Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func ArrayElementSize(staticType ArrayStaticType) uint
- func AttachmentMemberName(typeID string) string
- func BigEndianBytesToSignedBigInt(b []byte) *big.Int
- func BigEndianBytesToUnsignedBigInt(b []byte) *big.Int
- func ByteArrayValueToByteSlice(interpreter *Interpreter, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) ([]byte, error)
- func ByteValueToByte(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, element Value, locationRange LocationRange) (byte, error)
- func ConvertStaticAuthorizationToSemaAccess(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, auth Authorization, ...) (sema.Access, error)
- func ConvertStaticToSemaType(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, typ StaticType, ...) (_ sema.Type, err error)
- func ConvertUnsigned[T Unsigned](memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, maxBigNumber *big.Int, ...) T
- func ConvertWord[T Unsigned](memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) T
- func Declare(a *VariableActivation, declaration ValueDeclaration)
- func DecodeStorable(decoder *cbor.StreamDecoder, slabID atree.SlabID, ...) (atree.Storable, error)
- func DecodeTypeInfo(decoder *cbor.StreamDecoder, memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) (atree.TypeInfo, error)
- func DictionaryElementSize(staticType *DictionaryStaticType) uint
- func GetNativeCompositeValueComputedFields(qualifiedIdentifier string) map[string]ComputedField
- func InspectValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value Value, f func(Value) bool, ...)
- func NewCompositeTypeInfo(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, location common.Location, ...) compositeTypeInfo
- func OverEstimateBigIntStringLength(n *big.Int) int
- func OverEstimateFixedPointStringLength(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, integerPart NumberValue, scale int) int
- func OverEstimateIntStringLength(n int) int
- func OverEstimateNumberStringLength(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value NumberValue) int
- func OverEstimateUintStringLength(n uint) int
- func ReturnEmptyRange() ast.Range
- func SignedBigIntToBigEndianBytes(bigInt *big.Int) []byte
- func SignedBigIntToSizedBigEndianBytes(bigInt *big.Int, sizeInBytes uint) []byte
- func StaticTypeToBytes(t StaticType) (cbor.RawMessage, error)
- func StorableSize(storable atree.Storable) (uint32, error)
- func StorageMapKeyAtreeValueComparator(slabStorage atree.SlabStorage, value atree.Value, otherStorable atree.Storable) (bool, error)
- func StorageMapKeyAtreeValueHashInput(value atree.Value, scratch []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func StringAtreeValueComparator(storage atree.SlabStorage, value atree.Value, otherStorable atree.Storable) (bool, error)
- func StringAtreeValueHashInput(v atree.Value, _ []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func Uint64AtreeValueComparator(_ atree.SlabStorage, value atree.Value, otherStorable atree.Storable) (bool, error)
- func Uint64AtreeValueHashInput(v atree.Value, scratch []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func UnsignedBigIntToBigEndianBytes(bigInt *big.Int) []byte
- func UnsignedBigIntToSizedBigEndianBytes(bigInt *big.Int, sizeInBytes uint) []byte
- func WalkValue(interpreter *Interpreter, walker ValueWalker, value Value, ...)
- func WrappedExternalError(err error) error
- type AccountCapabilityControllerValue
- func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) ByteSize() uint32
- func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) CapabilityControllerBorrowType() *ReferenceStaticType
- func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) ControllerCapabilityID() UInt64Value
- func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) GetMember(inter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, name string) (result Value)
- func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) IsStorable() bool
- func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences, ...) string
- func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
- func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) ReferenceValue(interpreter *Interpreter, capabilityAddress common.Address, ...) ReferenceValue
- func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) SetMember(inter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, identifier string, value Value) bool
- func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) StaticType(_ *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) Storable(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) String() string
- func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, walkChild func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type AccountHandlerFunc
- type AccountKeysCountGetter
- type AccountLinkValuedeprecated
- func (v AccountLinkValue) Accept(_ *Interpreter, _ Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v AccountLinkValue) ByteSize() uint32
- func (v AccountLinkValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (AccountLinkValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v AccountLinkValue) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (AccountLinkValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (AccountLinkValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v AccountLinkValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (AccountLinkValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (AccountLinkValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (AccountLinkValue) IsStorable() bool
- func (v AccountLinkValue) MeteredString(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, _ LocationRange) string
- func (AccountLinkValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v AccountLinkValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (v AccountLinkValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v AccountLinkValue) Storable(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v AccountLinkValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v AccountLinkValue) String() string
- func (v AccountLinkValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (AccountLinkValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type AccountStorageMap
- func (s *AccountStorageMap) Count() uint64
- func (s *AccountStorageMap) DomainExists(domain common.StorageDomain) bool
- func (s *AccountStorageMap) Domains() map[common.StorageDomain]struct{}
- func (s *AccountStorageMap) GetDomain(gauge common.MemoryGauge, interpreter *Interpreter, ...) *DomainStorageMap
- func (s *AccountStorageMap) Iterator() *AccountStorageMapIterator
- func (s *AccountStorageMap) NewDomain(gauge common.MemoryGauge, interpreter *Interpreter, ...) *DomainStorageMap
- func (s *AccountStorageMap) SlabID() atree.SlabID
- func (s *AccountStorageMap) WriteDomain(interpreter *Interpreter, domain common.StorageDomain, ...) (existed bool)
- type AccountStorageMapIterator
- type AddressPath
- type AddressValue
- func ConvertAddress(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) AddressValue
- func NewAddressValue(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, address common.Address) AddressValue
- func NewAddressValueFromBytes(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, constructor func() []byte) AddressValue
- func NewAddressValueFromConstructor(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, addressConstructor func() common.Address) AddressValue
- func NewUnmeteredAddressValueFromBytes(b []byte) AddressValue
- func (v AddressValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v AddressValue) ByteSize() uint32
- func (AddressValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v AddressValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v AddressValue) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (AddressValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v AddressValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v AddressValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v AddressValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v AddressValue) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (v AddressValue) Hex() string
- func (AddressValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (AddressValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (AddressValue) IsStorable() bool
- func (v AddressValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (AddressValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v AddressValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (AddressValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (AddressValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (AddressValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v AddressValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v AddressValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v AddressValue) String() string
- func (v AddressValue) ToAddress() common.Address
- func (v AddressValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (AddressValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type ArgumentCountError
- type ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsError
- type ArraySliceIndicesError
- type ArrayStaticType
- type ArrayValue
- func ByteSliceToByteArrayValue(interpreter *Interpreter, buf []byte) *ArrayValue
- func ByteSliceToConstantSizedByteArrayValue(interpreter *Interpreter, buf []byte) *ArrayValue
- func NewArrayValue(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, ...) *ArrayValue
- func NewArrayValueWithIterator(interpreter *Interpreter, arrayType ArrayStaticType, address common.Address, ...) *ArrayValue
- func (v *ArrayValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, locationRange LocationRange)
- func (v *ArrayValue) Append(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, element Value)
- func (v *ArrayValue) AppendAll(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, other *ArrayValue)
- func (v *ArrayValue) Clone(interpreter *Interpreter) Value
- func (v *ArrayValue) Concat(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, other *ArrayValue) Value
- func (v *ArrayValue) ConformsToStaticType(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, ...) bool
- func (v *ArrayValue) Contains(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, needleValue Value) BoolValue
- func (v *ArrayValue) Count() int
- func (v *ArrayValue) DeepRemove(interpreter *Interpreter, hasNoParentContainer bool)
- func (v *ArrayValue) Destroy(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange)
- func (v *ArrayValue) Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v *ArrayValue) Filter(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, procedure FunctionValue) Value
- func (v *ArrayValue) FirstIndex(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, needleValue Value) OptionalValue
- func (v *ArrayValue) ForEach(interpreter *Interpreter, _ sema.Type, ...)
- func (v *ArrayValue) Get(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, index int) Value
- func (v *ArrayValue) GetKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value) Value
- func (v *ArrayValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v *ArrayValue) GetOwner() common.Address
- func (v *ArrayValue) Inlined() bool
- func (v *ArrayValue) Insert(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, index int, ...)
- func (v *ArrayValue) InsertKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value, value Value)
- func (v *ArrayValue) InsertWithoutTransfer(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, index int, ...)
- func (v *ArrayValue) IsDestroyed() bool
- func (v *ArrayValue) IsImportable(inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) bool
- func (v *ArrayValue) IsReferenceTrackedResourceKindedValue()
- func (v *ArrayValue) IsResourceKinded(interpreter *Interpreter) bool
- func (v *ArrayValue) IsStaleResource(interpreter *Interpreter) bool
- func (v *ArrayValue) Iterate(interpreter *Interpreter, f func(element Value) (resume bool), ...)
- func (v *ArrayValue) IterateReadOnlyLoaded(interpreter *Interpreter, f func(element Value) (resume bool), ...)
- func (v *ArrayValue) Iterator(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) ValueIterator
- func (v *ArrayValue) Map(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, procedure FunctionValue) Value
- func (v *ArrayValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences, ...) string
- func (v *ArrayValue) NeedsStoreTo(address atree.Address) bool
- func (v *ArrayValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
- func (v *ArrayValue) Remove(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, index int) Value
- func (v *ArrayValue) RemoveFirst(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) Value
- func (v *ArrayValue) RemoveKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value) Value
- func (v *ArrayValue) RemoveLast(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) Value
- func (v *ArrayValue) RemoveMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v *ArrayValue) RemoveWithoutTransfer(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, index int) atree.Storable
- func (v *ArrayValue) Reverse(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) Value
- func (v *ArrayValue) SemaType(interpreter *Interpreter) sema.ArrayType
- func (v *ArrayValue) Set(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, index int, ...)
- func (v *ArrayValue) SetKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value, value Value)
- func (v *ArrayValue) SetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (v *ArrayValue) SetType(staticType ArrayStaticType)
- func (v *ArrayValue) SlabID() atree.SlabID
- func (v *ArrayValue) Slice(interpreter *Interpreter, from IntValue, to IntValue, ...) Value
- func (v *ArrayValue) StaticType(_ *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v *ArrayValue) Storable(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v *ArrayValue) StorageAddress() atree.Address
- func (v *ArrayValue) String() string
- func (v *ArrayValue) ToConstantSized(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, ...) OptionalValue
- func (v *ArrayValue) ToVariableSized(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) Value
- func (v *ArrayValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, address atree.Address, ...) Value
- func (v *ArrayValue) UnwrapAtreeValue() (atree.Value, uint64)
- func (v *ArrayValue) ValueID() atree.ValueID
- func (v *ArrayValue) Walk(interpreter *Interpreter, walkChild func(Value), locationRange LocationRange)
- type ArrayValueIterator
- type AttachmentIterationMutationError
- type Authorization
- type AuthorizedValue
- type BigNumberValue
- type BoolValue
- func (v BoolValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v BoolValue) ByteSize() uint32
- func (BoolValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v BoolValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v BoolValue) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (BoolValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v BoolValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v BoolValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v BoolValue) Greater(_ *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, _ LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v BoolValue) GreaterEqual(_ *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, _ LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v BoolValue) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (BoolValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (BoolValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (v BoolValue) Less(_ *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, _ LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v BoolValue) LessEqual(_ *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, _ LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v BoolValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (BoolValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v BoolValue) Negate(_ *Interpreter) BoolValue
- func (v BoolValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (BoolValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v BoolValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v BoolValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v BoolValue) String() string
- func (v BoolValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (BoolValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type BoundFunctionGenerator
- type BoundFunctionValue
- func NewBoundFunctionValue(interpreter *Interpreter, function FunctionValue, self *Value, ...) BoundFunctionValue
- func NewBoundFunctionValueFromSelfReference(interpreter *Interpreter, function FunctionValue, selfReference ReferenceValue, ...) BoundFunctionValue
- func NewBoundHostFunctionValue[T Value](interpreter *Interpreter, self Value, funcType *sema.FunctionType, ...) BoundFunctionValue
- func NewUnmeteredBoundHostFunctionValue(interpreter *Interpreter, self Value, funcType *sema.FunctionType, ...) BoundFunctionValue
- func (f BoundFunctionValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (f BoundFunctionValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (f BoundFunctionValue) ConformsToStaticType(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, ...) bool
- func (BoundFunctionValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (f BoundFunctionValue) FunctionType() *sema.FunctionType
- func (BoundFunctionValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (BoundFunctionValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (f BoundFunctionValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences, ...) string
- func (BoundFunctionValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (f BoundFunctionValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
- func (f BoundFunctionValue) StaticType(inter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (f BoundFunctionValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (f BoundFunctionValue) String() string
- func (f BoundFunctionValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (f BoundFunctionValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type BreakResult
- type CallStack
- type CapabilityAddressPublishingError
- type CapabilityBorrowHandlerFunc
- type CapabilityCheckHandlerFunc
- type CapabilityControllerValue
- type CapabilityStaticType
- func (t *CapabilityStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
- func (t *CapabilityStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
- func (t *CapabilityStaticType) ID() TypeID
- func (t *CapabilityStaticType) IsDeprecated() bool
- func (t *CapabilityStaticType) MeteredString(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) string
- func (t *CapabilityStaticType) String() string
- type CapabilityValue
- type CharacterValue
- func (v CharacterValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v CharacterValue) ByteSize() uint32
- func (CharacterValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v CharacterValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v CharacterValue) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (CharacterValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v CharacterValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v CharacterValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v CharacterValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v CharacterValue) Greater(_ *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, _ LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v CharacterValue) GreaterEqual(_ *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, _ LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v CharacterValue) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (CharacterValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (CharacterValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (v CharacterValue) Less(_ *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, _ LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v CharacterValue) LessEqual(_ *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, _ LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v CharacterValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (CharacterValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v CharacterValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (CharacterValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (CharacterValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (CharacterValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v CharacterValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v CharacterValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v CharacterValue) String() string
- func (v CharacterValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (CharacterValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type ComparableValue
- type CompositeField
- type CompositeStaticType
- func ConvertSemaCompositeTypeToStaticCompositeType(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, t *sema.CompositeType) *CompositeStaticType
- func NewCompositeStaticType(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, location common.Location, ...) *CompositeStaticType
- func NewCompositeStaticTypeComputeTypeID(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, location common.Location, ...) *CompositeStaticType
- func (t *CompositeStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
- func (t *CompositeStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
- func (t *CompositeStaticType) ID() TypeID
- func (*CompositeStaticType) IsDeprecated() bool
- func (t *CompositeStaticType) MeteredString(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) string
- func (t *CompositeStaticType) String() string
- type CompositeTypeCode
- type CompositeTypeHandlerFunc
- type CompositeValue
- func NewCompositeValue(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, ...) *CompositeValue
- func NewCompositeValueWithStaticType(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, ...) *CompositeValue
- func NewEnumCaseValue(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, ...) *CompositeValue
- func NewInclusiveRangeValue(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, start IntegerValue, ...) *CompositeValue
- func NewInclusiveRangeValueWithStep(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, start IntegerValue, ...) *CompositeValue
- func NewPublicKeyValue(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, publicKey *ArrayValue, ...) *CompositeValue
- func (v *CompositeValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, locationRange LocationRange)
- func (v *CompositeValue) Clone(interpreter *Interpreter) Value
- func (v *CompositeValue) CompositeStaticTypeConformsToStaticType(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, ...) bool
- func (v *CompositeValue) ConformsToStaticType(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, ...) bool
- func (v *CompositeValue) DeepRemove(interpreter *Interpreter, hasNoParentContainer bool)
- func (v *CompositeValue) Destroy(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange)
- func (v *CompositeValue) Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v *CompositeValue) FieldCount() int
- func (v *CompositeValue) ForEach(interpreter *Interpreter, _ sema.Type, ...)
- func (v *CompositeValue) ForEachField(interpreter *Interpreter, ...)
- func (v *CompositeValue) ForEachFieldName(f func(fieldName string) (resume bool))
- func (v *CompositeValue) ForEachReadOnlyLoadedField(interpreter *Interpreter, ...)
- func (v *CompositeValue) GetAttachments(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) []*CompositeValue
- func (v *CompositeValue) GetComputedField(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v *CompositeValue) GetComputedFields(interpreter *Interpreter) map[string]ComputedField
- func (v *CompositeValue) GetField(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v *CompositeValue) GetFunction(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) FunctionValue
- func (v *CompositeValue) GetInjectedField(interpreter *Interpreter, name string) Value
- func (v *CompositeValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v *CompositeValue) GetOwner() common.Address
- func (v *CompositeValue) GetTypeKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, ty sema.Type) Value
- func (v *CompositeValue) HashInput(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (v *CompositeValue) InclusiveRangeStaticTypeConformsToStaticType(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, ...) bool
- func (v *CompositeValue) Inlined() bool
- func (v *CompositeValue) IsDestroyed() bool
- func (v *CompositeValue) IsImportable(inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) bool
- func (v *CompositeValue) IsReferenceTrackedResourceKindedValue()
- func (v *CompositeValue) IsResourceKinded(interpreter *Interpreter) bool
- func (v *CompositeValue) IsStaleResource(inter *Interpreter) bool
- func (v *CompositeValue) IsStorable() bool
- func (v *CompositeValue) Iterator(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) ValueIterator
- func (v *CompositeValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences, ...) string
- func (v *CompositeValue) NeedsStoreTo(address atree.Address) bool
- func (v *CompositeValue) OwnerValue(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) OptionalValue
- func (v *CompositeValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
- func (v *CompositeValue) RemoveField(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string)
- func (v *CompositeValue) RemoveMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v *CompositeValue) RemoveTypeKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, ...) Value
- func (v *CompositeValue) ResourceUUID(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) *UInt64Value
- func (v *CompositeValue) SetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string, ...) bool
- func (v *CompositeValue) SetMemberWithoutTransfer(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string, ...) bool
- func (v *CompositeValue) SetNestedVariables(variables map[string]Variable)
- func (v *CompositeValue) SetTypeKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, ...)
- func (v *CompositeValue) SlabID() atree.SlabID
- func (v *CompositeValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v *CompositeValue) Storable(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v *CompositeValue) StorageAddress() atree.Address
- func (v *CompositeValue) String() string
- func (v *CompositeValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, address atree.Address, ...) Value
- func (v *CompositeValue) TypeID() TypeID
- func (v *CompositeValue) UnwrapAtreeValue() (atree.Value, uint64)
- func (v *CompositeValue) ValueID() atree.ValueID
- func (v *CompositeValue) Walk(interpreter *Interpreter, walkChild func(Value), locationRange LocationRange)
- type CompositeValueFunctionsHandlerFunc
- type ComputedField
- type ConditionError
- type Config
- type ConstantSizedStaticType
- func (t *ConstantSizedStaticType) Copy() atree.TypeInfo
- func (t *ConstantSizedStaticType) ElementType() StaticType
- func (t *ConstantSizedStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
- func (t *ConstantSizedStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
- func (t *ConstantSizedStaticType) ID() TypeID
- func (*ConstantSizedStaticType) IsComposite() bool
- func (t *ConstantSizedStaticType) IsDeprecated() bool
- func (t *ConstantSizedStaticType) MeteredString(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) string
- func (t *ConstantSizedStaticType) String() string
- type ContainerMutatedDuringIterationError
- type ContainerMutationError
- type ContinueResult
- type ContractNamesGetter
- type ContractValue
- type ContractValueHandlerFunc
- type Debugger
- func (d *Debugger) AddBreakpoint(location common.Location, line uint)
- func (d *Debugger) ClearBreakpoints()
- func (d *Debugger) ClearBreakpointsForLocation(location common.Location)
- func (d *Debugger) Continue()
- func (d *Debugger) CurrentActivation(interpreter *Interpreter) *VariableActivation
- func (d *Debugger) Next() Stop
- func (d *Debugger) Pause() Stop
- func (d *Debugger) RemoveBreakpoint(location common.Location, line uint)
- func (d *Debugger) RequestPause()
- func (d *Debugger) Stops() <-chan Stop
- type DereferenceError
- type DestroyedResourceError
- type DictionaryEntryValues
- type DictionaryKeyIterator
- type DictionaryStaticType
- func (t *DictionaryStaticType) Copy() atree.TypeInfo
- func (t *DictionaryStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
- func (t *DictionaryStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
- func (t *DictionaryStaticType) ID() TypeID
- func (*DictionaryStaticType) IsComposite() bool
- func (t *DictionaryStaticType) IsDeprecated() bool
- func (t *DictionaryStaticType) MeteredString(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) string
- func (t *DictionaryStaticType) String() string
- type DictionaryValue
- func (v *DictionaryValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, locationRange LocationRange)
- func (v *DictionaryValue) Clone(interpreter *Interpreter) Value
- func (v *DictionaryValue) ConformsToStaticType(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, ...) bool
- func (v *DictionaryValue) ContainsKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, keyValue Value) BoolValue
- func (v *DictionaryValue) Count() int
- func (v *DictionaryValue) DeepRemove(interpreter *Interpreter, hasNoParentContainer bool)
- func (v *DictionaryValue) Destroy(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange)
- func (v *DictionaryValue) Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v *DictionaryValue) ForEachKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, procedure FunctionValue)
- func (v *DictionaryValue) Get(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, keyValue Value) (Value, bool)
- func (v *DictionaryValue) GetKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, keyValue Value) Value
- func (v *DictionaryValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v *DictionaryValue) GetOwner() common.Address
- func (v *DictionaryValue) Inlined() bool
- func (v *DictionaryValue) Insert(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, keyValue, value Value) OptionalValue
- func (v *DictionaryValue) InsertKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key, value Value)
- func (v *DictionaryValue) InsertWithoutTransfer(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, ...) (existingValueStorable atree.Storable)
- func (v *DictionaryValue) IsDestroyed() bool
- func (v *DictionaryValue) IsImportable(inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) bool
- func (v *DictionaryValue) IsReferenceTrackedResourceKindedValue()
- func (v *DictionaryValue) IsResourceKinded(interpreter *Interpreter) bool
- func (v *DictionaryValue) IsStaleResource(interpreter *Interpreter) bool
- func (v *DictionaryValue) Iterate(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, ...)
- func (v *DictionaryValue) IterateKeys(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, ...)
- func (v *DictionaryValue) IterateReadOnly(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, ...)
- func (v *DictionaryValue) IterateReadOnlyLoaded(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, ...)
- func (v *DictionaryValue) Iterator() DictionaryKeyIterator
- func (v *DictionaryValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences, ...) string
- func (v *DictionaryValue) NeedsStoreTo(address atree.Address) bool
- func (v *DictionaryValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
- func (v *DictionaryValue) Remove(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, keyValue Value) OptionalValue
- func (v *DictionaryValue) RemoveKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value) Value
- func (v *DictionaryValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v *DictionaryValue) RemoveWithoutTransfer(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, keyValue atree.Value) (existingKeyStorable, existingValueStorable atree.Storable)
- func (v *DictionaryValue) SemaType(interpreter *Interpreter) *sema.DictionaryType
- func (v *DictionaryValue) SetKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, keyValue Value, ...)
- func (v *DictionaryValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (v *DictionaryValue) SetType(staticType *DictionaryStaticType)
- func (v *DictionaryValue) SlabID() atree.SlabID
- func (v *DictionaryValue) StaticType(_ *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v *DictionaryValue) Storable(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v *DictionaryValue) StorageAddress() atree.Address
- func (v *DictionaryValue) String() string
- func (v *DictionaryValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, address atree.Address, ...) Value
- func (v *DictionaryValue) UnwrapAtreeValue() (atree.Value, uint64)
- func (v *DictionaryValue) ValueID() atree.ValueID
- func (v *DictionaryValue) Walk(interpreter *Interpreter, walkChild func(Value), locationRange LocationRange)
- type DivisionByZeroError
- type DomainStorageMap
- func (s *DomainStorageMap) Count() uint64
- func (s *DomainStorageMap) DeepRemove(interpreter *Interpreter, hasNoParentContainer bool)
- func (s *DomainStorageMap) Inlined() bool
- func (s *DomainStorageMap) Iterator(gauge common.MemoryGauge) DomainStorageMapIterator
- func (s *DomainStorageMap) ReadValue(gauge common.MemoryGauge, key StorageMapKey) Value
- func (s *DomainStorageMap) RemoveValue(interpreter *Interpreter, key StorageMapKey) (existed bool)
- func (s *DomainStorageMap) SetValue(interpreter *Interpreter, key StorageMapKey, value atree.Value) (existed bool)
- func (s *DomainStorageMap) SlabID() atree.SlabID
- func (s *DomainStorageMap) ValueExists(key StorageMapKey) bool
- func (s *DomainStorageMap) ValueID() atree.ValueID
- func (s *DomainStorageMap) WriteValue(interpreter *Interpreter, key StorageMapKey, value atree.Value) (existed bool)
- type DomainStorageMapIterator
- type DuplicateAttachmentError
- type DuplicateKeyInResourceDictionaryError
- type EmptyTypeInfo
- type EmptyVisitor
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitAccountCapabilityControllerValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *AccountCapabilityControllerValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitAddressValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value AddressValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitArrayValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *ArrayValue) bool
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitBoolValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value BoolValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitBoundFunctionValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value BoundFunctionValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitCapabilityValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *IDCapabilityValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitCharacterValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value CharacterValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitCompositeValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *CompositeValue) bool
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitDictionaryValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *DictionaryValue) bool
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitEphemeralReferenceValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *EphemeralReferenceValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitFix64Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Fix64Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitHostFunctionValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *HostFunctionValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitInt128Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int128Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitInt16Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int16Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitInt256Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int256Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitInt32Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int32Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitInt64Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int64Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitInt8Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int8Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitIntValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value IntValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitInterpretedFunctionValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *InterpretedFunctionValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitNilValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value NilValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitPathValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value PathValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitPublishedValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *PublishedValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitSimpleCompositeValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *SimpleCompositeValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitSomeValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *SomeValue) bool
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitStorageCapabilityControllerValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *StorageCapabilityControllerValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitStorageReferenceValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *StorageReferenceValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitStringValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *StringValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitTypeValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value TypeValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUFix64Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UFix64Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt128Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt128Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt16Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt16Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt256Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt256Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt32Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt32Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt64Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt64Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt8Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt8Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUIntValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value UIntValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitVoidValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value VoidValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitWord128Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word128Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitWord16Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word16Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitWord256Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word256Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitWord32Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word32Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitWord64Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word64Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitWord8Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word8Value)
- type EntitledCapabilityPublishingError
- type EntitlementMapAuthorization
- func (a EntitlementMapAuthorization) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
- func (a EntitlementMapAuthorization) Equal(other Authorization) bool
- func (a EntitlementMapAuthorization) ID() TypeID
- func (a EntitlementMapAuthorization) MeteredString(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) string
- func (a EntitlementMapAuthorization) String() string
- type EntitlementSetAuthorization
- func (a EntitlementSetAuthorization) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
- func (a EntitlementSetAuthorization) Equal(auth Authorization) bool
- func (a EntitlementSetAuthorization) ID() TypeID
- func (a EntitlementSetAuthorization) MeteredString(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) string
- func (a EntitlementSetAuthorization) String() string
- type EnumCase
- type EphemeralReferenceValue
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) BorrowType() sema.Type
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) Clone(inter *Interpreter) Value
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) ConformsToStaticType(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, ...) bool
- func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) ForEach(interpreter *Interpreter, elementType sema.Type, ...)
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) GetAuthorization() Authorization
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) GetKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value) Value
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) GetTypeKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key sema.Type) Value
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) InsertKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value, value Value)
- func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) IsStorable() bool
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) Iterator(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) ValueIterator
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences, ...) string
- func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) ReferencedValue(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ bool) *Value
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) RemoveKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value) Value
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) RemoveMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, identifier string) Value
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) RemoveTypeKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key sema.Type) Value
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) SetKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value, value Value)
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) SetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string, ...) bool
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) SetTypeKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key sema.Type, ...)
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) StaticType(inter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) String() string
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type EquatableValue
- type Error
- type EventEmissionUnavailableError
- type ExpressionResult
- type Fix64Value
- func ConvertFix64(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) Fix64Value
- func NewFix64Value(gauge common.MemoryGauge, valueGetter func() int64) Fix64Value
- func NewFix64ValueWithInteger(gauge common.MemoryGauge, constructor func() int64, ...) Fix64Value
- func NewUnmeteredFix64Value(integer int64) Fix64Value
- func NewUnmeteredFix64ValueWithInteger(integer int64, locationRange LocationRange) Fix64Value
- func (v Fix64Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v Fix64Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (Fix64Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v Fix64Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v Fix64Value) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (Fix64Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v Fix64Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Fix64Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v Fix64Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v Fix64Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v Fix64Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Fix64Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Fix64Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (v Fix64Value) IntegerPart() NumberValue
- func (Fix64Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (Fix64Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (Fix64Value) IsStorable() bool
- func (v Fix64Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Fix64Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Fix64Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (v Fix64Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Fix64Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Fix64Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (Fix64Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v Fix64Value) Negate(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Fix64Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Fix64Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (Fix64Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v Fix64Value) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Fix64Value) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Fix64Value) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Fix64Value) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (Fix64Value) Scale() int
- func (Fix64Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (Fix64Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v Fix64Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v Fix64Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v Fix64Value) String() string
- func (v Fix64Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v Fix64Value) ToInt(_ LocationRange) int
- func (v Fix64Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (Fix64Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type FixedPointValue
- type ForceCastTypeMismatchError
- type ForceNilError
- type FunctionOrderedMap
- type FunctionStaticType
- func (t FunctionStaticType) Encode(_ *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
- func (t FunctionStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
- func (t FunctionStaticType) ID() TypeID
- func (FunctionStaticType) IsDeprecated() bool
- func (t FunctionStaticType) MeteredString(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) string
- func (t FunctionStaticType) ReturnType(gauge common.MemoryGauge) StaticType
- func (t FunctionStaticType) String() string
- type FunctionValue
- type FunctionWrapper
- type GetCapabilityError
- type GlobalVariables
- type HashInputType
- type HashableValue
- type HostFunction
- type HostFunctionValue
- func EnumConstructorFunction(gauge common.MemoryGauge, locationRange LocationRange, ...) *HostFunctionValue
- func NewStaticHostFunctionValue(gauge common.MemoryGauge, funcType *sema.FunctionType, function HostFunction) *HostFunctionValue
- func NewUnmeteredStaticHostFunctionValue(funcType *sema.FunctionType, function HostFunction) *HostFunctionValue
- func (f *HostFunctionValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (f *HostFunctionValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (f *HostFunctionValue) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (*HostFunctionValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (f *HostFunctionValue) FunctionType() *sema.FunctionType
- func (f *HostFunctionValue) GetMember(inter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (*HostFunctionValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (*HostFunctionValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (f *HostFunctionValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (*HostFunctionValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (f *HostFunctionValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (*HostFunctionValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (*HostFunctionValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (v *HostFunctionValue) SetNestedVariables(variables map[string]Variable)
- func (f *HostFunctionValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (f *HostFunctionValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (f *HostFunctionValue) String() string
- func (f *HostFunctionValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (f *HostFunctionValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type IDCapabilityValue
- func NewCapabilityValue(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, id UInt64Value, address AddressValue, ...) *IDCapabilityValue
- func NewInvalidCapabilityValue(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, address AddressValue, borrowType StaticType) *IDCapabilityValue
- func NewUnmeteredCapabilityValue(id UInt64Value, address AddressValue, borrowType StaticType) *IDCapabilityValue
- func (v *IDCapabilityValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v *IDCapabilityValue) Address() AddressValue
- func (v *IDCapabilityValue) ByteSize() uint32
- func (v *IDCapabilityValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v *IDCapabilityValue) Clone(interpreter *Interpreter) Value
- func (v *IDCapabilityValue) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (v *IDCapabilityValue) DeepRemove(interpreter *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v *IDCapabilityValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v *IDCapabilityValue) Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v *IDCapabilityValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v *IDCapabilityValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (*IDCapabilityValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (*IDCapabilityValue) IsStorable() bool
- func (v *IDCapabilityValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences, ...) string
- func (*IDCapabilityValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v *IDCapabilityValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
- func (*IDCapabilityValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (*IDCapabilityValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (v *IDCapabilityValue) StaticType(inter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v *IDCapabilityValue) Storable(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v *IDCapabilityValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v *IDCapabilityValue) String() string
- func (v *IDCapabilityValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (v *IDCapabilityValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, walkChild func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type Import
- type ImportLocationHandlerFunc
- type InMemoryStorage
- type Inaccessible
- type InclusiveRangeConstructionError
- type InclusiveRangeIterator
- type InclusiveRangeStaticType
- func (t InclusiveRangeStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
- func (t InclusiveRangeStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
- func (t InclusiveRangeStaticType) ID() TypeID
- func (t InclusiveRangeStaticType) IsDeprecated() bool
- func (t InclusiveRangeStaticType) MeteredString(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) string
- func (t InclusiveRangeStaticType) String() string
- type InjectedCompositeFieldsHandlerFunc
- type Int128Value
- func ConvertInt128(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) Int128Value
- func NewInt128ValueFromBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, bigIntConstructor func() *big.Int) Int128Value
- func NewInt128ValueFromUint64(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value int64) Int128Value
- func NewUnmeteredInt128ValueFromBigInt(value *big.Int) Int128Value
- func NewUnmeteredInt128ValueFromInt64(value int64) Int128Value
- func (v Int128Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v Int128Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Int128Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Int128Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Int128Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Int128Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Int128Value) ByteLength() int
- func (v Int128Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (Int128Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v Int128Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v Int128Value) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (Int128Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v Int128Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int128Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v Int128Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v Int128Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v Int128Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Int128Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Int128Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (Int128Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (Int128Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (v Int128Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Int128Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Int128Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (v Int128Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int128Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int128Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (Int128Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v Int128Value) Negate(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int128Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int128Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (Int128Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v Int128Value) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int128Value) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int128Value) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int128Value) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (Int128Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (Int128Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v Int128Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v Int128Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v Int128Value) String() string
- func (v Int128Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v Int128Value) ToBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) *big.Int
- func (v Int128Value) ToInt(locationRange LocationRange) int
- func (v Int128Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (Int128Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type Int16Value
- func (v Int16Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v Int16Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Int16Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Int16Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Int16Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Int16Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Int16Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (Int16Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v Int16Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v Int16Value) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (Int16Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v Int16Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int16Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v Int16Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v Int16Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v Int16Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Int16Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Int16Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (Int16Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (Int16Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (v Int16Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Int16Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Int16Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (v Int16Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int16Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int16Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (Int16Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v Int16Value) Negate(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int16Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int16Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (Int16Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v Int16Value) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int16Value) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int16Value) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int16Value) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (Int16Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (Int16Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v Int16Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v Int16Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v Int16Value) String() string
- func (v Int16Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v Int16Value) ToInt(_ LocationRange) int
- func (v Int16Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (Int16Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type Int256Value
- func ConvertInt256(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) Int256Value
- func NewInt256ValueFromBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, bigIntConstructor func() *big.Int) Int256Value
- func NewInt256ValueFromUint64(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value int64) Int256Value
- func NewUnmeteredInt256ValueFromBigInt(value *big.Int) Int256Value
- func NewUnmeteredInt256ValueFromInt64(value int64) Int256Value
- func (v Int256Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v Int256Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Int256Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Int256Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Int256Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Int256Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Int256Value) ByteLength() int
- func (v Int256Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (Int256Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v Int256Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v Int256Value) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (Int256Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v Int256Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int256Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v Int256Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v Int256Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v Int256Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Int256Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Int256Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (Int256Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (Int256Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (v Int256Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Int256Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Int256Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (v Int256Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int256Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int256Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (Int256Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v Int256Value) Negate(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int256Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int256Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (Int256Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v Int256Value) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int256Value) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int256Value) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int256Value) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (Int256Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (Int256Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v Int256Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v Int256Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v Int256Value) String() string
- func (v Int256Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v Int256Value) ToBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) *big.Int
- func (v Int256Value) ToInt(locationRange LocationRange) int
- func (v Int256Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (Int256Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type Int32Value
- func (v Int32Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v Int32Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Int32Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Int32Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Int32Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Int32Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Int32Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (Int32Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v Int32Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v Int32Value) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (Int32Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v Int32Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int32Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v Int32Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v Int32Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v Int32Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Int32Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Int32Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (Int32Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (Int32Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (v Int32Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Int32Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Int32Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (v Int32Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int32Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int32Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (Int32Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v Int32Value) Negate(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int32Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int32Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (Int32Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v Int32Value) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int32Value) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int32Value) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int32Value) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (Int32Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (Int32Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v Int32Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v Int32Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v Int32Value) String() string
- func (v Int32Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v Int32Value) ToInt(_ LocationRange) int
- func (v Int32Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (Int32Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type Int64Value
- func (v Int64Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v Int64Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Int64Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Int64Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Int64Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Int64Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Int64Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (Int64Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v Int64Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v Int64Value) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (Int64Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v Int64Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int64Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v Int64Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v Int64Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v Int64Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Int64Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Int64Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (Int64Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (Int64Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (v Int64Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Int64Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Int64Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (v Int64Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int64Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int64Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (Int64Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v Int64Value) Negate(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int64Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int64Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (Int64Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v Int64Value) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int64Value) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int64Value) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int64Value) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (Int64Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (Int64Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v Int64Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v Int64Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v Int64Value) String() string
- func (v Int64Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v Int64Value) ToInt(_ LocationRange) int
- func (v Int64Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (Int64Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type Int8Value
- func (v Int8Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v Int8Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Int8Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Int8Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Int8Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Int8Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Int8Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (Int8Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v Int8Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v Int8Value) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (Int8Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v Int8Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int8Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v Int8Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v Int8Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v Int8Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Int8Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Int8Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (Int8Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (Int8Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (v Int8Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Int8Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Int8Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (v Int8Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int8Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int8Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (Int8Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v Int8Value) Negate(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int8Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int8Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (Int8Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v Int8Value) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int8Value) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int8Value) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Int8Value) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (Int8Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (Int8Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v Int8Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v Int8Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v Int8Value) String() string
- func (v Int8Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v Int8Value) ToInt(_ LocationRange) int
- func (v Int8Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (Int8Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type IntValue
- func ConvertInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) IntValue
- func NewIntValueFromBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, memoryUsage common.MemoryUsage, ...) IntValue
- func NewIntValueFromInt64(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value int64) IntValue
- func NewUnmeteredIntValueFromBigInt(value *big.Int) IntValue
- func NewUnmeteredIntValueFromInt64(value int64) IntValue
- func (v IntValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v IntValue) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v IntValue) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v IntValue) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v IntValue) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v IntValue) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v IntValue) ByteLength() int
- func (v IntValue) ByteSize() uint32
- func (IntValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v IntValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v IntValue) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (IntValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v IntValue) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v IntValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v IntValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v IntValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v IntValue) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v IntValue) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v IntValue) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (IntValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (IntValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (v IntValue) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v IntValue) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v IntValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (v IntValue) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v IntValue) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v IntValue) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (IntValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v IntValue) Negate(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v IntValue) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v IntValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (IntValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v IntValue) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v IntValue) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v IntValue) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v IntValue) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (IntValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (IntValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v IntValue) Storable(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v IntValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v IntValue) String() string
- func (v IntValue) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v IntValue) ToBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) *big.Int
- func (v IntValue) ToInt(locationRange LocationRange) int
- func (v IntValue) ToUint32(locationRange LocationRange) uint32
- func (v IntValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (IntValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type IntegerValue
- type InterfaceMissingLocationError
- type InterfaceStaticType
- func ConvertSemaInterfaceTypeToStaticInterfaceType(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, t *sema.InterfaceType) *InterfaceStaticType
- func NewInterfaceStaticType(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, location common.Location, ...) *InterfaceStaticType
- func NewInterfaceStaticTypeComputeTypeID(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, location common.Location, ...) *InterfaceStaticType
- func (t *InterfaceStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
- func (t *InterfaceStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
- func (t *InterfaceStaticType) ID() TypeID
- func (*InterfaceStaticType) IsDeprecated() bool
- func (t *InterfaceStaticType) MeteredString(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) string
- func (t *InterfaceStaticType) String() string
- type InterfaceTypeHandlerFunc
- type InterpretedFunctionValue
- func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) FunctionType() *sema.FunctionType
- func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) String() string
- func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type Interpreter
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) AllElaborations() (elaborations map[common.Location]*sema.Elaboration)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) BoxOptional(locationRange LocationRange, value Value, targetType sema.Type) Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) CallStack() []Invocation
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) ConvertAndBox(locationRange LocationRange, value Value, valueType, targetType sema.Type) Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) ConvertStaticToSemaType(staticType StaticType) (sema.Type, error)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) DecodeStorable(decoder *cbor.StreamDecoder, slabID atree.SlabID, ...) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) DecodeTypeInfo(decoder *cbor.StreamDecoder) (atree.TypeInfo, error)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) EnsureLoaded(location common.Location) *Interpreter
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) ExpectType(value Value, expectedType sema.Type, locationRange LocationRange)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) FindVariable(name string) Variable
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) GetCompositeType(location common.Location, qualifiedIdentifier string, typeID TypeID) (*sema.CompositeType, error)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) GetCompositeValueComputedFields(v *CompositeValue) map[string]ComputedField
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) GetCompositeValueFunctions(v *CompositeValue, locationRange LocationRange) *FunctionOrderedMap
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) GetCompositeValueInjectedFields(v *CompositeValue) map[string]Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) GetContractComposite(contractLocation common.AddressLocation) (*CompositeValue, error)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) GetEntitlementMapType(typeID common.TypeID) (*sema.EntitlementMapType, error)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) GetEntitlementType(typeID common.TypeID) (*sema.EntitlementType, error)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) GetInterfaceType(location common.Location, qualifiedIdentifier string, typeID TypeID) (*sema.InterfaceType, error)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) Interpret() (err error)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) Invoke(functionName string, arguments ...Value) (value Value, err error)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) InvokeExternally(functionValue FunctionValue, functionType *sema.FunctionType, ...) (result Value, err error)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) InvokeFunction(function FunctionValue, invocation Invocation) (value Value, err error)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) InvokeFunctionValue(function FunctionValue, arguments []Value, argumentTypes []sema.Type, ...) (value Value, err error)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) InvokeTransaction(index int, arguments ...Value) (err error)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) IsSubType(subType StaticType, superType StaticType) bool
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) IsSubTypeOfSemaType(staticSubType StaticType, superType sema.Type) bool
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) MeterMemory(usage common.MemoryUsage) error
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) MustConvertStaticAuthorizationToSemaAccess(auth Authorization) sema.Access
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) MustConvertStaticToSemaType(staticType StaticType) sema.Type
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) MustSemaTypeOfValue(value Value) sema.Type
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) NewIntegerValueFromBigInt(value *big.Int, integerSubType sema.Type) Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) NewSubInterpreter(program *Program, location common.Location) (*Interpreter, error)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) ReadStored(storageAddress common.Address, domain common.StorageDomain, ...) Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) RecoverErrors(onError func(error))
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) RemoveReferencedSlab(storable atree.Storable)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) ReportComputation(compKind common.ComputationKind, intensity uint)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) Storage() Storage
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) StoredValueExists(storageAddress common.Address, domain common.StorageDomain, ...) bool
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) SubstituteMappedEntitlements(ty sema.Type) sema.Type
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) Unbox(locationRange LocationRange, value Value) Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) ValidateAtreeValue(value atree.Value)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) ValueIsSubtypeOfSemaType(value Value, targetType sema.Type) bool
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitArrayExpression(expression *ast.ArrayExpression) Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitAssignmentStatement(assignment *ast.AssignmentStatement) StatementResult
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitAttachExpression(attachExpression *ast.AttachExpression) Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitAttachmentDeclaration(declaration *ast.AttachmentDeclaration) StatementResult
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitBinaryExpression(expression *ast.BinaryExpression) Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitBoolExpression(expression *ast.BoolExpression) Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitBreakStatement(_ *ast.BreakStatement) StatementResult
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitCastingExpression(expression *ast.CastingExpression) Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitCompositeDeclaration(declaration *ast.CompositeDeclaration) StatementResult
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitConditionalExpression(expression *ast.ConditionalExpression) Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitContinueStatement(_ *ast.ContinueStatement) StatementResult
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitCreateExpression(expression *ast.CreateExpression) Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitDestroyExpression(expression *ast.DestroyExpression) Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitDictionaryExpression(expression *ast.DictionaryExpression) Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitEmitStatement(statement *ast.EmitStatement) StatementResult
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitEntitlementDeclaration(_ *ast.EntitlementDeclaration) StatementResult
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitEntitlementMappingDeclaration(_ *ast.EntitlementMappingDeclaration) StatementResult
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitEnumCaseDeclaration(_ *ast.EnumCaseDeclaration) StatementResult
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitExpressionStatement(statement *ast.ExpressionStatement) StatementResult
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitFieldDeclaration(_ *ast.FieldDeclaration) StatementResult
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitFixedPointExpression(expression *ast.FixedPointExpression) Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitForStatement(statement *ast.ForStatement) (result StatementResult)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitForceExpression(expression *ast.ForceExpression) Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitFunctionDeclaration(declaration *ast.FunctionDeclaration, isStatement bool) StatementResult
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitFunctionExpression(expression *ast.FunctionExpression) Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitIdentifierExpression(expression *ast.IdentifierExpression) Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitIfStatement(statement *ast.IfStatement) StatementResult
