReceived returns int32, set in Bgpv4Metric. NotificationsReceived() int32 // SetNotificationsReceived assigns int32 provided by user to Bgpv4Metric SetNotificationsReceived(value int32) Bgpv4Metric // HasNotificationsReceived checks if NotificationsReceived has been set in Bgpv4Metric HasNotificationsReceived() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Bgpv4Metric is bGPv4 per peer statistics information.
func NewBgpv4Metric ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpv4Metric() Bgpv4Metric
type Bgpv4MetricSessionStateEnum ¶
type Bgpv4MetricSessionStateEnum string
type Bgpv4MetricsRequest ¶
type Bgpv4MetricsRequest interface { Msg() *otg.Bgpv4MetricsRequest SetMsg(*otg.Bgpv4MetricsRequest) Bgpv4MetricsRequest // ToPbText marshals Bgpv4MetricsRequest to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals Bgpv4MetricsRequest to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals Bgpv4MetricsRequest to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals Bgpv4MetricsRequest from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals Bgpv4MetricsRequest from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals Bgpv4MetricsRequest from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates Bgpv4MetricsRequest Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // PeerNames returns []string, set in Bgpv4MetricsRequest. PeerNames() []string // SetPeerNames assigns []string provided by user to Bgpv4MetricsRequest SetPeerNames(value []string) Bgpv4MetricsRequest // ColumnNames returns []Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum, set in Bgpv4MetricsRequest ColumnNames() []Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum // SetColumnNames assigns []Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum provided by user to Bgpv4MetricsRequest SetColumnNames(value []Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum) Bgpv4MetricsRequest // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Bgpv4MetricsRequest is the request to retrieve BGPv4 per peer metrics/statistics.
func NewBgpv4MetricsRequest ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpv4MetricsRequest() Bgpv4MetricsRequest
type Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum ¶
type Bgpv4MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum string
type Bgpv6Metric ¶
type Bgpv6Metric interface { Msg() *otg.Bgpv6Metric SetMsg(*otg.Bgpv6Metric) Bgpv6Metric // ToPbText marshals Bgpv6Metric to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals Bgpv6Metric to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals Bgpv6Metric to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals Bgpv6Metric from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals Bgpv6Metric from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals Bgpv6Metric from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates Bgpv6Metric Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Name returns string, set in Bgpv6Metric. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to Bgpv6Metric SetName(value string) Bgpv6Metric // HasName checks if Name has been set in Bgpv6Metric HasName() bool // SessionState returns Bgpv6MetricSessionStateEnum, set in Bgpv6Metric SessionState() Bgpv6MetricSessionStateEnum // SetSessionState assigns Bgpv6MetricSessionStateEnum provided by user to Bgpv6Metric SetSessionState(value Bgpv6MetricSessionStateEnum) Bgpv6Metric // HasSessionState checks if SessionState has been set in Bgpv6Metric HasSessionState() bool // SessionFlapCount returns int32, set in Bgpv6Metric. SessionFlapCount() int32 // SetSessionFlapCount assigns int32 provided by user to Bgpv6Metric SetSessionFlapCount(value int32) Bgpv6Metric // HasSessionFlapCount checks if SessionFlapCount has been set in Bgpv6Metric HasSessionFlapCount() bool // RoutesAdvertised returns int32, set in Bgpv6Metric. RoutesAdvertised() int32 // SetRoutesAdvertised assigns int32 provided by user to Bgpv6Metric SetRoutesAdvertised(value int32) Bgpv6Metric // HasRoutesAdvertised checks if RoutesAdvertised has been set in Bgpv6Metric HasRoutesAdvertised() bool // RoutesReceived returns int32, set in Bgpv6Metric. RoutesReceived() int32 // SetRoutesReceived assigns int32 provided by user to Bgpv6Metric SetRoutesReceived(value int32) Bgpv6Metric // HasRoutesReceived checks if RoutesReceived has been set in Bgpv6Metric HasRoutesReceived() bool // RouteWithdrawsSent returns int32, set in Bgpv6Metric. RouteWithdrawsSent() int32 // SetRouteWithdrawsSent assigns int32 provided by user to Bgpv6Metric SetRouteWithdrawsSent(value int32) Bgpv6Metric // HasRouteWithdrawsSent checks if RouteWithdrawsSent has been set in Bgpv6Metric HasRouteWithdrawsSent() bool // RouteWithdrawsReceived returns int32, set in Bgpv6Metric. RouteWithdrawsReceived() int32 // SetRouteWithdrawsReceived assigns int32 provided by user to Bgpv6Metric SetRouteWithdrawsReceived(value int32) Bgpv6Metric // HasRouteWithdrawsReceived checks if RouteWithdrawsReceived has been set in Bgpv6Metric HasRouteWithdrawsReceived() bool // UpdatesSent returns int32, set in Bgpv6Metric. UpdatesSent() int32 // SetUpdatesSent assigns int32 provided by user to Bgpv6Metric SetUpdatesSent(value int32) Bgpv6Metric // HasUpdatesSent checks if UpdatesSent has been set in Bgpv6Metric HasUpdatesSent() bool // UpdatesReceived returns int32, set in Bgpv6Metric. UpdatesReceived() int32 // SetUpdatesReceived assigns int32 provided by user to Bgpv6Metric SetUpdatesReceived(value int32) Bgpv6Metric // HasUpdatesReceived checks if UpdatesReceived has been set in Bgpv6Metric HasUpdatesReceived() bool // OpensSent returns int32, set in Bgpv6Metric. OpensSent() int32 // SetOpensSent assigns int32 provided by user to Bgpv6Metric SetOpensSent(value int32) Bgpv6Metric // HasOpensSent checks if OpensSent has been set in Bgpv6Metric HasOpensSent() bool // OpensReceived returns int32, set in Bgpv6Metric. OpensReceived() int32 // SetOpensReceived assigns int32 provided by user to Bgpv6Metric SetOpensReceived(value int32) Bgpv6Metric // HasOpensReceived checks if OpensReceived has been set in Bgpv6Metric HasOpensReceived() bool // KeepalivesSent returns int32, set in Bgpv6Metric. KeepalivesSent() int32 // SetKeepalivesSent assigns int32 provided by user to Bgpv6Metric SetKeepalivesSent(value int32) Bgpv6Metric // HasKeepalivesSent checks if KeepalivesSent has been set in Bgpv6Metric HasKeepalivesSent() bool // KeepalivesReceived returns int32, set in Bgpv6Metric. KeepalivesReceived() int32 // SetKeepalivesReceived assigns int32 provided by user to Bgpv6Metric SetKeepalivesReceived(value int32) Bgpv6Metric // HasKeepalivesReceived checks if KeepalivesReceived has been set in Bgpv6Metric HasKeepalivesReceived() bool // NotificationsSent returns int32, set in Bgpv6Metric. NotificationsSent() int32 // SetNotificationsSent assigns int32 provided by user to Bgpv6Metric SetNotificationsSent(value int32) Bgpv6Metric // HasNotificationsSent checks if NotificationsSent has been set in Bgpv6Metric HasNotificationsSent() bool // NotificationsReceived returns int32, set in Bgpv6Metric. NotificationsReceived() int32 // SetNotificationsReceived assigns int32 provided by user to Bgpv6Metric SetNotificationsReceived(value int32) Bgpv6Metric // HasNotificationsReceived checks if NotificationsReceived has been set in Bgpv6Metric HasNotificationsReceived() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Bgpv6Metric is bGPv6 per peer statistics information.
func NewBgpv6Metric ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpv6Metric() Bgpv6Metric
type Bgpv6MetricSessionStateEnum ¶
type Bgpv6MetricSessionStateEnum string
type Bgpv6MetricsRequest ¶
type Bgpv6MetricsRequest interface { Msg() *otg.Bgpv6MetricsRequest SetMsg(*otg.Bgpv6MetricsRequest) Bgpv6MetricsRequest // ToPbText marshals Bgpv6MetricsRequest to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals Bgpv6MetricsRequest to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals Bgpv6MetricsRequest to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals Bgpv6MetricsRequest from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals Bgpv6MetricsRequest from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals Bgpv6MetricsRequest from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates Bgpv6MetricsRequest Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // PeerNames returns []string, set in Bgpv6MetricsRequest. PeerNames() []string // SetPeerNames assigns []string provided by user to Bgpv6MetricsRequest SetPeerNames(value []string) Bgpv6MetricsRequest // ColumnNames returns []Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum, set in Bgpv6MetricsRequest ColumnNames() []Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum // SetColumnNames assigns []Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum provided by user to Bgpv6MetricsRequest SetColumnNames(value []Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum) Bgpv6MetricsRequest // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Bgpv6MetricsRequest is the request to retrieve BGPv6 per peer metrics/statistics.
func NewBgpv6MetricsRequest ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewBgpv6MetricsRequest() Bgpv6MetricsRequest
type Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum ¶
type Bgpv6MetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum string
type Capture ¶
type Capture interface { Msg() *otg.Capture SetMsg(*otg.Capture) Capture // ToPbText marshals Capture to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals Capture to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals Capture to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals Capture from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals Capture from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals Capture from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates Capture Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // PortNames returns []string, set in Capture. PortNames() []string // SetPortNames assigns []string provided by user to Capture SetPortNames(value []string) Capture // Filters returns CaptureCaptureFilterIter, set in Capture Filters() CaptureCaptureFilterIter // Overwrite returns bool, set in Capture. Overwrite() bool // SetOverwrite assigns bool provided by user to Capture SetOverwrite(value bool) Capture // HasOverwrite checks if Overwrite has been set in Capture HasOverwrite() bool // PacketSize returns int32, set in Capture. PacketSize() int32 // SetPacketSize assigns int32 provided by user to Capture SetPacketSize(value int32) Capture // HasPacketSize checks if PacketSize has been set in Capture HasPacketSize() bool // Format returns CaptureFormatEnum, set in Capture Format() CaptureFormatEnum // SetFormat assigns CaptureFormatEnum provided by user to Capture SetFormat(value CaptureFormatEnum) Capture // HasFormat checks if Format has been set in Capture HasFormat() bool // Name returns string, set in Capture. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to Capture SetName(value string) Capture // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Capture is status: under-review Status: under-review Configuration for capture settings.
func NewCapture ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewCapture() Capture
type CaptureCaptureFilterIter ¶
type CaptureCaptureFilterIter interface { Items() []CaptureFilter Add() CaptureFilter Append(items ...CaptureFilter) CaptureCaptureFilterIter Set(index int, newObj CaptureFilter) CaptureCaptureFilterIter Clear() CaptureCaptureFilterIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type CaptureCustom ¶
type CaptureCustom interface { Msg() *otg.CaptureCustom SetMsg(*otg.CaptureCustom) CaptureCustom // ToPbText marshals CaptureCustom to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals CaptureCustom to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals CaptureCustom to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals CaptureCustom from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals CaptureCustom from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals CaptureCustom from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates CaptureCustom Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Offset returns int32, set in CaptureCustom. Offset() int32 // SetOffset assigns int32 provided by user to CaptureCustom SetOffset(value int32) CaptureCustom // HasOffset checks if Offset has been set in CaptureCustom HasOffset() bool // BitLength returns int32, set in CaptureCustom. BitLength() int32 // SetBitLength assigns int32 provided by user to CaptureCustom SetBitLength(value int32) CaptureCustom // HasBitLength checks if BitLength has been set in CaptureCustom HasBitLength() bool // Value returns string, set in CaptureCustom. Value() string // SetValue assigns string provided by user to CaptureCustom SetValue(value string) CaptureCustom // HasValue checks if Value has been set in CaptureCustom HasValue() bool // Mask returns string, set in CaptureCustom. Mask() string // SetMask assigns string provided by user to CaptureCustom SetMask(value string) CaptureCustom // HasMask checks if Mask has been set in CaptureCustom HasMask() bool // Negate returns bool, set in CaptureCustom. Negate() bool // SetNegate assigns bool provided by user to CaptureCustom SetNegate(value bool) CaptureCustom // HasNegate checks if Negate has been set in CaptureCustom HasNegate() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
CaptureCustom is description is TBD
func NewCaptureCustom ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewCaptureCustom() CaptureCustom
type CaptureEthernet ¶
type CaptureEthernet interface { Msg() *otg.CaptureEthernet SetMsg(*otg.CaptureEthernet) CaptureEthernet // ToPbText marshals CaptureEthernet to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals CaptureEthernet to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals CaptureEthernet to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals CaptureEthernet from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals CaptureEthernet from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals CaptureEthernet from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates CaptureEthernet Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Src returns CaptureField, set in CaptureEthernet. // CaptureField is description is TBD Src() CaptureField // SetSrc assigns CaptureField provided by user to CaptureEthernet. // CaptureField is description is TBD SetSrc(value CaptureField) CaptureEthernet // HasSrc checks if Src has been set in CaptureEthernet HasSrc() bool // Dst returns CaptureField, set in CaptureEthernet. // CaptureField is description is TBD Dst() CaptureField // SetDst assigns CaptureField provided by user to CaptureEthernet. // CaptureField is description is TBD SetDst(value CaptureField) CaptureEthernet // HasDst checks if Dst has been set in CaptureEthernet HasDst() bool // EtherType returns CaptureField, set in CaptureEthernet. // CaptureField is description is TBD EtherType() CaptureField // SetEtherType assigns CaptureField provided by user to CaptureEthernet. // CaptureField is description is TBD SetEtherType(value CaptureField) CaptureEthernet // HasEtherType checks if EtherType has been set in CaptureEthernet HasEtherType() bool // PfcQueue returns CaptureField, set in CaptureEthernet. // CaptureField is description is TBD PfcQueue() CaptureField // SetPfcQueue assigns CaptureField provided by user to CaptureEthernet. // CaptureField is description is TBD SetPfcQueue(value CaptureField) CaptureEthernet // HasPfcQueue checks if PfcQueue has been set in CaptureEthernet HasPfcQueue() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
CaptureEthernet is description is TBD
func NewCaptureEthernet ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewCaptureEthernet() CaptureEthernet
type CaptureField ¶
type CaptureField interface { Msg() *otg.CaptureField SetMsg(*otg.CaptureField) CaptureField // ToPbText marshals CaptureField to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals CaptureField to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals CaptureField to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals CaptureField from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals CaptureField from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals CaptureField from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates CaptureField Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Value returns string, set in CaptureField. Value() string // SetValue assigns string provided by user to CaptureField SetValue(value string) CaptureField // HasValue checks if Value has been set in CaptureField HasValue() bool // Mask returns string, set in CaptureField. Mask() string // SetMask assigns string provided by user to CaptureField SetMask(value string) CaptureField // HasMask checks if Mask has been set in CaptureField HasMask() bool // Negate returns bool, set in CaptureField. Negate() bool // SetNegate assigns bool provided by user to CaptureField SetNegate(value bool) CaptureField // HasNegate checks if Negate has been set in CaptureField HasNegate() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
CaptureField is description is TBD
func NewCaptureField ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewCaptureField() CaptureField
type CaptureFilter ¶
type CaptureFilter interface { Msg() *otg.CaptureFilter SetMsg(*otg.CaptureFilter) CaptureFilter // ToPbText marshals CaptureFilter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals CaptureFilter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals CaptureFilter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals CaptureFilter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals CaptureFilter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals CaptureFilter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates CaptureFilter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns CaptureFilterChoiceEnum, set in CaptureFilter Choice() CaptureFilterChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns CaptureFilterChoiceEnum provided by user to CaptureFilter SetChoice(value CaptureFilterChoiceEnum) CaptureFilter // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in CaptureFilter HasChoice() bool // Custom returns CaptureCustom, set in CaptureFilter. // CaptureCustom is description is TBD Custom() CaptureCustom // SetCustom assigns CaptureCustom provided by user to CaptureFilter. // CaptureCustom is description is TBD SetCustom(value CaptureCustom) CaptureFilter // HasCustom checks if Custom has been set in CaptureFilter HasCustom() bool // Ethernet returns CaptureEthernet, set in CaptureFilter. // CaptureEthernet is description is TBD Ethernet() CaptureEthernet // SetEthernet assigns CaptureEthernet provided by user to CaptureFilter. // CaptureEthernet is description is TBD SetEthernet(value CaptureEthernet) CaptureFilter // HasEthernet checks if Ethernet has been set in CaptureFilter HasEthernet() bool // Vlan returns CaptureVlan, set in CaptureFilter. // CaptureVlan is description is TBD Vlan() CaptureVlan // SetVlan assigns CaptureVlan provided by user to CaptureFilter. // CaptureVlan is description is TBD SetVlan(value CaptureVlan) CaptureFilter // HasVlan checks if Vlan has been set in CaptureFilter HasVlan() bool // Ipv4 returns CaptureIpv4, set in CaptureFilter. // CaptureIpv4 is description is TBD Ipv4() CaptureIpv4 // SetIpv4 assigns CaptureIpv4 provided by user to CaptureFilter. // CaptureIpv4 is description is TBD SetIpv4(value CaptureIpv4) CaptureFilter // HasIpv4 checks if Ipv4 has been set in CaptureFilter HasIpv4() bool // Ipv6 returns CaptureIpv6, set in CaptureFilter. // CaptureIpv6 is description is TBD Ipv6() CaptureIpv6 // SetIpv6 assigns CaptureIpv6 provided by user to CaptureFilter. // CaptureIpv6 is description is TBD SetIpv6(value CaptureIpv6) CaptureFilter // HasIpv6 checks if Ipv6 has been set in CaptureFilter HasIpv6() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
CaptureFilter is configuration for capture filters
func NewCaptureFilter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewCaptureFilter() CaptureFilter
type CaptureFilterChoiceEnum ¶
type CaptureFilterChoiceEnum string
type CaptureFormatEnum ¶
type CaptureFormatEnum string
type CaptureIpv4 ¶
type CaptureIpv4 interface { Msg() *otg.CaptureIpv4 SetMsg(*otg.CaptureIpv4) CaptureIpv4 // ToPbText marshals CaptureIpv4 to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals CaptureIpv4 to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals CaptureIpv4 to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals CaptureIpv4 from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals CaptureIpv4 from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals CaptureIpv4 from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates CaptureIpv4 Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Version returns CaptureField, set in CaptureIpv4. // CaptureField is description is TBD Version() CaptureField // SetVersion assigns CaptureField provided by user to CaptureIpv4. // CaptureField is description is TBD SetVersion(value CaptureField) CaptureIpv4 // HasVersion checks if Version has been set in CaptureIpv4 HasVersion() bool // HeaderLength returns CaptureField, set in CaptureIpv4. // CaptureField is description is TBD HeaderLength() CaptureField // SetHeaderLength assigns CaptureField provided by user to CaptureIpv4. // CaptureField is description is TBD SetHeaderLength(value CaptureField) CaptureIpv4 // HasHeaderLength checks if HeaderLength has been set in CaptureIpv4 HasHeaderLength() bool // Priority returns CaptureField, set in CaptureIpv4. // CaptureField is description is TBD Priority() CaptureField // SetPriority assigns CaptureField provided by user to CaptureIpv4. // CaptureField is description is TBD SetPriority(value CaptureField) CaptureIpv4 // HasPriority checks if Priority has been set in CaptureIpv4 HasPriority() bool // TotalLength returns CaptureField, set in CaptureIpv4. // CaptureField is description is TBD TotalLength() CaptureField // SetTotalLength assigns CaptureField provided by user to CaptureIpv4. // CaptureField is description is TBD SetTotalLength(value CaptureField) CaptureIpv4 // HasTotalLength checks if TotalLength has been set in CaptureIpv4 HasTotalLength() bool // Identification returns CaptureField, set in CaptureIpv4. // CaptureField is description is TBD Identification() CaptureField // SetIdentification assigns CaptureField provided by user to CaptureIpv4. // CaptureField is description is TBD SetIdentification(value CaptureField) CaptureIpv4 // HasIdentification checks if Identification has been set in CaptureIpv4 HasIdentification() bool // Reserved returns CaptureField, set in CaptureIpv4. // CaptureField is description is TBD Reserved() CaptureField // SetReserved assigns CaptureField provided by user to CaptureIpv4. // CaptureField is description is TBD SetReserved(value CaptureField) CaptureIpv4 // HasReserved checks if Reserved has been set in CaptureIpv4 HasReserved() bool // DontFragment returns CaptureField, set in CaptureIpv4. // CaptureField is description is TBD DontFragment() CaptureField // SetDontFragment assigns CaptureField provided by user to CaptureIpv4. // CaptureField is description is TBD SetDontFragment(value CaptureField) CaptureIpv4 // HasDontFragment checks if DontFragment has been set in CaptureIpv4 HasDontFragment() bool // MoreFragments returns CaptureField, set in CaptureIpv4. // CaptureField is description is TBD MoreFragments() CaptureField // SetMoreFragments assigns CaptureField provided by user to CaptureIpv4. // CaptureField is description is TBD SetMoreFragments(value CaptureField) CaptureIpv4 // HasMoreFragments checks if MoreFragments has been set in CaptureIpv4 HasMoreFragments() bool // FragmentOffset returns CaptureField, set in CaptureIpv4. // CaptureField is description is TBD FragmentOffset() CaptureField // SetFragmentOffset assigns CaptureField provided by user to CaptureIpv4. // CaptureField is description is TBD SetFragmentOffset(value CaptureField) CaptureIpv4 // HasFragmentOffset checks if FragmentOffset has been set in CaptureIpv4 HasFragmentOffset() bool // TimeToLive returns CaptureField, set in CaptureIpv4. // CaptureField is description is TBD TimeToLive() CaptureField // SetTimeToLive assigns CaptureField provided by user to CaptureIpv4. // CaptureField is description is TBD SetTimeToLive(value CaptureField) CaptureIpv4 // HasTimeToLive checks if TimeToLive has been set in CaptureIpv4 HasTimeToLive() bool // Protocol returns CaptureField, set in CaptureIpv4. // CaptureField is description is TBD Protocol() CaptureField // SetProtocol assigns CaptureField provided by user to CaptureIpv4. // CaptureField is description is TBD SetProtocol(value CaptureField) CaptureIpv4 // HasProtocol checks if Protocol has been set in CaptureIpv4 HasProtocol() bool // HeaderChecksum returns CaptureField, set in CaptureIpv4. // CaptureField is description is TBD HeaderChecksum() CaptureField // SetHeaderChecksum assigns CaptureField provided by user to CaptureIpv4. // CaptureField is description is TBD SetHeaderChecksum(value CaptureField) CaptureIpv4 // HasHeaderChecksum checks if HeaderChecksum has been set in CaptureIpv4 HasHeaderChecksum() bool // Src returns CaptureField, set in CaptureIpv4. // CaptureField is description is TBD Src() CaptureField // SetSrc assigns CaptureField provided by user to CaptureIpv4. // CaptureField is description is TBD SetSrc(value CaptureField) CaptureIpv4 // HasSrc checks if Src has been set in CaptureIpv4 HasSrc() bool // Dst returns CaptureField, set in CaptureIpv4. // CaptureField is description is TBD Dst() CaptureField // SetDst assigns CaptureField provided by user to CaptureIpv4. // CaptureField is description is TBD SetDst(value CaptureField) CaptureIpv4 // HasDst checks if Dst has been set in CaptureIpv4 HasDst() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
CaptureIpv4 is description is TBD
func NewCaptureIpv4 ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewCaptureIpv4() CaptureIpv4
type CaptureIpv6 ¶
type CaptureIpv6 interface { Msg() *otg.CaptureIpv6 SetMsg(*otg.CaptureIpv6) CaptureIpv6 // ToPbText marshals CaptureIpv6 to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals CaptureIpv6 to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals CaptureIpv6 to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals CaptureIpv6 from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals CaptureIpv6 from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals CaptureIpv6 from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates CaptureIpv6 Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Version returns CaptureField, set in CaptureIpv6. // CaptureField is description is TBD Version() CaptureField // SetVersion assigns CaptureField provided by user to CaptureIpv6. // CaptureField is description is TBD SetVersion(value CaptureField) CaptureIpv6 // HasVersion checks if Version has been set in CaptureIpv6 HasVersion() bool // TrafficClass returns CaptureField, set in CaptureIpv6. // CaptureField is description is TBD TrafficClass() CaptureField // SetTrafficClass assigns CaptureField provided by user to CaptureIpv6. // CaptureField is description is TBD SetTrafficClass(value CaptureField) CaptureIpv6 // HasTrafficClass checks if TrafficClass has been set in CaptureIpv6 HasTrafficClass() bool // FlowLabel returns CaptureField, set in CaptureIpv6. // CaptureField is description is TBD FlowLabel() CaptureField // SetFlowLabel assigns CaptureField provided by user to CaptureIpv6. // CaptureField is description is TBD SetFlowLabel(value CaptureField) CaptureIpv6 // HasFlowLabel checks if FlowLabel has been set in CaptureIpv6 HasFlowLabel() bool // PayloadLength returns CaptureField, set in CaptureIpv6. // CaptureField is description is TBD PayloadLength() CaptureField // SetPayloadLength assigns CaptureField provided by user to CaptureIpv6. // CaptureField is description is TBD SetPayloadLength(value CaptureField) CaptureIpv6 // HasPayloadLength checks if PayloadLength has been set in CaptureIpv6 HasPayloadLength() bool // NextHeader returns CaptureField, set in CaptureIpv6. // CaptureField is description is TBD NextHeader() CaptureField // SetNextHeader assigns CaptureField provided by user to CaptureIpv6. // CaptureField is description is TBD SetNextHeader(value CaptureField) CaptureIpv6 // HasNextHeader checks if NextHeader has been set in CaptureIpv6 HasNextHeader() bool // HopLimit returns CaptureField, set in CaptureIpv6. // CaptureField is description is TBD HopLimit() CaptureField // SetHopLimit assigns CaptureField provided by user to CaptureIpv6. // CaptureField is description is TBD SetHopLimit(value CaptureField) CaptureIpv6 // HasHopLimit checks if HopLimit has been set in CaptureIpv6 HasHopLimit() bool // Src returns CaptureField, set in CaptureIpv6. // CaptureField is description is TBD Src() CaptureField // SetSrc assigns CaptureField provided by user to CaptureIpv6. // CaptureField is description is TBD SetSrc(value CaptureField) CaptureIpv6 // HasSrc checks if Src has been set in CaptureIpv6 HasSrc() bool // Dst returns CaptureField, set in CaptureIpv6. // CaptureField is description is TBD Dst() CaptureField // SetDst assigns CaptureField provided by user to CaptureIpv6. // CaptureField is description is TBD SetDst(value CaptureField) CaptureIpv6 // HasDst checks if Dst has been set in CaptureIpv6 HasDst() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
CaptureIpv6 is description is TBD
func NewCaptureIpv6 ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewCaptureIpv6() CaptureIpv6
type CaptureRequest ¶
type CaptureRequest interface { Msg() *otg.CaptureRequest SetMsg(*otg.CaptureRequest) CaptureRequest // ToPbText marshals CaptureRequest to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals CaptureRequest to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals CaptureRequest to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals CaptureRequest from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals CaptureRequest from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals CaptureRequest from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates CaptureRequest Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // PortName returns string, set in CaptureRequest. PortName() string // SetPortName assigns string provided by user to CaptureRequest SetPortName(value string) CaptureRequest // contains filtered or unexported methods }
CaptureRequest is the capture result request to the traffic generator. Stops the port capture on the port_name and returns the capture.
func NewCaptureRequest ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewCaptureRequest() CaptureRequest
type CaptureState ¶
type CaptureState interface { Msg() *otg.CaptureState SetMsg(*otg.CaptureState) CaptureState // ToPbText marshals CaptureState to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals CaptureState to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals CaptureState to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals CaptureState from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals CaptureState from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals CaptureState from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates CaptureState Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // PortNames returns []string, set in CaptureState. PortNames() []string // SetPortNames assigns []string provided by user to CaptureState SetPortNames(value []string) CaptureState // State returns CaptureStateStateEnum, set in CaptureState State() CaptureStateStateEnum // SetState assigns CaptureStateStateEnum provided by user to CaptureState SetState(value CaptureStateStateEnum) CaptureState // contains filtered or unexported methods }
CaptureState is control port capture state
func NewCaptureState ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewCaptureState() CaptureState
type CaptureStateStateEnum ¶
type CaptureStateStateEnum string
type CaptureVlan ¶
type CaptureVlan interface { Msg() *otg.CaptureVlan SetMsg(*otg.CaptureVlan) CaptureVlan // ToPbText marshals CaptureVlan to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals CaptureVlan to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals CaptureVlan to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals CaptureVlan from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals CaptureVlan from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals CaptureVlan from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates CaptureVlan Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Priority returns CaptureField, set in CaptureVlan. // CaptureField is description is TBD Priority() CaptureField // SetPriority assigns CaptureField provided by user to CaptureVlan. // CaptureField is description is TBD SetPriority(value CaptureField) CaptureVlan // HasPriority checks if Priority has been set in CaptureVlan HasPriority() bool // Cfi returns CaptureField, set in CaptureVlan. // CaptureField is description is TBD Cfi() CaptureField // SetCfi assigns CaptureField provided by user to CaptureVlan. // CaptureField is description is TBD SetCfi(value CaptureField) CaptureVlan // HasCfi checks if Cfi has been set in CaptureVlan HasCfi() bool // Id returns CaptureField, set in CaptureVlan. // CaptureField is description is TBD Id() CaptureField // SetId assigns CaptureField provided by user to CaptureVlan. // CaptureField is description is TBD SetId(value CaptureField) CaptureVlan // HasId checks if Id has been set in CaptureVlan HasId() bool // Protocol returns CaptureField, set in CaptureVlan. // CaptureField is description is TBD Protocol() CaptureField // SetProtocol assigns CaptureField provided by user to CaptureVlan. // CaptureField is description is TBD SetProtocol(value CaptureField) CaptureVlan // HasProtocol checks if Protocol has been set in CaptureVlan HasProtocol() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
CaptureVlan is description is TBD
func NewCaptureVlan ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewCaptureVlan() CaptureVlan
type Config ¶
type Config interface { Msg() *otg.Config SetMsg(*otg.Config) Config // ToPbText marshals Config to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals Config to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals Config to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals Config from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals Config from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals Config from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates Config Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Ports returns ConfigPortIter, set in Config Ports() ConfigPortIter // Lags returns ConfigLagIter, set in Config Lags() ConfigLagIter // Layer1 returns ConfigLayer1Iter, set in Config Layer1() ConfigLayer1Iter // Captures returns ConfigCaptureIter, set in Config Captures() ConfigCaptureIter // Devices returns ConfigDeviceIter, set in Config Devices() ConfigDeviceIter // Flows returns ConfigFlowIter, set in Config Flows() ConfigFlowIter // Events returns Event, set in Config. // Event is the optional container for event configuration. Events() Event // SetEvents assigns Event provided by user to Config. // Event is the optional container for event configuration. SetEvents(value Event) Config // HasEvents checks if Events has been set in Config HasEvents() bool // Options returns ConfigOptions, set in Config. // ConfigOptions is global configuration options. Options() ConfigOptions // SetOptions assigns ConfigOptions provided by user to Config. // ConfigOptions is global configuration options. SetOptions(value ConfigOptions) Config // HasOptions checks if Options has been set in Config HasOptions() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Config is a container for all models that are part of the configuration.
type ConfigCaptureIter ¶
type ConfigCaptureIter interface { Items() []Capture Add() Capture Append(items ...Capture) ConfigCaptureIter Set(index int, newObj Capture) ConfigCaptureIter Clear() ConfigCaptureIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type ConfigDeviceIter ¶
type ConfigDeviceIter interface { Items() []Device Add() Device Append(items ...Device) ConfigDeviceIter Set(index int, newObj Device) ConfigDeviceIter Clear() ConfigDeviceIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type ConfigFlowIter ¶
type ConfigFlowIter interface { Items() []Flow Add() Flow Append(items ...Flow) ConfigFlowIter Set(index int, newObj Flow) ConfigFlowIter Clear() ConfigFlowIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type ConfigLagIter ¶
type ConfigLagIter interface { Items() []Lag Add() Lag Append(items ...Lag) ConfigLagIter Set(index int, newObj Lag) ConfigLagIter Clear() ConfigLagIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type ConfigLayer1Iter ¶
type ConfigLayer1Iter interface { Items() []Layer1 Add() Layer1 Append(items ...Layer1) ConfigLayer1Iter Set(index int, newObj Layer1) ConfigLayer1Iter Clear() ConfigLayer1Iter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type ConfigOptions ¶
type ConfigOptions interface { Msg() *otg.ConfigOptions SetMsg(*otg.ConfigOptions) ConfigOptions // ToPbText marshals ConfigOptions to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals ConfigOptions to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals ConfigOptions to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals ConfigOptions from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals ConfigOptions from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals ConfigOptions from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates ConfigOptions Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // PortOptions returns PortOptions, set in ConfigOptions. // PortOptions is common port options that apply to all configured Port objects. PortOptions() PortOptions // SetPortOptions assigns PortOptions provided by user to ConfigOptions. // PortOptions is common port options that apply to all configured Port objects. SetPortOptions(value PortOptions) ConfigOptions // HasPortOptions checks if PortOptions has been set in ConfigOptions HasPortOptions() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
ConfigOptions is global configuration options.
func NewConfigOptions ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewConfigOptions() ConfigOptions
type ConfigPortIter ¶
type ConfigPortIter interface { Items() []Port Add() Port Append(items ...Port) ConfigPortIter Set(index int, newObj Port) ConfigPortIter Clear() ConfigPortIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type Device ¶
type Device interface { Msg() *otg.Device SetMsg(*otg.Device) Device // ToPbText marshals Device to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals Device to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals Device to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals Device from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals Device from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals Device from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates Device Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Ethernets returns DeviceDeviceEthernetIter, set in Device Ethernets() DeviceDeviceEthernetIter // Ipv4Loopbacks returns DeviceDeviceIpv4LoopbackIter, set in Device Ipv4Loopbacks() DeviceDeviceIpv4LoopbackIter // Ipv6Loopbacks returns DeviceDeviceIpv6LoopbackIter, set in Device Ipv6Loopbacks() DeviceDeviceIpv6LoopbackIter // Isis returns DeviceIsisRouter, set in Device. // DeviceIsisRouter is status: under-review // Status: under-review // A container of properties for an ISIS router and its interfaces. Isis() DeviceIsisRouter // SetIsis assigns DeviceIsisRouter provided by user to Device. // DeviceIsisRouter is status: under-review // Status: under-review // A container of properties for an ISIS router and its interfaces. SetIsis(value DeviceIsisRouter) Device // HasIsis checks if Isis has been set in Device HasIsis() bool // Bgp returns DeviceBgpRouter, set in Device. // DeviceBgpRouter is configuration for one or more IPv4 or IPv6 BGP peers. Bgp() DeviceBgpRouter // SetBgp assigns DeviceBgpRouter provided by user to Device. // DeviceBgpRouter is configuration for one or more IPv4 or IPv6 BGP peers. SetBgp(value DeviceBgpRouter) Device // HasBgp checks if Bgp has been set in Device HasBgp() bool // Name returns string, set in Device. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to Device SetName(value string) Device // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Device is a container for emulated interfaces, loopback interfaces and protocol configurations.
type DeviceBgpRouter ¶ added in v0.6.1
type DeviceBgpRouter interface { Msg() *otg.DeviceBgpRouter SetMsg(*otg.DeviceBgpRouter) DeviceBgpRouter // ToPbText marshals DeviceBgpRouter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals DeviceBgpRouter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals DeviceBgpRouter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals DeviceBgpRouter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals DeviceBgpRouter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals DeviceBgpRouter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates DeviceBgpRouter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // RouterId returns string, set in DeviceBgpRouter. RouterId() string // SetRouterId assigns string provided by user to DeviceBgpRouter SetRouterId(value string) DeviceBgpRouter // Ipv4Interfaces returns DeviceBgpRouterBgpV4InterfaceIter, set in DeviceBgpRouter Ipv4Interfaces() DeviceBgpRouterBgpV4InterfaceIter // Ipv6Interfaces returns DeviceBgpRouterBgpV6InterfaceIter, set in DeviceBgpRouter Ipv6Interfaces() DeviceBgpRouterBgpV6InterfaceIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
DeviceBgpRouter is configuration for one or more IPv4 or IPv6 BGP peers.
func NewDeviceBgpRouter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewDeviceBgpRouter() DeviceBgpRouter
type DeviceBgpRouterBgpV4InterfaceIter ¶ added in v0.6.1
type DeviceBgpRouterBgpV4InterfaceIter interface { Items() []BgpV4Interface Add() BgpV4Interface Append(items ...BgpV4Interface) DeviceBgpRouterBgpV4InterfaceIter Set(index int, newObj BgpV4Interface) DeviceBgpRouterBgpV4InterfaceIter Clear() DeviceBgpRouterBgpV4InterfaceIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type DeviceBgpRouterBgpV6InterfaceIter ¶ added in v0.6.1
type DeviceBgpRouterBgpV6InterfaceIter interface { Items() []BgpV6Interface Add() BgpV6Interface Append(items ...BgpV6Interface) DeviceBgpRouterBgpV6InterfaceIter Set(index int, newObj BgpV6Interface) DeviceBgpRouterBgpV6InterfaceIter Clear() DeviceBgpRouterBgpV6InterfaceIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type DeviceDeviceEthernetIter ¶ added in v0.6.1
type DeviceDeviceEthernetIter interface { Items() []DeviceEthernet Add() DeviceEthernet Append(items ...DeviceEthernet) DeviceDeviceEthernetIter Set(index int, newObj DeviceEthernet) DeviceDeviceEthernetIter Clear() DeviceDeviceEthernetIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type DeviceDeviceIpv4LoopbackIter ¶ added in v0.6.1
type DeviceDeviceIpv4LoopbackIter interface { Items() []DeviceIpv4Loopback Add() DeviceIpv4Loopback Append(items ...DeviceIpv4Loopback) DeviceDeviceIpv4LoopbackIter Set(index int, newObj DeviceIpv4Loopback) DeviceDeviceIpv4LoopbackIter Clear() DeviceDeviceIpv4LoopbackIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type DeviceDeviceIpv6LoopbackIter ¶ added in v0.6.1
type DeviceDeviceIpv6LoopbackIter interface { Items() []DeviceIpv6Loopback Add() DeviceIpv6Loopback Append(items ...DeviceIpv6Loopback) DeviceDeviceIpv6LoopbackIter Set(index int, newObj DeviceIpv6Loopback) DeviceDeviceIpv6LoopbackIter Clear() DeviceDeviceIpv6LoopbackIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type DeviceEthernet ¶
type DeviceEthernet interface { Msg() *otg.DeviceEthernet SetMsg(*otg.DeviceEthernet) DeviceEthernet // ToPbText marshals DeviceEthernet to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals DeviceEthernet to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals DeviceEthernet to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals DeviceEthernet from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals DeviceEthernet from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals DeviceEthernet from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates DeviceEthernet Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // PortName returns string, set in DeviceEthernet. PortName() string // SetPortName assigns string provided by user to DeviceEthernet SetPortName(value string) DeviceEthernet // Ipv4Addresses returns DeviceEthernetDeviceIpv4Iter, set in DeviceEthernet Ipv4Addresses() DeviceEthernetDeviceIpv4Iter // Ipv6Addresses returns DeviceEthernetDeviceIpv6Iter, set in DeviceEthernet Ipv6Addresses() DeviceEthernetDeviceIpv6Iter // Mac returns string, set in DeviceEthernet. Mac() string // SetMac assigns string provided by user to DeviceEthernet SetMac(value string) DeviceEthernet // Mtu returns int32, set in DeviceEthernet. Mtu() int32 // SetMtu assigns int32 provided by user to DeviceEthernet SetMtu(value int32) DeviceEthernet // HasMtu checks if Mtu has been set in DeviceEthernet HasMtu() bool // Vlans returns DeviceEthernetDeviceVlanIter, set in DeviceEthernet Vlans() DeviceEthernetDeviceVlanIter // Name returns string, set in DeviceEthernet. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to DeviceEthernet SetName(value string) DeviceEthernet // contains filtered or unexported methods }
DeviceEthernet is an Ethernet interface with IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Base Ethernet interface.
func NewDeviceEthernet ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewDeviceEthernet() DeviceEthernet
type DeviceEthernetBase ¶
type DeviceEthernetBase interface { Msg() *otg.DeviceEthernetBase SetMsg(*otg.DeviceEthernetBase) DeviceEthernetBase // ToPbText marshals DeviceEthernetBase to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals DeviceEthernetBase to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals DeviceEthernetBase to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals DeviceEthernetBase from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals DeviceEthernetBase from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals DeviceEthernetBase from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates DeviceEthernetBase Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Mac returns string, set in DeviceEthernetBase. Mac() string // SetMac assigns string provided by user to DeviceEthernetBase SetMac(value string) DeviceEthernetBase // Mtu returns int32, set in DeviceEthernetBase. Mtu() int32 // SetMtu assigns int32 provided by user to DeviceEthernetBase SetMtu(value int32) DeviceEthernetBase // HasMtu checks if Mtu has been set in DeviceEthernetBase HasMtu() bool // Vlans returns DeviceEthernetBaseDeviceVlanIter, set in DeviceEthernetBase Vlans() DeviceEthernetBaseDeviceVlanIter // Name returns string, set in DeviceEthernetBase. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to DeviceEthernetBase SetName(value string) DeviceEthernetBase // contains filtered or unexported methods }
DeviceEthernetBase is base Ethernet interface.
func NewDeviceEthernetBase ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewDeviceEthernetBase() DeviceEthernetBase
type DeviceEthernetBaseDeviceVlanIter ¶
type DeviceEthernetBaseDeviceVlanIter interface { Items() []DeviceVlan Add() DeviceVlan Append(items ...DeviceVlan) DeviceEthernetBaseDeviceVlanIter Set(index int, newObj DeviceVlan) DeviceEthernetBaseDeviceVlanIter Clear() DeviceEthernetBaseDeviceVlanIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type DeviceEthernetDeviceIpv4Iter ¶ added in v0.6.1
type DeviceEthernetDeviceIpv4Iter interface { Items() []DeviceIpv4 Add() DeviceIpv4 Append(items ...DeviceIpv4) DeviceEthernetDeviceIpv4Iter Set(index int, newObj DeviceIpv4) DeviceEthernetDeviceIpv4Iter Clear() DeviceEthernetDeviceIpv4Iter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type DeviceEthernetDeviceIpv6Iter ¶ added in v0.6.1
type DeviceEthernetDeviceIpv6Iter interface { Items() []DeviceIpv6 Add() DeviceIpv6 Append(items ...DeviceIpv6) DeviceEthernetDeviceIpv6Iter Set(index int, newObj DeviceIpv6) DeviceEthernetDeviceIpv6Iter Clear() DeviceEthernetDeviceIpv6Iter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type DeviceEthernetDeviceVlanIter ¶
type DeviceEthernetDeviceVlanIter interface { Items() []DeviceVlan Add() DeviceVlan Append(items ...DeviceVlan) DeviceEthernetDeviceVlanIter Set(index int, newObj DeviceVlan) DeviceEthernetDeviceVlanIter Clear() DeviceEthernetDeviceVlanIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type DeviceIpv4 ¶
type DeviceIpv4 interface { Msg() *otg.DeviceIpv4 SetMsg(*otg.DeviceIpv4) DeviceIpv4 // ToPbText marshals DeviceIpv4 to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals DeviceIpv4 to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals DeviceIpv4 to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals DeviceIpv4 from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals DeviceIpv4 from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals DeviceIpv4 from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates DeviceIpv4 Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Gateway returns string, set in DeviceIpv4. Gateway() string // SetGateway assigns string provided by user to DeviceIpv4 SetGateway(value string) DeviceIpv4 // Address returns string, set in DeviceIpv4. Address() string // SetAddress assigns string provided by user to DeviceIpv4 SetAddress(value string) DeviceIpv4 // Prefix returns int32, set in DeviceIpv4. Prefix() int32 // SetPrefix assigns int32 provided by user to DeviceIpv4 SetPrefix(value int32) DeviceIpv4 // HasPrefix checks if Prefix has been set in DeviceIpv4 HasPrefix() bool // Name returns string, set in DeviceIpv4. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to DeviceIpv4 SetName(value string) DeviceIpv4 // contains filtered or unexported methods }
DeviceIpv4 is an IPv4 interface with gateway A base IPv4 interface.
func NewDeviceIpv4 ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewDeviceIpv4() DeviceIpv4
type DeviceIpv4Loopback ¶ added in v0.6.1
type DeviceIpv4Loopback interface { Msg() *otg.DeviceIpv4Loopback SetMsg(*otg.DeviceIpv4Loopback) DeviceIpv4Loopback // ToPbText marshals DeviceIpv4Loopback to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals DeviceIpv4Loopback to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals DeviceIpv4Loopback to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals DeviceIpv4Loopback from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals DeviceIpv4Loopback from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals DeviceIpv4Loopback from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates DeviceIpv4Loopback Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // EthName returns string, set in DeviceIpv4Loopback. EthName() string // SetEthName assigns string provided by user to DeviceIpv4Loopback SetEthName(value string) DeviceIpv4Loopback // Address returns string, set in DeviceIpv4Loopback. Address() string // SetAddress assigns string provided by user to DeviceIpv4Loopback SetAddress(value string) DeviceIpv4Loopback // HasAddress checks if Address has been set in DeviceIpv4Loopback HasAddress() bool // Name returns string, set in DeviceIpv4Loopback. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to DeviceIpv4Loopback SetName(value string) DeviceIpv4Loopback // contains filtered or unexported methods }
DeviceIpv4Loopback is an IPv4 Loopback interface.
func NewDeviceIpv4Loopback ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewDeviceIpv4Loopback() DeviceIpv4Loopback
type DeviceIpv6 ¶
type DeviceIpv6 interface { Msg() *otg.DeviceIpv6 SetMsg(*otg.DeviceIpv6) DeviceIpv6 // ToPbText marshals DeviceIpv6 to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals DeviceIpv6 to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals DeviceIpv6 to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals DeviceIpv6 from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals DeviceIpv6 from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals DeviceIpv6 from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates DeviceIpv6 Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Gateway returns string, set in DeviceIpv6. Gateway() string // SetGateway assigns string provided by user to DeviceIpv6 SetGateway(value string) DeviceIpv6 // Address returns string, set in DeviceIpv6. Address() string // SetAddress assigns string provided by user to DeviceIpv6 SetAddress(value string) DeviceIpv6 // Prefix returns int32, set in DeviceIpv6. Prefix() int32 // SetPrefix assigns int32 provided by user to DeviceIpv6 SetPrefix(value int32) DeviceIpv6 // HasPrefix checks if Prefix has been set in DeviceIpv6 HasPrefix() bool // Name returns string, set in DeviceIpv6. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to DeviceIpv6 SetName(value string) DeviceIpv6 // contains filtered or unexported methods }
DeviceIpv6 is status: under-review Status: under-review An IPv6 interface with gateway. A base IPv6 interface.
func NewDeviceIpv6 ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewDeviceIpv6() DeviceIpv6
type DeviceIpv6Loopback ¶ added in v0.6.1
type DeviceIpv6Loopback interface { Msg() *otg.DeviceIpv6Loopback SetMsg(*otg.DeviceIpv6Loopback) DeviceIpv6Loopback // ToPbText marshals DeviceIpv6Loopback to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals DeviceIpv6Loopback to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals DeviceIpv6Loopback to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals DeviceIpv6Loopback from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals DeviceIpv6Loopback from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals DeviceIpv6Loopback from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates DeviceIpv6Loopback Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // EthName returns string, set in DeviceIpv6Loopback. EthName() string // SetEthName assigns string provided by user to DeviceIpv6Loopback SetEthName(value string) DeviceIpv6Loopback // Address returns string, set in DeviceIpv6Loopback. Address() string // SetAddress assigns string provided by user to DeviceIpv6Loopback SetAddress(value string) DeviceIpv6Loopback // HasAddress checks if Address has been set in DeviceIpv6Loopback HasAddress() bool // Name returns string, set in DeviceIpv6Loopback. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to DeviceIpv6Loopback SetName(value string) DeviceIpv6Loopback // contains filtered or unexported methods }
DeviceIpv6Loopback is an IPv6 Loopback interface
func NewDeviceIpv6Loopback ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewDeviceIpv6Loopback() DeviceIpv6Loopback
type DeviceIsisMultiInstance ¶ added in v0.6.1
type DeviceIsisMultiInstance interface { Msg() *otg.DeviceIsisMultiInstance SetMsg(*otg.DeviceIsisMultiInstance) DeviceIsisMultiInstance // ToPbText marshals DeviceIsisMultiInstance to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals DeviceIsisMultiInstance to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals DeviceIsisMultiInstance to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals DeviceIsisMultiInstance from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals DeviceIsisMultiInstance from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals DeviceIsisMultiInstance from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates DeviceIsisMultiInstance Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Iid returns int32, set in DeviceIsisMultiInstance. Iid() int32 // SetIid assigns int32 provided by user to DeviceIsisMultiInstance SetIid(value int32) DeviceIsisMultiInstance // HasIid checks if Iid has been set in DeviceIsisMultiInstance HasIid() bool // Itids returns []int32, set in DeviceIsisMultiInstance. Itids() []int32 // SetItids assigns []int32 provided by user to DeviceIsisMultiInstance SetItids(value []int32) DeviceIsisMultiInstance // contains filtered or unexported methods }
DeviceIsisMultiInstance is status: under-review Status: under-review This container properties of an Multi-Instance-capable router (MI-RTR).
func NewDeviceIsisMultiInstance ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewDeviceIsisMultiInstance() DeviceIsisMultiInstance
type DeviceIsisRouter ¶ added in v0.6.1
type DeviceIsisRouter interface { Msg() *otg.DeviceIsisRouter SetMsg(*otg.DeviceIsisRouter) DeviceIsisRouter // ToPbText marshals DeviceIsisRouter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals DeviceIsisRouter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals DeviceIsisRouter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals DeviceIsisRouter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals DeviceIsisRouter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals DeviceIsisRouter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates DeviceIsisRouter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Instance returns DeviceIsisMultiInstance, set in DeviceIsisRouter. // DeviceIsisMultiInstance is status: under-review // Status: under-review // This container properties of an Multi-Instance-capable router (MI-RTR). Instance() DeviceIsisMultiInstance // SetInstance assigns DeviceIsisMultiInstance provided by user to DeviceIsisRouter. // DeviceIsisMultiInstance is status: under-review // Status: under-review // This container properties of an Multi-Instance-capable router (MI-RTR). SetInstance(value DeviceIsisMultiInstance) DeviceIsisRouter // HasInstance checks if Instance has been set in DeviceIsisRouter HasInstance() bool // SystemId returns string, set in DeviceIsisRouter. SystemId() string // SetSystemId assigns string provided by user to DeviceIsisRouter SetSystemId(value string) DeviceIsisRouter // Interfaces returns DeviceIsisRouterIsisInterfaceIter, set in DeviceIsisRouter Interfaces() DeviceIsisRouterIsisInterfaceIter // Basic returns IsisBasic, set in DeviceIsisRouter. // IsisBasic is this contains ISIS router basic properties. Basic() IsisBasic // SetBasic assigns IsisBasic provided by user to DeviceIsisRouter. // IsisBasic is this contains ISIS router basic properties. SetBasic(value IsisBasic) DeviceIsisRouter // HasBasic checks if Basic has been set in DeviceIsisRouter HasBasic() bool // Advanced returns IsisAdvanced, set in DeviceIsisRouter. // IsisAdvanced is contains ISIS router advanced properties. Advanced() IsisAdvanced // SetAdvanced assigns IsisAdvanced provided by user to DeviceIsisRouter. // IsisAdvanced is contains ISIS router advanced properties. SetAdvanced(value IsisAdvanced) DeviceIsisRouter // HasAdvanced checks if Advanced has been set in DeviceIsisRouter HasAdvanced() bool // RouterAuth returns IsisAuthentication, set in DeviceIsisRouter. // IsisAuthentication is this contains ISIS Area/Domain authentication properties. RouterAuth() IsisAuthentication // SetRouterAuth assigns IsisAuthentication provided by user to DeviceIsisRouter. // IsisAuthentication is this contains ISIS Area/Domain authentication properties. SetRouterAuth(value IsisAuthentication) DeviceIsisRouter // HasRouterAuth checks if RouterAuth has been set in DeviceIsisRouter HasRouterAuth() bool // V4Routes returns DeviceIsisRouterIsisV4RouteRangeIter, set in DeviceIsisRouter V4Routes() DeviceIsisRouterIsisV4RouteRangeIter // V6Routes returns DeviceIsisRouterIsisV6RouteRangeIter, set in DeviceIsisRouter V6Routes() DeviceIsisRouterIsisV6RouteRangeIter // Name returns string, set in DeviceIsisRouter. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to DeviceIsisRouter SetName(value string) DeviceIsisRouter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
DeviceIsisRouter is status: under-review Status: under-review A container of properties for an ISIS router and its interfaces.
func NewDeviceIsisRouter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewDeviceIsisRouter() DeviceIsisRouter
type DeviceIsisRouterIsisInterfaceIter ¶ added in v0.6.1
type DeviceIsisRouterIsisInterfaceIter interface { Items() []IsisInterface Add() IsisInterface Append(items ...IsisInterface) DeviceIsisRouterIsisInterfaceIter Set(index int, newObj IsisInterface) DeviceIsisRouterIsisInterfaceIter Clear() DeviceIsisRouterIsisInterfaceIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type DeviceIsisRouterIsisV4RouteRangeIter ¶ added in v0.6.1
type DeviceIsisRouterIsisV4RouteRangeIter interface { Items() []IsisV4RouteRange Add() IsisV4RouteRange Append(items ...IsisV4RouteRange) DeviceIsisRouterIsisV4RouteRangeIter Set(index int, newObj IsisV4RouteRange) DeviceIsisRouterIsisV4RouteRangeIter Clear() DeviceIsisRouterIsisV4RouteRangeIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type DeviceIsisRouterIsisV6RouteRangeIter ¶ added in v0.6.1
type DeviceIsisRouterIsisV6RouteRangeIter interface { Items() []IsisV6RouteRange Add() IsisV6RouteRange Append(items ...IsisV6RouteRange) DeviceIsisRouterIsisV6RouteRangeIter Set(index int, newObj IsisV6RouteRange) DeviceIsisRouterIsisV6RouteRangeIter Clear() DeviceIsisRouterIsisV6RouteRangeIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type DeviceVlan ¶
type DeviceVlan interface { Msg() *otg.DeviceVlan SetMsg(*otg.DeviceVlan) DeviceVlan // ToPbText marshals DeviceVlan to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals DeviceVlan to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals DeviceVlan to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals DeviceVlan from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals DeviceVlan from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals DeviceVlan from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates DeviceVlan Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Tpid returns DeviceVlanTpidEnum, set in DeviceVlan Tpid() DeviceVlanTpidEnum // SetTpid assigns DeviceVlanTpidEnum provided by user to DeviceVlan SetTpid(value DeviceVlanTpidEnum) DeviceVlan // HasTpid checks if Tpid has been set in DeviceVlan HasTpid() bool // Priority returns int32, set in DeviceVlan. Priority() int32 // SetPriority assigns int32 provided by user to DeviceVlan SetPriority(value int32) DeviceVlan // HasPriority checks if Priority has been set in DeviceVlan HasPriority() bool // Id returns int32, set in DeviceVlan. Id() int32 // SetId assigns int32 provided by user to DeviceVlan SetId(value int32) DeviceVlan // HasId checks if Id has been set in DeviceVlan HasId() bool // Name returns string, set in DeviceVlan. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to DeviceVlan SetName(value string) DeviceVlan // contains filtered or unexported methods }
DeviceVlan is emulated VLAN protocol.
func NewDeviceVlan ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewDeviceVlan() DeviceVlan
type DeviceVlanTpidEnum ¶
type DeviceVlanTpidEnum string
type Event ¶
type Event interface { Msg() *otg.Event SetMsg(*otg.Event) Event // ToPbText marshals Event to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals Event to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals Event to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals Event from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals Event from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals Event from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates Event Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Enable returns bool, set in Event. Enable() bool // SetEnable assigns bool provided by user to Event SetEnable(value bool) Event // HasEnable checks if Enable has been set in Event HasEnable() bool // Link returns EventLink, set in Event. // EventLink is the optional container for link up/down event configuration. Link() EventLink // SetLink assigns EventLink provided by user to Event. // EventLink is the optional container for link up/down event configuration. SetLink(value EventLink) Event // HasLink checks if Link has been set in Event HasLink() bool // RxRateThreshold returns EventRxRateThreshold, set in Event. // EventRxRateThreshold is the optional container for rx rate threshold event configuration. RxRateThreshold() EventRxRateThreshold // SetRxRateThreshold assigns EventRxRateThreshold provided by user to Event. // EventRxRateThreshold is the optional container for rx rate threshold event configuration. SetRxRateThreshold(value EventRxRateThreshold) Event // HasRxRateThreshold checks if RxRateThreshold has been set in Event HasRxRateThreshold() bool // RouteAdvertiseWithdraw returns EventRouteAdvertiseWithdraw, set in Event. // EventRouteAdvertiseWithdraw is the optional container for route advertise/withdraw event configuration. RouteAdvertiseWithdraw() EventRouteAdvertiseWithdraw // SetRouteAdvertiseWithdraw assigns EventRouteAdvertiseWithdraw provided by user to Event. // EventRouteAdvertiseWithdraw is the optional container for route advertise/withdraw event configuration. SetRouteAdvertiseWithdraw(value EventRouteAdvertiseWithdraw) Event // HasRouteAdvertiseWithdraw checks if RouteAdvertiseWithdraw has been set in Event HasRouteAdvertiseWithdraw() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Event is the optional container for event configuration.
type EventLink ¶
type EventLink interface { Msg() *otg.EventLink SetMsg(*otg.EventLink) EventLink // ToPbText marshals EventLink to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals EventLink to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals EventLink to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals EventLink from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals EventLink from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals EventLink from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates EventLink Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Enable returns bool, set in EventLink. Enable() bool // SetEnable assigns bool provided by user to EventLink SetEnable(value bool) EventLink // HasEnable checks if Enable has been set in EventLink HasEnable() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
EventLink is the optional container for link up/down event configuration.
func NewEventLink ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewEventLink() EventLink
type EventRouteAdvertiseWithdraw ¶
type EventRouteAdvertiseWithdraw interface { Msg() *otg.EventRouteAdvertiseWithdraw SetMsg(*otg.EventRouteAdvertiseWithdraw) EventRouteAdvertiseWithdraw // ToPbText marshals EventRouteAdvertiseWithdraw to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals EventRouteAdvertiseWithdraw to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals EventRouteAdvertiseWithdraw to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals EventRouteAdvertiseWithdraw from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals EventRouteAdvertiseWithdraw from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals EventRouteAdvertiseWithdraw from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates EventRouteAdvertiseWithdraw Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Enable returns bool, set in EventRouteAdvertiseWithdraw. Enable() bool // SetEnable assigns bool provided by user to EventRouteAdvertiseWithdraw SetEnable(value bool) EventRouteAdvertiseWithdraw // HasEnable checks if Enable has been set in EventRouteAdvertiseWithdraw HasEnable() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
EventRouteAdvertiseWithdraw is the optional container for route advertise/withdraw event configuration.
func NewEventRouteAdvertiseWithdraw ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewEventRouteAdvertiseWithdraw() EventRouteAdvertiseWithdraw
type EventRxRateThreshold ¶
type EventRxRateThreshold interface { Msg() *otg.EventRxRateThreshold SetMsg(*otg.EventRxRateThreshold) EventRxRateThreshold // ToPbText marshals EventRxRateThreshold to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals EventRxRateThreshold to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals EventRxRateThreshold to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals EventRxRateThreshold from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals EventRxRateThreshold from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals EventRxRateThreshold from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates EventRxRateThreshold Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Enable returns bool, set in EventRxRateThreshold. Enable() bool // SetEnable assigns bool provided by user to EventRxRateThreshold SetEnable(value bool) EventRxRateThreshold // HasEnable checks if Enable has been set in EventRxRateThreshold HasEnable() bool // Threshold returns float32, set in EventRxRateThreshold. Threshold() float32 // SetThreshold assigns float32 provided by user to EventRxRateThreshold SetThreshold(value float32) EventRxRateThreshold // HasThreshold checks if Threshold has been set in EventRxRateThreshold HasThreshold() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
EventRxRateThreshold is the optional container for rx rate threshold event configuration.
func NewEventRxRateThreshold ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewEventRxRateThreshold() EventRxRateThreshold
type Flow ¶
type Flow interface { Msg() *otg.Flow SetMsg(*otg.Flow) Flow // ToPbText marshals Flow to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals Flow to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals Flow to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals Flow from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals Flow from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals Flow from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates Flow Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // TxRx returns FlowTxRx, set in Flow. // FlowTxRx is a container for different types of transmit and receive // endpoint containers. TxRx() FlowTxRx // SetTxRx assigns FlowTxRx provided by user to Flow. // FlowTxRx is a container for different types of transmit and receive // endpoint containers. SetTxRx(value FlowTxRx) Flow // Packet returns FlowFlowHeaderIter, set in Flow Packet() FlowFlowHeaderIter // Size returns FlowSize, set in Flow. // FlowSize is the frame size which overrides the total length of the packet Size() FlowSize // SetSize assigns FlowSize provided by user to Flow. // FlowSize is the frame size which overrides the total length of the packet SetSize(value FlowSize) Flow // HasSize checks if Size has been set in Flow HasSize() bool // Rate returns FlowRate, set in Flow. // FlowRate is the rate of packet transmission Rate() FlowRate // SetRate assigns FlowRate provided by user to Flow. // FlowRate is the rate of packet transmission SetRate(value FlowRate) Flow // HasRate checks if Rate has been set in Flow HasRate() bool // Duration returns FlowDuration, set in Flow. // FlowDuration is a container for different transmit durations. Duration() FlowDuration // SetDuration assigns FlowDuration provided by user to Flow. // FlowDuration is a container for different transmit durations. SetDuration(value FlowDuration) Flow // HasDuration checks if Duration has been set in Flow HasDuration() bool // Metrics returns FlowMetrics, set in Flow. // FlowMetrics is the optional container for configuring flow metrics. Metrics() FlowMetrics // SetMetrics assigns FlowMetrics provided by user to Flow. // FlowMetrics is the optional container for configuring flow metrics. SetMetrics(value FlowMetrics) Flow // HasMetrics checks if Metrics has been set in Flow HasMetrics() bool // Name returns string, set in Flow. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to Flow SetName(value string) Flow // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Flow is a high level data plane traffic flow.
type FlowArp ¶
type FlowArp interface { Msg() *otg.FlowArp SetMsg(*otg.FlowArp) FlowArp // ToPbText marshals FlowArp to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowArp to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowArp to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowArp from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowArp from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowArp from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowArp Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // HardwareType returns PatternFlowArpHardwareType, set in FlowArp. // PatternFlowArpHardwareType is network link protocol type HardwareType() PatternFlowArpHardwareType // SetHardwareType assigns PatternFlowArpHardwareType provided by user to FlowArp. // PatternFlowArpHardwareType is network link protocol type SetHardwareType(value PatternFlowArpHardwareType) FlowArp // HasHardwareType checks if HardwareType has been set in FlowArp HasHardwareType() bool // ProtocolType returns PatternFlowArpProtocolType, set in FlowArp. // PatternFlowArpProtocolType is the internetwork protocol for which the ARP request is intended ProtocolType() PatternFlowArpProtocolType // SetProtocolType assigns PatternFlowArpProtocolType provided by user to FlowArp. // PatternFlowArpProtocolType is the internetwork protocol for which the ARP request is intended SetProtocolType(value PatternFlowArpProtocolType) FlowArp // HasProtocolType checks if ProtocolType has been set in FlowArp HasProtocolType() bool // HardwareLength returns PatternFlowArpHardwareLength, set in FlowArp. // PatternFlowArpHardwareLength is length (in octets) of a hardware address HardwareLength() PatternFlowArpHardwareLength // SetHardwareLength assigns PatternFlowArpHardwareLength provided by user to FlowArp. // PatternFlowArpHardwareLength is length (in octets) of a hardware address SetHardwareLength(value PatternFlowArpHardwareLength) FlowArp // HasHardwareLength checks if HardwareLength has been set in FlowArp HasHardwareLength() bool // ProtocolLength returns PatternFlowArpProtocolLength, set in FlowArp. // PatternFlowArpProtocolLength is length (in octets) of internetwork addresses ProtocolLength() PatternFlowArpProtocolLength // SetProtocolLength assigns PatternFlowArpProtocolLength provided by user to FlowArp. // PatternFlowArpProtocolLength is length (in octets) of internetwork addresses SetProtocolLength(value PatternFlowArpProtocolLength) FlowArp // HasProtocolLength checks if ProtocolLength has been set in FlowArp HasProtocolLength() bool // Operation returns PatternFlowArpOperation, set in FlowArp. // PatternFlowArpOperation is the operation that the sender is performing Operation() PatternFlowArpOperation // SetOperation assigns PatternFlowArpOperation provided by user to FlowArp. // PatternFlowArpOperation is the operation that the sender is performing SetOperation(value PatternFlowArpOperation) FlowArp // HasOperation checks if Operation has been set in FlowArp HasOperation() bool // SenderHardwareAddr returns PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr, set in FlowArp. // PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr is media address of the sender SenderHardwareAddr() PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr // SetSenderHardwareAddr assigns PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr provided by user to FlowArp. // PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr is media address of the sender SetSenderHardwareAddr(value PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr) FlowArp // HasSenderHardwareAddr checks if SenderHardwareAddr has been set in FlowArp HasSenderHardwareAddr() bool // SenderProtocolAddr returns PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr, set in FlowArp. // PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr is internetwork address of the sender SenderProtocolAddr() PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr // SetSenderProtocolAddr assigns PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr provided by user to FlowArp. // PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr is internetwork address of the sender SetSenderProtocolAddr(value PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr) FlowArp // HasSenderProtocolAddr checks if SenderProtocolAddr has been set in FlowArp HasSenderProtocolAddr() bool // TargetHardwareAddr returns PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr, set in FlowArp. // PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr is media address of the target TargetHardwareAddr() PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr // SetTargetHardwareAddr assigns PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr provided by user to FlowArp. // PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr is media address of the target SetTargetHardwareAddr(value PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr) FlowArp // HasTargetHardwareAddr checks if TargetHardwareAddr has been set in FlowArp HasTargetHardwareAddr() bool // TargetProtocolAddr returns PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr, set in FlowArp. // PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr is internetwork address of the target TargetProtocolAddr() PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr // SetTargetProtocolAddr assigns PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr provided by user to FlowArp. // PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr is internetwork address of the target SetTargetProtocolAddr(value PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr) FlowArp // HasTargetProtocolAddr checks if TargetProtocolAddr has been set in FlowArp HasTargetProtocolAddr() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowArp is aRP packet header
func NewFlowArp ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowArp() FlowArp
type FlowBurst ¶
type FlowBurst interface { Msg() *otg.FlowBurst SetMsg(*otg.FlowBurst) FlowBurst // ToPbText marshals FlowBurst to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowBurst to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowBurst to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowBurst from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowBurst from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowBurst from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowBurst Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Bursts returns int32, set in FlowBurst. Bursts() int32 // SetBursts assigns int32 provided by user to FlowBurst SetBursts(value int32) FlowBurst // HasBursts checks if Bursts has been set in FlowBurst HasBursts() bool // Packets returns int32, set in FlowBurst. Packets() int32 // SetPackets assigns int32 provided by user to FlowBurst SetPackets(value int32) FlowBurst // HasPackets checks if Packets has been set in FlowBurst HasPackets() bool // Gap returns int32, set in FlowBurst. Gap() int32 // SetGap assigns int32 provided by user to FlowBurst SetGap(value int32) FlowBurst // HasGap checks if Gap has been set in FlowBurst HasGap() bool // InterBurstGap returns FlowDurationInterBurstGap, set in FlowBurst. // FlowDurationInterBurstGap is the optional container for specifying a gap between bursts. InterBurstGap() FlowDurationInterBurstGap // SetInterBurstGap assigns FlowDurationInterBurstGap provided by user to FlowBurst. // FlowDurationInterBurstGap is the optional container for specifying a gap between bursts. SetInterBurstGap(value FlowDurationInterBurstGap) FlowBurst // HasInterBurstGap checks if InterBurstGap has been set in FlowBurst HasInterBurstGap() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowBurst is transmits continuous or fixed burst of packets. For continuous burst of packets, it will not automatically stop. For fixed burst of packets, it will stop after transmitting fixed number of bursts.
func NewFlowBurst ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowBurst() FlowBurst
type FlowContinuous ¶
type FlowContinuous interface { Msg() *otg.FlowContinuous SetMsg(*otg.FlowContinuous) FlowContinuous // ToPbText marshals FlowContinuous to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowContinuous to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowContinuous to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowContinuous from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowContinuous from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowContinuous from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowContinuous Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Gap returns int32, set in FlowContinuous. Gap() int32 // SetGap assigns int32 provided by user to FlowContinuous SetGap(value int32) FlowContinuous // HasGap checks if Gap has been set in FlowContinuous HasGap() bool // Delay returns FlowDelay, set in FlowContinuous. // FlowDelay is the optional container to specify the delay before starting // transmission of packets. Delay() FlowDelay // SetDelay assigns FlowDelay provided by user to FlowContinuous. // FlowDelay is the optional container to specify the delay before starting // transmission of packets. SetDelay(value FlowDelay) FlowContinuous // HasDelay checks if Delay has been set in FlowContinuous HasDelay() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowContinuous is transmit will be continuous and will not stop automatically.
func NewFlowContinuous ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowContinuous() FlowContinuous
type FlowCustom ¶
type FlowCustom interface { Msg() *otg.FlowCustom SetMsg(*otg.FlowCustom) FlowCustom // ToPbText marshals FlowCustom to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowCustom to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowCustom to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowCustom from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowCustom from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowCustom from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowCustom Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Bytes returns string, set in FlowCustom. Bytes() string // SetBytes assigns string provided by user to FlowCustom SetBytes(value string) FlowCustom // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowCustom is custom packet header
func NewFlowCustom ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowCustom() FlowCustom
type FlowDelay ¶
type FlowDelay interface { Msg() *otg.FlowDelay SetMsg(*otg.FlowDelay) FlowDelay // ToPbText marshals FlowDelay to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowDelay to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowDelay to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowDelay from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowDelay from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowDelay from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowDelay Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns FlowDelayChoiceEnum, set in FlowDelay Choice() FlowDelayChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns FlowDelayChoiceEnum provided by user to FlowDelay SetChoice(value FlowDelayChoiceEnum) FlowDelay // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in FlowDelay HasChoice() bool // Bytes returns float32, set in FlowDelay. Bytes() float32 // SetBytes assigns float32 provided by user to FlowDelay SetBytes(value float32) FlowDelay // HasBytes checks if Bytes has been set in FlowDelay HasBytes() bool // Nanoseconds returns float32, set in FlowDelay. Nanoseconds() float32 // SetNanoseconds assigns float32 provided by user to FlowDelay SetNanoseconds(value float32) FlowDelay // HasNanoseconds checks if Nanoseconds has been set in FlowDelay HasNanoseconds() bool // Microseconds returns float32, set in FlowDelay. Microseconds() float32 // SetMicroseconds assigns float32 provided by user to FlowDelay SetMicroseconds(value float32) FlowDelay // HasMicroseconds checks if Microseconds has been set in FlowDelay HasMicroseconds() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowDelay is the optional container to specify the delay before starting transmission of packets.
func NewFlowDelay ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowDelay() FlowDelay
type FlowDelayChoiceEnum ¶
type FlowDelayChoiceEnum string
type FlowDuration ¶
type FlowDuration interface { Msg() *otg.FlowDuration SetMsg(*otg.FlowDuration) FlowDuration // ToPbText marshals FlowDuration to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowDuration to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowDuration to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowDuration from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowDuration from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowDuration from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowDuration Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns FlowDurationChoiceEnum, set in FlowDuration Choice() FlowDurationChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns FlowDurationChoiceEnum provided by user to FlowDuration SetChoice(value FlowDurationChoiceEnum) FlowDuration // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in FlowDuration HasChoice() bool // FixedPackets returns FlowFixedPackets, set in FlowDuration. // FlowFixedPackets is transmit a fixed number of packets after which the flow will stop. FixedPackets() FlowFixedPackets // SetFixedPackets assigns FlowFixedPackets provided by user to FlowDuration. // FlowFixedPackets is transmit a fixed number of packets after which the flow will stop. SetFixedPackets(value FlowFixedPackets) FlowDuration // HasFixedPackets checks if FixedPackets has been set in FlowDuration HasFixedPackets() bool // FixedSeconds returns FlowFixedSeconds, set in FlowDuration. // FlowFixedSeconds is transmit for a fixed number of seconds after which the flow will stop. FixedSeconds() FlowFixedSeconds // SetFixedSeconds assigns FlowFixedSeconds provided by user to FlowDuration. // FlowFixedSeconds is transmit for a fixed number of seconds after which the flow will stop. SetFixedSeconds(value FlowFixedSeconds) FlowDuration // HasFixedSeconds checks if FixedSeconds has been set in FlowDuration HasFixedSeconds() bool // Burst returns FlowBurst, set in FlowDuration. // FlowBurst is transmits continuous or fixed burst of packets. // For continuous burst of packets, it will not automatically stop. // For fixed burst of packets, it will stop after transmitting fixed number of bursts. Burst() FlowBurst // SetBurst assigns FlowBurst provided by user to FlowDuration. // FlowBurst is transmits continuous or fixed burst of packets. // For continuous burst of packets, it will not automatically stop. // For fixed burst of packets, it will stop after transmitting fixed number of bursts. SetBurst(value FlowBurst) FlowDuration // HasBurst checks if Burst has been set in FlowDuration HasBurst() bool // Continuous returns FlowContinuous, set in FlowDuration. // FlowContinuous is transmit will be continuous and will not stop automatically. Continuous() FlowContinuous // SetContinuous assigns FlowContinuous provided by user to FlowDuration. // FlowContinuous is transmit will be continuous and will not stop automatically. SetContinuous(value FlowContinuous) FlowDuration // HasContinuous checks if Continuous has been set in FlowDuration HasContinuous() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowDuration is a container for different transmit durations.
func NewFlowDuration ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowDuration() FlowDuration
type FlowDurationChoiceEnum ¶
type FlowDurationChoiceEnum string
type FlowDurationInterBurstGap ¶
type FlowDurationInterBurstGap interface { Msg() *otg.FlowDurationInterBurstGap SetMsg(*otg.FlowDurationInterBurstGap) FlowDurationInterBurstGap // ToPbText marshals FlowDurationInterBurstGap to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowDurationInterBurstGap to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowDurationInterBurstGap to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowDurationInterBurstGap from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowDurationInterBurstGap from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowDurationInterBurstGap from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowDurationInterBurstGap Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns FlowDurationInterBurstGapChoiceEnum, set in FlowDurationInterBurstGap Choice() FlowDurationInterBurstGapChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns FlowDurationInterBurstGapChoiceEnum provided by user to FlowDurationInterBurstGap SetChoice(value FlowDurationInterBurstGapChoiceEnum) FlowDurationInterBurstGap // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in FlowDurationInterBurstGap HasChoice() bool // Bytes returns float64, set in FlowDurationInterBurstGap. Bytes() float64 // SetBytes assigns float64 provided by user to FlowDurationInterBurstGap SetBytes(value float64) FlowDurationInterBurstGap // HasBytes checks if Bytes has been set in FlowDurationInterBurstGap HasBytes() bool // Nanoseconds returns float64, set in FlowDurationInterBurstGap. Nanoseconds() float64 // SetNanoseconds assigns float64 provided by user to FlowDurationInterBurstGap SetNanoseconds(value float64) FlowDurationInterBurstGap // HasNanoseconds checks if Nanoseconds has been set in FlowDurationInterBurstGap HasNanoseconds() bool // Microseconds returns float64, set in FlowDurationInterBurstGap. Microseconds() float64 // SetMicroseconds assigns float64 provided by user to FlowDurationInterBurstGap SetMicroseconds(value float64) FlowDurationInterBurstGap // HasMicroseconds checks if Microseconds has been set in FlowDurationInterBurstGap HasMicroseconds() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowDurationInterBurstGap is the optional container for specifying a gap between bursts.
func NewFlowDurationInterBurstGap ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowDurationInterBurstGap() FlowDurationInterBurstGap
type FlowDurationInterBurstGapChoiceEnum ¶
type FlowDurationInterBurstGapChoiceEnum string
type FlowEthernet ¶
type FlowEthernet interface { Msg() *otg.FlowEthernet SetMsg(*otg.FlowEthernet) FlowEthernet // ToPbText marshals FlowEthernet to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowEthernet to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowEthernet to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowEthernet from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowEthernet from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowEthernet from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowEthernet Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Dst returns PatternFlowEthernetDst, set in FlowEthernet. // PatternFlowEthernetDst is destination MAC address Dst() PatternFlowEthernetDst // SetDst assigns PatternFlowEthernetDst provided by user to FlowEthernet. // PatternFlowEthernetDst is destination MAC address SetDst(value PatternFlowEthernetDst) FlowEthernet // HasDst checks if Dst has been set in FlowEthernet HasDst() bool // Src returns PatternFlowEthernetSrc, set in FlowEthernet. // PatternFlowEthernetSrc is source MAC address Src() PatternFlowEthernetSrc // SetSrc assigns PatternFlowEthernetSrc provided by user to FlowEthernet. // PatternFlowEthernetSrc is source MAC address SetSrc(value PatternFlowEthernetSrc) FlowEthernet // HasSrc checks if Src has been set in FlowEthernet HasSrc() bool // EtherType returns PatternFlowEthernetEtherType, set in FlowEthernet. // PatternFlowEthernetEtherType is ethernet type EtherType() PatternFlowEthernetEtherType // SetEtherType assigns PatternFlowEthernetEtherType provided by user to FlowEthernet. // PatternFlowEthernetEtherType is ethernet type SetEtherType(value PatternFlowEthernetEtherType) FlowEthernet // HasEtherType checks if EtherType has been set in FlowEthernet HasEtherType() bool // PfcQueue returns PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue, set in FlowEthernet. // PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue is priority flow control queue PfcQueue() PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue // SetPfcQueue assigns PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue provided by user to FlowEthernet. // PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue is priority flow control queue SetPfcQueue(value PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue) FlowEthernet // HasPfcQueue checks if PfcQueue has been set in FlowEthernet HasPfcQueue() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowEthernet is ethernet packet header
func NewFlowEthernet ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowEthernet() FlowEthernet
type FlowEthernetPause ¶
type FlowEthernetPause interface { Msg() *otg.FlowEthernetPause SetMsg(*otg.FlowEthernetPause) FlowEthernetPause // ToPbText marshals FlowEthernetPause to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowEthernetPause to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowEthernetPause to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowEthernetPause from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowEthernetPause from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowEthernetPause from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowEthernetPause Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Dst returns PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst, set in FlowEthernetPause. // PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst is destination MAC address Dst() PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst // SetDst assigns PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst provided by user to FlowEthernetPause. // PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst is destination MAC address SetDst(value PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst) FlowEthernetPause // HasDst checks if Dst has been set in FlowEthernetPause HasDst() bool // Src returns PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc, set in FlowEthernetPause. // PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc is source MAC address Src() PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc // SetSrc assigns PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc provided by user to FlowEthernetPause. // PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc is source MAC address SetSrc(value PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc) FlowEthernetPause // HasSrc checks if Src has been set in FlowEthernetPause HasSrc() bool // EtherType returns PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType, set in FlowEthernetPause. // PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType is ethernet type EtherType() PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType // SetEtherType assigns PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType provided by user to FlowEthernetPause. // PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType is ethernet type SetEtherType(value PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType) FlowEthernetPause // HasEtherType checks if EtherType has been set in FlowEthernetPause HasEtherType() bool // ControlOpCode returns PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode, set in FlowEthernetPause. // PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode is control operation code ControlOpCode() PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode // SetControlOpCode assigns PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode provided by user to FlowEthernetPause. // PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode is control operation code SetControlOpCode(value PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode) FlowEthernetPause // HasControlOpCode checks if ControlOpCode has been set in FlowEthernetPause HasControlOpCode() bool // Time returns PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime, set in FlowEthernetPause. // PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime is time Time() PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime // SetTime assigns PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime provided by user to FlowEthernetPause. // PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime is time SetTime(value PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime) FlowEthernetPause // HasTime checks if Time has been set in FlowEthernetPause HasTime() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowEthernetPause is iEEE 802.3x global ethernet pause packet header
func NewFlowEthernetPause ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowEthernetPause() FlowEthernetPause
type FlowFixedPackets ¶
type FlowFixedPackets interface { Msg() *otg.FlowFixedPackets SetMsg(*otg.FlowFixedPackets) FlowFixedPackets // ToPbText marshals FlowFixedPackets to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowFixedPackets to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowFixedPackets to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowFixedPackets from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowFixedPackets from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowFixedPackets from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowFixedPackets Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Packets returns int32, set in FlowFixedPackets. Packets() int32 // SetPackets assigns int32 provided by user to FlowFixedPackets SetPackets(value int32) FlowFixedPackets // HasPackets checks if Packets has been set in FlowFixedPackets HasPackets() bool // Gap returns int32, set in FlowFixedPackets. Gap() int32 // SetGap assigns int32 provided by user to FlowFixedPackets SetGap(value int32) FlowFixedPackets // HasGap checks if Gap has been set in FlowFixedPackets HasGap() bool // Delay returns FlowDelay, set in FlowFixedPackets. // FlowDelay is the optional container to specify the delay before starting // transmission of packets. Delay() FlowDelay // SetDelay assigns FlowDelay provided by user to FlowFixedPackets. // FlowDelay is the optional container to specify the delay before starting // transmission of packets. SetDelay(value FlowDelay) FlowFixedPackets // HasDelay checks if Delay has been set in FlowFixedPackets HasDelay() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowFixedPackets is transmit a fixed number of packets after which the flow will stop.
func NewFlowFixedPackets ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowFixedPackets() FlowFixedPackets
type FlowFixedSeconds ¶
type FlowFixedSeconds interface { Msg() *otg.FlowFixedSeconds SetMsg(*otg.FlowFixedSeconds) FlowFixedSeconds // ToPbText marshals FlowFixedSeconds to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowFixedSeconds to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowFixedSeconds to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowFixedSeconds from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowFixedSeconds from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowFixedSeconds from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowFixedSeconds Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Seconds returns float32, set in FlowFixedSeconds. Seconds() float32 // SetSeconds assigns float32 provided by user to FlowFixedSeconds SetSeconds(value float32) FlowFixedSeconds // HasSeconds checks if Seconds has been set in FlowFixedSeconds HasSeconds() bool // Gap returns int32, set in FlowFixedSeconds. Gap() int32 // SetGap assigns int32 provided by user to FlowFixedSeconds SetGap(value int32) FlowFixedSeconds // HasGap checks if Gap has been set in FlowFixedSeconds HasGap() bool // Delay returns FlowDelay, set in FlowFixedSeconds. // FlowDelay is the optional container to specify the delay before starting // transmission of packets. Delay() FlowDelay // SetDelay assigns FlowDelay provided by user to FlowFixedSeconds. // FlowDelay is the optional container to specify the delay before starting // transmission of packets. SetDelay(value FlowDelay) FlowFixedSeconds // HasDelay checks if Delay has been set in FlowFixedSeconds HasDelay() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowFixedSeconds is transmit for a fixed number of seconds after which the flow will stop.
func NewFlowFixedSeconds ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowFixedSeconds() FlowFixedSeconds
type FlowFlowHeaderIter ¶
type FlowFlowHeaderIter interface { Items() []FlowHeader Add() FlowHeader Append(items ...FlowHeader) FlowFlowHeaderIter Set(index int, newObj FlowHeader) FlowFlowHeaderIter Clear() FlowFlowHeaderIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type FlowGre ¶
type FlowGre interface { Msg() *otg.FlowGre SetMsg(*otg.FlowGre) FlowGre // ToPbText marshals FlowGre to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowGre to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowGre to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowGre from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowGre from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowGre from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowGre Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // ChecksumPresent returns PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent, set in FlowGre. // PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent is checksum present bit ChecksumPresent() PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent // SetChecksumPresent assigns PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent provided by user to FlowGre. // PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent is checksum present bit SetChecksumPresent(value PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent) FlowGre // HasChecksumPresent checks if ChecksumPresent has been set in FlowGre HasChecksumPresent() bool // Reserved0 returns PatternFlowGreReserved0, set in FlowGre. // PatternFlowGreReserved0 is reserved bits Reserved0() PatternFlowGreReserved0 // SetReserved0 assigns PatternFlowGreReserved0 provided by user to FlowGre. // PatternFlowGreReserved0 is reserved bits SetReserved0(value PatternFlowGreReserved0) FlowGre // HasReserved0 checks if Reserved0 has been set in FlowGre HasReserved0() bool // Version returns PatternFlowGreVersion, set in FlowGre. // PatternFlowGreVersion is gRE version number Version() PatternFlowGreVersion // SetVersion assigns PatternFlowGreVersion provided by user to FlowGre. // PatternFlowGreVersion is gRE version number SetVersion(value PatternFlowGreVersion) FlowGre // HasVersion checks if Version has been set in FlowGre HasVersion() bool // Protocol returns PatternFlowGreProtocol, set in FlowGre. // PatternFlowGreProtocol is protocol type of encapsulated payload Protocol() PatternFlowGreProtocol // SetProtocol assigns PatternFlowGreProtocol provided by user to FlowGre. // PatternFlowGreProtocol is protocol type of encapsulated payload SetProtocol(value PatternFlowGreProtocol) FlowGre // HasProtocol checks if Protocol has been set in FlowGre HasProtocol() bool // Checksum returns PatternFlowGreChecksum, set in FlowGre. // PatternFlowGreChecksum is optional checksum of GRE header and payload. Only present if the checksum_present bit is set. Checksum() PatternFlowGreChecksum // SetChecksum assigns PatternFlowGreChecksum provided by user to FlowGre. // PatternFlowGreChecksum is optional checksum of GRE header and payload. Only present if the checksum_present bit is set. SetChecksum(value PatternFlowGreChecksum) FlowGre // HasChecksum checks if Checksum has been set in FlowGre HasChecksum() bool // Reserved1 returns PatternFlowGreReserved1, set in FlowGre. // PatternFlowGreReserved1 is optional reserved field. Only present if the checksum_present bit is set. Reserved1() PatternFlowGreReserved1 // SetReserved1 assigns PatternFlowGreReserved1 provided by user to FlowGre. // PatternFlowGreReserved1 is optional reserved field. Only present if the checksum_present bit is set. SetReserved1(value PatternFlowGreReserved1) FlowGre // HasReserved1 checks if Reserved1 has been set in FlowGre HasReserved1() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowGre is standard GRE packet header (RFC2784)
func NewFlowGre ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowGre() FlowGre
type FlowGtpExtension ¶
type FlowGtpExtension interface { Msg() *otg.FlowGtpExtension SetMsg(*otg.FlowGtpExtension) FlowGtpExtension // ToPbText marshals FlowGtpExtension to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowGtpExtension to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowGtpExtension to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowGtpExtension from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowGtpExtension from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowGtpExtension from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowGtpExtension Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // ExtensionLength returns PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength, set in FlowGtpExtension. // PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength is this field states the length of this extension header, including the length, the contents, and the next extension header field, in 4-octet units, so the length of the extension must always be a multiple of 4. ExtensionLength() PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength // SetExtensionLength assigns PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength provided by user to FlowGtpExtension. // PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength is this field states the length of this extension header, including the length, the contents, and the next extension header field, in 4-octet units, so the length of the extension must always be a multiple of 4. SetExtensionLength(value PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength) FlowGtpExtension // HasExtensionLength checks if ExtensionLength has been set in FlowGtpExtension HasExtensionLength() bool // Contents returns PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents, set in FlowGtpExtension. // PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents is the extension header contents Contents() PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents // SetContents assigns PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents provided by user to FlowGtpExtension. // PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents is the extension header contents SetContents(value PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents) FlowGtpExtension // HasContents checks if Contents has been set in FlowGtpExtension HasContents() bool // NextExtensionHeader returns PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader, set in FlowGtpExtension. // PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader is it states the type of the next extension, or 0 if no next extension exists. This permits chaining several next extension headers. NextExtensionHeader() PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader // SetNextExtensionHeader assigns PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader provided by user to FlowGtpExtension. // PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader is it states the type of the next extension, or 0 if no next extension exists. This permits chaining several next extension headers. SetNextExtensionHeader(value PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader) FlowGtpExtension // HasNextExtensionHeader checks if NextExtensionHeader has been set in FlowGtpExtension HasNextExtensionHeader() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowGtpExtension is description is TBD
func NewFlowGtpExtension ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowGtpExtension() FlowGtpExtension
type FlowGtpv1 ¶
type FlowGtpv1 interface { Msg() *otg.FlowGtpv1 SetMsg(*otg.FlowGtpv1) FlowGtpv1 // ToPbText marshals FlowGtpv1 to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowGtpv1 to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowGtpv1 to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowGtpv1 from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowGtpv1 from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowGtpv1 from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowGtpv1 Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Version returns PatternFlowGtpv1Version, set in FlowGtpv1. // PatternFlowGtpv1Version is gTPv1 version Version() PatternFlowGtpv1Version // SetVersion assigns PatternFlowGtpv1Version provided by user to FlowGtpv1. // PatternFlowGtpv1Version is gTPv1 version SetVersion(value PatternFlowGtpv1Version) FlowGtpv1 // HasVersion checks if Version has been set in FlowGtpv1 HasVersion() bool // ProtocolType returns PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType, set in FlowGtpv1. // PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType is protocol type, GTP is 1, GTP' is 0 ProtocolType() PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType // SetProtocolType assigns PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType provided by user to FlowGtpv1. // PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType is protocol type, GTP is 1, GTP' is 0 SetProtocolType(value PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType) FlowGtpv1 // HasProtocolType checks if ProtocolType has been set in FlowGtpv1 HasProtocolType() bool // Reserved returns PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved, set in FlowGtpv1. // PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved is reserved field Reserved() PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved // SetReserved assigns PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved provided by user to FlowGtpv1. // PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved is reserved field SetReserved(value PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved) FlowGtpv1 // HasReserved checks if Reserved has been set in FlowGtpv1 HasReserved() bool // EFlag returns PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag, set in FlowGtpv1. // PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag is extension header field present EFlag() PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag // SetEFlag assigns PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag provided by user to FlowGtpv1. // PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag is extension header field present SetEFlag(value PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag) FlowGtpv1 // HasEFlag checks if EFlag has been set in FlowGtpv1 HasEFlag() bool // SFlag returns PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag, set in FlowGtpv1. // PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag is sequence number field present SFlag() PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag // SetSFlag assigns PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag provided by user to FlowGtpv1. // PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag is sequence number field present SetSFlag(value PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag) FlowGtpv1 // HasSFlag checks if SFlag has been set in FlowGtpv1 HasSFlag() bool // PnFlag returns PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag, set in FlowGtpv1. // PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag is n-PDU field present PnFlag() PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag // SetPnFlag assigns PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag provided by user to FlowGtpv1. // PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag is n-PDU field present SetPnFlag(value PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag) FlowGtpv1 // HasPnFlag checks if PnFlag has been set in FlowGtpv1 HasPnFlag() bool // MessageType returns PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType, set in FlowGtpv1. // PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType is the type of GTP message Different types of messages are defined in 3GPP TS 29.060 section 7.1 MessageType() PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType // SetMessageType assigns PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType provided by user to FlowGtpv1. // PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType is the type of GTP message Different types of messages are defined in 3GPP TS 29.060 section 7.1 SetMessageType(value PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType) FlowGtpv1 // HasMessageType checks if MessageType has been set in FlowGtpv1 HasMessageType() bool // MessageLength returns PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength, set in FlowGtpv1. // PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength is the length of the payload (the bytes following the mandatory 8-byte GTP header) in bytes that includes any optional fields MessageLength() PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength // SetMessageLength assigns PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength provided by user to FlowGtpv1. // PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength is the length of the payload (the bytes following the mandatory 8-byte GTP header) in bytes that includes any optional fields SetMessageLength(value PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength) FlowGtpv1 // HasMessageLength checks if MessageLength has been set in FlowGtpv1 HasMessageLength() bool // Teid returns PatternFlowGtpv1Teid, set in FlowGtpv1. // PatternFlowGtpv1Teid is tunnel endpoint identifier (TEID) used to multiplex connections in the same GTP tunnel Teid() PatternFlowGtpv1Teid // SetTeid assigns PatternFlowGtpv1Teid provided by user to FlowGtpv1. // PatternFlowGtpv1Teid is tunnel endpoint identifier (TEID) used to multiplex connections in the same GTP tunnel SetTeid(value PatternFlowGtpv1Teid) FlowGtpv1 // HasTeid checks if Teid has been set in FlowGtpv1 HasTeid() bool // SquenceNumber returns PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber, set in FlowGtpv1. // PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber is sequence number. Exists if any of the e_flag, s_flag, or pn_flag bits are on. Must be interpreted only if the s_flag bit is on. SquenceNumber() PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber // SetSquenceNumber assigns PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber provided by user to FlowGtpv1. // PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber is sequence number. Exists if any of the e_flag, s_flag, or pn_flag bits are on. Must be interpreted only if the s_flag bit is on. SetSquenceNumber(value PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber) FlowGtpv1 // HasSquenceNumber checks if SquenceNumber has been set in FlowGtpv1 HasSquenceNumber() bool // NPduNumber returns PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber, set in FlowGtpv1. // PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber is n-PDU number. Exists if any of the e_flag, s_flag, or pn_flag bits are on. Must be interpreted only if the pn_flag bit is on. NPduNumber() PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber // SetNPduNumber assigns PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber provided by user to FlowGtpv1. // PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber is n-PDU number. Exists if any of the e_flag, s_flag, or pn_flag bits are on. Must be interpreted only if the pn_flag bit is on. SetNPduNumber(value PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber) FlowGtpv1 // HasNPduNumber checks if NPduNumber has been set in FlowGtpv1 HasNPduNumber() bool // NextExtensionHeaderType returns PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType, set in FlowGtpv1. // PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType is next extension header. Exists if any of the e_flag, s_flag, or pn_flag bits are on. Must be interpreted only if the e_flag bit is on. NextExtensionHeaderType() PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType // SetNextExtensionHeaderType assigns PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType provided by user to FlowGtpv1. // PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType is next extension header. Exists if any of the e_flag, s_flag, or pn_flag bits are on. Must be interpreted only if the e_flag bit is on. SetNextExtensionHeaderType(value PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType) FlowGtpv1 // HasNextExtensionHeaderType checks if NextExtensionHeaderType has been set in FlowGtpv1 HasNextExtensionHeaderType() bool // ExtensionHeaders returns FlowGtpv1FlowGtpExtensionIter, set in FlowGtpv1 ExtensionHeaders() FlowGtpv1FlowGtpExtensionIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowGtpv1 is gTPv1 packet header
func NewFlowGtpv1 ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowGtpv1() FlowGtpv1
type FlowGtpv1FlowGtpExtensionIter ¶
type FlowGtpv1FlowGtpExtensionIter interface { Items() []FlowGtpExtension Add() FlowGtpExtension Append(items ...FlowGtpExtension) FlowGtpv1FlowGtpExtensionIter Set(index int, newObj FlowGtpExtension) FlowGtpv1FlowGtpExtensionIter Clear() FlowGtpv1FlowGtpExtensionIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type FlowGtpv2 ¶
type FlowGtpv2 interface { Msg() *otg.FlowGtpv2 SetMsg(*otg.FlowGtpv2) FlowGtpv2 // ToPbText marshals FlowGtpv2 to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowGtpv2 to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowGtpv2 to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowGtpv2 from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowGtpv2 from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowGtpv2 from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowGtpv2 Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Version returns PatternFlowGtpv2Version, set in FlowGtpv2. // PatternFlowGtpv2Version is version number Version() PatternFlowGtpv2Version // SetVersion assigns PatternFlowGtpv2Version provided by user to FlowGtpv2. // PatternFlowGtpv2Version is version number SetVersion(value PatternFlowGtpv2Version) FlowGtpv2 // HasVersion checks if Version has been set in FlowGtpv2 HasVersion() bool // PiggybackingFlag returns PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag, set in FlowGtpv2. // PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag is if piggybacking_flag is set to 1 then another GTP-C message with its own header shall be present at the end of the current message PiggybackingFlag() PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag // SetPiggybackingFlag assigns PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag provided by user to FlowGtpv2. // PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag is if piggybacking_flag is set to 1 then another GTP-C message with its own header shall be present at the end of the current message SetPiggybackingFlag(value PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag) FlowGtpv2 // HasPiggybackingFlag checks if PiggybackingFlag has been set in FlowGtpv2 HasPiggybackingFlag() bool // TeidFlag returns PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag, set in FlowGtpv2. // PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag is if teid_flag is set to 1 then the TEID field will be present between the message length and the sequence number. All messages except Echo and Echo reply require TEID to be present TeidFlag() PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag // SetTeidFlag assigns PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag provided by user to FlowGtpv2. // PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag is if teid_flag is set to 1 then the TEID field will be present between the message length and the sequence number. All messages except Echo and Echo reply require TEID to be present SetTeidFlag(value PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag) FlowGtpv2 // HasTeidFlag checks if TeidFlag has been set in FlowGtpv2 HasTeidFlag() bool // Spare1 returns PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1, set in FlowGtpv2. // PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 is a 3-bit reserved field (must be 0). Spare1() PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 // SetSpare1 assigns PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 provided by user to FlowGtpv2. // PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 is a 3-bit reserved field (must be 0). SetSpare1(value PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1) FlowGtpv2 // HasSpare1 checks if Spare1 has been set in FlowGtpv2 HasSpare1() bool // MessageType returns PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType, set in FlowGtpv2. // PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType is an 8-bit field that indicates the type of GTP message. Different types of messages are defined in 3GPP TS 29.060 section 7.1 MessageType() PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType // SetMessageType assigns PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType provided by user to FlowGtpv2. // PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType is an 8-bit field that indicates the type of GTP message. Different types of messages are defined in 3GPP TS 29.060 section 7.1 SetMessageType(value PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType) FlowGtpv2 // HasMessageType checks if MessageType has been set in FlowGtpv2 HasMessageType() bool // MessageLength returns PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength, set in FlowGtpv2. // PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength is a 16-bit field that indicates the length of the payload in bytes, excluding the mandatory GTP-c header (first 4 bytes). Includes the TEID and sequence_number if they are present. MessageLength() PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength // SetMessageLength assigns PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength provided by user to FlowGtpv2. // PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength is a 16-bit field that indicates the length of the payload in bytes, excluding the mandatory GTP-c header (first 4 bytes). Includes the TEID and sequence_number if they are present. SetMessageLength(value PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength) FlowGtpv2 // HasMessageLength checks if MessageLength has been set in FlowGtpv2 HasMessageLength() bool // Teid returns PatternFlowGtpv2Teid, set in FlowGtpv2. // PatternFlowGtpv2Teid is tunnel endpoint identifier. A 32-bit (4-octet) field used to multiplex different connections in the same GTP tunnel. Is present only if the teid_flag is set. Teid() PatternFlowGtpv2Teid // SetTeid assigns PatternFlowGtpv2Teid provided by user to FlowGtpv2. // PatternFlowGtpv2Teid is tunnel endpoint identifier. A 32-bit (4-octet) field used to multiplex different connections in the same GTP tunnel. Is present only if the teid_flag is set. SetTeid(value PatternFlowGtpv2Teid) FlowGtpv2 // HasTeid checks if Teid has been set in FlowGtpv2 HasTeid() bool // SequenceNumber returns PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber, set in FlowGtpv2. // PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber is the sequence number SequenceNumber() PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber // SetSequenceNumber assigns PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber provided by user to FlowGtpv2. // PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber is the sequence number SetSequenceNumber(value PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber) FlowGtpv2 // HasSequenceNumber checks if SequenceNumber has been set in FlowGtpv2 HasSequenceNumber() bool // Spare2 returns PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2, set in FlowGtpv2. // PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 is reserved field Spare2() PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 // SetSpare2 assigns PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 provided by user to FlowGtpv2. // PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 is reserved field SetSpare2(value PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2) FlowGtpv2 // HasSpare2 checks if Spare2 has been set in FlowGtpv2 HasSpare2() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowGtpv2 is gTPv2 packet header
func NewFlowGtpv2 ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowGtpv2() FlowGtpv2
type FlowHeader ¶
type FlowHeader interface { Msg() *otg.FlowHeader SetMsg(*otg.FlowHeader) FlowHeader // ToPbText marshals FlowHeader to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowHeader to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowHeader to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowHeader from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowHeader from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowHeader from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowHeader Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns FlowHeaderChoiceEnum, set in FlowHeader Choice() FlowHeaderChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns FlowHeaderChoiceEnum provided by user to FlowHeader SetChoice(value FlowHeaderChoiceEnum) FlowHeader // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in FlowHeader HasChoice() bool // Custom returns FlowCustom, set in FlowHeader. // FlowCustom is custom packet header Custom() FlowCustom // SetCustom assigns FlowCustom provided by user to FlowHeader. // FlowCustom is custom packet header SetCustom(value FlowCustom) FlowHeader // HasCustom checks if Custom has been set in FlowHeader HasCustom() bool // Ethernet returns FlowEthernet, set in FlowHeader. // FlowEthernet is ethernet packet header Ethernet() FlowEthernet // SetEthernet assigns FlowEthernet provided by user to FlowHeader. // FlowEthernet is ethernet packet header SetEthernet(value FlowEthernet) FlowHeader // HasEthernet checks if Ethernet has been set in FlowHeader HasEthernet() bool // Vlan returns FlowVlan, set in FlowHeader. // FlowVlan is vLAN packet header Vlan() FlowVlan // SetVlan assigns FlowVlan provided by user to FlowHeader. // FlowVlan is vLAN packet header SetVlan(value FlowVlan) FlowHeader // HasVlan checks if Vlan has been set in FlowHeader HasVlan() bool // Vxlan returns FlowVxlan, set in FlowHeader. // FlowVxlan is vXLAN packet header Vxlan() FlowVxlan // SetVxlan assigns FlowVxlan provided by user to FlowHeader. // FlowVxlan is vXLAN packet header SetVxlan(value FlowVxlan) FlowHeader // HasVxlan checks if Vxlan has been set in FlowHeader HasVxlan() bool // Ipv4 returns FlowIpv4, set in FlowHeader. // FlowIpv4 is iPv4 packet header Ipv4() FlowIpv4 // SetIpv4 assigns FlowIpv4 provided by user to FlowHeader. // FlowIpv4 is iPv4 packet header SetIpv4(value FlowIpv4) FlowHeader // HasIpv4 checks if Ipv4 has been set in FlowHeader HasIpv4() bool // Ipv6 returns FlowIpv6, set in FlowHeader. // FlowIpv6 is iPv6 packet header Ipv6() FlowIpv6 // SetIpv6 assigns FlowIpv6 provided by user to FlowHeader. // FlowIpv6 is iPv6 packet header SetIpv6(value FlowIpv6) FlowHeader // HasIpv6 checks if Ipv6 has been set in FlowHeader HasIpv6() bool // Pfcpause returns FlowPfcPause, set in FlowHeader. // FlowPfcPause is iEEE 802.1Qbb PFC Pause packet header. Pfcpause() FlowPfcPause // SetPfcpause assigns FlowPfcPause provided by user to FlowHeader. // FlowPfcPause is iEEE 802.1Qbb PFC Pause packet header. SetPfcpause(value FlowPfcPause) FlowHeader // HasPfcpause checks if Pfcpause has been set in FlowHeader HasPfcpause() bool // Ethernetpause returns FlowEthernetPause, set in FlowHeader. // FlowEthernetPause is iEEE 802.3x global ethernet pause packet header Ethernetpause() FlowEthernetPause // SetEthernetpause assigns FlowEthernetPause provided by user to FlowHeader. // FlowEthernetPause is iEEE 802.3x global ethernet pause packet header SetEthernetpause(value FlowEthernetPause) FlowHeader // HasEthernetpause checks if Ethernetpause has been set in FlowHeader HasEthernetpause() bool // Tcp returns FlowTcp, set in FlowHeader. // FlowTcp is tCP packet header Tcp() FlowTcp // SetTcp assigns FlowTcp provided by user to FlowHeader. // FlowTcp is tCP packet header SetTcp(value FlowTcp) FlowHeader // HasTcp checks if Tcp has been set in FlowHeader HasTcp() bool // Udp returns FlowUdp, set in FlowHeader. // FlowUdp is uDP packet header Udp() FlowUdp // SetUdp assigns FlowUdp provided by user to FlowHeader. // FlowUdp is uDP packet header SetUdp(value FlowUdp) FlowHeader // HasUdp checks if Udp has been set in FlowHeader HasUdp() bool // Gre returns FlowGre, set in FlowHeader. // FlowGre is standard GRE packet header (RFC2784) Gre() FlowGre // SetGre assigns FlowGre provided by user to FlowHeader. // FlowGre is standard GRE packet header (RFC2784) SetGre(value FlowGre) FlowHeader // HasGre checks if Gre has been set in FlowHeader HasGre() bool // Gtpv1 returns FlowGtpv1, set in FlowHeader. // FlowGtpv1 is gTPv1 packet header Gtpv1() FlowGtpv1 // SetGtpv1 assigns FlowGtpv1 provided by user to FlowHeader. // FlowGtpv1 is gTPv1 packet header SetGtpv1(value FlowGtpv1) FlowHeader // HasGtpv1 checks if Gtpv1 has been set in FlowHeader HasGtpv1() bool // Gtpv2 returns FlowGtpv2, set in FlowHeader. // FlowGtpv2 is gTPv2 packet header Gtpv2() FlowGtpv2 // SetGtpv2 assigns FlowGtpv2 provided by user to FlowHeader. // FlowGtpv2 is gTPv2 packet header SetGtpv2(value FlowGtpv2) FlowHeader // HasGtpv2 checks if Gtpv2 has been set in FlowHeader HasGtpv2() bool // Arp returns FlowArp, set in FlowHeader. // FlowArp is aRP packet header Arp() FlowArp // SetArp assigns FlowArp provided by user to FlowHeader. // FlowArp is aRP packet header SetArp(value FlowArp) FlowHeader // HasArp checks if Arp has been set in FlowHeader HasArp() bool // Icmp returns FlowIcmp, set in FlowHeader. // FlowIcmp is iCMP packet header Icmp() FlowIcmp // SetIcmp assigns FlowIcmp provided by user to FlowHeader. // FlowIcmp is iCMP packet header SetIcmp(value FlowIcmp) FlowHeader // HasIcmp checks if Icmp has been set in FlowHeader HasIcmp() bool // Icmpv6 returns FlowIcmpv6, set in FlowHeader. // FlowIcmpv6 is iCMPv6 packet header Icmpv6() FlowIcmpv6 // SetIcmpv6 assigns FlowIcmpv6 provided by user to FlowHeader. // FlowIcmpv6 is iCMPv6 packet header SetIcmpv6(value FlowIcmpv6) FlowHeader // HasIcmpv6 checks if Icmpv6 has been set in FlowHeader HasIcmpv6() bool // Ppp returns FlowPpp, set in FlowHeader. // FlowPpp is pPP packet header Ppp() FlowPpp // SetPpp assigns FlowPpp provided by user to FlowHeader. // FlowPpp is pPP packet header SetPpp(value FlowPpp) FlowHeader // HasPpp checks if Ppp has been set in FlowHeader HasPpp() bool // Igmpv1 returns FlowIgmpv1, set in FlowHeader. // FlowIgmpv1 is iGMPv1 packet header Igmpv1() FlowIgmpv1 // SetIgmpv1 assigns FlowIgmpv1 provided by user to FlowHeader. // FlowIgmpv1 is iGMPv1 packet header SetIgmpv1(value FlowIgmpv1) FlowHeader // HasIgmpv1 checks if Igmpv1 has been set in FlowHeader HasIgmpv1() bool // Mpls returns FlowMpls, set in FlowHeader. // FlowMpls is mpls packet header Mpls() FlowMpls // SetMpls assigns FlowMpls provided by user to FlowHeader. // FlowMpls is mpls packet header SetMpls(value FlowMpls) FlowHeader // HasMpls checks if Mpls has been set in FlowHeader HasMpls() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowHeader is configuration for all traffic packet headers
func NewFlowHeader ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowHeader() FlowHeader
type FlowHeaderChoiceEnum ¶
type FlowHeaderChoiceEnum string
type FlowIcmp ¶
