
v1.0.0-beta.723 Latest Latest

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Published: May 19, 2016 License: MIT Imports: 11 Imported by: 0




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const (
	// APIEndpoint defines the base path for kubernetes API resources.
	APIEndpoint = "/api/v1"


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type Client

type Client interface {
	GetIngresses(predicate func(Ingress) bool) ([]Ingress, error)
	GetServices(predicate func(Service) bool) ([]Service, error)
	WatchAll(stopCh <-chan bool) (chan interface{}, chan error, error)

Client is a client for the Kubernetes master.

func NewClient

func NewClient(baseURL string, caCert []byte, token string) (Client, error)

NewClient returns a new Kubernetes client. The provided host is an url (scheme://hostname[:port]) of a Kubernetes master without any path. The provided client is an authorized http.Client used to perform requests to the Kubernetes API master.

type GenericObject

type GenericObject struct {
	TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
	ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

GenericObject generic object

type HTTPIngressPath

type HTTPIngressPath struct {
	// Path is a extended POSIX regex as defined by IEEE Std 1003.1,
	// (i.e this follows the egrep/unix syntax, not the perl syntax)
	// matched against the path of an incoming request. Currently it can
	// contain characters disallowed from the conventional "path"
	// part of a URL as defined by RFC 3986. Paths must begin with
	// a '/'. If unspecified, the path defaults to a catch all sending
	// traffic to the backend.
	Path string `json:"path,omitempty"`

	// Backend defines the referenced service endpoint to which the traffic
	// will be forwarded to.
	Backend IngressBackend `json:"backend"`

HTTPIngressPath associates a path regex with a backend. Incoming urls matching the path are forwarded to the backend.

type HTTPIngressRuleValue

type HTTPIngressRuleValue struct {
	// A collection of paths that map requests to backends.
	Paths []HTTPIngressPath `json:"paths"`

HTTPIngressRuleValue is a list of http selectors pointing to backends. In the example: http://<host>/<path>?<searchpart> -> backend where where parts of the url correspond to RFC 3986, this resource will be used to match against everything after the last '/' and before the first '?' or '#'.

type Ingress

type Ingress struct {
	TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
	// Standard object's metadata.
	// More info: http://releases.k8s.io/HEAD/docs/devel/api-conventions.md#metadata
	ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

	// Spec is the desired state of the Ingress.
	// More info: http://releases.k8s.io/HEAD/docs/devel/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status
	Spec IngressSpec `json:"spec,omitempty"`

	// Status is the current state of the Ingress.
	// More info: http://releases.k8s.io/HEAD/docs/devel/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status
	Status IngressStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

Ingress is a collection of rules that allow inbound connections to reach the endpoints defined by a backend. An Ingress can be configured to give services externally-reachable urls, load balance traffic, terminate SSL, offer name based virtual hosting etc.

type IngressBackend

type IngressBackend struct {
	// Specifies the name of the referenced service.
	ServiceName string `json:"serviceName"`

	// Specifies the port of the referenced service.
	ServicePort IntOrString `json:"servicePort"`

IngressBackend describes all endpoints for a given service and port.

type IngressList

type IngressList struct {
	TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
	// Standard object's metadata.
	// More info: http://releases.k8s.io/HEAD/docs/devel/api-conventions.md#metadata
	ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

	// Items is the list of Ingress.
	Items []Ingress `json:"items"`

IngressList is a collection of Ingress.

type IngressRule

type IngressRule struct {
	// Host is the fully qualified domain name of a network host, as defined
	// by RFC 3986. Note the following deviations from the "host" part of the
	// URI as defined in the RFC:
	// 1. IPs are not allowed. Currently an IngressRuleValue can only apply to the
	//	  IP in the Spec of the parent Ingress.
	// 2. The `:` delimiter is not respected because ports are not allowed.
	//	  Currently the port of an Ingress is implicitly :80 for http and
	//	  :443 for https.
	// Both these may change in the future.
	// Incoming requests are matched against the host before the IngressRuleValue.
	// If the host is unspecified, the Ingress routes all traffic based on the
	// specified IngressRuleValue.
	Host string `json:"host,omitempty"`
	// IngressRuleValue represents a rule to route requests for this IngressRule.
	// If unspecified, the rule defaults to a http catch-all. Whether that sends
	// just traffic matching the host to the default backend or all traffic to the
	// default backend, is left to the controller fulfilling the Ingress. Http is
	// currently the only supported IngressRuleValue.
	IngressRuleValue `json:",inline,omitempty"`

IngressRule represents the rules mapping the paths under a specified host to the related backend services. Incoming requests are first evaluated for a host match, then routed to the backend associated with the matching IngressRuleValue.

type IngressRuleValue

type IngressRuleValue struct {
	HTTP *HTTPIngressRuleValue `json:"http,omitempty"`

IngressRuleValue represents a rule to apply against incoming requests. If the rule is satisfied, the request is routed to the specified backend. Currently mixing different types of rules in a single Ingress is disallowed, so exactly one of the following must be set.

type IngressSpec

type IngressSpec struct {
	// A default backend capable of servicing requests that don't match any
	// rule. At least one of 'backend' or 'rules' must be specified. This field
	// is optional to allow the loadbalancer controller or defaulting logic to
	// specify a global default.
	Backend *IngressBackend `json:"backend,omitempty"`

	// TLS configuration. Currently the Ingress only supports a single TLS
	// port, 443. If multiple members of this list specify different hosts, they
	// will be multiplexed on the same port according to the hostname specified
	// through the SNI TLS extension, if the ingress controller fulfilling the
	// ingress supports SNI.
	TLS []IngressTLS `json:"tls,omitempty"`

	// A list of host rules used to configure the Ingress. If unspecified, or
	// no rule matches, all traffic is sent to the default backend.
	Rules []IngressRule `json:"rules,omitempty"`

IngressSpec describes the Ingress the user wishes to exist.

type IngressStatus

type IngressStatus struct {
	// LoadBalancer contains the current status of the load-balancer.
	LoadBalancer LoadBalancerStatus `json:"loadBalancer,omitempty"`

IngressStatus describe the current state of the Ingress.

type IngressTLS

type IngressTLS struct {
	// Hosts are a list of hosts included in the TLS certificate. The values in
	// this list must match the name/s used in the tlsSecret. Defaults to the
	// wildcard host setting for the loadbalancer controller fulfilling this
	// Ingress, if left unspecified.
	Hosts []string `json:"hosts,omitempty"`
	// SecretName is the name of the secret used to terminate SSL traffic on 443.
	// Field is left optional to allow SSL routing based on SNI hostname alone.
	// If the SNI host in a listener conflicts with the "Host" header field used
	// by an IngressRule, the SNI host is used for termination and value of the
	// Host header is used for routing.
	SecretName string `json:"secretName,omitempty"`

IngressTLS describes the transport layer security associated with an Ingress.

type IntOrString

type IntOrString struct {
	Type   Type
	IntVal int32
	StrVal string

IntOrString is a type that can hold an int32 or a string. When used in JSON or YAML marshalling and unmarshalling, it produces or consumes the inner type. This allows you to have, for example, a JSON field that can accept a name or number. TODO: Rename to Int32OrString

+protobuf=true +protobuf.options.(gogoproto.goproto_stringer)=false

func FromInt

func FromInt(val int) IntOrString

FromInt creates an IntOrString object with an int32 value. It is your responsibility not to call this method with a value greater than int32. TODO: convert to (val int32)

func FromString

func FromString(val string) IntOrString

FromString creates an IntOrString object with a string value.

func (*IntOrString) IntValue

func (intstr *IntOrString) IntValue() int

IntValue returns the IntVal if type Int, or if it is a String, will attempt a conversion to int.

func (*IntOrString) String

func (intstr *IntOrString) String() string

String returns the string value, or the Itoa of the int value.

func (*IntOrString) UnmarshalJSON

func (intstr *IntOrString) UnmarshalJSON(value []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface.

type ListMeta

type ListMeta struct {
	// SelfLink is a URL representing this object.
	// Populated by the system.
	// Read-only.
	SelfLink string `json:"selfLink,omitempty"`

	// String that identifies the server's internal version of this object that
	// can be used by clients to determine when objects have changed.
	// Value must be treated as opaque by clients and passed unmodified back to the server.
	// Populated by the system.
	// Read-only.
	// More info: http://releases.k8s.io/HEAD/docs/devel/api-conventions.md#concurrency-control-and-consistency
	ResourceVersion string `json:"resourceVersion,omitempty"`

ListMeta describes metadata that synthetic resources must have, including lists and various status objects. A resource may have only one of {ObjectMeta, ListMeta}.

type LoadBalancerIngress

type LoadBalancerIngress struct {
	// IP is set for load-balancer ingress points that are IP based
	// (typically GCE or OpenStack load-balancers)
	IP string `json:"ip,omitempty"`

	// Hostname is set for load-balancer ingress points that are DNS based
	// (typically AWS load-balancers)
	Hostname string `json:"hostname,omitempty"`

LoadBalancerIngress represents the status of a load-balancer ingress point: traffic intended for the service should be sent to an ingress point.

type LoadBalancerStatus

type LoadBalancerStatus struct {
	// Ingress is a list containing ingress points for the load-balancer;
	// traffic intended for the service should be sent to these ingress points.
	Ingress []LoadBalancerIngress `json:"ingress,omitempty"`

LoadBalancerStatus represents the status of a load-balancer

type ObjectMeta

type ObjectMeta struct {
	// Name is unique within a namespace.  Name is required when creating resources, although
	// some resources may allow a client to request the generation of an appropriate name
	// automatically. Name is primarily intended for creation idempotence and configuration
	// definition.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

	// GenerateName indicates that the name should be made unique by the server prior to persisting
	// it. A non-empty value for the field indicates the name will be made unique (and the name
	// returned to the client will be different than the name passed). The value of this field will
	// be combined with a unique suffix on the server if the Name field has not been provided.
	// The provided value must be valid within the rules for Name, and may be truncated by the length
	// of the suffix required to make the value unique on the server.
	// If this field is specified, and Name is not present, the server will NOT return a 409 if the
	// generated name exists - instead, it will either return 201 Created or 500 with Reason
	// ServerTimeout indicating a unique name could not be found in the time allotted, and the client
	// should retry (optionally after the time indicated in the Retry-After header).
	GenerateName string `json:"generateName,omitempty"`

	// Namespace defines the space within which name must be unique. An empty namespace is
	// equivalent to the "default" namespace, but "default" is the canonical representation.
	// Not all objects are required to be scoped to a namespace - the value of this field for
	// those objects will be empty.
	Namespace string `json:"namespace,omitempty"`

	// SelfLink is a URL representing this object.
	SelfLink string `json:"selfLink,omitempty"`

	// UID is the unique in time and space value for this object. It is typically generated by
	// the server on successful creation of a resource and is not allowed to change on PUT
	// operations.
	UID UID `json:"uid,omitempty"`

	// An opaque value that represents the version of this resource. May be used for optimistic
	// concurrency, change detection, and the watch operation on a resource or set of resources.
	// Clients must treat these values as opaque and values may only be valid for a particular
	// resource or set of resources. Only servers will generate resource versions.
	ResourceVersion string `json:"resourceVersion,omitempty"`

	// A sequence number representing a specific generation of the desired state.
	// Populated by the system. Read-only.
	Generation int64 `json:"generation,omitempty"`

	// CreationTimestamp is a timestamp representing the server time when this object was
	// created. It is not guaranteed to be set in happens-before order across separate operations.
	// Clients may not set this value. It is represented in RFC3339 form and is in UTC.
	CreationTimestamp Time `json:"creationTimestamp,omitempty"`

	// DeletionTimestamp is the time after which this resource will be deleted. This
	// field is set by the server when a graceful deletion is requested by the user, and is not
	// directly settable by a client. The resource will be deleted (no longer visible from
	// resource lists, and not reachable by name) after the time in this field. Once set, this
	// value may not be unset or be set further into the future, although it may be shortened
	// or the resource may be deleted prior to this time. For example, a user may request that
	// a pod is deleted in 30 seconds. The Kubelet will react by sending a graceful termination
	// signal to the containers in the pod. Once the resource is deleted in the API, the Kubelet
	// will send a hard termination signal to the container.
	DeletionTimestamp *Time `json:"deletionTimestamp,omitempty"`

	// DeletionGracePeriodSeconds records the graceful deletion value set when graceful deletion
	// was requested. Represents the most recent grace period, and may only be shortened once set.
	DeletionGracePeriodSeconds *int64 `json:"deletionGracePeriodSeconds,omitempty"`

	// Labels are key value pairs that may be used to scope and select individual resources.
	// Label keys are of the form:
	//     label-key ::= prefixed-name | name
	//     prefixed-name ::= prefix '/' name
	//     prefix ::= DNS_SUBDOMAIN
	//     name ::= DNS_LABEL
	// The prefix is optional.  If the prefix is not specified, the key is assumed to be private
	// to the user.  Other system components that wish to use labels must specify a prefix.  The
	// "kubernetes.io/" prefix is reserved for use by kubernetes components.
	// TODO: replace map[string]string with labels.LabelSet type
	Labels map[string]string `json:"labels,omitempty"`

	// Annotations are unstructured key value data stored with a resource that may be set by
	// external tooling. They are not queryable and should be preserved when modifying
	// objects.  Annotation keys have the same formatting restrictions as Label keys. See the
	// comments on Labels for details.
	Annotations map[string]string `json:"annotations,omitempty"`

ObjectMeta is metadata that all persisted resources must have, which includes all objects users must create.

type Protocol

type Protocol string

Protocol defines network protocols supported for things like container ports.

type Service

type Service struct {
	TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
	ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

	// Spec defines the behavior of a service.
	Spec ServiceSpec `json:"spec,omitempty"`

	// Status represents the current status of a service.
	Status ServiceStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

Service is a named abstraction of software service (for example, mysql) consisting of local port (for example 3306) that the proxy listens on, and the selector that determines which pods will answer requests sent through the proxy.

type ServiceAffinity

type ServiceAffinity string

ServiceAffinity Session Affinity Type string

type ServiceList

type ServiceList struct {
	TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
	ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

	Items []Service `json:"items"`

ServiceList holds a list of services.

type ServicePort

type ServicePort struct {
	// Optional if only one ServicePort is defined on this service: The
	// name of this port within the service.  This must be a DNS_LABEL.
	// All ports within a ServiceSpec must have unique names.  This maps to
	// the 'Name' field in EndpointPort objects.
	Name string `json:"name"`

	// The IP protocol for this port.  Supports "TCP" and "UDP".
	Protocol Protocol `json:"protocol"`

	// The port that will be exposed on the service.
	Port int `json:"port"`

	// Optional: The target port on pods selected by this service.  If this
	// is a string, it will be looked up as a named port in the target
	// Pod's container ports.  If this is not specified, the value
	// of the 'port' field is used (an identity map).
	// This field is ignored for services with clusterIP=None, and should be
	// omitted or set equal to the 'port' field.
	TargetPort IntOrString `json:"targetPort"`

	// The port on each node on which this service is exposed.
	// Default is to auto-allocate a port if the ServiceType of this Service requires one.
	NodePort int `json:"nodePort"`

ServicePort service port

type ServiceSpec

type ServiceSpec struct {
	// Type determines how the service will be exposed.  Valid options: ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer
	Type ServiceType `json:"type,omitempty"`

	// Required: The list of ports that are exposed by this service.
	Ports []ServicePort `json:"ports"`

	// This service will route traffic to pods having labels matching this selector. If empty or not present,
	// the service is assumed to have endpoints set by an external process and Kubernetes will not modify
	// those endpoints.
	Selector map[string]string `json:"selector"`

	// ClusterIP is usually assigned by the master.  If specified by the user
	// we will try to respect it or else fail the request.  This field can
	// not be changed by updates.
	// Valid values are None, empty string (""), or a valid IP address
	// None can be specified for headless services when proxying is not required
	ClusterIP string `json:"clusterIP,omitempty"`

	// ExternalIPs are used by external load balancers, or can be set by
	// users to handle external traffic that arrives at a node.
	ExternalIPs []string `json:"externalIPs,omitempty"`

	// Only applies to Service Type: LoadBalancer
	// LoadBalancer will get created with the IP specified in this field.
	// This feature depends on whether the underlying cloud-provider supports specifying
	// the loadBalancerIP when a load balancer is created.
	// This field will be ignored if the cloud-provider does not support the feature.
	LoadBalancerIP string `json:"loadBalancerIP,omitempty"`

	// Required: Supports "ClientIP" and "None".  Used to maintain session affinity.
	SessionAffinity ServiceAffinity `json:"sessionAffinity,omitempty"`

ServiceSpec describes the attributes that a user creates on a service

type ServiceStatus

type ServiceStatus struct {
	// LoadBalancer contains the current status of the load-balancer,
	// if one is present.
	LoadBalancer LoadBalancerStatus `json:"loadBalancer,omitempty"`

ServiceStatus represents the current status of a service

type ServiceType

type ServiceType string

ServiceType Service Type string describes ingress methods for a service

type Time

type Time struct {
	time.Time `protobuf:"-"`

Time is a wrapper around time.Time which supports correct marshaling to YAML and JSON. Wrappers are provided for many of the factory methods that the time package offers.

+protobuf.options.marshal=false +protobuf.as=Timestamp

type Type

type Type int

Type represents the stored type of IntOrString.

const (
	// Int int
	Int Type = iota // The IntOrString holds an int.
	//String string
	String // The IntOrString holds a string.

type TypeMeta

type TypeMeta struct {
	// Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents.
	// Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to.
	// Cannot be updated.
	// In CamelCase.
	// More info: http://releases.k8s.io/HEAD/docs/devel/api-conventions.md#types-kinds
	Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`

	// APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object.
	// Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and
	// may reject unrecognized values.
	// More info: http://releases.k8s.io/HEAD/docs/devel/api-conventions.md#resources
	APIVersion string `json:"apiVersion,omitempty"`

TypeMeta describes an individual object in an API response or request with strings representing the type of the object and its API schema version. Structures that are versioned or persisted should inline TypeMeta.

type UID

type UID string

UID is a type that holds unique ID values, including UUIDs. Because we don't ONLY use UUIDs, this is an alias to string. Being a type captures intent and helps make sure that UIDs and names do not get conflated.

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL