Ton SDK is used to interact with the Ton blockchain, it contains various functions can be used to web3 wallet.
go get
To obtain the latest version, simply require the project using :
go get -u
New Address (v4r2 wallet address)
seedHex := "45d3bd794c5bc6ed91ae41c93c0baed679935703dfac72c48d27f8321b8d3a40"
seed, _ := hex.DecodeString(seedHex)
address, err := NewAddress(seed)
Transfer TON
seed, _ := hex.DecodeString("45d3bd794c5bc6ed91ae41c93c0baed679935703dfac72c48d27f8321b8d3a40") //your private key
address, err := NewAddress(seed) //generate address
to := "UQC6QJ31Bv_hjmsoaUjRmpZYqj9NXbBbvufCNycnc0gjReqR" //to ,which address receives the TON.
amount := "100000000" //amount to transfer . 1 TON means 100000000
comment := "" //your comment .optional.
seqno := uint32(0) //your seqno.
pubKey := ed25519.NewKeyFromSeed(seed).Public().(ed25519.PublicKey)
expireAt := time.Now().Unix() + 600
//false means that now it is Not a simulative transaction.
simulate := false
signedTx, err := Transfer(seed, pubKey, to, amount, comment, seqno, expireAt, 3, simulate) //3 is recommended pattern. false means that now it is Not a simulative transaction.
assert.Nil(t, err)
fmt.Println(signedTx.Tx) // the tx is in signedTx.Tx
fmt.Println(signedTx.Hash) //this hash is used to query the transaction in the browser.
Transfer Jetton token
seed, _ := hex.DecodeString("45d3bd794c5bc6ed91ae41c93c0baed679935703dfac72c48d27f8321b8d3a40") //your private key
fromJettonAccount := "UQD7w9qG8Cq0PgX0hnp5nVpHPeDYL0QlhcLtjFMmna43sMxz" //your jetton account
to := "UQC27fdnAFQcQDaXDrR89OKx-lW_Zyxuzcy5CjfPrS9A6vZf" //to ,which address receives the TON.
amount := "1" //jetton amount to transfer . Each token has a different precision.1 USDT may means 1000000
seqno := uint32(0) //your seqno.
pubKey := ed25519.NewKeyFromSeed(seed).Public().(ed25519.PublicKey)
//"jetton test",, your comment .optional.
comment :="jetton test"
//recommended value
messageAttachedTons := "50000000"
expireAt := time.Now().Unix() + 600
//recommended value
invokeNotificationFee := "1"
//false means that now it is Not a simulative transaction.
simulate := false
signedTx, err := TransferJetton(seed, pubKey, fromJettonAccount, to, amount, 9, seqno, messageAttachedTons, invokeNotificationFee, comment, expireAt, 0, simulate)
assert.Nil(t, err)
fmt.Println( signedTx.Tx) // the tx is in signedTx.Tx
fmt.Println( signedTx.Hash) //this hash is used to query the transaction in the browser.
Simulate Transferring TON(Used to estimate gas charges)
seed, _ := hex.DecodeString("45d3bd794c5bc6ed91ae41c93c0baed679935703dfac72c48d27f8321b8d3a40") //your private key
address, err := NewAddress(seed) //generate address
to := "UQC6QJ31Bv_hjmsoaUjRmpZYqj9NXbBbvufCNycnc0gjReqR" //to ,which address receives the TON.
amount := "100000000" //amount to transfer . 1 TON means 100000000
comment := "" //your comment .optional.
seqno := uint32(0) //your seqno.
expireAt := time.Now().Unix() + 600
//true means that now it IS a simulative transaction.
simulate := true
pubKey := ed25519.NewKeyFromSeed(seed).Public().(ed25519.PublicKey)
signedTx, err := Transfer(nil, pubKey, to, amount, comment, seqno, expireAt, 3, simulate) //3 is recommended pattern.
assert.Nil(t, err)
fmt.Println( signedTx.Tx) // the tx is in signedTx.Tx Used to estimate gas charges
Simulate Transferring Jetton token(Used to estimate gas charges)
seed, _ := hex.DecodeString("45d3bd794c5bc6ed91ae41c93c0baed679935703dfac72c48d27f8321b8d3a40") //your private key
fromJettonAccount := "UQD7w9qG8Cq0PgX0hnp5nVpHPeDYL0QlhcLtjFMmna43sMxz" //your jetton account
to := "UQC27fdnAFQcQDaXDrR89OKx-lW_Zyxuzcy5CjfPrS9A6vZf" //to ,which address receives the TON.
amount := "1" //jetton amount to transfer . Each token has a different precision.1 USDT may means 1000000
seqno := uint32(0) //your seqno.
pubKey := ed25519.NewKeyFromSeed(seed).Public().(ed25519.PublicKey)
//"jetton test",, your comment .optional.
comment :="jetton test"
//recommended value
messageAttachedTons := "50000000"
expireAt := time.Now().Unix() + 600
//recommended value
invokeNotificationFee := "1"
//false means that now it IS a simulative transaction.
simulate := true
signedTx, err := TransferJetton(nil, pubKey, fromJettonAccount, to, amount, 9, seqno, messageAttachedTons, invokeNotificationFee, comment, expireAt, 0, simulate)
assert.Nil(t, err)
fmt.Println( signedTx.Tx) // the tx is in signedTx.Tx Used to estimate gas charges
Sign proof
seed, err := hex.DecodeString("45d3bd794c5bc6ed91ae41c93c0baed679935703dfac72c48d27f8321b8d3a40")
assert.NoError(t, err)
addr := "EQA3_JIJKDC0qauDUEQe2KjQj1iLwQRtrEREzmfDxbCKw9Kr"
proof := &ProofData{
Timestamp: 1719309177, // timestamp
Domain: "", //domain
Payload: "123", //comment or something
r, err := SignProof(addr, seed, proof)
assert.NoError(t, err)
pub := ed25519.NewKeyFromSeed(seed).Public().(ed25519.PublicKey)
sign, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(r) //sign of proof
assert.NoError(t, err)
expect := "V1ImmDgpt4DtZYYeGeZz38w7J+dXtYbBf/Hl7DLcWLEad23TOexKCSTO1f+N7i3UDreGVfycaVNbOspJnr9aDw=="
assert.Equal(t, r, expect)
assert.NoError(t, VerifySignProof(addr, pub, sign, proof))
Verify proof
seed, err := hex.DecodeString("45d3bd794c5bc6ed91ae41c93c0baed679935703dfac72c48d27f8321b8d3a40")
assert.NoError(t, err)
addr := "EQA3_JIJKDC0qauDUEQe2KjQj1iLwQRtrEREzmfDxbCKw9Kr"
proof := &ProofData{
Timestamp: 1719309177, // timestamp
Domain: "", //domain
Payload: "123", //comment or something
r, err := SignProof(addr, seed, proof)
assert.NoError(t, err)
pub := ed25519.NewKeyFromSeed(seed).Public().(ed25519.PublicKey)
expect := "V1ImmDgpt4DtZYYeGeZz38w7J+dXtYbBf/Hl7DLcWLEad23TOexKCSTO1f+N7i3UDreGVfycaVNbOspJnr9aDw=="
assert.Equal(t, r, expect)
assert.NoError(t, VerifySignProofStr(addr, hex.EncodeToString(pub), r, proof))
Dapp sign request
var r MultiRequest
//code is the data from dapp on TON chain.
code := `{
"address": "EQARULUYsmJq1RiZ-YiH-IJLcAZUVkVff-KBPwEmmaQGH6aC",
"amount": "195000000",
"from": "0:a341adb1b38974d70bd09eb5a5e3a072f6f32ecbd706c9c2e873ba60b7cb32fb",
"valid_until": 1730335778,
"network": "-239"
//your nonce or seqno
nonce := uint32(180)
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(code), &r)
assert.NoError(t, err)
//your private key seed
seed, _ := hex.DecodeString("45d3bd794c5bc6ed91ae41c93c0baed679935703dfac72c48d27f8321b8d3a40")
address, err := NewAddress(seed)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NoError(t, r.Check())
//simulate means that now it IS a simulative transaction.and false means that now it is NOT a simulative transaction.
//whie simulate is true,the result is Used to estimate gas charges
simulate := true
s, err := SignMultiTransfer(seed, nil, nonce, &r, simulate)
assert.NoError(t, err)
tt := &testSignedTx{
Address: s.Address,
Body: s.Tx,
InitData: s.Data,
InitCode: s.Code,
IgnoreChksig: true,
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