TeleTagies is a telegram bot for storing and tagging links, media and other content for later use.
Desired Features
Content Storage
Automatic Tagging Suggestions (Heuristic Based)
Domain Based
Domain Name
Extract more data from links by following them
Tagging Retrospectively
Querying Stored Content
By Tag
By Date
By Type
Free Text
Get More - Machine Learning
Who can use the bot?
As messages are saved in Telegram itself, I can take advantage of Telegram's free hosting to keep large volume content such as photos, videos and other files and save only metadata in the database. This has some omplications tho-
What happens if the user deletes the chat or edit the content?
Are Telegram messages kept forever?
As Telegram chats are E2E encrypted, what if I change the bot user, thus losing the ability to access the messages?