Overview ¶
Command md2html recursively converts a directory of markdown files to html. For each markdown file in the current directory, md2html will convert the markdown to html and write the resulting html to a file of the same name in the destination directory.
If there is a file named layout.html which contains `{{Body}}` in the current directory, md2html use that data to wrap the html output of the converted markdown.
md2html [destination] destination - address or directory
If the destination is an address (e.g. :8080) then md2html will start a web server and serve file from the current directory on that port. If the file request contains an extension, the corresponding file will be served unprocessed. If the file request does not contain an extension, the corresponding file will be converted from markdown into HTML before it is served.
If the destination is a directory, md2html will recursively copy all files from . to destination -- converting .md files into HTML along the way.
Example ¶
Start a server in the current directory:
$ md2html
Copy all files --and convert .md to HTML-- in the current directory and write them to ~/site:
$ md2html ~/site
Code Interpolation ¶
Markdown files may contain $code references that will pull in source code from other files on the filesystem into the markdown file. This interpolation happens prior to converting the markdown into HTML.
To use a $code reference in markdown:
$code abs-path-to-file [snippet name]
If the snippet name is omitted, the entire file is interpolated.
To define a snippet in a source file:
//snippet [name] // ... code //endsnippet
For example, assume we have the following file at `/src/x.go`
package main import "fmt" func main() { add(1, 2) fmt.Println("hello world") } //snippet add func add(x, y int) { return x + y } //endsnippet
And assume we have the following markdown file:
# Go Example $code /src/x.go
md2html will produce the following interpolated markdown file:
# Go Example ``` package main import "fmt" func main() { add(1, 2) fmt.Println("hello world") } func add(x, y int) { return x + y } ```
Assume we have another markdown file:
# Go Example $code /src/x.go add
md2html will produce the following interpolated markdown file:
# Go Example ``` func add(x, y int) { return x + y } ```
Sidenotes ¶
To wrap a portion of the document in a sidenote tag `<div class="sidenote"> ... </div>` use these tags:
[sidenote] ... [/sidenote]
Make sure that each tag occupies its own paragraph per markdown rules, otherwise processor will not recognize them.
Local Links ¶
This tool converts local links ending with `.md` by stripping that extension, so the resulting HTML link points to a formatted page instead of a raw markdown file.