Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func ByteArrayValueToByteSlice(value Value) ([]byte, error)
- func ByteValueToByte(element Value) (byte, error)
- func ConvertStaticToSemaType(typ StaticType, ...) sema.Type
- func DecodeStorable(decoder *cbor.StreamDecoder, slabStorageID atree.StorageID) (atree.Storable, error)
- func DecodeTypeInfo(dec *cbor.StreamDecoder) (atree.TypeInfo, error)
- func EncodeStaticType(e *cbor.StreamEncoder, t StaticType) error
- func InspectValue(value Value, f func(Value) bool)
- func ReturnEmptyRange() ast.Range
- func SignedBigIntToBigEndianBytes(bigInt *big.Int) []byte
- func StaticTypeToBytes(t StaticType) (cbor.RawMessage, error)
- func StorableSize(storable atree.Storable) (uint32, error)
- func UnsignedBigIntToBigEndianBytes(bigInt *big.Int) []byte
- func WalkValue(walker ValueWalker, value Value)
- type AddressDynamicType
- type AddressValue
- func (v AddressValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v AddressValue) ByteSize() uint32
- func (AddressValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v AddressValue) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (AddressValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (AddressValue) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v AddressValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v AddressValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v AddressValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v AddressValue) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ []byte) []byte
- func (v AddressValue) Hex() string
- func (AddressValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (AddressValue) IsStorable() bool
- func (AddressValue) IsValue()
- func (AddressValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v AddressValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (AddressValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (AddressValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
- func (AddressValue) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v AddressValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v AddressValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v AddressValue) String() string
- func (v AddressValue) ToAddress() common.Address
- func (v AddressValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (AddressValue) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type ArgumentCountError
- type ArrayDynamicType
- type ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsError
- type ArrayStaticType
- type ArrayValue
- func ByteSliceToByteArrayValue(interpreter *Interpreter, buf []byte) *ArrayValue
- func NewArrayValue(interpreter *Interpreter, arrayType ArrayStaticType, address common.Address, ...) *ArrayValue
- func NewArrayValueWithIterator(interpreter *Interpreter, arrayType ArrayStaticType, address common.Address, ...) *ArrayValue
- func (v *ArrayValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v *ArrayValue) Append(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, element Value)
- func (v *ArrayValue) AppendAll(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, ...)
- func (v *ArrayValue) Concat(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, ...) Value
- func (v *ArrayValue) ConformsToDynamicType(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, ...) bool
- func (v *ArrayValue) Contains(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, ...) BoolValue
- func (v *ArrayValue) Count() int
- func (v *ArrayValue) DeepRemove(interpreter *Interpreter)
- func (v *ArrayValue) Destroy(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange)
- func (v *ArrayValue) DynamicType(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v *ArrayValue) Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v *ArrayValue) Get(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, index int) Value
- func (v *ArrayValue) GetKey(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value) Value
- func (v *ArrayValue) GetMember(inter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v *ArrayValue) GetOwner() common.Address
- func (v *ArrayValue) Insert(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, index int, ...)
- func (v *ArrayValue) InsertKey(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value, ...)
- func (v *ArrayValue) IsDestroyed() bool
- func (v *ArrayValue) IsReferenceTrackedResourceKindedValue()
- func (v *ArrayValue) IsResourceKinded(interpreter *Interpreter) bool
- func (*ArrayValue) IsValue()
- func (v *ArrayValue) Iterate(f func(element Value) (resume bool))
- func (v *ArrayValue) NeedsStoreTo(address atree.Address) bool
- func (v *ArrayValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
- func (v *ArrayValue) Remove(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, index int) Value
- func (v *ArrayValue) RemoveFirst(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange) Value
- func (v *ArrayValue) RemoveKey(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value) Value
- func (v *ArrayValue) RemoveLast(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange) Value
- func (*ArrayValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v *ArrayValue) SemaType(interpreter *Interpreter) sema.ArrayType
- func (v *ArrayValue) Set(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, index int, ...)
- func (v *ArrayValue) SetKey(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value, ...)
- func (*ArrayValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
- func (v *ArrayValue) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v *ArrayValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v *ArrayValue) StorageID() atree.StorageID
- func (v *ArrayValue) String() string
- func (v *ArrayValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, ...) Value
- func (v *ArrayValue) Walk(walkChild func(Value))
- type BLSAggregatePublicKeysHandlerFunc
- type BLSAggregateSignaturesHandlerFunc
- type BLSVerifyPoPHandlerFunc
- type BigNumberValue
- type BlockDynamicType
- type BoolDynamicType
- type BoolValue
- func (v BoolValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v BoolValue) ByteSize() uint32
- func (BoolValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v BoolValue) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (BoolValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (BoolValue) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v BoolValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v BoolValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v BoolValue) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (BoolValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (BoolValue) IsValue()
- func (BoolValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v BoolValue) Negate() BoolValue
- func (v BoolValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (BoolValue) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v BoolValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v BoolValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v BoolValue) String() string
- func (v BoolValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (BoolValue) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type BoundFunctionValue
- func (f BoundFunctionValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (f BoundFunctionValue) ConformsToDynamicType(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, ...) bool
- func (BoundFunctionValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (f BoundFunctionValue) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (BoundFunctionValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (BoundFunctionValue) IsValue()
- func (BoundFunctionValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (f BoundFunctionValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
- func (f BoundFunctionValue) StaticType() StaticType
- func (f BoundFunctionValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (f BoundFunctionValue) String() string
- func (f BoundFunctionValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (f BoundFunctionValue) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type CapabilityDynamicType
- type CapabilityStaticType
- type CapabilityValue
- func (v *CapabilityValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v *CapabilityValue) ByteSize() uint32
- func (v *CapabilityValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v *CapabilityValue) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (v *CapabilityValue) DeepRemove(interpreter *Interpreter)
- func (v *CapabilityValue) DynamicType(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v *CapabilityValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v *CapabilityValue) Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v *CapabilityValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (*CapabilityValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (*CapabilityValue) IsStorable() bool
- func (*CapabilityValue) IsValue()
- func (*CapabilityValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v *CapabilityValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
- func (*CapabilityValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (*CapabilityValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
- func (v *CapabilityValue) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v *CapabilityValue) Storable(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v *CapabilityValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v *CapabilityValue) String() string
- func (v *CapabilityValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (v *CapabilityValue) Walk(walkChild func(Value))
- type CompositeDynamicType
- type CompositeField
- type CompositeStaticType
- type CompositeTypeCode
- type CompositeValue
- func NewCompositeValue(interpreter *Interpreter, location common.Location, qualifiedIdentifier string, ...) *CompositeValue
- func NewEnumCaseValue(interpreter *Interpreter, enumType *sema.CompositeType, rawValue NumberValue, ...) *CompositeValue
- func NewPublicKeyValue(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, ...) *CompositeValue
- func (v *CompositeValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v *CompositeValue) ConformsToDynamicType(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, ...) bool
- func (v *CompositeValue) DeepRemove(interpreter *Interpreter)
- func (v *CompositeValue) Destroy(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange)
- func (v *CompositeValue) DynamicType(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v *CompositeValue) Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v *CompositeValue) ForEachField(f func(fieldName string, fieldValue Value))
- func (v *CompositeValue) GetField(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v *CompositeValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v *CompositeValue) GetOwner() common.Address
- func (v *CompositeValue) HashInput(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, ...) []byte
- func (v *CompositeValue) InitializeFunctions(interpreter *Interpreter)
- func (v *CompositeValue) IsDestroyed() bool
- func (v *CompositeValue) IsReferenceTrackedResourceKindedValue()
- func (v *CompositeValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (v *CompositeValue) IsStorable() bool
- func (*CompositeValue) IsValue()
- func (v *CompositeValue) NeedsStoreTo(address atree.Address) bool
- func (v *CompositeValue) OwnerValue(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange) OptionalValue
- func (v *CompositeValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
- func (v *CompositeValue) RemoveField(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string)
- func (v *CompositeValue) RemoveMember(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v *CompositeValue) SetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, name string, ...)
- func (v *CompositeValue) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v *CompositeValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v *CompositeValue) StorageID() atree.StorageID
- func (v *CompositeValue) String() string
- func (v *CompositeValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, ...) Value
- func (v *CompositeValue) TypeID() common.TypeID
- func (v *CompositeValue) Walk(walkChild func(Value))
- type ComputedField
- type ConditionError
- type ConstantSizedStaticType
- type ContainerMutationError
- type ContractValueHandlerFunc
- type CyclicLinkError
- type Decoder
- type DeployedContractDynamicType
- type DereferenceError
- type DictionaryDynamicType
- type DictionaryEntryValues
- type DictionaryStaticType
- type DictionaryStaticTypeEntry
- type DictionaryValue
- func (v *DictionaryValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v *DictionaryValue) ConformsToDynamicType(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, ...) bool
- func (v *DictionaryValue) ContainsKey(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, ...) BoolValue
- func (v *DictionaryValue) Count() int
- func (v *DictionaryValue) DeepRemove(interpreter *Interpreter)
- func (v *DictionaryValue) Destroy(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange)
- func (v *DictionaryValue) DynamicType(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v *DictionaryValue) Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v *DictionaryValue) Get(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, ...) (Value, bool)
- func (v *DictionaryValue) GetKey(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, ...) Value
- func (v *DictionaryValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v *DictionaryValue) GetOwner() common.Address
- func (v *DictionaryValue) Insert(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, ...) OptionalValue
- func (v *DictionaryValue) InsertKey(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, ...)
- func (v *DictionaryValue) IsDestroyed() bool
- func (v *DictionaryValue) IsReferenceTrackedResourceKindedValue()
- func (v *DictionaryValue) IsResourceKinded(interpreter *Interpreter) bool
- func (*DictionaryValue) IsValue()
- func (v *DictionaryValue) Iterate(f func(key, value Value) (resume bool))
- func (v *DictionaryValue) NeedsStoreTo(address atree.Address) bool
- func (v *DictionaryValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
- func (v *DictionaryValue) Remove(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, ...) OptionalValue
- func (v *DictionaryValue) RemoveKey(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value) Value
- func (*DictionaryValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v *DictionaryValue) SemaType(interpreter *Interpreter) *sema.DictionaryType
- func (v *DictionaryValue) SetKey(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, ...)
- func (*DictionaryValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
- func (v *DictionaryValue) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v *DictionaryValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v *DictionaryValue) StorageID() atree.StorageID
- func (v *DictionaryValue) String() string
- func (v *DictionaryValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, ...) Value
- func (v *DictionaryValue) Walk(walkChild func(Value))
- type DivisionByZeroError
- type DynamicType
- type EmptyTypeInfo
- type EmptyVisitor
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitAddressValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value AddressValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitArrayValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *ArrayValue) bool
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitBoolValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value BoolValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitBoundFunctionValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value BoundFunctionValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitCapabilityValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *CapabilityValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitCompositeValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *CompositeValue) bool
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitDictionaryValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *DictionaryValue) bool
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitEphemeralReferenceValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *EphemeralReferenceValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitFix64Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Fix64Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitHostFunctionValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *HostFunctionValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitInt128Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int128Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitInt16Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int16Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitInt256Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int256Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitInt32Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int32Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitInt64Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int64Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitInt8Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int8Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitIntValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value IntValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitInterpretedFunctionValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *InterpretedFunctionValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitLinkValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value LinkValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitNilValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value NilValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitPathValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value PathValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitSimpleCompositeValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *SimpleCompositeValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitSomeValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *SomeValue) bool
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitStorageReferenceValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *StorageReferenceValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitStringValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *StringValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitTypeValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value TypeValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUFix64Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UFix64Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt128Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt128Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt16Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt16Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt256Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt256Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt32Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt32Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt64Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt64Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt8Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt8Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUIntValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value UIntValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitVoidValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value VoidValue)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitWord16Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word16Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitWord32Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word32Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitWord64Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word64Value)
- func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitWord8Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word8Value)
- type EphemeralReferenceDynamicType
- type EphemeralReferenceValue
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) ConformsToDynamicType(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, ...) bool
- func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) DynamicType(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) GetKey(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value) Value
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) InsertKey(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value, ...)
- func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) IsStorable() bool
- func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) IsValue()
- func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) ReferencedValue() *Value
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) RemoveKey(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value) Value
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) RemoveMember(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, ...) Value
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) SetKey(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value, ...)
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) SetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, name string, ...)
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) String() string
- func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type EquatableValue
- type Error
- type EventEmissionUnavailableError
- type ExitHandlerFunc
- type ExpressionStatementResult
- type ExternalError
- type Fix64Value
- func (v Fix64Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v Fix64Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (Fix64Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v Fix64Value) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (Fix64Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (v Fix64Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Fix64Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v Fix64Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v Fix64Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v Fix64Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v Fix64Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Fix64Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Fix64Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (Fix64Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (Fix64Value) IsStorable() bool
- func (Fix64Value) IsValue()
- func (v Fix64Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Fix64Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Fix64Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Fix64Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Fix64Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Fix64Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v Fix64Value) Negate() NumberValue
- func (v Fix64Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Fix64Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (Fix64Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v Fix64Value) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Fix64Value) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Fix64Value) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Fix64Value) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Fix64Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
- func (Fix64Value) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v Fix64Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v Fix64Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v Fix64Value) String() string
- func (v Fix64Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v Fix64Value) ToInt() int
- func (v Fix64Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (Fix64Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type ForceAssignmentToNonNilResourceError
- type ForceCastTypeMismatchError
- type ForceNilError
- type FunctionDynamicType
- type FunctionStaticType
- func (t FunctionStaticType) Encode(_ *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
- func (t FunctionStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
- func (t FunctionStaticType) ParameterTypes() []StaticType
- func (t FunctionStaticType) ReceiverType() StaticType
- func (t FunctionStaticType) ReturnType() StaticType
- func (t FunctionStaticType) String() string
- func (t FunctionStaticType) TypeParameters() []*TypeParameter
- type FunctionValue
- type FunctionWrapper
- type GlobalVariables
- type HashHandlerFunc
- type HashInputType
- type HashableValue
- type HostFunction
- type HostFunctionValue
- func (f *HostFunctionValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (f *HostFunctionValue) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (*HostFunctionValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (f *HostFunctionValue) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (f *HostFunctionValue) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (*HostFunctionValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (*HostFunctionValue) IsValue()
- func (*HostFunctionValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (f *HostFunctionValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (*HostFunctionValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (*HostFunctionValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
- func (f *HostFunctionValue) StaticType() StaticType
- func (f *HostFunctionValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (f *HostFunctionValue) String() string
- func (f *HostFunctionValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (f *HostFunctionValue) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type Import
- type ImportLocationHandlerFunc
- type InMemoryStorage
- type InjectedCompositeFieldsHandlerFunc
- type Int128Value
- func (v Int128Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v Int128Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Int128Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Int128Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Int128Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Int128Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Int128Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (Int128Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v Int128Value) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (Int128Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (v Int128Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Int128Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v Int128Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v Int128Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v Int128Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v Int128Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Int128Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Int128Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ []byte) []byte
- func (Int128Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (Int128Value) IsValue()
- func (v Int128Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Int128Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Int128Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int128Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int128Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Int128Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v Int128Value) Negate() NumberValue
- func (v Int128Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int128Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (Int128Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v Int128Value) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int128Value) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int128Value) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int128Value) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Int128Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
- func (Int128Value) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v Int128Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v Int128Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v Int128Value) String() string
- func (v Int128Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v Int128Value) ToBigInt() *big.Int
- func (v Int128Value) ToInt() int
- func (v Int128Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (Int128Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type Int16Value
- func (v Int16Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v Int16Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Int16Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Int16Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Int16Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Int16Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Int16Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (Int16Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v Int16Value) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (Int16Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (v Int16Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Int16Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v Int16Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v Int16Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v Int16Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v Int16Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Int16Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Int16Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (Int16Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (Int16Value) IsValue()
- func (v Int16Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Int16Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Int16Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int16Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int16Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Int16Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v Int16Value) Negate() NumberValue
- func (v Int16Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int16Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (Int16Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v Int16Value) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int16Value) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int16Value) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int16Value) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Int16Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
- func (Int16Value) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v Int16Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v Int16Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v Int16Value) String() string
- func (v Int16Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v Int16Value) ToInt() int
- func (v Int16Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (Int16Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type Int256Value
- func (v Int256Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v Int256Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Int256Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Int256Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Int256Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Int256Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Int256Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (Int256Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v Int256Value) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (Int256Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (v Int256Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Int256Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v Int256Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v Int256Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v Int256Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v Int256Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Int256Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Int256Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ []byte) []byte
- func (Int256Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (Int256Value) IsValue()
- func (v Int256Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Int256Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Int256Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int256Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int256Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Int256Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v Int256Value) Negate() NumberValue
- func (v Int256Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int256Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (Int256Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v Int256Value) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int256Value) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int256Value) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int256Value) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Int256Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
- func (Int256Value) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v Int256Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v Int256Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v Int256Value) String() string
- func (v Int256Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v Int256Value) ToBigInt() *big.Int
- func (v Int256Value) ToInt() int
- func (v Int256Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (Int256Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type Int32Value
- func (v Int32Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v Int32Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Int32Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Int32Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Int32Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Int32Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Int32Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (Int32Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v Int32Value) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (Int32Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (v Int32Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Int32Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v Int32Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v Int32Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v Int32Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v Int32Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Int32Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Int32Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (Int32Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (Int32Value) IsValue()
- func (v Int32Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Int32Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Int32Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int32Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int32Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Int32Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v Int32Value) Negate() NumberValue
- func (v Int32Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int32Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (Int32Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v Int32Value) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int32Value) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int32Value) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int32Value) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Int32Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
- func (Int32Value) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v Int32Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v Int32Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v Int32Value) String() string
- func (v Int32Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v Int32Value) ToInt() int
- func (v Int32Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (Int32Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type Int64Value
- func (v Int64Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v Int64Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Int64Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Int64Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Int64Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Int64Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Int64Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (Int64Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v Int64Value) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (Int64Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (v Int64Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Int64Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v Int64Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v Int64Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v Int64Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v Int64Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Int64Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Int64Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (Int64Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (Int64Value) IsValue()
- func (v Int64Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Int64Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Int64Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int64Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int64Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Int64Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v Int64Value) Negate() NumberValue
- func (v Int64Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int64Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (Int64Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v Int64Value) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int64Value) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int64Value) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int64Value) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Int64Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
- func (Int64Value) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v Int64Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v Int64Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v Int64Value) String() string
- func (v Int64Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v Int64Value) ToInt() int
- func (v Int64Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (Int64Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type Int8Value
- func (v Int8Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v Int8Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Int8Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Int8Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Int8Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Int8Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Int8Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (Int8Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v Int8Value) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (Int8Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (v Int8Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Int8Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v Int8Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v Int8Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v Int8Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v Int8Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Int8Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Int8Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (Int8Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (Int8Value) IsValue()
- func (v Int8Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Int8Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Int8Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int8Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int8Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Int8Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v Int8Value) Negate() NumberValue
- func (v Int8Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int8Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (Int8Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v Int8Value) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int8Value) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int8Value) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Int8Value) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Int8Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
- func (Int8Value) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v Int8Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v Int8Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v Int8Value) String() string
- func (v Int8Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v Int8Value) ToInt() int
- func (v Int8Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (Int8Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type IntValue
- func (v IntValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v IntValue) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v IntValue) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v IntValue) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v IntValue) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v IntValue) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v IntValue) ByteSize() uint32
- func (IntValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v IntValue) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (IntValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (v IntValue) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (IntValue) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v IntValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v IntValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v IntValue) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v IntValue) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v IntValue) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v IntValue) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ []byte) []byte
- func (IntValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (IntValue) IsValue()
- func (v IntValue) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v IntValue) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v IntValue) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v IntValue) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v IntValue) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (IntValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v IntValue) Negate() NumberValue
- func (v IntValue) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v IntValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (IntValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v IntValue) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v IntValue) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v IntValue) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v IntValue) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (IntValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
- func (IntValue) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v IntValue) Storable(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v IntValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v IntValue) String() string
- func (v IntValue) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v IntValue) ToBigInt() *big.Int
- func (v IntValue) ToInt() int
- func (v IntValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (IntValue) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type IntegerValue
- type InterfaceStaticType
- type InterpretedFunctionValue
- func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) IsValue()
- func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) StaticType() StaticType
- func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) String() string
- func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type Interpreter
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) ConvertStaticToSemaType(staticType StaticType) sema.Type
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) EnsureLoaded(location common.Location) *Interpreter
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) ExpectType(value Value, expectedType sema.Type, getLocationRange func() LocationRange)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) GetCapabilityFinalTargetPath(address common.Address, path PathValue, wantedBorrowType *sema.ReferenceType, ...) (finalPath PathValue, authorized bool, err error)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) GetContractComposite(contractLocation common.AddressLocation) (*CompositeValue, error)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) Interpret() (err error)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) Invoke(functionName string, arguments ...Value) (value Value, err error)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) InvokeFunction(function FunctionValue, invocation Invocation) (value Value, err error)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) InvokeFunctionValue(function FunctionValue, arguments []Value, argumentTypes []sema.Type, ...) (value Value, err error)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) InvokeTransaction(index int, arguments ...Value) (err error)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) IsSubType(subType DynamicType, superType sema.Type) bool
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) NewSubInterpreter(program *Program, location common.Location, options ...Option) (*Interpreter, error)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) ReadStored(storageAddress common.Address, domain string, identifier string) Value
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) RecoverErrors(onError func(error))
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) RemoveReferencedSlab(storable atree.Storable)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) ReportComputation(compKind common.ComputationKind, intensity uint)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetAllInterpreters(allInterpreters map[common.LocationID]*Interpreter)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetAtreeStorageValidationEnabled(enabled bool)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetAtreeValueValidationEnabled(enabled bool)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetBLSCryptoFunctions(verifyPoP BLSVerifyPoPHandlerFunc, ...)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetContractValueHandler(function ContractValueHandlerFunc)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetExitHandler(function ExitHandlerFunc)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetHashHandler(function HashHandlerFunc)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetImportLocationHandler(function ImportLocationHandlerFunc)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetInjectedCompositeFieldsHandler(function InjectedCompositeFieldsHandlerFunc)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetOnEventEmittedHandler(function OnEventEmittedFunc)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetOnFunctionInvocationHandler(function OnFunctionInvocationFunc)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetOnInvokedFunctionReturnHandler(function OnInvokedFunctionReturnFunc)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetOnLoopIterationHandler(function OnLoopIterationFunc)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetOnMeterComputationHandler(function OnMeterComputationFunc)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetOnRecordTraceHandler(function OnRecordTraceFunc)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetOnStatementHandler(function OnStatementFunc)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetPublicAccountHandler(function PublicAccountHandlerFunc)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetPublicKeyValidationHandler(function PublicKeyValidationHandlerFunc)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetSignatureVerificationHandler(function SignatureVerificationHandlerFunc)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetStorage(storage Storage)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetTracingEnabled(enabled bool)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetUUIDHandler(function UUIDHandlerFunc)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) ValidateAtreeValue(v atree.Value)
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitArrayExpression(expression *ast.ArrayExpression) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitAssignmentStatement(assignment *ast.AssignmentStatement) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitBinaryExpression(expression *ast.BinaryExpression) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitBlock(block *ast.Block) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitBoolExpression(expression *ast.BoolExpression) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitBreakStatement(_ *ast.BreakStatement) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitCastingExpression(expression *ast.CastingExpression) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitCompositeDeclaration(declaration *ast.CompositeDeclaration) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitConditionalExpression(expression *ast.ConditionalExpression) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitContinueStatement(_ *ast.ContinueStatement) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitCreateExpression(expression *ast.CreateExpression) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitDestroyExpression(expression *ast.DestroyExpression) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitDictionaryExpression(expression *ast.DictionaryExpression) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitEmitStatement(statement *ast.EmitStatement) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitEnumCaseDeclaration(_ *ast.EnumCaseDeclaration) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitExpressionStatement(statement *ast.ExpressionStatement) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitFieldDeclaration(_ *ast.FieldDeclaration) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitFixedPointExpression(expression *ast.FixedPointExpression) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitForStatement(statement *ast.ForStatement) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitForceExpression(expression *ast.ForceExpression) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitFunctionBlock(_ *ast.FunctionBlock) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitFunctionDeclaration(declaration *ast.FunctionDeclaration) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitFunctionExpression(expression *ast.FunctionExpression) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitIdentifierExpression(expression *ast.IdentifierExpression) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitIfStatement(statement *ast.IfStatement) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitImportDeclaration(declaration *ast.ImportDeclaration) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitIndexExpression(expression *ast.IndexExpression) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitIntegerExpression(expression *ast.IntegerExpression) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitInterfaceDeclaration(declaration *ast.InterfaceDeclaration) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitInvocationExpression(invocationExpression *ast.InvocationExpression) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitMemberExpression(expression *ast.MemberExpression) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitNilExpression(_ *ast.NilExpression) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitPathExpression(expression *ast.PathExpression) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitPragmaDeclaration(_ *ast.PragmaDeclaration) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitProgram(program *ast.Program) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitReferenceExpression(referenceExpression *ast.ReferenceExpression) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitReturnStatement(statement *ast.ReturnStatement) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitStringExpression(expression *ast.StringExpression) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitSwapStatement(swap *ast.SwapStatement) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitSwitchStatement(switchStatement *ast.SwitchStatement) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitTransactionDeclaration(declaration *ast.TransactionDeclaration) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitUnaryExpression(expression *ast.UnaryExpression) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitVariableDeclaration(declaration *ast.VariableDeclaration) ast.Repr
- func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitWhileStatement(statement *ast.WhileStatement) ast.Repr
- type InterpreterImport
- type InvalidOperandsError
- type InvalidPathDomainError
- type InvalidPublicKeyError
- type InvalidatedResourceError
- type Invocation
- type InvocationArgumentTypeError
- type InvocationReceiverTypeError
- type LinkValue
- func (v LinkValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v LinkValue) ByteSize() uint32
- func (v LinkValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v LinkValue) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (LinkValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (LinkValue) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v LinkValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v LinkValue) Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (LinkValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (LinkValue) IsStorable() bool
- func (LinkValue) IsValue()
- func (LinkValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v LinkValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
- func (LinkValue) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v LinkValue) Storable(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v LinkValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v LinkValue) String() string
- func (v LinkValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (v LinkValue) Walk(walkChild func(Value))
- type LocationPosition
- type LocationRange
- type MemberAccessibleValue
- type MetaTypeDynamicType
- type MissingMemberValueError
- type NilDynamicType
- type NilValue
- func (v NilValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v NilValue) ByteSize() uint32
- func (NilValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v NilValue) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (NilValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (v NilValue) Destroy(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange)
- func (NilValue) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v NilValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v NilValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v NilValue) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (NilValue) IsDestroyed() bool
- func (NilValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (NilValue) IsStorable() bool
- func (NilValue) IsValue()
- func (NilValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v NilValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (NilValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (NilValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
- func (NilValue) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v NilValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v NilValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (NilValue) String() string
- func (v NilValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (NilValue) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type NonStorable
- type NonStorableStaticTypeError
- type NonStorableValueError
- type NotDeclaredError
- type NotInvokableError
- type NumberDynamicType
- type NumberValue
- type OnEventEmittedFunc
- type OnFunctionInvocationFunc
- type OnInvokedFunctionReturnFunc
- type OnLoopIterationFunc
- type OnMeterComputationFunc
- type OnRecordTraceFunc
- type OnStatementFunc
- type Option
- func WithAllInterpreters(allInterpreters map[common.LocationID]*Interpreter) Option
- func WithAtreeStorageValidationEnabled(enabled bool) Option
- func WithAtreeValueValidationEnabled(enabled bool) Option
- func WithBLSCryptoFunctions(verifyPoP BLSVerifyPoPHandlerFunc, ...) Option
- func WithContractValueHandler(handler ContractValueHandlerFunc) Option
- func WithExitHandler(handler ExitHandlerFunc) Option
- func WithHashHandler(handler HashHandlerFunc) Option
- func WithImportLocationHandler(handler ImportLocationHandlerFunc) Option
- func WithInjectedCompositeFieldsHandler(handler InjectedCompositeFieldsHandlerFunc) Option
- func WithOnEventEmittedHandler(handler OnEventEmittedFunc) Option
- func WithOnFunctionInvocationHandler(handler OnFunctionInvocationFunc) Option
- func WithOnInvokedFunctionReturnHandler(handler OnInvokedFunctionReturnFunc) Option
- func WithOnLoopIterationHandler(handler OnLoopIterationFunc) Option
- func WithOnMeterComputationFuncHandler(handler OnMeterComputationFunc) Option
- func WithOnRecordTraceHandler(handler OnRecordTraceFunc) Option
- func WithOnStatementHandler(handler OnStatementFunc) Option
- func WithPredeclaredValues(predeclaredValues []ValueDeclaration) Option
- func WithPublicAccountHandlerFunc(handler PublicAccountHandlerFunc) Option
- func WithPublicKeyValidationHandler(handler PublicKeyValidationHandlerFunc) Option
- func WithSignatureVerificationHandler(handler SignatureVerificationHandlerFunc) Option
- func WithStorage(storage Storage) Option
- func WithTracingEnabled(enabled bool) Option
- func WithUUIDHandler(handler UUIDHandlerFunc) Option
- type OptionalStaticType
- type OptionalValue
- type OverflowError
- type OverwriteError
- type PathValue
- func (v PathValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v PathValue) ByteSize() uint32
- func (PathValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v PathValue) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (PathValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (v PathValue) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v PathValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v PathValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v PathValue) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v PathValue) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (PathValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (PathValue) IsStorable() bool
- func (PathValue) IsValue()
- func (PathValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v PathValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (PathValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (PathValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
- func (v PathValue) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v PathValue) Storable(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v PathValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v PathValue) String() string
- func (v PathValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (PathValue) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type PositionedError
- type PrimitiveStaticType
- type PrivatePathDynamicType
- type Program
- type PublicAccountHandlerFunc
- type PublicKeyValidationHandlerFunc
- type PublicPathDynamicType
- type RedeclarationError
- type ReferenceDynamicType
- type ReferenceStaticType
- type ReferenceTrackedResourceKindedValue
- type ReferencedResourceKindedValues
- type ResourceConstructionError
- type ResourceKindedValue
- type RestrictedStaticType
- type SeenReferences
- type SignatureVerificationHandlerFunc
- type SimpleCompositeValue
- func NewAccountKeyValue(keyIndex IntValue, publicKey *CompositeValue, hashAlgo *CompositeValue, ...) *SimpleCompositeValue
- func NewBlockValue(height UInt64Value, view UInt64Value, id *ArrayValue, timestamp UFix64Value) *SimpleCompositeValue
- func NewDeployedContractValue(address AddressValue, name *StringValue, code *ArrayValue) *SimpleCompositeValue
- func NewSimpleCompositeValue(typeID sema.TypeID, staticType StaticType, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) *SimpleCompositeValue
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) ForEachField(f func(fieldName string, fieldValue Value))
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (*SimpleCompositeValue) IsValue()
- func (*SimpleCompositeValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
- func (*SimpleCompositeValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string, value Value)
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) String() string
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) Walk(walkChild func(Value))
- type SomeDynamicType
- type SomeStorable
- type SomeValue
- func (v *SomeValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v SomeValue) ConformsToDynamicType(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, ...) bool
- func (v *SomeValue) DeepRemove(interpreter *Interpreter)
- func (v *SomeValue) Destroy(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange)
- func (v *SomeValue) DynamicType(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v *SomeValue) Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v *SomeValue) GetMember(inter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v *SomeValue) IsDestroyed() bool
- func (v *SomeValue) IsResourceKinded(interpreter *Interpreter) bool
- func (*SomeValue) IsValue()
- func (v *SomeValue) NeedsStoreTo(address atree.Address) bool
- func (v *SomeValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
- func (*SomeValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (*SomeValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
- func (v *SomeValue) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v *SomeValue) Storable(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v *SomeValue) String() string
- func (v *SomeValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, ...) Value
- func (v *SomeValue) Walk(walkChild func(Value))
- type StaticType
- type Storage
- type StorageKey
- type StorageMap
- func (s StorageMap) Iterator() StorageMapIterator
- func (s StorageMap) ReadValue(key string) Value
- func (s StorageMap) SetValue(interpreter *Interpreter, key string, value atree.Value)
- func (s StorageMap) StorageID() atree.StorageID
- func (s StorageMap) ValueExists(key string) bool
- func (s StorageMap) WriteValue(interpreter *Interpreter, key string, value atree.Value)
- type StorageMapIterator
- type StoragePathDynamicType
- type StorageReferenceDynamicType
- type StorageReferenceValue
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) ConformsToDynamicType(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, ...) bool
- func (*StorageReferenceValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) DynamicType(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) GetKey(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value) Value
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) InsertKey(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value, ...)
- func (*StorageReferenceValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (*StorageReferenceValue) IsStorable() bool
- func (*StorageReferenceValue) IsValue()
- func (*StorageReferenceValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) ReferencedValue(interpreter *Interpreter) *Value
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) RemoveKey(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value) Value
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) RemoveMember(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) SetKey(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value, ...)
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) SetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, name string, ...)
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (*StorageReferenceValue) String() string
- func (v *StorageReferenceValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (*StorageReferenceValue) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type StringDynamicType
- type StringIndexOutOfBoundsError
- type StringValue
- func (v *StringValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v *StringValue) ByteSize() uint32
- func (*StringValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v *StringValue) Concat(other *StringValue) Value
- func (*StringValue) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (v *StringValue) DecodeHex(interpreter *Interpreter) *ArrayValue
- func (*StringValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (*StringValue) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v *StringValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v *StringValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v *StringValue) GetKey(_ *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value) Value
- func (v *StringValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v *StringValue) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ []byte) []byte
- func (*StringValue) InsertKey(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ Value, _ Value)
- func (*StringValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (*StringValue) IsValue()
- func (v *StringValue) Length() int
- func (*StringValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v *StringValue) NormalForm() string
- func (v *StringValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (*StringValue) RemoveKey(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ Value) Value
- func (*StringValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (*StringValue) SetKey(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ Value, _ Value)
- func (*StringValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
- func (v *StringValue) Slice(from IntValue, to IntValue, getLocationRange func() LocationRange) Value
- func (*StringValue) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v *StringValue) Storable(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v *StringValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v *StringValue) String() string
- func (v *StringValue) ToLower() *StringValue
- func (v *StringValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (*StringValue) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type TransactionNotDeclaredError
- type TypeCodes
- type TypeConformanceResults
- type TypeLoadingError
- type TypeMismatchError
- type TypeParameter
- type TypeValue
- func (v TypeValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v TypeValue) ByteSize() uint32
- func (TypeValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v TypeValue) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (TypeValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (TypeValue) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v TypeValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v TypeValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v TypeValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (TypeValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (TypeValue) IsValue()
- func (TypeValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v TypeValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (TypeValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (TypeValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
- func (TypeValue) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v TypeValue) Storable(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v TypeValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v TypeValue) String() string
- func (v TypeValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (TypeValue) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type UFix64Value
- func (v UFix64Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v UFix64Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (UFix64Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v UFix64Value) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (UFix64Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (v UFix64Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (UFix64Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v UFix64Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v UFix64Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v UFix64Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v UFix64Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UFix64Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UFix64Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (UFix64Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (UFix64Value) IsStorable() bool
- func (UFix64Value) IsValue()
- func (v UFix64Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UFix64Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UFix64Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UFix64Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UFix64Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (UFix64Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v UFix64Value) Negate() NumberValue
- func (v UFix64Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UFix64Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (UFix64Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v UFix64Value) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UFix64Value) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UFix64Value) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UFix64Value) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (UFix64Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
- func (UFix64Value) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v UFix64Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v UFix64Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v UFix64Value) String() string
- func (v UFix64Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v UFix64Value) ToInt() int
- func (v UFix64Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (UFix64Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type UInt128Value
- func (v UInt128Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v UInt128Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt128Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt128Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt128Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt128Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt128Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (UInt128Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v UInt128Value) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (UInt128Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (v UInt128Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (UInt128Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v UInt128Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v UInt128Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v UInt128Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v UInt128Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UInt128Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UInt128Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ []byte) []byte
- func (UInt128Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (UInt128Value) IsStorable() bool
- func (UInt128Value) IsValue()
- func (v UInt128Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UInt128Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UInt128Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt128Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt128Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (UInt128Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v UInt128Value) Negate() NumberValue
- func (v UInt128Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt128Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (UInt128Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v UInt128Value) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt128Value) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt128Value) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt128Value) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (UInt128Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
- func (UInt128Value) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v UInt128Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v UInt128Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v UInt128Value) String() string
- func (v UInt128Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v UInt128Value) ToBigInt() *big.Int
- func (v UInt128Value) ToInt() int
- func (v UInt128Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (UInt128Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type UInt16Value
- func (v UInt16Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v UInt16Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt16Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt16Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt16Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt16Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt16Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (UInt16Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v UInt16Value) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (UInt16Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (v UInt16Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (UInt16Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v UInt16Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v UInt16Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v UInt16Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v UInt16Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UInt16Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UInt16Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (UInt16Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (UInt16Value) IsStorable() bool
- func (UInt16Value) IsValue()
- func (v UInt16Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UInt16Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UInt16Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt16Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt16Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (UInt16Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v UInt16Value) Negate() NumberValue
- func (v UInt16Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt16Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (UInt16Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v UInt16Value) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt16Value) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt16Value) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt16Value) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (UInt16Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
- func (UInt16Value) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v UInt16Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v UInt16Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v UInt16Value) String() string
- func (v UInt16Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v UInt16Value) ToInt() int
- func (v UInt16Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (UInt16Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type UInt256Value
- func (v UInt256Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v UInt256Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt256Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt256Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt256Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt256Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt256Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (UInt256Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v UInt256Value) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (UInt256Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (v UInt256Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (UInt256Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v UInt256Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v UInt256Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v UInt256Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v UInt256Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UInt256Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UInt256Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ []byte) []byte
- func (UInt256Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (UInt256Value) IsStorable() bool
- func (UInt256Value) IsValue()
- func (v UInt256Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UInt256Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UInt256Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt256Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt256Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (UInt256Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v UInt256Value) Negate() NumberValue
- func (v UInt256Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt256Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (UInt256Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v UInt256Value) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt256Value) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt256Value) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt256Value) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (UInt256Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
- func (UInt256Value) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v UInt256Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v UInt256Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v UInt256Value) String() string
- func (v UInt256Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v UInt256Value) ToBigInt() *big.Int
- func (v UInt256Value) ToInt() int
- func (v UInt256Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (UInt256Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type UInt32Value
- func (v UInt32Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v UInt32Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt32Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt32Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt32Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt32Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt32Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (UInt32Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v UInt32Value) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (UInt32Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (v UInt32Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (UInt32Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v UInt32Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v UInt32Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v UInt32Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v UInt32Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UInt32Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UInt32Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (UInt32Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (UInt32Value) IsStorable() bool
- func (UInt32Value) IsValue()
- func (v UInt32Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UInt32Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UInt32Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt32Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt32Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (UInt32Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v UInt32Value) Negate() NumberValue
- func (v UInt32Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt32Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (UInt32Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v UInt32Value) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt32Value) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt32Value) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt32Value) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (UInt32Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
- func (UInt32Value) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v UInt32Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v UInt32Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v UInt32Value) String() string
- func (v UInt32Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v UInt32Value) ToInt() int
- func (v UInt32Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (UInt32Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type UInt64Value
- func (v UInt64Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v UInt64Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt64Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt64Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt64Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt64Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt64Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (UInt64Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v UInt64Value) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (UInt64Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (v UInt64Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (UInt64Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v UInt64Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v UInt64Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v UInt64Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v UInt64Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UInt64Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UInt64Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (UInt64Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (UInt64Value) IsStorable() bool
- func (UInt64Value) IsValue()
- func (v UInt64Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UInt64Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UInt64Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt64Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt64Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (UInt64Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v UInt64Value) Negate() NumberValue
- func (v UInt64Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt64Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (UInt64Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v UInt64Value) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt64Value) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt64Value) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt64Value) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (UInt64Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
- func (UInt64Value) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v UInt64Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v UInt64Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v UInt64Value) String() string
- func (v UInt64Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v UInt64Value) ToBigInt() *big.Int
- func (v UInt64Value) ToInt() int
- func (v UInt64Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (UInt64Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type UInt8Value
- func (v UInt8Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v UInt8Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt8Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt8Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt8Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt8Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UInt8Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (UInt8Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v UInt8Value) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (UInt8Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (v UInt8Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (UInt8Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v UInt8Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v UInt8Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v UInt8Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v UInt8Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UInt8Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UInt8Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (UInt8Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (UInt8Value) IsValue()
- func (v UInt8Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UInt8Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UInt8Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt8Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt8Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (UInt8Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v UInt8Value) Negate() NumberValue
- func (v UInt8Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt8Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (UInt8Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v UInt8Value) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt8Value) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt8Value) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UInt8Value) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (UInt8Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
- func (UInt8Value) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v UInt8Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v UInt8Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v UInt8Value) String() string
- func (v UInt8Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v UInt8Value) ToInt() int
- func (v UInt8Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (UInt8Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type UIntValue
- func (v UIntValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v UIntValue) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UIntValue) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UIntValue) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UIntValue) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UIntValue) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v UIntValue) ByteSize() uint32
- func (UIntValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v UIntValue) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (UIntValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (v UIntValue) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (UIntValue) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v UIntValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v UIntValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v UIntValue) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v UIntValue) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UIntValue) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UIntValue) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ []byte) []byte
- func (UIntValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (UIntValue) IsValue()
- func (v UIntValue) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UIntValue) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v UIntValue) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UIntValue) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UIntValue) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (UIntValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v UIntValue) Negate() NumberValue
- func (v UIntValue) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UIntValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (UIntValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v UIntValue) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UIntValue) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UIntValue) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v UIntValue) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (UIntValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
- func (UIntValue) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v UIntValue) Storable(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v UIntValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v UIntValue) String() string
- func (v UIntValue) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v UIntValue) ToBigInt() *big.Int
- func (v UIntValue) ToInt() int
- func (v UIntValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (UIntValue) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type UUIDHandlerFunc
- type UUIDUnavailableError
- type UnderflowError
- type UnsupportedTagDecodingError
- type Value
- func BoxOptional(value Value, targetType sema.Type) Value
- func ConvertAndBox(value Value, valueType, targetType sema.Type) Value
- func ConvertPrivatePath(value Value) Value
- func ConvertPublicPath(value Value) Value
- func ConvertStoragePath(value Value) Value
- func ConvertStoredValue(value atree.Value) (Value, error)
- func MustConvertStoredValue(value atree.Value) Value
- func NewAuthAccountContractsValue(address AddressValue, addFunction FunctionValue, updateFunction FunctionValue, ...) Value
- func NewAuthAccountKeysValue(address AddressValue, addFunction FunctionValue, getFunction FunctionValue, ...) Value
- func NewAuthAccountValue(address AddressValue, accountBalanceGet func() UFix64Value, ...) Value
- func NewIntValue(value *big.Int, intSubType sema.Type) Value
- func NewPublicAccountContractsValue(address AddressValue, getFunction FunctionValue, ...) Value
- func NewPublicAccountKeysValue(address AddressValue, getFunction FunctionValue) Value
- func NewPublicAccountValue(address AddressValue, accountBalanceGet func() UFix64Value, ...) Value
- func StoredValue(storable atree.Storable, storage atree.SlabStorage) Value
- func Unbox(value Value) Value
- type ValueConverterDeclaration
- type ValueDeclaration
- type ValueIndexableValue
- type ValueTransferTypeError
- type ValueWalker
- type Variable
- type VariableActivation
- type VariableActivations
- func (a *VariableActivations) Current() *VariableActivation
- func (a *VariableActivations) CurrentOrNew() *VariableActivation
- func (a *VariableActivations) Depth() int
- func (a *VariableActivations) Find(name string) *Variable
- func (a *VariableActivations) Pop()
- func (a *VariableActivations) Push(activation *VariableActivation)
- func (a *VariableActivations) PushNewWithCurrent()
- func (a *VariableActivations) PushNewWithParent(parent *VariableActivation) *VariableActivation
- func (a *VariableActivations) Set(name string, value *Variable)
- type VariableSizedStaticType
- type VirtualImport
- type Visitor
- type VoidDynamicType
- type VoidValue
- func (v VoidValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v VoidValue) ByteSize() uint32
- func (VoidValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v VoidValue) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (VoidValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (VoidValue) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v VoidValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v VoidValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (VoidValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (VoidValue) IsValue()
- func (VoidValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v VoidValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (VoidValue) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v VoidValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v VoidValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (VoidValue) String() string
- func (v VoidValue) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (VoidValue) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type Word16Value
- func (v Word16Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v Word16Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Word16Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Word16Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Word16Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Word16Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Word16Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (Word16Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v Word16Value) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (Word16Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (v Word16Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Word16Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v Word16Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v Word16Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v Word16Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v Word16Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Word16Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Word16Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (Word16Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (Word16Value) IsStorable() bool
- func (Word16Value) IsValue()
- func (v Word16Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Word16Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Word16Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Word16Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Word16Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Word16Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v Word16Value) Negate() NumberValue
- func (v Word16Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Word16Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (Word16Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v Word16Value) SaturatingDiv(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Word16Value) SaturatingMinus(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Word16Value) SaturatingMul(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Word16Value) SaturatingPlus(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Word16Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
- func (Word16Value) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v Word16Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v Word16Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v Word16Value) String() string
- func (v Word16Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v Word16Value) ToInt() int
- func (v Word16Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (Word16Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type Word32Value
- func (v Word32Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v Word32Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Word32Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Word32Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Word32Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Word32Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Word32Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (Word32Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v Word32Value) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (Word32Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (v Word32Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Word32Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v Word32Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v Word32Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v Word32Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v Word32Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Word32Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Word32Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (Word32Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (Word32Value) IsStorable() bool
- func (Word32Value) IsValue()
- func (v Word32Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Word32Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Word32Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Word32Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Word32Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Word32Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v Word32Value) Negate() NumberValue
- func (v Word32Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Word32Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (Word32Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v Word32Value) SaturatingDiv(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Word32Value) SaturatingMinus(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Word32Value) SaturatingMul(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Word32Value) SaturatingPlus(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Word32Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
- func (Word32Value) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v Word32Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v Word32Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v Word32Value) String() string
- func (v Word32Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v Word32Value) ToInt() int
- func (v Word32Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (Word32Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type Word64Value
- func (v Word64Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v Word64Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Word64Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Word64Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Word64Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Word64Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Word64Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (Word64Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v Word64Value) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (Word64Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (v Word64Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Word64Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v Word64Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v Word64Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v Word64Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v Word64Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Word64Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Word64Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (Word64Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (Word64Value) IsStorable() bool
- func (Word64Value) IsValue()
- func (v Word64Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Word64Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Word64Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Word64Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Word64Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Word64Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v Word64Value) Negate() NumberValue
- func (v Word64Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Word64Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (Word64Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v Word64Value) SaturatingDiv(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Word64Value) SaturatingMinus(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Word64Value) SaturatingMul(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Word64Value) SaturatingPlus(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Word64Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
- func (Word64Value) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v Word64Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v Word64Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v Word64Value) String() string
- func (v Word64Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v Word64Value) ToBigInt() *big.Int
- func (v Word64Value) ToInt() int
- func (v Word64Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (Word64Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type Word8Value
- func (v Word8Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
- func (v Word8Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Word8Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Word8Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Word8Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Word8Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
- func (v Word8Value) ByteSize() uint32
- func (Word8Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
- func (v Word8Value) ConformsToDynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, ...) bool
- func (Word8Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
- func (v Word8Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Word8Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
- func (v Word8Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
- func (v Word8Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
- func (v Word8Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
- func (v Word8Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Word8Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Word8Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
- func (Word8Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
- func (Word8Value) IsStorable() bool
- func (Word8Value) IsValue()
- func (v Word8Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Word8Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
- func (v Word8Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Word8Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Word8Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Word8Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
- func (v Word8Value) Negate() NumberValue
- func (v Word8Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Word8Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
- func (Word8Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
- func (v Word8Value) SaturatingDiv(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Word8Value) SaturatingMinus(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Word8Value) SaturatingMul(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (v Word8Value) SaturatingPlus(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
- func (Word8Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
- func (Word8Value) StaticType() StaticType
- func (v Word8Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
- func (v Word8Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
- func (v Word8Value) String() string
- func (v Word8Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
- func (v Word8Value) ToInt() int
- func (v Word8Value) Transfer(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, ...) Value
- func (Word8Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
- type WrapperCode
Constants ¶
const ( CBORTagVoidValue = CBORTagBase + iota CBORTagSomeValue CBORTagAddressValue CBORTagCompositeValue CBORTagTypeValue CBORTagStringValue // Int* CBORTagIntValue CBORTagInt8Value CBORTagInt16Value CBORTagInt32Value CBORTagInt64Value CBORTagInt128Value CBORTagInt256Value // UInt* CBORTagUIntValue CBORTagUInt8Value CBORTagUInt16Value CBORTagUInt32Value CBORTagUInt64Value CBORTagUInt128Value CBORTagUInt256Value CBORTagWord8Value CBORTagWord16Value CBORTagWord32Value CBORTagWord64Value CBORTagFix64Value CBORTagUFix64Value // Locations CBORTagAddressLocation CBORTagStringLocation CBORTagIdentifierLocation CBORTagTransactionLocation CBORTagScriptLocation CBORTagPathValue CBORTagCapabilityValue CBORTagLinkValue // Static Types CBORTagPrimitiveStaticType CBORTagCompositeStaticType CBORTagInterfaceStaticType CBORTagVariableSizedStaticType CBORTagConstantSizedStaticType CBORTagDictionaryStaticType CBORTagOptionalStaticType CBORTagReferenceStaticType CBORTagRestrictedStaticType CBORTagCapabilityStaticType )
const CBORTagBase = 128
const Fix64MaxValue = math.MaxInt64
const UFix64MaxValue = math.MaxUint64
Variables ¶
var ByteArrayStaticType = ConvertSemaArrayTypeToStaticArrayType(sema.ByteArrayType)
var CBORDecMode = func() cbor.DecMode { decMode, err := cbor.DecOptions{ IntDec: cbor.IntDecConvertNone, MaxArrayElements: math.MaxInt64, MaxMapPairs: math.MaxInt64, MaxNestedLevels: math.MaxInt16, }.DecMode() if err != nil { panic(err) } return decMode }()
var CBOREncMode = func() cbor.EncMode { options := cbor.CanonicalEncOptions() options.BigIntConvert = cbor.BigIntConvertNone encMode, err := options.EncMode() if err != nil { panic(err) } return encMode }()
See "For best performance, reuse EncMode and DecMode after creating them."
var ConverterDeclarations = []ValueConverterDeclaration{ { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, }
It would be nice if return types in Go's function types would be covariant
var EmptyPathValue = PathValue{}
Functions ¶
func ByteArrayValueToByteSlice ¶ added in v0.2.0
func ByteValueToByte ¶ added in v0.2.0
func ConvertStaticToSemaType ¶
func ConvertStaticToSemaType( typ StaticType, getInterface func(location common.Location, qualifiedIdentifier string) *sema.InterfaceType, getComposite func(location common.Location, qualifiedIdentifier string, typeID common.TypeID) *sema.CompositeType, ) sema.Type
func DecodeStorable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func DecodeTypeInfo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func EncodeStaticType ¶ added in v0.20.0
func EncodeStaticType(e *cbor.StreamEncoder, t StaticType) error
func InspectValue ¶ added in v0.19.0
func ReturnEmptyRange ¶ added in v0.23.0
func SignedBigIntToBigEndianBytes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func StaticTypeToBytes ¶ added in v0.20.0
func StaticTypeToBytes(t StaticType) (cbor.RawMessage, error)
func StorableSize ¶ added in v0.20.0
StorableSize returns the size of the storable in bytes.
func UnsignedBigIntToBigEndianBytes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func WalkValue ¶ added in v0.19.0
func WalkValue(walker ValueWalker, value Value)
WalkValue traverses a Value object graph in depth-first order: It starts by calling valueWalker.WalkValue(value); If the returned walker is nil, child values are not walked. If the returned walker is not-nil, then WalkValue is invoked recursively on this returned walker for each of the non-nil children of the value, followed by a call of WalkValue(nil) on the returned walker.
