Chat is a simple yet powerful chat application built with Go. It leverages the power of AI to provide a seamless and interactive chat experience. The application is designed to be flexible, efficient, and easy to use.
Interactive chat interface with AI.
Support for multiple AI models.
Commands for managing chat history and changing AI models.
Real-time sentiment analysis (coming soon).
Support for multiple languages (coming soon).
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Go 1.16 or higher
An API key from Perplexity AI
Clone the repository:
git clone
Change into the project directory:
Run the application:
go run main.go
Install the required dependencies:
go mod download
Set the API key as an environment variable.
Download the Perplexity AI API key from the Perplexity AI website and set it as an environment variable:
export PAI_KEY=your-api-key
Once PAI_KEY is set, you can start the application by running the following command in the project directory: