Index ¶
- func DeleteStoredData(store Storage, metaData common.MetaData) common.SyncServiceError
- func DeleteStoredObject(store Storage, metaData common.MetaData) common.SyncServiceError
- func IsDiscarded(err error) bool
- func IsNotConnected(err error) bool
- func IsNotFound(err error) bool
- type BoltStorage
- func (store *BoltStorage) ActivateObject(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *BoltStorage) AddUsersToACL(aclType string, orgID string, key string, users []common.ACLentry) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *BoltStorage) AddWebhook(orgID string, objectType string, url string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *BoltStorage) AppendObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, dataReader io.Reader, ...) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *BoltStorage) CleanObjects() common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *BoltStorage) Cleanup(isTest bool) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *BoltStorage) CloseDataReader(dataReader io.Reader) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *BoltStorage) DecrementAndReturnRemainingConsumers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (int, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) DecrementAndReturnRemainingReceivers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (int, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) DeleteDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *BoltStorage) DeleteNotificationRecords(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destType string, ...) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *BoltStorage) DeleteOrgToMessagingGroup(orgID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *BoltStorage) DeleteOrganization(orgID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *BoltStorage) DeleteOrganizationInfo(orgID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *BoltStorage) DeleteStoredData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *BoltStorage) DeleteStoredObject(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *BoltStorage) DeleteWebhook(orgID string, objectType string, url string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *BoltStorage) DestinationExists(orgID string, destType string, destID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) GetNumberOfDestinations() (uint32, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) GetNumberOfStoredObjects() (uint32, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) GetObjectDestinations(metaData common.MetaData) ([]common.Destination, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) GetObjectDestinationsList(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) ([]common.StoreDestinationStatus, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) GetObjectsForDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) ([]common.ObjectStatus, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) GetObjectsToActivate() ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) Init() common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *BoltStorage) InsertInitialLeader(leaderID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) IsConnected() bool
- func (store *BoltStorage) IsPersistent() bool
- func (store *BoltStorage) LeaderPeriodicUpdate(leaderID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) MarkDestinationPolicyReceived(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *BoltStorage) MarkObjectDeleted(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *BoltStorage) PerformMaintenance()
- func (store *BoltStorage) ReadObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, size int, offset int64) (data []byte, eof bool, length int, err common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RemoveInactiveDestinations(lastTimestamp time.Time)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RemoveUsersFromACL(aclType string, orgID string, key string, users []common.ACLentry) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *BoltStorage) ResetObjectRemainingConsumers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *BoltStorage) ResignLeadership(leaderID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveACL(aclType string, orgID string, key string, aclUserType string) ([]common.ACLentry, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveACLsInOrg(aclType string, orgID string) ([]string, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveAllObjects(orgID string, objectType string) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveAllObjectsAndUpdateDestinationListForDestination(destOrgID string, destType string, destID string) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveConsumedObjects() ([]common.ConsumedObject, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) (*common.Destination, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveDestinationProtocol(orgID string, destType string, destID string) (string, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveDestinations(orgID string, destType string) ([]common.Destination, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveLeader() (string, int32, time.Time, int64, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveMessagingGroup(orgID string) (string, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveNotificationRecord(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destType string, ...) (*common.Notification, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveNotifications(orgID string, destType string, destID string, retrieveReceived bool) ([]common.Notification, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveObjOrDestTypeForGivenACLUser(aclType string, orgID string, aclUserType string, aclUsername string, ...) ([]string, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveObject(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (*common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveObjectAndRemovedDestinationPolicyServices(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (*common.MetaData, []common.ServiceID, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveObjectAndStatus(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (*common.MetaData, string, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (io.Reader, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveObjectRemainingConsumers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (int, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveObjectStatus(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (string, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveObjects(orgID string, destType string, destID string, resend int) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicy(orgID string, received bool) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyByService(orgID, serviceOrgID, serviceName string) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyUpdatedSince(orgID string, since int64) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithFilters(orgID string, destinationPolicy *bool, dpServiceOrgID string, ...) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveOrganizationInfo(orgID string) (*common.StoredOrganization, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveOrganizations() ([]common.StoredOrganization, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrievePendingNotifications(orgID string, destType string, destID string) ([]common.Notification, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveTimeOnServer() (time.Time, error)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveUpdatedMessagingGroups(time time.Time) ([]common.MessagingGroup, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveUpdatedObjects(orgID string, objectType string, received bool) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveUpdatedOrganizations(time time.Time) ([]common.StoredOrganization, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveWebhooks(orgID string, objectType string) ([]string, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) Stop()
- func (store *BoltStorage) StoreDestination(destination common.Destination) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *BoltStorage) StoreObject(metaData common.MetaData, data []byte, status string) ([]common.StoreDestinationStatus, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) StoreObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, dataReader io.Reader) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) StoreOrgToMessagingGroup(orgID string, messagingGroup string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *BoltStorage) StoreOrganization(org common.Organization) (time.Time, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) UpdateDestinationLastPingTime(destination common.Destination) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *BoltStorage) UpdateLeader(leaderID string, version int64) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) UpdateNotificationRecord(notification common.Notification) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *BoltStorage) UpdateNotificationResendTime(notification common.Notification) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *BoltStorage) UpdateObjectDelivering(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *BoltStorage) UpdateObjectDeliveryStatus(status string, message string, orgID string, objectType string, ...) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *BoltStorage) UpdateObjectDestinations(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destinationsList []string) (*common.MetaData, string, []common.StoreDestinationStatus, ...)
- func (store *BoltStorage) UpdateObjectSourceDataURI(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, sourceDataURI string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *BoltStorage) UpdateObjectStatus(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, status string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *BoltStorage) UpdateRemovedDestinationPolicyServices(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, ...) common.SyncServiceError
- type Cache
- func (store *Cache) ActivateObject(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *Cache) AddUsersToACL(aclType string, orgID string, key string, users []common.ACLentry) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *Cache) AddWebhook(orgID string, objectType string, url string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *Cache) AppendObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, dataReader io.Reader, ...) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *Cache) CleanObjects() common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *Cache) Cleanup(isTest bool) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *Cache) CloseDataReader(dataReader io.Reader) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *Cache) DecrementAndReturnRemainingConsumers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (int, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) DecrementAndReturnRemainingReceivers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (int, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) DeleteDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *Cache) DeleteNotificationRecords(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destType string, ...) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *Cache) DeleteOrgToMessagingGroup(orgID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *Cache) DeleteOrganization(orgID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *Cache) DeleteOrganizationInfo(orgID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *Cache) DeleteStoredData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *Cache) DeleteStoredObject(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *Cache) DeleteWebhook(orgID string, objectType string, url string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *Cache) DestinationExists(orgID string, destType string, destID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) GetNumberOfDestinations() (uint32, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) GetNumberOfStoredObjects() (uint32, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) GetObjectDestinations(metaData common.MetaData) ([]common.Destination, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) GetObjectDestinationsList(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) ([]common.StoreDestinationStatus, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) GetObjectsForDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) ([]common.ObjectStatus, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) GetObjectsToActivate() ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) Init() common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *Cache) InsertInitialLeader(leaderID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) IsConnected() bool
- func (store *Cache) IsPersistent() bool
- func (store *Cache) LeaderPeriodicUpdate(leaderID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) MarkDestinationPolicyReceived(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *Cache) MarkObjectDeleted(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *Cache) PerformMaintenance()
- func (store *Cache) ReadObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, size int, offset int64) ([]byte, bool, int, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RemoveInactiveDestinations(lastTimestamp time.Time)
- func (store *Cache) RemoveUsersFromACL(aclType string, orgID string, key string, users []common.ACLentry) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *Cache) ResetObjectRemainingConsumers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *Cache) ResignLeadership(leaderID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveACL(aclType string, orgID string, key string, aclUserType string) ([]common.ACLentry, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveACLsInOrg(aclType string, orgID string) ([]string, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveAllObjects(orgID string, objectType string) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveAllObjectsAndUpdateDestinationListForDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveConsumedObjects() ([]common.ConsumedObject, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) (*common.Destination, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveDestinationProtocol(orgID string, destType string, destID string) (string, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveDestinations(orgID string, destType string) ([]common.Destination, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveLeader() (string, int32, time.Time, int64, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveMessagingGroup(orgID string) (string, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveNotificationRecord(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destType string, ...) (*common.Notification, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveNotifications(orgID string, destType string, destID string, retrieveReceived bool) ([]common.Notification, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveObjOrDestTypeForGivenACLUser(aclType string, orgID string, aclUserType string, aclUsername string, ...) ([]string, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveObject(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (*common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveObjectAndRemovedDestinationPolicyServices(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (*common.MetaData, []common.ServiceID, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveObjectAndStatus(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (*common.MetaData, string, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (io.Reader, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveObjectRemainingConsumers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (int, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveObjectStatus(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (string, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveObjects(orgID string, destType string, destID string, resend int) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicy(orgID string, received bool) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyByService(orgID, serviceOrgID, serviceName string) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyUpdatedSince(orgID string, since int64) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveObjectsWithFilters(orgID string, destinationPolicy *bool, dpServiceOrgID string, ...) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveOrganizationInfo(orgID string) (*common.StoredOrganization, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveOrganizations() ([]common.StoredOrganization, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RetrievePendingNotifications(orgID string, destType string, destID string) ([]common.Notification, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveTimeOnServer() (time.Time, error)
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveUpdatedMessagingGroups(time time.Time) ([]common.MessagingGroup, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveUpdatedObjects(orgID string, objectType string, received bool) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveUpdatedOrganizations(time time.Time) ([]common.StoredOrganization, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) RetrieveWebhooks(orgID string, objectType string) ([]string, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) Stop()
- func (store *Cache) StoreDestination(dest common.Destination) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *Cache) StoreObject(metaData common.MetaData, data []byte, status string) ([]common.StoreDestinationStatus, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) StoreObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, dataReader io.Reader) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) StoreOrgToMessagingGroup(orgID string, messagingGroup string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *Cache) StoreOrganization(org common.Organization) (time.Time, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) UpdateDestinationLastPingTime(destination common.Destination) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *Cache) UpdateLeader(leaderID string, version int64) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) UpdateNotificationRecord(notification common.Notification) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *Cache) UpdateNotificationResendTime(notification common.Notification) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *Cache) UpdateObjectDelivering(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *Cache) UpdateObjectDeliveryStatus(status string, message string, orgID string, objectType string, ...) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *Cache) UpdateObjectDestinations(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destinationsList []string) (*common.MetaData, string, []common.StoreDestinationStatus, ...)
- func (store *Cache) UpdateObjectSourceDataURI(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, sourceDataURI string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *Cache) UpdateObjectStatus(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, status string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *Cache) UpdateRemovedDestinationPolicyServices(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, ...) common.SyncServiceError
- type Discarded
- type Error
- type InMemoryStorage
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) ActivateObject(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) AddUsersToACL(aclType string, orgID string, key string, usernames []common.ACLentry) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) AddWebhook(orgID string, objectType string, url string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) AppendObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, dataReader io.Reader, ...) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) CleanObjects() common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) Cleanup(isTest bool) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) CloseDataReader(dataReader io.Reader) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) DecrementAndReturnRemainingConsumers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (int, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) DecrementAndReturnRemainingReceivers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (int, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) DeleteDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) DeleteNotificationRecords(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destType string, ...) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) DeleteOrgToMessagingGroup(orgID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) DeleteOrganization(orgID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) DeleteOrganizationInfo(orgID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) DeleteStoredData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) DeleteStoredObject(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) DeleteWebhook(orgID string, objectType string, url string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) DestinationExists(orgID string, destType string, destID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) GetNumberOfDestinations() (uint32, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) GetNumberOfStoredObjects() (uint32, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) GetObjectDestinations(metaData common.MetaData) ([]common.Destination, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) GetObjectDestinationsList(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) ([]common.StoreDestinationStatus, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) GetObjectsForDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) ([]common.ObjectStatus, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) GetObjectsToActivate() ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) Init() common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) InsertInitialLeader(leaderID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) IsConnected() bool
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) IsPersistent() bool
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) LeaderPeriodicUpdate(leaderID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) MarkDestinationPolicyReceived(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) MarkObjectDeleted(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) PerformMaintenance()
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) ReadObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, size int, offset int64) ([]byte, bool, int, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RemoveInactiveDestinations(lastTimestamp time.Time)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RemoveUsersFromACL(aclType string, orgID string, key string, usernames []common.ACLentry) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) ResetObjectRemainingConsumers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) ResignLeadership(leaderID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveACL(aclType string, orgID string, key string, aclUserType string) ([]common.ACLentry, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveACLsInOrg(aclType string, orgID string) ([]string, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveAllObjects(orgID string, objectType string) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveAllObjectsAndUpdateDestinationListForDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveConsumedObjects() ([]common.ConsumedObject, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) (*common.Destination, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveDestinationProtocol(orgID string, destType string, destID string) (string, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveDestinations(orgID string, destType string) ([]common.Destination, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveLeader() (string, int32, time.Time, int64, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveMessagingGroup(orgID string) (string, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveNotificationRecord(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destType string, ...) (*common.Notification, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveNotifications(orgID string, destType string, destID string, retrieveReceived bool) ([]common.Notification, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjOrDestTypeForGivenACLUser(aclType string, orgID string, aclUserType string, aclUsername string, ...) ([]string, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObject(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (*common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjectAndRemovedDestinationPolicyServices(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (*common.MetaData, []common.ServiceID, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjectAndStatus(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (*common.MetaData, string, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (io.Reader, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjectRemainingConsumers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (int, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjectStatus(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (string, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjects(orgID string, destType string, destID string, resend int) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicy(orgID string, received bool) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyByService(orgID, serviceOrgID, serviceName string) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyUpdatedSince(orgID string, since int64) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithFilters(orgID string, destinationPolicy *bool, dpServiceOrgID string, ...) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveOrganizationInfo(orgID string) (*common.StoredOrganization, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveOrganizations() ([]common.StoredOrganization, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrievePendingNotifications(orgID string, destType string, destID string) ([]common.Notification, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveTimeOnServer() (time.Time, error)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveUpdatedMessagingGroups(time time.Time) ([]common.MessagingGroup, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveUpdatedObjects(orgID string, objectType string, received bool) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveUpdatedOrganizations(time time.Time) ([]common.StoredOrganization, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveWebhooks(orgID string, objectType string) ([]string, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) Stop()
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) StoreDestination(destination common.Destination) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) StoreObject(metaData common.MetaData, data []byte, status string) ([]common.StoreDestinationStatus, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) StoreObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, dataReader io.Reader) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) StoreOrgToMessagingGroup(orgID string, messagingGroup string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) StoreOrganization(org common.Organization) (time.Time, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) UpdateDestinationLastPingTime(destination common.Destination) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) UpdateLeader(leaderID string, version int64) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) UpdateNotificationRecord(notification common.Notification) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) UpdateNotificationResendTime(notification common.Notification) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) UpdateObjectDelivering(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) UpdateObjectDeliveryStatus(status string, message string, orgID string, objectType string, ...) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) UpdateObjectDestinations(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destinationsList []string) (*common.MetaData, string, []common.StoreDestinationStatus, ...)
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) UpdateObjectSourceDataURI(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, sourceDataURI string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) UpdateObjectStatus(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, status string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *InMemoryStorage) UpdateRemovedDestinationPolicyServices(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, ...) common.SyncServiceError
- type MongoStorage
- func (store *MongoStorage) ActivateObject(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *MongoStorage) AddUsersToACL(aclType string, orgID string, key string, users []common.ACLentry) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *MongoStorage) AddWebhook(orgID string, objectType string, url string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *MongoStorage) AppendObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, dataReader io.Reader, ...) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *MongoStorage) CleanObjects() common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *MongoStorage) Cleanup(isTest bool) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *MongoStorage) CloseDataReader(dataReader io.Reader) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *MongoStorage) DecrementAndReturnRemainingConsumers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (int, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) DecrementAndReturnRemainingReceivers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (int, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) DeleteDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *MongoStorage) DeleteNotificationRecords(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destType string, ...) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *MongoStorage) DeleteOrgToMessagingGroup(orgID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *MongoStorage) DeleteOrganization(orgID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *MongoStorage) DeleteOrganizationInfo(orgID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *MongoStorage) DeleteStoredData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *MongoStorage) DeleteStoredObject(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *MongoStorage) DeleteWebhook(orgID string, objectType string, url string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *MongoStorage) DestinationExists(orgID string, destType string, destID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) GetNumberOfDestinations() (uint32, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) GetNumberOfStoredObjects() (uint32, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) GetObjectDestinations(metaData common.MetaData) ([]common.Destination, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) GetObjectDestinationsList(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) ([]common.StoreDestinationStatus, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) GetObjectsForDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) ([]common.ObjectStatus, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) GetObjectsToActivate() ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) Init() common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *MongoStorage) InsertInitialLeader(leaderID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) IsConnected() bool
- func (store *MongoStorage) IsPersistent() bool
- func (store *MongoStorage) LeaderPeriodicUpdate(leaderID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) MarkDestinationPolicyReceived(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *MongoStorage) MarkObjectDeleted(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *MongoStorage) PerformMaintenance()
- func (store *MongoStorage) ReadObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, size int, offset int64) ([]byte, bool, int, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RemoveInactiveDestinations(lastTimestamp time.Time)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RemoveUsersFromACL(aclType string, orgID string, key string, users []common.ACLentry) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *MongoStorage) ResetObjectRemainingConsumers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *MongoStorage) ResignLeadership(leaderID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveACL(aclType string, orgID string, key string, aclUserType string) ([]common.ACLentry, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveACLsInOrg(aclType string, orgID string) ([]string, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveAllObjects(orgID string, objectType string) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveAllObjectsAndUpdateDestinationListForDestination(destOrgID string, destType string, destID string) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveConsumedObjects() ([]common.ConsumedObject, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) (*common.Destination, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveDestinationProtocol(orgID string, destType string, destID string) (string, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveDestinations(orgID string, destType string) ([]common.Destination, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveLeader() (string, int32, time.Time, int64, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveMessagingGroup(orgID string) (string, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveNotificationRecord(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destType string, ...) (*common.Notification, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveNotifications(orgID string, destType string, destID string, retrieveReceived bool) ([]common.Notification, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveObjOrDestTypeForGivenACLUser(aclType string, orgID string, aclUserType string, aclUsername string, ...) ([]string, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveObject(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (*common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveObjectAndRemovedDestinationPolicyServices(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (*common.MetaData, []common.ServiceID, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveObjectAndStatus(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (*common.MetaData, string, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (io.Reader, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveObjectRemainingConsumers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (int, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveObjectStatus(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (string, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveObjects(orgID string, destType string, destID string, resend int) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicy(orgID string, received bool) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyByService(orgID, serviceOrgID, serviceName string) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyUpdatedSince(orgID string, since int64) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithFilters(orgID string, destinationPolicy *bool, dpServiceOrgID string, ...) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveOrganizationInfo(orgID string) (*common.StoredOrganization, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveOrganizations() ([]common.StoredOrganization, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrievePendingNotifications(orgID string, destType string, destID string) ([]common.Notification, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveTimeOnServer() (time.Time, error)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveUpdatedMessagingGroups(time time.Time) ([]common.MessagingGroup, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveUpdatedObjects(orgID string, objectType string, received bool) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveUpdatedOrganizations(time time.Time) ([]common.StoredOrganization, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveWebhooks(orgID string, objectType string) ([]string, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) Stop()
- func (store *MongoStorage) StoreDestination(destination common.Destination) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *MongoStorage) StoreObject(metaData common.MetaData, data []byte, status string) ([]common.StoreDestinationStatus, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) StoreObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, dataReader io.Reader) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) StoreOrgToMessagingGroup(orgID string, messagingGroup string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *MongoStorage) StoreOrganization(org common.Organization) (time.Time, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) UpdateDestinationLastPingTime(destination common.Destination) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *MongoStorage) UpdateLeader(leaderID string, version int64) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) UpdateNotificationRecord(notification common.Notification) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *MongoStorage) UpdateNotificationResendTime(notification common.Notification) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *MongoStorage) UpdateObjectDelivering(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *MongoStorage) UpdateObjectDeliveryStatus(status string, message string, orgID string, objectType string, ...) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
- func (store *MongoStorage) UpdateObjectDestinations(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destinationsList []string) (*common.MetaData, string, []common.StoreDestinationStatus, ...)
- func (store *MongoStorage) UpdateObjectSourceDataURI(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, sourceDataURI string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *MongoStorage) UpdateObjectStatus(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, status string) common.SyncServiceError
- func (store *MongoStorage) UpdateRemovedDestinationPolicyServices(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, ...) common.SyncServiceError
- type NotConnected
- type NotFound
- type Storage
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func DeleteStoredData ¶
func DeleteStoredData(store Storage, metaData common.MetaData) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteStoredData calls the storage to delete the object's data
func DeleteStoredObject ¶
func DeleteStoredObject(store Storage, metaData common.MetaData) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteStoredObject calls the storage to delete the object and its data
func IsDiscarded ¶
IsDiscarded returns true if the error passed in is the storage.Discarded error
func IsNotConnected ¶
IsNotConnected returns true if the error passed in is the storage.NotConnected error
func IsNotFound ¶
IsNotFound returns true if the error passed in is the storage.NotFound error
Types ¶
type BoltStorage ¶
type BoltStorage struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BoltStorage is a Bolt based store
func (*BoltStorage) ActivateObject ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) ActivateObject(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
ActivateObject marks object as active
func (*BoltStorage) AddUsersToACL ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) AddUsersToACL(aclType string, orgID string, key string, users []common.ACLentry) common.SyncServiceError
AddUsersToACL adds users to an ACL
func (*BoltStorage) AddWebhook ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) AddWebhook(orgID string, objectType string, url string) common.SyncServiceError
AddWebhook stores a webhook for an object type
func (*BoltStorage) AppendObjectData ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) AppendObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, dataReader io.Reader, dataLength uint32, offset int64, total int64, isFirstChunk bool, isLastChunk bool) common.SyncServiceError
AppendObjectData appends a chunk of data to the object's data
func (*BoltStorage) CleanObjects ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) CleanObjects() common.SyncServiceError
CleanObjects removes the objects received from the other side. For persistant storage only partially recieved objects are removed.
func (*BoltStorage) Cleanup ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) Cleanup(isTest bool) common.SyncServiceError
Cleanup erase the on disk Bolt database only for ESS and test
func (*BoltStorage) CloseDataReader ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) CloseDataReader(dataReader io.Reader) common.SyncServiceError
CloseDataReader closes the data reader if necessary
func (*BoltStorage) DecrementAndReturnRemainingConsumers ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) DecrementAndReturnRemainingConsumers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (int, common.SyncServiceError)
DecrementAndReturnRemainingConsumers decrements the number of remaining consumers of the object
func (*BoltStorage) DecrementAndReturnRemainingReceivers ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) DecrementAndReturnRemainingReceivers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (int, common.SyncServiceError)
DecrementAndReturnRemainingReceivers decrements the number of remaining receivers of the object
func (*BoltStorage) DeleteDestination ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) DeleteDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteDestination deletes a destination
func (*BoltStorage) DeleteNotificationRecords ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) DeleteNotificationRecords(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destType string, destID string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteNotificationRecords deletes notification records to an object
func (*BoltStorage) DeleteOrgToMessagingGroup ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) DeleteOrgToMessagingGroup(orgID string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteOrgToMessagingGroup deletes organization from messaging groups table
func (*BoltStorage) DeleteOrganization ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) DeleteOrganization(orgID string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteOrganization cleans up the storage from all the records associated with the organization
func (*BoltStorage) DeleteOrganizationInfo ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) DeleteOrganizationInfo(orgID string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteOrganizationInfo deletes organization information
func (*BoltStorage) DeleteStoredData ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) DeleteStoredData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteStoredData deletes the object's data
func (*BoltStorage) DeleteStoredObject ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) DeleteStoredObject(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteStoredObject deletes the object
func (*BoltStorage) DeleteWebhook ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) DeleteWebhook(orgID string, objectType string, url string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteWebhook deletes a webhook for an object type
func (*BoltStorage) DestinationExists ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) DestinationExists(orgID string, destType string, destID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
DestinationExists returns true if the destination exists, and false otherwise
func (*BoltStorage) GetNumberOfDestinations ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) GetNumberOfDestinations() (uint32, common.SyncServiceError)
GetNumberOfDestinations returns the number of currently registered ESS nodes (for CSS)
func (*BoltStorage) GetNumberOfStoredObjects ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) GetNumberOfStoredObjects() (uint32, common.SyncServiceError)
GetNumberOfStoredObjects returns the number of objects received from the application that are currently stored in this node's storage
func (*BoltStorage) GetObjectDestinations ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) GetObjectDestinations(metaData common.MetaData) ([]common.Destination, common.SyncServiceError)
GetObjectDestinations gets destinations that the object has to be sent to
func (*BoltStorage) GetObjectDestinationsList ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) GetObjectDestinationsList(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) ([]common.StoreDestinationStatus, common.SyncServiceError)
GetObjectDestinationsList gets destinations that the object has to be sent to and their status
func (*BoltStorage) GetObjectsForDestination ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) GetObjectsForDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) ([]common.ObjectStatus, common.SyncServiceError)
GetObjectsForDestination retrieves objects that are in use on a given node
func (*BoltStorage) GetObjectsToActivate ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) GetObjectsToActivate() ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
GetObjectsToActivate returns inactive objects that are ready to be activated
func (*BoltStorage) Init ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) Init() common.SyncServiceError
Init initializes the Bolt store
func (*BoltStorage) InsertInitialLeader ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) InsertInitialLeader(leaderID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
InsertInitialLeader inserts the initial leader entry
func (*BoltStorage) IsConnected ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) IsConnected() bool
IsConnected returns false if the storage cannont be reached, and true otherwise
func (*BoltStorage) IsPersistent ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) IsPersistent() bool
IsPersistent returns true if the storage is persistent, and false otherwise
func (*BoltStorage) LeaderPeriodicUpdate ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) LeaderPeriodicUpdate(leaderID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
LeaderPeriodicUpdate does the periodic update of the leader entry by the leader
func (*BoltStorage) MarkDestinationPolicyReceived ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) MarkDestinationPolicyReceived(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
MarkDestinationPolicyReceived marks an object's destination policy as having been received
func (*BoltStorage) MarkObjectDeleted ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) MarkObjectDeleted(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
MarkObjectDeleted marks the object as deleted
func (*BoltStorage) PerformMaintenance ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) PerformMaintenance()
PerformMaintenance performs store's maintenance
func (*BoltStorage) ReadObjectData ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) ReadObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, size int, offset int64) (data []byte, eof bool, length int, err common.SyncServiceError)
ReadObjectData returns the object data with the specified parameters
func (*BoltStorage) RemoveInactiveDestinations ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RemoveInactiveDestinations(lastTimestamp time.Time)
RemoveInactiveDestinations removes destinations that haven't sent ping since the provided timestamp
func (*BoltStorage) RemoveUsersFromACL ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RemoveUsersFromACL(aclType string, orgID string, key string, users []common.ACLentry) common.SyncServiceError
RemoveUsersFromACL removes users from an ACL
func (*BoltStorage) ResetObjectRemainingConsumers ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) ResetObjectRemainingConsumers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
ResetObjectRemainingConsumers sets the remaining consumers count to the original ExpectedConsumers value
func (*BoltStorage) ResignLeadership ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) ResignLeadership(leaderID string) common.SyncServiceError
ResignLeadership causes this sync service to give up the Leadership
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveACL ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveACL(aclType string, orgID string, key string, aclUserType string) ([]common.ACLentry, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveACL retrieves the list of usernames on an ACL
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveACLsInOrg ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveACLsInOrg(aclType string, orgID string) ([]string, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveACLsInOrg retrieves the list of ACLs in an organization
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveAllObjects ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveAllObjects(orgID string, objectType string) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveAllObjects returns the list of all the objects of the specified type
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveAllObjectsAndUpdateDestinationListForDestination ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveAllObjectsAndUpdateDestinationListForDestination(destOrgID string, destType string, destID string) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveAllObjectsAndUpdateDestinationListForDestination retrieves objects that are in use on a given node and returns the list of metadata
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveConsumedObjects ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveConsumedObjects() ([]common.ConsumedObject, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveConsumedObjects returns all the consumed objects originated from this node
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveDestination ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) (*common.Destination, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveDestination retrieves a destination
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveDestinationProtocol ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveDestinationProtocol(orgID string, destType string, destID string) (string, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveDestinationProtocol retrieves communication protocol for the destination
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveDestinations ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveDestinations(orgID string, destType string) ([]common.Destination, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveDestinations returns all the destinations with the provided orgID and destType
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveLeader ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveLeader() (string, int32, time.Time, int64, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveLeader retrieves the Heartbeat timeout and Last heartbeat time stamp from the leader document
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveMessagingGroup ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveMessagingGroup(orgID string) (string, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveMessagingGroup retrieves messaging group for organization
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveNotificationRecord ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveNotificationRecord(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destType string, destID string) (*common.Notification, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveNotificationRecord retrieves notification
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveNotifications ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveNotifications(orgID string, destType string, destID string, retrieveReceived bool) ([]common.Notification, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveNotifications returns the list of all the notifications that need to be resent to the destination
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveObjOrDestTypeForGivenACLUser ¶ added in v0.10.12
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveObjOrDestTypeForGivenACLUser(aclType string, orgID string, aclUserType string, aclUsername string, aclRole string) ([]string, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjOrDestTypeForGivenACLUser retrieves object types that given acl user has access to
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveObject ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveObject(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (*common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObject returns the object meta data with the specified parameters
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveObjectAndRemovedDestinationPolicyServices ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveObjectAndRemovedDestinationPolicyServices(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (*common.MetaData, []common.ServiceID, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectAndRemovedDestinationPolicyServices returns the object metadata and removedDestinationPolicyServices with the specified param, only for ESS
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveObjectAndStatus ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveObjectAndStatus(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (*common.MetaData, string, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectAndStatus returns the object meta data and status with the specified parameters
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveObjectData ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (io.Reader, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectData returns the object data with the specified parameters
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveObjectRemainingConsumers ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveObjectRemainingConsumers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (int, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectRemainingConsumers finds the object and returns the number of remaining consumers that haven't consumed the object yet
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveObjectStatus ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveObjectStatus(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (string, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectStatus finds the object and returns its status
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveObjects ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveObjects(orgID string, destType string, destID string, resend int) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjects returns the list of all the objects that need to be sent to the destination For CSS: adds the new destination to the destinations lists of the relevant objects.
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicy ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicy(orgID string, received bool) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicy returns the list of all the objects that have a Destination Policy If received is true, return objects marked as policy received
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyByService ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyByService(orgID, serviceOrgID, serviceName string) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyByService returns the list of all the object Policies for a particular service
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyUpdatedSince ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyUpdatedSince(orgID string, since int64) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyUpdatedSince returns the list of all the objects that have a Destination Policy updated since the specified time
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithFilters ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithFilters(orgID string, destinationPolicy *bool, dpServiceOrgID string, dpServiceName string, dpPropertyName string, since int64, objectType string, objectID string, destinationType string, destinationID string, noData *bool, expirationTimeBefore string) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectsWithFilters returns the list of all othe objects that meet the given conditions
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveOrganizationInfo ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveOrganizationInfo(orgID string) (*common.StoredOrganization, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveOrganizationInfo retrieves organization information
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveOrganizations ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveOrganizations() ([]common.StoredOrganization, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveOrganizations retrieves stored organizations' info
func (*BoltStorage) RetrievePendingNotifications ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrievePendingNotifications(orgID string, destType string, destID string) ([]common.Notification, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrievePendingNotifications returns the list of pending notifications that are waiting to be sent to the destination
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveTimeOnServer ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveTimeOnServer() (time.Time, error)
RetrieveTimeOnServer retrieves the current time on the database server
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveUpdatedMessagingGroups ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveUpdatedMessagingGroups(time time.Time) ([]common.MessagingGroup, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveUpdatedMessagingGroups retrieves messaging groups that were updated after the specified time
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveUpdatedObjects ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveUpdatedObjects(orgID string, objectType string, received bool) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveUpdatedObjects returns the list of all the edge updated objects that are not marked as consumed If received is true, return objects marked as received
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveUpdatedOrganizations ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveUpdatedOrganizations(time time.Time) ([]common.StoredOrganization, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveUpdatedOrganizations retrieves organizations that were updated after the specified time
func (*BoltStorage) RetrieveWebhooks ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) RetrieveWebhooks(orgID string, objectType string) ([]string, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveWebhooks gets the webhooks for the object type
func (*BoltStorage) StoreDestination ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) StoreDestination(destination common.Destination) common.SyncServiceError
StoreDestination stores a destination
func (*BoltStorage) StoreObject ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) StoreObject(metaData common.MetaData, data []byte, status string) ([]common.StoreDestinationStatus, common.SyncServiceError)
StoreObject stores an object If the object already exists, return the changes in its destinations list (for CSS) - return the list of deleted destinations
func (*BoltStorage) StoreObjectData ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) StoreObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, dataReader io.Reader) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
StoreObjectData stores an object's data Return true if the object was found and updated Return false and no error, if the object doesn't exist
func (*BoltStorage) StoreOrgToMessagingGroup ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) StoreOrgToMessagingGroup(orgID string, messagingGroup string) common.SyncServiceError
StoreOrgToMessagingGroup inserts organization to messaging groups table
func (*BoltStorage) StoreOrganization ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) StoreOrganization(org common.Organization) (time.Time, common.SyncServiceError)
StoreOrganization stores organization information Returns the stored record timestamp for multiple CSS updates
func (*BoltStorage) UpdateDestinationLastPingTime ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) UpdateDestinationLastPingTime(destination common.Destination) common.SyncServiceError
UpdateDestinationLastPingTime updates the last ping time for the destination
func (*BoltStorage) UpdateLeader ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) UpdateLeader(leaderID string, version int64) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
UpdateLeader updates the leader entry for a leadership takeover
func (*BoltStorage) UpdateNotificationRecord ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) UpdateNotificationRecord(notification common.Notification) common.SyncServiceError
UpdateNotificationRecord updates/adds a notification record to the object
func (*BoltStorage) UpdateNotificationResendTime ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) UpdateNotificationResendTime(notification common.Notification) common.SyncServiceError
UpdateNotificationResendTime sets the resend time of the notification to common.Configuration.ResendInterval*6
func (*BoltStorage) UpdateObjectDelivering ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) UpdateObjectDelivering(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
UpdateObjectDelivering marks the object as being delivered to all its destinations
func (*BoltStorage) UpdateObjectDeliveryStatus ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) UpdateObjectDeliveryStatus(status string, message string, orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destType string, destID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
UpdateObjectDeliveryStatus changes the object's delivery status for the destination Returns true if the status is Deleted and all the destinations are in status Deleted
func (*BoltStorage) UpdateObjectDestinations ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) UpdateObjectDestinations(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destinationsList []string) (*common.MetaData, string, []common.StoreDestinationStatus, []common.StoreDestinationStatus, common.SyncServiceError)
UpdateObjectDestinations updates object's destinations Returns the meta data, object's status, an array of deleted destinations, and an array of added destinations
func (*BoltStorage) UpdateObjectSourceDataURI ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) UpdateObjectSourceDataURI(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, sourceDataURI string) common.SyncServiceError
UpdateObjectSourceDataURI pdates object's source data URI
func (*BoltStorage) UpdateObjectStatus ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) UpdateObjectStatus(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, status string) common.SyncServiceError
UpdateObjectStatus updates an object's status
func (*BoltStorage) UpdateRemovedDestinationPolicyServices ¶
func (store *BoltStorage) UpdateRemovedDestinationPolicyServices(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destinationPolicyServices []common.ServiceID) common.SyncServiceError
UpdateRemovedDestinationPolicyServices update the removedDestinationPolicyServices, only for ESS
type Cache ¶
type Cache struct { Store Storage // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Cache is the caching store
func (*Cache) ActivateObject ¶
func (store *Cache) ActivateObject(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
ActivateObject marks object as active
func (*Cache) AddUsersToACL ¶
func (store *Cache) AddUsersToACL(aclType string, orgID string, key string, users []common.ACLentry) common.SyncServiceError
AddUsersToACL adds users to an ACL
func (*Cache) AddWebhook ¶
AddWebhook stores a webhook for an object type
func (*Cache) AppendObjectData ¶
func (store *Cache) AppendObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, dataReader io.Reader, dataLength uint32, offset int64, total int64, isFirstChunk bool, isLastChunk bool) common.SyncServiceError
AppendObjectData appends a chunk of data to the object's data
func (*Cache) CleanObjects ¶
func (store *Cache) CleanObjects() common.SyncServiceError
CleanObjects removes the objects received from the other side. For persistant storage only partially recieved objects are removed.
func (*Cache) Cleanup ¶
func (store *Cache) Cleanup(isTest bool) common.SyncServiceError
Cleanup erase the on disk Bolt database only for ESS and test
func (*Cache) CloseDataReader ¶
func (store *Cache) CloseDataReader(dataReader io.Reader) common.SyncServiceError
CloseDataReader closes the data reader if necessary
func (*Cache) DecrementAndReturnRemainingConsumers ¶
func (store *Cache) DecrementAndReturnRemainingConsumers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (int, common.SyncServiceError)
DecrementAndReturnRemainingConsumers decrements the number of remaining consumers of the object
func (*Cache) DecrementAndReturnRemainingReceivers ¶
func (store *Cache) DecrementAndReturnRemainingReceivers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (int, common.SyncServiceError)
DecrementAndReturnRemainingReceivers decrements the number of remaining receivers of the object
func (*Cache) DeleteDestination ¶
func (store *Cache) DeleteDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteDestination deletes the destination
func (*Cache) DeleteNotificationRecords ¶
func (store *Cache) DeleteNotificationRecords(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destType string, destID string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteNotificationRecords deletes notification records to an object
func (*Cache) DeleteOrgToMessagingGroup ¶
func (store *Cache) DeleteOrgToMessagingGroup(orgID string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteOrgToMessagingGroup deletes organization from messaging groups table
func (*Cache) DeleteOrganization ¶
func (store *Cache) DeleteOrganization(orgID string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteOrganization cleans up the storage from all the records associated with the organization
func (*Cache) DeleteOrganizationInfo ¶
func (store *Cache) DeleteOrganizationInfo(orgID string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteOrganizationInfo deletes organization information
func (*Cache) DeleteStoredData ¶
func (store *Cache) DeleteStoredData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteStoredData deletes the object's data
func (*Cache) DeleteStoredObject ¶
func (store *Cache) DeleteStoredObject(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteStoredObject deletes the object
func (*Cache) DeleteWebhook ¶
func (store *Cache) DeleteWebhook(orgID string, objectType string, url string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteWebhook deletes a webhook for an object type
func (*Cache) DestinationExists ¶
func (store *Cache) DestinationExists(orgID string, destType string, destID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
DestinationExists returns true if the destination exists, and false otherwise
func (*Cache) GetNumberOfDestinations ¶
func (store *Cache) GetNumberOfDestinations() (uint32, common.SyncServiceError)
GetNumberOfDestinations returns the number of currently registered ESS nodes (for CSS)
func (*Cache) GetNumberOfStoredObjects ¶
func (store *Cache) GetNumberOfStoredObjects() (uint32, common.SyncServiceError)
GetNumberOfStoredObjects returns the number of objects received from the application that are currently stored in this node's storage
func (*Cache) GetObjectDestinations ¶
func (store *Cache) GetObjectDestinations(metaData common.MetaData) ([]common.Destination, common.SyncServiceError)
GetObjectDestinations gets destinations that the object has to be sent to
func (*Cache) GetObjectDestinationsList ¶
func (store *Cache) GetObjectDestinationsList(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) ([]common.StoreDestinationStatus, common.SyncServiceError)
GetObjectDestinationsList gets destinations that the object has to be sent to and their status
func (*Cache) GetObjectsForDestination ¶
func (store *Cache) GetObjectsForDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) ([]common.ObjectStatus, common.SyncServiceError)
GetObjectsForDestination retrieves objects that are in use on a given node
func (*Cache) GetObjectsToActivate ¶
func (store *Cache) GetObjectsToActivate() ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
GetObjectsToActivate returns inactive objects that are ready to be activated
func (*Cache) Init ¶
func (store *Cache) Init() common.SyncServiceError
Init initializes the Cache store
func (*Cache) InsertInitialLeader ¶
func (store *Cache) InsertInitialLeader(leaderID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
InsertInitialLeader inserts the initial leader entry
func (*Cache) IsConnected ¶
IsConnected returns false if the storage cannont be reached, and true otherwise
func (*Cache) IsPersistent ¶
IsPersistent returns true if the storage is persistent, and false otherwise
func (*Cache) LeaderPeriodicUpdate ¶
func (store *Cache) LeaderPeriodicUpdate(leaderID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
LeaderPeriodicUpdate does the periodic update of the leader entry by the leader
func (*Cache) MarkDestinationPolicyReceived ¶
func (store *Cache) MarkDestinationPolicyReceived(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
MarkDestinationPolicyReceived marks an object's destination policy as having been received
func (*Cache) MarkObjectDeleted ¶
func (store *Cache) MarkObjectDeleted(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
MarkObjectDeleted marks the object as deleted
func (*Cache) PerformMaintenance ¶
func (store *Cache) PerformMaintenance()
PerformMaintenance performs store's maintenance
func (*Cache) ReadObjectData ¶
func (store *Cache) ReadObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, size int, offset int64) ([]byte, bool, int, common.SyncServiceError)
ReadObjectData returns the object data with the specified parameters
func (*Cache) RemoveInactiveDestinations ¶
RemoveInactiveDestinations removes destinations that haven't sent ping since the provided timestamp
func (*Cache) RemoveUsersFromACL ¶
func (store *Cache) RemoveUsersFromACL(aclType string, orgID string, key string, users []common.ACLentry) common.SyncServiceError
RemoveUsersFromACL removes users from an ACL
func (*Cache) ResetObjectRemainingConsumers ¶
func (store *Cache) ResetObjectRemainingConsumers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
ResetObjectRemainingConsumers sets the remaining consumers count to the original ExpectedConsumers value
func (*Cache) ResignLeadership ¶
func (store *Cache) ResignLeadership(leaderID string) common.SyncServiceError
ResignLeadership causes this sync service to give up the Leadership
func (*Cache) RetrieveACL ¶
func (store *Cache) RetrieveACL(aclType string, orgID string, key string, aclUserType string) ([]common.ACLentry, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveACL retrieves the list of usernames on an ACL
func (*Cache) RetrieveACLsInOrg ¶
func (store *Cache) RetrieveACLsInOrg(aclType string, orgID string) ([]string, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveACLsInOrg retrieves the list of ACLs in an organization
func (*Cache) RetrieveAllObjects ¶
func (store *Cache) RetrieveAllObjects(orgID string, objectType string) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveAllObjects returns the list of all the objects of the specified type
func (*Cache) RetrieveAllObjectsAndUpdateDestinationListForDestination ¶
func (store *Cache) RetrieveAllObjectsAndUpdateDestinationListForDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveAllObjectsAndUpdateDestinationListForDestination retrieves objects that are in use on a given node and returns the list of metadata
func (*Cache) RetrieveConsumedObjects ¶
func (store *Cache) RetrieveConsumedObjects() ([]common.ConsumedObject, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveConsumedObjects returns all the consumed objects originated from this node
func (*Cache) RetrieveDestination ¶
func (store *Cache) RetrieveDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) (*common.Destination, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveDestination retrieves a destination
func (*Cache) RetrieveDestinationProtocol ¶
func (store *Cache) RetrieveDestinationProtocol(orgID string, destType string, destID string) (string, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveDestinationProtocol retrieves the communication protocol for the destination
func (*Cache) RetrieveDestinations ¶
func (store *Cache) RetrieveDestinations(orgID string, destType string) ([]common.Destination, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveDestinations returns all the destinations with the provided orgID and destType
func (*Cache) RetrieveLeader ¶
RetrieveLeader retrieves the Heartbeat timeout and Last heartbeat time stamp from the leader document
func (*Cache) RetrieveMessagingGroup ¶
func (store *Cache) RetrieveMessagingGroup(orgID string) (string, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveMessagingGroup retrieves messaging group for organization
func (*Cache) RetrieveNotificationRecord ¶
func (store *Cache) RetrieveNotificationRecord(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destType string, destID string) (*common.Notification, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveNotificationRecord retrieves notification
func (*Cache) RetrieveNotifications ¶
func (store *Cache) RetrieveNotifications(orgID string, destType string, destID string, retrieveReceived bool) ([]common.Notification, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveNotifications returns the list of all the notifications that need to be resent to the destination
func (*Cache) RetrieveObjOrDestTypeForGivenACLUser ¶ added in v0.10.12
func (store *Cache) RetrieveObjOrDestTypeForGivenACLUser(aclType string, orgID string, aclUserType string, aclUsername string, aclRole string) ([]string, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjOrDestTypeForGivenACLUser retrieves object types that given acl user has access to
func (*Cache) RetrieveObject ¶
func (store *Cache) RetrieveObject(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (*common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObject returns the object meta data with the specified parameters
func (*Cache) RetrieveObjectAndRemovedDestinationPolicyServices ¶
func (store *Cache) RetrieveObjectAndRemovedDestinationPolicyServices(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (*common.MetaData, []common.ServiceID, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectAndRemovedDestinationPolicyServices returns the object metadata and removedDestinationPolicyServices with the specified param, only for ESS
func (*Cache) RetrieveObjectAndStatus ¶
func (store *Cache) RetrieveObjectAndStatus(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (*common.MetaData, string, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectAndStatus returns the object meta data and status with the specified parameters
func (*Cache) RetrieveObjectData ¶
func (store *Cache) RetrieveObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (io.Reader, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectData returns the object data with the specified parameters
func (*Cache) RetrieveObjectRemainingConsumers ¶
func (store *Cache) RetrieveObjectRemainingConsumers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (int, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectRemainingConsumers finds the object and returns the number of remaining consumers that haven't consumed the object yet
func (*Cache) RetrieveObjectStatus ¶
func (store *Cache) RetrieveObjectStatus(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (string, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectStatus finds the object and return its status
func (*Cache) RetrieveObjects ¶
func (store *Cache) RetrieveObjects(orgID string, destType string, destID string, resend int) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjects returns the list of all the objects that need to be sent to the destination
func (*Cache) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicy ¶
func (store *Cache) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicy(orgID string, received bool) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicy returns the list of all the objects that have a Destination Policy If received is true, return objects marked as policy received
func (*Cache) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyByService ¶
func (store *Cache) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyByService(orgID, serviceOrgID, serviceName string) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyByService returns the list of all the object Policies for a particular service
func (*Cache) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyUpdatedSince ¶
func (store *Cache) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyUpdatedSince(orgID string, since int64) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyUpdatedSince returns the list of all the objects that have a Destination Policy updated since the specified time
func (*Cache) RetrieveObjectsWithFilters ¶
func (store *Cache) RetrieveObjectsWithFilters(orgID string, destinationPolicy *bool, dpServiceOrgID string, dpServiceName string, dpPropertyName string, since int64, objectType string, objectID string, destinationType string, destinationID string, noData *bool, expirationTimeBefore string) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectsWithFilters returns the list of all othe objects that meet the given conditions
func (*Cache) RetrieveOrganizationInfo ¶
func (store *Cache) RetrieveOrganizationInfo(orgID string) (*common.StoredOrganization, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveOrganizationInfo retrieves organization information
func (*Cache) RetrieveOrganizations ¶
func (store *Cache) RetrieveOrganizations() ([]common.StoredOrganization, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveOrganizations retrieves stored organizations' info
func (*Cache) RetrievePendingNotifications ¶
func (store *Cache) RetrievePendingNotifications(orgID string, destType string, destID string) ([]common.Notification, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrievePendingNotifications returns the list of pending notifications that are waiting to be sent to the destination
func (*Cache) RetrieveTimeOnServer ¶
RetrieveTimeOnServer retrieves the current time on the database server
func (*Cache) RetrieveUpdatedMessagingGroups ¶
func (store *Cache) RetrieveUpdatedMessagingGroups(time time.Time) ([]common.MessagingGroup, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveUpdatedMessagingGroups retrieves messaging groups that were updated after the specified time
func (*Cache) RetrieveUpdatedObjects ¶
func (store *Cache) RetrieveUpdatedObjects(orgID string, objectType string, received bool) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveUpdatedObjects returns the list of all the edge updated objects that are not marked as consumed or received If received is true, return objects marked as received
func (*Cache) RetrieveUpdatedOrganizations ¶
func (store *Cache) RetrieveUpdatedOrganizations(time time.Time) ([]common.StoredOrganization, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveUpdatedOrganizations retrieves organizations that were updated after the specified time
func (*Cache) RetrieveWebhooks ¶
func (store *Cache) RetrieveWebhooks(orgID string, objectType string) ([]string, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveWebhooks gets the webhooks for the object type
func (*Cache) StoreDestination ¶
func (store *Cache) StoreDestination(dest common.Destination) common.SyncServiceError
StoreDestination stores the destination
func (*Cache) StoreObject ¶
func (store *Cache) StoreObject(metaData common.MetaData, data []byte, status string) ([]common.StoreDestinationStatus, common.SyncServiceError)
StoreObject stores an object
func (*Cache) StoreObjectData ¶
func (store *Cache) StoreObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, dataReader io.Reader) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
StoreObjectData stores an object's data Return true if the object was found and updated Return false and no error, if the object doesn't exist
func (*Cache) StoreOrgToMessagingGroup ¶
func (store *Cache) StoreOrgToMessagingGroup(orgID string, messagingGroup string) common.SyncServiceError
StoreOrgToMessagingGroup inserts organization to messaging groups table
func (*Cache) StoreOrganization ¶
func (store *Cache) StoreOrganization(org common.Organization) (time.Time, common.SyncServiceError)
StoreOrganization stores organization information Returns the stored record timestamp for multiple CSS updates
func (*Cache) UpdateDestinationLastPingTime ¶
func (store *Cache) UpdateDestinationLastPingTime(destination common.Destination) common.SyncServiceError
UpdateDestinationLastPingTime updates the last ping time for the destination
func (*Cache) UpdateLeader ¶
UpdateLeader updates the leader entry for a leadership takeover
func (*Cache) UpdateNotificationRecord ¶
func (store *Cache) UpdateNotificationRecord(notification common.Notification) common.SyncServiceError
UpdateNotificationRecord updates/adds a notification record to the object
func (*Cache) UpdateNotificationResendTime ¶
func (store *Cache) UpdateNotificationResendTime(notification common.Notification) common.SyncServiceError
UpdateNotificationResendTime sets the resend time of the notification to common.Configuration.ResendInterval*6
func (*Cache) UpdateObjectDelivering ¶
func (store *Cache) UpdateObjectDelivering(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
UpdateObjectDelivering marks the object as being delivered to all its destinations
func (*Cache) UpdateObjectDeliveryStatus ¶
func (store *Cache) UpdateObjectDeliveryStatus(status string, message string, orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destType string, destID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
UpdateObjectDeliveryStatus changes the object's delivery status for the destination Returns true if the status is Deleted and all the destinations are in status Deleted
func (*Cache) UpdateObjectDestinations ¶
func (store *Cache) UpdateObjectDestinations(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destinationsList []string) (*common.MetaData, string, []common.StoreDestinationStatus, []common.StoreDestinationStatus, common.SyncServiceError)
UpdateObjectDestinations updates object's destinations Returns the meta data, object's status, an array of deleted destinations, and an array of added destinations
func (*Cache) UpdateObjectSourceDataURI ¶
func (store *Cache) UpdateObjectSourceDataURI(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, sourceDataURI string) common.SyncServiceError
UpdateObjectSourceDataURI pdates object's source data URI
func (*Cache) UpdateObjectStatus ¶
func (store *Cache) UpdateObjectStatus(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, status string) common.SyncServiceError
UpdateObjectStatus updates an object's status
func (*Cache) UpdateRemovedDestinationPolicyServices ¶
func (store *Cache) UpdateRemovedDestinationPolicyServices(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destinationPolicyServices []common.ServiceID) common.SyncServiceError
UpdateRemovedDestinationPolicyServices update the removedDestinationPolicyServices, only for ESS
type Discarded ¶
type Discarded struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Discarded is the error returned if an out-of-order chunk wasn't appended to the stored object because of memory usage protection
type Error ¶
type Error struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Error is the error used in the storage layer
type InMemoryStorage ¶
type InMemoryStorage struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
InMemoryStorage is an in-memory store
func (*InMemoryStorage) ActivateObject ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) ActivateObject(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
ActivateObject marks object as active
func (*InMemoryStorage) AddUsersToACL ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) AddUsersToACL(aclType string, orgID string, key string, usernames []common.ACLentry) common.SyncServiceError
AddUsersToACL adds users to an ACL
func (*InMemoryStorage) AddWebhook ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) AddWebhook(orgID string, objectType string, url string) common.SyncServiceError
AddWebhook stores a webhook for an object type
func (*InMemoryStorage) AppendObjectData ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) AppendObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, dataReader io.Reader, dataLength uint32, offset int64, total int64, isFirstChunk bool, isLastChunk bool) common.SyncServiceError
AppendObjectData appends a chunk of data to the object's data
func (*InMemoryStorage) CleanObjects ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) CleanObjects() common.SyncServiceError
CleanObjects removes the objects received from the other side. For persistant storage only partially recieved objects are removed.
func (*InMemoryStorage) Cleanup ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) Cleanup(isTest bool) common.SyncServiceError
Cleanup erase the on disk Bolt database only for ESS and test
func (*InMemoryStorage) CloseDataReader ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) CloseDataReader(dataReader io.Reader) common.SyncServiceError
CloseDataReader closes the data reader if necessary
func (*InMemoryStorage) DecrementAndReturnRemainingConsumers ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) DecrementAndReturnRemainingConsumers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (int, common.SyncServiceError)
DecrementAndReturnRemainingConsumers decrements the number of remaining consumers of the object
func (*InMemoryStorage) DecrementAndReturnRemainingReceivers ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) DecrementAndReturnRemainingReceivers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (int, common.SyncServiceError)
DecrementAndReturnRemainingReceivers decrements the number of remaining receivers of the object
func (*InMemoryStorage) DeleteDestination ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) DeleteDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteDestination deletes a destination
func (*InMemoryStorage) DeleteNotificationRecords ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) DeleteNotificationRecords(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destType string, destID string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteNotificationRecords deletes notification records to an object
func (*InMemoryStorage) DeleteOrgToMessagingGroup ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) DeleteOrgToMessagingGroup(orgID string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteOrgToMessagingGroup deletes organization from messaging groups table
func (*InMemoryStorage) DeleteOrganization ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) DeleteOrganization(orgID string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteOrganization cleans up the storage from all the records associated with the organization
func (*InMemoryStorage) DeleteOrganizationInfo ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) DeleteOrganizationInfo(orgID string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteOrganizationInfo deletes organization information
func (*InMemoryStorage) DeleteStoredData ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) DeleteStoredData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteStoredData deletes the object's data
func (*InMemoryStorage) DeleteStoredObject ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) DeleteStoredObject(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteStoredObject deletes the object
func (*InMemoryStorage) DeleteWebhook ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) DeleteWebhook(orgID string, objectType string, url string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteWebhook deletes a webhook for an object type
func (*InMemoryStorage) DestinationExists ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) DestinationExists(orgID string, destType string, destID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
DestinationExists returns true if the destination exists, and false otherwise
func (*InMemoryStorage) GetNumberOfDestinations ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) GetNumberOfDestinations() (uint32, common.SyncServiceError)
GetNumberOfDestinations returns the number of currently registered ESS nodes (for CSS)
func (*InMemoryStorage) GetNumberOfStoredObjects ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) GetNumberOfStoredObjects() (uint32, common.SyncServiceError)
GetNumberOfStoredObjects returns the number of objects received from the application that are currently stored in this node's storage
func (*InMemoryStorage) GetObjectDestinations ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) GetObjectDestinations(metaData common.MetaData) ([]common.Destination, common.SyncServiceError)
GetObjectDestinations gets destinations that the object has to be sent to
func (*InMemoryStorage) GetObjectDestinationsList ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) GetObjectDestinationsList(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) ([]common.StoreDestinationStatus, common.SyncServiceError)
GetObjectDestinationsList gets destinations that the object has to be sent to and their status
func (*InMemoryStorage) GetObjectsForDestination ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) GetObjectsForDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) ([]common.ObjectStatus, common.SyncServiceError)
GetObjectsForDestination retrieves objects that are in use on a given node
func (*InMemoryStorage) GetObjectsToActivate ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) GetObjectsToActivate() ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
GetObjectsToActivate returns inactive objects that are ready to be activated
func (*InMemoryStorage) Init ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) Init() common.SyncServiceError
Init initializes the InMemory store
func (*InMemoryStorage) InsertInitialLeader ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) InsertInitialLeader(leaderID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
InsertInitialLeader inserts the initial leader entry
func (*InMemoryStorage) IsConnected ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) IsConnected() bool
IsConnected returns false if the storage cannont be reached, and true otherwise
func (*InMemoryStorage) IsPersistent ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) IsPersistent() bool
IsPersistent returns true if the storage is persistent, and false otherwise
func (*InMemoryStorage) LeaderPeriodicUpdate ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) LeaderPeriodicUpdate(leaderID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
LeaderPeriodicUpdate does the periodic update of the leader entry by the leader
func (*InMemoryStorage) MarkDestinationPolicyReceived ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) MarkDestinationPolicyReceived(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
MarkDestinationPolicyReceived marks an object's destination policy as having been received
func (*InMemoryStorage) MarkObjectDeleted ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) MarkObjectDeleted(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
MarkObjectDeleted marks the object as deleted
func (*InMemoryStorage) PerformMaintenance ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) PerformMaintenance()
PerformMaintenance performs store's maintenance
func (*InMemoryStorage) ReadObjectData ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) ReadObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, size int, offset int64) ([]byte, bool, int, common.SyncServiceError)
ReadObjectData returns the object data with the specified parameters
func (*InMemoryStorage) RemoveInactiveDestinations ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RemoveInactiveDestinations(lastTimestamp time.Time)
RemoveInactiveDestinations removes destinations that haven't sent ping since the provided timestamp
func (*InMemoryStorage) RemoveUsersFromACL ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RemoveUsersFromACL(aclType string, orgID string, key string, usernames []common.ACLentry) common.SyncServiceError
RemoveUsersFromACL removes users from an ACL
func (*InMemoryStorage) ResetObjectRemainingConsumers ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) ResetObjectRemainingConsumers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
ResetObjectRemainingConsumers sets the remaining consumers count to the original ExpectedConsumers value
func (*InMemoryStorage) ResignLeadership ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) ResignLeadership(leaderID string) common.SyncServiceError
ResignLeadership causes this sync service to give up the Leadership
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveACL ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveACL(aclType string, orgID string, key string, aclUserType string) ([]common.ACLentry, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveACL retrieves the list of usernames on an ACL
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveACLsInOrg ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveACLsInOrg(aclType string, orgID string) ([]string, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveACLsInOrg retrieves the list of ACLs in an organization
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveAllObjects ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveAllObjects(orgID string, objectType string) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveAllObjects returns the list of all the objects of the specified type
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveAllObjectsAndUpdateDestinationListForDestination ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveAllObjectsAndUpdateDestinationListForDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveAllObjectsAndUpdateDestinationListForDestination retrieves objects that are in use on a given node and returns the list of metadata
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveConsumedObjects ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveConsumedObjects() ([]common.ConsumedObject, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveConsumedObjects returns all the consumed objects originated from this node
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveDestination ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) (*common.Destination, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveDestination retrieves a destination
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveDestinationProtocol ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveDestinationProtocol(orgID string, destType string, destID string) (string, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveDestinationProtocol retrieves communication protocol for the destination
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveDestinations ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveDestinations(orgID string, destType string) ([]common.Destination, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveDestinations returns all the destinations with the provided orgID and destType
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveLeader ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveLeader() (string, int32, time.Time, int64, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveLeader retrieves the Heartbeat timeout and Last heartbeat time stamp from the leader document
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveMessagingGroup ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveMessagingGroup(orgID string) (string, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveMessagingGroup retrieves messaging group for organization
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveNotificationRecord ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveNotificationRecord(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destType string, destID string) (*common.Notification, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveNotificationRecord retrieves notification
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveNotifications ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveNotifications(orgID string, destType string, destID string, retrieveReceived bool) ([]common.Notification, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveNotifications returns the list of all the notifications that need to be resent to the destination
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjOrDestTypeForGivenACLUser ¶ added in v0.10.12
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjOrDestTypeForGivenACLUser(aclType string, orgID string, aclUserType string, aclUsername string, aclRole string) ([]string, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjOrDestTypeForGivenACLUser retrieves object types that given acl user has access to
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObject ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObject(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (*common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObject returns the object meta data with the specified parameters
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjectAndRemovedDestinationPolicyServices ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjectAndRemovedDestinationPolicyServices(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (*common.MetaData, []common.ServiceID, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectAndRemovedDestinationPolicyServices returns the object metadata and removedDestinationPolicyServices with the specified param, only for ESS
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjectAndStatus ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjectAndStatus(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (*common.MetaData, string, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectAndStatus returns the object meta data and status with the specified parameters
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjectData ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (io.Reader, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectData returns the object data with the specified parameters
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjectRemainingConsumers ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjectRemainingConsumers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (int, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectRemainingConsumers finds the object and returns the number of remaining consumers that haven't consumed the object yet
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjectStatus ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjectStatus(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (string, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectStatus finds the object and returns its status
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjects ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjects(orgID string, destType string, destID string, resend int) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjects returns the list of all the objects that need to be sent to the destination
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicy ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicy(orgID string, received bool) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicy returns the list of all the objects that have a Destination Policy If received is true, return objects marked as policy received
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyByService ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyByService(orgID, serviceOrgID, serviceName string) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyByService returns the list of all the object Policies for a particular service
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyUpdatedSince ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyUpdatedSince(orgID string, since int64) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyUpdatedSince returns the list of all the objects that have a Destination Policy updated since the specified time
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithFilters ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithFilters(orgID string, destinationPolicy *bool, dpServiceOrgID string, dpServiceName string, dpPropertyName string, since int64, objectType string, objectID string, destinationType string, destinationID string, noData *bool, expirationTimeBefore string) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectsWithFilters returns the list of all othe objects that meet the given conditions
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveOrganizationInfo ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveOrganizationInfo(orgID string) (*common.StoredOrganization, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveOrganizationInfo retrieves organization information
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveOrganizations ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveOrganizations() ([]common.StoredOrganization, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveOrganizations retrieves stored organizations' info
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrievePendingNotifications ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrievePendingNotifications(orgID string, destType string, destID string) ([]common.Notification, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrievePendingNotifications returns the list of pending notifications that are waiting to be sent to the destination
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveTimeOnServer ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveTimeOnServer() (time.Time, error)
RetrieveTimeOnServer retrieves the current time on the database server
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveUpdatedMessagingGroups ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveUpdatedMessagingGroups(time time.Time) ([]common.MessagingGroup, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveUpdatedMessagingGroups retrieves messaging groups that were updated after the specified time
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveUpdatedObjects ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveUpdatedObjects(orgID string, objectType string, received bool) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveUpdatedObjects returns the list of all the edge updated objects that are not marked as consumed or received If received is true, return objects marked as received
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveUpdatedOrganizations ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveUpdatedOrganizations(time time.Time) ([]common.StoredOrganization, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveUpdatedOrganizations retrieves organizations that were updated after the specified time
func (*InMemoryStorage) RetrieveWebhooks ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) RetrieveWebhooks(orgID string, objectType string) ([]string, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveWebhooks gets the webhooks for the object type
func (*InMemoryStorage) StoreDestination ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) StoreDestination(destination common.Destination) common.SyncServiceError
StoreDestination stores a destination
func (*InMemoryStorage) StoreObject ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) StoreObject(metaData common.MetaData, data []byte, status string) ([]common.StoreDestinationStatus, common.SyncServiceError)
StoreObject stores an object
func (*InMemoryStorage) StoreObjectData ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) StoreObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, dataReader io.Reader) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
StoreObjectData stores an object's data Return true if the object was found and updated Return false and no error, if the object doesn't exist
func (*InMemoryStorage) StoreOrgToMessagingGroup ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) StoreOrgToMessagingGroup(orgID string, messagingGroup string) common.SyncServiceError
StoreOrgToMessagingGroup inserts organization to messaging groups table
func (*InMemoryStorage) StoreOrganization ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) StoreOrganization(org common.Organization) (time.Time, common.SyncServiceError)
StoreOrganization stores organization information Returns the stored record timestamp for multiple CSS updates
func (*InMemoryStorage) UpdateDestinationLastPingTime ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) UpdateDestinationLastPingTime(destination common.Destination) common.SyncServiceError
UpdateDestinationLastPingTime updates the last ping time for the destination
func (*InMemoryStorage) UpdateLeader ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) UpdateLeader(leaderID string, version int64) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
UpdateLeader updates the leader entry for a leadership takeover
func (*InMemoryStorage) UpdateNotificationRecord ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) UpdateNotificationRecord(notification common.Notification) common.SyncServiceError
UpdateNotificationRecord updates/adds a notification record to the object
func (*InMemoryStorage) UpdateNotificationResendTime ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) UpdateNotificationResendTime(notification common.Notification) common.SyncServiceError
UpdateNotificationResendTime sets the resend time of the notification to common.Configuration.ResendInterval*6
func (*InMemoryStorage) UpdateObjectDelivering ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) UpdateObjectDelivering(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
UpdateObjectDelivering marks the object as being delivered to all its destinations
func (*InMemoryStorage) UpdateObjectDeliveryStatus ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) UpdateObjectDeliveryStatus(status string, message string, orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destType string, destID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
UpdateObjectDeliveryStatus changes the object's delivery status for the destination Returns true if the status is Deleted and all the destinations are in status Deleted
func (*InMemoryStorage) UpdateObjectDestinations ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) UpdateObjectDestinations(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destinationsList []string) (*common.MetaData, string, []common.StoreDestinationStatus, []common.StoreDestinationStatus, common.SyncServiceError)
UpdateObjectDestinations updates object's destinations Returns the meta data, object's status, an array of deleted destinations, and an array of added destinations
func (*InMemoryStorage) UpdateObjectSourceDataURI ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) UpdateObjectSourceDataURI(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, sourceDataURI string) common.SyncServiceError
UpdateObjectSourceDataURI updates object's source data URI
func (*InMemoryStorage) UpdateObjectStatus ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) UpdateObjectStatus(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, status string) common.SyncServiceError
UpdateObjectStatus updates an object's status
func (*InMemoryStorage) UpdateRemovedDestinationPolicyServices ¶
func (store *InMemoryStorage) UpdateRemovedDestinationPolicyServices(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destinationPolicyServices []common.ServiceID) common.SyncServiceError
UpdateRemovedDestinationPolicyServices update the removedDestinationPolicyServices, only for ESS
type MongoStorage ¶
type MongoStorage struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MongoStorage is a MongoDB based store
func (*MongoStorage) ActivateObject ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) ActivateObject(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
ActivateObject marks object as active
func (*MongoStorage) AddUsersToACL ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) AddUsersToACL(aclType string, orgID string, key string, users []common.ACLentry) common.SyncServiceError
AddUsersToACL adds users to an ACL
func (*MongoStorage) AddWebhook ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) AddWebhook(orgID string, objectType string, url string) common.SyncServiceError
AddWebhook stores a webhook for an object type
func (*MongoStorage) AppendObjectData ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) AppendObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, dataReader io.Reader, dataLength uint32, offset int64, total int64, isFirstChunk bool, isLastChunk bool) common.SyncServiceError
AppendObjectData appends a chunk of data to the object's data
func (*MongoStorage) CleanObjects ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) CleanObjects() common.SyncServiceError
CleanObjects removes the objects received from the other side. For persistant storage only partially recieved objects are removed.
