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Published: May 13, 2024 License: AGPL-3.0 Imports: 6 Imported by: 3


Memory-Trie: MTrie

At its heart, an MTrie is an in-memory key-value store, with the ability to generate cryptographic proofs for the states of the stored registers. MTrie combines features of Merkle trees (for generating cryptographic proofs for the stored register) and Radix Trees (for optimized memory consumption).

By construction, MTries are immutable data structures. Essentially, they represent a snapshot of the key-value store for one specific point in time. Updating register values is implemented through copy-on-write, which creates a new MTrie, i.e. a new snapshot of the updated key-value store. For minimal memory consumption, all sub-tries that were not affected by the write operation are shared between the original MTrie (before the register updates) and the updated MTrie (after the register writes).

Storage Model

Formally, an MTrie represents a perfect, full, binary Merkle tree with uniform height. We follow the established graph-theoretic terminology. We explicitly differentiate between:

  • tree: full binary Merkle tree with uniform height. The storage model is defined for the tree.
  • MTrie: is an optimized in-memory structure representing the tree.
Underling Graph-Theoretical Storage Model

The storage model is defined for the tree. At its heart, it is a key-value store. In the store, there are a fixed number of storage slots, which we refer to as registers. By convention, each register has a key (identifying the storage slot) and a value (binary blob) stored in that memory slot. A key identifies the storage slot through an address derived from the key, called path. While all register paths have the same fixed length (measured in bits), the keys and values are variable-length byte slices. A register holds both the key and value, which forms a payload. A path is derived deterministically from the key part of the payload. We define an unallocated register as holding no value, i.e. a nil payload or an empty value byte slice. By default, each register is unallocated. In contrast, an allocated_ register holds a non-nil payload and a value with positive storage size, i.e. a byte slice with length larger than zero. Note that we do not introduce the concept of registers with nil values.

The theoretical storage model is a perfect, full, binary Merkle tree, which spans all registers (even if they are unallocated).
Therefore, we have two different node types in the tree:

  • A LEAF node represents a register:
    • holding a payload, i.e a key and a value.
    • holding a path, which is derived from the payload key.
    • following established graph-theoretic conventions, the height of a leaf is zero.
    • the hash value is defined as:
      • For an unallocated register, the hash is just the hash of a global constant. Therefore, the leafs for all unallocated registers have the same hash. We refer to the hash of an unallocated register as default hash at height 0.
      • For allocated registers, the hash value is H(path, value) for H the hash function.
  • An INTERIM node is a vertex in the tree:
    • it has exactly two children, called LeftChild and RightChild, which are both of the same height; the children can either be leafs or interim nodes.
    • the height of an interim node n is n.height = LeftChild.height + 1 = RightChild.height + 1; (Hence, an interim node n can only have a n.height > 0, as only leafs have height zero).
    • the hash value is defined as H(LeftChild, RightChild)
Convention for mapping a register key to a path in the tree


  • let path[i] be the bit with index i (we use zero-based indexing)
  • a path can be converted into its integer representation through big-endian ordering
  • given a path and an index i, we define:
    • the prefix as path[:i] (excluding the bit with index i)
  • the tree's root node partitions the register set into two sub-sets depending on value path[0] :
    • all registers path[0] == 0 fall into the LeftChild subtree
    • all registers path[0] == 1 fall into the RightChild subtree
  • All registers in LeftChild's subtree, now have the prefix path[0:1] = [0]. LeftChild's respective two children partition the register set further into all registers with the common key prefix 0,0 vs 0,1.
  • Let n be an interim node with a path length to the root node of d [edges]. Then, all registers that fall in n's subtree share the same prefix path[0:d]. Furthermore, partition this register set further into
    • all registers path[d] == 0 fall into the n.LeftChild subtree
    • all registers path[d] == 1 fall into the n.RightChild subtree

Therefore, we have the following relation between tree height and path length:

  • Let the tree hold registers with path length len(path) = K [bits]. Therefore, the tree has interim nodes with height values: K (tree root), K-1 (root's children), ..., 1. The interim nodes with height = 1 partition the registers according to their last bit. Their children are leaf nodes (which have zero height).
  • Let n be an interim node with height n.height. Then, we can associate n with the path index i = K - n.height.
    • n's prefix is then the defined as p = path[:i], which is shared by all registers that fall into n's subtree.
    • n partitions its register set further: all registers with prefix p,0 fall into n.LeftChild's subtree;
      all registers with p,1 fall into n.RightChild's subtree.

