Index ¶
- Variables
- func FaxServerHandle(ctx context.Context, o FaxServer, opNum int, r ndr.Reader) (dcerpc.Operation, error)
- func NewFaxServerHandle(o FaxServer) dcerpc.ServerHandle
- func RegisterFaxServer(conn dcerpc.Conn, o FaxServer, opts ...dcerpc.Option)
- type AbortRequest
- type AbortResponse
- type AccessCheckEx2Request
- type AccessCheckEx2Response
- type AccessCheckRequest
- type AccessCheckResponse
- type AddOutboundGroupRequest
- type AddOutboundGroupResponse
- type AddOutboundRuleRequest
- type AddOutboundRuleResponse
- type CheckServerProtocolSeqRequest
- type CheckServerProtocolSeqResponse
- type CheckValidFaxFolderRequest
- type CheckValidFaxFolderResponse
- type ClosePortRequest
- type ClosePortResponse
- type ConnectFaxServerRequest
- type ConnectFaxServerResponse
- type ConnectionReferenceCountRequest
- type ConnectionReferenceCountResponse
- type CreateAccountRequest
- type CreateAccountResponse
- type DeleteAccountRequest
- type DeleteAccountResponse
- type EnableRoutingMethodRequest
- type EnableRoutingMethodResponse
- type EndCopyRequest
- type EndCopyResponse
- type EndMessagesEnumRequest
- type EndMessagesEnumResponse
- type EndServerNotificationRequest
- type EndServerNotificationResponse
- type EnumAccountsRequest
- type EnumAccountsResponse
- type EnumGlobalRoutingInfoRequest
- type EnumGlobalRoutingInfoResponse
- type EnumJobsEx2Request
- type EnumJobsEx2Response
- type EnumJobsExRequest
- type EnumJobsExResponse
- type EnumJobsRequest
- type EnumJobsResponse
- type EnumMessagesExRequest
- type EnumMessagesExResponse
- type EnumMessagesRequest
- type EnumMessagesResponse
- type EnumOutboundGroupsRequest
- type EnumOutboundGroupsResponse
- type EnumOutboundRulesRequest
- type EnumOutboundRulesResponse
- type EnumPortsExRequest
- type EnumPortsExResponse
- type EnumPortsRequest
- type EnumPortsResponse
- type EnumRoutingExtensionsRequest
- type EnumRoutingExtensionsResponse
- type EnumRoutingMethodsRequest
- type EnumRoutingMethodsResponse
- type EnumerateProvidersRequest
- type EnumerateProvidersResponse
- type FaxClient
- type FaxServer
- type GetAccountInfoRequest
- type GetAccountInfoResponse
- type GetActivityLoggingConfigurationRequest
- type GetActivityLoggingConfigurationResponse
- type GetArchiveConfigurationRequest
- type GetArchiveConfigurationResponse
- type GetConfigOptionRequest
- type GetConfigOptionResponse
- type GetConfigurationRequest
- type GetConfigurationResponse
- type GetCountryListRequest
- type GetCountryListResponse
- type GetDeviceStatusRequest
- type GetDeviceStatusResponse
- type GetExtensionDataRequest
- type GetExtensionDataResponse
- type GetGeneralConfigurationRequest
- type GetGeneralConfigurationResponse
- type GetJobEx2Request
- type GetJobEx2Response
- type GetJobExRequest
- type GetJobExResponse
- type GetJobRequest
- type GetJobResponse
- type GetLoggingCategoriesRequest
- type GetLoggingCategoriesResponse
- type GetMessageExRequest
- type GetMessageExResponse
- type GetMessageRequest
- type GetMessageResponse
- type GetOutboxConfigurationRequest
- type GetOutboxConfigurationResponse
- type GetPageDataRequest
- type GetPageDataResponse
- type GetPersonalCoverPagesOptionRequest
- type GetPersonalCoverPagesOptionResponse
- type GetPersonalProfileInfoRequest
- type GetPersonalProfileInfoResponse
- type GetPortExRequest
- type GetPortExResponse
- type GetPortRequest
- type GetPortResponse
- type GetQueueStatesRequest
- type GetQueueStatesResponse
- type GetReceiptsConfigurationRequest
- type GetReceiptsConfigurationResponse
- type GetReceiptsOptionsRequest
- type GetReceiptsOptionsResponse
- type GetRecipientsLimitRequest
- type GetRecipientsLimitResponse
- type GetRoutingInfoRequest
- type GetRoutingInfoResponse
- type GetSecurityEx2Request
- type GetSecurityEx2Response
- type GetSecurityExRequest
- type GetSecurityExResponse
- type GetSecurityRequest
- type GetSecurityResponse
- type GetServerActivityRequest
- type GetServerActivityResponse
- type GetServerSKURequest
- type GetServerSKUResponse
- type GetServicePrintersRequest
- type GetServicePrintersResponse
- type GetVersionRequest
- type GetVersionResponse
- type OpenPortRequest
- type OpenPortResponse
- type ReadFileRequest
- type ReadFileResponse
- type ReassignMessageRequest
- type ReassignMessageResponse
- type RefreshArchiveRequest
- type RefreshArchiveResponse
- type RegisterServiceProviderExRequest
- type RegisterServiceProviderExResponse
- type RemoveMessageRequest
- type RemoveMessageResponse
- type RemoveOutboundGroupRequest
- type RemoveOutboundGroupResponse
- type RemoveOutboundRuleRequest
- type RemoveOutboundRuleResponse
- type SendDocumentExRequest
- type SendDocumentExResponse
- type SetActivityLoggingConfigurationRequest
- type SetActivityLoggingConfigurationResponse
- type SetArchiveConfigurationRequest
- type SetArchiveConfigurationResponse
- type SetConfigWizardUsedRequest
- type SetConfigWizardUsedResponse
- type SetConfigurationRequest
- type SetConfigurationResponse
- type SetDeviceOrderInGroupRequest
- type SetDeviceOrderInGroupResponse
- type SetExtensionDataRequest
- type SetExtensionDataResponse
- type SetGeneralConfigurationRequest
- type SetGeneralConfigurationResponse
- type SetGlobalRoutingInfoRequest
- type SetGlobalRoutingInfoResponse
- type SetJobRequest
- type SetJobResponse
- type SetLoggingCategoriesRequest
- type SetLoggingCategoriesResponse
- type SetMessageRequest
- type SetMessageResponse
- type SetOutboundGroupRequest
- type SetOutboundGroupResponse
- type SetOutboundRuleRequest
- type SetOutboundRuleResponse
- type SetOutboxConfigurationRequest
- type SetOutboxConfigurationResponse
- type SetPortExRequest
- type SetPortExResponse
- type SetPortRequest
- type SetPortResponse
- type SetQueueRequest
- type SetQueueResponse
- type SetReceiptsConfigurationRequest
- type SetReceiptsConfigurationResponse
- type SetRecipientsLimitRequest
- type SetRecipientsLimitResponse
- type SetRoutingInfoRequest
- type SetRoutingInfoResponse
- type SetSecurityEx2Request
- type SetSecurityEx2Response
- type SetSecurityRequest
- type SetSecurityResponse
- type StartCopyMessageFromServerRequest
- type StartCopyMessageFromServerResponse
- type StartCopyToServerRequest
- type StartCopyToServerResponse
- type StartMessagesEnumExRequest
- type StartMessagesEnumExResponse
- type StartMessagesEnumRequest
- type StartMessagesEnumResponse
- type StartServerNotificationEx2Request
- type StartServerNotificationEx2Response
- type StartServerNotificationExRequest
- type StartServerNotificationExResponse
- type StartServerNotificationRequest
- type StartServerNotificationResponse
- type UnimplementedFaxServer
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) Abort(context.Context, *AbortRequest) (*AbortResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) AccessCheck(context.Context, *AccessCheckRequest) (*AccessCheckResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) AccessCheckEx2(context.Context, *AccessCheckEx2Request) (*AccessCheckEx2Response, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) AddOutboundGroup(context.Context, *AddOutboundGroupRequest) (*AddOutboundGroupResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) AddOutboundRule(context.Context, *AddOutboundRuleRequest) (*AddOutboundRuleResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) CheckServerProtocolSeq(context.Context, *CheckServerProtocolSeqRequest) (*CheckServerProtocolSeqResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) CheckValidFaxFolder(context.Context, *CheckValidFaxFolderRequest) (*CheckValidFaxFolderResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) ClosePort(context.Context, *ClosePortRequest) (*ClosePortResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) ConnectFaxServer(context.Context, *ConnectFaxServerRequest) (*ConnectFaxServerResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) ConnectionReferenceCount(context.Context, *ConnectionReferenceCountRequest) (*ConnectionReferenceCountResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) CreateAccount(context.Context, *CreateAccountRequest) (*CreateAccountResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) DeleteAccount(context.Context, *DeleteAccountRequest) (*DeleteAccountResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnableRoutingMethod(context.Context, *EnableRoutingMethodRequest) (*EnableRoutingMethodResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EndCopy(context.Context, *EndCopyRequest) (*EndCopyResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EndMessagesEnum(context.Context, *EndMessagesEnumRequest) (*EndMessagesEnumResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EndServerNotification(context.Context, *EndServerNotificationRequest) (*EndServerNotificationResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumAccounts(context.Context, *EnumAccountsRequest) (*EnumAccountsResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumGlobalRoutingInfo(context.Context, *EnumGlobalRoutingInfoRequest) (*EnumGlobalRoutingInfoResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumJobs(context.Context, *EnumJobsRequest) (*EnumJobsResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumJobsEx(context.Context, *EnumJobsExRequest) (*EnumJobsExResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumJobsEx2(context.Context, *EnumJobsEx2Request) (*EnumJobsEx2Response, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumMessages(context.Context, *EnumMessagesRequest) (*EnumMessagesResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumMessagesEx(context.Context, *EnumMessagesExRequest) (*EnumMessagesExResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumOutboundGroups(context.Context, *EnumOutboundGroupsRequest) (*EnumOutboundGroupsResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumOutboundRules(context.Context, *EnumOutboundRulesRequest) (*EnumOutboundRulesResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumPorts(context.Context, *EnumPortsRequest) (*EnumPortsResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumPortsEx(context.Context, *EnumPortsExRequest) (*EnumPortsExResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumRoutingExtensions(context.Context, *EnumRoutingExtensionsRequest) (*EnumRoutingExtensionsResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumRoutingMethods(context.Context, *EnumRoutingMethodsRequest) (*EnumRoutingMethodsResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumerateProviders(context.Context, *EnumerateProvidersRequest) (*EnumerateProvidersResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetAccountInfo(context.Context, *GetAccountInfoRequest) (*GetAccountInfoResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetActivityLoggingConfiguration(context.Context, *GetActivityLoggingConfigurationRequest) (*GetActivityLoggingConfigurationResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetArchiveConfiguration(context.Context, *GetArchiveConfigurationRequest) (*GetArchiveConfigurationResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetConfigOption(context.Context, *GetConfigOptionRequest) (*GetConfigOptionResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetConfiguration(context.Context, *GetConfigurationRequest) (*GetConfigurationResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetCountryList(context.Context, *GetCountryListRequest) (*GetCountryListResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetDeviceStatus(context.Context, *GetDeviceStatusRequest) (*GetDeviceStatusResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetExtensionData(context.Context, *GetExtensionDataRequest) (*GetExtensionDataResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetGeneralConfiguration(context.Context, *GetGeneralConfigurationRequest) (*GetGeneralConfigurationResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetJob(context.Context, *GetJobRequest) (*GetJobResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetJobEx(context.Context, *GetJobExRequest) (*GetJobExResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetJobEx2(context.Context, *GetJobEx2Request) (*GetJobEx2Response, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetLoggingCategories(context.Context, *GetLoggingCategoriesRequest) (*GetLoggingCategoriesResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetMessage(context.Context, *GetMessageRequest) (*GetMessageResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetMessageEx(context.Context, *GetMessageExRequest) (*GetMessageExResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetOutboxConfiguration(context.Context, *GetOutboxConfigurationRequest) (*GetOutboxConfigurationResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetPageData(context.Context, *GetPageDataRequest) (*GetPageDataResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetPersonalCoverPagesOption(context.Context, *GetPersonalCoverPagesOptionRequest) (*GetPersonalCoverPagesOptionResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetPersonalProfileInfo(context.Context, *GetPersonalProfileInfoRequest) (*GetPersonalProfileInfoResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetPort(context.Context, *GetPortRequest) (*GetPortResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetPortEx(context.Context, *GetPortExRequest) (*GetPortExResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetQueueStates(context.Context, *GetQueueStatesRequest) (*GetQueueStatesResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetReceiptsConfiguration(context.Context, *GetReceiptsConfigurationRequest) (*GetReceiptsConfigurationResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetReceiptsOptions(context.Context, *GetReceiptsOptionsRequest) (*GetReceiptsOptionsResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetRecipientsLimit(context.Context, *GetRecipientsLimitRequest) (*GetRecipientsLimitResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetRoutingInfo(context.Context, *GetRoutingInfoRequest) (*GetRoutingInfoResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetSecurity(context.Context, *GetSecurityRequest) (*GetSecurityResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetSecurityEx(context.Context, *GetSecurityExRequest) (*GetSecurityExResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetSecurityEx2(context.Context, *GetSecurityEx2Request) (*GetSecurityEx2Response, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetServerActivity(context.Context, *GetServerActivityRequest) (*GetServerActivityResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetServerSKU(context.Context, *GetServerSKURequest) (*GetServerSKUResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetServicePrinters(context.Context, *GetServicePrintersRequest) (*GetServicePrintersResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetVersion(context.Context, *GetVersionRequest) (*GetVersionResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) OpenPort(context.Context, *OpenPortRequest) (*OpenPortResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) ReadFile(context.Context, *ReadFileRequest) (*ReadFileResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) ReassignMessage(context.Context, *ReassignMessageRequest) (*ReassignMessageResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) RefreshArchive(context.Context, *RefreshArchiveRequest) (*RefreshArchiveResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) RegisterServiceProviderEx(context.Context, *RegisterServiceProviderExRequest) (*RegisterServiceProviderExResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) RemoveMessage(context.Context, *RemoveMessageRequest) (*RemoveMessageResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) RemoveOutboundGroup(context.Context, *RemoveOutboundGroupRequest) (*RemoveOutboundGroupResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) RemoveOutboundRule(context.Context, *RemoveOutboundRuleRequest) (*RemoveOutboundRuleResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SendDocumentEx(context.Context, *SendDocumentExRequest) (*SendDocumentExResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetActivityLoggingConfiguration(context.Context, *SetActivityLoggingConfigurationRequest) (*SetActivityLoggingConfigurationResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetArchiveConfiguration(context.Context, *SetArchiveConfigurationRequest) (*SetArchiveConfigurationResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetConfigWizardUsed(context.Context, *SetConfigWizardUsedRequest) (*SetConfigWizardUsedResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetConfiguration(context.Context, *SetConfigurationRequest) (*SetConfigurationResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetDeviceOrderInGroup(context.Context, *SetDeviceOrderInGroupRequest) (*SetDeviceOrderInGroupResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetExtensionData(context.Context, *SetExtensionDataRequest) (*SetExtensionDataResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetGeneralConfiguration(context.Context, *SetGeneralConfigurationRequest) (*SetGeneralConfigurationResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetGlobalRoutingInfo(context.Context, *SetGlobalRoutingInfoRequest) (*SetGlobalRoutingInfoResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetJob(context.Context, *SetJobRequest) (*SetJobResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetLoggingCategories(context.Context, *SetLoggingCategoriesRequest) (*SetLoggingCategoriesResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetMessage(context.Context, *SetMessageRequest) (*SetMessageResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetOutboundGroup(context.Context, *SetOutboundGroupRequest) (*SetOutboundGroupResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetOutboundRule(context.Context, *SetOutboundRuleRequest) (*SetOutboundRuleResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetOutboxConfiguration(context.Context, *SetOutboxConfigurationRequest) (*SetOutboxConfigurationResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetPort(context.Context, *SetPortRequest) (*SetPortResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetPortEx(context.Context, *SetPortExRequest) (*SetPortExResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetQueue(context.Context, *SetQueueRequest) (*SetQueueResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetReceiptsConfiguration(context.Context, *SetReceiptsConfigurationRequest) (*SetReceiptsConfigurationResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetRecipientsLimit(context.Context, *SetRecipientsLimitRequest) (*SetRecipientsLimitResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetRoutingInfo(context.Context, *SetRoutingInfoRequest) (*SetRoutingInfoResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetSecurity(context.Context, *SetSecurityRequest) (*SetSecurityResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetSecurityEx2(context.Context, *SetSecurityEx2Request) (*SetSecurityEx2Response, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) StartCopyMessageFromServer(context.Context, *StartCopyMessageFromServerRequest) (*StartCopyMessageFromServerResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) StartCopyToServer(context.Context, *StartCopyToServerRequest) (*StartCopyToServerResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) StartMessagesEnum(context.Context, *StartMessagesEnumRequest) (*StartMessagesEnumResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) StartMessagesEnumEx(context.Context, *StartMessagesEnumExRequest) (*StartMessagesEnumExResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) StartServerNotification(context.Context, *StartServerNotificationRequest) (*StartServerNotificationResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) StartServerNotificationEx(context.Context, *StartServerNotificationExRequest) (*StartServerNotificationExResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) StartServerNotificationEx2(context.Context, *StartServerNotificationEx2Request) (*StartServerNotificationEx2Response, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) UnregisterRoutingExtension(context.Context, *UnregisterRoutingExtensionRequest) (*UnregisterRoutingExtensionResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) UnregisterServiceProviderEx(context.Context, *UnregisterServiceProviderExRequest) (*UnregisterServiceProviderExResponse, error)
- func (UnimplementedFaxServer) WriteFile(context.Context, *WriteFileRequest) (*WriteFileResponse, error)
- type UnregisterRoutingExtensionRequest
- type UnregisterRoutingExtensionResponse
- type UnregisterServiceProviderExRequest
- type UnregisterServiceProviderExResponse
- type WriteFileRequest
- type WriteFileResponse
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var ( // Syntax UUID FaxSyntaxUUID = &uuid.UUID{TimeLow: 0xea0a3165, TimeMid: 0x4834, TimeHiAndVersion: 0x11d2, ClockSeqHiAndReserved: 0xa6, ClockSeqLow: 0xf8, Node: [6]uint8{0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xa3, 0x46, 0xcc}} // Syntax ID FaxSyntaxV4_0 = &dcerpc.SyntaxID{IfUUID: FaxSyntaxUUID, IfVersionMajor: 4, IfVersionMinor: 0} )
var (
// import guard
GoPackage = "fax"
Functions ¶
func FaxServerHandle ¶
func NewFaxServerHandle ¶
func NewFaxServerHandle(o FaxServer) dcerpc.ServerHandle
Types ¶
type AbortRequest ¶
type AbortRequest struct { // JobId: A unique number that identifies the fax job to terminate. JobID uint32 `idl:"name:JobId" json:"job_id"` }
AbortRequest structure represents the FAX_Abort operation request
func (*AbortRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*AbortRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type AbortResponse ¶
type AbortResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_Abort return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
AbortResponse structure represents the FAX_Abort operation response
func (*AbortResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*AbortResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type AccessCheckEx2Request ¶
type AccessCheckEx2Request struct { // AccessMask: A DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) variable that contains a set of bit // flags specified by the client to be validated. Zero is a valid value for this parameter // and means that no access rights are specified by the client to be validated. This // parameter can be any combination of fax-specific access rights, standard access rights, // and fax-generic access rights. If this parameter is set to 0x02000000 (MAXIMUM_ALLOWED), // on return, the lpdwRights parameter SHOULD receive the maximum access rights granted // to the client's fax user account. // // +----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX-GENERIC ACCESS | | // | RIGHTS | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_GENERIC_EXECUTE_2 0x00000001 | Includes the read-only rights granted by the FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT access right. | // +----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_GENERIC_READ_2 0x00000020 | Includes the read-only rights granted by the FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG access | // | | right. | // +----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_GENERIC_WRITE_2 0x00000040 | Includes the read-only rights granted by the FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG access | // | | right. | // +----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_GENERIC_ALL_2 0x000003FF | Includes the read-only rights granted by the following fax-specific | // | | access rights: § FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT § FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT_NORMAL § | // | | FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT_HIGH § FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_OUT_JOBS § FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_OUT_JOBS | // | | § FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG § FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG § FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_ARCHIVES | // | | § FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_ARCHIVES § FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_RECEIVE_FOLDER | // +----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // // +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX-SPECIFIC ACCESS | | // | RIGHTS | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT 0x00000001 | Grants permission to send a low-priority fax transmission to one or more | // | | recipients. | // +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT_NORMAL 0x00000002 | Grants permission to send a normal-priority fax transmission to one or more | // | | recipients. | // +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT_HIGH 0x00000004 | Grants permission to send a high-priority fax transmission to one or more | // | | recipients. | // +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_OUT_JOBS 0x00000008 | Grants permission to view the outgoing faxes in the fax queue. By default, no | // | | users have this permission. | // +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_OUT_JOBS 0x00000010 | Grants permission to manage the outgoing faxes in the fax queue by using such | // | | operations as pause, resume, restart, and delete (section By | // | | default, no users have this permission. | // +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG 0x00000020 | Grants permission to view the properties of the Fax Service and to enumerate | // | | accounts, and to read any account configuration information. By default, | // | | non-administrator users do not have this permission. Without it, users cannot | // | | view any of the tree nodes, except for the cover page node in the Fax Service | // | | Manager. | // +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG 0x00000040 | Grants permission to modify the properties of the fax service. By default, | // | | non-administrator users do not have this permission. | // +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_ARCHIVES 0x00000080 | Grants permission to view the sent and received fax messages in the archives. By | // | | default, no users have this permission. | // +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_ARCHIVES 0x00000100 | Grants permission to manage the sent and received fax messages in the archives | // | | by using such operations as delete (section and copy (sections | // | |,, and By default, no users have this | // | | permission. | // +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_RECEIVE_FOLDER 0x00000200 | When global routing is not enabled, this permission allows the user to delete | // | | any messages. When global routing is active, it allows the user to see the | // | | contents of all receive folder faxes, to delete faxes, and to cancel receive | // | | transmissions in progress. | // +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ AccessMask uint32 `idl:"name:AccessMask" json:"access_mask"` // lpdwRights: A pointer to a DWORD value that receives the fax access rights that this // caller is verified to have of those requested in the AccessMask parameter. This value // MUST be a DWORD bitwise OR combination of fax-specific access rights, standard access // rights, and/or fax-generic access rights limited to those specified by the client // in the AccessMask. In order for the client to be verified for the maximum allowed // rights, the caller MUST set the AccessMask to 0x02000000 (MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) and the // server SHOULD set this output value to the actual rights that this caller is verified // to have. Rights uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwRights;pointer:unique" json:"rights"` }
AccessCheckEx2Request structure represents the FAX_AccessCheckEx2 operation request
func (*AccessCheckEx2Request) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*AccessCheckEx2Request) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type AccessCheckEx2Response ¶
type AccessCheckEx2Response struct { // pfAccess: A pointer to a Boolean value that receives the access check return value. // This value MUST be TRUE if the client's fax user account has all of the fax access // rights specified by the AccessMask parameter; otherwise, this value MUST be FALSE. // If the value submitted by the client for the AccessMask is zero, the value pointed // to by the pfAccess parameter SHOULD be FALSE on return. Access bool `idl:"name:pfAccess;pointer:ref" json:"access"` // lpdwRights: A pointer to a DWORD value that receives the fax access rights that this // caller is verified to have of those requested in the AccessMask parameter. This value // MUST be a DWORD bitwise OR combination of fax-specific access rights, standard access // rights, and/or fax-generic access rights limited to those specified by the client // in the AccessMask. In order for the client to be verified for the maximum allowed // rights, the caller MUST set the AccessMask to 0x02000000 (MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) and the // server SHOULD set this output value to the actual rights that this caller is verified // to have. Rights uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwRights;pointer:unique" json:"rights"` // Return: The FAX_AccessCheckEx2 return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
AccessCheckEx2Response structure represents the FAX_AccessCheckEx2 operation response
func (*AccessCheckEx2Response) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*AccessCheckEx2Response) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type AccessCheckRequest ¶
type AccessCheckRequest struct { // AccessMask: A DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) variable that MUST contain a set of // bit flags that define the fax access permissions specified by the client to be validated // against the access permissions of the client's fax user account. This parameter can // be any bitwise OR combination of fax-specific access rights, standard access rights, // and fax-generic access rights. For a list of standard access rights, see [MSDN-SAR]. // // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX-GENERIC ACCESS | | // | RIGHTS | MEANING | // | | | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_GENERIC_EXECUTE 0x00000001 | Identical to the FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT access right. | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_GENERIC_READ 0x000002A8 | Includes the read-only rights that are granted by the following specific | // | | access rights: § FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_JOBS § FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG § | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_IN_ARCHIVE § FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_OUT_ARCHIVE | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_GENERIC_WRITE 0x00000550 | Includes the management rights that are granted by the following specific | // | | access rights: § FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_JOBS § FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG § | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_IN_ARCHIVE § FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_OUT_ARCHIVE | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_GENERIC_ALL 0x000007FF | Includes all the following specific fax permissions: § FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT § | // | | FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT_NORMAL § FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT_HIGH § FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_JOBS § | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_JOBS § FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG § FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG | // | | § FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_IN_ARCHIVE § FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_IN_ARCHIVE § | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_OUT_ARCHIVE § FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_OUT_ARCHIVE | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // // +------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX-SPECIFIC ACCESS | | // | RIGHTS | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT 0x00000001 | Grants permission to send a low-priority fax transmission to one or more | // | | recipients. | // +------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT_NORMAL 0x00000002 | Grants permission to send a normal-priority fax transmission to one or more | // | | recipients. | // +------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT_HIGH 0x00000004 | Grants permission to send a high-priority fax transmission to one or more | // | | recipients. | // +------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_JOBS 0x00000008 | Grants permission to view all the incoming and outgoing faxes in the Incoming | // | | and Outbox queues, including those that belong to other users. By default, | // | | without this permission, non-administrator users can view their own outgoing | // | | messages in the Outbox queue but cannot view the Incoming queue. Also, | // | | non-administrator users cannot view incoming or outgoing faxes that belong to | // | | other users. | // +------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_JOBS 0x00000010 | Grants permission to manage all the incoming and outgoing faxes in the Incoming | // | | and Outbox queues, including those that belong to other users. By default, | // | | without this permission, non-administrator users can manage their own outgoing | // | | messages in the Outgoing queue (defined in section 3.1.1) but cannot manage the | // | | Incoming queue. Also, non-administrator users cannot manage incoming or outgoing | // | | faxes that belong to other users. | // +------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG 0x00000020 | Grants permission to view the properties of the Fax Service. By default, | // | | non-administrator users do not have this permission. Without this permission, | // | | users cannot view any of the tree nodes, except for the cover page node in the | // | | Fax Service Manager. | // +------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG 0x00000040 | Grants permission to modify the properties of the fax service. By default, | // | | non-administrator users do not have this permission. | // +------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_IN_ARCHIVE 0x00000080 | Grants permission to view all successfully received messages in the Inbox | // | | archive. By default, without this permission, non-administrator users cannot | // | | view archived incoming faxes. | // +------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_IN_ARCHIVE 0x00000100 | Grants permission to manage all successfully received messages in the Inbox | // | | archive. By default, without this permission, non-administrator users cannot | // | | manage archived incoming faxes. | // +------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_OUT_ARCHIVE 0x00000200 | Grants permission to view all successfully sent messages in the Sent Items | // | | archive, including those belonging to other users. By default, without this | // | | permission, non-administrator users can view archives of their own sent messages | // | | but cannot view archives that belong to other users. | // +------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_OUT_ARCHIVE 0x00000400 | Grants permission to manage all successfully sent messages in the Sent Items | // | | archive, including those that belong to other users. By default, without this | // | | permission, non-administrator users can manage archives of their own sent | // | | messages but cannot manage archives that belong to other users. | // +------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | STANDARD ACCESS | | // | RIGHTS | DESCRIPTIION | // | | | // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | DELETE 0x00010000 | Delete access. | // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | READ_CONTROL 0x00020000 | Read access to the owner, group, and discretionary access control list (ACL) of | // | | the security descriptor. | // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | WRITE_DAC 0x00040000 | Write access to the ACL. | // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | WRITE_OWNER 0x00080000 | Write access to the owner. | // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | SYNCHRONIZE 0x00100000 | Allow use of the object for synchronization. | // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // // +-----------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ // | MISCELLANEOUS ACCESS | | // | RIGHTS | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +-----------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ // +-----------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ // | MAXIMUM_ALLOWED 0x02000000 | Maximum allowed access rights for this server. | // +-----------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ AccessMask uint32 `idl:"name:AccessMask" json:"access_mask"` // lpdwRights: A pointer to a DWORD value to receive the fax access rights that this // caller is verified to have of those requested in the AccessMask parameter. This value // MUST be a DWORD bitwise OR combination of fax-specific access rights, standard access // rights, and/or fax-generic access rights limited to those specified by the client // in the AccessMask. In order for the client to be verified for the maxiumum allowed // rights, the caller MUST set the AccessMask to 0x02000000 (MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) and the // server SHOULD set this output value to the actual rights that this caller is verified // to have. Rights uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwRights;pointer:unique" json:"rights"` }
AccessCheckRequest structure represents the FAX_AccessCheck operation request
func (*AccessCheckRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*AccessCheckRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type AccessCheckResponse ¶
type AccessCheckResponse struct { // pfAccess: A pointer to a BOOL ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.3) to receive the access check // return value. This value MUST be TRUE if the client's fax user account has all of // the fax access rights specified by the AccessMask parameter; otherwise, this value // MUST be FALSE. If the value submitted by the client for the AccessMask is zero, the // value pointed to by the pfAccess parameter SHOULD be FALSE on return. Access bool `idl:"name:pfAccess;pointer:ref" json:"access"` // lpdwRights: A pointer to a DWORD value to receive the fax access rights that this // caller is verified to have of those requested in the AccessMask parameter. This value // MUST be a DWORD bitwise OR combination of fax-specific access rights, standard access // rights, and/or fax-generic access rights limited to those specified by the client // in the AccessMask. In order for the client to be verified for the maxiumum allowed // rights, the caller MUST set the AccessMask to 0x02000000 (MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) and the // server SHOULD set this output value to the actual rights that this caller is verified // to have. Rights uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwRights;pointer:unique" json:"rights"` // Return: The FAX_AccessCheck return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
AccessCheckResponse structure represents the FAX_AccessCheck operation response
func (*AccessCheckResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*AccessCheckResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type AddOutboundGroupRequest ¶
type AddOutboundGroupRequest struct { // lpwstrGroupName: A pointer to a null-terminated character string that uniquely identifies // a new group name. This value cannot be NULL. The group name is expected to be case-insensitive. GroupName string `idl:"name:lpwstrGroupName;string;pointer:ref" json:"group_name"` }
AddOutboundGroupRequest structure represents the FAX_AddOutboundGroup operation request
func (*AddOutboundGroupRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*AddOutboundGroupRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type AddOutboundGroupResponse ¶
type AddOutboundGroupResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_AddOutboundGroup return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
AddOutboundGroupResponse structure represents the FAX_AddOutboundGroup operation response
func (*AddOutboundGroupResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*AddOutboundGroupResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type AddOutboundRuleRequest ¶
type AddOutboundRuleRequest struct { // dwAreaCode: The area code of the rule. A value of zero indicates the special any-area // value ROUTING_RULE_AREA_CODE_ANY. The combination of the dwAreaCode and dwCountryCode // parameters is a unique key. AreaCode uint32 `idl:"name:dwAreaCode" json:"area_code"` // dwCountryCode: The country/region code of the rule. The value of this argument MUST // NOT be zero. A value of zero indicates the special any-country, any-region value // ROUTING_RULE_COUNTRY_CODE_ANY, which is not valid for this argument. The combination // of dwAreaCode and dwCountryCode is a unique key. CountryCode uint32 `idl:"name:dwCountryCode" json:"country_code"` // dwDeviceId: The destination device of the rule. This value is valid only if the bUseGroup // parameter is FALSE. The value of dwDeviceId MUST be greater than zero. DeviceID uint32 `idl:"name:dwDeviceId" json:"device_id"` // lpwstrGroupName: The destination group of the rule. This value is valid only if bUseGroup // is TRUE. GroupName string `idl:"name:lpwstrGroupName;string;pointer:unique" json:"group_name"` // bUseGroup: A Boolean value that specifies whether the group SHOULD be used as the // destination. UseGroup bool `idl:"name:bUseGroup" json:"use_group"` }
AddOutboundRuleRequest structure represents the FAX_AddOutboundRule operation request
func (*AddOutboundRuleRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*AddOutboundRuleRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type AddOutboundRuleResponse ¶
type AddOutboundRuleResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_AddOutboundRule return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
AddOutboundRuleResponse structure represents the FAX_AddOutboundRule operation response
func (*AddOutboundRuleResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*AddOutboundRuleResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type CheckServerProtocolSeqRequest ¶
type CheckServerProtocolSeqRequest struct { // lpdwProtSeq: A variable into which the requested sequence is specified. If the specified // protocol sequence is supported, upon return, lpdwProtSeq contains the value for this // validated sequence. // // +-------------------+------------------------------------------+ // | | | // | VALUE/CODE | MEANING | // | | | // +-------------------+------------------------------------------+ // +-------------------+------------------------------------------+ // | RPC_PROT_TCP_IP 1 | Check the protocol sequence for TCP/IP. | // +-------------------+------------------------------------------+ // | RPC_PROT_SPX 2 | Check the protocol sequence for IPX/SPX. | // +-------------------+------------------------------------------+ ProtocolSeq uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwProtSeq;pointer:unique" json:"protocol_seq"` }
CheckServerProtocolSeqRequest structure represents the FAX_CheckServerProtSeq operation request
func (*CheckServerProtocolSeqRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*CheckServerProtocolSeqRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type CheckServerProtocolSeqResponse ¶
type CheckServerProtocolSeqResponse struct { // lpdwProtSeq: A variable into which the requested sequence is specified. If the specified // protocol sequence is supported, upon return, lpdwProtSeq contains the value for this // validated sequence. // // +-------------------+------------------------------------------+ // | | | // | VALUE/CODE | MEANING | // | | | // +-------------------+------------------------------------------+ // +-------------------+------------------------------------------+ // | RPC_PROT_TCP_IP 1 | Check the protocol sequence for TCP/IP. | // +-------------------+------------------------------------------+ // | RPC_PROT_SPX 2 | Check the protocol sequence for IPX/SPX. | // +-------------------+------------------------------------------+ ProtocolSeq uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwProtSeq;pointer:unique" json:"protocol_seq"` // Return: The FAX_CheckServerProtSeq return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
CheckServerProtocolSeqResponse structure represents the FAX_CheckServerProtSeq operation response
func (*CheckServerProtocolSeqResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*CheckServerProtocolSeqResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type CheckValidFaxFolderRequest ¶
type CheckValidFaxFolderRequest struct { // lpcwstrPath: A pointer to a null-terminated character string that contains the path // to validate, specified as a complete file path. The path can be a UNC path or a path // that begins with a drive letter. The path MUST contain a file name. The length of // the path, including the terminating null character, MUST be under 180 characters. Path string `idl:"name:lpcwstrPath;string;pointer:ref" json:"path"` }
CheckValidFaxFolderRequest structure represents the FAX_CheckValidFaxFolder operation request
func (*CheckValidFaxFolderRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*CheckValidFaxFolderRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type CheckValidFaxFolderResponse ¶
type CheckValidFaxFolderResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_CheckValidFaxFolder return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
CheckValidFaxFolderResponse structure represents the FAX_CheckValidFaxFolder operation response
func (*CheckValidFaxFolderResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*CheckValidFaxFolderResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type ClosePortRequest ¶
type ClosePortRequest struct { // FaxPortHandle: A pointer to a fax port handle. FaxPort *fax.Port `idl:"name:FaxPortHandle" json:"fax_port"` }
ClosePortRequest structure represents the FAX_ClosePort operation request
func (*ClosePortRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*ClosePortRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type ClosePortResponse ¶
type ClosePortResponse struct { // FaxPortHandle: A pointer to a fax port handle. FaxPort *fax.Port `idl:"name:FaxPortHandle" json:"fax_port"` // Return: The FAX_ClosePort return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
ClosePortResponse structure represents the FAX_ClosePort operation response
func (*ClosePortResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*ClosePortResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type ConnectFaxServerRequest ¶
type ConnectFaxServerRequest struct { // dwClientAPIVersion: A DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) that MUST contain the protocol // version (fax API version) of the client module. This value MUST be one of the constants // defined in section 2.2.85 (Protocol and Fax API Version Constants). The value determines // the specific FAX_ERR error codes that can be returned by the fax server, as described // in the following table. If the fax server receives from the fax client a version // number greater than the server’s version number, the server MUST accept the request // and MUST consider the client version to be the same as the version supported by the // fax server. // // +------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | | // | VALUE | MEANING | // | | | // +------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_API_VERSION_0 0x00000000 | No FAX_ERR_* values can be returned. | // +------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_API_VERSION_1 0x00010000 | FAX_ERR_* values in the FAX_ERR 7001-7012 range can be returned. | // +------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_API_VERSION_2 0x00020000 | FAX_ERR_* values in the FAX_ERR 7001-7013 range can be returned. | // +------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_API_VERSION_3 0x00030000 | FAX_ERR_* values in the FAX_ERR 7001-7013 range can be returned. | // +------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ ClientAPIVersion uint32 `idl:"name:dwClientAPIVersion" json:"client_api_version"` }
ConnectFaxServerRequest structure represents the FAX_ConnectFaxServer operation request
func (*ConnectFaxServerRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*ConnectFaxServerRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type ConnectFaxServerResponse ¶
type ConnectFaxServerResponse struct { // lpdwServerAPIVersion: A pointer to a DWORD that contains the protocol and fax API // version of the fax server that is reported back by the fax server to the fax client. // This value MUST be one of the constants defined in section 2.2.85. ServerAPIVersion uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwServerAPIVersion;pointer:ref" json:"server_api_version"` // pHandle: The connection handle returned by the fax server. The client MUST use this // connection handle as the Handle argument for the FAX_ConnectionRefCount call made // to disconnect from the fax server at the end of the session. Handle *fax.Service `idl:"name:pHandle;pointer:ref" json:"handle"` // Return: The FAX_ConnectFaxServer return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
ConnectFaxServerResponse structure represents the FAX_ConnectFaxServer operation response
func (*ConnectFaxServerResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*ConnectFaxServerResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type ConnectionReferenceCountRequest ¶
type ConnectionReferenceCountRequest struct { // Handle: The connection handle that references a connection to the fax server. If // Connect is set to 0x00000001 (Connect), a new handle is returned in this parameter. // Otherwise, this parameter MUST be set to a handle returned from a previous call to // this method, or to FAX_ConnectFaxServer. Handle *fax.Service `idl:"name:Handle" json:"handle"` // Connect: A DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) value that specifies connection information. // // +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | | // | VALUE | MEANING | // | | | // +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Disconnect 0x00000000 | Close the fax server connection. The handle specified in Handle MUST have been | // | | returned by a previous call to FAX_ConnectFaxServer or FAX_ConnectionRefCount | // | | with a Connect value of 1 (Connect). After this call, the handle in Handle will | // | | be invalid and MUST NOT be used in any subsequent calls. | // +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Connect 0x00000001 | Connect to the fax server. Calling FAX_ConnectionRefCount with this value | // | | is equivalent to calling FAX_ConnectFaxServer with an API version of | // | | FAX_API_VERSION_0. | // +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Release 0x00000002 | Release a connection to the fax server. The handle specified in Handle | // | | MUST have been returned by a previous call to FAX_ConnectFaxServer or | // | | FAX_ConnectionRefCount with a Connect value of 1 (Connect). After this call, | // | | the handle in Handle MUST NOT be used in any subsequent calls except a call to | // | | FAX_ConnectionRefCount with a Connect value of 0 (Disconnect). | // +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // * // // The call sequence SHOULD have values for the Connect argument in the following order: // // * // // 1 (Connect): To obtain a valid Handle and connect to the fax server. (This call is // optional and can be replaced by a *FAX_ConnectFaxServer* call. // // * // // 2 (Release): Step "1 (Connect)" is mandatory for this call to succeed. // // * // // 0 (Disconnect): Step "1 (Connect)" is mandatory for this call to succeed. // // * // // The following sequence of calls on the same handle MUST result in an ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // error: // // * // // Consecutive calls with a Connect argument value of 2 (Release) or 0 (Disconnect) // without obtaining a valid Handle in between two calls (through step "1 (Connect)" // above). // // * // // A call with a Connect argument value of 0 (Disconnect) following a call with a Connect // argument value of 2 (Release). Connect uint32 `idl:"name:Connect" json:"connect"` }
ConnectionReferenceCountRequest structure represents the FAX_ConnectionRefCount operation request
func (*ConnectionReferenceCountRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*ConnectionReferenceCountRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type ConnectionReferenceCountResponse ¶
type ConnectionReferenceCountResponse struct { // Handle: The connection handle that references a connection to the fax server. If // Connect is set to 0x00000001 (Connect), a new handle is returned in this parameter. // Otherwise, this parameter MUST be set to a handle returned from a previous call to // this method, or to FAX_ConnectFaxServer. Handle *fax.Service `idl:"name:Handle" json:"handle"` // parameter if the fax print queues can be shared as described in section 3.1.1, and // a zero value otherwise.<74> // // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------+ // | POSSIBLE | | // | VALUE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------+ // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------+ // | 0x00000000 | The fax print queues can be shared. | // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------+ // | 0x00000001 — 0xFFFFFFFF | The fax print queues cannot be shared. | // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------+ CanShare uint32 `idl:"name:CanShare" json:"can_share"` // Return: The FAX_ConnectionRefCount return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
ConnectionReferenceCountResponse structure represents the FAX_ConnectionRefCount operation response
func (*ConnectionReferenceCountResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*ConnectionReferenceCountResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type CreateAccountRequest ¶
type CreateAccountRequest struct { // level: A DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) value that indicates the type of structure // to return in Buffer. The value passed in this parameter MUST be zero. Level uint32 `idl:"name:level" json:"level"` // Buffer: A pointer to a FAX_ACCOUNT_INFO_0 that contains fax account information. // The lpcwstrAccountName member of the FAX_ACCOUNT_INFO_0 MUST be set to the name of // the operating system user account for which the new fax user account is to be created, // using the same account name. The format of the user account name string is described // in section 2.2.24 (FAX_ACCOUNT_INFO_0). Buffer []byte `idl:"name:Buffer;size_is:(BufferSize);pointer:ref" json:"buffer"` // BufferSize: A DWORD value that indicates the return size, in bytes, of the buffer // that is pointed to by the Buffer parameter. The maximum size is FAX_MAX_RPC_BUFFER(section // 2.2.82). BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:BufferSize" json:"buffer_size"` }
CreateAccountRequest structure represents the FAX_CreateAccount operation request
func (*CreateAccountRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*CreateAccountRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type CreateAccountResponse ¶
type CreateAccountResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_CreateAccount return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
CreateAccountResponse structure represents the FAX_CreateAccount operation response
func (*CreateAccountResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*CreateAccountResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type DeleteAccountRequest ¶
type DeleteAccountRequest struct { // lpcwstrAccountName: A pointer to a constant, null-terminated character string that // contains the name of the account to delete. The value for this parameter can be obtained // using the FAX_EnumAccounts (section method. AccountName string `idl:"name:lpcwstrAccountName;string;pointer:unique" json:"account_name"` }
DeleteAccountRequest structure represents the FAX_DeleteAccount operation request
func (*DeleteAccountRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*DeleteAccountRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type DeleteAccountResponse ¶
type DeleteAccountResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_DeleteAccount return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
DeleteAccountResponse structure represents the FAX_DeleteAccount operation response
func (*DeleteAccountResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*DeleteAccountResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EnableRoutingMethodRequest ¶
type EnableRoutingMethodRequest struct { // FaxPortHandle: An RPC context handle that references a specified fax port. This parameter // MUST NOT be NULL. FaxPort *fax.Port `idl:"name:FaxPortHandle" json:"fax_port"` // RoutingGuid: A curly-braced GUID string that MUST specify the GUID that uniquely // identifies the fax routing method upon which to act. For more information about routing // methods, see [MSDN-FRM]. The routing methods and the associated curly-braced GUID // string values that can be used for this parameter are discoverable by calling FAX_EnumRoutingMethods // (section Included in this list are the default routing methods described // in section 2.2.87. RoutingGUID string `idl:"name:RoutingGuid;string;pointer:unique" json:"routing_guid"` // Enabled: A Boolean variable that indicates whether the application is enabling or // disabling the fax routing method that is specified by the RoutingGuid. If this parameter // is TRUE, the application is requesting that the server enable the routing method; // if this parameter is FALSE, the application is requesting that the server disable // the routing method. Enabled bool `idl:"name:Enabled" json:"enabled"` }
EnableRoutingMethodRequest structure represents the FAX_EnableRoutingMethod operation request
func (*EnableRoutingMethodRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EnableRoutingMethodRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EnableRoutingMethodResponse ¶
type EnableRoutingMethodResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_EnableRoutingMethod return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
EnableRoutingMethodResponse structure represents the FAX_EnableRoutingMethod operation response
func (*EnableRoutingMethodResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EnableRoutingMethodResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EndCopyRequest ¶
type EndCopyRequest struct { // lphCopy: A copy handle that MUST be returned by FAX_StartCopyToServer or FAX_StartCopyMessageFromServer. LphCopy *fax.Copy `idl:"name:lphCopy;pointer:ref" json:"lph_copy"` }
EndCopyRequest structure represents the FAX_EndCopy operation request
func (*EndCopyRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EndCopyRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EndCopyResponse ¶
type EndCopyResponse struct { // lphCopy: A copy handle that MUST be returned by FAX_StartCopyToServer or FAX_StartCopyMessageFromServer. LphCopy *fax.Copy `idl:"name:lphCopy;pointer:ref" json:"lph_copy"` // Return: The FAX_EndCopy return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
EndCopyResponse structure represents the FAX_EndCopy operation response
func (*EndCopyResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EndCopyResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EndMessagesEnumRequest ¶
type EndMessagesEnumRequest struct { // lpHandle: The parameter lpHandle MUST have been returned by FAX_StartMessagesEnum // (section Handle *fax.MessageEnum `idl:"name:lpHandle;pointer:ref" json:"handle"` }
EndMessagesEnumRequest structure represents the FAX_EndMessagesEnum operation request
func (*EndMessagesEnumRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EndMessagesEnumRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EndMessagesEnumResponse ¶
type EndMessagesEnumResponse struct { // lpHandle: The parameter lpHandle MUST have been returned by FAX_StartMessagesEnum // (section Handle *fax.MessageEnum `idl:"name:lpHandle;pointer:ref" json:"handle"` // Return: The FAX_EndMessagesEnum return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
EndMessagesEnumResponse structure represents the FAX_EndMessagesEnum operation response
func (*EndMessagesEnumResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EndMessagesEnumResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EndServerNotificationRequest ¶
type EndServerNotificationRequest struct { // lpHandle: A pointer to a previously registered subscription context handle. The lpHandle // parameter MUST match the one supplied by the server when the FAX_StartServerNotification // family of calls is in use. Handle *fax.EventEx `idl:"name:lpHandle;pointer:ref" json:"handle"` }
EndServerNotificationRequest structure represents the FAX_EndServerNotification operation request
func (*EndServerNotificationRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EndServerNotificationRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EndServerNotificationResponse ¶
type EndServerNotificationResponse struct { // lpHandle: A pointer to a previously registered subscription context handle. The lpHandle // parameter MUST match the one supplied by the server when the FAX_StartServerNotification // family of calls is in use. Handle *fax.EventEx `idl:"name:lpHandle;pointer:ref" json:"handle"` // Return: The FAX_EndServerNotification return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
EndServerNotificationResponse structure represents the FAX_EndServerNotification operation response
func (*EndServerNotificationResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EndServerNotificationResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EnumAccountsRequest ¶
type EnumAccountsRequest struct { // level: A DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) value that indicates the type of structure // that is pointed to by Buffer. The value passed in this parameter MUST be zero. Level uint32 `idl:"name:level" json:"level"` }
EnumAccountsRequest structure represents the FAX_EnumAccounts operation request
func (*EnumAccountsRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EnumAccountsRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EnumAccountsResponse ¶
type EnumAccountsResponse struct { // Buffer: A pointer to an array of FAX_ACCOUNT_INFO_0 (section 2.2.24) structures that // contain fax account information. Buffer []byte `idl:"name:Buffer;size_is:(, BufferSize)" json:"buffer"` // BufferSize: A pointer to a DWORD value that specifies the size, in bytes, of the // buffer that is pointed to by the Buffer parameter. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:BufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // lpdwAccounts: A DWORD that contains the number of accounts whose information is being // returned. Accounts uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwAccounts;pointer:ref" json:"accounts"` // Return: The FAX_EnumAccounts return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
EnumAccountsResponse structure represents the FAX_EnumAccounts operation response
func (*EnumAccountsResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EnumAccountsResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EnumGlobalRoutingInfoRequest ¶
type EnumGlobalRoutingInfoRequest struct { }
EnumGlobalRoutingInfoRequest structure represents the FAX_EnumGlobalRoutingInfo operation request
func (*EnumGlobalRoutingInfoRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EnumGlobalRoutingInfoRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EnumGlobalRoutingInfoResponse ¶
type EnumGlobalRoutingInfoResponse struct { // RoutingInfoBuffer: A pointer to the address of a buffer to receive an array of // _FAX_GLOBAL_ROUTING_INFOW (section 2.2.33) structures. Each structure contains information // about one fax routing method, as it pertains to the entire Fax Service. RoutingInfoBuffer []byte `idl:"name:RoutingInfoBuffer;size_is:(, RoutingInfoBufferSize)" json:"routing_info_buffer"` // RoutingInfoBufferSize: A variable to return the size, in bytes, of the routing information // buffer. RoutingInfoBufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:RoutingInfoBufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"routing_info_buffer_size"` // MethodsReturned: A pointer to a DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) variable to receive // the number of _FAX_GLOBAL_ROUTING_INFOW that the method returns in the RoutingInfoBuffer // parameter. This number SHOULD equal the total number of fax routing methods installed // on the target server. MethodsReturned uint32 `idl:"name:MethodsReturned;pointer:ref" json:"methods_returned"` // Return: The FAX_EnumGlobalRoutingInfo return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
EnumGlobalRoutingInfoResponse structure represents the FAX_EnumGlobalRoutingInfo operation response
func (*EnumGlobalRoutingInfoResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EnumGlobalRoutingInfoResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EnumJobsEx2Request ¶
type EnumJobsEx2Request struct { // fAllAccounts: Flag indicating whether the jobs for all accounts are enumerated. If // this parameter is nonzero, the jobs for all accounts are enumerated and lpcwstrAccountName // is reset to NULL and not taken into account. Otherwise, the lpcwstrAccountName parameter // SHOULD indicate which accounts are to be enumerated. AllAccounts bool `idl:"name:fAllAccounts" json:"all_accounts"` // lpcwstrAccountName: Pointer to a constant, null-terminated character string that // indicates which account to enumerate. If this value is set to NULL, the current account's // jobs are enumerated. Cross-account enumeration is currently not supported. If the // fAllAccounts parameter is nonzero, this value is reset to NULL. The value for this // parameter can be obtained using the FAX_EnumAccounts (section method. AccountName string `idl:"name:lpcwstrAccountName;string;pointer:unique" json:"account_name"` // dwJobTypes: A DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) value that MUST consist of a bitwise // combination of the job types defined in section 3.1.1. Only jobs that are of the // requested types SHOULD be returned in the buffer. JobTypes uint32 `idl:"name:dwJobTypes" json:"job_types"` // level: A DWORD value that indicates the type of structure to return in the Buffer // parameter. The value MUST be set to 1. Level uint32 `idl:"name:level" json:"level"` }
EnumJobsEx2Request structure represents the FAX_EnumJobsEx2 operation request
func (*EnumJobsEx2Request) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EnumJobsEx2Request) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EnumJobsEx2Response ¶
type EnumJobsEx2Response struct { // Buffer: Pointer to the address of a buffer that will receive an array of FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EX_1 // (section 2.2.34) structures. Each structure describes one fax job. Buffer []byte `idl:"name:Buffer;size_is:(, BufferSize)" json:"buffer"` // BufferSize: Pointer to a DWORD value that returns the size, in bytes, of Buffer. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:BufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // lpdwJobs: Pointer to a DWORD value that receives the number of FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EX_1 // that the method returns in Buffer. Jobs uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwJobs;pointer:ref" json:"jobs"` // Return: The FAX_EnumJobsEx2 return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
EnumJobsEx2Response structure represents the FAX_EnumJobsEx2 operation response
func (*EnumJobsEx2Response) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EnumJobsEx2Response) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EnumJobsExRequest ¶
type EnumJobsExRequest struct { // dwJobTypes: A DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) value. The dwJobTypes parameter SHOULD // be a bitwise combination of job types defined in section 3.1.1. Only jobs that are // of the requested types SHOULD be returned in the buffer. If zero is passed as a value // for the parameter (0 is not a valid job type), the server will return success, but // with a zero-byte buffer. JobTypes uint32 `idl:"name:dwJobTypes" json:"job_types"` }
EnumJobsExRequest structure represents the FAX_EnumJobsEx operation request
func (*EnumJobsExRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EnumJobsExRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EnumJobsExResponse ¶
type EnumJobsExResponse struct { // Buffer: A pointer to the address of a buffer to receive an array of FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EXW // (section 2.2.35) structures followed by an array of the same number of FAX_JOB_STATUS // (section 2.2.36) structures, followed by other data pointed at from these structures // (from pointer type fields). Each FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EXW and FAX_JOB_STATUS pair describes // one fax job. For each returned FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EXW, if the pStatus pointer is not NULL, // it MUST point to one of the FAX_JOB_STATUS in the buffer. If the pStatus pointer // is NULL, the FAX_JOB_STATUS attached to the current FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EXW is located // at the corresponding index position in the structure array. This data is serialized // on the wire. The field length MUST be clamped to 32 bits before serialization. // // For example, when three jobs are successfully enumerated, the call returns ERROR_SUCCESS // with a value of 3 for the *lpdwJobs output argument. The returned data is arranged // in memory as follows, from the start of the address specified by the Buffer parameter: // // +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | DATA | | | // | STRUCTURE | SIZE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | | // +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EXW | sizeof(FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EXW) | The first FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EXW in the buffer, corresponding to the first | // | | | FAX_JOB_STATUS in the buffer if pStatus is NULL in this FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EXW. | // +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EXW | sizeof(FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EXW) | The second FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EXW in the buffer, corresponding to the second | // | | | FAX_JOB_STATUS in the buffer if pStatus is NULL in this FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EXW. | // +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EXW | sizeof(FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EXW) | The third FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EXW in the buffer, corresponding to the third | // | | | FAX_JOB_STATUS in the buffer if pStatus is NULL in this FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EXW. | // +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_JOB_STATUS | sizeof(FAX_JOB_STATUS) | The first FAX_JOB_STATUS in the buffer, corresponding to the first | // | | | FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EXW in the buffer if pStatus is NULL in this FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EXW. | // +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_JOB_STATUS | sizeof(FAX_JOB_STATUS) | The second FAX_JOB_STATUS in the buffer, corresponding to the second | // | | | FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EXW in the buffer if pStatus is NULL in this FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EXW. | // +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_JOB_STATUS | sizeof(FAX_JOB_STATUS) | The third FAX_JOB_STATUS in the buffer, corresponding to the third | // | | | FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EXW in the buffer if pStatus is NULL in this FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EXW. | // +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Other data | *BufferSize – (3 * (sizeof(FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EXW) + sizeof(FAX_JOB_STATUS))) | Data pointed at by pointer fields in FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EXW and FAX_JOB_STATUS at the | // | | | beginning of the buffer. | // +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Buffer []byte `idl:"name:Buffer;size_is:(, BufferSize)" json:"buffer"` // BufferSize: A variable to return the size, in bytes, of the buffer. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:BufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // lpdwJobs: A pointer to a DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) variable to receive the // number of FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EXW and FAX_JOB_STATUS that the method returns in the Buffer // parameter. Jobs uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwJobs;pointer:ref" json:"jobs"` // Return: The FAX_EnumJobsEx return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
EnumJobsExResponse structure represents the FAX_EnumJobsEx operation response
func (*EnumJobsExResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EnumJobsExResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EnumJobsRequest ¶
type EnumJobsRequest struct { }
EnumJobsRequest structure represents the FAX_EnumJobs operation request
func (*EnumJobsRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EnumJobsRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EnumJobsResponse ¶
type EnumJobsResponse struct { // Buffer: A pointer to the address of a buffer to receive an array of _FAX_JOB_ENTRY // (section 2.2.6) structures. Buffer []byte `idl:"name:Buffer;size_is:(, BufferSize)" json:"buffer"` // BufferSize: A variable to return the size, in bytes, of the job information buffer. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:BufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // JobsReturned: A pointer to a DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) variable to receive // the number of _FAX_JOB_ENTRY that the method returns in the Buffer parameter. JobsReturned uint32 `idl:"name:JobsReturned;pointer:ref" json:"jobs_returned"` // Return: The FAX_EnumJobs return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
EnumJobsResponse structure represents the FAX_EnumJobs operation response
func (*EnumJobsResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EnumJobsResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EnumMessagesExRequest ¶
type EnumMessagesExRequest struct { // hEnum: The enumeration handle returned through the lpHandle output argument by FAX_StartMessagesEnum // or FAX_StartMessagesEnumEx. Enum *fax.MessageEnum `idl:"name:hEnum;pointer:ref" json:"enum"` // dwNumMessages: A DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) value that indicates the maximum // number of messages that the caller requires to enumerate. This value MUST NOT be // zero. MessagesLength uint32 `idl:"name:dwNumMessages" json:"messages_length"` }
EnumMessagesExRequest structure represents the FAX_EnumMessagesEx operation request
func (*EnumMessagesExRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EnumMessagesExRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EnumMessagesExResponse ¶
type EnumMessagesExResponse struct { // lppBuffer: A pointer to an array of FAX_MESSAGE_1 (section 2.2.37) structures that // contain lpdwNumMessagesRetrieved entries. Buffer []byte `idl:"name:lppBuffer;size_is:(, lpdwBufferSize)" json:"buffer"` // lpdwBufferSize: A pointer to a DWORD value that specifies the size, in bytes, of // the buffer. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwBufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // lpdwNumMessagesRetrieved: A pointer to a DWORD value that indicates the actual number // of retrieved messages. This value SHOULD NOT exceed dwNumMessages. MessagesRetrievedLength uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwNumMessagesRetrieved;pointer:ref" json:"messages_retrieved_length"` // lpdwLevel: A pointer to a DWORD value that indicates the structure to return. Level uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwLevel;pointer:ref" json:"level"` // Return: The FAX_EnumMessagesEx return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
EnumMessagesExResponse structure represents the FAX_EnumMessagesEx operation response
func (*EnumMessagesExResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EnumMessagesExResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EnumMessagesRequest ¶
type EnumMessagesRequest struct { // hEnum: The enumeration handle returned through the lpHandle output argument by // FAX_StartMessagesEnum. Enum *fax.MessageEnum `idl:"name:hEnum;pointer:ref" json:"enum"` // dwNumMessages: A DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) value indicating the maximum number // of messages the caller requires to enumerate. This value MUST NOT be zero. MessagesLength uint32 `idl:"name:dwNumMessages" json:"messages_length"` }
EnumMessagesRequest structure represents the FAX_EnumMessages operation request
func (*EnumMessagesRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EnumMessagesRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EnumMessagesResponse ¶
type EnumMessagesResponse struct { // lppBuffer: A pointer to a buffer of FAX_MESSAGEW (section 2.2.38) structures. This // buffer contains lpdwNumMessagesRetrieved entries. Buffer []byte `idl:"name:lppBuffer;size_is:(, lpdwBufferSize)" json:"buffer"` // lpdwBufferSize: A pointer to a DWORD in which to return the size, in bytes, of the // buffer. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwBufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // lpdwNumMessagesRetrieved: A pointer to a DWORD value indicating the actual number // of messages retrieved. This value SHOULD NOT exceed dwNumMessages. MessagesRetrievedLength uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwNumMessagesRetrieved;pointer:ref" json:"messages_retrieved_length"` // Return: The FAX_EnumMessages return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
EnumMessagesResponse structure represents the FAX_EnumMessages operation response
func (*EnumMessagesResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EnumMessagesResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EnumOutboundGroupsRequest ¶
type EnumOutboundGroupsRequest struct { }
EnumOutboundGroupsRequest structure represents the FAX_EnumOutboundGroups operation request
func (*EnumOutboundGroupsRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EnumOutboundGroupsRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EnumOutboundGroupsResponse ¶
type EnumOutboundGroupsResponse struct { // ppData: The address of a pointer to a buffer containing an array of _RPC_FAX_OUTBOUND_ROUTING_GROUPW // (section 2.2.40) structures. Data []byte `idl:"name:ppData;size_is:(, lpdwDataSize)" json:"data"` // lpdwDataSize: The size, in bytes, of the returned ppData buffer. DataSize uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwDataSize;pointer:ref" json:"data_size"` // lpdwNumGroups: The number of groups that are returned. GroupsLength uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwNumGroups;pointer:ref" json:"groups_length"` // Return: The FAX_EnumOutboundGroups return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
EnumOutboundGroupsResponse structure represents the FAX_EnumOutboundGroups operation response
func (*EnumOutboundGroupsResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EnumOutboundGroupsResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EnumOutboundRulesRequest ¶
type EnumOutboundRulesRequest struct { }
EnumOutboundRulesRequest structure represents the FAX_EnumOutboundRules operation request
func (*EnumOutboundRulesRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EnumOutboundRulesRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EnumOutboundRulesResponse ¶
type EnumOutboundRulesResponse struct { // ppData: A pointer to a buffer containing an array of _RPC_FAX_OUTBOUND_ROUTING_RULEW // (section 2.2.42) structures. Data []byte `idl:"name:ppData;size_is:(, lpdwDataSize)" json:"data"` // lpdwDataSize: A pointer to a DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) in which to return the // size, in bytes, of the lpData buffer. DataSize uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwDataSize;pointer:ref" json:"data_size"` // lpdwNumRules: A pointer to a DWORD value indicating the number of rules retrieved. RulesLength uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwNumRules;pointer:ref" json:"rules_length"` // Return: The FAX_EnumOutboundRules return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
EnumOutboundRulesResponse structure represents the FAX_EnumOutboundRules operation response
func (*EnumOutboundRulesResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EnumOutboundRulesResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EnumPortsExRequest ¶
type EnumPortsExRequest struct { }
EnumPortsExRequest structure represents the FAX_EnumPortsEx operation request
func (*EnumPortsExRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EnumPortsExRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EnumPortsExResponse ¶
type EnumPortsExResponse struct { // Buffer: A pointer to the address of a buffer to receive an array of _FAX_PORT_INFO_EXW // (section 2.2.46) structures. Each structure describes one fax port. The data includes, // among other items, the line identifier and the current status and capability of the // port. Buffer []byte `idl:"name:Buffer;size_is:(, BufferSize)" json:"buffer"` // BufferSize: A pointer to a DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) in which to return the // size, in bytes, of the buffer. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:BufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // lpdwNumPorts: A pointer to a DWORD variable that receives the number of ports that // are returned by the method. PortsLength uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwNumPorts;pointer:ref" json:"ports_length"` // Return: The FAX_EnumPortsEx return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
EnumPortsExResponse structure represents the FAX_EnumPortsEx operation response
func (*EnumPortsExResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EnumPortsExResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EnumPortsRequest ¶
type EnumPortsRequest struct { }
EnumPortsRequest structure represents the FAX_EnumPorts operation request
func (*EnumPortsRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EnumPortsRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EnumPortsResponse ¶
type EnumPortsResponse struct { // PortBuffer: A pointer to the address of a buffer to receive an array of _FAX_PORT_INFO // (section 2.2.8) structures. Each structure describes one fax port. PortBuffer []byte `idl:"name:PortBuffer;size_is:(, BufferSize)" json:"port_buffer"` // BufferSize: A variable to return the size, in bytes, of the port buffer. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:BufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // PortsReturned: A pointer to a DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) variable to receive // the number of _FAX_PORT_INFO that the method returns in the PortBuffer parameter. PortsReturned uint32 `idl:"name:PortsReturned;pointer:ref" json:"ports_returned"` // Return: The FAX_EnumPorts return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
EnumPortsResponse structure represents the FAX_EnumPorts operation response
func (*EnumPortsResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EnumPortsResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EnumRoutingExtensionsRequest ¶
type EnumRoutingExtensionsRequest struct { }
EnumRoutingExtensionsRequest structure represents the FAX_EnumRoutingExtensions operation request
func (*EnumRoutingExtensionsRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EnumRoutingExtensionsRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EnumRoutingExtensionsResponse ¶
type EnumRoutingExtensionsResponse struct { // Buffer: A pointer to the address of a buffer to receive an array of FAX_ROUTING_EXTENSION_INFO // (section 2.2.49) structures. Each structure contains information about one fax routing // extension, as it pertains to the entire Fax Service. Buffer []byte `idl:"name:Buffer;size_is:(, BufferSize)" json:"buffer"` // BufferSize: A pointer to a DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) in which to return the // size, in bytes, of the buffer. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:BufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // lpdwNumExts: A pointer to a DWORD variable to receive the number of FAX_ROUTING_EXTENSION_INFO // that the method returns in the ppRoutingExtensions parameter. This number MUST equal // the total number of fax device routing extensions that are installed on the target // server. ExtsLength uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwNumExts;pointer:ref" json:"exts_length"` // Return: The FAX_EnumRoutingExtensions return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
EnumRoutingExtensionsResponse structure represents the FAX_EnumRoutingExtensions operation response
func (*EnumRoutingExtensionsResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EnumRoutingExtensionsResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EnumRoutingMethodsRequest ¶
type EnumRoutingMethodsRequest struct { // FaxPortHandle: An RPC context handle that references a specified fax port. FaxPort *fax.Port `idl:"name:FaxPortHandle" json:"fax_port"` }
EnumRoutingMethodsRequest structure represents the FAX_EnumRoutingMethods operation request
func (*EnumRoutingMethodsRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EnumRoutingMethodsRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EnumRoutingMethodsResponse ¶
type EnumRoutingMethodsResponse struct { // RoutingInfoBuffer: A pointer to the address of a buffer to receive an array of FAX_ROUTING_METHOD // (section 2.2.9) structures. Each structure contains information about one fax routing // method. RoutingInfoBuffer []byte `idl:"name:RoutingInfoBuffer;size_is:(, RoutingInfoBufferSize)" json:"routing_info_buffer"` // RoutingInfoBufferSize: A variable to return the size, in bytes, of the routing method // buffer. RoutingInfoBufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:RoutingInfoBufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"routing_info_buffer_size"` // PortsReturned: A pointer to a DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) variable to receive // the number of FAX_ROUTING_METHOD that are returned by the RoutingInfoBuffer parameter. PortsReturned uint32 `idl:"name:PortsReturned;pointer:ref" json:"ports_returned"` // Return: The FAX_EnumRoutingMethods return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
EnumRoutingMethodsResponse structure represents the FAX_EnumRoutingMethods operation response
func (*EnumRoutingMethodsResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EnumRoutingMethodsResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EnumerateProvidersRequest ¶
type EnumerateProvidersRequest struct { }
EnumerateProvidersRequest structure represents the FAX_EnumerateProviders operation request
func (*EnumerateProvidersRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EnumerateProvidersRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type EnumerateProvidersResponse ¶
type EnumerateProvidersResponse struct { // Buffer: A pointer to the address of a buffer to receive an array of FAX_DEVICE_PROVIDER_INFO // (section 2.2.30) structures. Each structure contains information about one fax device // provider, as it pertains to the entire fax service. Buffer []byte `idl:"name:Buffer;size_is:(, BufferSize)" json:"buffer"` // BufferSize: A pointer to a DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) in which to return the // size, in bytes, of the buffer. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:BufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // lpdwNumProviders: A pointer to a DWORD variable to receive the number of FAX_DEVICE_PROVIDER_INFO // that the method returns in Buffer. This number MUST be equal to the total number // of FSPs installed on the target server. ProvidersLength uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwNumProviders;pointer:ref" json:"providers_length"` // Return: The FAX_EnumerateProviders return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
EnumerateProvidersResponse structure represents the FAX_EnumerateProviders operation response
func (*EnumerateProvidersResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*EnumerateProvidersResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type FaxClient ¶
type FaxClient interface { // The fax client application calls the FAX_GetServicePrinters (Opnum 0) method to obtain // a list of printers that are visible to the fax server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG access rights required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. The fax server failed | // | | to allocate sufficient memory to hold the array of FAX_PRINTER_INFOW structures | // | | to be returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The lpBuffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer | // | | value.<136> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The fax server failed to custom marshal the array of FAX_PRINTER_INFOW | // | | structures to be returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetServicePrinters(context.Context, *GetServicePrintersRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetServicePrintersResponse, error) // The FAX_ConnectionRefCount (Opnum 1) method is called by the client.<73> // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The Connect parameter is set to a value of 0x00000001 | // | | (Connect), and the client's fax user account does not have the | // | | ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS access rights required for the connect operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions are met: § The Connect parameter is set to a value of 0x00000000 | // | | (Disconnect) or to a value of 0x00000002 (Release), and the Handle parameter is | // | | set to a NULL value.<75> § The Connect parameter is set to a value of 0x00000001 | // | | (Connect), and the CanShare parameter is set to a NULL pointer value.<76> § | // | | The Connect parameter is set to a value other than 0x00000000 (Disconnect), | // | | 0x00000001 (Connect), or 0x00000002 (Release). | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Fax clients call this method to connect or disconnect from the fax server. // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. ConnectionReferenceCount(context.Context, *ConnectionReferenceCountRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*ConnectionReferenceCountResponse, error) // The FAX_OpenPort (Opnum 2) method is called by the client. In response, the server // opens a fax port for subsequent use in other fax methods, and it returns a fax port // handle for use by the fax client application. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied: the client's fax user account does not have either the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG or the FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG access permissions. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE 0x00000006 | The call was made with the Flags argument containing the PORT_OPEN_MODIFY flag | // | | and the port is already opened to be modified by another call. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BAD_UNIT 0x00000014 | The system cannot find the port for the receiving device by using the line | // | | identifier specified by the DeviceId argument. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The FaxPortHandle argument is NULL.<140> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. OpenPort(context.Context, *OpenPortRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*OpenPortResponse, error) // The FAX_ClosePort (Opnum 3) method is called by the client to close an open fax port. // The client passes FaxPortHandle, which it received from a call to FAX_OpenPort (section // // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE 0x00000006 | FaxPortHandle is not a valid open port handle returned by FAX_OpenPort. <71> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The RPC_FAX_PORT_HANDLE fax data type referenced by the FaxPortHandle parameter | // | | is set to a NULL pointer value.<72> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. ClosePort(context.Context, *ClosePortRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*ClosePortResponse, error) // The FAX_EnumJobs (Opnum 4) method is called by the client to enumerate all the fax // jobs on the specified fax server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_JOBS access right. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | The server cannot allocate sufficient memory to hold the array of FAX_JOB_ENTRY | // | | (section 2.2.5) structures to be returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The Buffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer | // | | value.<87> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The server failed to custom marshal the array of FAX_JOB_ENTRY to be returned to | // | | the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EnumJobs(context.Context, *EnumJobsRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*EnumJobsResponse, error) // The FAX_GetJob (Opnum 5) method is called by the client to retrieve information regarding // a specific job. The job is specified by the JobId parameter. The value for the JobId // parameter can be obtained using one of the following methods: FAX_EnumJobs (section //, FAX_EnumJobsEx (section, or FAX_EnumJobsEx2 (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | The client's fax user account does not have access to query the job specified | // | | by the JobId parameter. This error can happen in any of the following cases: § | // | | The job specified by the JobId parameter is an outgoing job; the client (the fax | // | | user account currently logged in on the client) is not the owner of this job and | // | | does not have the FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_OUT_JOBS access rights. § The job specified | // | | by the JobId parameter is an incoming job; incoming faxes are not public and | // | | the client's fax user account does not have the FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_RECEIVE_FOLDER | // | | rights. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | The server cannot allocate sufficient memory to hold the FAX_JOB_ENTRY (section | // | | 2.2.5) structure to be returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions are met: § The Buffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer value.<110> | // | | § The fax job specified by the JobId parameter cannot be found (does not | // | | exist) in the fax server queue. § The fax job specified by JobId cannot be | // | | queried: the job type is JT_BROADCAST, JS_DELETING, or JS_COMPLETED. For more | // | | information about job types, see the description of the dwJobType member of the | // | | FAX_JOB_STATUS (section 2.2.36) structure. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The server failed to custom marshal the FAX_JOB_ENTRY to be returned to the | // | | client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetJob(context.Context, *GetJobRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetJobResponse, error) // The FAX_SetJob (Opnum 6) method is called by the client. The value for the JobId // parameter can be obtained using one of the following methods: FAX_EnumJobs (section //, FAX_EnumJobsEx (section, or FAX_EnumJobsEx2 (section // // On success, the server MUST pause, resume, cancel, or restart the specified fax job // and MUST set the job status (section 3.1.1) to reflect the new job state. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the access rights | // | | required to perform this operation: § For an outgoing fax job, the client's fax | // | | user account is not the owner of the fax job and the client's fax user account | // | | does not have the FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_OUT_JOBS rights. § For an incoming fax job, | // | | incoming faxes are not public, and the client's fax user account does not have | // | | the FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_RECEIVE_FOLDER rights. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § The fax job indicated by the JobId argument cannot be | // | | found by the fax server. § The specified Command argument value is JC_DELETE and | // | | the fax job specified by the JobId argument indicates a fax job that is already | // | | in a state of being deleted or was already deleted. § The specified Command | // | | argument value is JC_UNKNOWN (0). § The specified Command argument value is not | // | | JC_DELETE, JC_PAUSE, or JC_RESUME/JC_RESTART. § The specified Command argument | // | | value is JC_DELETE and the type of the fax job specified by the JobId parameter | // | | is JT_BROADCAST See the definition of the dwJobType member of the FAX_JOB_STATUS | // | | structure (section 2.2.36). | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION 0x000010DD | The specified Command argument value is JC_DELETE, and the specified JobId | // | | represents a fax job with a current job status other than JS_PENDING or | // | | JS_RETRYING. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. SetJob(context.Context, *SetJobRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*SetJobResponse, error) // The FAX_GetPageData (Opnum 7) method is called by the client to retrieve data in // the first page of an outgoing fax job. The information that is returned in the buffer // is an in-memory copy of the first page of the TIFF file. The value for the JobId // parameter can be obtained using one of the following methods: FAX_EnumJobs (section //, FAX_EnumJobsEx (section, or FAX_EnumJobsEx2 (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The caller does not have the access rights required for this | // | | operation: ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS (section 2.2.83). | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_DATA 0x0000000D | The job identified by the JobId parameter is not an outgoing fax job or is not | // | | a valid fax job for which the fax server can extract the first page of the TIFF | // | | file. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § One or more of the following parameters are null | // | | pointers: Buffer, ImageWidth, ImageHeight.<120> § The fax server cannot find the | // | | fax job indicated by JobId. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetPageData(context.Context, *GetPageDataRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetPageDataResponse, error) // The FAX_GetDeviceStatus (Opnum 8) method is called by the client to retrieve information // about a specified fax device (port). // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG access rights required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | The server cannot allocate sufficient memory to hold the FAX_DEVICE_STATUS to be | // | | returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_DATA 0x0000000D | The FaxPortHandle parameter is not set to a valid port handle obtained using | // | | FAX_OpenPort.<106> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § The StatusBuffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer | // | | value.<107> § The FaxPortHandle parameter is set to a NULL value.<108> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The server failed to custom marshal the FAX_DEVICE_STATUS to be returned to the | // | | client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetDeviceStatus(context.Context, *GetDeviceStatusRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetDeviceStatusResponse, error) // The FAX_Abort (Opnum 9) method is called by the client to abort the specified fax // job on the server. The value for the JobId parameter can be obtained using one of // the following methods: FAX_EnumJobs (section, FAX_EnumJobsEx (section //, or FAX_EnumJobsEx2 (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return either one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors // that are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in // [MS-ERREF] section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. This error code is returned when any of the following | // | | conditions happen: § The client's fax user account does not have | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_RECEIVE_FOLDER permission, and the specified JobId | // | | represents an incoming fax job. § The client's fax user account does not have | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_OUT_JOBS permission, and the specified JobId represents an | // | | outgoing fax job of a different user. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § The fax job identified by the specified JobId is not | // | | found. § The specified job has already been canceled or is in the process of | // | | being canceled. § The type of the fax job specified by the JobId parameter is | // | | JT_BROADCAST (the description of the dwJobType member of the FAX_JOB_STATUS | // | | structure specified in section 2.2.36). | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION 0x000010DD | The operation is invalid. This error code is returned under any of the following | // | | conditions: § The specified JobId represents an incoming fax job (the dwJobType | // | | member of the FAX_JOB_STATUS describing the job is set to 0x0002), which is | // | | being routed (the dwQueueStatus member of the FAX_JOB_STATUS describing the job | // | | is set to JS_ROUTING) and cannot be aborted at this stage. § The specified JobId | // | | represents a fax job in progress (the dwJobType member of the FAX_JOB_STATUS | // | | describing the job is set to 0x0003), which the fax server failed to route | // | | (the dwQueueStatus member of the FAX_JOB_STATUS describing the job is set to | // | | JS_IN_PROGRESS) and cannot be aborted at this stage. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. Abort(context.Context, *AbortRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*AbortResponse, error) // The FAX_EnumPorts (Opnum 10) method is called by the client to obtain port state // information. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the access rights | // | | (FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG) required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. The fax server cannot | // | | allocate sufficient memory to hold the array of _FAX_PORT_INFO to be returned to | // | | the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions are met:<95> § The PortBuffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer | // | | value. § The PortsReturned parameter is set to a NULL pointer value. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The fax server failed to custom marshal the array of _FAX_PORT_INFO to be | // | | returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EnumPorts(context.Context, *EnumPortsRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*EnumPortsResponse, error) // The FAX_GetPort (Opnum 11) method is called by the client to retrieve port status // information for a requested port at the server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG access rights required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | The server cannot allocate sufficient memory to hold the FAX_PORT_INFO (section | // | | 2.2.7) data structure to be returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_DATA 0x0000000D | The FaxPortHandle parameter is not set to a valid port handle obtained using | // | | FAX_OpenPort.<124> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions are met: § The PortBuffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer | // | | value.<125> § The FaxPortHandle parameter is set to NULL.<126> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The server failed to custom marshal the FAX_PORT_INFO to be returned to the | // | | client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetPort(context.Context, *GetPortRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetPortResponse, error) // A fax client application uses the FAX_SetPort (Opnum 12) method to set fax device // information. The function sets extension configuration properties that are stored // at the device level, such as enabling or disabling sending and receiving, and the // auto or manual answering of calls. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG fax access right. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_DATA 0x0000000D | The handle specified by the FaxPortHandle argument is not a valid fax port | // | | handle obtained by a call to FAX_OpenPort.<166> | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions are met: § The pointer specified by the PortInfo argument is NULL. | // | | § The handle specified by the FaxPortHandle argument is NULL. § The requested | // | | value of the Priority member of the PortInfo parameter is 0, or is greater than | // | | the total number of installed fax devices. § The size of the PortInfo argument | // | | specified in the SizeOfStruct field is not the correct size, in bytes, for the | // | | FAX_PORT_INFO. § When FAX_ERR_DEVICE_NUM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED is to be returned, but | // | | the fax client does not support this error code (the fax client API version | // | | described in section is FAX_API_VERSION_0). | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_DEVICE_NUM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 0x00001B62 | The fax server cannot complete the operation because all of the following | // | | conditions are true: If the fax server has an implementation-dependent maximum | // | | number of supported devices set<167> and the number of fax devices currently | // | | connected to the server is equal to or exceeds this maximum number of supported | // | | devices. The device is not send, receive, or manual-receive enabled. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetPort(context.Context, *SetPortRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*SetPortResponse, error) // The FAX_EnumRoutingMethods (Opnum 13) method is called by the client to enumerate // all the routing methods for a specified port that are registered with the fax server // in the fax server's list of routing methods. The client calls Fax_OpenPort (section // to get the value for FaxPortHandle. The function returns detailed information // about each of the enumerated routing methods. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION 0x00000001 | The fax server failed to enumerate any routing methods for the fax port | // | | specified through the FaxPortHandle parameter. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the access rights | // | | (FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG) required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. The fax server cannot | // | | allocate sufficient memory to hold the array of FAX_ROUTING_METHOD to be | // | | returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_DATA 0x0000000D | This error SHOULD be returned if the FaxPortHandle argument is not a valid | // | | handle obtained using FAX_OpenPort.<99> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The RoutingInfoBuffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer value. <100> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The fax server failed to custom marshal the array of FAX_ROUTING_METHOD | // | | structures to be returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EnumRoutingMethods(context.Context, *EnumRoutingMethodsRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*EnumRoutingMethodsResponse, error) // The FAX_EnableRoutingMethod (Opnum 14) method is called by the client for a specified // fax device (port). // // The user is expected to set the proper configuration settings on the client before // enabling any routing method. For example, in order to enable email, the user SHOULD // specify the proper SMTP details, and the client SHOULD then call the FAX_SetReceiptsConfiguration // (section method, with the bIsToUseForMSRouteThroughEmailMethod value // in the pReceipts parameter set to true. Also, the user can ensure that the proper // routing method destinations, such as EmailID, Printer, and Folder values, have been // specified. The client can use the FAX_SetExtensionData (section method // to set the EmailID, Printer, and Folder once the user has entered the proper values. // // On success, the server MUST enable or disable a fax routing method for a specific // fax device. The server MUST validate that the client's fax user account has access // to enable or disable routing methods. The RoutingGUID parameter MUST be for a valid // routing method. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG access right. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_DATA 0x0000000D | The data is invalid. The GUID specified by the RoutingGuid parameter is not a | // | | routing method GUID. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This is returned when RoutingGuid is set to NULL. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EnableRoutingMethod(context.Context, *EnableRoutingMethodRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*EnableRoutingMethodResponse, error) // The FAX_GetRoutingInfo (Opnum 15) method is called by the client to retrieve information // about a specified routing method that is identified by the passed-in GUID. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG access rights required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | The server cannot allocate sufficient memory to hold the fax routing information | // | | data to be returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_DATA 0x0000000D | This error code is returned if any of the following conditions are met: § The | // | | port handle specified by the FaxPortHandle parameter is not a valid fax port | // | | handle obtained with FAX_OpenPort (section<131> § The server cannot | // | | find the routing method identified by the GUID specified by the RoutingGuid | // | | parameter. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions are met: § The RoutingGuid parameter is set to a NULL pointer value. | // | | § The RoutingInfoBuffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer value.<132> § The | // | | FaxPortHandle parameter is set to a NULL value.<133> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetRoutingInfo(context.Context, *GetRoutingInfoRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetRoutingInfoResponse, error) // The FAX_SetRoutingInfo (Opnum 16) method is called by the client to set routing information // for a fax routing method. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | The client's fax user account does not have the FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG | // | | permission. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_DATA 0x0000000D | This error code is returned if any of the following conditions are met: § The | // | | FaxPortHandle parameter is not set to a valid fax port handle obtained with | // | | FAX_OpenPort. § The RoutingGuid parameter is not set to a GUID representing a | // | | valid routing method. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | This error code is returned if any of the following conditions are met: § The | // | | RoutingGuid parameter is set to a NULL pointer value. § The RoutingInfoBuffer | // | | parameter is set to a NULL pointer value. § The RoutingInfoBufferSize parameter | // | | is set to a value of 0. § The FaxPortHandle parameter is set to a NULL | // | | value.<172> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. SetRoutingInfo(context.Context, *SetRoutingInfoRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*SetRoutingInfoResponse, error) // The FAX_EnumGlobalRoutingInfo (Opnum 17) method is called by the client to enumerate // global routing information. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION 0x00000001 | The server failed to enumerate the routing methods. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG access rights required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | The server cannot allocate sufficient memory to hold the array of | // | | _FAX_GLOBAL_ROUTING_INFOW structures to be returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The RoutingInfoBuffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer value.<86> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The server failed to custom marshal the array of _FAX_GLOBAL_ROUTING_INFOW | // | | structures to be returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EnumGlobalRoutingInfo(context.Context, *EnumGlobalRoutingInfoRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*EnumGlobalRoutingInfoResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_SetGlobalRoutingInfo (Opnum 18) method to // set global routing properties such as the routing method priority. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the required | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG authorization for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_DATA 0x0000000D | The fax server cannot find the routing method specified by the Guid structure | // | | field of the RoutingInfo parameter. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions are met: § The RoutingInfo parameter is set to a NULL pointer value. | // | | § The SizeOfStruct structure field of RoutingInfo is not set to the correct | // | | size, in bytes, for the FAX_GLOBAL_ROUTING_INFOW structure. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetGlobalRoutingInfo(context.Context, *SetGlobalRoutingInfoRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*SetGlobalRoutingInfoResponse, error) // The FAX_GetConfiguration (Opnum 19) method is called by the client to query the general // configuration of the fax server that is described by the _FAX_CONFIGURATIONW (section // 2.2.29) structure. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG access rights required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | The server cannot allocate sufficient memory to hold the FAX_CONFIGURATION | // | | (section 2.2.28) data structure to be returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The buffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer value.<104> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The server failed to custom marshal the FAX_CONFIGURATION to be returned to the | // | | client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetConfiguration(context.Context, *GetConfigurationRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetConfigurationResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_SetConfiguration (Opnum 20) method to change // the general configuration of the fax server. The FAX_CONFIGURATIONW (section 2.2.28) // structure describes the general configuration of the fax server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the required | // | | access rights, in this case FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § The pointer specified with the FaxConfig argument is | // | | NULL.<157> § The dwSizeOfStruct member of the FAX_CONFIGURATIONW specified by | // | | the FaxConfig parameter is different from the correct size, in bytes, for the | // | | FAX_CONFIGURATIONW, described in section 2.2.28. § The ArchiveOutgoingFaxes | // | | member of the FAX_CONFIGURATIONW specified by FaxConfig is set to TRUE, and | // | | the ArchiveDirectory member of the same data structure is set to a NULL pointer | // | | value.<158> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files that contain | // | | registry data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is | // | | corrupted, or the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log | // | | was absent or corrupted. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetConfiguration(context.Context, *SetConfigurationRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*SetConfigurationResponse, error) // The FAX_GetLoggingCategories (Opnum 21) method is called by the client. In response, // the server MUST return the current logging categories for the fax server to which // the client has connected. A logging category determines the errors or other events // that the fax server records in the application event log. // // The client SHOULD free the returned buffer. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG access rights required for this operation. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | The server cannot allocate sufficient memory to hold the array of | // | | FAX_LOG_CATEGORY to be returned to the client. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the | // | | following conditions are met: § The BufferSize parameter is set to a NULL | // | | pointer value.<114> § The NumberCategories parameter is set to a NULL pointer | // | | value.<115> | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW 0x00000216 | This error code is returned if any of the following conditions are met: § The | // | | total number of logging categories multiplied by the size, in bytes, of the | // | | FAX_LOG_CATEGORY Fixed_Size block results in a number that exceeds the maximum | // | | value for a DWORD (0xFFFFFFFF). § The total number of logging categories | // | | multiplied by the size, in bytes, of the FAX_LOG_CATEGORY Fixed_Size block | // | | plus the sum of all lengths, in bytes, including NULL terminators, of all Name | // | | strings from the Variable_Data blocks results in a number that exceeds the | // | | maximum value for a DWORD (0xFFFFFFFF). | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The server failed to custom marshal the array of FAX_LOG_CATEGORY to be returned | // | | to the client. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetLoggingCategories(context.Context, *GetLoggingCategoriesRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetLoggingCategoriesResponse, error) // The FAX_SetLoggingCategories (Opnum 22) method is called by the client. On success, // the server MUST modify the current logging categories for the fax server to which // the client has connected. A logging category determines the errors or other events // that the fax server records in the application event log. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG access rights required for this call. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § The value specified for the Buffer parameter is NULL. § | // | | The value specified for the BufferSize parameter is 0. § The fax server cannot | // | | parse the FAX_LOG_CATEGORY pointed at by Buffer, possibly because the buffer | // | | data is corrupted. § One of the pointer fields of one of the FAX_LOG_CATEGORY | // | | pointed at by Buffer point to memory locations outside of the memory block | // | | specified by the Buffer and BufferSize parameters. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The registry is corrupted. The fax server cannot write to register the modified | // | | logging categories. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. // // The FAX_LOG_CATEGORY array MUST be serialized. For more information, see [MSDN-FAX_LOG_CATEGORY]. // The variable data fields, such as strings, SHOULD be filled with the offset to the // string from the beginning of the buffer and not the actual address. SetLoggingCategories(context.Context, *SetLoggingCategoriesRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*SetLoggingCategoriesResponse, error) // The FAX_GetSecurity (Opnum 23) method is called by the client to retrieve information // about the fax security descriptor from the fax server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have a permission level | // | | of at least READ_CONTROL. | // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. | // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This is returned when pSecurityDescriptor is NULL. | // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_SECURITY_DESCR 0x0000053A | The security descriptor structure is invalid. | // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetSecurity(context.Context, *GetSecurityRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetSecurityResponse, error) // The FAX_SetSecurity (Opnum 24) method is called by the client. On success, the server // MUST set the fax server's security descriptor. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_3 (0x00030000) fax servers SHOULD fail this call // by returning ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x00000032). The fax client SHOULD NOT call this // method if the protocol version reported by the server is FAX_API_VERSION_3 (0x00030000). // For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section The fax client // SHOULD call FAX_SetSecurityEx2 (section instead. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the access | // | | rights required for this operation. This error code is returned under any | // | | of the following conditions, listed by required access right: § WRITE_OWNER, | // | | when the fax server is a FAX_API_VERSION_1 server and the SecurityInformation | // | | parameter contains the OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION value. § WRITE_DAC, when the | // | | fax server is a FAX_API_VERSION_1 server and SecurityInformation contains the | // | | GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION or DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION values. § READ_CONTROL, | // | | when the fax server is a FAX_API_VERSION_2 server and SecurityInformation | // | | contains the GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, | // | | or OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION values. § ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY, when | // | | SecurityInformation contains the SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION value. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_DATA 0x0000000D | The data contained in the buffer specified by the pSecurityDescriptor parameter | // | | is not a valid SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x00000032 | The fax server does not support this operation. This error SHOULD be returned by | // | | FAX_API_VERSION_3 servers. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § pSecurityInformation is set to a NULL pointer value. § | // | | The dwBufferSize parameter is set to a value of 0. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files containing registry | // | | data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is corrupted, or | // | | the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log was absent or | // | | corrupted. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. SetSecurity(context.Context, *SetSecurityRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*SetSecurityResponse, error) // The FAX_AccessCheck (Opnum 25) method is called when the client needs to check whether // the client's fax user account has certain access permissions on the server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The user does not have a valid fax user account on the | // | | server.<65> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The pfAccess argument is NULL,<66> or the access | // | | mask specified by the AccessMask argument contains invalid fax-specific access | // | | rights. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. AccessCheck(context.Context, *AccessCheckRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*AccessCheckResponse, error) // The FAX_CheckServerProtSeq (Opnum 26) method is called by the client to validate // whether a specified protocol sequence is supported by the server.<70> In response, // the server MUST validate the specified protocol sequence. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) and FAX_API_VERSION_3 (0x00030000) // fax servers SHOULD fail this call by returning ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x00000032). // The fax client SHOULD NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the // server is FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) or FAX_API_VERSION_3 (0x00030000). For more // information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +-----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +-----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +-----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The lpdwProtSeq argument specified is NULL. | // +-----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RPC_S_PROTSEQ_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x0000006A7 | The protocol sequence specified by the lpdwProtSeq argument is not supported. | // +-----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. CheckServerProtocolSeq(context.Context, *CheckServerProtocolSeqRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*CheckServerProtocolSeqResponse, error) // The FAX_SendDocumentEx (Opnum 27) method is called by the client. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors (section // 2.2.52) or one of the standard errors ([MS-ERREF] section 2.2). // // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. This error is returned when any of the following conditions | // | | are met: § The limit on the number of recipients for a single fax broadcast | // | | was reached and FAX_ERR_RECIPIENTS_LIMIT couldn't be returned because this | // | | error code is unsupported by the fax client API version (FAX_API_VERSION_0 | // | | or FAX_API_VERSION_1, described in section § The client's fax | // | | user account does not have the required access rights to submit the fax: | // | | FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT (for FAX_PRIORITY_TYPE_LOW), FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT_NORMAL | // | | (for FAX_PRIORITY_TYPE_NORMAL), or FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT_HIGH (for | // | | FAX_PRIORITY_TYPE_HIGH), where the FAX_PRIORITY_TYPE value comes from the | // | | Priority field of the specified lpJobParams structure. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_DATA 0x0000000D | The file specified by lpcwstrFileName argument is empty (has a size of 0 bytes). | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT 0x00000013 | The outgoing fax queue is blocked: The queue state is FAX_OUTBOX_BLOCKED as | // | | described in the FAX_SetQueue (section method. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x00000032 | The fax server SHOULD return this error code when the request described by the | // | | lpJobParams argument is not supported by the fax server.<152> | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § One or more of the following arguments are NULL | // | | or 0: dwNumRecipients, lpcSenderProfile, lpcRecipientList, lpJobParams, | // | | lpdwlMessageId, lpdwlRecipientMessageIds,<153>lpcCoverPageInfo. § The file | // | | name indicated by the lpcstwrFileName argument does not indicate a file | // | | of the expected TIFF format. § The lpwstrCoverPageFileName field of the | // | | lpcCoverPageInfo structure is not in the expected COV format. § The Priority | // | | field of the lpJobParams structure is not one of the following values: | // | | FAX_PRIORITY_TYPE_LOW, FAX_PRIORITY_TYPE_NORMAL, FAX_PRIORITY_TYPE_HIGH. § The | // | | requested receipt delivery types are invalid (the dwReceiptDeliveryType field | // | | of the lpJobParams structure), not DRT_EMAIL, DRT_MSGBOX, and/or DRT_NONE. § | // | | The fax server tried to return FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU but the client | // | | fax API version. FAX_API_VERSION_0 (described in section does not | // | | support this error code. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE 0x0000065E | Data of this type is not supported. The requested receipt delivery type | // | | specified by the dwReceiptDeliveryType field of the lpJobParams structure is not | // | | supported by the fax server. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU 0x00001B63 | The fax client module API version (described in section is | // | | FAX_API_VERSION_1 or above, and the fax server is running on a version of the | // | | operating system that does not support the requested operation.<154> | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_RECIPIENTS_LIMIT 0x00001B65 | The limit on the number of recipients for a single fax broadcast was reached. | // | | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED is returned instead of this error code when the client | // | | does not support it (client-supported fax API version is FAX_API_VERSION_0 or | // | | FAX_API_VERSION_1, described in section | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SendDocumentEx(context.Context, *SendDocumentExRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*SendDocumentExResponse, error) // The FAX_EnumJobsEx (Opnum 28) method is called by the client to enumerate a specified // set of jobs on the server's queue. The type of jobs to enumerate is described by // the dwJobTypes argument. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have any of the | // | | access rights defined in ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS (section 2.2.83) when | // | | enumerating jobs of type JT_SEND. The client's fax user account does not have | // | | the FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_RECEIVE_FOLDER access right when enumerating jobs of type | // | | JT_RECEIVE or JT_ROUTING. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | At least one of the following arguments has been specified as NULL: Buffer, | // | | BufferSize, or lpdwJobs.<88> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EnumJobsEx(context.Context, *EnumJobsExRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*EnumJobsExResponse, error) // The FAX_GetJobEx (Opnum 29) is called by the client to retrieve information about // a specified job at the server. The job is identified by the job message ID. The job // message ID can be obtained using one of the following methods: FAX_EnumJobs (section //, FAX_EnumJobsEx (section, or FAX_EnumJobsEx2 (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the access rights | // | | required for this operation: ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS (section 2.2.83). | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | The server cannot allocate memory for the data to be returned to the caller. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | This error code is returned under any of the following conditions:<111> § The | // | | pointer submitted for the Buffer argument is NULL. § The pointer submitted for | // | | the BufferSize argument is NULL. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND 0x00001B61 | The fax server cannot find the fax job indicated by the dwlMessageId argument. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetJobEx(context.Context, *GetJobExRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetJobExResponse, error) // The FAX_GetCountryList (Opnum 30) method is called by the client to retrieve the // list of country/region information that is defined on the server. TAPI maintains // this list, which contains information like the country/region name or country/region // ID. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have any of the | // | | permissions covered by the ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS enumeration (section | // | | 2.2.83). | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. The fax server cannot | // | | allocate sufficient memory to hold the FAX_TAPI_LINECOUNTRY_LISTW to be returned | // | | to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error is returned if the Buffer parameter is | // | | set to a NULL pointer value.<105> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The fax server failed to custom marshal the FAX_TAPI_LINECOUNTRY_LISTW to be | // | | returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetCountryList(context.Context, *GetCountryListRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetCountryListResponse, error) // The FAX_GetPersonalProfileInfo (Opnum 31) method is called by the client to retrieve // information about the personal profile (section 3.1.1) of the sender or the receiver // of a fax from the specified fax message that is present in the described message // folder. The Folder value MUST be one of the enumerations defined by FAX_ENUM_MESSAGE_FOLDER // (section 2.2.2) except FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_INBOX. The ProfType value MUST be one of // the enumerations that are defined by FAX_ENUM_PERSONAL_PROF_TYPES (section 2.2.4). // The dwlMessageId parameter specifies a particular message and can be obtained using // the following methods: FAX_EnumJobs (section, FAX_EnumJobsEx (section //, FAX_EnumMessages (section, or FAX_EnumMessagesEx (section // // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have any of the | // | | permissions covered by ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BAD_FORMAT 0x0000000B | The message identified by dwlMessageId is an archived sent message and there was | // | | an error in reading the message file. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned when any of | // | | the following conditions happen: § The pointer specified by the Buffer | // | | parameter is NULL.<122> § The value of the Folder parameter specified is not | // | | FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_QUEUE or FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SENTITEMS. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_SRV_OUTOFMEMORY 0x00001B59 | The fax server failed to allocate memory needed for internal execution of this | // | | operation. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND 0x00001B61 | This error code is returned when any of the following conditions happen: § The | // | | message identified by the dwlMessageId parameter is not found. § The dwFolder | // | | parameter is specified as FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_QUEUE, but the message identified | // | | by dwlMessageId is not an outgoing queued message. § The message identified | // | | by dwlMessageId is an outgoing queued message being deleted. § The message | // | | identified by dwlMessageId is an outgoing queued message of a different user, | // | | and this user does not have FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_OUT_JOBS permission. § The message | // | | identified by dwlMessageId is an archived sent message of a different user, and | // | | this user does not have FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_ARCHIVES permission. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetPersonalProfileInfo(context.Context, *GetPersonalProfileInfoRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetPersonalProfileInfoResponse, error) // The FAX_GetQueueStates (Opnum 32) method is called by the client to retrieve the // state of the fax queues at the server. // // The pdwQueueStates parameter MUST NOT be NULL. On success, the server MUST return // the state information about the fax service. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have any of the | // | | permissions covered by ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS (section 2.2.83). | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The pdwQueueStates parameter is set to a NULL | // | | pointer value. <128> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetQueueStates(context.Context, *GetQueueStatesRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetQueueStatesResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_SetQueue (Opnum 33) method to change the // state of the server queue. In response, the server MUST validate whether the client's // fax user account has authorization to set the Queue State of the server. On success, // the server MUST set its Queue State as specified by the client. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the required | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG authorization for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY 0x0000000E | The fax server cannot allocate sufficient memory for a FAX_EVENT_EX_1 (section | // | | 2.2.68) structure that describes a FAX_EVENT_QUEUE_TYPE_QUEUE_STATE event to be | // | | signaled to the client. For more details, see FAX_ClientEventQueueEx (section | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The dwQueueStates parameter is set to a | // | | combination of values that does not contain any of the supported values: | // | | FAX_INCOMING_BLOCKED, FAX_OUTBOX_BLOCKED, or FAX_OUTBOX_PAUSED. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files containing registry | // | | data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is corrupted, or | // | | the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log was absent or | // | | corrupted. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RPC_E_SYS_CALL_FAILED 0x80010100 | dwQueueStates includes the FAX_OUTBOX_PAUSED value and the fax server cannot | // | | pause the server queue, or dwQueueStates does not include the FAX_OUTBOX_PAUSED | // | | value and the fax server cannot resume the server queue. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetQueue(context.Context, *SetQueueRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*SetQueueResponse, error) // The FAX_GetReceiptsConfiguration (Opnum 34) method is called by the client. On success, // the server MUST return the receipt configuration information of the fax server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors ([MS-ERREF] section // 2.2). // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG access rights required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. The fax server cannot | // | | allocate sufficient memory to hold the _FAX_RECEIPTS_CONFIGW to be returned to | // | | the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The Buffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer | // | | value.<129> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The fax server failed to custom marshal the _FAX_RECEIPTS_CONFIGW to be returned | // | | to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. GetReceiptsConfiguration(context.Context, *GetReceiptsConfigurationRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetReceiptsConfigurationResponse, error) // The FAX_SetReceiptsConfiguration (Opnum 35) method is called by the client. On success, // the server MUST set the receipt configuration information that is used by the fax // server to send delivery receipts for fax transmissions.<169> // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the required | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG authorization for this operation. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x00000032 | The dwAllowedReceipts member of the pReceipts parameter contains the DRT_MSGBOX | // | | flag value (described in FAX_ENUM_DELIVERY_REPORT_TYPES), and the fax server | // | | does not support this type of fax receipts.<170> | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the | // | | following conditions are met: § The dwSizeOfStruct member of pReceipts | // | | is not equal to the correct size, in bytes, for the FAX_RECEIPTS_CONFIGW. | // | | § The dwAllowedReceipts member of pReceipts contains one or more invalid | // | | flag values (not defined for the FAX_ENUM_DELIVERY_REPORT_TYPES (section | // | | 2.2.76) enumeration). § The following member values are set in the submitted | // | | pReceipts: the DRT_EMAIL flag is set within the dwAllowedReceipts member, | // | | the bIsToUseForMSRouteThroughEmailMethod member is set to FALSE, and the | // | | lpwstrSMTPPasswordmember is set to a non-NULL pointer value. § In the submitted | // | | pReceipts, the DRT_EMAIL flag is set within the dwAllowedReceipts member | // | | or the bIsToUseForMSRouteThroughEmailMethod member is set to TRUE and the | // | | SMTPAuthOption member is set to a value lower than FAX_SMTP_AUTH_ANONYMOUS | // | | or greater than FAX_SMTP_AUTH_NTLM. § The fax server tried to return | // | | FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU but the client fax API version | // | | (FAX_API_VERSION_0, described in section does not support this error | // | | code. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files containing registry | // | | data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is corrupted, or | // | | the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log was absent or | // | | corrupted. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU 0x00001B63 | The fax client module API version (described in section is | // | | FAX_API_VERSION_1 or above, and the fax server is running on a version of the | // | | operating system that does not support the requested operation.<171> | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetReceiptsConfiguration(context.Context, *SetReceiptsConfigurationRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*SetReceiptsConfigurationResponse, error) // The FAX_GetReceiptsOptions (Opnum 36) method is called by the client to retrieve // the supported receipt options on the server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return the following error code, one of the fax-specific errors that are // defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have any of the | // | | permissions covered by ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS (section 2.2.83). | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. GetReceiptsOptions(context.Context, *GetReceiptsOptionsRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetReceiptsOptionsResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_GetVersion (Opnum 37) method to obtain the // version of the fax server it is connected to. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that are // defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS (section 2.2.83) access rights required for this | // | | operation. | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetVersion(context.Context, *GetVersionRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetVersionResponse, error) // The FAX_GetOutboxConfiguration (Opnum 38) method is called by the client to retrieve // the outbox configuration at the server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG access rights required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. The fax server cannot | // | | allocate sufficient memory to hold the FAX_OUTBOX_CONFIG to be returned to the | // | | client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The Buffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer | // | | value.<119> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetOutboxConfiguration(context.Context, *GetOutboxConfigurationRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetOutboxConfigurationResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_SetOutboxConfiguration (Opnum 39) method // to set the current Outbox configuration such as the Discount Time. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the required | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG authorization for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions occur: § The dwSizeOfStruct member of the structure pointed at by | // | | the pOutboxCfg parameter is not the correct size for the FAX_OUTBOX_CONFIG. | // | | § The dtDiscountStart or dtDiscountEnd members of the structure pointed to by | // | | pOutboxCfg contain one or more invalid Hour (value greater than 24) or Minute | // | | (value greater than 60) fields. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files containing registry | // | | data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is corrupted, or | // | | the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log was absent or | // | | corrupted. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetOutboxConfiguration(context.Context, *SetOutboxConfigurationRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*SetOutboxConfigurationResponse, error) // The FAX_GetPersonalCoverPagesOption (Opnum 40) method is called by the client to // retrieve information about the supported personal cover-page options. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return the following error code, one of the fax-specific errors that are // defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have any of the | // | | permissions covered by ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS (section 2.2.83).<121> | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetPersonalCoverPagesOption(context.Context, *GetPersonalCoverPagesOptionRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetPersonalCoverPagesOptionResponse, error) // The FAX_GetArchiveConfiguration (Opnum 41) method is called by the client to retrieve // the current archive configuration on the fax server. In response, the server returns // archive configuration information about the fax server. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_3 (0x00030000) fax servers SHOULD fail this call // by returning ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x00000032). The fax client SHOULD NOT call this // method if the protocol version reported by the server is FAX_API_VERSION_3 (0x00030000). // For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section The fax client // SHOULD call FAX_GetGeneralConfiguration (section instead. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the access rights | // | | (FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG) required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the | // | | following conditions are met: § The Buffer parameter is set to a NULL | // | | pointer value. <102> § The value specified for the Folder parameter is not | // | | FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SENTITEMS or FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_INBOX. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. The fax server cannot | // | | allocate sufficient memory to hold the FAX_ARCHIVE_CONFIGW to be returned to the | // | | client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x00000032 | The fax server does not implement this method. Protocol version | // | | FAX_API_VERSION_3 (0x00030000) fax servers SHOULD fail this call by returning | // | | this error code. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetArchiveConfiguration(context.Context, *GetArchiveConfigurationRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetArchiveConfigurationResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_SetArchiveConfiguration (Opnum 42) method // to set the archive configuration for a specific fax folder on the fax server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors (section // 2.2.52), or one of the other standard errors ([MS-ERREF] section 2.2). // // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the required | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG authorization for this operation. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x00000032 | The fax server does not support this operation. This error code SHOULD be | // | | returned by the FAX_API_VERSION_3 servers. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § The dwSizeOfStruct member of the FAX_ARCHIVE_CONFIGW | // | | specified by the pArchiveCfg parameter is set to an incorrect value. § The | // | | Folder parameter is set to a value other than FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SENTITEMS and | // | | FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_INBOX. § The bUseArchive member of the FAX_ARCHIVE_CONFIGW | // | | specified by pArchiveCfg is set to TRUE, and any of the three following | // | | conditions are also met: § The value of the dwSizeQuotaHighWatermark member | // | | of the same structure is smaller than the value of the dwSizeQuotaLowWatermark | // | | member. § The lpcstrFolder member of the same structure is set to NULL. § The | // | | lpcstrFolder member of the same structure is set to point to an empty character | // | | string. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x0000006F | The file name is too long. The bUseArchive member of the FAX_ARCHIVE_CONFIGW | // | | specified by pArchiveCfg is set to a value of TRUE, and the length of the file | // | | name specified by the lpcstrFolder of the same structure is set to a character | // | | string longer than 180 characters, excluding the length of the null terminator. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The fax server cannot store the new archive configuration to the registry. The | // | | registry could be corrupted. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_DIRECTORY_IN_USE 0x00001B5F | The bUseArchive member of the FAX_ARCHIVE_CONFIGW specified by pArchiveCfg is | // | | set to a value of TRUE, and the file specified by the lpcstrFolder member of | // | | the same structure is invalid: the directory of the file is the same as the fax | // | | queue directory. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00001B60 | The bUseArchive member of the FAX_ARCHIVE_CONFIGW specified by pArchiveCfg | // | | is set to a value of TRUE, and the file specified by the lpcstrFolder member | // | | of the same structure is invalid: the fax server encountered an access denied | // | | (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) or a sharing violation (ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) error | // | | when attempting to access the file. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetArchiveConfiguration(context.Context, *SetArchiveConfigurationRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*SetArchiveConfigurationResponse, error) // The FAX_GetActivityLoggingConfiguration (Opnum 43) method is called by the client // to retrieve the current activity logging configuration. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the access rights | // | | (FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG) required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. The fax server cannot | // | | allocate sufficient memory to hold the _FAX_ACTIVITY_LOGGING_CONFIGW to be | // | | returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The Buffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer value. <101> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The fax server failed to custom marshal the _FAX_ACTIVITY_LOGGING_CONFIGW to be | // | | returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetActivityLoggingConfiguration(context.Context, *GetActivityLoggingConfigurationRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetActivityLoggingConfigurationResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_SetActivityLoggingConfiguration (Opnum 44) // method to set options for activity logging. This includes setting whether entries // for incoming and outgoing faxes SHOULD be logged and the location of the log file. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access denied. This error code is returned under any of the following | // | | conditions: § The client's fax user account does not have the required | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG authorization to manage the server configuration. § | // | | The directory specified by the lpwstrDBPath member of the pActivLogCfg structure | // | | is not a valid fax folder (the fax server does not have rights to create files, | // | | write to files, enumerate files and/or delete files), the server needs to return | // | | FAX_ERR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED, and the client does not support this error code. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | This error code is returned under any of the following conditions: § The | // | | dwSizeOfStruct member of the FAX_ACTIVITY_LOGGING_CONFIGW specified by the | // | | pActivLogCfg parameter is set to an incorrect value. The correct size, in bytes, | // | | described in the FAX_ACTIVITY_LOGGING_CONFIGW structure. § The lpwstrDBPath | // | | field of the structure specified by the pActivLogCfg argument contains an empty | // | | string or is set to NULL. § The lpwstrDBPath member of the structure specified | // | | by the pActivLogCfg argument does not indicate a complete path name. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x0000006F | The file name is too long. The lpwstrDBPath field of the structure specified by | // | | the pActivityLog argument contains a path name longer than 248 characters, not | // | | counting the terminating null character. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The fax server cannot store the new activity logging configuration in the | // | | registry. This error can happen if the registry is corrupted. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00001B60 | This error code is returned under any of the following conditions: § The | // | | folder specified by the lpwstrDBPath member of the pActivityLog structure | // | | is not a valid fax folder where the server has rights to create, enumerate, | // | | write to, and delete files. § The fax server cannot create a new (if different | // | | from the respective existing file) file specified by the lpwstrDBPath | // | | member of pActivLogCfg, because the server encountered an access denied | // | | (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) or sharing violation error (ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) when | // | | attempting to create the specified file. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetActivityLoggingConfiguration(context.Context, *SetActivityLoggingConfigurationRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*SetActivityLoggingConfigurationResponse, error) // The FAX_EnumerateProviders (Opnum 45) method is called by the client to enumerate // all the FSPs installed on the server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG access rights required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error is returned if the BufferSize and/or the | // | | lpdwNumProviders parameters are set to NULL pointer values. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The fax server failed to custom marshal the array of FAX_DEVICE_PROVIDER_INFO | // | | structures to be returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_SRV_OUTOFMEMORY 0x00001B59 | The fax server failed to allocate sufficient memory for the return buffer to | // | | hold the FAX_DEVICE_PROVIDER_INFO to be returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EnumerateProviders(context.Context, *EnumerateProvidersRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*EnumerateProvidersResponse, error) // The FAX_GetPortEx (Opnum 46) method is called by the client to retrieve port status // information for a requested port at the server. The device ID that is passed in SHOULD // be obtained from FAX_EnumPorts (section This method is an extended version // of FAX_GetPort (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG access rights required for this call. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. The fax server cannot | // | | allocate sufficient memory to hold the FAX_PORT_INFO_EXW (section 2.2.45) | // | | structure to be returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BAD_UNIT 0x00000014 | The system cannot find the port for the receiving device by using the line | // | | identifier specified by the dwDeviceId argument. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The Buffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer | // | | value.<127> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The fax server failed to custom marshal the FAX_PORT_INFO_EXW to be returned to | // | | the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetPortEx(context.Context, *GetPortExRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetPortExResponse, error) // A fax client application uses the FAX_SetPortEx (Opnum 47) method to set fax device // information. The function sets extension configuration properties that are stored // at the device level, such as enable or disable sending and receiving, and the auto // or manual answering of calls. The value for the dwDeviceId parameter can be obtained // using the FAX_EnumPorts (section method or the FAX_EnumPortsEx (section // method. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The caller does not have the required FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG | // | | authorization for this operation. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BAD_UNIT 0x00000014 | The fax server cannot find the device specified by the dwDeviceId parameter. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | This error code is returned under any of the following conditions: § The | // | | value of dwDeviceId is zero. § The size of the structure pointed at by | // | | the pPortInfo parameter, or the value of the dwSizeOfStruct field of this | // | | structure, do not match the correct size for the FAX_PORT_INFO_EXW. § The | // | | ReceiveMode field of the structure pointed at by pPortInfo does not contain a | // | | valid value of the FAX_ENUM_DEVICE_RECEIVE_MODE (section 2.2.55) enumeration. | // | | § The device specified by dwDeviceId is a virtual device (the Flags field | // | | of the FAX_PORT_INFO (section 2.2.7) structure is set to FPF_VIRTUAL) | // | | and the ReceiveMode field of the structure pointed at by pPortInfo is | // | | FAX_DEVICE_RECEIVE_MODE_MANUAL. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x0000006F | The length of the lpwstrDescription character string field of the data structure | // | | pointed at by pPortInfo exceeds 253 characters, excluding the length of the NULL | // | | string terminator. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The fax server cannot store the updated device information to Registry. The | // | | Registry might be corrupt. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_DEVICE_NUM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 0x00001B62 | The fax server cannot complete the operation because the number of active | // | | fax devices that are allowed for this version of the operating system was | // | | exceeded.<168> | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetPortEx(context.Context, *SetPortExRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*SetPortExResponse, error) // The FAX_EnumPortsEx (Opnum 48) method is called by the client to enumerate detailed // port state information for each device that is connected to the fax server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the access rights | // | | (FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG) required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. The fax server cannot | // | | allocate sufficient memory to hold the array of _FAX_PORT_INFO_EXW to be | // | | returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The Buffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer value. <96> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The fax server failed to custom marshal the array of _FAX_PORT_INFO_EXW to be | // | | returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EnumPortsEx(context.Context, *EnumPortsExRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*EnumPortsExResponse, error) // The FAX_GetExtensionData (Opnum 49) method is called by the client to retrieve the // private configuration data for a fax routing extension or a routing method. Such // private configuration data is written with a FAX_SetExtensionData (section // call. The lpcwstrNameGUID parameter MUST be for a valid routing extension or routing // method for which the client requests the private data. The value for the dwDeviceId // parameter can be obtained from either the FAX_EnumPorts (section or the // FAX_EnumPortsEx (section methods. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND 0x00000002 | The fax server cannot find the requested data. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the access rights | // | | (FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG) required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions are met: <109> § The lpcwstrNameGUID parameter is set to a NULL | // | | pointer value. § The ppData parameter is set to a NULL pointer value. § The | // | | lpdwDataSize parameter is set to a NULL pointer value. § The lpcwstrNameGUID | // | | parameter holds an invalid curly-braced GUID string. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files that contain | // | | registry data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is | // | | corrupted, or the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log | // | | was absent or corrupted. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetExtensionData(context.Context, *GetExtensionDataRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetExtensionDataResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_SetExtensionData (Opnum 50) method in order // to write the private data for a routing extension or routing method for one or all // fax devices installed on the fax server. The corresponding method that the fax client // calls to read this private data is FAX_GetExtensionData (section The // value for the dwDeviceId parameter can be obtained using either the FAX_EnumPorts // (section or FAX_EnumPortsEx (section method. The lpcwstrNameGUID // parameter MUST be for a valid routing extension or routing method for which the client // requests the private data to be written. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the required | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG authorization for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions are met:<161> § The lpcwstrComputerName parameter is set to a NULL | // | | pointer value. § The lpcwstrNameGUID parameter is set to a NULL pointer value. | // | | § The pData parameter is set to a NULL pointer value. § The dwDataSize parameter | // | | is set to zero. § The lpcwstrNameGUID parameter holds an invalid curly-braced | // | | GUID string. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files that contain | // | | registry data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is | // | | corrupted, or the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log | // | | was absent or corrupted. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetExtensionData(context.Context, *SetExtensionDataRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*SetExtensionDataResponse, error) // The FAX_AddOutboundGroup (Opnum 51) method is called by the client to add a new outbound // routing group. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG access rights. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_DUP_NAME 0x00000034 | The group name specified by the lpwstrGroupName parameter is "< All devices>". | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The fax server tried to return FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU, but the client | // | | fax API version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (described in section does not | // | | support this error code. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x0000006F | The length of the character string specified by the lpwstrGroupName parameter, | // | | excluding the length of the terminating null terminator, is equal to or greater | // | | than 128 characters. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The fax server cannot store the new outbound routing group configuration in the | // | | registry. The registry could be corrupted. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU 0x00001B63 | The fax client module API version (described in section is | // | | FAX_API_VERSION_1 or above, and the fax server is running on a version of the | // | | operating system that does not support the requested operation.<68> | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those by the underlying RPC protocol // [MS-RPCE]. AddOutboundGroup(context.Context, *AddOutboundGroupRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*AddOutboundGroupResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_SetOutboundGroup (Opnum 52) method to set // a new device list to an existing group. The name of the group to remove is specified // using the lpwstrGroupName parameter. The value for lpwstrGroupName can be obtained // using FAX_EnumOutboundGroups (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | The client's fax user account does not have the required | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG authorization for this operation. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned when any of the | // | | following conditions occur: § The dwSizeOfStruct member of the pGroup parameter | // | | is not equal to the correct size of the RPC_FAX_OUTBOUND_ROUTING_GROUPW. § | // | | The lpwstrGroupName member of pGroup is set to a NULL pointer value. § The | // | | lpdwDevices member of pGroup is set to NULL and the dwNumDevices member of | // | | the same pGroup is set to a value greater than zero. § The fax server tried | // | | to return FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU but the client fax API version | // | | (FAX_API_VERSION_0, described in section does not support this error | // | | code. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x0000006F | The length (excluding the terminating null character) of the character | // | | string pointed at by the lpwstrGroupName member of pGroup is longer than 128 | // | | characters. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files containing registry | // | | data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is corrupted, or | // | | the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log was absent or | // | | corrupted. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU 0x00001B63 | The fax client module API version (described in section is | // | | FAX_API_VERSION_1 or above, and the fax server is running on a version of the | // | | operating system that does not support the requested operation.<163> | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetOutboundGroup(context.Context, *SetOutboundGroupRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*SetOutboundGroupResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_RemoveOutboundGroup (Opnum 53) method to // remove an existing outbound routing group from the fax server. The name of the group // to remove is specified using the lpwstrGroupName parameter. The value for lpwstrGroupName // can be obtained using FAX_EnumOutboundGroups (section<149> // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG access rights. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The fax server tried to return FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU but the client | // | | fax API version (FAX_API_VERSION_0, described in the section does | // | | not support this error code. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x0000006F | The group name specified by the lpwstrGroupName argument (excluding the length | // | | of the terminating null character) is longer than 128 characters. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The fax server cannot access the local machine's fax routing group information | // | | in the registry. The registry could be corrupt. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION 0x000010DD | The lpwstrGroupName parameter specifies the special routing group "<All | // | | Devices>". | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_GROUP_NOT_FOUND 0x000001B5A | The group specified by the lpwstrGroupName argument cannot be found. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_GROUP_IN_USE 0x00001B5C | The fax server cannot remove the outbound routing group identified by | // | | lpwstrGroupName. The outbound routing group is in use by one or more outbound | // | | routing rules. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU 0x00001B63 | The fax client module API version (described in the section is | // | | FAX_API_VERSION_1 or above, and the fax server is running on a version of the | // | | operating system that does not support the requested operation.<150> | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. RemoveOutboundGroup(context.Context, *RemoveOutboundGroupRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*RemoveOutboundGroupResponse, error) // The FAX_EnumOutboundGroups (Opnum 54) method is called by the client. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the access rights | // | | (FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG) required for this operation. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | This error code is returned under any of the following conditions: § The | // | | pointer referenced by the ppData argument is NULL.<92> § The fax server tried | // | | to return FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU, but the client fax API version | // | | (FAX_API_VERSION_0, described in section does not support this error | // | | code. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU 0x00001B63 | The fax client module's API version (described in section is | // | | FAX_API_VERSION_1 or above, and the fax server is running. on a version of the | // | | operating system that does not support the requested operation.<93> | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EnumOutboundGroups(context.Context, *EnumOutboundGroupsRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*EnumOutboundGroupsResponse, error) // The FAX_SetDeviceOrderInGroup (Opnum 55) method is called by the client. The value // for the dwDeviceId parameter can be obtained using the FAX_EnumPorts (section // method or the FAX_EnumPortsEx (section method. The name of the group // to remove is specified using the lpwstrGroupName parameter. The value for lpwstrGroupName // can be obtained using FAX_EnumOutboundGroups (section // // The order is the 1-based location of the device in the group. The value of 1 indicates // the device is ordered first in the group. The order of devices in the group determines // the order in which they are used to send outgoing faxes when the group is selected // by an outbound routing rule. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the required | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG authorization for this operation. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x0000006F | The group name is too long. The length of the character string specified by the | // | | lpwstrGroupName parameter, excluding the length of the null terminator, exceeds | // | | 128 characters. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions are met: § The dwDeviceId or the dwNewOrder parameter is set to a | // | | value of 0. § The fax server tried to return FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU, | // | | but the client fax API version (FAX_API_VERSION_0, described in section | // | | does not support this error code. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files containing registry | // | | data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is corrupted, or | // | | the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log was absent or | // | | corrupted. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_BAD_GROUP_CONFIGURATION 0x00001B5B | The device specified by dwDeviceId does not exist in the group identified by | // | | the lpwstrGroupName, or the value of dwNewOrder is greater than the number of | // | | devices in the group. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU 0x00001B63 | The fax client module API version (as described in section is | // | | FAX_API_VERSION_1 or above, and the fax server is running on a version of the | // | | operating system that does not support the requested operation.<160> | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetDeviceOrderInGroup(context.Context, *SetDeviceOrderInGroupRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*SetDeviceOrderInGroupResponse, error) // The FAX_AddOutboundRule (Opnum 56) method is called by the client to add a new outbound // rule for the specified outbound group to the fax server’s rules map. The value // for the dwDeviceId parameter can be obtained using the FAX_EnumPorts (section // method or the FAX_EnumPortsEx (section method. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have authorization | // | | required for this call (FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG). | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BAD_UNIT 0x00000014 | The system cannot find the device specified by the dwDeviceId argument. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_GEN_FAILURE 0x0000001F | The fax server encountered an exception while processing the character string | // | | specified by the lpwstrGroupName argument. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned when any of | // | | the following conditions are met: § The country code specified with the | // | | dwCountryCode argument is ROUTING_RULE_COUNTRY_CODE_ANY (not a valid | // | | rule dialing location). § The lpwstrGroupName argument value is NULL. | // | | § The value of the dwDeviceId argument is 0. § The fax server needs to | // | | return FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU, but the client fax API version | // | | (FAX_API_VERSION_0, described in section does not support this error | // | | code. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x0000006F | The destination group of the rule specified by the lpwstrGroupName argument | // | | is longer than the maximum supported value of 128 characters (excluding the | // | | terminating null character). | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files containing registry | // | | data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is corrupted, or | // | | the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log was absent or | // | | corrupted. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_BAD_GROUP_CONFIGURATION 0x00001B5B | The fax server encountered an outbound routing group with a bad configuration, | // | | or the group device list is empty; the status for the new rule object created | // | | by the server based on the specified dialing location and device ID is | // | | FAX_RULE_STATUS_ALL_GROUP_DEV_NOT_VALID or FAX_RULE_STATUS_EMPTY_GROUP. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU 0x00001B63 | The fax client module API version (described in section is | // | | FAX_API_VERSION_1 or above, and the fax server is running on a version of the | // | | operating system that does not support the requested operation.<69> | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. AddOutboundRule(context.Context, *AddOutboundRuleRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*AddOutboundRuleResponse, error) // The FAX_RemoveOutboundRule (Opnum 57) method removes an existing outbound routing // rule from the rules map. The default outbound rule cannot be removed. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the required | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG access rights to perform this operation. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The country code specified by the dwCountryCode | // | | argument is ROUTING_RULE_COUNTRY_CODE_ANY. Also returned if the fax server | // | | tried to return FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU but the client fax API version | // | | (FAX_API_VERSION_0, described in section does not support this error | // | | code. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The fax server encountered a registry error when attempting to remove the | // | | specified outbound rule registration. The registry could be corrupt. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_RULE_NOT_FOUND 0x00001B5D | The fax server failed to locate an outbound routing rule by country/region code | // | | and area code. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU 0x00001B63 | The fax server is running on a version of the operating system that does not | // | | support the requested operation.<151> | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. RemoveOutboundRule(context.Context, *RemoveOutboundRuleRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*RemoveOutboundRuleResponse, error) // A fax client application uses the FAX_SetOutboundRule (Opnum 58) method to set the // information about an individual fax outbound routing rule. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the required | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG authorization for this operation. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions occur: § The lpwstrGroupName member of the Destination member of | // | | the pRule parameter is set to a NULL pointer value. § The dwDeviceId member | // | | of the Destination member of pRule is set to zero. § The fax server tried | // | | to return FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU but the client fax API version | // | | (FAX_API_VERSION_0 (described in section does not support this error | // | | code. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x0000006F | The length (excluding the terminating null character) of the character string | // | | pointed at by the lpwstrGroupName member of the Destination member of pRule is | // | | greater than 128 characters. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files containing registry | // | | data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is corrupted, or | // | | the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log was absent or | // | | corrupted. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_BAD_GROUP_CONFIGURATION 0x00001B5B | This error code is returned if any of the following conditions occur: § The | // | | fax server encountered an outbound routing group with a bad configuration, | // | | or the group device list is empty. § The status for the outbound routing rule | // | | object indicated by the specified dialing location (the dwCountryCode and | // | | dwAreaCode members of pRule) and group name (the lpwstrGroupName member of | // | | the Destination member of pRule) is FAX_GROUP_STATUS_ALL_ DEV_NOT_VALID or | // | | FAX_RULE_STATUS_EMPTY_GROUP. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU 0x00001B63 | The fax client module API version (described in section is | // | | FAX_API_VERSION_1 or above, and the fax server is running on a version of the | // | | operating system that does not support the requested operation.<164> | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetOutboundRule(context.Context, *SetOutboundRuleRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*SetOutboundRuleResponse, error) // The FAX_EnumOutboundRules (Opnum 59) method is called by the client to enumerate // all the outbound routing rules that are present on the specified fax server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the access rights | // | | (FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG) required for this operation. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The fax server tried to return FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU but the client | // | | fax API version (FAX_API_VERSION_0, described in section does not | // | | support this error code. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU 0x00001B63 | The fax client module's API version (described in section is | // | | FAX_API_VERSION_1 or above, and the fax server is running on a version of the | // | | operating system that does not support the requested operation.<94> | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EnumOutboundRules(context.Context, *EnumOutboundRulesRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*EnumOutboundRulesResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_RegisterServiceProviderEx (Opnum 60) method // to register a fax service provider (FSP) with the Fax Service. Registration takes // place after the Fax Service restarts. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the authorization | // | | for FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions are met: § The lpcwstrGuid parameter contains an invalid GUID. § | // | | The dwFSPIVersion parameter is set to a value other than 0x00010000. § The | // | | dwCapabilities parameter is set to a value other than 0. § The file path | // | | specified by the lpcwstrImageName parameter does not exist, or the fax server | // | | does not have access to the file. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x0000006F | The length of the lpcwstrFriendlyName, lpcwstrImageName or lpcwstrTspName | // | | character strings exceeds MAX_FAX_STRING_LEN characters, excluding the length of | // | | the NULL string terminator. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS 0x000000B7 | An FSP is already registered with the same GUID (specified by the lpcwstrGUID | // | | parameter) or with the same telephony service provider (specified by the | // | | lpcwstrTspName parameter). | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files that contains | // | | registry data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is | // | | corrupted, or the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log | // | | was absent or corrupted. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. RegisterServiceProviderEx(context.Context, *RegisterServiceProviderExRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*RegisterServiceProviderExResponse, error) // The FAX_UnregisterServiceProviderEx (Opnum 61) method is called when the client needs // to unregister a fax service provider (FSP). In response, the server MUST validate // that the client's fax user account has write access. On success, the server MUST // remove the service provider for the fax server.<179> // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The caller does not have the required FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG | // | | authorization for this operation. | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. UnregisterServiceProviderEx(context.Context, *UnregisterServiceProviderExRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*UnregisterServiceProviderExResponse, error) // The FAX_UnregisterRoutingExtension (Opnum 62) method unregisters an existing inbound // routing extension.<178> // // There are no corresponding routing extension registration functions exposed to the // FAX client. Registration is a non-RPC process that is done locally on the fax server // using any implementation-specific method. // // On success, the server MUST unregister the specified routing extension. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return the following error code, one of the fax-specific errors that are // defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have sufficient rights | // | | to perform the operation (FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG) or the user account does not | // | | exist. | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. UnregisterRoutingExtension(context.Context, *UnregisterRoutingExtensionRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*UnregisterRoutingExtensionResponse, error) // The FAX_StartMessagesEnum (Opnum 63) method is called by the client. On success, // the server MUST start enumerating messages in one of the archives. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The caller does not have the required | // | | ALL_FAX_USERS_ACCESS_RIGHTS access right to execute this call. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of | // | | the following conditions: § The value specified for the level argument | // | | is not equal to 1. § The value specified for the Folder argument is not | // | | equal to FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_INBOX or FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SENTITEMS. § The | // | | lpcwstrAccountName parameter is not NULL and passes validation checks but does | // | | not correspond to an existing account name. § The account name specified by the | // | | lpcwstrAccountName argument is a valid account name but it refers to a different | // | | user than the caller. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS 0x00000103 | No data is available. There are no messages to be enumerated. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. StartMessagesEnum(context.Context, *StartMessagesEnumRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*StartMessagesEnumResponse, error) // The FAX_EndMessagesEnum (Opnum 64) method is called by the client. // // On success, the server MUST halt the enumerating of messages in the specified archives. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE 0x00000006 | This error code SHOULD be returned if the handle pointed to by the specified | // | | lpHandle parameter is not a valid handle returned by FAX_StartMessagesEnum.<79> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | This error SHOULD be returned if the handle pointed to by the specified lpHandle | // | | is NULL.<80> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EndMessagesEnum(context.Context, *EndMessagesEnumRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*EndMessagesEnumResponse, error) // The FAX_EnumMessages (Opnum 65) method is called by the client. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | The fax server failed to allocate memory for the return buffer. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | This error code is returned if any of the following conditions are met: § One | // | | or more of the pointer values specified by the following arguments are NULL: | // | | lppBuffer, lpdwBufferSize, and lpdwNumMessagesRetrieved. § The hEnum parameter | // | | is NULL.<89> § The maximum number of messages, specified by the dwNumMessages | // | | argument, is set to zero. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x0000006F | The fax server encountered an integer overflow condition while processing | // | | the request for the maximum number of messages specified by the dwNumMessages | // | | argument. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS 0x00000103 | No more data is available. The method reached the end of the lppBuffer message | // | | buffer and there are no more messages to be enumerated. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_SRV_OUTOFMEMORY 0x00001B59 | The fax server failed to allocate memory needed for internal execution of the | // | | command. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // The client expects that this method is incremental and uses an internal context cursor // to point to the next set of messages to retrieve for each call. The cursor is set // to point to the beginning of the messages in the archive after a successful call // to FAX_StartMessagesEnum. Each successful call to FAX_EnumMessages advances the cursor // by the number of messages retrieved. After the cursor reaches the end of the enumeration, // the method fails with the 0x00000103 (ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) error code. The FAX_EndMessagesEnum // (section method SHOULD then be called. // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EnumMessages(context.Context, *EnumMessagesRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*EnumMessagesResponse, error) // The FAX_GetMessage (Opnum 66) method is called by the client. The archive can be // one of the enumerations that are defined by FAX_ENUM_MESSAGE_FOLDER (section 2.2.2) // except FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_QUEUE. The dwlMessageId parameter specifies a particular // message and can be obtained using the FAX_EnumMessages (section method // or the FAX_EnumMessagesEx (section method. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have any of the | // | | permissions covered by ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS (section 2.2.83). | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. The fax server failed | // | | to allocate sufficient memory to hold the FAX_MESSAGEW to be returned to the | // | | client. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned when any of the | // | | following conditions are met: § The lppBuffer or lpdwBufferSize parameters | // | | are set to NULL pointer values.<116> § The dwlMessageId parameter is set | // | | to a value of 0, and the value of the specified Folder parameter is not | // | | FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_INBOX or FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SENTITEMS. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The fax server failed to custom marshal the FAX_MESSAGEW to be returned to the | // | | client. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND 0x00001B61 | The fax server cannot find the job or message by its identifier. This | // | | error code is returned when any of the following conditions are met: | // | | § The message identified by dwlMessageId is not found. § The message | // | | identified by dwlMessageId is an unassigned incoming fax. The incoming | // | | faxes are not public (accessible to all users), and the user does not | // | | have FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_RECEIVE_FOLDER permission. § The message identified | // | | by dwlMessageId is for a different user, and this user does not have | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_ARCHIVES permission. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetMessage(context.Context, *GetMessageRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetMessageResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_RemoveMessage (Opnum 67) method to remove // a message from a specific Fax Archive Folder. The dwlMessageId parameter specifies // a particular message and can be obtained using the FAX_EnumMessages (section // method or the FAX_EnumMessagesEx (section method. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The caller does not have the required access rights | // | | (ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS (section 2.2.83)) for this operation. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | This error code is returned under any of the following conditions: § The value | // | | of the dwlMessageId parameter is 0. § The value of the Folder parameter is not | // | | FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_INBOX or FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SENT_ITEMS. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00001B60 | The fax server failed to remove the fax message. When trying to delete the fax | // | | archived file (the file that represents the fax message to be removed), the fax | // | | server internally encountered an access denied or sharing violation error. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND 0x00001B61 | The fax server cannot find the message to be deleted (indicated by | // | | dwlMessageId). When trying to delete the fax archived file (the file that | // | | represents the fax message to be removed), the fax server internally encountered | // | | a file not found error. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. RemoveMessage(context.Context, *RemoveMessageRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*RemoveMessageResponse, error) // The client calls the FAX_StartCopyToServer (Opnum 68) method to start a copy of a // file to the server queue directory (section 3.1.1) for which the client's fax user // account has access to submit faxes. The server MUST generate a unique file name and // create a file with that name in the server queue directory. Then the server MUST // create a copy handle and return it to the client to indicate success. // // The copy handle returned by the fax server with the lpHandle output argument is valid // until the fax client calls FAX_EndCopy (section, until the fax server // is shut down or restarted, or until an implementation-specific condition occurs that // invalidates the copy handle on the fax server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have any of the access | // | | rights required for this operation: FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT, FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT_NORMAL, | // | | or FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT_HIGH. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § The lpcwstrFileExt parameter is set to a NULL pointer | // | | value.<173> § The file extension that is specified by lpcwstrFileExt is not | // | | ".cov" or ".tif". | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x0000006F | The file name is too long. The buffer specified by the lpwstrServerFileName | // | | parameter does not have sufficient space to accommodate the server file name. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. StartCopyToServer(context.Context, *StartCopyToServerRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*StartCopyToServerResponse, error) // The FAX_StartCopyMessageFromServer (Opnum 69) method is called by the fax client // to start a copy operation of a fax message from the Fax Archive Folder (section 3.1.1) // or of a fax job from the server queue directory (section 3.1.1). // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN/ERROR CODE | | // | VALUES | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The dwlMessageId specified is 0 and/or the | // | | specified Folder enumeration value is not FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_QUEUE, | // | | FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_INBOX, or FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SENTITEMS. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND 0x00001B61 | This error code is returned if any of the following conditions are met: § | // | | The fax server cannot find the fax queue entry referenced by the specified | // | | dwMessageId (invalid job identifier) or the user does not have sufficient | // | | rights to access the fax queue. § FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_QUEUE was specified | // | | for the Folder parameter, the specified message is not owned by the client's | // | | fax user account, and the client's fax user account does not have either | // | | the FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_OUT_JOBS permission or the FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_OUT_JOBS | // | | permission. § FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_INBOX was specified for Folder, the client's | // | | fax user account does not have the FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_RECEIVE_FOLDER permission, | // | | and the bIncomingMessagesArePublic option is not specified in the server | // | | configuration. § FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SENTITEMS was specified for Folder, | // | | the client's fax user account does not have the FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_ARCHIVES | // | | permission, and the specified message is not owned by the client's fax user | // | | account. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. StartCopyMessageFromServer(context.Context, *StartCopyMessageFromServerRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*StartCopyMessageFromServerResponse, error) // The FAX_WriteFile (Opnum 70) method is called by the client. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2.<181> // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE 0x00000006 | The handle value specified by the hCopy argument is not a valid copy handle | // | | returned by FAX_StartCopyToServer. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_GEN_FAILURE 0x0000001F | A device attached to the system is not functioning. The call was unable to write | // | | the full amount of the data that was requested to be written. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The following conditions can lead to this value being returned: § The parameter | // | | is incorrect. § The dwDataSize parameter is 0. § The handle value specified by | // | | the hCopy argument is NULL or the buffer size specified by the dwDataSize is | // | | zero. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. WriteFile(context.Context, *WriteFileRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*WriteFileResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_ReadFile (Opnum 71) method to copy a file // from the server (in chunks). // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE 0x00000006 | The handle specified by the hCopy argument is not a valid copy handle | // | | returned by FAX_StartCopyMessageFromServer for which FAX_EndCopy has not been | // | | called.<142> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § The handle specified by the hCopy argument is NULL.<143> | // | | § The value specified for the dwMaxDataSize argument is zero. § The value | // | | specified for the *lpdwDataSize at input (when the call is made) is different | // | | than the value specified for the dwMaxDataSize argument. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. ReadFile(context.Context, *ReadFileRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*ReadFileResponse, error) // The FAX_EndCopy (Opnum 72) method is called by the client to end a copy operation // process from or to the server, and to close the respective copy handle. // // On success, the server MUST terminate the specified copy operation previously begun // with FAX_StartCopyToServer (section or FAX_StartCopyMessageFromServer // (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE 0x00000006 | This error code SHOULD be returned if the handle pointed to by the specified | // | | lphCopy parameter is not a valid handle returned by FAX_StartCopyToServer or | // | | FAX_StartCopyMessageFromServer.<78> | // +---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EndCopy(context.Context, *EndCopyRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*EndCopyResponse, error) // The FAX_StartServerNotification (Opnum 73) method is called by the client to get // notification about legacy events. On success, the server MUST start to notify the // fax client about the occurring fax events. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) and FAX_API_VERSION_3 (0x00030000) // fax servers SHOULD fail this call by returning ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x00000032). // The fax client SHOULD NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the // server is FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) or FAX_API_VERSION_3 (0x00030000). For more // information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | The client's fax user account does not have sufficient rights for this call, | // | | which is ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS, or the user account does not exist. | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BAD_FORMAT 0x0000000B | The length, including the terminating null character, of the string specified | // | | by the lpcwstrMachineName argument is greater than 256 characters. The length, | // | | including the terminating null character, of the string specified by the | // | | lpcwstrEndPoint argument is greater than 11 characters. | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x00000032 | The request is not supported. | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. // // A fax client calls FAX_StartServerNotification to inform the server that it needs // to receive the notifications of legacy fax events. The fax server SHOULD call FAX_OpenConnection // on the client by using the supplied endpoint, protocol sequence information, and // context handle information. The server then sends the notification of legacy events // to the client by using FAX_ClientEventQueue (section When the client no // longer needs to receive notifications, it calls FAX_EndServerNotification, and the // server SHOULD call FAX_CloseConnection (section to close the connection. // // Note This method only supports TCP/IP as the transport protocol. StartServerNotification(context.Context, *StartServerNotificationRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*StartServerNotificationResponse, error) // The FAX_StartServerNotificationEx (Opnum 74) method is called by the client to get // notification about extended or legacy events. On success, the server MUST start to // notify the fax client about the occurring fax events. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. This error code is returned under any of the following | // | | conditions: § The value specified for the dwEventTypes argument contains | // | | the FAX_EVENT_TYPE_NEW_CALL and/or FAX_EVENT_TYPE_IN_QUEUE flags and the | // | | caller cannot access unsigned faxes: incoming faxes are not public and the | // | | caller does not have the FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_RECEIVE_FOLDER rights. § The value | // | | specified for the dwEventTypes argument contains the FAX_EVENT_TYPE_CONFIG, | // | | FAX_EVENT_TYPE_DEVICE_STATUS and/or the FAX_EVENT_TYPE_ACTIVITY flags and the | // | | caller does not have the FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG rights. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BAD_FORMAT 0x0000000B | This error code is returned under any of the following conditions: § The length | // | | of the fax client machine name specified by the lpcwstrMachineName argument, | // | | excluding the length of the terminating null character, is longer than 256 | // | | characters. § The length of the endpoint string specified by the lpcwstrEndPoint | // | | argument, excluding the length of the terminating null character, is longer than | // | | or equal to 11 characters. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY 0x0000000E | Not enough storage is available to complete this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | Invalid parameter. This error code is returned under any of the following | // | | conditions: § Any of these arguments specify a NULL pointer value: | // | | lcpwstrEndPoint, lpcwstrMachineName, lpHandle.<175> § The value specified for | // | | the dwEventTypes argument is not a bitwise OR combination of the following | // | | FAX_ENUM_EVENT_TYPE values: § FAX_EVENT_TYPE_IN_QUEUE § FAX_EVENT_TYPE_OUT_QUEUE | // | | § FAX_EVENT_TYPE_CONFIG § FAX_EVENT_TYPE_ACTIVITY § FAX_EVENT_TYPE_QUEUE_STATE | // | | § FAX_EVENT_TYPE_IN_ARCHIVE § FAX_EVENT_TYPE_OUT_ARCHIVE § | // | | FAX_EVENT_TYPE_FXSSVC_ENDED § FAX_EVENT_TYPE_DEVICE_STATUS § | // | | FAX_EVENT_TYPE_NEW_CALL | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. // // A fax client calls FAX_StartServerNotificationEx to inform the server that it needs // to receive the notifications of extended or legacy fax events. The fax server SHOULD // call FAX_OpenConnection on the client by using the supplied endpoint, protocol sequence // information, and context handle information. The server then sends notification of // events to the client by using either FAX_ClientEventQueueEx (section or // FAX_ClientEventQueue (section as specified by the bEventEx parameter. When // the client no longer needs to receive notifications, it calls FAX_EndServerNotification; // the server SHOULD call FAX_CloseConnection (section to close the connection. StartServerNotificationEx(context.Context, *StartServerNotificationExRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*StartServerNotificationExResponse, error) // The FAX_EndServerNotification (Opnum 75) method is called by the client to stop the // notifications from the server, which were initiated by a call to FAX_StartServerNotification // (section, FAX_StartServerNotificationEx (section, or FAX_StartServerNotificationEx2 // (section // // On success, the server MUST stop notifying the client of events. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_DATA 0x0000000D | This error SHOULD be returned if the lpHandle parameter is not a valid | // | | handle obtained using the FAX_StartServerNotification method, the | // | | FAX_StartServerNotificationEx method, or the FAX_StartServerNotificationEx2 | // | | method.<81> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | lpHandle is specified as NULL.<82> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // To stop notifications, the client SHOULD call FAX_EndServerNotification; the server // SHOULD call FAX_CloseConnection section to close the connection. // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EndServerNotification(context.Context, *EndServerNotificationRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*EndServerNotificationResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_GetServerActivity (Opnum 76) method to retrieve // the status of the fax queue activity and event log reports. // // The client MUST allocate memory for the pServerActivity argument. It MUST also set // the dwSizeOfStruct field to the correct size, in bytes, of the FAX_SERVER_ACTIVITY // structure as described in section 2.2.19. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG access rights required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The dwSizeOfStruct member of the FAX_SERVER_ACTIVITY | // | | specified by the pServerActivity parameter on input is set by the client to an | // | | incorrect value. For more details about the correct size to be filled in this | // | | member, see the FAX_SERVER_ACTIVITY. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetServerActivity(context.Context, *GetServerActivityRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetServerActivityResponse, error) // The FAX_SetConfigWizardUsed (Opnum 77) method is called by the client. The server // MUST validate that the client's fax user account has access to manage configuration // information on the server. On success, the server MUST set a value in the registry // indicating whether or not the configuration wizard was used. <159> // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The caller does not have the required rights | // | | (FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG) to perform this operation. | // +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files containing registry | // | | data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is corrupted. | // +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetConfigWizardUsed(context.Context, *SetConfigWizardUsedRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*SetConfigWizardUsedResponse, error) // The FAX_EnumRoutingExtensions (Opnum 78) function is called by the client to enumerate // all the routing extensions that are registered with the specified fax server. The // function returns detailed information about each of the routing extensions. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the access rights | // | | (FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG) required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. The fax server cannot | // | | allocate sufficient memory to hold the array of FAX_ROUTING_EXTENSION_INFO | // | | structures to be returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The Buffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer value. <97> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The fax server failed to custom marshal the array of FAX_ROUTING_EXTENSION_INFO | // | | structures to be returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EnumRoutingExtensions(context.Context, *EnumRoutingExtensionsRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*EnumRoutingExtensionsResponse, error) // The FAX_ConnectFaxServer (Opnum 80) method is called by the client to create a connection // to the fax server. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement // this method. // // If the underlying RPC layer fails this call by returning RPC_S_PROCNUM_OUT_OF_RANGE // (0x000006D1), the fax client SHOULD consider the server protocol (and API version) // to be FAX_API_VERSION_0 and MAY retry this request by switching to the FaxObs Server // Interface (section and calling the FaxObs_ConnectionRefCount (section // method. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return the following error code, one of the fax-specific errors that are // defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The bAutoCreateAccountOnConnect field of the | // | | FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG structure is set to FALSE and the calling user's | // | | authenticated user identity does not have a fax user account associated on | // | | the fax server, or the does not have any of the access rights defined in | // | | ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS (section 2.2.83). | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. ConnectFaxServer(context.Context, *ConnectFaxServerRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*ConnectFaxServerResponse, error) // The FAX_GetSecurityEx (Opnum 81) method is called by the clients to retrieve information // about the fax security descriptor from the fax server.<134> // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_3 (0x00030000) fax servers SHOULD fail this call // by returning ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x00000032). The fax client SHOULD NOT call this // method if the protocol version reported by the server is FAX_API_VERSION_3 (0x00030000). // For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section The fax client // SHOULD call the FAX_GetSecurityEx2 (section method instead. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions occur: § The client's fax user account does not have READ_CONTROL | // | | access but the requesting SecurityInformation parameter contains one | // | | of these flags: GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, | // | | or OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION. § The client's fax user account does not | // | | have ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY but the SecurityInformation contains the flag | // | | SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION. | // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. | // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This is returned when the pSecurityDescriptor | // | | parameter is NULL. | // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_SECURITY_DESCR 0x0000053A | The security descriptor structure is invalid. | // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetSecurityEx(context.Context, *GetSecurityExRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetSecurityExResponse, error) // A fax client application calls the FAX_RefreshArchive (Opnum 82) method to notify // the server that the archive folder has been changed and SHOULD be refreshed.<145> // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The required access level SHOULD be FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The folder parameter SHOULD either be | // | | FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_INBOX or FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SENTITEMS.