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitImportDeclaration(declaration *ast.ImportDeclaration) StatementResult
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitIndexExpression(expression *ast.IndexExpression) Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitIntegerExpression(expression *ast.IntegerExpression) Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitInterfaceDeclaration(declaration *ast.InterfaceDeclaration) StatementResult
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitInvocationExpression(invocationExpression *ast.InvocationExpression) Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitMemberExpression(expression *ast.MemberExpression) Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitNilExpression(_ *ast.NilExpression) Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitPathExpression(expression *ast.PathExpression) Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitPragmaDeclaration(_ *ast.PragmaDeclaration) StatementResult
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitProgram(program *ast.Program)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitReferenceExpression(referenceExpression *ast.ReferenceExpression) Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitRemoveStatement(removeStatement *ast.RemoveStatement) StatementResult
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitReturnStatement(statement *ast.ReturnStatement) StatementResult
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitSpecialFunctionDeclaration(declaration *ast.SpecialFunctionDeclaration) StatementResult
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitStringExpression(expression *ast.StringExpression) Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitStringTemplateExpression(expression *ast.StringTemplateExpression) Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitSwapStatement(swap *ast.SwapStatement) StatementResult
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitSwitchStatement(switchStatement *ast.SwitchStatement) StatementResult
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitTransactionDeclaration(declaration *ast.TransactionDeclaration) StatementResult
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitUnaryExpression(expression *ast.UnaryExpression) Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitVariableDeclaration(declaration *ast.VariableDeclaration) StatementResult
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitVoidExpression(_ *ast.VoidExpression) Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitWhileStatement(statement *ast.WhileStatement) StatementResult
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) WriteStored(storageAddress common.Address, domain common.StorageDomain, key StorageMapKey, ...) (existed bool)
- type InterpreterImport
- type IntersectionStaticType
- func (t *IntersectionStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
- func (t *IntersectionStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
- func (t *IntersectionStaticType) ID() TypeID
- func (t *IntersectionStaticType) IsDeprecated() bool
- func (t *IntersectionStaticType) MeteredString(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) string
- func (t *IntersectionStaticType) String() string
- type InvalidAttachmentOperationTargetError
- type InvalidCapabilityIDError
- type InvalidCapabilityIssueTypeError
- type InvalidHexByteError
- type InvalidHexLengthError
- type InvalidMemberReferenceError
- type InvalidOperandsError
- type InvalidPathDomainError
- type InvalidPublicKeyError
- type InvalidSliceIndexError
- type InvalidStringLengthError
- type InvalidatedResourceError
- type InvalidatedResourceReferenceError
- type Invocation
- type IterableValue
- type LinkValuedeprecated
- type LocationDecoder
- type LocationRange
- type MemberAccessTypeError
- type MemberAccessibleValue
- type NegativeShiftError
- type NestedReferenceError
- type NilValue
- func (v NilValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v NilValue) ByteSize() uint32
- func (NilValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v NilValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v NilValue) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (NilValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v NilValue) Destroy(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange)
- func (v NilValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v NilValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v NilValue) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (NilValue) IsDestroyed() bool
- func (NilValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (NilValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (NilValue) IsStorable() bool
- func (v NilValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (NilValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v NilValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (NilValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (NilValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (NilValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v NilValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v NilValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (NilValue) String() string
- func (v NilValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (NilValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type NonStorable
- type NonStorableStaticTypeError
- type NonStorableValueError
- type NonTransferableValueError
- type NotDeclaredError
- type NotInvokableError
- type NumberValue
- type OnEventEmittedFunc
- type OnFunctionInvocationFunc
- type OnInvokedFunctionReturnFunc
- type OnLoopIterationFunc
- type OnMeterComputationFunc
- type OnRecordTraceFunc
- type OnResourceOwnerChangeFunc
- type OnStatementFunc
- type OptionalStaticType
- func (t *OptionalStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
- func (t *OptionalStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
- func (t *OptionalStaticType) ID() TypeID
- func (t *OptionalStaticType) IsDeprecated() bool
- func (t *OptionalStaticType) MeteredString(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) string
- func (t *OptionalStaticType) String() string
- type OptionalValue
- type OverflowError
- type OverwriteError
- type OwnedValue
- type PathCapabilityValuedeprecated
- func (v *PathCapabilityValue) Accept(_ *Interpreter, _ Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v *PathCapabilityValue) Address() AddressValue
- func (v *PathCapabilityValue) AddressPath() AddressPath
- func (v *PathCapabilityValue) ByteSize() uint32
- func (v *PathCapabilityValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v *PathCapabilityValue) Clone(interpreter *Interpreter) Value
- func (v *PathCapabilityValue) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (v *PathCapabilityValue) DeepRemove(interpreter *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v *PathCapabilityValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v *PathCapabilityValue) Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v *PathCapabilityValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v *PathCapabilityValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (*PathCapabilityValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (*PathCapabilityValue) IsStorable() bool
- func (v *PathCapabilityValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences, ...) string
- func (*PathCapabilityValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v *PathCapabilityValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
- func (*PathCapabilityValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (*PathCapabilityValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (v *PathCapabilityValue) StaticType(inter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v *PathCapabilityValue) Storable(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v *PathCapabilityValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v *PathCapabilityValue) String() string
- func (v *PathCapabilityValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (v *PathCapabilityValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, walkChild func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type PathLinkValuedeprecated
- func (v PathLinkValue) Accept(_ *Interpreter, _ Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v PathLinkValue) ByteSize() uint32
- func (v PathLinkValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v PathLinkValue) Clone(inter *Interpreter) Value
- func (v PathLinkValue) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (PathLinkValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v PathLinkValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v PathLinkValue) Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (PathLinkValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (PathLinkValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (PathLinkValue) IsStorable() bool
- func (v PathLinkValue) MeteredString(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, _ LocationRange) string
- func (PathLinkValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v PathLinkValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
- func (v PathLinkValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v PathLinkValue) Storable(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v PathLinkValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v PathLinkValue) String() string
- func (v PathLinkValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (v PathLinkValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type PathValue
- func (v PathValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v PathValue) ByteSize() uint32
- func (PathValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v PathValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v PathValue) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (PathValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v PathValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v PathValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v PathValue) GetMember(inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v PathValue) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (v PathValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (PathValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (PathValue) IsStorable() bool
- func (v PathValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (PathValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v PathValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (PathValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (PathValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (v PathValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v PathValue) Storable(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v PathValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v PathValue) String() string
- func (v PathValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (PathValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type PositionedError
- type PrimitiveStaticType
- func (t PrimitiveStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
- func (t PrimitiveStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
- func (t PrimitiveStaticType) ID() TypeID
- func (t PrimitiveStaticType) IsDefined() bool
- func (t PrimitiveStaticType) IsDeprecated() booldeprecated
- func (t PrimitiveStaticType) MeteredString(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) string
- func (t PrimitiveStaticType) SemaType() sema.Type
- func (i PrimitiveStaticType) String() string
- type Program
- type PublicKeyValidationHandlerFunc
- type PublishedValue
- func (v *PublishedValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v *PublishedValue) ByteSize() uint32
- func (v *PublishedValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v *PublishedValue) Clone(interpreter *Interpreter) Value
- func (v *PublishedValue) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (*PublishedValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v *PublishedValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v *PublishedValue) Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (*PublishedValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (*PublishedValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (*PublishedValue) IsStorable() bool
- func (v *PublishedValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences, ...) string
- func (v *PublishedValue) NeedsStoreTo(address atree.Address) bool
- func (v *PublishedValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
- func (v *PublishedValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v *PublishedValue) Storable(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v *PublishedValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v *PublishedValue) String() string
- func (v *PublishedValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, address atree.Address, ...) Value
- func (v *PublishedValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, walkChild func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type RecursiveTransferError
- type RedeclarationError
- type ReferenceStaticType
- func (t *ReferenceStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
- func (t *ReferenceStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
- func (t *ReferenceStaticType) ID() TypeID
- func (t *ReferenceStaticType) IsDeprecated() bool
- func (t *ReferenceStaticType) MeteredString(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) string
- func (t *ReferenceStaticType) String() string
- type ReferenceTrackedResourceKindedValue
- type ReferenceValue
- type ReferencedResourceKindedValues
- type ReferencedValueChangedError
- type ResourceConstructionError
- type ResourceKindedValue
- type ResourceLossError
- type ResourceReferenceDereferenceError
- type ReturnResult
- type SeenReferences
- type SelfVariable
- type SharedState
- type SimpleCompositeValue
- func NewAccountAccountCapabilitiesValue(gauge common.MemoryGauge, address AddressValue, ...) *SimpleCompositeValue
- func NewAccountKeyValue(inter *Interpreter, keyIndex IntValue, publicKey *CompositeValue, ...) *SimpleCompositeValue
- func NewBlockValue(inter *Interpreter, height UInt64Value, view UInt64Value, id *ArrayValue, ...) *SimpleCompositeValue
- func NewDeployedContractValue(inter *Interpreter, address AddressValue, name *StringValue, code *ArrayValue) *SimpleCompositeValue
- func NewSimpleCompositeValue(gauge common.MemoryGauge, typeID sema.TypeID, staticType StaticType, ...) *SimpleCompositeValue
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) Clone(interpreter *Interpreter) Value
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) ConformsToStaticType(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, ...) bool
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) ForEachField(f func(fieldName string, fieldValue Value) (resume bool))
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) IsImportable(inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) bool
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences, ...) string
- func (*SimpleCompositeValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, name string, value Value) bool
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) StaticType(_ *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) String() string
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, walkChild func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type SimpleVariable
- type SomeStorable
- func (s SomeStorable) ByteSize() uint32
- func (s SomeStorable) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (s SomeStorable) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (s SomeStorable) HasPointer() bool
- func (s SomeStorable) StoredValue(storage atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (s SomeStorable) UnwrapAtreeStorable() atree.Storable
- func (s SomeStorable) WrapAtreeStorable(storable atree.Storable) atree.Storable
- type SomeValue
- func (v *SomeValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, locationRange LocationRange)
- func (v *SomeValue) Clone(interpreter *Interpreter) Value
- func (v *SomeValue) ConformsToStaticType(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, ...) bool
- func (v *SomeValue) DeepRemove(interpreter *Interpreter, hasNoParentContainer bool)
- func (v *SomeValue) Destroy(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange)
- func (v *SomeValue) Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v *SomeValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v *SomeValue) InnerValue(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) Value
- func (v *SomeValue) IsDestroyed() bool
- func (v *SomeValue) IsImportable(inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) bool
- func (v *SomeValue) IsResourceKinded(interpreter *Interpreter) bool
- func (v *SomeValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences, ...) string
- func (v *SomeValue) NeedsStoreTo(address atree.Address) bool
- func (v *SomeValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
- func (v *SomeValue) RemoveMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v *SomeValue) SetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (v *SomeValue) StaticType(inter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v *SomeValue) Storable(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v *SomeValue) String() string
- func (v *SomeValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, address atree.Address, ...) Value
- func (v *SomeValue) UnwrapAtreeValue() (atree.Value, uint64)
- func (v *SomeValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, walkChild func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type StackTraceError
- type StatementResult
- type StaticAuthorizationConversionHandler
- type StaticType
- type StaticTypeConversionHandler
- type Stop
- type StorableDecoder
- type Storage
- type StorageCapabilityControllerValue
- func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) ByteSize() uint32
- func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) CapabilityControllerBorrowType() *ReferenceStaticType
- func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) Clone(interpreter *Interpreter) Value
- func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) ControllerCapabilityID() UInt64Value
- func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) GetMember(inter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, name string) (result Value)
- func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) IsStorable() bool
- func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences, ...) string
- func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
- func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) ReferenceValue(interpreter *Interpreter, capabilityAddress common.Address, ...) ReferenceValue
- func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) SetMember(inter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, identifier string, value Value) bool
- func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) StaticType(_ *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) Storable(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) String() string
- func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, walkChild func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type StorageDomainKey
- type StorageKey
- type StorageMapKey
- type StorageMutatedDuringIterationError
- type StorageReferenceValue
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) BorrowType() sema.Type
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) ConformsToStaticType(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, ...) bool
- func (*StorageReferenceValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) ForEach(interpreter *Interpreter, elementType sema.Type, ...)
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) GetAuthorization() Authorization
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) GetKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value) Value
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) GetTypeKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key sema.Type) Value
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) InsertKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value, value Value)
- func (*StorageReferenceValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (*StorageReferenceValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (*StorageReferenceValue) IsStorable() bool
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) Iterator(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) ValueIterator
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (*StorageReferenceValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) ReferencedValue(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, ...) *Value
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) RemoveKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value) Value
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) RemoveMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) RemoveTypeKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key sema.Type) Value
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) SetKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value, value Value)
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) SetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string, ...) bool
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) SetTypeKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key sema.Type, ...)
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) StaticType(inter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (*StorageReferenceValue) String() string
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (*StorageReferenceValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type StringAtreeValue
- func (v StringAtreeValue) ByteSize() uint32
- func (StringAtreeValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v StringAtreeValue) Copy() atree.Storable
- func (v StringAtreeValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v StringAtreeValue) Equal(other atree.Storable) bool
- func (v StringAtreeValue) ID() string
- func (v StringAtreeValue) Less(other atree.Storable) bool
- func (v StringAtreeValue) Storable(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v StringAtreeValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- type StringIndexOutOfBoundsError
- type StringSliceIndicesError
- type StringStorageMapKey
- type StringValue
- func (v *StringValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v *StringValue) ByteSize() uint32
- func (*StringValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v *StringValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v *StringValue) Concat(interpreter *Interpreter, other *StringValue, locationRange LocationRange) Value
- func (v *StringValue) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (v *StringValue) Contains(inter *Interpreter, other *StringValue) BoolValue
- func (v *StringValue) Count(inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, other *StringValue) IntValue
- func (v *StringValue) DecodeHex(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) *ArrayValue
- func (*StringValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v *StringValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v *StringValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v *StringValue) Explode(inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) *ArrayValue
- func (v *StringValue) ForEach(interpreter *Interpreter, _ sema.Type, ...)
- func (v *StringValue) GetKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value) Value
- func (v *StringValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v *StringValue) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v *StringValue) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v *StringValue) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (v *StringValue) IndexOf(inter *Interpreter, other *StringValue) IntValue
- func (*StringValue) InsertKey(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ Value, _ Value)
- func (v *StringValue) IsGraphemeBoundaryEnd(end int) bool
- func (v *StringValue) IsGraphemeBoundaryStart(startOffset int) bool
- func (*StringValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (*StringValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (v *StringValue) Iterator(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) ValueIterator
- func (v *StringValue) Length() int
- func (v *StringValue) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v *StringValue) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v *StringValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (*StringValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v *StringValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (*StringValue) RemoveKey(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ Value) Value
- func (*StringValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v *StringValue) ReplaceAll(inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, original *StringValue, ...) *StringValue
- func (*StringValue) SetKey(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ Value, _ Value)
- func (*StringValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (v *StringValue) Slice(from IntValue, to IntValue, locationRange LocationRange) Value
- func (v *StringValue) Split(inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, separator *StringValue) *ArrayValue
- func (*StringValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v *StringValue) Storable(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v *StringValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v *StringValue) String() string
- func (v *StringValue) ToLower(interpreter *Interpreter) *StringValue
- func (v *StringValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (*StringValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type StringValueIterator
- type TransactionNotDeclaredError
- type TypeCodes
- type TypeConformanceResults
- type TypeDecoder
- type TypeID
- type TypeIndexableValue
- type TypeLoadingError
- type TypeMismatchError
- type TypeParameter
- type TypeValue
- func (v TypeValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v TypeValue) ByteSize() uint32
- func (TypeValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v TypeValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v TypeValue) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (TypeValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v TypeValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v TypeValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v TypeValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v TypeValue) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (TypeValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (TypeValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (v TypeValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (TypeValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v TypeValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (TypeValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (TypeValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (TypeValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v TypeValue) Storable(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v TypeValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v TypeValue) String() string
- func (v TypeValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (TypeValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type UFix64Value
- func ConvertUFix64(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) UFix64Value
- func NewUFix64Value(gauge common.MemoryGauge, constructor func() uint64) UFix64Value
- func NewUFix64ValueWithInteger(gauge common.MemoryGauge, constructor func() uint64, ...) UFix64Value
- func NewUnmeteredUFix64Value(integer uint64) UFix64Value
- func NewUnmeteredUFix64ValueWithInteger(integer uint64, locationRange LocationRange) UFix64Value
- func (v UFix64Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v UFix64Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (UFix64Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v UFix64Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v UFix64Value) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (UFix64Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v UFix64Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UFix64Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v UFix64Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v UFix64Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v UFix64Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UFix64Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UFix64Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (v UFix64Value) IntegerPart() NumberValue
- func (UFix64Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (UFix64Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (UFix64Value) IsStorable() bool
- func (v UFix64Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UFix64Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UFix64Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (v UFix64Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UFix64Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UFix64Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (UFix64Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v UFix64Value) Negate(*Interpreter, LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UFix64Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UFix64Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (UFix64Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v UFix64Value) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UFix64Value) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UFix64Value) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UFix64Value) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (UFix64Value) Scale() int
- func (UFix64Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (UFix64Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v UFix64Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v UFix64Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v UFix64Value) String() string
- func (v UFix64Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v UFix64Value) ToInt(_ LocationRange) int
- func (v UFix64Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (UFix64Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type UInt128Value
- func NewUInt128ValueFromBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, bigIntConstructor func() *big.Int) UInt128Value
- func NewUInt128ValueFromUint64(interpreter *Interpreter, value uint64) UInt128Value
- func NewUnmeteredUInt128ValueFromBigInt(value *big.Int) UInt128Value
- func NewUnmeteredUInt128ValueFromUint64(value uint64) UInt128Value
- func (v UInt128Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v UInt128Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt128Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt128Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt128Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt128Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt128Value) ByteLength() int
- func (v UInt128Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (UInt128Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v UInt128Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v UInt128Value) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (UInt128Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v UInt128Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt128Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v UInt128Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v UInt128Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v UInt128Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UInt128Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UInt128Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (UInt128Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (UInt128Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (UInt128Value) IsStorable() bool
- func (v UInt128Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UInt128Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UInt128Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (v UInt128Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt128Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt128Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (UInt128Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v UInt128Value) Negate(*Interpreter, LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt128Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt128Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (UInt128Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v UInt128Value) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt128Value) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt128Value) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt128Value) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (UInt128Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (UInt128Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v UInt128Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v UInt128Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v UInt128Value) String() string
- func (v UInt128Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v UInt128Value) ToBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) *big.Int
- func (v UInt128Value) ToInt(locationRange LocationRange) int
- func (v UInt128Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (UInt128Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type UInt16Value
- func (v UInt16Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v UInt16Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt16Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt16Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt16Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt16Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt16Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (UInt16Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v UInt16Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v UInt16Value) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (UInt16Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v UInt16Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt16Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v UInt16Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v UInt16Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v UInt16Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UInt16Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UInt16Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (UInt16Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (UInt16Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (UInt16Value) IsStorable() bool
- func (v UInt16Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UInt16Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UInt16Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (v UInt16Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt16Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt16Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (UInt16Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v UInt16Value) Negate(*Interpreter, LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt16Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt16Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (UInt16Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v UInt16Value) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt16Value) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt16Value) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt16Value) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (UInt16Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (UInt16Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v UInt16Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v UInt16Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v UInt16Value) String() string
- func (v UInt16Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v UInt16Value) ToInt(_ LocationRange) int
- func (v UInt16Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (UInt16Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type UInt256Value
- func ConvertUInt256(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) UInt256Value
- func NewUInt256ValueFromBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, bigIntConstructor func() *big.Int) UInt256Value
- func NewUInt256ValueFromUint64(interpreter *Interpreter, value uint64) UInt256Value
- func NewUnmeteredUInt256ValueFromBigInt(value *big.Int) UInt256Value
- func NewUnmeteredUInt256ValueFromUint64(value uint64) UInt256Value
- func (v UInt256Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v UInt256Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt256Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt256Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt256Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt256Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt256Value) ByteLength() int
- func (v UInt256Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (UInt256Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v UInt256Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v UInt256Value) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (UInt256Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v UInt256Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt256Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v UInt256Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v UInt256Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v UInt256Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UInt256Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UInt256Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (UInt256Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (UInt256Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (UInt256Value) IsStorable() bool
- func (v UInt256Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UInt256Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UInt256Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (v UInt256Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt256Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt256Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (UInt256Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v UInt256Value) Negate(*Interpreter, LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt256Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt256Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (UInt256Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v UInt256Value) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt256Value) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt256Value) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt256Value) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (UInt256Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (UInt256Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v UInt256Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v UInt256Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v UInt256Value) String() string
- func (v UInt256Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v UInt256Value) ToBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) *big.Int
- func (v UInt256Value) ToInt(locationRange LocationRange) int
- func (v UInt256Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (UInt256Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type UInt32Value
- func (v UInt32Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v UInt32Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt32Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt32Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt32Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt32Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt32Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (UInt32Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v UInt32Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v UInt32Value) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (UInt32Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v UInt32Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt32Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v UInt32Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v UInt32Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v UInt32Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UInt32Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UInt32Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (UInt32Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (UInt32Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (UInt32Value) IsStorable() bool
- func (v UInt32Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UInt32Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UInt32Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (v UInt32Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt32Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt32Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (UInt32Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v UInt32Value) Negate(*Interpreter, LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt32Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt32Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (UInt32Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v UInt32Value) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt32Value) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt32Value) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt32Value) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (UInt32Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (UInt32Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v UInt32Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v UInt32Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v UInt32Value) String() string
- func (v UInt32Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v UInt32Value) ToInt(_ LocationRange) int
- func (v UInt32Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (UInt32Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type UInt64Value
- func (v UInt64Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v UInt64Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt64Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt64Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt64Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt64Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt64Value) ByteLength() int
- func (v UInt64Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (UInt64Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v UInt64Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v UInt64Value) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (UInt64Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v UInt64Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt64Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v UInt64Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v UInt64Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v UInt64Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UInt64Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UInt64Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (UInt64Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (UInt64Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (UInt64Value) IsStorable() bool
- func (v UInt64Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UInt64Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UInt64Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (v UInt64Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt64Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt64Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (UInt64Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v UInt64Value) Negate(*Interpreter, LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt64Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt64Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (UInt64Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v UInt64Value) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt64Value) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt64Value) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt64Value) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (UInt64Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (UInt64Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v UInt64Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v UInt64Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v UInt64Value) String() string
- func (v UInt64Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v UInt64Value) ToBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) *big.Int
- func (v UInt64Value) ToInt(locationRange LocationRange) int
- func (v UInt64Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (UInt64Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type UInt8Value
- func (v UInt8Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v UInt8Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt8Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt8Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt8Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt8Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt8Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (UInt8Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v UInt8Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v UInt8Value) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (UInt8Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v UInt8Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt8Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v UInt8Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v UInt8Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v UInt8Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UInt8Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UInt8Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (UInt8Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (UInt8Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (v UInt8Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UInt8Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UInt8Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (v UInt8Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt8Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt8Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (UInt8Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v UInt8Value) Negate(*Interpreter, LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt8Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt8Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (UInt8Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v UInt8Value) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt8Value) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt8Value) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UInt8Value) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (UInt8Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (UInt8Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v UInt8Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v UInt8Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v UInt8Value) String() string
- func (v UInt8Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v UInt8Value) ToInt(_ LocationRange) int
- func (v UInt8Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (UInt8Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type UIntValue
- func ConvertUInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) UIntValue
- func NewUIntValueFromBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, memoryUsage common.MemoryUsage, ...) UIntValue
- func NewUIntValueFromUint64(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value uint64) UIntValue
- func NewUnmeteredUIntValueFromBigInt(value *big.Int) UIntValue
- func NewUnmeteredUIntValueFromUint64(value uint64) UIntValue
- func (v UIntValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v UIntValue) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UIntValue) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UIntValue) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UIntValue) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UIntValue) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v UIntValue) ByteLength() int
- func (v UIntValue) ByteSize() uint32
- func (UIntValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v UIntValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v UIntValue) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (UIntValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v UIntValue) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UIntValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v UIntValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v UIntValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v UIntValue) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UIntValue) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UIntValue) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (v UIntValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (UIntValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (v UIntValue) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UIntValue) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v UIntValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (v UIntValue) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UIntValue) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UIntValue) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (UIntValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v UIntValue) Negate(*Interpreter, LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UIntValue) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UIntValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (UIntValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v UIntValue) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UIntValue) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UIntValue) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v UIntValue) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (UIntValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (UIntValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v UIntValue) Storable(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v UIntValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v UIntValue) String() string
- func (v UIntValue) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v UIntValue) ToBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) *big.Int
- func (v UIntValue) ToInt(locationRange LocationRange) int
- func (v UIntValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (UIntValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type UUIDHandlerFunc
- type UUIDUnavailableError
- type Uint64AtreeValue
- func (v Uint64AtreeValue) ByteSize() uint32
- func (Uint64AtreeValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v Uint64AtreeValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v Uint64AtreeValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v Uint64AtreeValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- type Uint64StorageMapKey
- type Unauthorized
- type UnderflowError
- type UnexpectedMappedEntitlementError
- type Unsigned
- type UnsupportedTagDecodingError
- type UseBeforeInitializationError
- type ValidateAccountCapabilitiesGetHandlerFunc
- type ValidateAccountCapabilitiesPublishHandlerFunc
- type Value
- func AddressFromBytes(invocation Invocation) Value
- func AddressFromString(invocation Invocation) Value
- func ConvertStoredValue(gauge common.MemoryGauge, value atree.Value) (Value, error)
- func ConvertUInt128(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) Value
- func ConvertWord128(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) Value
- func ConvertWord256(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) Value
- func DereferenceValue(inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, referenceValue ReferenceValue) Value
- func MustConvertStoredValue(gauge common.MemoryGauge, value atree.Value) Value
- func MustConvertUnmeteredStoredValue(value atree.Value) Value
- func NewAccountCapabilitiesValue(gauge common.MemoryGauge, address AddressValue, ...) Value
- func NewAccountContractsValue(gauge common.MemoryGauge, address AddressValue, ...) Value
- func NewAccountInboxValue(gauge common.MemoryGauge, addressValue AddressValue, ...) Value
- func NewAccountKeysValue(gauge common.MemoryGauge, address AddressValue, ...) Value
- func NewAccountStorageCapabilitiesValue(gauge common.MemoryGauge, address AddressValue, ...) Value
- func NewAccountStorageValue(gauge common.MemoryGauge, address AddressValue, ...) Value
- func NewAccountValue(gauge common.MemoryGauge, address AddressValue, ...) Value
- func NewDeploymentResultValue(gauge common.MemoryGauge, deployedContract OptionalValue) Value
- func StoredValue(gauge common.MemoryGauge, storable atree.Storable, storage atree.SlabStorage) Value
- type ValueConverterDeclaration
- type ValueDeclaration
- type ValueIndexableValue
- type ValueIterator
- type ValueTransferTypeError
- type ValueWalker
- type Variable
- type VariableActivation
- type VariableActivations
- type VariableSizedStaticType
- func (t *VariableSizedStaticType) Copy() atree.TypeInfo
- func (t *VariableSizedStaticType) ElementType() StaticType
- func (t *VariableSizedStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
- func (t *VariableSizedStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
- func (t *VariableSizedStaticType) ID() TypeID
- func (*VariableSizedStaticType) IsComposite() bool
- func (t *VariableSizedStaticType) IsDeprecated() bool
- func (t *VariableSizedStaticType) MeteredString(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) string
- func (t *VariableSizedStaticType) String() string
- type VirtualImport
- type VirtualImportGlobal
- type Visitor
- type VoidValue
- func (v VoidValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (VoidValue) ByteSize() uint32
- func (VoidValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v VoidValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v VoidValue) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (VoidValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (VoidValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v VoidValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (VoidValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (VoidValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (v VoidValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (VoidValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v VoidValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (VoidValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v VoidValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v VoidValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (VoidValue) String() string
- func (v VoidValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (VoidValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type Word128Value
- func NewUnmeteredWord128ValueFromBigInt(value *big.Int) Word128Value
- func NewUnmeteredWord128ValueFromUint64(value uint64) Word128Value
- func NewWord128ValueFromBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, bigIntConstructor func() *big.Int) Word128Value
- func NewWord128ValueFromUint64(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value int64) Word128Value
- func (v Word128Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v Word128Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Word128Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Word128Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Word128Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Word128Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Word128Value) ByteLength() int
- func (v Word128Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (Word128Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v Word128Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v Word128Value) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (Word128Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v Word128Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word128Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v Word128Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v Word128Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v Word128Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Word128Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Word128Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (Word128Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (Word128Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (Word128Value) IsStorable() bool
- func (v Word128Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Word128Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Word128Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (v Word128Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word128Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word128Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (Word128Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v Word128Value) Negate(*Interpreter, LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word128Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word128Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (Word128Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v Word128Value) SaturatingDiv(_ *Interpreter, _ NumberValue, _ LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word128Value) SaturatingMinus(_ *Interpreter, _ NumberValue, _ LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word128Value) SaturatingMul(_ *Interpreter, _ NumberValue, _ LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word128Value) SaturatingPlus(_ *Interpreter, _ NumberValue, _ LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (Word128Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (Word128Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v Word128Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v Word128Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v Word128Value) String() string
- func (v Word128Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v Word128Value) ToBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) *big.Int
- func (v Word128Value) ToInt(locationRange LocationRange) int
- func (v Word128Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (Word128Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type Word16Value
- func (v Word16Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v Word16Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Word16Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Word16Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Word16Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Word16Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Word16Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (Word16Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v Word16Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v Word16Value) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (Word16Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v Word16Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word16Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v Word16Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v Word16Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v Word16Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Word16Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Word16Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (Word16Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (Word16Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (Word16Value) IsStorable() bool
- func (v Word16Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Word16Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Word16Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (v Word16Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word16Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word16Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (Word16Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v Word16Value) Negate(*Interpreter, LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word16Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word16Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (Word16Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v Word16Value) SaturatingDiv(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word16Value) SaturatingMinus(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word16Value) SaturatingMul(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word16Value) SaturatingPlus(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (Word16Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (Word16Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v Word16Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v Word16Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v Word16Value) String() string
- func (v Word16Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v Word16Value) ToInt(_ LocationRange) int
- func (v Word16Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (Word16Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type Word256Value
- func NewUnmeteredWord256ValueFromBigInt(value *big.Int) Word256Value
- func NewUnmeteredWord256ValueFromUint64(value uint64) Word256Value
- func NewWord256ValueFromBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, bigIntConstructor func() *big.Int) Word256Value
- func NewWord256ValueFromUint64(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value int64) Word256Value
- func (v Word256Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v Word256Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Word256Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Word256Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Word256Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Word256Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Word256Value) ByteLength() int
- func (v Word256Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (Word256Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v Word256Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v Word256Value) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (Word256Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v Word256Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word256Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v Word256Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v Word256Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v Word256Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Word256Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Word256Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (Word256Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (Word256Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (Word256Value) IsStorable() bool
- func (v Word256Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Word256Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Word256Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (v Word256Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word256Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word256Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (Word256Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v Word256Value) Negate(*Interpreter, LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word256Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word256Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (Word256Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v Word256Value) SaturatingDiv(_ *Interpreter, _ NumberValue, _ LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word256Value) SaturatingMinus(_ *Interpreter, _ NumberValue, _ LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word256Value) SaturatingMul(_ *Interpreter, _ NumberValue, _ LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word256Value) SaturatingPlus(_ *Interpreter, _ NumberValue, _ LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (Word256Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (Word256Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v Word256Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v Word256Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v Word256Value) String() string
- func (v Word256Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v Word256Value) ToBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) *big.Int
- func (v Word256Value) ToInt(locationRange LocationRange) int
- func (v Word256Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (Word256Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type Word32Value
- func (v Word32Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v Word32Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Word32Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Word32Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Word32Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Word32Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Word32Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (Word32Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v Word32Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v Word32Value) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (Word32Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v Word32Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word32Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v Word32Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v Word32Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v Word32Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Word32Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Word32Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (Word32Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (Word32Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (Word32Value) IsStorable() bool
- func (v Word32Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Word32Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Word32Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (v Word32Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word32Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word32Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (Word32Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v Word32Value) Negate(*Interpreter, LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word32Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word32Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (Word32Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v Word32Value) SaturatingDiv(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word32Value) SaturatingMinus(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word32Value) SaturatingMul(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word32Value) SaturatingPlus(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (Word32Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (Word32Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v Word32Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v Word32Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v Word32Value) String() string
- func (v Word32Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v Word32Value) ToInt(_ LocationRange) int
- func (v Word32Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (Word32Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type Word64Value
- func (v Word64Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v Word64Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Word64Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Word64Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Word64Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Word64Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Word64Value) ByteLength() int
- func (v Word64Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (Word64Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v Word64Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v Word64Value) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (Word64Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v Word64Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word64Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v Word64Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v Word64Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v Word64Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Word64Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Word64Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (Word64Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (Word64Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (Word64Value) IsStorable() bool
- func (v Word64Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Word64Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Word64Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (v Word64Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word64Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word64Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (Word64Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v Word64Value) Negate(*Interpreter, LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word64Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word64Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (Word64Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v Word64Value) SaturatingDiv(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word64Value) SaturatingMinus(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word64Value) SaturatingMul(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word64Value) SaturatingPlus(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (Word64Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (Word64Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v Word64Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v Word64Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v Word64Value) String() string
- func (v Word64Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v Word64Value) ToBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) *big.Int
- func (v Word64Value) ToInt(locationRange LocationRange) int
- func (v Word64Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (Word64Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type Word8Value
- func (v Word8Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
- func (v Word8Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Word8Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Word8Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Word8Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Word8Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
- func (v Word8Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (Word8Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v Word8Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v Word8Value) ConformsToStaticType(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults) bool
- func (Word8Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
- func (v Word8Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word8Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v Word8Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v Word8Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v Word8Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Word8Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Word8Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (Word8Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
- func (Word8Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (Word8Value) IsStorable() bool
- func (v Word8Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Word8Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
- func (v Word8Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
- func (v Word8Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word8Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word8Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (Word8Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v Word8Value) Negate(*Interpreter, LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word8Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word8Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (Word8Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v Word8Value) SaturatingDiv(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word8Value) SaturatingMinus(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word8Value) SaturatingMul(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (v Word8Value) SaturatingPlus(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
- func (Word8Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
- func (Word8Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
- func (v Word8Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v Word8Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v Word8Value) String() string
- func (v Word8Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v Word8Value) ToInt(_ LocationRange) int
- func (v Word8Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (Word8Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
- type WrapperCode
Constants ¶
const ( CBORTagVoidValue = CBORTagBase + iota CBORTagSomeValue CBORTagAddressValue CBORTagCompositeValue CBORTagTypeValue CBORTagStringValue CBORTagCharacterValue CBORTagSomeValueWithNestedLevels // Int* CBORTagIntValue CBORTagInt8Value CBORTagInt16Value CBORTagInt32Value CBORTagInt64Value CBORTagInt128Value CBORTagInt256Value // UInt* CBORTagUIntValue CBORTagUInt8Value CBORTagUInt16Value CBORTagUInt32Value CBORTagUInt64Value CBORTagUInt128Value CBORTagUInt256Value CBORTagWord8Value CBORTagWord16Value CBORTagWord32Value CBORTagWord64Value CBORTagWord128Value CBORTagWord256Value CBORTagFix64Value CBORTagUFix64Value // Locations CBORTagAddressLocation CBORTagStringLocation CBORTagIdentifierLocation CBORTagTransactionLocation CBORTagScriptLocation CBORTagPathValue // Deprecated: CBORTagPathCapabilityValue CBORTagPathCapabilityValue // Deprecated: CBORTagPathLinkValue CBORTagPathLinkValue CBORTagPublishedValue // Deprecated: CBORTagAccountLinkValue CBORTagAccountLinkValue CBORTagStorageCapabilityControllerValue CBORTagAccountCapabilityControllerValue CBORTagCapabilityValue // Static Types CBORTagPrimitiveStaticType CBORTagCompositeStaticType CBORTagInterfaceStaticType CBORTagVariableSizedStaticType CBORTagConstantSizedStaticType CBORTagDictionaryStaticType CBORTagOptionalStaticType CBORTagReferenceStaticType CBORTagIntersectionStaticType CBORTagCapabilityStaticType CBORTagEntitlementMapStaticAuthorization CBORTagEntitlementSetStaticAuthorization CBORTagInaccessibleStaticAuthorization CBORTagInclusiveRangeStaticType // !!! *WARNING* !!! // ADD NEW TYPES *BEFORE* THIS WARNING. // DO *NOT* ADD NEW TYPES AFTER THIS LINE! CBORTag_Count )
const CBORTagBase = 128
const FalseValue = BoolValue(false)
const Fix64MaxValue = math.MaxInt64
const TrueValue = BoolValue(true)
const UFix64MaxValue = math.MaxUint64
const UnknownElementSize = 0
Variables ¶
var ByteArrayStaticType = ConvertSemaArrayTypeToStaticArrayType(nil, sema.ByteArrayType)
Memory is NOT metered for this value
var CBORDecMode = func() cbor.DecMode { decMode, err := cbor.DecOptions{ IntDec: cbor.IntDecConvertNone, MaxArrayElements: math.MaxInt64, MaxMapPairs: math.MaxInt64, MaxNestedLevels: math.MaxInt16, }.DecMode() if err != nil { panic(err) } return decMode }()
var CBOREncMode = func() cbor.EncMode { options := cbor.CanonicalEncOptions() options.BigIntConvert = cbor.BigIntConvertNone encMode, err := options.EncMode() if err != nil { panic(err) } return encMode }()
See "For best performance, reuse EncMode and DecMode after creating them."
var ConverterDeclarations = []ValueConverterDeclaration{ { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, }
It would be nice if return types in Go's function types would be covariant
var EmptyLocationRange = LocationRange{}
var EmptyPathLinkValue = PathLinkValue{}
var EmptyPathValue = PathValue{}
var EmptyString = NewUnmeteredStringValue("")
var EmptyTypeValue = TypeValue{}
var FullyEntitledAccountAccess = ConvertSemaAccessToStaticAuthorization(nil, sema.FullyEntitledAccountAccess)
var Int128MemoryUsage = common.NewBigIntMemoryUsage(16)
var Int16MemoryUsage = common.NewNumberMemoryUsage(int16Size)
var Int256MemoryUsage = common.NewBigIntMemoryUsage(32)
var Int32MemoryUsage = common.NewNumberMemoryUsage(int32Size)
var Int64MemoryUsage = common.NewNumberMemoryUsage(int64Size)
var Int8MemoryUsage = common.NewNumberMemoryUsage(int8Size)
var NilStaticType = &OptionalStaticType{ Type: PrimitiveStaticTypeNever, }
var NilStorable atree.Storable = NilValue{}
var PrimitiveStaticTypes = _PrimitiveStaticType_map
var UInt16MemoryUsage = common.NewNumberMemoryUsage(int(unsafe.Sizeof(UInt16Value(0))))
var UInt32MemoryUsage = common.NewNumberMemoryUsage(int(unsafe.Sizeof(UInt32Value(0))))
var UInt64MemoryUsage = common.NewNumberMemoryUsage(int(unsafe.Sizeof(UInt64Value(0))))
var UInt8MemoryUsage = common.NewNumberMemoryUsage(int(unsafe.Sizeof(UInt8Value(0))))
var Uint128MemoryUsage = common.NewBigIntMemoryUsage(16)
var Uint256MemoryUsage = common.NewBigIntMemoryUsage(32)
var VarSizedArrayOfStringType = NewVariableSizedStaticType(nil, PrimitiveStaticTypeString)
var VoidStorable atree.Storable = VoidValue{}
var Word128MemoryUsage = common.NewBigIntMemoryUsage(16)
var Word256MemoryUsage = common.NewBigIntMemoryUsage(32)
Functions ¶
func ArrayElementSize ¶
func ArrayElementSize(staticType ArrayStaticType) uint
func AttachmentMemberName ¶
func ByteArrayValueToByteSlice ¶
func ByteArrayValueToByteSlice(interpreter *Interpreter, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) ([]byte, error)
func ByteValueToByte ¶
func ByteValueToByte(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, element Value, locationRange LocationRange) (byte, error)
func ConvertStaticAuthorizationToSemaAccess ¶
func ConvertStaticAuthorizationToSemaAccess( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, auth Authorization, handler StaticAuthorizationConversionHandler, ) ( sema.Access, error, )
func ConvertStaticToSemaType ¶
func ConvertStaticToSemaType( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, typ StaticType, handler StaticTypeConversionHandler, ) (_ sema.Type, err error)
func ConvertUnsigned ¶
func ConvertUnsigned[T Unsigned]( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, maxBigNumber *big.Int, maxNumber int, locationRange LocationRange, ) T
func ConvertWord ¶
func ConvertWord[T Unsigned]( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange, ) T
func Declare ¶
func Declare(a *VariableActivation, declaration ValueDeclaration)
func DecodeStorable ¶
func DecodeTypeInfo ¶
func DecodeTypeInfo(decoder *cbor.StreamDecoder, memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) (atree.TypeInfo, error)
func DictionaryElementSize ¶
func DictionaryElementSize(staticType *DictionaryStaticType) uint
func GetNativeCompositeValueComputedFields ¶
func GetNativeCompositeValueComputedFields(qualifiedIdentifier string) map[string]ComputedField
func InspectValue ¶
func InspectValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value Value, f func(Value) bool, locationRange LocationRange)
func NewCompositeTypeInfo ¶
func NewCompositeTypeInfo( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, location common.Location, qualifiedIdentifier string, kind common.CompositeKind, ) compositeTypeInfo
func OverEstimateFixedPointStringLength ¶
func OverEstimateFixedPointStringLength( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, integerPart NumberValue, scale int, ) int
func OverEstimateNumberStringLength ¶
func OverEstimateNumberStringLength(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value NumberValue) int
func ReturnEmptyRange ¶
func StaticTypeToBytes ¶
func StaticTypeToBytes(t StaticType) (cbor.RawMessage, error)
func StorableSize ¶
StorableSize returns the size of the storable in bytes.
func WalkValue ¶
func WalkValue(interpreter *Interpreter, walker ValueWalker, value Value, locationRange LocationRange)
WalkValue traverses a Value object graph in depth-first order: It starts by calling valueWalker.WalkValue(value); If the returned walker is nil, child values are not walked. If the returned walker is not-nil, then WalkValue is invoked recursively on this returned walker for each of the non-nil children of the value, followed by a call of WalkValue(nil) on the returned walker.
The initial walker may not be nil.
func WrappedExternalError ¶
Types ¶
type AccountCapabilityControllerValue ¶
type AccountCapabilityControllerValue struct { BorrowType *ReferenceStaticType CapabilityID UInt64Value // Injected functions. // Tags are not stored directly inside the controller // to avoid unnecessary storage reads // when the controller is loaded for borrowing/checking GetCapability func(inter *Interpreter) *IDCapabilityValue GetTag func(inter *Interpreter) *StringValue SetTag func(inter *Interpreter, tag *StringValue) Delete func(inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewAccountCapabilityControllerValue ¶
func NewAccountCapabilityControllerValue( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, borrowType *ReferenceStaticType, capabilityID UInt64Value, ) *AccountCapabilityControllerValue
func NewUnmeteredAccountCapabilityControllerValue ¶
func NewUnmeteredAccountCapabilityControllerValue( borrowType *ReferenceStaticType, capabilityID UInt64Value, ) *AccountCapabilityControllerValue
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) Accept ¶
func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) ByteSize ¶
func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) ByteSize() uint32
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) CapabilityControllerBorrowType ¶
func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) CapabilityControllerBorrowType() *ReferenceStaticType
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) ChildStorables ¶
func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) Clone ¶
func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) ControllerCapabilityID ¶
func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) ControllerCapabilityID() UInt64Value
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) DeepRemove ¶
func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) Encode ¶
func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes AccountCapabilityControllerValue as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagAccountCapabilityControllerValue, Content: []any{ encodedAccountCapabilityControllerValueBorrowTypeFieldKey: StaticType(v.BorrowType), encodedAccountCapabilityControllerValueCapabilityIDFieldKey: UInt64Value(v.CapabilityID), }, }
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) Equal ¶
func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) Equal( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, other Value, ) bool
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) GetMember ¶
func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) GetMember(inter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, name string) (result Value)
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) IsImportable ¶
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) IsStorable ¶
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) IsStorable() bool
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) MeteredString ¶
func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) MeteredString( interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange, ) string
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) RecursiveString ¶
func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) ReferenceValue ¶
func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) ReferenceValue( interpreter *Interpreter, capabilityAddress common.Address, resultBorrowType *sema.ReferenceType, locationRange LocationRange, ) ReferenceValue
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) RemoveMember ¶
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) SetMember ¶
func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) SetMember( inter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, identifier string, value Value, ) bool
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) StaticType ¶
func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) StaticType(_ *Interpreter) StaticType
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) Storable ¶
func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) Storable( storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64, ) ( atree.Storable, error, )
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) StoredValue ¶
func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) String ¶
func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) String() string
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) Transfer ¶
func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (*AccountCapabilityControllerValue) Walk ¶
func (v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, walkChild func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type AccountHandlerFunc ¶
type AccountHandlerFunc func( inter *Interpreter, address AddressValue, ) Value
AccountHandlerFunc is a function that handles retrieving an auth account at a given address. The account returned must be of type `Account`.
type AccountKeysCountGetter ¶
type AccountKeysCountGetter func() UInt64Value
type AccountLinkValue
type AccountLinkValue struct{}
Deprecated: AccountLinkValue
func (AccountLinkValue) Accept ¶
func (v AccountLinkValue) Accept(_ *Interpreter, _ Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (AccountLinkValue) ByteSize ¶
func (v AccountLinkValue) ByteSize() uint32
func (AccountLinkValue) ChildStorables ¶
func (v AccountLinkValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (AccountLinkValue) Clone ¶
func (AccountLinkValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (AccountLinkValue) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v AccountLinkValue) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (AccountLinkValue) DeepRemove ¶
func (AccountLinkValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (AccountLinkValue) Encode ¶
func (AccountLinkValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode writes a value of type AccountValue to the encoder
func (AccountLinkValue) Equal ¶
func (v AccountLinkValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (AccountLinkValue) IsImportable ¶
func (AccountLinkValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (AccountLinkValue) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (AccountLinkValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (AccountLinkValue) IsStorable ¶
func (AccountLinkValue) IsStorable() bool
func (AccountLinkValue) MeteredString ¶
func (v AccountLinkValue) MeteredString(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, _ LocationRange) string
func (AccountLinkValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (AccountLinkValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (AccountLinkValue) RecursiveString ¶
func (v AccountLinkValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (AccountLinkValue) StaticType ¶
func (v AccountLinkValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (AccountLinkValue) Storable ¶
func (v AccountLinkValue) Storable(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (AccountLinkValue) StoredValue ¶
func (v AccountLinkValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (AccountLinkValue) String ¶
func (v AccountLinkValue) String() string
func (AccountLinkValue) Transfer ¶
func (v AccountLinkValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (AccountLinkValue) Walk ¶
func (AccountLinkValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type AccountStorageMap ¶ added in v1.3.0
type AccountStorageMap struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AccountStorageMap stores domain storage maps in an account.
func NewAccountStorageMap ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewAccountStorageMap( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, ) *AccountStorageMap
NewAccountStorageMap creates account storage map.
func NewAccountStorageMapWithRootID ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewAccountStorageMapWithRootID( storage atree.SlabStorage, slabID atree.SlabID, ) *AccountStorageMap
NewAccountStorageMapWithRootID loads existing account storage map with given atree SlabID.
func (*AccountStorageMap) Count ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *AccountStorageMap) Count() uint64
func (*AccountStorageMap) DomainExists ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *AccountStorageMap) DomainExists(domain common.StorageDomain) bool
DomainExists returns true if the given domain exists in the account storage map.
func (*AccountStorageMap) Domains ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *AccountStorageMap) Domains() map[common.StorageDomain]struct{}
Domains returns a set of domains in account storage map
func (*AccountStorageMap) GetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *AccountStorageMap) GetDomain( gauge common.MemoryGauge, interpreter *Interpreter, domain common.StorageDomain, createIfNotExists bool, ) *DomainStorageMap
GetDomain returns domain storage map for the given domain. If createIfNotExists is true and domain doesn't exist, new domain storage map is created and inserted into account storage map with given domain as key.
func (*AccountStorageMap) Iterator ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *AccountStorageMap) Iterator() *AccountStorageMapIterator
Iterator returns a mutable iterator (AccountStorageMapIterator), which allows iterating over the domain and domain storage map.
func (*AccountStorageMap) NewDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *AccountStorageMap) NewDomain( gauge common.MemoryGauge, interpreter *Interpreter, domain common.StorageDomain, ) *DomainStorageMap
NewDomain creates new domain storage map and inserts it to AccountStorageMap with given domain as key.
func (*AccountStorageMap) SlabID ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *AccountStorageMap) SlabID() atree.SlabID
func (*AccountStorageMap) WriteDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *AccountStorageMap) WriteDomain( interpreter *Interpreter, domain common.StorageDomain, domainStorageMap *DomainStorageMap, ) (existed bool)
WriteDomain sets or removes domain storage map in account storage map. If the given storage map is nil, domain is removed. If the given storage map is non-nil, domain is added/updated. Returns true if domain storage map previously existed at the given domain.
type AccountStorageMapIterator ¶ added in v1.3.0
type AccountStorageMapIterator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AccountStorageMapIterator is an iterator over AccountStorageMap.
func (*AccountStorageMapIterator) Next ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (i *AccountStorageMapIterator) Next() (common.StorageDomain, *DomainStorageMap)
Next returns the next domain and domain storage map. If there is no more domain, (common.StorageDomainUnknown, nil) is returned.
type AddressPath ¶
type AddressValue ¶
func ConvertAddress ¶
func ConvertAddress(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) AddressValue
func NewAddressValue ¶
func NewAddressValue( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, address common.Address, ) AddressValue
NewAddressValue constructs an address-value from a `common.Address`.
NOTE: This method must only be used if the `address` value is already constructed, and/or already loaded onto memory. This is a convenient method for better performance. If the `address` needs to be constructed, the `NewAddressValueFromConstructor` must be used.
func NewAddressValueFromBytes ¶
func NewAddressValueFromBytes(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, constructor func() []byte) AddressValue
func NewAddressValueFromConstructor ¶
func NewAddressValueFromConstructor( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, addressConstructor func() common.Address, ) AddressValue
func NewUnmeteredAddressValueFromBytes ¶
func NewUnmeteredAddressValueFromBytes(b []byte) AddressValue
func (AddressValue) Accept ¶
func (v AddressValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (AddressValue) ByteSize ¶
func (v AddressValue) ByteSize() uint32
func (AddressValue) ChildStorables ¶
func (AddressValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (AddressValue) Clone ¶
func (v AddressValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (AddressValue) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v AddressValue) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (AddressValue) DeepRemove ¶
func (AddressValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (AddressValue) Encode ¶
func (v AddressValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes AddressValue as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagAddressValue, Content: []byte(v.ToAddress().Bytes()), }
func (AddressValue) Equal ¶
func (v AddressValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (AddressValue) GetMember ¶
func (v AddressValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, name string) Value
func (AddressValue) HashInput ¶
func (v AddressValue) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
HashInput returns a byte slice containing: - HashInputTypeAddress (1 byte) - address (8 bytes)
func (AddressValue) Hex ¶
func (v AddressValue) Hex() string
func (AddressValue) IsImportable ¶
func (AddressValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (AddressValue) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (AddressValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (AddressValue) IsStorable ¶
func (AddressValue) IsStorable() bool
func (AddressValue) MeteredString ¶
func (v AddressValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (AddressValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (AddressValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (AddressValue) RecursiveString ¶
func (v AddressValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (AddressValue) RemoveMember ¶
func (AddressValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (AddressValue) SetMember ¶
func (AddressValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (AddressValue) StaticType ¶
func (AddressValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (AddressValue) Storable ¶
func (v AddressValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (AddressValue) StoredValue ¶
func (v AddressValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (AddressValue) String ¶
func (v AddressValue) String() string
func (AddressValue) ToAddress ¶
func (v AddressValue) ToAddress() common.Address
func (AddressValue) Transfer ¶
func (v AddressValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (AddressValue) Walk ¶
func (AddressValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type ArgumentCountError ¶
func (ArgumentCountError) Error ¶
func (e ArgumentCountError) Error() string
func (ArgumentCountError) IsUserError ¶
func (ArgumentCountError) IsUserError()
type ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsError ¶
type ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsError struct { LocationRange Index int Size int }
func (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsError) Error ¶
func (e ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsError) Error() string
func (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsError) IsUserError ¶
func (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsError) IsUserError()
type ArraySliceIndicesError ¶
type ArraySliceIndicesError struct { LocationRange FromIndex int UpToIndex int Size int }
func (ArraySliceIndicesError) Error ¶
func (e ArraySliceIndicesError) Error() string
func (ArraySliceIndicesError) IsUserError ¶
func (ArraySliceIndicesError) IsUserError()
type ArrayStaticType ¶
type ArrayStaticType interface { StaticType ElementType() StaticType atree.TypeInfo // contains filtered or unexported methods }
func ConvertSemaArrayTypeToStaticArrayType ¶
func ConvertSemaArrayTypeToStaticArrayType( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, t sema.ArrayType, ) ArrayStaticType
type ArrayValue ¶
type ArrayValue struct { Type ArrayStaticType // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ByteSliceToByteArrayValue ¶
func ByteSliceToByteArrayValue(interpreter *Interpreter, buf []byte) *ArrayValue
func ByteSliceToConstantSizedByteArrayValue ¶
func ByteSliceToConstantSizedByteArrayValue(interpreter *Interpreter, buf []byte) *ArrayValue
func NewArrayValue ¶
func NewArrayValue( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, arrayType ArrayStaticType, address common.Address, values ...Value, ) *ArrayValue
func NewArrayValueWithIterator ¶
func NewArrayValueWithIterator( interpreter *Interpreter, arrayType ArrayStaticType, address common.Address, countOverestimate uint64, values func() Value, ) *ArrayValue
func (*ArrayValue) Accept ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, locationRange LocationRange)
func (*ArrayValue) Append ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) Append(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, element Value)
func (*ArrayValue) AppendAll ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) AppendAll(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, other *ArrayValue)
func (*ArrayValue) Clone ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) Clone(interpreter *Interpreter) Value
func (*ArrayValue) Concat ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) Concat(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, other *ArrayValue) Value
func (*ArrayValue) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) ConformsToStaticType( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, results TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (*ArrayValue) Contains ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) Contains( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, needleValue Value, ) BoolValue
func (*ArrayValue) Count ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) Count() int
func (*ArrayValue) DeepRemove ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) DeepRemove(interpreter *Interpreter, hasNoParentContainer bool)
func (*ArrayValue) Destroy ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) Destroy(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange)
func (*ArrayValue) Equal ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (*ArrayValue) Filter ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) Filter( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, procedure FunctionValue, ) Value
func (*ArrayValue) FirstIndex ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) FirstIndex(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, needleValue Value) OptionalValue
func (*ArrayValue) ForEach ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) ForEach( interpreter *Interpreter, _ sema.Type, function func(value Value) (resume bool), transferElements bool, locationRange LocationRange, )
func (*ArrayValue) Get ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) Get(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, index int) Value
func (*ArrayValue) GetKey ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) GetKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value) Value
func (*ArrayValue) GetMember ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, name string) Value
func (*ArrayValue) GetOwner ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) GetOwner() common.Address
func (*ArrayValue) Inlined ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (v *ArrayValue) Inlined() bool
func (*ArrayValue) Insert ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) Insert(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, index int, element Value)
func (*ArrayValue) InsertKey ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) InsertKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value, value Value)
func (*ArrayValue) InsertWithoutTransfer ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) InsertWithoutTransfer( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, index int, element Value, )
func (*ArrayValue) IsDestroyed ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) IsDestroyed() bool
func (*ArrayValue) IsImportable ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) IsImportable(inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) bool
func (*ArrayValue) IsReferenceTrackedResourceKindedValue ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) IsReferenceTrackedResourceKindedValue()
func (*ArrayValue) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) IsResourceKinded(interpreter *Interpreter) bool
func (*ArrayValue) IsStaleResource ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) IsStaleResource(interpreter *Interpreter) bool
func (*ArrayValue) Iterate ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) Iterate( interpreter *Interpreter, f func(element Value) (resume bool), transferElements bool, locationRange LocationRange, )
func (*ArrayValue) IterateReadOnlyLoaded ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) IterateReadOnlyLoaded( interpreter *Interpreter, f func(element Value) (resume bool), locationRange LocationRange, )
IterateReadOnlyLoaded iterates over all LOADED elements of the array. DO NOT perform storage mutations in the callback!
func (*ArrayValue) Iterator ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) Iterator(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) ValueIterator
func (*ArrayValue) Map ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) Map( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, procedure FunctionValue, ) Value
func (*ArrayValue) MeteredString ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (*ArrayValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) NeedsStoreTo(address atree.Address) bool
func (*ArrayValue) RecursiveString ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
func (*ArrayValue) Remove ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) Remove(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, index int) Value
func (*ArrayValue) RemoveFirst ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) RemoveFirst(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) Value
func (*ArrayValue) RemoveKey ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) RemoveKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value) Value
func (*ArrayValue) RemoveLast ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) RemoveLast(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) Value
func (*ArrayValue) RemoveMember ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) RemoveMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (*ArrayValue) RemoveWithoutTransfer ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) RemoveWithoutTransfer( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, index int, ) atree.Storable
func (*ArrayValue) Reverse ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) Reverse( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, ) Value
func (*ArrayValue) SemaType ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) SemaType(interpreter *Interpreter) sema.ArrayType
func (*ArrayValue) Set ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) Set(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, index int, element Value)
func (*ArrayValue) SetKey ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) SetKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value, value Value)
func (*ArrayValue) SetMember ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) SetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (*ArrayValue) SetType ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) SetType(staticType ArrayStaticType)
func (*ArrayValue) SlabID ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) SlabID() atree.SlabID
func (*ArrayValue) Slice ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) Slice( interpreter *Interpreter, from IntValue, to IntValue, locationRange LocationRange, ) Value
func (*ArrayValue) StaticType ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) StaticType(_ *Interpreter) StaticType
func (*ArrayValue) Storable ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) Storable( storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64, ) (atree.Storable, error)
func (*ArrayValue) StorageAddress ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) StorageAddress() atree.Address
func (*ArrayValue) String ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) String() string
func (*ArrayValue) ToConstantSized ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) ToConstantSized( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, expectedConstantSizedArraySize int64, ) OptionalValue
func (*ArrayValue) ToVariableSized ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) ToVariableSized( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, ) Value
func (*ArrayValue) Transfer ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, address atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, preventTransfer map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, hasNoParentContainer bool, ) Value
func (*ArrayValue) UnwrapAtreeValue ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (v *ArrayValue) UnwrapAtreeValue() (atree.Value, uint64)
func (*ArrayValue) ValueID ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) ValueID() atree.ValueID
func (*ArrayValue) Walk ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) Walk( interpreter *Interpreter, walkChild func(Value), locationRange LocationRange, )
type ArrayValueIterator ¶
type ArrayValueIterator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ArrayValueIterator) Next ¶
func (i ArrayValueIterator) Next(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) Value
type AttachmentIterationMutationError ¶
type AttachmentIterationMutationError struct { Value *CompositeValue LocationRange }
func (AttachmentIterationMutationError) Error ¶
func (e AttachmentIterationMutationError) Error() string
func (AttachmentIterationMutationError) IsUserError ¶
func (AttachmentIterationMutationError) IsUserError()
type Authorization ¶
type Authorization interface { String() string MeteredString(common.MemoryGauge) string Equal(auth Authorization) bool Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error ID() TypeID // contains filtered or unexported methods }
var InaccessibleAccess Authorization = Inaccessible{}
func ConvertSemaAccessToStaticAuthorization ¶
func ConvertSemaAccessToStaticAuthorization( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, access sema.Access, ) Authorization
type AuthorizedValue ¶
type AuthorizedValue interface {
GetAuthorization() Authorization
type BigNumberValue ¶
type BigNumberValue interface { NumberValue ByteLength() int ToBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) *big.Int }
BigNumberValue is a number value with an integer value outside the range of int64
type BoolValue ¶
type BoolValue bool
func AsBoolValue ¶
func (BoolValue) Accept ¶
func (v BoolValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (BoolValue) ChildStorables ¶
func (BoolValue) Clone ¶
func (v BoolValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (BoolValue) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v BoolValue) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (BoolValue) DeepRemove ¶
func (BoolValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (BoolValue) Equal ¶
func (v BoolValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (BoolValue) Greater ¶
func (v BoolValue) Greater(_ *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, _ LocationRange) BoolValue
func (BoolValue) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v BoolValue) GreaterEqual(_ *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, _ LocationRange) BoolValue
func (BoolValue) HashInput ¶
func (v BoolValue) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
HashInput returns a byte slice containing: - HashInputTypeBool (1 byte) - 1/0 (1 byte)
func (BoolValue) IsImportable ¶
func (BoolValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (BoolValue) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (BoolValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (BoolValue) Less ¶
func (v BoolValue) Less(_ *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, _ LocationRange) BoolValue
func (BoolValue) LessEqual ¶
func (v BoolValue) LessEqual(_ *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, _ LocationRange) BoolValue
func (BoolValue) MeteredString ¶
func (v BoolValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (BoolValue) Negate ¶
func (v BoolValue) Negate(_ *Interpreter) BoolValue
func (BoolValue) RecursiveString ¶
func (v BoolValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (BoolValue) StaticType ¶
func (BoolValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (BoolValue) StoredValue ¶
func (BoolValue) Walk ¶
func (BoolValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type BoundFunctionGenerator ¶
type BoundFunctionGenerator func(MemberAccessibleValue) BoundFunctionValue
type BoundFunctionValue ¶
type BoundFunctionValue struct { Function FunctionValue Base *EphemeralReferenceValue BoundAuthorization Authorization SelfReference ReferenceValue // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewBoundFunctionValue ¶
func NewBoundFunctionValue( interpreter *Interpreter, function FunctionValue, self *Value, base *EphemeralReferenceValue, boundAuth Authorization, ) BoundFunctionValue
func NewBoundFunctionValueFromSelfReference ¶
func NewBoundFunctionValueFromSelfReference( interpreter *Interpreter, function FunctionValue, selfReference ReferenceValue, selfIsReference bool, base *EphemeralReferenceValue, boundAuth Authorization, ) BoundFunctionValue
func NewBoundHostFunctionValue ¶
func NewBoundHostFunctionValue[T Value]( interpreter *Interpreter, self Value, funcType *sema.FunctionType, function func(self T, invocation Invocation) Value, ) BoundFunctionValue
NewBoundHostFunctionValue creates a bound-function value for a host-function.
func NewUnmeteredBoundHostFunctionValue ¶
func NewUnmeteredBoundHostFunctionValue( interpreter *Interpreter, self Value, funcType *sema.FunctionType, function HostFunction, ) BoundFunctionValue
NewUnmeteredBoundHostFunctionValue creates a bound-function value for a host-function.
func (BoundFunctionValue) Accept ¶
func (f BoundFunctionValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (BoundFunctionValue) Clone ¶
func (f BoundFunctionValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (BoundFunctionValue) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (f BoundFunctionValue) ConformsToStaticType( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, results TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (BoundFunctionValue) DeepRemove ¶
func (BoundFunctionValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (BoundFunctionValue) FunctionType ¶
func (f BoundFunctionValue) FunctionType() *sema.FunctionType
func (BoundFunctionValue) IsImportable ¶
func (BoundFunctionValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (BoundFunctionValue) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (BoundFunctionValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (BoundFunctionValue) MeteredString ¶
func (f BoundFunctionValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (BoundFunctionValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (BoundFunctionValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (BoundFunctionValue) RecursiveString ¶
func (f BoundFunctionValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
func (BoundFunctionValue) StaticType ¶
func (f BoundFunctionValue) StaticType(inter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (BoundFunctionValue) Storable ¶
func (f BoundFunctionValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (BoundFunctionValue) String ¶
func (f BoundFunctionValue) String() string
func (BoundFunctionValue) Transfer ¶
func (f BoundFunctionValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (BoundFunctionValue) Walk ¶
func (f BoundFunctionValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type BreakResult ¶
type BreakResult struct{}
type CallStack ¶
type CallStack struct {
Invocations []Invocation
CallStack is the stack of invocations (call stack).
func (*CallStack) Push ¶
func (i *CallStack) Push(invocation Invocation)
type CapabilityAddressPublishingError ¶
type CapabilityAddressPublishingError struct { LocationRange CapabilityAddress AddressValue AccountAddress AddressValue }
func (CapabilityAddressPublishingError) Error ¶
func (e CapabilityAddressPublishingError) Error() string
func (CapabilityAddressPublishingError) IsUserError ¶
func (CapabilityAddressPublishingError) IsUserError()
type CapabilityBorrowHandlerFunc ¶
type CapabilityBorrowHandlerFunc func( inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, address AddressValue, capabilityID UInt64Value, wantedBorrowType *sema.ReferenceType, capabilityBorrowType *sema.ReferenceType, ) ReferenceValue
CapabilityBorrowHandlerFunc is a function that is used to borrow ID capabilities.
type CapabilityCheckHandlerFunc ¶
type CapabilityCheckHandlerFunc func( inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, address AddressValue, capabilityID UInt64Value, wantedBorrowType *sema.ReferenceType, capabilityBorrowType *sema.ReferenceType, ) BoolValue
CapabilityCheckHandlerFunc is a function that is used to check ID capabilities.
type CapabilityControllerValue ¶
type CapabilityControllerValue interface { Value CapabilityControllerBorrowType() *ReferenceStaticType ReferenceValue( interpreter *Interpreter, capabilityAddress common.Address, resultBorrowType *sema.ReferenceType, locationRange LocationRange, ) ReferenceValue ControllerCapabilityID() UInt64Value // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type CapabilityStaticType ¶
type CapabilityStaticType struct {
BorrowType StaticType
func NewCapabilityStaticType ¶
func NewCapabilityStaticType( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, borrowType StaticType, ) *CapabilityStaticType
func (*CapabilityStaticType) Encode ¶
func (t *CapabilityStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
Encode encodes CapabilityStaticType as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagCapabilityStaticType, Content: StaticType(v.BorrowType), }
func (*CapabilityStaticType) Equal ¶
func (t *CapabilityStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
func (*CapabilityStaticType) ID ¶
func (t *CapabilityStaticType) ID() TypeID
func (*CapabilityStaticType) IsDeprecated ¶
func (t *CapabilityStaticType) IsDeprecated() bool
func (*CapabilityStaticType) MeteredString ¶
func (t *CapabilityStaticType) MeteredString(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) string
func (*CapabilityStaticType) String ¶
func (t *CapabilityStaticType) String() string
type CapabilityValue ¶
type CapabilityValue interface { EquatableValue MemberAccessibleValue atree.Storable Address() AddressValue // contains filtered or unexported methods }
TODO: remove once migration to Cadence 1.0 / ID capabilities is complete
type CharacterValue ¶
CharacterValue represents a Cadence character, which is a Unicode extended grapheme cluster. Hence, use a Go string to be able to hold multiple Unicode code points (Go runes). It should consist of exactly one grapheme cluster
func NewCharacterValue ¶
func NewCharacterValue( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, memoryUsage common.MemoryUsage, characterConstructor func() string, ) CharacterValue
func NewCharacterValue_Unsafe
func NewCharacterValue_Unsafe(normalizedStr, unnormalizedStr string) CharacterValue
Deprecated: NewStringValue_UnsafeNewCharacterValue_Unsafe creates a new character value from the given normalized and unnormalized string. NOTE: this function is unsafe, as it does not normalize the string. It should only be used for e.g. migration purposes.
func NewUnmeteredCharacterValue ¶
func NewUnmeteredCharacterValue(str string) CharacterValue
func (CharacterValue) Accept ¶
func (v CharacterValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (CharacterValue) ByteSize ¶
func (v CharacterValue) ByteSize() uint32
func (CharacterValue) ChildStorables ¶
func (CharacterValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (CharacterValue) Clone ¶
func (v CharacterValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (CharacterValue) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v CharacterValue) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (CharacterValue) DeepRemove ¶
func (CharacterValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (CharacterValue) Encode ¶
func (v CharacterValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes the value as a CBOR string
func (CharacterValue) Equal ¶
func (v CharacterValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (CharacterValue) GetMember ¶
func (v CharacterValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, name string) Value
func (CharacterValue) Greater ¶
func (v CharacterValue) Greater(_ *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, _ LocationRange) BoolValue
func (CharacterValue) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v CharacterValue) GreaterEqual(_ *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, _ LocationRange) BoolValue
func (CharacterValue) HashInput ¶
func (v CharacterValue) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
func (CharacterValue) IsImportable ¶
func (CharacterValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (CharacterValue) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (CharacterValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (CharacterValue) Less ¶
func (v CharacterValue) Less(_ *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, _ LocationRange) BoolValue
func (CharacterValue) LessEqual ¶
func (v CharacterValue) LessEqual(_ *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, _ LocationRange) BoolValue
func (CharacterValue) MeteredString ¶
func (v CharacterValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (CharacterValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (CharacterValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (CharacterValue) RecursiveString ¶
func (v CharacterValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (CharacterValue) RemoveMember ¶
func (CharacterValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (CharacterValue) SetMember ¶
func (CharacterValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (CharacterValue) StaticType ¶
func (CharacterValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (CharacterValue) Storable ¶
func (v CharacterValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (CharacterValue) StoredValue ¶
func (v CharacterValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (CharacterValue) String ¶
func (v CharacterValue) String() string
func (CharacterValue) Transfer ¶
func (v CharacterValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (CharacterValue) Walk ¶
func (CharacterValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type ComparableValue ¶
type ComparableValue interface { EquatableValue Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue }
type CompositeField ¶
func NewCompositeField ¶
func NewCompositeField(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, name string, value Value) CompositeField
func NewUnmeteredCompositeField ¶
func NewUnmeteredCompositeField(name string, value Value) CompositeField
type CompositeStaticType ¶
type CompositeStaticType struct { Location common.Location QualifiedIdentifier string TypeID TypeID }
func ConvertSemaCompositeTypeToStaticCompositeType ¶
func ConvertSemaCompositeTypeToStaticCompositeType( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, t *sema.CompositeType, ) *CompositeStaticType
func NewCompositeStaticType ¶
func NewCompositeStaticType( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, location common.Location, qualifiedIdentifier string, typeID TypeID, ) *CompositeStaticType
func NewCompositeStaticTypeComputeTypeID ¶
func NewCompositeStaticTypeComputeTypeID( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, location common.Location, qualifiedIdentifier string, ) *CompositeStaticType
func (*CompositeStaticType) Encode ¶
func (t *CompositeStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
Encode encodes CompositeStaticType as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagCompositeStaticType, Content: cborArray{ encodedCompositeStaticTypeLocationFieldKey: Location(v.Location), encodedCompositeStaticTypeQualifiedIdentifierFieldKey: string(v.QualifiedIdentifier), }, }
func (*CompositeStaticType) Equal ¶
func (t *CompositeStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
func (*CompositeStaticType) ID ¶
func (t *CompositeStaticType) ID() TypeID
func (*CompositeStaticType) IsDeprecated ¶
func (*CompositeStaticType) IsDeprecated() bool
func (*CompositeStaticType) MeteredString ¶
func (t *CompositeStaticType) MeteredString(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) string
func (*CompositeStaticType) String ¶
func (t *CompositeStaticType) String() string
type CompositeTypeCode ¶
type CompositeTypeCode struct {
CompositeFunctions *FunctionOrderedMap
CompositeTypeCode contains the "prepared" / "callable" "code" for the functions and the destructor of a composite (contract, struct, resource, event).
As there is no support for inheritance of concrete types, these are the "leaf" nodes in the call chain, and are functions.
type CompositeTypeHandlerFunc ¶
type CompositeTypeHandlerFunc func(location common.Location, typeID TypeID) *sema.CompositeType
CompositeTypeHandlerFunc is a function that loads composite types.
type CompositeValue ¶
type CompositeValue struct { Location common.Location Stringer func(gauge common.MemoryGauge, value *CompositeValue, seenReferences SeenReferences) string NestedVariables map[string]Variable Functions *FunctionOrderedMap QualifiedIdentifier string Kind common.CompositeKind // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewCompositeValue ¶
func NewCompositeValue( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, location common.Location, qualifiedIdentifier string, kind common.CompositeKind, fields []CompositeField, address common.Address, ) *CompositeValue
func NewCompositeValueWithStaticType ¶
func NewCompositeValueWithStaticType( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, location common.Location, qualifiedIdentifier string, kind common.CompositeKind, fields []CompositeField, address common.Address, staticType StaticType, ) *CompositeValue
Create a CompositeValue with the provided StaticType. Useful when we wish to utilize CompositeValue as the value for a type which isn't CompositeType. For e.g. InclusiveRangeType
func NewEnumCaseValue ¶
func NewEnumCaseValue( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, enumType *sema.CompositeType, rawValue NumberValue, functions *FunctionOrderedMap, ) *CompositeValue
func NewInclusiveRangeValue ¶
func NewInclusiveRangeValue( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, start IntegerValue, end IntegerValue, rangeStaticType InclusiveRangeStaticType, rangeSemaType *sema.InclusiveRangeType, ) *CompositeValue
NewInclusiveRangeValue constructs an InclusiveRange value with the provided start, end with default value of step. NOTE: Assumes that the values start and end are of the same static type.
func NewInclusiveRangeValueWithStep ¶
func NewInclusiveRangeValueWithStep( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, start IntegerValue, end IntegerValue, step IntegerValue, rangeType InclusiveRangeStaticType, rangeSemaType *sema.InclusiveRangeType, ) *CompositeValue
NewInclusiveRangeValue constructs an InclusiveRange value with the provided start, end & step. NOTE: Assumes that the values start, end and step are of the same static type.
func NewPublicKeyValue ¶
func NewPublicKeyValue( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, publicKey *ArrayValue, signAlgo Value, validatePublicKey PublicKeyValidationHandlerFunc, ) *CompositeValue
NewPublicKeyValue constructs a PublicKey value.
func (*CompositeValue) Accept ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, locationRange LocationRange)
func (*CompositeValue) Clone ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) Clone(interpreter *Interpreter) Value
func (*CompositeValue) CompositeStaticTypeConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) CompositeStaticTypeConformsToStaticType( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, results TypeConformanceResults, semaType sema.Type, ) bool
func (*CompositeValue) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) ConformsToStaticType( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, results TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (*CompositeValue) DeepRemove ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) DeepRemove(interpreter *Interpreter, hasNoParentContainer bool)
func (*CompositeValue) Destroy ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) Destroy(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange)
func (*CompositeValue) Equal ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (*CompositeValue) FieldCount ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) FieldCount() int
func (*CompositeValue) ForEach ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) ForEach( interpreter *Interpreter, _ sema.Type, function func(value Value) (resume bool), transferElements bool, locationRange LocationRange, )
func (*CompositeValue) ForEachField ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) ForEachField( interpreter *Interpreter, f func(fieldName string, fieldValue Value) (resume bool), locationRange LocationRange, )
ForEachField iterates over all field-name field-value pairs of the composite value. It does NOT iterate over computed fields and functions!
func (*CompositeValue) ForEachFieldName ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) ForEachFieldName( f func(fieldName string) (resume bool), )
ForEachFieldName iterates over all field names of the composite value. It does NOT iterate over computed fields and functions!
func (*CompositeValue) ForEachReadOnlyLoadedField ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) ForEachReadOnlyLoadedField( interpreter *Interpreter, f func(fieldName string, fieldValue Value) (resume bool), locationRange LocationRange, )
ForEachReadOnlyLoadedField iterates over all LOADED field-name field-value pairs of the composite value. It does NOT iterate over computed fields and functions! DO NOT perform storage mutations in the callback!
func (*CompositeValue) GetAttachments ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) GetAttachments(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) []*CompositeValue
func (*CompositeValue) GetComputedField ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) GetComputedField(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
func (*CompositeValue) GetComputedFields ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) GetComputedFields(interpreter *Interpreter) map[string]ComputedField
func (*CompositeValue) GetField ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) GetField(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
func (*CompositeValue) GetFunction ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) GetFunction(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) FunctionValue
func (*CompositeValue) GetInjectedField ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) GetInjectedField(interpreter *Interpreter, name string) Value
func (*CompositeValue) GetMember ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
func (*CompositeValue) GetOwner ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) GetOwner() common.Address
func (*CompositeValue) GetTypeKey ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) GetTypeKey( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, ty sema.Type, ) Value
func (*CompositeValue) HashInput ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) HashInput(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
HashInput returns a byte slice containing: - HashInputTypeEnum (1 byte) - type id (n bytes) - hash input of raw value field name (n bytes)
func (*CompositeValue) InclusiveRangeStaticTypeConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) InclusiveRangeStaticTypeConformsToStaticType( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, results TypeConformanceResults, semaType sema.Type, ) bool
func (*CompositeValue) Inlined ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (v *CompositeValue) Inlined() bool
func (*CompositeValue) IsDestroyed ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) IsDestroyed() bool
func (*CompositeValue) IsImportable ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) IsImportable(inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) bool
func (*CompositeValue) IsReferenceTrackedResourceKindedValue ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) IsReferenceTrackedResourceKindedValue()
func (*CompositeValue) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) IsResourceKinded(interpreter *Interpreter) bool
func (*CompositeValue) IsStaleResource ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) IsStaleResource(inter *Interpreter) bool
func (*CompositeValue) IsStorable ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) IsStorable() bool
func (*CompositeValue) Iterator ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) Iterator(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) ValueIterator
func (*CompositeValue) MeteredString ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (*CompositeValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) NeedsStoreTo(address atree.Address) bool
func (*CompositeValue) OwnerValue ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) OwnerValue(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) OptionalValue
func (*CompositeValue) RecursiveString ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
func (*CompositeValue) RemoveField ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) RemoveField( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string, )
func (*CompositeValue) RemoveMember ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) RemoveMember( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string, ) Value
func (*CompositeValue) RemoveTypeKey ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) RemoveTypeKey( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, attachmentType sema.Type, ) Value
func (*CompositeValue) ResourceUUID ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) ResourceUUID(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) *UInt64Value
func (*CompositeValue) SetMember ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) SetMember( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string, value Value, ) bool
func (*CompositeValue) SetMemberWithoutTransfer ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) SetMemberWithoutTransfer( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string, value Value, ) bool
func (*CompositeValue) SetNestedVariables ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) SetNestedVariables(variables map[string]Variable)
func (*CompositeValue) SetTypeKey ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) SetTypeKey( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, attachmentType sema.Type, attachment Value, )
func (*CompositeValue) SlabID ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) SlabID() atree.SlabID
func (*CompositeValue) StaticType ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (*CompositeValue) Storable ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) Storable( storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64, ) (atree.Storable, error)
func (*CompositeValue) StorageAddress ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) StorageAddress() atree.Address
func (*CompositeValue) String ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) String() string
func (*CompositeValue) Transfer ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, address atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, preventTransfer map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, hasNoParentContainer bool, ) Value
func (*CompositeValue) TypeID ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) TypeID() TypeID
func (*CompositeValue) UnwrapAtreeValue ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (v *CompositeValue) UnwrapAtreeValue() (atree.Value, uint64)
func (*CompositeValue) ValueID ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) ValueID() atree.ValueID
func (*CompositeValue) Walk ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) Walk(interpreter *Interpreter, walkChild func(Value), locationRange LocationRange)
Walk iterates over all field values of the composite value. It does NOT walk the computed field or functions!
type CompositeValueFunctionsHandlerFunc ¶
type CompositeValueFunctionsHandlerFunc func( inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, compositeValue *CompositeValue, ) *FunctionOrderedMap
CompositeValueFunctionsHandlerFunc is a function that loads composite value functions.
type ComputedField ¶
type ComputedField func(*Interpreter, LocationRange, *CompositeValue) Value
type ConditionError ¶
type ConditionError struct { LocationRange Message string ConditionKind ast.ConditionKind }
func (ConditionError) Error ¶
func (e ConditionError) Error() string
func (ConditionError) IsUserError ¶
func (ConditionError) IsUserError()
type Config ¶
type Config struct { MemoryGauge common.MemoryGauge Storage Storage // ImportLocationHandler is used to handle imports of locations ImportLocationHandler ImportLocationHandlerFunc // OnInvokedFunctionReturn is triggered when an invoked function returned OnInvokedFunctionReturn OnInvokedFunctionReturnFunc // OnRecordTrace is triggered when a trace is recorded OnRecordTrace OnRecordTraceFunc // OnResourceOwnerChange is triggered when the owner of a resource changes OnResourceOwnerChange OnResourceOwnerChangeFunc // OnMeterComputation is triggered when a computation is about to happen OnMeterComputation OnMeterComputationFunc // InjectedCompositeFieldsHandler is used to initialize new composite values' fields InjectedCompositeFieldsHandler InjectedCompositeFieldsHandlerFunc // ContractValueHandler is used to handle imports of values ContractValueHandler ContractValueHandlerFunc // OnEventEmitted is triggered when an event is emitted by the program OnEventEmitted OnEventEmittedFunc // OnFunctionInvocation is triggered when a function invocation is about to be executed OnFunctionInvocation OnFunctionInvocationFunc // AccountHandler is used to handle accounts AccountHandler AccountHandlerFunc // UUIDHandler is used to handle the generation of UUIDs UUIDHandler UUIDHandlerFunc // CompositeTypeHandler is used to load composite types CompositeTypeHandler CompositeTypeHandlerFunc // InterfaceTypeHandler is used to load interface types InterfaceTypeHandler InterfaceTypeHandlerFunc // CompositeValueFunctionsHandler is used to load composite value functions CompositeValueFunctionsHandler CompositeValueFunctionsHandlerFunc BaseActivationHandler func(location common.Location) *VariableActivation Debugger *Debugger // OnStatement is triggered when a statement is about to be executed OnStatement OnStatementFunc // OnLoopIteration is triggered when a loop iteration is about to be executed OnLoopIteration OnLoopIterationFunc // TracingEnabled determines if tracing is enabled. // Tracing reports certain operations, e.g. composite value transfers TracingEnabled bool // AtreeStorageValidationEnabled determines if the validation of atree storage is enabled AtreeStorageValidationEnabled bool // AtreeValueValidationEnabled determines if the validation of atree values is enabled AtreeValueValidationEnabled bool // CapabilityCheckHandler is used to check ID capabilities CapabilityCheckHandler CapabilityCheckHandlerFunc // CapabilityBorrowHandler is used to borrow ID capabilities CapabilityBorrowHandler CapabilityBorrowHandlerFunc // LegacyContractUpgradeEnabled specifies whether to fall back to the old parser when attempting a contract upgrade LegacyContractUpgradeEnabled bool // ValidateAccountCapabilitiesGetHandler is used to handle when a capability of an account is got. ValidateAccountCapabilitiesGetHandler ValidateAccountCapabilitiesGetHandlerFunc // ValidateAccountCapabilitiesPublishHandler is used to handle when a capability of an account is got. ValidateAccountCapabilitiesPublishHandler ValidateAccountCapabilitiesPublishHandlerFunc }
type ConstantSizedStaticType ¶
type ConstantSizedStaticType struct { Type StaticType Size int64 }
func NewConstantSizedStaticType ¶
func NewConstantSizedStaticType( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, elementType StaticType, size int64, ) *ConstantSizedStaticType
func (*ConstantSizedStaticType) Copy ¶
func (t *ConstantSizedStaticType) Copy() atree.TypeInfo
func (*ConstantSizedStaticType) ElementType ¶
func (t *ConstantSizedStaticType) ElementType() StaticType
func (*ConstantSizedStaticType) Encode ¶
func (t *ConstantSizedStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
Encode encodes ConstantSizedStaticType as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagConstantSizedStaticType, Content: cborArray{ encodedConstantSizedStaticTypeSizeFieldKey: int64(v.Size), encodedConstantSizedStaticTypeTypeFieldKey: StaticType(v.Type), }, }
func (*ConstantSizedStaticType) Equal ¶
func (t *ConstantSizedStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
func (*ConstantSizedStaticType) ID ¶
func (t *ConstantSizedStaticType) ID() TypeID
func (*ConstantSizedStaticType) IsComposite ¶
func (*ConstantSizedStaticType) IsComposite() bool
func (*ConstantSizedStaticType) IsDeprecated ¶
func (t *ConstantSizedStaticType) IsDeprecated() bool
func (*ConstantSizedStaticType) MeteredString ¶
func (t *ConstantSizedStaticType) MeteredString(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) string
func (*ConstantSizedStaticType) String ¶
func (t *ConstantSizedStaticType) String() string
type ContainerMutatedDuringIterationError ¶
type ContainerMutatedDuringIterationError struct {
func (ContainerMutatedDuringIterationError) Error ¶
func (ContainerMutatedDuringIterationError) Error() string
func (ContainerMutatedDuringIterationError) IsUserError ¶
func (ContainerMutatedDuringIterationError) IsUserError()
type ContainerMutationError ¶
type ContainerMutationError struct { ExpectedType sema.Type ActualType sema.Type LocationRange }
func (ContainerMutationError) Error ¶
func (e ContainerMutationError) Error() string
func (ContainerMutationError) IsUserError ¶
func (ContainerMutationError) IsUserError()
type ContinueResult ¶
type ContinueResult struct{}
type ContractNamesGetter ¶
type ContractNamesGetter func(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) *ArrayValue
type ContractValue ¶
ContractValue is the value of a contract. Under normal circumstances, a contract value is always a CompositeValue. However, in the test framework, an imported contract is constructed via a constructor function. Hence, during tests, the value is a HostFunctionValue.
type ContractValueHandlerFunc ¶
type ContractValueHandlerFunc func( inter *Interpreter, compositeType *sema.CompositeType, constructorGenerator func(common.Address) *HostFunctionValue, invocationRange ast.Range, ) ContractValue
ContractValueHandlerFunc is a function that handles contract values.
type Debugger ¶
type Debugger struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDebugger ¶
func NewDebugger() *Debugger
func (*Debugger) AddBreakpoint ¶
func (*Debugger) ClearBreakpoints ¶
func (d *Debugger) ClearBreakpoints()
func (*Debugger) ClearBreakpointsForLocation ¶
func (*Debugger) CurrentActivation ¶
func (d *Debugger) CurrentActivation(interpreter *Interpreter) *VariableActivation
func (*Debugger) RemoveBreakpoint ¶
func (*Debugger) RequestPause ¶
func (d *Debugger) RequestPause()
type DereferenceError ¶
type DereferenceError struct { Cause string ExpectedType sema.Type ActualType sema.Type LocationRange }
func (DereferenceError) Error ¶
func (e DereferenceError) Error() string
func (DereferenceError) IsUserError ¶
func (DereferenceError) IsUserError()
func (DereferenceError) SecondaryError ¶
func (e DereferenceError) SecondaryError() string
type DestroyedResourceError ¶
type DestroyedResourceError struct {
DestroyedResourceError is the error which is reported when a user uses a destroyed resource through a reference
func (DestroyedResourceError) Error ¶
func (e DestroyedResourceError) Error() string
func (DestroyedResourceError) IsUserError ¶
func (DestroyedResourceError) IsUserError()
type DictionaryEntryValues ¶
type DictionaryKeyIterator ¶
type DictionaryKeyIterator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (DictionaryKeyIterator) Next ¶
func (i DictionaryKeyIterator) Next(gauge common.MemoryGauge) (Value, Value)
func (DictionaryKeyIterator) NextKey ¶
func (i DictionaryKeyIterator) NextKey(gauge common.MemoryGauge) Value
func (DictionaryKeyIterator) NextKeyUnconverted ¶
func (i DictionaryKeyIterator) NextKeyUnconverted() atree.Value
type DictionaryStaticType ¶
type DictionaryStaticType struct { KeyType StaticType ValueType StaticType }
func ConvertSemaDictionaryTypeToStaticDictionaryType ¶
func ConvertSemaDictionaryTypeToStaticDictionaryType( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, t *sema.DictionaryType, ) *DictionaryStaticType
func NewDictionaryStaticType ¶
func NewDictionaryStaticType( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, keyType, valueType StaticType, ) *DictionaryStaticType
func (*DictionaryStaticType) Copy ¶
func (t *DictionaryStaticType) Copy() atree.TypeInfo
func (*DictionaryStaticType) Encode ¶
func (t *DictionaryStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
Encode encodes DictionaryStaticType as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagDictionaryStaticType, Content: []any{ encodedDictionaryStaticTypeKeyTypeFieldKey: StaticType(v.KeyType), encodedDictionaryStaticTypeValueTypeFieldKey: StaticType(v.ValueType), }, }
func (*DictionaryStaticType) Equal ¶
func (t *DictionaryStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
func (*DictionaryStaticType) ID ¶
func (t *DictionaryStaticType) ID() TypeID
func (*DictionaryStaticType) IsComposite ¶
func (*DictionaryStaticType) IsComposite() bool
func (*DictionaryStaticType) IsDeprecated ¶
func (t *DictionaryStaticType) IsDeprecated() bool
func (*DictionaryStaticType) MeteredString ¶
func (t *DictionaryStaticType) MeteredString(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) string
func (*DictionaryStaticType) String ¶
func (t *DictionaryStaticType) String() string
type DictionaryValue ¶
type DictionaryValue struct { Type *DictionaryStaticType // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDictionaryValue ¶
func NewDictionaryValue( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, dictionaryType *DictionaryStaticType, keysAndValues ...Value, ) *DictionaryValue
func NewDictionaryValueWithAddress ¶
func NewDictionaryValueWithAddress( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, dictionaryType *DictionaryStaticType, address common.Address, keysAndValues ...Value, ) *DictionaryValue
func (*DictionaryValue) Accept ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, locationRange LocationRange)
func (*DictionaryValue) Clone ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) Clone(interpreter *Interpreter) Value
func (*DictionaryValue) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) ConformsToStaticType( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, results TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (*DictionaryValue) ContainsKey ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) ContainsKey( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, keyValue Value, ) BoolValue
func (*DictionaryValue) Count ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) Count() int
func (*DictionaryValue) DeepRemove ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) DeepRemove(interpreter *Interpreter, hasNoParentContainer bool)
func (*DictionaryValue) Destroy ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) Destroy(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange)
func (*DictionaryValue) Equal ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (*DictionaryValue) ForEachKey ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) ForEachKey( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, procedure FunctionValue, )
func (*DictionaryValue) Get ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) Get( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, keyValue Value, ) (Value, bool)
func (*DictionaryValue) GetKey ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) GetKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, keyValue Value) Value
func (*DictionaryValue) GetMember ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) GetMember( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string, ) Value
func (*DictionaryValue) GetOwner ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) GetOwner() common.Address
func (*DictionaryValue) Inlined ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (v *DictionaryValue) Inlined() bool
func (*DictionaryValue) Insert ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) Insert( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, keyValue, value Value, ) OptionalValue
func (*DictionaryValue) InsertKey ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) InsertKey( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key, value Value, )
func (*DictionaryValue) InsertWithoutTransfer ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) InsertWithoutTransfer( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, keyValue, value atree.Value, ) (existingValueStorable atree.Storable)
func (*DictionaryValue) IsDestroyed ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) IsDestroyed() bool
func (*DictionaryValue) IsImportable ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) IsImportable(inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) bool
func (*DictionaryValue) IsReferenceTrackedResourceKindedValue ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) IsReferenceTrackedResourceKindedValue()
func (*DictionaryValue) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) IsResourceKinded(interpreter *Interpreter) bool
func (*DictionaryValue) IsStaleResource ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) IsStaleResource(interpreter *Interpreter) bool
func (*DictionaryValue) Iterate ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) Iterate( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, f func(key, value Value) (resume bool), )
func (*DictionaryValue) IterateKeys ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) IterateKeys( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, f func(key Value) (resume bool), )
func (*DictionaryValue) IterateReadOnly ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) IterateReadOnly( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, f func(key, value Value) (resume bool), )
func (*DictionaryValue) IterateReadOnlyLoaded ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) IterateReadOnlyLoaded( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, f func(key, value Value) (resume bool), )
IterateReadOnlyLoaded iterates over all LOADED key-valye pairs of the array. DO NOT perform storage mutations in the callback!
func (*DictionaryValue) Iterator ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) Iterator() DictionaryKeyIterator
func (*DictionaryValue) MeteredString ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (*DictionaryValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) NeedsStoreTo(address atree.Address) bool
func (*DictionaryValue) RecursiveString ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
func (*DictionaryValue) Remove ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) Remove( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, keyValue Value, ) OptionalValue
func (*DictionaryValue) RemoveKey ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) RemoveKey( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value, ) Value
func (*DictionaryValue) RemoveMember ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (*DictionaryValue) RemoveWithoutTransfer ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) RemoveWithoutTransfer( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, keyValue atree.Value, ) ( existingKeyStorable, existingValueStorable atree.Storable, )
func (*DictionaryValue) SemaType ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) SemaType(interpreter *Interpreter) *sema.DictionaryType
func (*DictionaryValue) SetKey ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) SetKey( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, keyValue Value, value Value, )
func (*DictionaryValue) SetMember ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (*DictionaryValue) SetType ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) SetType(staticType *DictionaryStaticType)
func (*DictionaryValue) SlabID ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) SlabID() atree.SlabID
func (*DictionaryValue) StaticType ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) StaticType(_ *Interpreter) StaticType
func (*DictionaryValue) Storable ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) Storable( storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64, ) (atree.Storable, error)
func (*DictionaryValue) StorageAddress ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) StorageAddress() atree.Address
func (*DictionaryValue) String ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) String() string
func (*DictionaryValue) Transfer ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, address atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, preventTransfer map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, hasNoParentContainer bool, ) Value
func (*DictionaryValue) UnwrapAtreeValue ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (v *DictionaryValue) UnwrapAtreeValue() (atree.Value, uint64)
func (*DictionaryValue) ValueID ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) ValueID() atree.ValueID
func (*DictionaryValue) Walk ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) Walk(interpreter *Interpreter, walkChild func(Value), locationRange LocationRange)
type DivisionByZeroError ¶
type DivisionByZeroError struct {
func (DivisionByZeroError) Error ¶
func (e DivisionByZeroError) Error() string
func (DivisionByZeroError) IsUserError ¶
func (DivisionByZeroError) IsUserError()
type DomainStorageMap ¶ added in v1.3.0
type DomainStorageMap struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DomainStorageMap is an ordered map which stores values in an account domain.
func NewDomainStorageMap ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewDomainStorageMap(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address) *DomainStorageMap
NewDomainStorageMap creates new domain storage map for given address.
func NewDomainStorageMapWithAtreeValue ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewDomainStorageMapWithAtreeValue(value atree.Value) *DomainStorageMap
NewDomainStorageMapWithAtreeValue loads domain storage map with given atree.Value. This function is used by migrated account to load domain as an element of AccountStorageMap.
func NewDomainStorageMapWithRootID ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewDomainStorageMapWithRootID(storage atree.SlabStorage, slabID atree.SlabID) *DomainStorageMap
NewDomainStorageMapWithRootID loads domain storage map with given slabID. This function is only used with legacy domain registers for unmigrated accounts. For migrated accounts, NewDomainStorageMapWithAtreeValue() is used to load domain storage map as an element of AccountStorageMap.
func (*DomainStorageMap) Count ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *DomainStorageMap) Count() uint64
func (*DomainStorageMap) DeepRemove ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *DomainStorageMap) DeepRemove(interpreter *Interpreter, hasNoParentContainer bool)
DeepRemove removes all elements (and their slabs) of domain storage map.
func (*DomainStorageMap) Inlined ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *DomainStorageMap) Inlined() bool
func (*DomainStorageMap) Iterator ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *DomainStorageMap) Iterator(gauge common.MemoryGauge) DomainStorageMapIterator
Iterator returns an iterator (StorageMapIterator), which allows iterating over the keys and values of the storage map
func (*DomainStorageMap) ReadValue ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *DomainStorageMap) ReadValue(gauge common.MemoryGauge, key StorageMapKey) Value
ReadValue returns the value for the given key. Returns nil if the key does not exist.
func (*DomainStorageMap) RemoveValue ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *DomainStorageMap) RemoveValue(interpreter *Interpreter, key StorageMapKey) (existed bool)
RemoveValue removes a value in the storage map, if it exists.
func (*DomainStorageMap) SetValue ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *DomainStorageMap) SetValue(interpreter *Interpreter, key StorageMapKey, value atree.Value) (existed bool)
SetValue sets a value in the storage map. If the given key already stores a value, it is overwritten. Returns true if given key already exists and existing value is overwritten.
func (*DomainStorageMap) SlabID ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *DomainStorageMap) SlabID() atree.SlabID
func (*DomainStorageMap) ValueExists ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *DomainStorageMap) ValueExists(key StorageMapKey) bool
ValueExists returns true if the given key exists in the storage map.
func (*DomainStorageMap) ValueID ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *DomainStorageMap) ValueID() atree.ValueID
func (*DomainStorageMap) WriteValue ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *DomainStorageMap) WriteValue(interpreter *Interpreter, key StorageMapKey, value atree.Value) (existed bool)
WriteValue sets or removes a value in the storage map. If the given value is nil, the key is removed. If the given value is non-nil, the key is added/updated. Returns true if a value previously existed at the given key.
type DomainStorageMapIterator ¶ added in v1.3.0
type DomainStorageMapIterator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DomainStorageMapIterator is an iterator over DomainStorageMap
func (DomainStorageMapIterator) Next ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (i DomainStorageMapIterator) Next() (atree.Value, Value)
Next returns the next key and value of the storage map iterator. If there is no further key-value pair, (nil, nil) is returned.
func (DomainStorageMapIterator) NextKey ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (i DomainStorageMapIterator) NextKey() atree.Value
NextKey returns the next key of the storage map iterator. If there is no further key, "" is returned.
func (DomainStorageMapIterator) NextValue ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (i DomainStorageMapIterator) NextValue() Value
NextValue returns the next value in the storage map iterator. If there is no further value, nil is returned.
type DuplicateAttachmentError ¶
type DuplicateAttachmentError struct { AttachmentType sema.Type Value *CompositeValue LocationRange }
func (DuplicateAttachmentError) Error ¶
func (e DuplicateAttachmentError) Error() string
func (DuplicateAttachmentError) IsUserError ¶
func (DuplicateAttachmentError) IsUserError()
type DuplicateKeyInResourceDictionaryError ¶
type DuplicateKeyInResourceDictionaryError struct {
func (DuplicateKeyInResourceDictionaryError) Error ¶
func (e DuplicateKeyInResourceDictionaryError) Error() string
func (DuplicateKeyInResourceDictionaryError) IsUserError ¶
func (DuplicateKeyInResourceDictionaryError) IsUserError()
type EmptyTypeInfo ¶
type EmptyTypeInfo struct{}
func (EmptyTypeInfo) Copy ¶
func (e EmptyTypeInfo) Copy() atree.TypeInfo
func (EmptyTypeInfo) Encode ¶
func (e EmptyTypeInfo) Encode(encoder *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
func (EmptyTypeInfo) IsComposite ¶
func (e EmptyTypeInfo) IsComposite() bool
type EmptyVisitor ¶
type EmptyVisitor struct { SimpleCompositeValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value *SimpleCompositeValue) TypeValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value TypeValue) VoidValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value VoidValue) BoolValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value BoolValue) CharacterValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value CharacterValue) StringValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value *StringValue) ArrayValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value *ArrayValue) bool IntValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value IntValue) Int8ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int8Value) Int16ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int16Value) Int32ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int32Value) Int64ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int64Value) Int128ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int128Value) Int256ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int256Value) UIntValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value UIntValue) UInt8ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt8Value) UInt16ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt16Value) UInt32ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt32Value) UInt64ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt64Value) UInt128ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt128Value) UInt256ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt256Value) Word8ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word8Value) Word16ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word16Value) Word32ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word32Value) Word64ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word64Value) Word128ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word128Value) Word256ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word256Value) Fix64ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value Fix64Value) UFix64ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value UFix64Value) CompositeValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value *CompositeValue) bool DictionaryValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value *DictionaryValue) bool NilValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value NilValue) SomeValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value *SomeValue) bool StorageReferenceValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value *StorageReferenceValue) EphemeralReferenceValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value *EphemeralReferenceValue) AddressValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value AddressValue) PathValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value PathValue) CapabilityValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value *IDCapabilityValue) PublishedValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value *PublishedValue) InterpretedFunctionValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value *InterpretedFunctionValue) HostFunctionValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value *HostFunctionValue) BoundFunctionValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value BoundFunctionValue) StorageCapabilityControllerValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) AccountCapabilityControllerValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) }
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitAccountCapabilityControllerValue ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitAccountCapabilityControllerValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *AccountCapabilityControllerValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitAddressValue ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitAddressValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value AddressValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitArrayValue ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitArrayValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *ArrayValue) bool
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitBoolValue ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitBoolValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value BoolValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitBoundFunctionValue ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitBoundFunctionValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value BoundFunctionValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitCapabilityValue ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitCapabilityValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *IDCapabilityValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitCharacterValue ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitCharacterValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value CharacterValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitCompositeValue ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitCompositeValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *CompositeValue) bool
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitDictionaryValue ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitDictionaryValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *DictionaryValue) bool
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitEphemeralReferenceValue ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitEphemeralReferenceValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *EphemeralReferenceValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitFix64Value ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitFix64Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Fix64Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitHostFunctionValue ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitHostFunctionValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *HostFunctionValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitInt128Value ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitInt128Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int128Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitInt16Value ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitInt16Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int16Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitInt256Value ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitInt256Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int256Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitInt32Value ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitInt32Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int32Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitInt64Value ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitInt64Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int64Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitInt8Value ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitInt8Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int8Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitIntValue ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitIntValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value IntValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitInterpretedFunctionValue ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitInterpretedFunctionValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *InterpretedFunctionValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitNilValue ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitNilValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value NilValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitPathValue ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitPathValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value PathValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitPublishedValue ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitPublishedValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *PublishedValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitSimpleCompositeValue ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitSimpleCompositeValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *SimpleCompositeValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitSomeValue ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitSomeValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *SomeValue) bool
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitStorageCapabilityControllerValue ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitStorageCapabilityControllerValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *StorageCapabilityControllerValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitStorageReferenceValue ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitStorageReferenceValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *StorageReferenceValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitStringValue ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitStringValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *StringValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitTypeValue ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitTypeValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value TypeValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitUFix64Value ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUFix64Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UFix64Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt128Value ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt128Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt128Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt16Value ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt16Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt16Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt256Value ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt256Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt256Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt32Value ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt32Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt32Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt64Value ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt64Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt64Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt8Value ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt8Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt8Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitUIntValue ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUIntValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value UIntValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitVoidValue ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitVoidValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value VoidValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitWord128Value ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitWord128Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word128Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitWord16Value ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitWord16Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word16Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitWord256Value ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitWord256Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word256Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitWord32Value ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitWord32Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word32Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitWord64Value ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitWord64Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word64Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitWord8Value ¶
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitWord8Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word8Value)
type EntitledCapabilityPublishingError ¶
type EntitledCapabilityPublishingError struct { LocationRange BorrowType *ReferenceStaticType Path PathValue }
func (EntitledCapabilityPublishingError) Error ¶
func (e EntitledCapabilityPublishingError) Error() string
func (EntitledCapabilityPublishingError) IsUserError ¶
func (EntitledCapabilityPublishingError) IsUserError()
type EntitlementMapAuthorization ¶
func NewEntitlementMapAuthorization ¶
func NewEntitlementMapAuthorization(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, id common.TypeID) EntitlementMapAuthorization
func (EntitlementMapAuthorization) Encode ¶
func (a EntitlementMapAuthorization) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
func (EntitlementMapAuthorization) Equal ¶
func (a EntitlementMapAuthorization) Equal(other Authorization) bool
func (EntitlementMapAuthorization) ID ¶
func (a EntitlementMapAuthorization) ID() TypeID
func (EntitlementMapAuthorization) MeteredString ¶
func (a EntitlementMapAuthorization) MeteredString(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) string
func (EntitlementMapAuthorization) String ¶
func (a EntitlementMapAuthorization) String() string
type EntitlementSetAuthorization ¶
type EntitlementSetAuthorization struct { Entitlements *sema.TypeIDOrderedSet SetKind sema.EntitlementSetKind }
func NewEntitlementSetAuthorization ¶
func NewEntitlementSetAuthorization( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, entitlementListConstructor func() []common.TypeID, entitlementListSize int, kind sema.EntitlementSetKind, ) EntitlementSetAuthorization
func (EntitlementSetAuthorization) Encode ¶
func (a EntitlementSetAuthorization) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
func (EntitlementSetAuthorization) Equal ¶
func (a EntitlementSetAuthorization) Equal(auth Authorization) bool
func (EntitlementSetAuthorization) ID ¶
func (a EntitlementSetAuthorization) ID() TypeID
func (EntitlementSetAuthorization) MeteredString ¶
func (a EntitlementSetAuthorization) MeteredString(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) string
func (EntitlementSetAuthorization) String ¶
func (a EntitlementSetAuthorization) String() string
type EnumCase ¶
type EnumCase struct { RawValue IntegerValue Value MemberAccessibleValue }
type EphemeralReferenceValue ¶
type EphemeralReferenceValue struct { Value Value // BorrowedType is the T in &T BorrowedType sema.Type Authorization Authorization }
func NewEphemeralReferenceValue ¶
func NewEphemeralReferenceValue( interpreter *Interpreter, authorization Authorization, value Value, borrowedType sema.Type, locationRange LocationRange, ) *EphemeralReferenceValue
func NewUnmeteredEphemeralReferenceValue ¶
func NewUnmeteredEphemeralReferenceValue( interpreter *Interpreter, authorization Authorization, value Value, borrowedType sema.Type, locationRange LocationRange, ) *EphemeralReferenceValue
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) Accept ¶
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) BorrowType ¶
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) BorrowType() sema.Type
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) Clone ¶
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) Clone(inter *Interpreter) Value
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) ConformsToStaticType( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, results TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) DeepRemove ¶
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) Equal ¶
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) ForEach ¶
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) ForEach( interpreter *Interpreter, elementType sema.Type, function func(value Value) (resume bool), _ bool, locationRange LocationRange, )
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) GetAuthorization ¶
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) GetAuthorization() Authorization
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) GetKey ¶
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) GetKey( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value, ) Value
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) GetMember ¶
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) GetMember( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string, ) Value
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) GetTypeKey ¶
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) GetTypeKey( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key sema.Type, ) Value
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) InsertKey ¶
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) InsertKey( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value, value Value, )
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) IsImportable ¶
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) IsStorable ¶
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) IsStorable() bool
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) Iterator ¶
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) Iterator(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) ValueIterator
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) MeteredString ¶
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) RecursiveString ¶
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) ReferencedValue ¶
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) ReferencedValue( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ bool, ) *Value
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) RemoveKey ¶
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) RemoveKey( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value, ) Value
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) RemoveMember ¶
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) RemoveMember( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, identifier string, ) Value
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) RemoveTypeKey ¶
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) RemoveTypeKey( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key sema.Type, ) Value
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) SetKey ¶
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) SetKey( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value, value Value, )
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) SetMember ¶
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) SetMember( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string, value Value, ) bool
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) SetTypeKey ¶
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) SetTypeKey( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key sema.Type, value Value, )
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) StaticType ¶
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) StaticType(inter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) Storable ¶
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) String ¶
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) String() string
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) Transfer ¶
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) Walk ¶
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type EquatableValue ¶
type EquatableValue interface { Value // Equal returns true if the given value is equal to this value. // If no location range is available, pass e.g. EmptyLocationRange Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, other Value) bool }
type Error ¶
type Error struct { Err error Location common.Location StackTrace []Invocation }
Error is the containing type for all errors produced by the interpreter.
func (Error) ChildErrors ¶
func (Error) ImportLocation ¶
type EventEmissionUnavailableError ¶
type EventEmissionUnavailableError struct {
func (EventEmissionUnavailableError) Error ¶
func (e EventEmissionUnavailableError) Error() string
func (EventEmissionUnavailableError) IsUserError ¶
func (EventEmissionUnavailableError) IsUserError()
type ExpressionResult ¶
type ExpressionResult struct {
type Fix64Value ¶
type Fix64Value int64
func ConvertFix64 ¶
func ConvertFix64(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) Fix64Value
func NewFix64Value ¶
func NewFix64Value(gauge common.MemoryGauge, valueGetter func() int64) Fix64Value
func NewFix64ValueWithInteger ¶
func NewFix64ValueWithInteger(gauge common.MemoryGauge, constructor func() int64, locationRange LocationRange) Fix64Value
func NewUnmeteredFix64Value ¶
func NewUnmeteredFix64Value(integer int64) Fix64Value
func NewUnmeteredFix64ValueWithInteger ¶
func NewUnmeteredFix64ValueWithInteger(integer int64, locationRange LocationRange) Fix64Value
func (Fix64Value) Accept ¶
func (v Fix64Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (Fix64Value) ByteSize ¶
func (v Fix64Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (Fix64Value) ChildStorables ¶
func (Fix64Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (Fix64Value) Clone ¶
func (v Fix64Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (Fix64Value) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v Fix64Value) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (Fix64Value) DeepRemove ¶
func (Fix64Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (Fix64Value) Div ¶
func (v Fix64Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Fix64Value) Encode ¶
func (v Fix64Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes Fix64Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagFix64Value, Content: int64(v), }
func (Fix64Value) Equal ¶
func (v Fix64Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (Fix64Value) GetMember ¶
func (v Fix64Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
func (Fix64Value) Greater ¶
func (v Fix64Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Fix64Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v Fix64Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Fix64Value) HashInput ¶
func (v Fix64Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
HashInput returns a byte slice containing: - HashInputTypeFix64 (1 byte) - int64 value encoded in big-endian (8 bytes)
func (Fix64Value) IntegerPart ¶
func (v Fix64Value) IntegerPart() NumberValue
func (Fix64Value) IsImportable ¶
func (Fix64Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (Fix64Value) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (Fix64Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (Fix64Value) IsStorable ¶
func (Fix64Value) IsStorable() bool
func (Fix64Value) Less ¶
func (v Fix64Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Fix64Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v Fix64Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Fix64Value) MeteredString ¶
func (v Fix64Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (Fix64Value) Minus ¶
func (v Fix64Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Fix64Value) Mod ¶
func (v Fix64Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Fix64Value) Mul ¶
func (v Fix64Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Fix64Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (Fix64Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (Fix64Value) Negate ¶
func (v Fix64Value) Negate(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Fix64Value) Plus ¶
func (v Fix64Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Fix64Value) RecursiveString ¶
func (v Fix64Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (Fix64Value) RemoveMember ¶
func (Fix64Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (Fix64Value) SaturatingDiv ¶
func (v Fix64Value) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Fix64Value) SaturatingMinus ¶
func (v Fix64Value) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Fix64Value) SaturatingMul ¶
func (v Fix64Value) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Fix64Value) SaturatingPlus ¶
func (v Fix64Value) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Fix64Value) Scale ¶
func (Fix64Value) Scale() int
func (Fix64Value) SetMember ¶
func (Fix64Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (Fix64Value) StaticType ¶
func (Fix64Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (Fix64Value) Storable ¶
func (v Fix64Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (Fix64Value) StoredValue ¶
func (v Fix64Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (Fix64Value) String ¶
func (v Fix64Value) String() string
func (Fix64Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶
func (v Fix64Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (Fix64Value) ToInt ¶
func (v Fix64Value) ToInt(_ LocationRange) int
func (Fix64Value) Transfer ¶
func (v Fix64Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (Fix64Value) Walk ¶
func (Fix64Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type FixedPointValue ¶
type FixedPointValue interface { NumberValue IntegerPart() NumberValue Scale() int }
FixedPointValue is a fixed-point number value
type ForceCastTypeMismatchError ¶
type ForceCastTypeMismatchError struct { ExpectedType sema.Type ActualType sema.Type LocationRange }
func (ForceCastTypeMismatchError) Error ¶
func (e ForceCastTypeMismatchError) Error() string
func (ForceCastTypeMismatchError) IsUserError ¶
func (ForceCastTypeMismatchError) IsUserError()
type ForceNilError ¶
type ForceNilError struct {
func (ForceNilError) Error ¶
func (e ForceNilError) Error() string
func (ForceNilError) IsUserError ¶
func (ForceNilError) IsUserError()
type FunctionOrderedMap ¶
type FunctionOrderedMap = orderedmap.OrderedMap[string, FunctionValue]
type FunctionStaticType ¶
type FunctionStaticType struct {
Type *sema.FunctionType
func NewFunctionStaticType ¶
func NewFunctionStaticType( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, functionType *sema.FunctionType, ) FunctionStaticType
func (FunctionStaticType) Encode ¶
func (t FunctionStaticType) Encode(_ *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
func (FunctionStaticType) Equal ¶
func (t FunctionStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
func (FunctionStaticType) ID ¶
func (t FunctionStaticType) ID() TypeID
func (FunctionStaticType) IsDeprecated ¶
func (FunctionStaticType) IsDeprecated() bool
func (FunctionStaticType) MeteredString ¶
func (t FunctionStaticType) MeteredString(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) string
func (FunctionStaticType) ReturnType ¶
func (t FunctionStaticType) ReturnType(gauge common.MemoryGauge) StaticType
func (FunctionStaticType) String ¶
func (t FunctionStaticType) String() string
type FunctionValue ¶
type FunctionValue interface { Value FunctionType() *sema.FunctionType // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type FunctionWrapper ¶
type FunctionWrapper = func(inner FunctionValue) FunctionValue
type GetCapabilityError ¶
type GetCapabilityError struct {
func (GetCapabilityError) Error ¶
func (e GetCapabilityError) Error() string
func (GetCapabilityError) IsUserError ¶
func (GetCapabilityError) IsUserError()
type GlobalVariables ¶
type GlobalVariables struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GlobalVariables represents global variables defined in a program.
func (*GlobalVariables) Contains ¶
func (g *GlobalVariables) Contains(name string) bool
func (*GlobalVariables) Get ¶
func (g *GlobalVariables) Get(name string) Variable
func (*GlobalVariables) Set ¶
func (g *GlobalVariables) Set(name string, variable Variable)
type HashInputType ¶
type HashInputType byte
HashInputType is a type flag that is included in the hash input for a value, i.e., it should be included in the result of HashableValue.HashInput.
const ( HashInputTypeBool HashInputType = iota HashInputTypeString HashInputTypeEnum HashInputTypeAddress HashInputTypePath HashInputTypeType HashInputTypeCharacter // Int* HashInputTypeInt HashInputTypeInt8 HashInputTypeInt16 HashInputTypeInt32 HashInputTypeInt64 HashInputTypeInt128 HashInputTypeInt256 // UInt* HashInputTypeUInt HashInputTypeUInt8 HashInputTypeUInt16 HashInputTypeUInt32 HashInputTypeUInt64 HashInputTypeUInt128 HashInputTypeUInt256 HashInputTypeWord8 HashInputTypeWord16 HashInputTypeWord32 HashInputTypeWord64 HashInputTypeWord128 HashInputTypeWord256 HashInputTypeFix64 HashInputTypeUFix64 // !!! *WARNING* !!! // ADD NEW TYPES *BEFORE* THIS WARNING. // DO *NOT* ADD NEW TYPES AFTER THIS LINE! HashInputType_Count )
type HashableValue ¶
type HashableValue interface { Value HashInput(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte }
HashableValue is an immutable value that can be hashed
type HostFunctionValue ¶
type HostFunctionValue struct { Function HostFunction NestedVariables map[string]Variable Type *sema.FunctionType }
func EnumConstructorFunction ¶
func EnumConstructorFunction( gauge common.MemoryGauge, locationRange LocationRange, enumType *sema.CompositeType, cases []EnumCase, nestedVariables map[string]Variable, ) *HostFunctionValue
func NewStaticHostFunctionValue ¶
func NewStaticHostFunctionValue( gauge common.MemoryGauge, funcType *sema.FunctionType, function HostFunction, ) *HostFunctionValue
NewStaticHostFunctionValue constructs a host function that is not bounded to any value. For constructing a function bound to a value (e.g: a member function), the output of this method must be wrapped with a bound-function, or `NewBoundHostFunctionValue` method must be used.
func NewUnmeteredStaticHostFunctionValue ¶
func NewUnmeteredStaticHostFunctionValue( funcType *sema.FunctionType, function HostFunction, ) *HostFunctionValue
func (*HostFunctionValue) Accept ¶
func (f *HostFunctionValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (*HostFunctionValue) Clone ¶
func (f *HostFunctionValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (*HostFunctionValue) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (f *HostFunctionValue) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (*HostFunctionValue) DeepRemove ¶
func (*HostFunctionValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (*HostFunctionValue) FunctionType ¶
func (f *HostFunctionValue) FunctionType() *sema.FunctionType
func (*HostFunctionValue) GetMember ¶
func (f *HostFunctionValue) GetMember(inter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, name string) Value
func (*HostFunctionValue) IsImportable ¶
func (*HostFunctionValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (*HostFunctionValue) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (*HostFunctionValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (*HostFunctionValue) MeteredString ¶
func (f *HostFunctionValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (*HostFunctionValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (*HostFunctionValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (*HostFunctionValue) RecursiveString ¶
func (f *HostFunctionValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (*HostFunctionValue) RemoveMember ¶
func (*HostFunctionValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (*HostFunctionValue) SetMember ¶
func (*HostFunctionValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (*HostFunctionValue) SetNestedVariables ¶
func (v *HostFunctionValue) SetNestedVariables(variables map[string]Variable)
func (*HostFunctionValue) StaticType ¶
func (f *HostFunctionValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (*HostFunctionValue) Storable ¶
func (f *HostFunctionValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (*HostFunctionValue) String ¶
func (f *HostFunctionValue) String() string
func (*HostFunctionValue) Transfer ¶
func (f *HostFunctionValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (*HostFunctionValue) Walk ¶
func (f *HostFunctionValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type IDCapabilityValue ¶
type IDCapabilityValue struct { BorrowType StaticType ID UInt64Value // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewCapabilityValue ¶
func NewCapabilityValue( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, id UInt64Value, address AddressValue, borrowType StaticType, ) *IDCapabilityValue
func NewInvalidCapabilityValue ¶
func NewInvalidCapabilityValue( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, address AddressValue, borrowType StaticType, ) *IDCapabilityValue
func NewUnmeteredCapabilityValue ¶
func NewUnmeteredCapabilityValue( id UInt64Value, address AddressValue, borrowType StaticType, ) *IDCapabilityValue
func (*IDCapabilityValue) Accept ¶
func (v *IDCapabilityValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (*IDCapabilityValue) Address ¶
func (v *IDCapabilityValue) Address() AddressValue
func (*IDCapabilityValue) ByteSize ¶
func (v *IDCapabilityValue) ByteSize() uint32
func (*IDCapabilityValue) ChildStorables ¶
func (v *IDCapabilityValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (*IDCapabilityValue) Clone ¶
func (v *IDCapabilityValue) Clone(interpreter *Interpreter) Value
func (*IDCapabilityValue) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v *IDCapabilityValue) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (*IDCapabilityValue) DeepRemove ¶
func (v *IDCapabilityValue) DeepRemove(interpreter *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (*IDCapabilityValue) Encode ¶
func (v *IDCapabilityValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes IDCapabilityValue as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagCapabilityValue, Content: []any{ encodedCapabilityValueAddressFieldKey: AddressValue(v.Address), encodedCapabilityValueIDFieldKey: v.ID, encodedCapabilityValueBorrowTypeFieldKey: StaticType(v.BorrowType), }, }
func (*IDCapabilityValue) Equal ¶
func (v *IDCapabilityValue) Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (*IDCapabilityValue) GetMember ¶
func (v *IDCapabilityValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, name string) Value
func (*IDCapabilityValue) IsImportable ¶
func (v *IDCapabilityValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (*IDCapabilityValue) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (*IDCapabilityValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (*IDCapabilityValue) IsStorable ¶
func (*IDCapabilityValue) IsStorable() bool
func (*IDCapabilityValue) MeteredString ¶
func (v *IDCapabilityValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (*IDCapabilityValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (*IDCapabilityValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (*IDCapabilityValue) RecursiveString ¶
func (v *IDCapabilityValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
func (*IDCapabilityValue) RemoveMember ¶
func (*IDCapabilityValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (*IDCapabilityValue) SetMember ¶
func (*IDCapabilityValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (*IDCapabilityValue) StaticType ¶
func (v *IDCapabilityValue) StaticType(inter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (*IDCapabilityValue) Storable ¶
func (v *IDCapabilityValue) Storable( storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64, ) (atree.Storable, error)
func (*IDCapabilityValue) StoredValue ¶
func (v *IDCapabilityValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (*IDCapabilityValue) String ¶
func (v *IDCapabilityValue) String() string
func (*IDCapabilityValue) Transfer ¶
func (v *IDCapabilityValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (*IDCapabilityValue) Walk ¶
func (v *IDCapabilityValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, walkChild func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type ImportLocationHandlerFunc ¶
type ImportLocationHandlerFunc func( inter *Interpreter, location common.Location, ) Import
ImportLocationHandlerFunc is a function that handles imports of locations.
type InMemoryStorage ¶
type InMemoryStorage struct { *atree.BasicSlabStorage DomainStorageMaps map[StorageDomainKey]*DomainStorageMap // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewInMemoryStorage ¶
func NewInMemoryStorage(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) InMemoryStorage
func (InMemoryStorage) CheckHealth ¶
func (i InMemoryStorage) CheckHealth() error
func (InMemoryStorage) GetDomainStorageMap ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (i InMemoryStorage) GetDomainStorageMap( _ *Interpreter, address common.Address, domain common.StorageDomain, createIfNotExists bool, ) ( domainStorageMap *DomainStorageMap, )
type Inaccessible ¶
type Inaccessible struct{}
func (Inaccessible) Encode ¶
func (t Inaccessible) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
func (Inaccessible) Equal ¶
func (Inaccessible) Equal(auth Authorization) bool
func (Inaccessible) ID ¶
func (Inaccessible) ID() TypeID
func (Inaccessible) MeteredString ¶
func (Inaccessible) MeteredString(_ common.MemoryGauge) string
func (Inaccessible) String ¶
func (Inaccessible) String() string
type InclusiveRangeConstructionError ¶
type InclusiveRangeConstructionError struct { LocationRange Message string }
func (InclusiveRangeConstructionError) Error ¶
func (e InclusiveRangeConstructionError) Error() string
func (InclusiveRangeConstructionError) IsUserError ¶
func (InclusiveRangeConstructionError) IsUserError()
type InclusiveRangeIterator ¶
type InclusiveRangeIterator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewInclusiveRangeIterator ¶
func NewInclusiveRangeIterator( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, v *CompositeValue, typ InclusiveRangeStaticType, ) *InclusiveRangeIterator
func (*InclusiveRangeIterator) Next ¶
func (i *InclusiveRangeIterator) Next(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) Value
type InclusiveRangeStaticType ¶
type InclusiveRangeStaticType struct {
ElementType StaticType
func NewInclusiveRangeStaticType ¶
func NewInclusiveRangeStaticType( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, elementType StaticType, ) InclusiveRangeStaticType
func (InclusiveRangeStaticType) Encode ¶
func (t InclusiveRangeStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
Encode encodes InclusiveRangeStaticType as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagInclusiveRangeStaticType, Content: StaticType(v.Type), }
func (InclusiveRangeStaticType) Equal ¶
func (t InclusiveRangeStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
func (InclusiveRangeStaticType) ID ¶
func (t InclusiveRangeStaticType) ID() TypeID
func (InclusiveRangeStaticType) IsDeprecated ¶
func (t InclusiveRangeStaticType) IsDeprecated() bool
func (InclusiveRangeStaticType) MeteredString ¶
func (t InclusiveRangeStaticType) MeteredString(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) string
func (InclusiveRangeStaticType) String ¶
func (t InclusiveRangeStaticType) String() string
type InjectedCompositeFieldsHandlerFunc ¶
type InjectedCompositeFieldsHandlerFunc func( inter *Interpreter, location common.Location, qualifiedIdentifier string, compositeKind common.CompositeKind, ) map[string]Value
InjectedCompositeFieldsHandlerFunc is a function that handles storage reads.
type Int128Value ¶
func ConvertInt128 ¶
func ConvertInt128(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) Int128Value
func NewInt128ValueFromBigInt ¶
func NewInt128ValueFromBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, bigIntConstructor func() *big.Int) Int128Value
func NewInt128ValueFromUint64 ¶
func NewInt128ValueFromUint64(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value int64) Int128Value
func NewUnmeteredInt128ValueFromBigInt ¶
func NewUnmeteredInt128ValueFromBigInt(value *big.Int) Int128Value
func NewUnmeteredInt128ValueFromInt64 ¶
func NewUnmeteredInt128ValueFromInt64(value int64) Int128Value
func (Int128Value) Accept ¶
func (v Int128Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (Int128Value) BitwiseAnd ¶
func (v Int128Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Int128Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶
func (v Int128Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Int128Value) BitwiseOr ¶
func (v Int128Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Int128Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶
func (v Int128Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Int128Value) BitwiseXor ¶
func (v Int128Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Int128Value) ByteLength ¶
func (v Int128Value) ByteLength() int
func (Int128Value) ByteSize ¶
func (v Int128Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (Int128Value) ChildStorables ¶
func (Int128Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (Int128Value) Clone ¶
func (v Int128Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (Int128Value) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v Int128Value) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (Int128Value) DeepRemove ¶
func (Int128Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (Int128Value) Div ¶
func (v Int128Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int128Value) Encode ¶
func (v Int128Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes Int128Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagInt128Value, Content: *big.Int(v.BigInt), }
func (Int128Value) Equal ¶
func (v Int128Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (Int128Value) GetMember ¶
func (v Int128Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
func (Int128Value) Greater ¶
func (v Int128Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Int128Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v Int128Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Int128Value) HashInput ¶
func (v Int128Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
HashInput returns a byte slice containing: - HashInputTypeInt128 (1 byte) - big int value encoded in big-endian (n bytes)
func (Int128Value) IsImportable ¶
func (Int128Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (Int128Value) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (Int128Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (Int128Value) Less ¶
func (v Int128Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Int128Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v Int128Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Int128Value) MeteredString ¶
func (v Int128Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (Int128Value) Minus ¶
func (v Int128Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int128Value) Mod ¶
func (v Int128Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int128Value) Mul ¶
func (v Int128Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int128Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (Int128Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (Int128Value) Negate ¶
func (v Int128Value) Negate(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int128Value) Plus ¶
func (v Int128Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int128Value) RecursiveString ¶
func (v Int128Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (Int128Value) RemoveMember ¶
func (Int128Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (Int128Value) SaturatingDiv ¶
func (v Int128Value) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int128Value) SaturatingMinus ¶
func (v Int128Value) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int128Value) SaturatingMul ¶
func (v Int128Value) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int128Value) SaturatingPlus ¶
func (v Int128Value) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int128Value) SetMember ¶
func (Int128Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (Int128Value) StaticType ¶
func (Int128Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (Int128Value) Storable ¶
func (v Int128Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (Int128Value) StoredValue ¶
func (v Int128Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (Int128Value) String ¶
func (v Int128Value) String() string
func (Int128Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶
func (v Int128Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (Int128Value) ToBigInt ¶
func (v Int128Value) ToBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) *big.Int
func (Int128Value) ToInt ¶
func (v Int128Value) ToInt(locationRange LocationRange) int
func (Int128Value) Transfer ¶
func (v Int128Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (Int128Value) Walk ¶
func (Int128Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type Int16Value ¶
type Int16Value int16
func ConvertInt16 ¶
func ConvertInt16(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) Int16Value
func NewInt16Value ¶
func NewInt16Value(gauge common.MemoryGauge, valueGetter func() int16) Int16Value
func NewUnmeteredInt16Value ¶
func NewUnmeteredInt16Value(value int16) Int16Value
func (Int16Value) Accept ¶
func (v Int16Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (Int16Value) BitwiseAnd ¶
func (v Int16Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Int16Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶
func (v Int16Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Int16Value) BitwiseOr ¶
func (v Int16Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Int16Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶
func (v Int16Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Int16Value) BitwiseXor ¶
func (v Int16Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Int16Value) ByteSize ¶
func (v Int16Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (Int16Value) ChildStorables ¶
func (Int16Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (Int16Value) Clone ¶
func (v Int16Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (Int16Value) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v Int16Value) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (Int16Value) DeepRemove ¶
func (Int16Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (Int16Value) Div ¶
func (v Int16Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int16Value) Encode ¶
func (v Int16Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes Int16Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagInt16Value, Content: int16(v), }
func (Int16Value) Equal ¶
func (v Int16Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (Int16Value) GetMember ¶
func (v Int16Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
func (Int16Value) Greater ¶
func (v Int16Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Int16Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v Int16Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Int16Value) HashInput ¶
func (v Int16Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
HashInput returns a byte slice containing: - HashInputTypeInt16 (1 byte) - int16 value encoded in big-endian (2 bytes)
func (Int16Value) IsImportable ¶
func (Int16Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (Int16Value) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (Int16Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (Int16Value) Less ¶
func (v Int16Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Int16Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v Int16Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Int16Value) MeteredString ¶
func (v Int16Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (Int16Value) Minus ¶
func (v Int16Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int16Value) Mod ¶
func (v Int16Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int16Value) Mul ¶
func (v Int16Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int16Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (Int16Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (Int16Value) Negate ¶
func (v Int16Value) Negate(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int16Value) Plus ¶
func (v Int16Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int16Value) RecursiveString ¶
func (v Int16Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (Int16Value) RemoveMember ¶
func (Int16Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (Int16Value) SaturatingDiv ¶
func (v Int16Value) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int16Value) SaturatingMinus ¶
func (v Int16Value) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int16Value) SaturatingMul ¶
func (v Int16Value) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int16Value) SaturatingPlus ¶
func (v Int16Value) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int16Value) SetMember ¶
func (Int16Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (Int16Value) StaticType ¶
func (Int16Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (Int16Value) Storable ¶
func (v Int16Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (Int16Value) StoredValue ¶
func (v Int16Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (Int16Value) String ¶
func (v Int16Value) String() string
func (Int16Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶
func (v Int16Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (Int16Value) ToInt ¶
func (v Int16Value) ToInt(_ LocationRange) int
func (Int16Value) Transfer ¶
func (v Int16Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (Int16Value) Walk ¶
func (Int16Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type Int256Value ¶
func ConvertInt256 ¶
func ConvertInt256(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) Int256Value
func NewInt256ValueFromBigInt ¶
func NewInt256ValueFromBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, bigIntConstructor func() *big.Int) Int256Value
func NewInt256ValueFromUint64 ¶
func NewInt256ValueFromUint64(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value int64) Int256Value
func NewUnmeteredInt256ValueFromBigInt ¶
func NewUnmeteredInt256ValueFromBigInt(value *big.Int) Int256Value
func NewUnmeteredInt256ValueFromInt64 ¶
func NewUnmeteredInt256ValueFromInt64(value int64) Int256Value
func (Int256Value) Accept ¶
func (v Int256Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (Int256Value) BitwiseAnd ¶
func (v Int256Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Int256Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶
func (v Int256Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Int256Value) BitwiseOr ¶
func (v Int256Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Int256Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶
func (v Int256Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Int256Value) BitwiseXor ¶
func (v Int256Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Int256Value) ByteLength ¶
func (v Int256Value) ByteLength() int
func (Int256Value) ByteSize ¶
func (v Int256Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (Int256Value) ChildStorables ¶
func (Int256Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (Int256Value) Clone ¶
func (v Int256Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (Int256Value) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v Int256Value) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (Int256Value) DeepRemove ¶
func (Int256Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (Int256Value) Div ¶
func (v Int256Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int256Value) Encode ¶
func (v Int256Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes Int256Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagInt256Value, Content: *big.Int(v.BigInt), }
func (Int256Value) Equal ¶
func (v Int256Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (Int256Value) GetMember ¶
func (v Int256Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
func (Int256Value) Greater ¶
func (v Int256Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Int256Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v Int256Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Int256Value) HashInput ¶
func (v Int256Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
HashInput returns a byte slice containing: - HashInputTypeInt256 (1 byte) - big int value encoded in big-endian (n bytes)
func (Int256Value) IsImportable ¶
func (Int256Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (Int256Value) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (Int256Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (Int256Value) Less ¶
func (v Int256Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Int256Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v Int256Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Int256Value) MeteredString ¶
func (v Int256Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (Int256Value) Minus ¶
func (v Int256Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int256Value) Mod ¶
func (v Int256Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int256Value) Mul ¶
func (v Int256Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int256Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (Int256Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (Int256Value) Negate ¶
func (v Int256Value) Negate(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int256Value) Plus ¶
func (v Int256Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int256Value) RecursiveString ¶
func (v Int256Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (Int256Value) RemoveMember ¶
func (Int256Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (Int256Value) SaturatingDiv ¶
func (v Int256Value) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int256Value) SaturatingMinus ¶
func (v Int256Value) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int256Value) SaturatingMul ¶
func (v Int256Value) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int256Value) SaturatingPlus ¶
func (v Int256Value) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int256Value) SetMember ¶
func (Int256Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (Int256Value) StaticType ¶
func (Int256Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (Int256Value) Storable ¶
func (v Int256Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (Int256Value) StoredValue ¶
func (v Int256Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (Int256Value) String ¶
func (v Int256Value) String() string
func (Int256Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶
func (v Int256Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (Int256Value) ToBigInt ¶
func (v Int256Value) ToBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) *big.Int
func (Int256Value) ToInt ¶
func (v Int256Value) ToInt(locationRange LocationRange) int
func (Int256Value) Transfer ¶
func (v Int256Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (Int256Value) Walk ¶
func (Int256Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type Int32Value ¶
type Int32Value int32
func ConvertInt32 ¶
func ConvertInt32(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) Int32Value
func NewInt32Value ¶
func NewInt32Value(gauge common.MemoryGauge, valueGetter func() int32) Int32Value
func NewUnmeteredInt32Value ¶
func NewUnmeteredInt32Value(value int32) Int32Value
func (Int32Value) Accept ¶
func (v Int32Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (Int32Value) BitwiseAnd ¶
func (v Int32Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Int32Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶
func (v Int32Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Int32Value) BitwiseOr ¶
func (v Int32Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Int32Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶
func (v Int32Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Int32Value) BitwiseXor ¶
func (v Int32Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Int32Value) ByteSize ¶
func (v Int32Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (Int32Value) ChildStorables ¶
func (Int32Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (Int32Value) Clone ¶
func (v Int32Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (Int32Value) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v Int32Value) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (Int32Value) DeepRemove ¶
func (Int32Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (Int32Value) Div ¶
func (v Int32Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int32Value) Encode ¶
func (v Int32Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes Int32Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagInt32Value, Content: int32(v), }
func (Int32Value) Equal ¶
func (v Int32Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (Int32Value) GetMember ¶
func (v Int32Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
func (Int32Value) Greater ¶
func (v Int32Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Int32Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v Int32Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Int32Value) HashInput ¶
func (v Int32Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
HashInput returns a byte slice containing: - HashInputTypeInt32 (1 byte) - int32 value encoded in big-endian (4 bytes)
func (Int32Value) IsImportable ¶
func (Int32Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (Int32Value) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (Int32Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (Int32Value) Less ¶
func (v Int32Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Int32Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v Int32Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Int32Value) MeteredString ¶
func (v Int32Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (Int32Value) Minus ¶
func (v Int32Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int32Value) Mod ¶
func (v Int32Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int32Value) Mul ¶
func (v Int32Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int32Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (Int32Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (Int32Value) Negate ¶
func (v Int32Value) Negate(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int32Value) Plus ¶
func (v Int32Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int32Value) RecursiveString ¶
func (v Int32Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (Int32Value) RemoveMember ¶
func (Int32Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (Int32Value) SaturatingDiv ¶
func (v Int32Value) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int32Value) SaturatingMinus ¶
func (v Int32Value) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int32Value) SaturatingMul ¶
func (v Int32Value) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int32Value) SaturatingPlus ¶
func (v Int32Value) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int32Value) SetMember ¶
func (Int32Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (Int32Value) StaticType ¶
func (Int32Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (Int32Value) Storable ¶
func (v Int32Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (Int32Value) StoredValue ¶
func (v Int32Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (Int32Value) String ¶
func (v Int32Value) String() string
func (Int32Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶
func (v Int32Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (Int32Value) ToInt ¶
func (v Int32Value) ToInt(_ LocationRange) int
func (Int32Value) Transfer ¶
func (v Int32Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (Int32Value) Walk ¶
func (Int32Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type Int64Value ¶
type Int64Value int64
func ConvertInt64 ¶
func ConvertInt64(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) Int64Value
func NewInt64Value ¶
func NewInt64Value(gauge common.MemoryGauge, valueGetter func() int64) Int64Value
func NewUnmeteredInt64Value ¶
func NewUnmeteredInt64Value(value int64) Int64Value
func (Int64Value) Accept ¶
func (v Int64Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (Int64Value) BitwiseAnd ¶
func (v Int64Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Int64Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶
func (v Int64Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Int64Value) BitwiseOr ¶
func (v Int64Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Int64Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶
func (v Int64Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Int64Value) BitwiseXor ¶
func (v Int64Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Int64Value) ByteSize ¶
func (v Int64Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (Int64Value) ChildStorables ¶
func (Int64Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (Int64Value) Clone ¶
func (v Int64Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (Int64Value) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v Int64Value) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (Int64Value) DeepRemove ¶
func (Int64Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (Int64Value) Div ¶
func (v Int64Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int64Value) Encode ¶
func (v Int64Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes Int64Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagInt64Value, Content: int64(v), }
func (Int64Value) Equal ¶
func (v Int64Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (Int64Value) GetMember ¶
func (v Int64Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
func (Int64Value) Greater ¶
func (v Int64Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Int64Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v Int64Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Int64Value) HashInput ¶
func (v Int64Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
HashInput returns a byte slice containing: - HashInputTypeInt64 (1 byte) - int64 value encoded in big-endian (8 bytes)
func (Int64Value) IsImportable ¶
func (Int64Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (Int64Value) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (Int64Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (Int64Value) Less ¶
func (v Int64Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Int64Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v Int64Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Int64Value) MeteredString ¶
func (v Int64Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (Int64Value) Minus ¶
func (v Int64Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int64Value) Mod ¶
func (v Int64Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int64Value) Mul ¶
func (v Int64Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int64Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (Int64Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (Int64Value) Negate ¶
func (v Int64Value) Negate(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int64Value) Plus ¶
func (v Int64Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int64Value) RecursiveString ¶
func (v Int64Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (Int64Value) RemoveMember ¶
func (Int64Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (Int64Value) SaturatingDiv ¶
func (v Int64Value) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int64Value) SaturatingMinus ¶
func (v Int64Value) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int64Value) SaturatingMul ¶
func (v Int64Value) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int64Value) SaturatingPlus ¶
func (v Int64Value) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int64Value) SetMember ¶
func (Int64Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (Int64Value) StaticType ¶
func (Int64Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (Int64Value) Storable ¶
func (v Int64Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (Int64Value) StoredValue ¶
func (v Int64Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (Int64Value) String ¶
func (v Int64Value) String() string
func (Int64Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶
func (v Int64Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (Int64Value) ToInt ¶
func (v Int64Value) ToInt(_ LocationRange) int
func (Int64Value) Transfer ¶
func (v Int64Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (Int64Value) Walk ¶
func (Int64Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type Int8Value ¶
type Int8Value int8
func ConvertInt8 ¶
func ConvertInt8(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) Int8Value
func NewInt8Value ¶
func NewInt8Value(gauge common.MemoryGauge, valueGetter func() int8) Int8Value
func NewUnmeteredInt8Value ¶
func (Int8Value) Accept ¶
func (v Int8Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (Int8Value) BitwiseAnd ¶
func (v Int8Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Int8Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶
func (v Int8Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Int8Value) BitwiseOr ¶
func (v Int8Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Int8Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶
func (v Int8Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Int8Value) BitwiseXor ¶
func (v Int8Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Int8Value) ChildStorables ¶
func (Int8Value) Clone ¶
func (v Int8Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (Int8Value) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v Int8Value) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (Int8Value) DeepRemove ¶
func (Int8Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (Int8Value) Div ¶
func (v Int8Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int8Value) Encode ¶
Encode encodes Int8Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagInt8Value, Content: int8(v), }
func (Int8Value) Equal ¶
func (v Int8Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (Int8Value) GetMember ¶
func (v Int8Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
func (Int8Value) Greater ¶
func (v Int8Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Int8Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v Int8Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Int8Value) HashInput ¶
func (v Int8Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
HashInput returns a byte slice containing: - HashInputTypeInt8 (1 byte) - int8 value (1 byte)
func (Int8Value) IsImportable ¶
func (Int8Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (Int8Value) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (Int8Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (Int8Value) Less ¶
func (v Int8Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Int8Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v Int8Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Int8Value) MeteredString ¶
func (v Int8Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (Int8Value) Minus ¶
func (v Int8Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int8Value) Mod ¶
func (v Int8Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int8Value) Mul ¶
func (v Int8Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int8Value) Negate ¶
func (v Int8Value) Negate(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int8Value) Plus ¶
func (v Int8Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int8Value) RecursiveString ¶
func (v Int8Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (Int8Value) RemoveMember ¶
func (Int8Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (Int8Value) SaturatingDiv ¶
func (v Int8Value) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int8Value) SaturatingMinus ¶
func (v Int8Value) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int8Value) SaturatingMul ¶
func (v Int8Value) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int8Value) SaturatingPlus ¶
func (v Int8Value) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Int8Value) SetMember ¶
func (Int8Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (Int8Value) StaticType ¶
func (Int8Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (Int8Value) StoredValue ¶
func (Int8Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶
func (Int8Value) ToInt ¶
func (v Int8Value) ToInt(_ LocationRange) int
func (Int8Value) Walk ¶
func (Int8Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type IntValue ¶
func ConvertInt ¶
func ConvertInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) IntValue
func NewIntValueFromBigInt ¶
func NewIntValueFromBigInt( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, memoryUsage common.MemoryUsage, bigIntConstructor func() *big.Int, ) IntValue
func NewIntValueFromInt64 ¶
func NewIntValueFromInt64(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value int64) IntValue
func (IntValue) Accept ¶
func (v IntValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (IntValue) BitwiseAnd ¶
func (v IntValue) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (IntValue) BitwiseLeftShift ¶
func (v IntValue) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (IntValue) BitwiseOr ¶
func (v IntValue) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (IntValue) BitwiseRightShift ¶
func (v IntValue) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (IntValue) BitwiseXor ¶
func (v IntValue) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (IntValue) ByteLength ¶
func (IntValue) ChildStorables ¶
func (IntValue) Clone ¶
func (v IntValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (IntValue) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v IntValue) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (IntValue) DeepRemove ¶
func (IntValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (IntValue) Div ¶
func (v IntValue) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (IntValue) Encode ¶
Encode encodes the value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagIntValue, Content: *big.Int(v.BigInt), }
func (IntValue) Equal ¶
func (v IntValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (IntValue) GetMember ¶
func (v IntValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
func (IntValue) Greater ¶
func (v IntValue) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (IntValue) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v IntValue) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (IntValue) HashInput ¶
func (v IntValue) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
HashInput returns a byte slice containing: - HashInputTypeInt (1 byte) - big int encoded in big-endian (n bytes)
func (IntValue) IsImportable ¶
func (IntValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (IntValue) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (IntValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (IntValue) Less ¶
func (v IntValue) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (IntValue) LessEqual ¶
func (v IntValue) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (IntValue) MeteredString ¶
func (v IntValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (IntValue) Minus ¶
func (v IntValue) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (IntValue) Mod ¶
func (v IntValue) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (IntValue) Mul ¶
func (v IntValue) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (IntValue) Negate ¶
func (v IntValue) Negate(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) NumberValue
func (IntValue) Plus ¶
func (v IntValue) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (IntValue) RecursiveString ¶
func (v IntValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (IntValue) RemoveMember ¶
func (IntValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (IntValue) SaturatingDiv ¶
func (v IntValue) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (IntValue) SaturatingMinus ¶
func (v IntValue) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (IntValue) SaturatingMul ¶
func (v IntValue) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (IntValue) SaturatingPlus ¶
func (v IntValue) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (IntValue) SetMember ¶
func (IntValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (IntValue) StaticType ¶
func (IntValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (IntValue) StoredValue ¶
func (IntValue) ToBigEndianBytes ¶
func (IntValue) ToInt ¶
func (v IntValue) ToInt(locationRange LocationRange) int
func (IntValue) ToUint32 ¶
func (v IntValue) ToUint32(locationRange LocationRange) uint32
func (IntValue) Walk ¶
func (IntValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type IntegerValue ¶
type IntegerValue interface { NumberValue BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue }
func GetSmallIntegerValue ¶
func GetSmallIntegerValue(value int8, staticType StaticType) IntegerValue
type InterfaceMissingLocationError ¶
type InterfaceMissingLocationError struct {
QualifiedIdentifier string
InterfaceMissingLocation is reported during interface lookup, if an interface is looked up without a location
func (InterfaceMissingLocationError) Error ¶
func (e InterfaceMissingLocationError) Error() string
func (InterfaceMissingLocationError) IsUserError ¶
func (InterfaceMissingLocationError) IsUserError()
type InterfaceStaticType ¶
type InterfaceStaticType struct { Location common.Location QualifiedIdentifier string TypeID common.TypeID }
func ConvertSemaInterfaceTypeToStaticInterfaceType ¶
func ConvertSemaInterfaceTypeToStaticInterfaceType( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, t *sema.InterfaceType, ) *InterfaceStaticType
func NewInterfaceStaticType ¶
func NewInterfaceStaticType( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, location common.Location, qualifiedIdentifier string, typeID common.TypeID, ) *InterfaceStaticType
func NewInterfaceStaticTypeComputeTypeID ¶
func NewInterfaceStaticTypeComputeTypeID( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, location common.Location, qualifiedIdentifier string, ) *InterfaceStaticType
func (*InterfaceStaticType) Encode ¶
func (t *InterfaceStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
Encode encodes InterfaceStaticType as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagInterfaceStaticType, Content: cborArray{ encodedInterfaceStaticTypeLocationFieldKey: Location(v.Location), encodedInterfaceStaticTypeQualifiedIdentifierFieldKey: string(v.QualifiedIdentifier), }, }
func (*InterfaceStaticType) Equal ¶
func (t *InterfaceStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
func (*InterfaceStaticType) ID ¶
func (t *InterfaceStaticType) ID() TypeID
func (*InterfaceStaticType) IsDeprecated ¶
func (*InterfaceStaticType) IsDeprecated() bool
func (*InterfaceStaticType) MeteredString ¶
func (t *InterfaceStaticType) MeteredString(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) string
func (*InterfaceStaticType) String ¶
func (t *InterfaceStaticType) String() string
type InterfaceTypeHandlerFunc ¶
type InterfaceTypeHandlerFunc func(location common.Location, typeID TypeID) *sema.InterfaceType
InterfaceTypeHandlerFunc is a function that loads interface types.
type InterpretedFunctionValue ¶
type InterpretedFunctionValue struct { Interpreter *Interpreter ParameterList *ast.ParameterList Type *sema.FunctionType Activation *VariableActivation BeforeStatements []ast.Statement PreConditions []ast.Condition Statements []ast.Statement PostConditions []ast.Condition }
func NewInterpretedFunctionValue ¶
func NewInterpretedFunctionValue( interpreter *Interpreter, parameterList *ast.ParameterList, functionType *sema.FunctionType, lexicalScope *VariableActivation, beforeStatements []ast.Statement, preConditions []ast.Condition, statements []ast.Statement, postConditions []ast.Condition, ) *InterpretedFunctionValue
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) Accept ¶
func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) Clone ¶
func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) DeepRemove ¶
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) FunctionType ¶
func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) FunctionType() *sema.FunctionType
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) IsImportable ¶
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) MeteredString ¶
func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) RecursiveString ¶
func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) StaticType ¶
func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) Storable ¶
func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) String ¶
func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) String() string
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) Transfer ¶
func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) Walk ¶
func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type Interpreter ¶
type Interpreter struct { Location common.Location Program *Program Globals GlobalVariables Transactions []*HostFunctionValue // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewInterpreter ¶
func NewInterpreterWithSharedState ¶
func NewInterpreterWithSharedState( program *Program, location common.Location, sharedState *SharedState, ) (*Interpreter, error)
func (*Interpreter) AllElaborations ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) AllElaborations() (elaborations map[common.Location]*sema.Elaboration)
func (*Interpreter) BoxOptional ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) BoxOptional( locationRange LocationRange, value Value, targetType sema.Type, ) Value
BoxOptional boxes a value in optionals, if necessary
func (*Interpreter) CallStack ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) CallStack() []Invocation
func (*Interpreter) ConvertAndBox ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) ConvertAndBox( locationRange LocationRange, value Value, valueType, targetType sema.Type, ) Value
ConvertAndBox converts a value to a target type, and boxes in optionals and any value, if necessary
func (*Interpreter) ConvertStaticToSemaType ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) ConvertStaticToSemaType(staticType StaticType) (sema.Type, error)
func (*Interpreter) DecodeStorable ¶
func (*Interpreter) DecodeTypeInfo ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) DecodeTypeInfo(decoder *cbor.StreamDecoder) (atree.TypeInfo, error)
func (*Interpreter) EnsureLoaded ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) EnsureLoaded( location common.Location, ) *Interpreter
func (*Interpreter) ExpectType ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) ExpectType( value Value, expectedType sema.Type, locationRange LocationRange, )
func (*Interpreter) FindVariable ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) FindVariable(name string) Variable
func (*Interpreter) GetCompositeType ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) GetCompositeType( location common.Location, qualifiedIdentifier string, typeID TypeID, ) (*sema.CompositeType, error)
func (*Interpreter) GetCompositeValueComputedFields ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) GetCompositeValueComputedFields(v *CompositeValue) map[string]ComputedField
func (*Interpreter) GetCompositeValueFunctions ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) GetCompositeValueFunctions( v *CompositeValue, locationRange LocationRange, ) *FunctionOrderedMap
func (*Interpreter) GetCompositeValueInjectedFields ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) GetCompositeValueInjectedFields(v *CompositeValue) map[string]Value
func (*Interpreter) GetContractComposite ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) GetContractComposite(contractLocation common.AddressLocation) (*CompositeValue, error)
GetContractComposite gets the composite value of the contract at the address location.
func (*Interpreter) GetEntitlementMapType ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) GetEntitlementMapType(typeID common.TypeID) (*sema.EntitlementMapType, error)
func (*Interpreter) GetEntitlementType ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) GetEntitlementType(typeID common.TypeID) (*sema.EntitlementType, error)
func (*Interpreter) GetInterfaceType ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) GetInterfaceType( location common.Location, qualifiedIdentifier string, typeID TypeID, ) (*sema.InterfaceType, error)
func (*Interpreter) Interpret ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) Interpret() (err error)
func (*Interpreter) Invoke ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) Invoke(functionName string, arguments ...Value) (value Value, err error)
Invoke invokes a global function with the given arguments
func (*Interpreter) InvokeExternally ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) InvokeExternally( functionValue FunctionValue, functionType *sema.FunctionType, arguments []Value, ) ( result Value, err error, )
func (*Interpreter) InvokeFunction ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) InvokeFunction(function FunctionValue, invocation Invocation) (value Value, err error)
InvokeFunction invokes a function value with the given invocation
func (*Interpreter) InvokeFunctionValue ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) InvokeFunctionValue( function FunctionValue, arguments []Value, argumentTypes []sema.Type, parameterTypes []sema.Type, returnType sema.Type, invocationPosition ast.HasPosition, ) ( value Value, err error, )
func (*Interpreter) InvokeTransaction ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) InvokeTransaction(index int, arguments ...Value) (err error)
func (*Interpreter) IsSubType ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) IsSubType(subType StaticType, superType StaticType) bool
func (*Interpreter) IsSubTypeOfSemaType ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) IsSubTypeOfSemaType(staticSubType StaticType, superType sema.Type) bool
func (*Interpreter) MeterMemory ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) MeterMemory(usage common.MemoryUsage) error
MeterMemory delegates the memory usage to the interpreter's memory gauge, if any.
func (*Interpreter) MustConvertStaticAuthorizationToSemaAccess ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) MustConvertStaticAuthorizationToSemaAccess(auth Authorization) sema.Access
func (*Interpreter) MustConvertStaticToSemaType ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) MustConvertStaticToSemaType(staticType StaticType) sema.Type
func (*Interpreter) MustSemaTypeOfValue ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) MustSemaTypeOfValue(value Value) sema.Type
func (*Interpreter) NewIntegerValueFromBigInt ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) NewIntegerValueFromBigInt(value *big.Int, integerSubType sema.Type) Value
NewIntegerValueFromBigInt creates a Cadence interpreter value of a given subtype. This method assumes the range validations are done prior to calling this method. (i.e: at semantic level)
func (*Interpreter) NewSubInterpreter ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) NewSubInterpreter( program *Program, location common.Location, ) ( *Interpreter, error, )
func (*Interpreter) ReadStored ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) ReadStored( storageAddress common.Address, domain common.StorageDomain, identifier StorageMapKey, ) Value
func (*Interpreter) RecoverErrors ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) RecoverErrors(onError func(error))
func (*Interpreter) RemoveReferencedSlab ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) RemoveReferencedSlab(storable atree.Storable)
func (*Interpreter) ReportComputation ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) ReportComputation(compKind common.ComputationKind, intensity uint)
func (*Interpreter) Storage ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) Storage() Storage
func (*Interpreter) StoredValueExists ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) StoredValueExists( storageAddress common.Address, domain common.StorageDomain, identifier StorageMapKey, ) bool
func (*Interpreter) SubstituteMappedEntitlements ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) SubstituteMappedEntitlements(ty sema.Type) sema.Type
func (*Interpreter) Unbox ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) Unbox(locationRange LocationRange, value Value) Value
func (*Interpreter) ValidateAtreeValue ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) ValidateAtreeValue(value atree.Value)
func (*Interpreter) ValueIsSubtypeOfSemaType ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) ValueIsSubtypeOfSemaType(value Value, targetType sema.Type) bool
func (*Interpreter) VisitArrayExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitArrayExpression(expression *ast.ArrayExpression) Value
func (*Interpreter) VisitAssignmentStatement ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitAssignmentStatement(assignment *ast.AssignmentStatement) StatementResult
func (*Interpreter) VisitAttachExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitAttachExpression(attachExpression *ast.AttachExpression) Value
func (*Interpreter) VisitAttachmentDeclaration ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitAttachmentDeclaration(declaration *ast.AttachmentDeclaration) StatementResult
func (*Interpreter) VisitBinaryExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitBinaryExpression(expression *ast.BinaryExpression) Value
func (*Interpreter) VisitBoolExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitBoolExpression(expression *ast.BoolExpression) Value
func (*Interpreter) VisitBreakStatement ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitBreakStatement(_ *ast.BreakStatement) StatementResult
func (*Interpreter) VisitCastingExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitCastingExpression(expression *ast.CastingExpression) Value
func (*Interpreter) VisitCompositeDeclaration ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitCompositeDeclaration(declaration *ast.CompositeDeclaration) StatementResult
NOTE: only called for top-level composite declarations
func (*Interpreter) VisitConditionalExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitConditionalExpression(expression *ast.ConditionalExpression) Value
func (*Interpreter) VisitContinueStatement ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitContinueStatement(_ *ast.ContinueStatement) StatementResult
func (*Interpreter) VisitCreateExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitCreateExpression(expression *ast.CreateExpression) Value
func (*Interpreter) VisitDestroyExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitDestroyExpression(expression *ast.DestroyExpression) Value
func (*Interpreter) VisitDictionaryExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitDictionaryExpression(expression *ast.DictionaryExpression) Value
func (*Interpreter) VisitEmitStatement ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitEmitStatement(statement *ast.EmitStatement) StatementResult
func (*Interpreter) VisitEntitlementDeclaration ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitEntitlementDeclaration(_ *ast.EntitlementDeclaration) StatementResult
func (*Interpreter) VisitEntitlementMappingDeclaration ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitEntitlementMappingDeclaration(_ *ast.EntitlementMappingDeclaration) StatementResult
func (*Interpreter) VisitEnumCaseDeclaration ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitEnumCaseDeclaration(_ *ast.EnumCaseDeclaration) StatementResult
func (*Interpreter) VisitExpressionStatement ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitExpressionStatement(statement *ast.ExpressionStatement) StatementResult
func (*Interpreter) VisitFieldDeclaration ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitFieldDeclaration(_ *ast.FieldDeclaration) StatementResult
func (*Interpreter) VisitFixedPointExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitFixedPointExpression(expression *ast.FixedPointExpression) Value
func (*Interpreter) VisitForStatement ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitForStatement(statement *ast.ForStatement) (result StatementResult)
func (*Interpreter) VisitForceExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitForceExpression(expression *ast.ForceExpression) Value
func (*Interpreter) VisitFunctionDeclaration ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitFunctionDeclaration(declaration *ast.FunctionDeclaration, isStatement bool) StatementResult
func (*Interpreter) VisitFunctionExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitFunctionExpression(expression *ast.FunctionExpression) Value
func (*Interpreter) VisitIdentifierExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitIdentifierExpression(expression *ast.IdentifierExpression) Value
func (*Interpreter) VisitIfStatement ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitIfStatement(statement *ast.IfStatement) StatementResult
func (*Interpreter) VisitImportDeclaration ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitImportDeclaration(declaration *ast.ImportDeclaration) StatementResult
func (*Interpreter) VisitIndexExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitIndexExpression(expression *ast.IndexExpression) Value
func (*Interpreter) VisitIntegerExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitIntegerExpression(expression *ast.IntegerExpression) Value
func (*Interpreter) VisitInterfaceDeclaration ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitInterfaceDeclaration(declaration *ast.InterfaceDeclaration) StatementResult
NOTE: only called for top-level interface declarations
func (*Interpreter) VisitInvocationExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitInvocationExpression(invocationExpression *ast.InvocationExpression) Value
func (*Interpreter) VisitMemberExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitMemberExpression(expression *ast.MemberExpression) Value
func (*Interpreter) VisitNilExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitNilExpression(_ *ast.NilExpression) Value
func (*Interpreter) VisitPathExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitPathExpression(expression *ast.PathExpression) Value
func (*Interpreter) VisitPragmaDeclaration ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitPragmaDeclaration(_ *ast.PragmaDeclaration) StatementResult
func (*Interpreter) VisitProgram ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitProgram(program *ast.Program)
func (*Interpreter) VisitReferenceExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitReferenceExpression(referenceExpression *ast.ReferenceExpression) Value
func (*Interpreter) VisitRemoveStatement ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitRemoveStatement(removeStatement *ast.RemoveStatement) StatementResult
func (*Interpreter) VisitReturnStatement ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitReturnStatement(statement *ast.ReturnStatement) StatementResult
func (*Interpreter) VisitSpecialFunctionDeclaration ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitSpecialFunctionDeclaration(declaration *ast.SpecialFunctionDeclaration) StatementResult
func (*Interpreter) VisitStringExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitStringExpression(expression *ast.StringExpression) Value
func (*Interpreter) VisitStringTemplateExpression ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitStringTemplateExpression(expression *ast.StringTemplateExpression) Value
func (*Interpreter) VisitSwapStatement ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitSwapStatement(swap *ast.SwapStatement) StatementResult
func (*Interpreter) VisitSwitchStatement ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitSwitchStatement(switchStatement *ast.SwitchStatement) StatementResult
func (*Interpreter) VisitTransactionDeclaration ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitTransactionDeclaration(declaration *ast.TransactionDeclaration) StatementResult
func (*Interpreter) VisitUnaryExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitUnaryExpression(expression *ast.UnaryExpression) Value
func (*Interpreter) VisitVariableDeclaration ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitVariableDeclaration(declaration *ast.VariableDeclaration) StatementResult
VisitVariableDeclaration first visits the declaration's value, then declares the variable with the name bound to the value
func (*Interpreter) VisitVoidExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitVoidExpression(_ *ast.VoidExpression) Value
func (*Interpreter) VisitWhileStatement ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitWhileStatement(statement *ast.WhileStatement) StatementResult
func (*Interpreter) WriteStored ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) WriteStored( storageAddress common.Address, domain common.StorageDomain, key StorageMapKey, value Value, ) (existed bool)
type InterpreterImport ¶
type InterpreterImport struct {
Interpreter *Interpreter
type IntersectionStaticType ¶
type IntersectionStaticType struct { Types []*InterfaceStaticType LegacyType StaticType }
func NewIntersectionStaticType ¶
func NewIntersectionStaticType( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, types []*InterfaceStaticType, ) *IntersectionStaticType
func (*IntersectionStaticType) Encode ¶
func (t *IntersectionStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
Encode encodes IntersectionStaticType as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagIntersectionStaticType, Content: cborArray{ encodedIntersectionStaticTypeLegacyTypeFieldKey: StaticType(v.LegacyRestrictedType), encodedIntersectionStaticTypeTypesFieldKey: []any(v.Types), }, }
func (*IntersectionStaticType) Equal ¶
func (t *IntersectionStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
func (*IntersectionStaticType) ID ¶
func (t *IntersectionStaticType) ID() TypeID
func (*IntersectionStaticType) IsDeprecated ¶
func (t *IntersectionStaticType) IsDeprecated() bool
func (*IntersectionStaticType) MeteredString ¶
func (t *IntersectionStaticType) MeteredString(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) string
func (*IntersectionStaticType) String ¶
func (t *IntersectionStaticType) String() string
type InvalidAttachmentOperationTargetError ¶
type InvalidAttachmentOperationTargetError struct { Value Value LocationRange }
func (InvalidAttachmentOperationTargetError) Error ¶
func (e InvalidAttachmentOperationTargetError) Error() string
func (InvalidAttachmentOperationTargetError) IsInternalError ¶
func (InvalidAttachmentOperationTargetError) IsInternalError()
type InvalidCapabilityIDError ¶
type InvalidCapabilityIDError struct{}
func (InvalidCapabilityIDError) Error ¶
func (e InvalidCapabilityIDError) Error() string
func (InvalidCapabilityIDError) IsInternalError ¶
func (InvalidCapabilityIDError) IsInternalError()
type InvalidCapabilityIssueTypeError ¶
type InvalidCapabilityIssueTypeError struct { ExpectedTypeDescription string ActualType sema.Type LocationRange }
func (InvalidCapabilityIssueTypeError) Error ¶
func (e InvalidCapabilityIssueTypeError) Error() string
func (InvalidCapabilityIssueTypeError) IsUserError ¶
func (InvalidCapabilityIssueTypeError) IsUserError()
type InvalidHexByteError ¶
type InvalidHexByteError struct { LocationRange Byte byte }
func (InvalidHexByteError) Error ¶
func (e InvalidHexByteError) Error() string
func (InvalidHexByteError) IsUserError ¶
func (InvalidHexByteError) IsUserError()
type InvalidHexLengthError ¶
type InvalidHexLengthError struct {
func (InvalidHexLengthError) Error ¶
func (InvalidHexLengthError) Error() string
func (InvalidHexLengthError) IsUserError ¶
func (InvalidHexLengthError) IsUserError()
type InvalidMemberReferenceError ¶
type InvalidMemberReferenceError struct { ExpectedType sema.Type ActualType sema.Type LocationRange }
func (InvalidMemberReferenceError) Error ¶
func (e InvalidMemberReferenceError) Error() string
func (InvalidMemberReferenceError) IsUserError ¶
func (InvalidMemberReferenceError) IsUserError()
type InvalidOperandsError ¶
type InvalidOperandsError struct { LocationRange LeftType StaticType RightType StaticType FunctionName string Operation ast.Operation }
func (InvalidOperandsError) Error ¶
func (e InvalidOperandsError) Error() string
func (InvalidOperandsError) IsUserError ¶
func (InvalidOperandsError) IsUserError()
type InvalidPathDomainError ¶
type InvalidPathDomainError struct { LocationRange ExpectedDomains []common.PathDomain ActualDomain common.PathDomain }
func (InvalidPathDomainError) Error ¶
func (e InvalidPathDomainError) Error() string
func (InvalidPathDomainError) IsUserError ¶
func (InvalidPathDomainError) IsUserError()
func (InvalidPathDomainError) SecondaryError ¶
func (e InvalidPathDomainError) SecondaryError() string
type InvalidPublicKeyError ¶
type InvalidPublicKeyError struct { PublicKey *ArrayValue Err error LocationRange }
InvalidPublicKeyError is reported during PublicKey creation, if the PublicKey is invalid.
