
v1.2.3 Latest Latest

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Published: Mar 7, 2025 License: MIT


MS-RPC IDL Parser/Codegen for Go / MS-RPC/DCOM Client

The IDL parser for the Microsoft Extension of the C706: DCE/RPC 1.1.

The client stub generator for many MSRPC / DCOM services including (but not limited to - see complete list below) Netlogon, Windows Registry, Eventlog, DCOM (OXID resolver), WMI (query and method exec) support.



See examples/samples_with_config and msrpc package documentation.

# run using string binding extension.
go run examples/samples_with_config/dnsp.go Administrator%P@ssw0rd@ncacn_ip_tcp:dc01.msad.local[privacy,spnego,krb5]

go run examples/samples_with_config/wmic.go Administrator%P@ssw0rd@ncacn_ip_tcp:dc01.msad.local[privacy,spnego,krb5] \
    --query "SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem"

# same as above, but using command-line args
go run examples/samples_with_config/dnsp.go \
    --username=Administrator \
    --domain=MSAD.LOCAL \
    --password=P@ssw0rd \
    --auth-level=privacy \
    --auth-spnego \
    --auth-type=krb5 \
Examples (Old)

See examples and dcerpc package documentation.

Examples rely on following environment variables:

Name Description Example
USERNAME The Domain\Username "MSAD2.COM\User"
PASSWORD The password "password"
PASSWORD_MD4 The password hash (use go run examples/helpers/nt_hash.go -d $PASSWORD to generate the hash) "f077ca4b7d73486a45e75dcdd74cd5bd"
WORKSTATION The workstation name "Ubuntu"
SERVER The server FQDN or IP ""
SERVER_NAME The server NetBIOS name "WIN2019"
SERVER_HOST The server FQDN "my-server.win2019.com"
SAM_USERNAME The machine account name (see examples/netlogon_sec_channel.go) "COMPUTER$"
SAM_PASSWORD The machine account password (see examples/netlogon_sec_channel.go) "password"
SAM_WORKSTATION The machine account workstation name "COMPUTER"
TARGET The target name (SPN) for kerberos. "host/my-server.win2019.com"
KRB5_CONFIG The kerberos config path. "/path/to/krb5.conf"

For codegeneration, run make all to regenerate all sources, or make nrpc.go.


Connection-oriented DCE/RPC v5 client implementation

The library implements the CO RPC v5 (dcerpc package) with following features:

  • Transfer Syntax NDR2.0 and NDR64

  • CO transport over Named Pipe (SMB2/3) and TCP.

  • Connection Multiplexing: multiple clients over single connection

  • Multiple Connection per Association Group: ability to use context handles from one connection on another, flexibility in arranging the clients-per-connection-per-association

  • Verification Trailer: ability to add verification trailer to the request payload

  • Kerberos, Netlogon, NTLM, SPNEGO Authentication

  • Endpoint mapper / string binding support

  • DCOM basic support

  • Eventlog BinXML parser

  • WMIO object unmarshaler / marshaler.

MS-RPCE Extensions

The library implements some of the extensions defined in MS-RPCE document:

  • Security Context Multiplexing: ability to create multiple security contexts over the same logical connection.

  • Bind-time Feature Negotiation: (actually not a feature).

  • Header Signing: (legacy thing)

  • NDR64

GSS-API / SSP Client Side

The library contains the GSS-API interface definitions. (ssp/gssapi)

The library contains the ssp package which has an implementation for the various security service providers, like Kerberos, NTLM, Netlogon (Secure Channel), SPNEGO.

The kerberos implementation is based on the jcmturner/gokrb5 fork. Any changes or feature requests should be addressed there.

  • GSSAPI interface implementation including Wrap/GetMic-Ex-methods defined in Microsoft documentation

  • Kerberos:

    • Supported Encryption Types:

      • RC4-HMAC

      • DES-CBC-MD5

      • DES-CBC-CRC

      • AES128-CTS-HMAC-SHA1

      • AES256-CTS-HMAC-SHA1

    • DCE Style AP Request and AP Reply

    • Mutual and Non-mutual Authn

  • NTLM

    • Supported Versions: NTLMv1, NTLMv2
  • Netlogon:

    • Supported Encryption Types:

      • RC4-HMAC

      • AES-SHA2


    • Supported Mech List MIC

    • Supported NegTokenInit2

SMB2 Client

The SMB2 client implementation is based on the hirochachacha/go-smb2 fork. Any changes or feature requests should be addressed there.