Note that our definition of height follows established graph-theoretic conventions:

The HEIGHT of a NODE v in a tree is the number of edges on the longest downward path between v and a tree leaf.
The HEIGHT of a TREE is the height of its root node.

Our storage model generates the following property, which is very beneficial for optimizing the implementation:

  • A sub-tree holding only unallocated registers hashes to a value that only depends on the height of the subtree (but not on which specific registers are included in the tree). Specifically, we define the defaultHash in a recursive manner. The defaultHash[0] of an unallocated leaf node is a global constant. Furthermore, defaultHash[h] is the subtree-root hash of a subtree with height h that holds only unallocated registers.
MTrie as an Optimized Storage implementation

Storing the perfect, full, binary Merkle tree with uniform height in its raw form is very memory intensive. Therefore, the MTrie data structure employs a variety of optimizations to reduce its memory and CPU footprint. Nevertheless, from an MTrie, the full tree can be constructed.

On a high level, MTrie has the following optimizations:

  • sparse: all subtrees holding only unallocated register are pruned:
    • Consider an interim node with height h. Let c be one of its children, i.e. either LeftChild or RightChild.
    • If c == nil, the subtree-root hash for c is defaultHash[h-1] (correctness follows directly from the storage model)
  • Compactification: Consider a register with its respective path from the root to the leaf in the full binary tree. When traversing the tree from the root down towards the leaf, there will come a node Ω, which only contains a single allocated register. Hence, MTrie pre-computes the root hash of such trees and store them as a compactified leaf. Formally, a compactified leaf stores
    • a payload with a key and a value;
    • a path derived from the payload key.
    • a height value h, which can be zero or larger
    • its hash is: subtree-root hash for a tree that only holds key and value. To compute this hash, we essentially start with H(path, value) and hash our way upwards the tree until we hit height h. While climbing the tree upwards, we use the respective defaultHash[..] for the other branch which we are merging with.

Furthermore, an MTrie

  • uses SHA3-256 as the hash function H
  • the registers have paths with len(path) = 8*l [bits], for l the path size in bytes.
  • the height of MTrie (per definition, the height of the root node) is also 8*l, for l the path size in bytes.
  • l is fixed to 32 in the current implementation, which makes paths be 256-bits long and the trie root at a height 256.
The Mtrie Update algorithm:

Updating register payloads of the mtrie is implemented through copy-on-write, which creates a new MTrie, i.e. a new snapshot of the updated key-value store. For minimal memory consumption, all sub-tries that were not affected by the update operation are shared between the original MTrie and the updated MTrie. This means children of some new nodes of the new Mtrie point to existing sub-tries from the original Mtrie.

The update algorithm takes a trie m as input along with a set of K pairs: (paths[k], payloads[k]) where k = 0, 1, ..., K-1. It outputs a new trie new_m such that each payload payloads[k] is stored at the path paths[k].
Any path that is not included in the input pairs keeps the payload from the original input m.

We first describe the algorithm to perform only a single register update (path, payload) and subsequently generalize to an arbitrary number of K register updates. Given a root node of a trie, a path and a payload, we look for the register addressed by the given path in a recursive top-down manner. Each recursive step operates at a certain height of the tree, starting from the root. Looking at the respective bit path[i] (with i = 256 - height) of the path, we recursively descend into the left or right child to apply the update. For each node visited on the recursive descent, we create a new node at the respective height to represent the updated sub-trie. If the sub-trie is not affected by the update, we re-use the same visited node.

We define the function Update to implement the recursive algorithm to apply the register update. Update takes as inputs:

  • node is the vertex of the trie before the register update. The Update method should return node if there are no updates in the respective sub-trie (with root node), to avoid unnecessary data duplication. If node is nil, then there is no candidate in the trie before the register update that could be returned and a new node must necessarily be created.
  • Height is the height of the returned node in the new trie.
  • The update (path, payload) which is supposed to be written to this particular sub-trie.
  • (optional) The compactified leaf (denoted as compactLeaf) carried over from a larger height. If no compactfied leaf is carried over, then compactLeaf = nil. (The recursive algorithm uses this parameter, when it needs to expand a compactified leaf into a sub-trie holding multiple registers.)

During the recursion, we can encounter the following cases:

  • Case 0: node is an interim node. (generic recursion step) As described, we further descend down the left or right child, depending on the bit value path[i].
  • Case 1: node is a leaf. A leaf can be either fully expanded (height zero) or compactified (height larger than zero).
    • case 1.a: node.path == path, i.e. the leaf's represents the register that we are looking to update. The tree update is done by creating a new node with the new input payload.
    • case 1.b: node.path ≠ path, i.e. the leaf represents a different register than the one we want to update. While the register with path, falls in the same sub-trie as the allocated register, it is still unallocated.
      This implies that node must be a compactified leaf. Therefore, in the updated trie, the previously compactified leaf has to be replaced by sub-trie containing two allocated registers. We recursively proceed to write the contents of the previously existing register as well as the new register (path, payload) to the interim-node's children. We set compactLeaf := node and continue the recursive construction of the new the sub-tree.
  • Case 2: node == nil: A nil sub-trie means that the sub-trie is empty and at least a new leaf has to be created.
    • case 2.a: there is only one leaf to create. If there is only one leaf to create (either the one representing the input (path, payload), or the one representing a compactified leaf carried over from a higher height), then a new leaf is created. The new leaf can be either fully expanded or compactified.
    • case 2.b: there are 2 leafs to create. If there are 2 leafs to create (both the input (path, payload) and the compactified leaf carried over), then we are still at an interim-node height. Hence, we create a new interim-node with nil children, check the path index of both the input path and the compactified node path and continue the recursion over the children. Eventually the recursion calls will fall into 2.a as we reach the first different bit index between the 2 paths. This case can be seen as a special case of the
      generic case 0 above, but just called with a node = nil.
General algorithm

We now generalize this algorithm to an arbitrary number of K register updates: (paths[k], payloads[k]) where k = 0, 1, ..., K-1.

  • Update takes a list (slice) of paths and payloads.
  • When moving to a lower height, paths and payloads are partitioned depending on paths[k][i] with i = 256 - height. The first partition has all updates for registers with paths[k][i] = 0 and goes into the left child recursion, while the second partition has the updates pertaining to registers with paths[k][i] = 1 and goes into the right child recursion. This results in sorting the overall input paths using an implicit quick sort.
  • if len(paths) == 0 and there is no compact leaf carried over (compactLeaf == nil), no update will be done and the original sub-trie can be re-used in the new trie.
  • Case 0: node is an interim node. An interim-node is created, the paths are split into left and right.
  • Case 1: node is a leaf. Instead of comparing the path of the leaf with the unique input path, the leaf path is linearly searched within all the input paths. Case 1.a is when the leaf path is found among the inputs, Case 1.b is when the leaf path is not found. The linear search in the recursive step has an overall complexity O(K) (for all recursion steps combined). Case 1.a is now split into two subcases:
    • case 1.a.i: node.path ∈ path and len(paths) == 1. A new node is created with the new updated payload. This would be a leaf in the new trie.
    • case 1.a.ii: node.path ∈ path and len(paths) > 1. We are necessarily on a compactified leaf and we don't care about its own payload as it will get updated by the new input payload. We therefore continue the recursion with compactLeaf = nil and the same input paths and payloads.
    • case 1.b: node.path ∉ path. If the leaf path is not found among the inputs, node must be a compactified leaf (as multiple different registers fall in its respective sub-trie). We call the recursion with the same inputs but with compactLeaf being set to the current node.
  • Case 2: node == nil : The sub-trie is empty
    • Case 2a: node == nil and there is only one leaf to create, i.e. len(paths) == 1 && compactLeaf == nil or len(paths) == 0 && compactLeaf ≠ nil.
    • Case 2b: there are 2 or more leafs to create. An interim-node is created, the paths are split into left and right, and compactLeaf is carried over into the left or right child. We note that this case is very similar to Case 0 where the current node is nil. The pseudo-code below will treat case 0 and 2.b in the same code section.

Lemma: Consider a trie m before the update. The following condition holds for the Update algorithm: If compactLeaf ≠ nil then node == nil. By inversion, the following condition also holds: If node ≠ nil then compactLeaf == nil.

Proof of Lemma:

Initially, the Update algorithm starts with:

  • node is set to the trie root
  • compactLeaf is nil The initial condition satisfies the lemma.

Let's consider the first recursion step where compactLeaf may switch from nil (initial value) to a non-nil value. This switch happens only in Case 1.b where we replace a compactified leaf by a trie holding multiple registers. In this case (1.b), a new interim-node with nil children is created, and the recursion is carried forward with node being set to the nil children. The following steps will necessary fall under case 2 since node is nil. Subcases of case 2 would always keep node set to nil.


Further optimization and resource-exhaustion attack:

In order to counter a resource-exhaustion attack where an existing allocated register is being updated with the same payload, resulting in creating new unnecessary nodes, we slightly adjust step 1.a. When len(paths)==1 and the input path is equal to the current leaf path, we only create a new leaf if the input payload is different than the one stored initially in the leaf. If the two payloads are equal, we just re-cycle the initial leaf. Morever, we create a new interim-node from the left and right children only if the returned children are different than the original node children. If the children are equal, we just re-cycle the same interim-node.

Putting everything together:

This results in the following Update algorithm. When applying the updates (paths, payloads) to a trie with root node root (at height 256), the root node of the updated trie is returned by Update(256, root, paths, payloads, nil).

FUNCTION Update(height Int, node Node, paths []Path, payloads []Payload, compactLeaf Node, prune bool) Node {
 if len(paths) == 0 {
  // If a compactLeaf from a higher height is carried over, then we are necessarily in case 2.a 
  // (node == nil and only one register to create)
  if compactLeaf != nil {
   return NewLeaf(compactLeaf.path, compactLeaf.payload, height)
  // No updates to make, re-use the same sub-trie
  return node
 // The remaining sub-case of 2.a (node == nil and only one register to create): 
 // the register payload is the input and no compactified leaf is to be carried over. 
 if len(paths) == 1 && node == nil && compactLeaf == nil {
  return NewLeaf(paths[0], payloads[0], height)
 // case 1: we reach a non-nil leaf. Per Lemma, compactLeaf is necessarily nil
 if node != nil && node.IsLeaf() { 
  if node.path ∈ paths {
    if len(paths) == 1 { // case 1.a.i
     // the resource-exhaustion counter-measure
     if !node.payload == payloads[i] {
      return NewLeaf(paths[i], payloads[i], height)
     return node  // re-cycle the same node
    // case 1.a.ii: len(paths)>1
    // Value of compactified leaf will be overwritten. Hence, we don't have to carry it forward. 
    // Case 1.a.ii is the call: Update(height, nil, paths, payload, nil), but we can optimize the extra call and just continue the function to case 2.b with the same parameters.
  } else {
   // case 1.b: node's path was not found among the inputs and we should carry the node to lower heights as a compactLeaf parameter.
   // Case 1.b is the call: Update(height, nil, paths, payload, node), but we can optimize the extra call and just continue the function to case 2.b with 
   // compactLeaf set as node.
   compactLeaf = node
 // The remaining logic below handles the remaining recursion step which is common for the 
 // case 0: node ≠ nil and there are many paths to update (len(paths)>1)
 // case 1.a.ii: node ≠ nil and node.path ∈ path and len(paths) > 1
 // case 1.b: node ≠ nil and node.path ∉ path
 // case 2.b: node == nil and there is more than one register to update: 
 //     - len(paths) == 1 and compactLeaf != nil 
 //     - or alternatively len(paths) > 1

 // Split paths and payloads according to the bit of path[i] at index (256 - height):
 // lpaths contains all paths that have `0` at the bit index
 // rpaths contains all paths that have `1` at the bit index
 lpaths, rpaths, lpayloads, rpayloads = Split(paths, payloads, 256 - height)
 // As part of cases 1.b and 2.b, we have to determine whether compactLeaf falls into the left or right sub-trie:
 if compactLeaf != nil {
  // if yes, check which branch it will go to.
  if Bit(compactLeaf.path, 256 - height) == 0 {
   lcompactLeaf = compactLeaf
   rcompactLeaf = nil
  } else {
   lcompactLeaf = nil
   rcompactLeaf = compactLeaf
 } else { // for cases 0 and 1.a.ii, we don't have a compactified leaf to carry forward
  lcompactLeaf = nil
  rcompactLeaf = nil
 // the difference between cases with node ≠ nil vs the case with node == nil
 if node != nil { // cases 0, 1.a.ii, and 1.b
  lchild = node.leftChild
  rchild = node.rightChild
 } else {  // case 2.b
  lchild = nil
  rchild = nil
 // recursive descent into the childred
 newlChild = Update(height-1, lchild, lpaths, lpayloads, lcompactLeaf)
 newrChild = Update(height-1, rchild, rpaths, rpayloads, rcompactLeaf)
 // mitigate storage exhaustion attack: avoids creating a new interim-node when the same
 // payload is re-written at a register, resulting in the same children being returned.
 if lChild == newlChild && rChild == newrChild {
  return node

nodeToBeReturned := NewInterimNode(height, newlChild, newrChild)
 // if pruning is enabled, check if we could compactify the nodes after the update
 // a common example of this is when we update a register payload to nil from a non-nil value
 // therefore at least one of the children might be a default node (any node that has hashvalue equal to the default hashValue for the given height)
 if prune { 
    return nodeToBeReturned.Compactify()

 return nodeToBeReturned




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type Forest

type Forest struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Forest holds several in-memory tries. As Forest is a storage-abstraction layer, we assume that all registers are addressed via paths of pre-defined uniform length.

Forest has a limit, the forestCapacity, on the number of tries it is able to store. If more tries are added than the capacity, the Least Recently Used trie is removed (evicted) from the Forest. THIS IS A ROUGH HEURISTIC as it might evict tries that are still needed. In fully matured Flow, we will have an explicit eviction policy.

TODO: Storage Eviction Policy for Forest For the execution node: we only evict on sealing a result.

func NewForest

func NewForest(forestCapacity int, metrics module.LedgerMetrics, onTreeEvicted func(tree *trie.MTrie)) (*Forest, error)

NewForest returns a new instance of memory forest.

CAUTION on forestCapacity: the specified capacity MUST be SUFFICIENT to store all needed MTries in the forest. If more tries are added than the capacity, the Least Recently Added trie is removed (evicted) from the Forest (FIFO queue). Make sure you chose a sufficiently large forestCapacity, such that, when reaching the capacity, the Least Recently Added trie will never be needed again.

func (*Forest) AddTrie

func (f *Forest) AddTrie(newTrie *trie.MTrie) error

AddTrie adds a trie to the forest

func (*Forest) AddTries

func (f *Forest) AddTries(newTries []*trie.MTrie) error

AddTries adds a trie to the forest

func (*Forest) GetEmptyRootHash

func (f *Forest) GetEmptyRootHash() ledger.RootHash

GetEmptyRootHash returns the rootHash of empty Trie

func (*Forest) GetTrie

func (f *Forest) GetTrie(rootHash ledger.RootHash) (*trie.MTrie, error)

GetTrie returns trie at specific rootHash warning, use this function for read-only operation

func (*Forest) GetTries

func (f *Forest) GetTries() ([]*trie.MTrie, error)

GetTries returns list of currently cached tree root hashes

func (*Forest) HasTrie added in v0.26.16

func (f *Forest) HasTrie(rootHash ledger.RootHash) bool

HasTrie returns true if trie exist at specific rootHash

func (*Forest) MostRecentTouchedRootHash added in v0.16.0

func (f *Forest) MostRecentTouchedRootHash() (ledger.RootHash, error)

MostRecentTouchedRootHash returns the rootHash of the most recently touched trie

func (*Forest) NewTrie added in v0.27.0

func (f *Forest) NewTrie(u *ledger.TrieUpdate) (*trie.MTrie, error)

NewTrie creates a new trie by updating Values for registers in the parent trie, and returns new trie and error (if any). In case there are multiple updates to the same register, NewTrie will persist the latest written value. Note: NewTrie doesn't add new trie to forest, unlike Update().

func (*Forest) Proofs

func (f *Forest) Proofs(r *ledger.TrieRead) (*ledger.TrieBatchProof, error)

Proofs returns a batch proof for the given paths.

Proves are generally _not_ provided in the register order of the query. In the current implementation, input paths in the TrieRead `r` are sorted in an ascendent order, The output proofs are provided following the order of the sorted paths.

func (*Forest) PurgeCacheExcept added in v0.27.0

func (f *Forest) PurgeCacheExcept(rootHash ledger.RootHash) error

PurgeCacheExcept removes all tries in the memory except the one with the given root hash

func (*Forest) Read

func (f *Forest) Read(r *ledger.TrieRead) ([]ledger.Value, error)

Read reads values for an slice of paths and returns values and error (if any) TODO: can be optimized further if we don't care about changing the order of the input r.Paths

func (*Forest) ReadSingleValue added in v0.26.2

func (f *Forest) ReadSingleValue(r *ledger.TrieReadSingleValue) (ledger.Value, error)

ReadSingleValue reads value for a single path and returns value and error (if any)

func (*Forest) Size

func (f *Forest) Size() int

Size returns the number of active tries in this store

func (*Forest) Update

func (f *Forest) Update(u *ledger.TrieUpdate) (ledger.RootHash, error)

Update creates a new trie by updating Values for registers in the parent trie, adds new trie to forest, and returns rootHash and error (if any). In case there are multiple updates to the same register, Update will persist the latest written value. Note: Update adds new trie to forest, unlike NewTrie().

func (*Forest) ValueSizes added in v0.23.9

func (f *Forest) ValueSizes(r *ledger.TrieRead) ([]int, error)

ValueSizes returns value sizes for a slice of paths and error (if any) TODO: can be optimized further if we don't care about changing the order of the input r.Paths

type OnTreeEvictedFunc added in v0.27.0

type OnTreeEvictedFunc func(tree *trie.MTrie)

type TrieCache added in v0.27.0

type TrieCache struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TrieCache caches tries into memory, it acts as a fifo queue so when it reaches to the capacity it would evict the oldest trie from the cache.

Under the hood it uses a circular buffer of mtrie pointers and a map of rootHash to cache index for fast lookup

func NewTrieCache added in v0.27.0

func NewTrieCache(capacity uint, onTreeEvicted OnTreeEvictedFunc) *TrieCache

NewTrieCache returns a new TrieCache with given capacity.

func (*TrieCache) Count added in v0.27.0

func (tc *TrieCache) Count() int

Count returns number of items stored in the cache

func (*TrieCache) Get added in v0.27.0

func (tc *TrieCache) Get(rootHash ledger.RootHash) (*trie.MTrie, bool)

Get returns the trie by rootHash, if not exist will return nil and false

func (*TrieCache) LastAddedTrie added in v0.27.0

func (tc *TrieCache) LastAddedTrie() *trie.MTrie

LastAddedTrie returns the last trie added to the cache

func (*TrieCache) Purge added in v0.27.0

func (tc *TrieCache) Purge()

Purge removes all mtries stored in the buffer

func (*TrieCache) Push added in v0.27.0

func (tc *TrieCache) Push(t *trie.MTrie)

Push pushes trie to queue. If queue is full, it overwrites the oldest element.

func (*TrieCache) Tries added in v0.27.0

func (tc *TrieCache) Tries() []*trie.MTrie

Tries returns elements in queue, starting from the oldest element to the newest element.


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