func (*MongoStorage) Cleanup ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) Cleanup(isTest bool) common.SyncServiceError
Cleanup erase the on disk Bolt database only for ESS and test
func (*MongoStorage) CloseDataReader ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) CloseDataReader(dataReader io.Reader) common.SyncServiceError
CloseDataReader closes the data reader if necessary
func (*MongoStorage) DecrementAndReturnRemainingConsumers ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) DecrementAndReturnRemainingConsumers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (int, common.SyncServiceError)
DecrementAndReturnRemainingConsumers decrements the number of remaining consumers of the object
func (*MongoStorage) DecrementAndReturnRemainingReceivers ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) DecrementAndReturnRemainingReceivers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (int, common.SyncServiceError)
DecrementAndReturnRemainingReceivers decrements the number of remaining receivers of the object
func (*MongoStorage) DeleteDestination ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) DeleteDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteDestination deletes the destination
func (*MongoStorage) DeleteNotificationRecords ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) DeleteNotificationRecords(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destType string, destID string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteNotificationRecords deletes notification records to an object
func (*MongoStorage) DeleteOrgToMessagingGroup ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) DeleteOrgToMessagingGroup(orgID string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteOrgToMessagingGroup deletes organization from messaging groups table
func (*MongoStorage) DeleteOrganization ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) DeleteOrganization(orgID string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteOrganization cleans up the storage from all the records associated with the organization
func (*MongoStorage) DeleteOrganizationInfo ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) DeleteOrganizationInfo(orgID string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteOrganizationInfo deletes organization information
func (*MongoStorage) DeleteStoredData ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) DeleteStoredData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteStoredData deletes the object's data
func (*MongoStorage) DeleteStoredObject ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) DeleteStoredObject(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteStoredObject deletes the object
func (*MongoStorage) DeleteWebhook ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) DeleteWebhook(orgID string, objectType string, url string) common.SyncServiceError
DeleteWebhook deletes a webhook for an object type
func (*MongoStorage) DestinationExists ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) DestinationExists(orgID string, destType string, destID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
DestinationExists returns true if the destination exists, and false otherwise
func (*MongoStorage) GetNumberOfDestinations ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) GetNumberOfDestinations() (uint32, common.SyncServiceError)
GetNumberOfDestinations returns the number of currently registered ESS nodes (for CSS)
func (*MongoStorage) GetNumberOfStoredObjects ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) GetNumberOfStoredObjects() (uint32, common.SyncServiceError)
GetNumberOfStoredObjects returns the number of objects received from the application that are currently stored in this node's storage
func (*MongoStorage) GetObjectDestinations ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) GetObjectDestinations(metaData common.MetaData) ([]common.Destination, common.SyncServiceError)
GetObjectDestinations gets destinations that the object has to be sent to
func (*MongoStorage) GetObjectDestinationsList ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) GetObjectDestinationsList(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) ([]common.StoreDestinationStatus, common.SyncServiceError)
GetObjectDestinationsList gets destinations that the object has to be sent to and their status
func (*MongoStorage) GetObjectsForDestination ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) GetObjectsForDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) ([]common.ObjectStatus, common.SyncServiceError)
GetObjectsForDestination retrieves objects that are in use on a given node
func (*MongoStorage) GetObjectsToActivate ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) GetObjectsToActivate() ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
GetObjectsToActivate returns inactive objects that are ready to be activated
func (*MongoStorage) Init ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) Init() common.SyncServiceError
Init initializes the MongoStorage store
func (*MongoStorage) InsertInitialLeader ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) InsertInitialLeader(leaderID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
InsertInitialLeader inserts the initial leader document if the collection is empty
func (*MongoStorage) IsConnected ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) IsConnected() bool
IsConnected returns false if the storage cannont be reached, and true otherwise
func (*MongoStorage) IsPersistent ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) IsPersistent() bool
IsPersistent returns true if the storage is persistent, and false otherwise
func (*MongoStorage) LeaderPeriodicUpdate ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) LeaderPeriodicUpdate(leaderID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
LeaderPeriodicUpdate does the periodic update of the leader document by the leader
func (*MongoStorage) MarkDestinationPolicyReceived ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) MarkDestinationPolicyReceived(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
MarkDestinationPolicyReceived marks an object's destination policy as having been received
func (*MongoStorage) MarkObjectDeleted ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) MarkObjectDeleted(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
MarkObjectDeleted marks the object as deleted
func (*MongoStorage) PerformMaintenance ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) PerformMaintenance()
PerformMaintenance performs store's maintenance
func (*MongoStorage) ReadObjectData ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) ReadObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, size int, offset int64) ([]byte, bool, int, common.SyncServiceError)
ReadObjectData returns the object data with the specified parameters
func (*MongoStorage) RemoveInactiveDestinations ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RemoveInactiveDestinations(lastTimestamp time.Time)
RemoveInactiveDestinations removes destinations that haven't sent ping since the provided timestamp
func (*MongoStorage) RemoveUsersFromACL ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RemoveUsersFromACL(aclType string, orgID string, key string, users []common.ACLentry) common.SyncServiceError
RemoveUsersFromACL removes users from an ACL
func (*MongoStorage) ResetObjectRemainingConsumers ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) ResetObjectRemainingConsumers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
ResetObjectRemainingConsumers sets the remaining consumers count to the original ExpectedConsumers value
func (*MongoStorage) ResignLeadership ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) ResignLeadership(leaderID string) common.SyncServiceError
ResignLeadership causes this sync service to give up the Leadership
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveACL ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveACL(aclType string, orgID string, key string, aclUserType string) ([]common.ACLentry, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveACL retrieves the list of usernames on an ACL
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveACLsInOrg ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveACLsInOrg(aclType string, orgID string) ([]string, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveACLsInOrg retrieves the list of ACLs in an organization
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveAllObjects ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveAllObjects(orgID string, objectType string) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveAllObjects returns the list of all the objects of the specified type
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveAllObjectsAndUpdateDestinationListForDestination ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveAllObjectsAndUpdateDestinationListForDestination(destOrgID string, destType string, destID string) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveAllObjectsAndUpdateDestinationListForDestination retrieves objects that are in use on a given node and the destination status
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveConsumedObjects ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveConsumedObjects() ([]common.ConsumedObject, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveConsumedObjects returns all the consumed objects originated from this node ESS only API
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveDestination ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) (*common.Destination, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveDestination retrieves a destination
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveDestinationProtocol ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveDestinationProtocol(orgID string, destType string, destID string) (string, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveDestinationProtocol retrieves the communication protocol for the destination
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveDestinations ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveDestinations(orgID string, destType string) ([]common.Destination, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveDestinations returns all the destinations with the provided orgID and destType
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveLeader ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveLeader() (string, int32, time.Time, int64, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveLeader retrieves the Heartbeat timeout and Last heartbeat time stamp from the leader document
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveMessagingGroup ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveMessagingGroup(orgID string) (string, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveMessagingGroup retrieves messaging group for organization
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveNotificationRecord ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveNotificationRecord(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destType string, destID string) (*common.Notification, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveNotificationRecord retrieves notification
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveNotifications ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveNotifications(orgID string, destType string, destID string, retrieveReceived bool) ([]common.Notification, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveNotifications returns the list of all the notifications that need to be resent to the destination
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveObjOrDestTypeForGivenACLUser ¶ added in v0.10.12
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveObjOrDestTypeForGivenACLUser(aclType string, orgID string, aclUserType string, aclUsername string, aclRole string) ([]string, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjOrDestTypeForGivenACLUser retrieves object types that given acl user has access to
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveObject ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveObject(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (*common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObject returns the object meta data with the specified parameters
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveObjectAndRemovedDestinationPolicyServices ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveObjectAndRemovedDestinationPolicyServices(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (*common.MetaData, []common.ServiceID, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectAndRemovedDestinationPolicyServices returns the object metadata and removedDestinationPolicyServices with the specified param, only for ESS
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveObjectAndStatus ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveObjectAndStatus(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (*common.MetaData, string, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectAndStatus returns the object meta data and status with the specified parameters
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveObjectData ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (io.Reader, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectData returns the object data with the specified parameters
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveObjectRemainingConsumers ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveObjectRemainingConsumers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (int, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectRemainingConsumers finds the object and returns the number remaining consumers that haven't consumed the object yet
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveObjectStatus ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveObjectStatus(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (string, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectStatus finds the object and return its status
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveObjects ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveObjects(orgID string, destType string, destID string, resend int) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjects returns the list of all the objects that need to be sent to the destination. Adds the new destination to the destinations lists of the relevant objects.
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicy ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicy(orgID string, received bool) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicy returns the list of all the objects that have a Destination Policy If received is true, return objects marked as policy received
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyByService ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyByService(orgID, serviceOrgID, serviceName string) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyByService returns the list of all the object Policies for a particular service
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyUpdatedSince ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyUpdatedSince(orgID string, since int64) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyUpdatedSince returns the list of all the objects that have a Destination Policy updated since the specified time
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithFilters ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveObjectsWithFilters(orgID string, destinationPolicy *bool, dpServiceOrgID string, dpServiceName string, dpPropertyName string, since int64, objectType string, objectID string, destinationType string, destinationID string, noData *bool, expirationTimeBefore string) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveObjectsWithFilters returns the list of all the objects that meet the given conditions
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveOrganizationInfo ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveOrganizationInfo(orgID string) (*common.StoredOrganization, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveOrganizationInfo retrieves organization information
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveOrganizations ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveOrganizations() ([]common.StoredOrganization, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveOrganizations retrieves stored organizations' info
func (*MongoStorage) RetrievePendingNotifications ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrievePendingNotifications(orgID string, destType string, destID string) ([]common.Notification, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrievePendingNotifications returns the list of pending notifications that are waiting to be sent to the destination
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveTimeOnServer ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveTimeOnServer() (time.Time, error)
RetrieveTimeOnServer retrieves the current time on the database server
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveUpdatedMessagingGroups ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveUpdatedMessagingGroups(time time.Time) ([]common.MessagingGroup, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveUpdatedMessagingGroups retrieves messaging groups that were updated after the specified time
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveUpdatedObjects ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveUpdatedObjects(orgID string, objectType string, received bool) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveUpdatedObjects returns the list of all the edge updated objects that are not marked as consumed or received If received is true, return objects marked as received
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveUpdatedOrganizations ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveUpdatedOrganizations(time time.Time) ([]common.StoredOrganization, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveUpdatedOrganizations retrieves organizations that were updated after the specified time
func (*MongoStorage) RetrieveWebhooks ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) RetrieveWebhooks(orgID string, objectType string) ([]string, common.SyncServiceError)
RetrieveWebhooks gets the webhooks for the object type
func (*MongoStorage) StoreDestination ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) StoreDestination(destination common.Destination) common.SyncServiceError
StoreDestination stores the destination
func (*MongoStorage) StoreObject ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) StoreObject(metaData common.MetaData, data []byte, status string) ([]common.StoreDestinationStatus, common.SyncServiceError)
StoreObject stores an object If the object already exists, return the changes in its destinations list (for CSS) - return the list of deleted destinations
func (*MongoStorage) StoreObjectData ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) StoreObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, dataReader io.Reader) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
StoreObjectData stores object's data Return true if the object was found and updated Return false and no error, if the object doesn't exist
func (*MongoStorage) StoreOrgToMessagingGroup ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) StoreOrgToMessagingGroup(orgID string, messagingGroup string) common.SyncServiceError
StoreOrgToMessagingGroup inserts organization to messaging groups table
func (*MongoStorage) StoreOrganization ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) StoreOrganization(org common.Organization) (time.Time, common.SyncServiceError)
StoreOrganization stores organization information Returns the stored record timestamp for multiple CSS updates
func (*MongoStorage) UpdateDestinationLastPingTime ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) UpdateDestinationLastPingTime(destination common.Destination) common.SyncServiceError
UpdateDestinationLastPingTime updates the last ping time for the destination
func (*MongoStorage) UpdateLeader ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) UpdateLeader(leaderID string, version int64) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
UpdateLeader updates the leader entry for a leadership takeover
func (*MongoStorage) UpdateNotificationRecord ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) UpdateNotificationRecord(notification common.Notification) common.SyncServiceError
UpdateNotificationRecord updates/adds a notification record to the object
func (*MongoStorage) UpdateNotificationResendTime ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) UpdateNotificationResendTime(notification common.Notification) common.SyncServiceError
UpdateNotificationResendTime sets the resend time of the notification to common.Configuration.ResendInterval*6
func (*MongoStorage) UpdateObjectDelivering ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) UpdateObjectDelivering(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError
UpdateObjectDelivering marks the object as being delivered to all its destinations
func (*MongoStorage) UpdateObjectDeliveryStatus ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) UpdateObjectDeliveryStatus(status string, message string, orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destType string, destID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError)
UpdateObjectDeliveryStatus changes the object's delivery status and message for the destination Returns true if the status is Deleted and all the destinations are in status Deleted
func (*MongoStorage) UpdateObjectDestinations ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) UpdateObjectDestinations(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destinationsList []string) (*common.MetaData, string, []common.StoreDestinationStatus, []common.StoreDestinationStatus, common.SyncServiceError)
UpdateObjectDestinations updates object's destinations Returns the meta data, object's status, an array of deleted destinations, and an array of added destinations
func (*MongoStorage) UpdateObjectSourceDataURI ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) UpdateObjectSourceDataURI(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, sourceDataURI string) common.SyncServiceError
UpdateObjectSourceDataURI updates object's source data URI
func (*MongoStorage) UpdateObjectStatus ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) UpdateObjectStatus(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, status string) common.SyncServiceError
UpdateObjectStatus updates object's status
func (*MongoStorage) UpdateRemovedDestinationPolicyServices ¶
func (store *MongoStorage) UpdateRemovedDestinationPolicyServices(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destinationPolicyServices []common.ServiceID) common.SyncServiceError
UpdateRemovedDestinationPolicyServices update the removedDestinationPolicyServices, only for ESS
type NotConnected ¶
type NotConnected struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NotConnected is the error returned if there is no connection to the database
func (*NotConnected) Error ¶
func (e *NotConnected) Error() string
type NotFound ¶
type NotFound struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NotFound is the error returned if an object wasn't found
type Storage ¶
type Storage interface { // Initialize the store Init() common.SyncServiceError // Stop the store Stop() // PerformMaintenance performs store's maintenance PerformMaintenance() // Cleanup erase the on disk Bolt databass only for ESS and test Cleanup(isTest bool) common.SyncServiceError // Store an object // If the object already exists, return the changes in its destinations list (for CSS) - return the list of deleted destinations StoreObject(metaData common.MetaData, data []byte, status string) ([]common.StoreDestinationStatus, common.SyncServiceError) // Store object's data // Return true if the object was found and updated // Return false and no error, if the object doesn't exist StoreObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, dataReader io.Reader) (bool, common.SyncServiceError) // Append a chunk of data to the object's data AppendObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, dataReader io.Reader, dataLength uint32, offset int64, total int64, isFirstChunk bool, isLastChunk bool) common.SyncServiceError // Update object's status UpdateObjectStatus(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, status string) common.SyncServiceError // Update object's source data URI UpdateObjectSourceDataURI(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, sourceDataURI string) common.SyncServiceError // Find the object and return its status RetrieveObjectStatus(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (string, common.SyncServiceError) // Find the object and return the number of remaining consumers that haven't consumed the object yet RetrieveObjectRemainingConsumers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (int, common.SyncServiceError) // Decrement the number of remaining consumers of the object DecrementAndReturnRemainingConsumers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (int, common.SyncServiceError) // Decrement the number of remaining receivers of the object DecrementAndReturnRemainingReceivers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (int, common.SyncServiceError) // Sets the remaining consumers count to the original ExpectedConsumers value ResetObjectRemainingConsumers(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError // Return the list of all the edge updated objects that are not marked as consumed or received // If received is true, return objects marked as received RetrieveUpdatedObjects(orgID string, objectType string, received bool) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError) // RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicy returns the list of all the objects that have a Destination Policy // If received is true, return objects marked as policy received RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicy(orgID string, received bool) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError) // RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyByService returns the list of all the object Policies for a particular service RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyByService(orgID, serviceOrgID, serviceName string) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError) // RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyUpdatedSince returns the list of all the objects that have a Destination Policy updated since the specified time RetrieveObjectsWithDestinationPolicyUpdatedSince(orgID string, since int64) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError) // RetrieveObjectsWithFilters returns the list of all othe objects that meet the given conditions RetrieveObjectsWithFilters(orgID string, destinationPolicy *bool, dpServiceOrgID string, dpServiceName string, dpPropertyName string, since int64, objectType string, objectID string, destinationType string, destinationID string, noData *bool, expirationTimeBefore string) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError) // RetrieveAllObjects returns the list of all the objects of the specified type RetrieveAllObjects(orgID string, objectType string) ([]common.ObjectDestinationPolicy, common.SyncServiceError) // Return the list of all the objects that need to be sent to the destination RetrieveObjects(orgID string, destType string, destID string, resend int) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError) // RetrieveConsumedObjects returns all the consumed objects originated from this node RetrieveConsumedObjects() ([]common.ConsumedObject, common.SyncServiceError) // Return the object meta data with the specified parameters RetrieveObject(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (*common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError) // Return the object meta data and status with the specified parameters RetrieveObjectAndStatus(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (*common.MetaData, string, common.SyncServiceError) // Return the object data with the specified parameters RetrieveObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (io.Reader, common.SyncServiceError) // Return the object data with the specified parameters ReadObjectData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, size int, offset int64) ([]byte, bool, int, common.SyncServiceError) // Close the data reader if necessary CloseDataReader(dataReader io.Reader) common.SyncServiceError // Marks the object as deleted MarkObjectDeleted(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError // Mark an object's destination policy as having been received MarkDestinationPolicyReceived(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError // Mark object as active ActivateObject(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError // GetObjectsToActivate returns inactive objects that are ready to be activated GetObjectsToActivate() ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError) // Delete the object DeleteStoredObject(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError // Delete the object's data DeleteStoredData(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError // CleanObjects removes the objects received from the other side. // For persistant storage only partially recieved objects are removed. CleanObjects() common.SyncServiceError // Get destinations that the object has to be sent to GetObjectDestinations(metaData common.MetaData) ([]common.Destination, common.SyncServiceError) // UpdateObjectDeliveryStatus changes the object's delivery status for the destination // Returns true if the status is Deleted and all the destinations are in status Deleted UpdateObjectDeliveryStatus(status string, message string, orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destType string, destID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError) // UpdateObjectDelivering marks the object as being delivered to all its destinations UpdateObjectDelivering(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) common.SyncServiceError // GetObjectDestinationsList gets destinations that the object has to be sent to and their status GetObjectDestinationsList(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) ([]common.StoreDestinationStatus, common.SyncServiceError) // UpdateObjectDestinations updates object's destinations // Returns the meta data, object's status, an array of deleted destinations, and an array of added destinations UpdateObjectDestinations(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destinationsList []string) (*common.MetaData, string, []common.StoreDestinationStatus, []common.StoreDestinationStatus, common.SyncServiceError) // GetNumberOfStoredObjects returns the number of objects received from the application that are // currently stored in this node's storage GetNumberOfStoredObjects() (uint32, common.SyncServiceError) // AddWebhook stores a webhook for an object type AddWebhook(orgID string, objectType string, url string) common.SyncServiceError // DeleteWebhook deletes a webhook for an object type DeleteWebhook(orgID string, objectType string, url string) common.SyncServiceError // RetrieveWebhooks gets the webhooks for the object type RetrieveWebhooks(orgID string, objectType string) ([]string, common.SyncServiceError) // Return all the destinations with the provided orgID and destType RetrieveDestinations(orgID string, destType string) ([]common.Destination, common.SyncServiceError) // Return true if the destination exists, and false otherwise DestinationExists(orgID string, destType string, destID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError) // Retrieve destination RetrieveDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) (*common.Destination, common.SyncServiceError) // Store the destination StoreDestination(destination common.Destination) common.SyncServiceError // Delete the destination DeleteDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) common.SyncServiceError // UpdateDestinationLastPingTime updates the last ping time for the destination UpdateDestinationLastPingTime(destination common.Destination) common.SyncServiceError // RemoveInactiveDestinations removes destinations that haven't sent ping since the provided timestamp RemoveInactiveDestinations(lastTimestamp time.Time) // GetNumberOfDestinations returns the number of currently registered ESS nodes (for CSS) GetNumberOfDestinations() (uint32, common.SyncServiceError) // Retrieve communication protocol for the destination RetrieveDestinationProtocol(orgID string, destType string, destID string) (string, common.SyncServiceError) // GetObjectsForDestination retrieves objects that are in use on a given node GetObjectsForDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) ([]common.ObjectStatus, common.SyncServiceError) // RetrieveAllObjectsAndUpdateDestinationListForDestination retrieves objects that are in use on a given node and returns the list of metadata RetrieveAllObjectsAndUpdateDestinationListForDestination(orgID string, destType string, destID string) ([]common.MetaData, common.SyncServiceError) // RetrieveObjectAndRemovedDestinationPolicyServices returns the object metadata and removedDestinationPolicyServices with the specified param, only for ESS RetrieveObjectAndRemovedDestinationPolicyServices(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string) (*common.MetaData, []common.ServiceID, common.SyncServiceError) // UpdateRemovedDestinationPolicyServices update the removedDestinationPolicyServices, only for ESS UpdateRemovedDestinationPolicyServices(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destinationPolicyServices []common.ServiceID) common.SyncServiceError // Update/add a notification record to an object UpdateNotificationRecord(notification common.Notification) common.SyncServiceError // UpdateNotificationResendTime sets the resend time of the notification to common.Configuration.ResendInterval*6 UpdateNotificationResendTime(notification common.Notification) common.SyncServiceError // RetrieveNotificationRecord retrieves notification RetrieveNotificationRecord(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destType string, destID string) (*common.Notification, common.SyncServiceError) // Delete notification records to an object DeleteNotificationRecords(orgID string, objectType string, objectID string, destType string, destID string) common.SyncServiceError // Return the list of all the notifications that need to be resent to the destination RetrieveNotifications(orgID string, destType string, destID string, retrieveReceived bool) ([]common.Notification, common.SyncServiceError) // Return the list of pending notifications that are waiting to be sent to the destination RetrievePendingNotifications(orgID string, destType string, destID string) ([]common.Notification, common.SyncServiceError) // InsertInitialLeader inserts the initial leader document in the collection is empty InsertInitialLeader(leaderID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError) // LeaderPeriodicUpdate does the periodic update of the leader document by the leader LeaderPeriodicUpdate(leaderID string) (bool, common.SyncServiceError) // RetrieveLeader retrieves the Heartbeat timeout and Last heartbeat time stamp from the leader document RetrieveLeader() (string, int32, time.Time, int64, common.SyncServiceError) // UpdateLeader updates the leader entry for a leadership takeover UpdateLeader(leaderID string, version int64) (bool, common.SyncServiceError) // ResignLeadership causes this sync service to give up the Leadership ResignLeadership(leaderID string) common.SyncServiceError // RetrieveTimeOnServer retrieves the current time on the database server RetrieveTimeOnServer() (time.Time, error) // StoreOrgToMessagingGroup inserts organization to messaging groups table StoreOrgToMessagingGroup(orgID string, messagingGroup string) common.SyncServiceError // DeleteOrgToMessagingGroup deletes organization from messaging groups table DeleteOrgToMessagingGroup(orgID string) common.SyncServiceError // RetrieveMessagingGroup retrieves messaging group for organization RetrieveMessagingGroup(orgID string) (string, common.SyncServiceError) // RetrieveUpdatedMessagingGroups retrieves messaging groups that were updated after the specified time RetrieveUpdatedMessagingGroups(time time.Time) ([]common.MessagingGroup, common.SyncServiceError) // DeleteOrganization cleans up the storage from all the records associated with the organization DeleteOrganization(orgID string) common.SyncServiceError // StoreOrganization stores organization information // Returns the stored record timestamp for multiple CSS updates StoreOrganization(org common.Organization) (time.Time, common.SyncServiceError) // RetrieveOrganizationInfo retrieves organization information RetrieveOrganizationInfo(orgID string) (*common.StoredOrganization, common.SyncServiceError) // DeleteOrganizationInfo deletes organization information DeleteOrganizationInfo(orgID string) common.SyncServiceError // RetrieveOrganizations retrieves stored organizations' info RetrieveOrganizations() ([]common.StoredOrganization, common.SyncServiceError) // RetrieveUpdatedOrganizations retrieves organizations that were updated after the specified time RetrieveUpdatedOrganizations(time time.Time) ([]common.StoredOrganization, common.SyncServiceError) // AddUsersToACL adds users to an ACL AddUsersToACL(aclType string, orgID string, key string, users []common.ACLentry) common.SyncServiceError // RemoveUsersFromACL removes users from an ACL RemoveUsersFromACL(aclType string, orgID string, key string, users []common.ACLentry) common.SyncServiceError // RetrieveACL retrieves the list of usernames on an ACL RetrieveACL(aclType string, orgID string, key string, aclUserType string) ([]common.ACLentry, common.SyncServiceError) // RetrieveACLsInOrg retrieves the list of ACLs in an organization RetrieveACLsInOrg(aclType string, orgID string) ([]string, common.SyncServiceError) // RetrieveObjOrDestTypeForGivenACLUser retrieves object types that given acl user has access to RetrieveObjOrDestTypeForGivenACLUser(aclType string, orgID string, aclUserType string, aclUsername string, aclRole string) ([]string, common.SyncServiceError) // IsConnected returns false if the storage cannont be reached, and true otherwise IsConnected() bool // IsPersistent returns true if the storage is persistent, and false otherwise IsPersistent() bool }
Storage is the interface for stores