The set of changes includes:

  • SMB2 Force-Encryption Support

  • Integration with ssp/gssapi for Kerberos/NTLM authentication.

  • Fix for NT_STATUS_PENDING error

  • Keying material export (Application Key, Session Key)

Generated Stubs

Code Description Package
MS-ADTS Active Directory Technical Specification: Claims github.com/oiweiwei/go-msrpc/msrpc/adts
MS-EVEN6-BINXML BinXml encodes an XML document so that the original XML text can be correctly reproduced from the encoding. github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/binxml
MS-BKRP BackupKey Remote Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/bkrp
MS-BPAU Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) Peer-Caching: Peer Authentication Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/bpau
MS-BRWSA Common Internet File System (CIFS) Browser Auxiliary Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/brwsa
MS-CAPR Central Access Policy Identifier (ID) Retrieval Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/capr
MS-CMPO MSDTC Connection Manager: OleTx Transports Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/cmpo
MS-CMRP Failover Cluster: Management API (ClusAPI) Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/cmrp
MS-DFSNM Distributed File System (DFS): Namespace Management Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/dfsnm
MS-DHCPM Microsoft Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Server Management Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/dhcpm
MS-DLTM Distributed Link Tracking: Central Manager Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/dltm
MS-DLTW Distributed Link Tracking: Workstation Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/dltw
MS-DNSP Domain Name Service (DNS) Server Management ProtocolDomain Name Service (DNS) Server Management Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/dnsp
MS-DRSR Directory Replication Service (DRS) Remote Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/drsr
MS-DSSP Directory Services Setup Remote Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/dssp
MS-DTYP Windows Data Types github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/dtyp
MS-EERR ExtendedError Remote Data Structure github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/eerr
MS-RPCE-EPM C706-EPM Endpoint Mapper github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/epm
MS-ERREF Windows Error Codes github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/erref
MS-EVEN EventLog Remoting Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/even
MS-EVEN6 EventLog Remoting Protocol Version 6.0 github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/even6
MS-FASP Firewall and Advanced Security Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/fasp
MS-FAX Fax Server and Client Remote Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/fax
MS-ICPR ICertPassage Remote Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/icpr
MS-IRP Internet Information Services (IIS) Inetinfo Remote Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/irp
MS-LREC Live Remote Event Capture (LREC) Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/lrec
MS-LSAD Local Security Authority (Domain Policy) Remote Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/lsad
MS-LSAT Local Security Authority (Translation Methods) Remote Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/lsat
MS-MQDS Message Queuing (MSMQ): Directory Service Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/mqds
MS-MQMP Message Queuing (MSMQ): Queue Manager Client Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/mqmp
MS-MQMQ Message Queuing (MSMQ): Data Structures github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/mqmq
MS-MQMR Message Queuing (MSMQ): Queue Manager Management Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/mqmr
MS-MQQP Message Queuing (MSMQ): Queue Manager to Queue Manager Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/mqqp
MS-MQRR Message Queuing (MSMQ): Queue Manager Remote Read Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/mqrr
MS-MSRP Messenger Service Remote Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/msrp
MS-NEGOEX SPNEGO Extended Negotiation (NEGOEX) Security Mechanism github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/negoex
MS-NRPC Netlogon Remote Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/nrpc
MS-NRPC-SECCHANNEL Secure Channel Establishment and Maintenance github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/nrpc
MS-NSPI Name Service Provider Interface (NSPI) Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/nspi
MS-OXABREF Address Book Name Service Provider Interface (NSPI) Referral Protocol
MS-OXCRPC Wire Format Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/oxcrpc
MS-PAC Privilege Attribute Certificate Data Structure github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/pac
MS-PAN Print System Asynchronous Notification Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/pan
MS-PAR Print System Asynchronous Remote Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/par
MS-PCQ Performance Counter Query Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/pcq
MS-RAA Remote Authorization API Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/raa
MS-RAIW Remote Administrative Interface: WINS github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/raiw
MS-RPCL Remote Procedure Call Location Services Extensions github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/rpcl
MS-RPRN Print System Remote Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/rprn
MS-RRP Windows Remote Registry Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/rrp
MS-RSP Remote Shutdown Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/rsp
MS-SAMR Security Account Manager (SAM) Remote Protocol (Client-to-Server) github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/samr
MS-SCH Task Scheduler Service Remoting Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/sch
MS-SCMR Service Control Manager Remote Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/scmr
MS-SRVS Server Service Remote Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/srvs
MS-SSP Single Sign-On Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/ssp
MS-SWN Service Witness Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/swn
MS-TRP Telephony Remote Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/trp
MS-TSCH Task Scheduler Service Remoting Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/tsch
MS-TSGU Terminal Services Gateway Server Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/tsgu
MS-W32T W32Time Remote Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/w32t
MS-WDSC Windows Deployment Services Control Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/wdsc
MS-WKST Workstation Service Remote Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/wkst
Generated DCOM Stubs
Code Description Package
MS-DCOM Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) Remote Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/dcom
MS-ADTG Remote Data Services (RDS) Transport Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/adtg
MC-CCFG Server Cluster: Configuration (ClusCfg) Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/ccfg
MS-COM Component Object Model Plus (COM+) Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/com
MS-COMA Component Object Model Plus (COM+) Remote Administration Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/coma
MS-COMEV Component Object Model Plus (COM+) Event System Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/comev
MS-COMT Component Object Model Plus (COM+) Tracker Service Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/comt
MS-CSRA Certificate Services Remote Administration Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/csra
MS-CSVP Failover Cluster: Setup and Validation Protocol (ClusPrep) github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/csvp
MS-DFSRH DFS Replication Helper Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/dfsrh
MS-DMRP Disk Management Remote Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/dmrp
MS-FSRM File Server Resource Manager Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/fsrm
MC-IISA Internet Information Services (IIS) Application Host COM Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/iisa
MS-IISS Internet Information Services (IIS) ServiceControl Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/iiss
MS-IMSA Internet Information Services (IIS) IMSAdminBaseW Remote Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/imsa
MS-IOI IManagedObject Interface Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/ioi
MS-OAUT OLE Automation Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/oaut
MS-OCSPA Microsoft OCSP Administration Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/ocspa
MS-PLA Performance Logs and Alerts Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/pla
MS-RAI Remote Assistance Initiation Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/rai
MS-RDPESC Remote Desktop Protocol: Smart Card Virtual Channel Extension github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/rdpesc
MS-VDS Virtual Disk Service (VDS) Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/vds
MS-WCCE Windows Client Certificate Enrollment Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/wcce
MS-WMI Windows Management Instrumentation Remote Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/wmi
MS-WMIO Windows Management Instrumentation Encoding Version 1.0 Protocol github.com/oiweiwei/msrpc/wmio

The codegen package also generates the documentation for the generated code pulled from the MSDN portal. (it can be quite inaccurate with determining general comment boundaries vs actual field descriptions, so inaccurate can be an HTML on MSDN side).


The codegen/go_names contains the ad-hoc naming engine, which sometimes quite sucks (so does the overall naming convention in IDL documents, seriously, how much time the average microsoft developer saves by writing para instead of param), but for most of the situations, provide a way to generate the names that comply with golang naming convention and give more intuition behind this or that field.

Generated Stubs

MIDL Implementation Limitations

  • L.0001: #define statements are applicable only for constant declaration;

  • L.0002: cpp_quote contents are limited only for constant declaration;

  • L.0005: int const declaration is not supported.

  • L.0006: wchar_t, status_error_t are predefined.


  • Testing (I don't have much time)

  • Handle reserved arguments/structure fields used for switch_is and size_is statements.

  • Derive the type from field name, like ^f[A-Z] -> boolean.

  • Pipes support

  • Callbacks Support / Server-Side Support

  • Static strings

  • Investigate: Association Group ID is not shared across several named pipe connections. (each NP requires dedicated connection).

  • Convenient way to combine SPNEGO and NTLM/KRB5 within connection option.

Open Questions

  • Why IObjectExporter does not support NDR64?

  • Why server returns indistinguishable pointers for NDR64?

  • Why SMB2 does not support certain auth levels (ie Winreg supports only Insecure and Privacy)?


Without these projects, it would be absolutely impossible to implement go-msrpc.


Don't hesitate to raise an issues (and only then raise a PR), the project is quite raw, and I don't have much time, so, a lot of errors and issues are yet to discover.


Path Synopsis
Package dcerpc implements the DCE/RPC (C706) client with MS-RPCE extensions.
Package dcerpc implements the DCE/RPC (C706) client with MS-RPCE extensions.
package msrpc contains various stubs generated by codegen.
package msrpc contains various stubs generated by codegen.
The adts package implements the ADTS client protocol.
The adts package implements the ADTS client protocol.
The claims package implements the CLAIMS client protocol.
The claims package implements the CLAIMS client protocol.
The bkrp package implements the BKRP client protocol.
The bkrp package implements the BKRP client protocol.
The bpau package implements the BPAU client protocol.
The bpau package implements the BPAU client protocol.
The brwsa package implements the BRWSA client protocol.
The brwsa package implements the BRWSA client protocol.
The capr package implements the CAPR client protocol.
The capr package implements the CAPR client protocol.
The cmpo package implements the CMPO client protocol.
The cmpo package implements the CMPO client protocol.
The cmrp package implements the CMRP client protocol.
The cmrp package implements the CMRP client protocol.
The dcetypes package implements the DCETYPES client protocol.
The dcetypes package implements the DCETYPES client protocol.
The dcom package implements the DCOM client protocol.
The dcom package implements the DCOM client protocol.
The adtg package implements the ADTG client protocol.
The adtg package implements the ADTG client protocol.
The ccfg package implements the CCFG client protocol.
The ccfg package implements the CCFG client protocol.
The com package implements the COM client protocol.
The com package implements the COM client protocol.
The coma package implements the COMA client protocol.
The coma package implements the COMA client protocol.
The comev package implements the COMEV client protocol.
The comev package implements the COMEV client protocol.
The comt package implements the COMT client protocol.
The comt package implements the COMT client protocol.
The csra package implements the CSRA client protocol.
The csra package implements the CSRA client protocol.
The csvp package implements the CSVP client protocol.
The csvp package implements the CSVP client protocol.
The dfsrh package implements the DFSRH client protocol.
The dfsrh package implements the DFSRH client protocol.
The dmrp package implements the DMRP client protocol.
The dmrp package implements the DMRP client protocol.
The fsrm package implements the FSRM client protocol.
The fsrm package implements the FSRM client protocol.
The iisa package implements the IISA client protocol.
The iisa package implements the IISA client protocol.
The iiss package implements the IISS client protocol.
The iiss package implements the IISS client protocol.
The imsa package implements the IMSA client protocol.
The imsa package implements the IMSA client protocol.
The ioi package implements the IOI client protocol.
The ioi package implements the IOI client protocol.
The oaut package implements the OAUT client protocol.
The oaut package implements the OAUT client protocol.
The rai package implements the RAI client protocol.
The rai package implements the RAI client protocol.
The rdpesc package implements the RDPESC client protocol.
The rdpesc package implements the RDPESC client protocol.
The vds package implements the VDS client protocol.
The vds package implements the VDS client protocol.
The wcce package implements the WCCE client protocol.
The wcce package implements the WCCE client protocol.
The wmi package implements the WMI client protocol.
The wmi package implements the WMI client protocol.
The dfsnm package implements the DFSNM client protocol.
The dfsnm package implements the DFSNM client protocol.
The dhcpm package implements the DHCPM client protocol.
The dhcpm package implements the DHCPM client protocol.
The dltm package implements the DLTM client protocol.
The dltm package implements the DLTM client protocol.
The dltw package implements the DLTW client protocol.
The dltw package implements the DLTW client protocol.
The dnsp package implements the DNSP client protocol.
The dnsp package implements the DNSP client protocol.
The record package implements the RECORD client protocol.
The record package implements the RECORD client protocol.
The drsr package implements the DRSR client protocol.
The drsr package implements the DRSR client protocol.
The dssp package implements the DSSP client protocol.
The dssp package implements the DSSP client protocol.
The dtyp package implements the DTYP client protocol.
