Network Statistics Querier
The Network Statistics Querier is a service that retrieves the response code and response time for a FHIR API endpoint.
The Network Statistics Querier reads the following environment variables:
These variables must be set on your system
These variables can use the default values in development. These should be set on the production system.
LANTERN_ENDPTQRY_PORT: The port where the metrics gathered from the FHIR endpoints will be hosted.
Default value: 3333
LANTERN_ENDPTQRY_QUERY_INTERVAL: Number of minutes to wait between queries (Note: actual time between queries will be greater since the time it takes to run the queries is non-zero)
Default value: 120
LANTERN_ENDPTQRY_NUMWORKERS: The number of workers to use to parallelize processing of the queue messages.
Default value: 10
Building And Running
After the Network Statistics Querier starts, all output is directed to the configured log file. To check that the endpoint querier is running as expected, navigate to http://localhost:<configured port>/metrics
to see the metrics being collected by the querier.
The instructions below assume that you are in the endpoints/
Using Docker-Compose
The Endpoint Querier has been added to the application docker-compose file. See the top-level README for how to run docker-compose.
Using the Individual Docker Container
To build Docker container run the following command.
docker build -t endpoint_querier .
To start the Docker container that you just built run:
docker run -p 3333:3333 -it endpoint_querier --name <container name>
Running without Docker
The Network Statistics Querier takes two arguments, a JSON file containing the endpoints which the service should query, and the source of that list. The list of endpoints provided in <project_root>/endpoints/resources/
- CernerEndpointSources.json from Cerner's endpoint list. The expected source for querying this list is
(e.g. go run *.go resources/CernerEndpointSources.json Cerner
- EpicEndpointSources.json from Epic's endpoint list. The expected source for querying this list is
- For any other endpoint source JSON files, the expected source can be any string you want saved in the database as the list source.
go get ./... # You may have to set environment variable GO111MODULE=on
go mod download
go run *.go resources/<endpoint_list>.json <source>
The Network Statistics Querier expects the format of an endpoint source list to be in the below format, unless one of the exceptions noted below.
"Entries": [
"OrganizationName": <name of the organization>,
"FHIRPatientFacingURI": <location of the FHIR endpoint>