type FlowIcmp interface { Msg() *otg.FlowIcmp SetMsg(*otg.FlowIcmp) FlowIcmp // ToPbText marshals FlowIcmp to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowIcmp to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowIcmp to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowIcmp from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowIcmp from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowIcmp from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowIcmp Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns FlowIcmpChoiceEnum, set in FlowIcmp Choice() FlowIcmpChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns FlowIcmpChoiceEnum provided by user to FlowIcmp SetChoice(value FlowIcmpChoiceEnum) FlowIcmp // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in FlowIcmp HasChoice() bool // Echo returns FlowIcmpEcho, set in FlowIcmp. // FlowIcmpEcho is packet Header for ICMP echo request // Common properties for ICMP packet headers that require checksum // Common properties for ICMP packet headers that require identifier and sequence number properties Echo() FlowIcmpEcho // SetEcho assigns FlowIcmpEcho provided by user to FlowIcmp. // FlowIcmpEcho is packet Header for ICMP echo request // Common properties for ICMP packet headers that require checksum // Common properties for ICMP packet headers that require identifier and sequence number properties SetEcho(value FlowIcmpEcho) FlowIcmp // HasEcho checks if Echo has been set in FlowIcmp HasEcho() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowIcmp is iCMP packet header
func NewFlowIcmp ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowIcmp() FlowIcmp
type FlowIcmpChoiceEnum ¶
type FlowIcmpChoiceEnum string
type FlowIcmpEcho ¶
type FlowIcmpEcho interface { Msg() *otg.FlowIcmpEcho SetMsg(*otg.FlowIcmpEcho) FlowIcmpEcho // ToPbText marshals FlowIcmpEcho to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowIcmpEcho to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowIcmpEcho to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowIcmpEcho from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowIcmpEcho from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowIcmpEcho from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowIcmpEcho Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Type returns PatternFlowIcmpEchoType, set in FlowIcmpEcho. // PatternFlowIcmpEchoType is the type of ICMP echo packet Type() PatternFlowIcmpEchoType // SetType assigns PatternFlowIcmpEchoType provided by user to FlowIcmpEcho. // PatternFlowIcmpEchoType is the type of ICMP echo packet SetType(value PatternFlowIcmpEchoType) FlowIcmpEcho // HasType checks if Type has been set in FlowIcmpEcho HasType() bool // Code returns PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode, set in FlowIcmpEcho. // PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode is the ICMP subtype. The default code for ICMP echo request and reply is 0. Code() PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode // SetCode assigns PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode provided by user to FlowIcmpEcho. // PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode is the ICMP subtype. The default code for ICMP echo request and reply is 0. SetCode(value PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode) FlowIcmpEcho // HasCode checks if Code has been set in FlowIcmpEcho HasCode() bool // Checksum returns PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum, set in FlowIcmpEcho. // PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum is iCMP checksum Checksum() PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum // SetChecksum assigns PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum provided by user to FlowIcmpEcho. // PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum is iCMP checksum SetChecksum(value PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum) FlowIcmpEcho // HasChecksum checks if Checksum has been set in FlowIcmpEcho HasChecksum() bool // Identifier returns PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier, set in FlowIcmpEcho. // PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier is iCMP identifier Identifier() PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier // SetIdentifier assigns PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier provided by user to FlowIcmpEcho. // PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier is iCMP identifier SetIdentifier(value PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier) FlowIcmpEcho // HasIdentifier checks if Identifier has been set in FlowIcmpEcho HasIdentifier() bool // SequenceNumber returns PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber, set in FlowIcmpEcho. // PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber is iCMP sequence number SequenceNumber() PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber // SetSequenceNumber assigns PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber provided by user to FlowIcmpEcho. // PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber is iCMP sequence number SetSequenceNumber(value PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber) FlowIcmpEcho // HasSequenceNumber checks if SequenceNumber has been set in FlowIcmpEcho HasSequenceNumber() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowIcmpEcho is packet Header for ICMP echo request Common properties for ICMP packet headers that require checksum Common properties for ICMP packet headers that require identifier and sequence number properties
func NewFlowIcmpEcho ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowIcmpEcho() FlowIcmpEcho
type FlowIcmpv6 ¶
type FlowIcmpv6 interface { Msg() *otg.FlowIcmpv6 SetMsg(*otg.FlowIcmpv6) FlowIcmpv6 // ToPbText marshals FlowIcmpv6 to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowIcmpv6 to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowIcmpv6 to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowIcmpv6 from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowIcmpv6 from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowIcmpv6 from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowIcmpv6 Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns FlowIcmpv6ChoiceEnum, set in FlowIcmpv6 Choice() FlowIcmpv6ChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns FlowIcmpv6ChoiceEnum provided by user to FlowIcmpv6 SetChoice(value FlowIcmpv6ChoiceEnum) FlowIcmpv6 // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in FlowIcmpv6 HasChoice() bool // Echo returns FlowIcmpv6Echo, set in FlowIcmpv6. // FlowIcmpv6Echo is packet Header for ICMPv6 Echo // Common properties for ICMPv6 packet headers that require checksum Echo() FlowIcmpv6Echo // SetEcho assigns FlowIcmpv6Echo provided by user to FlowIcmpv6. // FlowIcmpv6Echo is packet Header for ICMPv6 Echo // Common properties for ICMPv6 packet headers that require checksum SetEcho(value FlowIcmpv6Echo) FlowIcmpv6 // HasEcho checks if Echo has been set in FlowIcmpv6 HasEcho() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowIcmpv6 is iCMPv6 packet header
func NewFlowIcmpv6 ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowIcmpv6() FlowIcmpv6
type FlowIcmpv6ChoiceEnum ¶
type FlowIcmpv6ChoiceEnum string
type FlowIcmpv6Echo ¶
type FlowIcmpv6Echo interface { Msg() *otg.FlowIcmpv6Echo SetMsg(*otg.FlowIcmpv6Echo) FlowIcmpv6Echo // ToPbText marshals FlowIcmpv6Echo to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowIcmpv6Echo to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowIcmpv6Echo to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowIcmpv6Echo from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowIcmpv6Echo from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowIcmpv6Echo from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowIcmpv6Echo Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Type returns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType, set in FlowIcmpv6Echo. // PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType is iCMPv6 echo type Type() PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType // SetType assigns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType provided by user to FlowIcmpv6Echo. // PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType is iCMPv6 echo type SetType(value PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType) FlowIcmpv6Echo // HasType checks if Type has been set in FlowIcmpv6Echo HasType() bool // Code returns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode, set in FlowIcmpv6Echo. // PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode is iCMPv6 echo sub type Code() PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode // SetCode assigns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode provided by user to FlowIcmpv6Echo. // PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode is iCMPv6 echo sub type SetCode(value PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode) FlowIcmpv6Echo // HasCode checks if Code has been set in FlowIcmpv6Echo HasCode() bool // Identifier returns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier, set in FlowIcmpv6Echo. // PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier is iCMPv6 echo identifier Identifier() PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier // SetIdentifier assigns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier provided by user to FlowIcmpv6Echo. // PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier is iCMPv6 echo identifier SetIdentifier(value PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier) FlowIcmpv6Echo // HasIdentifier checks if Identifier has been set in FlowIcmpv6Echo HasIdentifier() bool // SequenceNumber returns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber, set in FlowIcmpv6Echo. // PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber is iCMPv6 echo sequence number SequenceNumber() PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber // SetSequenceNumber assigns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber provided by user to FlowIcmpv6Echo. // PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber is iCMPv6 echo sequence number SetSequenceNumber(value PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber) FlowIcmpv6Echo // HasSequenceNumber checks if SequenceNumber has been set in FlowIcmpv6Echo HasSequenceNumber() bool // Checksum returns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum, set in FlowIcmpv6Echo. // PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum is iCMPv6 checksum Checksum() PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum // SetChecksum assigns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum provided by user to FlowIcmpv6Echo. // PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum is iCMPv6 checksum SetChecksum(value PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum) FlowIcmpv6Echo // HasChecksum checks if Checksum has been set in FlowIcmpv6Echo HasChecksum() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowIcmpv6Echo is packet Header for ICMPv6 Echo Common properties for ICMPv6 packet headers that require checksum
func NewFlowIcmpv6Echo ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowIcmpv6Echo() FlowIcmpv6Echo
type FlowIgmpv1 ¶
type FlowIgmpv1 interface { Msg() *otg.FlowIgmpv1 SetMsg(*otg.FlowIgmpv1) FlowIgmpv1 // ToPbText marshals FlowIgmpv1 to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowIgmpv1 to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowIgmpv1 to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowIgmpv1 from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowIgmpv1 from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowIgmpv1 from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowIgmpv1 Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Version returns PatternFlowIgmpv1Version, set in FlowIgmpv1. // PatternFlowIgmpv1Version is version number Version() PatternFlowIgmpv1Version // SetVersion assigns PatternFlowIgmpv1Version provided by user to FlowIgmpv1. // PatternFlowIgmpv1Version is version number SetVersion(value PatternFlowIgmpv1Version) FlowIgmpv1 // HasVersion checks if Version has been set in FlowIgmpv1 HasVersion() bool // Type returns PatternFlowIgmpv1Type, set in FlowIgmpv1. // PatternFlowIgmpv1Type is type of message Type() PatternFlowIgmpv1Type // SetType assigns PatternFlowIgmpv1Type provided by user to FlowIgmpv1. // PatternFlowIgmpv1Type is type of message SetType(value PatternFlowIgmpv1Type) FlowIgmpv1 // HasType checks if Type has been set in FlowIgmpv1 HasType() bool // Unused returns PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused, set in FlowIgmpv1. // PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused is unused Unused() PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused // SetUnused assigns PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused provided by user to FlowIgmpv1. // PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused is unused SetUnused(value PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused) FlowIgmpv1 // HasUnused checks if Unused has been set in FlowIgmpv1 HasUnused() bool // Checksum returns PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum, set in FlowIgmpv1. // PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum is checksum Checksum() PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum // SetChecksum assigns PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum provided by user to FlowIgmpv1. // PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum is checksum SetChecksum(value PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum) FlowIgmpv1 // HasChecksum checks if Checksum has been set in FlowIgmpv1 HasChecksum() bool // GroupAddress returns PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress, set in FlowIgmpv1. // PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress is group address GroupAddress() PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress // SetGroupAddress assigns PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress provided by user to FlowIgmpv1. // PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress is group address SetGroupAddress(value PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress) FlowIgmpv1 // HasGroupAddress checks if GroupAddress has been set in FlowIgmpv1 HasGroupAddress() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowIgmpv1 is iGMPv1 packet header
func NewFlowIgmpv1 ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowIgmpv1() FlowIgmpv1
type FlowIpv4 ¶
type FlowIpv4 interface { Msg() *otg.FlowIpv4 SetMsg(*otg.FlowIpv4) FlowIpv4 // ToPbText marshals FlowIpv4 to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowIpv4 to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowIpv4 to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowIpv4 from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowIpv4 from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowIpv4 from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowIpv4 Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Version returns PatternFlowIpv4Version, set in FlowIpv4. // PatternFlowIpv4Version is version Version() PatternFlowIpv4Version // SetVersion assigns PatternFlowIpv4Version provided by user to FlowIpv4. // PatternFlowIpv4Version is version SetVersion(value PatternFlowIpv4Version) FlowIpv4 // HasVersion checks if Version has been set in FlowIpv4 HasVersion() bool // HeaderLength returns PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength, set in FlowIpv4. // PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength is header length HeaderLength() PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength // SetHeaderLength assigns PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength provided by user to FlowIpv4. // PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength is header length SetHeaderLength(value PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength) FlowIpv4 // HasHeaderLength checks if HeaderLength has been set in FlowIpv4 HasHeaderLength() bool // Priority returns FlowIpv4Priority, set in FlowIpv4. // FlowIpv4Priority is a container for ipv4 raw, tos, dscp ip priorities. Priority() FlowIpv4Priority // SetPriority assigns FlowIpv4Priority provided by user to FlowIpv4. // FlowIpv4Priority is a container for ipv4 raw, tos, dscp ip priorities. SetPriority(value FlowIpv4Priority) FlowIpv4 // HasPriority checks if Priority has been set in FlowIpv4 HasPriority() bool // TotalLength returns PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength, set in FlowIpv4. // PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength is total length TotalLength() PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength // SetTotalLength assigns PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength provided by user to FlowIpv4. // PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength is total length SetTotalLength(value PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength) FlowIpv4 // HasTotalLength checks if TotalLength has been set in FlowIpv4 HasTotalLength() bool // Identification returns PatternFlowIpv4Identification, set in FlowIpv4. // PatternFlowIpv4Identification is identification Identification() PatternFlowIpv4Identification // SetIdentification assigns PatternFlowIpv4Identification provided by user to FlowIpv4. // PatternFlowIpv4Identification is identification SetIdentification(value PatternFlowIpv4Identification) FlowIpv4 // HasIdentification checks if Identification has been set in FlowIpv4 HasIdentification() bool // Reserved returns PatternFlowIpv4Reserved, set in FlowIpv4. // PatternFlowIpv4Reserved is reserved flag. Reserved() PatternFlowIpv4Reserved // SetReserved assigns PatternFlowIpv4Reserved provided by user to FlowIpv4. // PatternFlowIpv4Reserved is reserved flag. SetReserved(value PatternFlowIpv4Reserved) FlowIpv4 // HasReserved checks if Reserved has been set in FlowIpv4 HasReserved() bool // DontFragment returns PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment, set in FlowIpv4. // PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment is dont fragment flag If the dont_fragment flag is set and fragmentation is required to route the packet then the packet is dropped. DontFragment() PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment // SetDontFragment assigns PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment provided by user to FlowIpv4. // PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment is dont fragment flag If the dont_fragment flag is set and fragmentation is required to route the packet then the packet is dropped. SetDontFragment(value PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment) FlowIpv4 // HasDontFragment checks if DontFragment has been set in FlowIpv4 HasDontFragment() bool // MoreFragments returns PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments, set in FlowIpv4. // PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments is more fragments flag MoreFragments() PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments // SetMoreFragments assigns PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments provided by user to FlowIpv4. // PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments is more fragments flag SetMoreFragments(value PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments) FlowIpv4 // HasMoreFragments checks if MoreFragments has been set in FlowIpv4 HasMoreFragments() bool // FragmentOffset returns PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset, set in FlowIpv4. // PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset is fragment offset FragmentOffset() PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset // SetFragmentOffset assigns PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset provided by user to FlowIpv4. // PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset is fragment offset SetFragmentOffset(value PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset) FlowIpv4 // HasFragmentOffset checks if FragmentOffset has been set in FlowIpv4 HasFragmentOffset() bool // TimeToLive returns PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive, set in FlowIpv4. // PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive is time to live TimeToLive() PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive // SetTimeToLive assigns PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive provided by user to FlowIpv4. // PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive is time to live SetTimeToLive(value PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive) FlowIpv4 // HasTimeToLive checks if TimeToLive has been set in FlowIpv4 HasTimeToLive() bool // Protocol returns PatternFlowIpv4Protocol, set in FlowIpv4. // PatternFlowIpv4Protocol is protocol, default is 61 any host internal protocol Protocol() PatternFlowIpv4Protocol // SetProtocol assigns PatternFlowIpv4Protocol provided by user to FlowIpv4. // PatternFlowIpv4Protocol is protocol, default is 61 any host internal protocol SetProtocol(value PatternFlowIpv4Protocol) FlowIpv4 // HasProtocol checks if Protocol has been set in FlowIpv4 HasProtocol() bool // HeaderChecksum returns PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum, set in FlowIpv4. // PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum is header checksum HeaderChecksum() PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum // SetHeaderChecksum assigns PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum provided by user to FlowIpv4. // PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum is header checksum SetHeaderChecksum(value PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum) FlowIpv4 // HasHeaderChecksum checks if HeaderChecksum has been set in FlowIpv4 HasHeaderChecksum() bool // Src returns PatternFlowIpv4Src, set in FlowIpv4. // PatternFlowIpv4Src is source address Src() PatternFlowIpv4Src // SetSrc assigns PatternFlowIpv4Src provided by user to FlowIpv4. // PatternFlowIpv4Src is source address SetSrc(value PatternFlowIpv4Src) FlowIpv4 // HasSrc checks if Src has been set in FlowIpv4 HasSrc() bool // Dst returns PatternFlowIpv4Dst, set in FlowIpv4. // PatternFlowIpv4Dst is destination address Dst() PatternFlowIpv4Dst // SetDst assigns PatternFlowIpv4Dst provided by user to FlowIpv4. // PatternFlowIpv4Dst is destination address SetDst(value PatternFlowIpv4Dst) FlowIpv4 // HasDst checks if Dst has been set in FlowIpv4 HasDst() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowIpv4 is iPv4 packet header
func NewFlowIpv4 ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowIpv4() FlowIpv4
type FlowIpv4Dscp ¶
type FlowIpv4Dscp interface { Msg() *otg.FlowIpv4Dscp SetMsg(*otg.FlowIpv4Dscp) FlowIpv4Dscp // ToPbText marshals FlowIpv4Dscp to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowIpv4Dscp to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowIpv4Dscp to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowIpv4Dscp from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowIpv4Dscp from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowIpv4Dscp from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowIpv4Dscp Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Phb returns PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb, set in FlowIpv4Dscp. // PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb is per hop behavior Phb() PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb // SetPhb assigns PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb provided by user to FlowIpv4Dscp. // PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb is per hop behavior SetPhb(value PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb) FlowIpv4Dscp // HasPhb checks if Phb has been set in FlowIpv4Dscp HasPhb() bool // Ecn returns PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn, set in FlowIpv4Dscp. // PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn is explicit congestion notification Ecn() PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn // SetEcn assigns PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn provided by user to FlowIpv4Dscp. // PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn is explicit congestion notification SetEcn(value PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn) FlowIpv4Dscp // HasEcn checks if Ecn has been set in FlowIpv4Dscp HasEcn() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowIpv4Dscp is differentiated services code point (DSCP) packet field.
func NewFlowIpv4Dscp ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowIpv4Dscp() FlowIpv4Dscp
type FlowIpv4Priority ¶
type FlowIpv4Priority interface { Msg() *otg.FlowIpv4Priority SetMsg(*otg.FlowIpv4Priority) FlowIpv4Priority // ToPbText marshals FlowIpv4Priority to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowIpv4Priority to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowIpv4Priority to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowIpv4Priority from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowIpv4Priority from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowIpv4Priority from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowIpv4Priority Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns FlowIpv4PriorityChoiceEnum, set in FlowIpv4Priority Choice() FlowIpv4PriorityChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns FlowIpv4PriorityChoiceEnum provided by user to FlowIpv4Priority SetChoice(value FlowIpv4PriorityChoiceEnum) FlowIpv4Priority // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in FlowIpv4Priority HasChoice() bool // Raw returns PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw, set in FlowIpv4Priority. // PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw is raw priority Raw() PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw // SetRaw assigns PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw provided by user to FlowIpv4Priority. // PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw is raw priority SetRaw(value PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw) FlowIpv4Priority // HasRaw checks if Raw has been set in FlowIpv4Priority HasRaw() bool // Tos returns FlowIpv4Tos, set in FlowIpv4Priority. // FlowIpv4Tos is type of service (TOS) packet field. Tos() FlowIpv4Tos // SetTos assigns FlowIpv4Tos provided by user to FlowIpv4Priority. // FlowIpv4Tos is type of service (TOS) packet field. SetTos(value FlowIpv4Tos) FlowIpv4Priority // HasTos checks if Tos has been set in FlowIpv4Priority HasTos() bool // Dscp returns FlowIpv4Dscp, set in FlowIpv4Priority. // FlowIpv4Dscp is differentiated services code point (DSCP) packet field. Dscp() FlowIpv4Dscp // SetDscp assigns FlowIpv4Dscp provided by user to FlowIpv4Priority. // FlowIpv4Dscp is differentiated services code point (DSCP) packet field. SetDscp(value FlowIpv4Dscp) FlowIpv4Priority // HasDscp checks if Dscp has been set in FlowIpv4Priority HasDscp() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowIpv4Priority is a container for ipv4 raw, tos, dscp ip priorities.
func NewFlowIpv4Priority ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowIpv4Priority() FlowIpv4Priority
type FlowIpv4PriorityChoiceEnum ¶
type FlowIpv4PriorityChoiceEnum string
type FlowIpv4Tos ¶
type FlowIpv4Tos interface { Msg() *otg.FlowIpv4Tos SetMsg(*otg.FlowIpv4Tos) FlowIpv4Tos // ToPbText marshals FlowIpv4Tos to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowIpv4Tos to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowIpv4Tos to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowIpv4Tos from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowIpv4Tos from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowIpv4Tos from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowIpv4Tos Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Precedence returns PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence, set in FlowIpv4Tos. // PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence is precedence Precedence() PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence // SetPrecedence assigns PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence provided by user to FlowIpv4Tos. // PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence is precedence SetPrecedence(value PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence) FlowIpv4Tos // HasPrecedence checks if Precedence has been set in FlowIpv4Tos HasPrecedence() bool // Delay returns PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay, set in FlowIpv4Tos. // PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay is delay Delay() PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay // SetDelay assigns PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay provided by user to FlowIpv4Tos. // PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay is delay SetDelay(value PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay) FlowIpv4Tos // HasDelay checks if Delay has been set in FlowIpv4Tos HasDelay() bool // Throughput returns PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput, set in FlowIpv4Tos. // PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput is throughput Throughput() PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput // SetThroughput assigns PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput provided by user to FlowIpv4Tos. // PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput is throughput SetThroughput(value PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput) FlowIpv4Tos // HasThroughput checks if Throughput has been set in FlowIpv4Tos HasThroughput() bool // Reliability returns PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability, set in FlowIpv4Tos. // PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability is reliability Reliability() PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability // SetReliability assigns PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability provided by user to FlowIpv4Tos. // PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability is reliability SetReliability(value PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability) FlowIpv4Tos // HasReliability checks if Reliability has been set in FlowIpv4Tos HasReliability() bool // Monetary returns PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary, set in FlowIpv4Tos. // PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary is monetary Monetary() PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary // SetMonetary assigns PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary provided by user to FlowIpv4Tos. // PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary is monetary SetMonetary(value PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary) FlowIpv4Tos // HasMonetary checks if Monetary has been set in FlowIpv4Tos HasMonetary() bool // Unused returns PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused, set in FlowIpv4Tos. // PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused is unused Unused() PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused // SetUnused assigns PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused provided by user to FlowIpv4Tos. // PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused is unused SetUnused(value PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused) FlowIpv4Tos // HasUnused checks if Unused has been set in FlowIpv4Tos HasUnused() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowIpv4Tos is type of service (TOS) packet field.
func NewFlowIpv4Tos ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowIpv4Tos() FlowIpv4Tos
type FlowIpv6 ¶
type FlowIpv6 interface { Msg() *otg.FlowIpv6 SetMsg(*otg.FlowIpv6) FlowIpv6 // ToPbText marshals FlowIpv6 to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowIpv6 to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowIpv6 to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowIpv6 from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowIpv6 from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowIpv6 from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowIpv6 Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Version returns PatternFlowIpv6Version, set in FlowIpv6. // PatternFlowIpv6Version is version number Version() PatternFlowIpv6Version // SetVersion assigns PatternFlowIpv6Version provided by user to FlowIpv6. // PatternFlowIpv6Version is version number SetVersion(value PatternFlowIpv6Version) FlowIpv6 // HasVersion checks if Version has been set in FlowIpv6 HasVersion() bool // TrafficClass returns PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass, set in FlowIpv6. // PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass is traffic class TrafficClass() PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass // SetTrafficClass assigns PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass provided by user to FlowIpv6. // PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass is traffic class SetTrafficClass(value PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass) FlowIpv6 // HasTrafficClass checks if TrafficClass has been set in FlowIpv6 HasTrafficClass() bool // FlowLabel returns PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel, set in FlowIpv6. // PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel is flow label FlowLabel() PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel // SetFlowLabel assigns PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel provided by user to FlowIpv6. // PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel is flow label SetFlowLabel(value PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel) FlowIpv6 // HasFlowLabel checks if FlowLabel has been set in FlowIpv6 HasFlowLabel() bool // PayloadLength returns PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength, set in FlowIpv6. // PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength is payload length PayloadLength() PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength // SetPayloadLength assigns PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength provided by user to FlowIpv6. // PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength is payload length SetPayloadLength(value PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength) FlowIpv6 // HasPayloadLength checks if PayloadLength has been set in FlowIpv6 HasPayloadLength() bool // NextHeader returns PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader, set in FlowIpv6. // PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader is next header NextHeader() PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader // SetNextHeader assigns PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader provided by user to FlowIpv6. // PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader is next header SetNextHeader(value PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader) FlowIpv6 // HasNextHeader checks if NextHeader has been set in FlowIpv6 HasNextHeader() bool // HopLimit returns PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit, set in FlowIpv6. // PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit is hop limit HopLimit() PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit // SetHopLimit assigns PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit provided by user to FlowIpv6. // PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit is hop limit SetHopLimit(value PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit) FlowIpv6 // HasHopLimit checks if HopLimit has been set in FlowIpv6 HasHopLimit() bool // Src returns PatternFlowIpv6Src, set in FlowIpv6. // PatternFlowIpv6Src is source address Src() PatternFlowIpv6Src // SetSrc assigns PatternFlowIpv6Src provided by user to FlowIpv6. // PatternFlowIpv6Src is source address SetSrc(value PatternFlowIpv6Src) FlowIpv6 // HasSrc checks if Src has been set in FlowIpv6 HasSrc() bool // Dst returns PatternFlowIpv6Dst, set in FlowIpv6. // PatternFlowIpv6Dst is destination address Dst() PatternFlowIpv6Dst // SetDst assigns PatternFlowIpv6Dst provided by user to FlowIpv6. // PatternFlowIpv6Dst is destination address SetDst(value PatternFlowIpv6Dst) FlowIpv6 // HasDst checks if Dst has been set in FlowIpv6 HasDst() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowIpv6 is iPv6 packet header
func NewFlowIpv6 ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowIpv6() FlowIpv6
type FlowLatencyMetrics ¶
type FlowLatencyMetrics interface { Msg() *otg.FlowLatencyMetrics SetMsg(*otg.FlowLatencyMetrics) FlowLatencyMetrics // ToPbText marshals FlowLatencyMetrics to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowLatencyMetrics to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowLatencyMetrics to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowLatencyMetrics from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowLatencyMetrics from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowLatencyMetrics from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowLatencyMetrics Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Enable returns bool, set in FlowLatencyMetrics. Enable() bool // SetEnable assigns bool provided by user to FlowLatencyMetrics SetEnable(value bool) FlowLatencyMetrics // HasEnable checks if Enable has been set in FlowLatencyMetrics HasEnable() bool // Mode returns FlowLatencyMetricsModeEnum, set in FlowLatencyMetrics Mode() FlowLatencyMetricsModeEnum // SetMode assigns FlowLatencyMetricsModeEnum provided by user to FlowLatencyMetrics SetMode(value FlowLatencyMetricsModeEnum) FlowLatencyMetrics // HasMode checks if Mode has been set in FlowLatencyMetrics HasMode() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowLatencyMetrics is the optional container for per flow latency metric configuration.
func NewFlowLatencyMetrics ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowLatencyMetrics() FlowLatencyMetrics
type FlowLatencyMetricsModeEnum ¶
type FlowLatencyMetricsModeEnum string
type FlowMetric ¶
type FlowMetric interface { Msg() *otg.FlowMetric SetMsg(*otg.FlowMetric) FlowMetric // ToPbText marshals FlowMetric to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowMetric to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowMetric to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowMetric from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowMetric from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowMetric from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowMetric Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Name returns string, set in FlowMetric. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to FlowMetric SetName(value string) FlowMetric // HasName checks if Name has been set in FlowMetric HasName() bool // PortTx returns string, set in FlowMetric. PortTx() string // SetPortTx assigns string provided by user to FlowMetric SetPortTx(value string) FlowMetric // HasPortTx checks if PortTx has been set in FlowMetric HasPortTx() bool // PortRx returns string, set in FlowMetric. PortRx() string // SetPortRx assigns string provided by user to FlowMetric SetPortRx(value string) FlowMetric // HasPortRx checks if PortRx has been set in FlowMetric HasPortRx() bool // MetricGroups returns FlowMetricFlowMetricGroupIter, set in FlowMetric MetricGroups() FlowMetricFlowMetricGroupIter // Transmit returns FlowMetricTransmitEnum, set in FlowMetric Transmit() FlowMetricTransmitEnum // SetTransmit assigns FlowMetricTransmitEnum provided by user to FlowMetric SetTransmit(value FlowMetricTransmitEnum) FlowMetric // HasTransmit checks if Transmit has been set in FlowMetric HasTransmit() bool // FramesTx returns int64, set in FlowMetric. FramesTx() int64 // SetFramesTx assigns int64 provided by user to FlowMetric SetFramesTx(value int64) FlowMetric // HasFramesTx checks if FramesTx has been set in FlowMetric HasFramesTx() bool // FramesRx returns int64, set in FlowMetric. FramesRx() int64 // SetFramesRx assigns int64 provided by user to FlowMetric SetFramesRx(value int64) FlowMetric // HasFramesRx checks if FramesRx has been set in FlowMetric HasFramesRx() bool // BytesTx returns int64, set in FlowMetric. BytesTx() int64 // SetBytesTx assigns int64 provided by user to FlowMetric SetBytesTx(value int64) FlowMetric // HasBytesTx checks if BytesTx has been set in FlowMetric HasBytesTx() bool // BytesRx returns int64, set in FlowMetric. BytesRx() int64 // SetBytesRx assigns int64 provided by user to FlowMetric SetBytesRx(value int64) FlowMetric // HasBytesRx checks if BytesRx has been set in FlowMetric HasBytesRx() bool // FramesTxRate returns float32, set in FlowMetric. FramesTxRate() float32 // SetFramesTxRate assigns float32 provided by user to FlowMetric SetFramesTxRate(value float32) FlowMetric // HasFramesTxRate checks if FramesTxRate has been set in FlowMetric HasFramesTxRate() bool // FramesRxRate returns float32, set in FlowMetric. FramesRxRate() float32 // SetFramesRxRate assigns float32 provided by user to FlowMetric SetFramesRxRate(value float32) FlowMetric // HasFramesRxRate checks if FramesRxRate has been set in FlowMetric HasFramesRxRate() bool // Loss returns float32, set in FlowMetric. Loss() float32 // SetLoss assigns float32 provided by user to FlowMetric SetLoss(value float32) FlowMetric // HasLoss checks if Loss has been set in FlowMetric HasLoss() bool // Timestamps returns MetricTimestamp, set in FlowMetric. // MetricTimestamp is the container for timestamp metrics. // The container will be empty if the timestamp has not been configured for // the flow. Timestamps() MetricTimestamp // SetTimestamps assigns MetricTimestamp provided by user to FlowMetric. // MetricTimestamp is the container for timestamp metrics. // The container will be empty if the timestamp has not been configured for // the flow. SetTimestamps(value MetricTimestamp) FlowMetric // HasTimestamps checks if Timestamps has been set in FlowMetric HasTimestamps() bool // Latency returns MetricLatency, set in FlowMetric. // MetricLatency is the container for latency metrics. // The min/max/avg values are dependent on the type of latency measurement // mode that is configured. // The container will be empty if the latency has not been configured for // the flow. Latency() MetricLatency // SetLatency assigns MetricLatency provided by user to FlowMetric. // MetricLatency is the container for latency metrics. // The min/max/avg values are dependent on the type of latency measurement // mode that is configured. // The container will be empty if the latency has not been configured for // the flow. SetLatency(value MetricLatency) FlowMetric // HasLatency checks if Latency has been set in FlowMetric HasLatency() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowMetric is a container for flow metrics. The container is keyed by the name, port_tx, port_rx and metric_groups values.
func NewFlowMetric ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowMetric() FlowMetric
type FlowMetricFlowMetricGroupIter ¶
type FlowMetricFlowMetricGroupIter interface { Items() []FlowMetricGroup Add() FlowMetricGroup Append(items ...FlowMetricGroup) FlowMetricFlowMetricGroupIter Set(index int, newObj FlowMetricGroup) FlowMetricFlowMetricGroupIter Clear() FlowMetricFlowMetricGroupIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type FlowMetricGroup ¶
type FlowMetricGroup interface { Msg() *otg.FlowMetricGroup SetMsg(*otg.FlowMetricGroup) FlowMetricGroup // ToPbText marshals FlowMetricGroup to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowMetricGroup to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowMetricGroup to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowMetricGroup from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowMetricGroup from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowMetricGroup from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowMetricGroup Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Name returns string, set in FlowMetricGroup. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to FlowMetricGroup SetName(value string) FlowMetricGroup // HasName checks if Name has been set in FlowMetricGroup HasName() bool // Value returns string, set in FlowMetricGroup. Value() string // SetValue assigns string provided by user to FlowMetricGroup SetValue(value string) FlowMetricGroup // HasValue checks if Value has been set in FlowMetricGroup HasValue() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowMetricGroup is description is TBD
func NewFlowMetricGroup ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowMetricGroup() FlowMetricGroup
type FlowMetricGroupRequest ¶
type FlowMetricGroupRequest interface { Msg() *otg.FlowMetricGroupRequest SetMsg(*otg.FlowMetricGroupRequest) FlowMetricGroupRequest // ToPbText marshals FlowMetricGroupRequest to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowMetricGroupRequest to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowMetricGroupRequest to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowMetricGroupRequest from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowMetricGroupRequest from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowMetricGroupRequest from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowMetricGroupRequest Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns FlowMetricGroupRequestChoiceEnum, set in FlowMetricGroupRequest Choice() FlowMetricGroupRequestChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns FlowMetricGroupRequestChoiceEnum provided by user to FlowMetricGroupRequest SetChoice(value FlowMetricGroupRequestChoiceEnum) FlowMetricGroupRequest // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in FlowMetricGroupRequest HasChoice() bool // Ingress returns []string, set in FlowMetricGroupRequest. Ingress() []string // SetIngress assigns []string provided by user to FlowMetricGroupRequest SetIngress(value []string) FlowMetricGroupRequest // Egress returns []string, set in FlowMetricGroupRequest. Egress() []string // SetEgress assigns []string provided by user to FlowMetricGroupRequest SetEgress(value []string) FlowMetricGroupRequest // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowMetricGroupRequest is description is TBD
func NewFlowMetricGroupRequest ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowMetricGroupRequest() FlowMetricGroupRequest
type FlowMetricGroupRequestChoiceEnum ¶
type FlowMetricGroupRequestChoiceEnum string
type FlowMetricTransmitEnum ¶
type FlowMetricTransmitEnum string
type FlowMetrics ¶
type FlowMetrics interface { Msg() *otg.FlowMetrics SetMsg(*otg.FlowMetrics) FlowMetrics // ToPbText marshals FlowMetrics to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowMetrics to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowMetrics to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowMetrics from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowMetrics from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowMetrics from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowMetrics Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Enable returns bool, set in FlowMetrics. Enable() bool // SetEnable assigns bool provided by user to FlowMetrics SetEnable(value bool) FlowMetrics // HasEnable checks if Enable has been set in FlowMetrics HasEnable() bool // Loss returns bool, set in FlowMetrics. Loss() bool // SetLoss assigns bool provided by user to FlowMetrics SetLoss(value bool) FlowMetrics // HasLoss checks if Loss has been set in FlowMetrics HasLoss() bool // Timestamps returns bool, set in FlowMetrics. Timestamps() bool // SetTimestamps assigns bool provided by user to FlowMetrics SetTimestamps(value bool) FlowMetrics // HasTimestamps checks if Timestamps has been set in FlowMetrics HasTimestamps() bool // Latency returns FlowLatencyMetrics, set in FlowMetrics. // FlowLatencyMetrics is the optional container for per flow latency metric configuration. Latency() FlowLatencyMetrics // SetLatency assigns FlowLatencyMetrics provided by user to FlowMetrics. // FlowLatencyMetrics is the optional container for per flow latency metric configuration. SetLatency(value FlowLatencyMetrics) FlowMetrics // HasLatency checks if Latency has been set in FlowMetrics HasLatency() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowMetrics is the optional container for configuring flow metrics.
func NewFlowMetrics ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowMetrics() FlowMetrics
type FlowMetricsRequest ¶
type FlowMetricsRequest interface { Msg() *otg.FlowMetricsRequest SetMsg(*otg.FlowMetricsRequest) FlowMetricsRequest // ToPbText marshals FlowMetricsRequest to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowMetricsRequest to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowMetricsRequest to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowMetricsRequest from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowMetricsRequest from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowMetricsRequest from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowMetricsRequest Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // FlowNames returns []string, set in FlowMetricsRequest. FlowNames() []string // SetFlowNames assigns []string provided by user to FlowMetricsRequest SetFlowNames(value []string) FlowMetricsRequest // MetricGroups returns FlowMetricGroupRequest, set in FlowMetricsRequest. // FlowMetricGroupRequest is description is TBD MetricGroups() FlowMetricGroupRequest // SetMetricGroups assigns FlowMetricGroupRequest provided by user to FlowMetricsRequest. // FlowMetricGroupRequest is description is TBD SetMetricGroups(value FlowMetricGroupRequest) FlowMetricsRequest // HasMetricGroups checks if MetricGroups has been set in FlowMetricsRequest HasMetricGroups() bool // MetricNames returns []FlowMetricsRequestMetricNamesEnum, set in FlowMetricsRequest MetricNames() []FlowMetricsRequestMetricNamesEnum // SetMetricNames assigns []FlowMetricsRequestMetricNamesEnum provided by user to FlowMetricsRequest SetMetricNames(value []FlowMetricsRequestMetricNamesEnum) FlowMetricsRequest // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowMetricsRequest is the container for a flow metric request.
func NewFlowMetricsRequest ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowMetricsRequest() FlowMetricsRequest
type FlowMetricsRequestMetricNamesEnum ¶
type FlowMetricsRequestMetricNamesEnum string
type FlowMpls ¶ added in v0.7.15
type FlowMpls interface { Msg() *otg.FlowMpls SetMsg(*otg.FlowMpls) FlowMpls // ToPbText marshals FlowMpls to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowMpls to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowMpls to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowMpls from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowMpls from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowMpls from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowMpls Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Label returns PatternFlowMplsLabel, set in FlowMpls. // PatternFlowMplsLabel is label of routers Label() PatternFlowMplsLabel // SetLabel assigns PatternFlowMplsLabel provided by user to FlowMpls. // PatternFlowMplsLabel is label of routers SetLabel(value PatternFlowMplsLabel) FlowMpls // HasLabel checks if Label has been set in FlowMpls HasLabel() bool // TrafficClass returns PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass, set in FlowMpls. // PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass is traffic class TrafficClass() PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass // SetTrafficClass assigns PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass provided by user to FlowMpls. // PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass is traffic class SetTrafficClass(value PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass) FlowMpls // HasTrafficClass checks if TrafficClass has been set in FlowMpls HasTrafficClass() bool // BottomOfStack returns PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack, set in FlowMpls. // PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack is bottom of stack BottomOfStack() PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack // SetBottomOfStack assigns PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack provided by user to FlowMpls. // PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack is bottom of stack SetBottomOfStack(value PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack) FlowMpls // HasBottomOfStack checks if BottomOfStack has been set in FlowMpls HasBottomOfStack() bool // TimeToLive returns PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive, set in FlowMpls. // PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive is time to live TimeToLive() PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive // SetTimeToLive assigns PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive provided by user to FlowMpls. // PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive is time to live SetTimeToLive(value PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive) FlowMpls // HasTimeToLive checks if TimeToLive has been set in FlowMpls HasTimeToLive() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowMpls is mpls packet header
func NewFlowMpls ¶ added in v0.7.15
func NewFlowMpls() FlowMpls
type FlowPfcPause ¶
type FlowPfcPause interface { Msg() *otg.FlowPfcPause SetMsg(*otg.FlowPfcPause) FlowPfcPause // ToPbText marshals FlowPfcPause to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowPfcPause to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowPfcPause to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowPfcPause from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowPfcPause from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowPfcPause from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowPfcPause Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Dst returns PatternFlowPfcPauseDst, set in FlowPfcPause. // PatternFlowPfcPauseDst is destination MAC address Dst() PatternFlowPfcPauseDst // SetDst assigns PatternFlowPfcPauseDst provided by user to FlowPfcPause. // PatternFlowPfcPauseDst is destination MAC address SetDst(value PatternFlowPfcPauseDst) FlowPfcPause // HasDst checks if Dst has been set in FlowPfcPause HasDst() bool // Src returns PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc, set in FlowPfcPause. // PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc is source MAC address Src() PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc // SetSrc assigns PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc provided by user to FlowPfcPause. // PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc is source MAC address SetSrc(value PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc) FlowPfcPause // HasSrc checks if Src has been set in FlowPfcPause HasSrc() bool // EtherType returns PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType, set in FlowPfcPause. // PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType is ethernet type EtherType() PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType // SetEtherType assigns PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType provided by user to FlowPfcPause. // PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType is ethernet type SetEtherType(value PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType) FlowPfcPause // HasEtherType checks if EtherType has been set in FlowPfcPause HasEtherType() bool // ControlOpCode returns PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode, set in FlowPfcPause. // PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode is control operation code ControlOpCode() PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode // SetControlOpCode assigns PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode provided by user to FlowPfcPause. // PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode is control operation code SetControlOpCode(value PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode) FlowPfcPause // HasControlOpCode checks if ControlOpCode has been set in FlowPfcPause HasControlOpCode() bool // ClassEnableVector returns PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector, set in FlowPfcPause. // PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector is destination ClassEnableVector() PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector // SetClassEnableVector assigns PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector provided by user to FlowPfcPause. // PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector is destination SetClassEnableVector(value PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector) FlowPfcPause // HasClassEnableVector checks if ClassEnableVector has been set in FlowPfcPause HasClassEnableVector() bool // PauseClass0 returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0, set in FlowPfcPause. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 is pause class 0 PauseClass0() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 // SetPauseClass0 assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 provided by user to FlowPfcPause. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 is pause class 0 SetPauseClass0(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0) FlowPfcPause // HasPauseClass0 checks if PauseClass0 has been set in FlowPfcPause HasPauseClass0() bool // PauseClass1 returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1, set in FlowPfcPause. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 is pause class 1 PauseClass1() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 // SetPauseClass1 assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 provided by user to FlowPfcPause. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 is pause class 1 SetPauseClass1(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1) FlowPfcPause // HasPauseClass1 checks if PauseClass1 has been set in FlowPfcPause HasPauseClass1() bool // PauseClass2 returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2, set in FlowPfcPause. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 is pause class 2 PauseClass2() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 // SetPauseClass2 assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 provided by user to FlowPfcPause. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 is pause class 2 SetPauseClass2(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2) FlowPfcPause // HasPauseClass2 checks if PauseClass2 has been set in FlowPfcPause HasPauseClass2() bool // PauseClass3 returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3, set in FlowPfcPause. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 is pause class 3 PauseClass3() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 // SetPauseClass3 assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 provided by user to FlowPfcPause. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 is pause class 3 SetPauseClass3(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3) FlowPfcPause // HasPauseClass3 checks if PauseClass3 has been set in FlowPfcPause HasPauseClass3() bool // PauseClass4 returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4, set in FlowPfcPause. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 is pause class 4 PauseClass4() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 // SetPauseClass4 assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 provided by user to FlowPfcPause. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 is pause class 4 SetPauseClass4(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4) FlowPfcPause // HasPauseClass4 checks if PauseClass4 has been set in FlowPfcPause HasPauseClass4() bool // PauseClass5 returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5, set in FlowPfcPause. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 is pause class 5 PauseClass5() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 // SetPauseClass5 assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 provided by user to FlowPfcPause. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 is pause class 5 SetPauseClass5(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5) FlowPfcPause // HasPauseClass5 checks if PauseClass5 has been set in FlowPfcPause HasPauseClass5() bool // PauseClass6 returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6, set in FlowPfcPause. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 is pause class 6 PauseClass6() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 // SetPauseClass6 assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 provided by user to FlowPfcPause. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 is pause class 6 SetPauseClass6(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6) FlowPfcPause // HasPauseClass6 checks if PauseClass6 has been set in FlowPfcPause HasPauseClass6() bool // PauseClass7 returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7, set in FlowPfcPause. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 is pause class 7 PauseClass7() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 // SetPauseClass7 assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 provided by user to FlowPfcPause. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 is pause class 7 SetPauseClass7(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7) FlowPfcPause // HasPauseClass7 checks if PauseClass7 has been set in FlowPfcPause HasPauseClass7() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowPfcPause is iEEE 802.1Qbb PFC Pause packet header.
func NewFlowPfcPause ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowPfcPause() FlowPfcPause
type FlowPort ¶
type FlowPort interface { Msg() *otg.FlowPort SetMsg(*otg.FlowPort) FlowPort // ToPbText marshals FlowPort to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowPort to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowPort to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowPort from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowPort from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowPort from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowPort Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // TxName returns string, set in FlowPort. TxName() string // SetTxName assigns string provided by user to FlowPort SetTxName(value string) FlowPort // RxName returns string, set in FlowPort. RxName() string // SetRxName assigns string provided by user to FlowPort SetRxName(value string) FlowPort // HasRxName checks if RxName has been set in FlowPort HasRxName() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowPort is a container for a transmit port and 0..n intended receive ports. When assigning this container to a flow the flows's packet headers will not be populated with any address resolution information such as source and/or destination addresses. For example Flow.Ethernet dst mac address values will be defaulted to 0. For full control over the header contents use this container.
func NewFlowPort ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowPort() FlowPort
type FlowPpp ¶
type FlowPpp interface { Msg() *otg.FlowPpp SetMsg(*otg.FlowPpp) FlowPpp // ToPbText marshals FlowPpp to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowPpp to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowPpp to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowPpp from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowPpp from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowPpp from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowPpp Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Address returns PatternFlowPppAddress, set in FlowPpp. // PatternFlowPppAddress is pPP address Address() PatternFlowPppAddress // SetAddress assigns PatternFlowPppAddress provided by user to FlowPpp. // PatternFlowPppAddress is pPP address SetAddress(value PatternFlowPppAddress) FlowPpp // HasAddress checks if Address has been set in FlowPpp HasAddress() bool // Control returns PatternFlowPppControl, set in FlowPpp. // PatternFlowPppControl is pPP control Control() PatternFlowPppControl // SetControl assigns PatternFlowPppControl provided by user to FlowPpp. // PatternFlowPppControl is pPP control SetControl(value PatternFlowPppControl) FlowPpp // HasControl checks if Control has been set in FlowPpp HasControl() bool // ProtocolType returns PatternFlowPppProtocolType, set in FlowPpp. // PatternFlowPppProtocolType is pPP protocol type ProtocolType() PatternFlowPppProtocolType // SetProtocolType assigns PatternFlowPppProtocolType provided by user to FlowPpp. // PatternFlowPppProtocolType is pPP protocol type SetProtocolType(value PatternFlowPppProtocolType) FlowPpp // HasProtocolType checks if ProtocolType has been set in FlowPpp HasProtocolType() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowPpp is pPP packet header
func NewFlowPpp ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowPpp() FlowPpp
type FlowRate ¶
type FlowRate interface { Msg() *otg.FlowRate SetMsg(*otg.FlowRate) FlowRate // ToPbText marshals FlowRate to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowRate to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowRate to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowRate from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowRate from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowRate from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowRate Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns FlowRateChoiceEnum, set in FlowRate Choice() FlowRateChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns FlowRateChoiceEnum provided by user to FlowRate SetChoice(value FlowRateChoiceEnum) FlowRate // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in FlowRate HasChoice() bool // Pps returns int64, set in FlowRate. Pps() int64 // SetPps assigns int64 provided by user to FlowRate SetPps(value int64) FlowRate // HasPps checks if Pps has been set in FlowRate HasPps() bool // Bps returns int64, set in FlowRate. Bps() int64 // SetBps assigns int64 provided by user to FlowRate SetBps(value int64) FlowRate // HasBps checks if Bps has been set in FlowRate HasBps() bool // Kbps returns int64, set in FlowRate. Kbps() int64 // SetKbps assigns int64 provided by user to FlowRate SetKbps(value int64) FlowRate // HasKbps checks if Kbps has been set in FlowRate HasKbps() bool // Mbps returns int64, set in FlowRate. Mbps() int64 // SetMbps assigns int64 provided by user to FlowRate SetMbps(value int64) FlowRate // HasMbps checks if Mbps has been set in FlowRate HasMbps() bool // Gbps returns int32, set in FlowRate. Gbps() int32 // SetGbps assigns int32 provided by user to FlowRate SetGbps(value int32) FlowRate // HasGbps checks if Gbps has been set in FlowRate HasGbps() bool // Percentage returns float32, set in FlowRate. Percentage() float32 // SetPercentage assigns float32 provided by user to FlowRate SetPercentage(value float32) FlowRate // HasPercentage checks if Percentage has been set in FlowRate HasPercentage() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowRate is the rate of packet transmission
func NewFlowRate ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowRate() FlowRate
type FlowRateChoiceEnum ¶
type FlowRateChoiceEnum string
type FlowRouter ¶ added in v0.6.1
type FlowRouter interface { Msg() *otg.FlowRouter SetMsg(*otg.FlowRouter) FlowRouter // ToPbText marshals FlowRouter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowRouter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowRouter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowRouter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowRouter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowRouter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowRouter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Mode returns FlowRouterModeEnum, set in FlowRouter Mode() FlowRouterModeEnum // SetMode assigns FlowRouterModeEnum provided by user to FlowRouter SetMode(value FlowRouterModeEnum) FlowRouter // HasMode checks if Mode has been set in FlowRouter HasMode() bool // TxNames returns []string, set in FlowRouter. TxNames() []string // SetTxNames assigns []string provided by user to FlowRouter SetTxNames(value []string) FlowRouter // RxNames returns []string, set in FlowRouter. RxNames() []string // SetRxNames assigns []string provided by user to FlowRouter SetRxNames(value []string) FlowRouter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowRouter is a container for declaring a map of 1..n transmit devices to 1..n receive devices. This allows for a single flow to have different tx to rx device flows such as a single one to one map or a many to many map.
func NewFlowRouter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowRouter() FlowRouter
type FlowRouterModeEnum ¶ added in v0.6.1
type FlowRouterModeEnum string
type FlowSize ¶
type FlowSize interface { Msg() *otg.FlowSize SetMsg(*otg.FlowSize) FlowSize // ToPbText marshals FlowSize to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowSize to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowSize to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowSize from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowSize from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowSize from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowSize Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns FlowSizeChoiceEnum, set in FlowSize Choice() FlowSizeChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns FlowSizeChoiceEnum provided by user to FlowSize SetChoice(value FlowSizeChoiceEnum) FlowSize // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in FlowSize HasChoice() bool // Fixed returns int32, set in FlowSize. Fixed() int32 // SetFixed assigns int32 provided by user to FlowSize SetFixed(value int32) FlowSize // HasFixed checks if Fixed has been set in FlowSize HasFixed() bool // Increment returns FlowSizeIncrement, set in FlowSize. // FlowSizeIncrement is frame size that increments from a starting size to // an ending size incrementing by a step size. Increment() FlowSizeIncrement // SetIncrement assigns FlowSizeIncrement provided by user to FlowSize. // FlowSizeIncrement is frame size that increments from a starting size to // an ending size incrementing by a step size. SetIncrement(value FlowSizeIncrement) FlowSize // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in FlowSize HasIncrement() bool // Random returns FlowSizeRandom, set in FlowSize. // FlowSizeRandom is random frame size from a min value to a max value. Random() FlowSizeRandom // SetRandom assigns FlowSizeRandom provided by user to FlowSize. // FlowSizeRandom is random frame size from a min value to a max value. SetRandom(value FlowSizeRandom) FlowSize // HasRandom checks if Random has been set in FlowSize HasRandom() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowSize is the frame size which overrides the total length of the packet
func NewFlowSize ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowSize() FlowSize
type FlowSizeChoiceEnum ¶
type FlowSizeChoiceEnum string
type FlowSizeIncrement ¶
type FlowSizeIncrement interface { Msg() *otg.FlowSizeIncrement SetMsg(*otg.FlowSizeIncrement) FlowSizeIncrement // ToPbText marshals FlowSizeIncrement to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowSizeIncrement to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowSizeIncrement to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowSizeIncrement from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowSizeIncrement from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowSizeIncrement from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowSizeIncrement Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in FlowSizeIncrement. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to FlowSizeIncrement SetStart(value int32) FlowSizeIncrement // HasStart checks if Start has been set in FlowSizeIncrement HasStart() bool // End returns int32, set in FlowSizeIncrement. End() int32 // SetEnd assigns int32 provided by user to FlowSizeIncrement SetEnd(value int32) FlowSizeIncrement // HasEnd checks if End has been set in FlowSizeIncrement HasEnd() bool // Step returns int32, set in FlowSizeIncrement. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to FlowSizeIncrement SetStep(value int32) FlowSizeIncrement // HasStep checks if Step has been set in FlowSizeIncrement HasStep() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowSizeIncrement is frame size that increments from a starting size to an ending size incrementing by a step size.