func (InvalidPublicKeyError) Error ¶
func (e InvalidPublicKeyError) Error() string
func (InvalidPublicKeyError) IsUserError ¶
func (InvalidPublicKeyError) IsUserError()
func (InvalidPublicKeyError) Unwrap ¶
func (e InvalidPublicKeyError) Unwrap() error
type InvalidSliceIndexError ¶
type InvalidSliceIndexError struct { LocationRange FromIndex int UpToIndex int }
InvalidSliceIndexError is returned when a slice index is invalid, such as fromIndex > upToIndex This error can be returned even when fromIndex and upToIndex are both within bounds.
func (InvalidSliceIndexError) Error ¶
func (e InvalidSliceIndexError) Error() string
func (InvalidSliceIndexError) IsUserError ¶
func (InvalidSliceIndexError) IsUserError()
type InvalidStringLengthError ¶
type InvalidStringLengthError struct {
Length uint64
func (InvalidStringLengthError) Error ¶
func (e InvalidStringLengthError) Error() string
func (InvalidStringLengthError) IsInternalError ¶
func (InvalidStringLengthError) IsInternalError()
type InvalidatedResourceError ¶
type InvalidatedResourceError struct {
func (InvalidatedResourceError) Error ¶
func (e InvalidatedResourceError) Error() string
func (InvalidatedResourceError) IsInternalError ¶
func (InvalidatedResourceError) IsInternalError()
type InvalidatedResourceReferenceError ¶
type InvalidatedResourceReferenceError struct {
InvalidatedResourceReferenceError is reported when accessing a reference value that is pointing to a moved or destroyed resource.
func (InvalidatedResourceReferenceError) Error ¶
func (e InvalidatedResourceReferenceError) Error() string
func (InvalidatedResourceReferenceError) IsUserError ¶
func (InvalidatedResourceReferenceError) IsUserError()
type Invocation ¶
type Invocation struct { LocationRange LocationRange Self *Value Base *EphemeralReferenceValue BoundAuthorization Authorization TypeParameterTypes *sema.TypeParameterTypeOrderedMap Interpreter *Interpreter Arguments []Value ArgumentTypes []sema.Type }
func NewInvocation ¶
func NewInvocation( interpreter *Interpreter, self *Value, base *EphemeralReferenceValue, boundAuth Authorization, arguments []Value, argumentTypes []sema.Type, typeParameterTypes *sema.TypeParameterTypeOrderedMap, locationRange LocationRange, ) Invocation
type IterableValue ¶
type IterableValue interface { Value Iterator(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) ValueIterator ForEach( interpreter *Interpreter, elementType sema.Type, function func(value Value) (resume bool), transferElements bool, locationRange LocationRange, ) }
IterableValue is a value which can be iterated over, e.g. with a for-loop
type LocationDecoder ¶
type LocationDecoder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewLocationDecoder ¶
func NewLocationDecoder( decoder *cbor.StreamDecoder, memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, ) LocationDecoder
func (LocationDecoder) DecodeLocation ¶
func (d LocationDecoder) DecodeLocation() (common.Location, error)
type LocationRange ¶
type LocationRange struct { Location common.Location ast.HasPosition }
LocationRange defines a range in the source of the import tree. The Position defines the script within the import tree, the Range defines the start/end position within the source of that script.
func (LocationRange) EndPosition ¶
func (r LocationRange) EndPosition(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) ast.Position
func (LocationRange) ImportLocation ¶
func (r LocationRange) ImportLocation() common.Location
func (LocationRange) StartPosition ¶
func (r LocationRange) StartPosition() ast.Position
type MemberAccessTypeError ¶
type MemberAccessTypeError struct { ExpectedType sema.Type ActualType sema.Type LocationRange }
func (MemberAccessTypeError) Error ¶
func (e MemberAccessTypeError) Error() string
func (MemberAccessTypeError) IsInternalError ¶
func (MemberAccessTypeError) IsInternalError()
type MemberAccessibleValue ¶
type MemberAccessibleValue interface { Value GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value RemoveMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value // returns whether a value previously existed with this name SetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string, value Value) bool }
type NegativeShiftError ¶ added in v1.3.1
type NegativeShiftError struct {
func (NegativeShiftError) Error ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (e NegativeShiftError) Error() string
func (NegativeShiftError) IsUserError ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (NegativeShiftError) IsUserError()
type NestedReferenceError ¶
type NestedReferenceError struct { Value ReferenceValue LocationRange }
func (NestedReferenceError) Error ¶
func (e NestedReferenceError) Error() string
func (NestedReferenceError) IsUserError ¶
func (NestedReferenceError) IsUserError()
type NilValue ¶
type NilValue struct{}
func (NilValue) Accept ¶
func (v NilValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (NilValue) ChildStorables ¶
func (NilValue) Clone ¶
func (v NilValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (NilValue) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v NilValue) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (NilValue) DeepRemove ¶
func (NilValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (NilValue) Destroy ¶
func (v NilValue) Destroy(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange)
func (NilValue) Equal ¶
func (v NilValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (NilValue) GetMember ¶
func (v NilValue) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, name string) Value
func (NilValue) IsDestroyed ¶
func (NilValue) IsImportable ¶
func (NilValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (NilValue) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (NilValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (NilValue) IsStorable ¶
func (NilValue) MeteredString ¶
func (v NilValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (NilValue) RecursiveString ¶
func (v NilValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (NilValue) RemoveMember ¶
func (NilValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (NilValue) SetMember ¶
func (NilValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (NilValue) StaticType ¶
func (NilValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (NilValue) StoredValue ¶
func (NilValue) Walk ¶
func (NilValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type NonStorable ¶
type NonStorable struct {
Value Value
NonStorable represents a value that cannot be stored
func (NonStorable) ByteSize ¶
func (s NonStorable) ByteSize() uint32
func (NonStorable) ChildStorables ¶
func (NonStorable) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (NonStorable) StoredValue ¶
func (s NonStorable) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
type NonStorableStaticTypeError ¶
func (NonStorableStaticTypeError) Error ¶
func (e NonStorableStaticTypeError) Error() string
func (NonStorableStaticTypeError) IsUserError ¶
func (NonStorableStaticTypeError) IsUserError()
type NonStorableValueError ¶
type NonStorableValueError struct {
Value Value
func (NonStorableValueError) Error ¶
func (e NonStorableValueError) Error() string
func (NonStorableValueError) IsUserError ¶
func (NonStorableValueError) IsUserError()
type NonTransferableValueError ¶
type NonTransferableValueError struct {
Value Value
func (NonTransferableValueError) Error ¶
func (e NonTransferableValueError) Error() string
func (NonTransferableValueError) IsUserError ¶
func (NonTransferableValueError) IsUserError()
type NotDeclaredError ¶
type NotDeclaredError struct { Name string ExpectedKind common.DeclarationKind }
func (NotDeclaredError) Error ¶
func (e NotDeclaredError) Error() string
func (NotDeclaredError) IsUserError ¶
func (NotDeclaredError) IsUserError()
func (NotDeclaredError) SecondaryError ¶
func (e NotDeclaredError) SecondaryError() string
type NotInvokableError ¶
type NotInvokableError struct {
Value Value
func (NotInvokableError) Error ¶
func (e NotInvokableError) Error() string
func (NotInvokableError) IsUserError ¶
func (NotInvokableError) IsUserError()
type NumberValue ¶
type NumberValue interface { ComparableValue ToInt(locationRange LocationRange) int Negate(*Interpreter, LocationRange) NumberValue Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue ToBigEndianBytes() []byte }
type OnEventEmittedFunc ¶
type OnEventEmittedFunc func( inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, event *CompositeValue, eventType *sema.CompositeType, ) error
OnEventEmittedFunc is a function that is triggered when an event is emitted by the program.
type OnFunctionInvocationFunc ¶
type OnFunctionInvocationFunc func(inter *Interpreter)
OnFunctionInvocationFunc is a function that is triggered when a function is about to be invoked.
type OnInvokedFunctionReturnFunc ¶
type OnInvokedFunctionReturnFunc func(inter *Interpreter)
OnInvokedFunctionReturnFunc is a function that is triggered when an invoked function returned.
type OnLoopIterationFunc ¶
type OnLoopIterationFunc func( inter *Interpreter, line int, )
OnLoopIterationFunc is a function that is triggered when a loop iteration is about to be executed.
type OnMeterComputationFunc ¶
type OnMeterComputationFunc func( compKind common.ComputationKind, intensity uint, )
OnMeterComputationFunc is a function that is called when some computation is about to happen. intensity captures the intensity of the computation and can be set using input sizes complexity of computation given input sizes, or any other factors that could help the upper levels to differentiate same kind of computation with different level (and time) of execution.
type OnRecordTraceFunc ¶
type OnRecordTraceFunc func( inter *Interpreter, operationName string, duration time.Duration, attrs []attribute.KeyValue, )
OnRecordTraceFunc is a function that records a trace.
type OnResourceOwnerChangeFunc ¶
type OnResourceOwnerChangeFunc func( inter *Interpreter, resource *CompositeValue, oldOwner common.Address, newOwner common.Address, )
OnResourceOwnerChangeFunc is a function that is triggered when a resource's owner changes.
type OnStatementFunc ¶
type OnStatementFunc func( inter *Interpreter, statement ast.Statement, )
OnStatementFunc is a function that is triggered when a statement is about to be executed.
type OptionalStaticType ¶
type OptionalStaticType struct {
Type StaticType
func NewOptionalStaticType ¶
func NewOptionalStaticType( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, typ StaticType, ) *OptionalStaticType
func (*OptionalStaticType) Encode ¶
func (t *OptionalStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
Encode encodes OptionalStaticType as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagOptionalStaticType, Content: StaticType(v.Type), }
func (*OptionalStaticType) Equal ¶
func (t *OptionalStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
func (*OptionalStaticType) ID ¶
func (t *OptionalStaticType) ID() TypeID
func (*OptionalStaticType) IsDeprecated ¶
func (t *OptionalStaticType) IsDeprecated() bool
func (*OptionalStaticType) MeteredString ¶
func (t *OptionalStaticType) MeteredString(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) string
func (*OptionalStaticType) String ¶
func (t *OptionalStaticType) String() string
type OptionalValue ¶
type OptionalValue interface { Value // contains filtered or unexported methods }
var NilOptionalValue OptionalValue = NilValue{}
type OverflowError ¶
type OverflowError struct {
func (OverflowError) Error ¶
func (e OverflowError) Error() string
func (OverflowError) IsUserError ¶
func (OverflowError) IsUserError()
type OverwriteError ¶
type OverwriteError struct { LocationRange Path PathValue Address AddressValue }
func (OverwriteError) Error ¶
func (e OverwriteError) Error() string
func (OverwriteError) IsUserError ¶
func (OverwriteError) IsUserError()
type OwnedValue ¶
OwnedValue is a value which has an owner
type PathCapabilityValue
type PathCapabilityValue struct { BorrowType StaticType Path PathValue // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Deprecated: PathCapabilityValue
func NewUnmeteredPathCapabilityValue
func NewUnmeteredPathCapabilityValue( borrowType StaticType, address AddressValue, path PathValue, ) *PathCapabilityValue
Deprecated: NewUnmeteredPathCapabilityValue
func (*PathCapabilityValue) Accept ¶
func (v *PathCapabilityValue) Accept(_ *Interpreter, _ Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (*PathCapabilityValue) Address ¶
func (v *PathCapabilityValue) Address() AddressValue
func (*PathCapabilityValue) AddressPath ¶
func (v *PathCapabilityValue) AddressPath() AddressPath
func (*PathCapabilityValue) ByteSize ¶
func (v *PathCapabilityValue) ByteSize() uint32
func (*PathCapabilityValue) ChildStorables ¶
func (v *PathCapabilityValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (*PathCapabilityValue) Clone ¶
func (v *PathCapabilityValue) Clone(interpreter *Interpreter) Value
func (*PathCapabilityValue) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v *PathCapabilityValue) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (*PathCapabilityValue) DeepRemove ¶
func (v *PathCapabilityValue) DeepRemove(interpreter *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (*PathCapabilityValue) Encode ¶
func (v *PathCapabilityValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes PathCapabilityValue as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagPathCapabilityValue, Content: []any{ encodedPathCapabilityValueAddressFieldKey: AddressValue(v.Address), encodedPathCapabilityValuePathFieldKey: PathValue(v.Path), encodedPathCapabilityValueBorrowTypeFieldKey: StaticType(v.BorrowType), }, }
func (*PathCapabilityValue) Equal ¶
func (v *PathCapabilityValue) Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (*PathCapabilityValue) GetMember ¶
func (v *PathCapabilityValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, name string) Value
func (*PathCapabilityValue) IsImportable ¶
func (v *PathCapabilityValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (*PathCapabilityValue) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (*PathCapabilityValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (*PathCapabilityValue) IsStorable ¶
func (*PathCapabilityValue) IsStorable() bool
func (*PathCapabilityValue) MeteredString ¶
func (v *PathCapabilityValue) MeteredString( interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange, ) string
func (*PathCapabilityValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (*PathCapabilityValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (*PathCapabilityValue) RecursiveString ¶
func (v *PathCapabilityValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
func (*PathCapabilityValue) RemoveMember ¶
func (*PathCapabilityValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (*PathCapabilityValue) SetMember ¶
func (*PathCapabilityValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (*PathCapabilityValue) StaticType ¶
func (v *PathCapabilityValue) StaticType(inter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (*PathCapabilityValue) Storable ¶
func (v *PathCapabilityValue) Storable( storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64, ) (atree.Storable, error)
func (*PathCapabilityValue) StoredValue ¶
func (v *PathCapabilityValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (*PathCapabilityValue) String ¶
func (v *PathCapabilityValue) String() string
func (*PathCapabilityValue) Transfer ¶
func (v *PathCapabilityValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (*PathCapabilityValue) Walk ¶
func (v *PathCapabilityValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, walkChild func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type PathLinkValue
type PathLinkValue struct { Type StaticType TargetPath PathValue }
Deprecated: PathLinkValue
func (PathLinkValue) Accept ¶
func (v PathLinkValue) Accept(_ *Interpreter, _ Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (PathLinkValue) ByteSize ¶
func (v PathLinkValue) ByteSize() uint32
func (PathLinkValue) ChildStorables ¶
func (v PathLinkValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (PathLinkValue) Clone ¶
func (v PathLinkValue) Clone(inter *Interpreter) Value
func (PathLinkValue) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v PathLinkValue) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (PathLinkValue) DeepRemove ¶
func (PathLinkValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (PathLinkValue) Encode ¶
func (v PathLinkValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes PathLinkValue as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagPathLinkValue, Content: []any{ encodedPathLinkValueTargetPathFieldKey: PathValue(v.TargetPath), encodedPathLinkValueTypeFieldKey: StaticType(v.Type), }, }
func (PathLinkValue) Equal ¶
func (v PathLinkValue) Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (PathLinkValue) IsImportable ¶
func (PathLinkValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (PathLinkValue) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (PathLinkValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (PathLinkValue) IsStorable ¶
func (PathLinkValue) IsStorable() bool
func (PathLinkValue) MeteredString ¶
func (v PathLinkValue) MeteredString(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, _ LocationRange) string
func (PathLinkValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (PathLinkValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (PathLinkValue) RecursiveString ¶
func (v PathLinkValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
func (PathLinkValue) StaticType ¶
func (v PathLinkValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (PathLinkValue) Storable ¶
func (v PathLinkValue) Storable(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (PathLinkValue) StoredValue ¶
func (v PathLinkValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (PathLinkValue) String ¶
func (v PathLinkValue) String() string
func (PathLinkValue) Transfer ¶
func (v PathLinkValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (PathLinkValue) Walk ¶
func (v PathLinkValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type PathValue ¶
type PathValue struct { Identifier string Domain common.PathDomain }
func NewPathValue ¶
func NewPathValue( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, domain common.PathDomain, identifier string, ) PathValue
func NewUnmeteredPathValue ¶
func NewUnmeteredPathValue(domain common.PathDomain, identifier string) PathValue
func (PathValue) Accept ¶
func (v PathValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (PathValue) ChildStorables ¶
func (PathValue) Clone ¶
func (v PathValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (PathValue) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v PathValue) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (PathValue) DeepRemove ¶
func (PathValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (PathValue) Encode ¶
Encode encodes PathValue as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagPathValue, Content: []any{ encodedPathValueDomainFieldKey: uint(v.Domain), encodedPathValueIdentifierFieldKey: string(v.Identifier), }, }
func (PathValue) Equal ¶
func (v PathValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (PathValue) GetMember ¶
func (v PathValue) GetMember(inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
func (PathValue) HashInput ¶
func (v PathValue) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
HashInput returns a byte slice containing: - HashInputTypePath (1 byte) - domain (1 byte) - identifier (n bytes)
func (PathValue) IsImportable ¶
func (v PathValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (PathValue) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (PathValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (PathValue) IsStorable ¶
func (PathValue) MeteredString ¶
func (v PathValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (PathValue) RecursiveString ¶
func (v PathValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (PathValue) RemoveMember ¶
func (PathValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (PathValue) SetMember ¶
func (PathValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (PathValue) StaticType ¶
func (v PathValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (PathValue) StoredValue ¶
func (PathValue) Walk ¶
func (PathValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type PositionedError ¶
PositionedError wraps an unpositioned error with position info
func (PositionedError) Error ¶
func (e PositionedError) Error() string
func (PositionedError) IsUserError ¶
func (PositionedError) IsUserError()
func (PositionedError) Unwrap ¶
func (e PositionedError) Unwrap() error
type PrimitiveStaticType ¶
type PrimitiveStaticType uint
const ( PrimitiveStaticTypeUnknown PrimitiveStaticType = iota PrimitiveStaticTypeVoid PrimitiveStaticTypeAny PrimitiveStaticTypeNever PrimitiveStaticTypeAnyStruct PrimitiveStaticTypeAnyResource PrimitiveStaticTypeBool PrimitiveStaticTypeAddress PrimitiveStaticTypeString PrimitiveStaticTypeCharacter PrimitiveStaticTypeMetaType PrimitiveStaticTypeBlock PrimitiveStaticTypeAnyResourceAttachment PrimitiveStaticTypeAnyStructAttachment PrimitiveStaticTypeHashableStruct // Number PrimitiveStaticTypeNumber PrimitiveStaticTypeSignedNumber // Integer PrimitiveStaticTypeInteger PrimitiveStaticTypeSignedInteger PrimitiveStaticTypeFixedSizeUnsignedInteger // FixedPoint PrimitiveStaticTypeFixedPoint PrimitiveStaticTypeSignedFixedPoint // Int* PrimitiveStaticTypeInt PrimitiveStaticTypeInt8 PrimitiveStaticTypeInt16 PrimitiveStaticTypeInt32 PrimitiveStaticTypeInt64 PrimitiveStaticTypeInt128 PrimitiveStaticTypeInt256 // UInt* PrimitiveStaticTypeUInt PrimitiveStaticTypeUInt8 PrimitiveStaticTypeUInt16 PrimitiveStaticTypeUInt32 PrimitiveStaticTypeUInt64 PrimitiveStaticTypeUInt128 PrimitiveStaticTypeUInt256 PrimitiveStaticTypeWord8 PrimitiveStaticTypeWord16 PrimitiveStaticTypeWord32 PrimitiveStaticTypeWord64 PrimitiveStaticTypeWord128 PrimitiveStaticTypeWord256 PrimitiveStaticTypeFix64 PrimitiveStaticTypeUFix64 PrimitiveStaticTypePath PrimitiveStaticTypeCapability PrimitiveStaticTypeStoragePath PrimitiveStaticTypeCapabilityPath PrimitiveStaticTypePublicPath PrimitiveStaticTypePrivatePath // Deprecated: PrimitiveStaticTypeAuthAccount only exists for migration purposes. PrimitiveStaticTypeAuthAccount // Deprecated: PrimitiveStaticTypePublicAccount only exists for migration purposes. PrimitiveStaticTypePublicAccount PrimitiveStaticTypeDeployedContract // Deprecated: PrimitiveStaticTypeAuthAccountContracts only exists for migration purposes. PrimitiveStaticTypeAuthAccountContracts // Deprecated: PrimitiveStaticTypePublicAccountContracts only exists for migration purposes. PrimitiveStaticTypePublicAccountContracts // Deprecated: PrimitiveStaticTypeAuthAccountKeys only exists for migration purposes. PrimitiveStaticTypeAuthAccountKeys // Deprecated: PrimitiveStaticTypePublicAccountKeys only exists for migration purposes. PrimitiveStaticTypePublicAccountKeys // Deprecated: PrimitiveStaticTypeAccountKey only exists for migration purposes PrimitiveStaticTypeAccountKey // Deprecated: PrimitiveStaticTypeAuthAccountInbox only exists for migration purposes. PrimitiveStaticTypeAuthAccountInbox PrimitiveStaticTypeStorageCapabilityController PrimitiveStaticTypeAccountCapabilityController // Deprecated: PrimitiveStaticTypeAuthAccountStorageCapabilities only exists for migration purposes. PrimitiveStaticTypeAuthAccountStorageCapabilities // Deprecated: PrimitiveStaticTypeAuthAccountAccountCapabilities only exists for migration purposes. PrimitiveStaticTypeAuthAccountAccountCapabilities // Deprecated: PrimitiveStaticTypeAuthAccountCapabilities only exists for migration purposes. PrimitiveStaticTypeAuthAccountCapabilities // Deprecated: PrimitiveStaticTypePublicAccountCapabilities only exists for migration purposes. PrimitiveStaticTypePublicAccountCapabilities PrimitiveStaticTypeAccount PrimitiveStaticTypeAccount_Contracts PrimitiveStaticTypeAccount_Keys PrimitiveStaticTypeAccount_Inbox PrimitiveStaticTypeAccount_StorageCapabilities PrimitiveStaticTypeAccount_AccountCapabilities PrimitiveStaticTypeAccount_Capabilities PrimitiveStaticTypeAccount_Storage PrimitiveStaticTypeMutate PrimitiveStaticTypeInsert PrimitiveStaticTypeRemove PrimitiveStaticTypeIdentity PrimitiveStaticTypeStorage PrimitiveStaticTypeSaveValue PrimitiveStaticTypeLoadValue PrimitiveStaticTypeCopyValue PrimitiveStaticTypeBorrowValue PrimitiveStaticTypeContracts PrimitiveStaticTypeAddContract PrimitiveStaticTypeUpdateContract PrimitiveStaticTypeRemoveContract PrimitiveStaticTypeKeys PrimitiveStaticTypeAddKey PrimitiveStaticTypeRevokeKey PrimitiveStaticTypeInbox PrimitiveStaticTypePublishInboxCapability PrimitiveStaticTypeUnpublishInboxCapability PrimitiveStaticTypeClaimInboxCapability PrimitiveStaticTypeCapabilities PrimitiveStaticTypeStorageCapabilities PrimitiveStaticTypeAccountCapabilities PrimitiveStaticTypePublishCapability PrimitiveStaticTypeUnpublishCapability PrimitiveStaticTypeGetStorageCapabilityController PrimitiveStaticTypeIssueStorageCapabilityController PrimitiveStaticTypeGetAccountCapabilityController PrimitiveStaticTypeIssueAccountCapabilityController PrimitiveStaticTypeCapabilitiesMapping PrimitiveStaticTypeAccountMapping // !!! *WARNING* !!! // ADD NEW TYPES *BEFORE* THIS WARNING. // DO *NOT* ADD NEW TYPES AFTER THIS LINE! PrimitiveStaticType_Count )
!!! *WARNING* !!!
Only add new types by: - replacing existing placeholders (`_`) with new types - appending new types
Only remove types by: - replace existing types with a placeholder `_`
NOTE: The following types are not primitive types, but CompositeType-s - HashAlgorithm - SigningAlgorithm - AccountKey - PublicKey
func ConvertSemaToPrimitiveStaticType ¶
func ConvertSemaToPrimitiveStaticType( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, t sema.Type, ) (typ PrimitiveStaticType)
ConvertSemaToPrimitiveStaticType converts a `sema.Type` to a `PrimitiveStaticType`.
Returns `PrimitiveStaticTypeUnknown` if the given type is not a primitive type.
func NewPrimitiveStaticType ¶
func NewPrimitiveStaticType( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, staticType PrimitiveStaticType, ) PrimitiveStaticType
func PrimitiveStaticTypeFromTypeID ¶
func PrimitiveStaticTypeFromTypeID(typeID TypeID) PrimitiveStaticType
func (PrimitiveStaticType) Encode ¶
func (t PrimitiveStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
Encode encodes PrimitiveStaticType as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagPrimitiveStaticType, Content: uint(v), }
func (PrimitiveStaticType) Equal ¶
func (t PrimitiveStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
func (PrimitiveStaticType) ID ¶
func (t PrimitiveStaticType) ID() TypeID
func (PrimitiveStaticType) IsDefined ¶
func (t PrimitiveStaticType) IsDefined() bool
func (PrimitiveStaticType) IsDeprecated
func (t PrimitiveStaticType) IsDeprecated() bool
Deprecated: IsDeprecated only exists for migration purposes.
func (PrimitiveStaticType) MeteredString ¶
func (t PrimitiveStaticType) MeteredString(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) string
func (PrimitiveStaticType) SemaType ¶
func (t PrimitiveStaticType) SemaType() sema.Type
func (PrimitiveStaticType) String ¶
func (i PrimitiveStaticType) String() string
type Program ¶
type Program struct { Program *ast.Program Elaboration *sema.Elaboration }
func ProgramFromChecker ¶
type PublicKeyValidationHandlerFunc ¶
type PublicKeyValidationHandlerFunc func( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, publicKey *CompositeValue, ) error
PublicKeyValidationHandlerFunc is a function that validates a given public key. Parameter types: - publicKey: PublicKey
type PublishedValue ¶
type PublishedValue struct { // NB: If `publish` and `claim` are ever extended to support arbitrary values, rather than just capabilities, // this will need to be changed to `Value`, and more storage-related operations must be implemented for `PublishedValue` Value CapabilityValue Recipient AddressValue }
func NewPublishedValue ¶
func NewPublishedValue(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, recipient AddressValue, value CapabilityValue) *PublishedValue
func (*PublishedValue) Accept ¶
func (v *PublishedValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (*PublishedValue) ByteSize ¶
func (v *PublishedValue) ByteSize() uint32
func (*PublishedValue) ChildStorables ¶
func (v *PublishedValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (*PublishedValue) Clone ¶
func (v *PublishedValue) Clone(interpreter *Interpreter) Value
func (*PublishedValue) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v *PublishedValue) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (*PublishedValue) DeepRemove ¶
func (*PublishedValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (*PublishedValue) Encode ¶
func (v *PublishedValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes PublishedValue as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagPublishedValue, Content: []any{ encodedPublishedValueRecipientFieldKey: AddressValue(v.Recipient), encodedPublishedValueValueFieldKey: v.Value, }, }
func (*PublishedValue) Equal ¶
func (v *PublishedValue) Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (*PublishedValue) IsImportable ¶
func (*PublishedValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (*PublishedValue) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (*PublishedValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (*PublishedValue) IsStorable ¶
func (*PublishedValue) IsStorable() bool
func (*PublishedValue) MeteredString ¶
func (v *PublishedValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (*PublishedValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (v *PublishedValue) NeedsStoreTo(address atree.Address) bool
func (*PublishedValue) RecursiveString ¶
func (v *PublishedValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
func (*PublishedValue) StaticType ¶
func (v *PublishedValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (*PublishedValue) Storable ¶
func (v *PublishedValue) Storable(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (*PublishedValue) StoredValue ¶
func (v *PublishedValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (*PublishedValue) String ¶
func (v *PublishedValue) String() string
func (*PublishedValue) Transfer ¶
func (v *PublishedValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, address atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, preventTransfer map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, hasNoParentContainer bool, ) Value
func (*PublishedValue) Walk ¶
func (v *PublishedValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, walkChild func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type RecursiveTransferError ¶
type RecursiveTransferError struct {
func (RecursiveTransferError) Error ¶
func (RecursiveTransferError) Error() string
func (RecursiveTransferError) IsUserError ¶
func (RecursiveTransferError) IsUserError()
type RedeclarationError ¶
type RedeclarationError struct {
Name string
func (RedeclarationError) Error ¶
func (e RedeclarationError) Error() string
func (RedeclarationError) IsUserError ¶
func (RedeclarationError) IsUserError()
type ReferenceStaticType ¶
type ReferenceStaticType struct { Authorization Authorization // ReferencedType is type of the referenced value (the type of the target) ReferencedType StaticType HasLegacyIsAuthorized bool LegacyIsAuthorized bool }
func ConvertSemaReferenceTypeToStaticReferenceType ¶
func ConvertSemaReferenceTypeToStaticReferenceType( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, t *sema.ReferenceType, ) *ReferenceStaticType
func NewReferenceStaticType ¶
func NewReferenceStaticType( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, authorization Authorization, referencedType StaticType, ) *ReferenceStaticType
func (*ReferenceStaticType) Encode ¶
func (t *ReferenceStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
Encode encodes ReferenceStaticType as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagReferenceStaticType, Content: cborArray{ encodedReferenceStaticTypeAuthorizationFieldKey: v.Authorization, encodedReferenceStaticTypeTypeFieldKey: StaticType(v.Type), }, }
func (*ReferenceStaticType) Equal ¶
func (t *ReferenceStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
func (*ReferenceStaticType) ID ¶
func (t *ReferenceStaticType) ID() TypeID
func (*ReferenceStaticType) IsDeprecated ¶
func (t *ReferenceStaticType) IsDeprecated() bool
func (*ReferenceStaticType) MeteredString ¶
func (t *ReferenceStaticType) MeteredString(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) string
func (*ReferenceStaticType) String ¶
func (t *ReferenceStaticType) String() string
type ReferenceTrackedResourceKindedValue ¶
type ReferenceTrackedResourceKindedValue interface { ResourceKindedValue IsReferenceTrackedResourceKindedValue() ValueID() atree.ValueID IsStaleResource(*Interpreter) bool }
ReferenceTrackedResourceKindedValue is a resource-kinded value that must be tracked when a reference of it is taken.
type ReferenceValue ¶
type ReferenceValue interface { Value AuthorizedValue ReferencedValue(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, errorOnFailedDereference bool) *Value BorrowType() sema.Type // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type ReferencedResourceKindedValues ¶
type ReferencedResourceKindedValues map[atree.ValueID]map[*EphemeralReferenceValue]struct{}
type ReferencedValueChangedError ¶
type ReferencedValueChangedError struct {
func (ReferencedValueChangedError) Error ¶
func (e ReferencedValueChangedError) Error() string
func (ReferencedValueChangedError) IsUserError ¶
func (ReferencedValueChangedError) IsUserError()
type ResourceConstructionError ¶
type ResourceConstructionError struct { CompositeType *sema.CompositeType LocationRange }
func (ResourceConstructionError) Error ¶
func (e ResourceConstructionError) Error() string
func (ResourceConstructionError) IsInternalError ¶
func (ResourceConstructionError) IsInternalError()
type ResourceKindedValue ¶
type ResourceKindedValue interface { Value Destroy(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) IsDestroyed() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type ResourceLossError ¶
type ResourceLossError struct {
func (ResourceLossError) Error ¶
func (e ResourceLossError) Error() string
func (ResourceLossError) IsUserError ¶
func (ResourceLossError) IsUserError()
type ResourceReferenceDereferenceError ¶
type ResourceReferenceDereferenceError struct {
func (ResourceReferenceDereferenceError) Error ¶
func (e ResourceReferenceDereferenceError) Error() string
func (ResourceReferenceDereferenceError) IsInternalError ¶
func (ResourceReferenceDereferenceError) IsInternalError()
type ReturnResult ¶
type ReturnResult struct {
type SeenReferences ¶
type SeenReferences map[*EphemeralReferenceValue]struct{}
SeenReferences is a set of seen references.
NOTE: Do not generalize to map[interpreter.Value], as not all values are Go hashable, i.e. this might lead to run-time panics
type SelfVariable ¶
type SelfVariable struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*SelfVariable) GetValue ¶
func (v *SelfVariable) GetValue(interpreter *Interpreter) Value
func (*SelfVariable) InitializeWithGetter ¶
func (v *SelfVariable) InitializeWithGetter(func() Value)
func (*SelfVariable) InitializeWithValue ¶
func (v *SelfVariable) InitializeWithValue(Value)
func (*SelfVariable) SetValue ¶
func (v *SelfVariable) SetValue(*Interpreter, LocationRange, Value)
type SharedState ¶
type SharedState struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewSharedState ¶
func NewSharedState(config *Config) *SharedState
type SimpleCompositeValue ¶
type SimpleCompositeValue struct { Fields map[string]Value ComputeField func(name string, interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) Value TypeID sema.TypeID // FieldNames are the names of the field members (i.e. not functions, and not computed fields), in order FieldNames []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewAccountAccountCapabilitiesValue ¶
func NewAccountAccountCapabilitiesValue( gauge common.MemoryGauge, address AddressValue, getControllerFunction BoundFunctionGenerator, getControllersFunction BoundFunctionGenerator, forEachControllerFunction BoundFunctionGenerator, issueFunction BoundFunctionGenerator, issueWithTypeFunction BoundFunctionGenerator, ) *SimpleCompositeValue
func NewAccountKeyValue ¶
func NewAccountKeyValue( inter *Interpreter, keyIndex IntValue, publicKey *CompositeValue, hashAlgo Value, weight UFix64Value, isRevoked BoolValue, ) *SimpleCompositeValue
NewAccountKeyValue constructs an AccountKey value.
func NewBlockValue ¶
func NewBlockValue( inter *Interpreter, height UInt64Value, view UInt64Value, id *ArrayValue, timestamp UFix64Value, ) *SimpleCompositeValue
func NewDeployedContractValue ¶
func NewDeployedContractValue( inter *Interpreter, address AddressValue, name *StringValue, code *ArrayValue, ) *SimpleCompositeValue
func NewSimpleCompositeValue ¶
func NewSimpleCompositeValue( gauge common.MemoryGauge, typeID sema.TypeID, staticType StaticType, fieldNames []string, fields map[string]Value, computeField func(name string, interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) Value, fieldFormatters map[string]func(common.MemoryGauge, Value, SeenReferences) string, stringer func(*Interpreter, SeenReferences, LocationRange) string, ) *SimpleCompositeValue
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) Accept ¶
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) Clone ¶
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) Clone(interpreter *Interpreter) Value
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) ConformsToStaticType( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, results TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) DeepRemove ¶
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) ForEachField ¶
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) ForEachField( f func(fieldName string, fieldValue Value) (resume bool), )
ForEachField iterates over all field-name field-value pairs of the composite value. It does NOT iterate over computed fields and functions!
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) GetMember ¶
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) GetMember( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string, ) Value
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) IsImportable ¶
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) IsImportable(inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) bool
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) MeteredString ¶
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) RecursiveString ¶
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) RemoveMember ¶
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, name string) Value
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) SetMember ¶
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, name string, value Value) bool
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) StaticType ¶
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) StaticType(_ *Interpreter) StaticType
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) Storable ¶
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) String ¶
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) String() string
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) Transfer ¶
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) Walk ¶
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, walkChild func(Value), _ LocationRange)
Walk iterates over all field values of the composite value. It does NOT walk the computed fields and functions!
type SimpleVariable ¶
type SimpleVariable struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*SimpleVariable) GetValue ¶
func (v *SimpleVariable) GetValue(*Interpreter) Value
func (*SimpleVariable) InitializeWithGetter ¶
func (v *SimpleVariable) InitializeWithGetter(getter func() Value)
func (*SimpleVariable) InitializeWithValue ¶
func (v *SimpleVariable) InitializeWithValue(value Value)
func (*SimpleVariable) SetValue ¶
func (v *SimpleVariable) SetValue(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, value Value)
type SomeStorable ¶
func (SomeStorable) ByteSize ¶
func (s SomeStorable) ByteSize() uint32
func (SomeStorable) ChildStorables ¶
func (s SomeStorable) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (SomeStorable) HasPointer ¶
func (s SomeStorable) HasPointer() bool
func (SomeStorable) StoredValue ¶
func (s SomeStorable) StoredValue(storage atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (SomeStorable) UnwrapAtreeStorable ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (s SomeStorable) UnwrapAtreeStorable() atree.Storable
func (SomeStorable) WrapAtreeStorable ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (s SomeStorable) WrapAtreeStorable(storable atree.Storable) atree.Storable
WrapAtreeStorable() wraps storable as innermost wrapped value and returns new wrapped storable.
type SomeValue ¶
type SomeValue struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSomeValueNonCopying ¶
func NewSomeValueNonCopying(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value) *SomeValue
func (*SomeValue) Accept ¶
func (v *SomeValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, locationRange LocationRange)
func (*SomeValue) Clone ¶
func (v *SomeValue) Clone(interpreter *Interpreter) Value
func (*SomeValue) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v *SomeValue) ConformsToStaticType( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, results TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (*SomeValue) DeepRemove ¶
func (v *SomeValue) DeepRemove(interpreter *Interpreter, hasNoParentContainer bool)
func (*SomeValue) Destroy ¶
func (v *SomeValue) Destroy(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange)
func (*SomeValue) Equal ¶
func (v *SomeValue) Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (*SomeValue) GetMember ¶
func (v *SomeValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, name string) Value
func (*SomeValue) InnerValue ¶
func (v *SomeValue) InnerValue(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) Value
func (*SomeValue) IsDestroyed ¶
func (*SomeValue) IsImportable ¶
func (v *SomeValue) IsImportable(inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) bool
func (*SomeValue) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (v *SomeValue) IsResourceKinded(interpreter *Interpreter) bool
func (*SomeValue) MeteredString ¶
func (v *SomeValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (*SomeValue) RecursiveString ¶
func (v *SomeValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
func (*SomeValue) RemoveMember ¶
func (v *SomeValue) RemoveMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (*SomeValue) SetMember ¶
func (v *SomeValue) SetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (*SomeValue) StaticType ¶
func (v *SomeValue) StaticType(inter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (*SomeValue) UnwrapAtreeValue ¶ added in v1.3.1
UnwrapAtreeValue returns non-SomeValue and wrapper size.
func (*SomeValue) Walk ¶
func (v *SomeValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, walkChild func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type StackTraceError ¶
type StackTraceError struct {
func (StackTraceError) Error ¶
func (e StackTraceError) Error() string
func (StackTraceError) ImportLocation ¶
func (e StackTraceError) ImportLocation() common.Location
func (StackTraceError) Prefix ¶
func (e StackTraceError) Prefix() string
type StatementResult ¶
type StatementResult interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
type StaticAuthorizationConversionHandler ¶
type StaticAuthorizationConversionHandler interface { GetEntitlementType(typeID TypeID) (*sema.EntitlementType, error) GetEntitlementMapType(typeID TypeID) (*sema.EntitlementMapType, error) }
type StaticType ¶
type StaticType interface { fmt.Stringer Equal(other StaticType) bool Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error MeteredString(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) string ID() TypeID IsDeprecated() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
StaticType is a shallow representation of a static type (`sema.Type`) which doesn't contain the full information, but only refers to composite and interface types by ID.
This allows static types to be efficiently serialized and deserialized, for example in the world state.
var AccountKeyStaticType StaticType = ConvertSemaCompositeTypeToStaticCompositeType(nil, sema.AccountKeyType)
func ConvertSemaToStaticType ¶
func ConvertSemaToStaticType(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, t sema.Type) StaticType
type StaticTypeConversionHandler ¶
type StaticTypeConversionHandler interface { StaticAuthorizationConversionHandler GetInterfaceType(location common.Location, qualifiedIdentifier string, typeID TypeID) (*sema.InterfaceType, error) GetCompositeType(location common.Location, qualifiedIdentifier string, typeID TypeID) (*sema.CompositeType, error) }
type Stop ¶
type Stop struct { Interpreter *Interpreter Statement ast.Statement }
type StorableDecoder ¶
type StorableDecoder struct { TypeDecoder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewStorableDecoder ¶
func NewStorableDecoder( decoder *cbor.StreamDecoder, slabID atree.SlabID, inlinedExtraData []atree.ExtraData, memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, ) StorableDecoder
type Storage ¶
type Storage interface { atree.SlabStorage GetDomainStorageMap( inter *Interpreter, address common.Address, domain common.StorageDomain, createIfNotExists bool, ) *DomainStorageMap CheckHealth() error }
type StorageCapabilityControllerValue ¶
type StorageCapabilityControllerValue struct { BorrowType *ReferenceStaticType CapabilityID UInt64Value TargetPath PathValue // Injected functions. // Tags are not stored directly inside the controller // to avoid unnecessary storage reads // when the controller is loaded for borrowing/checking GetCapability func(inter *Interpreter) *IDCapabilityValue GetTag func(inter *Interpreter) *StringValue SetTag func(inter *Interpreter, tag *StringValue) Delete func(inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) SetTarget func(inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, target PathValue) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewStorageCapabilityControllerValue ¶
func NewStorageCapabilityControllerValue( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, borrowType *ReferenceStaticType, capabilityID UInt64Value, targetPath PathValue, ) *StorageCapabilityControllerValue
func NewUnmeteredStorageCapabilityControllerValue ¶
func NewUnmeteredStorageCapabilityControllerValue( borrowType *ReferenceStaticType, capabilityID UInt64Value, targetPath PathValue, ) *StorageCapabilityControllerValue
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) Accept ¶
func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) ByteSize ¶
func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) ByteSize() uint32
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) CapabilityControllerBorrowType ¶
func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) CapabilityControllerBorrowType() *ReferenceStaticType
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) ChildStorables ¶
func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) Clone ¶
func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) Clone(interpreter *Interpreter) Value
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) ControllerCapabilityID ¶
func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) ControllerCapabilityID() UInt64Value
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) DeepRemove ¶
func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) Encode ¶
func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes StorageCapabilityControllerValue as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagStorageCapabilityControllerValue, Content: []any{ encodedStorageCapabilityControllerValueBorrowTypeFieldKey: StaticType(v.BorrowType), encodedStorageCapabilityControllerValueCapabilityIDFieldKey: UInt64Value(v.CapabilityID), encodedStorageCapabilityControllerValueTargetPathFieldKey: PathValue(v.TargetPath), }, }
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) Equal ¶
func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) Equal( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, other Value, ) bool
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) GetMember ¶
func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) GetMember(inter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, name string) (result Value)
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) IsImportable ¶
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) IsStorable ¶
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) IsStorable() bool
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) MeteredString ¶
func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) MeteredString( interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange, ) string
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) RecursiveString ¶
func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) ReferenceValue ¶
func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) ReferenceValue( interpreter *Interpreter, capabilityAddress common.Address, resultBorrowType *sema.ReferenceType, _ LocationRange, ) ReferenceValue
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) RemoveMember ¶
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) SetMember ¶
func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) SetMember( inter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, identifier string, value Value, ) bool
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) StaticType ¶
func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) StaticType(_ *Interpreter) StaticType
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) Storable ¶
func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) Storable( storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64, ) ( atree.Storable, error, )
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) StoredValue ¶
func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) String ¶
func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) String() string
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) Transfer ¶
func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (*StorageCapabilityControllerValue) Walk ¶
func (v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, walkChild func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type StorageDomainKey ¶ added in v1.3.0
type StorageDomainKey struct { Domain common.StorageDomain Address common.Address }
func NewStorageDomainKey ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewStorageDomainKey( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, address common.Address, domain common.StorageDomain, ) StorageDomainKey
func (StorageDomainKey) Compare ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (k StorageDomainKey) Compare(o StorageDomainKey) int
type StorageKey ¶
func NewStorageKey ¶
func NewStorageKey(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, address common.Address, key string) StorageKey
func (StorageKey) IsLess ¶
func (k StorageKey) IsLess(o StorageKey) bool
type StorageMapKey ¶
type StorageMutatedDuringIterationError ¶
type StorageMutatedDuringIterationError struct {
func (StorageMutatedDuringIterationError) Error ¶
func (StorageMutatedDuringIterationError) Error() string
func (StorageMutatedDuringIterationError) IsUserError ¶
func (StorageMutatedDuringIterationError) IsUserError()
type StorageReferenceValue ¶
type StorageReferenceValue struct { BorrowedType sema.Type TargetPath PathValue TargetStorageAddress common.Address Authorization Authorization }
func NewStorageReferenceValue ¶
func NewStorageReferenceValue( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, authorization Authorization, targetStorageAddress common.Address, targetPath PathValue, borrowedType sema.Type, ) *StorageReferenceValue
func NewUnmeteredStorageReferenceValue ¶
func NewUnmeteredStorageReferenceValue( authorization Authorization, targetStorageAddress common.Address, targetPath PathValue, borrowedType sema.Type, ) *StorageReferenceValue
func (*StorageReferenceValue) Accept ¶
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (*StorageReferenceValue) BorrowType ¶
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) BorrowType() sema.Type
func (*StorageReferenceValue) Clone ¶
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (*StorageReferenceValue) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) ConformsToStaticType( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, results TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (*StorageReferenceValue) DeepRemove ¶
func (*StorageReferenceValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (*StorageReferenceValue) Equal ¶
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (*StorageReferenceValue) ForEach ¶
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) ForEach( interpreter *Interpreter, elementType sema.Type, function func(value Value) (resume bool), _ bool, locationRange LocationRange, )
func (*StorageReferenceValue) GetAuthorization ¶
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) GetAuthorization() Authorization
func (*StorageReferenceValue) GetKey ¶
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) GetKey( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value, ) Value
func (*StorageReferenceValue) GetMember ¶
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) GetMember( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string, ) Value
func (*StorageReferenceValue) GetTypeKey ¶
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) GetTypeKey( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key sema.Type, ) Value
func (*StorageReferenceValue) InsertKey ¶
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) InsertKey( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value, value Value, )
func (*StorageReferenceValue) IsImportable ¶
func (*StorageReferenceValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (*StorageReferenceValue) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (*StorageReferenceValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (*StorageReferenceValue) IsStorable ¶
func (*StorageReferenceValue) IsStorable() bool
func (*StorageReferenceValue) Iterator ¶
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) Iterator(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) ValueIterator
func (*StorageReferenceValue) MeteredString ¶
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (*StorageReferenceValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (*StorageReferenceValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (*StorageReferenceValue) RecursiveString ¶
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (*StorageReferenceValue) ReferencedValue ¶
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) ReferencedValue(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, errorOnFailedDereference bool) *Value
func (*StorageReferenceValue) RemoveKey ¶
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) RemoveKey( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value, ) Value
func (*StorageReferenceValue) RemoveMember ¶
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) RemoveMember( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string, ) Value
func (*StorageReferenceValue) RemoveTypeKey ¶
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) RemoveTypeKey( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key sema.Type, ) Value
func (*StorageReferenceValue) SetKey ¶
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) SetKey( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value, value Value, )
func (*StorageReferenceValue) SetMember ¶
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) SetMember( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string, value Value, ) bool
func (*StorageReferenceValue) SetTypeKey ¶
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) SetTypeKey( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key sema.Type, value Value, )
func (*StorageReferenceValue) StaticType ¶
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) StaticType(inter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (*StorageReferenceValue) Storable ¶
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (*StorageReferenceValue) String ¶
func (*StorageReferenceValue) String() string
func (*StorageReferenceValue) Transfer ¶
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (*StorageReferenceValue) Walk ¶
func (*StorageReferenceValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type StringAtreeValue ¶
type StringAtreeValue string
func NewStringAtreeValue ¶
func NewStringAtreeValue(gauge common.MemoryGauge, s string) StringAtreeValue
func (StringAtreeValue) ByteSize ¶
func (v StringAtreeValue) ByteSize() uint32
func (StringAtreeValue) ChildStorables ¶
func (StringAtreeValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (StringAtreeValue) Copy ¶
func (v StringAtreeValue) Copy() atree.Storable
func (StringAtreeValue) Encode ¶
func (v StringAtreeValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes the value as a CBOR string
func (StringAtreeValue) Equal ¶
func (v StringAtreeValue) Equal(other atree.Storable) bool
Equal returns true if the given storable is equal to this StringAtreeValue.
func (StringAtreeValue) Less ¶
func (v StringAtreeValue) Less(other atree.Storable) bool
Less returns true if the given storable is less than StringAtreeValue.
func (StringAtreeValue) Storable ¶
func (v StringAtreeValue) Storable( storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64, ) ( atree.Storable, error, )
func (StringAtreeValue) StoredValue ¶
func (v StringAtreeValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
type StringIndexOutOfBoundsError ¶
type StringIndexOutOfBoundsError struct { LocationRange Index int Length int }
func (StringIndexOutOfBoundsError) Error ¶
func (e StringIndexOutOfBoundsError) Error() string
func (StringIndexOutOfBoundsError) IsUserError ¶
func (StringIndexOutOfBoundsError) IsUserError()
type StringSliceIndicesError ¶
type StringSliceIndicesError struct { LocationRange FromIndex int UpToIndex int Length int }
func (StringSliceIndicesError) Error ¶
func (e StringSliceIndicesError) Error() string
func (StringSliceIndicesError) IsUserError ¶
func (StringSliceIndicesError) IsUserError()
type StringStorageMapKey ¶
type StringStorageMapKey StringAtreeValue
StringStorageMapKey is a StorageMapKey backed by a simple StringAtreeValue
func (StringStorageMapKey) AtreeValue ¶
func (k StringStorageMapKey) AtreeValue() atree.Value
func (StringStorageMapKey) AtreeValueCompare ¶
func (StringStorageMapKey) AtreeValueCompare( slabStorage atree.SlabStorage, value atree.Value, otherStorable atree.Storable, ) (bool, error)
func (StringStorageMapKey) AtreeValueHashInput ¶
type StringValue ¶
type StringValue struct { Str string UnnormalizedStr string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewStringValue ¶
func NewStringValue( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, memoryUsage common.MemoryUsage, stringConstructor func() string, ) *StringValue
func NewStringValue_Unsafe
func NewStringValue_Unsafe(normalizedStr, unnormalizedStr string) *StringValue
Deprecated: NewStringValue_Unsafe creates a new string value from the given normalized and unnormalized string. NOTE: this function is unsafe, as it does not normalize the string. It should only be used for e.g. migration purposes.
func NewUnmeteredStringValue ¶
func NewUnmeteredStringValue(str string) *StringValue
func (*StringValue) Accept ¶
func (v *StringValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (*StringValue) ByteSize ¶
func (v *StringValue) ByteSize() uint32
func (*StringValue) ChildStorables ¶
func (*StringValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (*StringValue) Clone ¶
func (v *StringValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (*StringValue) Concat ¶
func (v *StringValue) Concat(interpreter *Interpreter, other *StringValue, locationRange LocationRange) Value
func (*StringValue) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v *StringValue) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (*StringValue) Contains ¶
func (v *StringValue) Contains(inter *Interpreter, other *StringValue) BoolValue
func (*StringValue) Count ¶
func (v *StringValue) Count(inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, other *StringValue) IntValue
func (*StringValue) DecodeHex ¶
func (v *StringValue) DecodeHex(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) *ArrayValue
DecodeHex hex-decodes this string and returns an array of UInt8 values
func (*StringValue) DeepRemove ¶
func (*StringValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (*StringValue) Encode ¶
func (v *StringValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes the value as a CBOR string
func (*StringValue) Equal ¶
func (v *StringValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (*StringValue) Explode ¶
func (v *StringValue) Explode(inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) *ArrayValue
Explode returns a Cadence array of type [String], where each element is a single character of the string
func (*StringValue) ForEach ¶
func (v *StringValue) ForEach( interpreter *Interpreter, _ sema.Type, function func(value Value) (resume bool), transferElements bool, locationRange LocationRange, )
func (*StringValue) GetKey ¶
func (v *StringValue) GetKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value) Value
func (*StringValue) GetMember ¶
func (v *StringValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
func (*StringValue) Greater ¶
func (v *StringValue) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (*StringValue) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v *StringValue) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (*StringValue) HashInput ¶
func (v *StringValue) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
HashInput returns a byte slice containing: - HashInputTypeString (1 byte) - string value (n bytes)
func (*StringValue) IndexOf ¶
func (v *StringValue) IndexOf(inter *Interpreter, other *StringValue) IntValue
func (*StringValue) InsertKey ¶
func (*StringValue) InsertKey(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ Value, _ Value)
func (*StringValue) IsGraphemeBoundaryEnd ¶
func (v *StringValue) IsGraphemeBoundaryEnd(end int) bool
func (*StringValue) IsGraphemeBoundaryStart ¶
func (v *StringValue) IsGraphemeBoundaryStart(startOffset int) bool
func (*StringValue) IsImportable ¶
func (*StringValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (*StringValue) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (*StringValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (*StringValue) Iterator ¶
func (v *StringValue) Iterator(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) ValueIterator
func (*StringValue) Length ¶
func (v *StringValue) Length() int
Length returns the number of characters (grapheme clusters)
func (*StringValue) Less ¶
func (v *StringValue) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (*StringValue) LessEqual ¶
func (v *StringValue) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (*StringValue) MeteredString ¶
func (v *StringValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (*StringValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (*StringValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (*StringValue) RecursiveString ¶
func (v *StringValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (*StringValue) RemoveKey ¶
func (*StringValue) RemoveKey(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ Value) Value
func (*StringValue) RemoveMember ¶
func (*StringValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (*StringValue) ReplaceAll ¶
func (v *StringValue) ReplaceAll( inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, original *StringValue, replacement *StringValue, ) *StringValue
func (*StringValue) SetKey ¶
func (*StringValue) SetKey(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ Value, _ Value)
func (*StringValue) SetMember ¶
func (*StringValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (*StringValue) Slice ¶
func (v *StringValue) Slice(from IntValue, to IntValue, locationRange LocationRange) Value
func (*StringValue) Split ¶
func (v *StringValue) Split(inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, separator *StringValue) *ArrayValue
func (*StringValue) StaticType ¶
func (*StringValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (*StringValue) Storable ¶
func (v *StringValue) Storable(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (*StringValue) StoredValue ¶
func (v *StringValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (*StringValue) String ¶
func (v *StringValue) String() string
func (*StringValue) ToLower ¶
func (v *StringValue) ToLower(interpreter *Interpreter) *StringValue
func (*StringValue) Transfer ¶
func (v *StringValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (*StringValue) Walk ¶
func (*StringValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type StringValueIterator ¶
type StringValueIterator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (StringValueIterator) Next ¶
func (i StringValueIterator) Next(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) Value
type TransactionNotDeclaredError ¶
type TransactionNotDeclaredError struct {
Index int
func (TransactionNotDeclaredError) Error ¶
func (e TransactionNotDeclaredError) Error() string
func (TransactionNotDeclaredError) IsUserError ¶
func (TransactionNotDeclaredError) IsUserError()
type TypeCodes ¶
type TypeCodes struct { CompositeCodes map[sema.TypeID]CompositeTypeCode InterfaceCodes map[sema.TypeID]WrapperCode }
TypeCodes is the value which stores the "prepared" / "callable" "code" of all composite types and interface types.
type TypeConformanceResults ¶
type TypeConformanceResults map[typeConformanceResultEntry]bool
type TypeDecoder ¶
type TypeDecoder struct { LocationDecoder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTypeDecoder ¶
func NewTypeDecoder( decoder *cbor.StreamDecoder, memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, ) TypeDecoder
func (TypeDecoder) DecodeStaticType ¶
func (d TypeDecoder) DecodeStaticType() (StaticType, error)
type TypeIndexableValue ¶
type TypeIndexableValue interface { Value GetTypeKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, ty sema.Type) Value SetTypeKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, ty sema.Type, value Value) RemoveTypeKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, ty sema.Type) Value }
type TypeLoadingError ¶
type TypeLoadingError struct {
TypeID TypeID
func (TypeLoadingError) Error ¶
func (e TypeLoadingError) Error() string
func (TypeLoadingError) IsUserError ¶
func (TypeLoadingError) IsUserError()
type TypeMismatchError ¶
type TypeMismatchError struct { ExpectedType sema.Type ActualType sema.Type LocationRange }
func (TypeMismatchError) Error ¶
func (e TypeMismatchError) Error() string
func (TypeMismatchError) IsUserError ¶
func (TypeMismatchError) IsUserError()
type TypeParameter ¶
type TypeParameter struct { TypeBound StaticType Name string Optional bool }
func (TypeParameter) Equal ¶
func (p TypeParameter) Equal(other *TypeParameter) bool
func (TypeParameter) String ¶
func (p TypeParameter) String() string
type TypeValue ¶
type TypeValue struct { // Optional. nil represents "unknown"/"invalid" type Type StaticType }
func NewTypeValue ¶
func NewTypeValue( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, staticType StaticType, ) TypeValue
func NewUnmeteredTypeValue ¶
func NewUnmeteredTypeValue(t StaticType) TypeValue
func (TypeValue) Accept ¶
func (v TypeValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (TypeValue) ChildStorables ¶
func (TypeValue) Clone ¶
func (v TypeValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (TypeValue) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v TypeValue) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (TypeValue) DeepRemove ¶
func (TypeValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (TypeValue) Encode ¶
Encode encodes TypeValue as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagTypeValue, Content: cborArray{ encodedTypeValueTypeFieldKey: StaticType(v.Type), }, }
func (TypeValue) Equal ¶
func (v TypeValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (TypeValue) GetMember ¶
func (v TypeValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, name string) Value
func (TypeValue) HashInput ¶
func (v TypeValue) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
HashInput returns a byte slice containing: - HashInputTypeType (1 byte) - type id (n bytes)
func (TypeValue) IsImportable ¶
func (TypeValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (TypeValue) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (TypeValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (TypeValue) MeteredString ¶
func (v TypeValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (TypeValue) RecursiveString ¶
func (v TypeValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (TypeValue) RemoveMember ¶
func (TypeValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (TypeValue) SetMember ¶
func (TypeValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (TypeValue) StaticType ¶
func (TypeValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (TypeValue) StoredValue ¶
func (TypeValue) Walk ¶
func (TypeValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type UFix64Value ¶
type UFix64Value uint64
func ConvertUFix64 ¶
func ConvertUFix64(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) UFix64Value
func NewUFix64Value ¶
func NewUFix64Value(gauge common.MemoryGauge, constructor func() uint64) UFix64Value
func NewUFix64ValueWithInteger ¶
func NewUFix64ValueWithInteger(gauge common.MemoryGauge, constructor func() uint64, locationRange LocationRange) UFix64Value
func NewUnmeteredUFix64Value ¶
func NewUnmeteredUFix64Value(integer uint64) UFix64Value
func NewUnmeteredUFix64ValueWithInteger ¶
func NewUnmeteredUFix64ValueWithInteger(integer uint64, locationRange LocationRange) UFix64Value
func (UFix64Value) Accept ¶
func (v UFix64Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (UFix64Value) ByteSize ¶
func (v UFix64Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (UFix64Value) ChildStorables ¶
func (UFix64Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (UFix64Value) Clone ¶
func (v UFix64Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (UFix64Value) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v UFix64Value) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (UFix64Value) DeepRemove ¶
func (UFix64Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (UFix64Value) Div ¶
func (v UFix64Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UFix64Value) Encode ¶
func (v UFix64Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes UFix64Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagUFix64Value, Content: uint64(v), }
func (UFix64Value) Equal ¶
func (v UFix64Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (UFix64Value) GetMember ¶
func (v UFix64Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
func (UFix64Value) Greater ¶
func (v UFix64Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UFix64Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v UFix64Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UFix64Value) HashInput ¶
func (v UFix64Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
HashInput returns a byte slice containing: - HashInputTypeUFix64 (1 byte) - uint64 value encoded in big-endian (8 bytes)
func (UFix64Value) IntegerPart ¶
func (v UFix64Value) IntegerPart() NumberValue
func (UFix64Value) IsImportable ¶
func (UFix64Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (UFix64Value) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (UFix64Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (UFix64Value) IsStorable ¶
func (UFix64Value) IsStorable() bool
func (UFix64Value) Less ¶
func (v UFix64Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UFix64Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v UFix64Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UFix64Value) MeteredString ¶
func (v UFix64Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (UFix64Value) Minus ¶
func (v UFix64Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UFix64Value) Mod ¶
func (v UFix64Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UFix64Value) Mul ¶
func (v UFix64Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UFix64Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (UFix64Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (UFix64Value) Negate ¶
func (v UFix64Value) Negate(*Interpreter, LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UFix64Value) Plus ¶
func (v UFix64Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UFix64Value) RecursiveString ¶
func (v UFix64Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (UFix64Value) RemoveMember ¶
func (UFix64Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (UFix64Value) SaturatingDiv ¶
func (v UFix64Value) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UFix64Value) SaturatingMinus ¶
func (v UFix64Value) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UFix64Value) SaturatingMul ¶
func (v UFix64Value) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UFix64Value) SaturatingPlus ¶
func (v UFix64Value) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UFix64Value) Scale ¶
func (UFix64Value) Scale() int
func (UFix64Value) SetMember ¶
func (UFix64Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (UFix64Value) StaticType ¶
func (UFix64Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (UFix64Value) Storable ¶
func (v UFix64Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (UFix64Value) StoredValue ¶
func (v UFix64Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (UFix64Value) String ¶
func (v UFix64Value) String() string
func (UFix64Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶
func (v UFix64Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (UFix64Value) ToInt ¶
func (v UFix64Value) ToInt(_ LocationRange) int
func (UFix64Value) Transfer ¶
func (v UFix64Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (UFix64Value) Walk ¶
func (UFix64Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type UInt128Value ¶
func NewUInt128ValueFromBigInt ¶
func NewUInt128ValueFromBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, bigIntConstructor func() *big.Int) UInt128Value
func NewUInt128ValueFromUint64 ¶
func NewUInt128ValueFromUint64(interpreter *Interpreter, value uint64) UInt128Value
func NewUnmeteredUInt128ValueFromBigInt ¶
func NewUnmeteredUInt128ValueFromBigInt(value *big.Int) UInt128Value
func NewUnmeteredUInt128ValueFromUint64 ¶
func NewUnmeteredUInt128ValueFromUint64(value uint64) UInt128Value
func (UInt128Value) Accept ¶
func (v UInt128Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (UInt128Value) BitwiseAnd ¶
func (v UInt128Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UInt128Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶
func (v UInt128Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UInt128Value) BitwiseOr ¶
func (v UInt128Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UInt128Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶
func (v UInt128Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UInt128Value) BitwiseXor ¶
func (v UInt128Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UInt128Value) ByteLength ¶
func (v UInt128Value) ByteLength() int
func (UInt128Value) ByteSize ¶
func (v UInt128Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (UInt128Value) ChildStorables ¶
func (UInt128Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (UInt128Value) Clone ¶
func (v UInt128Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (UInt128Value) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v UInt128Value) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (UInt128Value) DeepRemove ¶
func (UInt128Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (UInt128Value) Div ¶
func (v UInt128Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt128Value) Encode ¶
func (v UInt128Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes UInt128Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagUInt128Value, Content: *big.Int(v.BigInt), }
func (UInt128Value) Equal ¶
func (v UInt128Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (UInt128Value) GetMember ¶
func (v UInt128Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
func (UInt128Value) Greater ¶
func (v UInt128Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UInt128Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v UInt128Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UInt128Value) HashInput ¶
func (v UInt128Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
HashInput returns a byte slice containing: - HashInputTypeUInt128 (1 byte) - big int encoded in big endian (n bytes)
func (UInt128Value) IsImportable ¶
func (UInt128Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (UInt128Value) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (UInt128Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (UInt128Value) IsStorable ¶
func (UInt128Value) IsStorable() bool
func (UInt128Value) Less ¶
func (v UInt128Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UInt128Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v UInt128Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UInt128Value) MeteredString ¶
func (v UInt128Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (UInt128Value) Minus ¶
func (v UInt128Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt128Value) Mod ¶
func (v UInt128Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt128Value) Mul ¶
func (v UInt128Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt128Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (UInt128Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (UInt128Value) Negate ¶
func (v UInt128Value) Negate(*Interpreter, LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt128Value) Plus ¶
func (v UInt128Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt128Value) RecursiveString ¶
func (v UInt128Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (UInt128Value) RemoveMember ¶
func (UInt128Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (UInt128Value) SaturatingDiv ¶
func (v UInt128Value) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt128Value) SaturatingMinus ¶
func (v UInt128Value) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt128Value) SaturatingMul ¶
func (v UInt128Value) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt128Value) SaturatingPlus ¶
func (v UInt128Value) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt128Value) SetMember ¶
func (UInt128Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (UInt128Value) StaticType ¶
func (UInt128Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (UInt128Value) Storable ¶
func (v UInt128Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (UInt128Value) StoredValue ¶
func (v UInt128Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (UInt128Value) String ¶
func (v UInt128Value) String() string
func (UInt128Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶
func (v UInt128Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (UInt128Value) ToBigInt ¶
func (v UInt128Value) ToBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) *big.Int
func (UInt128Value) ToInt ¶
func (v UInt128Value) ToInt(locationRange LocationRange) int
func (UInt128Value) Transfer ¶
func (v UInt128Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (UInt128Value) Walk ¶
func (UInt128Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type UInt16Value ¶
type UInt16Value uint16
func ConvertUInt16 ¶
func ConvertUInt16(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) UInt16Value
func NewUInt16Value ¶
func NewUInt16Value(gauge common.MemoryGauge, uint16Constructor func() uint16) UInt16Value
func NewUnmeteredUInt16Value ¶
func NewUnmeteredUInt16Value(value uint16) UInt16Value
func (UInt16Value) Accept ¶
func (v UInt16Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (UInt16Value) BitwiseAnd ¶
func (v UInt16Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UInt16Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶
func (v UInt16Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UInt16Value) BitwiseOr ¶
func (v UInt16Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UInt16Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶
func (v UInt16Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UInt16Value) BitwiseXor ¶
func (v UInt16Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UInt16Value) ByteSize ¶
func (v UInt16Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (UInt16Value) ChildStorables ¶
func (UInt16Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (UInt16Value) Clone ¶
func (v UInt16Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (UInt16Value) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v UInt16Value) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (UInt16Value) DeepRemove ¶
func (UInt16Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (UInt16Value) Div ¶
func (v UInt16Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt16Value) Encode ¶
func (v UInt16Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes UInt16Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagUInt16Value, Content: uint16(v), }
func (UInt16Value) Equal ¶
func (v UInt16Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (UInt16Value) GetMember ¶
func (v UInt16Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
func (UInt16Value) Greater ¶
func (v UInt16Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UInt16Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v UInt16Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UInt16Value) HashInput ¶
func (v UInt16Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
HashInput returns a byte slice containing: - HashInputTypeUInt16 (1 byte) - uint16 value encoded in big-endian (2 bytes)
func (UInt16Value) IsImportable ¶
func (UInt16Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (UInt16Value) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (UInt16Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (UInt16Value) IsStorable ¶
func (UInt16Value) IsStorable() bool
func (UInt16Value) Less ¶
func (v UInt16Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UInt16Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v UInt16Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UInt16Value) MeteredString ¶
func (v UInt16Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (UInt16Value) Minus ¶
func (v UInt16Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt16Value) Mod ¶
func (v UInt16Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt16Value) Mul ¶
func (v UInt16Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt16Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (UInt16Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (UInt16Value) Negate ¶
func (v UInt16Value) Negate(*Interpreter, LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt16Value) Plus ¶
func (v UInt16Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt16Value) RecursiveString ¶
func (v UInt16Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (UInt16Value) RemoveMember ¶
func (UInt16Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (UInt16Value) SaturatingDiv ¶
func (v UInt16Value) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt16Value) SaturatingMinus ¶
func (v UInt16Value) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt16Value) SaturatingMul ¶
func (v UInt16Value) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt16Value) SaturatingPlus ¶
func (v UInt16Value) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt16Value) SetMember ¶
func (UInt16Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (UInt16Value) StaticType ¶
func (UInt16Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (UInt16Value) Storable ¶
func (v UInt16Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (UInt16Value) StoredValue ¶
func (v UInt16Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (UInt16Value) String ¶
func (v UInt16Value) String() string
func (UInt16Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶
func (v UInt16Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (UInt16Value) ToInt ¶
func (v UInt16Value) ToInt(_ LocationRange) int
func (UInt16Value) Transfer ¶
func (v UInt16Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (UInt16Value) Walk ¶
func (UInt16Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type UInt256Value ¶
func ConvertUInt256 ¶
func ConvertUInt256(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) UInt256Value
func NewUInt256ValueFromBigInt ¶
func NewUInt256ValueFromBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, bigIntConstructor func() *big.Int) UInt256Value
func NewUInt256ValueFromUint64 ¶
func NewUInt256ValueFromUint64(interpreter *Interpreter, value uint64) UInt256Value
func NewUnmeteredUInt256ValueFromBigInt ¶
func NewUnmeteredUInt256ValueFromBigInt(value *big.Int) UInt256Value
func NewUnmeteredUInt256ValueFromUint64 ¶
func NewUnmeteredUInt256ValueFromUint64(value uint64) UInt256Value
func (UInt256Value) Accept ¶
func (v UInt256Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (UInt256Value) BitwiseAnd ¶
func (v UInt256Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UInt256Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶
func (v UInt256Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UInt256Value) BitwiseOr ¶
func (v UInt256Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UInt256Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶
func (v UInt256Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UInt256Value) BitwiseXor ¶
func (v UInt256Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UInt256Value) ByteLength ¶
func (v UInt256Value) ByteLength() int
func (UInt256Value) ByteSize ¶
func (v UInt256Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (UInt256Value) ChildStorables ¶
func (UInt256Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (UInt256Value) Clone ¶
func (v UInt256Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (UInt256Value) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v UInt256Value) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (UInt256Value) DeepRemove ¶
func (UInt256Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (UInt256Value) Div ¶
func (v UInt256Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt256Value) Encode ¶
func (v UInt256Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes UInt256Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagUInt256Value, Content: *big.Int(v.BigInt), }
func (UInt256Value) Equal ¶
func (v UInt256Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (UInt256Value) GetMember ¶
func (v UInt256Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
func (UInt256Value) Greater ¶
func (v UInt256Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UInt256Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v UInt256Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UInt256Value) HashInput ¶
func (v UInt256Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
HashInput returns a byte slice containing: - HashInputTypeUInt256 (1 byte) - big int encoded in big endian (n bytes)
func (UInt256Value) IsImportable ¶
func (UInt256Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (UInt256Value) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (UInt256Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (UInt256Value) IsStorable ¶
func (UInt256Value) IsStorable() bool
func (UInt256Value) Less ¶
func (v UInt256Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UInt256Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v UInt256Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UInt256Value) MeteredString ¶
func (v UInt256Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (UInt256Value) Minus ¶
func (v UInt256Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt256Value) Mod ¶
func (v UInt256Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt256Value) Mul ¶
func (v UInt256Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt256Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (UInt256Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (UInt256Value) Negate ¶
func (v UInt256Value) Negate(*Interpreter, LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt256Value) Plus ¶
func (v UInt256Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt256Value) RecursiveString ¶
func (v UInt256Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (UInt256Value) RemoveMember ¶
func (UInt256Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (UInt256Value) SaturatingDiv ¶
func (v UInt256Value) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt256Value) SaturatingMinus ¶
func (v UInt256Value) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt256Value) SaturatingMul ¶
func (v UInt256Value) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt256Value) SaturatingPlus ¶
func (v UInt256Value) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt256Value) SetMember ¶
func (UInt256Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (UInt256Value) StaticType ¶
func (UInt256Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (UInt256Value) Storable ¶
func (v UInt256Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (UInt256Value) StoredValue ¶
func (v UInt256Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (UInt256Value) String ¶
func (v UInt256Value) String() string
func (UInt256Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶
func (v UInt256Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (UInt256Value) ToBigInt ¶
func (v UInt256Value) ToBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) *big.Int
func (UInt256Value) ToInt ¶
func (v UInt256Value) ToInt(locationRange LocationRange) int
func (UInt256Value) Transfer ¶
func (v UInt256Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (UInt256Value) Walk ¶
func (UInt256Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type UInt32Value ¶
type UInt32Value uint32
func ConvertUInt32 ¶
func ConvertUInt32(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) UInt32Value
func NewUInt32Value ¶
func NewUInt32Value(gauge common.MemoryGauge, uint32Constructor func() uint32) UInt32Value
func NewUnmeteredUInt32Value ¶
func NewUnmeteredUInt32Value(value uint32) UInt32Value
func (UInt32Value) Accept ¶
func (v UInt32Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (UInt32Value) BitwiseAnd ¶
func (v UInt32Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UInt32Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶
func (v UInt32Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UInt32Value) BitwiseOr ¶
func (v UInt32Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UInt32Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶
func (v UInt32Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UInt32Value) BitwiseXor ¶
func (v UInt32Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UInt32Value) ByteSize ¶
func (v UInt32Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (UInt32Value) ChildStorables ¶
func (UInt32Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (UInt32Value) Clone ¶
func (v UInt32Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (UInt32Value) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v UInt32Value) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (UInt32Value) DeepRemove ¶
func (UInt32Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (UInt32Value) Div ¶
func (v UInt32Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt32Value) Encode ¶
func (v UInt32Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes UInt32Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagUInt32Value, Content: uint32(v), }
func (UInt32Value) Equal ¶
func (v UInt32Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (UInt32Value) GetMember ¶
func (v UInt32Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
func (UInt32Value) Greater ¶
func (v UInt32Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UInt32Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v UInt32Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UInt32Value) HashInput ¶
func (v UInt32Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
HashInput returns a byte slice containing: - HashInputTypeUInt32 (1 byte) - uint32 value encoded in big-endian (4 bytes)
func (UInt32Value) IsImportable ¶
func (UInt32Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (UInt32Value) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (UInt32Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (UInt32Value) IsStorable ¶
func (UInt32Value) IsStorable() bool
func (UInt32Value) Less ¶
func (v UInt32Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UInt32Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v UInt32Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UInt32Value) MeteredString ¶
func (v UInt32Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (UInt32Value) Minus ¶
func (v UInt32Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt32Value) Mod ¶
func (v UInt32Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt32Value) Mul ¶
func (v UInt32Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt32Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (UInt32Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (UInt32Value) Negate ¶
func (v UInt32Value) Negate(*Interpreter, LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt32Value) Plus ¶
func (v UInt32Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt32Value) RecursiveString ¶
func (v UInt32Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (UInt32Value) RemoveMember ¶
func (UInt32Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (UInt32Value) SaturatingDiv ¶
func (v UInt32Value) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt32Value) SaturatingMinus ¶
func (v UInt32Value) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt32Value) SaturatingMul ¶
func (v UInt32Value) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt32Value) SaturatingPlus ¶
func (v UInt32Value) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt32Value) SetMember ¶
func (UInt32Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (UInt32Value) StaticType ¶
func (UInt32Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (UInt32Value) Storable ¶
func (v UInt32Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (UInt32Value) StoredValue ¶
func (v UInt32Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (UInt32Value) String ¶
func (v UInt32Value) String() string
func (UInt32Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶
func (v UInt32Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (UInt32Value) ToInt ¶
func (v UInt32Value) ToInt(_ LocationRange) int
func (UInt32Value) Transfer ¶
func (v UInt32Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (UInt32Value) Walk ¶
func (UInt32Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type UInt64Value ¶
type UInt64Value uint64
const InvalidCapabilityID UInt64Value = 0
func ConvertUInt64 ¶
func ConvertUInt64(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) UInt64Value
func NewUInt64Value ¶
func NewUInt64Value(gauge common.MemoryGauge, uint64Constructor func() uint64) UInt64Value
func NewUnmeteredUInt64Value ¶
func NewUnmeteredUInt64Value(value uint64) UInt64Value
func (UInt64Value) Accept ¶
func (v UInt64Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (UInt64Value) BitwiseAnd ¶
func (v UInt64Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UInt64Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶
func (v UInt64Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UInt64Value) BitwiseOr ¶
func (v UInt64Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UInt64Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶
func (v UInt64Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UInt64Value) BitwiseXor ¶
func (v UInt64Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UInt64Value) ByteLength ¶
func (v UInt64Value) ByteLength() int
func (UInt64Value) ByteSize ¶
func (v UInt64Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (UInt64Value) ChildStorables ¶
func (UInt64Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (UInt64Value) Clone ¶
func (v UInt64Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (UInt64Value) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v UInt64Value) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (UInt64Value) DeepRemove ¶
func (UInt64Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (UInt64Value) Div ¶
func (v UInt64Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt64Value) Encode ¶
func (v UInt64Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes UInt64Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagUInt64Value, Content: uint64(v), }
func (UInt64Value) Equal ¶
func (v UInt64Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (UInt64Value) GetMember ¶
func (v UInt64Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
func (UInt64Value) Greater ¶
func (v UInt64Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UInt64Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v UInt64Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UInt64Value) HashInput ¶
func (v UInt64Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
HashInput returns a byte slice containing: - HashInputTypeUInt64 (1 byte) - uint64 value encoded in big-endian (8 bytes)
func (UInt64Value) IsImportable ¶
func (UInt64Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (UInt64Value) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (UInt64Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (UInt64Value) IsStorable ¶
func (UInt64Value) IsStorable() bool
func (UInt64Value) Less ¶
func (v UInt64Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UInt64Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v UInt64Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UInt64Value) MeteredString ¶
func (v UInt64Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (UInt64Value) Minus ¶
func (v UInt64Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt64Value) Mod ¶
func (v UInt64Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt64Value) Mul ¶
func (v UInt64Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt64Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (UInt64Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (UInt64Value) Negate ¶
func (v UInt64Value) Negate(*Interpreter, LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt64Value) Plus ¶
func (v UInt64Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt64Value) RecursiveString ¶
func (v UInt64Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (UInt64Value) RemoveMember ¶
func (UInt64Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (UInt64Value) SaturatingDiv ¶
func (v UInt64Value) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt64Value) SaturatingMinus ¶
func (v UInt64Value) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt64Value) SaturatingMul ¶
func (v UInt64Value) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt64Value) SaturatingPlus ¶
func (v UInt64Value) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt64Value) SetMember ¶
func (UInt64Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (UInt64Value) StaticType ¶
func (UInt64Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (UInt64Value) Storable ¶
func (v UInt64Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (UInt64Value) StoredValue ¶
func (v UInt64Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (UInt64Value) String ¶
func (v UInt64Value) String() string
func (UInt64Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶
func (v UInt64Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (UInt64Value) ToBigInt ¶
func (v UInt64Value) ToBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) *big.Int
NOTE: important, do *NOT* remove: UInt64 values > math.MaxInt64 overflow int. Implementing BigNumberValue ensures conversion functions call ToBigInt instead of ToInt.
func (UInt64Value) ToInt ¶
func (v UInt64Value) ToInt(locationRange LocationRange) int
func (UInt64Value) Transfer ¶
func (v UInt64Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (UInt64Value) Walk ¶
func (UInt64Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type UInt8Value ¶
type UInt8Value uint8
func ConvertUInt8 ¶
func ConvertUInt8(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) UInt8Value
func NewUInt8Value ¶
func NewUInt8Value(gauge common.MemoryGauge, uint8Constructor func() uint8) UInt8Value
func NewUnmeteredUInt8Value ¶
func NewUnmeteredUInt8Value(value uint8) UInt8Value
func (UInt8Value) Accept ¶
func (v UInt8Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (UInt8Value) BitwiseAnd ¶
func (v UInt8Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UInt8Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶
func (v UInt8Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UInt8Value) BitwiseOr ¶
func (v UInt8Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UInt8Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶
func (v UInt8Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UInt8Value) BitwiseXor ¶
func (v UInt8Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UInt8Value) ByteSize ¶
func (v UInt8Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (UInt8Value) ChildStorables ¶
func (UInt8Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (UInt8Value) Clone ¶
func (v UInt8Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (UInt8Value) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v UInt8Value) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (UInt8Value) DeepRemove ¶
func (UInt8Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (UInt8Value) Div ¶
func (v UInt8Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt8Value) Encode ¶
func (v UInt8Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes UInt8Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagUInt8Value, Content: uint8(v), }
func (UInt8Value) Equal ¶
func (v UInt8Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (UInt8Value) GetMember ¶
func (v UInt8Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
func (UInt8Value) Greater ¶
func (v UInt8Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UInt8Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v UInt8Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UInt8Value) HashInput ¶
func (v UInt8Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
HashInput returns a byte slice containing: - HashInputTypeUInt8 (1 byte) - uint8 value (1 byte)
func (UInt8Value) IsImportable ¶
func (UInt8Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (UInt8Value) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (UInt8Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (UInt8Value) Less ¶
func (v UInt8Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UInt8Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v UInt8Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UInt8Value) MeteredString ¶
func (v UInt8Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (UInt8Value) Minus ¶
func (v UInt8Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt8Value) Mod ¶
func (v UInt8Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt8Value) Mul ¶
func (v UInt8Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt8Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (UInt8Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (UInt8Value) Negate ¶
func (v UInt8Value) Negate(*Interpreter, LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt8Value) Plus ¶
func (v UInt8Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt8Value) RecursiveString ¶
func (v UInt8Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (UInt8Value) RemoveMember ¶
func (UInt8Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (UInt8Value) SaturatingDiv ¶
func (v UInt8Value) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt8Value) SaturatingMinus ¶
func (v UInt8Value) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt8Value) SaturatingMul ¶
func (v UInt8Value) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt8Value) SaturatingPlus ¶
func (v UInt8Value) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UInt8Value) SetMember ¶
func (UInt8Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (UInt8Value) StaticType ¶
func (UInt8Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (UInt8Value) Storable ¶
func (v UInt8Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (UInt8Value) StoredValue ¶
func (v UInt8Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (UInt8Value) String ¶
func (v UInt8Value) String() string
func (UInt8Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶
func (v UInt8Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (UInt8Value) ToInt ¶
func (v UInt8Value) ToInt(_ LocationRange) int
func (UInt8Value) Transfer ¶
func (v UInt8Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (UInt8Value) Walk ¶
func (UInt8Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type UIntValue ¶
func ConvertUInt ¶
func ConvertUInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) UIntValue
func NewUIntValueFromBigInt ¶
func NewUIntValueFromBigInt( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, memoryUsage common.MemoryUsage, bigIntConstructor func() *big.Int, ) UIntValue
func NewUIntValueFromUint64 ¶
func NewUIntValueFromUint64(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value uint64) UIntValue
func (UIntValue) Accept ¶
func (v UIntValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (UIntValue) BitwiseAnd ¶
func (v UIntValue) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UIntValue) BitwiseLeftShift ¶
func (v UIntValue) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UIntValue) BitwiseOr ¶
func (v UIntValue) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UIntValue) BitwiseRightShift ¶
func (v UIntValue) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UIntValue) BitwiseXor ¶
func (v UIntValue) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (UIntValue) ByteLength ¶
func (UIntValue) ChildStorables ¶
func (UIntValue) Clone ¶
func (v UIntValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (UIntValue) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v UIntValue) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (UIntValue) DeepRemove ¶
func (UIntValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (UIntValue) Div ¶
func (v UIntValue) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UIntValue) Encode ¶
Encode encodes UIntValue as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagUIntValue, Content: *big.Int(v.BigInt), }
func (UIntValue) Equal ¶
func (v UIntValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (UIntValue) GetMember ¶
func (v UIntValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
func (UIntValue) Greater ¶
func (v UIntValue) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UIntValue) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v UIntValue) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UIntValue) HashInput ¶
func (v UIntValue) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
HashInput returns a byte slice containing: - HashInputTypeUInt (1 byte) - big int value encoded in big-endian (n bytes)
func (UIntValue) IsImportable ¶
func (v UIntValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (UIntValue) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (UIntValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (UIntValue) Less ¶
func (v UIntValue) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UIntValue) LessEqual ¶
func (v UIntValue) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (UIntValue) MeteredString ¶
func (v UIntValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (UIntValue) Minus ¶
func (v UIntValue) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UIntValue) Mod ¶
func (v UIntValue) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UIntValue) Mul ¶
func (v UIntValue) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UIntValue) Negate ¶
func (v UIntValue) Negate(*Interpreter, LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UIntValue) Plus ¶
func (v UIntValue) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UIntValue) RecursiveString ¶
func (v UIntValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (UIntValue) RemoveMember ¶
func (UIntValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (UIntValue) SaturatingDiv ¶
func (v UIntValue) SaturatingDiv(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UIntValue) SaturatingMinus ¶
func (v UIntValue) SaturatingMinus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UIntValue) SaturatingMul ¶
func (v UIntValue) SaturatingMul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UIntValue) SaturatingPlus ¶
func (v UIntValue) SaturatingPlus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (UIntValue) SetMember ¶
func (UIntValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (UIntValue) StaticType ¶
func (UIntValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (UIntValue) StoredValue ¶
func (UIntValue) ToBigEndianBytes ¶
func (UIntValue) ToInt ¶
func (v UIntValue) ToInt(locationRange LocationRange) int
func (UIntValue) Walk ¶
func (UIntValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type UUIDHandlerFunc ¶
UUIDHandlerFunc is a function that handles the generation of UUIDs.
type UUIDUnavailableError ¶
type UUIDUnavailableError struct {
func (UUIDUnavailableError) Error ¶
func (e UUIDUnavailableError) Error() string
func (UUIDUnavailableError) IsUserError ¶
func (UUIDUnavailableError) IsUserError()
type Uint64AtreeValue ¶
type Uint64AtreeValue uint64
func NewUint64AtreeValue ¶
func NewUint64AtreeValue(gauge common.MemoryGauge, s uint64) Uint64AtreeValue
func (Uint64AtreeValue) ByteSize ¶
func (v Uint64AtreeValue) ByteSize() uint32
func (Uint64AtreeValue) ChildStorables ¶
func (Uint64AtreeValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (Uint64AtreeValue) Encode ¶
func (v Uint64AtreeValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes the value as a CBOR unsigned integer
func (Uint64AtreeValue) Storable ¶
func (v Uint64AtreeValue) Storable( _ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64, ) ( atree.Storable, error, )
func (Uint64AtreeValue) StoredValue ¶
func (v Uint64AtreeValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
type Uint64StorageMapKey ¶
type Uint64StorageMapKey Uint64AtreeValue
Uint64StorageMapKey is a StorageMapKey backed by a simple Uint64AtreeValue
func (Uint64StorageMapKey) AtreeValue ¶
func (k Uint64StorageMapKey) AtreeValue() atree.Value
func (Uint64StorageMapKey) AtreeValueCompare ¶
func (Uint64StorageMapKey) AtreeValueCompare( slabStorage atree.SlabStorage, value atree.Value, otherStorable atree.Storable, ) (bool, error)
func (Uint64StorageMapKey) AtreeValueHashInput ¶
type Unauthorized ¶
type Unauthorized struct{}
func (Unauthorized) Encode ¶
func (t Unauthorized) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
func (Unauthorized) Equal ¶
func (Unauthorized) Equal(auth Authorization) bool
func (Unauthorized) ID ¶
func (Unauthorized) ID() TypeID
func (Unauthorized) MeteredString ¶
func (a Unauthorized) MeteredString(_ common.MemoryGauge) string
func (Unauthorized) String ¶
func (Unauthorized) String() string
type UnderflowError ¶
type UnderflowError struct {
func (UnderflowError) Error ¶
func (e UnderflowError) Error() string
func (UnderflowError) IsUserError ¶
func (UnderflowError) IsUserError()
type UnexpectedMappedEntitlementError ¶
type UnexpectedMappedEntitlementError struct { Type sema.Type LocationRange }
func (UnexpectedMappedEntitlementError) Error ¶
func (e UnexpectedMappedEntitlementError) Error() string
func (UnexpectedMappedEntitlementError) IsInternalError ¶
func (UnexpectedMappedEntitlementError) IsInternalError()
type UnsupportedTagDecodingError ¶
type UnsupportedTagDecodingError struct {
Tag uint64
func (UnsupportedTagDecodingError) Error ¶
func (e UnsupportedTagDecodingError) Error() string
func (UnsupportedTagDecodingError) IsInternalError ¶
func (UnsupportedTagDecodingError) IsInternalError()
type UseBeforeInitializationError ¶
type UseBeforeInitializationError struct { LocationRange Name string }
func (UseBeforeInitializationError) Error ¶
func (e UseBeforeInitializationError) Error() string
func (UseBeforeInitializationError) IsUserError ¶
func (UseBeforeInitializationError) IsUserError()
type ValidateAccountCapabilitiesGetHandlerFunc ¶
type ValidateAccountCapabilitiesGetHandlerFunc func( inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, address AddressValue, path PathValue, wantedBorrowType *sema.ReferenceType, capabilityBorrowType *sema.ReferenceType, ) (bool, error)
ValidateAccountCapabilitiesGetHandlerFunc is a function that is used to handle when a capability of an account is got.
type ValidateAccountCapabilitiesPublishHandlerFunc ¶
type ValidateAccountCapabilitiesPublishHandlerFunc func( inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, address AddressValue, path PathValue, capabilityBorrowType *ReferenceStaticType, ) (bool, error)
ValidateAccountCapabilitiesPublishHandlerFunc is a function that is used to handle when a capability of an account is got.
type Value ¶
type Value interface { atree.Value // Stringer provides `func String() string` // NOTE: important, error messages rely on values to implement String fmt.Stringer Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, locationRange LocationRange) Walk(interpreter *Interpreter, walkChild func(Value), locationRange LocationRange) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType // ConformsToStaticType returns true if the value (i.e. its dynamic type) // conforms to its own static type. // Non-container values trivially always conform to their own static type. // Container values conform to their own static type, // and this function recursively checks conformance for nested values. // If the container contains static type information about nested values, // e.g. the element type of an array, it also ensures the nested values' // static types are subtypes. ConformsToStaticType( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, results TypeConformanceResults, ) bool RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string IsResourceKinded(interpreter *Interpreter) bool NeedsStoreTo(address atree.Address) bool Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, address atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, preventTransfer map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, hasNoParentContainer bool, ) Value DeepRemove( interpreter *Interpreter, hasNoParentContainer bool, ) // Clone returns a new value that is equal to this value. // NOTE: not used by interpreter, but used externally (e.g. state migration) // NOTE: memory metering is unnecessary for Clone methods Clone(interpreter *Interpreter) Value IsImportable(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Value is the Cadence value hierarchy which is heavily tied to the interpreter and persistent storage, and has lots of implementation details.
We do not want to expose those details to users (for example, Cadence is used as a library in flow-go (FVM), in the Flow Go SDK, etc.), because we want to be able to change the API and implementation details; nor do we want to require users to Cadence (the library) to write lots of low-level/boilerplate code (e.g. setting up storage).
To accomplish this, cadence.Value is the "user-facing" hierarchy that is easy to work with: simple Go types that can be used without an interpreter or storage.
cadence.Value can be converted to an interpreter.Value by "importing" it with importValue, and interpreter.Value can be "exported" to a cadence.Value with ExportValue.
func AddressFromBytes ¶
func AddressFromBytes(invocation Invocation) Value
func AddressFromString ¶
func AddressFromString(invocation Invocation) Value
func ConvertStoredValue ¶
func ConvertUInt128 ¶
func ConvertUInt128(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) Value
func ConvertWord128 ¶
func ConvertWord128(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) Value
func ConvertWord256 ¶
func ConvertWord256(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) Value
func DereferenceValue ¶
func DereferenceValue( inter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, referenceValue ReferenceValue, ) Value
func MustConvertStoredValue ¶
func MustConvertStoredValue(gauge common.MemoryGauge, value atree.Value) Value
func NewAccountCapabilitiesValue ¶
func NewAccountCapabilitiesValue( gauge common.MemoryGauge, address AddressValue, getFunction BoundFunctionGenerator, borrowFunction BoundFunctionGenerator, existsFunction BoundFunctionGenerator, publishFunction BoundFunctionGenerator, unpublishFunction BoundFunctionGenerator, storageCapabilitiesConstructor func() Value, accountCapabilitiesConstructor func() Value, ) Value
func NewAccountContractsValue ¶
func NewAccountContractsValue( gauge common.MemoryGauge, address AddressValue, addFunction BoundFunctionGenerator, updateFunction BoundFunctionGenerator, tryUpdateFunction BoundFunctionGenerator, getFunction BoundFunctionGenerator, borrowFunction BoundFunctionGenerator, removeFunction BoundFunctionGenerator, namesGetter ContractNamesGetter, ) Value
func NewAccountInboxValue ¶
func NewAccountInboxValue( gauge common.MemoryGauge, addressValue AddressValue, publishFunction BoundFunctionGenerator, unpublishFunction BoundFunctionGenerator, claimFunction BoundFunctionGenerator, ) Value
NewAccountInboxValue constructs an Account.Inbox value.
func NewAccountKeysValue ¶
func NewAccountKeysValue( gauge common.MemoryGauge, address AddressValue, addFunction BoundFunctionGenerator, getFunction BoundFunctionGenerator, revokeFunction BoundFunctionGenerator, forEachFunction BoundFunctionGenerator, getKeysCount AccountKeysCountGetter, ) Value
NewAccountKeysValue constructs an Account.Keys value.
func NewAccountStorageCapabilitiesValue ¶
func NewAccountStorageCapabilitiesValue( gauge common.MemoryGauge, address AddressValue, getControllerFunction BoundFunctionGenerator, getControllersFunction BoundFunctionGenerator, forEachControllerFunction BoundFunctionGenerator, issueFunction BoundFunctionGenerator, issueWithTypeFunction BoundFunctionGenerator, ) Value
func NewAccountStorageValue ¶
func NewAccountStorageValue( gauge common.MemoryGauge, address AddressValue, storageUsedGet func(interpreter *Interpreter) UInt64Value, storageCapacityGet func(interpreter *Interpreter) UInt64Value, ) Value
NewAccountStorageValue constructs an Account.Storage value.
func NewAccountValue ¶
func NewAccountValue( gauge common.MemoryGauge, address AddressValue, accountBalanceGet func() UFix64Value, accountAvailableBalanceGet func() UFix64Value, storageConstructor func() Value, contractsConstructor func() Value, keysConstructor func() Value, inboxConstructor func() Value, capabilitiesConstructor func() Value, ) Value
NewAccountValue constructs an account value.
func NewDeploymentResultValue ¶
func NewDeploymentResultValue( gauge common.MemoryGauge, deployedContract OptionalValue, ) Value
func StoredValue ¶
func StoredValue(gauge common.MemoryGauge, storable atree.Storable, storage atree.SlabStorage) Value
type ValueConverterDeclaration ¶
type ValueConverterDeclaration struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type ValueDeclaration ¶
type ValueIndexableValue ¶
type ValueIndexableValue interface { Value GetKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value) Value SetKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value, value Value) RemoveKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value) Value InsertKey(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, key Value, value Value) }
type ValueIterator ¶
type ValueIterator interface {
Next(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange) Value
ValueIterator is an iterator which returns values. When Next returns nil, it signals the end of the iterator.
type ValueTransferTypeError ¶
type ValueTransferTypeError struct { ExpectedType sema.Type ActualType sema.Type LocationRange }
func (ValueTransferTypeError) Error ¶
func (e ValueTransferTypeError) Error() string
func (ValueTransferTypeError) IsInternalError ¶
func (ValueTransferTypeError) IsInternalError()
type ValueWalker ¶
type ValueWalker interface {
WalkValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value Value) ValueWalker
type Variable ¶
type Variable interface { GetValue(interpreter *Interpreter) Value SetValue(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, value Value) InitializeWithValue(value Value) InitializeWithGetter(getter func() Value) }
func NewSelfVariableWithValue ¶
func NewSelfVariableWithValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) Variable
func NewVariableWithGetter ¶
func NewVariableWithGetter(gauge common.MemoryGauge, getter func() Value) Variable
func NewVariableWithValue ¶
func NewVariableWithValue(gauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value) Variable
type VariableActivation ¶
type VariableActivation = activations.Activation[Variable]
var BaseActivation *VariableActivation
BaseActivation is the activation which contains all base declarations. It is reused across all interpreters.
type VariableActivations ¶
type VariableActivations = activations.Activations[Variable]
type VariableSizedStaticType ¶
type VariableSizedStaticType struct {
Type StaticType
func NewVariableSizedStaticType ¶
func NewVariableSizedStaticType( memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, elementType StaticType, ) *VariableSizedStaticType
func (*VariableSizedStaticType) Copy ¶
func (t *VariableSizedStaticType) Copy() atree.TypeInfo
func (*VariableSizedStaticType) ElementType ¶
func (t *VariableSizedStaticType) ElementType() StaticType
func (*VariableSizedStaticType) Encode ¶
func (t *VariableSizedStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
Encode encodes VariableSizedStaticType as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagVariableSizedStaticType, Content: StaticType(v.Type), }
func (*VariableSizedStaticType) Equal ¶
func (t *VariableSizedStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
func (*VariableSizedStaticType) ID ¶
func (t *VariableSizedStaticType) ID() TypeID
func (*VariableSizedStaticType) IsComposite ¶
func (*VariableSizedStaticType) IsComposite() bool
func (*VariableSizedStaticType) IsDeprecated ¶
func (t *VariableSizedStaticType) IsDeprecated() bool
func (*VariableSizedStaticType) MeteredString ¶
func (t *VariableSizedStaticType) MeteredString(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) string
func (*VariableSizedStaticType) String ¶
func (t *VariableSizedStaticType) String() string
type VirtualImport ¶
type VirtualImport struct { TypeCodes TypeCodes Elaboration *sema.Elaboration Globals []VirtualImportGlobal }
type VirtualImportGlobal ¶
type Visitor ¶
type Visitor interface { VisitSimpleCompositeValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *SimpleCompositeValue) VisitTypeValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value TypeValue) VisitVoidValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value VoidValue) VisitBoolValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value BoolValue) VisitStringValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *StringValue) VisitCharacterValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value CharacterValue) VisitArrayValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *ArrayValue) bool VisitIntValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value IntValue) VisitInt8Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int8Value) VisitInt16Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int16Value) VisitInt32Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int32Value) VisitInt64Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int64Value) VisitInt128Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int128Value) VisitInt256Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int256Value) VisitUIntValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value UIntValue) VisitUInt8Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt8Value) VisitUInt16Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt16Value) VisitUInt32Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt32Value) VisitUInt64Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt64Value) VisitUInt128Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt128Value) VisitUInt256Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt256Value) VisitWord8Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word8Value) VisitWord16Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word16Value) VisitWord32Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word32Value) VisitWord64Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word64Value) VisitWord128Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word128Value) VisitWord256Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word256Value) VisitFix64Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Fix64Value) VisitUFix64Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UFix64Value) VisitCompositeValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *CompositeValue) bool VisitDictionaryValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *DictionaryValue) bool VisitNilValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value NilValue) VisitSomeValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *SomeValue) bool VisitStorageReferenceValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *StorageReferenceValue) VisitEphemeralReferenceValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *EphemeralReferenceValue) VisitAddressValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value AddressValue) VisitPathValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value PathValue) VisitCapabilityValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *IDCapabilityValue) VisitPublishedValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *PublishedValue) VisitInterpretedFunctionValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *InterpretedFunctionValue) VisitHostFunctionValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *HostFunctionValue) VisitBoundFunctionValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value BoundFunctionValue) VisitStorageCapabilityControllerValue(interpreter *Interpreter, v *StorageCapabilityControllerValue) VisitAccountCapabilityControllerValue(interpreter *Interpreter, v *AccountCapabilityControllerValue) }
type VoidValue ¶
type VoidValue struct{}
func (VoidValue) Accept ¶
func (v VoidValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (VoidValue) ChildStorables ¶
func (VoidValue) Clone ¶
func (v VoidValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (VoidValue) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v VoidValue) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (VoidValue) DeepRemove ¶
func (VoidValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (VoidValue) Equal ¶
func (v VoidValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (VoidValue) IsImportable ¶
func (VoidValue) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (VoidValue) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (VoidValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (VoidValue) MeteredString ¶
func (v VoidValue) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (VoidValue) RecursiveString ¶
func (v VoidValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (VoidValue) StaticType ¶
func (VoidValue) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (VoidValue) StoredValue ¶
func (VoidValue) Walk ¶
func (VoidValue) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type Word128Value ¶
func NewUnmeteredWord128ValueFromBigInt ¶
func NewUnmeteredWord128ValueFromBigInt(value *big.Int) Word128Value
func NewUnmeteredWord128ValueFromUint64 ¶
func NewUnmeteredWord128ValueFromUint64(value uint64) Word128Value
func NewWord128ValueFromBigInt ¶
func NewWord128ValueFromBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, bigIntConstructor func() *big.Int) Word128Value
func NewWord128ValueFromUint64 ¶
func NewWord128ValueFromUint64(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value int64) Word128Value
func (Word128Value) Accept ¶
func (v Word128Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (Word128Value) BitwiseAnd ¶
func (v Word128Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Word128Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶
func (v Word128Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Word128Value) BitwiseOr ¶
func (v Word128Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Word128Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶
func (v Word128Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Word128Value) BitwiseXor ¶
func (v Word128Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Word128Value) ByteLength ¶
func (v Word128Value) ByteLength() int
func (Word128Value) ByteSize ¶
func (v Word128Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (Word128Value) ChildStorables ¶
func (Word128Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (Word128Value) Clone ¶
func (v Word128Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (Word128Value) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v Word128Value) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (Word128Value) DeepRemove ¶
func (Word128Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (Word128Value) Div ¶
func (v Word128Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word128Value) Encode ¶
func (v Word128Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes Word128Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagWord128Value, Content: *big.Int(v.BigInt), }
func (Word128Value) Equal ¶
func (v Word128Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (Word128Value) GetMember ¶
func (v Word128Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
func (Word128Value) Greater ¶
func (v Word128Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Word128Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v Word128Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Word128Value) HashInput ¶
func (v Word128Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
HashInput returns a byte slice containing: - HashInputTypeWord128 (1 byte) - big int encoded in big endian (n bytes)
func (Word128Value) IsImportable ¶
func (Word128Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (Word128Value) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (Word128Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (Word128Value) IsStorable ¶
func (Word128Value) IsStorable() bool
func (Word128Value) Less ¶
func (v Word128Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Word128Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v Word128Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Word128Value) MeteredString ¶
func (v Word128Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (Word128Value) Minus ¶
func (v Word128Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word128Value) Mod ¶
func (v Word128Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word128Value) Mul ¶
func (v Word128Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word128Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (Word128Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (Word128Value) Negate ¶
func (v Word128Value) Negate(*Interpreter, LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word128Value) Plus ¶
func (v Word128Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word128Value) RecursiveString ¶
func (v Word128Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (Word128Value) RemoveMember ¶
func (Word128Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (Word128Value) SaturatingDiv ¶
func (v Word128Value) SaturatingDiv(_ *Interpreter, _ NumberValue, _ LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word128Value) SaturatingMinus ¶
func (v Word128Value) SaturatingMinus(_ *Interpreter, _ NumberValue, _ LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word128Value) SaturatingMul ¶
func (v Word128Value) SaturatingMul(_ *Interpreter, _ NumberValue, _ LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word128Value) SaturatingPlus ¶
func (v Word128Value) SaturatingPlus(_ *Interpreter, _ NumberValue, _ LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word128Value) SetMember ¶
func (Word128Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (Word128Value) StaticType ¶
func (Word128Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (Word128Value) Storable ¶
func (v Word128Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (Word128Value) StoredValue ¶
func (v Word128Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (Word128Value) String ¶
func (v Word128Value) String() string
func (Word128Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶
func (v Word128Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (Word128Value) ToBigInt ¶
func (v Word128Value) ToBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) *big.Int
func (Word128Value) ToInt ¶
func (v Word128Value) ToInt(locationRange LocationRange) int
func (Word128Value) Transfer ¶
func (v Word128Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (Word128Value) Walk ¶
func (Word128Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type Word16Value ¶
type Word16Value uint16
func ConvertWord16 ¶
func ConvertWord16(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) Word16Value
func NewUnmeteredWord16Value ¶
func NewUnmeteredWord16Value(value uint16) Word16Value
func NewWord16Value ¶
func NewWord16Value(gauge common.MemoryGauge, valueGetter func() uint16) Word16Value
func (Word16Value) Accept ¶
func (v Word16Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (Word16Value) BitwiseAnd ¶
func (v Word16Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Word16Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶
func (v Word16Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Word16Value) BitwiseOr ¶
func (v Word16Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Word16Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶
func (v Word16Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Word16Value) BitwiseXor ¶
func (v Word16Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Word16Value) ByteSize ¶
func (v Word16Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (Word16Value) ChildStorables ¶
func (Word16Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (Word16Value) Clone ¶
func (v Word16Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (Word16Value) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v Word16Value) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (Word16Value) DeepRemove ¶
func (Word16Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (Word16Value) Div ¶
func (v Word16Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word16Value) Encode ¶
func (v Word16Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes Word16Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagWord16Value, Content: uint16(v), }
func (Word16Value) Equal ¶
func (v Word16Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (Word16Value) GetMember ¶
func (v Word16Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
func (Word16Value) Greater ¶
func (v Word16Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Word16Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v Word16Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Word16Value) HashInput ¶
func (v Word16Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
HashInput returns a byte slice containing: - HashInputTypeWord16 (1 byte) - uint16 value encoded in big-endian (2 bytes)
func (Word16Value) IsImportable ¶
func (Word16Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (Word16Value) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (Word16Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (Word16Value) IsStorable ¶
func (Word16Value) IsStorable() bool
func (Word16Value) Less ¶
func (v Word16Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Word16Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v Word16Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Word16Value) MeteredString ¶
func (v Word16Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (Word16Value) Minus ¶
func (v Word16Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word16Value) Mod ¶
func (v Word16Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word16Value) Mul ¶
func (v Word16Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word16Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (Word16Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (Word16Value) Negate ¶
func (v Word16Value) Negate(*Interpreter, LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word16Value) Plus ¶
func (v Word16Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word16Value) RecursiveString ¶
func (v Word16Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (Word16Value) RemoveMember ¶
func (Word16Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (Word16Value) SaturatingDiv ¶
func (v Word16Value) SaturatingDiv(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word16Value) SaturatingMinus ¶
func (v Word16Value) SaturatingMinus(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word16Value) SaturatingMul ¶
func (v Word16Value) SaturatingMul(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word16Value) SaturatingPlus ¶
func (v Word16Value) SaturatingPlus(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word16Value) SetMember ¶
func (Word16Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (Word16Value) StaticType ¶
func (Word16Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (Word16Value) Storable ¶
func (v Word16Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (Word16Value) StoredValue ¶
func (v Word16Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (Word16Value) String ¶
func (v Word16Value) String() string
func (Word16Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶
func (v Word16Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (Word16Value) ToInt ¶
func (v Word16Value) ToInt(_ LocationRange) int
func (Word16Value) Transfer ¶
func (v Word16Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (Word16Value) Walk ¶
func (Word16Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type Word256Value ¶
func NewUnmeteredWord256ValueFromBigInt ¶
func NewUnmeteredWord256ValueFromBigInt(value *big.Int) Word256Value
func NewUnmeteredWord256ValueFromUint64 ¶
func NewUnmeteredWord256ValueFromUint64(value uint64) Word256Value
func NewWord256ValueFromBigInt ¶
func NewWord256ValueFromBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, bigIntConstructor func() *big.Int) Word256Value
func NewWord256ValueFromUint64 ¶
func NewWord256ValueFromUint64(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value int64) Word256Value
func (Word256Value) Accept ¶
func (v Word256Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (Word256Value) BitwiseAnd ¶
func (v Word256Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Word256Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶
func (v Word256Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Word256Value) BitwiseOr ¶
func (v Word256Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Word256Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶
func (v Word256Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Word256Value) BitwiseXor ¶
func (v Word256Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Word256Value) ByteLength ¶
func (v Word256Value) ByteLength() int
func (Word256Value) ByteSize ¶
func (v Word256Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (Word256Value) ChildStorables ¶
func (Word256Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (Word256Value) Clone ¶
func (v Word256Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (Word256Value) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v Word256Value) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (Word256Value) DeepRemove ¶
func (Word256Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (Word256Value) Div ¶
func (v Word256Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word256Value) Encode ¶
func (v Word256Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes Word256Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagWord256Value, Content: *big.Int(v.BigInt), }
func (Word256Value) Equal ¶
func (v Word256Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (Word256Value) GetMember ¶
func (v Word256Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
func (Word256Value) Greater ¶
func (v Word256Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Word256Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v Word256Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Word256Value) HashInput ¶
func (v Word256Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
HashInput returns a byte slice containing: - HashInputTypeWord256 (1 byte) - big int encoded in big endian (n bytes)
func (Word256Value) IsImportable ¶
func (Word256Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (Word256Value) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (Word256Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (Word256Value) IsStorable ¶
func (Word256Value) IsStorable() bool
func (Word256Value) Less ¶
func (v Word256Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Word256Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v Word256Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Word256Value) MeteredString ¶
func (v Word256Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (Word256Value) Minus ¶
func (v Word256Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word256Value) Mod ¶
func (v Word256Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word256Value) Mul ¶
func (v Word256Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word256Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (Word256Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (Word256Value) Negate ¶
func (v Word256Value) Negate(*Interpreter, LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word256Value) Plus ¶
func (v Word256Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word256Value) RecursiveString ¶
func (v Word256Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (Word256Value) RemoveMember ¶
func (Word256Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (Word256Value) SaturatingDiv ¶
func (v Word256Value) SaturatingDiv(_ *Interpreter, _ NumberValue, _ LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word256Value) SaturatingMinus ¶
func (v Word256Value) SaturatingMinus(_ *Interpreter, _ NumberValue, _ LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word256Value) SaturatingMul ¶
func (v Word256Value) SaturatingMul(_ *Interpreter, _ NumberValue, _ LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word256Value) SaturatingPlus ¶
func (v Word256Value) SaturatingPlus(_ *Interpreter, _ NumberValue, _ LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word256Value) SetMember ¶
func (Word256Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (Word256Value) StaticType ¶
func (Word256Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (Word256Value) Storable ¶
func (v Word256Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (Word256Value) StoredValue ¶
func (v Word256Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (Word256Value) String ¶
func (v Word256Value) String() string
func (Word256Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶
func (v Word256Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (Word256Value) ToBigInt ¶
func (v Word256Value) ToBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) *big.Int
func (Word256Value) ToInt ¶
func (v Word256Value) ToInt(locationRange LocationRange) int
func (Word256Value) Transfer ¶
func (v Word256Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (Word256Value) Walk ¶
func (Word256Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type Word32Value ¶
type Word32Value uint32
func ConvertWord32 ¶
func ConvertWord32(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) Word32Value
func NewUnmeteredWord32Value ¶
func NewUnmeteredWord32Value(value uint32) Word32Value
func NewWord32Value ¶
func NewWord32Value(gauge common.MemoryGauge, valueGetter func() uint32) Word32Value
func (Word32Value) Accept ¶
func (v Word32Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (Word32Value) BitwiseAnd ¶
func (v Word32Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Word32Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶
func (v Word32Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Word32Value) BitwiseOr ¶
func (v Word32Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Word32Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶
func (v Word32Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Word32Value) BitwiseXor ¶
func (v Word32Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Word32Value) ByteSize ¶
func (v Word32Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (Word32Value) ChildStorables ¶
func (Word32Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (Word32Value) Clone ¶
func (v Word32Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (Word32Value) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v Word32Value) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (Word32Value) DeepRemove ¶
func (Word32Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (Word32Value) Div ¶
func (v Word32Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word32Value) Encode ¶
func (v Word32Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes Word32Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagWord32Value, Content: uint32(v), }
func (Word32Value) Equal ¶
func (v Word32Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (Word32Value) GetMember ¶
func (v Word32Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
func (Word32Value) Greater ¶
func (v Word32Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Word32Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v Word32Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Word32Value) HashInput ¶
func (v Word32Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
HashInput returns a byte slice containing: - HashInputTypeWord32 (1 byte) - uint32 value encoded in big-endian (4 bytes)
func (Word32Value) IsImportable ¶
func (Word32Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (Word32Value) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (Word32Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (Word32Value) IsStorable ¶
func (Word32Value) IsStorable() bool
func (Word32Value) Less ¶
func (v Word32Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Word32Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v Word32Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Word32Value) MeteredString ¶
func (v Word32Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (Word32Value) Minus ¶
func (v Word32Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word32Value) Mod ¶
func (v Word32Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word32Value) Mul ¶
func (v Word32Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word32Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (Word32Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (Word32Value) Negate ¶
func (v Word32Value) Negate(*Interpreter, LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word32Value) Plus ¶
func (v Word32Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word32Value) RecursiveString ¶
func (v Word32Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (Word32Value) RemoveMember ¶
func (Word32Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (Word32Value) SaturatingDiv ¶
func (v Word32Value) SaturatingDiv(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word32Value) SaturatingMinus ¶
func (v Word32Value) SaturatingMinus(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word32Value) SaturatingMul ¶
func (v Word32Value) SaturatingMul(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word32Value) SaturatingPlus ¶
func (v Word32Value) SaturatingPlus(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word32Value) SetMember ¶
func (Word32Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (Word32Value) StaticType ¶
func (Word32Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (Word32Value) Storable ¶
func (v Word32Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (Word32Value) StoredValue ¶
func (v Word32Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (Word32Value) String ¶
func (v Word32Value) String() string
func (Word32Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶
func (v Word32Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (Word32Value) ToInt ¶
func (v Word32Value) ToInt(_ LocationRange) int
func (Word32Value) Transfer ¶
func (v Word32Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (Word32Value) Walk ¶
func (Word32Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type Word64Value ¶
type Word64Value uint64
func ConvertWord64 ¶
func ConvertWord64(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) Word64Value
func NewUnmeteredWord64Value ¶
func NewUnmeteredWord64Value(value uint64) Word64Value
func NewWord64Value ¶
func NewWord64Value(gauge common.MemoryGauge, valueGetter func() uint64) Word64Value
func (Word64Value) Accept ¶
func (v Word64Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (Word64Value) BitwiseAnd ¶
func (v Word64Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Word64Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶
func (v Word64Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Word64Value) BitwiseOr ¶
func (v Word64Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Word64Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶
func (v Word64Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Word64Value) BitwiseXor ¶
func (v Word64Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Word64Value) ByteLength ¶
func (v Word64Value) ByteLength() int
func (Word64Value) ByteSize ¶
func (v Word64Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (Word64Value) ChildStorables ¶
func (Word64Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (Word64Value) Clone ¶
func (v Word64Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (Word64Value) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v Word64Value) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (Word64Value) DeepRemove ¶
func (Word64Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (Word64Value) Div ¶
func (v Word64Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word64Value) Encode ¶
func (v Word64Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes Word64Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagWord64Value, Content: uint64(v), }
func (Word64Value) Equal ¶
func (v Word64Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (Word64Value) GetMember ¶
func (v Word64Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
func (Word64Value) Greater ¶
func (v Word64Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Word64Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v Word64Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Word64Value) HashInput ¶
func (v Word64Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
HashInput returns a byte slice containing: - HashInputTypeWord64 (1 byte) - uint64 value encoded in big-endian (8 bytes)
func (Word64Value) IsImportable ¶
func (Word64Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (Word64Value) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (Word64Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (Word64Value) IsStorable ¶
func (Word64Value) IsStorable() bool
func (Word64Value) Less ¶
func (v Word64Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Word64Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v Word64Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Word64Value) MeteredString ¶
func (v Word64Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (Word64Value) Minus ¶
func (v Word64Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word64Value) Mod ¶
func (v Word64Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word64Value) Mul ¶
func (v Word64Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word64Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (Word64Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (Word64Value) Negate ¶
func (v Word64Value) Negate(*Interpreter, LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word64Value) Plus ¶
func (v Word64Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word64Value) RecursiveString ¶
func (v Word64Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (Word64Value) RemoveMember ¶
func (Word64Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (Word64Value) SaturatingDiv ¶
func (v Word64Value) SaturatingDiv(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word64Value) SaturatingMinus ¶
func (v Word64Value) SaturatingMinus(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word64Value) SaturatingMul ¶
func (v Word64Value) SaturatingMul(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word64Value) SaturatingPlus ¶
func (v Word64Value) SaturatingPlus(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word64Value) SetMember ¶
func (Word64Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (Word64Value) StaticType ¶
func (Word64Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (Word64Value) Storable ¶
func (v Word64Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (Word64Value) StoredValue ¶
func (v Word64Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (Word64Value) String ¶
func (v Word64Value) String() string
func (Word64Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶
func (v Word64Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (Word64Value) ToBigInt ¶
func (v Word64Value) ToBigInt(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge) *big.Int
NOTE: important, do *NOT* remove: Word64 values > math.MaxInt64 overflow int. Implementing BigNumberValue ensures conversion functions call ToBigInt instead of ToInt.
func (Word64Value) ToInt ¶
func (v Word64Value) ToInt(locationRange LocationRange) int
func (Word64Value) Transfer ¶
func (v Word64Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (Word64Value) Walk ¶
func (Word64Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type Word8Value ¶
type Word8Value uint8
func ConvertWord8 ¶
func ConvertWord8(memoryGauge common.MemoryGauge, value Value, locationRange LocationRange) Word8Value
func NewUnmeteredWord8Value ¶
func NewUnmeteredWord8Value(value uint8) Word8Value
func NewWord8Value ¶
func NewWord8Value(gauge common.MemoryGauge, valueGetter func() uint8) Word8Value
func (Word8Value) Accept ¶
func (v Word8Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor, _ LocationRange)
func (Word8Value) BitwiseAnd ¶
func (v Word8Value) BitwiseAnd(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Word8Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶
func (v Word8Value) BitwiseLeftShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Word8Value) BitwiseOr ¶
func (v Word8Value) BitwiseOr(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Word8Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶
func (v Word8Value) BitwiseRightShift(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Word8Value) BitwiseXor ¶
func (v Word8Value) BitwiseXor(interpreter *Interpreter, other IntegerValue, locationRange LocationRange) IntegerValue
func (Word8Value) ByteSize ¶
func (v Word8Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (Word8Value) ChildStorables ¶
func (Word8Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (Word8Value) Clone ¶
func (v Word8Value) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (Word8Value) ConformsToStaticType ¶
func (v Word8Value) ConformsToStaticType( _ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (Word8Value) DeepRemove ¶
func (Word8Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter, _ bool)
func (Word8Value) Div ¶
func (v Word8Value) Div(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word8Value) Encode ¶
func (v Word8Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes Word8Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagWord8Value, Content: uint8(v), }
func (Word8Value) Equal ¶
func (v Word8Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (Word8Value) GetMember ¶
func (v Word8Value) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, locationRange LocationRange, name string) Value
func (Word8Value) Greater ¶
func (v Word8Value) Greater(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Word8Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v Word8Value) GreaterEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Word8Value) HashInput ¶
func (v Word8Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
HashInput returns a byte slice containing: - HashInputTypeWord8 (1 byte) - uint8 value (1 byte)
func (Word8Value) IsImportable ¶
func (Word8Value) IsImportable(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange) bool
func (Word8Value) IsResourceKinded ¶
func (Word8Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (Word8Value) IsStorable ¶
func (Word8Value) IsStorable() bool
func (Word8Value) Less ¶
func (v Word8Value) Less(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Word8Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v Word8Value) LessEqual(interpreter *Interpreter, other ComparableValue, locationRange LocationRange) BoolValue
func (Word8Value) MeteredString ¶
func (v Word8Value) MeteredString(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences, locationRange LocationRange) string
func (Word8Value) Minus ¶
func (v Word8Value) Minus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word8Value) Mod ¶
func (v Word8Value) Mod(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word8Value) Mul ¶
func (v Word8Value) Mul(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word8Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶
func (Word8Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (Word8Value) Negate ¶
func (v Word8Value) Negate(*Interpreter, LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word8Value) Plus ¶
func (v Word8Value) Plus(interpreter *Interpreter, other NumberValue, locationRange LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word8Value) RecursiveString ¶
func (v Word8Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (Word8Value) RemoveMember ¶
func (Word8Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (Word8Value) SaturatingDiv ¶
func (v Word8Value) SaturatingDiv(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word8Value) SaturatingMinus ¶
func (v Word8Value) SaturatingMinus(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word8Value) SaturatingMul ¶
func (v Word8Value) SaturatingMul(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word8Value) SaturatingPlus ¶
func (v Word8Value) SaturatingPlus(*Interpreter, NumberValue, LocationRange) NumberValue
func (Word8Value) SetMember ¶
func (Word8Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ string, _ Value) bool
func (Word8Value) StaticType ¶
func (Word8Value) StaticType(interpreter *Interpreter) StaticType
func (Word8Value) Storable ¶
func (v Word8Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (Word8Value) StoredValue ¶
func (v Word8Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (Word8Value) String ¶
func (v Word8Value) String() string
func (Word8Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶
func (v Word8Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (Word8Value) ToInt ¶
func (v Word8Value) ToInt(_ LocationRange) int
func (Word8Value) Transfer ¶
func (v Word8Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, _ map[atree.ValueID]struct{}, _ bool, ) Value
func (Word8Value) Walk ¶
func (Word8Value) Walk(_ *Interpreter, _ func(Value), _ LocationRange)
type WrapperCode ¶
type WrapperCode struct { InitializerFunctionWrapper FunctionWrapper FunctionWrappers map[string]FunctionWrapper Functions *FunctionOrderedMap DefaultDestroyEventConstructor FunctionValue }
WrapperCode contains the "prepared" / "callable" "code" for inherited types.
These are "branch" nodes in the call chain, and are function wrappers, i.e. they wrap the functions / function wrappers that inherit them.
Source Files
- account_storagemap.go
- big.go
- config.go
- conversion.go
- debugger.go
- decode.go
- domain_storagemap.go
- encode.go
- errors.go
- globalvariables.go
- hashablevalue.go
- import.go
- inclusive_range_iterator.go
- inspect.go
- integer.go
- interpreter.go
- interpreter_expression.go
- interpreter_import.go
- interpreter_invocation.go
- interpreter_statement.go
- interpreter_tracing.go
- interpreter_transaction.go
- invocation.go
- location.go
- number.go
- primitivestatictype.go
- primitivestatictype_string.go
- program.go
- sharedstate.go
- simplecompositevalue.go
- statementresult.go
- statictype.go
- storage.go
- storagemapkey.go
- stringatreevalue.go
- uint64atreevalue.go
- value.go
- value_account.go
- value_account_accountcapabilities.go
- value_account_capabilities.go
- value_account_contracts.go
- value_account_inbox.go
- value_account_storage.go
- value_account_storagecapabilities.go
- value_accountcapabilitycontroller.go
- value_accountkey.go
- value_address.go
- value_array.go
- value_authaccount_keys.go
- value_block.go
- value_bool.go
- value_capability.go
- value_character.go
- value_composite.go
- value_deployedcontract.go
- value_deployment_result.go
- value_dictionary.go
- value_ephemeral_reference.go
- value_fix64.go
- value_function.go
- value_int.go
- value_int128.go
- value_int16.go
- value_int256.go
- value_int32.go
- value_int64.go
- value_int8.go
- value_link.go
- value_nil.go
- value_number.go
- value_optional.go
- value_path.go
- value_pathcapability.go
- value_placeholder.go
- value_publickey.go
- value_published.go
- value_range.go
- value_reference.go
- value_some.go
- value_storage_reference.go
- value_storagecapabilitycontroller.go
- value_string.go
- value_type.go
- value_ufix64.go
- value_uint.go
- value_uint128.go
- value_uint16.go
- value_uint256.go
- value_uint32.go
- value_uint64.go
- value_uint8.go
- value_void.go
- value_word128.go
- value_word16.go
- value_word256.go
- value_word32.go
- value_word64.go
- value_word8.go
- valuedeclaration.go
- variable.go
- variable_activations.go
- visitor.go
- walk.go