GoConvey is awesome Go testing
Welcome to GoConvey, a yummy Go testing tool for gophers. Works with go test
. Use it in the terminal or browser according your viewing pleasure. View full feature tour.
- Directly integrates with
go test
- Fully-automatic web UI (works with native Go tests, too)
- Huge suite of regression tests
- Shows test coverage (Go 1.2+)
- Readable, colorized console output (understandable by any manager, IT or not)
- Test code generator
- Desktop notifications (optional)
- Immediately open problem lines in Sublime Text (some assembly required)
$ go get
Quick start
Make a test, for example:
func TestSpec(t *testing.T) {
// Only pass t into top-level Convey calls
Convey("Given some integer with a starting value", t, func() {
x := 1
Convey("When the integer is incremented", func() {
Convey("The value should be greater by one", func() {
So(x, ShouldEqual, 2)
In the browser
Start up the GoConvey web server at your project's path:
$ $GOPATH/bin/goconvey
Then open your browser to:
There you have it. As long as GoConvey is running, test results will automatically update in your browser window. The design is responsive, so you can squish the browser real tight if you need to put it beside your code.
The web UI supports traditional Go tests, so use it even if you're not using GoConvey tests.
In the terminal
Just do what you do best:
$ go test
Or if you want the output to include the story:
$ go test -v
Check out the
- GoConvey wiki,
- and the *_test.go files scattered throughout this project.
For web UI and terminal screenshots, check out the full feature tour.
You can get started on the guidelines page found in our wiki.
Contributors (Thanks!)
We appreciate everyone's contributions to the project! Please see the contributor graphs provided by GitHub for all the credits.
GoConvey is brought to you by SmartyStreets; in particular:
Overview ¶
This executable provides an HTTP server that watches for file system changes to .go files within the working directory (and all nested go packages). Navigating to the configured host and port in a web browser will display the latest results of running `go test` in each go package.
Path | Synopsis |
Package convey contains all of the public-facing entry points to this project.
Package convey contains all of the public-facing entry points to this project. |
Package assertions contains the implementations for all assertions which are referenced in the convey package for use with the So(...) method.
Package assertions contains the implementations for all assertions which are referenced in the convey package for use with the So(...) method. |
Package oglematchers provides a set of matchers useful in a testing or mocking framework.
Package oglematchers provides a set of matchers useful in a testing or mocking framework. |
createmock is used to generate source code for mock versions of interfaces from installed packages.
createmock is used to generate source code for mock versions of interfaces from installed packages. |
Package generate implements code generation for mock classes.
Package generate implements code generation for mock classes. |
Package complicated_pkg contains an interface with lots of interesting cases, for use in integration testing.
Package complicated_pkg contains an interface with lots of interesting cases, for use in integration testing. |
A package that calls itself something different than its package path would have you believe.
A package that calls itself something different than its package path would have you believe. |
Package ogletest provides a framework for writing expressive unit tests.
Package ogletest provides a framework for writing expressive unit tests. |
Package gotest contains internal functionality.
Package gotest contains internal functionality. |
Package reporting contains internal functionality related to console reporting and output.
Package reporting contains internal functionality related to console reporting and output. |
Package examples contains, well, examples of how to use goconvey to specify behavior of a system under test.
Package examples contains, well, examples of how to use goconvey to specify behavior of a system under test. |
This file's only purpose is to provide a realistic environment from which to run integration tests against the Watcher.
This file's only purpose is to provide a realistic environment from which to run integration tests against the Watcher. |
This file's only purpose is to provide a realistic environment from which to run integration tests against the Watcher.
This file's only purpose is to provide a realistic environment from which to run integration tests against the Watcher. |