The initial walker may not be nil.
Types ¶
type AddressDynamicType ¶
type AddressDynamicType struct{}
func (AddressDynamicType) IsDynamicType ¶
func (AddressDynamicType) IsDynamicType()
func (AddressDynamicType) IsImportable ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (AddressDynamicType) IsImportable() bool
type AddressValue ¶
func ConvertAddress ¶
func ConvertAddress(value Value) AddressValue
func NewAddressValue ¶
func NewAddressValue(a common.Address) AddressValue
func NewAddressValueFromBytes ¶
func NewAddressValueFromBytes(b []byte) AddressValue
func (AddressValue) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v AddressValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (AddressValue) ByteSize ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v AddressValue) ByteSize() uint32
func (AddressValue) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (AddressValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (AddressValue) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v AddressValue) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (AddressValue) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (AddressValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (AddressValue) DynamicType ¶
func (AddressValue) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (AddressValue) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v AddressValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes AddressValue as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagAddressValue, Content: []byte(v.ToAddress().Bytes()), }
func (AddressValue) Equal ¶
func (v AddressValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (AddressValue) GetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (v AddressValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (AddressValue) HashInput ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v AddressValue) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ []byte) []byte
func (AddressValue) Hex ¶
func (v AddressValue) Hex() string
func (AddressValue) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (AddressValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (AddressValue) IsStorable ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (AddressValue) IsStorable() bool
func (AddressValue) IsValue ¶
func (AddressValue) IsValue()
func (AddressValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (AddressValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (AddressValue) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v AddressValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (AddressValue) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (AddressValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (AddressValue) SetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (AddressValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
func (AddressValue) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (AddressValue) StaticType() StaticType
func (AddressValue) Storable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v AddressValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (AddressValue) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v AddressValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (AddressValue) String ¶
func (v AddressValue) String() string
func (AddressValue) ToAddress ¶
func (v AddressValue) ToAddress() common.Address
func (AddressValue) Transfer ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v AddressValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, ) Value
func (AddressValue) Walk ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (AddressValue) Walk(_ func(Value))
type ArgumentCountError ¶
func (ArgumentCountError) Error ¶
func (e ArgumentCountError) Error() string
type ArrayDynamicType ¶
type ArrayDynamicType struct { ElementTypes []DynamicType StaticType ArrayStaticType }
func (*ArrayDynamicType) IsDynamicType ¶
func (*ArrayDynamicType) IsDynamicType()
func (*ArrayDynamicType) IsImportable ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (t *ArrayDynamicType) IsImportable() bool
type ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsError ¶ added in v0.9.2
type ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsError struct { Index int Size int LocationRange }
func (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsError) Error ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (e ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsError) Error() string
type ArrayStaticType ¶ added in v0.19.0
type ArrayStaticType interface { StaticType ElementType() StaticType // contains filtered or unexported methods }
func ConvertSemaArrayTypeToStaticArrayType ¶ added in v0.19.0
func ConvertSemaArrayTypeToStaticArrayType(t sema.ArrayType) ArrayStaticType
type ArrayValue ¶
type ArrayValue struct { Type ArrayStaticType // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ByteSliceToByteArrayValue ¶ added in v0.2.0
func ByteSliceToByteArrayValue(interpreter *Interpreter, buf []byte) *ArrayValue
func NewArrayValue ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewArrayValue( interpreter *Interpreter, arrayType ArrayStaticType, address common.Address, values ...Value, ) *ArrayValue
func NewArrayValueWithIterator ¶ added in v0.20.0
func NewArrayValueWithIterator( interpreter *Interpreter, arrayType ArrayStaticType, address common.Address, values func() Value, ) *ArrayValue
func (*ArrayValue) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v *ArrayValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (*ArrayValue) Append ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) Append(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, element Value)
func (*ArrayValue) AppendAll ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *ArrayValue) AppendAll(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, other *ArrayValue)
func (*ArrayValue) Concat ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) Concat(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, other *ArrayValue) Value
func (*ArrayValue) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *ArrayValue) ConformsToDynamicType( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, results TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (*ArrayValue) Contains ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) Contains(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, needleValue Value) BoolValue
func (*ArrayValue) Count ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) Count() int
func (*ArrayValue) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *ArrayValue) DeepRemove(interpreter *Interpreter)
func (*ArrayValue) Destroy ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) Destroy(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange)
func (*ArrayValue) DynamicType ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) DynamicType(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (*ArrayValue) Equal ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *ArrayValue) Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (*ArrayValue) Get ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) Get(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, index int) Value
func (*ArrayValue) GetKey ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *ArrayValue) GetKey(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value) Value
func (*ArrayValue) GetMember ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) GetMember(inter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (*ArrayValue) GetOwner ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) GetOwner() common.Address
func (*ArrayValue) Insert ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) Insert(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, index int, element Value)
func (*ArrayValue) InsertKey ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *ArrayValue) InsertKey(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value, value Value)
func (*ArrayValue) IsDestroyed ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *ArrayValue) IsDestroyed() bool
func (*ArrayValue) IsReferenceTrackedResourceKindedValue ¶ added in v0.21.0
func (v *ArrayValue) IsReferenceTrackedResourceKindedValue()
func (*ArrayValue) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *ArrayValue) IsResourceKinded(interpreter *Interpreter) bool
func (*ArrayValue) IsValue ¶
func (*ArrayValue) IsValue()
func (*ArrayValue) Iterate ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *ArrayValue) Iterate(f func(element Value) (resume bool))
func (*ArrayValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *ArrayValue) NeedsStoreTo(address atree.Address) bool
func (*ArrayValue) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v *ArrayValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
func (*ArrayValue) Remove ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) Remove(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, index int) Value
func (*ArrayValue) RemoveFirst ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) RemoveFirst(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange) Value
func (*ArrayValue) RemoveKey ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *ArrayValue) RemoveKey(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value) Value
func (*ArrayValue) RemoveLast ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) RemoveLast(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange) Value
func (*ArrayValue) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*ArrayValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (*ArrayValue) SemaType ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *ArrayValue) SemaType(interpreter *Interpreter) sema.ArrayType
func (*ArrayValue) Set ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) Set(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, index int, element Value)
func (*ArrayValue) SetKey ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *ArrayValue) SetKey(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value, value Value)
func (*ArrayValue) SetMember ¶
func (*ArrayValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
func (*ArrayValue) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v *ArrayValue) StaticType() StaticType
func (*ArrayValue) Storable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *ArrayValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (*ArrayValue) StorageID ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *ArrayValue) StorageID() atree.StorageID
func (*ArrayValue) String ¶
func (v *ArrayValue) String() string
func (*ArrayValue) Transfer ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *ArrayValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, address atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, ) Value
func (*ArrayValue) Walk ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (v *ArrayValue) Walk(walkChild func(Value))
type BLSAggregatePublicKeysHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.23.0
type BLSAggregatePublicKeysHandlerFunc func( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, publicKeys *ArrayValue, ) OptionalValue
BLSAggregatePublicKeysHandlerFunc is a function that aggregates multiple BLS public keys. Parameter types: - publicKeys: [PublicKey] Expected result type: PublicKey?
type BLSAggregateSignaturesHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.23.0
type BLSAggregateSignaturesHandlerFunc func( inter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, signatures *ArrayValue, ) OptionalValue
BLSAggregateSignaturesHandlerFunc is a function that aggregates multiple BLS signatures. Parameter types: - signatures: [[UInt8]] Expected result type: [UInt8]?
type BLSVerifyPoPHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.23.0
type BLSVerifyPoPHandlerFunc func( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, publicKey MemberAccessibleValue, signature *ArrayValue, ) BoolValue
BLSVerifyPoPHandlerFunc is a function that verifies a BLS proof of possession. Parameter types: - publicKey: PublicKey - signature: [UInt8] Expected result type: Bool
type BigNumberValue ¶
type BigNumberValue interface { NumberValue ToBigInt() *big.Int }
BigNumberValue. Implemented by values with an integer value outside the range of int64
type BlockDynamicType ¶ added in v0.12.0
type BlockDynamicType struct{}
func (BlockDynamicType) IsDynamicType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (BlockDynamicType) IsDynamicType()
func (BlockDynamicType) IsImportable ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (BlockDynamicType) IsImportable() bool
type BoolDynamicType ¶
type BoolDynamicType struct{}
func (BoolDynamicType) IsDynamicType ¶
func (BoolDynamicType) IsDynamicType()
func (BoolDynamicType) IsImportable ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (BoolDynamicType) IsImportable() bool
type BoolValue ¶
type BoolValue bool
func (BoolValue) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v BoolValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (BoolValue) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (BoolValue) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v BoolValue) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (BoolValue) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (BoolValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (BoolValue) DynamicType ¶
func (BoolValue) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (BoolValue) Equal ¶
func (v BoolValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (BoolValue) HashInput ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v BoolValue) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
func (BoolValue) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (BoolValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (BoolValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (BoolValue) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v BoolValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (BoolValue) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (BoolValue) StaticType() StaticType
func (BoolValue) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
type BoundFunctionValue ¶
type BoundFunctionValue struct { Function FunctionValue Self *CompositeValue }
func (BoundFunctionValue) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (f BoundFunctionValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (BoundFunctionValue) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (f BoundFunctionValue) ConformsToDynamicType( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, results TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (BoundFunctionValue) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (BoundFunctionValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (BoundFunctionValue) DynamicType ¶
func (f BoundFunctionValue) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (BoundFunctionValue) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (BoundFunctionValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (BoundFunctionValue) IsValue ¶
func (BoundFunctionValue) IsValue()
func (BoundFunctionValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (BoundFunctionValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (BoundFunctionValue) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (f BoundFunctionValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
func (BoundFunctionValue) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (f BoundFunctionValue) StaticType() StaticType
func (BoundFunctionValue) Storable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (f BoundFunctionValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (BoundFunctionValue) String ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (f BoundFunctionValue) String() string
func (BoundFunctionValue) Transfer ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (f BoundFunctionValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, ) Value
func (BoundFunctionValue) Walk ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (f BoundFunctionValue) Walk(_ func(Value))
type CapabilityDynamicType ¶
type CapabilityDynamicType struct {
BorrowType *sema.ReferenceType
func (CapabilityDynamicType) IsDynamicType ¶
func (CapabilityDynamicType) IsDynamicType()
func (CapabilityDynamicType) IsImportable ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (CapabilityDynamicType) IsImportable() bool
type CapabilityStaticType ¶ added in v0.5.0
type CapabilityStaticType struct {
BorrowType StaticType
func (CapabilityStaticType) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (t CapabilityStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
Encode encodes CapabilityStaticType as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagCapabilityStaticType, Content: StaticType(v.BorrowType), }
func (CapabilityStaticType) Equal ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (t CapabilityStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
func (CapabilityStaticType) String ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (t CapabilityStaticType) String() string
type CapabilityValue ¶
type CapabilityValue struct { Address AddressValue Path PathValue BorrowType StaticType }
func (*CapabilityValue) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v *CapabilityValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (*CapabilityValue) ByteSize ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *CapabilityValue) ByteSize() uint32
func (*CapabilityValue) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *CapabilityValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (*CapabilityValue) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *CapabilityValue) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (*CapabilityValue) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *CapabilityValue) DeepRemove(interpreter *Interpreter)
func (*CapabilityValue) DynamicType ¶
func (v *CapabilityValue) DynamicType(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (*CapabilityValue) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *CapabilityValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes CapabilityStorable as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagCapabilityValue, Content: []interface{}{ encodedCapabilityValueAddressFieldKey: AddressValue(v.Address), encodedCapabilityValuePathFieldKey: PathValue(v.Path), encodedCapabilityValueBorrowTypeFieldKey: StaticType(v.BorrowType), }, }
func (*CapabilityValue) Equal ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *CapabilityValue) Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (*CapabilityValue) GetMember ¶
func (v *CapabilityValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (*CapabilityValue) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*CapabilityValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (*CapabilityValue) IsStorable ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (*CapabilityValue) IsStorable() bool
func (*CapabilityValue) IsValue ¶
func (*CapabilityValue) IsValue()
func (*CapabilityValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*CapabilityValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (*CapabilityValue) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v *CapabilityValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
func (*CapabilityValue) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*CapabilityValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (*CapabilityValue) SetMember ¶
func (*CapabilityValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
func (*CapabilityValue) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v *CapabilityValue) StaticType() StaticType
func (*CapabilityValue) Storable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *CapabilityValue) Storable( storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64, ) (atree.Storable, error)
func (*CapabilityValue) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *CapabilityValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (*CapabilityValue) String ¶
func (v *CapabilityValue) String() string
func (*CapabilityValue) Transfer ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *CapabilityValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, ) Value
func (*CapabilityValue) Walk ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (v *CapabilityValue) Walk(walkChild func(Value))
type CompositeDynamicType ¶
func (CompositeDynamicType) IsDynamicType ¶
func (CompositeDynamicType) IsDynamicType()
func (CompositeDynamicType) IsImportable ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (t CompositeDynamicType) IsImportable() bool
type CompositeField ¶ added in v0.20.0
type CompositeStaticType ¶
type CompositeStaticType struct { Location common.Location QualifiedIdentifier string TypeID common.TypeID }
func NewCompositeStaticType ¶ added in v0.20.0
func NewCompositeStaticType(location common.Location, qualifiedIdentifier string) CompositeStaticType
func (CompositeStaticType) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (t CompositeStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
Encode encodes CompositeStaticType as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagCompositeStaticType, Content: cborArray{ encodedCompositeStaticTypeLocationFieldKey: Location(v.Location), encodedCompositeStaticTypeQualifiedIdentifierFieldKey: string(v.QualifiedIdentifier), }, }
func (CompositeStaticType) Equal ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (t CompositeStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
func (CompositeStaticType) String ¶
func (t CompositeStaticType) String() string
type CompositeTypeCode ¶ added in v0.5.0
type CompositeTypeCode struct { CompositeFunctions map[string]FunctionValue DestructorFunction FunctionValue }
CompositeTypeCode contains the "prepared" / "callable" "code" for the functions and the destructor of a composite (contract, struct, resource, event).
As there is no support for inheritance of concrete types, these are the "leaf" nodes in the call chain, and are functions.
type CompositeValue ¶
type CompositeValue struct { Location common.Location QualifiedIdentifier string Kind common.CompositeKind InjectedFields map[string]Value ComputedFields map[string]ComputedField NestedVariables map[string]*Variable Functions map[string]FunctionValue Destructor FunctionValue Stringer func(value *CompositeValue, seenReferences SeenReferences) string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewCompositeValue ¶ added in v0.2.1
func NewCompositeValue( interpreter *Interpreter, location common.Location, qualifiedIdentifier string, kind common.CompositeKind, fields []CompositeField, address common.Address, ) *CompositeValue
func NewEnumCaseValue ¶ added in v0.18.0
func NewEnumCaseValue( interpreter *Interpreter, enumType *sema.CompositeType, rawValue NumberValue, functions map[string]FunctionValue, ) *CompositeValue
func NewPublicKeyValue ¶ added in v0.14.0
func NewPublicKeyValue( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, publicKey *ArrayValue, signAlgo *CompositeValue, validatePublicKey PublicKeyValidationHandlerFunc, ) *CompositeValue
NewPublicKeyValue constructs a PublicKey value.
func (*CompositeValue) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v *CompositeValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (*CompositeValue) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *CompositeValue) ConformsToDynamicType( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, results TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (*CompositeValue) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *CompositeValue) DeepRemove(interpreter *Interpreter)
func (*CompositeValue) Destroy ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) Destroy(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange)
func (*CompositeValue) DynamicType ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) DynamicType(interpreter *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (*CompositeValue) Equal ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (v *CompositeValue) Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (*CompositeValue) ForEachField ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *CompositeValue) ForEachField(f func(fieldName string, fieldValue Value))
ForEachField iterates over all field-name field-value pairs of the composite value. It does NOT iterate over computed fields and functions!
func (*CompositeValue) GetField ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) GetField(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (*CompositeValue) GetMember ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (*CompositeValue) GetOwner ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) GetOwner() common.Address
func (*CompositeValue) HashInput ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *CompositeValue) HashInput(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
func (*CompositeValue) InitializeFunctions ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (v *CompositeValue) InitializeFunctions(interpreter *Interpreter)
func (*CompositeValue) IsDestroyed ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *CompositeValue) IsDestroyed() bool
func (*CompositeValue) IsReferenceTrackedResourceKindedValue ¶ added in v0.21.0
func (v *CompositeValue) IsReferenceTrackedResourceKindedValue()
func (*CompositeValue) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *CompositeValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (*CompositeValue) IsStorable ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *CompositeValue) IsStorable() bool
func (*CompositeValue) IsValue ¶
func (*CompositeValue) IsValue()
func (*CompositeValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *CompositeValue) NeedsStoreTo(address atree.Address) bool
func (*CompositeValue) OwnerValue ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) OwnerValue(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange) OptionalValue
func (*CompositeValue) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v *CompositeValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
func (*CompositeValue) RemoveField ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *CompositeValue) RemoveField( interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string, )
func (*CompositeValue) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *CompositeValue) RemoveMember( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, name string, ) Value
func (*CompositeValue) SetMember ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) SetMember( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, name string, value Value, )
func (*CompositeValue) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v *CompositeValue) StaticType() StaticType
func (*CompositeValue) Storable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *CompositeValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (*CompositeValue) StorageID ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *CompositeValue) StorageID() atree.StorageID
func (*CompositeValue) String ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) String() string
func (*CompositeValue) Transfer ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *CompositeValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, address atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, ) Value
func (*CompositeValue) TypeID ¶
func (v *CompositeValue) TypeID() common.TypeID
func (*CompositeValue) Walk ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (v *CompositeValue) Walk(walkChild func(Value))
Walk iterates over all field values of the composite value. It does NOT walk the computed fields and functions!
type ComputedField ¶ added in v0.13.5
type ComputedField func(*Interpreter, func() LocationRange) Value
type ConditionError ¶
type ConditionError struct { ConditionKind ast.ConditionKind Message string LocationRange }
func (ConditionError) Error ¶
func (e ConditionError) Error() string
type ConstantSizedStaticType ¶
type ConstantSizedStaticType struct { Type StaticType Size int64 }
func (ConstantSizedStaticType) ElementType ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (t ConstantSizedStaticType) ElementType() StaticType
func (ConstantSizedStaticType) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (t ConstantSizedStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
Encode encodes ConstantSizedStaticType as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagConstantSizedStaticType, Content: cborArray{ encodedConstantSizedStaticTypeSizeFieldKey: int64(v.Size), encodedConstantSizedStaticTypeTypeFieldKey: StaticType(v.Type), }, }
func (ConstantSizedStaticType) Equal ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (t ConstantSizedStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
func (ConstantSizedStaticType) String ¶
func (t ConstantSizedStaticType) String() string
type ContainerMutationError ¶ added in v0.19.0
type ContainerMutationError struct { ExpectedType sema.Type LocationRange }
func (ContainerMutationError) Error ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (e ContainerMutationError) Error() string
type ContractValueHandlerFunc ¶
type ContractValueHandlerFunc func( inter *Interpreter, compositeType *sema.CompositeType, constructorGenerator func(common.Address) *HostFunctionValue, invocationRange ast.Range, ) *CompositeValue
ContractValueHandlerFunc is a function that handles contract values.
type CyclicLinkError ¶
type CyclicLinkError struct { Address common.Address Paths []PathValue LocationRange }
func (CyclicLinkError) Error ¶
func (e CyclicLinkError) Error() string
type DeployedContractDynamicType ¶ added in v0.10.0
type DeployedContractDynamicType struct{}
func (DeployedContractDynamicType) IsDynamicType ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (DeployedContractDynamicType) IsDynamicType()
func (DeployedContractDynamicType) IsImportable ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (DeployedContractDynamicType) IsImportable() bool
type DereferenceError ¶
type DereferenceError struct {
func (DereferenceError) Error ¶
func (e DereferenceError) Error() string
type DictionaryDynamicType ¶
type DictionaryDynamicType struct { EntryTypes []DictionaryStaticTypeEntry StaticType DictionaryStaticType }
func (*DictionaryDynamicType) IsDynamicType ¶
func (*DictionaryDynamicType) IsDynamicType()
func (*DictionaryDynamicType) IsImportable ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (t *DictionaryDynamicType) IsImportable() bool
type DictionaryEntryValues ¶
type DictionaryStaticType ¶
type DictionaryStaticType struct { KeyType StaticType ValueType StaticType }
func ConvertSemaDictionaryTypeToStaticDictionaryType ¶ added in v0.19.0
func ConvertSemaDictionaryTypeToStaticDictionaryType(t *sema.DictionaryType) DictionaryStaticType
func (DictionaryStaticType) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (t DictionaryStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
Encode encodes DictionaryStaticType as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagDictionaryStaticType, Content: []interface{}{ encodedDictionaryStaticTypeKeyTypeFieldKey: StaticType(v.KeyType), encodedDictionaryStaticTypeValueTypeFieldKey: StaticType(v.ValueType), }, }
func (DictionaryStaticType) Equal ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (t DictionaryStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
func (DictionaryStaticType) String ¶
func (t DictionaryStaticType) String() string
type DictionaryStaticTypeEntry ¶ added in v0.19.0
type DictionaryStaticTypeEntry struct { KeyType DynamicType ValueType DynamicType }
type DictionaryValue ¶
type DictionaryValue struct { Type DictionaryStaticType // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDictionaryValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func NewDictionaryValue( interpreter *Interpreter, dictionaryType DictionaryStaticType, keysAndValues ...Value, ) *DictionaryValue
func NewDictionaryValueWithAddress ¶ added in v0.20.0
func NewDictionaryValueWithAddress( interpreter *Interpreter, dictionaryType DictionaryStaticType, address common.Address, keysAndValues ...Value, ) *DictionaryValue
func (*DictionaryValue) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v *DictionaryValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (*DictionaryValue) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *DictionaryValue) ConformsToDynamicType( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, results TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (*DictionaryValue) ContainsKey ¶ added in v0.14.4
func (v *DictionaryValue) ContainsKey( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, keyValue Value, ) BoolValue
func (*DictionaryValue) Count ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) Count() int
func (*DictionaryValue) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *DictionaryValue) DeepRemove(interpreter *Interpreter)
func (*DictionaryValue) Destroy ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) Destroy(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange)
func (*DictionaryValue) DynamicType ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) DynamicType(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (*DictionaryValue) Equal ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *DictionaryValue) Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (*DictionaryValue) Get ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) Get( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, keyValue Value, ) (Value, bool)
func (*DictionaryValue) GetKey ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *DictionaryValue) GetKey(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, keyValue Value) Value
func (*DictionaryValue) GetMember ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) GetMember( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, name string, ) Value
func (*DictionaryValue) GetOwner ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) GetOwner() common.Address
func (*DictionaryValue) Insert ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) Insert( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, keyValue, value Value, ) OptionalValue
func (*DictionaryValue) InsertKey ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *DictionaryValue) InsertKey( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key, value Value, )
func (*DictionaryValue) IsDestroyed ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *DictionaryValue) IsDestroyed() bool
func (*DictionaryValue) IsReferenceTrackedResourceKindedValue ¶ added in v0.21.0
func (v *DictionaryValue) IsReferenceTrackedResourceKindedValue()
func (*DictionaryValue) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *DictionaryValue) IsResourceKinded(interpreter *Interpreter) bool
func (*DictionaryValue) IsValue ¶
func (*DictionaryValue) IsValue()
func (*DictionaryValue) Iterate ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *DictionaryValue) Iterate(f func(key, value Value) (resume bool))
func (*DictionaryValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *DictionaryValue) NeedsStoreTo(address atree.Address) bool
func (*DictionaryValue) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v *DictionaryValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
func (*DictionaryValue) Remove ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) Remove( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, keyValue Value, ) OptionalValue
func (*DictionaryValue) RemoveKey ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *DictionaryValue) RemoveKey( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value, ) Value
func (*DictionaryValue) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*DictionaryValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (*DictionaryValue) SemaType ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *DictionaryValue) SemaType(interpreter *Interpreter) *sema.DictionaryType
func (*DictionaryValue) SetKey ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *DictionaryValue) SetKey( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, keyValue Value, value Value, )
func (*DictionaryValue) SetMember ¶
func (*DictionaryValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
func (*DictionaryValue) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v *DictionaryValue) StaticType() StaticType
func (*DictionaryValue) Storable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *DictionaryValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (*DictionaryValue) StorageID ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *DictionaryValue) StorageID() atree.StorageID
func (*DictionaryValue) String ¶
func (v *DictionaryValue) String() string
func (*DictionaryValue) Transfer ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *DictionaryValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, address atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, ) Value
func (*DictionaryValue) Walk ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (v *DictionaryValue) Walk(walkChild func(Value))
type DivisionByZeroError ¶
type DivisionByZeroError struct{}
func (DivisionByZeroError) Error ¶
func (e DivisionByZeroError) Error() string
type DynamicType ¶
type DynamicType interface { IsDynamicType() IsImportable() bool }
func UnwrapOptionalDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func UnwrapOptionalDynamicType(ty DynamicType) DynamicType
UnwrapOptionalDynamicType returns the type if it is not an optional type, or the inner-most type if it is (optional types are repeatedly unwrapped)
type EmptyTypeInfo ¶ added in v0.23.0
type EmptyTypeInfo struct{}
func (EmptyTypeInfo) Encode ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (e EmptyTypeInfo) Encode(encoder *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
type EmptyVisitor ¶ added in v0.12.0
type EmptyVisitor struct { SimpleCompositeValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value *SimpleCompositeValue) TypeValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value TypeValue) VoidValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value VoidValue) BoolValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value BoolValue) StringValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value *StringValue) ArrayValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value *ArrayValue) bool IntValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value IntValue) Int8ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int8Value) Int16ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int16Value) Int32ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int32Value) Int64ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int64Value) Int128ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int128Value) Int256ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int256Value) UIntValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value UIntValue) UInt8ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt8Value) UInt16ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt16Value) UInt32ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt32Value) UInt64ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt64Value) UInt128ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt128Value) UInt256ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt256Value) Word8ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word8Value) Word16ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word16Value) Word32ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word32Value) Word64ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word64Value) Fix64ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value Fix64Value) UFix64ValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value UFix64Value) CompositeValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value *CompositeValue) bool DictionaryValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value *DictionaryValue) bool NilValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value NilValue) SomeValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value *SomeValue) bool StorageReferenceValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value *StorageReferenceValue) EphemeralReferenceValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value *EphemeralReferenceValue) AddressValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value AddressValue) PathValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value PathValue) CapabilityValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value *CapabilityValue) LinkValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value LinkValue) InterpretedFunctionValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value *InterpretedFunctionValue) HostFunctionValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value *HostFunctionValue) BoundFunctionValueVisitor func(interpreter *Interpreter, value BoundFunctionValue) }
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitAddressValue ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitAddressValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value AddressValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitArrayValue ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitArrayValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *ArrayValue) bool
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitBoolValue ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitBoolValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value BoolValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitBoundFunctionValue ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitBoundFunctionValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value BoundFunctionValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitCapabilityValue ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitCapabilityValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *CapabilityValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitCompositeValue ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitCompositeValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *CompositeValue) bool
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitDictionaryValue ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitDictionaryValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *DictionaryValue) bool
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitEphemeralReferenceValue ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitEphemeralReferenceValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *EphemeralReferenceValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitFix64Value ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitFix64Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Fix64Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitHostFunctionValue ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitHostFunctionValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *HostFunctionValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitInt128Value ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitInt128Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int128Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitInt16Value ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitInt16Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int16Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitInt256Value ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitInt256Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int256Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitInt32Value ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitInt32Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int32Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitInt64Value ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitInt64Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int64Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitInt8Value ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitInt8Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int8Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitIntValue ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitIntValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value IntValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitInterpretedFunctionValue ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitInterpretedFunctionValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *InterpretedFunctionValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitLinkValue ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitLinkValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value LinkValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitNilValue ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitNilValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value NilValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitPathValue ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitPathValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value PathValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitSimpleCompositeValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitSimpleCompositeValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *SimpleCompositeValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitSomeValue ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitSomeValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *SomeValue) bool
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitStorageReferenceValue ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitStorageReferenceValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *StorageReferenceValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitStringValue ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitStringValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *StringValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitTypeValue ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitTypeValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value TypeValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitUFix64Value ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUFix64Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UFix64Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt128Value ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt128Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt128Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt16Value ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt16Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt16Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt256Value ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt256Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt256Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt32Value ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt32Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt32Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt64Value ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt64Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt64Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt8Value ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUInt8Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt8Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitUIntValue ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitUIntValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value UIntValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitVoidValue ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitVoidValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value VoidValue)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitWord16Value ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitWord16Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word16Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitWord32Value ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitWord32Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word32Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitWord64Value ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitWord64Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word64Value)
func (EmptyVisitor) VisitWord8Value ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v EmptyVisitor) VisitWord8Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word8Value)
type EphemeralReferenceDynamicType ¶
type EphemeralReferenceDynamicType struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (EphemeralReferenceDynamicType) Authorized ¶
func (t EphemeralReferenceDynamicType) Authorized() bool
func (EphemeralReferenceDynamicType) BorrowedType ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (t EphemeralReferenceDynamicType) BorrowedType() sema.Type
func (EphemeralReferenceDynamicType) InnerType ¶
func (t EphemeralReferenceDynamicType) InnerType() DynamicType
func (EphemeralReferenceDynamicType) IsDynamicType ¶
func (EphemeralReferenceDynamicType) IsDynamicType()
func (EphemeralReferenceDynamicType) IsImportable ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (EphemeralReferenceDynamicType) IsImportable() bool
type EphemeralReferenceValue ¶
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) ConformsToDynamicType( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, results TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) DynamicType ¶
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) DynamicType(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) Equal ¶
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) GetKey ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) GetKey( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value, ) Value
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) GetMember ¶
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) GetMember( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, name string, ) Value
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) InsertKey ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) InsertKey( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value, value Value, )
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) IsStorable ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) IsStorable() bool
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) IsValue ¶
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) IsValue()
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) ReferencedValue ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) ReferencedValue() *Value
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) RemoveKey ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) RemoveKey( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value, ) Value
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) RemoveMember( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, identifier string, ) Value
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) SetKey ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) SetKey( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value, value Value, )
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) SetMember ¶
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) SetMember( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, name string, value Value, )
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) StaticType() StaticType
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) Storable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) String ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) String() string
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) Transfer ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *EphemeralReferenceValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, ) Value
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) Walk ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*EphemeralReferenceValue) Walk(_ func(Value))
type EquatableValue ¶
type EquatableValue interface { Value // Equal returns true if the given value is equal to this value. // If no location range is available, pass e.g. ReturnEmptyLocationRange Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, other Value) bool }
type Error ¶ added in v0.12.0
Error is the containing type for all errors produced by the interpreter.
func (Error) ChildErrors ¶ added in v0.12.1
func (Error) ImportLocation ¶ added in v0.12.1
type EventEmissionUnavailableError ¶ added in v0.10.4
type EventEmissionUnavailableError struct {
func (EventEmissionUnavailableError) Error ¶ added in v0.10.4
func (e EventEmissionUnavailableError) Error() string
type ExitHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.17.0
type ExitHandlerFunc func() error
ExitHandlerFunc is a function that is called at the end of execution
type ExpressionStatementResult ¶
type ExpressionStatementResult struct {
Value Value
type ExternalError ¶ added in v0.3.0
type ExternalError struct {
Recovered interface{}
ExternalError is an error that occurred externally. It contains the recovered value.
func (ExternalError) Error ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (e ExternalError) Error() string
type Fix64Value ¶
type Fix64Value int64
func ConvertFix64 ¶
func ConvertFix64(value Value) Fix64Value
func NewFix64ValueWithInteger ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewFix64ValueWithInteger(integer int64) Fix64Value
func (Fix64Value) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v Fix64Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (Fix64Value) ByteSize ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Fix64Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (Fix64Value) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Fix64Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (Fix64Value) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Fix64Value) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (Fix64Value) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Fix64Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (Fix64Value) Div ¶
func (v Fix64Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Fix64Value) DynamicType ¶
func (Fix64Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (Fix64Value) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Fix64Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes Fix64Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagFix64Value, Content: int64(v), }
func (Fix64Value) Equal ¶
func (v Fix64Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (Fix64Value) GetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (v Fix64Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (Fix64Value) Greater ¶
func (v Fix64Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Fix64Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v Fix64Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Fix64Value) HashInput ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Fix64Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
func (Fix64Value) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Fix64Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (Fix64Value) IsStorable ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (Fix64Value) IsStorable() bool
func (Fix64Value) IsValue ¶
func (Fix64Value) IsValue()
func (Fix64Value) Less ¶
func (v Fix64Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Fix64Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v Fix64Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Fix64Value) Minus ¶
func (v Fix64Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Fix64Value) Mod ¶
func (v Fix64Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Fix64Value) Mul ¶
func (v Fix64Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Fix64Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Fix64Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (Fix64Value) Negate ¶
func (v Fix64Value) Negate() NumberValue
func (Fix64Value) Plus ¶
func (v Fix64Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Fix64Value) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v Fix64Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (Fix64Value) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Fix64Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (Fix64Value) SaturatingDiv ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Fix64Value) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Fix64Value) SaturatingMinus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Fix64Value) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Fix64Value) SaturatingMul ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Fix64Value) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Fix64Value) SaturatingPlus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Fix64Value) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Fix64Value) SetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (Fix64Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
func (Fix64Value) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (Fix64Value) StaticType() StaticType
func (Fix64Value) Storable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Fix64Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (Fix64Value) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Fix64Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (Fix64Value) String ¶
func (v Fix64Value) String() string
func (Fix64Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (v Fix64Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (Fix64Value) ToInt ¶
func (v Fix64Value) ToInt() int
func (Fix64Value) Transfer ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Fix64Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, ) Value
func (Fix64Value) Walk ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (Fix64Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
type ForceAssignmentToNonNilResourceError ¶
type ForceAssignmentToNonNilResourceError struct {
func (ForceAssignmentToNonNilResourceError) Error ¶
func (e ForceAssignmentToNonNilResourceError) Error() string
type ForceCastTypeMismatchError ¶ added in v0.19.0
type ForceCastTypeMismatchError struct { ExpectedType sema.Type LocationRange }
func (ForceCastTypeMismatchError) Error ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (e ForceCastTypeMismatchError) Error() string
type ForceNilError ¶
type ForceNilError struct {
func (ForceNilError) Error ¶
func (e ForceNilError) Error() string
type FunctionDynamicType ¶
type FunctionDynamicType struct {
FuncType *sema.FunctionType
func (FunctionDynamicType) IsDynamicType ¶
func (FunctionDynamicType) IsDynamicType()
func (FunctionDynamicType) IsImportable ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (FunctionDynamicType) IsImportable() bool
type FunctionStaticType ¶ added in v0.19.0
type FunctionStaticType struct {
Type *sema.FunctionType
func (FunctionStaticType) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (t FunctionStaticType) Encode(_ *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
func (FunctionStaticType) Equal ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (t FunctionStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
func (FunctionStaticType) ParameterTypes ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (t FunctionStaticType) ParameterTypes() []StaticType
func (FunctionStaticType) ReceiverType ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (t FunctionStaticType) ReceiverType() StaticType
func (FunctionStaticType) ReturnType ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (t FunctionStaticType) ReturnType() StaticType
func (FunctionStaticType) String ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (t FunctionStaticType) String() string
func (FunctionStaticType) TypeParameters ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (t FunctionStaticType) TypeParameters() []*TypeParameter
type FunctionValue ¶
type FunctionValue interface { Value // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type FunctionWrapper ¶
type FunctionWrapper = func(inner FunctionValue) FunctionValue
type GlobalVariables ¶ added in v0.19.0
GlobalVariables represents global variables defined in a program.
func (GlobalVariables) Contains ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (globalVars GlobalVariables) Contains(name string) bool
func (GlobalVariables) Get ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (globalVars GlobalVariables) Get(name string) (*Variable, bool)
func (GlobalVariables) Set ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (globalVars GlobalVariables) Set(name string, variable *Variable)
type HashHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.18.0
type HashHandlerFunc func( inter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, data *ArrayValue, domainSeparationTag *StringValue, hashAlgorithm MemberAccessibleValue, ) *ArrayValue
HashHandlerFunc is a function that hashes. Parameter types: - data: [UInt8] - domainSeparationTag: [UInt8] - hashAlgorithm: HashAlgorithm Expected result type: [UInt8]
type HashInputType ¶ added in v0.20.0
type HashInputType byte
HashInputType is a type flag that is included in the hash input for a value, i.e., it should be included in the result of HashableValue.HashInput.
const ( HashInputTypeBool HashInputType = iota HashInputTypeString HashInputTypeEnum HashInputTypeAddress HashInputTypePath // Int* HashInputTypeInt HashInputTypeInt8 HashInputTypeInt16 HashInputTypeInt32 HashInputTypeInt64 HashInputTypeInt128 HashInputTypeInt256 // UInt* HashInputTypeUInt HashInputTypeUInt8 HashInputTypeUInt16 HashInputTypeUInt32 HashInputTypeUInt64 HashInputTypeUInt128 HashInputTypeUInt256 HashInputTypeWord8 HashInputTypeWord16 HashInputTypeWord32 HashInputTypeWord64 HashInputTypeFix64 HashInputTypeUFix64 )
type HashableValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
type HashableValue interface { Value HashInput(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte }
HashableValue is an immutable value that can be hashed
type HostFunctionValue ¶
type HostFunctionValue struct { Function HostFunction NestedVariables map[string]*Variable Type *sema.FunctionType }
func EnumConstructorFunction ¶ added in v0.14.0
func EnumConstructorFunction( inter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, enumType *sema.CompositeType, caseValues []*CompositeValue, nestedVariables map[string]*Variable, ) *HostFunctionValue
func NewHostFunctionValue ¶
func NewHostFunctionValue( function HostFunction, funcType *sema.FunctionType, ) *HostFunctionValue
func (*HostFunctionValue) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (f *HostFunctionValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (*HostFunctionValue) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (f *HostFunctionValue) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (*HostFunctionValue) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*HostFunctionValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (*HostFunctionValue) DynamicType ¶
func (f *HostFunctionValue) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (*HostFunctionValue) GetMember ¶
func (f *HostFunctionValue) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (*HostFunctionValue) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*HostFunctionValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (*HostFunctionValue) IsValue ¶
func (*HostFunctionValue) IsValue()
func (*HostFunctionValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*HostFunctionValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (*HostFunctionValue) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (f *HostFunctionValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (*HostFunctionValue) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*HostFunctionValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (*HostFunctionValue) SetMember ¶
func (*HostFunctionValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
func (*HostFunctionValue) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (f *HostFunctionValue) StaticType() StaticType
func (*HostFunctionValue) Storable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (f *HostFunctionValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (*HostFunctionValue) String ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (f *HostFunctionValue) String() string
func (*HostFunctionValue) Transfer ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (f *HostFunctionValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, ) Value
func (*HostFunctionValue) Walk ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (f *HostFunctionValue) Walk(_ func(Value))
type ImportLocationHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.5.0
type ImportLocationHandlerFunc func( inter *Interpreter, location common.Location, ) Import
ImportLocationFunc is a function that handles imports of locations.
type InMemoryStorage ¶ added in v0.20.0
type InMemoryStorage struct { *atree.BasicSlabStorage StorageMaps map[StorageKey]*StorageMap }
func NewInMemoryStorage ¶ added in v0.20.0
func NewInMemoryStorage() InMemoryStorage
func (InMemoryStorage) CheckHealth ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (i InMemoryStorage) CheckHealth() error
func (InMemoryStorage) GetStorageMap ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (i InMemoryStorage) GetStorageMap(address common.Address, domain string) (storageMap *StorageMap)
type InjectedCompositeFieldsHandlerFunc ¶
type InjectedCompositeFieldsHandlerFunc func( inter *Interpreter, location common.Location, qualifiedIdentifier string, compositeKind common.CompositeKind, ) map[string]Value
InjectedCompositeFieldsHandlerFunc is a function that handles storage reads.
type Int128Value ¶
func ConvertInt128 ¶
func ConvertInt128(value Value) Int128Value
func NewInt128ValueFromBigInt ¶
func NewInt128ValueFromBigInt(value *big.Int) Int128Value
func NewInt128ValueFromInt64 ¶
func NewInt128ValueFromInt64(value int64) Int128Value
func (Int128Value) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v Int128Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (Int128Value) BitwiseAnd ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Int128Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Int128Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Int128Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Int128Value) BitwiseOr ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Int128Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Int128Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Int128Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Int128Value) BitwiseXor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Int128Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Int128Value) ByteSize ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int128Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (Int128Value) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int128Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (Int128Value) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Int128Value) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (Int128Value) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int128Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (Int128Value) Div ¶
func (v Int128Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int128Value) DynamicType ¶
func (Int128Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (Int128Value) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int128Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes Int128Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagInt128Value, Content: *big.Int(v.BigInt), }
func (Int128Value) Equal ¶
func (v Int128Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (Int128Value) GetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (v Int128Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (Int128Value) Greater ¶
func (v Int128Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Int128Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v Int128Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Int128Value) HashInput ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int128Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ []byte) []byte
func (Int128Value) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int128Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (Int128Value) IsValue ¶
func (Int128Value) IsValue()
func (Int128Value) Less ¶
func (v Int128Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Int128Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v Int128Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Int128Value) Minus ¶
func (v Int128Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int128Value) Mod ¶
func (v Int128Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int128Value) Mul ¶
func (v Int128Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int128Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int128Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (Int128Value) Negate ¶
func (v Int128Value) Negate() NumberValue
func (Int128Value) Plus ¶
func (v Int128Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int128Value) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v Int128Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (Int128Value) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int128Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (Int128Value) SaturatingDiv ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Int128Value) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int128Value) SaturatingMinus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Int128Value) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int128Value) SaturatingMul ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Int128Value) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int128Value) SaturatingPlus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Int128Value) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int128Value) SetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (Int128Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
func (Int128Value) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (Int128Value) StaticType() StaticType
func (Int128Value) Storable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int128Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (Int128Value) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int128Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (Int128Value) String ¶
func (v Int128Value) String() string
func (Int128Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (v Int128Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (Int128Value) ToBigInt ¶
func (v Int128Value) ToBigInt() *big.Int
func (Int128Value) ToInt ¶
func (v Int128Value) ToInt() int
func (Int128Value) Transfer ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int128Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, ) Value
func (Int128Value) Walk ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (Int128Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
type Int16Value ¶
type Int16Value int16
func ConvertInt16 ¶
func ConvertInt16(value Value) Int16Value
func (Int16Value) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v Int16Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (Int16Value) BitwiseAnd ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Int16Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Int16Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Int16Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Int16Value) BitwiseOr ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Int16Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Int16Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Int16Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Int16Value) BitwiseXor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Int16Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Int16Value) ByteSize ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int16Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (Int16Value) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int16Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (Int16Value) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Int16Value) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (Int16Value) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int16Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (Int16Value) Div ¶
func (v Int16Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int16Value) DynamicType ¶
func (Int16Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (Int16Value) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int16Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes Int16Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagInt16Value, Content: int16(v), }
func (Int16Value) Equal ¶
func (v Int16Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (Int16Value) GetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (v Int16Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (Int16Value) Greater ¶
func (v Int16Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Int16Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v Int16Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Int16Value) HashInput ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int16Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
func (Int16Value) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int16Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (Int16Value) IsValue ¶
func (Int16Value) IsValue()
func (Int16Value) Less ¶
func (v Int16Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Int16Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v Int16Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Int16Value) Minus ¶
func (v Int16Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int16Value) Mod ¶
func (v Int16Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int16Value) Mul ¶
func (v Int16Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int16Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int16Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (Int16Value) Negate ¶
func (v Int16Value) Negate() NumberValue
func (Int16Value) Plus ¶
func (v Int16Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int16Value) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v Int16Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (Int16Value) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int16Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (Int16Value) SaturatingDiv ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Int16Value) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int16Value) SaturatingMinus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Int16Value) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int16Value) SaturatingMul ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Int16Value) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int16Value) SaturatingPlus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Int16Value) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int16Value) SetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (Int16Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
func (Int16Value) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (Int16Value) StaticType() StaticType
func (Int16Value) Storable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int16Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (Int16Value) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int16Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (Int16Value) String ¶
func (v Int16Value) String() string
func (Int16Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (v Int16Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (Int16Value) ToInt ¶
func (v Int16Value) ToInt() int
func (Int16Value) Transfer ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int16Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, ) Value
func (Int16Value) Walk ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (Int16Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
type Int256Value ¶
func ConvertInt256 ¶
func ConvertInt256(value Value) Int256Value
func NewInt256ValueFromBigInt ¶
func NewInt256ValueFromBigInt(value *big.Int) Int256Value
func NewInt256ValueFromInt64 ¶
func NewInt256ValueFromInt64(value int64) Int256Value
func (Int256Value) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v Int256Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (Int256Value) BitwiseAnd ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Int256Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Int256Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Int256Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Int256Value) BitwiseOr ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Int256Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Int256Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Int256Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Int256Value) BitwiseXor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Int256Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Int256Value) ByteSize ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int256Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (Int256Value) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int256Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (Int256Value) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Int256Value) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (Int256Value) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int256Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (Int256Value) Div ¶
func (v Int256Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int256Value) DynamicType ¶
func (Int256Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (Int256Value) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int256Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes Int256Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagInt256Value, Content: *big.Int(v.BigInt), }
func (Int256Value) Equal ¶
func (v Int256Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (Int256Value) GetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (v Int256Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (Int256Value) Greater ¶
func (v Int256Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Int256Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v Int256Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Int256Value) HashInput ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int256Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ []byte) []byte
func (Int256Value) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int256Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (Int256Value) IsValue ¶
func (Int256Value) IsValue()
func (Int256Value) Less ¶
func (v Int256Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Int256Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v Int256Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Int256Value) Minus ¶
func (v Int256Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int256Value) Mod ¶
func (v Int256Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int256Value) Mul ¶
func (v Int256Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int256Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int256Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (Int256Value) Negate ¶
func (v Int256Value) Negate() NumberValue
func (Int256Value) Plus ¶
func (v Int256Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int256Value) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v Int256Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (Int256Value) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int256Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (Int256Value) SaturatingDiv ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Int256Value) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int256Value) SaturatingMinus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Int256Value) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int256Value) SaturatingMul ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Int256Value) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int256Value) SaturatingPlus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Int256Value) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int256Value) SetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (Int256Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
func (Int256Value) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (Int256Value) StaticType() StaticType
func (Int256Value) Storable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int256Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (Int256Value) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int256Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (Int256Value) String ¶
func (v Int256Value) String() string
func (Int256Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (v Int256Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (Int256Value) ToBigInt ¶
func (v Int256Value) ToBigInt() *big.Int
func (Int256Value) ToInt ¶
func (v Int256Value) ToInt() int
func (Int256Value) Transfer ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int256Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, ) Value
func (Int256Value) Walk ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (Int256Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
type Int32Value ¶
type Int32Value int32
func ConvertInt32 ¶
func ConvertInt32(value Value) Int32Value
func (Int32Value) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v Int32Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (Int32Value) BitwiseAnd ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Int32Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Int32Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Int32Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Int32Value) BitwiseOr ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Int32Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Int32Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Int32Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Int32Value) BitwiseXor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Int32Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Int32Value) ByteSize ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int32Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (Int32Value) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int32Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (Int32Value) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Int32Value) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (Int32Value) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int32Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (Int32Value) Div ¶
func (v Int32Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int32Value) DynamicType ¶
func (Int32Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (Int32Value) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int32Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes Int32Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagInt32Value, Content: int32(v), }
func (Int32Value) Equal ¶
func (v Int32Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (Int32Value) GetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (v Int32Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (Int32Value) Greater ¶
func (v Int32Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Int32Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v Int32Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Int32Value) HashInput ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int32Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
func (Int32Value) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int32Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (Int32Value) IsValue ¶
func (Int32Value) IsValue()
func (Int32Value) Less ¶
func (v Int32Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Int32Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v Int32Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Int32Value) Minus ¶
func (v Int32Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int32Value) Mod ¶
func (v Int32Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int32Value) Mul ¶
func (v Int32Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int32Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int32Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (Int32Value) Negate ¶
func (v Int32Value) Negate() NumberValue
func (Int32Value) Plus ¶
func (v Int32Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int32Value) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v Int32Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (Int32Value) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int32Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (Int32Value) SaturatingDiv ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Int32Value) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int32Value) SaturatingMinus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Int32Value) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int32Value) SaturatingMul ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Int32Value) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int32Value) SaturatingPlus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Int32Value) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int32Value) SetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (Int32Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
func (Int32Value) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (Int32Value) StaticType() StaticType
func (Int32Value) Storable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int32Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (Int32Value) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int32Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (Int32Value) String ¶
func (v Int32Value) String() string
func (Int32Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (v Int32Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (Int32Value) ToInt ¶
func (v Int32Value) ToInt() int
func (Int32Value) Transfer ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int32Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, ) Value
func (Int32Value) Walk ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (Int32Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
type Int64Value ¶
type Int64Value int64
func ConvertInt64 ¶
func ConvertInt64(value Value) Int64Value
func (Int64Value) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v Int64Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (Int64Value) BitwiseAnd ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Int64Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Int64Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Int64Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Int64Value) BitwiseOr ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Int64Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Int64Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Int64Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Int64Value) BitwiseXor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Int64Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Int64Value) ByteSize ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int64Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (Int64Value) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int64Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (Int64Value) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Int64Value) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (Int64Value) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int64Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (Int64Value) Div ¶
func (v Int64Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int64Value) DynamicType ¶
func (Int64Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (Int64Value) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int64Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes Int64Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagInt64Value, Content: int64(v), }
func (Int64Value) Equal ¶
func (v Int64Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (Int64Value) GetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (v Int64Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (Int64Value) Greater ¶
func (v Int64Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Int64Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v Int64Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Int64Value) HashInput ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int64Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
func (Int64Value) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int64Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (Int64Value) IsValue ¶
func (Int64Value) IsValue()
func (Int64Value) Less ¶
func (v Int64Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Int64Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v Int64Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Int64Value) Minus ¶
func (v Int64Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int64Value) Mod ¶
func (v Int64Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int64Value) Mul ¶
func (v Int64Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int64Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int64Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (Int64Value) Negate ¶
func (v Int64Value) Negate() NumberValue
func (Int64Value) Plus ¶
func (v Int64Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int64Value) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v Int64Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (Int64Value) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int64Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (Int64Value) SaturatingDiv ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Int64Value) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int64Value) SaturatingMinus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Int64Value) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int64Value) SaturatingMul ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Int64Value) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int64Value) SaturatingPlus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Int64Value) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int64Value) SetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (Int64Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
func (Int64Value) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (Int64Value) StaticType() StaticType
func (Int64Value) Storable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int64Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (Int64Value) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int64Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (Int64Value) String ¶
func (v Int64Value) String() string
func (Int64Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (v Int64Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (Int64Value) ToInt ¶
func (v Int64Value) ToInt() int
func (Int64Value) Transfer ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int64Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, ) Value
func (Int64Value) Walk ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (Int64Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
type Int8Value ¶
type Int8Value int8
func ConvertInt8 ¶
func (Int8Value) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v Int8Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (Int8Value) BitwiseAnd ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Int8Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Int8Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Int8Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Int8Value) BitwiseOr ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Int8Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Int8Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Int8Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Int8Value) BitwiseXor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Int8Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Int8Value) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int8Value) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Int8Value) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (Int8Value) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int8Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (Int8Value) Div ¶
func (v Int8Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int8Value) DynamicType ¶
func (Int8Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (Int8Value) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
Encode encodes Int8Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagInt8Value, Content: int8(v), }
func (Int8Value) Equal ¶
func (v Int8Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (Int8Value) GetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (v Int8Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (Int8Value) Greater ¶
func (v Int8Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Int8Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v Int8Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Int8Value) HashInput ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Int8Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
func (Int8Value) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int8Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (Int8Value) Less ¶
func (v Int8Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Int8Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v Int8Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Int8Value) Minus ¶
func (v Int8Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int8Value) Mod ¶
func (v Int8Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int8Value) Mul ¶
func (v Int8Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int8Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int8Value) Negate ¶
func (v Int8Value) Negate() NumberValue
func (Int8Value) Plus ¶
func (v Int8Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int8Value) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v Int8Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (Int8Value) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int8Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (Int8Value) SaturatingDiv ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Int8Value) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int8Value) SaturatingMinus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Int8Value) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int8Value) SaturatingMul ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Int8Value) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int8Value) SaturatingPlus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Int8Value) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Int8Value) SetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (Int8Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
func (Int8Value) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (Int8Value) StaticType() StaticType
func (Int8Value) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Int8Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶ added in v0.5.0
type IntValue ¶
func ConvertInt ¶
func NewIntValueFromBigInt ¶
func NewIntValueFromInt64 ¶
func (IntValue) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v IntValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (IntValue) BitwiseAnd ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v IntValue) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (IntValue) BitwiseLeftShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v IntValue) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (IntValue) BitwiseOr ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v IntValue) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (IntValue) BitwiseRightShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v IntValue) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (IntValue) BitwiseXor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v IntValue) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (IntValue) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (IntValue) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v IntValue) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (IntValue) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (IntValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (IntValue) Div ¶
func (v IntValue) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (IntValue) DynamicType ¶
func (IntValue) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (IntValue) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
Encode encodes the value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagIntValue, Content: *big.Int(v.BigInt), }
func (IntValue) Equal ¶
func (v IntValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (IntValue) GetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (v IntValue) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (IntValue) Greater ¶
func (v IntValue) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (IntValue) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v IntValue) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (IntValue) HashInput ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v IntValue) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ []byte) []byte
func (IntValue) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (IntValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (IntValue) Less ¶
func (v IntValue) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (IntValue) LessEqual ¶
func (v IntValue) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (IntValue) Minus ¶
func (v IntValue) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (IntValue) Mod ¶
func (v IntValue) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (IntValue) Mul ¶
func (v IntValue) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (IntValue) Negate ¶
func (v IntValue) Negate() NumberValue
func (IntValue) Plus ¶
func (v IntValue) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (IntValue) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v IntValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (IntValue) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (IntValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (IntValue) SaturatingDiv ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v IntValue) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (IntValue) SaturatingMinus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v IntValue) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (IntValue) SaturatingMul ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v IntValue) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (IntValue) SaturatingPlus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v IntValue) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (IntValue) SetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (IntValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
func (IntValue) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (IntValue) StaticType() StaticType
func (IntValue) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (IntValue) ToBigEndianBytes ¶ added in v0.5.0
type IntegerValue ¶ added in v0.2.0
type IntegerValue interface { NumberValue BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue }
type InterfaceStaticType ¶
func ConvertSemaInterfaceTypeToStaticInterfaceType ¶ added in v0.19.0
func ConvertSemaInterfaceTypeToStaticInterfaceType(t *sema.InterfaceType) InterfaceStaticType
func (InterfaceStaticType) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (t InterfaceStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
Encode encodes InterfaceStaticType as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagInterfaceStaticType, Content: cborArray{ encodedInterfaceStaticTypeLocationFieldKey: Location(v.Location), encodedInterfaceStaticTypeQualifiedIdentifierFieldKey: string(v.QualifiedIdentifier), }, }
func (InterfaceStaticType) Equal ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (t InterfaceStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
func (InterfaceStaticType) String ¶
func (t InterfaceStaticType) String() string
type InterpretedFunctionValue ¶
type InterpretedFunctionValue struct { Interpreter *Interpreter ParameterList *ast.ParameterList Type *sema.FunctionType Activation *VariableActivation BeforeStatements []ast.Statement PreConditions ast.Conditions Statements []ast.Statement PostConditions ast.Conditions }
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) DynamicType ¶
func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) IsValue ¶
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) IsValue()
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) StaticType() StaticType
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) Storable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) String ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) String() string
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) Transfer ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, ) Value
func (*InterpretedFunctionValue) Walk ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (f *InterpretedFunctionValue) Walk(_ func(Value))
type Interpreter ¶
type Interpreter struct { Program *Program Location common.Location PredeclaredValues []ValueDeclaration Globals GlobalVariables Transactions []*HostFunctionValue Storage Storage PublicKeyValidationHandler PublicKeyValidationHandlerFunc SignatureVerificationHandler SignatureVerificationHandlerFunc BLSVerifyPoPHandler BLSVerifyPoPHandlerFunc BLSAggregateSignaturesHandler BLSAggregateSignaturesHandlerFunc BLSAggregatePublicKeysHandler BLSAggregatePublicKeysHandlerFunc HashHandler HashHandlerFunc ExitHandler ExitHandlerFunc // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewInterpreter ¶
func (*Interpreter) ConvertStaticToSemaType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (interpreter *Interpreter) ConvertStaticToSemaType(staticType StaticType) sema.Type
func (*Interpreter) EnsureLoaded ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (interpreter *Interpreter) EnsureLoaded( location common.Location, ) *Interpreter
func (*Interpreter) ExpectType ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (interpreter *Interpreter) ExpectType( value Value, expectedType sema.Type, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, )
func (*Interpreter) GetCapabilityFinalTargetPath ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (interpreter *Interpreter) GetCapabilityFinalTargetPath( address common.Address, path PathValue, wantedBorrowType *sema.ReferenceType, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, ) ( finalPath PathValue, authorized bool, err error, )
func (*Interpreter) GetContractComposite ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (interpreter *Interpreter) GetContractComposite(contractLocation common.AddressLocation) (*CompositeValue, error)
GetContractComposite gets the composite value of the contract at the address location.
func (*Interpreter) Interpret ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) Interpret() (err error)
func (*Interpreter) Invoke ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) Invoke(functionName string, arguments ...Value) (value Value, err error)
Invoke invokes a global function with the given arguments
func (*Interpreter) InvokeFunction ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (interpreter *Interpreter) InvokeFunction(function FunctionValue, invocation Invocation) (value Value, err error)
InvokeFunction invokes a function value with the given invocation
func (*Interpreter) InvokeFunctionValue ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) InvokeFunctionValue( function FunctionValue, arguments []Value, argumentTypes []sema.Type, parameterTypes []sema.Type, invocationPosition ast.HasPosition, ) ( value Value, err error, )
func (*Interpreter) InvokeTransaction ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) InvokeTransaction(index int, arguments ...Value) (err error)
func (*Interpreter) IsSubType ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) IsSubType(subType DynamicType, superType sema.Type) bool
func (*Interpreter) NewSubInterpreter ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (interpreter *Interpreter) NewSubInterpreter( program *Program, location common.Location, options ...Option, ) ( *Interpreter, error, )
func (*Interpreter) ReadStored ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (*Interpreter) RecoverErrors ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (interpreter *Interpreter) RecoverErrors(onError func(error))
func (*Interpreter) RemoveReferencedSlab ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (interpreter *Interpreter) RemoveReferencedSlab(storable atree.Storable)
func (*Interpreter) ReportComputation ¶ added in v0.23.2
func (interpreter *Interpreter) ReportComputation(compKind common.ComputationKind, intensity uint)
func (*Interpreter) SetAllInterpreters ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetAllInterpreters(allInterpreters map[common.LocationID]*Interpreter)
SetAllInterpreters sets the given map of interpreters as the map of all interpreters.
func (*Interpreter) SetAtreeStorageValidationEnabled ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetAtreeStorageValidationEnabled(enabled bool)
SetAtreeStorageValidationEnabled sets the atree storage validation option.
func (*Interpreter) SetAtreeValueValidationEnabled ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetAtreeValueValidationEnabled(enabled bool)
SetAtreeValueValidationEnabled sets the atree value validation option.
func (*Interpreter) SetBLSCryptoFunctions ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetBLSCryptoFunctions( verifyPoP BLSVerifyPoPHandlerFunc, aggregateSignatures BLSAggregateSignaturesHandlerFunc, aggregatePublicKeys BLSAggregatePublicKeysHandlerFunc, )
SetBLSCryptoFunctions sets the functions that are used to handle certain BLS specific crypt functions.
func (*Interpreter) SetContractValueHandler ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetContractValueHandler(function ContractValueHandlerFunc)
SetContractValueHandler sets the function that is used to handle imports of values
func (*Interpreter) SetExitHandler ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetExitHandler(function ExitHandlerFunc)
SetExitHandler sets the function that is used to handle end of execution.
func (*Interpreter) SetHashHandler ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetHashHandler(function HashHandlerFunc)
SetHashHandler sets the function that is used to hash.
func (*Interpreter) SetImportLocationHandler ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetImportLocationHandler(function ImportLocationHandlerFunc)
SetImportLocationHandler sets the function that is used to handle imports of locations.
func (*Interpreter) SetInjectedCompositeFieldsHandler ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetInjectedCompositeFieldsHandler(function InjectedCompositeFieldsHandlerFunc)
SetInjectedCompositeFieldsHandler sets the function that is used to initialize new composite values' fields
func (*Interpreter) SetOnEventEmittedHandler ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetOnEventEmittedHandler(function OnEventEmittedFunc)
SetOnEventEmittedHandler sets the function that is triggered when an event is emitted by the program.
func (*Interpreter) SetOnFunctionInvocationHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetOnFunctionInvocationHandler(function OnFunctionInvocationFunc)
SetOnFunctionInvocationHandler sets the function that is triggered when a function invocation is about to be executed.
func (*Interpreter) SetOnInvokedFunctionReturnHandler ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetOnInvokedFunctionReturnHandler(function OnInvokedFunctionReturnFunc)
SetOnInvokedFunctionReturnHandler sets the function that is triggered when an invoked function returned.
func (*Interpreter) SetOnLoopIterationHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetOnLoopIterationHandler(function OnLoopIterationFunc)
SetOnLoopIterationHandler sets the function that is triggered when a loop iteration is about to be executed.
func (*Interpreter) SetOnMeterComputationHandler ¶ added in v0.23.2
func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetOnMeterComputationHandler(function OnMeterComputationFunc)
SetOnMeterComputationFuncHandler sets the function that is triggered when a computation is about to happen.
func (*Interpreter) SetOnRecordTraceHandler ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetOnRecordTraceHandler(function OnRecordTraceFunc)
SetOnRecordTraceHandler sets the function that is triggered when an record trace is called.
func (*Interpreter) SetOnStatementHandler ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetOnStatementHandler(function OnStatementFunc)
SetOnStatementHandler sets the function that is triggered when a statement is about to be executed.
func (*Interpreter) SetPublicAccountHandler ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetPublicAccountHandler(function PublicAccountHandlerFunc)
SetPublicAccountHandler sets the function that is used to handle accounts.
func (*Interpreter) SetPublicKeyValidationHandler ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetPublicKeyValidationHandler(function PublicKeyValidationHandlerFunc)
SetPublicKeyValidationHandler sets the function that is used to handle public key validation.
func (*Interpreter) SetSignatureVerificationHandler ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetSignatureVerificationHandler(function SignatureVerificationHandlerFunc)
SetSignatureVerificationHandler sets the function that is used to handle signature validation.
func (*Interpreter) SetStorage ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetStorage(storage Storage)
SetStorage sets the value that is used for storage operations.
func (*Interpreter) SetTracingEnabled ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetTracingEnabled(enabled bool)
SetTracingEnabled sets the tracing option.
func (*Interpreter) SetUUIDHandler ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) SetUUIDHandler(function UUIDHandlerFunc)
SetUUIDHandler sets the function that is used to handle the generation of UUIDs.
func (*Interpreter) ValidateAtreeValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (interpreter *Interpreter) ValidateAtreeValue(v atree.Value)
func (*Interpreter) VisitArrayExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitArrayExpression(expression *ast.ArrayExpression) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitAssignmentStatement ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitAssignmentStatement(assignment *ast.AssignmentStatement) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitBinaryExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitBinaryExpression(expression *ast.BinaryExpression) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitBlock ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitBlock(block *ast.Block) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitBoolExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitBoolExpression(expression *ast.BoolExpression) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitBreakStatement ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitBreakStatement(_ *ast.BreakStatement) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitCastingExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitCastingExpression(expression *ast.CastingExpression) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitCompositeDeclaration ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitCompositeDeclaration(declaration *ast.CompositeDeclaration) ast.Repr
NOTE: only called for top-level composite declarations
func (*Interpreter) VisitConditionalExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitConditionalExpression(expression *ast.ConditionalExpression) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitContinueStatement ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitContinueStatement(_ *ast.ContinueStatement) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitCreateExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitCreateExpression(expression *ast.CreateExpression) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitDestroyExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitDestroyExpression(expression *ast.DestroyExpression) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitDictionaryExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitDictionaryExpression(expression *ast.DictionaryExpression) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitEmitStatement ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitEmitStatement(statement *ast.EmitStatement) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitEnumCaseDeclaration ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitEnumCaseDeclaration(_ *ast.EnumCaseDeclaration) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitExpressionStatement ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitExpressionStatement(statement *ast.ExpressionStatement) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitFieldDeclaration ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitFieldDeclaration(_ *ast.FieldDeclaration) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitFixedPointExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitFixedPointExpression(expression *ast.FixedPointExpression) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitForStatement ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitForStatement(statement *ast.ForStatement) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitForceExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitForceExpression(expression *ast.ForceExpression) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitFunctionBlock ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitFunctionBlock(_ *ast.FunctionBlock) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitFunctionDeclaration ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitFunctionDeclaration(declaration *ast.FunctionDeclaration) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitFunctionExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitFunctionExpression(expression *ast.FunctionExpression) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitIdentifierExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitIdentifierExpression(expression *ast.IdentifierExpression) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitIfStatement ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitIfStatement(statement *ast.IfStatement) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitImportDeclaration ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitImportDeclaration(declaration *ast.ImportDeclaration) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitIndexExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitIndexExpression(expression *ast.IndexExpression) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitIntegerExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitIntegerExpression(expression *ast.IntegerExpression) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitInterfaceDeclaration ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitInterfaceDeclaration(declaration *ast.InterfaceDeclaration) ast.Repr
NOTE: only called for top-level interface declarations
func (*Interpreter) VisitInvocationExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitInvocationExpression(invocationExpression *ast.InvocationExpression) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitMemberExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitMemberExpression(expression *ast.MemberExpression) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitNilExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitNilExpression(_ *ast.NilExpression) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitPathExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitPathExpression(expression *ast.PathExpression) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitPragmaDeclaration ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitPragmaDeclaration(_ *ast.PragmaDeclaration) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitProgram ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitProgram(program *ast.Program) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitReferenceExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitReferenceExpression(referenceExpression *ast.ReferenceExpression) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitReturnStatement ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitReturnStatement(statement *ast.ReturnStatement) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitStringExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitStringExpression(expression *ast.StringExpression) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitSwapStatement ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitSwapStatement(swap *ast.SwapStatement) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitSwitchStatement ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitSwitchStatement(switchStatement *ast.SwitchStatement) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitTransactionDeclaration ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitTransactionDeclaration(declaration *ast.TransactionDeclaration) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitUnaryExpression ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitUnaryExpression(expression *ast.UnaryExpression) ast.Repr
func (*Interpreter) VisitVariableDeclaration ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitVariableDeclaration(declaration *ast.VariableDeclaration) ast.Repr
VisitVariableDeclaration first visits the declaration's value, then declares the variable with the name bound to the value
func (*Interpreter) VisitWhileStatement ¶
func (interpreter *Interpreter) VisitWhileStatement(statement *ast.WhileStatement) ast.Repr
type InterpreterImport ¶ added in v0.13.0
type InterpreterImport struct {
Interpreter *Interpreter
type InvalidOperandsError ¶ added in v0.20.3
type InvalidOperandsError struct { Operation ast.Operation FunctionName string LeftType StaticType RightType StaticType LocationRange }
func (InvalidOperandsError) Error ¶ added in v0.20.3
func (e InvalidOperandsError) Error() string
type InvalidPathDomainError ¶
type InvalidPathDomainError struct { ActualDomain common.PathDomain ExpectedDomains []common.PathDomain LocationRange }
func (InvalidPathDomainError) Error ¶
func (e InvalidPathDomainError) Error() string
func (InvalidPathDomainError) SecondaryError ¶
func (e InvalidPathDomainError) SecondaryError() string
type InvalidPublicKeyError ¶ added in v0.23.0
type InvalidPublicKeyError struct { PublicKey *ArrayValue Err error LocationRange }
InvalidPublicKeyError is reported during PublicKey creation, if the PublicKey is invalid.
func (InvalidPublicKeyError) Error ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (e InvalidPublicKeyError) Error() string
func (InvalidPublicKeyError) Unwrap ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (e InvalidPublicKeyError) Unwrap() error
type InvalidatedResourceError ¶ added in v0.20.0
type InvalidatedResourceError struct {
func (InvalidatedResourceError) Error ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (e InvalidatedResourceError) Error() string
type Invocation ¶
type Invocation struct { Self MemberAccessibleValue ReceiverType sema.Type Arguments []Value ArgumentTypes []sema.Type TypeParameterTypes *sema.TypeParameterTypeOrderedMap GetLocationRange func() LocationRange Interpreter *Interpreter }
type InvocationArgumentTypeError ¶ added in v0.14.5
type InvocationArgumentTypeError struct { Index int ParameterType sema.Type LocationRange }
func (InvocationArgumentTypeError) Error ¶ added in v0.14.5
func (e InvocationArgumentTypeError) Error() string
type InvocationReceiverTypeError ¶ added in v0.19.0
type InvocationReceiverTypeError struct { SelfType sema.Type ReceiverType sema.Type LocationRange }
func (InvocationReceiverTypeError) Error ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (e InvocationReceiverTypeError) Error() string
type LinkValue ¶
type LinkValue struct { TargetPath PathValue Type StaticType }
func (LinkValue) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v LinkValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (LinkValue) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (LinkValue) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v LinkValue) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (LinkValue) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (LinkValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (LinkValue) DynamicType ¶
func (LinkValue) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (LinkValue) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
Encode encodes LinkValue as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagLinkValue, Content: []interface{}{ encodedLinkValueTargetPathFieldKey: PathValue(v.TargetPath), encodedLinkValueTypeFieldKey: StaticType(v.Type), }, }
func (LinkValue) Equal ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v LinkValue) Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (LinkValue) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (LinkValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (LinkValue) IsStorable ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (LinkValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (LinkValue) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v LinkValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
func (LinkValue) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (LinkValue) StaticType() StaticType
func (LinkValue) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
type LocationPosition ¶
LocationPosition defines a position in the source of the import tree. The Location defines the script within the import tree, the Position defines the row/colum within the source of that script.
type LocationRange ¶
LocationRange defines a range in the source of the import tree. The Position defines the script within the import tree, the Range defines the start/end position within the source of that script.
func ReturnEmptyLocationRange ¶ added in v0.14.0
func ReturnEmptyLocationRange() LocationRange
func (LocationRange) ImportLocation ¶
func (r LocationRange) ImportLocation() common.Location
type MemberAccessibleValue ¶
type MemberAccessibleValue interface { Value GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, name string) Value RemoveMember(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, name string) Value SetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, name string, value Value) }
type MetaTypeDynamicType ¶ added in v0.4.0
type MetaTypeDynamicType struct{}
func (MetaTypeDynamicType) IsDynamicType ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (MetaTypeDynamicType) IsDynamicType()
func (MetaTypeDynamicType) IsImportable ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (MetaTypeDynamicType) IsImportable() bool
type MissingMemberValueError ¶ added in v0.15.0
type MissingMemberValueError struct { Name string LocationRange }
func (MissingMemberValueError) Error ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (e MissingMemberValueError) Error() string
type NilDynamicType ¶
type NilDynamicType struct{}
func (NilDynamicType) IsDynamicType ¶
func (NilDynamicType) IsDynamicType()
func (NilDynamicType) IsImportable ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (NilDynamicType) IsImportable() bool
type NilValue ¶
type NilValue struct{}
func (NilValue) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v NilValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (NilValue) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (NilValue) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v NilValue) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (NilValue) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (NilValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (NilValue) Destroy ¶
func (v NilValue) Destroy(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange)
func (NilValue) DynamicType ¶
func (NilValue) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (NilValue) Equal ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v NilValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (NilValue) GetMember ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (v NilValue) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (NilValue) IsDestroyed ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (NilValue) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (NilValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (NilValue) IsStorable ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (NilValue) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v NilValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (NilValue) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (NilValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (NilValue) SetMember ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (NilValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
func (NilValue) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (NilValue) StaticType() StaticType
func (NilValue) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
type NonStorable ¶ added in v0.20.0
type NonStorable struct {
Value Value
NonStorable represents a value that cannot be stored
func (NonStorable) ByteSize ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (s NonStorable) ByteSize() uint32
func (NonStorable) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (NonStorable) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (NonStorable) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (s NonStorable) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
type NonStorableStaticTypeError ¶ added in v0.20.0
type NonStorableStaticTypeError struct {
Type StaticType
func (NonStorableStaticTypeError) Error ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (e NonStorableStaticTypeError) Error() string
type NonStorableValueError ¶ added in v0.20.0
type NonStorableValueError struct {
Value Value
func (NonStorableValueError) Error ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (e NonStorableValueError) Error() string
type NotDeclaredError ¶
type NotDeclaredError struct { ExpectedKind common.DeclarationKind Name string }
func (NotDeclaredError) Error ¶
func (e NotDeclaredError) Error() string
func (NotDeclaredError) SecondaryError ¶
func (e NotDeclaredError) SecondaryError() string
type NotInvokableError ¶
type NotInvokableError struct {
Value Value
func (NotInvokableError) Error ¶
func (e NotInvokableError) Error() string
type NumberDynamicType ¶
func (NumberDynamicType) IsDynamicType ¶
func (NumberDynamicType) IsDynamicType()
func (NumberDynamicType) IsImportable ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (NumberDynamicType) IsImportable() bool
type NumberValue ¶
type NumberValue interface { EquatableValue ToInt() int Negate() NumberValue Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue ToBigEndianBytes() []byte }
type OnEventEmittedFunc ¶
type OnEventEmittedFunc func( inter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, event *CompositeValue, eventType *sema.CompositeType, ) error
OnEventEmittedFunc is a function that is triggered when an event is emitted by the program.
type OnFunctionInvocationFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type OnFunctionInvocationFunc func( inter *Interpreter, line int, )
OnFunctionInvocationFunc is a function that is triggered when a function is about to be invoked.
type OnInvokedFunctionReturnFunc ¶ added in v0.20.0
type OnInvokedFunctionReturnFunc func( inter *Interpreter, line int, )
OnInvokedFunctionReturnFunc is a function that is triggered when an invoked function returned.
type OnLoopIterationFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type OnLoopIterationFunc func( inter *Interpreter, line int, )
OnLoopIterationFunc is a function that is triggered when a loop iteration is about to be executed.
type OnMeterComputationFunc ¶ added in v0.23.2
type OnMeterComputationFunc func( compKind common.ComputationKind, intensity uint, )
OnMeterComputationFunc is a function that is called when some computation is about to happen. intensity captures the intensity of the computation and can be set using input sizes complexity of computation given input sizes, or any other factors that could help the upper levels to differentiate same kind of computation with different level (and time) of execution.
type OnRecordTraceFunc ¶ added in v0.23.0
type OnRecordTraceFunc func( inter *Interpreter, operationName string, duration time.Duration, logs []opentracing.LogRecord, )
OnRecordTraceFunc is a function thats records a trace.
type OnStatementFunc ¶
type OnStatementFunc func( inter *Interpreter, statement ast.Statement, )
OnStatementFunc is a function that is triggered when a statement is about to be executed.
type Option ¶
type Option func(*Interpreter) error
func WithAllInterpreters ¶
func WithAllInterpreters(allInterpreters map[common.LocationID]*Interpreter) Option
WithAllInterpreters returns an interpreter option which sets the given map of interpreters as the map of all interpreters.
func WithAtreeStorageValidationEnabled ¶ added in v0.20.0
WithAtreeStorageValidationEnabled returns an interpreter option which sets the atree validation option.
func WithAtreeValueValidationEnabled ¶ added in v0.20.0
WithAtreeValueValidationEnabled returns an interpreter option which sets the atree validation option.
func WithBLSCryptoFunctions ¶ added in v0.23.0
func WithBLSCryptoFunctions( verifyPoP BLSVerifyPoPHandlerFunc, aggregateSignatures BLSAggregateSignaturesHandlerFunc, aggregatePublicKeys BLSAggregatePublicKeysHandlerFunc, ) Option
WithBLSCryptoFunctions returns an interpreter option which sets the given functions as the functions used to handle certain BLS-specific crypto functions.
func WithContractValueHandler ¶
func WithContractValueHandler(handler ContractValueHandlerFunc) Option
WithContractValueHandler returns an interpreter option which sets the given function as the function that is used to handle imports of values.
func WithExitHandler ¶ added in v0.17.0
func WithExitHandler(handler ExitHandlerFunc) Option
WithExitHandler returns an interpreter option which sets the given function as the function that is used when execution is complete.
func WithHashHandler ¶ added in v0.18.0
func WithHashHandler(handler HashHandlerFunc) Option
WithHashHandler returns an interpreter option which sets the given function as the function that is used to hash.
func WithImportLocationHandler ¶ added in v0.5.0
func WithImportLocationHandler(handler ImportLocationHandlerFunc) Option
WithImportLocationHandler returns an interpreter option which sets the given function as the function that is used to handle the imports of locations.
func WithInjectedCompositeFieldsHandler ¶
func WithInjectedCompositeFieldsHandler(handler InjectedCompositeFieldsHandlerFunc) Option
WithInjectedCompositeFieldsHandler returns an interpreter option which sets the given function as the function that is used to initialize new composite values' fields
func WithOnEventEmittedHandler ¶
func WithOnEventEmittedHandler(handler OnEventEmittedFunc) Option
WithOnEventEmittedHandler returns an interpreter option which sets the given function as the event handler.
func WithOnFunctionInvocationHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
func WithOnFunctionInvocationHandler(handler OnFunctionInvocationFunc) Option
WithOnFunctionInvocationHandler returns an interpreter option which sets the given function as the function invocation handler.
func WithOnInvokedFunctionReturnHandler ¶ added in v0.20.0
func WithOnInvokedFunctionReturnHandler(handler OnInvokedFunctionReturnFunc) Option
WithOnInvokedFunctionReturnHandler returns an interpreter option which sets the given function as the invoked function return handler.
func WithOnLoopIterationHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
func WithOnLoopIterationHandler(handler OnLoopIterationFunc) Option
WithOnLoopIterationHandler returns an interpreter option which sets the given function as the loop iteration handler.
func WithOnMeterComputationFuncHandler ¶ added in v0.23.2
func WithOnMeterComputationFuncHandler(handler OnMeterComputationFunc) Option
WithOnMeterComputationFuncHandler returns an interpreter option which sets the given function as the meter computation handler.
func WithOnRecordTraceHandler ¶ added in v0.23.0
func WithOnRecordTraceHandler(handler OnRecordTraceFunc) Option
WithOnRecordTraceHandler returns an interpreter option which sets the given function as the on record trace function handler.
func WithOnStatementHandler ¶
func WithOnStatementHandler(handler OnStatementFunc) Option
WithOnStatementHandler returns an interpreter option which sets the given function as the statement handler.
func WithPredeclaredValues ¶ added in v0.12.0
func WithPredeclaredValues(predeclaredValues []ValueDeclaration) Option
WithPredeclaredValues returns an interpreter option which declares the given the predeclared values.
func WithPublicAccountHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.20.0
func WithPublicAccountHandlerFunc(handler PublicAccountHandlerFunc) Option
WithPublicAccountHandlerFunc returns an interpreter option which sets the given function as the function that is used to handle public accounts.
func WithPublicKeyValidationHandler ¶ added in v0.16.0
func WithPublicKeyValidationHandler(handler PublicKeyValidationHandlerFunc) Option
WithPublicKeyValidationHandler returns an interpreter option which sets the given function as the function that is used to handle public key validation.
func WithSignatureVerificationHandler ¶ added in v0.18.0
func WithSignatureVerificationHandler(handler SignatureVerificationHandlerFunc) Option
WithSignatureVerificationHandler returns an interpreter option which sets the given function as the function that is used to handle signature validation.
func WithStorage ¶ added in v0.20.0
WithStorage returns an interpreter option which sets the given value as the function that is used for storage operations.
func WithTracingEnabled ¶ added in v0.23.0
WithTracingEnabled returns an interpreter option which sets the tracing option.
func WithUUIDHandler ¶
func WithUUIDHandler(handler UUIDHandlerFunc) Option
WithUUIDHandler returns an interpreter option which sets the given function as the function that is used to generate UUIDs.
type OptionalStaticType ¶
type OptionalStaticType struct {
Type StaticType
func (OptionalStaticType) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (t OptionalStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
Encode encodes OptionalStaticType as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagOptionalStaticType, Content: StaticType(v.Type), }
func (OptionalStaticType) Equal ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (t OptionalStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
func (OptionalStaticType) String ¶
func (t OptionalStaticType) String() string
type OptionalValue ¶
type OptionalValue interface { Value // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type OverflowError ¶
type OverflowError struct{}
func (OverflowError) Error ¶
func (e OverflowError) Error() string
type OverwriteError ¶
type OverwriteError struct { Address AddressValue Path PathValue LocationRange }
func (OverwriteError) Error ¶
func (e OverwriteError) Error() string
type PathValue ¶
type PathValue struct { Domain common.PathDomain Identifier string }
func (PathValue) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v PathValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (PathValue) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (PathValue) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v PathValue) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (PathValue) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (PathValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (PathValue) DynamicType ¶
func (v PathValue) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (PathValue) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
Encode encodes PathValue as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagPathValue, Content: []interface{}{ encodedPathValueDomainFieldKey: uint(v.Domain), encodedPathValueIdentifierFieldKey: string(v.Identifier), }, }
func (PathValue) Equal ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v PathValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (PathValue) GetMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v PathValue) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (PathValue) HashInput ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v PathValue) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
func (PathValue) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (PathValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (PathValue) IsStorable ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (PathValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (PathValue) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v PathValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (PathValue) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (PathValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (PathValue) SetMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (PathValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
func (PathValue) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v PathValue) StaticType() StaticType
func (PathValue) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
type PositionedError ¶ added in v0.12.1
PositionedError wraps an unpositioned error with position info
func (PositionedError) Error ¶ added in v0.12.1
func (e PositionedError) Error() string
func (PositionedError) Unwrap ¶ added in v0.12.1
func (e PositionedError) Unwrap() error
type PrimitiveStaticType ¶ added in v0.2.0
type PrimitiveStaticType uint
const ( PrimitiveStaticTypeUnknown PrimitiveStaticType = iota PrimitiveStaticTypeVoid PrimitiveStaticTypeAny PrimitiveStaticTypeNever PrimitiveStaticTypeAnyStruct PrimitiveStaticTypeAnyResource PrimitiveStaticTypeBool PrimitiveStaticTypeAddress PrimitiveStaticTypeString PrimitiveStaticTypeCharacter PrimitiveStaticTypeMetaType PrimitiveStaticTypeBlock // Number PrimitiveStaticTypeNumber PrimitiveStaticTypeSignedNumber // Integer PrimitiveStaticTypeInteger PrimitiveStaticTypeSignedInteger // FixedPoint PrimitiveStaticTypeFixedPoint PrimitiveStaticTypeSignedFixedPoint // Int* PrimitiveStaticTypeInt PrimitiveStaticTypeInt8 PrimitiveStaticTypeInt16 PrimitiveStaticTypeInt32 PrimitiveStaticTypeInt64 PrimitiveStaticTypeInt128 PrimitiveStaticTypeInt256 // UInt* PrimitiveStaticTypeUInt PrimitiveStaticTypeUInt8 PrimitiveStaticTypeUInt16 PrimitiveStaticTypeUInt32 PrimitiveStaticTypeUInt64 PrimitiveStaticTypeUInt128 PrimitiveStaticTypeUInt256 PrimitiveStaticTypeWord8 PrimitiveStaticTypeWord16 PrimitiveStaticTypeWord32 PrimitiveStaticTypeWord64 PrimitiveStaticTypeFix64 PrimitiveStaticTypeUFix64 PrimitiveStaticTypePath PrimitiveStaticTypeCapability PrimitiveStaticTypeStoragePath PrimitiveStaticTypeCapabilityPath PrimitiveStaticTypePublicPath PrimitiveStaticTypePrivatePath PrimitiveStaticTypeAuthAccount PrimitiveStaticTypePublicAccount PrimitiveStaticTypeDeployedContract PrimitiveStaticTypeAuthAccountContracts PrimitiveStaticTypePublicAccountContracts PrimitiveStaticTypeAuthAccountKeys PrimitiveStaticTypePublicAccountKeys PrimitiveStaticTypeAccountKey )
func ConvertSemaToPrimitiveStaticType ¶ added in v0.2.0
func ConvertSemaToPrimitiveStaticType(t sema.Type) PrimitiveStaticType
ConvertSemaToPrimitiveStaticType converts a `sema.Type` to a `PrimitiveStaticType`.
Returns `PrimitiveStaticTypeUnknown` if the given type is not a primitive type.
func (PrimitiveStaticType) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (t PrimitiveStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
Encode encodes PrimitiveStaticType as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagPrimitiveStaticType, Content: uint(v), }
func (PrimitiveStaticType) Equal ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (t PrimitiveStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
func (PrimitiveStaticType) SemaType ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (i PrimitiveStaticType) SemaType() sema.Type
func (PrimitiveStaticType) String ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (i PrimitiveStaticType) String() string
type PrivatePathDynamicType ¶ added in v0.11.0
type PrivatePathDynamicType struct{}
func (PrivatePathDynamicType) IsDynamicType ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (PrivatePathDynamicType) IsDynamicType()
func (PrivatePathDynamicType) IsImportable ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (PrivatePathDynamicType) IsImportable() bool
type Program ¶ added in v0.13.0
type Program struct { Program *ast.Program Elaboration *sema.Elaboration }
func ProgramFromChecker ¶ added in v0.13.0
type PublicAccountHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.20.0
type PublicAccountHandlerFunc func( inter *Interpreter, address AddressValue, ) Value
PublicAccountHandlerFunc is a function that handles retrieving a public account at a given address. The account returned must be of type `PublicAccount`.
type PublicKeyValidationHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.16.0
type PublicKeyValidationHandlerFunc func( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, publicKey *CompositeValue, ) error
PublicKeyValidationHandlerFunc is a function that validates a given public key. Parameter types: - publicKey: PublicKey
type PublicPathDynamicType ¶ added in v0.11.0
type PublicPathDynamicType struct{}
func (PublicPathDynamicType) IsDynamicType ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (PublicPathDynamicType) IsDynamicType()
func (PublicPathDynamicType) IsImportable ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (PublicPathDynamicType) IsImportable() bool
type RedeclarationError ¶
type RedeclarationError struct {
Name string
func (RedeclarationError) Error ¶
func (e RedeclarationError) Error() string
type ReferenceDynamicType ¶
type ReferenceDynamicType interface { DynamicType Authorized() bool InnerType() DynamicType BorrowedType() sema.Type // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type ReferenceStaticType ¶
type ReferenceStaticType struct { Authorized bool Type StaticType }
func ConvertSemaReferenceTyoeToStaticReferenceType ¶ added in v0.19.0
func ConvertSemaReferenceTyoeToStaticReferenceType(t *sema.ReferenceType) ReferenceStaticType
func (ReferenceStaticType) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (t ReferenceStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
Encode encodes ReferenceStaticType as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagReferenceStaticType, Content: cborArray{ encodedReferenceStaticTypeAuthorizedFieldKey: bool(v.Authorized), encodedReferenceStaticTypeTypeFieldKey: StaticType(v.Type), }, }
func (ReferenceStaticType) Equal ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (t ReferenceStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
func (ReferenceStaticType) String ¶
func (t ReferenceStaticType) String() string
type ReferenceTrackedResourceKindedValue ¶ added in v0.21.0
type ReferenceTrackedResourceKindedValue interface { ResourceKindedValue IsReferenceTrackedResourceKindedValue() StorageID() atree.StorageID }
ReferenceTrackedResourceKindedValue is a resource-kinded value that must be tracked when a reference of it is taken.
type ReferencedResourceKindedValues ¶ added in v0.21.0
type ReferencedResourceKindedValues map[atree.StorageID]map[ReferenceTrackedResourceKindedValue]struct{}
type ResourceConstructionError ¶ added in v0.19.0
type ResourceConstructionError struct { CompositeType *sema.CompositeType LocationRange }
func (ResourceConstructionError) Error ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (e ResourceConstructionError) Error() string
type ResourceKindedValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
type ResourceKindedValue interface { Value Destroy(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange) IsDestroyed() bool }
type RestrictedStaticType ¶
type RestrictedStaticType struct { Type StaticType Restrictions []InterfaceStaticType }
func (*RestrictedStaticType) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (t *RestrictedStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
Encode encodes RestrictedStaticType as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagRestrictedStaticType, Content: cborArray{ encodedRestrictedStaticTypeTypeFieldKey: StaticType(v.Type), encodedRestrictedStaticTypeRestrictionsFieldKey: []interface{}(v.Restrictions), }, }
func (*RestrictedStaticType) Equal ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (t *RestrictedStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
func (*RestrictedStaticType) String ¶
func (t *RestrictedStaticType) String() string
type SeenReferences ¶ added in v0.19.0
type SeenReferences map[*EphemeralReferenceValue]struct{}
SeenReferences is a set of seen references.
NOTE: Do not generalize to map[interpreter.Value], as not all values are Go hashable, i.e. this might lead to run-time panics
type SignatureVerificationHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.18.0
type SignatureVerificationHandlerFunc func( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, signature *ArrayValue, signedData *ArrayValue, domainSeparationTag *StringValue, hashAlgorithm *CompositeValue, publicKey MemberAccessibleValue, ) BoolValue
SignatureVerificationHandlerFunc is a function that validates a signature. Parameter types: - signature: [UInt8] - signedData: [UInt8] - domainSeparationTag: String - hashAlgorithm: HashAlgorithm - publicKey: PublicKey Expected result type: Bool
type SimpleCompositeValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
type SimpleCompositeValue struct { TypeID sema.TypeID // FieldNames are the names of the field members (i.e. not functions, and not computed fields), in order FieldNames []string Fields map[string]Value ComputedFields map[string]ComputedField // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewAccountKeyValue ¶ added in v0.14.0
func NewAccountKeyValue( keyIndex IntValue, publicKey *CompositeValue, hashAlgo *CompositeValue, weight UFix64Value, isRevoked BoolValue, ) *SimpleCompositeValue
NewAccountKeyValue constructs an AccountKey value.
func NewBlockValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func NewBlockValue( height UInt64Value, view UInt64Value, id *ArrayValue, timestamp UFix64Value, ) *SimpleCompositeValue
func NewDeployedContractValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func NewDeployedContractValue( address AddressValue, name *StringValue, code *ArrayValue, ) *SimpleCompositeValue
func NewSimpleCompositeValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func NewSimpleCompositeValue( typeID sema.TypeID, staticType StaticType, dynamicType DynamicType, fieldNames []string, fields map[string]Value, computedFields map[string]ComputedField, fieldFormatters map[string]func(Value, SeenReferences) string, stringer func(SeenReferences) string, ) *SimpleCompositeValue
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) Accept ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) DynamicType ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) ForEachField ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) ForEachField(f func(fieldName string, fieldValue Value))
ForEachField iterates over all field-name field-value pairs of the composite value. It does NOT iterate over computed fields and functions!
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) GetMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) GetMember( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, name string, ) Value
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) IsValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) IsValue()
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) SetMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string, value Value)
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) StaticType ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) StaticType() StaticType
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) Storable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) String ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) String() string
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) Transfer ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, ) Value
func (*SimpleCompositeValue) Walk ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *SimpleCompositeValue) Walk(walkChild func(Value))
Walk iterates over all field values of the composite value. It does NOT walk the computed fields and functions!
type SomeDynamicType ¶
type SomeDynamicType struct {
InnerType DynamicType
func (SomeDynamicType) IsDynamicType ¶
func (SomeDynamicType) IsDynamicType()
func (SomeDynamicType) IsImportable ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (t SomeDynamicType) IsImportable() bool
type SomeStorable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (SomeStorable) ByteSize ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (s SomeStorable) ByteSize() uint32
func (SomeStorable) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (s SomeStorable) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (SomeStorable) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (s SomeStorable) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes SomeStorable as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagSomeValue, Content: Value(v.Value), }
func (SomeStorable) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (s SomeStorable) StoredValue(storage atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
type SomeValue ¶
type SomeValue struct { Value Value // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewSomeValueNonCopying ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*SomeValue) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v *SomeValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (SomeValue) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v SomeValue) ConformsToDynamicType( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, results TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (*SomeValue) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *SomeValue) DeepRemove(interpreter *Interpreter)
func (*SomeValue) Destroy ¶
func (v *SomeValue) Destroy(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange)
func (*SomeValue) DynamicType ¶
func (v *SomeValue) DynamicType(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (*SomeValue) Equal ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *SomeValue) Equal(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (*SomeValue) GetMember ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (v *SomeValue) GetMember(inter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (*SomeValue) IsDestroyed ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*SomeValue) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *SomeValue) IsResourceKinded(interpreter *Interpreter) bool
func (*SomeValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*SomeValue) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v *SomeValue) RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string
func (*SomeValue) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*SomeValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (*SomeValue) SetMember ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (*SomeValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
func (*SomeValue) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v *SomeValue) StaticType() StaticType
type StaticType ¶
type StaticType interface { fmt.Stringer Equal(other StaticType) bool Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error // contains filtered or unexported methods }
StaticType is a shallow representation of a static type (`sema.Type`) which doesn't contain the full information, but only refers to composite and interface types by ID.
This allows static types to be efficiently serialized and deserialized, for example in the world state.
func ConvertSemaToStaticType ¶
func ConvertSemaToStaticType(t sema.Type) StaticType
func StaticTypeFromBytes ¶ added in v0.20.0
func StaticTypeFromBytes(data []byte) (StaticType, error)
type Storage ¶ added in v0.20.0
type Storage interface { atree.SlabStorage GetStorageMap(address common.Address, domain string) *StorageMap CheckHealth() error }
type StorageKey ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (StorageKey) IsLess ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (k StorageKey) IsLess(o StorageKey) bool
type StorageMap ¶ added in v0.23.0
type StorageMap struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StorageMap is an ordered map which stores values in an account.
func NewStorageMap ¶ added in v0.23.0
func NewStorageMap(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address) *StorageMap
func NewStorageMapWithRootID ¶ added in v0.23.0
func NewStorageMapWithRootID(storage atree.SlabStorage, storageID atree.StorageID) *StorageMap
func (StorageMap) Iterator ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (s StorageMap) Iterator() StorageMapIterator
Iterator returns an iterator (StorageMapIterator), which allows iterating over the keys and values of the storage map
func (StorageMap) ReadValue ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (s StorageMap) ReadValue(key string) Value
ReadValue returns the value for the given key as an OptionalValue, i.e. SomeValue if it exists, and NilValue if the key does not exist.
func (StorageMap) SetValue ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (s StorageMap) SetValue(interpreter *Interpreter, key string, value atree.Value)
SetValue sets a value in the storage map. If the given key already stores a value, it is overwritten.
func (StorageMap) StorageID ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (s StorageMap) StorageID() atree.StorageID
func (StorageMap) ValueExists ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (s StorageMap) ValueExists(key string) bool
ValueExists returns true if the given key exists in the storage map.
func (StorageMap) WriteValue ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (s StorageMap) WriteValue(interpreter *Interpreter, key string, value atree.Value)
WriteValue sets or removes a value in the storage map. If the given value is a SomeValue, the key is updated. If the given value is NilValue, the key is removed.
type StorageMapIterator ¶ added in v0.23.0
type StorageMapIterator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StorageMapIterator is an iterator over StorageMap
func (StorageMapIterator) Next ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (i StorageMapIterator) Next() (string, Value)
Next returns the next key and value of the storage map iterator. If there is no further key-value pair, ("", nil) is returned.
func (StorageMapIterator) NextKey ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (i StorageMapIterator) NextKey() string
NextKey returns the next key of the storage map iterator. If there is no further key, "" is returned.
func (StorageMapIterator) NextValue ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (i StorageMapIterator) NextValue() Value
NextValue returns the next value in the storage map iterator. If there is nop further value, nil is returned.
type StoragePathDynamicType ¶ added in v0.11.0
type StoragePathDynamicType struct{}
func (StoragePathDynamicType) IsDynamicType ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (StoragePathDynamicType) IsDynamicType()
func (StoragePathDynamicType) IsImportable ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (StoragePathDynamicType) IsImportable() bool
type StorageReferenceDynamicType ¶
type StorageReferenceDynamicType struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (StorageReferenceDynamicType) Authorized ¶
func (t StorageReferenceDynamicType) Authorized() bool
func (StorageReferenceDynamicType) BorrowedType ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (t StorageReferenceDynamicType) BorrowedType() sema.Type
func (StorageReferenceDynamicType) InnerType ¶
func (t StorageReferenceDynamicType) InnerType() DynamicType
func (StorageReferenceDynamicType) IsDynamicType ¶
func (StorageReferenceDynamicType) IsDynamicType()
func (StorageReferenceDynamicType) IsImportable ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (StorageReferenceDynamicType) IsImportable() bool
type StorageReferenceValue ¶
type StorageReferenceValue struct { Authorized bool TargetStorageAddress common.Address TargetPath PathValue BorrowedType sema.Type }
func (*StorageReferenceValue) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (*StorageReferenceValue) Clone ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) Clone(_ *Interpreter) Value
func (*StorageReferenceValue) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) ConformsToDynamicType( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, results TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (*StorageReferenceValue) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*StorageReferenceValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (*StorageReferenceValue) DynamicType ¶
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) DynamicType(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (*StorageReferenceValue) Equal ¶
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (*StorageReferenceValue) GetKey ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) GetKey( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value, ) Value
func (*StorageReferenceValue) GetMember ¶
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) GetMember( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, name string, ) Value
func (*StorageReferenceValue) InsertKey ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) InsertKey( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value, value Value, )
func (*StorageReferenceValue) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*StorageReferenceValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (*StorageReferenceValue) IsStorable ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (*StorageReferenceValue) IsStorable() bool
func (*StorageReferenceValue) IsValue ¶
func (*StorageReferenceValue) IsValue()
func (*StorageReferenceValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*StorageReferenceValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (*StorageReferenceValue) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (*StorageReferenceValue) ReferencedValue ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) ReferencedValue(interpreter *Interpreter) *Value
func (*StorageReferenceValue) RemoveKey ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) RemoveKey( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value, ) Value
func (*StorageReferenceValue) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) RemoveMember( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, name string, ) Value
func (*StorageReferenceValue) SetKey ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) SetKey( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value, value Value, )
func (*StorageReferenceValue) SetMember ¶
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) SetMember( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, name string, value Value, )
func (*StorageReferenceValue) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) StaticType() StaticType
func (*StorageReferenceValue) Storable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (*StorageReferenceValue) String ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (*StorageReferenceValue) String() string
func (*StorageReferenceValue) Transfer ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *StorageReferenceValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, ) Value
func (*StorageReferenceValue) Walk ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*StorageReferenceValue) Walk(_ func(Value))
type StringDynamicType ¶
type StringDynamicType struct{}
func (StringDynamicType) IsDynamicType ¶
func (StringDynamicType) IsDynamicType()
func (StringDynamicType) IsImportable ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (StringDynamicType) IsImportable() bool
type StringIndexOutOfBoundsError ¶ added in v0.16.0
type StringIndexOutOfBoundsError struct { Index int Length int LocationRange }
func (StringIndexOutOfBoundsError) Error ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (e StringIndexOutOfBoundsError) Error() string
type StringValue ¶
type StringValue struct { Str string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewStringValue ¶
func NewStringValue(str string) *StringValue
func (*StringValue) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v *StringValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (*StringValue) ByteSize ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *StringValue) ByteSize() uint32
func (*StringValue) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*StringValue) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (*StringValue) Concat ¶
func (v *StringValue) Concat(other *StringValue) Value
func (*StringValue) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (*StringValue) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (*StringValue) DecodeHex ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (v *StringValue) DecodeHex(interpreter *Interpreter) *ArrayValue
DecodeHex hex-decodes this string and returns an array of UInt8 values
func (*StringValue) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*StringValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (*StringValue) DynamicType ¶
func (*StringValue) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (*StringValue) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *StringValue) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes the value as a CBOR string
func (*StringValue) Equal ¶
func (v *StringValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (*StringValue) GetKey ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *StringValue) GetKey(_ *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value) Value
func (*StringValue) GetMember ¶
func (v *StringValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (*StringValue) HashInput ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *StringValue) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ []byte) []byte
func (*StringValue) InsertKey ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*StringValue) InsertKey(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ Value, _ Value)
func (*StringValue) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*StringValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (*StringValue) IsValue ¶
func (*StringValue) IsValue()
func (*StringValue) Length ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (v *StringValue) Length() int
Length returns the number of characters (grapheme clusters)
func (*StringValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*StringValue) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (*StringValue) NormalForm ¶
func (v *StringValue) NormalForm() string
func (*StringValue) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v *StringValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (*StringValue) RemoveKey ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*StringValue) RemoveKey(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ Value) Value
func (*StringValue) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*StringValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (*StringValue) SetKey ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*StringValue) SetKey(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ Value, _ Value)
func (*StringValue) SetMember ¶
func (*StringValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
func (*StringValue) Slice ¶
func (v *StringValue) Slice(from IntValue, to IntValue, getLocationRange func() LocationRange) Value
func (*StringValue) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (*StringValue) StaticType() StaticType
func (*StringValue) Storable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *StringValue) Storable(storage atree.SlabStorage, address atree.Address, maxInlineSize uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (*StringValue) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *StringValue) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (*StringValue) String ¶
func (v *StringValue) String() string
func (*StringValue) ToLower ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *StringValue) ToLower() *StringValue
func (*StringValue) Transfer ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v *StringValue) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, ) Value
func (*StringValue) Walk ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*StringValue) Walk(_ func(Value))
type TransactionNotDeclaredError ¶
type TransactionNotDeclaredError struct {
Index int
func (TransactionNotDeclaredError) Error ¶
func (e TransactionNotDeclaredError) Error() string
type TypeCodes ¶ added in v0.5.0
type TypeCodes struct { CompositeCodes map[sema.TypeID]CompositeTypeCode InterfaceCodes map[sema.TypeID]WrapperCode TypeRequirementCodes map[sema.TypeID]WrapperCode }
TypeCodes is the value which stores the "prepared" / "callable" "code" of all composite types, interface types, and type requirements.
type TypeConformanceResults ¶ added in v0.15.0
type TypeConformanceResults map[typeConformanceResultEntry]bool
type TypeLoadingError ¶ added in v0.10.5
func (TypeLoadingError) Error ¶ added in v0.10.5
func (e TypeLoadingError) Error() string
type TypeMismatchError ¶
type TypeMismatchError struct { ExpectedType sema.Type LocationRange }
func (TypeMismatchError) Error ¶
func (e TypeMismatchError) Error() string
type TypeParameter ¶ added in v0.19.0
type TypeParameter struct { Name string TypeBound StaticType Optional bool }
func (TypeParameter) Equal ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (p TypeParameter) Equal(other *TypeParameter) bool
func (TypeParameter) String ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (p TypeParameter) String() string
type TypeValue ¶ added in v0.4.0
type TypeValue struct {
Type StaticType
func (TypeValue) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v TypeValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (TypeValue) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (TypeValue) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v TypeValue) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (TypeValue) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (TypeValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (TypeValue) DynamicType ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (TypeValue) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (TypeValue) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
Encode encodes TypeValue as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagTypeValue, Content: cborArray{ encodedTypeValueTypeFieldKey: StaticType(v.Type), }, }
func (TypeValue) Equal ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (v TypeValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (TypeValue) GetMember ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (v TypeValue) GetMember(interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (TypeValue) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (TypeValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (TypeValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (TypeValue) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v TypeValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (TypeValue) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (TypeValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (TypeValue) SetMember ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (TypeValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
func (TypeValue) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (TypeValue) StaticType() StaticType
func (TypeValue) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
type UFix64Value ¶
type UFix64Value uint64
func ConvertUFix64 ¶
func ConvertUFix64(value Value) UFix64Value
func NewUFix64ValueWithInteger ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewUFix64ValueWithInteger(integer uint64) UFix64Value
func (UFix64Value) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v UFix64Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (UFix64Value) ByteSize ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UFix64Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (UFix64Value) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UFix64Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (UFix64Value) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UFix64Value) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (UFix64Value) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UFix64Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (UFix64Value) Div ¶
func (v UFix64Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UFix64Value) DynamicType ¶
func (UFix64Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (UFix64Value) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UFix64Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes UFix64Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagUFix64Value, Content: uint64(v), }
func (UFix64Value) Equal ¶
func (v UFix64Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (UFix64Value) GetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (v UFix64Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (UFix64Value) Greater ¶
func (v UFix64Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UFix64Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v UFix64Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UFix64Value) HashInput ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UFix64Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
func (UFix64Value) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UFix64Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (UFix64Value) IsStorable ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (UFix64Value) IsStorable() bool
func (UFix64Value) IsValue ¶
func (UFix64Value) IsValue()
func (UFix64Value) Less ¶
func (v UFix64Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UFix64Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v UFix64Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UFix64Value) Minus ¶
func (v UFix64Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UFix64Value) Mod ¶
func (v UFix64Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UFix64Value) Mul ¶
func (v UFix64Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UFix64Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UFix64Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (UFix64Value) Negate ¶
func (v UFix64Value) Negate() NumberValue
func (UFix64Value) Plus ¶
func (v UFix64Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UFix64Value) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v UFix64Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (UFix64Value) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UFix64Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (UFix64Value) SaturatingDiv ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UFix64Value) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UFix64Value) SaturatingMinus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UFix64Value) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UFix64Value) SaturatingMul ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UFix64Value) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UFix64Value) SaturatingPlus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UFix64Value) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UFix64Value) SetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (UFix64Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
func (UFix64Value) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (UFix64Value) StaticType() StaticType
func (UFix64Value) Storable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UFix64Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (UFix64Value) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UFix64Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (UFix64Value) String ¶
func (v UFix64Value) String() string
func (UFix64Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (v UFix64Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (UFix64Value) ToInt ¶
func (v UFix64Value) ToInt() int
func (UFix64Value) Transfer ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UFix64Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, ) Value
func (UFix64Value) Walk ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (UFix64Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
type UInt128Value ¶
func ConvertUInt128 ¶
func ConvertUInt128(value Value) UInt128Value
func NewUInt128ValueFromBigInt ¶
func NewUInt128ValueFromBigInt(value *big.Int) UInt128Value
func NewUInt128ValueFromUint64 ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewUInt128ValueFromUint64(value uint64) UInt128Value
func (UInt128Value) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v UInt128Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (UInt128Value) BitwiseAnd ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UInt128Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UInt128Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UInt128Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UInt128Value) BitwiseOr ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UInt128Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UInt128Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UInt128Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UInt128Value) BitwiseXor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UInt128Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UInt128Value) ByteSize ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt128Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (UInt128Value) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UInt128Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (UInt128Value) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UInt128Value) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (UInt128Value) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UInt128Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (UInt128Value) Div ¶
func (v UInt128Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt128Value) DynamicType ¶
func (UInt128Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (UInt128Value) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt128Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes UInt128Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagUInt128Value, Content: *big.Int(v.BigInt), }
func (UInt128Value) Equal ¶
func (v UInt128Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (UInt128Value) GetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (v UInt128Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (UInt128Value) Greater ¶
func (v UInt128Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UInt128Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v UInt128Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UInt128Value) HashInput ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt128Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ []byte) []byte
func (UInt128Value) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UInt128Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (UInt128Value) IsStorable ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (UInt128Value) IsStorable() bool
func (UInt128Value) IsValue ¶
func (UInt128Value) IsValue()
func (UInt128Value) Less ¶
func (v UInt128Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UInt128Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v UInt128Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UInt128Value) Minus ¶
func (v UInt128Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt128Value) Mod ¶
func (v UInt128Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt128Value) Mul ¶
func (v UInt128Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt128Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UInt128Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (UInt128Value) Negate ¶
func (v UInt128Value) Negate() NumberValue
func (UInt128Value) Plus ¶
func (v UInt128Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt128Value) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v UInt128Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (UInt128Value) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UInt128Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (UInt128Value) SaturatingDiv ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UInt128Value) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt128Value) SaturatingMinus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UInt128Value) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt128Value) SaturatingMul ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UInt128Value) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt128Value) SaturatingPlus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UInt128Value) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt128Value) SetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (UInt128Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
func (UInt128Value) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (UInt128Value) StaticType() StaticType
func (UInt128Value) Storable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt128Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (UInt128Value) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt128Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (UInt128Value) String ¶
func (v UInt128Value) String() string
func (UInt128Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (v UInt128Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (UInt128Value) ToBigInt ¶
func (v UInt128Value) ToBigInt() *big.Int
func (UInt128Value) ToInt ¶
func (v UInt128Value) ToInt() int
func (UInt128Value) Transfer ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt128Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, ) Value
func (UInt128Value) Walk ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (UInt128Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
type UInt16Value ¶
type UInt16Value uint16
func ConvertUInt16 ¶
func ConvertUInt16(value Value) UInt16Value
func (UInt16Value) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v UInt16Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (UInt16Value) BitwiseAnd ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UInt16Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UInt16Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UInt16Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UInt16Value) BitwiseOr ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UInt16Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UInt16Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UInt16Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UInt16Value) BitwiseXor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UInt16Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UInt16Value) ByteSize ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt16Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (UInt16Value) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UInt16Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (UInt16Value) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UInt16Value) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (UInt16Value) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UInt16Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (UInt16Value) Div ¶
func (v UInt16Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt16Value) DynamicType ¶
func (UInt16Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (UInt16Value) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt16Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes UInt16Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagUInt16Value, Content: uint16(v), }
func (UInt16Value) Equal ¶
func (v UInt16Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (UInt16Value) GetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (v UInt16Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (UInt16Value) Greater ¶
func (v UInt16Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UInt16Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v UInt16Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UInt16Value) HashInput ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt16Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
func (UInt16Value) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UInt16Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (UInt16Value) IsStorable ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (UInt16Value) IsStorable() bool
func (UInt16Value) IsValue ¶
func (UInt16Value) IsValue()
func (UInt16Value) Less ¶
func (v UInt16Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UInt16Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v UInt16Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UInt16Value) Minus ¶
func (v UInt16Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt16Value) Mod ¶
func (v UInt16Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt16Value) Mul ¶
func (v UInt16Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt16Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UInt16Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (UInt16Value) Negate ¶
func (v UInt16Value) Negate() NumberValue
func (UInt16Value) Plus ¶
func (v UInt16Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt16Value) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v UInt16Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (UInt16Value) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UInt16Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (UInt16Value) SaturatingDiv ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UInt16Value) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt16Value) SaturatingMinus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UInt16Value) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt16Value) SaturatingMul ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UInt16Value) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt16Value) SaturatingPlus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UInt16Value) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt16Value) SetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (UInt16Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
func (UInt16Value) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (UInt16Value) StaticType() StaticType
func (UInt16Value) Storable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt16Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (UInt16Value) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt16Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (UInt16Value) String ¶
func (v UInt16Value) String() string
func (UInt16Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (v UInt16Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (UInt16Value) ToInt ¶
func (v UInt16Value) ToInt() int
func (UInt16Value) Transfer ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt16Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, ) Value
func (UInt16Value) Walk ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (UInt16Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
type UInt256Value ¶
func ConvertUInt256 ¶
func ConvertUInt256(value Value) UInt256Value
func NewUInt256ValueFromBigInt ¶
func NewUInt256ValueFromBigInt(value *big.Int) UInt256Value
func NewUInt256ValueFromUint64 ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewUInt256ValueFromUint64(value uint64) UInt256Value
func (UInt256Value) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v UInt256Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (UInt256Value) BitwiseAnd ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UInt256Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UInt256Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UInt256Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UInt256Value) BitwiseOr ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UInt256Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UInt256Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UInt256Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UInt256Value) BitwiseXor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UInt256Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UInt256Value) ByteSize ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt256Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (UInt256Value) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UInt256Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (UInt256Value) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UInt256Value) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (UInt256Value) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UInt256Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (UInt256Value) Div ¶
func (v UInt256Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt256Value) DynamicType ¶
func (UInt256Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (UInt256Value) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt256Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes UInt256Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagUInt256Value, Content: *big.Int(v.BigInt), }
func (UInt256Value) Equal ¶
func (v UInt256Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (UInt256Value) GetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (v UInt256Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (UInt256Value) Greater ¶
func (v UInt256Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UInt256Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v UInt256Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UInt256Value) HashInput ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt256Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ []byte) []byte
func (UInt256Value) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UInt256Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (UInt256Value) IsStorable ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (UInt256Value) IsStorable() bool
func (UInt256Value) IsValue ¶
func (UInt256Value) IsValue()
func (UInt256Value) Less ¶
func (v UInt256Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UInt256Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v UInt256Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UInt256Value) Minus ¶
func (v UInt256Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt256Value) Mod ¶
func (v UInt256Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt256Value) Mul ¶
func (v UInt256Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt256Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UInt256Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (UInt256Value) Negate ¶
func (v UInt256Value) Negate() NumberValue
func (UInt256Value) Plus ¶
func (v UInt256Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt256Value) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v UInt256Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (UInt256Value) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UInt256Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (UInt256Value) SaturatingDiv ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UInt256Value) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt256Value) SaturatingMinus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UInt256Value) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt256Value) SaturatingMul ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UInt256Value) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt256Value) SaturatingPlus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UInt256Value) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt256Value) SetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (UInt256Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
func (UInt256Value) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (UInt256Value) StaticType() StaticType
func (UInt256Value) Storable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt256Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (UInt256Value) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt256Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (UInt256Value) String ¶
func (v UInt256Value) String() string
func (UInt256Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (v UInt256Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (UInt256Value) ToBigInt ¶
func (v UInt256Value) ToBigInt() *big.Int
func (UInt256Value) ToInt ¶
func (v UInt256Value) ToInt() int
func (UInt256Value) Transfer ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt256Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, ) Value
func (UInt256Value) Walk ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (UInt256Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
type UInt32Value ¶
type UInt32Value uint32
func ConvertUInt32 ¶
func ConvertUInt32(value Value) UInt32Value
func (UInt32Value) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v UInt32Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (UInt32Value) BitwiseAnd ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UInt32Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UInt32Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UInt32Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UInt32Value) BitwiseOr ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UInt32Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UInt32Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UInt32Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UInt32Value) BitwiseXor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UInt32Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UInt32Value) ByteSize ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt32Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (UInt32Value) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UInt32Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (UInt32Value) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UInt32Value) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (UInt32Value) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UInt32Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (UInt32Value) Div ¶
func (v UInt32Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt32Value) DynamicType ¶
func (UInt32Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (UInt32Value) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt32Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes UInt32Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagUInt32Value, Content: uint32(v), }
func (UInt32Value) Equal ¶
func (v UInt32Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (UInt32Value) GetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (v UInt32Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (UInt32Value) Greater ¶
func (v UInt32Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UInt32Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v UInt32Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UInt32Value) HashInput ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt32Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
func (UInt32Value) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UInt32Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (UInt32Value) IsStorable ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (UInt32Value) IsStorable() bool
func (UInt32Value) IsValue ¶
func (UInt32Value) IsValue()
func (UInt32Value) Less ¶
func (v UInt32Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UInt32Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v UInt32Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UInt32Value) Minus ¶
func (v UInt32Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt32Value) Mod ¶
func (v UInt32Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt32Value) Mul ¶
func (v UInt32Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt32Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UInt32Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (UInt32Value) Negate ¶
func (v UInt32Value) Negate() NumberValue
func (UInt32Value) Plus ¶
func (v UInt32Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt32Value) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v UInt32Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (UInt32Value) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UInt32Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (UInt32Value) SaturatingDiv ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UInt32Value) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt32Value) SaturatingMinus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UInt32Value) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt32Value) SaturatingMul ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UInt32Value) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt32Value) SaturatingPlus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UInt32Value) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt32Value) SetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (UInt32Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
func (UInt32Value) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (UInt32Value) StaticType() StaticType
func (UInt32Value) Storable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt32Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (UInt32Value) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt32Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (UInt32Value) String ¶
func (v UInt32Value) String() string
func (UInt32Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (v UInt32Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (UInt32Value) ToInt ¶
func (v UInt32Value) ToInt() int
func (UInt32Value) Transfer ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt32Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, ) Value
func (UInt32Value) Walk ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (UInt32Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
type UInt64Value ¶
type UInt64Value uint64
func ConvertUInt64 ¶
func ConvertUInt64(value Value) UInt64Value
func (UInt64Value) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v UInt64Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (UInt64Value) BitwiseAnd ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UInt64Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UInt64Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UInt64Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UInt64Value) BitwiseOr ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UInt64Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UInt64Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UInt64Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UInt64Value) BitwiseXor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UInt64Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UInt64Value) ByteSize ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt64Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (UInt64Value) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UInt64Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (UInt64Value) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UInt64Value) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (UInt64Value) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UInt64Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (UInt64Value) Div ¶
func (v UInt64Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt64Value) DynamicType ¶
func (UInt64Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (UInt64Value) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt64Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes UInt64Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagUInt64Value, Content: uint64(v), }
func (UInt64Value) Equal ¶
func (v UInt64Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (UInt64Value) GetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (v UInt64Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (UInt64Value) Greater ¶
func (v UInt64Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UInt64Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v UInt64Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UInt64Value) HashInput ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt64Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
func (UInt64Value) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UInt64Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (UInt64Value) IsStorable ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (UInt64Value) IsStorable() bool
func (UInt64Value) IsValue ¶
func (UInt64Value) IsValue()
func (UInt64Value) Less ¶
func (v UInt64Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UInt64Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v UInt64Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UInt64Value) Minus ¶
func (v UInt64Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt64Value) Mod ¶
func (v UInt64Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt64Value) Mul ¶
func (v UInt64Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt64Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UInt64Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (UInt64Value) Negate ¶
func (v UInt64Value) Negate() NumberValue
func (UInt64Value) Plus ¶
func (v UInt64Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt64Value) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v UInt64Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (UInt64Value) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UInt64Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (UInt64Value) SaturatingDiv ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UInt64Value) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt64Value) SaturatingMinus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UInt64Value) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt64Value) SaturatingMul ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UInt64Value) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt64Value) SaturatingPlus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UInt64Value) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt64Value) SetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (UInt64Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
func (UInt64Value) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (UInt64Value) StaticType() StaticType
func (UInt64Value) Storable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt64Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (UInt64Value) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt64Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (UInt64Value) String ¶
func (v UInt64Value) String() string
func (UInt64Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (v UInt64Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (UInt64Value) ToBigInt ¶ added in v0.21.0
func (v UInt64Value) ToBigInt() *big.Int
NOTE: important, do *NOT* remove: UInt64 values > math.MaxInt64 overflow int. Implementing BigNumberValue ensures conversion functions call ToBigInt instead of ToInt.
func (UInt64Value) ToInt ¶
func (v UInt64Value) ToInt() int
func (UInt64Value) Transfer ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt64Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, ) Value
func (UInt64Value) Walk ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (UInt64Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
type UInt8Value ¶
type UInt8Value uint8
func ConvertUInt8 ¶
func ConvertUInt8(value Value) UInt8Value
func (UInt8Value) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v UInt8Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (UInt8Value) BitwiseAnd ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UInt8Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UInt8Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UInt8Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UInt8Value) BitwiseOr ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UInt8Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UInt8Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UInt8Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UInt8Value) BitwiseXor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UInt8Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UInt8Value) ByteSize ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt8Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (UInt8Value) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UInt8Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (UInt8Value) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UInt8Value) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (UInt8Value) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UInt8Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (UInt8Value) Div ¶
func (v UInt8Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt8Value) DynamicType ¶
func (UInt8Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (UInt8Value) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt8Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes UInt8Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagUInt8Value, Content: uint8(v), }
func (UInt8Value) Equal ¶
func (v UInt8Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (UInt8Value) GetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (v UInt8Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (UInt8Value) Greater ¶
func (v UInt8Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UInt8Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v UInt8Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UInt8Value) HashInput ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt8Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
func (UInt8Value) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UInt8Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (UInt8Value) IsValue ¶
func (UInt8Value) IsValue()
func (UInt8Value) Less ¶
func (v UInt8Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UInt8Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v UInt8Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UInt8Value) Minus ¶
func (v UInt8Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt8Value) Mod ¶
func (v UInt8Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt8Value) Mul ¶
func (v UInt8Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt8Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UInt8Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (UInt8Value) Negate ¶
func (v UInt8Value) Negate() NumberValue
func (UInt8Value) Plus ¶
func (v UInt8Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt8Value) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v UInt8Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (UInt8Value) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UInt8Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (UInt8Value) SaturatingDiv ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UInt8Value) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt8Value) SaturatingMinus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UInt8Value) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt8Value) SaturatingMul ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UInt8Value) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt8Value) SaturatingPlus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UInt8Value) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UInt8Value) SetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (UInt8Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
func (UInt8Value) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (UInt8Value) StaticType() StaticType
func (UInt8Value) Storable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt8Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (UInt8Value) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt8Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (UInt8Value) String ¶
func (v UInt8Value) String() string
func (UInt8Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (v UInt8Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (UInt8Value) ToInt ¶
func (v UInt8Value) ToInt() int
func (UInt8Value) Transfer ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UInt8Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, ) Value
func (UInt8Value) Walk ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (UInt8Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
type UIntValue ¶
func ConvertUInt ¶
func NewUIntValueFromBigInt ¶
func NewUIntValueFromUint64 ¶
func (UIntValue) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v UIntValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (UIntValue) BitwiseAnd ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UIntValue) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UIntValue) BitwiseLeftShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UIntValue) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UIntValue) BitwiseOr ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UIntValue) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UIntValue) BitwiseRightShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UIntValue) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UIntValue) BitwiseXor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v UIntValue) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (UIntValue) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UIntValue) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UIntValue) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (UIntValue) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UIntValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (UIntValue) Div ¶
func (v UIntValue) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UIntValue) DynamicType ¶
func (UIntValue) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (UIntValue) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
Encode encodes UIntValue as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagUIntValue, Content: *big.Int(v.BigInt), }
func (UIntValue) Equal ¶
func (v UIntValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (UIntValue) GetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (v UIntValue) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (UIntValue) Greater ¶
func (v UIntValue) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UIntValue) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v UIntValue) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UIntValue) HashInput ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v UIntValue) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ []byte) []byte
func (UIntValue) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UIntValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (UIntValue) Less ¶
func (v UIntValue) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UIntValue) LessEqual ¶
func (v UIntValue) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (UIntValue) Minus ¶
func (v UIntValue) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UIntValue) Mod ¶
func (v UIntValue) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UIntValue) Mul ¶
func (v UIntValue) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UIntValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UIntValue) Negate ¶
func (v UIntValue) Negate() NumberValue
func (UIntValue) Plus ¶
func (v UIntValue) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UIntValue) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v UIntValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (UIntValue) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UIntValue) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (UIntValue) SaturatingDiv ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UIntValue) SaturatingDiv(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UIntValue) SaturatingMinus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UIntValue) SaturatingMinus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UIntValue) SaturatingMul ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UIntValue) SaturatingMul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UIntValue) SaturatingPlus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v UIntValue) SaturatingPlus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (UIntValue) SetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (UIntValue) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
func (UIntValue) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (UIntValue) StaticType() StaticType
func (UIntValue) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (UIntValue) ToBigEndianBytes ¶ added in v0.5.0
type UUIDHandlerFunc ¶
UUIDHandlerFunc is a function that handles the generation of UUIDs.