func NewFlowSizeIncrement ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowSizeIncrement() FlowSizeIncrement
type FlowSizeRandom ¶
type FlowSizeRandom interface { Msg() *otg.FlowSizeRandom SetMsg(*otg.FlowSizeRandom) FlowSizeRandom // ToPbText marshals FlowSizeRandom to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowSizeRandom to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowSizeRandom to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowSizeRandom from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowSizeRandom from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowSizeRandom from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowSizeRandom Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Min returns int32, set in FlowSizeRandom. Min() int32 // SetMin assigns int32 provided by user to FlowSizeRandom SetMin(value int32) FlowSizeRandom // HasMin checks if Min has been set in FlowSizeRandom HasMin() bool // Max returns int32, set in FlowSizeRandom. Max() int32 // SetMax assigns int32 provided by user to FlowSizeRandom SetMax(value int32) FlowSizeRandom // HasMax checks if Max has been set in FlowSizeRandom HasMax() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowSizeRandom is random frame size from a min value to a max value.
func NewFlowSizeRandom ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowSizeRandom() FlowSizeRandom
type FlowTcp ¶
type FlowTcp interface { Msg() *otg.FlowTcp SetMsg(*otg.FlowTcp) FlowTcp // ToPbText marshals FlowTcp to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowTcp to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowTcp to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowTcp from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowTcp from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowTcp from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowTcp Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // SrcPort returns PatternFlowTcpSrcPort, set in FlowTcp. // PatternFlowTcpSrcPort is source port SrcPort() PatternFlowTcpSrcPort // SetSrcPort assigns PatternFlowTcpSrcPort provided by user to FlowTcp. // PatternFlowTcpSrcPort is source port SetSrcPort(value PatternFlowTcpSrcPort) FlowTcp // HasSrcPort checks if SrcPort has been set in FlowTcp HasSrcPort() bool // DstPort returns PatternFlowTcpDstPort, set in FlowTcp. // PatternFlowTcpDstPort is destination port DstPort() PatternFlowTcpDstPort // SetDstPort assigns PatternFlowTcpDstPort provided by user to FlowTcp. // PatternFlowTcpDstPort is destination port SetDstPort(value PatternFlowTcpDstPort) FlowTcp // HasDstPort checks if DstPort has been set in FlowTcp HasDstPort() bool // SeqNum returns PatternFlowTcpSeqNum, set in FlowTcp. // PatternFlowTcpSeqNum is sequence number SeqNum() PatternFlowTcpSeqNum // SetSeqNum assigns PatternFlowTcpSeqNum provided by user to FlowTcp. // PatternFlowTcpSeqNum is sequence number SetSeqNum(value PatternFlowTcpSeqNum) FlowTcp // HasSeqNum checks if SeqNum has been set in FlowTcp HasSeqNum() bool // AckNum returns PatternFlowTcpAckNum, set in FlowTcp. // PatternFlowTcpAckNum is acknowledgement number AckNum() PatternFlowTcpAckNum // SetAckNum assigns PatternFlowTcpAckNum provided by user to FlowTcp. // PatternFlowTcpAckNum is acknowledgement number SetAckNum(value PatternFlowTcpAckNum) FlowTcp // HasAckNum checks if AckNum has been set in FlowTcp HasAckNum() bool // DataOffset returns PatternFlowTcpDataOffset, set in FlowTcp. // PatternFlowTcpDataOffset is the number of 32 bit words in the TCP header. This indicates where the data begins. DataOffset() PatternFlowTcpDataOffset // SetDataOffset assigns PatternFlowTcpDataOffset provided by user to FlowTcp. // PatternFlowTcpDataOffset is the number of 32 bit words in the TCP header. This indicates where the data begins. SetDataOffset(value PatternFlowTcpDataOffset) FlowTcp // HasDataOffset checks if DataOffset has been set in FlowTcp HasDataOffset() bool // EcnNs returns PatternFlowTcpEcnNs, set in FlowTcp. // PatternFlowTcpEcnNs is explicit congestion notification, concealment protection. EcnNs() PatternFlowTcpEcnNs // SetEcnNs assigns PatternFlowTcpEcnNs provided by user to FlowTcp. // PatternFlowTcpEcnNs is explicit congestion notification, concealment protection. SetEcnNs(value PatternFlowTcpEcnNs) FlowTcp // HasEcnNs checks if EcnNs has been set in FlowTcp HasEcnNs() bool // EcnCwr returns PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr, set in FlowTcp. // PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr is explicit congestion notification, congestion window reduced. EcnCwr() PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr // SetEcnCwr assigns PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr provided by user to FlowTcp. // PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr is explicit congestion notification, congestion window reduced. SetEcnCwr(value PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr) FlowTcp // HasEcnCwr checks if EcnCwr has been set in FlowTcp HasEcnCwr() bool // EcnEcho returns PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho, set in FlowTcp. // PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho is explicit congestion notification, echo. 1 indicates the peer is ecn capable. 0 indicates that a packet with ipv4.ecn = 11 in the ip header was received during normal transmission. EcnEcho() PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho // SetEcnEcho assigns PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho provided by user to FlowTcp. // PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho is explicit congestion notification, echo. 1 indicates the peer is ecn capable. 0 indicates that a packet with ipv4.ecn = 11 in the ip header was received during normal transmission. SetEcnEcho(value PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho) FlowTcp // HasEcnEcho checks if EcnEcho has been set in FlowTcp HasEcnEcho() bool // CtlUrg returns PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg, set in FlowTcp. // PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg is a value of 1 indicates that the urgent pointer field is significant. CtlUrg() PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg // SetCtlUrg assigns PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg provided by user to FlowTcp. // PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg is a value of 1 indicates that the urgent pointer field is significant. SetCtlUrg(value PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg) FlowTcp // HasCtlUrg checks if CtlUrg has been set in FlowTcp HasCtlUrg() bool // CtlAck returns PatternFlowTcpCtlAck, set in FlowTcp. // PatternFlowTcpCtlAck is a value of 1 indicates that the ackknowledgment field is significant. CtlAck() PatternFlowTcpCtlAck // SetCtlAck assigns PatternFlowTcpCtlAck provided by user to FlowTcp. // PatternFlowTcpCtlAck is a value of 1 indicates that the ackknowledgment field is significant. SetCtlAck(value PatternFlowTcpCtlAck) FlowTcp // HasCtlAck checks if CtlAck has been set in FlowTcp HasCtlAck() bool // CtlPsh returns PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh, set in FlowTcp. // PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh is asks to push the buffered data to the receiving application. CtlPsh() PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh // SetCtlPsh assigns PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh provided by user to FlowTcp. // PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh is asks to push the buffered data to the receiving application. SetCtlPsh(value PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh) FlowTcp // HasCtlPsh checks if CtlPsh has been set in FlowTcp HasCtlPsh() bool // CtlRst returns PatternFlowTcpCtlRst, set in FlowTcp. // PatternFlowTcpCtlRst is reset the connection. CtlRst() PatternFlowTcpCtlRst // SetCtlRst assigns PatternFlowTcpCtlRst provided by user to FlowTcp. // PatternFlowTcpCtlRst is reset the connection. SetCtlRst(value PatternFlowTcpCtlRst) FlowTcp // HasCtlRst checks if CtlRst has been set in FlowTcp HasCtlRst() bool // CtlSyn returns PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn, set in FlowTcp. // PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn is synchronize sequenece numbers. CtlSyn() PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn // SetCtlSyn assigns PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn provided by user to FlowTcp. // PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn is synchronize sequenece numbers. SetCtlSyn(value PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn) FlowTcp // HasCtlSyn checks if CtlSyn has been set in FlowTcp HasCtlSyn() bool // CtlFin returns PatternFlowTcpCtlFin, set in FlowTcp. // PatternFlowTcpCtlFin is last packet from the sender. CtlFin() PatternFlowTcpCtlFin // SetCtlFin assigns PatternFlowTcpCtlFin provided by user to FlowTcp. // PatternFlowTcpCtlFin is last packet from the sender. SetCtlFin(value PatternFlowTcpCtlFin) FlowTcp // HasCtlFin checks if CtlFin has been set in FlowTcp HasCtlFin() bool // Window returns PatternFlowTcpWindow, set in FlowTcp. // PatternFlowTcpWindow is tcp connection window. Window() PatternFlowTcpWindow // SetWindow assigns PatternFlowTcpWindow provided by user to FlowTcp. // PatternFlowTcpWindow is tcp connection window. SetWindow(value PatternFlowTcpWindow) FlowTcp // HasWindow checks if Window has been set in FlowTcp HasWindow() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowTcp is tCP packet header
func NewFlowTcp ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowTcp() FlowTcp
type FlowTxRx ¶
type FlowTxRx interface { Msg() *otg.FlowTxRx SetMsg(*otg.FlowTxRx) FlowTxRx // ToPbText marshals FlowTxRx to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowTxRx to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowTxRx to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowTxRx from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowTxRx from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowTxRx from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowTxRx Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns FlowTxRxChoiceEnum, set in FlowTxRx Choice() FlowTxRxChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns FlowTxRxChoiceEnum provided by user to FlowTxRx SetChoice(value FlowTxRxChoiceEnum) FlowTxRx // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in FlowTxRx HasChoice() bool // Port returns FlowPort, set in FlowTxRx. // FlowPort is a container for a transmit port and 0..n intended receive ports. // When assigning this container to a flow the flows's // packet headers will not be populated with any address resolution // information such as source and/or destination addresses. // For example Flow.Ethernet dst mac address values will be defaulted to 0. // For full control over the header contents use this // container. Port() FlowPort // SetPort assigns FlowPort provided by user to FlowTxRx. // FlowPort is a container for a transmit port and 0..n intended receive ports. // When assigning this container to a flow the flows's // packet headers will not be populated with any address resolution // information such as source and/or destination addresses. // For example Flow.Ethernet dst mac address values will be defaulted to 0. // For full control over the header contents use this // container. SetPort(value FlowPort) FlowTxRx // HasPort checks if Port has been set in FlowTxRx HasPort() bool // Device returns FlowRouter, set in FlowTxRx. // FlowRouter is a container for declaring a map of 1..n transmit devices to 1..n receive devices. This allows for a single flow to have different tx to rx device flows such as a single one to one map or a many to many map. Device() FlowRouter // SetDevice assigns FlowRouter provided by user to FlowTxRx. // FlowRouter is a container for declaring a map of 1..n transmit devices to 1..n receive devices. This allows for a single flow to have different tx to rx device flows such as a single one to one map or a many to many map. SetDevice(value FlowRouter) FlowTxRx // HasDevice checks if Device has been set in FlowTxRx HasDevice() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowTxRx is a container for different types of transmit and receive endpoint containers.
func NewFlowTxRx ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowTxRx() FlowTxRx
type FlowTxRxChoiceEnum ¶
type FlowTxRxChoiceEnum string
type FlowUdp ¶
type FlowUdp interface { Msg() *otg.FlowUdp SetMsg(*otg.FlowUdp) FlowUdp // ToPbText marshals FlowUdp to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowUdp to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowUdp to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowUdp from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowUdp from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowUdp from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowUdp Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // SrcPort returns PatternFlowUdpSrcPort, set in FlowUdp. // PatternFlowUdpSrcPort is source port SrcPort() PatternFlowUdpSrcPort // SetSrcPort assigns PatternFlowUdpSrcPort provided by user to FlowUdp. // PatternFlowUdpSrcPort is source port SetSrcPort(value PatternFlowUdpSrcPort) FlowUdp // HasSrcPort checks if SrcPort has been set in FlowUdp HasSrcPort() bool // DstPort returns PatternFlowUdpDstPort, set in FlowUdp. // PatternFlowUdpDstPort is destination port DstPort() PatternFlowUdpDstPort // SetDstPort assigns PatternFlowUdpDstPort provided by user to FlowUdp. // PatternFlowUdpDstPort is destination port SetDstPort(value PatternFlowUdpDstPort) FlowUdp // HasDstPort checks if DstPort has been set in FlowUdp HasDstPort() bool // Length returns PatternFlowUdpLength, set in FlowUdp. // PatternFlowUdpLength is length Length() PatternFlowUdpLength // SetLength assigns PatternFlowUdpLength provided by user to FlowUdp. // PatternFlowUdpLength is length SetLength(value PatternFlowUdpLength) FlowUdp // HasLength checks if Length has been set in FlowUdp HasLength() bool // Checksum returns PatternFlowUdpChecksum, set in FlowUdp. // PatternFlowUdpChecksum is uDP checksum Checksum() PatternFlowUdpChecksum // SetChecksum assigns PatternFlowUdpChecksum provided by user to FlowUdp. // PatternFlowUdpChecksum is uDP checksum SetChecksum(value PatternFlowUdpChecksum) FlowUdp // HasChecksum checks if Checksum has been set in FlowUdp HasChecksum() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowUdp is uDP packet header
func NewFlowUdp ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowUdp() FlowUdp
type FlowVlan ¶
type FlowVlan interface { Msg() *otg.FlowVlan SetMsg(*otg.FlowVlan) FlowVlan // ToPbText marshals FlowVlan to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowVlan to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowVlan to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowVlan from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowVlan from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowVlan from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowVlan Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Priority returns PatternFlowVlanPriority, set in FlowVlan. // PatternFlowVlanPriority is priority code point Priority() PatternFlowVlanPriority // SetPriority assigns PatternFlowVlanPriority provided by user to FlowVlan. // PatternFlowVlanPriority is priority code point SetPriority(value PatternFlowVlanPriority) FlowVlan // HasPriority checks if Priority has been set in FlowVlan HasPriority() bool // Cfi returns PatternFlowVlanCfi, set in FlowVlan. // PatternFlowVlanCfi is canonical format indicator or drop elegible indicator Cfi() PatternFlowVlanCfi // SetCfi assigns PatternFlowVlanCfi provided by user to FlowVlan. // PatternFlowVlanCfi is canonical format indicator or drop elegible indicator SetCfi(value PatternFlowVlanCfi) FlowVlan // HasCfi checks if Cfi has been set in FlowVlan HasCfi() bool // Id returns PatternFlowVlanId, set in FlowVlan. // PatternFlowVlanId is vlan identifier Id() PatternFlowVlanId // SetId assigns PatternFlowVlanId provided by user to FlowVlan. // PatternFlowVlanId is vlan identifier SetId(value PatternFlowVlanId) FlowVlan // HasId checks if Id has been set in FlowVlan HasId() bool // Tpid returns PatternFlowVlanTpid, set in FlowVlan. // PatternFlowVlanTpid is protocol identifier Tpid() PatternFlowVlanTpid // SetTpid assigns PatternFlowVlanTpid provided by user to FlowVlan. // PatternFlowVlanTpid is protocol identifier SetTpid(value PatternFlowVlanTpid) FlowVlan // HasTpid checks if Tpid has been set in FlowVlan HasTpid() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowVlan is vLAN packet header
func NewFlowVlan ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowVlan() FlowVlan
type FlowVxlan ¶
type FlowVxlan interface { Msg() *otg.FlowVxlan SetMsg(*otg.FlowVxlan) FlowVxlan // ToPbText marshals FlowVxlan to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowVxlan to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowVxlan to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowVxlan from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowVxlan from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowVxlan from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowVxlan Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Flags returns PatternFlowVxlanFlags, set in FlowVxlan. // PatternFlowVxlanFlags is flags field with a bit format of RRRRIRRR. The I flag MUST be set to 1 for a valid vxlan network id (VNI). The other 7 bits (designated "R") are reserved fields and MUST be set to zero on transmission and ignored on receipt. Flags() PatternFlowVxlanFlags // SetFlags assigns PatternFlowVxlanFlags provided by user to FlowVxlan. // PatternFlowVxlanFlags is flags field with a bit format of RRRRIRRR. The I flag MUST be set to 1 for a valid vxlan network id (VNI). The other 7 bits (designated "R") are reserved fields and MUST be set to zero on transmission and ignored on receipt. SetFlags(value PatternFlowVxlanFlags) FlowVxlan // HasFlags checks if Flags has been set in FlowVxlan HasFlags() bool // Reserved0 returns PatternFlowVxlanReserved0, set in FlowVxlan. // PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 is reserved field Reserved0() PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 // SetReserved0 assigns PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 provided by user to FlowVxlan. // PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 is reserved field SetReserved0(value PatternFlowVxlanReserved0) FlowVxlan // HasReserved0 checks if Reserved0 has been set in FlowVxlan HasReserved0() bool // Vni returns PatternFlowVxlanVni, set in FlowVxlan. // PatternFlowVxlanVni is vXLAN network id Vni() PatternFlowVxlanVni // SetVni assigns PatternFlowVxlanVni provided by user to FlowVxlan. // PatternFlowVxlanVni is vXLAN network id SetVni(value PatternFlowVxlanVni) FlowVxlan // HasVni checks if Vni has been set in FlowVxlan HasVni() bool // Reserved1 returns PatternFlowVxlanReserved1, set in FlowVxlan. // PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 is reserved field Reserved1() PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 // SetReserved1 assigns PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 provided by user to FlowVxlan. // PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 is reserved field SetReserved1(value PatternFlowVxlanReserved1) FlowVxlan // HasReserved1 checks if Reserved1 has been set in FlowVxlan HasReserved1() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowVxlan is vXLAN packet header
func NewFlowVxlan ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowVxlan() FlowVxlan
type FlowsUpdate ¶
type FlowsUpdate interface { Msg() *otg.FlowsUpdate SetMsg(*otg.FlowsUpdate) FlowsUpdate // ToPbText marshals FlowsUpdate to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals FlowsUpdate to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals FlowsUpdate to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals FlowsUpdate from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals FlowsUpdate from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals FlowsUpdate from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates FlowsUpdate Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // PropertyNames returns []FlowsUpdatePropertyNamesEnum, set in FlowsUpdate PropertyNames() []FlowsUpdatePropertyNamesEnum // SetPropertyNames assigns []FlowsUpdatePropertyNamesEnum provided by user to FlowsUpdate SetPropertyNames(value []FlowsUpdatePropertyNamesEnum) FlowsUpdate // Flows returns FlowsUpdateFlowIter, set in FlowsUpdate Flows() FlowsUpdateFlowIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
FlowsUpdate is a container of flows with associated properties to be updated without affecting the transmit state
func NewFlowsUpdate ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewFlowsUpdate() FlowsUpdate
type FlowsUpdateFlowIter ¶
type FlowsUpdateFlowIter interface { Items() []Flow Add() Flow Append(items ...Flow) FlowsUpdateFlowIter Set(index int, newObj Flow) FlowsUpdateFlowIter Clear() FlowsUpdateFlowIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type FlowsUpdatePropertyNamesEnum ¶
type FlowsUpdatePropertyNamesEnum string
type GetCaptureResponse ¶
type GetCaptureResponse interface { Msg() *otg.GetCaptureResponse SetMsg(*otg.GetCaptureResponse) GetCaptureResponse // ToPbText marshals GetCaptureResponse to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals GetCaptureResponse to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals GetCaptureResponse to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals GetCaptureResponse from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals GetCaptureResponse from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals GetCaptureResponse from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates GetCaptureResponse Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // StatusCode200 returns []byte, set in GetCaptureResponse. StatusCode200() []byte // SetStatusCode200 assigns []byte provided by user to GetCaptureResponse SetStatusCode200(value []byte) GetCaptureResponse // HasStatusCode200 checks if StatusCode200 has been set in GetCaptureResponse HasStatusCode200() bool // StatusCode400 returns ResponseError, set in GetCaptureResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. StatusCode400() ResponseError // SetStatusCode400 assigns ResponseError provided by user to GetCaptureResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. SetStatusCode400(value ResponseError) GetCaptureResponse // HasStatusCode400 checks if StatusCode400 has been set in GetCaptureResponse HasStatusCode400() bool // StatusCode500 returns ResponseError, set in GetCaptureResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. StatusCode500() ResponseError // SetStatusCode500 assigns ResponseError provided by user to GetCaptureResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. SetStatusCode500(value ResponseError) GetCaptureResponse // HasStatusCode500 checks if StatusCode500 has been set in GetCaptureResponse HasStatusCode500() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
GetCaptureResponse is description is TBD
func NewGetCaptureResponse ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewGetCaptureResponse() GetCaptureResponse
type GetConfigResponse ¶
type GetConfigResponse interface { Msg() *otg.GetConfigResponse SetMsg(*otg.GetConfigResponse) GetConfigResponse // ToPbText marshals GetConfigResponse to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals GetConfigResponse to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals GetConfigResponse to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals GetConfigResponse from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals GetConfigResponse from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals GetConfigResponse from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates GetConfigResponse Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // StatusCode200 returns Config, set in GetConfigResponse. // Config is a container for all models that are part of the configuration. StatusCode200() Config // SetStatusCode200 assigns Config provided by user to GetConfigResponse. // Config is a container for all models that are part of the configuration. SetStatusCode200(value Config) GetConfigResponse // HasStatusCode200 checks if StatusCode200 has been set in GetConfigResponse HasStatusCode200() bool // StatusCode400 returns ResponseError, set in GetConfigResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. StatusCode400() ResponseError // SetStatusCode400 assigns ResponseError provided by user to GetConfigResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. SetStatusCode400(value ResponseError) GetConfigResponse // HasStatusCode400 checks if StatusCode400 has been set in GetConfigResponse HasStatusCode400() bool // StatusCode500 returns ResponseError, set in GetConfigResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. StatusCode500() ResponseError // SetStatusCode500 assigns ResponseError provided by user to GetConfigResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. SetStatusCode500(value ResponseError) GetConfigResponse // HasStatusCode500 checks if StatusCode500 has been set in GetConfigResponse HasStatusCode500() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
GetConfigResponse is description is TBD
func NewGetConfigResponse ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewGetConfigResponse() GetConfigResponse
type GetMetricsResponse ¶
type GetMetricsResponse interface { Msg() *otg.GetMetricsResponse SetMsg(*otg.GetMetricsResponse) GetMetricsResponse // ToPbText marshals GetMetricsResponse to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals GetMetricsResponse to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals GetMetricsResponse to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals GetMetricsResponse from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals GetMetricsResponse from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals GetMetricsResponse from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates GetMetricsResponse Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // StatusCode200 returns MetricsResponse, set in GetMetricsResponse. // MetricsResponse is response containing chosen traffic generator metrics StatusCode200() MetricsResponse // SetStatusCode200 assigns MetricsResponse provided by user to GetMetricsResponse. // MetricsResponse is response containing chosen traffic generator metrics SetStatusCode200(value MetricsResponse) GetMetricsResponse // HasStatusCode200 checks if StatusCode200 has been set in GetMetricsResponse HasStatusCode200() bool // StatusCode400 returns ResponseError, set in GetMetricsResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. StatusCode400() ResponseError // SetStatusCode400 assigns ResponseError provided by user to GetMetricsResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. SetStatusCode400(value ResponseError) GetMetricsResponse // HasStatusCode400 checks if StatusCode400 has been set in GetMetricsResponse HasStatusCode400() bool // StatusCode500 returns ResponseError, set in GetMetricsResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. StatusCode500() ResponseError // SetStatusCode500 assigns ResponseError provided by user to GetMetricsResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. SetStatusCode500(value ResponseError) GetMetricsResponse // HasStatusCode500 checks if StatusCode500 has been set in GetMetricsResponse HasStatusCode500() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
GetMetricsResponse is description is TBD
func NewGetMetricsResponse ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewGetMetricsResponse() GetMetricsResponse
type GetStatesResponse ¶ added in v0.6.13
type GetStatesResponse interface { Msg() *otg.GetStatesResponse SetMsg(*otg.GetStatesResponse) GetStatesResponse // ToPbText marshals GetStatesResponse to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals GetStatesResponse to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals GetStatesResponse to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals GetStatesResponse from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals GetStatesResponse from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals GetStatesResponse from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates GetStatesResponse Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // StatusCode200 returns StatesResponse, set in GetStatesResponse. // StatesResponse is response containing chosen traffic generator states StatusCode200() StatesResponse // SetStatusCode200 assigns StatesResponse provided by user to GetStatesResponse. // StatesResponse is response containing chosen traffic generator states SetStatusCode200(value StatesResponse) GetStatesResponse // HasStatusCode200 checks if StatusCode200 has been set in GetStatesResponse HasStatusCode200() bool // StatusCode400 returns ResponseError, set in GetStatesResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. StatusCode400() ResponseError // SetStatusCode400 assigns ResponseError provided by user to GetStatesResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. SetStatusCode400(value ResponseError) GetStatesResponse // HasStatusCode400 checks if StatusCode400 has been set in GetStatesResponse HasStatusCode400() bool // StatusCode500 returns ResponseError, set in GetStatesResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. StatusCode500() ResponseError // SetStatusCode500 assigns ResponseError provided by user to GetStatesResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. SetStatusCode500(value ResponseError) GetStatesResponse // HasStatusCode500 checks if StatusCode500 has been set in GetStatesResponse HasStatusCode500() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
GetStatesResponse is description is TBD
func NewGetStatesResponse ¶ added in v0.6.13
func NewGetStatesResponse() GetStatesResponse
type GosnappiApi ¶
type GosnappiApi interface { Api // NewConfig returns a new instance of Config. // Config is a container for all models that are part of the configuration. NewConfig() Config // NewTransmitState returns a new instance of TransmitState. // TransmitState is control the transmit state of flows. NewTransmitState() TransmitState // NewLinkState returns a new instance of LinkState. // LinkState is port link state. NewLinkState() LinkState // NewCaptureState returns a new instance of CaptureState. // CaptureState is control port capture state NewCaptureState() CaptureState // NewFlowsUpdate returns a new instance of FlowsUpdate. // FlowsUpdate is a container of flows with associated properties to be updated without affecting the transmit state NewFlowsUpdate() FlowsUpdate // NewRouteState returns a new instance of RouteState. // RouteState is sets the device route state NewRouteState() RouteState // NewPingRequest returns a new instance of PingRequest. // PingRequest is ping request details NewPingRequest() PingRequest // NewProtocolState returns a new instance of ProtocolState. // ProtocolState is sets all configured protocols to `start` or `stop` state. NewProtocolState() ProtocolState // NewMetricsRequest returns a new instance of MetricsRequest. // MetricsRequest is request to traffic generator for metrics of choice NewMetricsRequest() MetricsRequest // NewStatesRequest returns a new instance of StatesRequest. // StatesRequest is request to traffic generator for states of choice NewStatesRequest() StatesRequest // NewCaptureRequest returns a new instance of CaptureRequest. // CaptureRequest is the capture result request to the traffic generator. Stops the port capture on the port_name and returns the capture. NewCaptureRequest() CaptureRequest // NewSetConfigResponse returns a new instance of SetConfigResponse. // SetConfigResponse is description is TBD NewSetConfigResponse() SetConfigResponse // NewGetConfigResponse returns a new instance of GetConfigResponse. // GetConfigResponse is description is TBD NewGetConfigResponse() GetConfigResponse // NewSetTransmitStateResponse returns a new instance of SetTransmitStateResponse. // SetTransmitStateResponse is description is TBD NewSetTransmitStateResponse() SetTransmitStateResponse // NewSetLinkStateResponse returns a new instance of SetLinkStateResponse. // SetLinkStateResponse is description is TBD NewSetLinkStateResponse() SetLinkStateResponse // NewSetCaptureStateResponse returns a new instance of SetCaptureStateResponse. // SetCaptureStateResponse is description is TBD NewSetCaptureStateResponse() SetCaptureStateResponse // NewUpdateFlowsResponse returns a new instance of UpdateFlowsResponse. // UpdateFlowsResponse is description is TBD NewUpdateFlowsResponse() UpdateFlowsResponse // NewSetRouteStateResponse returns a new instance of SetRouteStateResponse. // SetRouteStateResponse is description is TBD NewSetRouteStateResponse() SetRouteStateResponse // NewSendPingResponse returns a new instance of SendPingResponse. // SendPingResponse is description is TBD NewSendPingResponse() SendPingResponse // NewSetProtocolStateResponse returns a new instance of SetProtocolStateResponse. // SetProtocolStateResponse is description is TBD NewSetProtocolStateResponse() SetProtocolStateResponse // NewGetMetricsResponse returns a new instance of GetMetricsResponse. // GetMetricsResponse is description is TBD NewGetMetricsResponse() GetMetricsResponse // NewGetStatesResponse returns a new instance of GetStatesResponse. // GetStatesResponse is description is TBD NewGetStatesResponse() GetStatesResponse // NewGetCaptureResponse returns a new instance of GetCaptureResponse. // GetCaptureResponse is description is TBD NewGetCaptureResponse() GetCaptureResponse // SetConfig sets configuration resources on the traffic generator. SetConfig(config Config) (ResponseWarning, error) // GetConfig description is TBD GetConfig() (Config, error) // SetTransmitState updates the state of configuration resources on the traffic generator. SetTransmitState(transmitState TransmitState) (ResponseWarning, error) // SetLinkState updates the state of configuration resources on the traffic generator. SetLinkState(linkState LinkState) (ResponseWarning, error) // SetCaptureState updates the state of configuration resources on the traffic generator. SetCaptureState(captureState CaptureState) (ResponseWarning, error) // UpdateFlows updates flow properties without disruption of transmit state. UpdateFlows(flowsUpdate FlowsUpdate) (Config, error) // SetRouteState updates the state of configuration resources on the traffic generator. SetRouteState(routeState RouteState) (ResponseWarning, error) // SendPing aPI to send an IPv4 and/or IPv6 ICMP Echo Request(s) between endpoints. For each endpoint 1 ping packet will be sent and API shall wait for ping response to either be successful or timeout. The API wait timeout for each request is 300ms. SendPing(pingRequest PingRequest) (PingResponse, error) // SetProtocolState sets all configured protocols to `start` or `stop` state. SetProtocolState(protocolState ProtocolState) (ResponseWarning, error) // GetMetrics description is TBD GetMetrics(metricsRequest MetricsRequest) (MetricsResponse, error) // GetStates description is TBD GetStates(statesRequest StatesRequest) (StatesResponse, error) // GetCapture description is TBD GetCapture(captureRequest CaptureRequest) ([]byte, error) }
GosnappiApi open Traffic Generator API defines a model-driven, vendor-neutral and standard interface for emulating layer 2-7 network devices and generating test traffic.
Contributions can be made in the following ways: - [open an issue]( in the models repository - [fork the models repository]( and submit a PR
func NewApi ¶
func NewApi() GosnappiApi
NewApi returns a new instance of the top level interface hierarchy
type GrpcTransport ¶
type GrpcTransport interface { SetLocation(value string) GrpcTransport Location() string SetRequestTimeout(value time.Duration) GrpcTransport RequestTimeout() time.Duration SetDialTimeout(value time.Duration) GrpcTransport DialTimeout() time.Duration }
type HttpServer ¶
type HttpServer struct { Api GosnappiApi Config Config // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type HttpTransport ¶
type HttpTransport interface { SetLocation(value string) HttpTransport Location() string SetVerify(value bool) HttpTransport Verify() bool }
type IsisAdvanced ¶ added in v0.6.1
type IsisAdvanced interface { Msg() *otg.IsisAdvanced SetMsg(*otg.IsisAdvanced) IsisAdvanced // ToPbText marshals IsisAdvanced to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals IsisAdvanced to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals IsisAdvanced to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals IsisAdvanced from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals IsisAdvanced from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals IsisAdvanced from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates IsisAdvanced Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // EnableHelloPadding returns bool, set in IsisAdvanced. EnableHelloPadding() bool // SetEnableHelloPadding assigns bool provided by user to IsisAdvanced SetEnableHelloPadding(value bool) IsisAdvanced // HasEnableHelloPadding checks if EnableHelloPadding has been set in IsisAdvanced HasEnableHelloPadding() bool // MaxAreaAddresses returns int32, set in IsisAdvanced. MaxAreaAddresses() int32 // SetMaxAreaAddresses assigns int32 provided by user to IsisAdvanced SetMaxAreaAddresses(value int32) IsisAdvanced // HasMaxAreaAddresses checks if MaxAreaAddresses has been set in IsisAdvanced HasMaxAreaAddresses() bool // AreaAddresses returns []string, set in IsisAdvanced. AreaAddresses() []string // SetAreaAddresses assigns []string provided by user to IsisAdvanced SetAreaAddresses(value []string) IsisAdvanced // LspRefreshRate returns int32, set in IsisAdvanced. LspRefreshRate() int32 // SetLspRefreshRate assigns int32 provided by user to IsisAdvanced SetLspRefreshRate(value int32) IsisAdvanced // HasLspRefreshRate checks if LspRefreshRate has been set in IsisAdvanced HasLspRefreshRate() bool // LspLifetime returns int32, set in IsisAdvanced. LspLifetime() int32 // SetLspLifetime assigns int32 provided by user to IsisAdvanced SetLspLifetime(value int32) IsisAdvanced // HasLspLifetime checks if LspLifetime has been set in IsisAdvanced HasLspLifetime() bool // PsnpInterval returns int32, set in IsisAdvanced. PsnpInterval() int32 // SetPsnpInterval assigns int32 provided by user to IsisAdvanced SetPsnpInterval(value int32) IsisAdvanced // HasPsnpInterval checks if PsnpInterval has been set in IsisAdvanced HasPsnpInterval() bool // CsnpInterval returns int32, set in IsisAdvanced. CsnpInterval() int32 // SetCsnpInterval assigns int32 provided by user to IsisAdvanced SetCsnpInterval(value int32) IsisAdvanced // HasCsnpInterval checks if CsnpInterval has been set in IsisAdvanced HasCsnpInterval() bool // MaxLspSize returns int32, set in IsisAdvanced. MaxLspSize() int32 // SetMaxLspSize assigns int32 provided by user to IsisAdvanced SetMaxLspSize(value int32) IsisAdvanced // HasMaxLspSize checks if MaxLspSize has been set in IsisAdvanced HasMaxLspSize() bool // LspMgroupMinTransInterval returns int32, set in IsisAdvanced. LspMgroupMinTransInterval() int32 // SetLspMgroupMinTransInterval assigns int32 provided by user to IsisAdvanced SetLspMgroupMinTransInterval(value int32) IsisAdvanced // HasLspMgroupMinTransInterval checks if LspMgroupMinTransInterval has been set in IsisAdvanced HasLspMgroupMinTransInterval() bool // EnableAttachedBit returns bool, set in IsisAdvanced. EnableAttachedBit() bool // SetEnableAttachedBit assigns bool provided by user to IsisAdvanced SetEnableAttachedBit(value bool) IsisAdvanced // HasEnableAttachedBit checks if EnableAttachedBit has been set in IsisAdvanced HasEnableAttachedBit() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
IsisAdvanced is contains ISIS router advanced properties.
func NewIsisAdvanced ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewIsisAdvanced() IsisAdvanced
type IsisAuthentication ¶ added in v0.6.1
type IsisAuthentication interface { Msg() *otg.IsisAuthentication SetMsg(*otg.IsisAuthentication) IsisAuthentication // ToPbText marshals IsisAuthentication to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals IsisAuthentication to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals IsisAuthentication to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals IsisAuthentication from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals IsisAuthentication from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals IsisAuthentication from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates IsisAuthentication Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // IgnoreReceiveMd5 returns bool, set in IsisAuthentication. IgnoreReceiveMd5() bool // SetIgnoreReceiveMd5 assigns bool provided by user to IsisAuthentication SetIgnoreReceiveMd5(value bool) IsisAuthentication // HasIgnoreReceiveMd5 checks if IgnoreReceiveMd5 has been set in IsisAuthentication HasIgnoreReceiveMd5() bool // AreaAuth returns IsisAuthenticationBase, set in IsisAuthentication. // IsisAuthenticationBase is optional container for ISIS authentication properties. AreaAuth() IsisAuthenticationBase // SetAreaAuth assigns IsisAuthenticationBase provided by user to IsisAuthentication. // IsisAuthenticationBase is optional container for ISIS authentication properties. SetAreaAuth(value IsisAuthenticationBase) IsisAuthentication // HasAreaAuth checks if AreaAuth has been set in IsisAuthentication HasAreaAuth() bool // DomainAuth returns IsisAuthenticationBase, set in IsisAuthentication. // IsisAuthenticationBase is optional container for ISIS authentication properties. DomainAuth() IsisAuthenticationBase // SetDomainAuth assigns IsisAuthenticationBase provided by user to IsisAuthentication. // IsisAuthenticationBase is optional container for ISIS authentication properties. SetDomainAuth(value IsisAuthenticationBase) IsisAuthentication // HasDomainAuth checks if DomainAuth has been set in IsisAuthentication HasDomainAuth() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
IsisAuthentication is this contains ISIS Area/Domain authentication properties.
func NewIsisAuthentication ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewIsisAuthentication() IsisAuthentication
type IsisAuthenticationBase ¶ added in v0.6.1
type IsisAuthenticationBase interface { Msg() *otg.IsisAuthenticationBase SetMsg(*otg.IsisAuthenticationBase) IsisAuthenticationBase // ToPbText marshals IsisAuthenticationBase to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals IsisAuthenticationBase to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals IsisAuthenticationBase to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals IsisAuthenticationBase from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals IsisAuthenticationBase from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals IsisAuthenticationBase from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates IsisAuthenticationBase Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // AuthType returns IsisAuthenticationBaseAuthTypeEnum, set in IsisAuthenticationBase AuthType() IsisAuthenticationBaseAuthTypeEnum // SetAuthType assigns IsisAuthenticationBaseAuthTypeEnum provided by user to IsisAuthenticationBase SetAuthType(value IsisAuthenticationBaseAuthTypeEnum) IsisAuthenticationBase // Md5 returns string, set in IsisAuthenticationBase. Md5() string // SetMd5 assigns string provided by user to IsisAuthenticationBase SetMd5(value string) IsisAuthenticationBase // HasMd5 checks if Md5 has been set in IsisAuthenticationBase HasMd5() bool // Password returns string, set in IsisAuthenticationBase. Password() string // SetPassword assigns string provided by user to IsisAuthenticationBase SetPassword(value string) IsisAuthenticationBase // HasPassword checks if Password has been set in IsisAuthenticationBase HasPassword() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
IsisAuthenticationBase is optional container for ISIS authentication properties.
func NewIsisAuthenticationBase ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewIsisAuthenticationBase() IsisAuthenticationBase
type IsisAuthenticationBaseAuthTypeEnum ¶ added in v0.6.8
type IsisAuthenticationBaseAuthTypeEnum string
type IsisBasic ¶ added in v0.6.1
type IsisBasic interface { Msg() *otg.IsisBasic SetMsg(*otg.IsisBasic) IsisBasic // ToPbText marshals IsisBasic to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals IsisBasic to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals IsisBasic to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals IsisBasic from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals IsisBasic from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals IsisBasic from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates IsisBasic Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Ipv4TeRouterId returns string, set in IsisBasic. Ipv4TeRouterId() string // SetIpv4TeRouterId assigns string provided by user to IsisBasic SetIpv4TeRouterId(value string) IsisBasic // HasIpv4TeRouterId checks if Ipv4TeRouterId has been set in IsisBasic HasIpv4TeRouterId() bool // Hostname returns string, set in IsisBasic. Hostname() string // SetHostname assigns string provided by user to IsisBasic SetHostname(value string) IsisBasic // HasHostname checks if Hostname has been set in IsisBasic HasHostname() bool // EnableWideMetric returns bool, set in IsisBasic. EnableWideMetric() bool // SetEnableWideMetric assigns bool provided by user to IsisBasic SetEnableWideMetric(value bool) IsisBasic // HasEnableWideMetric checks if EnableWideMetric has been set in IsisBasic HasEnableWideMetric() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
IsisBasic is this contains ISIS router basic properties.
func NewIsisBasic ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewIsisBasic() IsisBasic
type IsisInterface ¶ added in v0.6.1
type IsisInterface interface { Msg() *otg.IsisInterface SetMsg(*otg.IsisInterface) IsisInterface // ToPbText marshals IsisInterface to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals IsisInterface to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals IsisInterface to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals IsisInterface from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals IsisInterface from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals IsisInterface from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates IsisInterface Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // EthName returns string, set in IsisInterface. EthName() string // SetEthName assigns string provided by user to IsisInterface SetEthName(value string) IsisInterface // Metric returns int32, set in IsisInterface. Metric() int32 // SetMetric assigns int32 provided by user to IsisInterface SetMetric(value int32) IsisInterface // HasMetric checks if Metric has been set in IsisInterface HasMetric() bool // NetworkType returns IsisInterfaceNetworkTypeEnum, set in IsisInterface NetworkType() IsisInterfaceNetworkTypeEnum // SetNetworkType assigns IsisInterfaceNetworkTypeEnum provided by user to IsisInterface SetNetworkType(value IsisInterfaceNetworkTypeEnum) IsisInterface // HasNetworkType checks if NetworkType has been set in IsisInterface HasNetworkType() bool // LevelType returns IsisInterfaceLevelTypeEnum, set in IsisInterface LevelType() IsisInterfaceLevelTypeEnum // SetLevelType assigns IsisInterfaceLevelTypeEnum provided by user to IsisInterface SetLevelType(value IsisInterfaceLevelTypeEnum) IsisInterface // HasLevelType checks if LevelType has been set in IsisInterface HasLevelType() bool // L1Settings returns IsisInterfaceLevel, set in IsisInterface. // IsisInterfaceLevel is configuration for the properties of Level 1 Hello. L1Settings() IsisInterfaceLevel // SetL1Settings assigns IsisInterfaceLevel provided by user to IsisInterface. // IsisInterfaceLevel is configuration for the properties of Level 1 Hello. SetL1Settings(value IsisInterfaceLevel) IsisInterface // HasL1Settings checks if L1Settings has been set in IsisInterface HasL1Settings() bool // L2Settings returns IsisInterfaceLevel, set in IsisInterface. // IsisInterfaceLevel is configuration for the properties of Level 1 Hello. L2Settings() IsisInterfaceLevel // SetL2Settings assigns IsisInterfaceLevel provided by user to IsisInterface. // IsisInterfaceLevel is configuration for the properties of Level 1 Hello. SetL2Settings(value IsisInterfaceLevel) IsisInterface // HasL2Settings checks if L2Settings has been set in IsisInterface HasL2Settings() bool // MultiTopologyIds returns IsisInterfaceIsisMTIter, set in IsisInterface MultiTopologyIds() IsisInterfaceIsisMTIter // TrafficEngineering returns IsisInterfaceLinkStateTEIter, set in IsisInterface TrafficEngineering() IsisInterfaceLinkStateTEIter // Authentication returns IsisInterfaceAuthentication, set in IsisInterface. // IsisInterfaceAuthentication is optional container for circuit authentication properties. Authentication() IsisInterfaceAuthentication // SetAuthentication assigns IsisInterfaceAuthentication provided by user to IsisInterface. // IsisInterfaceAuthentication is optional container for circuit authentication properties. SetAuthentication(value IsisInterfaceAuthentication) IsisInterface // HasAuthentication checks if Authentication has been set in IsisInterface HasAuthentication() bool // Advanced returns IsisInterfaceAdvanced, set in IsisInterface. // IsisInterfaceAdvanced is optional container for advanced interface properties. Advanced() IsisInterfaceAdvanced // SetAdvanced assigns IsisInterfaceAdvanced provided by user to IsisInterface. // IsisInterfaceAdvanced is optional container for advanced interface properties. SetAdvanced(value IsisInterfaceAdvanced) IsisInterface // HasAdvanced checks if Advanced has been set in IsisInterface HasAdvanced() bool // LinkProtection returns IsisInterfaceLinkProtection, set in IsisInterface. // IsisInterfaceLinkProtection is optional container for the link protection sub TLV (type 20). LinkProtection() IsisInterfaceLinkProtection // SetLinkProtection assigns IsisInterfaceLinkProtection provided by user to IsisInterface. // IsisInterfaceLinkProtection is optional container for the link protection sub TLV (type 20). SetLinkProtection(value IsisInterfaceLinkProtection) IsisInterface // HasLinkProtection checks if LinkProtection has been set in IsisInterface HasLinkProtection() bool // SrlgValues returns []int32, set in IsisInterface. SrlgValues() []int32 // SetSrlgValues assigns []int32 provided by user to IsisInterface SetSrlgValues(value []int32) IsisInterface // Name returns string, set in IsisInterface. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to IsisInterface SetName(value string) IsisInterface // contains filtered or unexported methods }
IsisInterface is status: under-review Status: under-review Configuration for single ISIS interface.
func NewIsisInterface ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewIsisInterface() IsisInterface
type IsisInterfaceAdvanced ¶ added in v0.6.1
type IsisInterfaceAdvanced interface { Msg() *otg.IsisInterfaceAdvanced SetMsg(*otg.IsisInterfaceAdvanced) IsisInterfaceAdvanced // ToPbText marshals IsisInterfaceAdvanced to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals IsisInterfaceAdvanced to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals IsisInterfaceAdvanced to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals IsisInterfaceAdvanced from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals IsisInterfaceAdvanced from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals IsisInterfaceAdvanced from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates IsisInterfaceAdvanced Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // AutoAdjustMtu returns bool, set in IsisInterfaceAdvanced. AutoAdjustMtu() bool // SetAutoAdjustMtu assigns bool provided by user to IsisInterfaceAdvanced SetAutoAdjustMtu(value bool) IsisInterfaceAdvanced // HasAutoAdjustMtu checks if AutoAdjustMtu has been set in IsisInterfaceAdvanced HasAutoAdjustMtu() bool // AutoAdjustArea returns bool, set in IsisInterfaceAdvanced. AutoAdjustArea() bool // SetAutoAdjustArea assigns bool provided by user to IsisInterfaceAdvanced SetAutoAdjustArea(value bool) IsisInterfaceAdvanced // HasAutoAdjustArea checks if AutoAdjustArea has been set in IsisInterfaceAdvanced HasAutoAdjustArea() bool // AutoAdjustSupportedProtocols returns bool, set in IsisInterfaceAdvanced. AutoAdjustSupportedProtocols() bool // SetAutoAdjustSupportedProtocols assigns bool provided by user to IsisInterfaceAdvanced SetAutoAdjustSupportedProtocols(value bool) IsisInterfaceAdvanced // HasAutoAdjustSupportedProtocols checks if AutoAdjustSupportedProtocols has been set in IsisInterfaceAdvanced HasAutoAdjustSupportedProtocols() bool // Enable3WayHandshake returns bool, set in IsisInterfaceAdvanced. Enable3WayHandshake() bool // SetEnable3WayHandshake assigns bool provided by user to IsisInterfaceAdvanced SetEnable3WayHandshake(value bool) IsisInterfaceAdvanced // HasEnable3WayHandshake checks if Enable3WayHandshake has been set in IsisInterfaceAdvanced HasEnable3WayHandshake() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
IsisInterfaceAdvanced is optional container for advanced interface properties.
func NewIsisInterfaceAdvanced ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewIsisInterfaceAdvanced() IsisInterfaceAdvanced
type IsisInterfaceAuthentication ¶ added in v0.6.1
type IsisInterfaceAuthentication interface { Msg() *otg.IsisInterfaceAuthentication SetMsg(*otg.IsisInterfaceAuthentication) IsisInterfaceAuthentication // ToPbText marshals IsisInterfaceAuthentication to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals IsisInterfaceAuthentication to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals IsisInterfaceAuthentication to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals IsisInterfaceAuthentication from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals IsisInterfaceAuthentication from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals IsisInterfaceAuthentication from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates IsisInterfaceAuthentication Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // AuthType returns IsisInterfaceAuthenticationAuthTypeEnum, set in IsisInterfaceAuthentication AuthType() IsisInterfaceAuthenticationAuthTypeEnum // SetAuthType assigns IsisInterfaceAuthenticationAuthTypeEnum provided by user to IsisInterfaceAuthentication SetAuthType(value IsisInterfaceAuthenticationAuthTypeEnum) IsisInterfaceAuthentication // Md5 returns string, set in IsisInterfaceAuthentication. Md5() string // SetMd5 assigns string provided by user to IsisInterfaceAuthentication SetMd5(value string) IsisInterfaceAuthentication // HasMd5 checks if Md5 has been set in IsisInterfaceAuthentication HasMd5() bool // Password returns string, set in IsisInterfaceAuthentication. Password() string // SetPassword assigns string provided by user to IsisInterfaceAuthentication SetPassword(value string) IsisInterfaceAuthentication // HasPassword checks if Password has been set in IsisInterfaceAuthentication HasPassword() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
IsisInterfaceAuthentication is optional container for circuit authentication properties.
func NewIsisInterfaceAuthentication ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewIsisInterfaceAuthentication() IsisInterfaceAuthentication
type IsisInterfaceAuthenticationAuthTypeEnum ¶ added in v0.6.8
type IsisInterfaceAuthenticationAuthTypeEnum string
type IsisInterfaceIsisMTIter ¶ added in v0.6.1
type IsisInterfaceIsisMTIter interface { Items() []IsisMT Add() IsisMT Append(items ...IsisMT) IsisInterfaceIsisMTIter Set(index int, newObj IsisMT) IsisInterfaceIsisMTIter Clear() IsisInterfaceIsisMTIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type IsisInterfaceLevel ¶ added in v0.6.1
type IsisInterfaceLevel interface { Msg() *otg.IsisInterfaceLevel SetMsg(*otg.IsisInterfaceLevel) IsisInterfaceLevel // ToPbText marshals IsisInterfaceLevel to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals IsisInterfaceLevel to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals IsisInterfaceLevel to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals IsisInterfaceLevel from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals IsisInterfaceLevel from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals IsisInterfaceLevel from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates IsisInterfaceLevel Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Priority returns int32, set in IsisInterfaceLevel. Priority() int32 // SetPriority assigns int32 provided by user to IsisInterfaceLevel SetPriority(value int32) IsisInterfaceLevel // HasPriority checks if Priority has been set in IsisInterfaceLevel HasPriority() bool // HelloInterval returns int32, set in IsisInterfaceLevel. HelloInterval() int32 // SetHelloInterval assigns int32 provided by user to IsisInterfaceLevel SetHelloInterval(value int32) IsisInterfaceLevel // HasHelloInterval checks if HelloInterval has been set in IsisInterfaceLevel HasHelloInterval() bool // DeadInterval returns int32, set in IsisInterfaceLevel. DeadInterval() int32 // SetDeadInterval assigns int32 provided by user to IsisInterfaceLevel SetDeadInterval(value int32) IsisInterfaceLevel // HasDeadInterval checks if DeadInterval has been set in IsisInterfaceLevel HasDeadInterval() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
IsisInterfaceLevel is configuration for the properties of Level 1 Hello.
func NewIsisInterfaceLevel ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewIsisInterfaceLevel() IsisInterfaceLevel
type IsisInterfaceLevelTypeEnum ¶ added in v0.6.1
type IsisInterfaceLevelTypeEnum string
type IsisInterfaceLinkProtection ¶ added in v0.6.1
type IsisInterfaceLinkProtection interface { Msg() *otg.IsisInterfaceLinkProtection SetMsg(*otg.IsisInterfaceLinkProtection) IsisInterfaceLinkProtection // ToPbText marshals IsisInterfaceLinkProtection to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals IsisInterfaceLinkProtection to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals IsisInterfaceLinkProtection to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals IsisInterfaceLinkProtection from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals IsisInterfaceLinkProtection from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals IsisInterfaceLinkProtection from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates IsisInterfaceLinkProtection Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // ExtraTraffic returns bool, set in IsisInterfaceLinkProtection. ExtraTraffic() bool // SetExtraTraffic assigns bool provided by user to IsisInterfaceLinkProtection SetExtraTraffic(value bool) IsisInterfaceLinkProtection // HasExtraTraffic checks if ExtraTraffic has been set in IsisInterfaceLinkProtection HasExtraTraffic() bool // Unprotected returns bool, set in IsisInterfaceLinkProtection. Unprotected() bool // SetUnprotected assigns bool provided by user to IsisInterfaceLinkProtection SetUnprotected(value bool) IsisInterfaceLinkProtection // HasUnprotected checks if Unprotected has been set in IsisInterfaceLinkProtection HasUnprotected() bool Shared() bool SetShared(value bool) IsisInterfaceLinkProtection HasShared() bool // Dedicated1To1 returns bool, set in IsisInterfaceLinkProtection. Dedicated1To1() bool // SetDedicated1To1 assigns bool provided by user to IsisInterfaceLinkProtection SetDedicated1To1(value bool) IsisInterfaceLinkProtection // HasDedicated1To1 checks if Dedicated1To1 has been set in IsisInterfaceLinkProtection HasDedicated1To1() bool // Dedicated1Plus1 returns bool, set in IsisInterfaceLinkProtection. Dedicated1Plus1() bool // SetDedicated1Plus1 assigns bool provided by user to IsisInterfaceLinkProtection SetDedicated1Plus1(value bool) IsisInterfaceLinkProtection // HasDedicated1Plus1 checks if Dedicated1Plus1 has been set in IsisInterfaceLinkProtection HasDedicated1Plus1() bool // Enhanced returns bool, set in IsisInterfaceLinkProtection. Enhanced() bool // SetEnhanced assigns bool provided by user to IsisInterfaceLinkProtection SetEnhanced(value bool) IsisInterfaceLinkProtection // HasEnhanced checks if Enhanced has been set in IsisInterfaceLinkProtection HasEnhanced() bool // Reserved40 returns bool, set in IsisInterfaceLinkProtection. Reserved40() bool // SetReserved40 assigns bool provided by user to IsisInterfaceLinkProtection SetReserved40(value bool) IsisInterfaceLinkProtection // HasReserved40 checks if Reserved40 has been set in IsisInterfaceLinkProtection HasReserved40() bool // Reserved80 returns bool, set in IsisInterfaceLinkProtection. Reserved80() bool // SetReserved80 assigns bool provided by user to IsisInterfaceLinkProtection SetReserved80(value bool) IsisInterfaceLinkProtection // HasReserved80 checks if Reserved80 has been set in IsisInterfaceLinkProtection HasReserved80() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
IsisInterfaceLinkProtection is optional container for the link protection sub TLV (type 20).
func NewIsisInterfaceLinkProtection ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewIsisInterfaceLinkProtection() IsisInterfaceLinkProtection
type IsisInterfaceLinkStateTEIter ¶ added in v0.6.1
type IsisInterfaceLinkStateTEIter interface { Items() []LinkStateTE Add() LinkStateTE Append(items ...LinkStateTE) IsisInterfaceLinkStateTEIter Set(index int, newObj LinkStateTE) IsisInterfaceLinkStateTEIter Clear() IsisInterfaceLinkStateTEIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type IsisInterfaceNetworkTypeEnum ¶ added in v0.6.1
type IsisInterfaceNetworkTypeEnum string
type IsisMT ¶ added in v0.6.1
type IsisMT interface { Msg() *otg.IsisMT SetMsg(*otg.IsisMT) IsisMT // ToPbText marshals IsisMT to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals IsisMT to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals IsisMT to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals IsisMT from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals IsisMT from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals IsisMT from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates IsisMT Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // MtId returns int32, set in IsisMT. MtId() int32 // SetMtId assigns int32 provided by user to IsisMT SetMtId(value int32) IsisMT // HasMtId checks if MtId has been set in IsisMT HasMtId() bool // LinkMetric returns int32, set in IsisMT. LinkMetric() int32 // SetLinkMetric assigns int32 provided by user to IsisMT SetLinkMetric(value int32) IsisMT // HasLinkMetric checks if LinkMetric has been set in IsisMT HasLinkMetric() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
IsisMT is status: under-review Status: under-review Configuration of properties per interface per topology when multiple topologies are configured in an ISIS router. in a ISIS router.
type IsisMetric ¶ added in v0.6.8
type IsisMetric interface { Msg() *otg.IsisMetric SetMsg(*otg.IsisMetric) IsisMetric // ToPbText marshals IsisMetric to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals IsisMetric to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals IsisMetric to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals IsisMetric from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals IsisMetric from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals IsisMetric from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates IsisMetric Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Name returns string, set in IsisMetric. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to IsisMetric SetName(value string) IsisMetric // HasName checks if Name has been set in IsisMetric HasName() bool // L1SessionsUp returns int32, set in IsisMetric. L1SessionsUp() int32 // SetL1SessionsUp assigns int32 provided by user to IsisMetric SetL1SessionsUp(value int32) IsisMetric // HasL1SessionsUp checks if L1SessionsUp has been set in IsisMetric HasL1SessionsUp() bool // L1SessionFlap returns int32, set in IsisMetric. L1SessionFlap() int32 // SetL1SessionFlap assigns int32 provided by user to IsisMetric SetL1SessionFlap(value int32) IsisMetric // HasL1SessionFlap checks if L1SessionFlap has been set in IsisMetric HasL1SessionFlap() bool // L1BroadcastHellosSent returns int32, set in IsisMetric. L1BroadcastHellosSent() int32 // SetL1BroadcastHellosSent assigns int32 provided by user to IsisMetric SetL1BroadcastHellosSent(value int32) IsisMetric // HasL1BroadcastHellosSent checks if L1BroadcastHellosSent has been set in IsisMetric HasL1BroadcastHellosSent() bool // L1BroadcastHellosReceived returns int32, set in IsisMetric. L1BroadcastHellosReceived() int32 // SetL1BroadcastHellosReceived assigns int32 provided by user to IsisMetric SetL1BroadcastHellosReceived(value int32) IsisMetric // HasL1BroadcastHellosReceived checks if L1BroadcastHellosReceived has been set in IsisMetric HasL1BroadcastHellosReceived() bool // L1PointToPointHellosSent returns int32, set in IsisMetric. L1PointToPointHellosSent() int32 // SetL1PointToPointHellosSent assigns int32 provided by user to IsisMetric SetL1PointToPointHellosSent(value int32) IsisMetric // HasL1PointToPointHellosSent checks if L1PointToPointHellosSent has been set in IsisMetric HasL1PointToPointHellosSent() bool // L1PointToPointHellosReceived returns int32, set in IsisMetric. L1PointToPointHellosReceived() int32 // SetL1PointToPointHellosReceived assigns int32 provided by user to IsisMetric SetL1PointToPointHellosReceived(value int32) IsisMetric // HasL1PointToPointHellosReceived checks if L1PointToPointHellosReceived has been set in IsisMetric HasL1PointToPointHellosReceived() bool // L1DatabaseSize returns int32, set in IsisMetric. L1DatabaseSize() int32 // SetL1DatabaseSize assigns int32 provided by user to IsisMetric SetL1DatabaseSize(value int32) IsisMetric // HasL1DatabaseSize checks if L1DatabaseSize has been set in IsisMetric HasL1DatabaseSize() bool // L1PsnpSent returns int32, set in IsisMetric. L1PsnpSent() int32 // SetL1PsnpSent assigns int32 provided by user to IsisMetric SetL1PsnpSent(value int32) IsisMetric // HasL1PsnpSent checks if L1PsnpSent has been set in IsisMetric HasL1PsnpSent() bool // L1PsnpReceived returns int32, set in IsisMetric. L1PsnpReceived() int32 // SetL1PsnpReceived assigns int32 provided by user to IsisMetric SetL1PsnpReceived(value int32) IsisMetric // HasL1PsnpReceived checks if L1PsnpReceived has been set in IsisMetric HasL1PsnpReceived() bool // L1CsnpSent returns int32, set in IsisMetric. L1CsnpSent() int32 // SetL1CsnpSent assigns int32 provided by user to IsisMetric SetL1CsnpSent(value int32) IsisMetric // HasL1CsnpSent checks if L1CsnpSent has been set in IsisMetric HasL1CsnpSent() bool // L1CsnpReceived returns int32, set in IsisMetric. L1CsnpReceived() int32 // SetL1CsnpReceived assigns int32 provided by user to IsisMetric SetL1CsnpReceived(value int32) IsisMetric // HasL1CsnpReceived checks if L1CsnpReceived has been set in IsisMetric HasL1CsnpReceived() bool // L1LspSent returns int32, set in IsisMetric. L1LspSent() int32 // SetL1LspSent assigns int32 provided by user to IsisMetric SetL1LspSent(value int32) IsisMetric // HasL1LspSent checks if L1LspSent has been set in IsisMetric HasL1LspSent() bool // L1LspReceived returns int32, set in IsisMetric. L1LspReceived() int32 // SetL1LspReceived assigns int32 provided by user to IsisMetric SetL1LspReceived(value int32) IsisMetric // HasL1LspReceived checks if L1LspReceived has been set in IsisMetric HasL1LspReceived() bool // L2SessionsUp returns int32, set in IsisMetric. L2SessionsUp() int32 // SetL2SessionsUp assigns int32 provided by user to IsisMetric SetL2SessionsUp(value int32) IsisMetric // HasL2SessionsUp checks if L2SessionsUp has been set in IsisMetric HasL2SessionsUp() bool // L2SessionFlap returns int32, set in IsisMetric. L2SessionFlap() int32 // SetL2SessionFlap assigns int32 provided by user to IsisMetric SetL2SessionFlap(value int32) IsisMetric // HasL2SessionFlap checks if L2SessionFlap has been set in IsisMetric HasL2SessionFlap() bool // L2BroadcastHellosSent returns int32, set in IsisMetric. L2BroadcastHellosSent() int32 // SetL2BroadcastHellosSent assigns int32 provided by user to IsisMetric SetL2BroadcastHellosSent(value int32) IsisMetric // HasL2BroadcastHellosSent checks if L2BroadcastHellosSent has been set in IsisMetric HasL2BroadcastHellosSent() bool // L2BroadcastHellosReceived returns int32, set in IsisMetric. L2BroadcastHellosReceived() int32 // SetL2BroadcastHellosReceived assigns int32 provided by user to IsisMetric SetL2BroadcastHellosReceived(value int32) IsisMetric // HasL2BroadcastHellosReceived checks if L2BroadcastHellosReceived has been set in IsisMetric HasL2BroadcastHellosReceived() bool // L2PointToPointHellosSent returns int32, set in IsisMetric. L2PointToPointHellosSent() int32 // SetL2PointToPointHellosSent assigns int32 provided by user to IsisMetric SetL2PointToPointHellosSent(value int32) IsisMetric // HasL2PointToPointHellosSent checks if L2PointToPointHellosSent has been set in IsisMetric HasL2PointToPointHellosSent() bool // L2PointToPointHellosReceived returns int32, set in IsisMetric. L2PointToPointHellosReceived() int32 // SetL2PointToPointHellosReceived assigns int32 provided by user to IsisMetric SetL2PointToPointHellosReceived(value int32) IsisMetric // HasL2PointToPointHellosReceived checks if L2PointToPointHellosReceived has been set in IsisMetric HasL2PointToPointHellosReceived() bool // L2DatabaseSize returns int32, set in IsisMetric. L2DatabaseSize() int32 // SetL2DatabaseSize assigns int32 provided by user to IsisMetric SetL2DatabaseSize(value int32) IsisMetric // HasL2DatabaseSize checks if L2DatabaseSize has been set in IsisMetric HasL2DatabaseSize() bool // L2PsnpSent returns int32, set in IsisMetric. L2PsnpSent() int32 // SetL2PsnpSent assigns int32 provided by user to IsisMetric SetL2PsnpSent(value int32) IsisMetric // HasL2PsnpSent checks if L2PsnpSent has been set in IsisMetric HasL2PsnpSent() bool // L2PsnpReceived returns int32, set in IsisMetric. L2PsnpReceived() int32 // SetL2PsnpReceived assigns int32 provided by user to IsisMetric SetL2PsnpReceived(value int32) IsisMetric // HasL2PsnpReceived checks if L2PsnpReceived has been set in IsisMetric HasL2PsnpReceived() bool // L2CsnpSent returns int32, set in IsisMetric. L2CsnpSent() int32 // SetL2CsnpSent assigns int32 provided by user to IsisMetric SetL2CsnpSent(value int32) IsisMetric // HasL2CsnpSent checks if L2CsnpSent has been set in IsisMetric HasL2CsnpSent() bool // L2CsnpReceived returns int32, set in IsisMetric. L2CsnpReceived() int32 // SetL2CsnpReceived assigns int32 provided by user to IsisMetric SetL2CsnpReceived(value int32) IsisMetric // HasL2CsnpReceived checks if L2CsnpReceived has been set in IsisMetric HasL2CsnpReceived() bool // L2LspSent returns int32, set in IsisMetric. L2LspSent() int32 // SetL2LspSent assigns int32 provided by user to IsisMetric SetL2LspSent(value int32) IsisMetric // HasL2LspSent checks if L2LspSent has been set in IsisMetric HasL2LspSent() bool // L2LspReceived returns int32, set in IsisMetric. L2LspReceived() int32 // SetL2LspReceived assigns int32 provided by user to IsisMetric SetL2LspReceived(value int32) IsisMetric // HasL2LspReceived checks if L2LspReceived has been set in IsisMetric HasL2LspReceived() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
IsisMetric is iSIS per router statistics information.
func NewIsisMetric ¶ added in v0.6.8
func NewIsisMetric() IsisMetric
type IsisMetricsRequest ¶ added in v0.6.8
type IsisMetricsRequest interface { Msg() *otg.IsisMetricsRequest SetMsg(*otg.IsisMetricsRequest) IsisMetricsRequest // ToPbText marshals IsisMetricsRequest to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals IsisMetricsRequest to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals IsisMetricsRequest to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals IsisMetricsRequest from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals IsisMetricsRequest from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals IsisMetricsRequest from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates IsisMetricsRequest Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // RouterNames returns []string, set in IsisMetricsRequest. RouterNames() []string // SetRouterNames assigns []string provided by user to IsisMetricsRequest SetRouterNames(value []string) IsisMetricsRequest // ColumnNames returns []IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum, set in IsisMetricsRequest ColumnNames() []IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum // SetColumnNames assigns []IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum provided by user to IsisMetricsRequest SetColumnNames(value []IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum) IsisMetricsRequest // contains filtered or unexported methods }
IsisMetricsRequest is the request to retrieve ISIS per Router metrics/statistics.
func NewIsisMetricsRequest ¶ added in v0.6.8
func NewIsisMetricsRequest() IsisMetricsRequest
type IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum ¶ added in v0.6.8
type IsisMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum string
type IsisV4RouteRange ¶ added in v0.6.1
type IsisV4RouteRange interface { Msg() *otg.IsisV4RouteRange SetMsg(*otg.IsisV4RouteRange) IsisV4RouteRange // ToPbText marshals IsisV4RouteRange to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals IsisV4RouteRange to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals IsisV4RouteRange to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals IsisV4RouteRange from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals IsisV4RouteRange from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals IsisV4RouteRange from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates IsisV4RouteRange Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Addresses returns IsisV4RouteRangeV4RouteAddressIter, set in IsisV4RouteRange Addresses() IsisV4RouteRangeV4RouteAddressIter // LinkMetric returns int32, set in IsisV4RouteRange. LinkMetric() int32 // SetLinkMetric assigns int32 provided by user to IsisV4RouteRange SetLinkMetric(value int32) IsisV4RouteRange // HasLinkMetric checks if LinkMetric has been set in IsisV4RouteRange HasLinkMetric() bool // OriginType returns IsisV4RouteRangeOriginTypeEnum, set in IsisV4RouteRange OriginType() IsisV4RouteRangeOriginTypeEnum // SetOriginType assigns IsisV4RouteRangeOriginTypeEnum provided by user to IsisV4RouteRange SetOriginType(value IsisV4RouteRangeOriginTypeEnum) IsisV4RouteRange // HasOriginType checks if OriginType has been set in IsisV4RouteRange HasOriginType() bool // RedistributionType returns IsisV4RouteRangeRedistributionTypeEnum, set in IsisV4RouteRange RedistributionType() IsisV4RouteRangeRedistributionTypeEnum // SetRedistributionType assigns IsisV4RouteRangeRedistributionTypeEnum provided by user to IsisV4RouteRange SetRedistributionType(value IsisV4RouteRangeRedistributionTypeEnum) IsisV4RouteRange // HasRedistributionType checks if RedistributionType has been set in IsisV4RouteRange HasRedistributionType() bool // Name returns string, set in IsisV4RouteRange. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to IsisV4RouteRange SetName(value string) IsisV4RouteRange // PrefixAttrEnabled returns bool, set in IsisV4RouteRange. PrefixAttrEnabled() bool // SetPrefixAttrEnabled assigns bool provided by user to IsisV4RouteRange SetPrefixAttrEnabled(value bool) IsisV4RouteRange // HasPrefixAttrEnabled checks if PrefixAttrEnabled has been set in IsisV4RouteRange HasPrefixAttrEnabled() bool // XFlag returns bool, set in IsisV4RouteRange. XFlag() bool // SetXFlag assigns bool provided by user to IsisV4RouteRange SetXFlag(value bool) IsisV4RouteRange // HasXFlag checks if XFlag has been set in IsisV4RouteRange HasXFlag() bool // RFlag returns bool, set in IsisV4RouteRange. RFlag() bool // SetRFlag assigns bool provided by user to IsisV4RouteRange SetRFlag(value bool) IsisV4RouteRange // HasRFlag checks if RFlag has been set in IsisV4RouteRange HasRFlag() bool // NFlag returns bool, set in IsisV4RouteRange. NFlag() bool // SetNFlag assigns bool provided by user to IsisV4RouteRange SetNFlag(value bool) IsisV4RouteRange // HasNFlag checks if NFlag has been set in IsisV4RouteRange HasNFlag() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
IsisV4RouteRange is emulated ISIS IPv4 routes. Configuration for ISIS route ranges. This contains the properties of ISIS Prefix attributes for the extended IPv4 and IPv6 reachability.
func NewIsisV4RouteRange ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewIsisV4RouteRange() IsisV4RouteRange
type IsisV4RouteRangeOriginTypeEnum ¶ added in v0.6.8
type IsisV4RouteRangeOriginTypeEnum string
type IsisV4RouteRangeRedistributionTypeEnum ¶ added in v0.6.8
type IsisV4RouteRangeRedistributionTypeEnum string
type IsisV4RouteRangeV4RouteAddressIter ¶ added in v0.6.1
type IsisV4RouteRangeV4RouteAddressIter interface { Items() []V4RouteAddress Add() V4RouteAddress Append(items ...V4RouteAddress) IsisV4RouteRangeV4RouteAddressIter Set(index int, newObj V4RouteAddress) IsisV4RouteRangeV4RouteAddressIter Clear() IsisV4RouteRangeV4RouteAddressIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type IsisV6RouteRange ¶ added in v0.6.1
type IsisV6RouteRange interface { Msg() *otg.IsisV6RouteRange SetMsg(*otg.IsisV6RouteRange) IsisV6RouteRange // ToPbText marshals IsisV6RouteRange to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals IsisV6RouteRange to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals IsisV6RouteRange to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals IsisV6RouteRange from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals IsisV6RouteRange from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals IsisV6RouteRange from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates IsisV6RouteRange Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Addresses returns IsisV6RouteRangeV6RouteAddressIter, set in IsisV6RouteRange Addresses() IsisV6RouteRangeV6RouteAddressIter // LinkMetric returns int32, set in IsisV6RouteRange. LinkMetric() int32 // SetLinkMetric assigns int32 provided by user to IsisV6RouteRange SetLinkMetric(value int32) IsisV6RouteRange // HasLinkMetric checks if LinkMetric has been set in IsisV6RouteRange HasLinkMetric() bool // OriginType returns IsisV6RouteRangeOriginTypeEnum, set in IsisV6RouteRange OriginType() IsisV6RouteRangeOriginTypeEnum // SetOriginType assigns IsisV6RouteRangeOriginTypeEnum provided by user to IsisV6RouteRange SetOriginType(value IsisV6RouteRangeOriginTypeEnum) IsisV6RouteRange // HasOriginType checks if OriginType has been set in IsisV6RouteRange HasOriginType() bool // RedistributionType returns IsisV6RouteRangeRedistributionTypeEnum, set in IsisV6RouteRange RedistributionType() IsisV6RouteRangeRedistributionTypeEnum // SetRedistributionType assigns IsisV6RouteRangeRedistributionTypeEnum provided by user to IsisV6RouteRange SetRedistributionType(value IsisV6RouteRangeRedistributionTypeEnum) IsisV6RouteRange // HasRedistributionType checks if RedistributionType has been set in IsisV6RouteRange HasRedistributionType() bool // Name returns string, set in IsisV6RouteRange. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to IsisV6RouteRange SetName(value string) IsisV6RouteRange // PrefixAttrEnabled returns bool, set in IsisV6RouteRange. PrefixAttrEnabled() bool // SetPrefixAttrEnabled assigns bool provided by user to IsisV6RouteRange SetPrefixAttrEnabled(value bool) IsisV6RouteRange // HasPrefixAttrEnabled checks if PrefixAttrEnabled has been set in IsisV6RouteRange HasPrefixAttrEnabled() bool // XFlag returns bool, set in IsisV6RouteRange. XFlag() bool // SetXFlag assigns bool provided by user to IsisV6RouteRange SetXFlag(value bool) IsisV6RouteRange // HasXFlag checks if XFlag has been set in IsisV6RouteRange HasXFlag() bool // RFlag returns bool, set in IsisV6RouteRange. RFlag() bool // SetRFlag assigns bool provided by user to IsisV6RouteRange SetRFlag(value bool) IsisV6RouteRange // HasRFlag checks if RFlag has been set in IsisV6RouteRange HasRFlag() bool // NFlag returns bool, set in IsisV6RouteRange. NFlag() bool // SetNFlag assigns bool provided by user to IsisV6RouteRange SetNFlag(value bool) IsisV6RouteRange // HasNFlag checks if NFlag has been set in IsisV6RouteRange HasNFlag() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
IsisV6RouteRange is emulated ISIS IPv6 routes. Configuration for ISIS route ranges. This contains the properties of ISIS Prefix attributes for the extended IPv4 and IPv6 reachability.
func NewIsisV6RouteRange ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewIsisV6RouteRange() IsisV6RouteRange
type IsisV6RouteRangeOriginTypeEnum ¶ added in v0.6.8
type IsisV6RouteRangeOriginTypeEnum string
type IsisV6RouteRangeRedistributionTypeEnum ¶ added in v0.6.8
type IsisV6RouteRangeRedistributionTypeEnum string
type IsisV6RouteRangeV6RouteAddressIter ¶ added in v0.6.1
type IsisV6RouteRangeV6RouteAddressIter interface { Items() []V6RouteAddress Add() V6RouteAddress Append(items ...V6RouteAddress) IsisV6RouteRangeV6RouteAddressIter Set(index int, newObj V6RouteAddress) IsisV6RouteRangeV6RouteAddressIter Clear() IsisV6RouteRangeV6RouteAddressIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type Lag ¶
type Lag interface { Msg() *otg.Lag SetMsg(*otg.Lag) Lag // ToPbText marshals Lag to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals Lag to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals Lag to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals Lag from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals Lag from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals Lag from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates Lag Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Ports returns LagLagPortIter, set in Lag Ports() LagLagPortIter // Name returns string, set in Lag. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to Lag SetName(value string) Lag // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Lag is the container for multiple LAG ports
type LagLacp ¶
type LagLacp interface { Msg() *otg.LagLacp SetMsg(*otg.LagLacp) LagLacp // ToPbText marshals LagLacp to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals LagLacp to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals LagLacp to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals LagLacp from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals LagLacp from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals LagLacp from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates LagLacp Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // ActorKey returns int32, set in LagLacp. ActorKey() int32 // SetActorKey assigns int32 provided by user to LagLacp SetActorKey(value int32) LagLacp // HasActorKey checks if ActorKey has been set in LagLacp HasActorKey() bool // ActorPortNumber returns int32, set in LagLacp. ActorPortNumber() int32 // SetActorPortNumber assigns int32 provided by user to LagLacp SetActorPortNumber(value int32) LagLacp // HasActorPortNumber checks if ActorPortNumber has been set in LagLacp HasActorPortNumber() bool // ActorPortPriority returns int32, set in LagLacp. ActorPortPriority() int32 // SetActorPortPriority assigns int32 provided by user to LagLacp SetActorPortPriority(value int32) LagLacp // HasActorPortPriority checks if ActorPortPriority has been set in LagLacp HasActorPortPriority() bool // ActorSystemId returns string, set in LagLacp. ActorSystemId() string // SetActorSystemId assigns string provided by user to LagLacp SetActorSystemId(value string) LagLacp // HasActorSystemId checks if ActorSystemId has been set in LagLacp HasActorSystemId() bool // ActorSystemPriority returns int32, set in LagLacp. ActorSystemPriority() int32 // SetActorSystemPriority assigns int32 provided by user to LagLacp SetActorSystemPriority(value int32) LagLacp // HasActorSystemPriority checks if ActorSystemPriority has been set in LagLacp HasActorSystemPriority() bool // LacpduPeriodicTimeInterval returns int32, set in LagLacp. LacpduPeriodicTimeInterval() int32 // SetLacpduPeriodicTimeInterval assigns int32 provided by user to LagLacp SetLacpduPeriodicTimeInterval(value int32) LagLacp // HasLacpduPeriodicTimeInterval checks if LacpduPeriodicTimeInterval has been set in LagLacp HasLacpduPeriodicTimeInterval() bool // LacpduTimeout returns int32, set in LagLacp. LacpduTimeout() int32 // SetLacpduTimeout assigns int32 provided by user to LagLacp SetLacpduTimeout(value int32) LagLacp // HasLacpduTimeout checks if LacpduTimeout has been set in LagLacp HasLacpduTimeout() bool // ActorActivity returns LagLacpActorActivityEnum, set in LagLacp ActorActivity() LagLacpActorActivityEnum // SetActorActivity assigns LagLacpActorActivityEnum provided by user to LagLacp SetActorActivity(value LagLacpActorActivityEnum) LagLacp // HasActorActivity checks if ActorActivity has been set in LagLacp HasActorActivity() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
LagLacp is the container for link aggregation control protocol settings.
func NewLagLacp ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewLagLacp() LagLacp
type LagLacpActorActivityEnum ¶
type LagLacpActorActivityEnum string
type LagLagPortIter ¶
type LagLagPortIter interface { Items() []LagPort Add() LagPort Append(items ...LagPort) LagLagPortIter Set(index int, newObj LagPort) LagLagPortIter Clear() LagLagPortIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type LagPort ¶
type LagPort interface { Msg() *otg.LagPort SetMsg(*otg.LagPort) LagPort // ToPbText marshals LagPort to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals LagPort to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals LagPort to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals LagPort from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals LagPort from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals LagPort from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates LagPort Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // PortName returns string, set in LagPort. PortName() string // SetPortName assigns string provided by user to LagPort SetPortName(value string) LagPort // Protocol returns LagProtocol, set in LagPort. // LagProtocol is description is TBD Protocol() LagProtocol // SetProtocol assigns LagProtocol provided by user to LagPort. // LagProtocol is description is TBD SetProtocol(value LagProtocol) LagPort // Ethernet returns DeviceEthernetBase, set in LagPort. // DeviceEthernetBase is base Ethernet interface. Ethernet() DeviceEthernetBase // SetEthernet assigns DeviceEthernetBase provided by user to LagPort. // DeviceEthernetBase is base Ethernet interface. SetEthernet(value DeviceEthernetBase) LagPort // contains filtered or unexported methods }
LagPort is the container for a port's ethernet interface and LAG protocol settings
func NewLagPort ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewLagPort() LagPort
type LagProtocol ¶
type LagProtocol interface { Msg() *otg.LagProtocol SetMsg(*otg.LagProtocol) LagProtocol // ToPbText marshals LagProtocol to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals LagProtocol to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals LagProtocol to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals LagProtocol from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals LagProtocol from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals LagProtocol from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates LagProtocol Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns LagProtocolChoiceEnum, set in LagProtocol Choice() LagProtocolChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns LagProtocolChoiceEnum provided by user to LagProtocol SetChoice(value LagProtocolChoiceEnum) LagProtocol // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in LagProtocol HasChoice() bool // Lacp returns LagLacp, set in LagProtocol. // LagLacp is the container for link aggregation control protocol settings. Lacp() LagLacp // SetLacp assigns LagLacp provided by user to LagProtocol. // LagLacp is the container for link aggregation control protocol settings. SetLacp(value LagLacp) LagProtocol // HasLacp checks if Lacp has been set in LagProtocol HasLacp() bool // Static returns LagStatic, set in LagProtocol. // LagStatic is the container for static link aggregation protocol settings. Static() LagStatic // SetStatic assigns LagStatic provided by user to LagProtocol. // LagStatic is the container for static link aggregation protocol settings. SetStatic(value LagStatic) LagProtocol // HasStatic checks if Static has been set in LagProtocol HasStatic() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
LagProtocol is description is TBD
func NewLagProtocol ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewLagProtocol() LagProtocol
type LagProtocolChoiceEnum ¶
type LagProtocolChoiceEnum string
type LagStatic ¶
type LagStatic interface { Msg() *otg.LagStatic SetMsg(*otg.LagStatic) LagStatic // ToPbText marshals LagStatic to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals LagStatic to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals LagStatic to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals LagStatic from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals LagStatic from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals LagStatic from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates LagStatic Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // LagId returns int32, set in LagStatic. LagId() int32 // SetLagId assigns int32 provided by user to LagStatic SetLagId(value int32) LagStatic // HasLagId checks if LagId has been set in LagStatic HasLagId() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
LagStatic is the container for static link aggregation protocol settings.
func NewLagStatic ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewLagStatic() LagStatic
type Layer1 ¶
type Layer1 interface { Msg() *otg.Layer1 SetMsg(*otg.Layer1) Layer1 // ToPbText marshals Layer1 to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals Layer1 to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals Layer1 to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals Layer1 from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals Layer1 from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals Layer1 from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates Layer1 Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // PortNames returns []string, set in Layer1. PortNames() []string // SetPortNames assigns []string provided by user to Layer1 SetPortNames(value []string) Layer1 // Speed returns Layer1SpeedEnum, set in Layer1 Speed() Layer1SpeedEnum // SetSpeed assigns Layer1SpeedEnum provided by user to Layer1 SetSpeed(value Layer1SpeedEnum) Layer1 // HasSpeed checks if Speed has been set in Layer1 HasSpeed() bool // Media returns Layer1MediaEnum, set in Layer1 Media() Layer1MediaEnum // SetMedia assigns Layer1MediaEnum provided by user to Layer1 SetMedia(value Layer1MediaEnum) Layer1 // HasMedia checks if Media has been set in Layer1 HasMedia() bool // Promiscuous returns bool, set in Layer1. Promiscuous() bool // SetPromiscuous assigns bool provided by user to Layer1 SetPromiscuous(value bool) Layer1 // HasPromiscuous checks if Promiscuous has been set in Layer1 HasPromiscuous() bool // Mtu returns int32, set in Layer1. Mtu() int32 // SetMtu assigns int32 provided by user to Layer1 SetMtu(value int32) Layer1 // HasMtu checks if Mtu has been set in Layer1 HasMtu() bool // IeeeMediaDefaults returns bool, set in Layer1. IeeeMediaDefaults() bool // SetIeeeMediaDefaults assigns bool provided by user to Layer1 SetIeeeMediaDefaults(value bool) Layer1 // HasIeeeMediaDefaults checks if IeeeMediaDefaults has been set in Layer1 HasIeeeMediaDefaults() bool // AutoNegotiate returns bool, set in Layer1. AutoNegotiate() bool // SetAutoNegotiate assigns bool provided by user to Layer1 SetAutoNegotiate(value bool) Layer1 // HasAutoNegotiate checks if AutoNegotiate has been set in Layer1 HasAutoNegotiate() bool // AutoNegotiation returns Layer1AutoNegotiation, set in Layer1. // Layer1AutoNegotiation is configuration for auto negotiation settings AutoNegotiation() Layer1AutoNegotiation // SetAutoNegotiation assigns Layer1AutoNegotiation provided by user to Layer1. // Layer1AutoNegotiation is configuration for auto negotiation settings SetAutoNegotiation(value Layer1AutoNegotiation) Layer1 // HasAutoNegotiation checks if AutoNegotiation has been set in Layer1 HasAutoNegotiation() bool // FlowControl returns Layer1FlowControl, set in Layer1. // Layer1FlowControl is a container for layer1 receive flow control settings. // To enable flow control settings on ports this object must be a valid // object not a null value. FlowControl() Layer1FlowControl // SetFlowControl assigns Layer1FlowControl provided by user to Layer1. // Layer1FlowControl is a container for layer1 receive flow control settings. // To enable flow control settings on ports this object must be a valid // object not a null value. SetFlowControl(value Layer1FlowControl) Layer1 // HasFlowControl checks if FlowControl has been set in Layer1 HasFlowControl() bool // Name returns string, set in Layer1. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to Layer1 SetName(value string) Layer1 // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Layer1 is a container for layer1 settings.
type Layer1AutoNegotiation ¶
type Layer1AutoNegotiation interface { Msg() *otg.Layer1AutoNegotiation SetMsg(*otg.Layer1AutoNegotiation) Layer1AutoNegotiation // ToPbText marshals Layer1AutoNegotiation to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals Layer1AutoNegotiation to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals Layer1AutoNegotiation to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals Layer1AutoNegotiation from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals Layer1AutoNegotiation from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals Layer1AutoNegotiation from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates Layer1AutoNegotiation Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Advertise1000Mbps returns bool, set in Layer1AutoNegotiation. Advertise1000Mbps() bool // SetAdvertise1000Mbps assigns bool provided by user to Layer1AutoNegotiation SetAdvertise1000Mbps(value bool) Layer1AutoNegotiation // HasAdvertise1000Mbps checks if Advertise1000Mbps has been set in Layer1AutoNegotiation HasAdvertise1000Mbps() bool // Advertise100FdMbps returns bool, set in Layer1AutoNegotiation. Advertise100FdMbps() bool // SetAdvertise100FdMbps assigns bool provided by user to Layer1AutoNegotiation SetAdvertise100FdMbps(value bool) Layer1AutoNegotiation // HasAdvertise100FdMbps checks if Advertise100FdMbps has been set in Layer1AutoNegotiation HasAdvertise100FdMbps() bool // Advertise100HdMbps returns bool, set in Layer1AutoNegotiation. Advertise100HdMbps() bool // SetAdvertise100HdMbps assigns bool provided by user to Layer1AutoNegotiation SetAdvertise100HdMbps(value bool) Layer1AutoNegotiation // HasAdvertise100HdMbps checks if Advertise100HdMbps has been set in Layer1AutoNegotiation HasAdvertise100HdMbps() bool // Advertise10FdMbps returns bool, set in Layer1AutoNegotiation. Advertise10FdMbps() bool // SetAdvertise10FdMbps assigns bool provided by user to Layer1AutoNegotiation SetAdvertise10FdMbps(value bool) Layer1AutoNegotiation // HasAdvertise10FdMbps checks if Advertise10FdMbps has been set in Layer1AutoNegotiation HasAdvertise10FdMbps() bool // Advertise10HdMbps returns bool, set in Layer1AutoNegotiation. Advertise10HdMbps() bool // SetAdvertise10HdMbps assigns bool provided by user to Layer1AutoNegotiation SetAdvertise10HdMbps(value bool) Layer1AutoNegotiation // HasAdvertise10HdMbps checks if Advertise10HdMbps has been set in Layer1AutoNegotiation HasAdvertise10HdMbps() bool // LinkTraining returns bool, set in Layer1AutoNegotiation. LinkTraining() bool // SetLinkTraining assigns bool provided by user to Layer1AutoNegotiation SetLinkTraining(value bool) Layer1AutoNegotiation // HasLinkTraining checks if LinkTraining has been set in Layer1AutoNegotiation HasLinkTraining() bool // RsFec returns bool, set in Layer1AutoNegotiation. RsFec() bool // SetRsFec assigns bool provided by user to Layer1AutoNegotiation SetRsFec(value bool) Layer1AutoNegotiation // HasRsFec checks if RsFec has been set in Layer1AutoNegotiation HasRsFec() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Layer1AutoNegotiation is configuration for auto negotiation settings
func NewLayer1AutoNegotiation ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewLayer1AutoNegotiation() Layer1AutoNegotiation
type Layer1FlowControl ¶
type Layer1FlowControl interface { Msg() *otg.Layer1FlowControl SetMsg(*otg.Layer1FlowControl) Layer1FlowControl // ToPbText marshals Layer1FlowControl to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals Layer1FlowControl to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals Layer1FlowControl to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals Layer1FlowControl from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals Layer1FlowControl from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals Layer1FlowControl from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates Layer1FlowControl Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // DirectedAddress returns string, set in Layer1FlowControl. DirectedAddress() string // SetDirectedAddress assigns string provided by user to Layer1FlowControl SetDirectedAddress(value string) Layer1FlowControl // HasDirectedAddress checks if DirectedAddress has been set in Layer1FlowControl HasDirectedAddress() bool // Choice returns Layer1FlowControlChoiceEnum, set in Layer1FlowControl Choice() Layer1FlowControlChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns Layer1FlowControlChoiceEnum provided by user to Layer1FlowControl SetChoice(value Layer1FlowControlChoiceEnum) Layer1FlowControl // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in Layer1FlowControl HasChoice() bool // Ieee8021Qbb returns Layer1Ieee8021Qbb, set in Layer1FlowControl. Ieee8021Qbb() Layer1Ieee8021Qbb // SetIeee8021Qbb assigns Layer1Ieee8021Qbb provided by user to Layer1FlowControl. SetIeee8021Qbb(value Layer1Ieee8021Qbb) Layer1FlowControl // HasIeee8021Qbb checks if Ieee8021Qbb has been set in Layer1FlowControl HasIeee8021Qbb() bool // Ieee8023X returns Layer1Ieee8023X, set in Layer1FlowControl. Ieee8023X() Layer1Ieee8023X // SetIeee8023X assigns Layer1Ieee8023X provided by user to Layer1FlowControl. SetIeee8023X(value Layer1Ieee8023X) Layer1FlowControl // HasIeee8023X checks if Ieee8023X has been set in Layer1FlowControl HasIeee8023X() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Layer1FlowControl is a container for layer1 receive flow control settings. To enable flow control settings on ports this object must be a valid object not a null value.
func NewLayer1FlowControl ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewLayer1FlowControl() Layer1FlowControl
type Layer1FlowControlChoiceEnum ¶
type Layer1FlowControlChoiceEnum string
type Layer1Ieee8021Qbb ¶
type Layer1Ieee8021Qbb interface { Msg() *otg.Layer1Ieee8021Qbb SetMsg(*otg.Layer1Ieee8021Qbb) Layer1Ieee8021Qbb // ToPbText marshals Layer1Ieee8021Qbb to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals Layer1Ieee8021Qbb to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals Layer1Ieee8021Qbb to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals Layer1Ieee8021Qbb from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals Layer1Ieee8021Qbb from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals Layer1Ieee8021Qbb from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates Layer1Ieee8021Qbb Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // PfcDelay returns int32, set in Layer1Ieee8021Qbb. PfcDelay() int32 // SetPfcDelay assigns int32 provided by user to Layer1Ieee8021Qbb SetPfcDelay(value int32) Layer1Ieee8021Qbb // HasPfcDelay checks if PfcDelay has been set in Layer1Ieee8021Qbb HasPfcDelay() bool // PfcClass0 returns int32, set in Layer1Ieee8021Qbb. PfcClass0() int32 // SetPfcClass0 assigns int32 provided by user to Layer1Ieee8021Qbb SetPfcClass0(value int32) Layer1Ieee8021Qbb // HasPfcClass0 checks if PfcClass0 has been set in Layer1Ieee8021Qbb HasPfcClass0() bool // PfcClass1 returns int32, set in Layer1Ieee8021Qbb. PfcClass1() int32 // SetPfcClass1 assigns int32 provided by user to Layer1Ieee8021Qbb SetPfcClass1(value int32) Layer1Ieee8021Qbb // HasPfcClass1 checks if PfcClass1 has been set in Layer1Ieee8021Qbb HasPfcClass1() bool // PfcClass2 returns int32, set in Layer1Ieee8021Qbb. PfcClass2() int32 // SetPfcClass2 assigns int32 provided by user to Layer1Ieee8021Qbb SetPfcClass2(value int32) Layer1Ieee8021Qbb // HasPfcClass2 checks if PfcClass2 has been set in Layer1Ieee8021Qbb HasPfcClass2() bool // PfcClass3 returns int32, set in Layer1Ieee8021Qbb. PfcClass3() int32 // SetPfcClass3 assigns int32 provided by user to Layer1Ieee8021Qbb SetPfcClass3(value int32) Layer1Ieee8021Qbb // HasPfcClass3 checks if PfcClass3 has been set in Layer1Ieee8021Qbb HasPfcClass3() bool // PfcClass4 returns int32, set in Layer1Ieee8021Qbb. PfcClass4() int32 // SetPfcClass4 assigns int32 provided by user to Layer1Ieee8021Qbb SetPfcClass4(value int32) Layer1Ieee8021Qbb // HasPfcClass4 checks if PfcClass4 has been set in Layer1Ieee8021Qbb HasPfcClass4() bool // PfcClass5 returns int32, set in Layer1Ieee8021Qbb. PfcClass5() int32 // SetPfcClass5 assigns int32 provided by user to Layer1Ieee8021Qbb SetPfcClass5(value int32) Layer1Ieee8021Qbb // HasPfcClass5 checks if PfcClass5 has been set in Layer1Ieee8021Qbb HasPfcClass5() bool // PfcClass6 returns int32, set in Layer1Ieee8021Qbb. PfcClass6() int32 // SetPfcClass6 assigns int32 provided by user to Layer1Ieee8021Qbb SetPfcClass6(value int32) Layer1Ieee8021Qbb // HasPfcClass6 checks if PfcClass6 has been set in Layer1Ieee8021Qbb HasPfcClass6() bool // PfcClass7 returns int32, set in Layer1Ieee8021Qbb. PfcClass7() int32 // SetPfcClass7 assigns int32 provided by user to Layer1Ieee8021Qbb SetPfcClass7(value int32) Layer1Ieee8021Qbb // HasPfcClass7 checks if PfcClass7 has been set in Layer1Ieee8021Qbb HasPfcClass7() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Layer1Ieee8021Qbb is these settings enhance the existing 802.3x pause priority capabilities to enable flow control based on 802.1p priorities (classes of service).
func NewLayer1Ieee8021Qbb ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewLayer1Ieee8021Qbb() Layer1Ieee8021Qbb
type Layer1Ieee8023X ¶
type Layer1Ieee8023X interface { Msg() *otg.Layer1Ieee8023X SetMsg(*otg.Layer1Ieee8023X) Layer1Ieee8023X // ToPbText marshals Layer1Ieee8023X to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals Layer1Ieee8023X to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals Layer1Ieee8023X to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals Layer1Ieee8023X from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals Layer1Ieee8023X from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals Layer1Ieee8023X from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates Layer1Ieee8023X Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Layer1Ieee8023X is a container for ieee 802.3x rx pause settings
func NewLayer1Ieee8023X ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewLayer1Ieee8023X() Layer1Ieee8023X
type Layer1MediaEnum ¶
type Layer1MediaEnum string
type Layer1SpeedEnum ¶
type Layer1SpeedEnum string
type LinkState ¶
type LinkState interface { Msg() *otg.LinkState SetMsg(*otg.LinkState) LinkState // ToPbText marshals LinkState to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals LinkState to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals LinkState to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals LinkState from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals LinkState from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals LinkState from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates LinkState Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // PortNames returns []string, set in LinkState. PortNames() []string // SetPortNames assigns []string provided by user to LinkState SetPortNames(value []string) LinkState // State returns LinkStateStateEnum, set in LinkState State() LinkStateStateEnum // SetState assigns LinkStateStateEnum provided by user to LinkState SetState(value LinkStateStateEnum) LinkState // contains filtered or unexported methods }
LinkState is port link state.
func NewLinkState ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewLinkState() LinkState
type LinkStateStateEnum ¶
type LinkStateStateEnum string
type LinkStateTE ¶ added in v0.6.1
type LinkStateTE interface { Msg() *otg.LinkStateTE SetMsg(*otg.LinkStateTE) LinkStateTE // ToPbText marshals LinkStateTE to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals LinkStateTE to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals LinkStateTE to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals LinkStateTE from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals LinkStateTE from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals LinkStateTE from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates LinkStateTE Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // AdministrativeGroup returns string, set in LinkStateTE. AdministrativeGroup() string // SetAdministrativeGroup assigns string provided by user to LinkStateTE SetAdministrativeGroup(value string) LinkStateTE // HasAdministrativeGroup checks if AdministrativeGroup has been set in LinkStateTE HasAdministrativeGroup() bool // MetricLevel returns int64, set in LinkStateTE. MetricLevel() int64 // SetMetricLevel assigns int64 provided by user to LinkStateTE SetMetricLevel(value int64) LinkStateTE // HasMetricLevel checks if MetricLevel has been set in LinkStateTE HasMetricLevel() bool // MaxBandwith returns int64, set in LinkStateTE. MaxBandwith() int64 // SetMaxBandwith assigns int64 provided by user to LinkStateTE SetMaxBandwith(value int64) LinkStateTE // HasMaxBandwith checks if MaxBandwith has been set in LinkStateTE HasMaxBandwith() bool // MaxReservableBandwidth returns int64, set in LinkStateTE. MaxReservableBandwidth() int64 // SetMaxReservableBandwidth assigns int64 provided by user to LinkStateTE SetMaxReservableBandwidth(value int64) LinkStateTE // HasMaxReservableBandwidth checks if MaxReservableBandwidth has been set in LinkStateTE HasMaxReservableBandwidth() bool // PriorityBandwidths returns LinkStatepriorityBandwidths, set in LinkStateTE. // LinkStatepriorityBandwidths is specifies the amount of bandwidth that can be reserved with a setup priority of 0 // through 7, arranged in increasing order with priority 0 having highest priority. // In ISIS, this is sent in sub-TLV (11) of Extended IS Reachability TLV. PriorityBandwidths() LinkStatepriorityBandwidths // SetPriorityBandwidths assigns LinkStatepriorityBandwidths provided by user to LinkStateTE. // LinkStatepriorityBandwidths is specifies the amount of bandwidth that can be reserved with a setup priority of 0 // through 7, arranged in increasing order with priority 0 having highest priority. // In ISIS, this is sent in sub-TLV (11) of Extended IS Reachability TLV. SetPriorityBandwidths(value LinkStatepriorityBandwidths) LinkStateTE // HasPriorityBandwidths checks if PriorityBandwidths has been set in LinkStateTE HasPriorityBandwidths() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
LinkStateTE is status: under-review Status: under-review A container for Traffic Engineering properties on a interface.
func NewLinkStateTE ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewLinkStateTE() LinkStateTE
type LinkStatepriorityBandwidths ¶ added in v0.6.1
type LinkStatepriorityBandwidths interface { Msg() *otg.LinkStatepriorityBandwidths SetMsg(*otg.LinkStatepriorityBandwidths) LinkStatepriorityBandwidths // ToPbText marshals LinkStatepriorityBandwidths to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals LinkStatepriorityBandwidths to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals LinkStatepriorityBandwidths to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals LinkStatepriorityBandwidths from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals LinkStatepriorityBandwidths from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals LinkStatepriorityBandwidths from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates LinkStatepriorityBandwidths Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Pb0 returns int64, set in LinkStatepriorityBandwidths. Pb0() int64 // SetPb0 assigns int64 provided by user to LinkStatepriorityBandwidths SetPb0(value int64) LinkStatepriorityBandwidths // HasPb0 checks if Pb0 has been set in LinkStatepriorityBandwidths HasPb0() bool // Pb1 returns int64, set in LinkStatepriorityBandwidths. Pb1() int64 // SetPb1 assigns int64 provided by user to LinkStatepriorityBandwidths SetPb1(value int64) LinkStatepriorityBandwidths // HasPb1 checks if Pb1 has been set in LinkStatepriorityBandwidths HasPb1() bool // Pb2 returns int64, set in LinkStatepriorityBandwidths. Pb2() int64 // SetPb2 assigns int64 provided by user to LinkStatepriorityBandwidths SetPb2(value int64) LinkStatepriorityBandwidths // HasPb2 checks if Pb2 has been set in LinkStatepriorityBandwidths HasPb2() bool // Pb3 returns int64, set in LinkStatepriorityBandwidths. Pb3() int64 // SetPb3 assigns int64 provided by user to LinkStatepriorityBandwidths SetPb3(value int64) LinkStatepriorityBandwidths // HasPb3 checks if Pb3 has been set in LinkStatepriorityBandwidths HasPb3() bool // Pb4 returns int64, set in LinkStatepriorityBandwidths. Pb4() int64 // SetPb4 assigns int64 provided by user to LinkStatepriorityBandwidths SetPb4(value int64) LinkStatepriorityBandwidths // HasPb4 checks if Pb4 has been set in LinkStatepriorityBandwidths HasPb4() bool // Pb5 returns int64, set in LinkStatepriorityBandwidths. Pb5() int64 // SetPb5 assigns int64 provided by user to LinkStatepriorityBandwidths SetPb5(value int64) LinkStatepriorityBandwidths // HasPb5 checks if Pb5 has been set in LinkStatepriorityBandwidths HasPb5() bool // Pb6 returns int64, set in LinkStatepriorityBandwidths. Pb6() int64 // SetPb6 assigns int64 provided by user to LinkStatepriorityBandwidths SetPb6(value int64) LinkStatepriorityBandwidths // HasPb6 checks if Pb6 has been set in LinkStatepriorityBandwidths HasPb6() bool // Pb7 returns int64, set in LinkStatepriorityBandwidths. Pb7() int64 // SetPb7 assigns int64 provided by user to LinkStatepriorityBandwidths SetPb7(value int64) LinkStatepriorityBandwidths // HasPb7 checks if Pb7 has been set in LinkStatepriorityBandwidths HasPb7() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
LinkStatepriorityBandwidths is specifies the amount of bandwidth that can be reserved with a setup priority of 0 through 7, arranged in increasing order with priority 0 having highest priority. In ISIS, this is sent in sub-TLV (11) of Extended IS Reachability TLV.
func NewLinkStatepriorityBandwidths ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewLinkStatepriorityBandwidths() LinkStatepriorityBandwidths
type MetricLatency ¶
type MetricLatency interface { Msg() *otg.MetricLatency SetMsg(*otg.MetricLatency) MetricLatency // ToPbText marshals MetricLatency to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals MetricLatency to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals MetricLatency to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals MetricLatency from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals MetricLatency from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals MetricLatency from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates MetricLatency Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // MinimumNs returns float64, set in MetricLatency. MinimumNs() float64 // SetMinimumNs assigns float64 provided by user to MetricLatency SetMinimumNs(value float64) MetricLatency // HasMinimumNs checks if MinimumNs has been set in MetricLatency HasMinimumNs() bool // MaximumNs returns float64, set in MetricLatency. MaximumNs() float64 // SetMaximumNs assigns float64 provided by user to MetricLatency SetMaximumNs(value float64) MetricLatency // HasMaximumNs checks if MaximumNs has been set in MetricLatency HasMaximumNs() bool // AverageNs returns float64, set in MetricLatency. AverageNs() float64 // SetAverageNs assigns float64 provided by user to MetricLatency SetAverageNs(value float64) MetricLatency // HasAverageNs checks if AverageNs has been set in MetricLatency HasAverageNs() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
MetricLatency is the container for latency metrics. The min/max/avg values are dependent on the type of latency measurement mode that is configured. The container will be empty if the latency has not been configured for the flow.
func NewMetricLatency ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewMetricLatency() MetricLatency
type MetricTimestamp ¶
type MetricTimestamp interface { Msg() *otg.MetricTimestamp SetMsg(*otg.MetricTimestamp) MetricTimestamp // ToPbText marshals MetricTimestamp to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals MetricTimestamp to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals MetricTimestamp to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals MetricTimestamp from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals MetricTimestamp from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals MetricTimestamp from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates MetricTimestamp Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // FirstTimestampNs returns float64, set in MetricTimestamp. FirstTimestampNs() float64 // SetFirstTimestampNs assigns float64 provided by user to MetricTimestamp SetFirstTimestampNs(value float64) MetricTimestamp // HasFirstTimestampNs checks if FirstTimestampNs has been set in MetricTimestamp HasFirstTimestampNs() bool // LastTimestampNs returns float64, set in MetricTimestamp. LastTimestampNs() float64 // SetLastTimestampNs assigns float64 provided by user to MetricTimestamp SetLastTimestampNs(value float64) MetricTimestamp // HasLastTimestampNs checks if LastTimestampNs has been set in MetricTimestamp HasLastTimestampNs() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
MetricTimestamp is the container for timestamp metrics. The container will be empty if the timestamp has not been configured for the flow.
func NewMetricTimestamp ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewMetricTimestamp() MetricTimestamp
type MetricsRequest ¶
type MetricsRequest interface { Msg() *otg.MetricsRequest SetMsg(*otg.MetricsRequest) MetricsRequest // ToPbText marshals MetricsRequest to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals MetricsRequest to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals MetricsRequest to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals MetricsRequest from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals MetricsRequest from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals MetricsRequest from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates MetricsRequest Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns MetricsRequestChoiceEnum, set in MetricsRequest Choice() MetricsRequestChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns MetricsRequestChoiceEnum provided by user to MetricsRequest SetChoice(value MetricsRequestChoiceEnum) MetricsRequest // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in MetricsRequest HasChoice() bool // Port returns PortMetricsRequest, set in MetricsRequest. // PortMetricsRequest is the port result request to the traffic generator Port() PortMetricsRequest // SetPort assigns PortMetricsRequest provided by user to MetricsRequest. // PortMetricsRequest is the port result request to the traffic generator SetPort(value PortMetricsRequest) MetricsRequest // HasPort checks if Port has been set in MetricsRequest HasPort() bool // Flow returns FlowMetricsRequest, set in MetricsRequest. // FlowMetricsRequest is the container for a flow metric request. Flow() FlowMetricsRequest // SetFlow assigns FlowMetricsRequest provided by user to MetricsRequest. // FlowMetricsRequest is the container for a flow metric request. SetFlow(value FlowMetricsRequest) MetricsRequest // HasFlow checks if Flow has been set in MetricsRequest HasFlow() bool // Bgpv4 returns Bgpv4MetricsRequest, set in MetricsRequest. // Bgpv4MetricsRequest is the request to retrieve BGPv4 per peer metrics/statistics. Bgpv4() Bgpv4MetricsRequest // SetBgpv4 assigns Bgpv4MetricsRequest provided by user to MetricsRequest. // Bgpv4MetricsRequest is the request to retrieve BGPv4 per peer metrics/statistics. SetBgpv4(value Bgpv4MetricsRequest) MetricsRequest // HasBgpv4 checks if Bgpv4 has been set in MetricsRequest HasBgpv4() bool // Bgpv6 returns Bgpv6MetricsRequest, set in MetricsRequest. // Bgpv6MetricsRequest is the request to retrieve BGPv6 per peer metrics/statistics. Bgpv6() Bgpv6MetricsRequest // SetBgpv6 assigns Bgpv6MetricsRequest provided by user to MetricsRequest. // Bgpv6MetricsRequest is the request to retrieve BGPv6 per peer metrics/statistics. SetBgpv6(value Bgpv6MetricsRequest) MetricsRequest // HasBgpv6 checks if Bgpv6 has been set in MetricsRequest HasBgpv6() bool // Isis returns IsisMetricsRequest, set in MetricsRequest. // IsisMetricsRequest is the request to retrieve ISIS per Router metrics/statistics. Isis() IsisMetricsRequest // SetIsis assigns IsisMetricsRequest provided by user to MetricsRequest. // IsisMetricsRequest is the request to retrieve ISIS per Router metrics/statistics. SetIsis(value IsisMetricsRequest) MetricsRequest // HasIsis checks if Isis has been set in MetricsRequest HasIsis() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
MetricsRequest is request to traffic generator for metrics of choice
func NewMetricsRequest ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewMetricsRequest() MetricsRequest
type MetricsRequestChoiceEnum ¶
type MetricsRequestChoiceEnum string
type MetricsResponse ¶
type MetricsResponse interface { Msg() *otg.MetricsResponse SetMsg(*otg.MetricsResponse) MetricsResponse // ToPbText marshals MetricsResponse to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals MetricsResponse to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals MetricsResponse to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals MetricsResponse from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals MetricsResponse from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals MetricsResponse from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates MetricsResponse Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns MetricsResponseChoiceEnum, set in MetricsResponse Choice() MetricsResponseChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns MetricsResponseChoiceEnum provided by user to MetricsResponse SetChoice(value MetricsResponseChoiceEnum) MetricsResponse // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in MetricsResponse HasChoice() bool // PortMetrics returns MetricsResponsePortMetricIter, set in MetricsResponse PortMetrics() MetricsResponsePortMetricIter // FlowMetrics returns MetricsResponseFlowMetricIter, set in MetricsResponse FlowMetrics() MetricsResponseFlowMetricIter // Bgpv4Metrics returns MetricsResponseBgpv4MetricIter, set in MetricsResponse Bgpv4Metrics() MetricsResponseBgpv4MetricIter // Bgpv6Metrics returns MetricsResponseBgpv6MetricIter, set in MetricsResponse Bgpv6Metrics() MetricsResponseBgpv6MetricIter // IsisMetrics returns MetricsResponseIsisMetricIter, set in MetricsResponse IsisMetrics() MetricsResponseIsisMetricIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
MetricsResponse is response containing chosen traffic generator metrics
func NewMetricsResponse ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewMetricsResponse() MetricsResponse
type MetricsResponseBgpv4MetricIter ¶
type MetricsResponseBgpv4MetricIter interface { Items() []Bgpv4Metric Add() Bgpv4Metric Append(items ...Bgpv4Metric) MetricsResponseBgpv4MetricIter Set(index int, newObj Bgpv4Metric) MetricsResponseBgpv4MetricIter Clear() MetricsResponseBgpv4MetricIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type MetricsResponseBgpv6MetricIter ¶
type MetricsResponseBgpv6MetricIter interface { Items() []Bgpv6Metric Add() Bgpv6Metric Append(items ...Bgpv6Metric) MetricsResponseBgpv6MetricIter Set(index int, newObj Bgpv6Metric) MetricsResponseBgpv6MetricIter Clear() MetricsResponseBgpv6MetricIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type MetricsResponseChoiceEnum ¶
type MetricsResponseChoiceEnum string
type MetricsResponseFlowMetricIter ¶
type MetricsResponseFlowMetricIter interface { Items() []FlowMetric Add() FlowMetric Append(items ...FlowMetric) MetricsResponseFlowMetricIter Set(index int, newObj FlowMetric) MetricsResponseFlowMetricIter Clear() MetricsResponseFlowMetricIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type MetricsResponseIsisMetricIter ¶ added in v0.6.8
type MetricsResponseIsisMetricIter interface { Items() []IsisMetric Add() IsisMetric Append(items ...IsisMetric) MetricsResponseIsisMetricIter Set(index int, newObj IsisMetric) MetricsResponseIsisMetricIter Clear() MetricsResponseIsisMetricIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type MetricsResponsePortMetricIter ¶
type MetricsResponsePortMetricIter interface { Items() []PortMetric Add() PortMetric Append(items ...PortMetric) MetricsResponsePortMetricIter Set(index int, newObj PortMetric) MetricsResponsePortMetricIter Clear() MetricsResponsePortMetricIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type Neighborsv4State ¶ added in v0.6.13
type Neighborsv4State interface { Msg() *otg.Neighborsv4State SetMsg(*otg.Neighborsv4State) Neighborsv4State // ToPbText marshals Neighborsv4State to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals Neighborsv4State to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals Neighborsv4State to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals Neighborsv4State from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals Neighborsv4State from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals Neighborsv4State from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates Neighborsv4State Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // EthernetName returns string, set in Neighborsv4State. EthernetName() string // SetEthernetName assigns string provided by user to Neighborsv4State SetEthernetName(value string) Neighborsv4State // Ipv4Address returns string, set in Neighborsv4State. Ipv4Address() string // SetIpv4Address assigns string provided by user to Neighborsv4State SetIpv4Address(value string) Neighborsv4State // LinkLayerAddress returns string, set in Neighborsv4State. LinkLayerAddress() string // SetLinkLayerAddress assigns string provided by user to Neighborsv4State SetLinkLayerAddress(value string) Neighborsv4State // HasLinkLayerAddress checks if LinkLayerAddress has been set in Neighborsv4State HasLinkLayerAddress() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Neighborsv4State is iPv4 Neighbor state (ARP cache entry).
func NewNeighborsv4State ¶ added in v0.6.13
func NewNeighborsv4State() Neighborsv4State
type Neighborsv4StatesRequest ¶ added in v0.6.13
type Neighborsv4StatesRequest interface { Msg() *otg.Neighborsv4StatesRequest SetMsg(*otg.Neighborsv4StatesRequest) Neighborsv4StatesRequest // ToPbText marshals Neighborsv4StatesRequest to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals Neighborsv4StatesRequest to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals Neighborsv4StatesRequest to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals Neighborsv4StatesRequest from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals Neighborsv4StatesRequest from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals Neighborsv4StatesRequest from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates Neighborsv4StatesRequest Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // EthernetNames returns []string, set in Neighborsv4StatesRequest. EthernetNames() []string // SetEthernetNames assigns []string provided by user to Neighborsv4StatesRequest SetEthernetNames(value []string) Neighborsv4StatesRequest // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Neighborsv4StatesRequest is the request to retrieve IPv4 Neighbor state (ARP cache entries) of a network interface(s).
func NewNeighborsv4StatesRequest ¶ added in v0.6.13
func NewNeighborsv4StatesRequest() Neighborsv4StatesRequest
type Neighborsv6State ¶ added in v0.6.13
type Neighborsv6State interface { Msg() *otg.Neighborsv6State SetMsg(*otg.Neighborsv6State) Neighborsv6State // ToPbText marshals Neighborsv6State to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals Neighborsv6State to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals Neighborsv6State to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals Neighborsv6State from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals Neighborsv6State from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals Neighborsv6State from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates Neighborsv6State Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // EthernetName returns string, set in Neighborsv6State. EthernetName() string // SetEthernetName assigns string provided by user to Neighborsv6State SetEthernetName(value string) Neighborsv6State // Ipv6Address returns string, set in Neighborsv6State. Ipv6Address() string // SetIpv6Address assigns string provided by user to Neighborsv6State SetIpv6Address(value string) Neighborsv6State // LinkLayerAddress returns string, set in Neighborsv6State. LinkLayerAddress() string // SetLinkLayerAddress assigns string provided by user to Neighborsv6State SetLinkLayerAddress(value string) Neighborsv6State // HasLinkLayerAddress checks if LinkLayerAddress has been set in Neighborsv6State HasLinkLayerAddress() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Neighborsv6State is iPv6 Neighbor state (NDISC cache entry).
func NewNeighborsv6State ¶ added in v0.6.13
func NewNeighborsv6State() Neighborsv6State
type Neighborsv6StatesRequest ¶ added in v0.6.13
type Neighborsv6StatesRequest interface { Msg() *otg.Neighborsv6StatesRequest SetMsg(*otg.Neighborsv6StatesRequest) Neighborsv6StatesRequest // ToPbText marshals Neighborsv6StatesRequest to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals Neighborsv6StatesRequest to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals Neighborsv6StatesRequest to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals Neighborsv6StatesRequest from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals Neighborsv6StatesRequest from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals Neighborsv6StatesRequest from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates Neighborsv6StatesRequest Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // EthernetNames returns []string, set in Neighborsv6StatesRequest. EthernetNames() []string // SetEthernetNames assigns []string provided by user to Neighborsv6StatesRequest SetEthernetNames(value []string) Neighborsv6StatesRequest // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Neighborsv6StatesRequest is the request to retrieve IPv6 Neighbor state (NDISC cache entries) of a network interface(s).
func NewNeighborsv6StatesRequest ¶ added in v0.6.13
func NewNeighborsv6StatesRequest() Neighborsv6StatesRequest
type PatternFlowArpHardwareLength ¶
type PatternFlowArpHardwareLength interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowArpHardwareLength SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowArpHardwareLength) PatternFlowArpHardwareLength // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowArpHardwareLength to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowArpHardwareLength to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowArpHardwareLength to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowArpHardwareLength from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowArpHardwareLength from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowArpHardwareLength from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowArpHardwareLength Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowArpHardwareLength Choice() PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowArpHardwareLength SetChoice(value PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthChoiceEnum) PatternFlowArpHardwareLength // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowArpHardwareLength HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowArpHardwareLength. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowArpHardwareLength SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowArpHardwareLength // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowArpHardwareLength HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowArpHardwareLength. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowArpHardwareLength SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowArpHardwareLength // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowArpHardwareLength. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowArpHardwareLength SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowArpHardwareLength // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowArpHardwareLength HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter, set in PatternFlowArpHardwareLength. // PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter provided by user to PatternFlowArpHardwareLength. // PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter) PatternFlowArpHardwareLength // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowArpHardwareLength HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter, set in PatternFlowArpHardwareLength. // PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter provided by user to PatternFlowArpHardwareLength. // PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter) PatternFlowArpHardwareLength // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowArpHardwareLength HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowArpHardwareLength is length (in octets) of a hardware address
func NewPatternFlowArpHardwareLength ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowArpHardwareLength() PatternFlowArpHardwareLength
type PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter ¶
type PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter) PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter() PatternFlowArpHardwareLengthCounter
type PatternFlowArpHardwareType ¶
type PatternFlowArpHardwareType interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowArpHardwareType SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowArpHardwareType) PatternFlowArpHardwareType // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowArpHardwareType to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowArpHardwareType to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowArpHardwareType to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowArpHardwareType from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowArpHardwareType from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowArpHardwareType from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowArpHardwareType Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowArpHardwareType Choice() PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowArpHardwareType SetChoice(value PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeChoiceEnum) PatternFlowArpHardwareType // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowArpHardwareType HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowArpHardwareType. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowArpHardwareType SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowArpHardwareType // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowArpHardwareType HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowArpHardwareType. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowArpHardwareType SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowArpHardwareType // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowArpHardwareType. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowArpHardwareType SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowArpHardwareType // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowArpHardwareType HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter, set in PatternFlowArpHardwareType. // PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowArpHardwareType. // PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter) PatternFlowArpHardwareType // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowArpHardwareType HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter, set in PatternFlowArpHardwareType. // PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowArpHardwareType. // PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter) PatternFlowArpHardwareType // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowArpHardwareType HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowArpHardwareType is network link protocol type
func NewPatternFlowArpHardwareType ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowArpHardwareType() PatternFlowArpHardwareType
type PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter ¶
type PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter) PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter() PatternFlowArpHardwareTypeCounter
type PatternFlowArpOperation ¶
type PatternFlowArpOperation interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowArpOperation SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowArpOperation) PatternFlowArpOperation // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowArpOperation to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowArpOperation to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowArpOperation to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowArpOperation from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowArpOperation from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowArpOperation from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowArpOperation Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowArpOperationChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowArpOperation Choice() PatternFlowArpOperationChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowArpOperationChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowArpOperation SetChoice(value PatternFlowArpOperationChoiceEnum) PatternFlowArpOperation // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowArpOperation HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowArpOperation. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowArpOperation SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowArpOperation // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowArpOperation HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowArpOperation. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowArpOperation SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowArpOperation // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowArpOperation. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowArpOperation SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowArpOperation // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowArpOperation HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowArpOperationCounter, set in PatternFlowArpOperation. // PatternFlowArpOperationCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowArpOperationCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowArpOperationCounter provided by user to PatternFlowArpOperation. // PatternFlowArpOperationCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowArpOperationCounter) PatternFlowArpOperation // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowArpOperation HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowArpOperationCounter, set in PatternFlowArpOperation. // PatternFlowArpOperationCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowArpOperationCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowArpOperationCounter provided by user to PatternFlowArpOperation. // PatternFlowArpOperationCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowArpOperationCounter) PatternFlowArpOperation // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowArpOperation HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowArpOperation is the operation that the sender is performing
func NewPatternFlowArpOperation ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowArpOperation() PatternFlowArpOperation
type PatternFlowArpOperationChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowArpOperationChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowArpOperationCounter ¶
type PatternFlowArpOperationCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowArpOperationCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowArpOperationCounter) PatternFlowArpOperationCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowArpOperationCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowArpOperationCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowArpOperationCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowArpOperationCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowArpOperationCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowArpOperationCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowArpOperationCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowArpOperationCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowArpOperationCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowArpOperationCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowArpOperationCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowArpOperationCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowArpOperationCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowArpOperationCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowArpOperationCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowArpOperationCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowArpOperationCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowArpOperationCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowArpOperationCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowArpOperationCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowArpOperationCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowArpOperationCounter() PatternFlowArpOperationCounter
type PatternFlowArpProtocolLength ¶
type PatternFlowArpProtocolLength interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowArpProtocolLength SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowArpProtocolLength) PatternFlowArpProtocolLength // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowArpProtocolLength to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowArpProtocolLength to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowArpProtocolLength to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowArpProtocolLength from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowArpProtocolLength from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowArpProtocolLength from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowArpProtocolLength Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowArpProtocolLength Choice() PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowArpProtocolLength SetChoice(value PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthChoiceEnum) PatternFlowArpProtocolLength // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowArpProtocolLength HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowArpProtocolLength. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowArpProtocolLength SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowArpProtocolLength // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowArpProtocolLength HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowArpProtocolLength. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowArpProtocolLength SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowArpProtocolLength // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowArpProtocolLength. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowArpProtocolLength SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowArpProtocolLength // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowArpProtocolLength HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter, set in PatternFlowArpProtocolLength. // PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter provided by user to PatternFlowArpProtocolLength. // PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter) PatternFlowArpProtocolLength // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowArpProtocolLength HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter, set in PatternFlowArpProtocolLength. // PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter provided by user to PatternFlowArpProtocolLength. // PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter) PatternFlowArpProtocolLength // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowArpProtocolLength HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowArpProtocolLength is length (in octets) of internetwork addresses
func NewPatternFlowArpProtocolLength ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowArpProtocolLength() PatternFlowArpProtocolLength
type PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter ¶
type PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter) PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter() PatternFlowArpProtocolLengthCounter
type PatternFlowArpProtocolType ¶
type PatternFlowArpProtocolType interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowArpProtocolType SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowArpProtocolType) PatternFlowArpProtocolType // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowArpProtocolType to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowArpProtocolType to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowArpProtocolType to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowArpProtocolType from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowArpProtocolType from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowArpProtocolType from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowArpProtocolType Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowArpProtocolType Choice() PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowArpProtocolType SetChoice(value PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeChoiceEnum) PatternFlowArpProtocolType // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowArpProtocolType HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowArpProtocolType. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowArpProtocolType SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowArpProtocolType // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowArpProtocolType HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowArpProtocolType. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowArpProtocolType SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowArpProtocolType // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowArpProtocolType. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowArpProtocolType SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowArpProtocolType // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowArpProtocolType HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter, set in PatternFlowArpProtocolType. // PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowArpProtocolType. // PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter) PatternFlowArpProtocolType // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowArpProtocolType HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter, set in PatternFlowArpProtocolType. // PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowArpProtocolType. // PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter) PatternFlowArpProtocolType // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowArpProtocolType HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowArpProtocolType is the internetwork protocol for which the ARP request is intended
func NewPatternFlowArpProtocolType ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowArpProtocolType() PatternFlowArpProtocolType
type PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter ¶
type PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter) PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter() PatternFlowArpProtocolTypeCounter
type PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr ¶
type PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr) PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr Choice() PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr SetChoice(value PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrChoiceEnum) PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr HasChoice() bool // Value returns string, set in PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr. Value() string // SetValue assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr SetValue(value string) PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr HasValue() bool // Values returns []string, set in PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr. Values() []string // SetValues assigns []string provided by user to PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr SetValues(value []string) PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter, set in PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr. // PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter is mac counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter provided by user to PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr. // PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter is mac counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter) PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter, set in PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr. // PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter is mac counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter provided by user to PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr. // PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter is mac counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter) PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr is media address of the sender
func NewPatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr() PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddr
type PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter ¶
type PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter) PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns string, set in PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter. Start() string // SetStart assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter SetStart(value string) PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns string, set in PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter. Step() string // SetStep assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter SetStep(value string) PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter is mac counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter() PatternFlowArpSenderHardwareAddrCounter
type PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr ¶
type PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr) PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr Choice() PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr SetChoice(value PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrChoiceEnum) PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr HasChoice() bool // Value returns string, set in PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr. Value() string // SetValue assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr SetValue(value string) PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr HasValue() bool // Values returns []string, set in PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr. Values() []string // SetValues assigns []string provided by user to PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr SetValues(value []string) PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter, set in PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr. // PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter is ipv4 counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter provided by user to PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr. // PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter is ipv4 counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter) PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter, set in PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr. // PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter is ipv4 counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter provided by user to PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr. // PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter is ipv4 counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter) PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr is internetwork address of the sender
func NewPatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr() PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddr
type PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter ¶
type PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter) PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns string, set in PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter. Start() string // SetStart assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter SetStart(value string) PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns string, set in PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter. Step() string // SetStep assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter SetStep(value string) PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter is ipv4 counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter() PatternFlowArpSenderProtocolAddrCounter
type PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr ¶
type PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr) PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr Choice() PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr SetChoice(value PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrChoiceEnum) PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr HasChoice() bool // Value returns string, set in PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr. Value() string // SetValue assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr SetValue(value string) PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr HasValue() bool // Values returns []string, set in PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr. Values() []string // SetValues assigns []string provided by user to PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr SetValues(value []string) PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter, set in PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr. // PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter is mac counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter provided by user to PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr. // PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter is mac counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter) PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter, set in PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr. // PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter is mac counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter provided by user to PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr. // PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter is mac counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter) PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr is media address of the target
func NewPatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr() PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddr
type PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter ¶
type PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter) PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns string, set in PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter. Start() string // SetStart assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter SetStart(value string) PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns string, set in PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter. Step() string // SetStep assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter SetStep(value string) PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter is mac counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter() PatternFlowArpTargetHardwareAddrCounter
type PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr ¶
type PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr) PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr Choice() PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr SetChoice(value PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrChoiceEnum) PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr HasChoice() bool // Value returns string, set in PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr. Value() string // SetValue assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr SetValue(value string) PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr HasValue() bool // Values returns []string, set in PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr. Values() []string // SetValues assigns []string provided by user to PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr SetValues(value []string) PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter, set in PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr. // PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter is ipv4 counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter provided by user to PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr. // PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter is ipv4 counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter) PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter, set in PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr. // PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter is ipv4 counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter provided by user to PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr. // PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter is ipv4 counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter) PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr is internetwork address of the target
func NewPatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr() PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddr
type PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter ¶
type PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter) PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns string, set in PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter. Start() string // SetStart assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter SetStart(value string) PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns string, set in PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter. Step() string // SetStep assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter SetStep(value string) PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter is ipv4 counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter() PatternFlowArpTargetProtocolAddrCounter
type PatternFlowEthernetDst ¶
type PatternFlowEthernetDst interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowEthernetDst SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowEthernetDst) PatternFlowEthernetDst // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowEthernetDst to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowEthernetDst to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowEthernetDst to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetDst from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetDst from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetDst from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowEthernetDst Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowEthernetDstChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowEthernetDst Choice() PatternFlowEthernetDstChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowEthernetDstChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetDst SetChoice(value PatternFlowEthernetDstChoiceEnum) PatternFlowEthernetDst // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowEthernetDst HasChoice() bool // Value returns string, set in PatternFlowEthernetDst. Value() string // SetValue assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetDst SetValue(value string) PatternFlowEthernetDst // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowEthernetDst HasValue() bool // Values returns []string, set in PatternFlowEthernetDst. Values() []string // SetValues assigns []string provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetDst SetValues(value []string) PatternFlowEthernetDst // Auto returns string, set in PatternFlowEthernetDst. Auto() string // SetAuto assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetDst SetAuto(value string) PatternFlowEthernetDst // HasAuto checks if Auto has been set in PatternFlowEthernetDst HasAuto() bool // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowEthernetDst. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetDst SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowEthernetDst // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowEthernetDst HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter, set in PatternFlowEthernetDst. // PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter is mac counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetDst. // PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter is mac counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter) PatternFlowEthernetDst // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowEthernetDst HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter, set in PatternFlowEthernetDst. // PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter is mac counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetDst. // PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter is mac counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter) PatternFlowEthernetDst // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowEthernetDst HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowEthernetDst is destination MAC address
func NewPatternFlowEthernetDst ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowEthernetDst() PatternFlowEthernetDst
type PatternFlowEthernetDstChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowEthernetDstChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter ¶
type PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter) PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns string, set in PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter. Start() string // SetStart assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter SetStart(value string) PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns string, set in PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter. Step() string // SetStep assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter SetStep(value string) PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter is mac counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowEthernetDstCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowEthernetDstCounter() PatternFlowEthernetDstCounter
type PatternFlowEthernetEtherType ¶
type PatternFlowEthernetEtherType interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowEthernetEtherType SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowEthernetEtherType) PatternFlowEthernetEtherType // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowEthernetEtherType to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowEthernetEtherType to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowEthernetEtherType to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetEtherType from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetEtherType from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetEtherType from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowEthernetEtherType Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowEthernetEtherType Choice() PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetEtherType SetChoice(value PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeChoiceEnum) PatternFlowEthernetEtherType // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowEthernetEtherType HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowEthernetEtherType. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetEtherType SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowEthernetEtherType // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowEthernetEtherType HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowEthernetEtherType. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetEtherType SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowEthernetEtherType // Auto returns int32, set in PatternFlowEthernetEtherType. Auto() int32 // SetAuto assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetEtherType SetAuto(value int32) PatternFlowEthernetEtherType // HasAuto checks if Auto has been set in PatternFlowEthernetEtherType HasAuto() bool // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowEthernetEtherType. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetEtherType SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowEthernetEtherType // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowEthernetEtherType HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter, set in PatternFlowEthernetEtherType. // PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetEtherType. // PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter) PatternFlowEthernetEtherType // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowEthernetEtherType HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter, set in PatternFlowEthernetEtherType. // PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetEtherType. // PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter) PatternFlowEthernetEtherType // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowEthernetEtherType HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowEthernetEtherType is ethernet type
func NewPatternFlowEthernetEtherType ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowEthernetEtherType() PatternFlowEthernetEtherType
type PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter ¶
type PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter) PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter() PatternFlowEthernetEtherTypeCounter
type PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode ¶
type PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode) PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode Choice() PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode SetChoice(value PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeChoiceEnum) PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode. // PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode. // PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter) PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode. // PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode. // PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter) PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode is control operation code
func NewPatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode() PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCode
type PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter ¶
type PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter) PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter() PatternFlowEthernetPauseControlOpCodeCounter
type PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst ¶
type PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst) PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst Choice() PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst SetChoice(value PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstChoiceEnum) PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst HasChoice() bool // Value returns string, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst. Value() string // SetValue assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst SetValue(value string) PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst HasValue() bool // Values returns []string, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst. Values() []string // SetValues assigns []string provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst SetValues(value []string) PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst. // PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter is mac counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst. // PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter is mac counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter) PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst. // PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter is mac counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst. // PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter is mac counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter) PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst is destination MAC address
func NewPatternFlowEthernetPauseDst ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowEthernetPauseDst() PatternFlowEthernetPauseDst
type PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter ¶
type PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter) PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns string, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter. Start() string // SetStart assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter SetStart(value string) PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns string, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter. Step() string // SetStep assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter SetStep(value string) PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter is mac counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter() PatternFlowEthernetPauseDstCounter
type PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType ¶
type PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType) PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType Choice() PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType SetChoice(value PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeChoiceEnum) PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType. // PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType. // PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter) PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType. // PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType. // PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter) PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType is ethernet type
func NewPatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType() PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherType
type PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter ¶
type PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter) PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter() PatternFlowEthernetPauseEtherTypeCounter
type PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc ¶
type PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc) PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc Choice() PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc SetChoice(value PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcChoiceEnum) PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc HasChoice() bool // Value returns string, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc. Value() string // SetValue assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc SetValue(value string) PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc HasValue() bool // Values returns []string, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc. Values() []string // SetValues assigns []string provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc SetValues(value []string) PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc. // PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter is mac counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc. // PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter is mac counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter) PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc. // PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter is mac counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc. // PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter is mac counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter) PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc is source MAC address
func NewPatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc() PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrc
type PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter ¶
type PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter) PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns string, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter. Start() string // SetStart assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter SetStart(value string) PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns string, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter. Step() string // SetStep assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter SetStep(value string) PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter is mac counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter() PatternFlowEthernetPauseSrcCounter
type PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime ¶
type PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime) PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime Choice() PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime SetChoice(value PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeChoiceEnum) PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime. // PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime. // PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter) PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime. // PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime. // PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter) PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime is time
func NewPatternFlowEthernetPauseTime ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowEthernetPauseTime() PatternFlowEthernetPauseTime
type PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter ¶
type PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter) PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter() PatternFlowEthernetPauseTimeCounter
type PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue ¶
type PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue) PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue Choice() PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue SetChoice(value PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueChoiceEnum) PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter, set in PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue. // PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue. // PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter) PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter, set in PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue. // PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue. // PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter) PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue is priority flow control queue
func NewPatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue() PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueue
type PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter ¶
type PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter) PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter() PatternFlowEthernetPfcQueueCounter
type PatternFlowEthernetSrc ¶
type PatternFlowEthernetSrc interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowEthernetSrc SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowEthernetSrc) PatternFlowEthernetSrc // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowEthernetSrc to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowEthernetSrc to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowEthernetSrc to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetSrc from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetSrc from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetSrc from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowEthernetSrc Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowEthernetSrcChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowEthernetSrc Choice() PatternFlowEthernetSrcChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowEthernetSrcChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetSrc SetChoice(value PatternFlowEthernetSrcChoiceEnum) PatternFlowEthernetSrc // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowEthernetSrc HasChoice() bool // Value returns string, set in PatternFlowEthernetSrc. Value() string // SetValue assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetSrc SetValue(value string) PatternFlowEthernetSrc // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowEthernetSrc HasValue() bool // Values returns []string, set in PatternFlowEthernetSrc. Values() []string // SetValues assigns []string provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetSrc SetValues(value []string) PatternFlowEthernetSrc // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowEthernetSrc. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetSrc SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowEthernetSrc // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowEthernetSrc HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter, set in PatternFlowEthernetSrc. // PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter is mac counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetSrc. // PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter is mac counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter) PatternFlowEthernetSrc // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowEthernetSrc HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter, set in PatternFlowEthernetSrc. // PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter is mac counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetSrc. // PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter is mac counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter) PatternFlowEthernetSrc // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowEthernetSrc HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowEthernetSrc is source MAC address
func NewPatternFlowEthernetSrc ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowEthernetSrc() PatternFlowEthernetSrc
type PatternFlowEthernetSrcChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowEthernetSrcChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter ¶
type PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter) PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns string, set in PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter. Start() string // SetStart assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter SetStart(value string) PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns string, set in PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter. Step() string // SetStep assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter SetStep(value string) PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter is mac counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter() PatternFlowEthernetSrcCounter
type PatternFlowGreChecksum ¶
type PatternFlowGreChecksum interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGreChecksum SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGreChecksum) PatternFlowGreChecksum // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGreChecksum to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGreChecksum to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGreChecksum to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGreChecksum from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGreChecksum from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGreChecksum from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGreChecksum Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowGreChecksumChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowGreChecksum Choice() PatternFlowGreChecksumChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowGreChecksumChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGreChecksum SetChoice(value PatternFlowGreChecksumChoiceEnum) PatternFlowGreChecksum // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowGreChecksum HasChoice() bool // Generated returns PatternFlowGreChecksumGeneratedEnum, set in PatternFlowGreChecksum Generated() PatternFlowGreChecksumGeneratedEnum // SetGenerated assigns PatternFlowGreChecksumGeneratedEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGreChecksum SetGenerated(value PatternFlowGreChecksumGeneratedEnum) PatternFlowGreChecksum // HasGenerated checks if Generated has been set in PatternFlowGreChecksum HasGenerated() bool // Custom returns int32, set in PatternFlowGreChecksum. Custom() int32 // SetCustom assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGreChecksum SetCustom(value int32) PatternFlowGreChecksum // HasCustom checks if Custom has been set in PatternFlowGreChecksum HasCustom() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGreChecksum is optional checksum of GRE header and payload. Only present if the checksum_present bit is set.
func NewPatternFlowGreChecksum ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGreChecksum() PatternFlowGreChecksum
type PatternFlowGreChecksumChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGreChecksumChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowGreChecksumGeneratedEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGreChecksumGeneratedEnum string
type PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent ¶
type PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent) PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent Choice() PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent SetChoice(value PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentChoiceEnum) PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter, set in PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent. // PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent. // PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter) PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter, set in PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent. // PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent. // PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter) PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent is checksum present bit
func NewPatternFlowGreChecksumPresent ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGreChecksumPresent() PatternFlowGreChecksumPresent
type PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter ¶
type PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter) PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter() PatternFlowGreChecksumPresentCounter
type PatternFlowGreProtocol ¶
type PatternFlowGreProtocol interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGreProtocol SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGreProtocol) PatternFlowGreProtocol // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGreProtocol to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGreProtocol to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGreProtocol to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGreProtocol from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGreProtocol from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGreProtocol from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGreProtocol Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowGreProtocolChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowGreProtocol Choice() PatternFlowGreProtocolChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowGreProtocolChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGreProtocol SetChoice(value PatternFlowGreProtocolChoiceEnum) PatternFlowGreProtocol // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowGreProtocol HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowGreProtocol. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGreProtocol SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowGreProtocol // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowGreProtocol HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowGreProtocol. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGreProtocol SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowGreProtocol // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowGreProtocol. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowGreProtocol SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowGreProtocol // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowGreProtocol HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter, set in PatternFlowGreProtocol. // PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGreProtocol. // PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter) PatternFlowGreProtocol // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowGreProtocol HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter, set in PatternFlowGreProtocol. // PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGreProtocol. // PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter) PatternFlowGreProtocol // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowGreProtocol HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGreProtocol is protocol type of encapsulated payload
func NewPatternFlowGreProtocol ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGreProtocol() PatternFlowGreProtocol
type PatternFlowGreProtocolChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGreProtocolChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter ¶
type PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter) PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowGreProtocolCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGreProtocolCounter() PatternFlowGreProtocolCounter
type PatternFlowGreReserved0 ¶
type PatternFlowGreReserved0 interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGreReserved0 SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGreReserved0) PatternFlowGreReserved0 // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGreReserved0 to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGreReserved0 to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGreReserved0 to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGreReserved0 from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGreReserved0 from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGreReserved0 from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGreReserved0 Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowGreReserved0ChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowGreReserved0 Choice() PatternFlowGreReserved0ChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowGreReserved0ChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGreReserved0 SetChoice(value PatternFlowGreReserved0ChoiceEnum) PatternFlowGreReserved0 // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowGreReserved0 HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowGreReserved0. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGreReserved0 SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowGreReserved0 // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowGreReserved0 HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowGreReserved0. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGreReserved0 SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowGreReserved0 // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowGreReserved0. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowGreReserved0 SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowGreReserved0 // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowGreReserved0 HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter, set in PatternFlowGreReserved0. // PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter provided by user to PatternFlowGreReserved0. // PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter) PatternFlowGreReserved0 // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowGreReserved0 HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter, set in PatternFlowGreReserved0. // PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter provided by user to PatternFlowGreReserved0. // PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter) PatternFlowGreReserved0 // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowGreReserved0 HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGreReserved0 is reserved bits
func NewPatternFlowGreReserved0 ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGreReserved0() PatternFlowGreReserved0
type PatternFlowGreReserved0ChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGreReserved0ChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter ¶
type PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter) PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowGreReserved0Counter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGreReserved0Counter() PatternFlowGreReserved0Counter
type PatternFlowGreReserved1 ¶
type PatternFlowGreReserved1 interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGreReserved1 SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGreReserved1) PatternFlowGreReserved1 // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGreReserved1 to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGreReserved1 to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGreReserved1 to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGreReserved1 from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGreReserved1 from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGreReserved1 from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGreReserved1 Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowGreReserved1ChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowGreReserved1 Choice() PatternFlowGreReserved1ChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowGreReserved1ChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGreReserved1 SetChoice(value PatternFlowGreReserved1ChoiceEnum) PatternFlowGreReserved1 // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowGreReserved1 HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowGreReserved1. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGreReserved1 SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowGreReserved1 // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowGreReserved1 HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowGreReserved1. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGreReserved1 SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowGreReserved1 // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowGreReserved1. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowGreReserved1 SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowGreReserved1 // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowGreReserved1 HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter, set in PatternFlowGreReserved1. // PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter provided by user to PatternFlowGreReserved1. // PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter) PatternFlowGreReserved1 // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowGreReserved1 HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter, set in PatternFlowGreReserved1. // PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter provided by user to PatternFlowGreReserved1. // PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter) PatternFlowGreReserved1 // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowGreReserved1 HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGreReserved1 is optional reserved field. Only present if the checksum_present bit is set.
func NewPatternFlowGreReserved1 ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGreReserved1() PatternFlowGreReserved1
type PatternFlowGreReserved1ChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGreReserved1ChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter ¶
type PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter) PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowGreReserved1Counter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGreReserved1Counter() PatternFlowGreReserved1Counter
type PatternFlowGreVersion ¶
type PatternFlowGreVersion interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGreVersion SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGreVersion) PatternFlowGreVersion // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGreVersion to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGreVersion to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGreVersion to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGreVersion from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGreVersion from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGreVersion from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGreVersion Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowGreVersionChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowGreVersion Choice() PatternFlowGreVersionChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowGreVersionChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGreVersion SetChoice(value PatternFlowGreVersionChoiceEnum) PatternFlowGreVersion // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowGreVersion HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowGreVersion. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGreVersion SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowGreVersion // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowGreVersion HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowGreVersion. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGreVersion SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowGreVersion // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowGreVersion. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowGreVersion SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowGreVersion // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowGreVersion HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowGreVersionCounter, set in PatternFlowGreVersion. // PatternFlowGreVersionCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowGreVersionCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowGreVersionCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGreVersion. // PatternFlowGreVersionCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowGreVersionCounter) PatternFlowGreVersion // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowGreVersion HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowGreVersionCounter, set in PatternFlowGreVersion. // PatternFlowGreVersionCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowGreVersionCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowGreVersionCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGreVersion. // PatternFlowGreVersionCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowGreVersionCounter) PatternFlowGreVersion // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowGreVersion HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGreVersion is gRE version number
func NewPatternFlowGreVersion ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGreVersion() PatternFlowGreVersion
type PatternFlowGreVersionChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGreVersionChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowGreVersionCounter ¶
type PatternFlowGreVersionCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGreVersionCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGreVersionCounter) PatternFlowGreVersionCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGreVersionCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGreVersionCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGreVersionCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGreVersionCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGreVersionCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGreVersionCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGreVersionCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowGreVersionCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGreVersionCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowGreVersionCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowGreVersionCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowGreVersionCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGreVersionCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowGreVersionCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowGreVersionCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowGreVersionCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGreVersionCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowGreVersionCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowGreVersionCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGreVersionCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowGreVersionCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGreVersionCounter() PatternFlowGreVersionCounter
type PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents ¶
type PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents) PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents Choice() PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents SetChoice(value PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsChoiceEnum) PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents HasChoice() bool // Value returns int64, set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents. Value() int64 // SetValue assigns int64 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents SetValue(value int64) PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents HasValue() bool // Values returns []int64, set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents. Values() []int64 // SetValues assigns []int64 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents SetValues(value []int64) PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents. // PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents. // PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter) PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents. // PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents. // PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter) PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents is the extension header contents
func NewPatternFlowGtpExtensionContents ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpExtensionContents() PatternFlowGtpExtensionContents
type PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter ¶
type PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter) PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int64, set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter. Start() int64 // SetStart assigns int64 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter SetStart(value int64) PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int64, set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter. Step() int64 // SetStep assigns int64 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter SetStep(value int64) PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter() PatternFlowGtpExtensionContentsCounter
type PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength ¶
type PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength) PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength Choice() PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength SetChoice(value PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthChoiceEnum) PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength. // PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength. // PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter) PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength. // PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength. // PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter) PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength is this field states the length of this extension header, including the length, the contents, and the next extension header field, in 4-octet units, so the length of the extension must always be a multiple of 4.
func NewPatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength() PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLength
type PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter ¶
type PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter) PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter() PatternFlowGtpExtensionExtensionLengthCounter
type PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader ¶
type PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader) PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader Choice() PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader SetChoice(value PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderChoiceEnum) PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader. // PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader. // PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter) PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader. // PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader. // PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter) PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader is it states the type of the next extension, or 0 if no next extension exists. This permits chaining several next extension headers.
func NewPatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader() PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeader
type PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter ¶
type PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter) PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter() PatternFlowGtpExtensionNextExtensionHeaderCounter
type PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag) PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag Choice() PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag SetChoice(value PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagChoiceEnum) PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag. // PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag. // PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag. // PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag. // PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag is extension header field present
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1EFlag ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1EFlag() PatternFlowGtpv1EFlag
type PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter() PatternFlowGtpv1EFlagCounter
type PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength) PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength Choice() PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength SetChoice(value PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthChoiceEnum) PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength. // PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength. // PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength. // PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength. // PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength is the length of the payload (the bytes following the mandatory 8-byte GTP header) in bytes that includes any optional fields
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength() PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLength
type PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter() PatternFlowGtpv1MessageLengthCounter
type PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType) PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType Choice() PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType SetChoice(value PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeChoiceEnum) PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType. // PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType. // PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType. // PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType. // PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType is the type of GTP message Different types of messages are defined in 3GPP TS 29.060 section 7.1
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1MessageType ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1MessageType() PatternFlowGtpv1MessageType
type PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter() PatternFlowGtpv1MessageTypeCounter
type PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber) PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber Choice() PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber SetChoice(value PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberChoiceEnum) PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber. // PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber. // PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber. // PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber. // PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber is n-PDU number. Exists if any of the e_flag, s_flag, or pn_flag bits are on. Must be interpreted only if the pn_flag bit is on.
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber() PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumber
type PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter() PatternFlowGtpv1NPduNumberCounter
type PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType) PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType Choice() PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType SetChoice(value PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeChoiceEnum) PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType. // PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType. // PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType. // PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType. // PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType is next extension header. Exists if any of the e_flag, s_flag, or pn_flag bits are on. Must be interpreted only if the e_flag bit is on.
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType() PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderType
type PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter() PatternFlowGtpv1NextExtensionHeaderTypeCounter
type PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag) PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag Choice() PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag SetChoice(value PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagChoiceEnum) PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag. // PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag. // PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag. // PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag. // PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag is n-PDU field present
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag() PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlag
type PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter() PatternFlowGtpv1PnFlagCounter
type PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType) PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType Choice() PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType SetChoice(value PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeChoiceEnum) PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType. // PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType. // PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType. // PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType. // PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType is protocol type, GTP is 1, GTP' is 0
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType() PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolType
type PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter() PatternFlowGtpv1ProtocolTypeCounter
type PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved) PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved Choice() PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved SetChoice(value PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedChoiceEnum) PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved. // PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved. // PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved. // PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved. // PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved is reserved field
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1Reserved ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1Reserved() PatternFlowGtpv1Reserved
type PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter() PatternFlowGtpv1ReservedCounter
type PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag) PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag Choice() PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag SetChoice(value PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagChoiceEnum) PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag. // PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag. // PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag. // PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag. // PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag is sequence number field present
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1SFlag ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1SFlag() PatternFlowGtpv1SFlag
type PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter() PatternFlowGtpv1SFlagCounter
type PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber) PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber Choice() PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber SetChoice(value PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberChoiceEnum) PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber. // PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber. // PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber. // PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber. // PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber is sequence number. Exists if any of the e_flag, s_flag, or pn_flag bits are on. Must be interpreted only if the s_flag bit is on.
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber() PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumber
type PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter() PatternFlowGtpv1SquenceNumberCounter
type PatternFlowGtpv1Teid ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1Teid interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv1Teid SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv1Teid) PatternFlowGtpv1Teid // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv1Teid to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv1Teid to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv1Teid to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1Teid from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1Teid from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1Teid from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv1Teid Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowGtpv1TeidChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowGtpv1Teid Choice() PatternFlowGtpv1TeidChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowGtpv1TeidChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1Teid SetChoice(value PatternFlowGtpv1TeidChoiceEnum) PatternFlowGtpv1Teid // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1Teid HasChoice() bool // Value returns int64, set in PatternFlowGtpv1Teid. Value() int64 // SetValue assigns int64 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1Teid SetValue(value int64) PatternFlowGtpv1Teid // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1Teid HasValue() bool // Values returns []int64, set in PatternFlowGtpv1Teid. Values() []int64 // SetValues assigns []int64 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1Teid SetValues(value []int64) PatternFlowGtpv1Teid // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowGtpv1Teid. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1Teid SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowGtpv1Teid // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1Teid HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv1Teid. // PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1Teid. // PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1Teid // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1Teid HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv1Teid. // PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1Teid. // PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1Teid // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1Teid HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv1Teid is tunnel endpoint identifier (TEID) used to multiplex connections in the same GTP tunnel
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1Teid ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1Teid() PatternFlowGtpv1Teid
type PatternFlowGtpv1TeidChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1TeidChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int64, set in PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter. Start() int64 // SetStart assigns int64 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter SetStart(value int64) PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int64, set in PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter. Step() int64 // SetStep assigns int64 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter SetStep(value int64) PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter() PatternFlowGtpv1TeidCounter
type PatternFlowGtpv1Version ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1Version interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv1Version SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv1Version) PatternFlowGtpv1Version // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv1Version to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv1Version to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv1Version to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1Version from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1Version from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1Version from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv1Version Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowGtpv1VersionChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowGtpv1Version Choice() PatternFlowGtpv1VersionChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowGtpv1VersionChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1Version SetChoice(value PatternFlowGtpv1VersionChoiceEnum) PatternFlowGtpv1Version // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1Version HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1Version. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1Version SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1Version // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1Version HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1Version. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1Version SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowGtpv1Version // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowGtpv1Version. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1Version SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowGtpv1Version // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1Version HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv1Version. // PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1Version. // PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1Version // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1Version HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv1Version. // PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1Version. // PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1Version // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1Version HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv1Version is gTPv1 version
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1Version ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1Version() PatternFlowGtpv1Version
type PatternFlowGtpv1VersionChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1VersionChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter) PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter() PatternFlowGtpv1VersionCounter
type PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength) PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength Choice() PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength SetChoice(value PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthChoiceEnum) PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength. // PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength. // PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter) PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength. // PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength. // PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter) PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength is a 16-bit field that indicates the length of the payload in bytes, excluding the mandatory GTP-c header (first 4 bytes). Includes the TEID and sequence_number if they are present.
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength() PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLength
type PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter) PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter() PatternFlowGtpv2MessageLengthCounter
type PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType) PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType Choice() PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType SetChoice(value PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeChoiceEnum) PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType. // PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType. // PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter) PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType. // PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType. // PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter) PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType is an 8-bit field that indicates the type of GTP message. Different types of messages are defined in 3GPP TS 29.060 section 7.1
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2MessageType ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2MessageType() PatternFlowGtpv2MessageType
type PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter) PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter() PatternFlowGtpv2MessageTypeCounter
type PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag) PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag Choice() PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag SetChoice(value PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagChoiceEnum) PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag. // PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag. // PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter) PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag. // PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag. // PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter) PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag is if piggybacking_flag is set to 1 then another GTP-C message with its own header shall be present at the end of the current message
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag() PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlag
type PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter) PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter() PatternFlowGtpv2PiggybackingFlagCounter
type PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber) PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber Choice() PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber SetChoice(value PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberChoiceEnum) PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber. // PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber. // PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter) PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber. // PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber. // PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter) PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber is the sequence number
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber() PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumber
type PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter) PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter() PatternFlowGtpv2SequenceNumberCounter
type PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1) PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1ChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 Choice() PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1ChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1ChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 SetChoice(value PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1ChoiceEnum) PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter, set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1. // PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1. // PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter) PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter, set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1. // PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1. // PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter) PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 is a 3-bit reserved field (must be 0).
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2Spare1 ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2Spare1() PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1
type PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1ChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1ChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter) PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter() PatternFlowGtpv2Spare1Counter
type PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2) PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2ChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 Choice() PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2ChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2ChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 SetChoice(value PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2ChoiceEnum) PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter, set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2. // PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2. // PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter) PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter, set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2. // PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2. // PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter) PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 is reserved field
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2Spare2 ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2Spare2() PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2
type PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2ChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2ChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter) PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter() PatternFlowGtpv2Spare2Counter
type PatternFlowGtpv2Teid ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv2Teid interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv2Teid SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv2Teid) PatternFlowGtpv2Teid // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv2Teid to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv2Teid to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv2Teid to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2Teid from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2Teid from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2Teid from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv2Teid Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowGtpv2TeidChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowGtpv2Teid Choice() PatternFlowGtpv2TeidChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowGtpv2TeidChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2Teid SetChoice(value PatternFlowGtpv2TeidChoiceEnum) PatternFlowGtpv2Teid // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2Teid HasChoice() bool // Value returns int64, set in PatternFlowGtpv2Teid. Value() int64 // SetValue assigns int64 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2Teid SetValue(value int64) PatternFlowGtpv2Teid // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2Teid HasValue() bool // Values returns []int64, set in PatternFlowGtpv2Teid. Values() []int64 // SetValues assigns []int64 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2Teid SetValues(value []int64) PatternFlowGtpv2Teid // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowGtpv2Teid. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2Teid SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowGtpv2Teid // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2Teid HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv2Teid. // PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2Teid. // PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter) PatternFlowGtpv2Teid // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2Teid HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv2Teid. // PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2Teid. // PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter) PatternFlowGtpv2Teid // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2Teid HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv2Teid is tunnel endpoint identifier. A 32-bit (4-octet) field used to multiplex different connections in the same GTP tunnel. Is present only if the teid_flag is set.
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2Teid ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2Teid() PatternFlowGtpv2Teid
type PatternFlowGtpv2TeidChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv2TeidChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter) PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int64, set in PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter. Start() int64 // SetStart assigns int64 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter SetStart(value int64) PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int64, set in PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter. Step() int64 // SetStep assigns int64 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter SetStep(value int64) PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter() PatternFlowGtpv2TeidCounter
type PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag) PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag Choice() PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag SetChoice(value PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagChoiceEnum) PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag. // PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag. // PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter) PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag. // PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag. // PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter) PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag is if teid_flag is set to 1 then the TEID field will be present between the message length and the sequence number. All messages except Echo and Echo reply require TEID to be present
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag() PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlag
type PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter) PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter() PatternFlowGtpv2TeidFlagCounter
type PatternFlowGtpv2Version ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv2Version interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv2Version SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv2Version) PatternFlowGtpv2Version // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv2Version to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv2Version to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv2Version to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2Version from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2Version from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2Version from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv2Version Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowGtpv2VersionChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowGtpv2Version Choice() PatternFlowGtpv2VersionChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowGtpv2VersionChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2Version SetChoice(value PatternFlowGtpv2VersionChoiceEnum) PatternFlowGtpv2Version // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2Version HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2Version. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2Version SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2Version // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2Version HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2Version. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2Version SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowGtpv2Version // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowGtpv2Version. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2Version SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowGtpv2Version // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2Version HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv2Version. // PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2Version. // PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter) PatternFlowGtpv2Version // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2Version HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter, set in PatternFlowGtpv2Version. // PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2Version. // PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter) PatternFlowGtpv2Version // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2Version HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv2Version is version number
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2Version ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2Version() PatternFlowGtpv2Version
type PatternFlowGtpv2VersionChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv2VersionChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter ¶
type PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter) PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter() PatternFlowGtpv2VersionCounter
type PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum ¶
type PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum) PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksumChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum Choice() PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksumChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksumChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum SetChoice(value PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksumChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum HasChoice() bool // Generated returns PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksumGeneratedEnum, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum Generated() PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksumGeneratedEnum // SetGenerated assigns PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksumGeneratedEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum SetGenerated(value PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksumGeneratedEnum) PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum // HasGenerated checks if Generated has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum HasGenerated() bool // Custom returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum. Custom() int32 // SetCustom assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum SetCustom(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum // HasCustom checks if Custom has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum HasCustom() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum is iCMP checksum
func NewPatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum() PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksum
type PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksumChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksumChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksumGeneratedEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIcmpEchoChecksumGeneratedEnum string
type PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode ¶
type PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode) PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode Choice() PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode SetChoice(value PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode. // PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode. // PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter) PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode. // PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode. // PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter) PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode is the ICMP subtype. The default code for ICMP echo request and reply is 0.
func NewPatternFlowIcmpEchoCode ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIcmpEchoCode() PatternFlowIcmpEchoCode
type PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter) PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter() PatternFlowIcmpEchoCodeCounter
type PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier ¶
type PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier) PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier Choice() PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier SetChoice(value PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier. // PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier. // PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter) PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier. // PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier. // PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter) PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier is iCMP identifier
func NewPatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier() PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifier
type PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter) PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter() PatternFlowIcmpEchoIdentifierCounter
type PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber ¶
type PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber) PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber Choice() PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber SetChoice(value PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber. // PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber. // PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter) PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber. // PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber. // PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter) PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber is iCMP sequence number
func NewPatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber() PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumber
type PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter) PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter() PatternFlowIcmpEchoSequenceNumberCounter
type PatternFlowIcmpEchoType ¶
type PatternFlowIcmpEchoType interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIcmpEchoType SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIcmpEchoType) PatternFlowIcmpEchoType // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoType to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoType to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoType to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoType from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoType from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoType from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIcmpEchoType Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoType Choice() PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoType SetChoice(value PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIcmpEchoType // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoType HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoType. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoType SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpEchoType // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoType HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoType. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoType SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIcmpEchoType // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoType. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoType SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIcmpEchoType // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoType HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoType. // PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoType. // PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter) PatternFlowIcmpEchoType // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoType HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoType. // PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoType. // PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter) PatternFlowIcmpEchoType // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoType HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIcmpEchoType is the type of ICMP echo packet
func NewPatternFlowIcmpEchoType ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIcmpEchoType() PatternFlowIcmpEchoType
type PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter) PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter() PatternFlowIcmpEchoTypeCounter
type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum ¶
type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksumChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum Choice() PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksumChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksumChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum SetChoice(value PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksumChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum HasChoice() bool // Generated returns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksumGeneratedEnum, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum Generated() PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksumGeneratedEnum // SetGenerated assigns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksumGeneratedEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum SetGenerated(value PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksumGeneratedEnum) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum // HasGenerated checks if Generated has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum HasGenerated() bool // Custom returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum. Custom() int32 // SetCustom assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum SetCustom(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum // HasCustom checks if Custom has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum HasCustom() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum is iCMPv6 checksum
func NewPatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum() PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksum
type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksumChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksumChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksumGeneratedEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoChecksumGeneratedEnum string
type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode ¶
type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode Choice() PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode SetChoice(value PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode. // PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode. // PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode. // PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode. // PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode is iCMPv6 echo sub type
func NewPatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode() PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCode
type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter() PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoCodeCounter
type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier ¶
type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier Choice() PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier SetChoice(value PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier. // PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier. // PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier. // PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier. // PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier is iCMPv6 echo identifier
func NewPatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier() PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifier
type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter() PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoIdentifierCounter
type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber ¶
type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber Choice() PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber SetChoice(value PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber. // PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber. // PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber. // PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber. // PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber is iCMPv6 echo sequence number
func NewPatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber() PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumber
type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter() PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoSequenceNumberCounter
type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType ¶
type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType Choice() PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType SetChoice(value PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType. // PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType. // PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType. // PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType. // PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType is iCMPv6 echo type
func NewPatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType() PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoType
type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter() PatternFlowIcmpv6EchoTypeCounter
type PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum ¶
type PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum) PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIgmpv1ChecksumChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum Choice() PatternFlowIgmpv1ChecksumChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIgmpv1ChecksumChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum SetChoice(value PatternFlowIgmpv1ChecksumChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum HasChoice() bool // Generated returns PatternFlowIgmpv1ChecksumGeneratedEnum, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum Generated() PatternFlowIgmpv1ChecksumGeneratedEnum // SetGenerated assigns PatternFlowIgmpv1ChecksumGeneratedEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum SetGenerated(value PatternFlowIgmpv1ChecksumGeneratedEnum) PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum // HasGenerated checks if Generated has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum HasGenerated() bool // Custom returns int32, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum. Custom() int32 // SetCustom assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum SetCustom(value int32) PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum // HasCustom checks if Custom has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum HasCustom() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum is checksum
func NewPatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum() PatternFlowIgmpv1Checksum
type PatternFlowIgmpv1ChecksumChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIgmpv1ChecksumChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIgmpv1ChecksumGeneratedEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIgmpv1ChecksumGeneratedEnum string
type PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress ¶
type PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress) PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress Choice() PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress SetChoice(value PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress HasChoice() bool // Value returns string, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress. Value() string // SetValue assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress SetValue(value string) PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress HasValue() bool // Values returns []string, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress. Values() []string // SetValues assigns []string provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress SetValues(value []string) PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress. // PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter is ipv4 counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress. // PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter is ipv4 counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter) PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress. // PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter is ipv4 counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress. // PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter is ipv4 counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter) PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress is group address
func NewPatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress() PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddress
type PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter) PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns string, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter. Start() string // SetStart assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter SetStart(value string) PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns string, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter. Step() string // SetStep assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter SetStep(value string) PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter is ipv4 counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter() PatternFlowIgmpv1GroupAddressCounter
type PatternFlowIgmpv1Type ¶
type PatternFlowIgmpv1Type interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIgmpv1Type SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIgmpv1Type) PatternFlowIgmpv1Type // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIgmpv1Type to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIgmpv1Type to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIgmpv1Type to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIgmpv1Type from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIgmpv1Type from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIgmpv1Type from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIgmpv1Type Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Type Choice() PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1Type SetChoice(value PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIgmpv1Type // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Type HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Type. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1Type SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIgmpv1Type // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Type HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Type. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1Type SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIgmpv1Type // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Type. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1Type SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIgmpv1Type // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Type HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Type. // PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1Type. // PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter) PatternFlowIgmpv1Type // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Type HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Type. // PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1Type. // PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter) PatternFlowIgmpv1Type // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Type HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIgmpv1Type is type of message
func NewPatternFlowIgmpv1Type ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIgmpv1Type() PatternFlowIgmpv1Type
type PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter) PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter() PatternFlowIgmpv1TypeCounter
type PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused ¶
type PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused) PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused Choice() PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused SetChoice(value PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused. // PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused. // PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter) PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused. // PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused. // PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter) PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused is unused
func NewPatternFlowIgmpv1Unused ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIgmpv1Unused() PatternFlowIgmpv1Unused
type PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter) PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter() PatternFlowIgmpv1UnusedCounter
type PatternFlowIgmpv1Version ¶
type PatternFlowIgmpv1Version interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIgmpv1Version SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIgmpv1Version) PatternFlowIgmpv1Version // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIgmpv1Version to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIgmpv1Version to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIgmpv1Version to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIgmpv1Version from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIgmpv1Version from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIgmpv1Version from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIgmpv1Version Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Version Choice() PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1Version SetChoice(value PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIgmpv1Version // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Version HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Version. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1Version SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIgmpv1Version // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Version HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Version. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1Version SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIgmpv1Version // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Version. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1Version SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIgmpv1Version // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Version HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Version. // PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1Version. // PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter) PatternFlowIgmpv1Version // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Version HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Version. // PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1Version. // PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter) PatternFlowIgmpv1Version // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1Version HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIgmpv1Version is version number
func NewPatternFlowIgmpv1Version ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIgmpv1Version() PatternFlowIgmpv1Version
type PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter) PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter() PatternFlowIgmpv1VersionCounter
type PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment) PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment Choice() PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment SetChoice(value PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment. // PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment. // PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter) PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment. // PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment. // PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter) PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment is dont fragment flag If the dont_fragment flag is set and fragmentation is required to route the packet then the packet is dropped.
func NewPatternFlowIpv4DontFragment ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4DontFragment() PatternFlowIpv4DontFragment
type PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter) PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter() PatternFlowIpv4DontFragmentCounter
type PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn) PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn Choice() PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn SetChoice(value PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn. // PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn. // PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter) PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn. // PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn. // PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter) PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn is explicit congestion notification
func NewPatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn() PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcn
type PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter) PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter() PatternFlowIpv4DscpEcnCounter
type PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb) PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb Choice() PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb SetChoice(value PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb. // PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb. // PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter) PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb. // PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb. // PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter) PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb is per hop behavior
func NewPatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb() PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhb
type PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter) PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter() PatternFlowIpv4DscpPhbCounter
type PatternFlowIpv4Dst ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4Dst interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4Dst SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4Dst) PatternFlowIpv4Dst // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4Dst to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4Dst to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4Dst to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4Dst from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4Dst from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4Dst from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4Dst Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIpv4DstChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv4Dst Choice() PatternFlowIpv4DstChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIpv4DstChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Dst SetChoice(value PatternFlowIpv4DstChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIpv4Dst // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Dst HasChoice() bool // Value returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv4Dst. Value() string // SetValue assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Dst SetValue(value string) PatternFlowIpv4Dst // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Dst HasValue() bool // Values returns []string, set in PatternFlowIpv4Dst. Values() []string // SetValues assigns []string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Dst SetValues(value []string) PatternFlowIpv4Dst // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv4Dst. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Dst SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIpv4Dst // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Dst HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4Dst. // PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter is ipv4 counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Dst. // PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter is ipv4 counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter) PatternFlowIpv4Dst // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Dst HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4Dst. // PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter is ipv4 counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Dst. // PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter is ipv4 counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter) PatternFlowIpv4Dst // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Dst HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4Dst is destination address
func NewPatternFlowIpv4Dst ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4Dst() PatternFlowIpv4Dst
type PatternFlowIpv4DstChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4DstChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter) PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter. Start() string // SetStart assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter SetStart(value string) PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter. Step() string // SetStep assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter SetStep(value string) PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter is ipv4 counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIpv4DstCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4DstCounter() PatternFlowIpv4DstCounter
type PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset) PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset Choice() PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset SetChoice(value PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset. // PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset. // PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter) PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset. // PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset. // PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter) PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset is fragment offset
func NewPatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset() PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffset
type PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter) PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter() PatternFlowIpv4FragmentOffsetCounter
type PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum) PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksumChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum Choice() PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksumChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksumChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum SetChoice(value PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksumChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum HasChoice() bool // Generated returns PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksumGeneratedEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum Generated() PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksumGeneratedEnum // SetGenerated assigns PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksumGeneratedEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum SetGenerated(value PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksumGeneratedEnum) PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum // HasGenerated checks if Generated has been set in PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum HasGenerated() bool // Custom returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum. Custom() int32 // SetCustom assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum SetCustom(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum // HasCustom checks if Custom has been set in PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum HasCustom() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum is header checksum
func NewPatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum() PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksum
type PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksumChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksumChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksumGeneratedEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4HeaderChecksumGeneratedEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength) PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength Choice() PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength SetChoice(value PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength // Auto returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength. Auto() int32 // SetAuto assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength SetAuto(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength // HasAuto checks if Auto has been set in PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength HasAuto() bool // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength. // PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength. // PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter) PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength. // PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength. // PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter) PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength is header length
func NewPatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength() PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLength
type PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter) PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter() PatternFlowIpv4HeaderLengthCounter
type PatternFlowIpv4Identification ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4Identification interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4Identification SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4Identification) PatternFlowIpv4Identification // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4Identification to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4Identification to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4Identification to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4Identification from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4Identification from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4Identification from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4Identification Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv4Identification Choice() PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Identification SetChoice(value PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIpv4Identification // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Identification HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4Identification. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Identification SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4Identification // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Identification HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4Identification. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Identification SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIpv4Identification // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv4Identification. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Identification SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIpv4Identification // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Identification HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4Identification. // PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Identification. // PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter) PatternFlowIpv4Identification // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Identification HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4Identification. // PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Identification. // PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter) PatternFlowIpv4Identification // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Identification HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4Identification is identification
func NewPatternFlowIpv4Identification ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4Identification() PatternFlowIpv4Identification
type PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter) PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter() PatternFlowIpv4IdentificationCounter
type PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments) PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments Choice() PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments SetChoice(value PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments. // PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments. // PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter) PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments. // PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments. // PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter) PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments is more fragments flag
func NewPatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments() PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragments
type PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter) PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter() PatternFlowIpv4MoreFragmentsCounter
type PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw) PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw Choice() PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw SetChoice(value PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw. // PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw. // PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter) PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw. // PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw. // PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter) PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw is raw priority
func NewPatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw() PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRaw
type PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter) PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter() PatternFlowIpv4PriorityRawCounter
type PatternFlowIpv4Protocol ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4Protocol interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4Protocol SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4Protocol) PatternFlowIpv4Protocol // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4Protocol to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4Protocol to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4Protocol to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4Protocol from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4Protocol from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4Protocol from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4Protocol Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv4Protocol Choice() PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Protocol SetChoice(value PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIpv4Protocol // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Protocol HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4Protocol. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Protocol SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4Protocol // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Protocol HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4Protocol. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Protocol SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIpv4Protocol // Auto returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4Protocol. Auto() int32 // SetAuto assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Protocol SetAuto(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4Protocol // HasAuto checks if Auto has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Protocol HasAuto() bool // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv4Protocol. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Protocol SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIpv4Protocol // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Protocol HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4Protocol. // PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Protocol. // PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter) PatternFlowIpv4Protocol // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Protocol HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4Protocol. // PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Protocol. // PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter) PatternFlowIpv4Protocol // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Protocol HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4Protocol is protocol, default is 61 any host internal protocol
func NewPatternFlowIpv4Protocol ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4Protocol() PatternFlowIpv4Protocol
type PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter) PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter() PatternFlowIpv4ProtocolCounter
type PatternFlowIpv4Reserved ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4Reserved interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4Reserved SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4Reserved) PatternFlowIpv4Reserved // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4Reserved to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4Reserved to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4Reserved to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4Reserved from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4Reserved from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4Reserved from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4Reserved Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIpv4ReservedChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv4Reserved Choice() PatternFlowIpv4ReservedChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIpv4ReservedChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Reserved SetChoice(value PatternFlowIpv4ReservedChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIpv4Reserved // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Reserved HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4Reserved. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Reserved SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4Reserved // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Reserved HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4Reserved. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Reserved SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIpv4Reserved // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv4Reserved. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Reserved SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIpv4Reserved // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Reserved HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4Reserved. // PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Reserved. // PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter) PatternFlowIpv4Reserved // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Reserved HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4Reserved. // PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Reserved. // PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter) PatternFlowIpv4Reserved // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Reserved HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4Reserved is reserved flag.
func NewPatternFlowIpv4Reserved ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4Reserved() PatternFlowIpv4Reserved
type PatternFlowIpv4ReservedChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4ReservedChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter) PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter() PatternFlowIpv4ReservedCounter
type PatternFlowIpv4Src ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4Src interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4Src SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4Src) PatternFlowIpv4Src // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4Src to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4Src to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4Src to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4Src from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4Src from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4Src from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4Src Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIpv4SrcChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv4Src Choice() PatternFlowIpv4SrcChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIpv4SrcChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Src SetChoice(value PatternFlowIpv4SrcChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIpv4Src // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Src HasChoice() bool // Value returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv4Src. Value() string // SetValue assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Src SetValue(value string) PatternFlowIpv4Src // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Src HasValue() bool // Values returns []string, set in PatternFlowIpv4Src. Values() []string // SetValues assigns []string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Src SetValues(value []string) PatternFlowIpv4Src // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv4Src. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Src SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIpv4Src // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Src HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4Src. // PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter is ipv4 counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Src. // PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter is ipv4 counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter) PatternFlowIpv4Src // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Src HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4Src. // PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter is ipv4 counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Src. // PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter is ipv4 counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter) PatternFlowIpv4Src // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Src HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4Src is source address
func NewPatternFlowIpv4Src ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4Src() PatternFlowIpv4Src
type PatternFlowIpv4SrcChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4SrcChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter) PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter. Start() string // SetStart assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter SetStart(value string) PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter. Step() string // SetStep assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter SetStep(value string) PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter is ipv4 counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter() PatternFlowIpv4SrcCounter
type PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive) PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive Choice() PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive SetChoice(value PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive. // PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive. // PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter) PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive. // PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive. // PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter) PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive is time to live
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive() PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLive
type PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter) PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter() PatternFlowIpv4TimeToLiveCounter
type PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay) PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay Choice() PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay SetChoice(value PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay. // PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay. // PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter) PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay. // PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay. // PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter) PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay is delay
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TosDelay ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TosDelay() PatternFlowIpv4TosDelay
type PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter) PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter() PatternFlowIpv4TosDelayCounter
type PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary) PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary Choice() PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary SetChoice(value PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary. // PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary. // PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter) PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary. // PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary. // PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter) PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary is monetary
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary() PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetary
type PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter) PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter() PatternFlowIpv4TosMonetaryCounter
type PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence) PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence Choice() PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence SetChoice(value PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence. // PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence. // PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter) PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence. // PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence. // PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter) PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence is precedence
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence() PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedence
type PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter) PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter() PatternFlowIpv4TosPrecedenceCounter
type PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability) PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability Choice() PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability SetChoice(value PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability. // PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability. // PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter) PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability. // PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability. // PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter) PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability is reliability
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TosReliability ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TosReliability() PatternFlowIpv4TosReliability
type PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter) PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter() PatternFlowIpv4TosReliabilityCounter
type PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput) PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput Choice() PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput SetChoice(value PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput. // PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput. // PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter) PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput. // PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput. // PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter) PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput is throughput
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput() PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughput
type PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter) PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter() PatternFlowIpv4TosThroughputCounter
type PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused) PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused Choice() PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused SetChoice(value PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused. // PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused. // PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter) PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused. // PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused. // PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter) PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused is unused
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TosUnused ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TosUnused() PatternFlowIpv4TosUnused
type PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter) PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter() PatternFlowIpv4TosUnusedCounter
type PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength) PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength Choice() PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength SetChoice(value PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength // Auto returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength. Auto() int32 // SetAuto assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength SetAuto(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength // HasAuto checks if Auto has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength HasAuto() bool // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength. // PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength. // PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter) PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength. // PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength. // PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter) PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength is total length
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TotalLength ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TotalLength() PatternFlowIpv4TotalLength
type PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter) PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter() PatternFlowIpv4TotalLengthCounter
type PatternFlowIpv4Version ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4Version interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4Version SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4Version) PatternFlowIpv4Version // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4Version to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4Version to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4Version to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4Version from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4Version from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4Version from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4Version Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIpv4VersionChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv4Version Choice() PatternFlowIpv4VersionChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIpv4VersionChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Version SetChoice(value PatternFlowIpv4VersionChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIpv4Version // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Version HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4Version. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Version SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4Version // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Version HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4Version. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Version SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIpv4Version // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv4Version. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Version SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIpv4Version // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Version HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4Version. // PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Version. // PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter) PatternFlowIpv4Version // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Version HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv4Version. // PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4Version. // PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter) PatternFlowIpv4Version // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIpv4Version HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4Version is version
func NewPatternFlowIpv4Version ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4Version() PatternFlowIpv4Version
type PatternFlowIpv4VersionChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4VersionChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter) PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter() PatternFlowIpv4VersionCounter
type PatternFlowIpv6Dst ¶
type PatternFlowIpv6Dst interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv6Dst SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv6Dst) PatternFlowIpv6Dst // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv6Dst to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv6Dst to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv6Dst to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6Dst from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6Dst from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6Dst from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv6Dst Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIpv6DstChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv6Dst Choice() PatternFlowIpv6DstChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIpv6DstChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6Dst SetChoice(value PatternFlowIpv6DstChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIpv6Dst // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIpv6Dst HasChoice() bool // Value returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv6Dst. Value() string // SetValue assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6Dst SetValue(value string) PatternFlowIpv6Dst // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIpv6Dst HasValue() bool // Values returns []string, set in PatternFlowIpv6Dst. Values() []string // SetValues assigns []string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6Dst SetValues(value []string) PatternFlowIpv6Dst // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv6Dst. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6Dst SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIpv6Dst // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIpv6Dst HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv6Dst. // PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter is ipv6 counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6Dst. // PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter is ipv6 counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter) PatternFlowIpv6Dst // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIpv6Dst HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv6Dst. // PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter is ipv6 counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6Dst. // PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter is ipv6 counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter) PatternFlowIpv6Dst // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIpv6Dst HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv6Dst is destination address
func NewPatternFlowIpv6Dst ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv6Dst() PatternFlowIpv6Dst
type PatternFlowIpv6DstChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv6DstChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter) PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter. Start() string // SetStart assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter SetStart(value string) PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter. Step() string // SetStep assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter SetStep(value string) PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter is ipv6 counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIpv6DstCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv6DstCounter() PatternFlowIpv6DstCounter
type PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel ¶
type PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel) PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel Choice() PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel SetChoice(value PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel. // PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel. // PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter) PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel. // PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel. // PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter) PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel is flow label
func NewPatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel() PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabel
type PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter) PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter() PatternFlowIpv6FlowLabelCounter
type PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit ¶
type PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit) PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit Choice() PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit SetChoice(value PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit. // PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit. // PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter) PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit. // PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit. // PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter) PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit is hop limit
func NewPatternFlowIpv6HopLimit ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv6HopLimit() PatternFlowIpv6HopLimit
type PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter) PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter() PatternFlowIpv6HopLimitCounter
type PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader ¶
type PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader) PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader Choice() PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader SetChoice(value PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader. // PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader. // PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter) PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader. // PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader. // PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter) PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader is next header
func NewPatternFlowIpv6NextHeader ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv6NextHeader() PatternFlowIpv6NextHeader
type PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter) PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter() PatternFlowIpv6NextHeaderCounter
type PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength ¶
type PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength) PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength Choice() PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength SetChoice(value PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength // Auto returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength. Auto() int32 // SetAuto assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength SetAuto(value int32) PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength // HasAuto checks if Auto has been set in PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength HasAuto() bool // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength. // PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength. // PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter) PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength. // PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength. // PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter) PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength is payload length
func NewPatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength() PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLength
type PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter) PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter() PatternFlowIpv6PayloadLengthCounter
type PatternFlowIpv6Src ¶
type PatternFlowIpv6Src interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv6Src SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv6Src) PatternFlowIpv6Src // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv6Src to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv6Src to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv6Src to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6Src from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6Src from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6Src from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv6Src Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIpv6SrcChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv6Src Choice() PatternFlowIpv6SrcChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIpv6SrcChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6Src SetChoice(value PatternFlowIpv6SrcChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIpv6Src // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIpv6Src HasChoice() bool // Value returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv6Src. Value() string // SetValue assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6Src SetValue(value string) PatternFlowIpv6Src // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIpv6Src HasValue() bool // Values returns []string, set in PatternFlowIpv6Src. Values() []string // SetValues assigns []string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6Src SetValues(value []string) PatternFlowIpv6Src // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv6Src. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6Src SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIpv6Src // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIpv6Src HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv6Src. // PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter is ipv6 counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6Src. // PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter is ipv6 counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter) PatternFlowIpv6Src // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIpv6Src HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv6Src. // PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter is ipv6 counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6Src. // PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter is ipv6 counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter) PatternFlowIpv6Src // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIpv6Src HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv6Src is source address
func NewPatternFlowIpv6Src ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv6Src() PatternFlowIpv6Src
type PatternFlowIpv6SrcChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv6SrcChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter) PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter. Start() string // SetStart assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter SetStart(value string) PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter. Step() string // SetStep assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter SetStep(value string) PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter is ipv6 counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter() PatternFlowIpv6SrcCounter
type PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass ¶
type PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass) PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass Choice() PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass SetChoice(value PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass. // PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass. // PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter) PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass. // PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass. // PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter) PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass is traffic class
func NewPatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass() PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClass
type PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter) PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter() PatternFlowIpv6TrafficClassCounter
type PatternFlowIpv6Version ¶
type PatternFlowIpv6Version interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv6Version SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv6Version) PatternFlowIpv6Version // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv6Version to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv6Version to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv6Version to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6Version from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6Version from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6Version from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv6Version Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowIpv6VersionChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowIpv6Version Choice() PatternFlowIpv6VersionChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowIpv6VersionChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6Version SetChoice(value PatternFlowIpv6VersionChoiceEnum) PatternFlowIpv6Version // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowIpv6Version HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6Version. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6Version SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowIpv6Version // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowIpv6Version HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6Version. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6Version SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowIpv6Version // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowIpv6Version. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6Version SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowIpv6Version // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowIpv6Version HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv6Version. // PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6Version. // PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter) PatternFlowIpv6Version // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowIpv6Version HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter, set in PatternFlowIpv6Version. // PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6Version. // PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter) PatternFlowIpv6Version // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowIpv6Version HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv6Version is version number
func NewPatternFlowIpv6Version ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv6Version() PatternFlowIpv6Version
type PatternFlowIpv6VersionChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowIpv6VersionChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter ¶
type PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter) PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter() PatternFlowIpv6VersionCounter
type PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack ¶ added in v0.7.15
type PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack) PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack Choice() PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack SetChoice(value PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackChoiceEnum) PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter, set in PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack. // PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter provided by user to PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack. // PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter) PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter, set in PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack. // PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter provided by user to PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack. // PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter) PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack is bottom of stack
func NewPatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack ¶ added in v0.7.15
func NewPatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack() PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStack
type PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackChoiceEnum ¶ added in v0.7.15
type PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter ¶ added in v0.7.15
type PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter) PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter ¶ added in v0.7.15
func NewPatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter() PatternFlowMplsBottomOfStackCounter
type PatternFlowMplsLabel ¶ added in v0.7.15
type PatternFlowMplsLabel interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowMplsLabel SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowMplsLabel) PatternFlowMplsLabel // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowMplsLabel to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowMplsLabel to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowMplsLabel to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowMplsLabel from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowMplsLabel from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowMplsLabel from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowMplsLabel Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowMplsLabelChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowMplsLabel Choice() PatternFlowMplsLabelChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowMplsLabelChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowMplsLabel SetChoice(value PatternFlowMplsLabelChoiceEnum) PatternFlowMplsLabel // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowMplsLabel HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowMplsLabel. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowMplsLabel SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowMplsLabel // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowMplsLabel HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowMplsLabel. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowMplsLabel SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowMplsLabel // Auto returns int32, set in PatternFlowMplsLabel. Auto() int32 // SetAuto assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowMplsLabel SetAuto(value int32) PatternFlowMplsLabel // HasAuto checks if Auto has been set in PatternFlowMplsLabel HasAuto() bool // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowMplsLabel. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowMplsLabel SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowMplsLabel // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowMplsLabel HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter, set in PatternFlowMplsLabel. // PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter provided by user to PatternFlowMplsLabel. // PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter) PatternFlowMplsLabel // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowMplsLabel HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter, set in PatternFlowMplsLabel. // PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter provided by user to PatternFlowMplsLabel. // PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter) PatternFlowMplsLabel // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowMplsLabel HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowMplsLabel is label of routers
func NewPatternFlowMplsLabel ¶ added in v0.7.15
func NewPatternFlowMplsLabel() PatternFlowMplsLabel
type PatternFlowMplsLabelChoiceEnum ¶ added in v0.7.15
type PatternFlowMplsLabelChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter ¶ added in v0.7.15
type PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter) PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowMplsLabelCounter ¶ added in v0.7.15
func NewPatternFlowMplsLabelCounter() PatternFlowMplsLabelCounter
type PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive ¶ added in v0.7.15
type PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive) PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive Choice() PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive SetChoice(value PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveChoiceEnum) PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter, set in PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive. // PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter provided by user to PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive. // PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter) PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter, set in PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive. // PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter provided by user to PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive. // PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter) PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive is time to live
func NewPatternFlowMplsTimeToLive ¶ added in v0.7.15
func NewPatternFlowMplsTimeToLive() PatternFlowMplsTimeToLive
type PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveChoiceEnum ¶ added in v0.7.15
type PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter ¶ added in v0.7.15
type PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter) PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter ¶ added in v0.7.15
func NewPatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter() PatternFlowMplsTimeToLiveCounter
type PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass ¶ added in v0.7.15
type PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass) PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass Choice() PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass SetChoice(value PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassChoiceEnum) PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter, set in PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass. // PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter provided by user to PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass. // PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter) PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter, set in PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass. // PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter provided by user to PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass. // PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter) PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass is traffic class
func NewPatternFlowMplsTrafficClass ¶ added in v0.7.15
func NewPatternFlowMplsTrafficClass() PatternFlowMplsTrafficClass
type PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassChoiceEnum ¶ added in v0.7.15
type PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter ¶ added in v0.7.15
type PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter) PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter ¶ added in v0.7.15
func NewPatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter() PatternFlowMplsTrafficClassCounter
type PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector) PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector Choice() PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector SetChoice(value PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorChoiceEnum) PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector. // PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector. // PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter) PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector. // PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector. // PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter) PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector is destination
func NewPatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector() PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVector
type PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter) PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter() PatternFlowPfcPauseClassEnableVectorCounter
type PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode) PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode Choice() PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode SetChoice(value PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeChoiceEnum) PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode. // PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode. // PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter) PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode. // PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode. // PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter) PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode is control operation code
func NewPatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode() PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCode
type PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter) PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter() PatternFlowPfcPauseControlOpCodeCounter
type PatternFlowPfcPauseDst ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPauseDst interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPfcPauseDst SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPfcPauseDst) PatternFlowPfcPauseDst // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPfcPauseDst to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPfcPauseDst to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPfcPauseDst to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPauseDst from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPauseDst from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPauseDst from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPfcPauseDst Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowPfcPauseDstChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseDst Choice() PatternFlowPfcPauseDstChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowPfcPauseDstChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseDst SetChoice(value PatternFlowPfcPauseDstChoiceEnum) PatternFlowPfcPauseDst // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseDst HasChoice() bool // Value returns string, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseDst. Value() string // SetValue assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseDst SetValue(value string) PatternFlowPfcPauseDst // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseDst HasValue() bool // Values returns []string, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseDst. Values() []string // SetValues assigns []string provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseDst SetValues(value []string) PatternFlowPfcPauseDst // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseDst. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseDst SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowPfcPauseDst // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseDst HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseDst. // PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter is mac counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseDst. // PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter is mac counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter) PatternFlowPfcPauseDst // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseDst HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseDst. // PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter is mac counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseDst. // PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter is mac counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter) PatternFlowPfcPauseDst // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseDst HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPfcPauseDst is destination MAC address
func NewPatternFlowPfcPauseDst ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPfcPauseDst() PatternFlowPfcPauseDst
type PatternFlowPfcPauseDstChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPauseDstChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter) PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns string, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter. Start() string // SetStart assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter SetStart(value string) PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns string, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter. Step() string // SetStep assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter SetStep(value string) PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter is mac counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter() PatternFlowPfcPauseDstCounter
type PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType) PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType Choice() PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType SetChoice(value PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeChoiceEnum) PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType. // PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType. // PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter) PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType. // PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType. // PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter) PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType is ethernet type
func NewPatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType() PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherType
type PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter) PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter() PatternFlowPfcPauseEtherTypeCounter
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0ChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 Choice() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0ChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0ChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 SetChoice(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0ChoiceEnum) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 is pause class 0
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0 ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0ChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0ChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass0Counter
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1ChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 Choice() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1ChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1ChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 SetChoice(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1ChoiceEnum) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 is pause class 1
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1 ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1ChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1ChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass1Counter
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2ChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 Choice() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2ChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2ChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 SetChoice(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2ChoiceEnum) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 is pause class 2
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2 ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2ChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2ChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass2Counter
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3ChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 Choice() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3ChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3ChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 SetChoice(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3ChoiceEnum) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 is pause class 3
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3 ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3ChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3ChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass3Counter
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4ChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 Choice() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4ChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4ChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 SetChoice(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4ChoiceEnum) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 is pause class 4
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4 ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4ChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4ChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass4Counter
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5ChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 Choice() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5ChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5ChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 SetChoice(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5ChoiceEnum) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 is pause class 5
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5 ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5ChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5ChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass5Counter
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6ChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 Choice() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6ChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6ChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 SetChoice(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6ChoiceEnum) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 is pause class 6
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6 ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6ChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6ChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass6Counter
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7ChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 Choice() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7ChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7ChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 SetChoice(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7ChoiceEnum) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7. // PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 is pause class 7
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7 ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7ChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7ChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter() PatternFlowPfcPausePauseClass7Counter
type PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc) PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc Choice() PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc SetChoice(value PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcChoiceEnum) PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc HasChoice() bool // Value returns string, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc. Value() string // SetValue assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc SetValue(value string) PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc HasValue() bool // Values returns []string, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc. Values() []string // SetValues assigns []string provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc SetValues(value []string) PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc. // PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter is mac counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc. // PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter is mac counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter) PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc. // PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter is mac counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc. // PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter is mac counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter) PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc is source MAC address
func NewPatternFlowPfcPauseSrc ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPfcPauseSrc() PatternFlowPfcPauseSrc
type PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter ¶
type PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter) PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns string, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter. Start() string // SetStart assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter SetStart(value string) PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns string, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter. Step() string // SetStep assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter SetStep(value string) PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter is mac counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter() PatternFlowPfcPauseSrcCounter
type PatternFlowPppAddress ¶
type PatternFlowPppAddress interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPppAddress SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPppAddress) PatternFlowPppAddress // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPppAddress to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPppAddress to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPppAddress to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPppAddress from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPppAddress from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPppAddress from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPppAddress Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowPppAddressChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowPppAddress Choice() PatternFlowPppAddressChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowPppAddressChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowPppAddress SetChoice(value PatternFlowPppAddressChoiceEnum) PatternFlowPppAddress // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowPppAddress HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowPppAddress. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPppAddress SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowPppAddress // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowPppAddress HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowPppAddress. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPppAddress SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowPppAddress // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowPppAddress. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowPppAddress SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowPppAddress // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowPppAddress HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowPppAddressCounter, set in PatternFlowPppAddress. // PatternFlowPppAddressCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowPppAddressCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowPppAddressCounter provided by user to PatternFlowPppAddress. // PatternFlowPppAddressCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowPppAddressCounter) PatternFlowPppAddress // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowPppAddress HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowPppAddressCounter, set in PatternFlowPppAddress. // PatternFlowPppAddressCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowPppAddressCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowPppAddressCounter provided by user to PatternFlowPppAddress. // PatternFlowPppAddressCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowPppAddressCounter) PatternFlowPppAddress // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowPppAddress HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPppAddress is pPP address
func NewPatternFlowPppAddress ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPppAddress() PatternFlowPppAddress
type PatternFlowPppAddressChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowPppAddressChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowPppAddressCounter ¶
type PatternFlowPppAddressCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPppAddressCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPppAddressCounter) PatternFlowPppAddressCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPppAddressCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPppAddressCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPppAddressCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPppAddressCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPppAddressCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPppAddressCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPppAddressCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowPppAddressCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPppAddressCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowPppAddressCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowPppAddressCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowPppAddressCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPppAddressCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowPppAddressCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowPppAddressCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowPppAddressCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPppAddressCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowPppAddressCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowPppAddressCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPppAddressCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowPppAddressCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPppAddressCounter() PatternFlowPppAddressCounter
type PatternFlowPppControl ¶
type PatternFlowPppControl interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPppControl SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPppControl) PatternFlowPppControl // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPppControl to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPppControl to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPppControl to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPppControl from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPppControl from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPppControl from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPppControl Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowPppControlChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowPppControl Choice() PatternFlowPppControlChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowPppControlChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowPppControl SetChoice(value PatternFlowPppControlChoiceEnum) PatternFlowPppControl // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowPppControl HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowPppControl. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPppControl SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowPppControl // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowPppControl HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowPppControl. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPppControl SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowPppControl // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowPppControl. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowPppControl SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowPppControl // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowPppControl HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowPppControlCounter, set in PatternFlowPppControl. // PatternFlowPppControlCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowPppControlCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowPppControlCounter provided by user to PatternFlowPppControl. // PatternFlowPppControlCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowPppControlCounter) PatternFlowPppControl // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowPppControl HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowPppControlCounter, set in PatternFlowPppControl. // PatternFlowPppControlCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowPppControlCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowPppControlCounter provided by user to PatternFlowPppControl. // PatternFlowPppControlCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowPppControlCounter) PatternFlowPppControl // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowPppControl HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPppControl is pPP control
func NewPatternFlowPppControl ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPppControl() PatternFlowPppControl
type PatternFlowPppControlChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowPppControlChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowPppControlCounter ¶
type PatternFlowPppControlCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPppControlCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPppControlCounter) PatternFlowPppControlCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPppControlCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPppControlCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPppControlCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPppControlCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPppControlCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPppControlCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPppControlCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowPppControlCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPppControlCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowPppControlCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowPppControlCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowPppControlCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPppControlCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowPppControlCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowPppControlCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowPppControlCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPppControlCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowPppControlCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowPppControlCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPppControlCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowPppControlCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPppControlCounter() PatternFlowPppControlCounter
type PatternFlowPppProtocolType ¶
type PatternFlowPppProtocolType interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPppProtocolType SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPppProtocolType) PatternFlowPppProtocolType // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPppProtocolType to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPppProtocolType to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPppProtocolType to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPppProtocolType from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPppProtocolType from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPppProtocolType from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPppProtocolType Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowPppProtocolType Choice() PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowPppProtocolType SetChoice(value PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeChoiceEnum) PatternFlowPppProtocolType // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowPppProtocolType HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowPppProtocolType. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPppProtocolType SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowPppProtocolType // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowPppProtocolType HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowPppProtocolType. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPppProtocolType SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowPppProtocolType // Auto returns int32, set in PatternFlowPppProtocolType. Auto() int32 // SetAuto assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPppProtocolType SetAuto(value int32) PatternFlowPppProtocolType // HasAuto checks if Auto has been set in PatternFlowPppProtocolType HasAuto() bool // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowPppProtocolType. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowPppProtocolType SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowPppProtocolType // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowPppProtocolType HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter, set in PatternFlowPppProtocolType. // PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowPppProtocolType. // PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter) PatternFlowPppProtocolType // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowPppProtocolType HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter, set in PatternFlowPppProtocolType. // PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter provided by user to PatternFlowPppProtocolType. // PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter) PatternFlowPppProtocolType // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowPppProtocolType HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPppProtocolType is pPP protocol type
func NewPatternFlowPppProtocolType ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPppProtocolType() PatternFlowPppProtocolType
type PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter ¶
type PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter) PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter() PatternFlowPppProtocolTypeCounter
type PatternFlowTcpAckNum ¶
type PatternFlowTcpAckNum interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowTcpAckNum SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowTcpAckNum) PatternFlowTcpAckNum // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowTcpAckNum to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowTcpAckNum to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowTcpAckNum to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowTcpAckNum from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowTcpAckNum from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowTcpAckNum from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowTcpAckNum Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowTcpAckNumChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowTcpAckNum Choice() PatternFlowTcpAckNumChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowTcpAckNumChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowTcpAckNum SetChoice(value PatternFlowTcpAckNumChoiceEnum) PatternFlowTcpAckNum // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowTcpAckNum HasChoice() bool // Value returns int64, set in PatternFlowTcpAckNum. Value() int64 // SetValue assigns int64 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpAckNum SetValue(value int64) PatternFlowTcpAckNum // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowTcpAckNum HasValue() bool // Values returns []int64, set in PatternFlowTcpAckNum. Values() []int64 // SetValues assigns []int64 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpAckNum SetValues(value []int64) PatternFlowTcpAckNum // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowTcpAckNum. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowTcpAckNum SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowTcpAckNum // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowTcpAckNum HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter, set in PatternFlowTcpAckNum. // PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter provided by user to PatternFlowTcpAckNum. // PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter) PatternFlowTcpAckNum // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowTcpAckNum HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter, set in PatternFlowTcpAckNum. // PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter provided by user to PatternFlowTcpAckNum. // PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter) PatternFlowTcpAckNum // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowTcpAckNum HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowTcpAckNum is acknowledgement number
func NewPatternFlowTcpAckNum ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowTcpAckNum() PatternFlowTcpAckNum
type PatternFlowTcpAckNumChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowTcpAckNumChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter ¶
type PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter) PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int64, set in PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter. Start() int64 // SetStart assigns int64 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter SetStart(value int64) PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int64, set in PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter. Step() int64 // SetStep assigns int64 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter SetStep(value int64) PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter() PatternFlowTcpAckNumCounter
type PatternFlowTcpCtlAck ¶
type PatternFlowTcpCtlAck interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowTcpCtlAck SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowTcpCtlAck) PatternFlowTcpCtlAck // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlAck to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlAck to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlAck to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlAck from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlAck from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlAck from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowTcpCtlAck Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowTcpCtlAckChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlAck Choice() PatternFlowTcpCtlAckChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowTcpCtlAckChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlAck SetChoice(value PatternFlowTcpCtlAckChoiceEnum) PatternFlowTcpCtlAck // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlAck HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlAck. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlAck SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowTcpCtlAck // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlAck HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlAck. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlAck SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowTcpCtlAck // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlAck. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlAck SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowTcpCtlAck // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlAck HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlAck. // PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlAck. // PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter) PatternFlowTcpCtlAck // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlAck HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlAck. // PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlAck. // PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter) PatternFlowTcpCtlAck // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlAck HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowTcpCtlAck is a value of 1 indicates that the ackknowledgment field is significant.
func NewPatternFlowTcpCtlAck ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowTcpCtlAck() PatternFlowTcpCtlAck
type PatternFlowTcpCtlAckChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowTcpCtlAckChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter ¶
type PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter) PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter() PatternFlowTcpCtlAckCounter
type PatternFlowTcpCtlFin ¶
type PatternFlowTcpCtlFin interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowTcpCtlFin SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowTcpCtlFin) PatternFlowTcpCtlFin // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlFin to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlFin to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlFin to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlFin from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlFin from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlFin from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowTcpCtlFin Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowTcpCtlFinChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlFin Choice() PatternFlowTcpCtlFinChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowTcpCtlFinChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlFin SetChoice(value PatternFlowTcpCtlFinChoiceEnum) PatternFlowTcpCtlFin // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlFin HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlFin. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlFin SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowTcpCtlFin // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlFin HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlFin. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlFin SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowTcpCtlFin // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlFin. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlFin SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowTcpCtlFin // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlFin HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlFin. // PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlFin. // PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter) PatternFlowTcpCtlFin // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlFin HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlFin. // PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlFin. // PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter) PatternFlowTcpCtlFin // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlFin HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowTcpCtlFin is last packet from the sender.
func NewPatternFlowTcpCtlFin ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowTcpCtlFin() PatternFlowTcpCtlFin
type PatternFlowTcpCtlFinChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowTcpCtlFinChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter ¶
type PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter) PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter() PatternFlowTcpCtlFinCounter
type PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh ¶
type PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh) PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowTcpCtlPshChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh Choice() PatternFlowTcpCtlPshChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowTcpCtlPshChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh SetChoice(value PatternFlowTcpCtlPshChoiceEnum) PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh. // PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh. // PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter) PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh. // PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh. // PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter) PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh is asks to push the buffered data to the receiving application.
func NewPatternFlowTcpCtlPsh ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowTcpCtlPsh() PatternFlowTcpCtlPsh
type PatternFlowTcpCtlPshChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowTcpCtlPshChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter ¶
type PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter) PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter() PatternFlowTcpCtlPshCounter
type PatternFlowTcpCtlRst ¶
type PatternFlowTcpCtlRst interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowTcpCtlRst SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowTcpCtlRst) PatternFlowTcpCtlRst // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlRst to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlRst to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlRst to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlRst from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlRst from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlRst from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowTcpCtlRst Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowTcpCtlRstChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlRst Choice() PatternFlowTcpCtlRstChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowTcpCtlRstChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlRst SetChoice(value PatternFlowTcpCtlRstChoiceEnum) PatternFlowTcpCtlRst // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlRst HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlRst. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlRst SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowTcpCtlRst // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlRst HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlRst. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlRst SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowTcpCtlRst // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlRst. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlRst SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowTcpCtlRst // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlRst HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlRst. // PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlRst. // PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter) PatternFlowTcpCtlRst // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlRst HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlRst. // PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlRst. // PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter) PatternFlowTcpCtlRst // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlRst HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowTcpCtlRst is reset the connection.
func NewPatternFlowTcpCtlRst ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowTcpCtlRst() PatternFlowTcpCtlRst
type PatternFlowTcpCtlRstChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowTcpCtlRstChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter ¶
type PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter) PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter() PatternFlowTcpCtlRstCounter
type PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn ¶
type PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn) PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowTcpCtlSynChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn Choice() PatternFlowTcpCtlSynChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowTcpCtlSynChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn SetChoice(value PatternFlowTcpCtlSynChoiceEnum) PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn. // PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn. // PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter) PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn. // PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn. // PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter) PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn is synchronize sequenece numbers.
func NewPatternFlowTcpCtlSyn ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowTcpCtlSyn() PatternFlowTcpCtlSyn
type PatternFlowTcpCtlSynChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowTcpCtlSynChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter ¶
type PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter) PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter() PatternFlowTcpCtlSynCounter
type PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg ¶
type PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg) PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg Choice() PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg SetChoice(value PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgChoiceEnum) PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg. // PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg. // PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter) PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg. // PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg. // PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter) PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg is a value of 1 indicates that the urgent pointer field is significant.
func NewPatternFlowTcpCtlUrg ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowTcpCtlUrg() PatternFlowTcpCtlUrg
type PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter ¶
type PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter) PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter() PatternFlowTcpCtlUrgCounter
type PatternFlowTcpDataOffset ¶
type PatternFlowTcpDataOffset interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowTcpDataOffset SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowTcpDataOffset) PatternFlowTcpDataOffset // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowTcpDataOffset to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowTcpDataOffset to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowTcpDataOffset to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowTcpDataOffset from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowTcpDataOffset from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowTcpDataOffset from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowTcpDataOffset Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowTcpDataOffset Choice() PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowTcpDataOffset SetChoice(value PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetChoiceEnum) PatternFlowTcpDataOffset // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowTcpDataOffset HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpDataOffset. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpDataOffset SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowTcpDataOffset // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowTcpDataOffset HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowTcpDataOffset. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpDataOffset SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowTcpDataOffset // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowTcpDataOffset. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowTcpDataOffset SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowTcpDataOffset // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowTcpDataOffset HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter, set in PatternFlowTcpDataOffset. // PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter provided by user to PatternFlowTcpDataOffset. // PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter) PatternFlowTcpDataOffset // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowTcpDataOffset HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter, set in PatternFlowTcpDataOffset. // PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter provided by user to PatternFlowTcpDataOffset. // PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter) PatternFlowTcpDataOffset // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowTcpDataOffset HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowTcpDataOffset is the number of 32 bit words in the TCP header. This indicates where the data begins.
func NewPatternFlowTcpDataOffset ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowTcpDataOffset() PatternFlowTcpDataOffset
type PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter ¶
type PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter) PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter() PatternFlowTcpDataOffsetCounter
type PatternFlowTcpDstPort ¶
type PatternFlowTcpDstPort interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowTcpDstPort SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowTcpDstPort) PatternFlowTcpDstPort // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowTcpDstPort to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowTcpDstPort to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowTcpDstPort to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowTcpDstPort from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowTcpDstPort from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowTcpDstPort from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowTcpDstPort Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowTcpDstPortChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowTcpDstPort Choice() PatternFlowTcpDstPortChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowTcpDstPortChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowTcpDstPort SetChoice(value PatternFlowTcpDstPortChoiceEnum) PatternFlowTcpDstPort // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowTcpDstPort HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpDstPort. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpDstPort SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowTcpDstPort // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowTcpDstPort HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowTcpDstPort. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpDstPort SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowTcpDstPort // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowTcpDstPort. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowTcpDstPort SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowTcpDstPort // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowTcpDstPort HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter, set in PatternFlowTcpDstPort. // PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter provided by user to PatternFlowTcpDstPort. // PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter) PatternFlowTcpDstPort // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowTcpDstPort HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter, set in PatternFlowTcpDstPort. // PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter provided by user to PatternFlowTcpDstPort. // PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter) PatternFlowTcpDstPort // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowTcpDstPort HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowTcpDstPort is destination port
func NewPatternFlowTcpDstPort ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowTcpDstPort() PatternFlowTcpDstPort
type PatternFlowTcpDstPortChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowTcpDstPortChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter ¶
type PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter) PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter() PatternFlowTcpDstPortCounter
type PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr ¶
type PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr) PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr Choice() PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr SetChoice(value PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrChoiceEnum) PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter, set in PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr. // PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter provided by user to PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr. // PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter) PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter, set in PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr. // PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter provided by user to PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr. // PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter) PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr is explicit congestion notification, congestion window reduced.
func NewPatternFlowTcpEcnCwr ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowTcpEcnCwr() PatternFlowTcpEcnCwr
type PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter ¶
type PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter) PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter() PatternFlowTcpEcnCwrCounter
type PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho ¶
type PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho) PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho Choice() PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho SetChoice(value PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoChoiceEnum) PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter, set in PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho. // PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter provided by user to PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho. // PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter) PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter, set in PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho. // PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter provided by user to PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho. // PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter) PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho is explicit congestion notification, echo. 1 indicates the peer is ecn capable. 0 indicates that a packet with ipv4.ecn = 11 in the ip header was received during normal transmission.
func NewPatternFlowTcpEcnEcho ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowTcpEcnEcho() PatternFlowTcpEcnEcho
type PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter ¶
type PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter) PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter() PatternFlowTcpEcnEchoCounter
type PatternFlowTcpEcnNs ¶
type PatternFlowTcpEcnNs interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowTcpEcnNs SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowTcpEcnNs) PatternFlowTcpEcnNs // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowTcpEcnNs to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowTcpEcnNs to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowTcpEcnNs to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowTcpEcnNs from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowTcpEcnNs from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowTcpEcnNs from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowTcpEcnNs Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowTcpEcnNsChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowTcpEcnNs Choice() PatternFlowTcpEcnNsChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowTcpEcnNsChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowTcpEcnNs SetChoice(value PatternFlowTcpEcnNsChoiceEnum) PatternFlowTcpEcnNs // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowTcpEcnNs HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpEcnNs. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpEcnNs SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowTcpEcnNs // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowTcpEcnNs HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowTcpEcnNs. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpEcnNs SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowTcpEcnNs // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowTcpEcnNs. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowTcpEcnNs SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowTcpEcnNs // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowTcpEcnNs HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter, set in PatternFlowTcpEcnNs. // PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter provided by user to PatternFlowTcpEcnNs. // PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter) PatternFlowTcpEcnNs // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowTcpEcnNs HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter, set in PatternFlowTcpEcnNs. // PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter provided by user to PatternFlowTcpEcnNs. // PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter) PatternFlowTcpEcnNs // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowTcpEcnNs HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowTcpEcnNs is explicit congestion notification, concealment protection.
func NewPatternFlowTcpEcnNs ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowTcpEcnNs() PatternFlowTcpEcnNs
type PatternFlowTcpEcnNsChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowTcpEcnNsChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter ¶
type PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter) PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter() PatternFlowTcpEcnNsCounter
type PatternFlowTcpSeqNum ¶
type PatternFlowTcpSeqNum interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowTcpSeqNum SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowTcpSeqNum) PatternFlowTcpSeqNum // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowTcpSeqNum to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowTcpSeqNum to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowTcpSeqNum to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowTcpSeqNum from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowTcpSeqNum from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowTcpSeqNum from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowTcpSeqNum Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowTcpSeqNumChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowTcpSeqNum Choice() PatternFlowTcpSeqNumChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowTcpSeqNumChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowTcpSeqNum SetChoice(value PatternFlowTcpSeqNumChoiceEnum) PatternFlowTcpSeqNum // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowTcpSeqNum HasChoice() bool // Value returns int64, set in PatternFlowTcpSeqNum. Value() int64 // SetValue assigns int64 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpSeqNum SetValue(value int64) PatternFlowTcpSeqNum // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowTcpSeqNum HasValue() bool // Values returns []int64, set in PatternFlowTcpSeqNum. Values() []int64 // SetValues assigns []int64 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpSeqNum SetValues(value []int64) PatternFlowTcpSeqNum // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowTcpSeqNum. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowTcpSeqNum SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowTcpSeqNum // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowTcpSeqNum HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter, set in PatternFlowTcpSeqNum. // PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter provided by user to PatternFlowTcpSeqNum. // PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter) PatternFlowTcpSeqNum // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowTcpSeqNum HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter, set in PatternFlowTcpSeqNum. // PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter provided by user to PatternFlowTcpSeqNum. // PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter) PatternFlowTcpSeqNum // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowTcpSeqNum HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowTcpSeqNum is sequence number
func NewPatternFlowTcpSeqNum ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowTcpSeqNum() PatternFlowTcpSeqNum
type PatternFlowTcpSeqNumChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowTcpSeqNumChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter ¶
type PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter) PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int64, set in PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter. Start() int64 // SetStart assigns int64 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter SetStart(value int64) PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int64, set in PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter. Step() int64 // SetStep assigns int64 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter SetStep(value int64) PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter() PatternFlowTcpSeqNumCounter
type PatternFlowTcpSrcPort ¶
type PatternFlowTcpSrcPort interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowTcpSrcPort SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowTcpSrcPort) PatternFlowTcpSrcPort // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowTcpSrcPort to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowTcpSrcPort to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowTcpSrcPort to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowTcpSrcPort from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowTcpSrcPort from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowTcpSrcPort from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowTcpSrcPort Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowTcpSrcPortChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowTcpSrcPort Choice() PatternFlowTcpSrcPortChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowTcpSrcPortChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowTcpSrcPort SetChoice(value PatternFlowTcpSrcPortChoiceEnum) PatternFlowTcpSrcPort // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowTcpSrcPort HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpSrcPort. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpSrcPort SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowTcpSrcPort // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowTcpSrcPort HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowTcpSrcPort. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpSrcPort SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowTcpSrcPort // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowTcpSrcPort. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowTcpSrcPort SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowTcpSrcPort // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowTcpSrcPort HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter, set in PatternFlowTcpSrcPort. // PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter provided by user to PatternFlowTcpSrcPort. // PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter) PatternFlowTcpSrcPort // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowTcpSrcPort HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter, set in PatternFlowTcpSrcPort. // PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter provided by user to PatternFlowTcpSrcPort. // PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter) PatternFlowTcpSrcPort // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowTcpSrcPort HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowTcpSrcPort is source port
func NewPatternFlowTcpSrcPort ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowTcpSrcPort() PatternFlowTcpSrcPort
type PatternFlowTcpSrcPortChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowTcpSrcPortChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter ¶
type PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter) PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter() PatternFlowTcpSrcPortCounter
type PatternFlowTcpWindow ¶
type PatternFlowTcpWindow interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowTcpWindow SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowTcpWindow) PatternFlowTcpWindow // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowTcpWindow to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowTcpWindow to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowTcpWindow to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowTcpWindow from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowTcpWindow from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowTcpWindow from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowTcpWindow Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowTcpWindowChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowTcpWindow Choice() PatternFlowTcpWindowChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowTcpWindowChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowTcpWindow SetChoice(value PatternFlowTcpWindowChoiceEnum) PatternFlowTcpWindow // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowTcpWindow HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpWindow. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpWindow SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowTcpWindow // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowTcpWindow HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowTcpWindow. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpWindow SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowTcpWindow // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowTcpWindow. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowTcpWindow SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowTcpWindow // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowTcpWindow HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter, set in PatternFlowTcpWindow. // PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter provided by user to PatternFlowTcpWindow. // PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter) PatternFlowTcpWindow // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowTcpWindow HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter, set in PatternFlowTcpWindow. // PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter provided by user to PatternFlowTcpWindow. // PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter) PatternFlowTcpWindow // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowTcpWindow HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowTcpWindow is tcp connection window.
func NewPatternFlowTcpWindow ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowTcpWindow() PatternFlowTcpWindow
type PatternFlowTcpWindowChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowTcpWindowChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter ¶
type PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter) PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowTcpWindowCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowTcpWindowCounter() PatternFlowTcpWindowCounter
type PatternFlowUdpChecksum ¶
type PatternFlowUdpChecksum interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowUdpChecksum SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowUdpChecksum) PatternFlowUdpChecksum // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowUdpChecksum to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowUdpChecksum to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowUdpChecksum to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowUdpChecksum from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowUdpChecksum from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowUdpChecksum from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowUdpChecksum Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowUdpChecksumChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowUdpChecksum Choice() PatternFlowUdpChecksumChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowUdpChecksumChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowUdpChecksum SetChoice(value PatternFlowUdpChecksumChoiceEnum) PatternFlowUdpChecksum // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowUdpChecksum HasChoice() bool // Generated returns PatternFlowUdpChecksumGeneratedEnum, set in PatternFlowUdpChecksum Generated() PatternFlowUdpChecksumGeneratedEnum // SetGenerated assigns PatternFlowUdpChecksumGeneratedEnum provided by user to PatternFlowUdpChecksum SetGenerated(value PatternFlowUdpChecksumGeneratedEnum) PatternFlowUdpChecksum // HasGenerated checks if Generated has been set in PatternFlowUdpChecksum HasGenerated() bool // Custom returns int32, set in PatternFlowUdpChecksum. Custom() int32 // SetCustom assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowUdpChecksum SetCustom(value int32) PatternFlowUdpChecksum // HasCustom checks if Custom has been set in PatternFlowUdpChecksum HasCustom() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowUdpChecksum is uDP checksum
func NewPatternFlowUdpChecksum ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowUdpChecksum() PatternFlowUdpChecksum
type PatternFlowUdpChecksumChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowUdpChecksumChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowUdpChecksumGeneratedEnum ¶
type PatternFlowUdpChecksumGeneratedEnum string
type PatternFlowUdpDstPort ¶
type PatternFlowUdpDstPort interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowUdpDstPort SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowUdpDstPort) PatternFlowUdpDstPort // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowUdpDstPort to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowUdpDstPort to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowUdpDstPort to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowUdpDstPort from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowUdpDstPort from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowUdpDstPort from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowUdpDstPort Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowUdpDstPortChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowUdpDstPort Choice() PatternFlowUdpDstPortChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowUdpDstPortChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowUdpDstPort SetChoice(value PatternFlowUdpDstPortChoiceEnum) PatternFlowUdpDstPort // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowUdpDstPort HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowUdpDstPort. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowUdpDstPort SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowUdpDstPort // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowUdpDstPort HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowUdpDstPort. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowUdpDstPort SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowUdpDstPort // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowUdpDstPort. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowUdpDstPort SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowUdpDstPort // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowUdpDstPort HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter, set in PatternFlowUdpDstPort. // PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter provided by user to PatternFlowUdpDstPort. // PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter) PatternFlowUdpDstPort // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowUdpDstPort HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter, set in PatternFlowUdpDstPort. // PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter provided by user to PatternFlowUdpDstPort. // PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter) PatternFlowUdpDstPort // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowUdpDstPort HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowUdpDstPort is destination port
func NewPatternFlowUdpDstPort ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowUdpDstPort() PatternFlowUdpDstPort
type PatternFlowUdpDstPortChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowUdpDstPortChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter ¶
type PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter) PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter() PatternFlowUdpDstPortCounter
type PatternFlowUdpLength ¶
type PatternFlowUdpLength interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowUdpLength SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowUdpLength) PatternFlowUdpLength // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowUdpLength to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowUdpLength to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowUdpLength to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowUdpLength from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowUdpLength from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowUdpLength from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowUdpLength Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowUdpLengthChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowUdpLength Choice() PatternFlowUdpLengthChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowUdpLengthChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowUdpLength SetChoice(value PatternFlowUdpLengthChoiceEnum) PatternFlowUdpLength // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowUdpLength HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowUdpLength. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowUdpLength SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowUdpLength // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowUdpLength HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowUdpLength. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowUdpLength SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowUdpLength // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowUdpLength. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowUdpLength SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowUdpLength // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowUdpLength HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter, set in PatternFlowUdpLength. // PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter provided by user to PatternFlowUdpLength. // PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter) PatternFlowUdpLength // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowUdpLength HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter, set in PatternFlowUdpLength. // PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter provided by user to PatternFlowUdpLength. // PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter) PatternFlowUdpLength // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowUdpLength HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowUdpLength is length
func NewPatternFlowUdpLength ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowUdpLength() PatternFlowUdpLength
type PatternFlowUdpLengthChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowUdpLengthChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter ¶
type PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter) PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowUdpLengthCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowUdpLengthCounter() PatternFlowUdpLengthCounter
type PatternFlowUdpSrcPort ¶
type PatternFlowUdpSrcPort interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowUdpSrcPort SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowUdpSrcPort) PatternFlowUdpSrcPort // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowUdpSrcPort to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowUdpSrcPort to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowUdpSrcPort to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowUdpSrcPort from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowUdpSrcPort from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowUdpSrcPort from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowUdpSrcPort Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowUdpSrcPortChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowUdpSrcPort Choice() PatternFlowUdpSrcPortChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowUdpSrcPortChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowUdpSrcPort SetChoice(value PatternFlowUdpSrcPortChoiceEnum) PatternFlowUdpSrcPort // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowUdpSrcPort HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowUdpSrcPort. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowUdpSrcPort SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowUdpSrcPort // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowUdpSrcPort HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowUdpSrcPort. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowUdpSrcPort SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowUdpSrcPort // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowUdpSrcPort. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowUdpSrcPort SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowUdpSrcPort // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowUdpSrcPort HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter, set in PatternFlowUdpSrcPort. // PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter provided by user to PatternFlowUdpSrcPort. // PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter) PatternFlowUdpSrcPort // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowUdpSrcPort HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter, set in PatternFlowUdpSrcPort. // PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter provided by user to PatternFlowUdpSrcPort. // PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter) PatternFlowUdpSrcPort // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowUdpSrcPort HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowUdpSrcPort is source port
func NewPatternFlowUdpSrcPort ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowUdpSrcPort() PatternFlowUdpSrcPort
type PatternFlowUdpSrcPortChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowUdpSrcPortChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter ¶
type PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter) PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter() PatternFlowUdpSrcPortCounter
type PatternFlowVlanCfi ¶
type PatternFlowVlanCfi interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowVlanCfi SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowVlanCfi) PatternFlowVlanCfi // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowVlanCfi to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowVlanCfi to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowVlanCfi to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowVlanCfi from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowVlanCfi from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowVlanCfi from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowVlanCfi Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowVlanCfiChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowVlanCfi Choice() PatternFlowVlanCfiChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowVlanCfiChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowVlanCfi SetChoice(value PatternFlowVlanCfiChoiceEnum) PatternFlowVlanCfi // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowVlanCfi HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowVlanCfi. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVlanCfi SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowVlanCfi // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowVlanCfi HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowVlanCfi. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVlanCfi SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowVlanCfi // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowVlanCfi. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowVlanCfi SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowVlanCfi // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowVlanCfi HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter, set in PatternFlowVlanCfi. // PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter provided by user to PatternFlowVlanCfi. // PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter) PatternFlowVlanCfi // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowVlanCfi HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter, set in PatternFlowVlanCfi. // PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter provided by user to PatternFlowVlanCfi. // PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter) PatternFlowVlanCfi // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowVlanCfi HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowVlanCfi is canonical format indicator or drop elegible indicator
func NewPatternFlowVlanCfi ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowVlanCfi() PatternFlowVlanCfi
type PatternFlowVlanCfiChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowVlanCfiChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter ¶
type PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter) PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowVlanCfiCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowVlanCfiCounter() PatternFlowVlanCfiCounter
type PatternFlowVlanId ¶
type PatternFlowVlanId interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowVlanId SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowVlanId) PatternFlowVlanId // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowVlanId to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowVlanId to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowVlanId to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowVlanId from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowVlanId from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowVlanId from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowVlanId Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowVlanIdChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowVlanId Choice() PatternFlowVlanIdChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowVlanIdChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowVlanId SetChoice(value PatternFlowVlanIdChoiceEnum) PatternFlowVlanId // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowVlanId HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowVlanId. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVlanId SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowVlanId // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowVlanId HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowVlanId. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVlanId SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowVlanId // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowVlanId. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowVlanId SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowVlanId // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowVlanId HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowVlanIdCounter, set in PatternFlowVlanId. // PatternFlowVlanIdCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowVlanIdCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowVlanIdCounter provided by user to PatternFlowVlanId. // PatternFlowVlanIdCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowVlanIdCounter) PatternFlowVlanId // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowVlanId HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowVlanIdCounter, set in PatternFlowVlanId. // PatternFlowVlanIdCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowVlanIdCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowVlanIdCounter provided by user to PatternFlowVlanId. // PatternFlowVlanIdCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowVlanIdCounter) PatternFlowVlanId // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowVlanId HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowVlanId is vlan identifier
func NewPatternFlowVlanId ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowVlanId() PatternFlowVlanId
type PatternFlowVlanIdChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowVlanIdChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowVlanIdCounter ¶
type PatternFlowVlanIdCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowVlanIdCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowVlanIdCounter) PatternFlowVlanIdCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowVlanIdCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowVlanIdCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowVlanIdCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowVlanIdCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowVlanIdCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowVlanIdCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowVlanIdCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowVlanIdCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVlanIdCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowVlanIdCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowVlanIdCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowVlanIdCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVlanIdCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowVlanIdCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowVlanIdCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowVlanIdCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVlanIdCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowVlanIdCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowVlanIdCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowVlanIdCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowVlanIdCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowVlanIdCounter() PatternFlowVlanIdCounter
type PatternFlowVlanPriority ¶
type PatternFlowVlanPriority interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowVlanPriority SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowVlanPriority) PatternFlowVlanPriority // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowVlanPriority to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowVlanPriority to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowVlanPriority to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowVlanPriority from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowVlanPriority from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowVlanPriority from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowVlanPriority Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowVlanPriorityChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowVlanPriority Choice() PatternFlowVlanPriorityChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowVlanPriorityChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowVlanPriority SetChoice(value PatternFlowVlanPriorityChoiceEnum) PatternFlowVlanPriority // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowVlanPriority HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowVlanPriority. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVlanPriority SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowVlanPriority // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowVlanPriority HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowVlanPriority. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVlanPriority SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowVlanPriority // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowVlanPriority. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowVlanPriority SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowVlanPriority // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowVlanPriority HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter, set in PatternFlowVlanPriority. // PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter provided by user to PatternFlowVlanPriority. // PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter) PatternFlowVlanPriority // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowVlanPriority HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter, set in PatternFlowVlanPriority. // PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter provided by user to PatternFlowVlanPriority. // PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter) PatternFlowVlanPriority // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowVlanPriority HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowVlanPriority is priority code point
func NewPatternFlowVlanPriority ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowVlanPriority() PatternFlowVlanPriority
type PatternFlowVlanPriorityChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowVlanPriorityChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter ¶
type PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter) PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter() PatternFlowVlanPriorityCounter
type PatternFlowVlanTpid ¶
type PatternFlowVlanTpid interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowVlanTpid SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowVlanTpid) PatternFlowVlanTpid // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowVlanTpid to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowVlanTpid to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowVlanTpid to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowVlanTpid from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowVlanTpid from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowVlanTpid from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowVlanTpid Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowVlanTpidChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowVlanTpid Choice() PatternFlowVlanTpidChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowVlanTpidChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowVlanTpid SetChoice(value PatternFlowVlanTpidChoiceEnum) PatternFlowVlanTpid // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowVlanTpid HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowVlanTpid. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVlanTpid SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowVlanTpid // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowVlanTpid HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowVlanTpid. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVlanTpid SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowVlanTpid // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowVlanTpid. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowVlanTpid SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowVlanTpid // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowVlanTpid HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter, set in PatternFlowVlanTpid. // PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter provided by user to PatternFlowVlanTpid. // PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter) PatternFlowVlanTpid // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowVlanTpid HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter, set in PatternFlowVlanTpid. // PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter provided by user to PatternFlowVlanTpid. // PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter) PatternFlowVlanTpid // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowVlanTpid HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowVlanTpid is protocol identifier
func NewPatternFlowVlanTpid ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowVlanTpid() PatternFlowVlanTpid
type PatternFlowVlanTpidChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowVlanTpidChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter ¶
type PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter) PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowVlanTpidCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowVlanTpidCounter() PatternFlowVlanTpidCounter
type PatternFlowVxlanFlags ¶
type PatternFlowVxlanFlags interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowVxlanFlags SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowVxlanFlags) PatternFlowVxlanFlags // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowVxlanFlags to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowVxlanFlags to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowVxlanFlags to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowVxlanFlags from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowVxlanFlags from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowVxlanFlags from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowVxlanFlags Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowVxlanFlagsChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowVxlanFlags Choice() PatternFlowVxlanFlagsChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowVxlanFlagsChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanFlags SetChoice(value PatternFlowVxlanFlagsChoiceEnum) PatternFlowVxlanFlags // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowVxlanFlags HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowVxlanFlags. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanFlags SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowVxlanFlags // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowVxlanFlags HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowVxlanFlags. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanFlags SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowVxlanFlags // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowVxlanFlags. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanFlags SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowVxlanFlags // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowVxlanFlags HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter, set in PatternFlowVxlanFlags. // PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanFlags. // PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter) PatternFlowVxlanFlags // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowVxlanFlags HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter, set in PatternFlowVxlanFlags. // PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanFlags. // PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter) PatternFlowVxlanFlags // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowVxlanFlags HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowVxlanFlags is flags field with a bit format of RRRRIRRR. The I flag MUST be set to 1 for a valid vxlan network id (VNI). The other 7 bits (designated "R") are reserved fields and MUST be set to zero on transmission and ignored on receipt.
func NewPatternFlowVxlanFlags ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowVxlanFlags() PatternFlowVxlanFlags
type PatternFlowVxlanFlagsChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowVxlanFlagsChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter ¶
type PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter) PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter() PatternFlowVxlanFlagsCounter
type PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 ¶
type PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowVxlanReserved0) PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowVxlanReserved0ChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 Choice() PatternFlowVxlanReserved0ChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowVxlanReserved0ChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 SetChoice(value PatternFlowVxlanReserved0ChoiceEnum) PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved0. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved0. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved0. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter, set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved0. // PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanReserved0. // PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter) PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter, set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved0. // PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanReserved0. // PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter) PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowVxlanReserved0 is reserved field
func NewPatternFlowVxlanReserved0 ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowVxlanReserved0() PatternFlowVxlanReserved0
type PatternFlowVxlanReserved0ChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowVxlanReserved0ChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter ¶
type PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter) PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter() PatternFlowVxlanReserved0Counter
type PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 ¶
type PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowVxlanReserved1) PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowVxlanReserved1ChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 Choice() PatternFlowVxlanReserved1ChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowVxlanReserved1ChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 SetChoice(value PatternFlowVxlanReserved1ChoiceEnum) PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved1. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved1. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved1. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter, set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved1. // PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanReserved1. // PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter) PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter, set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved1. // PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanReserved1. // PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter) PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowVxlanReserved1 is reserved field
func NewPatternFlowVxlanReserved1 ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowVxlanReserved1() PatternFlowVxlanReserved1
type PatternFlowVxlanReserved1ChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowVxlanReserved1ChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter ¶
type PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter) PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter() PatternFlowVxlanReserved1Counter
type PatternFlowVxlanVni ¶
type PatternFlowVxlanVni interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowVxlanVni SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowVxlanVni) PatternFlowVxlanVni // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowVxlanVni to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowVxlanVni to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowVxlanVni to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowVxlanVni from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowVxlanVni from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowVxlanVni from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowVxlanVni Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PatternFlowVxlanVniChoiceEnum, set in PatternFlowVxlanVni Choice() PatternFlowVxlanVniChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PatternFlowVxlanVniChoiceEnum provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanVni SetChoice(value PatternFlowVxlanVniChoiceEnum) PatternFlowVxlanVni // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in PatternFlowVxlanVni HasChoice() bool // Value returns int32, set in PatternFlowVxlanVni. Value() int32 // SetValue assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanVni SetValue(value int32) PatternFlowVxlanVni // HasValue checks if Value has been set in PatternFlowVxlanVni HasValue() bool // Values returns []int32, set in PatternFlowVxlanVni. Values() []int32 // SetValues assigns []int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanVni SetValues(value []int32) PatternFlowVxlanVni // MetricGroup returns string, set in PatternFlowVxlanVni. MetricGroup() string // SetMetricGroup assigns string provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanVni SetMetricGroup(value string) PatternFlowVxlanVni // HasMetricGroup checks if MetricGroup has been set in PatternFlowVxlanVni HasMetricGroup() bool // Increment returns PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter, set in PatternFlowVxlanVni. // PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter is integer counter pattern Increment() PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter // SetIncrement assigns PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanVni. // PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter is integer counter pattern SetIncrement(value PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter) PatternFlowVxlanVni // HasIncrement checks if Increment has been set in PatternFlowVxlanVni HasIncrement() bool // Decrement returns PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter, set in PatternFlowVxlanVni. // PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter is integer counter pattern Decrement() PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter // SetDecrement assigns PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanVni. // PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter is integer counter pattern SetDecrement(value PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter) PatternFlowVxlanVni // HasDecrement checks if Decrement has been set in PatternFlowVxlanVni HasDecrement() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowVxlanVni is vXLAN network id
func NewPatternFlowVxlanVni ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowVxlanVni() PatternFlowVxlanVni
type PatternFlowVxlanVniChoiceEnum ¶
type PatternFlowVxlanVniChoiceEnum string
type PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter ¶
type PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter interface { Msg() *otg.PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter SetMsg(*otg.PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter) PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter // ToPbText marshals PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Start returns int32, set in PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter. Start() int32 // SetStart assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter SetStart(value int32) PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter // HasStart checks if Start has been set in PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter HasStart() bool // Step returns int32, set in PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter SetStep(value int32) PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter // HasStep checks if Step has been set in PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter HasStep() bool // Count returns int32, set in PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter SetCount(value int32) PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter // HasCount checks if Count has been set in PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter HasCount() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter is integer counter pattern
func NewPatternFlowVxlanVniCounter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPatternFlowVxlanVniCounter() PatternFlowVxlanVniCounter
type Ping ¶ added in v0.5.8
type Ping interface { Msg() *otg.Ping SetMsg(*otg.Ping) Ping // ToPbText marshals Ping to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals Ping to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals Ping to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals Ping from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals Ping from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals Ping from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates Ping Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns PingChoiceEnum, set in Ping Choice() PingChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns PingChoiceEnum provided by user to Ping SetChoice(value PingChoiceEnum) Ping // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in Ping HasChoice() bool // Ipv4 returns PingIpv4, set in Ping. // PingIpv4 is description is TBD Ipv4() PingIpv4 // SetIpv4 assigns PingIpv4 provided by user to Ping. // PingIpv4 is description is TBD SetIpv4(value PingIpv4) Ping // HasIpv4 checks if Ipv4 has been set in Ping HasIpv4() bool // Ipv6 returns PingIpv6, set in Ping. // PingIpv6 is description is TBD Ipv6() PingIpv6 // SetIpv6 assigns PingIpv6 provided by user to Ping. // PingIpv6 is description is TBD SetIpv6(value PingIpv6) Ping // HasIpv6 checks if Ipv6 has been set in Ping HasIpv6() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Ping is description is TBD
type PingChoiceEnum ¶ added in v0.5.8
type PingChoiceEnum string
type PingIpv4 ¶ added in v0.5.8
type PingIpv4 interface { Msg() *otg.PingIpv4 SetMsg(*otg.PingIpv4) PingIpv4 // ToPbText marshals PingIpv4 to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PingIpv4 to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PingIpv4 to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PingIpv4 from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PingIpv4 from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PingIpv4 from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PingIpv4 Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // SrcName returns string, set in PingIpv4. SrcName() string // SetSrcName assigns string provided by user to PingIpv4 SetSrcName(value string) PingIpv4 // HasSrcName checks if SrcName has been set in PingIpv4 HasSrcName() bool // DstIp returns string, set in PingIpv4. DstIp() string // SetDstIp assigns string provided by user to PingIpv4 SetDstIp(value string) PingIpv4 // HasDstIp checks if DstIp has been set in PingIpv4 HasDstIp() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PingIpv4 is description is TBD
func NewPingIpv4 ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPingIpv4() PingIpv4
type PingIpv6 ¶ added in v0.5.8
type PingIpv6 interface { Msg() *otg.PingIpv6 SetMsg(*otg.PingIpv6) PingIpv6 // ToPbText marshals PingIpv6 to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PingIpv6 to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PingIpv6 to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PingIpv6 from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PingIpv6 from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PingIpv6 from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PingIpv6 Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // SrcName returns string, set in PingIpv6. SrcName() string // SetSrcName assigns string provided by user to PingIpv6 SetSrcName(value string) PingIpv6 // HasSrcName checks if SrcName has been set in PingIpv6 HasSrcName() bool // DstIp returns string, set in PingIpv6. DstIp() string // SetDstIp assigns string provided by user to PingIpv6 SetDstIp(value string) PingIpv6 // HasDstIp checks if DstIp has been set in PingIpv6 HasDstIp() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PingIpv6 is description is TBD
func NewPingIpv6 ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPingIpv6() PingIpv6
type PingRequest ¶ added in v0.5.8
type PingRequest interface { Msg() *otg.PingRequest SetMsg(*otg.PingRequest) PingRequest // ToPbText marshals PingRequest to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PingRequest to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PingRequest to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PingRequest from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PingRequest from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PingRequest from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PingRequest Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Endpoints returns PingRequestPingIter, set in PingRequest Endpoints() PingRequestPingIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PingRequest is ping request details
func NewPingRequest ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPingRequest() PingRequest
type PingRequestPingIter ¶ added in v0.5.8
type PingRequestPingIter interface { Items() []Ping Add() Ping Append(items ...Ping) PingRequestPingIter Set(index int, newObj Ping) PingRequestPingIter Clear() PingRequestPingIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type PingResponse ¶ added in v0.5.8
type PingResponse interface { Msg() *otg.PingResponse SetMsg(*otg.PingResponse) PingResponse // ToPbText marshals PingResponse to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PingResponse to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PingResponse to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PingResponse from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PingResponse from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PingResponse from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PingResponse Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Responses returns PingResponseResponseIter, set in PingResponse Responses() PingResponseResponseIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PingResponse is a container for ping responses.
func NewPingResponse ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPingResponse() PingResponse
type PingResponseResponseIter ¶ added in v0.5.8
type PingResponseResponseIter interface { Items() []Response Add() Response Append(items ...Response) PingResponseResponseIter Set(index int, newObj Response) PingResponseResponseIter Clear() PingResponseResponseIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type Port ¶
type Port interface { Msg() *otg.Port SetMsg(*otg.Port) Port // ToPbText marshals Port to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals Port to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals Port to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals Port from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals Port from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals Port from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates Port Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Location returns string, set in Port. Location() string // SetLocation assigns string provided by user to Port SetLocation(value string) Port // HasLocation checks if Location has been set in Port HasLocation() bool // Name returns string, set in Port. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to Port SetName(value string) Port // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Port is an abstract test port.
type PortMetric ¶
type PortMetric interface { Msg() *otg.PortMetric SetMsg(*otg.PortMetric) PortMetric // ToPbText marshals PortMetric to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PortMetric to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PortMetric to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PortMetric from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PortMetric from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PortMetric from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PortMetric Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Name returns string, set in PortMetric. Name() string // SetName assigns string provided by user to PortMetric SetName(value string) PortMetric // HasName checks if Name has been set in PortMetric HasName() bool // Location returns string, set in PortMetric. Location() string // SetLocation assigns string provided by user to PortMetric SetLocation(value string) PortMetric // HasLocation checks if Location has been set in PortMetric HasLocation() bool // Link returns PortMetricLinkEnum, set in PortMetric Link() PortMetricLinkEnum // SetLink assigns PortMetricLinkEnum provided by user to PortMetric SetLink(value PortMetricLinkEnum) PortMetric // HasLink checks if Link has been set in PortMetric HasLink() bool // Capture returns PortMetricCaptureEnum, set in PortMetric Capture() PortMetricCaptureEnum // SetCapture assigns PortMetricCaptureEnum provided by user to PortMetric SetCapture(value PortMetricCaptureEnum) PortMetric // HasCapture checks if Capture has been set in PortMetric HasCapture() bool // FramesTx returns int64, set in PortMetric. FramesTx() int64 // SetFramesTx assigns int64 provided by user to PortMetric SetFramesTx(value int64) PortMetric // HasFramesTx checks if FramesTx has been set in PortMetric HasFramesTx() bool // FramesRx returns int64, set in PortMetric. FramesRx() int64 // SetFramesRx assigns int64 provided by user to PortMetric SetFramesRx(value int64) PortMetric // HasFramesRx checks if FramesRx has been set in PortMetric HasFramesRx() bool // BytesTx returns int64, set in PortMetric. BytesTx() int64 // SetBytesTx assigns int64 provided by user to PortMetric SetBytesTx(value int64) PortMetric // HasBytesTx checks if BytesTx has been set in PortMetric HasBytesTx() bool // BytesRx returns int64, set in PortMetric. BytesRx() int64 // SetBytesRx assigns int64 provided by user to PortMetric SetBytesRx(value int64) PortMetric // HasBytesRx checks if BytesRx has been set in PortMetric HasBytesRx() bool // FramesTxRate returns float32, set in PortMetric. FramesTxRate() float32 // SetFramesTxRate assigns float32 provided by user to PortMetric SetFramesTxRate(value float32) PortMetric // HasFramesTxRate checks if FramesTxRate has been set in PortMetric HasFramesTxRate() bool // FramesRxRate returns float32, set in PortMetric. FramesRxRate() float32 // SetFramesRxRate assigns float32 provided by user to PortMetric SetFramesRxRate(value float32) PortMetric // HasFramesRxRate checks if FramesRxRate has been set in PortMetric HasFramesRxRate() bool // BytesTxRate returns float32, set in PortMetric. BytesTxRate() float32 // SetBytesTxRate assigns float32 provided by user to PortMetric SetBytesTxRate(value float32) PortMetric // HasBytesTxRate checks if BytesTxRate has been set in PortMetric HasBytesTxRate() bool // BytesRxRate returns float32, set in PortMetric. BytesRxRate() float32 // SetBytesRxRate assigns float32 provided by user to PortMetric SetBytesRxRate(value float32) PortMetric // HasBytesRxRate checks if BytesRxRate has been set in PortMetric HasBytesRxRate() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PortMetric is description is TBD
func NewPortMetric ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPortMetric() PortMetric
type PortMetricCaptureEnum ¶
type PortMetricCaptureEnum string
type PortMetricLinkEnum ¶
type PortMetricLinkEnum string
type PortMetricsRequest ¶
type PortMetricsRequest interface { Msg() *otg.PortMetricsRequest SetMsg(*otg.PortMetricsRequest) PortMetricsRequest // ToPbText marshals PortMetricsRequest to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PortMetricsRequest to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PortMetricsRequest to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PortMetricsRequest from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PortMetricsRequest from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PortMetricsRequest from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PortMetricsRequest Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // PortNames returns []string, set in PortMetricsRequest. PortNames() []string // SetPortNames assigns []string provided by user to PortMetricsRequest SetPortNames(value []string) PortMetricsRequest // ColumnNames returns []PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum, set in PortMetricsRequest ColumnNames() []PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum // SetColumnNames assigns []PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum provided by user to PortMetricsRequest SetColumnNames(value []PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum) PortMetricsRequest // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PortMetricsRequest is the port result request to the traffic generator
func NewPortMetricsRequest ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPortMetricsRequest() PortMetricsRequest
type PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum ¶
type PortMetricsRequestColumnNamesEnum string
type PortOptions ¶
type PortOptions interface { Msg() *otg.PortOptions SetMsg(*otg.PortOptions) PortOptions // ToPbText marshals PortOptions to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals PortOptions to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals PortOptions to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals PortOptions from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals PortOptions from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals PortOptions from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates PortOptions Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // LocationPreemption returns bool, set in PortOptions. LocationPreemption() bool // SetLocationPreemption assigns bool provided by user to PortOptions SetLocationPreemption(value bool) PortOptions // HasLocationPreemption checks if LocationPreemption has been set in PortOptions HasLocationPreemption() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PortOptions is common port options that apply to all configured Port objects.
func NewPortOptions ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewPortOptions() PortOptions
type ProtocolState ¶ added in v0.6.1
type ProtocolState interface { Msg() *otg.ProtocolState SetMsg(*otg.ProtocolState) ProtocolState // ToPbText marshals ProtocolState to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals ProtocolState to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals ProtocolState to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals ProtocolState from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals ProtocolState from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals ProtocolState from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates ProtocolState Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // State returns ProtocolStateStateEnum, set in ProtocolState State() ProtocolStateStateEnum // SetState assigns ProtocolStateStateEnum provided by user to ProtocolState SetState(value ProtocolStateStateEnum) ProtocolState // contains filtered or unexported methods }
ProtocolState is sets all configured protocols to `start` or `stop` state.
func NewProtocolState ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewProtocolState() ProtocolState
type ProtocolStateStateEnum ¶ added in v0.6.1
type ProtocolStateStateEnum string
type Response ¶ added in v0.5.8
type Response interface { Msg() *otg.Response SetMsg(*otg.Response) Response // ToPbText marshals Response to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals Response to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals Response to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals Response from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals Response from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals Response from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates Response Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // SrcName returns string, set in Response. SrcName() string // SetSrcName assigns string provided by user to Response SetSrcName(value string) Response // HasSrcName checks if SrcName has been set in Response HasSrcName() bool // DstIp returns string, set in Response. DstIp() string // SetDstIp assigns string provided by user to Response SetDstIp(value string) Response // HasDstIp checks if DstIp has been set in Response HasDstIp() bool // Result returns ResponseResultEnum, set in Response Result() ResponseResultEnum // SetResult assigns ResponseResultEnum provided by user to Response SetResult(value ResponseResultEnum) Response // HasResult checks if Result has been set in Response HasResult() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Response is description is TBD
func NewResponse ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewResponse() Response
type ResponseError ¶
type ResponseError interface { Msg() *otg.ResponseError SetMsg(*otg.ResponseError) ResponseError // ToPbText marshals ResponseError to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals ResponseError to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals ResponseError to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals ResponseError from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals ResponseError from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals ResponseError from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates ResponseError Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Errors returns []string, set in ResponseError. Errors() []string // SetErrors assigns []string provided by user to ResponseError SetErrors(value []string) ResponseError // contains filtered or unexported methods }
ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request.
func NewResponseError ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewResponseError() ResponseError
type ResponseResultEnum ¶ added in v0.5.8
type ResponseResultEnum string
type ResponseWarning ¶
type ResponseWarning interface { Msg() *otg.ResponseWarning SetMsg(*otg.ResponseWarning) ResponseWarning // ToPbText marshals ResponseWarning to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals ResponseWarning to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals ResponseWarning to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals ResponseWarning from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals ResponseWarning from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals ResponseWarning from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates ResponseWarning Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Warnings returns []string, set in ResponseWarning. Warnings() []string // SetWarnings assigns []string provided by user to ResponseWarning SetWarnings(value []string) ResponseWarning // contains filtered or unexported methods }
ResponseWarning is a list of warnings that have occurred while executing the request.
func NewResponseWarning ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewResponseWarning() ResponseWarning
type RouteState ¶
type RouteState interface { Msg() *otg.RouteState SetMsg(*otg.RouteState) RouteState // ToPbText marshals RouteState to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals RouteState to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals RouteState to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals RouteState from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals RouteState from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals RouteState from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates RouteState Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Names returns []string, set in RouteState. Names() []string // SetNames assigns []string provided by user to RouteState SetNames(value []string) RouteState // State returns RouteStateStateEnum, set in RouteState State() RouteStateStateEnum // SetState assigns RouteStateStateEnum provided by user to RouteState SetState(value RouteStateStateEnum) RouteState // contains filtered or unexported methods }
RouteState is sets the device route state
func NewRouteState ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewRouteState() RouteState
type RouteStateStateEnum ¶
type RouteStateStateEnum string
type SendPingResponse ¶ added in v0.5.8
type SendPingResponse interface { Msg() *otg.SendPingResponse SetMsg(*otg.SendPingResponse) SendPingResponse // ToPbText marshals SendPingResponse to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals SendPingResponse to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals SendPingResponse to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals SendPingResponse from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals SendPingResponse from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals SendPingResponse from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates SendPingResponse Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // StatusCode200 returns PingResponse, set in SendPingResponse. // PingResponse is a container for ping responses. StatusCode200() PingResponse // SetStatusCode200 assigns PingResponse provided by user to SendPingResponse. // PingResponse is a container for ping responses. SetStatusCode200(value PingResponse) SendPingResponse // HasStatusCode200 checks if StatusCode200 has been set in SendPingResponse HasStatusCode200() bool // StatusCode400 returns ResponseError, set in SendPingResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. StatusCode400() ResponseError // SetStatusCode400 assigns ResponseError provided by user to SendPingResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. SetStatusCode400(value ResponseError) SendPingResponse // HasStatusCode400 checks if StatusCode400 has been set in SendPingResponse HasStatusCode400() bool // StatusCode500 returns ResponseError, set in SendPingResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. StatusCode500() ResponseError // SetStatusCode500 assigns ResponseError provided by user to SendPingResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. SetStatusCode500(value ResponseError) SendPingResponse // HasStatusCode500 checks if StatusCode500 has been set in SendPingResponse HasStatusCode500() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
SendPingResponse is description is TBD
func NewSendPingResponse ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewSendPingResponse() SendPingResponse
type SetCaptureStateResponse ¶
type SetCaptureStateResponse interface { Msg() *otg.SetCaptureStateResponse SetMsg(*otg.SetCaptureStateResponse) SetCaptureStateResponse // ToPbText marshals SetCaptureStateResponse to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals SetCaptureStateResponse to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals SetCaptureStateResponse to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals SetCaptureStateResponse from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals SetCaptureStateResponse from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals SetCaptureStateResponse from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates SetCaptureStateResponse Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // StatusCode200 returns ResponseWarning, set in SetCaptureStateResponse. // ResponseWarning is a list of warnings that have occurred while executing the request. StatusCode200() ResponseWarning // SetStatusCode200 assigns ResponseWarning provided by user to SetCaptureStateResponse. // ResponseWarning is a list of warnings that have occurred while executing the request. SetStatusCode200(value ResponseWarning) SetCaptureStateResponse // HasStatusCode200 checks if StatusCode200 has been set in SetCaptureStateResponse HasStatusCode200() bool // StatusCode400 returns ResponseError, set in SetCaptureStateResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. StatusCode400() ResponseError // SetStatusCode400 assigns ResponseError provided by user to SetCaptureStateResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. SetStatusCode400(value ResponseError) SetCaptureStateResponse // HasStatusCode400 checks if StatusCode400 has been set in SetCaptureStateResponse HasStatusCode400() bool // StatusCode500 returns ResponseError, set in SetCaptureStateResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. StatusCode500() ResponseError // SetStatusCode500 assigns ResponseError provided by user to SetCaptureStateResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. SetStatusCode500(value ResponseError) SetCaptureStateResponse // HasStatusCode500 checks if StatusCode500 has been set in SetCaptureStateResponse HasStatusCode500() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
SetCaptureStateResponse is description is TBD
func NewSetCaptureStateResponse ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewSetCaptureStateResponse() SetCaptureStateResponse
type SetConfigResponse ¶
type SetConfigResponse interface { Msg() *otg.SetConfigResponse SetMsg(*otg.SetConfigResponse) SetConfigResponse // ToPbText marshals SetConfigResponse to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals SetConfigResponse to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals SetConfigResponse to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals SetConfigResponse from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals SetConfigResponse from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals SetConfigResponse from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates SetConfigResponse Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // StatusCode200 returns ResponseWarning, set in SetConfigResponse. // ResponseWarning is a list of warnings that have occurred while executing the request. StatusCode200() ResponseWarning // SetStatusCode200 assigns ResponseWarning provided by user to SetConfigResponse. // ResponseWarning is a list of warnings that have occurred while executing the request. SetStatusCode200(value ResponseWarning) SetConfigResponse // HasStatusCode200 checks if StatusCode200 has been set in SetConfigResponse HasStatusCode200() bool // StatusCode400 returns ResponseError, set in SetConfigResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. StatusCode400() ResponseError // SetStatusCode400 assigns ResponseError provided by user to SetConfigResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. SetStatusCode400(value ResponseError) SetConfigResponse // HasStatusCode400 checks if StatusCode400 has been set in SetConfigResponse HasStatusCode400() bool // StatusCode500 returns ResponseError, set in SetConfigResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. StatusCode500() ResponseError // SetStatusCode500 assigns ResponseError provided by user to SetConfigResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. SetStatusCode500(value ResponseError) SetConfigResponse // HasStatusCode500 checks if StatusCode500 has been set in SetConfigResponse HasStatusCode500() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
SetConfigResponse is description is TBD
func NewSetConfigResponse ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewSetConfigResponse() SetConfigResponse
type SetLinkStateResponse ¶
type SetLinkStateResponse interface { Msg() *otg.SetLinkStateResponse SetMsg(*otg.SetLinkStateResponse) SetLinkStateResponse // ToPbText marshals SetLinkStateResponse to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals SetLinkStateResponse to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals SetLinkStateResponse to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals SetLinkStateResponse from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals SetLinkStateResponse from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals SetLinkStateResponse from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates SetLinkStateResponse Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // StatusCode200 returns ResponseWarning, set in SetLinkStateResponse. // ResponseWarning is a list of warnings that have occurred while executing the request. StatusCode200() ResponseWarning // SetStatusCode200 assigns ResponseWarning provided by user to SetLinkStateResponse. // ResponseWarning is a list of warnings that have occurred while executing the request. SetStatusCode200(value ResponseWarning) SetLinkStateResponse // HasStatusCode200 checks if StatusCode200 has been set in SetLinkStateResponse HasStatusCode200() bool // StatusCode400 returns ResponseError, set in SetLinkStateResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. StatusCode400() ResponseError // SetStatusCode400 assigns ResponseError provided by user to SetLinkStateResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. SetStatusCode400(value ResponseError) SetLinkStateResponse // HasStatusCode400 checks if StatusCode400 has been set in SetLinkStateResponse HasStatusCode400() bool // StatusCode500 returns ResponseError, set in SetLinkStateResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. StatusCode500() ResponseError // SetStatusCode500 assigns ResponseError provided by user to SetLinkStateResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. SetStatusCode500(value ResponseError) SetLinkStateResponse // HasStatusCode500 checks if StatusCode500 has been set in SetLinkStateResponse HasStatusCode500() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
SetLinkStateResponse is description is TBD
func NewSetLinkStateResponse ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewSetLinkStateResponse() SetLinkStateResponse
type SetProtocolStateResponse ¶ added in v0.6.1
type SetProtocolStateResponse interface { Msg() *otg.SetProtocolStateResponse SetMsg(*otg.SetProtocolStateResponse) SetProtocolStateResponse // ToPbText marshals SetProtocolStateResponse to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals SetProtocolStateResponse to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals SetProtocolStateResponse to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals SetProtocolStateResponse from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals SetProtocolStateResponse from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals SetProtocolStateResponse from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates SetProtocolStateResponse Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // StatusCode200 returns ResponseWarning, set in SetProtocolStateResponse. // ResponseWarning is a list of warnings that have occurred while executing the request. StatusCode200() ResponseWarning // SetStatusCode200 assigns ResponseWarning provided by user to SetProtocolStateResponse. // ResponseWarning is a list of warnings that have occurred while executing the request. SetStatusCode200(value ResponseWarning) SetProtocolStateResponse // HasStatusCode200 checks if StatusCode200 has been set in SetProtocolStateResponse HasStatusCode200() bool // StatusCode400 returns ResponseError, set in SetProtocolStateResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. StatusCode400() ResponseError // SetStatusCode400 assigns ResponseError provided by user to SetProtocolStateResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. SetStatusCode400(value ResponseError) SetProtocolStateResponse // HasStatusCode400 checks if StatusCode400 has been set in SetProtocolStateResponse HasStatusCode400() bool // StatusCode500 returns ResponseError, set in SetProtocolStateResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. StatusCode500() ResponseError // SetStatusCode500 assigns ResponseError provided by user to SetProtocolStateResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. SetStatusCode500(value ResponseError) SetProtocolStateResponse // HasStatusCode500 checks if StatusCode500 has been set in SetProtocolStateResponse HasStatusCode500() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
SetProtocolStateResponse is description is TBD
func NewSetProtocolStateResponse ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewSetProtocolStateResponse() SetProtocolStateResponse
type SetRouteStateResponse ¶
type SetRouteStateResponse interface { Msg() *otg.SetRouteStateResponse SetMsg(*otg.SetRouteStateResponse) SetRouteStateResponse // ToPbText marshals SetRouteStateResponse to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals SetRouteStateResponse to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals SetRouteStateResponse to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals SetRouteStateResponse from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals SetRouteStateResponse from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals SetRouteStateResponse from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates SetRouteStateResponse Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // StatusCode200 returns ResponseWarning, set in SetRouteStateResponse. // ResponseWarning is a list of warnings that have occurred while executing the request. StatusCode200() ResponseWarning // SetStatusCode200 assigns ResponseWarning provided by user to SetRouteStateResponse. // ResponseWarning is a list of warnings that have occurred while executing the request. SetStatusCode200(value ResponseWarning) SetRouteStateResponse // HasStatusCode200 checks if StatusCode200 has been set in SetRouteStateResponse HasStatusCode200() bool // StatusCode400 returns ResponseError, set in SetRouteStateResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. StatusCode400() ResponseError // SetStatusCode400 assigns ResponseError provided by user to SetRouteStateResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. SetStatusCode400(value ResponseError) SetRouteStateResponse // HasStatusCode400 checks if StatusCode400 has been set in SetRouteStateResponse HasStatusCode400() bool // StatusCode500 returns ResponseError, set in SetRouteStateResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. StatusCode500() ResponseError // SetStatusCode500 assigns ResponseError provided by user to SetRouteStateResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. SetStatusCode500(value ResponseError) SetRouteStateResponse // HasStatusCode500 checks if StatusCode500 has been set in SetRouteStateResponse HasStatusCode500() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
SetRouteStateResponse is description is TBD
func NewSetRouteStateResponse ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewSetRouteStateResponse() SetRouteStateResponse
type SetTransmitStateResponse ¶
type SetTransmitStateResponse interface { Msg() *otg.SetTransmitStateResponse SetMsg(*otg.SetTransmitStateResponse) SetTransmitStateResponse // ToPbText marshals SetTransmitStateResponse to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals SetTransmitStateResponse to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals SetTransmitStateResponse to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals SetTransmitStateResponse from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals SetTransmitStateResponse from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals SetTransmitStateResponse from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates SetTransmitStateResponse Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // StatusCode200 returns ResponseWarning, set in SetTransmitStateResponse. // ResponseWarning is a list of warnings that have occurred while executing the request. StatusCode200() ResponseWarning // SetStatusCode200 assigns ResponseWarning provided by user to SetTransmitStateResponse. // ResponseWarning is a list of warnings that have occurred while executing the request. SetStatusCode200(value ResponseWarning) SetTransmitStateResponse // HasStatusCode200 checks if StatusCode200 has been set in SetTransmitStateResponse HasStatusCode200() bool // StatusCode400 returns ResponseError, set in SetTransmitStateResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. StatusCode400() ResponseError // SetStatusCode400 assigns ResponseError provided by user to SetTransmitStateResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. SetStatusCode400(value ResponseError) SetTransmitStateResponse // HasStatusCode400 checks if StatusCode400 has been set in SetTransmitStateResponse HasStatusCode400() bool // StatusCode500 returns ResponseError, set in SetTransmitStateResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. StatusCode500() ResponseError // SetStatusCode500 assigns ResponseError provided by user to SetTransmitStateResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. SetStatusCode500(value ResponseError) SetTransmitStateResponse // HasStatusCode500 checks if StatusCode500 has been set in SetTransmitStateResponse HasStatusCode500() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
SetTransmitStateResponse is description is TBD
func NewSetTransmitStateResponse ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewSetTransmitStateResponse() SetTransmitStateResponse
type StatesRequest ¶ added in v0.6.13
type StatesRequest interface { Msg() *otg.StatesRequest SetMsg(*otg.StatesRequest) StatesRequest // ToPbText marshals StatesRequest to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals StatesRequest to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals StatesRequest to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals StatesRequest from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals StatesRequest from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals StatesRequest from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates StatesRequest Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns StatesRequestChoiceEnum, set in StatesRequest Choice() StatesRequestChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns StatesRequestChoiceEnum provided by user to StatesRequest SetChoice(value StatesRequestChoiceEnum) StatesRequest // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in StatesRequest HasChoice() bool // Ipv4Neighbors returns Neighborsv4StatesRequest, set in StatesRequest. // Neighborsv4StatesRequest is the request to retrieve IPv4 Neighbor state (ARP cache entries) of a network interface(s). Ipv4Neighbors() Neighborsv4StatesRequest // SetIpv4Neighbors assigns Neighborsv4StatesRequest provided by user to StatesRequest. // Neighborsv4StatesRequest is the request to retrieve IPv4 Neighbor state (ARP cache entries) of a network interface(s). SetIpv4Neighbors(value Neighborsv4StatesRequest) StatesRequest // HasIpv4Neighbors checks if Ipv4Neighbors has been set in StatesRequest HasIpv4Neighbors() bool // Ipv6Neighbors returns Neighborsv6StatesRequest, set in StatesRequest. // Neighborsv6StatesRequest is the request to retrieve IPv6 Neighbor state (NDISC cache entries) of a network interface(s). Ipv6Neighbors() Neighborsv6StatesRequest // SetIpv6Neighbors assigns Neighborsv6StatesRequest provided by user to StatesRequest. // Neighborsv6StatesRequest is the request to retrieve IPv6 Neighbor state (NDISC cache entries) of a network interface(s). SetIpv6Neighbors(value Neighborsv6StatesRequest) StatesRequest // HasIpv6Neighbors checks if Ipv6Neighbors has been set in StatesRequest HasIpv6Neighbors() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
StatesRequest is request to traffic generator for states of choice
func NewStatesRequest ¶ added in v0.6.13
func NewStatesRequest() StatesRequest
type StatesRequestChoiceEnum ¶ added in v0.6.13
type StatesRequestChoiceEnum string
type StatesResponse ¶ added in v0.6.13
type StatesResponse interface { Msg() *otg.StatesResponse SetMsg(*otg.StatesResponse) StatesResponse // ToPbText marshals StatesResponse to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals StatesResponse to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals StatesResponse to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals StatesResponse from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals StatesResponse from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals StatesResponse from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates StatesResponse Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Choice returns StatesResponseChoiceEnum, set in StatesResponse Choice() StatesResponseChoiceEnum // SetChoice assigns StatesResponseChoiceEnum provided by user to StatesResponse SetChoice(value StatesResponseChoiceEnum) StatesResponse // HasChoice checks if Choice has been set in StatesResponse HasChoice() bool // Ipv4Neighbors returns StatesResponseNeighborsv4StateIter, set in StatesResponse Ipv4Neighbors() StatesResponseNeighborsv4StateIter // Ipv6Neighbors returns StatesResponseNeighborsv6StateIter, set in StatesResponse Ipv6Neighbors() StatesResponseNeighborsv6StateIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
StatesResponse is response containing chosen traffic generator states
func NewStatesResponse ¶ added in v0.6.13
func NewStatesResponse() StatesResponse
type StatesResponseChoiceEnum ¶ added in v0.6.13
type StatesResponseChoiceEnum string
type StatesResponseNeighborsv4StateIter ¶ added in v0.6.13
type StatesResponseNeighborsv4StateIter interface { Items() []Neighborsv4State Add() Neighborsv4State Append(items ...Neighborsv4State) StatesResponseNeighborsv4StateIter Set(index int, newObj Neighborsv4State) StatesResponseNeighborsv4StateIter Clear() StatesResponseNeighborsv4StateIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type StatesResponseNeighborsv6StateIter ¶ added in v0.6.13
type StatesResponseNeighborsv6StateIter interface { Items() []Neighborsv6State Add() Neighborsv6State Append(items ...Neighborsv6State) StatesResponseNeighborsv6StateIter Set(index int, newObj Neighborsv6State) StatesResponseNeighborsv6StateIter Clear() StatesResponseNeighborsv6StateIter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type TransmitState ¶
type TransmitState interface { Msg() *otg.TransmitState SetMsg(*otg.TransmitState) TransmitState // ToPbText marshals TransmitState to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals TransmitState to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals TransmitState to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals TransmitState from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals TransmitState from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals TransmitState from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates TransmitState Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // FlowNames returns []string, set in TransmitState. FlowNames() []string // SetFlowNames assigns []string provided by user to TransmitState SetFlowNames(value []string) TransmitState // State returns TransmitStateStateEnum, set in TransmitState State() TransmitStateStateEnum // SetState assigns TransmitStateStateEnum provided by user to TransmitState SetState(value TransmitStateStateEnum) TransmitState // contains filtered or unexported methods }
TransmitState is control the transmit state of flows.
func NewTransmitState ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewTransmitState() TransmitState
type TransmitStateStateEnum ¶
type TransmitStateStateEnum string
type UpdateFlowsResponse ¶
type UpdateFlowsResponse interface { Msg() *otg.UpdateFlowsResponse SetMsg(*otg.UpdateFlowsResponse) UpdateFlowsResponse // ToPbText marshals UpdateFlowsResponse to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals UpdateFlowsResponse to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals UpdateFlowsResponse to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals UpdateFlowsResponse from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals UpdateFlowsResponse from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals UpdateFlowsResponse from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates UpdateFlowsResponse Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // StatusCode200 returns Config, set in UpdateFlowsResponse. // Config is a container for all models that are part of the configuration. StatusCode200() Config // SetStatusCode200 assigns Config provided by user to UpdateFlowsResponse. // Config is a container for all models that are part of the configuration. SetStatusCode200(value Config) UpdateFlowsResponse // HasStatusCode200 checks if StatusCode200 has been set in UpdateFlowsResponse HasStatusCode200() bool // StatusCode400 returns ResponseError, set in UpdateFlowsResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. StatusCode400() ResponseError // SetStatusCode400 assigns ResponseError provided by user to UpdateFlowsResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. SetStatusCode400(value ResponseError) UpdateFlowsResponse // HasStatusCode400 checks if StatusCode400 has been set in UpdateFlowsResponse HasStatusCode400() bool // StatusCode500 returns ResponseError, set in UpdateFlowsResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. StatusCode500() ResponseError // SetStatusCode500 assigns ResponseError provided by user to UpdateFlowsResponse. // ResponseError is a list of errors that may have occurred while executing the request. SetStatusCode500(value ResponseError) UpdateFlowsResponse // HasStatusCode500 checks if StatusCode500 has been set in UpdateFlowsResponse HasStatusCode500() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
UpdateFlowsResponse is description is TBD
func NewUpdateFlowsResponse ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewUpdateFlowsResponse() UpdateFlowsResponse
type V4RouteAddress ¶ added in v0.6.1
type V4RouteAddress interface { Msg() *otg.V4RouteAddress SetMsg(*otg.V4RouteAddress) V4RouteAddress // ToPbText marshals V4RouteAddress to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals V4RouteAddress to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals V4RouteAddress to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals V4RouteAddress from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals V4RouteAddress from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals V4RouteAddress from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates V4RouteAddress Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Address returns string, set in V4RouteAddress. Address() string // SetAddress assigns string provided by user to V4RouteAddress SetAddress(value string) V4RouteAddress // Prefix returns int32, set in V4RouteAddress. Prefix() int32 // SetPrefix assigns int32 provided by user to V4RouteAddress SetPrefix(value int32) V4RouteAddress // HasPrefix checks if Prefix has been set in V4RouteAddress HasPrefix() bool // Count returns int32, set in V4RouteAddress. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to V4RouteAddress SetCount(value int32) V4RouteAddress // HasCount checks if Count has been set in V4RouteAddress HasCount() bool // Step returns int32, set in V4RouteAddress. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to V4RouteAddress SetStep(value int32) V4RouteAddress // HasStep checks if Step has been set in V4RouteAddress HasStep() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
V4RouteAddress is a container for IPv4 route addresses.
func NewV4RouteAddress ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewV4RouteAddress() V4RouteAddress
type V6RouteAddress ¶ added in v0.6.1
type V6RouteAddress interface { Msg() *otg.V6RouteAddress SetMsg(*otg.V6RouteAddress) V6RouteAddress // ToPbText marshals V6RouteAddress to protobuf text ToPbText() (string, error) // ToYaml marshals V6RouteAddress to YAML text ToYaml() (string, error) // ToJson marshals V6RouteAddress to JSON text ToJson() (string, error) // FromPbText unmarshals V6RouteAddress from protobuf text FromPbText(value string) error // FromYaml unmarshals V6RouteAddress from YAML text FromYaml(value string) error // FromJson unmarshals V6RouteAddress from JSON text FromJson(value string) error // Validate validates V6RouteAddress Validate() error // A stringer function String() string // Address returns string, set in V6RouteAddress. Address() string // SetAddress assigns string provided by user to V6RouteAddress SetAddress(value string) V6RouteAddress // Prefix returns int32, set in V6RouteAddress. Prefix() int32 // SetPrefix assigns int32 provided by user to V6RouteAddress SetPrefix(value int32) V6RouteAddress // HasPrefix checks if Prefix has been set in V6RouteAddress HasPrefix() bool // Count returns int32, set in V6RouteAddress. Count() int32 // SetCount assigns int32 provided by user to V6RouteAddress SetCount(value int32) V6RouteAddress // HasCount checks if Count has been set in V6RouteAddress HasCount() bool // Step returns int32, set in V6RouteAddress. Step() int32 // SetStep assigns int32 provided by user to V6RouteAddress SetStep(value int32) V6RouteAddress // HasStep checks if Step has been set in V6RouteAddress HasStep() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
V6RouteAddress is a container for IPv6 route addresses.
func NewV6RouteAddress ¶ added in v0.6.5
func NewV6RouteAddress() V6RouteAddress
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