Email validation service with RESTish API

Often it's not enough to just validate a format of an email.
Even if a format is Ok, you may fail to send a message to it.
You can have an invalid domain, without MX record, a user can be over quota. Or already deleted.
And mail-bouncer helps you to find out about it before you send a message.
Get it with:
go get
Start it with:
mail-bouncer --listen=<listen> --host=<host> --from=<from>
You have to specify valid hostname for "host" (see HELO command in SMTP) and valid email for "from" (see MAIL command in SMTP)
Or using Docker:
docker run -d -p 80 olegfedoseev/mail-bouncer
Then all you need is simple GET:
> curl -i ":8080/?" HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2016 05:02:46 GMT
Content-Length: 241
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
"description":"MX server is unreachable",
"error":"can't connect to 421 (mxgmxus004) Nemesis ESMTP Service not available\nRequested action aborted: local error in processing"
> curl -i ""
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Or with callback:
> curl -i -XPOST "$URL"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
And you will get POST to $URL with JSON data, ex.:
"email": "",
"is_valid": false,
"error": "RCPT failed for 554 5.7.1 Helo command rejected"