type UUIDUnavailableError ¶ added in v0.10.4
type UUIDUnavailableError struct {
func (UUIDUnavailableError) Error ¶ added in v0.10.4
func (e UUIDUnavailableError) Error() string
type UnderflowError ¶
type UnderflowError struct{}
func (UnderflowError) Error ¶
func (e UnderflowError) Error() string
type UnsupportedTagDecodingError ¶ added in v0.19.0
type UnsupportedTagDecodingError struct {
Tag uint64
func (UnsupportedTagDecodingError) Error ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (e UnsupportedTagDecodingError) Error() string
type Value ¶
type Value interface { atree.Value // Stringer provides `func String() string` // NOTE: important, error messages rely on values to implement String fmt.Stringer IsValue() Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor) Walk(walkChild func(Value)) DynamicType(interpreter *Interpreter, seenReferences SeenReferences) DynamicType StaticType() StaticType ConformsToDynamicType( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, results TypeConformanceResults, ) bool RecursiveString(seenReferences SeenReferences) string IsResourceKinded(interpreter *Interpreter) bool NeedsStoreTo(address atree.Address) bool Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, address atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, ) Value DeepRemove(interpreter *Interpreter) }
func BoxOptional ¶ added in v0.21.2
BoxOptional boxes a value in optionals, if necessary
func ConvertAndBox ¶ added in v0.21.2
ConvertAndBox converts a value to a target type, and boxes in optionals and any value, if necessary
func ConvertPrivatePath ¶ added in v0.23.0
func ConvertPublicPath ¶ added in v0.23.0
func ConvertStoragePath ¶ added in v0.23.0
func ConvertStoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func MustConvertStoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func NewAuthAccountContractsValue ¶ added in v0.15.0
func NewAuthAccountContractsValue( address AddressValue, addFunction FunctionValue, updateFunction FunctionValue, getFunction FunctionValue, removeFunction FunctionValue, namesGetter func(interpreter *Interpreter) *ArrayValue, ) Value
func NewAuthAccountKeysValue ¶ added in v0.14.0
func NewAuthAccountKeysValue( address AddressValue, addFunction FunctionValue, getFunction FunctionValue, revokeFunction FunctionValue, ) Value
NewAuthAccountKeysValue constructs a AuthAccount.Keys value.
func NewAuthAccountValue ¶
func NewAuthAccountValue( address AddressValue, accountBalanceGet func() UFix64Value, accountAvailableBalanceGet func() UFix64Value, storageUsedGet func(interpreter *Interpreter) UInt64Value, storageCapacityGet func() UInt64Value, addPublicKeyFunction FunctionValue, removePublicKeyFunction FunctionValue, contractsConstructor func() Value, keysConstructor func() Value, ) Value
NewAuthAccountValue constructs an auth account value.
func NewIntValue ¶ added in v0.16.0
NewIntValue creates a Cadence interpreter value of a given subtype. This method assumes the range validations are done prior to calling this method. (i.e: at semantic level)
func NewPublicAccountContractsValue ¶ added in v0.19.0
func NewPublicAccountContractsValue( address AddressValue, getFunction FunctionValue, namesGetter func(interpreter *Interpreter) *ArrayValue, ) Value
func NewPublicAccountKeysValue ¶ added in v0.14.0
func NewPublicAccountKeysValue( address AddressValue, getFunction FunctionValue, ) Value
NewPublicAccountKeysValue constructs a PublicAccount.Keys value.
func NewPublicAccountValue ¶
func NewPublicAccountValue( address AddressValue, accountBalanceGet func() UFix64Value, accountAvailableBalanceGet func() UFix64Value, storageUsedGet func(interpreter *Interpreter) UInt64Value, storageCapacityGet func() UInt64Value, keysConstructor func() Value, contractsConstructor func() Value, ) Value
NewPublicAccountValue constructs a public account value.
func StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func StoredValue(storable atree.Storable, storage atree.SlabStorage) Value
type ValueConverterDeclaration ¶ added in v0.21.2
type ValueConverterDeclaration struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type ValueDeclaration ¶ added in v0.12.0
type ValueIndexableValue ¶
type ValueIndexableValue interface { Value GetKey(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value) Value SetKey(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value, value Value) RemoveKey(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value) Value InsertKey(interpreter *Interpreter, getLocationRange func() LocationRange, key Value, value Value) }
type ValueTransferTypeError ¶ added in v0.15.0
type ValueTransferTypeError struct { TargetType sema.Type LocationRange }
func (ValueTransferTypeError) Error ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (e ValueTransferTypeError) Error() string
type ValueWalker ¶ added in v0.19.0
type ValueWalker interface {
WalkValue(value Value) ValueWalker
type Variable ¶
type Variable struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewVariableWithGetter ¶ added in v0.13.9
func NewVariableWithValue ¶ added in v0.13.9
type VariableActivation ¶ added in v0.14.0
type VariableActivation struct { Depth int Parent *VariableActivation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A VariableActivation is a map of strings to values. It can be used to represent an active scope in a program, i.e. it can be used as a symbol table during semantic analysis, or as an activation record during interpretation or compilation.
func NewVariableActivation ¶ added in v0.14.0
func NewVariableActivation(parent *VariableActivation) *VariableActivation
func (*VariableActivation) Find ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (a *VariableActivation) Find(name string) *Variable
Find returns the value for a given name in the activation. It returns nil if no value is found.
func (*VariableActivation) Set ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (a *VariableActivation) Set(name string, value *Variable)
Set sets the given name-value pair in the activation.
type VariableActivations ¶ added in v0.14.0
type VariableActivations struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Activations is a stack of activation records. Each entry represents a new activation record.
The current / most nested activation record can be found at the top of the stack (see function `Current`).
func (*VariableActivations) Current ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (a *VariableActivations) Current() *VariableActivation
Current returns the current / most nested activation, which can be found at the top of the stack. It returns nil if there is no active activation.
func (*VariableActivations) CurrentOrNew ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (a *VariableActivations) CurrentOrNew() *VariableActivation
CurrentOrNew returns the current activation, or if it does not exists, a new activation
func (*VariableActivations) Depth ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (a *VariableActivations) Depth() int
Depth returns the depth (size) of the activation stack.
func (*VariableActivations) Find ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (a *VariableActivations) Find(name string) *Variable
Find returns the value for a given key in the current activation. It returns nil if no value is found or if there is no current activation.
func (*VariableActivations) Pop ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (a *VariableActivations) Pop()
Pop pops the top-most (current) activation from the top of the activation stack.
func (*VariableActivations) Push ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (a *VariableActivations) Push(activation *VariableActivation)
Push pushes the given activation onto the top of the activation stack.
func (*VariableActivations) PushNewWithCurrent ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (a *VariableActivations) PushNewWithCurrent()
PushNewWithCurrent pushes a new empty activation to the top of the activation stack. The new activation has the current activation as its parent.
func (*VariableActivations) PushNewWithParent ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (a *VariableActivations) PushNewWithParent(parent *VariableActivation) *VariableActivation
PushNewWithParent pushes a new empty activation to the top of the activation stack. The new activation has the given parent as its parent.
func (*VariableActivations) Set ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (a *VariableActivations) Set(name string, value *Variable)
Set sets the name-value pair in the current scope.
type VariableSizedStaticType ¶
type VariableSizedStaticType struct {
Type StaticType
func (VariableSizedStaticType) ElementType ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (t VariableSizedStaticType) ElementType() StaticType
func (VariableSizedStaticType) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (t VariableSizedStaticType) Encode(e *cbor.StreamEncoder) error
Encode encodes VariableSizedStaticType as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagVariableSizedStaticType, Content: StaticType(v.Type), }
func (VariableSizedStaticType) Equal ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (t VariableSizedStaticType) Equal(other StaticType) bool
func (VariableSizedStaticType) String ¶
func (t VariableSizedStaticType) String() string
type VirtualImport ¶ added in v0.5.0
type VirtualImport struct { Globals []struct { Name string Value Value } TypeCodes TypeCodes Elaboration *sema.Elaboration }
type Visitor ¶ added in v0.12.0
type Visitor interface { VisitSimpleCompositeValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *SimpleCompositeValue) VisitTypeValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value TypeValue) VisitVoidValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value VoidValue) VisitBoolValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value BoolValue) VisitStringValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *StringValue) VisitArrayValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *ArrayValue) bool VisitIntValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value IntValue) VisitInt8Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int8Value) VisitInt16Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int16Value) VisitInt32Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int32Value) VisitInt64Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int64Value) VisitInt128Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int128Value) VisitInt256Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Int256Value) VisitUIntValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value UIntValue) VisitUInt8Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt8Value) VisitUInt16Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt16Value) VisitUInt32Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt32Value) VisitUInt64Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt64Value) VisitUInt128Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt128Value) VisitUInt256Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UInt256Value) VisitWord8Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word8Value) VisitWord16Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word16Value) VisitWord32Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word32Value) VisitWord64Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Word64Value) VisitFix64Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value Fix64Value) VisitUFix64Value(interpreter *Interpreter, value UFix64Value) VisitCompositeValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *CompositeValue) bool VisitDictionaryValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *DictionaryValue) bool VisitNilValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value NilValue) VisitSomeValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *SomeValue) bool VisitStorageReferenceValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *StorageReferenceValue) VisitEphemeralReferenceValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *EphemeralReferenceValue) VisitAddressValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value AddressValue) VisitPathValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value PathValue) VisitCapabilityValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *CapabilityValue) VisitLinkValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value LinkValue) VisitInterpretedFunctionValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *InterpretedFunctionValue) VisitHostFunctionValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value *HostFunctionValue) VisitBoundFunctionValue(interpreter *Interpreter, value BoundFunctionValue) }
type VoidDynamicType ¶
type VoidDynamicType struct{}
func (VoidDynamicType) IsDynamicType ¶
func (VoidDynamicType) IsDynamicType()
func (VoidDynamicType) IsImportable ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (VoidDynamicType) IsImportable() bool
type VoidValue ¶
type VoidValue struct{}
func (VoidValue) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v VoidValue) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (VoidValue) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (VoidValue) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v VoidValue) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (VoidValue) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (VoidValue) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (VoidValue) DynamicType ¶
func (VoidValue) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (VoidValue) Equal ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v VoidValue) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (VoidValue) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (VoidValue) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (VoidValue) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (VoidValue) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v VoidValue) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (VoidValue) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (VoidValue) StaticType() StaticType
func (VoidValue) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
type Word16Value ¶
type Word16Value uint16
func ConvertWord16 ¶
func ConvertWord16(value Value) Word16Value
func (Word16Value) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v Word16Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (Word16Value) BitwiseAnd ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Word16Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Word16Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Word16Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Word16Value) BitwiseOr ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Word16Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Word16Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Word16Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Word16Value) BitwiseXor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Word16Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Word16Value) ByteSize ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Word16Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (Word16Value) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Word16Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (Word16Value) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Word16Value) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (Word16Value) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Word16Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (Word16Value) Div ¶
func (v Word16Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word16Value) DynamicType ¶
func (Word16Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (Word16Value) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Word16Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes Word16Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagWord16Value, Content: uint16(v), }
func (Word16Value) Equal ¶
func (v Word16Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (Word16Value) GetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (v Word16Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (Word16Value) Greater ¶
func (v Word16Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Word16Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v Word16Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Word16Value) HashInput ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Word16Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
func (Word16Value) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Word16Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (Word16Value) IsStorable ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (Word16Value) IsStorable() bool
func (Word16Value) IsValue ¶
func (Word16Value) IsValue()
func (Word16Value) Less ¶
func (v Word16Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Word16Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v Word16Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Word16Value) Minus ¶
func (v Word16Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word16Value) Mod ¶
func (v Word16Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word16Value) Mul ¶
func (v Word16Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word16Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Word16Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (Word16Value) Negate ¶
func (v Word16Value) Negate() NumberValue
func (Word16Value) Plus ¶
func (v Word16Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word16Value) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v Word16Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (Word16Value) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Word16Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (Word16Value) SaturatingDiv ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Word16Value) SaturatingDiv(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word16Value) SaturatingMinus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Word16Value) SaturatingMinus(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word16Value) SaturatingMul ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Word16Value) SaturatingMul(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word16Value) SaturatingPlus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Word16Value) SaturatingPlus(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word16Value) SetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (Word16Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
func (Word16Value) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (Word16Value) StaticType() StaticType
func (Word16Value) Storable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Word16Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (Word16Value) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Word16Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (Word16Value) String ¶
func (v Word16Value) String() string
func (Word16Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (v Word16Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (Word16Value) ToInt ¶
func (v Word16Value) ToInt() int
func (Word16Value) Transfer ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Word16Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, ) Value
func (Word16Value) Walk ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (Word16Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
type Word32Value ¶
type Word32Value uint32
func ConvertWord32 ¶
func ConvertWord32(value Value) Word32Value
func (Word32Value) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v Word32Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (Word32Value) BitwiseAnd ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Word32Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Word32Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Word32Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Word32Value) BitwiseOr ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Word32Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Word32Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Word32Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Word32Value) BitwiseXor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Word32Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Word32Value) ByteSize ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Word32Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (Word32Value) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Word32Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (Word32Value) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Word32Value) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (Word32Value) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Word32Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (Word32Value) Div ¶
func (v Word32Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word32Value) DynamicType ¶
func (Word32Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (Word32Value) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Word32Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes Word32Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagWord32Value, Content: uint32(v), }
func (Word32Value) Equal ¶
func (v Word32Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (Word32Value) GetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (v Word32Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (Word32Value) Greater ¶
func (v Word32Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Word32Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v Word32Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Word32Value) HashInput ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Word32Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
func (Word32Value) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Word32Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (Word32Value) IsStorable ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (Word32Value) IsStorable() bool
func (Word32Value) IsValue ¶
func (Word32Value) IsValue()
func (Word32Value) Less ¶
func (v Word32Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Word32Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v Word32Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Word32Value) Minus ¶
func (v Word32Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word32Value) Mod ¶
func (v Word32Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word32Value) Mul ¶
func (v Word32Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word32Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Word32Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (Word32Value) Negate ¶
func (v Word32Value) Negate() NumberValue
func (Word32Value) Plus ¶
func (v Word32Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word32Value) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v Word32Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (Word32Value) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Word32Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (Word32Value) SaturatingDiv ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Word32Value) SaturatingDiv(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word32Value) SaturatingMinus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Word32Value) SaturatingMinus(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word32Value) SaturatingMul ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Word32Value) SaturatingMul(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word32Value) SaturatingPlus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Word32Value) SaturatingPlus(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word32Value) SetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (Word32Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
func (Word32Value) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (Word32Value) StaticType() StaticType
func (Word32Value) Storable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Word32Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (Word32Value) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Word32Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (Word32Value) String ¶
func (v Word32Value) String() string
func (Word32Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (v Word32Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (Word32Value) ToInt ¶
func (v Word32Value) ToInt() int
func (Word32Value) Transfer ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Word32Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, ) Value
func (Word32Value) Walk ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (Word32Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
type Word64Value ¶
type Word64Value uint64
func ConvertWord64 ¶
func ConvertWord64(value Value) Word64Value
func (Word64Value) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v Word64Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (Word64Value) BitwiseAnd ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Word64Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Word64Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Word64Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Word64Value) BitwiseOr ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Word64Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Word64Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Word64Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Word64Value) BitwiseXor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Word64Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Word64Value) ByteSize ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Word64Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (Word64Value) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Word64Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (Word64Value) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Word64Value) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (Word64Value) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Word64Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (Word64Value) Div ¶
func (v Word64Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word64Value) DynamicType ¶
func (Word64Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (Word64Value) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Word64Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes Word64Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagWord64Value, Content: uint64(v), }
func (Word64Value) Equal ¶
func (v Word64Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (Word64Value) GetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (v Word64Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (Word64Value) Greater ¶
func (v Word64Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Word64Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v Word64Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Word64Value) HashInput ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Word64Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
func (Word64Value) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Word64Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (Word64Value) IsStorable ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (Word64Value) IsStorable() bool
func (Word64Value) IsValue ¶
func (Word64Value) IsValue()
func (Word64Value) Less ¶
func (v Word64Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Word64Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v Word64Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Word64Value) Minus ¶
func (v Word64Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word64Value) Mod ¶
func (v Word64Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word64Value) Mul ¶
func (v Word64Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word64Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Word64Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (Word64Value) Negate ¶
func (v Word64Value) Negate() NumberValue
func (Word64Value) Plus ¶
func (v Word64Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word64Value) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v Word64Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (Word64Value) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Word64Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (Word64Value) SaturatingDiv ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Word64Value) SaturatingDiv(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word64Value) SaturatingMinus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Word64Value) SaturatingMinus(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word64Value) SaturatingMul ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Word64Value) SaturatingMul(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word64Value) SaturatingPlus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Word64Value) SaturatingPlus(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word64Value) SetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (Word64Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
func (Word64Value) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (Word64Value) StaticType() StaticType
func (Word64Value) Storable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Word64Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (Word64Value) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Word64Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (Word64Value) String ¶
func (v Word64Value) String() string
func (Word64Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (v Word64Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (Word64Value) ToBigInt ¶ added in v0.21.0
func (v Word64Value) ToBigInt() *big.Int
NOTE: important, do *NOT* remove: Word64 values > math.MaxInt64 overflow int. Implementing BigNumberValue ensures conversion functions call ToBigInt instead of ToInt.
func (Word64Value) ToInt ¶
func (v Word64Value) ToInt() int
func (Word64Value) Transfer ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Word64Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, ) Value
func (Word64Value) Walk ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (Word64Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
type Word8Value ¶
type Word8Value uint8
func ConvertWord8 ¶
func ConvertWord8(value Value) Word8Value
func (Word8Value) Accept ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v Word8Value) Accept(interpreter *Interpreter, visitor Visitor)
func (Word8Value) BitwiseAnd ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Word8Value) BitwiseAnd(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Word8Value) BitwiseLeftShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Word8Value) BitwiseLeftShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Word8Value) BitwiseOr ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Word8Value) BitwiseOr(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Word8Value) BitwiseRightShift ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Word8Value) BitwiseRightShift(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Word8Value) BitwiseXor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v Word8Value) BitwiseXor(other IntegerValue) IntegerValue
func (Word8Value) ByteSize ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Word8Value) ByteSize() uint32
func (Word8Value) ChildStorables ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Word8Value) ChildStorables() []atree.Storable
func (Word8Value) ConformsToDynamicType ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Word8Value) ConformsToDynamicType( _ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, dynamicType DynamicType, _ TypeConformanceResults, ) bool
func (Word8Value) DeepRemove ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Word8Value) DeepRemove(_ *Interpreter)
func (Word8Value) Div ¶
func (v Word8Value) Div(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word8Value) DynamicType ¶
func (Word8Value) DynamicType(_ *Interpreter, _ SeenReferences) DynamicType
func (Word8Value) Encode ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Word8Value) Encode(e *atree.Encoder) error
Encode encodes Word8Value as
cbor.Tag{ Number: CBORTagWord8Value, Content: uint8(v), }
func (Word8Value) Equal ¶
func (v Word8Value) Equal(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, other Value) bool
func (Word8Value) GetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (v Word8Value) GetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, name string) Value
func (Word8Value) Greater ¶
func (v Word8Value) Greater(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Word8Value) GreaterEqual ¶
func (v Word8Value) GreaterEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Word8Value) HashInput ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Word8Value) HashInput(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, scratch []byte) []byte
func (Word8Value) IsResourceKinded ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Word8Value) IsResourceKinded(_ *Interpreter) bool
func (Word8Value) IsStorable ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (Word8Value) IsStorable() bool
func (Word8Value) IsValue ¶
func (Word8Value) IsValue()
func (Word8Value) Less ¶
func (v Word8Value) Less(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Word8Value) LessEqual ¶
func (v Word8Value) LessEqual(other NumberValue) BoolValue
func (Word8Value) Minus ¶
func (v Word8Value) Minus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word8Value) Mod ¶
func (v Word8Value) Mod(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word8Value) Mul ¶
func (v Word8Value) Mul(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word8Value) NeedsStoreTo ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Word8Value) NeedsStoreTo(_ atree.Address) bool
func (Word8Value) Negate ¶
func (v Word8Value) Negate() NumberValue
func (Word8Value) Plus ¶
func (v Word8Value) Plus(other NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word8Value) RecursiveString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (v Word8Value) RecursiveString(_ SeenReferences) string
func (Word8Value) RemoveMember ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (Word8Value) RemoveMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string) Value
func (Word8Value) SaturatingDiv ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Word8Value) SaturatingDiv(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word8Value) SaturatingMinus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Word8Value) SaturatingMinus(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word8Value) SaturatingMul ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Word8Value) SaturatingMul(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word8Value) SaturatingPlus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v Word8Value) SaturatingPlus(_ NumberValue) NumberValue
func (Word8Value) SetMember ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (Word8Value) SetMember(_ *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ string, _ Value)
func (Word8Value) StaticType ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (Word8Value) StaticType() StaticType
func (Word8Value) Storable ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Word8Value) Storable(_ atree.SlabStorage, _ atree.Address, _ uint64) (atree.Storable, error)
func (Word8Value) StoredValue ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Word8Value) StoredValue(_ atree.SlabStorage) (atree.Value, error)
func (Word8Value) String ¶
func (v Word8Value) String() string
func (Word8Value) ToBigEndianBytes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (v Word8Value) ToBigEndianBytes() []byte
func (Word8Value) ToInt ¶
func (v Word8Value) ToInt() int
func (Word8Value) Transfer ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (v Word8Value) Transfer( interpreter *Interpreter, _ func() LocationRange, _ atree.Address, remove bool, storable atree.Storable, ) Value
func (Word8Value) Walk ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (Word8Value) Walk(_ func(Value))
type WrapperCode ¶ added in v0.5.0
type WrapperCode struct { InitializerFunctionWrapper FunctionWrapper DestructorFunctionWrapper FunctionWrapper FunctionWrappers map[string]FunctionWrapper }
WrapperCode contains the "prepared" / "callable" "code" for inherited types (interfaces and type requirements).
These are "branch" nodes in the call chain, and are function wrappers, i.e. they wrap the functions / function wrappers that inherit them.
Source Files
- account.go
- accountcontracts.go
- accountkey.go
- accountkeys.go
- big.go
- block.go
- conversion.go
- decode.go
- deployedcontract.go
- dynamictype.go
- encode.go
- errors.go
- function.go
- gen.go
- globalvariables.go
- hashablevalue.go
- import.go
- inspect.go
- interpreter.go
- interpreter_expression.go
- interpreter_import.go
- interpreter_invocation.go
- interpreter_statement.go
- interpreter_tracing.go
- interpreter_transaction.go
- location.go
- primitivestatictype.go
- primitivestatictype_string.go
- program.go
- simplecompositevalue.go
- statictype.go
- storage.go
- storagemap.go
- stringatreevalue.go
- value.go
- valuedeclaration.go
- variable.go
- variable_activations.go
- visitor.go
- walk.go