Tradgard: a garden for ideas
Tradgard is a modern take on a wiki. It's still pretty young.
You can read the motivation behind Tradgard at Tradgard's Motivation.
You can contact the author at his website, or on Twitter @kevinpalbrecht.
Installation on macOS
Installation Step #1: Install Go
Install Go on your machine:
brew install go
Set your GOPATH. In your ~/.profile file, add the following lines:
# This is the directory where the Go tools will search for source code:
# This is the directory where Homebrew installs Go:
export GOROOT=/usr/local/opt/go/libexec/
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin
You'll need to restart your terminal for the changes to take effect.
Install Go's dep dependency management tool:
brew install dep
Installation Step #2: Install Postgres
Install Postgres on your machine.
Installation Step #3: Setup Tradgard
Clone the Tradgard source code. Note that your should clone it into a subdirectory of the ~/src directory:
mkdir ~/src
cd ~/src
git clone
Create a Postgres database called "tradgard".
Make a copy of the file "example.env" and name the copy ".env".
Change these variables in the ".env" file to custom values:
COOKIE_32_BYTE_HASH_KEY=This key should be 32 bytes long
COOKIE_32_BYTE_BLOCK_KEY=This key should be 32 bytes long
Install all dependencies:
make deps
Installation Step #4: Deploy to Heroku
If you want to deploy to Heroku, you'll want to install the Heroku CLI:
brew install heroku/brew/heroku
Running the Webserver
Start the server (the server will restart automatically on file changes):
make serve
Visit the site:
Important libraries used
Dependency management
Check the status of all dependencies
dep status
Add a new dependency
dep ensure -add <package>
git checkout vendor/vendor.json
Visualize dependencies
brew install graphviz
dep status -dot | dot -T png | open -f -a /Applications/
Force an update of dependencies to newest version
dep ensure -update <package>
git checkout vendor/vendor.json
Removing unused dependencies
1. Remove the imports and all usage from your code.
2. Remove [[constraint]] rules from Gopkg.toml (if any).
3. Run `dep ensure`
4. Run `git checkout vendor/vendor.json`
Fetch all referenced dependencies
dep ensure
git checkout vendor/vendor.json
Error starting server listen tcp :5000: bind: address already in use
Kill the process
make kill
The code is available under the MIT license.