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Published: Feb 19, 2025 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 23 Imported by: 4


Loki Exporter

Stability deprecated: logs
Distributions contrib
Issues Open issues Closed issues
Code Owners @gramidt, @mar4uk

Exports data via HTTP to Loki.

Deprecation notice

This component is deprecated: Loki now supports native OTLP ingestion starting from v3. Grafana Cloud also supports OTLP native ingestion for logs. This component will be removed in November 2024.

Benefits of the new Loki OpenTelemetry log format

The new format for OpenTelemetry logs introduced in Loki V3 brings the following benefits:

  • Native support for the structure of OpenTelemetry logs enabling simpler querying (no more JSON parsing).
  • Simplified client configuration to send OpenTelemetry data using the standard OTLP protocol.
Loki log message format changes for OpenTelemetry logs

See OpenTelemetry Logs Data Model specification.

OpenTelemetry log field Pre Loki V3 Loki V3 through the Loki OTLP Endpoint
Timestamp timestamp timestamp
ObservedTimestamp Not available metadata[observed_timestamp]
TraceId traceid field of the Loki JSON log message metadata[trace_id]
SpanId spanid field of the Loki JSON log message metadata[span_id]
TraceFlags Not available metadata[flags]
SeverityText severity field of the JSON log message (e.g. Information) and level label (e.g. ERROR, INFO...), the detected_level label is also available metadata[severity_text], the detected_level label is also available
SeverityNumber Not available metadata[severity_number]
Body body field of the Loki JSON log message The Loki log message. __line__in LogQL functions (e.g. line_format)
InstrumentationScope instrumentation_scope_name field of the JSON log message metadata[scope_name]
Attributes JSON fields of the Loki log message metadata[xyz] Where xyz is the _ version of the OTel attribute name (e.g. thread_name Loki metadata for the thread.name OpenTelemetry attribute)
Resource service.name, service.namespace, and service.instance.id are promoted as the following labels: job=[${service.namespace}/]${service.name}, instance=${service.instance.id}, exporter="OTLP". Other resource attributes are stored as JSON fields of the Loki log message with the prefix resources_(e.g.resources_k8s_namespace_name`) Default list of resource attributes promoted as Loki labels: cloud.availability_zone, cloud.region, container.name, deployment.environment, k8s.cluster.name, k8s.container.name, k8s.cronjob.name, k8s.daemonset.name, k8s.deployment.name, k8s.job.name, k8s.namespace.name, k8s.pod.name, k8s.replicaset.name k8s.statefulset.name, service.instance.id, service.name, service.namespace.
Other resource attributes are by default promoted as Loki message metadata.
ℹ️ The list of promoted resource attributes is configurable using Loki’s distributor config parameter default_resource_attributes_as_index_labels when using self managed Loki or opening a support request when using Grafana Cloud

ℹ️ Additional conversion rules from OpenTelemetry Logs to Loki

  • All special characters, including . in attribute and resource attribute names, are converted into _ when they are mapped as Loki labels or metadata.
  • OTel attribute values with complex data types (i.e. arrays, nested structures) are converted into JSON strings
Migration instructions
Instrumentation migration

No changes are needed in the instrumentation layer. OpenTelemetry logs sources like OpenTelemetry SDKs or the OpenTelemetry Collector File Log Receiver don’t have to be modified.

Logs collection migration

Replace the OpenTelemetry Collector Loki Exporter by the OpenTelemetry Collector OTLP HTTP Exporter as OpenTelemetry logs should now be exported as is to the Loki OTLP endpoint.

OpenTelemetry Collector configuration migration


      username: <<username>>
      password: <<password>>

      authenticator: basicauth/loki
    endpoint: https://loki.example.com:3100/loki/api/v1/push

  extensions: [basicauth/loki]
      receivers: [...]
      processors: [...]
      exporters: [loki, ...]


      username: <<username>>
      password: <<password>>

      authenticator: basicauth/loki
    endpoint: http://loki.example.com:3100/otlp/v1/logs

  extensions: [basicauth/loki]
      receivers: [...]
      processors: [...]
      exporters: [otlphttp/loki, ...]
  • When using Grafana Cloud, the Grafana Cloud OTLP endpoint should be used instead of the Loki OTLP endpoint. The connection details of the Grafana Cloud OTLP endpoint, OTLP HTTP URL and credentials are available using the Grafana Cloud "OpenTelemetry Collector" connection tile.
  • The promotion of OpenTelemetry attributes and resource attributes to Loki labels using the loki.attribute.labels and loki.resource.labels hints is replaced by the list of promoted attributes managed centrally in Loki.
  • The default list of resource attributes promoted as labels (see above) should be sufficient for most use cases.
  • ℹ️ Changes can be made to this list using the Loki distributor config parameter default_resource_attributes_as_index_labels for self managed instances and opening a support ticket for Grafana Cloud.
LogQL queries migration
From job and instance to service_name, service_namespace, and service_instance_id

The Loki labels job and instance are no longer generated and are replaced by the service_name, service_namespace, and service_instance_id labels.


{job="ecommerce/frontend", instance="instance-1234567890"}

{service_name="frontend", service_namespace="ecommerce", service_instance_id="instance-1234567890"}
From | json | an_attribute=... to {an_attribute=...} or | an_attribute=...

OTel log attributes, resource attributes, and fields are no longer stored in the JSON message but are stored as:

  • Loki message labels for promoted resource attributes (see list above),
  • Loki message metadata for other resource attributes, log attributes, and log fields.

LogQL statements | json | an_attribute=... must be converted to:

  • Promoted resource attributes: {an_attribute=...}
  • For other resource attributes, log attributes, and log fields: | an_attribute=...


{exporter="OTLP", job="frontend"} | json | resources_deployment_environment="production"

{service_name="frontend"} | deployment_environment="production"
From | json | traceid=... and | json | spanid=... to | trace_id=... and | span_id=...

The log fields SpanID and TraceId were stored as the JSON fields spanid and traceid; they are now stored as metadata[span_id] and metadata[trace_id], LogQL queries must be changed accordingly.

TraceID filters like | json | traceid=<<traceId>> ... and |= <<traceId>> ... must be converted to | trace_id=<<traceId>> ... where <<traceId>> and <> are the values you search for.
Similarly, SpanID filters like | json | spanid=<<spanid>> ... and |=<<spanid>> ... must be converted to | span_id=<<spanid>> ....


{exporter="OTLP", job="/frontend"} |= "00960a472ea5b87954ca07902d66f914"

{service_name="frontend"} | trace_id="00960a472ea5b87954ca07902d66f914"
From line_format {{.body}} to line_format {{__line__}}

The {{.body}} element of the JSON payload that used to hold the OTel log message body is now the message of the Loki log line and should be referenced as {{__line__}} in line_format calls.


{exporter="OTLP", job="frontend"} | json | line_format `[{{.level}}] {{.body}}`

{service_name="frontend"} | line_format `[{{.detected_level}}] {{__line__}}`
Grafana visualizations migration

Navigation between traces and logs must be updated to account for the new Loki format form OpenTelemetry logs.

Tempo data source: Trace to Logs

To enable the "trace to logs" navigation from Tempo to Loki, navigate to the Grafana Tempo data source configuration screen, in the "Trace to logs" section,

  • Select a Loki data source on which logs to trace is configured for the new Loki format for OTel logs as described in the next section

  • Select "Use custom query" and specify the query:

    {${__tags}} | trace_id="${__span.traceId}"

Configuration screenshot:

Grafana / Data Source / A Tempo datasource / Trace to logs

Loki data source: Log to Trace

To enable the "logs to trace" navigation from Loki to Tempo, navigate to the Grafana Loki data source configuration screen, in the "Derived fields" section, update or create a derived field with:

  • Name: Trace ID
  • Type: Label (note that this Label name may be misleading because it also supports Loki message metadata)
  • Label: trace_id
  • Internal link: activated
  • Select the Tempo data source on which "trace to logs" is configured as described above

Configuration screenshot:

Grafana / Data Source / A Loki datasource / Log to trace

See Also

Getting Started with the deprecated OpenTelemetry Collector Loki Exporter

The following settings are required:

  • endpoint (no default): The target URL to send Loki log streams to (e.g.: http://loki:3100/loki/api/v1/push).
  • default_labels_enabled (optional): The map that allows to disable default labels: exporter, job, instance, level. If default_labels_enabled is omitted then default labels will be added. If one of the labels is omitted in default_labels_enabled then this label will be added. Important to remember: If all default labels are disabled and there are no other labels added then the log entry would be dropped because at least one label should be present to successfully put the log record into Loki. The metric otelcol_lokiexporter_send_failed_due_to_missing_labels shows how many log records were dropped because no labels were specified


    endpoint: https://loki.example.com:3100/loki/api/v1/push
      exporter: false
      job: true

Configuration via attribute hints


The Loki exporter can convert OTLP resource and log attributes into Loki labels, which are indexed. For that, you need to configure hints, specifying which attributes should be placed as labels. The hints are themselves attributes and will be ignored when exporting to Loki. The following example uses the attributes processor to hint the Loki exporter to set the event.domain attribute as label and the resource processor to give a hint to the Loki exporter to set the service.name as label.

      - action: insert
        key: loki.attribute.labels
        value: event.domain

      - action: insert
        key: loki.resource.labels
        value: service.name

Currently, Loki does not support label names with dots. That's why lokiexporter normalizes label names to follow Prometheus label names standard before sending requests to Loki.

The promotion of multiple resource and log attributes to labels is done with single action with comma-separated desired labels:

      - action: insert
        key: loki.attribute.labels
        value: event.domain, event.name

      - action: insert
        key: loki.resource.labels
        value: service.name, service.namespace

Default labels are always set unless they are disabled with default_labels_enabled setting:

  • job=service.namespace/service.name
  • instance=service.instance.id
  • exporter=OTLP
  • level=severity

If service.name and service.namespace are present then job=service.namespace/service.name is set

If service.name is present and service.namespace is not present then job=service.name is set

If service.name is not present and service.namespace is present then job label is not set

If service.instance.id is present then instance=service.instance.id is set

If service.instance.id is not present then instance label is not set

The full list of settings exposed for this exporter are documented in config.go with detailed sample configurations in testdata/config.yaml.

For more information, see how to send logs to Grafana Loki using the OpenTelemetry Collector

Tenant information

It is recommended to use the header_setter extension to configure the tenant information to send to Loki. In case a static tenant should be used, you can make use of the headers option for regular HTTP client settings, like the following:

    endpoint: http://localhost:3100/loki/api/v1/push
      "X-Scope-OrgID": acme

It is also possible to provide the loki.tenant attribute hint that specifies which resource or log attributes value should be used as a tenant. For example:

    - action: insert
      key: loki.tenant
      value: host.name

In this case the value of the host.name resource attribute is used to group logs by tenant and send requests with the X-Scope-OrgID header set to relevant tenants.

If the loki.tenant hint attribute is present in both resource and log attributes, then the look-up for a tenant value from resource attributes takes precedence.


To choose the format used for writing log lines by the exporter use the loki.format hint. For example:

    - action: insert
      key: loki.format
      value: logfmt

The following formats are supported:

  • logfmt: Write logs as logfmt lines.
  • json: Write logs as JSON objects. It is the default format if no hint is present.
  • raw: Write the body of the log message as string representation.


OpenTelemetry uses record.severityNumber to track log levels where loki uses record.attributes.level for the same. The exporter automatically maps the two, except if a "level" attribute already exists.

Advanced Configuration

Several helper files are leveraged to provide additional capabilities automatically:



Package lokiexporter implements an exporter that sends log data to Loki.



This section is empty.


This section is empty.


func NewFactory

func NewFactory() exporter.Factory

NewFactory creates a factory for the legacy Loki exporter.


type Config

type Config struct {
	confighttp.ClientConfig   `mapstructure:",squash"`   // squash ensures fields are correctly decoded in embedded struct.
	QueueSettings             exporterhelper.QueueConfig `mapstructure:"sending_queue"`
	configretry.BackOffConfig `mapstructure:"retry_on_failure"`

	DefaultLabelsEnabled map[string]bool `mapstructure:"default_labels_enabled"`

Config defines configuration for Loki exporter.

func (*Config) Validate added in v0.45.0

func (c *Config) Validate() error


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL