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Published: Feb 25, 2025 License: Apache-2.0



EVM Gateway

EVM Gateway enables seamless interaction with EVM on Flow, mirroring the experience of engaging with any other EVM blockchain.

EVM Gateway implements the Ethereum JSON-RPC API for EVM on Flow which conforms to the Ethereum JSON-RPC specification. The EVM Gateway is tailored for integration with the EVM environment on the Flow blockchain. Rather than implementing the full geth stack, the JSON-RPC API available in EVM Gateway is a lightweight implementation that uses Flow's underlying consensus and smart contract language, Cadence, to handle calls received by the EVM Gateway. For those interested in the underlying implementation details, please refer to the FLIP #243 (EVM Gateway) and FLIP #223 (EVM on Flow Core) improvement proposals.

EVM Gateway is compatible with the majority of standard Ethereum JSON-RPC APIs allowing seamless integration with existing Ethereum-compatible web3 tools via HTTP. EVM Gateway honors Ethereum's JSON-RPC namespace system, grouping RPC methods into categories based on their specific purpose. Each method name is constructed using the namespace, an underscore, and the specific method name in that namespace. For example, the eth_call method is located within the eth namespace. More details on Ethereum JSON-RPC compatibility are available in our Using EVM docs.

No stake is required to run an EVM Gateway and since they do not participate in consensus they have a lightweight resource footprint. They are recommended as a scaling solution in place of centralized middleware JSON-RPC providers.



The basic design of the EVM Gateway is as follows:

  • Event Ingestion Engine: consumes all Cadence events emitted by the EVM core, filtering for special event type IDs evm.TransactionExecuted and evm.BlockExecuted. These payloads are decoded and indexed locally. The local index serves all read-only requests to the JSON-RPC including debug_traceXxxx() requests.
  • Flow Requester: submits Cadence transactions to a Flow Access Node to change the EVM state. EVM transaction payloads received by the JSON-RPC are wrapped in a Cadence transaction. The Cadence transaction execution unwraps the EVM transaction payload and is provided to the EVM core to execute and change state.
  • JSON-RPC: the client API component that implements functions according to the Ethereum JSON-RPC specification.


Build from source

# Make sure you pull the latest changes before running `make build`
cd flow-evm-gateway
git pull origin main
git fetch origin --tags

make build

To view the binary version:

./flow-evm-gateway version

To view all the available flags for running the EVM Gateway Node:

./flow-evm-gateway help run

The binary can then be run by passing the necessary flags:

./flow-evm-gateway run {flags}

To run an emulator based local version for development, with the necessary flags set:

make start-local-bin


Operating an EVM Gateway is straightforward. It can either be deployed locally alongside the Flow emulator or configured to connect with any active Flow networks supporting EVM. Given that the EVM Gateway depends solely on Access Node APIs, it is compatible with any networks offering this API access.

Key concepts

The EVM Gateway's role in mediating EVM transactions over to Cadence is how it accrues fees from handling client transactions. Since the gateway submits Cadence transactions wrapping EVM transaction payloads to the Flow Access Node the transaction fee for that must be paid by the EVM Gateway.

The account used for funding gateway Cadence transactions must be a COA, not an EOA. --coa-address is configured with the Cadence address of the COA account and the --coa-key must belong to the same account. The --coinbase account accrues EVM Gateway fees from EVM client transactions and can be either an EVM EOA or COA address.

It is acceptable to create a single Cadence account for the COA and use the EVM address associated with that for the COINBASE address.

Running Locally

For local development, first install Flow CLI. The examples below require no configuration and are intended for local development.

Run from CLI

Before running the gateway locally you need to start the Flow Emulator:

flow emulator

Make sure flow.json has the emulator account configured to address and private key we will use for starting gateway below. Use flow init in a new folder for example config.

Please refer to the configuration section and read through all the configuration flags before proceeding.

Then you can start the EVM Gateway with:

make start-local

Note that the gateway will be starting from the latest emulator block, so if the emulator is run before any transactions happen in the meantime, the gateway will not fetch those historical blocks & transactions. This will be improved soon.

Run with Docker

Using Docker for local development is also supported. The following target builds the current source directory into a docker image

make docker-build-local

This target starts the flow emulator and then runs the EVM Gateway using the image built by the above make target

make docker-run-local


To verify the service is up and running:

curl -XPOST 'localhost:8545'  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_blockNumber","params":[],"id":1}'

it should return:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0x2"

Running on Testnet

Running against the testnet with a local build can be done by pointing the gateway to the testnet ANs and providing the correct configuration. Please refer to the configuration section and read through all the configuration flags before proceeding.

Create Flow account to use for COA

If you don't already have a Flow account you will need to create account keys using the following command.

flow keys generate

This will output something similar to:

🔴️ Store private key safely and don't share with anyone!
Private Key 		 3cf8334d.....95c3c54a28e4ad1
Public Key 		 33a13ade6....85f1b49a197747
Mnemonic 		 often scare peanut ... boil corn change
Derivation Path 	 m/44'/539'/0'/0/0
Signature Algorithm 	 ECDSA_P256

Then visit https://faucet.flow.com/, and use the generated Public Key, to create and fund your Flow testnet account. Make sure to use the Flow address and the Private Key for the --coa-address & --coa-key flags.

Run local EVM Gateway connected to Testnet

Below is an example configuration for running against testnet, with a preconfigured testnet account.

./flow-evm-gateway run \
--access-node-grpc-host=access.devnet.nodes.onflow.org:9000 \
--access-node-spork-hosts=access-001.devnet51.nodes.onflow.org:9000 \
--flow-network-id=flow-testnet \
--init-cadence-height=211176670 \
--ws-enabled=true \
--coinbase=FACF71692421039876a5BB4F10EF7A439D8ef61E \
--coa-address=62631c28c9fc5a91 \
--coa-key=2892fba444f1d5787739708874e3b01160671924610411ac787ac1379d420f49 \

The --init-cadence-height is the Flow block height to start indexing from. To index the full EVM state, from its beginning, the proper value for this flag for testnet is 211176670. This is the height where the EVM contract was first deployed on testnet, and this is where the EVM state starts from.

If you wish to test this out with your own Access Node, simply set --access-node-grpc-host to the DNS or IP where it is hosted. Note: You need to make sure that the testnet Access Node which the gateway is connected to has indexed at least up to Flow block height 211176670.

For the --gas-price, feel free to experiment with different values.

The --coinbase can be any EOA address.

Once the EVM Gateway is up and running, verify that indexing works with:

curl -s -XPOST 'localhost:8545' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_blockNumber","params":[],"id":1}'

Should return a response similar to:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0x68"

Run local EVM GW docker container connected to Testnet

To use the make target to connect a container based gateway instance to testnet requires the following environment variables to be set.

  • ACCESS_NODE_GRPC_HOST: access.devnet.nodes.onflow.org:9000
  • FLOW_NETWORK_ID: flow-testnet
  • INIT_CADENCE_HEIGHT: 211176670
  • COINBASE: FACF71692421039876a5BB4F10EF7A439D8ef61E
  • COA_ADDRESS: 62631c28c9fc5a91
  • COA_KEY: 2892fba444f1d5787739708874e3b01160671924610411ac787ac1379d420f49
  • VERSION: [repo commit hash or tag version used when building with docker]

Once set, this target starts the EVM Gateway for the specified image version and connects it to testnet

make docker-run

Mainnet and Node Operations

Guidance for EVM Gateway node operations including considerations for mainnet, hardware specs, monitoring setup and troubleshooting can be found in the EVM Gateway node operations docs.

Configuration Flags

The application can be configured using the following flags at runtime:

Flag Default Value Description
database-dir ./db Path to the directory for the database
rpc-host "" Host for the RPC API server
rpc-port 8545 Port for the RPC API server
ws-enabled false Enable websocket connections
access-node-grpc-host localhost:3569 Host to the flow access node gRPC API
access-node-spork-hosts "" Previous spork AN hosts, defined as a comma-separated list (e.g. "host-1.com,host2.com")
flow-network-id flow-emulator Flow network ID (options: flow-emulator, flow-testnet, flow-mainnet)
coinbase "" Coinbase address to use for fee collection
init-cadence-height 0 Cadence block height to start indexing; avoid using on a new network
gas-price 1 Static gas price for EVM transactions
coa-address "" Flow address holding COA account for submitting transactions
coa-key "" Private key for the COA address used for transactions
coa-key-file "" Path to a JSON file of COA keys for key-rotation (exclusive with coa-key flag)
coa-cloud-kms-project-id "" Project ID for KMS keys (e.g. flow-evm-gateway)
coa-cloud-kms-location-id "" Location ID for KMS key ring (e.g. 'global')
coa-cloud-kms-key-ring-id "" Key ring ID for KMS keys (e.g. 'tx-signing')
coa-cloud-kms-key "" KMS keys and versions, comma-separated (e.g. "gw-key-6@1,gw-key-7@1")
log-level debug Log verbosity level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic)
log-writer stderr Output method for logs (stderr, console)
rate-limit 50 Requests per second limit for clients over any protocol (ws/http)
address-header "" Header for client IP when server is behind a proxy
heartbeat-interval 100 Interval for AN event subscription heartbeats
force-start-height 0 Force-set starting Cadence height (local/testing use only)
wallet-api-key "" ECDSA private key for wallet APIs (local/testing use only)
filter-expiry 5m Expiry time for idle filters
traces-backfill-start-height 0 Start height for backfilling transaction traces
traces-backfill-end-height 0 End height for backfilling transaction traces
index-only false Run in index-only mode, allowing state queries and indexing but no transaction sending
metrics-port 8080 Port for Prometheus metrics
profiler-enabled false Enable the pprof profiler server
profiler-host localhost Host for the pprof profiler
profiler-port 6060 Port for the pprof profiler
tx-state-validation "" When set to local-index will validate EVM transaction state locally

EVM Gateway Endpoints

EVM Gateway has public RPC endpoints available for the following environments:

Name Value
Network Name EVM on Flow Testnet
Description The public RPC URL for Flow Testnet
RPC Endpoint https://testnet.evm.nodes.onflow.org
Chain ID 545
Currency Symbol FLOW
Block Explorer https://evm-testnet.flowscan.io
Name Value
Network Name EVM on Flow
Description The public RPC URL for Flow Mainnet
RPC Endpoint https://mainnet.evm.nodes.onflow.org
Chain ID 747
Currency Symbol FLOW
Block Explorer https://evm.flowscan.io


The EVM Gateway implements APIs according to the Ethereum specification: https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/apis/json-rpc/#json-rpc-methods.

Additional APIs

  • Tracing APIs allows you to fetch execution traces
    • debug_traceTransaction
    • debug_traceBlockByNumber
    • debug_traceBlockByHash
  • debug_flowHeightByBlock - returns the flow block height for the given EVM block (id or height)

Unsupported APIs

  • Wallet APIs: we don't officially support wallet APIs (eth_accounts, eth_sign, eth_signTransaction, eth_sendTransaction) due to security concerns that come with managing the keys on production environments, however, it is possible to configure the gateway to allow these methods for local development by using a special flag --wallet-api-key.
  • Proof API: we don't support obtaining proofs yet, Flow piggy-backs on the Flow consensus, and hence the Flow proofs can be used to verify and trust the EVM environment. We intend to add access to EVM proofs in the future.
  • Access Lists: we don't yet support creating access lists as they don't affect the fees we charge. We might support this in the future to optimize fees, but it currently is not part of our priorities.

A full list of supported methods is available in the Using EVM docs.



The EVM Gateway supports profiling via the pprof package. To enable profiling, add the following flags to the command line:


This will start a pprof server on the provided host and port. You can generate profiles using the following go tool commands

go tool pprof -http :2000 http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/profile
curl --output trace.out http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/trace
go tool trace -http :2001 trace.out


We welcome contributions from the community! Please read our Contributing Guide for information on how to get involved.


EVM Gateway is released under the Apache License 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more details.

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