<147> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. RefreshArchive(context.Context, *RefreshArchiveRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*RefreshArchiveResponse, error) // The FAX_SetRecipientsLimit (Opnum 83) method is called by the client. A fax client // application calls FAX_SetRecipientsLimit to set the recipient limit of a single broadcast // job. On success, the server MUST set the recipient limit of a single broadcast job. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000) and FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000) // fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) // and FAX_API_VERSION_3 (0x00030000) fax servers SHOULD fail this call by returning // ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x00000032). The fax client MUST NOT call this method if the // protocol version reported by the server is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000) or FAX_API_VERSION_1 // (0x00010000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // Return Values: This method SHOULD return 0x00000032 (ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED). // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. SetRecipientsLimit(context.Context, *SetRecipientsLimitRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*SetRecipientsLimitResponse, error) // The FAX_GetRecipientsLimit (Opnum 84) method is called by the client to retrieve // information about the recipient limit of a single broadcast job. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return the following error code, one of the fax-specific errors that are // defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have any of the | // | | following access rights: FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT, FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT_NORMAL, or | // | | FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT_HIGH. | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetRecipientsLimit(context.Context, *GetRecipientsLimitRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetRecipientsLimitResponse, error) // The FAX_GetServerSKU (Opnum 85) method is called by the client. In response, the // server returns the SKU of the fax server operating system. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return the following error code, one of the fax-specific errors that are // defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have any of the | // | | permissions covered by ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS (section 2.2.83). | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetServerSKU(context.Context, *GetServerSKURequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetServerSKUResponse, error) // The FAX_CheckValidFaxFolder (Opnum 86) method is called by the client to check whether // the specified path is accessible to the fax server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +-------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +-------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +-------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND 0x00000002 | The path specified by the lpcwstrPath argument has a valid structure (the folder | // | | path is valid), but the file does not exist. | // +-------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND 0x00000003 | The path specified by the lpcwstrPath argument has a valid structure, but the | // | | folder path does not exist. | // +-------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have sufficient rights | // | | for this operation (ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS). | // +-------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The lpcwstrPath argument is NULL, or the path specified by the lpcwstrPath | // | | argument is incomplete. | // +-------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x0000006F | The length of the path (including length of the terminating null character) | // | | specified by the lpcwstrPath argument exceeds 180 characters. | // +-------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_DIRECTORY_IN_USE 0x00001B5F | The path specified by the lpcwstrPath argument points to a folder currently in | // | | use by the fax server, such as the server queue directory or the Fax Archive | // | | Folder (section 3.1.1). | // +-------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. CheckValidFaxFolder(context.Context, *CheckValidFaxFolderRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*CheckValidFaxFolderResponse, error) // The FAX_GetJobEx2 (Opnum 87) method is called by the client to retrieve information // about a specified job. The job is identified by the job message ID. The job message // ID can be obtained using one of the following methods: FAX_EnumJobs (section, // FAX_EnumJobsEx (section, or FAX_EnumJobsEx2 (section // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), // and FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. The // fax client MUST NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the server // is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), or FAX_API_VERSION_2 // (0x00020000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. This error code is returned under any of the following | // | | conditions: § The client's fax user account does not have any of the permissions | // | | covered by ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS (section 2.2.83). § For an outgoing fax | // | | job, the caller is not the owner of the fax job, and the caller does not have | // | | the FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_OUT_JOBS rights. § For an incoming fax job, the caller is | // | | not the receiver of the call, incoming faxes are not public, and the client's | // | | fax user account does not have the FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_RECEIVE_FOLDER rights. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. The fax server failed | // | | to allocate sufficient memory to hold the FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EX_1 to be returned to | // | | the client. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § The Buffer and/or BufferSize parameters are set to NULL | // | | pointer values.<112> § The level parameter is set to a value other than 1. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The fax server failed to custom marshal the FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EX_1 to be returned to | // | | the client. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND 0x00001B61 | This error code is returned under any of the following conditions: § The fax | // | | server cannot find the fax job identified by the value of the dwlMessageID | // | | parameter. § The user is not the owner of the fax job identified by the value of | // | | dwlMessageID. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetJobEx2(context.Context, *GetJobEx2Request, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetJobEx2Response, error) // The FAX_EnumJobsEx2 (Opnum 88) method is called by the client to enumerate a specified // set of jobs on the server's queue for a specific fax account. The type of jobs to // enumerate is described by the dwJobTypes argument. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), // and FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. The // fax client MUST NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the server // is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), or FAX_API_VERSION_2 // (0x00020000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. This error can be returned when any of the following | // | | conditions are true: § The client's fax user account does not have any of the | // | | access rights defined in ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS (section 2.2.83) that are | // | | required in order to enumerate jobs of type JT_SEND on its own account. That | // | | is, the fAllAccounts parameter is FALSE. § The client's fax user account does | // | | not have the FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_OUT_JOBS access right that is required in order to | // | | enumerate jobs of type JT_SEND on all accounts. That is, fAllAccounts is TRUE. § | // | | The client's fax user account does not have the FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_RECEIVE_FOLDER | // | | access right that is required in order to enumerate jobs of type JT_RECEIVE or | // | | JT_ROUTING. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This value is returned when any of the following | // | | conditions are true: § Either the lpwdJobs or the Buffer parameter is NULL. | // | | § The BufferSize parameter is 0. § The level parameter is not set to 1. § The | // | | lpcwstrAccountName parameter contains an improperly formatted account name or | // | | points to a nonexistent or other user account. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // The account name that lpcwstrAccountName indicates MUST be in one of the following // formats. Any other format is invalid. // // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | | // | FORMAT | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | <machine_name>\<user_name> | For a local user with machine_name as the local machine's name. | // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | <domain_name>\<user_name> | For a nonlocal user. | // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown beyond those thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. EnumJobsEx2(context.Context, *EnumJobsEx2Request, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*EnumJobsEx2Response, error) // The FAX_GetMessageEx (Opnum 89) method is called by the client to retrieve a particular // message from one of the specified fax message archives. The dwlMessageId parameter // specifies a particular message and can be obtained using the FAX_EnumMessages (section // method or the FAX_EnumMessagesEx (section method. The folder // value MUST be one of the enumerations that are defined by FAX_ENUM_MESSAGE_FOLDER // (section 2.2.2), except FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_QUEUE. This is an extended version of // FAX_GetMessage (section, because it takes an additional level parameter // supporting the extended structure FAX_MESSAGE_1 (section 2.2.37). // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), // and FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. // The fax client MUST NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the // server is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), or FAX_API_VERSION_2 // (0x00020000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have any of the | // | | permissions covered by ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS (section 2.2.83). | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code results under any of the following | // | | conditions: § The value of the specified level parameter is not 1. § The pointer | // | | specified by the lppBuffer parameter is NULL.<117> § The pointer specified | // | | by the lpdwBufferSize parameter is NULL.<118> § The value of the dwlMessageId | // | | parameter is specified as 0. § The value of the specified Folder parameter is | // | | not FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_INBOX or FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SENTITEMS. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_SRV_OUTOFMEMORY 0x00001B59 | The fax server failed to allocate memory needed for internal execution of this | // | | operation. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND 0x00001B61 | This error code is returned under any of the following conditions: § The | // | | message identified by the dwlMessageId parameter is not found. § The message | // | | identified by dwlMessageId is an unassigned incoming fax. The incoming | // | | faxes are not public (accessible to all users), and the user does not | // | | have FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_RECEIVE_FOLDER permission. § The message identified | // | | by dwlMessageId is for a different user, and this user does not have | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_ARCHIVES permission. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetMessageEx(context.Context, *GetMessageExRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetMessageExResponse, error) // The FAX_StartMessagesEnumEx (Opnum 90) method is called by the client. On success, // the server MUST start enumerating messages in the specified archive folder. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), // and FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. The // fax client MUST NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the server // is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), or FAX_API_VERSION_2 // (0x00020000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // A fax client application calls the FAX_StartMessagesEnumEx to start enumerating messages // from the archives. Each enumerated message has more information than those that are // returned by the FAX_StartMessagesEnum (section method, namely whether // or not the message has a cover page, the type of receipts selected, the email address // for receipts, and the flags from FAX_ENUM_MSG_FLAGS (section 2.2.53) enumeration. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. This error code is returned under any of the following | // | | conditions: § The caller does not have the required basic access rights to | // | | execute this call (ALL_FAX_USERS_ACCESS_RIGHTS). § The client's fax user account | // | | does not have access to query messages for all accounts. The value specified for | // | | the fAllAccounts parameter is not equal to zero, and the caller does not have | // | | the FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_ARCHIVES rights. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § The value specified for the level argument is not | // | | equal to 1. § The value specified for the Folder argument is not equal to | // | | FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_INBOX or FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SENTITEMS. § The account name | // | | specified for the lpcwstrAccountName argument appears valid (pointer is not | // | | NULL), but the account name is not a valid fax account name. § The account name | // | | specified by the lpcwstrAccountName argument is a valid account name, but it | // | | refers to a different user than the caller. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS 0x00000103 | No data is available. There are no messages to be enumerated. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. // // A fax client application calls the FAX_StartMessagesEnumEx function to start enumerating // messages in one of the archives. The enumerated messages have more information than // those that are returned by FAX_StartMessagesEnum, namely, whether it has a cover // page, the type of receipts selected, the email address for receipts, and the flags // from FAX_ENUM_MSG_FLAGS. // // The account name that lpcwstrAccountName indicates MUST be in one of the following // formats. Any other format is invalid. // // +----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | | // | FORMAT | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | <machine_name>\<user_name> | For a local user that has machine_name as the local machine's name. | // +----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | <domain_name>\<user_name> | For a nonlocal user. | // +----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ StartMessagesEnumEx(context.Context, *StartMessagesEnumExRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*StartMessagesEnumExResponse, error) // The FAX_EnumMessagesEx (Opnum 91) method is called by the client. This message differs // from the FAX_EnumMessages (section in that this function takes a level // parameter, which differentiates the type of message information structure that the // function returns. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | The fax server failed to allocate memory for the return buffer. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of | // | | the following conditions are met: § One or more of the pointer values | // | | specified by the following arguments are NULL: lppBuffer, lpdwBufferSize, | // | | lpdwNumMessagesRetrieved, and lpdwLevel. § hEnum is NULL<90> or is an | // | | invalid handle that is not returned by a call to FAX_StartMessagesEnum or | // | | FAX_StartMessagesEnumEx <91>. § dwNumMessages is zero. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x0000006F | The fax server encountered an integer overflow condition while processing | // | | the request for the maximum number of messages specified by the dwNumMessages | // | | argument. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS 0x00000103 | No more data is available. The method reached the end of the lppBuffer message | // | | buffer and there are no more messages to be enumerated. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_SRV_OUTOFMEMORY 0x00001B59 | The fax server failed to allocate memory needed for internal execution of the | // | | command. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // The client implementation assumes that this method is incremental and uses an internal // context cursor to point to the next set of messages to retrieve for each call. The // cursor is set to point to the beginning of the messages in the archive after a successful // call to FAX_StartMessagesEnum or FAX_StartMessagesEnumEx. Each successful call to // FAX_EnumMessagesEx advances the cursor by the number of messages retrieved. After // the cursor reaches the end of the enumeration, the method fails with the 0x00000103 // (ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) error code. The FAX_EndMessagesEnum (section method // can then be called to halt the enumeration of messages. // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EnumMessagesEx(context.Context, *EnumMessagesExRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*EnumMessagesExResponse, error) // The FAX_StartServerNotificationEx2 (Opnum 92) method is called by the client to get // notification about extended events. On success, the server MUST start to notify the // fax client about the occurring fax events. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), // and FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. The // fax client MUST NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the server // is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), or FAX_API_VERSION_2 // (0x00020000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. This error is returned when any of the following conditions | // | | occur: § The dwEventTypes parameter is set to a value containing the | // | | FAX_EVENT_TYPE_NEW_CALL or FAX_EVENT_TYPE_IN_QUEUE flags, the incoming faxes are | // | | not public (accessible to all users), and the client's fax user account does not | // | | have the FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_RECEIVE_FOLDER permission. § dwEventTypes is set to | // | | a value containing the FAX_EVENT_TYPE_CONFIG, FAX_EVENT_TYPE_DEVICE_STATUS, or | // | | FAX_EVENT_TYPE_ACTIVITY flags and the client's fax user account does not have | // | | the FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG permission. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY 0x0000000E | The fax server failed to allocate the memory required for the internal server's | // | | execution of this operation request. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_GEN_FAILURE 0x0000001F | The server threw internally an exception during the execution of this operation, | // | | and the server handled this exception. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § dwEventTypes is set to a value containing the | // | | FAX_EVENT_TYPE_LEGACY or FAX_EVENT_TYPE_LOCAL_ONLY flags, or to another | // | | value that is not a combination made exclusively from the flags valid | // | | for this operation: FAX_EVENT_TYPE_IN_QUEUE, FAX_EVENT_TYPE_OUT_QUEUE, | // | | FAX_EVENT_TYPE_CONFIG, FAX_EVENT_TYPE_ACTIVITY, FAX_EVENT_TYPE_QUEUE_STATE, | // | | FAX_EVENT_TYPE_IN_ARCHIVE, FAX_EVENT_TYPE_OUT_ARCHIVE, | // | | FAX_EVENT_TYPE_FXSSVC_ENDED, FAX_EVENT_TYPE_DEVICE_STATUS, or | // | | FAX_EVENT_TYPE_NEW_CALL. § The level parameter is not set to 1. § One or more | // | | of the following parameters are set to NULL pointer values: lpcwstrEndpoint, | // | | lpcwstrMachineName, or lpHandle.<177> § The lpcwstrAccountName parameter is set | // | | to a non-null character string pointer value which does not specify a valid fax | // | | account name. § lpcwstrAccountName is set to a non-null character string pointer | // | | value which specifies a valid fax account name for a different user than the | // | | user who is currently logged on the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. // // The account name is the one on which to listen for events and a level that specifies // the type of the structure that describes each event. The name lpcwstrAccountName // is accessed only for account-based events. // // The account name that lpcwstrAccountName indicates MUST be in one of the following // formats. Any other format is invalid. // // +----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | | // | FORMAT | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | <machine_name>\<user_name> | For a local user that has machine_name as the name of the local machine. | // +----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | <domain_name>\<user_name> | For a nonlocal user. | // +----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // A fax client calls FAX_StartServerNotificationEx2 (section to inform // the server that it needs to receive notifications of extended fax events. The fax // server SHOULD call FAX_OpenConnection on the client by using the supplied endpoint, // protocol sequence information, and context handle information. The server then sends // notification of events to the client by using FAX_ClientEventQueueEx (section // When the client no longer needs to receive notifications, it calls FAX_EndServerNotification // (section, and the server SHOULD call FAX_CloseConnection (section // to close the connection. StartServerNotificationEx2(context.Context, *StartServerNotificationEx2Request, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*StartServerNotificationEx2Response, error) // The FAX_CreateAccount (Opnum 93) method is called by the client to request a new // fax user account to be created based on an existing valid operating system user account. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), // and FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. The // fax client MUST NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the server // is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), or FAX_API_VERSION_2 // (0x00020000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors that are defined // in [MS-ERREF] section 2.2. // // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG access right. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This value is returned when any of the following | // | | conditions are true: § The Buffer parameter is NULL. § The BufferSize parameter | // | | is 0. § The level parameter is greater than zero. § The account name, as pointed | // | | to by the account information contained in Buffer, is NULL or is specified using | // | | an invalid format. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS 0x000000B7 | The fax account already exists. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE_STATE 0x00000649 | The handle is in an invalid state. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // The account name contained in the lpcwstrAccountName member of the FAX_ACCOUNT_INFO_0, // as pointed to by the Buffer parameter, MUST be in one of the following formats. Any // other format is invalid. // // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | | // | FORMAT | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | <machine_name>\<user_name> | For a local user with machine_name as the local machine's name. | // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | <domain_name>\<user_name> | For a nonlocal user. | // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. CreateAccount(context.Context, *CreateAccountRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*CreateAccountResponse, error) // The FAX_DeleteAccount (Opnum 94) method is called by the client to delete a fax user // account previously created with FAX_CreateAccount (section // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), // and FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. The // fax client MUST NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the server // is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), or FAX_API_VERSION_2 // (0x00020000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // On success, the server MUST delete the specified fax account. The server MUST validate // that the client's fax user account has access to delete fax user accounts on the // fax server. The client can delete any fax user accounts or the current fax user account. // Any subsequent operations on the deleted fax user accounts MUST be failed by the // server with the error code ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. The fax server SHOULD allow deleting // a fax user account even if the underlying operating system's user account has been // deleted after this fax user account was created. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, a fax-specific error defined in // section 2.2.52, or one of the standard errors that are defined in [MS-ERREF] section // 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN ERROR | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG access right. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The account name pointed to by the | // | | lpcwstrAccountName parameter is NULL or improperly formatted. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // The account name that lpcwstrAccountName indicates MUST be in one of the following // formats. Any other format is invalid. // // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | | // | FORMAT | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | <machine_name>\<user_name> | For a local user with machine_name as the local machine's name. | // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | <domain_name>\<user_name> | For a remote (not local) user. | // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. DeleteAccount(context.Context, *DeleteAccountRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*DeleteAccountResponse, error) // The FAX_EnumAccounts (Opnum 95) method is called by the client to enumerate all the // fax accounts on the server. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), // and FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. The // fax client MUST NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the server // is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), or FAX_API_VERSION_2 // (0x00020000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | The client's fax user account does not have the access right | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG to perform this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | The fax server failed to allocate the amount of memory needed to process this | // | | request. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions are met: § The value specified for the level parameter is not | // | | equal to zero. § The pointer specified by the Buffer parameter is NULL.<83> | // | | § The value pointed to by the BufferSize parameter is zero.<84> § The pointer | // | | specified by the lpdwAccounts parameter is NULL.<85> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // The account name that lpcwstrAccountName indicates MUST be in one of the following // formats. Any other format is invalid. // // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | | // | FORMAT | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | <machine_name>\<user_name> | For a local user with machine_name as the local machine's name. | // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | <domain_name>\<user_name> | For a nonlocal user. | // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EnumAccounts(context.Context, *EnumAccountsRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*EnumAccountsResponse, error) // The FAX_GetAccountInfo (Opnum 96) method is called by the client to retrieve information // about a specified fax user account. The fax user account for which information is // retrieved is specified by the lpcwstrAccountName parameter, which can be obtained // using the FAX_EnumAccounts (section method. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), // and FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. The // fax client MUST NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the server // is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), or FAX_API_VERSION_2 // (0x00020000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND 0x00000002 | The account name specified by the lpcwstrAccountName parameter appears valid but | // | | does not exist. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The user account specified by the lpwstrAccountName | // | | argument is not the caller, and it does not have the fax access rights | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The value of the level argument is greater than | // | | zero. The account name specified by lpcwstrAccountName is not a valid fax | // | | account name. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // The account name that lpcwstrAccountName indicates MUST be in one of the following // formats. Any other format is invalid. // // +----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | | // | FORMAT | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | <machine_name>\<user_name> | For a local user that has machine_name as the name of the local machine. | // +----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | <domain_name>\<user_name> | For a nonlocal user. | // +----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetAccountInfo(context.Context, *GetAccountInfoRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetAccountInfoResponse, error) // The FAX_GetGeneralConfiguration (Opnum 97) method is called by the client to request // information about the general configuration at the server. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), // and FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. The // fax client MUST NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the server // is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), or FAX_API_VERSION_2 // (0x00020000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG access rights required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. The fax server failed | // | | to allocate sufficient memory to hold the FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG to be returned to | // | | the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The level parameter is set to a value other than 0. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The fax server failed to custom marshal the FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG to be returned to | // | | the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetGeneralConfiguration(context.Context, *GetGeneralConfigurationRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetGeneralConfigurationResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_SetGeneralConfiguration (Opnum 98) method // to set the configuration options provided for the fax service. The FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG // (section 2.2.31) structure MUST be serialized. The variable data fields, such as // strings, MUST be filled with the offset to the string from the beginning of the buffer // and not the actual address. In response, the server MUST validate that the client's // fax user account has access to manage configuration on the server. On success, the // server MUST set the requested configuration options. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), // and FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. The // fax client MUST NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the server // is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), or FAX_API_VERSION_2 // (0x00020000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the required | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG authorization for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | In order to process the data for custom marshaling, the server needs to make | // | | a copy of the FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG provided by the client; but the server cannot | // | | allocate sufficient memory to hold the copy of the FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_DATA 0x0000000D | The lpcwstrArchiveLocationOffset member of the Fixed_Portion of the | // | | FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG referenced by the Buffer parameter is set to an invalid | // | | offset value. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions are met: § The level parameter is set to a value greater than 0. § | // | | In the FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG referenced by Buffer, the dtDiscountStart.Hour member | // | | is set to a value greater than or equal to 24, and the dtDiscountStart.Minute | // | | member is set to a value greater than or equal to 60. § In the | // | | FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG referenced by Buffer, the dtDiscountEnd.Hour member is set | // | | to a value greater than or equal to 24, and the dtDiscountEnd.Minute member | // | | is set to a value greater than or equal to 60. § In the FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG | // | | referenced by Buffer, the bUseArchive member is set to TRUE and the | // | | lpcwstrArchiveLocationOffset member is set to 0. § In the FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG | // | | referenced by Buffer, the dwSizeQuotaHighWaterMark member is set to a value | // | | greater than the value of the dwSizeQuotaLowWaterMark member. § In the | // | | FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG referenced by Buffer, the dwQueueState member contains one | // | | or more of the following flag values: FAX_INCOMING_BLOCKED, FAX_OUTBOX_BLOCKED, | // | | or FAX_OUTBOX_PAUSED. § The value of the BufferSize parameter is less than | // | | the size required to hold the custom marshaled FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG structure | // | | referenced by Buffer. This size is specified by the dwSizeOfStruct member of the | // | | FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG referenced by Buffer. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The server failed to parse the custom marshaled FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetGeneralConfiguration(context.Context, *SetGeneralConfigurationRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*SetGeneralConfigurationResponse, error) // The FAX_GetSecurityEx2 (Opnum 99) method is called by the client to retrieve information // about the fax security descriptor from the fax server. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), // and FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. The // fax client MUST NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the server // is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), or FAX_API_VERSION_2 // (0x00020000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. This error is returned when there is a mismatch between | // | | the access level requested (Read control, access to set/get SACL security | // | | information or both) through the bit pattern in SecurityInformation and the | // | | current authorized level. | // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. | // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § The pSecurityDescriptor parameter is NULL. § The value | // | | of the SecurityInformation parameter does not conform to the definition of valid | // | | bit patterns for this parameter. | // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_SECURITY_DESCR 0x0000053A | The security descriptor structure is invalid. | // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. GetSecurityEx2(context.Context, *GetSecurityEx2Request, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetSecurityEx2Response, error) // The FAX_SetSecurityEx2 (Opnum 100) method is called by the client. On success, the // server MUST set the fax server's security descriptor. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), // and FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. The // fax client MUST NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the server // is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), or FAX_API_VERSION_2 // (0x00020000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // The fax client SHOULD call FAX_SetSecurity (section instead. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the access | // | | rights required for this operation: § WRITE_OWNER, when the SecurityInformation | // | | parameter contains the OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION value. § WRITE_DAC, | // | | when SecurityInformation contains the GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION | // | | or DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION values. § ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY, when | // | | SecurityInformation contains the SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION value. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_DATA 0x0000000D | The data is invalid. The data contained in the buffer specified by the | // | | pSecurityDescriptor parameter is not a valid SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY 0x0000000E | The fax server cannot allocate sufficient memory for a properly constructed | // | | FAX_EVENT_EX_1 (section 2.2.68) structure describing a FAX_EVENT_TYPE_CONFIG | // | | event to be signaled to the client. A properly constructed structure has the | // | | ConfigType member of the FAX_EVENT_EX_1 set to FAX_CONFIG_TYPE_SECURITY. For | // | | more details, see FAX_ClientEventQueueEx (section | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any | // | | of the following conditions: § pSecurityDescriptor is set to a NULL | // | | pointer value. § The dwBufferSize parameter is set to 0x00000000. § | // | | SecurityInformation is set to a value that does not contain any of the | // | | following flags: OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION, GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION, | // | | DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, or SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files that contains | // | | registry data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is | // | | corrupted, or the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log | // | | was absent or corrupted. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. SetSecurityEx2(context.Context, *SetSecurityEx2Request, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*SetSecurityEx2Response, error) // The FAX_AccessCheckEx2 (Opnum 101) method is called by the client when the client // needs to check whether the client's fax user account has certain access permissions // on the server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The caller does not have the required permissions for this | // | | request (the caller does not have a valid fax user account). | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § The pointer specified in the pfAccess parameter is NULL. | // | | § The fax access rights specified in the lpdwRights parameter contain invalid | // | | access values. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. AccessCheckEx2(context.Context, *AccessCheckEx2Request, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*AccessCheckEx2Response, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_ReAssignMessage (Opnum 102) method to reassign // the specified fax message to a set of users.<144> // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), // and FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. The // fax client MUST NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the server // is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), or FAX_API_VERSION_2 // (0x00020000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // The dwlMessageId parameter specifies a particular message and can be obtained using // the FAX_EnumMessages (section method or the FAX_EnumMessagesEx (section // methods. // // The client MUST specify the recipients for a reassigned message in a semicolon (;) // separated format. In response, the server MUST validate whether the bIncomingFaxesArePublic // option in the FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG (section 2.2.31) data structure is not set in the // server configuration. The server MUST also validate whether the message that is specified // by the dwlMessageId argument refers to a valid message on the server. The server // MUST validate that there are recipient numbers for each of the recipients that are // listed in pReAssignInfo structure. On success, the server MUST reassign the specified // fax message. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND 0x00000002 | This error code is returned under any of the following conditions: § The | // | | dwlMessageId argument does not specify a valid message. § One or more recipients | // | | specified in the lpcwstrRecipients field of the pReAssignInfo argument do not | // | | have a corresponding fax user account. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | The caller does not have the FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_RECEIVE_FOLDER access rights. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | This error code is returned under any of the following conditions: § The value | // | | specified for the dwlMessageId parameter is zero. § The lpcwstrRecipients member | // | | of the data structure specified by the pReAssignInfo parameter is set to NULL or | // | | to an empty string. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x0000006F | The number of recipients specified in the lpcwstrRecipients member of the | // | | data structure pointed at by pReAssignInfo is greater than FAX_MAX_RECIPIENTS | // | | (10000). | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION 0x000010DD | This error code is returned under any of the following conditions: § Incoming | // | | faxes are public (section 2.2.31). Reassignment is not supported when incoming | // | | faxes are public. § The server does not support reassignment, or the server | // | | is configured with a policy that is currently set to disable fax message | // | | reassignment. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. ReassignMessage(context.Context, *ReassignMessageRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*ReassignMessageResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_SetMessage (Opnum 103) method to set the // specific message properties for the message identified by its ID.<162> The dwlMessageId // parameter specifies a particular message and can be obtained using the FAX_EnumMessages // (section method or the FAX_EnumMessagesEx (section method. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS access rights required for this operation. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the | // | | following conditions are met: § The structure pointed to by the lpMessageProps | // | | argument contains invalid data. § The Folder argument has an invalid value (a | // | | value other than FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_INBOX or FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SENTITEMS). | // | | § The dwlMessageId parameter is zero. § In the structure pointed at | // | | by the lpMessageProps argument, the dwValidityMask field contains the | // | | FAX_MSG_PROP_FIELD_MSG_FLAGS, and the dwMsgFlags field does not contain the | // | | FAX_MSG_ALL_FLAGS flag. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND 0x00001B61 | The fax message specified by the dwlMessageId argument cannot be found by the | // | | fax server in the folder specified by the Folder argument. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetMessage(context.Context, *SetMessageRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*SetMessageResponse, error) // The FAX_GetConfigOption (Opnum 104) is called by the client to retrieve a configuration // setting at the server using an RPC_REQUEST packet. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), // and FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. The // fax client MUST NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the server // is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), or FAX_API_VERSION_2 // (0x00020000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have any of the | // | | permissions covered by ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | This error is returned when any of the following conditions are met: § The | // | | lpdwValue parameter is set to a NULL pointer value.<103> § The configuration | // | | option specified by the option parameter is not one of the following | // | | values: FAX_CONFIG_OPTION_ALLOW_PERSONAL_CP, FAX_CONFIG_OPTION_QUEUE_STATE, | // | | FAX_CONFIG_OPTION_ALLOW_RECEIPTS or FAX_CONFIG_OPTION_INCOMING_FAXES_PUBLIC. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Use of this method does not require FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG access rights. A calling // user with any ACE on the server can use this method. // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetConfigOption(context.Context, *GetConfigOptionRequest, ...dcerpc.CallOption) (*GetConfigOptionResponse, error) // AlterContext alters the client context. AlterContext(context.Context, ...dcerpc.Option) error // Conn returns the client connection (unsafe) Conn() dcerpc.Conn }
fax interface.
type FaxServer ¶
type FaxServer interface { // The fax client application calls the FAX_GetServicePrinters (Opnum 0) method to obtain // a list of printers that are visible to the fax server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG access rights required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. The fax server failed | // | | to allocate sufficient memory to hold the array of FAX_PRINTER_INFOW structures | // | | to be returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The lpBuffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer | // | | value.<136> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The fax server failed to custom marshal the array of FAX_PRINTER_INFOW | // | | structures to be returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetServicePrinters(context.Context, *GetServicePrintersRequest) (*GetServicePrintersResponse, error) // The FAX_ConnectionRefCount (Opnum 1) method is called by the client.<73> // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The Connect parameter is set to a value of 0x00000001 | // | | (Connect), and the client's fax user account does not have the | // | | ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS access rights required for the connect operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions are met: § The Connect parameter is set to a value of 0x00000000 | // | | (Disconnect) or to a value of 0x00000002 (Release), and the Handle parameter is | // | | set to a NULL value.<75> § The Connect parameter is set to a value of 0x00000001 | // | | (Connect), and the CanShare parameter is set to a NULL pointer value.<76> § | // | | The Connect parameter is set to a value other than 0x00000000 (Disconnect), | // | | 0x00000001 (Connect), or 0x00000002 (Release). | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Fax clients call this method to connect or disconnect from the fax server. // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. ConnectionReferenceCount(context.Context, *ConnectionReferenceCountRequest) (*ConnectionReferenceCountResponse, error) // The FAX_OpenPort (Opnum 2) method is called by the client. In response, the server // opens a fax port for subsequent use in other fax methods, and it returns a fax port // handle for use by the fax client application. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied: the client's fax user account does not have either the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG or the FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG access permissions. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE 0x00000006 | The call was made with the Flags argument containing the PORT_OPEN_MODIFY flag | // | | and the port is already opened to be modified by another call. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BAD_UNIT 0x00000014 | The system cannot find the port for the receiving device by using the line | // | | identifier specified by the DeviceId argument. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The FaxPortHandle argument is NULL.<140> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. OpenPort(context.Context, *OpenPortRequest) (*OpenPortResponse, error) // The FAX_ClosePort (Opnum 3) method is called by the client to close an open fax port. // The client passes FaxPortHandle, which it received from a call to FAX_OpenPort (section // // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE 0x00000006 | FaxPortHandle is not a valid open port handle returned by FAX_OpenPort. <71> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The RPC_FAX_PORT_HANDLE fax data type referenced by the FaxPortHandle parameter | // | | is set to a NULL pointer value.<72> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. ClosePort(context.Context, *ClosePortRequest) (*ClosePortResponse, error) // The FAX_EnumJobs (Opnum 4) method is called by the client to enumerate all the fax // jobs on the specified fax server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_JOBS access right. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | The server cannot allocate sufficient memory to hold the array of FAX_JOB_ENTRY | // | | (section 2.2.5) structures to be returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The Buffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer | // | | value.<87> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The server failed to custom marshal the array of FAX_JOB_ENTRY to be returned to | // | | the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EnumJobs(context.Context, *EnumJobsRequest) (*EnumJobsResponse, error) // The FAX_GetJob (Opnum 5) method is called by the client to retrieve information regarding // a specific job. The job is specified by the JobId parameter. The value for the JobId // parameter can be obtained using one of the following methods: FAX_EnumJobs (section //, FAX_EnumJobsEx (section, or FAX_EnumJobsEx2 (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | The client's fax user account does not have access to query the job specified | // | | by the JobId parameter. This error can happen in any of the following cases: § | // | | The job specified by the JobId parameter is an outgoing job; the client (the fax | // | | user account currently logged in on the client) is not the owner of this job and | // | | does not have the FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_OUT_JOBS access rights. § The job specified | // | | by the JobId parameter is an incoming job; incoming faxes are not public and | // | | the client's fax user account does not have the FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_RECEIVE_FOLDER | // | | rights. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | The server cannot allocate sufficient memory to hold the FAX_JOB_ENTRY (section | // | | 2.2.5) structure to be returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions are met: § The Buffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer value.<110> | // | | § The fax job specified by the JobId parameter cannot be found (does not | // | | exist) in the fax server queue. § The fax job specified by JobId cannot be | // | | queried: the job type is JT_BROADCAST, JS_DELETING, or JS_COMPLETED. For more | // | | information about job types, see the description of the dwJobType member of the | // | | FAX_JOB_STATUS (section 2.2.36) structure. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The server failed to custom marshal the FAX_JOB_ENTRY to be returned to the | // | | client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetJob(context.Context, *GetJobRequest) (*GetJobResponse, error) // The FAX_SetJob (Opnum 6) method is called by the client. The value for the JobId // parameter can be obtained using one of the following methods: FAX_EnumJobs (section //, FAX_EnumJobsEx (section, or FAX_EnumJobsEx2 (section // // On success, the server MUST pause, resume, cancel, or restart the specified fax job // and MUST set the job status (section 3.1.1) to reflect the new job state. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the access rights | // | | required to perform this operation: § For an outgoing fax job, the client's fax | // | | user account is not the owner of the fax job and the client's fax user account | // | | does not have the FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_OUT_JOBS rights. § For an incoming fax job, | // | | incoming faxes are not public, and the client's fax user account does not have | // | | the FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_RECEIVE_FOLDER rights. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § The fax job indicated by the JobId argument cannot be | // | | found by the fax server. § The specified Command argument value is JC_DELETE and | // | | the fax job specified by the JobId argument indicates a fax job that is already | // | | in a state of being deleted or was already deleted. § The specified Command | // | | argument value is JC_UNKNOWN (0). § The specified Command argument value is not | // | | JC_DELETE, JC_PAUSE, or JC_RESUME/JC_RESTART. § The specified Command argument | // | | value is JC_DELETE and the type of the fax job specified by the JobId parameter | // | | is JT_BROADCAST See the definition of the dwJobType member of the FAX_JOB_STATUS | // | | structure (section 2.2.36). | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION 0x000010DD | The specified Command argument value is JC_DELETE, and the specified JobId | // | | represents a fax job with a current job status other than JS_PENDING or | // | | JS_RETRYING. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. SetJob(context.Context, *SetJobRequest) (*SetJobResponse, error) // The FAX_GetPageData (Opnum 7) method is called by the client to retrieve data in // the first page of an outgoing fax job. The information that is returned in the buffer // is an in-memory copy of the first page of the TIFF file. The value for the JobId // parameter can be obtained using one of the following methods: FAX_EnumJobs (section //, FAX_EnumJobsEx (section, or FAX_EnumJobsEx2 (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The caller does not have the access rights required for this | // | | operation: ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS (section 2.2.83). | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_DATA 0x0000000D | The job identified by the JobId parameter is not an outgoing fax job or is not | // | | a valid fax job for which the fax server can extract the first page of the TIFF | // | | file. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § One or more of the following parameters are null | // | | pointers: Buffer, ImageWidth, ImageHeight.<120> § The fax server cannot find the | // | | fax job indicated by JobId. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetPageData(context.Context, *GetPageDataRequest) (*GetPageDataResponse, error) // The FAX_GetDeviceStatus (Opnum 8) method is called by the client to retrieve information // about a specified fax device (port). // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG access rights required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | The server cannot allocate sufficient memory to hold the FAX_DEVICE_STATUS to be | // | | returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_DATA 0x0000000D | The FaxPortHandle parameter is not set to a valid port handle obtained using | // | | FAX_OpenPort.<106> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § The StatusBuffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer | // | | value.<107> § The FaxPortHandle parameter is set to a NULL value.<108> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The server failed to custom marshal the FAX_DEVICE_STATUS to be returned to the | // | | client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetDeviceStatus(context.Context, *GetDeviceStatusRequest) (*GetDeviceStatusResponse, error) // The FAX_Abort (Opnum 9) method is called by the client to abort the specified fax // job on the server. The value for the JobId parameter can be obtained using one of // the following methods: FAX_EnumJobs (section, FAX_EnumJobsEx (section //, or FAX_EnumJobsEx2 (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return either one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors // that are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in // [MS-ERREF] section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. This error code is returned when any of the following | // | | conditions happen: § The client's fax user account does not have | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_RECEIVE_FOLDER permission, and the specified JobId | // | | represents an incoming fax job. § The client's fax user account does not have | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_OUT_JOBS permission, and the specified JobId represents an | // | | outgoing fax job of a different user. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § The fax job identified by the specified JobId is not | // | | found. § The specified job has already been canceled or is in the process of | // | | being canceled. § The type of the fax job specified by the JobId parameter is | // | | JT_BROADCAST (the description of the dwJobType member of the FAX_JOB_STATUS | // | | structure specified in section 2.2.36). | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION 0x000010DD | The operation is invalid. This error code is returned under any of the following | // | | conditions: § The specified JobId represents an incoming fax job (the dwJobType | // | | member of the FAX_JOB_STATUS describing the job is set to 0x0002), which is | // | | being routed (the dwQueueStatus member of the FAX_JOB_STATUS describing the job | // | | is set to JS_ROUTING) and cannot be aborted at this stage. § The specified JobId | // | | represents a fax job in progress (the dwJobType member of the FAX_JOB_STATUS | // | | describing the job is set to 0x0003), which the fax server failed to route | // | | (the dwQueueStatus member of the FAX_JOB_STATUS describing the job is set to | // | | JS_IN_PROGRESS) and cannot be aborted at this stage. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. Abort(context.Context, *AbortRequest) (*AbortResponse, error) // The FAX_EnumPorts (Opnum 10) method is called by the client to obtain port state // information. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the access rights | // | | (FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG) required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. The fax server cannot | // | | allocate sufficient memory to hold the array of _FAX_PORT_INFO to be returned to | // | | the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions are met:<95> § The PortBuffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer | // | | value. § The PortsReturned parameter is set to a NULL pointer value. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The fax server failed to custom marshal the array of _FAX_PORT_INFO to be | // | | returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EnumPorts(context.Context, *EnumPortsRequest) (*EnumPortsResponse, error) // The FAX_GetPort (Opnum 11) method is called by the client to retrieve port status // information for a requested port at the server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG access rights required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | The server cannot allocate sufficient memory to hold the FAX_PORT_INFO (section | // | | 2.2.7) data structure to be returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_DATA 0x0000000D | The FaxPortHandle parameter is not set to a valid port handle obtained using | // | | FAX_OpenPort.<124> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions are met: § The PortBuffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer | // | | value.<125> § The FaxPortHandle parameter is set to NULL.<126> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The server failed to custom marshal the FAX_PORT_INFO to be returned to the | // | | client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetPort(context.Context, *GetPortRequest) (*GetPortResponse, error) // A fax client application uses the FAX_SetPort (Opnum 12) method to set fax device // information. The function sets extension configuration properties that are stored // at the device level, such as enabling or disabling sending and receiving, and the // auto or manual answering of calls. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG fax access right. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_DATA 0x0000000D | The handle specified by the FaxPortHandle argument is not a valid fax port | // | | handle obtained by a call to FAX_OpenPort.<166> | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions are met: § The pointer specified by the PortInfo argument is NULL. | // | | § The handle specified by the FaxPortHandle argument is NULL. § The requested | // | | value of the Priority member of the PortInfo parameter is 0, or is greater than | // | | the total number of installed fax devices. § The size of the PortInfo argument | // | | specified in the SizeOfStruct field is not the correct size, in bytes, for the | // | | FAX_PORT_INFO. § When FAX_ERR_DEVICE_NUM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED is to be returned, but | // | | the fax client does not support this error code (the fax client API version | // | | described in section is FAX_API_VERSION_0). | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_DEVICE_NUM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 0x00001B62 | The fax server cannot complete the operation because all of the following | // | | conditions are true: If the fax server has an implementation-dependent maximum | // | | number of supported devices set<167> and the number of fax devices currently | // | | connected to the server is equal to or exceeds this maximum number of supported | // | | devices. The device is not send, receive, or manual-receive enabled. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetPort(context.Context, *SetPortRequest) (*SetPortResponse, error) // The FAX_EnumRoutingMethods (Opnum 13) method is called by the client to enumerate // all the routing methods for a specified port that are registered with the fax server // in the fax server's list of routing methods. The client calls Fax_OpenPort (section // to get the value for FaxPortHandle. The function returns detailed information // about each of the enumerated routing methods. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION 0x00000001 | The fax server failed to enumerate any routing methods for the fax port | // | | specified through the FaxPortHandle parameter. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the access rights | // | | (FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG) required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. The fax server cannot | // | | allocate sufficient memory to hold the array of FAX_ROUTING_METHOD to be | // | | returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_DATA 0x0000000D | This error SHOULD be returned if the FaxPortHandle argument is not a valid | // | | handle obtained using FAX_OpenPort.<99> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The RoutingInfoBuffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer value. <100> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The fax server failed to custom marshal the array of FAX_ROUTING_METHOD | // | | structures to be returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EnumRoutingMethods(context.Context, *EnumRoutingMethodsRequest) (*EnumRoutingMethodsResponse, error) // The FAX_EnableRoutingMethod (Opnum 14) method is called by the client for a specified // fax device (port). // // The user is expected to set the proper configuration settings on the client before // enabling any routing method. For example, in order to enable email, the user SHOULD // specify the proper SMTP details, and the client SHOULD then call the FAX_SetReceiptsConfiguration // (section method, with the bIsToUseForMSRouteThroughEmailMethod value // in the pReceipts parameter set to true. Also, the user can ensure that the proper // routing method destinations, such as EmailID, Printer, and Folder values, have been // specified. The client can use the FAX_SetExtensionData (section method // to set the EmailID, Printer, and Folder once the user has entered the proper values. // // On success, the server MUST enable or disable a fax routing method for a specific // fax device. The server MUST validate that the client's fax user account has access // to enable or disable routing methods. The RoutingGUID parameter MUST be for a valid // routing method. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG access right. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_DATA 0x0000000D | The data is invalid. The GUID specified by the RoutingGuid parameter is not a | // | | routing method GUID. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This is returned when RoutingGuid is set to NULL. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EnableRoutingMethod(context.Context, *EnableRoutingMethodRequest) (*EnableRoutingMethodResponse, error) // The FAX_GetRoutingInfo (Opnum 15) method is called by the client to retrieve information // about a specified routing method that is identified by the passed-in GUID. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG access rights required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | The server cannot allocate sufficient memory to hold the fax routing information | // | | data to be returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_DATA 0x0000000D | This error code is returned if any of the following conditions are met: § The | // | | port handle specified by the FaxPortHandle parameter is not a valid fax port | // | | handle obtained with FAX_OpenPort (section<131> § The server cannot | // | | find the routing method identified by the GUID specified by the RoutingGuid | // | | parameter. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions are met: § The RoutingGuid parameter is set to a NULL pointer value. | // | | § The RoutingInfoBuffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer value.<132> § The | // | | FaxPortHandle parameter is set to a NULL value.<133> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetRoutingInfo(context.Context, *GetRoutingInfoRequest) (*GetRoutingInfoResponse, error) // The FAX_SetRoutingInfo (Opnum 16) method is called by the client to set routing information // for a fax routing method. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | The client's fax user account does not have the FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG | // | | permission. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_DATA 0x0000000D | This error code is returned if any of the following conditions are met: § The | // | | FaxPortHandle parameter is not set to a valid fax port handle obtained with | // | | FAX_OpenPort. § The RoutingGuid parameter is not set to a GUID representing a | // | | valid routing method. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | This error code is returned if any of the following conditions are met: § The | // | | RoutingGuid parameter is set to a NULL pointer value. § The RoutingInfoBuffer | // | | parameter is set to a NULL pointer value. § The RoutingInfoBufferSize parameter | // | | is set to a value of 0. § The FaxPortHandle parameter is set to a NULL | // | | value.<172> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. SetRoutingInfo(context.Context, *SetRoutingInfoRequest) (*SetRoutingInfoResponse, error) // The FAX_EnumGlobalRoutingInfo (Opnum 17) method is called by the client to enumerate // global routing information. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION 0x00000001 | The server failed to enumerate the routing methods. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG access rights required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | The server cannot allocate sufficient memory to hold the array of | // | | _FAX_GLOBAL_ROUTING_INFOW structures to be returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The RoutingInfoBuffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer value.<86> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The server failed to custom marshal the array of _FAX_GLOBAL_ROUTING_INFOW | // | | structures to be returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EnumGlobalRoutingInfo(context.Context, *EnumGlobalRoutingInfoRequest) (*EnumGlobalRoutingInfoResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_SetGlobalRoutingInfo (Opnum 18) method to // set global routing properties such as the routing method priority. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the required | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG authorization for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_DATA 0x0000000D | The fax server cannot find the routing method specified by the Guid structure | // | | field of the RoutingInfo parameter. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions are met: § The RoutingInfo parameter is set to a NULL pointer value. | // | | § The SizeOfStruct structure field of RoutingInfo is not set to the correct | // | | size, in bytes, for the FAX_GLOBAL_ROUTING_INFOW structure. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetGlobalRoutingInfo(context.Context, *SetGlobalRoutingInfoRequest) (*SetGlobalRoutingInfoResponse, error) // The FAX_GetConfiguration (Opnum 19) method is called by the client to query the general // configuration of the fax server that is described by the _FAX_CONFIGURATIONW (section // 2.2.29) structure. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG access rights required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | The server cannot allocate sufficient memory to hold the FAX_CONFIGURATION | // | | (section 2.2.28) data structure to be returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The buffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer value.<104> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The server failed to custom marshal the FAX_CONFIGURATION to be returned to the | // | | client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetConfiguration(context.Context, *GetConfigurationRequest) (*GetConfigurationResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_SetConfiguration (Opnum 20) method to change // the general configuration of the fax server. The FAX_CONFIGURATIONW (section 2.2.28) // structure describes the general configuration of the fax server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the required | // | | access rights, in this case FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § The pointer specified with the FaxConfig argument is | // | | NULL.<157> § The dwSizeOfStruct member of the FAX_CONFIGURATIONW specified by | // | | the FaxConfig parameter is different from the correct size, in bytes, for the | // | | FAX_CONFIGURATIONW, described in section 2.2.28. § The ArchiveOutgoingFaxes | // | | member of the FAX_CONFIGURATIONW specified by FaxConfig is set to TRUE, and | // | | the ArchiveDirectory member of the same data structure is set to a NULL pointer | // | | value.<158> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files that contain | // | | registry data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is | // | | corrupted, or the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log | // | | was absent or corrupted. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetConfiguration(context.Context, *SetConfigurationRequest) (*SetConfigurationResponse, error) // The FAX_GetLoggingCategories (Opnum 21) method is called by the client. In response, // the server MUST return the current logging categories for the fax server to which // the client has connected. A logging category determines the errors or other events // that the fax server records in the application event log. // // The client SHOULD free the returned buffer. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG access rights required for this operation. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | The server cannot allocate sufficient memory to hold the array of | // | | FAX_LOG_CATEGORY to be returned to the client. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the | // | | following conditions are met: § The BufferSize parameter is set to a NULL | // | | pointer value.<114> § The NumberCategories parameter is set to a NULL pointer | // | | value.<115> | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW 0x00000216 | This error code is returned if any of the following conditions are met: § The | // | | total number of logging categories multiplied by the size, in bytes, of the | // | | FAX_LOG_CATEGORY Fixed_Size block results in a number that exceeds the maximum | // | | value for a DWORD (0xFFFFFFFF). § The total number of logging categories | // | | multiplied by the size, in bytes, of the FAX_LOG_CATEGORY Fixed_Size block | // | | plus the sum of all lengths, in bytes, including NULL terminators, of all Name | // | | strings from the Variable_Data blocks results in a number that exceeds the | // | | maximum value for a DWORD (0xFFFFFFFF). | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The server failed to custom marshal the array of FAX_LOG_CATEGORY to be returned | // | | to the client. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetLoggingCategories(context.Context, *GetLoggingCategoriesRequest) (*GetLoggingCategoriesResponse, error) // The FAX_SetLoggingCategories (Opnum 22) method is called by the client. On success, // the server MUST modify the current logging categories for the fax server to which // the client has connected. A logging category determines the errors or other events // that the fax server records in the application event log. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG access rights required for this call. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § The value specified for the Buffer parameter is NULL. § | // | | The value specified for the BufferSize parameter is 0. § The fax server cannot | // | | parse the FAX_LOG_CATEGORY pointed at by Buffer, possibly because the buffer | // | | data is corrupted. § One of the pointer fields of one of the FAX_LOG_CATEGORY | // | | pointed at by Buffer point to memory locations outside of the memory block | // | | specified by the Buffer and BufferSize parameters. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The registry is corrupted. The fax server cannot write to register the modified | // | | logging categories. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. // // The FAX_LOG_CATEGORY array MUST be serialized. For more information, see [MSDN-FAX_LOG_CATEGORY]. // The variable data fields, such as strings, SHOULD be filled with the offset to the // string from the beginning of the buffer and not the actual address. SetLoggingCategories(context.Context, *SetLoggingCategoriesRequest) (*SetLoggingCategoriesResponse, error) // The FAX_GetSecurity (Opnum 23) method is called by the client to retrieve information // about the fax security descriptor from the fax server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have a permission level | // | | of at least READ_CONTROL. | // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. | // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This is returned when pSecurityDescriptor is NULL. | // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_SECURITY_DESCR 0x0000053A | The security descriptor structure is invalid. | // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetSecurity(context.Context, *GetSecurityRequest) (*GetSecurityResponse, error) // The FAX_SetSecurity (Opnum 24) method is called by the client. On success, the server // MUST set the fax server's security descriptor. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_3 (0x00030000) fax servers SHOULD fail this call // by returning ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x00000032). The fax client SHOULD NOT call this // method if the protocol version reported by the server is FAX_API_VERSION_3 (0x00030000). // For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section The fax client // SHOULD call FAX_SetSecurityEx2 (section instead. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the access | // | | rights required for this operation. This error code is returned under any | // | | of the following conditions, listed by required access right: § WRITE_OWNER, | // | | when the fax server is a FAX_API_VERSION_1 server and the SecurityInformation | // | | parameter contains the OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION value. § WRITE_DAC, when the | // | | fax server is a FAX_API_VERSION_1 server and SecurityInformation contains the | // | | GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION or DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION values. § READ_CONTROL, | // | | when the fax server is a FAX_API_VERSION_2 server and SecurityInformation | // | | contains the GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, | // | | or OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION values. § ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY, when | // | | SecurityInformation contains the SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION value. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_DATA 0x0000000D | The data contained in the buffer specified by the pSecurityDescriptor parameter | // | | is not a valid SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x00000032 | The fax server does not support this operation. This error SHOULD be returned by | // | | FAX_API_VERSION_3 servers. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § pSecurityInformation is set to a NULL pointer value. § | // | | The dwBufferSize parameter is set to a value of 0. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files containing registry | // | | data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is corrupted, or | // | | the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log was absent or | // | | corrupted. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. SetSecurity(context.Context, *SetSecurityRequest) (*SetSecurityResponse, error) // The FAX_AccessCheck (Opnum 25) method is called when the client needs to check whether // the client's fax user account has certain access permissions on the server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The user does not have a valid fax user account on the | // | | server.<65> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The pfAccess argument is NULL,<66> or the access | // | | mask specified by the AccessMask argument contains invalid fax-specific access | // | | rights. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. AccessCheck(context.Context, *AccessCheckRequest) (*AccessCheckResponse, error) // The FAX_CheckServerProtSeq (Opnum 26) method is called by the client to validate // whether a specified protocol sequence is supported by the server.<70> In response, // the server MUST validate the specified protocol sequence. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) and FAX_API_VERSION_3 (0x00030000) // fax servers SHOULD fail this call by returning ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x00000032). // The fax client SHOULD NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the // server is FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) or FAX_API_VERSION_3 (0x00030000). For more // information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +-----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +-----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +-----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The lpdwProtSeq argument specified is NULL. | // +-----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RPC_S_PROTSEQ_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x0000006A7 | The protocol sequence specified by the lpdwProtSeq argument is not supported. | // +-----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. CheckServerProtocolSeq(context.Context, *CheckServerProtocolSeqRequest) (*CheckServerProtocolSeqResponse, error) // The FAX_SendDocumentEx (Opnum 27) method is called by the client. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors (section // 2.2.52) or one of the standard errors ([MS-ERREF] section 2.2). // // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. This error is returned when any of the following conditions | // | | are met: § The limit on the number of recipients for a single fax broadcast | // | | was reached and FAX_ERR_RECIPIENTS_LIMIT couldn't be returned because this | // | | error code is unsupported by the fax client API version (FAX_API_VERSION_0 | // | | or FAX_API_VERSION_1, described in section § The client's fax | // | | user account does not have the required access rights to submit the fax: | // | | FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT (for FAX_PRIORITY_TYPE_LOW), FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT_NORMAL | // | | (for FAX_PRIORITY_TYPE_NORMAL), or FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT_HIGH (for | // | | FAX_PRIORITY_TYPE_HIGH), where the FAX_PRIORITY_TYPE value comes from the | // | | Priority field of the specified lpJobParams structure. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_DATA 0x0000000D | The file specified by lpcwstrFileName argument is empty (has a size of 0 bytes). | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT 0x00000013 | The outgoing fax queue is blocked: The queue state is FAX_OUTBOX_BLOCKED as | // | | described in the FAX_SetQueue (section method. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x00000032 | The fax server SHOULD return this error code when the request described by the | // | | lpJobParams argument is not supported by the fax server.<152> | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § One or more of the following arguments are NULL | // | | or 0: dwNumRecipients, lpcSenderProfile, lpcRecipientList, lpJobParams, | // | | lpdwlMessageId, lpdwlRecipientMessageIds,<153>lpcCoverPageInfo. § The file | // | | name indicated by the lpcstwrFileName argument does not indicate a file | // | | of the expected TIFF format. § The lpwstrCoverPageFileName field of the | // | | lpcCoverPageInfo structure is not in the expected COV format. § The Priority | // | | field of the lpJobParams structure is not one of the following values: | // | | FAX_PRIORITY_TYPE_LOW, FAX_PRIORITY_TYPE_NORMAL, FAX_PRIORITY_TYPE_HIGH. § The | // | | requested receipt delivery types are invalid (the dwReceiptDeliveryType field | // | | of the lpJobParams structure), not DRT_EMAIL, DRT_MSGBOX, and/or DRT_NONE. § | // | | The fax server tried to return FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU but the client | // | | fax API version. FAX_API_VERSION_0 (described in section does not | // | | support this error code. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE 0x0000065E | Data of this type is not supported. The requested receipt delivery type | // | | specified by the dwReceiptDeliveryType field of the lpJobParams structure is not | // | | supported by the fax server. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU 0x00001B63 | The fax client module API version (described in section is | // | | FAX_API_VERSION_1 or above, and the fax server is running on a version of the | // | | operating system that does not support the requested operation.<154> | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_RECIPIENTS_LIMIT 0x00001B65 | The limit on the number of recipients for a single fax broadcast was reached. | // | | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED is returned instead of this error code when the client | // | | does not support it (client-supported fax API version is FAX_API_VERSION_0 or | // | | FAX_API_VERSION_1, described in section | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SendDocumentEx(context.Context, *SendDocumentExRequest) (*SendDocumentExResponse, error) // The FAX_EnumJobsEx (Opnum 28) method is called by the client to enumerate a specified // set of jobs on the server's queue. The type of jobs to enumerate is described by // the dwJobTypes argument. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have any of the | // | | access rights defined in ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS (section 2.2.83) when | // | | enumerating jobs of type JT_SEND. The client's fax user account does not have | // | | the FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_RECEIVE_FOLDER access right when enumerating jobs of type | // | | JT_RECEIVE or JT_ROUTING. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | At least one of the following arguments has been specified as NULL: Buffer, | // | | BufferSize, or lpdwJobs.<88> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EnumJobsEx(context.Context, *EnumJobsExRequest) (*EnumJobsExResponse, error) // The FAX_GetJobEx (Opnum 29) is called by the client to retrieve information about // a specified job at the server. The job is identified by the job message ID. The job // message ID can be obtained using one of the following methods: FAX_EnumJobs (section //, FAX_EnumJobsEx (section, or FAX_EnumJobsEx2 (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the access rights | // | | required for this operation: ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS (section 2.2.83). | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | The server cannot allocate memory for the data to be returned to the caller. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | This error code is returned under any of the following conditions:<111> § The | // | | pointer submitted for the Buffer argument is NULL. § The pointer submitted for | // | | the BufferSize argument is NULL. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND 0x00001B61 | The fax server cannot find the fax job indicated by the dwlMessageId argument. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetJobEx(context.Context, *GetJobExRequest) (*GetJobExResponse, error) // The FAX_GetCountryList (Opnum 30) method is called by the client to retrieve the // list of country/region information that is defined on the server. TAPI maintains // this list, which contains information like the country/region name or country/region // ID. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have any of the | // | | permissions covered by the ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS enumeration (section | // | | 2.2.83). | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. The fax server cannot | // | | allocate sufficient memory to hold the FAX_TAPI_LINECOUNTRY_LISTW to be returned | // | | to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error is returned if the Buffer parameter is | // | | set to a NULL pointer value.<105> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The fax server failed to custom marshal the FAX_TAPI_LINECOUNTRY_LISTW to be | // | | returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetCountryList(context.Context, *GetCountryListRequest) (*GetCountryListResponse, error) // The FAX_GetPersonalProfileInfo (Opnum 31) method is called by the client to retrieve // information about the personal profile (section 3.1.1) of the sender or the receiver // of a fax from the specified fax message that is present in the described message // folder. The Folder value MUST be one of the enumerations defined by FAX_ENUM_MESSAGE_FOLDER // (section 2.2.2) except FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_INBOX. The ProfType value MUST be one of // the enumerations that are defined by FAX_ENUM_PERSONAL_PROF_TYPES (section 2.2.4). // The dwlMessageId parameter specifies a particular message and can be obtained using // the following methods: FAX_EnumJobs (section, FAX_EnumJobsEx (section //, FAX_EnumMessages (section, or FAX_EnumMessagesEx (section // // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have any of the | // | | permissions covered by ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BAD_FORMAT 0x0000000B | The message identified by dwlMessageId is an archived sent message and there was | // | | an error in reading the message file. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned when any of | // | | the following conditions happen: § The pointer specified by the Buffer | // | | parameter is NULL.<122> § The value of the Folder parameter specified is not | // | | FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_QUEUE or FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SENTITEMS. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_SRV_OUTOFMEMORY 0x00001B59 | The fax server failed to allocate memory needed for internal execution of this | // | | operation. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND 0x00001B61 | This error code is returned when any of the following conditions happen: § The | // | | message identified by the dwlMessageId parameter is not found. § The dwFolder | // | | parameter is specified as FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_QUEUE, but the message identified | // | | by dwlMessageId is not an outgoing queued message. § The message identified | // | | by dwlMessageId is an outgoing queued message being deleted. § The message | // | | identified by dwlMessageId is an outgoing queued message of a different user, | // | | and this user does not have FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_OUT_JOBS permission. § The message | // | | identified by dwlMessageId is an archived sent message of a different user, and | // | | this user does not have FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_ARCHIVES permission. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetPersonalProfileInfo(context.Context, *GetPersonalProfileInfoRequest) (*GetPersonalProfileInfoResponse, error) // The FAX_GetQueueStates (Opnum 32) method is called by the client to retrieve the // state of the fax queues at the server. // // The pdwQueueStates parameter MUST NOT be NULL. On success, the server MUST return // the state information about the fax service. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have any of the | // | | permissions covered by ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS (section 2.2.83). | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The pdwQueueStates parameter is set to a NULL | // | | pointer value. <128> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetQueueStates(context.Context, *GetQueueStatesRequest) (*GetQueueStatesResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_SetQueue (Opnum 33) method to change the // state of the server queue. In response, the server MUST validate whether the client's // fax user account has authorization to set the Queue State of the server. On success, // the server MUST set its Queue State as specified by the client. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the required | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG authorization for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY 0x0000000E | The fax server cannot allocate sufficient memory for a FAX_EVENT_EX_1 (section | // | | 2.2.68) structure that describes a FAX_EVENT_QUEUE_TYPE_QUEUE_STATE event to be | // | | signaled to the client. For more details, see FAX_ClientEventQueueEx (section | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The dwQueueStates parameter is set to a | // | | combination of values that does not contain any of the supported values: | // | | FAX_INCOMING_BLOCKED, FAX_OUTBOX_BLOCKED, or FAX_OUTBOX_PAUSED. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files containing registry | // | | data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is corrupted, or | // | | the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log was absent or | // | | corrupted. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RPC_E_SYS_CALL_FAILED 0x80010100 | dwQueueStates includes the FAX_OUTBOX_PAUSED value and the fax server cannot | // | | pause the server queue, or dwQueueStates does not include the FAX_OUTBOX_PAUSED | // | | value and the fax server cannot resume the server queue. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetQueue(context.Context, *SetQueueRequest) (*SetQueueResponse, error) // The FAX_GetReceiptsConfiguration (Opnum 34) method is called by the client. On success, // the server MUST return the receipt configuration information of the fax server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors ([MS-ERREF] section // 2.2). // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG access rights required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. The fax server cannot | // | | allocate sufficient memory to hold the _FAX_RECEIPTS_CONFIGW to be returned to | // | | the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The Buffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer | // | | value.<129> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The fax server failed to custom marshal the _FAX_RECEIPTS_CONFIGW to be returned | // | | to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. GetReceiptsConfiguration(context.Context, *GetReceiptsConfigurationRequest) (*GetReceiptsConfigurationResponse, error) // The FAX_SetReceiptsConfiguration (Opnum 35) method is called by the client. On success, // the server MUST set the receipt configuration information that is used by the fax // server to send delivery receipts for fax transmissions.<169> // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the required | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG authorization for this operation. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x00000032 | The dwAllowedReceipts member of the pReceipts parameter contains the DRT_MSGBOX | // | | flag value (described in FAX_ENUM_DELIVERY_REPORT_TYPES), and the fax server | // | | does not support this type of fax receipts.<170> | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the | // | | following conditions are met: § The dwSizeOfStruct member of pReceipts | // | | is not equal to the correct size, in bytes, for the FAX_RECEIPTS_CONFIGW. | // | | § The dwAllowedReceipts member of pReceipts contains one or more invalid | // | | flag values (not defined for the FAX_ENUM_DELIVERY_REPORT_TYPES (section | // | | 2.2.76) enumeration). § The following member values are set in the submitted | // | | pReceipts: the DRT_EMAIL flag is set within the dwAllowedReceipts member, | // | | the bIsToUseForMSRouteThroughEmailMethod member is set to FALSE, and the | // | | lpwstrSMTPPasswordmember is set to a non-NULL pointer value. § In the submitted | // | | pReceipts, the DRT_EMAIL flag is set within the dwAllowedReceipts member | // | | or the bIsToUseForMSRouteThroughEmailMethod member is set to TRUE and the | // | | SMTPAuthOption member is set to a value lower than FAX_SMTP_AUTH_ANONYMOUS | // | | or greater than FAX_SMTP_AUTH_NTLM. § The fax server tried to return | // | | FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU but the client fax API version | // | | (FAX_API_VERSION_0, described in section does not support this error | // | | code. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files containing registry | // | | data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is corrupted, or | // | | the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log was absent or | // | | corrupted. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU 0x00001B63 | The fax client module API version (described in section is | // | | FAX_API_VERSION_1 or above, and the fax server is running on a version of the | // | | operating system that does not support the requested operation.<171> | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetReceiptsConfiguration(context.Context, *SetReceiptsConfigurationRequest) (*SetReceiptsConfigurationResponse, error) // The FAX_GetReceiptsOptions (Opnum 36) method is called by the client to retrieve // the supported receipt options on the server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return the following error code, one of the fax-specific errors that are // defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have any of the | // | | permissions covered by ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS (section 2.2.83). | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. GetReceiptsOptions(context.Context, *GetReceiptsOptionsRequest) (*GetReceiptsOptionsResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_GetVersion (Opnum 37) method to obtain the // version of the fax server it is connected to. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that are // defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS (section 2.2.83) access rights required for this | // | | operation. | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetVersion(context.Context, *GetVersionRequest) (*GetVersionResponse, error) // The FAX_GetOutboxConfiguration (Opnum 38) method is called by the client to retrieve // the outbox configuration at the server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG access rights required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. The fax server cannot | // | | allocate sufficient memory to hold the FAX_OUTBOX_CONFIG to be returned to the | // | | client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The Buffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer | // | | value.<119> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetOutboxConfiguration(context.Context, *GetOutboxConfigurationRequest) (*GetOutboxConfigurationResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_SetOutboxConfiguration (Opnum 39) method // to set the current Outbox configuration such as the Discount Time. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the required | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG authorization for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions occur: § The dwSizeOfStruct member of the structure pointed at by | // | | the pOutboxCfg parameter is not the correct size for the FAX_OUTBOX_CONFIG. | // | | § The dtDiscountStart or dtDiscountEnd members of the structure pointed to by | // | | pOutboxCfg contain one or more invalid Hour (value greater than 24) or Minute | // | | (value greater than 60) fields. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files containing registry | // | | data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is corrupted, or | // | | the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log was absent or | // | | corrupted. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetOutboxConfiguration(context.Context, *SetOutboxConfigurationRequest) (*SetOutboxConfigurationResponse, error) // The FAX_GetPersonalCoverPagesOption (Opnum 40) method is called by the client to // retrieve information about the supported personal cover-page options. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return the following error code, one of the fax-specific errors that are // defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have any of the | // | | permissions covered by ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS (section 2.2.83).<121> | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetPersonalCoverPagesOption(context.Context, *GetPersonalCoverPagesOptionRequest) (*GetPersonalCoverPagesOptionResponse, error) // The FAX_GetArchiveConfiguration (Opnum 41) method is called by the client to retrieve // the current archive configuration on the fax server. In response, the server returns // archive configuration information about the fax server. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_3 (0x00030000) fax servers SHOULD fail this call // by returning ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x00000032). The fax client SHOULD NOT call this // method if the protocol version reported by the server is FAX_API_VERSION_3 (0x00030000). // For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section The fax client // SHOULD call FAX_GetGeneralConfiguration (section instead. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the access rights | // | | (FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG) required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the | // | | following conditions are met: § The Buffer parameter is set to a NULL | // | | pointer value. <102> § The value specified for the Folder parameter is not | // | | FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SENTITEMS or FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_INBOX. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. The fax server cannot | // | | allocate sufficient memory to hold the FAX_ARCHIVE_CONFIGW to be returned to the | // | | client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x00000032 | The fax server does not implement this method. Protocol version | // | | FAX_API_VERSION_3 (0x00030000) fax servers SHOULD fail this call by returning | // | | this error code. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetArchiveConfiguration(context.Context, *GetArchiveConfigurationRequest) (*GetArchiveConfigurationResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_SetArchiveConfiguration (Opnum 42) method // to set the archive configuration for a specific fax folder on the fax server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors (section // 2.2.52), or one of the other standard errors ([MS-ERREF] section 2.2). // // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the required | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG authorization for this operation. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x00000032 | The fax server does not support this operation. This error code SHOULD be | // | | returned by the FAX_API_VERSION_3 servers. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § The dwSizeOfStruct member of the FAX_ARCHIVE_CONFIGW | // | | specified by the pArchiveCfg parameter is set to an incorrect value. § The | // | | Folder parameter is set to a value other than FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SENTITEMS and | // | | FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_INBOX. § The bUseArchive member of the FAX_ARCHIVE_CONFIGW | // | | specified by pArchiveCfg is set to TRUE, and any of the three following | // | | conditions are also met: § The value of the dwSizeQuotaHighWatermark member | // | | of the same structure is smaller than the value of the dwSizeQuotaLowWatermark | // | | member. § The lpcstrFolder member of the same structure is set to NULL. § The | // | | lpcstrFolder member of the same structure is set to point to an empty character | // | | string. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x0000006F | The file name is too long. The bUseArchive member of the FAX_ARCHIVE_CONFIGW | // | | specified by pArchiveCfg is set to a value of TRUE, and the length of the file | // | | name specified by the lpcstrFolder of the same structure is set to a character | // | | string longer than 180 characters, excluding the length of the null terminator. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The fax server cannot store the new archive configuration to the registry. The | // | | registry could be corrupted. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_DIRECTORY_IN_USE 0x00001B5F | The bUseArchive member of the FAX_ARCHIVE_CONFIGW specified by pArchiveCfg is | // | | set to a value of TRUE, and the file specified by the lpcstrFolder member of | // | | the same structure is invalid: the directory of the file is the same as the fax | // | | queue directory. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00001B60 | The bUseArchive member of the FAX_ARCHIVE_CONFIGW specified by pArchiveCfg | // | | is set to a value of TRUE, and the file specified by the lpcstrFolder member | // | | of the same structure is invalid: the fax server encountered an access denied | // | | (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) or a sharing violation (ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) error | // | | when attempting to access the file. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetArchiveConfiguration(context.Context, *SetArchiveConfigurationRequest) (*SetArchiveConfigurationResponse, error) // The FAX_GetActivityLoggingConfiguration (Opnum 43) method is called by the client // to retrieve the current activity logging configuration. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the access rights | // | | (FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG) required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. The fax server cannot | // | | allocate sufficient memory to hold the _FAX_ACTIVITY_LOGGING_CONFIGW to be | // | | returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The Buffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer value. <101> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The fax server failed to custom marshal the _FAX_ACTIVITY_LOGGING_CONFIGW to be | // | | returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetActivityLoggingConfiguration(context.Context, *GetActivityLoggingConfigurationRequest) (*GetActivityLoggingConfigurationResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_SetActivityLoggingConfiguration (Opnum 44) // method to set options for activity logging. This includes setting whether entries // for incoming and outgoing faxes SHOULD be logged and the location of the log file. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access denied. This error code is returned under any of the following | // | | conditions: § The client's fax user account does not have the required | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG authorization to manage the server configuration. § | // | | The directory specified by the lpwstrDBPath member of the pActivLogCfg structure | // | | is not a valid fax folder (the fax server does not have rights to create files, | // | | write to files, enumerate files and/or delete files), the server needs to return | // | | FAX_ERR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED, and the client does not support this error code. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | This error code is returned under any of the following conditions: § The | // | | dwSizeOfStruct member of the FAX_ACTIVITY_LOGGING_CONFIGW specified by the | // | | pActivLogCfg parameter is set to an incorrect value. The correct size, in bytes, | // | | described in the FAX_ACTIVITY_LOGGING_CONFIGW structure. § The lpwstrDBPath | // | | field of the structure specified by the pActivLogCfg argument contains an empty | // | | string or is set to NULL. § The lpwstrDBPath member of the structure specified | // | | by the pActivLogCfg argument does not indicate a complete path name. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x0000006F | The file name is too long. The lpwstrDBPath field of the structure specified by | // | | the pActivityLog argument contains a path name longer than 248 characters, not | // | | counting the terminating null character. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The fax server cannot store the new activity logging configuration in the | // | | registry. This error can happen if the registry is corrupted. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00001B60 | This error code is returned under any of the following conditions: § The | // | | folder specified by the lpwstrDBPath member of the pActivityLog structure | // | | is not a valid fax folder where the server has rights to create, enumerate, | // | | write to, and delete files. § The fax server cannot create a new (if different | // | | from the respective existing file) file specified by the lpwstrDBPath | // | | member of pActivLogCfg, because the server encountered an access denied | // | | (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) or sharing violation error (ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) when | // | | attempting to create the specified file. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetActivityLoggingConfiguration(context.Context, *SetActivityLoggingConfigurationRequest) (*SetActivityLoggingConfigurationResponse, error) // The FAX_EnumerateProviders (Opnum 45) method is called by the client to enumerate // all the FSPs installed on the server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG access rights required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error is returned if the BufferSize and/or the | // | | lpdwNumProviders parameters are set to NULL pointer values. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The fax server failed to custom marshal the array of FAX_DEVICE_PROVIDER_INFO | // | | structures to be returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_SRV_OUTOFMEMORY 0x00001B59 | The fax server failed to allocate sufficient memory for the return buffer to | // | | hold the FAX_DEVICE_PROVIDER_INFO to be returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EnumerateProviders(context.Context, *EnumerateProvidersRequest) (*EnumerateProvidersResponse, error) // The FAX_GetPortEx (Opnum 46) method is called by the client to retrieve port status // information for a requested port at the server. The device ID that is passed in SHOULD // be obtained from FAX_EnumPorts (section This method is an extended version // of FAX_GetPort (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG access rights required for this call. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. The fax server cannot | // | | allocate sufficient memory to hold the FAX_PORT_INFO_EXW (section 2.2.45) | // | | structure to be returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BAD_UNIT 0x00000014 | The system cannot find the port for the receiving device by using the line | // | | identifier specified by the dwDeviceId argument. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The Buffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer | // | | value.<127> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The fax server failed to custom marshal the FAX_PORT_INFO_EXW to be returned to | // | | the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetPortEx(context.Context, *GetPortExRequest) (*GetPortExResponse, error) // A fax client application uses the FAX_SetPortEx (Opnum 47) method to set fax device // information. The function sets extension configuration properties that are stored // at the device level, such as enable or disable sending and receiving, and the auto // or manual answering of calls. The value for the dwDeviceId parameter can be obtained // using the FAX_EnumPorts (section method or the FAX_EnumPortsEx (section // method. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The caller does not have the required FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG | // | | authorization for this operation. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BAD_UNIT 0x00000014 | The fax server cannot find the device specified by the dwDeviceId parameter. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | This error code is returned under any of the following conditions: § The | // | | value of dwDeviceId is zero. § The size of the structure pointed at by | // | | the pPortInfo parameter, or the value of the dwSizeOfStruct field of this | // | | structure, do not match the correct size for the FAX_PORT_INFO_EXW. § The | // | | ReceiveMode field of the structure pointed at by pPortInfo does not contain a | // | | valid value of the FAX_ENUM_DEVICE_RECEIVE_MODE (section 2.2.55) enumeration. | // | | § The device specified by dwDeviceId is a virtual device (the Flags field | // | | of the FAX_PORT_INFO (section 2.2.7) structure is set to FPF_VIRTUAL) | // | | and the ReceiveMode field of the structure pointed at by pPortInfo is | // | | FAX_DEVICE_RECEIVE_MODE_MANUAL. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x0000006F | The length of the lpwstrDescription character string field of the data structure | // | | pointed at by pPortInfo exceeds 253 characters, excluding the length of the NULL | // | | string terminator. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The fax server cannot store the updated device information to Registry. The | // | | Registry might be corrupt. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_DEVICE_NUM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 0x00001B62 | The fax server cannot complete the operation because the number of active | // | | fax devices that are allowed for this version of the operating system was | // | | exceeded.<168> | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetPortEx(context.Context, *SetPortExRequest) (*SetPortExResponse, error) // The FAX_EnumPortsEx (Opnum 48) method is called by the client to enumerate detailed // port state information for each device that is connected to the fax server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the access rights | // | | (FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG) required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. The fax server cannot | // | | allocate sufficient memory to hold the array of _FAX_PORT_INFO_EXW to be | // | | returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The Buffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer value. <96> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The fax server failed to custom marshal the array of _FAX_PORT_INFO_EXW to be | // | | returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EnumPortsEx(context.Context, *EnumPortsExRequest) (*EnumPortsExResponse, error) // The FAX_GetExtensionData (Opnum 49) method is called by the client to retrieve the // private configuration data for a fax routing extension or a routing method. Such // private configuration data is written with a FAX_SetExtensionData (section // call. The lpcwstrNameGUID parameter MUST be for a valid routing extension or routing // method for which the client requests the private data. The value for the dwDeviceId // parameter can be obtained from either the FAX_EnumPorts (section or the // FAX_EnumPortsEx (section methods. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND 0x00000002 | The fax server cannot find the requested data. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the access rights | // | | (FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG) required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions are met: <109> § The lpcwstrNameGUID parameter is set to a NULL | // | | pointer value. § The ppData parameter is set to a NULL pointer value. § The | // | | lpdwDataSize parameter is set to a NULL pointer value. § The lpcwstrNameGUID | // | | parameter holds an invalid curly-braced GUID string. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files that contain | // | | registry data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is | // | | corrupted, or the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log | // | | was absent or corrupted. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetExtensionData(context.Context, *GetExtensionDataRequest) (*GetExtensionDataResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_SetExtensionData (Opnum 50) method in order // to write the private data for a routing extension or routing method for one or all // fax devices installed on the fax server. The corresponding method that the fax client // calls to read this private data is FAX_GetExtensionData (section The // value for the dwDeviceId parameter can be obtained using either the FAX_EnumPorts // (section or FAX_EnumPortsEx (section method. The lpcwstrNameGUID // parameter MUST be for a valid routing extension or routing method for which the client // requests the private data to be written. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the required | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG authorization for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions are met:<161> § The lpcwstrComputerName parameter is set to a NULL | // | | pointer value. § The lpcwstrNameGUID parameter is set to a NULL pointer value. | // | | § The pData parameter is set to a NULL pointer value. § The dwDataSize parameter | // | | is set to zero. § The lpcwstrNameGUID parameter holds an invalid curly-braced | // | | GUID string. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files that contain | // | | registry data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is | // | | corrupted, or the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log | // | | was absent or corrupted. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetExtensionData(context.Context, *SetExtensionDataRequest) (*SetExtensionDataResponse, error) // The FAX_AddOutboundGroup (Opnum 51) method is called by the client to add a new outbound // routing group. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG access rights. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_DUP_NAME 0x00000034 | The group name specified by the lpwstrGroupName parameter is "< All devices>". | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The fax server tried to return FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU, but the client | // | | fax API version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (described in section does not | // | | support this error code. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x0000006F | The length of the character string specified by the lpwstrGroupName parameter, | // | | excluding the length of the terminating null terminator, is equal to or greater | // | | than 128 characters. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The fax server cannot store the new outbound routing group configuration in the | // | | registry. The registry could be corrupted. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU 0x00001B63 | The fax client module API version (described in section is | // | | FAX_API_VERSION_1 or above, and the fax server is running on a version of the | // | | operating system that does not support the requested operation.<68> | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those by the underlying RPC protocol // [MS-RPCE]. AddOutboundGroup(context.Context, *AddOutboundGroupRequest) (*AddOutboundGroupResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_SetOutboundGroup (Opnum 52) method to set // a new device list to an existing group. The name of the group to remove is specified // using the lpwstrGroupName parameter. The value for lpwstrGroupName can be obtained // using FAX_EnumOutboundGroups (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | The client's fax user account does not have the required | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG authorization for this operation. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned when any of the | // | | following conditions occur: § The dwSizeOfStruct member of the pGroup parameter | // | | is not equal to the correct size of the RPC_FAX_OUTBOUND_ROUTING_GROUPW. § | // | | The lpwstrGroupName member of pGroup is set to a NULL pointer value. § The | // | | lpdwDevices member of pGroup is set to NULL and the dwNumDevices member of | // | | the same pGroup is set to a value greater than zero. § The fax server tried | // | | to return FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU but the client fax API version | // | | (FAX_API_VERSION_0, described in section does not support this error | // | | code. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x0000006F | The length (excluding the terminating null character) of the character | // | | string pointed at by the lpwstrGroupName member of pGroup is longer than 128 | // | | characters. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files containing registry | // | | data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is corrupted, or | // | | the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log was absent or | // | | corrupted. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU 0x00001B63 | The fax client module API version (described in section is | // | | FAX_API_VERSION_1 or above, and the fax server is running on a version of the | // | | operating system that does not support the requested operation.<163> | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetOutboundGroup(context.Context, *SetOutboundGroupRequest) (*SetOutboundGroupResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_RemoveOutboundGroup (Opnum 53) method to // remove an existing outbound routing group from the fax server. The name of the group // to remove is specified using the lpwstrGroupName parameter. The value for lpwstrGroupName // can be obtained using FAX_EnumOutboundGroups (section<149> // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG access rights. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The fax server tried to return FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU but the client | // | | fax API version (FAX_API_VERSION_0, described in the section does | // | | not support this error code. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x0000006F | The group name specified by the lpwstrGroupName argument (excluding the length | // | | of the terminating null character) is longer than 128 characters. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The fax server cannot access the local machine's fax routing group information | // | | in the registry. The registry could be corrupt. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION 0x000010DD | The lpwstrGroupName parameter specifies the special routing group "<All | // | | Devices>". | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_GROUP_NOT_FOUND 0x000001B5A | The group specified by the lpwstrGroupName argument cannot be found. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_GROUP_IN_USE 0x00001B5C | The fax server cannot remove the outbound routing group identified by | // | | lpwstrGroupName. The outbound routing group is in use by one or more outbound | // | | routing rules. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU 0x00001B63 | The fax client module API version (described in the section is | // | | FAX_API_VERSION_1 or above, and the fax server is running on a version of the | // | | operating system that does not support the requested operation.<150> | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. RemoveOutboundGroup(context.Context, *RemoveOutboundGroupRequest) (*RemoveOutboundGroupResponse, error) // The FAX_EnumOutboundGroups (Opnum 54) method is called by the client. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the access rights | // | | (FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG) required for this operation. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | This error code is returned under any of the following conditions: § The | // | | pointer referenced by the ppData argument is NULL.<92> § The fax server tried | // | | to return FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU, but the client fax API version | // | | (FAX_API_VERSION_0, described in section does not support this error | // | | code. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU 0x00001B63 | The fax client module's API version (described in section is | // | | FAX_API_VERSION_1 or above, and the fax server is running. on a version of the | // | | operating system that does not support the requested operation.<93> | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EnumOutboundGroups(context.Context, *EnumOutboundGroupsRequest) (*EnumOutboundGroupsResponse, error) // The FAX_SetDeviceOrderInGroup (Opnum 55) method is called by the client. The value // for the dwDeviceId parameter can be obtained using the FAX_EnumPorts (section // method or the FAX_EnumPortsEx (section method. The name of the group // to remove is specified using the lpwstrGroupName parameter. The value for lpwstrGroupName // can be obtained using FAX_EnumOutboundGroups (section // // The order is the 1-based location of the device in the group. The value of 1 indicates // the device is ordered first in the group. The order of devices in the group determines // the order in which they are used to send outgoing faxes when the group is selected // by an outbound routing rule. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the required | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG authorization for this operation. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x0000006F | The group name is too long. The length of the character string specified by the | // | | lpwstrGroupName parameter, excluding the length of the null terminator, exceeds | // | | 128 characters. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions are met: § The dwDeviceId or the dwNewOrder parameter is set to a | // | | value of 0. § The fax server tried to return FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU, | // | | but the client fax API version (FAX_API_VERSION_0, described in section | // | | does not support this error code. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files containing registry | // | | data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is corrupted, or | // | | the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log was absent or | // | | corrupted. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_BAD_GROUP_CONFIGURATION 0x00001B5B | The device specified by dwDeviceId does not exist in the group identified by | // | | the lpwstrGroupName, or the value of dwNewOrder is greater than the number of | // | | devices in the group. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU 0x00001B63 | The fax client module API version (as described in section is | // | | FAX_API_VERSION_1 or above, and the fax server is running on a version of the | // | | operating system that does not support the requested operation.<160> | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetDeviceOrderInGroup(context.Context, *SetDeviceOrderInGroupRequest) (*SetDeviceOrderInGroupResponse, error) // The FAX_AddOutboundRule (Opnum 56) method is called by the client to add a new outbound // rule for the specified outbound group to the fax server’s rules map. The value // for the dwDeviceId parameter can be obtained using the FAX_EnumPorts (section // method or the FAX_EnumPortsEx (section method. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have authorization | // | | required for this call (FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG). | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BAD_UNIT 0x00000014 | The system cannot find the device specified by the dwDeviceId argument. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_GEN_FAILURE 0x0000001F | The fax server encountered an exception while processing the character string | // | | specified by the lpwstrGroupName argument. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned when any of | // | | the following conditions are met: § The country code specified with the | // | | dwCountryCode argument is ROUTING_RULE_COUNTRY_CODE_ANY (not a valid | // | | rule dialing location). § The lpwstrGroupName argument value is NULL. | // | | § The value of the dwDeviceId argument is 0. § The fax server needs to | // | | return FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU, but the client fax API version | // | | (FAX_API_VERSION_0, described in section does not support this error | // | | code. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x0000006F | The destination group of the rule specified by the lpwstrGroupName argument | // | | is longer than the maximum supported value of 128 characters (excluding the | // | | terminating null character). | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files containing registry | // | | data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is corrupted, or | // | | the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log was absent or | // | | corrupted. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_BAD_GROUP_CONFIGURATION 0x00001B5B | The fax server encountered an outbound routing group with a bad configuration, | // | | or the group device list is empty; the status for the new rule object created | // | | by the server based on the specified dialing location and device ID is | // | | FAX_RULE_STATUS_ALL_GROUP_DEV_NOT_VALID or FAX_RULE_STATUS_EMPTY_GROUP. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU 0x00001B63 | The fax client module API version (described in section is | // | | FAX_API_VERSION_1 or above, and the fax server is running on a version of the | // | | operating system that does not support the requested operation.<69> | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. AddOutboundRule(context.Context, *AddOutboundRuleRequest) (*AddOutboundRuleResponse, error) // The FAX_RemoveOutboundRule (Opnum 57) method removes an existing outbound routing // rule from the rules map. The default outbound rule cannot be removed. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the required | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG access rights to perform this operation. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The country code specified by the dwCountryCode | // | | argument is ROUTING_RULE_COUNTRY_CODE_ANY. Also returned if the fax server | // | | tried to return FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU but the client fax API version | // | | (FAX_API_VERSION_0, described in section does not support this error | // | | code. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The fax server encountered a registry error when attempting to remove the | // | | specified outbound rule registration. The registry could be corrupt. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_RULE_NOT_FOUND 0x00001B5D | The fax server failed to locate an outbound routing rule by country/region code | // | | and area code. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU 0x00001B63 | The fax server is running on a version of the operating system that does not | // | | support the requested operation.<151> | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. RemoveOutboundRule(context.Context, *RemoveOutboundRuleRequest) (*RemoveOutboundRuleResponse, error) // A fax client application uses the FAX_SetOutboundRule (Opnum 58) method to set the // information about an individual fax outbound routing rule. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the required | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG authorization for this operation. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions occur: § The lpwstrGroupName member of the Destination member of | // | | the pRule parameter is set to a NULL pointer value. § The dwDeviceId member | // | | of the Destination member of pRule is set to zero. § The fax server tried | // | | to return FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU but the client fax API version | // | | (FAX_API_VERSION_0 (described in section does not support this error | // | | code. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x0000006F | The length (excluding the terminating null character) of the character string | // | | pointed at by the lpwstrGroupName member of the Destination member of pRule is | // | | greater than 128 characters. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files containing registry | // | | data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is corrupted, or | // | | the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log was absent or | // | | corrupted. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_BAD_GROUP_CONFIGURATION 0x00001B5B | This error code is returned if any of the following conditions occur: § The | // | | fax server encountered an outbound routing group with a bad configuration, | // | | or the group device list is empty. § The status for the outbound routing rule | // | | object indicated by the specified dialing location (the dwCountryCode and | // | | dwAreaCode members of pRule) and group name (the lpwstrGroupName member of | // | | the Destination member of pRule) is FAX_GROUP_STATUS_ALL_ DEV_NOT_VALID or | // | | FAX_RULE_STATUS_EMPTY_GROUP. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU 0x00001B63 | The fax client module API version (described in section is | // | | FAX_API_VERSION_1 or above, and the fax server is running on a version of the | // | | operating system that does not support the requested operation.<164> | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetOutboundRule(context.Context, *SetOutboundRuleRequest) (*SetOutboundRuleResponse, error) // The FAX_EnumOutboundRules (Opnum 59) method is called by the client to enumerate // all the outbound routing rules that are present on the specified fax server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the access rights | // | | (FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG) required for this operation. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The fax server tried to return FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU but the client | // | | fax API version (FAX_API_VERSION_0, described in section does not | // | | support this error code. | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU 0x00001B63 | The fax client module's API version (described in section is | // | | FAX_API_VERSION_1 or above, and the fax server is running on a version of the | // | | operating system that does not support the requested operation.<94> | // +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EnumOutboundRules(context.Context, *EnumOutboundRulesRequest) (*EnumOutboundRulesResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_RegisterServiceProviderEx (Opnum 60) method // to register a fax service provider (FSP) with the Fax Service. Registration takes // place after the Fax Service restarts. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the authorization | // | | for FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions are met: § The lpcwstrGuid parameter contains an invalid GUID. § | // | | The dwFSPIVersion parameter is set to a value other than 0x00010000. § The | // | | dwCapabilities parameter is set to a value other than 0. § The file path | // | | specified by the lpcwstrImageName parameter does not exist, or the fax server | // | | does not have access to the file. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x0000006F | The length of the lpcwstrFriendlyName, lpcwstrImageName or lpcwstrTspName | // | | character strings exceeds MAX_FAX_STRING_LEN characters, excluding the length of | // | | the NULL string terminator. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS 0x000000B7 | An FSP is already registered with the same GUID (specified by the lpcwstrGUID | // | | parameter) or with the same telephony service provider (specified by the | // | | lpcwstrTspName parameter). | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files that contains | // | | registry data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is | // | | corrupted, or the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log | // | | was absent or corrupted. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. RegisterServiceProviderEx(context.Context, *RegisterServiceProviderExRequest) (*RegisterServiceProviderExResponse, error) // The FAX_UnregisterServiceProviderEx (Opnum 61) method is called when the client needs // to unregister a fax service provider (FSP). In response, the server MUST validate // that the client's fax user account has write access. On success, the server MUST // remove the service provider for the fax server.<179> // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The caller does not have the required FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG | // | | authorization for this operation. | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. UnregisterServiceProviderEx(context.Context, *UnregisterServiceProviderExRequest) (*UnregisterServiceProviderExResponse, error) // The FAX_UnregisterRoutingExtension (Opnum 62) method unregisters an existing inbound // routing extension.<178> // // There are no corresponding routing extension registration functions exposed to the // FAX client. Registration is a non-RPC process that is done locally on the fax server // using any implementation-specific method. // // On success, the server MUST unregister the specified routing extension. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return the following error code, one of the fax-specific errors that are // defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have sufficient rights | // | | to perform the operation (FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG) or the user account does not | // | | exist. | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. UnregisterRoutingExtension(context.Context, *UnregisterRoutingExtensionRequest) (*UnregisterRoutingExtensionResponse, error) // The FAX_StartMessagesEnum (Opnum 63) method is called by the client. On success, // the server MUST start enumerating messages in one of the archives. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The caller does not have the required | // | | ALL_FAX_USERS_ACCESS_RIGHTS access right to execute this call. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of | // | | the following conditions: § The value specified for the level argument | // | | is not equal to 1. § The value specified for the Folder argument is not | // | | equal to FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_INBOX or FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SENTITEMS. § The | // | | lpcwstrAccountName parameter is not NULL and passes validation checks but does | // | | not correspond to an existing account name. § The account name specified by the | // | | lpcwstrAccountName argument is a valid account name but it refers to a different | // | | user than the caller. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS 0x00000103 | No data is available. There are no messages to be enumerated. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. StartMessagesEnum(context.Context, *StartMessagesEnumRequest) (*StartMessagesEnumResponse, error) // The FAX_EndMessagesEnum (Opnum 64) method is called by the client. // // On success, the server MUST halt the enumerating of messages in the specified archives. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE 0x00000006 | This error code SHOULD be returned if the handle pointed to by the specified | // | | lpHandle parameter is not a valid handle returned by FAX_StartMessagesEnum.<79> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | This error SHOULD be returned if the handle pointed to by the specified lpHandle | // | | is NULL.<80> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EndMessagesEnum(context.Context, *EndMessagesEnumRequest) (*EndMessagesEnumResponse, error) // The FAX_EnumMessages (Opnum 65) method is called by the client. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | The fax server failed to allocate memory for the return buffer. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | This error code is returned if any of the following conditions are met: § One | // | | or more of the pointer values specified by the following arguments are NULL: | // | | lppBuffer, lpdwBufferSize, and lpdwNumMessagesRetrieved. § The hEnum parameter | // | | is NULL.<89> § The maximum number of messages, specified by the dwNumMessages | // | | argument, is set to zero. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x0000006F | The fax server encountered an integer overflow condition while processing | // | | the request for the maximum number of messages specified by the dwNumMessages | // | | argument. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS 0x00000103 | No more data is available. The method reached the end of the lppBuffer message | // | | buffer and there are no more messages to be enumerated. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_SRV_OUTOFMEMORY 0x00001B59 | The fax server failed to allocate memory needed for internal execution of the | // | | command. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // The client expects that this method is incremental and uses an internal context cursor // to point to the next set of messages to retrieve for each call. The cursor is set // to point to the beginning of the messages in the archive after a successful call // to FAX_StartMessagesEnum. Each successful call to FAX_EnumMessages advances the cursor // by the number of messages retrieved. After the cursor reaches the end of the enumeration, // the method fails with the 0x00000103 (ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) error code. The FAX_EndMessagesEnum // (section method SHOULD then be called. // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EnumMessages(context.Context, *EnumMessagesRequest) (*EnumMessagesResponse, error) // The FAX_GetMessage (Opnum 66) method is called by the client. The archive can be // one of the enumerations that are defined by FAX_ENUM_MESSAGE_FOLDER (section 2.2.2) // except FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_QUEUE. The dwlMessageId parameter specifies a particular // message and can be obtained using the FAX_EnumMessages (section method // or the FAX_EnumMessagesEx (section method. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have any of the | // | | permissions covered by ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS (section 2.2.83). | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. The fax server failed | // | | to allocate sufficient memory to hold the FAX_MESSAGEW to be returned to the | // | | client. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned when any of the | // | | following conditions are met: § The lppBuffer or lpdwBufferSize parameters | // | | are set to NULL pointer values.<116> § The dwlMessageId parameter is set | // | | to a value of 0, and the value of the specified Folder parameter is not | // | | FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_INBOX or FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SENTITEMS. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The fax server failed to custom marshal the FAX_MESSAGEW to be returned to the | // | | client. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND 0x00001B61 | The fax server cannot find the job or message by its identifier. This | // | | error code is returned when any of the following conditions are met: | // | | § The message identified by dwlMessageId is not found. § The message | // | | identified by dwlMessageId is an unassigned incoming fax. The incoming | // | | faxes are not public (accessible to all users), and the user does not | // | | have FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_RECEIVE_FOLDER permission. § The message identified | // | | by dwlMessageId is for a different user, and this user does not have | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_ARCHIVES permission. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetMessage(context.Context, *GetMessageRequest) (*GetMessageResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_RemoveMessage (Opnum 67) method to remove // a message from a specific Fax Archive Folder. The dwlMessageId parameter specifies // a particular message and can be obtained using the FAX_EnumMessages (section // method or the FAX_EnumMessagesEx (section method. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The caller does not have the required access rights | // | | (ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS (section 2.2.83)) for this operation. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | This error code is returned under any of the following conditions: § The value | // | | of the dwlMessageId parameter is 0. § The value of the Folder parameter is not | // | | FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_INBOX or FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SENT_ITEMS. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00001B60 | The fax server failed to remove the fax message. When trying to delete the fax | // | | archived file (the file that represents the fax message to be removed), the fax | // | | server internally encountered an access denied or sharing violation error. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND 0x00001B61 | The fax server cannot find the message to be deleted (indicated by | // | | dwlMessageId). When trying to delete the fax archived file (the file that | // | | represents the fax message to be removed), the fax server internally encountered | // | | a file not found error. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. RemoveMessage(context.Context, *RemoveMessageRequest) (*RemoveMessageResponse, error) // The client calls the FAX_StartCopyToServer (Opnum 68) method to start a copy of a // file to the server queue directory (section 3.1.1) for which the client's fax user // account has access to submit faxes. The server MUST generate a unique file name and // create a file with that name in the server queue directory. Then the server MUST // create a copy handle and return it to the client to indicate success. // // The copy handle returned by the fax server with the lpHandle output argument is valid // until the fax client calls FAX_EndCopy (section, until the fax server // is shut down or restarted, or until an implementation-specific condition occurs that // invalidates the copy handle on the fax server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have any of the access | // | | rights required for this operation: FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT, FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT_NORMAL, | // | | or FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT_HIGH. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § The lpcwstrFileExt parameter is set to a NULL pointer | // | | value.<173> § The file extension that is specified by lpcwstrFileExt is not | // | | ".cov" or ".tif". | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x0000006F | The file name is too long. The buffer specified by the lpwstrServerFileName | // | | parameter does not have sufficient space to accommodate the server file name. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. StartCopyToServer(context.Context, *StartCopyToServerRequest) (*StartCopyToServerResponse, error) // The FAX_StartCopyMessageFromServer (Opnum 69) method is called by the fax client // to start a copy operation of a fax message from the Fax Archive Folder (section 3.1.1) // or of a fax job from the server queue directory (section 3.1.1). // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN/ERROR CODE | | // | VALUES | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The dwlMessageId specified is 0 and/or the | // | | specified Folder enumeration value is not FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_QUEUE, | // | | FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_INBOX, or FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SENTITEMS. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND 0x00001B61 | This error code is returned if any of the following conditions are met: § | // | | The fax server cannot find the fax queue entry referenced by the specified | // | | dwMessageId (invalid job identifier) or the user does not have sufficient | // | | rights to access the fax queue. § FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_QUEUE was specified | // | | for the Folder parameter, the specified message is not owned by the client's | // | | fax user account, and the client's fax user account does not have either | // | | the FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_OUT_JOBS permission or the FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_OUT_JOBS | // | | permission. § FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_INBOX was specified for Folder, the client's | // | | fax user account does not have the FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_RECEIVE_FOLDER permission, | // | | and the bIncomingMessagesArePublic option is not specified in the server | // | | configuration. § FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SENTITEMS was specified for Folder, | // | | the client's fax user account does not have the FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_ARCHIVES | // | | permission, and the specified message is not owned by the client's fax user | // | | account. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. StartCopyMessageFromServer(context.Context, *StartCopyMessageFromServerRequest) (*StartCopyMessageFromServerResponse, error) // The FAX_WriteFile (Opnum 70) method is called by the client. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2.<181> // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE 0x00000006 | The handle value specified by the hCopy argument is not a valid copy handle | // | | returned by FAX_StartCopyToServer. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_GEN_FAILURE 0x0000001F | A device attached to the system is not functioning. The call was unable to write | // | | the full amount of the data that was requested to be written. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The following conditions can lead to this value being returned: § The parameter | // | | is incorrect. § The dwDataSize parameter is 0. § The handle value specified by | // | | the hCopy argument is NULL or the buffer size specified by the dwDataSize is | // | | zero. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. WriteFile(context.Context, *WriteFileRequest) (*WriteFileResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_ReadFile (Opnum 71) method to copy a file // from the server (in chunks). // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE 0x00000006 | The handle specified by the hCopy argument is not a valid copy handle | // | | returned by FAX_StartCopyMessageFromServer for which FAX_EndCopy has not been | // | | called.<142> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § The handle specified by the hCopy argument is NULL.<143> | // | | § The value specified for the dwMaxDataSize argument is zero. § The value | // | | specified for the *lpdwDataSize at input (when the call is made) is different | // | | than the value specified for the dwMaxDataSize argument. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. ReadFile(context.Context, *ReadFileRequest) (*ReadFileResponse, error) // The FAX_EndCopy (Opnum 72) method is called by the client to end a copy operation // process from or to the server, and to close the respective copy handle. // // On success, the server MUST terminate the specified copy operation previously begun // with FAX_StartCopyToServer (section or FAX_StartCopyMessageFromServer // (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE 0x00000006 | This error code SHOULD be returned if the handle pointed to by the specified | // | | lphCopy parameter is not a valid handle returned by FAX_StartCopyToServer or | // | | FAX_StartCopyMessageFromServer.<78> | // +---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EndCopy(context.Context, *EndCopyRequest) (*EndCopyResponse, error) // The FAX_StartServerNotification (Opnum 73) method is called by the client to get // notification about legacy events. On success, the server MUST start to notify the // fax client about the occurring fax events. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) and FAX_API_VERSION_3 (0x00030000) // fax servers SHOULD fail this call by returning ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x00000032). // The fax client SHOULD NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the // server is FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) or FAX_API_VERSION_3 (0x00030000). For more // information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | The client's fax user account does not have sufficient rights for this call, | // | | which is ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS, or the user account does not exist. | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BAD_FORMAT 0x0000000B | The length, including the terminating null character, of the string specified | // | | by the lpcwstrMachineName argument is greater than 256 characters. The length, | // | | including the terminating null character, of the string specified by the | // | | lpcwstrEndPoint argument is greater than 11 characters. | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x00000032 | The request is not supported. | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. // // A fax client calls FAX_StartServerNotification to inform the server that it needs // to receive the notifications of legacy fax events. The fax server SHOULD call FAX_OpenConnection // on the client by using the supplied endpoint, protocol sequence information, and // context handle information. The server then sends the notification of legacy events // to the client by using FAX_ClientEventQueue (section When the client no // longer needs to receive notifications, it calls FAX_EndServerNotification, and the // server SHOULD call FAX_CloseConnection (section to close the connection. // // Note This method only supports TCP/IP as the transport protocol. StartServerNotification(context.Context, *StartServerNotificationRequest) (*StartServerNotificationResponse, error) // The FAX_StartServerNotificationEx (Opnum 74) method is called by the client to get // notification about extended or legacy events. On success, the server MUST start to // notify the fax client about the occurring fax events. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. This error code is returned under any of the following | // | | conditions: § The value specified for the dwEventTypes argument contains | // | | the FAX_EVENT_TYPE_NEW_CALL and/or FAX_EVENT_TYPE_IN_QUEUE flags and the | // | | caller cannot access unsigned faxes: incoming faxes are not public and the | // | | caller does not have the FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_RECEIVE_FOLDER rights. § The value | // | | specified for the dwEventTypes argument contains the FAX_EVENT_TYPE_CONFIG, | // | | FAX_EVENT_TYPE_DEVICE_STATUS and/or the FAX_EVENT_TYPE_ACTIVITY flags and the | // | | caller does not have the FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG rights. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BAD_FORMAT 0x0000000B | This error code is returned under any of the following conditions: § The length | // | | of the fax client machine name specified by the lpcwstrMachineName argument, | // | | excluding the length of the terminating null character, is longer than 256 | // | | characters. § The length of the endpoint string specified by the lpcwstrEndPoint | // | | argument, excluding the length of the terminating null character, is longer than | // | | or equal to 11 characters. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY 0x0000000E | Not enough storage is available to complete this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | Invalid parameter. This error code is returned under any of the following | // | | conditions: § Any of these arguments specify a NULL pointer value: | // | | lcpwstrEndPoint, lpcwstrMachineName, lpHandle.<175> § The value specified for | // | | the dwEventTypes argument is not a bitwise OR combination of the following | // | | FAX_ENUM_EVENT_TYPE values: § FAX_EVENT_TYPE_IN_QUEUE § FAX_EVENT_TYPE_OUT_QUEUE | // | | § FAX_EVENT_TYPE_CONFIG § FAX_EVENT_TYPE_ACTIVITY § FAX_EVENT_TYPE_QUEUE_STATE | // | | § FAX_EVENT_TYPE_IN_ARCHIVE § FAX_EVENT_TYPE_OUT_ARCHIVE § | // | | FAX_EVENT_TYPE_FXSSVC_ENDED § FAX_EVENT_TYPE_DEVICE_STATUS § | // | | FAX_EVENT_TYPE_NEW_CALL | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. // // A fax client calls FAX_StartServerNotificationEx to inform the server that it needs // to receive the notifications of extended or legacy fax events. The fax server SHOULD // call FAX_OpenConnection on the client by using the supplied endpoint, protocol sequence // information, and context handle information. The server then sends notification of // events to the client by using either FAX_ClientEventQueueEx (section or // FAX_ClientEventQueue (section as specified by the bEventEx parameter. When // the client no longer needs to receive notifications, it calls FAX_EndServerNotification; // the server SHOULD call FAX_CloseConnection (section to close the connection. StartServerNotificationEx(context.Context, *StartServerNotificationExRequest) (*StartServerNotificationExResponse, error) // The FAX_EndServerNotification (Opnum 75) method is called by the client to stop the // notifications from the server, which were initiated by a call to FAX_StartServerNotification // (section, FAX_StartServerNotificationEx (section, or FAX_StartServerNotificationEx2 // (section // // On success, the server MUST stop notifying the client of events. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_DATA 0x0000000D | This error SHOULD be returned if the lpHandle parameter is not a valid | // | | handle obtained using the FAX_StartServerNotification method, the | // | | FAX_StartServerNotificationEx method, or the FAX_StartServerNotificationEx2 | // | | method.<81> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | lpHandle is specified as NULL.<82> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // To stop notifications, the client SHOULD call FAX_EndServerNotification; the server // SHOULD call FAX_CloseConnection section to close the connection. // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EndServerNotification(context.Context, *EndServerNotificationRequest) (*EndServerNotificationResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_GetServerActivity (Opnum 76) method to retrieve // the status of the fax queue activity and event log reports. // // The client MUST allocate memory for the pServerActivity argument. It MUST also set // the dwSizeOfStruct field to the correct size, in bytes, of the FAX_SERVER_ACTIVITY // structure as described in section 2.2.19. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG access rights required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The dwSizeOfStruct member of the FAX_SERVER_ACTIVITY | // | | specified by the pServerActivity parameter on input is set by the client to an | // | | incorrect value. For more details about the correct size to be filled in this | // | | member, see the FAX_SERVER_ACTIVITY. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetServerActivity(context.Context, *GetServerActivityRequest) (*GetServerActivityResponse, error) // The FAX_SetConfigWizardUsed (Opnum 77) method is called by the client. The server // MUST validate that the client's fax user account has access to manage configuration // information on the server. On success, the server MUST set a value in the registry // indicating whether or not the configuration wizard was used. <159> // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The caller does not have the required rights | // | | (FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG) to perform this operation. | // +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files containing registry | // | | data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is corrupted. | // +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetConfigWizardUsed(context.Context, *SetConfigWizardUsedRequest) (*SetConfigWizardUsedResponse, error) // The FAX_EnumRoutingExtensions (Opnum 78) function is called by the client to enumerate // all the routing extensions that are registered with the specified fax server. The // function returns detailed information about each of the routing extensions. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the access rights | // | | (FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG) required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. The fax server cannot | // | | allocate sufficient memory to hold the array of FAX_ROUTING_EXTENSION_INFO | // | | structures to be returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The Buffer parameter is set to a NULL pointer value. <97> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The fax server failed to custom marshal the array of FAX_ROUTING_EXTENSION_INFO | // | | structures to be returned to the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EnumRoutingExtensions(context.Context, *EnumRoutingExtensionsRequest) (*EnumRoutingExtensionsResponse, error) // The FAX_ConnectFaxServer (Opnum 80) method is called by the client to create a connection // to the fax server. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement // this method. // // If the underlying RPC layer fails this call by returning RPC_S_PROCNUM_OUT_OF_RANGE // (0x000006D1), the fax client SHOULD consider the server protocol (and API version) // to be FAX_API_VERSION_0 and MAY retry this request by switching to the FaxObs Server // Interface (section and calling the FaxObs_ConnectionRefCount (section // method. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return the following error code, one of the fax-specific errors that are // defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The bAutoCreateAccountOnConnect field of the | // | | FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG structure is set to FALSE and the calling user's | // | | authenticated user identity does not have a fax user account associated on | // | | the fax server, or the does not have any of the access rights defined in | // | | ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS (section 2.2.83). | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. ConnectFaxServer(context.Context, *ConnectFaxServerRequest) (*ConnectFaxServerResponse, error) // The FAX_GetSecurityEx (Opnum 81) method is called by the clients to retrieve information // about the fax security descriptor from the fax server.<134> // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_3 (0x00030000) fax servers SHOULD fail this call // by returning ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x00000032). The fax client SHOULD NOT call this // method if the protocol version reported by the server is FAX_API_VERSION_3 (0x00030000). // For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section The fax client // SHOULD call the FAX_GetSecurityEx2 (section method instead. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions occur: § The client's fax user account does not have READ_CONTROL | // | | access but the requesting SecurityInformation parameter contains one | // | | of these flags: GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, | // | | or OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION. § The client's fax user account does not | // | | have ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY but the SecurityInformation contains the flag | // | | SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION. | // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. | // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This is returned when the pSecurityDescriptor | // | | parameter is NULL. | // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_SECURITY_DESCR 0x0000053A | The security descriptor structure is invalid. | // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetSecurityEx(context.Context, *GetSecurityExRequest) (*GetSecurityExResponse, error) // A fax client application calls the FAX_RefreshArchive (Opnum 82) method to notify // the server that the archive folder has been changed and SHOULD be refreshed.<145> // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The required access level SHOULD be FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The folder parameter SHOULD either be | // | | FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_INBOX or FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SENTITEMS.<147> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. RefreshArchive(context.Context, *RefreshArchiveRequest) (*RefreshArchiveResponse, error) // The FAX_SetRecipientsLimit (Opnum 83) method is called by the client. A fax client // application calls FAX_SetRecipientsLimit to set the recipient limit of a single broadcast // job. On success, the server MUST set the recipient limit of a single broadcast job. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000) and FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000) // fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) // and FAX_API_VERSION_3 (0x00030000) fax servers SHOULD fail this call by returning // ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x00000032). The fax client MUST NOT call this method if the // protocol version reported by the server is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000) or FAX_API_VERSION_1 // (0x00010000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // Return Values: This method SHOULD return 0x00000032 (ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED). // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. SetRecipientsLimit(context.Context, *SetRecipientsLimitRequest) (*SetRecipientsLimitResponse, error) // The FAX_GetRecipientsLimit (Opnum 84) method is called by the client to retrieve // information about the recipient limit of a single broadcast job. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return the following error code, one of the fax-specific errors that are // defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have any of the | // | | following access rights: FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT, FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT_NORMAL, or | // | | FAX_ACCESS_SUBMIT_HIGH. | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetRecipientsLimit(context.Context, *GetRecipientsLimitRequest) (*GetRecipientsLimitResponse, error) // The FAX_GetServerSKU (Opnum 85) method is called by the client. In response, the // server returns the SKU of the fax server operating system. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return the following error code, one of the fax-specific errors that are // defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have any of the | // | | permissions covered by ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS (section 2.2.83). | // +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetServerSKU(context.Context, *GetServerSKURequest) (*GetServerSKUResponse, error) // The FAX_CheckValidFaxFolder (Opnum 86) method is called by the client to check whether // the specified path is accessible to the fax server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +-------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +-------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +-------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND 0x00000002 | The path specified by the lpcwstrPath argument has a valid structure (the folder | // | | path is valid), but the file does not exist. | // +-------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND 0x00000003 | The path specified by the lpcwstrPath argument has a valid structure, but the | // | | folder path does not exist. | // +-------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have sufficient rights | // | | for this operation (ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS). | // +-------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The lpcwstrPath argument is NULL, or the path specified by the lpcwstrPath | // | | argument is incomplete. | // +-------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x0000006F | The length of the path (including length of the terminating null character) | // | | specified by the lpcwstrPath argument exceeds 180 characters. | // +-------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_DIRECTORY_IN_USE 0x00001B5F | The path specified by the lpcwstrPath argument points to a folder currently in | // | | use by the fax server, such as the server queue directory or the Fax Archive | // | | Folder (section 3.1.1). | // +-------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. CheckValidFaxFolder(context.Context, *CheckValidFaxFolderRequest) (*CheckValidFaxFolderResponse, error) // The FAX_GetJobEx2 (Opnum 87) method is called by the client to retrieve information // about a specified job. The job is identified by the job message ID. The job message // ID can be obtained using one of the following methods: FAX_EnumJobs (section, // FAX_EnumJobsEx (section, or FAX_EnumJobsEx2 (section // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), // and FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. The // fax client MUST NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the server // is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), or FAX_API_VERSION_2 // (0x00020000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. This error code is returned under any of the following | // | | conditions: § The client's fax user account does not have any of the permissions | // | | covered by ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS (section 2.2.83). § For an outgoing fax | // | | job, the caller is not the owner of the fax job, and the caller does not have | // | | the FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_OUT_JOBS rights. § For an incoming fax job, the caller is | // | | not the receiver of the call, incoming faxes are not public, and the client's | // | | fax user account does not have the FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_RECEIVE_FOLDER rights. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. The fax server failed | // | | to allocate sufficient memory to hold the FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EX_1 to be returned to | // | | the client. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § The Buffer and/or BufferSize parameters are set to NULL | // | | pointer values.<112> § The level parameter is set to a value other than 1. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The fax server failed to custom marshal the FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EX_1 to be returned to | // | | the client. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND 0x00001B61 | This error code is returned under any of the following conditions: § The fax | // | | server cannot find the fax job identified by the value of the dwlMessageID | // | | parameter. § The user is not the owner of the fax job identified by the value of | // | | dwlMessageID. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetJobEx2(context.Context, *GetJobEx2Request) (*GetJobEx2Response, error) // The FAX_EnumJobsEx2 (Opnum 88) method is called by the client to enumerate a specified // set of jobs on the server's queue for a specific fax account. The type of jobs to // enumerate is described by the dwJobTypes argument. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), // and FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. The // fax client MUST NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the server // is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), or FAX_API_VERSION_2 // (0x00020000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. This error can be returned when any of the following | // | | conditions are true: § The client's fax user account does not have any of the | // | | access rights defined in ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS (section 2.2.83) that are | // | | required in order to enumerate jobs of type JT_SEND on its own account. That | // | | is, the fAllAccounts parameter is FALSE. § The client's fax user account does | // | | not have the FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_OUT_JOBS access right that is required in order to | // | | enumerate jobs of type JT_SEND on all accounts. That is, fAllAccounts is TRUE. § | // | | The client's fax user account does not have the FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_RECEIVE_FOLDER | // | | access right that is required in order to enumerate jobs of type JT_RECEIVE or | // | | JT_ROUTING. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This value is returned when any of the following | // | | conditions are true: § Either the lpwdJobs or the Buffer parameter is NULL. | // | | § The BufferSize parameter is 0. § The level parameter is not set to 1. § The | // | | lpcwstrAccountName parameter contains an improperly formatted account name or | // | | points to a nonexistent or other user account. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // The account name that lpcwstrAccountName indicates MUST be in one of the following // formats. Any other format is invalid. // // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | | // | FORMAT | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | <machine_name>\<user_name> | For a local user with machine_name as the local machine's name. | // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | <domain_name>\<user_name> | For a nonlocal user. | // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown beyond those thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. EnumJobsEx2(context.Context, *EnumJobsEx2Request) (*EnumJobsEx2Response, error) // The FAX_GetMessageEx (Opnum 89) method is called by the client to retrieve a particular // message from one of the specified fax message archives. The dwlMessageId parameter // specifies a particular message and can be obtained using the FAX_EnumMessages (section // method or the FAX_EnumMessagesEx (section method. The folder // value MUST be one of the enumerations that are defined by FAX_ENUM_MESSAGE_FOLDER // (section 2.2.2), except FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_QUEUE. This is an extended version of // FAX_GetMessage (section, because it takes an additional level parameter // supporting the extended structure FAX_MESSAGE_1 (section 2.2.37). // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), // and FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. // The fax client MUST NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the // server is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), or FAX_API_VERSION_2 // (0x00020000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have any of the | // | | permissions covered by ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS (section 2.2.83). | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code results under any of the following | // | | conditions: § The value of the specified level parameter is not 1. § The pointer | // | | specified by the lppBuffer parameter is NULL.<117> § The pointer specified | // | | by the lpdwBufferSize parameter is NULL.<118> § The value of the dwlMessageId | // | | parameter is specified as 0. § The value of the specified Folder parameter is | // | | not FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_INBOX or FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SENTITEMS. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_SRV_OUTOFMEMORY 0x00001B59 | The fax server failed to allocate memory needed for internal execution of this | // | | operation. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND 0x00001B61 | This error code is returned under any of the following conditions: § The | // | | message identified by the dwlMessageId parameter is not found. § The message | // | | identified by dwlMessageId is an unassigned incoming fax. The incoming | // | | faxes are not public (accessible to all users), and the user does not | // | | have FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_RECEIVE_FOLDER permission. § The message identified | // | | by dwlMessageId is for a different user, and this user does not have | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_ARCHIVES permission. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetMessageEx(context.Context, *GetMessageExRequest) (*GetMessageExResponse, error) // The FAX_StartMessagesEnumEx (Opnum 90) method is called by the client. On success, // the server MUST start enumerating messages in the specified archive folder. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), // and FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. The // fax client MUST NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the server // is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), or FAX_API_VERSION_2 // (0x00020000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // A fax client application calls the FAX_StartMessagesEnumEx to start enumerating messages // from the archives. Each enumerated message has more information than those that are // returned by the FAX_StartMessagesEnum (section method, namely whether // or not the message has a cover page, the type of receipts selected, the email address // for receipts, and the flags from FAX_ENUM_MSG_FLAGS (section 2.2.53) enumeration. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. This error code is returned under any of the following | // | | conditions: § The caller does not have the required basic access rights to | // | | execute this call (ALL_FAX_USERS_ACCESS_RIGHTS). § The client's fax user account | // | | does not have access to query messages for all accounts. The value specified for | // | | the fAllAccounts parameter is not equal to zero, and the caller does not have | // | | the FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_ARCHIVES rights. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § The value specified for the level argument is not | // | | equal to 1. § The value specified for the Folder argument is not equal to | // | | FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_INBOX or FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SENTITEMS. § The account name | // | | specified for the lpcwstrAccountName argument appears valid (pointer is not | // | | NULL), but the account name is not a valid fax account name. § The account name | // | | specified by the lpcwstrAccountName argument is a valid account name, but it | // | | refers to a different user than the caller. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS 0x00000103 | No data is available. There are no messages to be enumerated. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. // // A fax client application calls the FAX_StartMessagesEnumEx function to start enumerating // messages in one of the archives. The enumerated messages have more information than // those that are returned by FAX_StartMessagesEnum, namely, whether it has a cover // page, the type of receipts selected, the email address for receipts, and the flags // from FAX_ENUM_MSG_FLAGS. // // The account name that lpcwstrAccountName indicates MUST be in one of the following // formats. Any other format is invalid. // // +----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | | // | FORMAT | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | <machine_name>\<user_name> | For a local user that has machine_name as the local machine's name. | // +----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | <domain_name>\<user_name> | For a nonlocal user. | // +----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ StartMessagesEnumEx(context.Context, *StartMessagesEnumExRequest) (*StartMessagesEnumExResponse, error) // The FAX_EnumMessagesEx (Opnum 91) method is called by the client. This message differs // from the FAX_EnumMessages (section in that this function takes a level // parameter, which differentiates the type of message information structure that the // function returns. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | The fax server failed to allocate memory for the return buffer. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of | // | | the following conditions are met: § One or more of the pointer values | // | | specified by the following arguments are NULL: lppBuffer, lpdwBufferSize, | // | | lpdwNumMessagesRetrieved, and lpdwLevel. § hEnum is NULL<90> or is an | // | | invalid handle that is not returned by a call to FAX_StartMessagesEnum or | // | | FAX_StartMessagesEnumEx <91>. § dwNumMessages is zero. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x0000006F | The fax server encountered an integer overflow condition while processing | // | | the request for the maximum number of messages specified by the dwNumMessages | // | | argument. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS 0x00000103 | No more data is available. The method reached the end of the lppBuffer message | // | | buffer and there are no more messages to be enumerated. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_SRV_OUTOFMEMORY 0x00001B59 | The fax server failed to allocate memory needed for internal execution of the | // | | command. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // The client implementation assumes that this method is incremental and uses an internal // context cursor to point to the next set of messages to retrieve for each call. The // cursor is set to point to the beginning of the messages in the archive after a successful // call to FAX_StartMessagesEnum or FAX_StartMessagesEnumEx. Each successful call to // FAX_EnumMessagesEx advances the cursor by the number of messages retrieved. After // the cursor reaches the end of the enumeration, the method fails with the 0x00000103 // (ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) error code. The FAX_EndMessagesEnum (section method // can then be called to halt the enumeration of messages. // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EnumMessagesEx(context.Context, *EnumMessagesExRequest) (*EnumMessagesExResponse, error) // The FAX_StartServerNotificationEx2 (Opnum 92) method is called by the client to get // notification about extended events. On success, the server MUST start to notify the // fax client about the occurring fax events. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), // and FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. The // fax client MUST NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the server // is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), or FAX_API_VERSION_2 // (0x00020000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. This error is returned when any of the following conditions | // | | occur: § The dwEventTypes parameter is set to a value containing the | // | | FAX_EVENT_TYPE_NEW_CALL or FAX_EVENT_TYPE_IN_QUEUE flags, the incoming faxes are | // | | not public (accessible to all users), and the client's fax user account does not | // | | have the FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_RECEIVE_FOLDER permission. § dwEventTypes is set to | // | | a value containing the FAX_EVENT_TYPE_CONFIG, FAX_EVENT_TYPE_DEVICE_STATUS, or | // | | FAX_EVENT_TYPE_ACTIVITY flags and the client's fax user account does not have | // | | the FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG permission. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY 0x0000000E | The fax server failed to allocate the memory required for the internal server's | // | | execution of this operation request. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_GEN_FAILURE 0x0000001F | The server threw internally an exception during the execution of this operation, | // | | and the server handled this exception. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § dwEventTypes is set to a value containing the | // | | FAX_EVENT_TYPE_LEGACY or FAX_EVENT_TYPE_LOCAL_ONLY flags, or to another | // | | value that is not a combination made exclusively from the flags valid | // | | for this operation: FAX_EVENT_TYPE_IN_QUEUE, FAX_EVENT_TYPE_OUT_QUEUE, | // | | FAX_EVENT_TYPE_CONFIG, FAX_EVENT_TYPE_ACTIVITY, FAX_EVENT_TYPE_QUEUE_STATE, | // | | FAX_EVENT_TYPE_IN_ARCHIVE, FAX_EVENT_TYPE_OUT_ARCHIVE, | // | | FAX_EVENT_TYPE_FXSSVC_ENDED, FAX_EVENT_TYPE_DEVICE_STATUS, or | // | | FAX_EVENT_TYPE_NEW_CALL. § The level parameter is not set to 1. § One or more | // | | of the following parameters are set to NULL pointer values: lpcwstrEndpoint, | // | | lpcwstrMachineName, or lpHandle.<177> § The lpcwstrAccountName parameter is set | // | | to a non-null character string pointer value which does not specify a valid fax | // | | account name. § lpcwstrAccountName is set to a non-null character string pointer | // | | value which specifies a valid fax account name for a different user than the | // | | user who is currently logged on the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. // // The account name is the one on which to listen for events and a level that specifies // the type of the structure that describes each event. The name lpcwstrAccountName // is accessed only for account-based events. // // The account name that lpcwstrAccountName indicates MUST be in one of the following // formats. Any other format is invalid. // // +----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | | // | FORMAT | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | <machine_name>\<user_name> | For a local user that has machine_name as the name of the local machine. | // +----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | <domain_name>\<user_name> | For a nonlocal user. | // +----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // A fax client calls FAX_StartServerNotificationEx2 (section to inform // the server that it needs to receive notifications of extended fax events. The fax // server SHOULD call FAX_OpenConnection on the client by using the supplied endpoint, // protocol sequence information, and context handle information. The server then sends // notification of events to the client by using FAX_ClientEventQueueEx (section // When the client no longer needs to receive notifications, it calls FAX_EndServerNotification // (section, and the server SHOULD call FAX_CloseConnection (section // to close the connection. StartServerNotificationEx2(context.Context, *StartServerNotificationEx2Request) (*StartServerNotificationEx2Response, error) // The FAX_CreateAccount (Opnum 93) method is called by the client to request a new // fax user account to be created based on an existing valid operating system user account. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), // and FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. The // fax client MUST NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the server // is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), or FAX_API_VERSION_2 // (0x00020000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors that are defined // in [MS-ERREF] section 2.2. // // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG access right. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This value is returned when any of the following | // | | conditions are true: § The Buffer parameter is NULL. § The BufferSize parameter | // | | is 0. § The level parameter is greater than zero. § The account name, as pointed | // | | to by the account information contained in Buffer, is NULL or is specified using | // | | an invalid format. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS 0x000000B7 | The fax account already exists. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE_STATE 0x00000649 | The handle is in an invalid state. | // +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // The account name contained in the lpcwstrAccountName member of the FAX_ACCOUNT_INFO_0, // as pointed to by the Buffer parameter, MUST be in one of the following formats. Any // other format is invalid. // // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | | // | FORMAT | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | <machine_name>\<user_name> | For a local user with machine_name as the local machine's name. | // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | <domain_name>\<user_name> | For a nonlocal user. | // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. CreateAccount(context.Context, *CreateAccountRequest) (*CreateAccountResponse, error) // The FAX_DeleteAccount (Opnum 94) method is called by the client to delete a fax user // account previously created with FAX_CreateAccount (section // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), // and FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. The // fax client MUST NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the server // is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), or FAX_API_VERSION_2 // (0x00020000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // On success, the server MUST delete the specified fax account. The server MUST validate // that the client's fax user account has access to delete fax user accounts on the // fax server. The client can delete any fax user accounts or the current fax user account. // Any subsequent operations on the deleted fax user accounts MUST be failed by the // server with the error code ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. The fax server SHOULD allow deleting // a fax user account even if the underlying operating system's user account has been // deleted after this fax user account was created. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, a fax-specific error defined in // section 2.2.52, or one of the standard errors that are defined in [MS-ERREF] section // 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN ERROR | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG access right. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The account name pointed to by the | // | | lpcwstrAccountName parameter is NULL or improperly formatted. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // The account name that lpcwstrAccountName indicates MUST be in one of the following // formats. Any other format is invalid. // // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | | // | FORMAT | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | <machine_name>\<user_name> | For a local user with machine_name as the local machine's name. | // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | <domain_name>\<user_name> | For a remote (not local) user. | // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. DeleteAccount(context.Context, *DeleteAccountRequest) (*DeleteAccountResponse, error) // The FAX_EnumAccounts (Opnum 95) method is called by the client to enumerate all the // fax accounts on the server. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), // and FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. The // fax client MUST NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the server // is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), or FAX_API_VERSION_2 // (0x00020000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | The client's fax user account does not have the access right | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG to perform this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | The fax server failed to allocate the amount of memory needed to process this | // | | request. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions are met: § The value specified for the level parameter is not | // | | equal to zero. § The pointer specified by the Buffer parameter is NULL.<83> | // | | § The value pointed to by the BufferSize parameter is zero.<84> § The pointer | // | | specified by the lpdwAccounts parameter is NULL.<85> | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // The account name that lpcwstrAccountName indicates MUST be in one of the following // formats. Any other format is invalid. // // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | | // | FORMAT | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | <machine_name>\<user_name> | For a local user with machine_name as the local machine's name. | // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | <domain_name>\<user_name> | For a nonlocal user. | // +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. EnumAccounts(context.Context, *EnumAccountsRequest) (*EnumAccountsResponse, error) // The FAX_GetAccountInfo (Opnum 96) method is called by the client to retrieve information // about a specified fax user account. The fax user account for which information is // retrieved is specified by the lpcwstrAccountName parameter, which can be obtained // using the FAX_EnumAccounts (section method. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), // and FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. The // fax client MUST NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the server // is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), or FAX_API_VERSION_2 // (0x00020000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND 0x00000002 | The account name specified by the lpcwstrAccountName parameter appears valid but | // | | does not exist. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The user account specified by the lpwstrAccountName | // | | argument is not the caller, and it does not have the fax access rights | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The value of the level argument is greater than | // | | zero. The account name specified by lpcwstrAccountName is not a valid fax | // | | account name. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // The account name that lpcwstrAccountName indicates MUST be in one of the following // formats. Any other format is invalid. // // +----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | | // | FORMAT | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | <machine_name>\<user_name> | For a local user that has machine_name as the name of the local machine. | // +----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | <domain_name>\<user_name> | For a nonlocal user. | // +----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetAccountInfo(context.Context, *GetAccountInfoRequest) (*GetAccountInfoResponse, error) // The FAX_GetGeneralConfiguration (Opnum 97) method is called by the client to request // information about the general configuration at the server. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), // and FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. The // fax client MUST NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the server // is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), or FAX_API_VERSION_2 // (0x00020000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG access rights required for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. The fax server failed | // | | to allocate sufficient memory to hold the FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG to be returned to | // | | the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. The level parameter is set to a value other than 0. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The fax server failed to custom marshal the FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG to be returned to | // | | the client. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetGeneralConfiguration(context.Context, *GetGeneralConfigurationRequest) (*GetGeneralConfigurationResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_SetGeneralConfiguration (Opnum 98) method // to set the configuration options provided for the fax service. The FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG // (section 2.2.31) structure MUST be serialized. The variable data fields, such as // strings, MUST be filled with the offset to the string from the beginning of the buffer // and not the actual address. In response, the server MUST validate that the client's // fax user account has access to manage configuration on the server. On success, the // server MUST set the requested configuration options. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), // and FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. The // fax client MUST NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the server // is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), or FAX_API_VERSION_2 // (0x00020000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the required | // | | FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG authorization for this operation. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | In order to process the data for custom marshaling, the server needs to make | // | | a copy of the FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG provided by the client; but the server cannot | // | | allocate sufficient memory to hold the copy of the FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_DATA 0x0000000D | The lpcwstrArchiveLocationOffset member of the Fixed_Portion of the | // | | FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG referenced by the Buffer parameter is set to an invalid | // | | offset value. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the following | // | | conditions are met: § The level parameter is set to a value greater than 0. § | // | | In the FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG referenced by Buffer, the dtDiscountStart.Hour member | // | | is set to a value greater than or equal to 24, and the dtDiscountStart.Minute | // | | member is set to a value greater than or equal to 60. § In the | // | | FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG referenced by Buffer, the dtDiscountEnd.Hour member is set | // | | to a value greater than or equal to 24, and the dtDiscountEnd.Minute member | // | | is set to a value greater than or equal to 60. § In the FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG | // | | referenced by Buffer, the bUseArchive member is set to TRUE and the | // | | lpcwstrArchiveLocationOffset member is set to 0. § In the FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG | // | | referenced by Buffer, the dwSizeQuotaHighWaterMark member is set to a value | // | | greater than the value of the dwSizeQuotaLowWaterMark member. § In the | // | | FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG referenced by Buffer, the dwQueueState member contains one | // | | or more of the following flag values: FAX_INCOMING_BLOCKED, FAX_OUTBOX_BLOCKED, | // | | or FAX_OUTBOX_PAUSED. § The value of the BufferSize parameter is less than | // | | the size required to hold the custom marshaled FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG structure | // | | referenced by Buffer. This size is specified by the dwSizeOfStruct member of the | // | | FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG referenced by Buffer. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x0000054F | The server failed to parse the custom marshaled FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetGeneralConfiguration(context.Context, *SetGeneralConfigurationRequest) (*SetGeneralConfigurationResponse, error) // The FAX_GetSecurityEx2 (Opnum 99) method is called by the client to retrieve information // about the fax security descriptor from the fax server. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), // and FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. The // fax client MUST NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the server // is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), or FAX_API_VERSION_2 // (0x00020000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. This error is returned when there is a mismatch between | // | | the access level requested (Read control, access to set/get SACL security | // | | information or both) through the bit pattern in SecurityInformation and the | // | | current authorized level. | // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 0x00000008 | Not enough storage is available to process this command. | // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § The pSecurityDescriptor parameter is NULL. § The value | // | | of the SecurityInformation parameter does not conform to the definition of valid | // | | bit patterns for this parameter. | // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_SECURITY_DESCR 0x0000053A | The security descriptor structure is invalid. | // +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. GetSecurityEx2(context.Context, *GetSecurityEx2Request) (*GetSecurityEx2Response, error) // The FAX_SetSecurityEx2 (Opnum 100) method is called by the client. On success, the // server MUST set the fax server's security descriptor. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), // and FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. The // fax client MUST NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the server // is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), or FAX_API_VERSION_2 // (0x00020000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // The fax client SHOULD call FAX_SetSecurity (section instead. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the access | // | | rights required for this operation: § WRITE_OWNER, when the SecurityInformation | // | | parameter contains the OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION value. § WRITE_DAC, | // | | when SecurityInformation contains the GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION | // | | or DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION values. § ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY, when | // | | SecurityInformation contains the SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION value. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_DATA 0x0000000D | The data is invalid. The data contained in the buffer specified by the | // | | pSecurityDescriptor parameter is not a valid SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY 0x0000000E | The fax server cannot allocate sufficient memory for a properly constructed | // | | FAX_EVENT_EX_1 (section 2.2.68) structure describing a FAX_EVENT_TYPE_CONFIG | // | | event to be signaled to the client. A properly constructed structure has the | // | | ConfigType member of the FAX_EVENT_EX_1 set to FAX_CONFIG_TYPE_SECURITY. For | // | | more details, see FAX_ClientEventQueueEx (section | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any | // | | of the following conditions: § pSecurityDescriptor is set to a NULL | // | | pointer value. § The dwBufferSize parameter is set to 0x00000000. § | // | | SecurityInformation is set to a value that does not contain any of the | // | | following flags: OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION, GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION, | // | | DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, or SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x000003F7 | The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files that contains | // | | registry data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is | // | | corrupted, or the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log | // | | was absent or corrupted. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. SetSecurityEx2(context.Context, *SetSecurityEx2Request) (*SetSecurityEx2Response, error) // The FAX_AccessCheckEx2 (Opnum 101) method is called by the client when the client // needs to check whether the client's fax user account has certain access permissions // on the server. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The caller does not have the required permissions for this | // | | request (the caller does not have a valid fax user account). | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned under any of the | // | | following conditions: § The pointer specified in the pfAccess parameter is NULL. | // | | § The fax access rights specified in the lpdwRights parameter contain invalid | // | | access values. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. AccessCheckEx2(context.Context, *AccessCheckEx2Request) (*AccessCheckEx2Response, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_ReAssignMessage (Opnum 102) method to reassign // the specified fax message to a set of users.<144> // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), // and FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. The // fax client MUST NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the server // is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), or FAX_API_VERSION_2 // (0x00020000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // The dwlMessageId parameter specifies a particular message and can be obtained using // the FAX_EnumMessages (section method or the FAX_EnumMessagesEx (section // methods. // // The client MUST specify the recipients for a reassigned message in a semicolon (;) // separated format. In response, the server MUST validate whether the bIncomingFaxesArePublic // option in the FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG (section 2.2.31) data structure is not set in the // server configuration. The server MUST also validate whether the message that is specified // by the dwlMessageId argument refers to a valid message on the server. The server // MUST validate that there are recipient numbers for each of the recipients that are // listed in pReAssignInfo structure. On success, the server MUST reassign the specified // fax message. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND 0x00000002 | This error code is returned under any of the following conditions: § The | // | | dwlMessageId argument does not specify a valid message. § One or more recipients | // | | specified in the lpcwstrRecipients field of the pReAssignInfo argument do not | // | | have a corresponding fax user account. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | The caller does not have the FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_RECEIVE_FOLDER access rights. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | This error code is returned under any of the following conditions: § The value | // | | specified for the dwlMessageId parameter is zero. § The lpcwstrRecipients member | // | | of the data structure specified by the pReAssignInfo parameter is set to NULL or | // | | to an empty string. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x0000006F | The number of recipients specified in the lpcwstrRecipients member of the | // | | data structure pointed at by pReAssignInfo is greater than FAX_MAX_RECIPIENTS | // | | (10000). | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION 0x000010DD | This error code is returned under any of the following conditions: § Incoming | // | | faxes are public (section 2.2.31). Reassignment is not supported when incoming | // | | faxes are public. § The server does not support reassignment, or the server | // | | is configured with a policy that is currently set to disable fax message | // | | reassignment. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. ReassignMessage(context.Context, *ReassignMessageRequest) (*ReassignMessageResponse, error) // The fax client application calls the FAX_SetMessage (Opnum 103) method to set the // specific message properties for the message identified by its ID.<162> The dwlMessageId // parameter specifies a particular message and can be obtained using the FAX_EnumMessages // (section method or the FAX_EnumMessagesEx (section method. // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the | // | | ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS access rights required for this operation. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | The parameter is incorrect. This error code is returned if any of the | // | | following conditions are met: § The structure pointed to by the lpMessageProps | // | | argument contains invalid data. § The Folder argument has an invalid value (a | // | | value other than FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_INBOX or FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SENTITEMS). | // | | § The dwlMessageId parameter is zero. § In the structure pointed at | // | | by the lpMessageProps argument, the dwValidityMask field contains the | // | | FAX_MSG_PROP_FIELD_MSG_FLAGS, and the dwMsgFlags field does not contain the | // | | FAX_MSG_ALL_FLAGS flag. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_ERR_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND 0x00001B61 | The fax message specified by the dwlMessageId argument cannot be found by the | // | | fax server in the folder specified by the Folder argument. | // +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol [MS-RPCE]. SetMessage(context.Context, *SetMessageRequest) (*SetMessageResponse, error) // The FAX_GetConfigOption (Opnum 104) is called by the client to retrieve a configuration // setting at the server using an RPC_REQUEST packet. // // Protocol version FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), // and FAX_API_VERSION_2 (0x00020000) fax servers SHOULD NOT implement this call. The // fax client MUST NOT call this method if the protocol version reported by the server // is FAX_API_VERSION_0 (0x00000000), FAX_API_VERSION_1 (0x00010000), or FAX_API_VERSION_2 // (0x00020000). For more information, see FAX_ConnectFaxServer (section // // Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, // it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that // are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] // section 2.2. // // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | RETURN | | // | VALUE/CODE | DESCRIPTION | // | | | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000005 | Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have any of the | // | | permissions covered by ALL_FAX_USER_ACCESS_RIGHTS. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x00000057 | This error is returned when any of the following conditions are met: § The | // | | lpdwValue parameter is set to a NULL pointer value.<103> § The configuration | // | | option specified by the option parameter is not one of the following | // | | values: FAX_CONFIG_OPTION_ALLOW_PERSONAL_CP, FAX_CONFIG_OPTION_QUEUE_STATE, | // | | FAX_CONFIG_OPTION_ALLOW_RECEIPTS or FAX_CONFIG_OPTION_INCOMING_FAXES_PUBLIC. | // +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Use of this method does not require FAX_ACCESS_QUERY_CONFIG access rights. A calling // user with any ACE on the server can use this method. // // Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying // RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE]. GetConfigOption(context.Context, *GetConfigOptionRequest) (*GetConfigOptionResponse, error) }
fax server interface.
type GetAccountInfoRequest ¶
type GetAccountInfoRequest struct { // lpcwstrAccountName: A pointer to a constant, null-terminated character string that // contains the name of the account for which to retrieve information. AccountName string `idl:"name:lpcwstrAccountName;string;pointer:unique" json:"account_name"` // level: A DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) value that indicates the type of structure // that is pointed to by Buffer. This MUST be zero. Level uint32 `idl:"name:level" json:"level"` }
GetAccountInfoRequest structure represents the FAX_GetAccountInfo operation request
func (*GetAccountInfoRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetAccountInfoRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetAccountInfoResponse ¶
type GetAccountInfoResponse struct { // Buffer: A pointer to a FAX_ACCOUNT_INFO_0 (section 2.2.24) structure that contains // fax account information. Buffer []byte `idl:"name:Buffer;size_is:(, BufferSize)" json:"buffer"` // BufferSize: A pointer to a DWORD value that specifies the size, in bytes, of the // structure that is pointed to by the Buffer parameter. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:BufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // Return: The FAX_GetAccountInfo return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetAccountInfoResponse structure represents the FAX_GetAccountInfo operation response
func (*GetAccountInfoResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetAccountInfoResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetActivityLoggingConfigurationRequest ¶
type GetActivityLoggingConfigurationRequest struct { }
GetActivityLoggingConfigurationRequest structure represents the FAX_GetActivityLoggingConfiguration operation request
func (*GetActivityLoggingConfigurationRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetActivityLoggingConfigurationRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetActivityLoggingConfigurationResponse ¶
type GetActivityLoggingConfigurationResponse struct { // Buffer: A pointer to a _FAX_ACTIVITY_LOGGING_CONFIGW (section 2.2.26) structure. Buffer []byte `idl:"name:Buffer;size_is:(, BufferSize)" json:"buffer"` // BufferSize: A pointer to a DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) in which to return the // size, in bytes, of the buffer. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:BufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // Return: The FAX_GetActivityLoggingConfiguration return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetActivityLoggingConfigurationResponse structure represents the FAX_GetActivityLoggingConfiguration operation response
func (*GetActivityLoggingConfigurationResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetActivityLoggingConfigurationResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetArchiveConfigurationRequest ¶
type GetArchiveConfigurationRequest struct { // Folder: Archive location. This MUST be either FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_INBOX or FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SENTITEMS // described in section 2.2.2. Folder fax.MessageFolder `idl:"name:Folder" json:"folder"` }
GetArchiveConfigurationRequest structure represents the FAX_GetArchiveConfiguration operation request
func (*GetArchiveConfigurationRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetArchiveConfigurationRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetArchiveConfigurationResponse ¶
type GetArchiveConfigurationResponse struct { // Buffer: A pointer to a FAX_ARCHIVE_CONFIGW (section 2.2.27) object. If the size of // the archive exceeds the dwSizeQuotaHighWatermark value and if the bSizeQuotaWarning // member is set to TRUE, an event log warning SHOULD be issued. If an event log warning // was already issued, no more events SHOULD be issued until the size of the archive // drops below the dwSizeQuotaLowWatermark value. If a fax message stays in the archive // longer than the dwAgeLimit value, it MAY be automatically deleted. If the dwAgeLimit // value is zero, the time limit MUST NOT be used. Buffer []byte `idl:"name:Buffer;size_is:(, BufferSize)" json:"buffer"` // BufferSize: A pointer to a DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) in which to return the // size, in bytes, of the buffer. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:BufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // Return: The FAX_GetArchiveConfiguration return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetArchiveConfigurationResponse structure represents the FAX_GetArchiveConfiguration operation response
func (*GetArchiveConfigurationResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetArchiveConfigurationResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetConfigOptionRequest ¶
type GetConfigOptionRequest struct { // option: Identifies the configuration option to be returned. This parameter MUST be // a value from the FAX_ENUM_CONFIG_OPTION (section 2.2.3) enumeration. Option fax.ConfigOption `idl:"name:option" json:"option"` }
GetConfigOptionRequest structure represents the FAX_GetConfigOption operation request
func (*GetConfigOptionRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetConfigOptionRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetConfigOptionResponse ¶
type GetConfigOptionResponse struct { // lpdwValue: A pointer to a DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) that holds the value of // the configuration option upon return. The value's type depends on the configuration // option that was asked for using the option parameter. // // If option was set to FAX_CONFIG_OPTION_ALLOW_PERSONAL_CP, lpdwValue contains a BOOL // that MUST take one of the following values. // // +------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ // | | | // | VALUE/CODE | MEANING | // | | | // +------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ // | TRUE 0x00000001 | The server allows personal cover page templates. | // +------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ // | FALSE 0x00000000 | The server allows only server-side cover page templates. | // +------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ // // If option was set to FAX_CONFIG_OPTION_QUEUE_STATE, lpdwValue is a DWORD value that // MUST specify state information about the fax queue defined in section 3.1.1. If this // value is zero, both the incoming and outgoing queues are unblocked. Otherwise, this // value MUST be a combination of one or more of the following flags. // // +---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | | // | VALUE/CODE | MEANING | // | | | // +---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_INCOMING_BLOCKED 0x00000001 | The incoming faxes queue is blocked. The fax server does not answer any new | // | | incoming faxes. | // +---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_OUTBOX_BLOCKED 0x00000002 | The outbox queue is blocked. The fax server does not accept submission of new | // | | faxes. If the outbox is not paused, faxes in the queue are being processed. | // +---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_OUTBOX_PAUSED 0x00000004 | The outbox queue is paused. The fax server will not start sending outgoing faxes | // | | from the queue. Fax transmissions in progress are not affected. If the outbox is | // | | not blocked, the fax server still accepts submission of new faxes to the queue. | // +---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // If option was set to FAX_CONFIG_OPTION_ALLOWED_RECEIPTS, lpdwValue contains a DWORD // that MUST be a bitwise combination of one or more of the flags that are specified // in FAX_ENUM_DELIVERY_REPORT_TYPES (section 2.2.76). // // If option was set to FAX_CONFIG_OPTION_INCOMING_FAXES_PUBLIC, lpdwValue contains // a BOOL that MUST take one of the following values. // // +------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ // | | | // | VALUE/CODE | MEANING | // | | | // +------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ // +------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ // | TRUE 0x00000001 | All incoming faxes can be viewed by all fax users. | // +------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ // | FALSE 0x00000000 | Incoming faxes can be viewed only by recipients. | // +------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ Value uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwValue" json:"value"` // Return: The FAX_GetConfigOption return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetConfigOptionResponse structure represents the FAX_GetConfigOption operation response
func (*GetConfigOptionResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetConfigOptionResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetConfigurationRequest ¶
type GetConfigurationRequest struct { }
GetConfigurationRequest structure represents the FAX_GetConfiguration operation request
func (*GetConfigurationRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetConfigurationRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetConfigurationResponse ¶
type GetConfigurationResponse struct { // Buffer: A pointer to the address of a buffer to receive a _FAX_CONFIGURATIONW (section // 2.2.29) structure. The structure contains the current configuration settings for // the fax server. Buffer []byte `idl:"name:Buffer;size_is:(, BufferSize)" json:"buffer"` // BufferSize: A variable to return the size, in bytes, of the buffer. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:BufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // Return: The FAX_GetConfiguration return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetConfigurationResponse structure represents the FAX_GetConfiguration operation response
func (*GetConfigurationResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetConfigurationResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetCountryListRequest ¶
type GetCountryListRequest struct { }
GetCountryListRequest structure represents the FAX_GetCountryList operation request
func (*GetCountryListRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetCountryListRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetCountryListResponse ¶
type GetCountryListResponse struct { // Buffer: A pointer to a buffer of type FAX_TAPI_LINECOUNTRY_LISTW (section 2.2.51) // in which to place the country/region information. Buffer []byte `idl:"name:Buffer;size_is:(, BufferSize)" json:"buffer"` // BufferSize: A pointer to a DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) in which to return the // size, in bytes, of the buffer. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:BufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // Return: The FAX_GetCountryList return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetCountryListResponse structure represents the FAX_GetCountryList operation response
func (*GetCountryListResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetCountryListResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetDeviceStatusRequest ¶
type GetDeviceStatusRequest struct { // FaxPortHandle: An RPC context handle that references a specified fax port. This context // handle MUST be obtained using the FAX_OpenPort (section method. FaxPort *fax.Port `idl:"name:FaxPortHandle" json:"fax_port"` }
GetDeviceStatusRequest structure represents the FAX_GetDeviceStatus operation request
func (*GetDeviceStatusRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetDeviceStatusRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetDeviceStatusResponse ¶
type GetDeviceStatusResponse struct { // StatusBuffer: A pointer to the address of a buffer to receive a FAX_DEVICE_STATUS // structure. The structure describes the status of one fax device. The fax server MUST // set the SizeOfStruct member of this structure to the correct size for the Fixed_Portion // block of the FAX_DEVICE_STATUS, as described in section 2.2.10. StatusBuffer []byte `idl:"name:StatusBuffer;size_is:(, BufferSize)" json:"status_buffer"` // BufferSize: A variable to return the size, in bytes, of the data returned in the // buffer referenced by the StatusBuffer parameter. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:BufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // Return: The FAX_GetDeviceStatus return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetDeviceStatusResponse structure represents the FAX_GetDeviceStatus operation response
func (*GetDeviceStatusResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetDeviceStatusResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetExtensionDataRequest ¶
type GetExtensionDataRequest struct { // dwDeviceId: The device identifier. A value of zero indicates the caller requests // a named data BLOB that is not associated with any specific device. This value can // be used to store configurations that affect all the devices. For example, an Optical // Character Recognition (OCR) routing extension might export several different routing // methods that all rely on the same OCR parameters. This routing extension can associate // the OCR configuration with a non-specific device so that it would become global. DeviceID uint32 `idl:"name:dwDeviceId" json:"device_id"` // lpcwstrNameGUID: A curly-braced GUID string that identifies the data to return. The // GUID can identify a routing extension or a routing method.Because GUIDs are unique, // the server determines from the specific GUID value whether the call is requesting // routing extension data or routing method data. NameGUID string `idl:"name:lpcwstrNameGUID;string;pointer:ref" json:"name_guid"` }
GetExtensionDataRequest structure represents the FAX_GetExtensionData operation request
func (*GetExtensionDataRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetExtensionDataRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetExtensionDataResponse ¶
type GetExtensionDataResponse struct { // ppData: A pointer to an allocated private data buffer. This buffer contains the data // that is returned by the fax server. For the default routing methods described in // section 2.2.87, this data is a null-terminated character string containing an EmailID, // Printer, or Folder name. For other routing extensions or methods the format of this // data depends on the respective routing extension or routing method and SHOULD be // treated as opaque binary data by the fax server. Data []byte `idl:"name:ppData;size_is:(, lpdwDataSize)" json:"data"` // lpdwDataSize: A pointer to a DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) value that returns the // size, in bytes, of the data that is pointed to by the ppData parameter. DataSize uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwDataSize;pointer:ref" json:"data_size"` // Return: The FAX_GetExtensionData return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetExtensionDataResponse structure represents the FAX_GetExtensionData operation response
func (*GetExtensionDataResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetExtensionDataResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetGeneralConfigurationRequest ¶
type GetGeneralConfigurationRequest struct { // level: A DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) value that indicates the type of structure // pointed to by Buffer. This MUST be zero. Level uint32 `idl:"name:level" json:"level"` }
GetGeneralConfigurationRequest structure represents the FAX_GetGeneralConfiguration operation request
func (*GetGeneralConfigurationRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetGeneralConfigurationRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetGeneralConfigurationResponse ¶
type GetGeneralConfigurationResponse struct { // Buffer: A pointer to a FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG (section 2.2.31) structure that contains // the server information to retrieve. The buffer indicated by this pointer contains // the following: // // § A serialized FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG filled by server. // // § A null-terminated, wide character string that indicates the archive folder location // on the fax server file system. Buffer []byte `idl:"name:Buffer;size_is:(, BufferSize)" json:"buffer"` // BufferSize: A pointer to a DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) value that specifies the // size, in bytes, of the buffer that is pointed to by the Buffer parameter. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:BufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // Return: The FAX_GetGeneralConfiguration return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetGeneralConfigurationResponse structure represents the FAX_GetGeneralConfiguration operation response
func (*GetGeneralConfigurationResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetGeneralConfigurationResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetJobEx2Request ¶
type GetJobEx2Request struct { // dwlMessageID: A DWORDLONG ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.13) value that specifies a unique // number that identifies a queued or active fax job. The job MUST be an inbound or // outbound transmission. MessageID uint64 `idl:"name:dwlMessageID" json:"message_id"` // level: A DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) value that indicates the structure to return // in Buffer. This value MUST be set to 1. Level uint32 `idl:"name:level" json:"level"` }
GetJobEx2Request structure represents the FAX_GetJobEx2 operation request
func (*GetJobEx2Request) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetJobEx2Request) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetJobEx2Response ¶
type GetJobEx2Response struct { // Buffer: A pointer to the address of a buffer that receives a FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EX_1. Buffer []byte `idl:"name:Buffer;size_is:(, BufferSize)" json:"buffer"` // BufferSize: A pointer to a DWORD value that specifies the size, in bytes, of the // buffer that is pointed to by the Buffer parameter. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:BufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // Return: The FAX_GetJobEx2 return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetJobEx2Response structure represents the FAX_GetJobEx2 operation response
func (*GetJobEx2Response) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetJobEx2Response) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetJobExRequest ¶
type GetJobExRequest struct { // dwlMessageID: A unique number that identifies a queued or active fax job. The job // MUST be an inbound or outbound transmission. MessageID uint64 `idl:"name:dwlMessageID" json:"message_id"` }
GetJobExRequest structure represents the FAX_GetJobEx operation request
func (*GetJobExRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetJobExRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetJobExResponse ¶
type GetJobExResponse struct { // Buffer: A pointer to the address of a buffer to receive one FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EXW followed // by one FAX_JOB_STATUS (section 2.2.36) structure, followed by other data pointed // at from these two structures (from pointer type fields). These two data structures // describe one fax job. If the pStatus pointer field of the FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EXW is not // NULL, it MUST point to the address of the FAX_JOB_STATUS in the buffer. If the pStatus // pointer is NULL, the FAX_JOB_STATUS is located in the buffer immediately after the // FAX_JOB_ENTRY_EXW. The field length MUST be clamped to 32 bits before serialization. Buffer []byte `idl:"name:Buffer;size_is:(, BufferSize)" json:"buffer"` // BufferSize: A variable to return the size, in bytes, of the buffer. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:BufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // Return: The FAX_GetJobEx return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetJobExResponse structure represents the FAX_GetJobEx operation response
func (*GetJobExResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetJobExResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetJobRequest ¶
type GetJobRequest struct { // JobId: A unique number that identifies a queued or active fax job. JobID uint32 `idl:"name:JobId" json:"job_id"` }
GetJobRequest structure represents the FAX_GetJob operation request
func (*GetJobRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetJobRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetJobResponse ¶
type GetJobResponse struct { // Buffer: A pointer to the address of a buffer to receive a _FAX_JOB_ENTRY (section // 2.2.6) structure. Buffer []byte `idl:"name:Buffer;size_is:(, BufferSize)" json:"buffer"` // BufferSize: A variable to return the size, in bytes, of the job information buffer. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:BufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // Return: The FAX_GetJob return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetJobResponse structure represents the FAX_GetJob operation response
func (*GetJobResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetJobResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetLoggingCategoriesRequest ¶
type GetLoggingCategoriesRequest struct { }
GetLoggingCategoriesRequest structure represents the FAX_GetLoggingCategories operation request
func (*GetLoggingCategoriesRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetLoggingCategoriesRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetLoggingCategoriesResponse ¶
type GetLoggingCategoriesResponse struct { // Buffer: A pointer to the address of a buffer to receive an array of FAX_LOG_CATEGORY // (section 2.2.11) structures. The number of structures included in the array is set // by NumberCategories. Each structure describes one current logging category. The Name // strings are appended after the FAX_LOG_CATEGORY entries. The Name field of each FAX_LOG_CATEGORY // is an offset indicating the location of the associated Name string in the buffer.<113> Buffer []byte `idl:"name:Buffer;size_is:(, BufferSize)" json:"buffer"` // BufferSize: A variable to return the size, in bytes, of the buffer. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:BufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // NumberCategories: A pointer to a DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) variable to receive // the number of FAX_LOG_CATEGORY that the method returns in the Buffer parameter. NumberCategories uint32 `idl:"name:NumberCategories;pointer:ref" json:"number_categories"` // Return: The FAX_GetLoggingCategories return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetLoggingCategoriesResponse structure represents the FAX_GetLoggingCategories operation response
func (*GetLoggingCategoriesResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetLoggingCategoriesResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetMessageExRequest ¶
type GetMessageExRequest struct { // dwlMessageId: A DWORDLONG ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.13) value that identifies the fax // message to retrieve from the archive. MessageID uint64 `idl:"name:dwlMessageId" json:"message_id"` // Folder: A FAX_ENUM_MESSAGE_FOLDER that indicates the type of the archive where the // message resides. The FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_QUEUE value is invalid for this parameter. Folder fax.MessageFolder `idl:"name:Folder" json:"folder"` // level: A DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) value that indicates the type of structure // to return in lppBuffer. The only value currently supported is 1. Level uint32 `idl:"name:level" json:"level"` }
GetMessageExRequest structure represents the FAX_GetMessageEx operation request
func (*GetMessageExRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetMessageExRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetMessageExResponse ¶
type GetMessageExResponse struct { // lppBuffer: A pointer to an array of FAX_MESSAGE_1 structures that contain the retrieved // messages. Buffer []byte `idl:"name:lppBuffer;size_is:(, lpdwBufferSize)" json:"buffer"` // lpdwBufferSize: A pointer to a DWORD value that specifies the size, in bytes, of // the buffer that is pointed to by the lppBuffer parameter. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwBufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // Return: The FAX_GetMessageEx return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetMessageExResponse structure represents the FAX_GetMessageEx operation response
func (*GetMessageExResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetMessageExResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetMessageRequest ¶
type GetMessageRequest struct { // dwlMessageId: A DWORDLONG ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.13) value that identifies the fax // message to retrieve from the archive. MessageID uint64 `idl:"name:dwlMessageId" json:"message_id"` // Folder: The type of archive where the message resides. FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_QUEUE is // an invalid value for this parameter. Folder fax.MessageFolder `idl:"name:Folder" json:"folder"` }
GetMessageRequest structure represents the FAX_GetMessage operation request
func (*GetMessageRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetMessageRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetMessageResponse ¶
type GetMessageResponse struct { // lppBuffer: A pointer to a buffer that receives a FAX_MESSAGEW (section 2.2.38) structure. // This buffer contains the retrieved message. Buffer []byte `idl:"name:lppBuffer;size_is:(, lpdwBufferSize)" json:"buffer"` // lpdwBufferSize: A pointer to a DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) in which to return // the size, in bytes, of the buffer that is pointed to by the lppBuffer parameter. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwBufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // Return: The FAX_GetMessage return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetMessageResponse structure represents the FAX_GetMessage operation response
func (*GetMessageResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetMessageResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetOutboxConfigurationRequest ¶
type GetOutboxConfigurationRequest struct { }
GetOutboxConfigurationRequest structure represents the FAX_GetOutboxConfiguration operation request
func (*GetOutboxConfigurationRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetOutboxConfigurationRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetOutboxConfigurationResponse ¶
type GetOutboxConfigurationResponse struct { // Buffer: A pointer to a FAX_OUTBOX_CONFIG (section 2.2.16) object. Buffer []byte `idl:"name:Buffer;size_is:(, BufferSize)" json:"buffer"` // BufferSize: A pointer to a DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) in which to return the // size, in bytes, of the buffer. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:BufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // Return: The FAX_GetOutboxConfiguration return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetOutboxConfigurationResponse structure represents the FAX_GetOutboxConfiguration operation response
func (*GetOutboxConfigurationResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetOutboxConfigurationResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetPageDataRequest ¶
type GetPageDataRequest struct { // JobId: A unique number that identifies the fax job that is associated with the page // of data. JobID uint32 `idl:"name:JobId" json:"job_id"` // ImageWidth: A pointer to a DWORD variable to receive the width, in pixels, of the // fax image. ImageWidth uint32 `idl:"name:ImageWidth" json:"image_width"` // ImageHeight: A pointer to a DWORD variable to receive the height, in pixels, of the // fax image. ImageHeight uint32 `idl:"name:ImageHeight" json:"image_height"` }
GetPageDataRequest structure represents the FAX_GetPageData operation request
func (*GetPageDataRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetPageDataRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetPageDataResponse ¶
type GetPageDataResponse struct { // Buffer: A pointer to the address of a buffer to receive the first page of data in // the fax document. Buffer []byte `idl:"name:Buffer;size_is:(, BufferSize)" json:"buffer"` // BufferSize: A pointer to a DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) variable to receive the // size of the buffer, in bytes, pointed to by the Buffer parameter. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:BufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // ImageWidth: A pointer to a DWORD variable to receive the width, in pixels, of the // fax image. ImageWidth uint32 `idl:"name:ImageWidth" json:"image_width"` // ImageHeight: A pointer to a DWORD variable to receive the height, in pixels, of the // fax image. ImageHeight uint32 `idl:"name:ImageHeight" json:"image_height"` // Return: The FAX_GetPageData return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetPageDataResponse structure represents the FAX_GetPageData operation response
func (*GetPageDataResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetPageDataResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetPersonalCoverPagesOptionRequest ¶
type GetPersonalCoverPagesOptionRequest struct { }
GetPersonalCoverPagesOptionRequest structure represents the FAX_GetPersonalCoverPagesOption operation request
func (*GetPersonalCoverPagesOptionRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetPersonalCoverPagesOptionRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetPersonalCoverPagesOptionResponse ¶
type GetPersonalCoverPagesOptionResponse struct { // lpbPersonalCPAllowed: A pointer to a BOOL that receives the personal cover-pages // option. If TRUE, the server allows sending personal cover pages. Otherwise, the server // does not allow personal cover pages. PersonalCreatePartitionAllowed bool `idl:"name:lpbPersonalCPAllowed;pointer:ref" json:"personal_create_partition_allowed"` // Return: The FAX_GetPersonalCoverPagesOption return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetPersonalCoverPagesOptionResponse structure represents the FAX_GetPersonalCoverPagesOption operation response
func (*GetPersonalCoverPagesOptionResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetPersonalCoverPagesOptionResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetPersonalProfileInfoRequest ¶
type GetPersonalProfileInfoRequest struct { // dwlMessageId: A DWORDLONG ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.13) that contains the message identifier // for which the sender's FAX_PERSONAL_PROFILEW (section 2.2.44) structure is retrieved. MessageID uint64 `idl:"name:dwlMessageId" json:"message_id"` // dwFolder: A FAX_ENUM_MESSAGE_FOLDER indicating the location of the folder in which // to search for the message containing the personal profile information. Folder fax.MessageFolder `idl:"name:dwFolder" json:"folder"` // ProfType: A FAX_ENUM_PERSONAL_PROF_TYPES indicating whether to retrieve sender or // recipient personal profile information. ProfType fax.PersonalProfileTypes `idl:"name:ProfType" json:"prof_type"` }
GetPersonalProfileInfoRequest structure represents the FAX_GetPersonalProfileInfo operation request
func (*GetPersonalProfileInfoRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetPersonalProfileInfoRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetPersonalProfileInfoResponse ¶
type GetPersonalProfileInfoResponse struct { // Buffer: A pointer to a FAX_PERSONAL_PROFILEW in which to place the returned recipient // or sender personal profile information. Buffer []byte `idl:"name:Buffer;size_is:(, BufferSize)" json:"buffer"` // BufferSize: A pointer to a DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) variable to receive the // buffer size. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:BufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // Return: The FAX_GetPersonalProfileInfo return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetPersonalProfileInfoResponse structure represents the FAX_GetPersonalProfileInfo operation response
func (*GetPersonalProfileInfoResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetPersonalProfileInfoResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetPortExRequest ¶
type GetPortExRequest struct { // dwDeviceId: A DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) that indicates a unique identifier // that distinguishes the device. The value of dwDeviceId MUST be greater than zero. DeviceID uint32 `idl:"name:dwDeviceId" json:"device_id"` }
GetPortExRequest structure represents the FAX_GetPortEx operation request
func (*GetPortExRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetPortExRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetPortExResponse ¶
type GetPortExResponse struct { // Buffer: A pointer to a buffer to hold a _FAX_PORT_INFO_EXW (section 2.2.46) structure. Buffer []byte `idl:"name:Buffer;size_is:(, BufferSize)" json:"buffer"` // BufferSize: A pointer to a DWORD in which to return the size, in bytes, of the buffer. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:BufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // Return: The FAX_GetPortEx return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetPortExResponse structure represents the FAX_GetPortEx operation response
func (*GetPortExResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetPortExResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetPortRequest ¶
type GetPortRequest struct { // FaxPortHandle: An RPC context handle that references a specified fax port. FaxPort *fax.Port `idl:"name:FaxPortHandle" json:"fax_port"` }
GetPortRequest structure represents the FAX_GetPort operation request
func (*GetPortRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetPortRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetPortResponse ¶
type GetPortResponse struct { // PortBuffer: A pointer to the address of a buffer to receive a _FAX_PORT_INFO (section // 2.2.8) structure. The structure describes one fax port. PortBuffer []byte `idl:"name:PortBuffer;size_is:(, BufferSize)" json:"port_buffer"` // BufferSize: A variable to return the size, in bytes, of the port buffer. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:BufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // Return: The FAX_GetPort return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetPortResponse structure represents the FAX_GetPort operation response
func (*GetPortResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetPortResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetQueueStatesRequest ¶
type GetQueueStatesRequest struct { }
GetQueueStatesRequest structure represents the FAX_GetQueueStates operation request
func (*GetQueueStatesRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetQueueStatesRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetQueueStatesResponse ¶
type GetQueueStatesResponse struct { // pdwQueueStates: A pointer to a DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) value that receives // state information about the fax queue. If this value is zero, both the incoming and // outgoing queues are unblocked. Otherwise, this value is a combination of one or more // of the following values. // // +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | | // | VALUE/CODE | MEANING | // | | | // +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | 0x00000000 | Both the incoming and outgoing queues are unblocked. | // +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_INCOMING_BLOCKED 0x00000001 | The fax service will not receive new incoming faxes. | // +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_OUTBOX_BLOCKED 0x00000002 | The fax service will reject submissions of new outgoing faxes to its queue. | // +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_OUTBOX_PAUSED 0x00000004 | The fax service will not dequeue and execute outgoing fax jobs from its queue. | // +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ QueueStates uint32 `idl:"name:pdwQueueStates" json:"queue_states"` // Return: The FAX_GetQueueStates return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetQueueStatesResponse structure represents the FAX_GetQueueStates operation response
func (*GetQueueStatesResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetQueueStatesResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetReceiptsConfigurationRequest ¶
type GetReceiptsConfigurationRequest struct { }
GetReceiptsConfigurationRequest structure represents the FAX_GetReceiptsConfiguration operation request
func (*GetReceiptsConfigurationRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetReceiptsConfigurationRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetReceiptsConfigurationResponse ¶
type GetReceiptsConfigurationResponse struct { // Buffer: A pointer to a _FAX_RECEIPTS_CONFIGW (section 2.2.48) structure. Buffer []byte `idl:"name:Buffer;size_is:(, BufferSize)" json:"buffer"` // BufferSize: A pointer to a DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) in which to return the // size, in bytes, of the buffer. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:BufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // Return: The FAX_GetReceiptsConfiguration return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetReceiptsConfigurationResponse structure represents the FAX_GetReceiptsConfiguration operation response
func (*GetReceiptsConfigurationResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetReceiptsConfigurationResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetReceiptsOptionsRequest ¶
type GetReceiptsOptionsRequest struct { }
GetReceiptsOptionsRequest structure represents the FAX_GetReceiptsOptions operation request
func (*GetReceiptsOptionsRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetReceiptsOptionsRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetReceiptsOptionsResponse ¶
type GetReceiptsOptionsResponse struct { // lpdwReceiptsOptions: A pointer to the DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) that receives // the options. // // +--------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | | // | VALUE/CODE | MEANING | // | | | // +--------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | DRT_EMAIL 1 | Allow sending the receipt by email. The email address is the email address of | // | | the sender. | // +--------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | DRT_MSGBOX 4 | Allow notification on the transmission result by sending a text message | // | | containing a character string to the sender's computer as described in Messenger | // | | Service Remote Protocol Specification [MS-MSRP] section<130> | // +--------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ReceiptsOptions uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwReceiptsOptions;pointer:ref" json:"receipts_options"` // Return: The FAX_GetReceiptsOptions return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetReceiptsOptionsResponse structure represents the FAX_GetReceiptsOptions operation response
func (*GetReceiptsOptionsResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetReceiptsOptionsResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetRecipientsLimitRequest ¶
type GetRecipientsLimitRequest struct { }
GetRecipientsLimitRequest structure represents the FAX_GetRecipientsLimit operation request
func (*GetRecipientsLimitRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetRecipientsLimitRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetRecipientsLimitResponse ¶
type GetRecipientsLimitResponse struct { // lpdwRecipientsLimit: A pointer to a DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) value. This is // set to the maximum number of recipients to which a fax can be sent. RecipientsLimit uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwRecipientsLimit;pointer:ref" json:"recipients_limit"` // Return: The FAX_GetRecipientsLimit return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetRecipientsLimitResponse structure represents the FAX_GetRecipientsLimit operation response
func (*GetRecipientsLimitResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetRecipientsLimitResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetRoutingInfoRequest ¶
type GetRoutingInfoRequest struct { // FaxPortHandle: An RPC context handle that references a specified fax port. FaxPort *fax.Port `idl:"name:FaxPortHandle" json:"fax_port"` // RoutingGuid: A curly braced GUID string that specifies the GUID that uniquely identifies // the fax routing method for which to obtain the routing information. Fax routing methods // are defined by a fax routing extension and the method is identified by a GUID. For // more information about routing methods, see [MSDN-FRM]. The routing methods and the // associated curly-braced GUID string values that can be used for this parameter are // discoverable by calling FAX_EnumRoutingMethods (section Included in // this list are the default routing methods described in Default Routing Methods (section // 2.2.87). RoutingGUID string `idl:"name:RoutingGuid;string;pointer:unique" json:"routing_guid"` }
GetRoutingInfoRequest structure represents the FAX_GetRoutingInfo operation request
func (*GetRoutingInfoRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetRoutingInfoRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetRoutingInfoResponse ¶
type GetRoutingInfoResponse struct { // RoutingInfoBuffer: A pointer to the address of a buffer that receives the fax routing // information. The buffer format and contents depend on the routing method that is // identified by the RoutingGuid. RoutingInfoBuffer []byte `idl:"name:RoutingInfoBuffer;size_is:(, RoutingInfoBufferSize)" json:"routing_info_buffer"` // RoutingInfoBufferSize: A pointer to a DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) variable that // receives the size, in bytes, of the RoutingInfoBuffer buffer. RoutingInfoBufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:RoutingInfoBufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"routing_info_buffer_size"` // Return: The FAX_GetRoutingInfo return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetRoutingInfoResponse structure represents the FAX_GetRoutingInfo operation response
func (*GetRoutingInfoResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetRoutingInfoResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetSecurityEx2Request ¶
type GetSecurityEx2Request struct { // SecurityInformation: Defines the desired entries, which are indicated as a bitwise // OR operation, in the security descriptor to return. // // § OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION: 0x00000001 // // § GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION: 0x00000002 // // § DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION: 0x00000004 // // § SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION: 0x00000008 // // The requested access levels to entries by SecurityInformation can be a combination // of the following: // // § Read Control (requested if any of the bits in SecurityInformation is set by an // OR operation with GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, and/or OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION) // // § Request for access to set or get SACL (requested if one of the bits in SecurityInformation // is set by an OR operation with SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION) SecurityInformation uint32 `idl:"name:SecurityInformation" json:"security_information"` }
GetSecurityEx2Request structure represents the FAX_GetSecurityEx2 operation request
func (*GetSecurityEx2Request) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetSecurityEx2Request) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetSecurityEx2Response ¶
type GetSecurityEx2Response struct { // pSecurityDescriptor: A pointer to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, as specified in [MS-DTYP] // section 2. SecurityDescriptor []byte `idl:"name:pSecurityDescriptor;size_is:(, lpdwBufferSize)" json:"security_descriptor"` // lpdwBufferSize: A pointer to a DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) value that indicates // the size, in bytes, of the pSecurityDescriptor buffer. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwBufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // Return: The FAX_GetSecurityEx2 return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetSecurityEx2Response structure represents the FAX_GetSecurityEx2 operation response
func (*GetSecurityEx2Response) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetSecurityEx2Response) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetSecurityExRequest ¶
type GetSecurityExRequest struct { // SecurityInformation: Defines the desired entries, which are indicated as a bitwise // OR operation, in the security descriptor to return. // // § OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION 0x00000001 // // § GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION 0x00000002 // // § DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION 0x00000004 // // § SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION 0x00000008 SecurityInformation uint32 `idl:"name:SecurityInformation" json:"security_information"` }
GetSecurityExRequest structure represents the FAX_GetSecurityEx operation request
func (*GetSecurityExRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetSecurityExRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetSecurityExResponse ¶
type GetSecurityExResponse struct { // pSecurityDescriptor: A pointer to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR. SecurityDescriptor []byte `idl:"name:pSecurityDescriptor;size_is:(, lpdwBufferSize)" json:"security_descriptor"` // lpdwBufferSize: A pointer to a DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) value that indicates // the size of the pSecurityDescriptor buffer. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwBufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // Return: The FAX_GetSecurityEx return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetSecurityExResponse structure represents the FAX_GetSecurityEx operation response
func (*GetSecurityExResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetSecurityExResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetSecurityRequest ¶
type GetSecurityRequest struct { }
GetSecurityRequest structure represents the FAX_GetSecurity operation request
func (*GetSecurityRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetSecurityRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetSecurityResponse ¶
type GetSecurityResponse struct { // pSecurityDescriptor: A pointer to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR ([MS-DTYP] section 2.4.6) // structure. SecurityDescriptor []byte `idl:"name:pSecurityDescriptor;size_is:(, lpdwBufferSize)" json:"security_descriptor"` // lpdwBufferSize: A variable to return the size, in bytes, of the security descriptor // buffer. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwBufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // Return: The FAX_GetSecurity return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetSecurityResponse structure represents the FAX_GetSecurity operation response
func (*GetSecurityResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetSecurityResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetServerActivityRequest ¶
type GetServerActivityRequest struct { // pServerActivity: A pointer to a FAX_SERVER_ACTIVITY object. ServerActivity *fax.ServerActivity `idl:"name:pServerActivity;pointer:ref" json:"server_activity"` }
GetServerActivityRequest structure represents the FAX_GetServerActivity operation request
func (*GetServerActivityRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetServerActivityRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetServerActivityResponse ¶
type GetServerActivityResponse struct { // pServerActivity: A pointer to a FAX_SERVER_ACTIVITY object. ServerActivity *fax.ServerActivity `idl:"name:pServerActivity;pointer:ref" json:"server_activity"` // Return: The FAX_GetServerActivity return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetServerActivityResponse structure represents the FAX_GetServerActivity operation response
func (*GetServerActivityResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetServerActivityResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetServerSKURequest ¶
type GetServerSKURequest struct { }
GetServerSKURequest structure represents the FAX_GetServerSKU operation request
func (*GetServerSKURequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetServerSKURequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetServerSKUResponse ¶
type GetServerSKUResponse struct { // pServerSKU: A pointer to a PRODUCT_SKU_TYPE (section 2.2.75) enumeration that receives // the fax server SKU. ServerSKU fax.ProductSKUType `idl:"name:pServerSKU;pointer:ref" json:"server_sku"` // Return: The FAX_GetServerSKU return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetServerSKUResponse structure represents the FAX_GetServerSKU operation response
func (*GetServerSKUResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetServerSKUResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetServicePrintersRequest ¶
type GetServicePrintersRequest struct { }
GetServicePrintersRequest structure represents the FAX_GetServicePrinters operation request
func (*GetServicePrintersRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetServicePrintersRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetServicePrintersResponse ¶
type GetServicePrintersResponse struct { // lpBuffer: A pointer to a buffer containing an array of FAX_PRINTER_INFOW. Buffer []byte `idl:"name:lpBuffer;size_is:(, lpdwBufferSize)" json:"buffer"` // lpdwBufferSize: A pointer to a DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) value containing the // size, in bytes, of the buffer. BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwBufferSize;pointer:ref" json:"buffer_size"` // lpdwPrintersReturned: A pointer to a DWORD value indicating the number of the printers // in the buffer. PrintersReturned uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwPrintersReturned;pointer:ref" json:"printers_returned"` // Return: The FAX_GetServicePrinters return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetServicePrintersResponse structure represents the FAX_GetServicePrinters operation response
func (*GetServicePrintersResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetServicePrintersResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetVersionRequest ¶
type GetVersionRequest struct { // pVersion: A pointer to a FAX_VERSION (section 2.2.22) object. Version *fax.Version `idl:"name:pVersion" json:"version"` }
GetVersionRequest structure represents the FAX_GetVersion operation request
func (*GetVersionRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetVersionRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type GetVersionResponse ¶
type GetVersionResponse struct { // pVersion: A pointer to a FAX_VERSION (section 2.2.22) object. Version *fax.Version `idl:"name:pVersion" json:"version"` // Return: The FAX_GetVersion return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
GetVersionResponse structure represents the FAX_GetVersion operation response
func (*GetVersionResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*GetVersionResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type OpenPortRequest ¶
type OpenPortRequest struct { // DeviceId: A DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) variable that is the line identifier // for the device (port). The client SHOULD call the FAX_EnumPorts (section // method to retrieve a valid value for this parameter. DeviceID uint32 `idl:"name:DeviceId" json:"device_id"` // Flags: A DWORD variable that contains a set of bit flags defining the access mode // for the port.<137> // // +-----------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | | // | VALUE/CODE | MEANING | // | | | // +-----------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +-----------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | 0x00000000 | No port access mode flags are specified. | // +-----------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | PORT_OPEN_QUERY 0x00000001 | The port access mode that is required to obtain a fax port handle. This access | // | | mode is also required to call the FAX_GetPort (section method to | // | | query fax port information.<138> | // +-----------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | PORT_OPEN_MODIFY 0x00000002 | The port access mode to change the configuration of a fax port. The fax server | // | | can use this port access mode to allow execution of the FAX_SetPort (section | // | | method. This access mode also includes the allowance that is | // | | associated with the PORT_OPEN_QUERY access mode.<139> | // +-----------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Flags uint32 `idl:"name:Flags" json:"flags"` }
OpenPortRequest structure represents the FAX_OpenPort operation request
func (*OpenPortRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*OpenPortRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type OpenPortResponse ¶
type OpenPortResponse struct { // FaxPortHandle: A pointer to a variable that receives a fax port handle as described // in Fax Data Types (section 2.2.74) which is required on subsequent calls by other // fax client methods. This method SHOULD return a NULL handle to indicate an error. FaxPort *fax.Port `idl:"name:FaxPortHandle" json:"fax_port"` // Return: The FAX_OpenPort return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
OpenPortResponse structure represents the FAX_OpenPort operation response
func (*OpenPortResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*OpenPortResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type ReadFileRequest ¶
type ReadFileRequest struct { // hCopy: A copy handle returned by FAX_StartCopyMessageFromServer. HCopy *fax.Copy `idl:"name:hCopy;pointer:ref" json:"h_copy"` // dwMaxDataSize: A DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) value that indicates the maximum // size, in bytes, of data to be read and returned in the buffer. The caller MUST set // this argument to a value greater than zero before making the call. MaxDataSize uint32 `idl:"name:dwMaxDataSize" json:"max_data_size"` // lpdwDataSize: A pointer to a DWORD in which to return the size, in bytes, of the // data that is sent in this segment. The caller MUST set *lpdwDataSize to the same // value as dwMaxDataSize before making the call. DataSize uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwDataSize;pointer:ref" json:"data_size"` }
ReadFileRequest structure represents the FAX_ReadFile operation request
func (*ReadFileRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*ReadFileRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type ReadFileResponse ¶
type ReadFileResponse struct { // lpbData: A pointer to the buffer in which to place the data. This data MUST be allocated // by the caller to be at least the size specified by the lpdwDataSize argument. The // data to be placed in this buffer is a binary data block read from the file indicated // by the dwlMessageId and Folder arguments for the FAX_StartCopyMessageFromServer call, // which the client used to obtain the hCopy handle. Data []byte `idl:"name:lpbData;size_is:(lpdwDataSize);pointer:ref" json:"data"` // lpdwDataSize: A pointer to a DWORD in which to return the size, in bytes, of the // data that is sent in this segment. The caller MUST set *lpdwDataSize to the same // value as dwMaxDataSize before making the call. DataSize uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwDataSize;pointer:ref" json:"data_size"` // Return: The FAX_ReadFile return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
ReadFileResponse structure represents the FAX_ReadFile operation response
func (*ReadFileResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*ReadFileResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type ReassignMessageRequest ¶
type ReassignMessageRequest struct { // dwlMessageId: A DWORDLONG ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.13) value that specifies the identifier // of the fax message to reassign. MessageID uint64 `idl:"name:dwlMessageId" json:"message_id"` // pReAssignInfo: A pointer to a FAX_REASSIGN_INFO (section 2.2.18) structure that contains // reassignment information. ReassignInfo *fax.ReassignInfo `idl:"name:pReAssignInfo;pointer:ref" json:"reassign_info"` }
ReassignMessageRequest structure represents the FAX_ReAssignMessage operation request
func (*ReassignMessageRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*ReassignMessageRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type ReassignMessageResponse ¶
type ReassignMessageResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_ReAssignMessage return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
ReassignMessageResponse structure represents the FAX_ReAssignMessage operation response
func (*ReassignMessageResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*ReassignMessageResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type RefreshArchiveRequest ¶
type RefreshArchiveRequest struct { // Folder: A value indicating the archive folder to refresh. The value can be either // FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_INBOX or FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SENTITEMS. For more information, see // FAX_ENUM_MESSAGE_FOLDER (section 2.2.2).<146> Folder fax.MessageFolder `idl:"name:Folder" json:"folder"` }
RefreshArchiveRequest structure represents the FAX_RefreshArchive operation request
func (*RefreshArchiveRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*RefreshArchiveRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type RefreshArchiveResponse ¶
type RefreshArchiveResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_RefreshArchive return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
RefreshArchiveResponse structure represents the FAX_RefreshArchive operation response
func (*RefreshArchiveResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*RefreshArchiveResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type RegisterServiceProviderExRequest ¶
type RegisterServiceProviderExRequest struct { // lpcwstrGUID: A pointer to a constant null-terminated character string that contains // a valid string representation of the GUID of the FSP. GUID string `idl:"name:lpcwstrGUID;string;pointer:ref" json:"guid"` // lpcwstrFriendlyName: A pointer to a constant null-terminated character string to // associate with the FSP execution component. This is the FSP friendly name, which // is suitable for display. This value cannot exceed MAX_FAX_STRING_LEN (section 2.2.86) // characters. FriendlyName string `idl:"name:lpcwstrFriendlyName;string;pointer:ref" json:"friendly_name"` // lpcwstrImageName: A pointer to a constant null-terminated character string that specifies // the full path and file name for the FSP execution component.<148> This value cannot // exceed MAX_FAX_STRING_LEN characters. ImageName string `idl:"name:lpcwstrImageName;string;pointer:ref" json:"image_name"` // lpcwstrTspName: A pointer to a constant null-terminated character string that specifies // the name of the telephony service provider that is associated with the devices for // the FSP. This parameter SHOULD be set to NULL if the FSP does not use a telephony // service provider. This value cannot exceed MAX_FAX_STRING_LEN characters. This value // MUST be unique across all registered FSPs. TspName string `idl:"name:lpcwstrTspName;string;pointer:ref" json:"tsp_name"` // dwFSPIVersion: A DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) value that specifies the API version // of the FSP interface. The value MUST be 0x00010000. FspiVersion uint32 `idl:"name:dwFSPIVersion" json:"fspi_version"` // dwCapabilities: A DWORD value that specifies the capabilities of the extended FSP. // This value MUST be 0. Capabilities uint32 `idl:"name:dwCapabilities" json:"capabilities"` }
RegisterServiceProviderExRequest structure represents the FAX_RegisterServiceProviderEx operation request
func (*RegisterServiceProviderExRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*RegisterServiceProviderExRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type RegisterServiceProviderExResponse ¶
type RegisterServiceProviderExResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_RegisterServiceProviderEx return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
RegisterServiceProviderExResponse structure represents the FAX_RegisterServiceProviderEx operation response
func (*RegisterServiceProviderExResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*RegisterServiceProviderExResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type RemoveMessageRequest ¶
type RemoveMessageRequest struct { // dwlMessageId: A DWORDLONG ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.13) value identifying the fax message // to remove from the archive. MessageID uint64 `idl:"name:dwlMessageId" json:"message_id"` // Folder: The type of the archive where the message resides. FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_QUEUE // is an invalid value for this parameter. Folder fax.MessageFolder `idl:"name:Folder" json:"folder"` }
RemoveMessageRequest structure represents the FAX_RemoveMessage operation request
func (*RemoveMessageRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*RemoveMessageRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type RemoveMessageResponse ¶
type RemoveMessageResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_RemoveMessage return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
RemoveMessageResponse structure represents the FAX_RemoveMessage operation response
func (*RemoveMessageResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*RemoveMessageResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type RemoveOutboundGroupRequest ¶
type RemoveOutboundGroupRequest struct { // lpwstrGroupName: A pointer to a null-terminated string that uniquely identifies an // existing group name. The group name is expected to be case-insensitive. GroupName string `idl:"name:lpwstrGroupName;string;pointer:ref" json:"group_name"` }
RemoveOutboundGroupRequest structure represents the FAX_RemoveOutboundGroup operation request
func (*RemoveOutboundGroupRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*RemoveOutboundGroupRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type RemoveOutboundGroupResponse ¶
type RemoveOutboundGroupResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_RemoveOutboundGroup return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
RemoveOutboundGroupResponse structure represents the FAX_RemoveOutboundGroup operation response
func (*RemoveOutboundGroupResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*RemoveOutboundGroupResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type RemoveOutboundRuleRequest ¶
type RemoveOutboundRuleRequest struct { // dwAreaCode: The area code of the rule. The combination of the dwAreaCode and dwCountryCode // parameters are a unique key. AreaCode uint32 `idl:"name:dwAreaCode" json:"area_code"` // dwCountryCode: The country code of the rule. The combination of dwAreaCode and dwCountryCode // are a unique key. CountryCode uint32 `idl:"name:dwCountryCode" json:"country_code"` }
RemoveOutboundRuleRequest structure represents the FAX_RemoveOutboundRule operation request
func (*RemoveOutboundRuleRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*RemoveOutboundRuleRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type RemoveOutboundRuleResponse ¶
type RemoveOutboundRuleResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_RemoveOutboundRule return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
RemoveOutboundRuleResponse structure represents the FAX_RemoveOutboundRule operation response
func (*RemoveOutboundRuleResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*RemoveOutboundRuleResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SendDocumentExRequest ¶
type SendDocumentExRequest struct { // lpcwstrFileName: A pointer to a null-terminated character string that contains the // name of the file, without path information, of the body of the fax in TIFF. The body // file is previously copied to the server queue directory using the call sequence of // FAX_StartCopyToServer (section to retrieve the file name from the server, // FAX_WriteFile (section to write to the file, and FAX_EndCopy (section // to end the write operation. If no fax body is available, this pointer // MUST be NULL. FileName string `idl:"name:lpcwstrFileName;string;pointer:unique" json:"file_name"` // lpcCoverPageInfo: A pointer to a FAX_COVERPAGE_INFO_EXW (section 2.2.12) structure // that contains the cover-page information, including the name of the cover-page file // obtained from the fax server with the FAX_StartCopyToServer call, if available. This // pointer MUST NOT be NULL. If no cover-page information is available, the lpwstrCoverPageFileName // member of the structure MUST be NULL. If cover-page information is specified, the // fax server SHOULD use the server queue directory to find the cover page. The fax // client can add a new personal cover page template to the server queue directory before // calling this method by using the call sequence of FAX_StartCopyToServer to retrieve // the file name from the server, FAX_WriteFile to write to the file, and FAX_EndCopy // to end the write operation. If this call sequence was used, the client SHOULD set // the bServerBased member of the structure to FALSE; otherwise the client MUST set // the bServerBased member to TRUE. If bServerBased is FALSE, the server SHOULD validate // that the cover page template specified by the lpwstrCoverPageFileName member has // a file extension of ".cov" and the file name string contains (except for the terminating // null character) only characters representing valid hexadecimal digits: "0123456789abcdefABCDEF". CoverPageInfo *fax.CoverPageInfoExW `idl:"name:lpcCoverPageInfo" json:"cover_page_info"` // lpcSenderProfile: A pointer to a buffer containing an array of FAX_PERSONAL_PROFILEW // (section 2.2.44) structures that contain the personal profile (section 3.1.1) of // the fax sender. This pointer MUST NOT be NULL. SenderProfile []byte `idl:"name:lpcSenderProfile" json:"sender_profile"` // dwNumRecipients: A DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) that contains the number of recipients // of the fax. RecipientsLength uint32 `idl:"name:dwNumRecipients" json:"recipients_length"` // lpcRecipientList: A pointer to an array FAX_PERSONAL_PROFILEW that contains the personal // profiles of the recipients of the fax. The dwNumRecipients member specifies the number // of elements in this array. RecipientList []byte `idl:"name:lpcRecipientList;size_is:(, dwNumRecipients)" json:"recipient_list"` // lpJobParams: A pointer to a FAX_JOB_PARAM_EXW (section 2.2.14) structure that contains // the information necessary for the fax server to send the fax transmission. JobParams *fax.JobParamExW `idl:"name:lpJobParams" json:"job_params"` // lpdwJobId: An optional pointer to a DWORD to return the job identifier. This parameter // is used for backward compatibility with FaxObs_SendDocument (section // The fax server MUST ignore this argument if the fax client submits a NULL pointer // value when making the call. JobID uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwJobId;pointer:unique" json:"job_id"` }
SendDocumentExRequest structure represents the FAX_SendDocumentEx operation request
func (*SendDocumentExRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SendDocumentExRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SendDocumentExResponse ¶
type SendDocumentExResponse struct { // XXX: dwNumRecipients is an implicit input depedency for output parameters RecipientsLength uint32 `idl:"name:dwNumRecipients" json:"recipients_length"` // lpdwJobId: An optional pointer to a DWORD to return the job identifier. This parameter // is used for backward compatibility with FaxObs_SendDocument (section // The fax server MUST ignore this argument if the fax client submits a NULL pointer // value when making the call. JobID uint32 `idl:"name:lpdwJobId;pointer:unique" json:"job_id"` // lpdwlMessageId: A pointer to a DWORDLONG ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.13) that returns // the unique message identifier that represents the fax message to be sent to all recipients. MessageID uint64 `idl:"name:lpdwlMessageId" json:"message_id"` // lpdwlRecipientMessageIds: A pointer to a DWORDLONG array in which the server returns // the unique message identifier for each individual recipient. The number of elements // in this array SHOULD be at least equal to the value specified in the dwNumRecipients // member. The elements in the array SHOULD be ordered in the same order as the elements // of the lpcRecipientList array. RecipientMessageIDs []uint64 `idl:"name:lpdwlRecipientMessageIds;size_is:(dwNumRecipients)" json:"recipient_message_ids"` // Return: The FAX_SendDocumentEx return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
SendDocumentExResponse structure represents the FAX_SendDocumentEx operation response
func (*SendDocumentExResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SendDocumentExResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetActivityLoggingConfigurationRequest ¶
type SetActivityLoggingConfigurationRequest struct { // pActivLogCfg: A pointer to a FAX_ACTIVITY_LOGGING_CONFIGW (section 2.2.25) object. // The directory specified by the lpwstrDBPath field of this structure SHOULD be created // by the caller if it does not exist. ActivityLogConfig *fax.ActivityLoggingConfigW `idl:"name:pActivLogCfg;pointer:ref" json:"activity_log_config"` }
SetActivityLoggingConfigurationRequest structure represents the FAX_SetActivityLoggingConfiguration operation request
func (*SetActivityLoggingConfigurationRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetActivityLoggingConfigurationRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetActivityLoggingConfigurationResponse ¶
type SetActivityLoggingConfigurationResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_SetActivityLoggingConfiguration return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
SetActivityLoggingConfigurationResponse structure represents the FAX_SetActivityLoggingConfiguration operation response
func (*SetActivityLoggingConfigurationResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetActivityLoggingConfigurationResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetArchiveConfigurationRequest ¶
type SetArchiveConfigurationRequest struct { // Folder: The archive location. The client MUST set this parameter to either FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_INBOX // or FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SENTITEMS. Folder fax.MessageFolder `idl:"name:Folder" json:"folder"` // pArchiveCfg: A pointer to a buffer containing an array of FAX_ARCHIVE_CONFIGW (section // 2.2.27) structures. If the size of the archive exceeds the dwSizeQuotaHighWatermark // value and if the bSizeQuotaWarning member is set to TRUE, an event log warning SHOULD // be issued. If an event log warning was already issued, no more events SHOULD be issued // until the size of the archive drops below the dwSizeQuotaLowWatermark value. If a // fax message stays in the archive longer than the dwAgeLimit value, it MAY be automatically // deleted. If the dwAgeLimit value is zero, the time limit MUST NOT be used. ArchiveConfig uint8 `idl:"name:pArchiveCfg;pointer:ref" json:"archive_config"` }
SetArchiveConfigurationRequest structure represents the FAX_SetArchiveConfiguration operation request
func (*SetArchiveConfigurationRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetArchiveConfigurationRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetArchiveConfigurationResponse ¶
type SetArchiveConfigurationResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_SetArchiveConfiguration return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
SetArchiveConfigurationResponse structure represents the FAX_SetArchiveConfiguration operation response
func (*SetArchiveConfigurationResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetArchiveConfigurationResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetConfigWizardUsedRequest ¶
type SetConfigWizardUsedRequest struct { // bConfigWizardUsed: A Boolean value indicating whether the fax configuration wizard // was used. ConfigWizardUsed bool `idl:"name:bConfigWizardUsed" json:"config_wizard_used"` }
SetConfigWizardUsedRequest structure represents the FAX_SetConfigWizardUsed operation request
func (*SetConfigWizardUsedRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetConfigWizardUsedRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetConfigWizardUsedResponse ¶
type SetConfigWizardUsedResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_SetConfigWizardUsed return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
SetConfigWizardUsedResponse structure represents the FAX_SetConfigWizardUsed operation response
func (*SetConfigWizardUsedResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetConfigWizardUsedResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetConfigurationRequest ¶
type SetConfigurationRequest struct { // FaxConfig: A pointer to a FAX_CONFIGURATIONW. The SizeOfStruct member of this structure // MUST be set to the correct size, in bytes, of the FAX_CONFIGURATIONW described in // section 2.2.28. The structure MUST be passed as a byte array buffer. The structure // MUST be present at the start of the buffer. The LPCWSTR fields in the structure MUST // store the offsets to the actual string data, which MUST be located at the end of // the structure. The LPCWSTR strings located at the end of the buffer MUST be in the // same order of occurrence in the structure. If the Branding structure member is // TRUE, the fax server SHOULD generate a brand that contains transmission-related information, // such as the transmitting subscriber identifier, date, time, and page count. If the // UseDeviceTsid structure member is TRUE, the server SHOULD use the device's transmitting // subscriber identifier. If the ServerCp structure member is TRUE, the client SHOULD // use a common cover page stored on the fax server; if this member is FALSE, the client // SHOULD use a personal cover page template. If the PauseServerQueue structure member // is TRUE, the server SHOULD pause the outgoing fax queue. If the ArchiveOutgoingFaxes // structure member is TRUE, the server SHOULD archive transmissions in the directory // specified by the ArchiveDirectory member. The fax server SHOULD ignore the ArchiveDirectory // structure member if the ArchiveOutgoingFaxes member is FALSE. If the ArchiveOutgoingFaxes // member is TRUE, the fax server SHOULD<155> validate the value of the ArchiveDirectory // member, and if this validation succeeds, the fax server SHOULD retain the value of // the ArchiveDirectory member and use this value as the name of the directory where // the fax server will archive the future fax transmissions. The fax server SHOULD retain // the discount time period submitted by the client with the StartCheapTime and the // StopCheapTime structure members.<156> FaxConfig *fax.ConfigW `idl:"name:FaxConfig" json:"fax_config"` }
SetConfigurationRequest structure represents the FAX_SetConfiguration operation request
func (*SetConfigurationRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetConfigurationRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetConfigurationResponse ¶
type SetConfigurationResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_SetConfiguration return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
SetConfigurationResponse structure represents the FAX_SetConfiguration operation response
func (*SetConfigurationResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetConfigurationResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetDeviceOrderInGroupRequest ¶
type SetDeviceOrderInGroupRequest struct { // lpwstrGroupName: A pointer to a null-terminated string that uniquely identifies a // group. Group names SHOULD be case-insensitive. GroupName string `idl:"name:lpwstrGroupName;string;pointer:ref" json:"group_name"` // dwDeviceId: A DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) value specifying the identifier of // the device in the group. The specified device MUST exist in the group. DeviceID uint32 `idl:"name:dwDeviceId" json:"device_id"` // dwNewOrder: A DWORD value specifying the new 1-based order of the device in the group. // If there are N devices in the group, this value MUST be between 1 and N (inclusive). // Other devices are moved up or down in the group to place the specified device in // the specified order. NewOrder uint32 `idl:"name:dwNewOrder" json:"new_order"` }
SetDeviceOrderInGroupRequest structure represents the FAX_SetDeviceOrderInGroup operation request
func (*SetDeviceOrderInGroupRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetDeviceOrderInGroupRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetDeviceOrderInGroupResponse ¶
type SetDeviceOrderInGroupResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_SetDeviceOrderInGroup return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
SetDeviceOrderInGroupResponse structure represents the FAX_SetDeviceOrderInGroup operation response
func (*SetDeviceOrderInGroupResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetDeviceOrderInGroupResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetExtensionDataRequest ¶
type SetExtensionDataRequest struct { // lpcwstrComputerName: A null-terminated character string that SHOULD hold the name // of the client computer. ComputerName string `idl:"name:lpcwstrComputerName;string" json:"computer_name"` // dwDeviceId: A DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) value of the unique device identifier. // A value of zero indicates the caller needs to set a named data BLOB that is not associated // with any specific device. This value can be used to store configurations that affect // all the devices. For example, an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) routing extension // might export several different routing methods that all rely on the same OCR parameters. // This routing extension can associate the OCR configuration with a non-specific device // so that it becomes global. DeviceID uint32 `idl:"name:dwDeviceId" json:"device_id"` // lpcwstrNameGUID: A curly-braced GUID string that identifies the data to set. The // GUID can identify a routing extension or a routing method. Because GUIDs are unique, // the server determines from the specific GUID value whether the call is requesting // to set routing extension data or routing method data. If some data is already set // for the specified GUID, the fax server SHOULD replace it with the new data that is // pointed to by the pData parameter. NameGUID string `idl:"name:lpcwstrNameGUID;string" json:"name_guid"` // pData: A pointer to the data buffer to set. For the default routing methods described // in the Default Routing Methods (section 2.2.87) this data is a null-terminated character // string containing an EmailID, Printer, or Folder name. For other routing extensions // or methods the format of this data depends on the respective routing extension or // routing method and SHOULD be treated as opaque binary data by the fax server. Data []byte `idl:"name:pData;size_is:(dwDataSize);pointer:ref" json:"data"` // dwDataSize: A DWORD value that indicates the size, in bytes, of the pData buffer. // The maximum size is FAX_MAX_RPC_BUFFER (section 2.2.82). DataSize uint32 `idl:"name:dwDataSize" json:"data_size"` }
SetExtensionDataRequest structure represents the FAX_SetExtensionData operation request
func (*SetExtensionDataRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetExtensionDataRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetExtensionDataResponse ¶
type SetExtensionDataResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_SetExtensionData return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
SetExtensionDataResponse structure represents the FAX_SetExtensionData operation response
func (*SetExtensionDataResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetExtensionDataResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetGeneralConfigurationRequest ¶
type SetGeneralConfigurationRequest struct { // level: A DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) value that indicates the type of structure // to return in Buffer. This value MUST be set to zero. Level uint32 `idl:"name:level" json:"level"` // Buffer: A pointer to a FAX_GENERAL_CONFIG that contains the configuration information // to set. Buffer []byte `idl:"name:Buffer;size_is:(BufferSize);pointer:ref" json:"buffer"` // BufferSize: A pointer to a DWORD value that specifies the size, in bytes, of the // buffer that is pointed to by the Buffer parameter. The maximum size is FAX_MAX_RPC_BUFFER // (section 2.2.82). BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:BufferSize" json:"buffer_size"` }
SetGeneralConfigurationRequest structure represents the FAX_SetGeneralConfiguration operation request
func (*SetGeneralConfigurationRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetGeneralConfigurationRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetGeneralConfigurationResponse ¶
type SetGeneralConfigurationResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_SetGeneralConfiguration return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
SetGeneralConfigurationResponse structure represents the FAX_SetGeneralConfiguration operation response
func (*SetGeneralConfigurationResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetGeneralConfigurationResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetGlobalRoutingInfoRequest ¶
type SetGlobalRoutingInfoRequest struct { // RoutingInfo: A pointer to a buffer that contains a FAX_GLOBAL_ROUTING_INFOW (section // 2.2.32) structure. RoutingInfo *fax.GlobalRoutingInfoW `idl:"name:RoutingInfo" json:"routing_info"` }
SetGlobalRoutingInfoRequest structure represents the FAX_SetGlobalRoutingInfo operation request
func (*SetGlobalRoutingInfoRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetGlobalRoutingInfoRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetGlobalRoutingInfoResponse ¶
type SetGlobalRoutingInfoResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_SetGlobalRoutingInfo return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
SetGlobalRoutingInfoResponse structure represents the FAX_SetGlobalRoutingInfo operation response
func (*SetGlobalRoutingInfoResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetGlobalRoutingInfoResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetJobRequest ¶
type SetJobRequest struct { // JobId: A DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) variable that uniquely identifies the fax // job to modify. JobID uint32 `idl:"name:JobId" json:"job_id"` // Command: A DWORD variable that indicates the job command that the fax server is requested // to perform. // // +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | | // | VALUE/CODE | MEANING | // | | | // +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | JC_DELETE 0x00000001 | The fax server MUST cancel the specified fax job. This job can be in an active | // | | or queued state. This is equivalent with the FAX_Abort (section call. | // +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | JC_PAUSE 0x00000002 | The fax server MUST pause the specified fax job if the job status is JS_PENDING | // | | or JS_RETRYING. | // +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | JC_RESUME 0x00000003 | The fax server MUST resume the specified fax job if it is in a paused state and | // | | return the job status to the value it had when the job was paused: JS_PENDING or | // | | JS_RETRYING. | // +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | JC_RESTART 0x00000003 | The fax server MUST restart the specified fax job. | // +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Command uint32 `idl:"name:Command" json:"command"` }
SetJobRequest structure represents the FAX_SetJob operation request
func (*SetJobRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetJobRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetJobResponse ¶
type SetJobResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_SetJob return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
SetJobResponse structure represents the FAX_SetJob operation response
func (*SetJobResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetJobResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetLoggingCategoriesRequest ¶
type SetLoggingCategoriesRequest struct { // Buffer: A pointer to an array of the FAX_LOG_CATEGORY (section 2.2.11) structure. // Each structure contains the data to modify one logging category. The data includes // a friendly name of the logging category, a numeric identifier for the category, and // the current severity-level threshold for the category. For more information, see // [MSDN-FSCAR]. Buffer []byte `idl:"name:Buffer;size_is:(BufferSize);pointer:unique" json:"buffer"` // BufferSize: A variable to return the size, in bytes, of the job information buffer. // This variable MUST be set to a value between 1 and 1,048,576. The maximum size is // FAX_MAX_RPC_BUFFER (section 2.2.82). BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:BufferSize" json:"buffer_size"` // NumberCategories: A DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) variable that contains the number // of FAX_LOG_CATEGORY items that the method passes in the Buffer parameter. NumberCategories uint32 `idl:"name:NumberCategories" json:"number_categories"` }
SetLoggingCategoriesRequest structure represents the FAX_SetLoggingCategories operation request
func (*SetLoggingCategoriesRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetLoggingCategoriesRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetLoggingCategoriesResponse ¶
type SetLoggingCategoriesResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_SetLoggingCategories return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
SetLoggingCategoriesResponse structure represents the FAX_SetLoggingCategories operation response
func (*SetLoggingCategoriesResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetLoggingCategoriesResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetMessageRequest ¶
type SetMessageRequest struct { // dwlMessageId: The unique ID number of the fax message. MessageID uint64 `idl:"name:dwlMessageId" json:"message_id"` // Folder: Identifies the location of the fax message. The value in this parameter MUST // come from the FAX_ENUM_MESSAGE_FOLDER (section 2.2.2) enumeration. It can be set // to the FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_INBOX or FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SENTITEMS constant. Folder fax.MessageFolder `idl:"name:Folder" json:"folder"` // lpMessageProps: This MUST be a pointer to a FAX_MESSAGE_PROPS. Contains the property // settings for the fax message identified by dwlMessageId. MessageProperties *fax.MessageProperties `idl:"name:lpMessageProps;pointer:ref" json:"message_properties"` }
SetMessageRequest structure represents the FAX_SetMessage operation request
func (*SetMessageRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetMessageRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetMessageResponse ¶
type SetMessageResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_SetMessage return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
SetMessageResponse structure represents the FAX_SetMessage operation response
func (*SetMessageResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetMessageResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetOutboundGroupRequest ¶
type SetOutboundGroupRequest struct { // pGroup: A pointer to an RPC_FAX_OUTBOUND_ROUTING_GROUPW buffer to set. Group *fax.OutboundRoutingGroupw `idl:"name:pGroup;pointer:ref" json:"group"` }
SetOutboundGroupRequest structure represents the FAX_SetOutboundGroup operation request
func (*SetOutboundGroupRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetOutboundGroupRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetOutboundGroupResponse ¶
type SetOutboundGroupResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_SetOutboundGroup return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
SetOutboundGroupResponse structure represents the FAX_SetOutboundGroup operation response
func (*SetOutboundGroupResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetOutboundGroupResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetOutboundRuleRequest ¶
type SetOutboundRuleRequest struct { // pRule: A pointer to an RPC_FAX_OUTBOUND_ROUTING_RULEW (section 2.2.41) buffer to // set. Rule *fax.OutboundRoutingRuleW `idl:"name:pRule;pointer:ref" json:"rule"` }
SetOutboundRuleRequest structure represents the FAX_SetOutboundRule operation request
func (*SetOutboundRuleRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetOutboundRuleRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetOutboundRuleResponse ¶
type SetOutboundRuleResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_SetOutboundRule return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
SetOutboundRuleResponse structure represents the FAX_SetOutboundRule operation response
func (*SetOutboundRuleResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetOutboundRuleResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetOutboxConfigurationRequest ¶
type SetOutboxConfigurationRequest struct { // pOutboxCfg: A pointer to an FAX_OUTBOX_CONFIG (section 2.2.16) object containing // configuration information. OutboxConfig *fax.OutboxConfig `idl:"name:pOutboxCfg;pointer:ref" json:"outbox_config"` }
SetOutboxConfigurationRequest structure represents the FAX_SetOutboxConfiguration operation request
func (*SetOutboxConfigurationRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetOutboxConfigurationRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetOutboxConfigurationResponse ¶
type SetOutboxConfigurationResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_SetOutboxConfiguration return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
SetOutboxConfigurationResponse structure represents the FAX_SetOutboxConfiguration operation response
func (*SetOutboxConfigurationResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetOutboxConfigurationResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetPortExRequest ¶
type SetPortExRequest struct { // dwDeviceId: A unique identifier that distinguishes the device. The value of dwDeviceId // MUST be greater than zero. DeviceID uint32 `idl:"name:dwDeviceId" json:"device_id"` // pPortInfo: A pointer to a buffer of type FAX_PORT_INFO_EXW (section 2.2.45). PortInfo *fax.PortInfoExW `idl:"name:pPortInfo;pointer:ref" json:"port_info"` }
SetPortExRequest structure represents the FAX_SetPortEx operation request
func (*SetPortExRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetPortExRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetPortExResponse ¶
type SetPortExResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_SetPortEx return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
SetPortExResponse structure represents the FAX_SetPortEx operation response
func (*SetPortExResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetPortExResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetPortRequest ¶
type SetPortRequest struct { // FaxPortHandle: An RPC context handle that references a specified fax port. FaxPort *fax.Port `idl:"name:FaxPortHandle" json:"fax_port"` // PortInfo: A pointer to a FAX_PORT_INFO (section 2.2.7) structure. The structure (except // the State field, which has no purpose for this call and which the fax server SHOULD // ignore) contains data to modify the configuration of the specified fax port. The // client MUST set the SizeofStruct member of this structure to the correct size described // in section 2.2.7 before it calls the FAX_SetPort. PortInfo *fax.PortInfo `idl:"name:PortInfo" json:"port_info"` }
SetPortRequest structure represents the FAX_SetPort operation request
func (*SetPortRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetPortRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetPortResponse ¶
type SetPortResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_SetPort return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
SetPortResponse structure represents the FAX_SetPort operation response
func (*SetPortResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetPortResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetQueueRequest ¶
type SetQueueRequest struct { // dwQueueStates: A pointer to a DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) value that contains // state information about the fax queue. If this value is zero, both the incoming and // outgoing queues are unblocked. Otherwise, this value is a combination of one or more // of the following values. // // +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | | // | VALUE/CODE | MEANING | // | | | // +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_INCOMING_BLOCKED 0x00000001 | The fax service will not receive new incoming faxes. | // +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_OUTBOX_BLOCKED 0x00000002 | The fax service will reject submissions of new outgoing faxes to its queue. | // +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | FAX_OUTBOX_PAUSED 0x00000004 | The fax service will not dequeue and execute outgoing fax jobs from its queue. | // +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ QueueStates uint32 `idl:"name:dwQueueStates" json:"queue_states"` }
SetQueueRequest structure represents the FAX_SetQueue operation request
func (*SetQueueRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetQueueRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetQueueResponse ¶
type SetQueueResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_SetQueue return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
SetQueueResponse structure represents the FAX_SetQueue operation response
func (*SetQueueResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetQueueResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetReceiptsConfigurationRequest ¶
type SetReceiptsConfigurationRequest struct { // pReceipts: A pointer to a FAX_RECEIPTS_CONFIGW (section 2.2.47) object. Receipts *fax.ReceiptsConfigW `idl:"name:pReceipts;pointer:ref" json:"receipts"` }
SetReceiptsConfigurationRequest structure represents the FAX_SetReceiptsConfiguration operation request
func (*SetReceiptsConfigurationRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetReceiptsConfigurationRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetReceiptsConfigurationResponse ¶
type SetReceiptsConfigurationResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_SetReceiptsConfiguration return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
SetReceiptsConfigurationResponse structure represents the FAX_SetReceiptsConfiguration operation response
func (*SetReceiptsConfigurationResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetReceiptsConfigurationResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetRecipientsLimitRequest ¶
type SetRecipientsLimitRequest struct { // dwRecipientsLimit: A DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) that specifies the maximum number // of recipients for the fax. RecipientsLimit uint32 `idl:"name:dwRecipientsLimit" json:"recipients_limit"` }
SetRecipientsLimitRequest structure represents the FAX_SetRecipientsLimit operation request
func (*SetRecipientsLimitRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetRecipientsLimitRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetRecipientsLimitResponse ¶
type SetRecipientsLimitResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_SetRecipientsLimit return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
SetRecipientsLimitResponse structure represents the FAX_SetRecipientsLimit operation response
func (*SetRecipientsLimitResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetRecipientsLimitResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetRoutingInfoRequest ¶
type SetRoutingInfoRequest struct { // FaxPortHandle: An RPC context handle that references a specified fax port. This context // handle MUST be obtained using the FAX_OpenPort (section method. FaxPort *fax.Port `idl:"name:FaxPortHandle" json:"fax_port"` // RoutingGuid: A curly-braced GUID string that uniquely identifies the fax routing // method to set the routing information for. Fax routing methods are defined by a fax // routing extension, and the method is identified by a GUID. For more information about // routing methods, see [MSDN-FRM].For more information about routing methods, see [MSDN-FRM]. // The routing methods and the associated curly-braced GUID string values that can be // used for this parameter are discoverable by calling FAX_EnumRoutingMethods (section // Included in this list are the Default Routing Methods described in section // 2.2.87. RoutingGUID string `idl:"name:RoutingGuid;string;pointer:unique" json:"routing_guid"` // RoutingInfoBuffer: A pointer to a buffer that contains the new fax routing information. // The format and contents of this buffer depend on the routing method identified by // the RoutingGuid. RoutingInfoBuffer []byte `idl:"name:RoutingInfoBuffer;size_is:(RoutingInfoBufferSize);pointer:unique" json:"routing_info_buffer"` // RoutingInfoBufferSize: The size, in bytes, of the RoutingInfoBuffer buffer. The maximum // size is the value FAX_MAX_RPC_BUFFER(section 2.2.82). RoutingInfoBufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:RoutingInfoBufferSize" json:"routing_info_buffer_size"` }
SetRoutingInfoRequest structure represents the FAX_SetRoutingInfo operation request
func (*SetRoutingInfoRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetRoutingInfoRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetRoutingInfoResponse ¶
type SetRoutingInfoResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_SetRoutingInfo return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
SetRoutingInfoResponse structure represents the FAX_SetRoutingInfo operation response
func (*SetRoutingInfoResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetRoutingInfoResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetSecurityEx2Request ¶
type SetSecurityEx2Request struct { // SecurityInformation: Defines the desired entries, which are indicated as a bitwise // OR operation, in the security descriptor to return. SecurityInformation uint32 `idl:"name:SecurityInformation" json:"security_information"` // pSecurityDescriptor: A pointer to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR ([MS-DTYP] section 2.4.6) // structure. SecurityDescriptor []byte `idl:"name:pSecurityDescriptor;size_is:(dwBufferSize);pointer:unique" json:"security_descriptor"` // dwBufferSize: A value that indicates the size, in bytes, of the pSecurityDescriptor // buffer. The maximum size is FAX_MAX_RPC_BUFFER (section 2.2.82). BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:dwBufferSize" json:"buffer_size"` }
SetSecurityEx2Request structure represents the FAX_SetSecurityEx2 operation request
func (*SetSecurityEx2Request) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetSecurityEx2Request) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetSecurityEx2Response ¶
type SetSecurityEx2Response struct { // Return: The FAX_SetSecurityEx2 return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
SetSecurityEx2Response structure represents the FAX_SetSecurityEx2 operation response
func (*SetSecurityEx2Response) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetSecurityEx2Response) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetSecurityRequest ¶
type SetSecurityRequest struct { // SecurityInformation: Identifies the components that are included in the security // descriptor. The value of this parameter is a bitwise OR combination of SECURITY_INFORMATION // ([MS-DTYP] section 2.4.7) constant values. SecurityInformation uint32 `idl:"name:SecurityInformation" json:"security_information"` // pSecurityDescriptor: A pointer to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR ([MS-DTYP] section 2.4.6) // structure to be set. SecurityDescriptor []byte `idl:"name:pSecurityDescriptor;size_is:(dwBufferSize);pointer:unique" json:"security_descriptor"` // dwBufferSize: A variable to indicate the size, in bytes, of the pSecurityDescriptor // security descriptor buffer. The maximum size is FAX_MAX_RPC_BUFFER (section 2.2.82). BufferSize uint32 `idl:"name:dwBufferSize" json:"buffer_size"` }
SetSecurityRequest structure represents the FAX_SetSecurity operation request
func (*SetSecurityRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetSecurityRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type SetSecurityResponse ¶
type SetSecurityResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_SetSecurity return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
SetSecurityResponse structure represents the FAX_SetSecurity operation response
func (*SetSecurityResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*SetSecurityResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type StartCopyMessageFromServerRequest ¶
type StartCopyMessageFromServerRequest struct { // dwlMessageId: A DWORDLONG ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.13) value that indicates the message // identifier to copy to the client. MessageID uint64 `idl:"name:dwlMessageId" json:"message_id"` // Folder: This MUST be an enumeration value that indicates the folder from which to // copy the message. For more information, see FAX_ENUM_MESSAGE_FOLDER (section 2.2.2). Folder fax.MessageFolder `idl:"name:Folder" json:"folder"` }
StartCopyMessageFromServerRequest structure represents the FAX_StartCopyMessageFromServer operation request
func (*StartCopyMessageFromServerRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*StartCopyMessageFromServerRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type StartCopyMessageFromServerResponse ¶
type StartCopyMessageFromServerResponse struct { // lpHandle: The copy handle identifying this copy operation. Handle *fax.Copy `idl:"name:lpHandle;pointer:ref" json:"handle"` // Return: The FAX_StartCopyMessageFromServer return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
StartCopyMessageFromServerResponse structure represents the FAX_StartCopyMessageFromServer operation response
func (*StartCopyMessageFromServerResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*StartCopyMessageFromServerResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type StartCopyToServerRequest ¶
type StartCopyToServerRequest struct { // lpcwstrFileExt: A null-terminated character string containing the extension of the // file to create on the server. The only file name extensions that are supported by // the server are ".tif" and ".cov". FileExt string `idl:"name:lpcwstrFileExt;string;pointer:ref" json:"file_ext"` // lpwstrServerFileName: Pointer to the buffer that receives the null-terminated character // string containing the name and specified extension of the file created on the server. // The client MUST fill the buffer with any null-terminated character string of sufficient // length to accommodate the character string that will be received. The server MUST // overwrite this buffer with the null-terminated character string containing the name // of the file on the server upon return. The server SHOULD NOT write more than 255 // characters, including the terminating null character, to the returned character string. ServerFileName string `idl:"name:lpwstrServerFileName;string;pointer:ref" json:"server_file_name"` }
StartCopyToServerRequest structure represents the FAX_StartCopyToServer operation request
func (*StartCopyToServerRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*StartCopyToServerRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type StartCopyToServerResponse ¶
type StartCopyToServerResponse struct { // lpwstrServerFileName: Pointer to the buffer that receives the null-terminated character // string containing the name and specified extension of the file created on the server. // The client MUST fill the buffer with any null-terminated character string of sufficient // length to accommodate the character string that will be received. The server MUST // overwrite this buffer with the null-terminated character string containing the name // of the file on the server upon return. The server SHOULD NOT write more than 255 // characters, including the terminating null character, to the returned character string. ServerFileName string `idl:"name:lpwstrServerFileName;string;pointer:ref" json:"server_file_name"` // lpHandle: The copy handle identifying this copy operation. Handle *fax.Copy `idl:"name:lpHandle;pointer:ref" json:"handle"` // Return: The FAX_StartCopyToServer return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
StartCopyToServerResponse structure represents the FAX_StartCopyToServer operation response
func (*StartCopyToServerResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*StartCopyToServerResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type StartMessagesEnumExRequest ¶
type StartMessagesEnumExRequest struct { // fAllAccounts: A flag indicating whether the messages for all accounts are enumerated. // If this parameter is nonzero, the messages for all accounts are enumerated; otherwise, // the lpcwstrAccountName parameter indicates which account is enumerated. AllAccounts bool `idl:"name:fAllAccounts" json:"all_accounts"` // lpcwstrAccountName: A pointer to a constant null-terminated character string that // indicates which account to enumerate. If this value is set to NULL, the current account's // jobs are enumerated. Cross-account enumeration is currently not supported. The value // for this parameter can be obtained using the FAX_EnumAccounts (section // method. AccountName string `idl:"name:lpcwstrAccountName;string;pointer:unique" json:"account_name"` // Folder: A FAX_ENUM_MESSAGE_FOLDER (section 2.2.2) enumeration that indicates the // type of archive where the message resides. The FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_QUEUE value is // invalid for this parameter. Folder fax.MessageFolder `idl:"name:Folder" json:"folder"` // level: A DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) value that indicates the structure to return. // This value MUST be set to 1. Level uint32 `idl:"name:level" json:"level"` }
StartMessagesEnumExRequest structure represents the FAX_StartMessagesEnumEx operation request
func (*StartMessagesEnumExRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*StartMessagesEnumExRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type StartMessagesEnumExResponse ¶
type StartMessagesEnumExResponse struct { // lpHandle: A pointer to an enumeration handle return value. Handle *fax.MessageEnum `idl:"name:lpHandle;pointer:ref" json:"handle"` // Return: The FAX_StartMessagesEnumEx return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
StartMessagesEnumExResponse structure represents the FAX_StartMessagesEnumEx operation response
func (*StartMessagesEnumExResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*StartMessagesEnumExResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type StartMessagesEnumRequest ¶
type StartMessagesEnumRequest struct { // Folder: This MUST be a FAX_ENUM_MESSAGE_FOLDER (section 2.2.2) enumeration that indicates // the type of the archive where the message resides. The FAX_MESSAGE_FOLDER_QUEUE value // is invalid for this parameter. Folder fax.MessageFolder `idl:"name:Folder" json:"folder"` }
StartMessagesEnumRequest structure represents the FAX_StartMessagesEnum operation request
func (*StartMessagesEnumRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*StartMessagesEnumRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type StartMessagesEnumResponse ¶
type StartMessagesEnumResponse struct { // lpHandle: A pointer to an enumeration handle return value. Handle *fax.MessageEnum `idl:"name:lpHandle;pointer:ref" json:"handle"` // Return: The FAX_StartMessagesEnum return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
StartMessagesEnumResponse structure represents the FAX_StartMessagesEnum operation response
func (*StartMessagesEnumResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*StartMessagesEnumResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type StartServerNotificationEx2Request ¶
type StartServerNotificationEx2Request struct { // lpcwstrAccountName: A pointer to a constant null-terminated character string that // indicates which account to enumerate. If this value is NULL, the current account's // jobs are enumerated. Cross-account enumeration currently is not supported. AccountName string `idl:"name:lpcwstrAccountName;string;pointer:unique" json:"account_name"` // lpcwstrMachineName: A pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the name // of the fax client machine. MachineName string `idl:"name:lpcwstrMachineName;string;pointer:ref" json:"machine_name"` // lpcwstrEndPoint: A pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the client machine // RPC server endpoint string. Endpoint string `idl:"name:lpcwstrEndPoint;string;pointer:ref" json:"endpoint"` // Context: A ULONG64 ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.54) value that can be passed to FAX_OpenConnection // (section as a notification context. Context uint64 `idl:"name:Context" json:"context"` // lpcwstrProtseqString: A pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the fax // client RPC server's protocol sequence string. The protocol that is used for sending // the notifications is always TCP/IP.<176> ProtocolSequenceString string `idl:"name:lpcwstrProtseqString;string;pointer:ref" json:"protocol_sequence_string"` // dwEventTypes: A DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) value that indicates which events // the client needs to receive. For more information, see FAX_ENUM_EVENT_TYPE (section // 2.2.63). During registration the client is allowed to register for multiple events, // so that if any of them occur the client will get a notification. Hence bitwise ORing // of events is allowed in this case. This value cannot be FAX_EVENT_TYPE_LEGACY because // the method only supports extended events. EventTypes uint32 `idl:"name:dwEventTypes" json:"event_types"` // level: A DWORD value that indicates the structure to return. The value MUST be set // to 1. Level uint32 `idl:"name:level" json:"level"` }
StartServerNotificationEx2Request structure represents the FAX_StartServerNotificationEx2 operation request
func (*StartServerNotificationEx2Request) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*StartServerNotificationEx2Request) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type StartServerNotificationEx2Response ¶
type StartServerNotificationEx2Response struct { // lpHandle: A pointer to an RPC_FAX_EVENT_EX_HANDLE (Fax Data Types (section 2.2.74)) // that returns a subscription context handle. This handle can be used in the FAX_EndServerNotification // (section method. Handle *fax.EventEx `idl:"name:lpHandle;pointer:ref" json:"handle"` // Return: The FAX_StartServerNotificationEx2 return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
StartServerNotificationEx2Response structure represents the FAX_StartServerNotificationEx2 operation response
func (*StartServerNotificationEx2Response) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*StartServerNotificationEx2Response) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type StartServerNotificationExRequest ¶
type StartServerNotificationExRequest struct { // lpcwstrMachineName: A pointer to a string containing the name of the fax client machine. // The machine name MUST be NULL for a local machine and an FQDN for a remote machine. MachineName string `idl:"name:lpcwstrMachineName;string;pointer:ref" json:"machine_name"` // lpcwstrEndPoint: A pointer to a string containing the client machine RPC server endpoint // string. The endpoint MUST be a TCP port between 1024 and 65534 (in increments of // 10). Endpoint string `idl:"name:lpcwstrEndPoint;string;pointer:ref" json:"endpoint"` // Context: A ULONG64 ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.54) value that can be passed to FAX_OpenConnection // (section as a notification context. Context uint64 `idl:"name:Context" json:"context"` // lpcwstrProtSeq: A pointer to a string containing the fax client RPC server's protocol // sequence string. The protocol used for sending the notifications is always TCP/IP. // The protocol sequence string MUST be ncalrpc for local and respectively ncan_ip_tcp // for remote. <174> ProtocolSeq string `idl:"name:lpcwstrProtSeq;string;pointer:ref" json:"protocol_seq"` // bEventEx: A Boolean value that indicates which notification method to use for notifications. // If set to TRUE, the registration is for extended events (FAX_EVENT_EX (section 2.2.67)). // If FALSE, the registration is for legacy events (FAX_EVENT (section 2.2.66)). EventEx bool `idl:"name:bEventEx" json:"event_ex"` // dwEventTypes: A DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) value containing bitwise OR combination // of FAX_ENUM_EVENT_TYPE (section 2.2.63) event type flags, events the client needs // to receive. During registration the client is allowed to register for multiple events, // so that if any of them occur the client will get a notification. Hence bitwise ORing // of events is allowed in this case. For more information, see FAX_ENUM_EVENT_TYPE. EventTypes uint32 `idl:"name:dwEventTypes" json:"event_types"` }
StartServerNotificationExRequest structure represents the FAX_StartServerNotificationEx operation request
func (*StartServerNotificationExRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*StartServerNotificationExRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type StartServerNotificationExResponse ¶
type StartServerNotificationExResponse struct { // lpHandle: The returned subscription context handle. This handle can be used in the // FAX_EndServerNotification (section method. Handle *fax.EventEx `idl:"name:lpHandle;pointer:ref" json:"handle"` // Return: The FAX_StartServerNotificationEx return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
StartServerNotificationExResponse structure represents the FAX_StartServerNotificationEx operation response
func (*StartServerNotificationExResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*StartServerNotificationExResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type StartServerNotificationRequest ¶
type StartServerNotificationRequest struct { // lpcwstrMachineName: A pointer to a string that contains the name of the fax client // machine. The machine name MUST be NULL for a local machine and a fully qualified // domain name (FQDN) for a remote machine. MachineName string `idl:"name:lpcwstrMachineName;string;pointer:ref" json:"machine_name"` // lpcwstrEndPoint: A pointer to a string that contains the client machine RPC server // endpoint string. The endpoint MUST be a TCP port between 1024 and 65534 (in increments // of 10). Endpoint string `idl:"name:lpcwstrEndPoint;string;pointer:ref" json:"endpoint"` // Context: A ULONG64 ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.54) value that can be passed to FAX_OpenConnection // (section as a notification context. Context uint64 `idl:"name:Context" json:"context"` // lpcwstrProtseqString: A pointer to a string that contains the fax client RPC server's // protocol sequence string. The protocol sequence string MUST be ncalrpc for local // and ncan_ip_tcp for remote. ProtocolSequenceString string `idl:"name:lpcwstrProtseqString;string;pointer:ref" json:"protocol_sequence_string"` // bEventEx: A Boolean value that indicates which notification method to use for notifications. // This parameter is always set to FALSE. EventEx bool `idl:"name:bEventEx" json:"event_ex"` // dwEventTypes: A DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) value that indicates which events // the client needs to receive. This parameter is always set to FAX_EVENT_TYPE_LEGACY. // For more information, see FAX_ENUM_EVENT_TYPE (section 2.2.63). EventTypes uint32 `idl:"name:dwEventTypes" json:"event_types"` }
StartServerNotificationRequest structure represents the FAX_StartServerNotification operation request
func (*StartServerNotificationRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*StartServerNotificationRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type StartServerNotificationResponse ¶
type StartServerNotificationResponse struct { // lpHandle: Returned subscription context handle. This handle can be used in the FAX_EndServerNotification // (section method. Handle *fax.Event `idl:"name:lpHandle;pointer:ref" json:"handle"` // Return: The FAX_StartServerNotification return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
StartServerNotificationResponse structure represents the FAX_StartServerNotification operation response
func (*StartServerNotificationResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*StartServerNotificationResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type UnimplementedFaxServer ¶ added in v1.1.5
type UnimplementedFaxServer struct { }
Unimplemented fax
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) Abort ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) Abort(context.Context, *AbortRequest) (*AbortResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) AccessCheck ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) AccessCheck(context.Context, *AccessCheckRequest) (*AccessCheckResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) AccessCheckEx2 ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) AccessCheckEx2(context.Context, *AccessCheckEx2Request) (*AccessCheckEx2Response, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) AddOutboundGroup ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) AddOutboundGroup(context.Context, *AddOutboundGroupRequest) (*AddOutboundGroupResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) AddOutboundRule ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) AddOutboundRule(context.Context, *AddOutboundRuleRequest) (*AddOutboundRuleResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) CheckServerProtocolSeq ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) CheckServerProtocolSeq(context.Context, *CheckServerProtocolSeqRequest) (*CheckServerProtocolSeqResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) CheckValidFaxFolder ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) CheckValidFaxFolder(context.Context, *CheckValidFaxFolderRequest) (*CheckValidFaxFolderResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) ClosePort ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) ClosePort(context.Context, *ClosePortRequest) (*ClosePortResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) ConnectFaxServer ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) ConnectFaxServer(context.Context, *ConnectFaxServerRequest) (*ConnectFaxServerResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) ConnectionReferenceCount ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) ConnectionReferenceCount(context.Context, *ConnectionReferenceCountRequest) (*ConnectionReferenceCountResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) CreateAccount ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) CreateAccount(context.Context, *CreateAccountRequest) (*CreateAccountResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) DeleteAccount ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) DeleteAccount(context.Context, *DeleteAccountRequest) (*DeleteAccountResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnableRoutingMethod ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnableRoutingMethod(context.Context, *EnableRoutingMethodRequest) (*EnableRoutingMethodResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EndCopy ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EndCopy(context.Context, *EndCopyRequest) (*EndCopyResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EndMessagesEnum ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EndMessagesEnum(context.Context, *EndMessagesEnumRequest) (*EndMessagesEnumResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EndServerNotification ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EndServerNotification(context.Context, *EndServerNotificationRequest) (*EndServerNotificationResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumAccounts ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumAccounts(context.Context, *EnumAccountsRequest) (*EnumAccountsResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumGlobalRoutingInfo ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumGlobalRoutingInfo(context.Context, *EnumGlobalRoutingInfoRequest) (*EnumGlobalRoutingInfoResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumJobs ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumJobs(context.Context, *EnumJobsRequest) (*EnumJobsResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumJobsEx ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumJobsEx(context.Context, *EnumJobsExRequest) (*EnumJobsExResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumJobsEx2 ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumJobsEx2(context.Context, *EnumJobsEx2Request) (*EnumJobsEx2Response, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumMessages ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumMessages(context.Context, *EnumMessagesRequest) (*EnumMessagesResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumMessagesEx ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumMessagesEx(context.Context, *EnumMessagesExRequest) (*EnumMessagesExResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumOutboundGroups ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumOutboundGroups(context.Context, *EnumOutboundGroupsRequest) (*EnumOutboundGroupsResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumOutboundRules ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumOutboundRules(context.Context, *EnumOutboundRulesRequest) (*EnumOutboundRulesResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumPorts ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumPorts(context.Context, *EnumPortsRequest) (*EnumPortsResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumPortsEx ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumPortsEx(context.Context, *EnumPortsExRequest) (*EnumPortsExResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumRoutingExtensions ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumRoutingExtensions(context.Context, *EnumRoutingExtensionsRequest) (*EnumRoutingExtensionsResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumRoutingMethods ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumRoutingMethods(context.Context, *EnumRoutingMethodsRequest) (*EnumRoutingMethodsResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumerateProviders ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) EnumerateProviders(context.Context, *EnumerateProvidersRequest) (*EnumerateProvidersResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetAccountInfo ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetAccountInfo(context.Context, *GetAccountInfoRequest) (*GetAccountInfoResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetActivityLoggingConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetActivityLoggingConfiguration(context.Context, *GetActivityLoggingConfigurationRequest) (*GetActivityLoggingConfigurationResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetArchiveConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetArchiveConfiguration(context.Context, *GetArchiveConfigurationRequest) (*GetArchiveConfigurationResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetConfigOption ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetConfigOption(context.Context, *GetConfigOptionRequest) (*GetConfigOptionResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetConfiguration(context.Context, *GetConfigurationRequest) (*GetConfigurationResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetCountryList ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetCountryList(context.Context, *GetCountryListRequest) (*GetCountryListResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetDeviceStatus ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetDeviceStatus(context.Context, *GetDeviceStatusRequest) (*GetDeviceStatusResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetExtensionData ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetExtensionData(context.Context, *GetExtensionDataRequest) (*GetExtensionDataResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetGeneralConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetGeneralConfiguration(context.Context, *GetGeneralConfigurationRequest) (*GetGeneralConfigurationResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetJob ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetJob(context.Context, *GetJobRequest) (*GetJobResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetJobEx ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetJobEx(context.Context, *GetJobExRequest) (*GetJobExResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetJobEx2 ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetJobEx2(context.Context, *GetJobEx2Request) (*GetJobEx2Response, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetLoggingCategories ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetLoggingCategories(context.Context, *GetLoggingCategoriesRequest) (*GetLoggingCategoriesResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetMessage ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetMessage(context.Context, *GetMessageRequest) (*GetMessageResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetMessageEx ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetMessageEx(context.Context, *GetMessageExRequest) (*GetMessageExResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetOutboxConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetOutboxConfiguration(context.Context, *GetOutboxConfigurationRequest) (*GetOutboxConfigurationResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetPageData ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetPageData(context.Context, *GetPageDataRequest) (*GetPageDataResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetPersonalCoverPagesOption ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetPersonalCoverPagesOption(context.Context, *GetPersonalCoverPagesOptionRequest) (*GetPersonalCoverPagesOptionResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetPersonalProfileInfo ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetPersonalProfileInfo(context.Context, *GetPersonalProfileInfoRequest) (*GetPersonalProfileInfoResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetPort ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetPort(context.Context, *GetPortRequest) (*GetPortResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetPortEx ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetPortEx(context.Context, *GetPortExRequest) (*GetPortExResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetQueueStates ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetQueueStates(context.Context, *GetQueueStatesRequest) (*GetQueueStatesResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetReceiptsConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetReceiptsConfiguration(context.Context, *GetReceiptsConfigurationRequest) (*GetReceiptsConfigurationResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetReceiptsOptions ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetReceiptsOptions(context.Context, *GetReceiptsOptionsRequest) (*GetReceiptsOptionsResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetRecipientsLimit ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetRecipientsLimit(context.Context, *GetRecipientsLimitRequest) (*GetRecipientsLimitResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetRoutingInfo ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetRoutingInfo(context.Context, *GetRoutingInfoRequest) (*GetRoutingInfoResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetSecurity ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetSecurity(context.Context, *GetSecurityRequest) (*GetSecurityResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetSecurityEx ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetSecurityEx(context.Context, *GetSecurityExRequest) (*GetSecurityExResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetSecurityEx2 ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetSecurityEx2(context.Context, *GetSecurityEx2Request) (*GetSecurityEx2Response, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetServerActivity ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetServerActivity(context.Context, *GetServerActivityRequest) (*GetServerActivityResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetServerSKU ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetServerSKU(context.Context, *GetServerSKURequest) (*GetServerSKUResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetServicePrinters ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetServicePrinters(context.Context, *GetServicePrintersRequest) (*GetServicePrintersResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetVersion ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) GetVersion(context.Context, *GetVersionRequest) (*GetVersionResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) OpenPort ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) OpenPort(context.Context, *OpenPortRequest) (*OpenPortResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) ReadFile ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) ReadFile(context.Context, *ReadFileRequest) (*ReadFileResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) ReassignMessage ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) ReassignMessage(context.Context, *ReassignMessageRequest) (*ReassignMessageResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) RefreshArchive ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) RefreshArchive(context.Context, *RefreshArchiveRequest) (*RefreshArchiveResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) RegisterServiceProviderEx ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) RegisterServiceProviderEx(context.Context, *RegisterServiceProviderExRequest) (*RegisterServiceProviderExResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) RemoveMessage ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) RemoveMessage(context.Context, *RemoveMessageRequest) (*RemoveMessageResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) RemoveOutboundGroup ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) RemoveOutboundGroup(context.Context, *RemoveOutboundGroupRequest) (*RemoveOutboundGroupResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) RemoveOutboundRule ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) RemoveOutboundRule(context.Context, *RemoveOutboundRuleRequest) (*RemoveOutboundRuleResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SendDocumentEx ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SendDocumentEx(context.Context, *SendDocumentExRequest) (*SendDocumentExResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetActivityLoggingConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetActivityLoggingConfiguration(context.Context, *SetActivityLoggingConfigurationRequest) (*SetActivityLoggingConfigurationResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetArchiveConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetArchiveConfiguration(context.Context, *SetArchiveConfigurationRequest) (*SetArchiveConfigurationResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetConfigWizardUsed ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetConfigWizardUsed(context.Context, *SetConfigWizardUsedRequest) (*SetConfigWizardUsedResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetConfiguration(context.Context, *SetConfigurationRequest) (*SetConfigurationResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetDeviceOrderInGroup ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetDeviceOrderInGroup(context.Context, *SetDeviceOrderInGroupRequest) (*SetDeviceOrderInGroupResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetExtensionData ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetExtensionData(context.Context, *SetExtensionDataRequest) (*SetExtensionDataResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetGeneralConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetGeneralConfiguration(context.Context, *SetGeneralConfigurationRequest) (*SetGeneralConfigurationResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetGlobalRoutingInfo ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetGlobalRoutingInfo(context.Context, *SetGlobalRoutingInfoRequest) (*SetGlobalRoutingInfoResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetJob ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetJob(context.Context, *SetJobRequest) (*SetJobResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetLoggingCategories ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetLoggingCategories(context.Context, *SetLoggingCategoriesRequest) (*SetLoggingCategoriesResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetMessage ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetMessage(context.Context, *SetMessageRequest) (*SetMessageResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetOutboundGroup ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetOutboundGroup(context.Context, *SetOutboundGroupRequest) (*SetOutboundGroupResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetOutboundRule ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetOutboundRule(context.Context, *SetOutboundRuleRequest) (*SetOutboundRuleResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetOutboxConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetOutboxConfiguration(context.Context, *SetOutboxConfigurationRequest) (*SetOutboxConfigurationResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetPort ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetPort(context.Context, *SetPortRequest) (*SetPortResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetPortEx ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetPortEx(context.Context, *SetPortExRequest) (*SetPortExResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetQueue ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetQueue(context.Context, *SetQueueRequest) (*SetQueueResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetReceiptsConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetReceiptsConfiguration(context.Context, *SetReceiptsConfigurationRequest) (*SetReceiptsConfigurationResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetRecipientsLimit ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetRecipientsLimit(context.Context, *SetRecipientsLimitRequest) (*SetRecipientsLimitResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetRoutingInfo ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetRoutingInfo(context.Context, *SetRoutingInfoRequest) (*SetRoutingInfoResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetSecurity ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetSecurity(context.Context, *SetSecurityRequest) (*SetSecurityResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetSecurityEx2 ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) SetSecurityEx2(context.Context, *SetSecurityEx2Request) (*SetSecurityEx2Response, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) StartCopyMessageFromServer ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) StartCopyMessageFromServer(context.Context, *StartCopyMessageFromServerRequest) (*StartCopyMessageFromServerResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) StartCopyToServer ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) StartCopyToServer(context.Context, *StartCopyToServerRequest) (*StartCopyToServerResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) StartMessagesEnum ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) StartMessagesEnum(context.Context, *StartMessagesEnumRequest) (*StartMessagesEnumResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) StartMessagesEnumEx ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) StartMessagesEnumEx(context.Context, *StartMessagesEnumExRequest) (*StartMessagesEnumExResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) StartServerNotification ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) StartServerNotification(context.Context, *StartServerNotificationRequest) (*StartServerNotificationResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) StartServerNotificationEx ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) StartServerNotificationEx(context.Context, *StartServerNotificationExRequest) (*StartServerNotificationExResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) StartServerNotificationEx2 ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) StartServerNotificationEx2(context.Context, *StartServerNotificationEx2Request) (*StartServerNotificationEx2Response, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) UnregisterRoutingExtension ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) UnregisterRoutingExtension(context.Context, *UnregisterRoutingExtensionRequest) (*UnregisterRoutingExtensionResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) UnregisterServiceProviderEx ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) UnregisterServiceProviderEx(context.Context, *UnregisterServiceProviderExRequest) (*UnregisterServiceProviderExResponse, error)
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) WriteFile ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (UnimplementedFaxServer) WriteFile(context.Context, *WriteFileRequest) (*WriteFileResponse, error)
type UnregisterRoutingExtensionRequest ¶
type UnregisterRoutingExtensionRequest struct { // lpcwstrExtensionName: Specifies the name of the fax routing extension returned by // the FAX_EnumRoutingExtensions (section call as the lpcwstrExtensionName // field of the FAX_ROUTING_EXTENSION_INFO (section 2.2.49) structure representing the // respective fax routing extension. ExtensionName string `idl:"name:lpcwstrExtensionName;string;pointer:ref" json:"extension_name"` }
UnregisterRoutingExtensionRequest structure represents the FAX_UnregisterRoutingExtension operation request
func (*UnregisterRoutingExtensionRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*UnregisterRoutingExtensionRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type UnregisterRoutingExtensionResponse ¶
type UnregisterRoutingExtensionResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_UnregisterRoutingExtension return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
UnregisterRoutingExtensionResponse structure represents the FAX_UnregisterRoutingExtension operation response
func (*UnregisterRoutingExtensionResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*UnregisterRoutingExtensionResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type UnregisterServiceProviderExRequest ¶
type UnregisterServiceProviderExRequest struct { // lpcwstrGUID: A pointer to a constant null-terminated character string that contains // a valid string representation of the GUID of the fax service provider (FSP). This // value can be obtained with the FAX_EnumerateProviders (section method. GUID string `idl:"name:lpcwstrGUID;string;pointer:ref" json:"guid"` }
UnregisterServiceProviderExRequest structure represents the FAX_UnregisterServiceProviderEx operation request
func (*UnregisterServiceProviderExRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*UnregisterServiceProviderExRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type UnregisterServiceProviderExResponse ¶
type UnregisterServiceProviderExResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_UnregisterServiceProviderEx return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
UnregisterServiceProviderExResponse structure represents the FAX_UnregisterServiceProviderEx operation response
func (*UnregisterServiceProviderExResponse) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*UnregisterServiceProviderExResponse) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type WriteFileRequest ¶
type WriteFileRequest struct { // hCopy: An RPC context handle that is returned by FAX_StartCopyToServer. HCopy *fax.Copy `idl:"name:hCopy;pointer:ref" json:"h_copy"` // lpbData: A pointer to the buffer from which to copy the file. Data []byte `idl:"name:lpbData;size_is:(dwDataSize);pointer:ref" json:"data"` // dwDataSize: A DWORD ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.9) value indicating the size, in bytes, // of the data buffer pointed by the lpbData argument. This size MUST be between 1 and // RPC_COPY_BUFFER_SIZE (16384) bytes. DataSize uint32 `idl:"name:dwDataSize" json:"data_size"` }
WriteFileRequest structure represents the FAX_WriteFile operation request
func (*WriteFileRequest) MarshalNDR ¶
func (*WriteFileRequest) UnmarshalNDR ¶
type WriteFileResponse ¶
type WriteFileResponse struct { // Return: The FAX_WriteFile return value. Return uint32 `idl:"name:Return" json:"return"` }
WriteFileResponse structure represents the FAX_WriteFile operation response