The dtyp package implements the DTYP client protocol.
The eerr package implements the EERR client protocol.
The eerr package implements the EERR client protocol.
The epm package implements the EPM client protocol.
The epm package implements the EPM client protocol.
The even package implements the EVEN client protocol.
The even package implements the EVEN client protocol.
The even6 package implements the EVEN6 client protocol.
The even6 package implements the EVEN6 client protocol.
The fasp package implements the FASP client protocol.
The fasp package implements the FASP client protocol.
The fax package implements the FAX client protocol.
The fax package implements the FAX client protocol.
The fsrvp package implements the FSRVP client protocol.
The fsrvp package implements the FSRVP client protocol.
The gkdi package implements the GKDI client protocol.
The gkdi package implements the GKDI client protocol.
The icpr package implements the ICPR client protocol.
The icpr package implements the ICPR client protocol.
The irp package implements the IRP client protocol.
The irp package implements the IRP client protocol.
The lrec package implements the LREC client protocol.
The lrec package implements the LREC client protocol.
The lsad package implements the LSAD client protocol.
The lsad package implements the LSAD client protocol.
The lsat package implements the LSAT client protocol.
The lsat package implements the LSAT client protocol.
The mqds package implements the MQDS client protocol.
The mqds package implements the MQDS client protocol.
The mqmp package implements the MQMP client protocol.
The mqmp package implements the MQMP client protocol.
The mqmq package implements the MQMQ client protocol.
The mqmq package implements the MQMQ client protocol.
The mqmr package implements the MQMR client protocol.
The mqmr package implements the MQMR client protocol.
The mqqp package implements the MQQP client protocol.
The mqqp package implements the MQQP client protocol.
The mqrr package implements the MQRR client protocol.
The mqrr package implements the MQRR client protocol.
The msrp package implements the MSRP client protocol.
The msrp package implements the MSRP client protocol.
The negoex package implements the NEGOEX client protocol.
The negoex package implements the NEGOEX client protocol.
The nrpc package implements the NRPC client protocol.
The nrpc package implements the NRPC client protocol.
The nspi package implements the NSPI client protocol.
The nspi package implements the NSPI client protocol.
The oxabref package implements the OXABREF client protocol.
The oxabref package implements the OXABREF client protocol.
The oxcrpc package implements the OXCRPC client protocol.
The oxcrpc package implements the OXCRPC client protocol.
The pac package implements the PAC client protocol.
The pac package implements the PAC client protocol.
The pan package implements the PAN client protocol.
The pan package implements the PAN client protocol.
The par package implements the PAR client protocol.
The par package implements the PAR client protocol.
The pcq package implements the PCQ client protocol.
The pcq package implements the PCQ client protocol.
The raa package implements the RAA client protocol.
The raa package implements the RAA client protocol.
The raiw package implements the RAIW client protocol.
The raiw package implements the RAIW client protocol.
The rpcl package implements the RPCL client protocol.
The rpcl package implements the RPCL client protocol.
The rprn package implements the RPRN client protocol.
The rprn package implements the RPRN client protocol.
The rrp package implements the RRP client protocol.
The rrp package implements the RRP client protocol.
The rsp package implements the RSP client protocol.
The rsp package implements the RSP client protocol.
The samr package implements the SAMR client protocol.
The samr package implements the SAMR client protocol.
The sch package implements the SCH client protocol.
The sch package implements the SCH client protocol.
The scmr package implements the SCMR client protocol.
The scmr package implements the SCMR client protocol.
The srvs package implements the SRVS client protocol.
The srvs package implements the SRVS client protocol.
The ssp package implements the SSP client protocol.
The ssp package implements the SSP client protocol.
The swn package implements the SWN client protocol.
The swn package implements the SWN client protocol.
The trp package implements the TRP client protocol.
The trp package implements the TRP client protocol.
The tsch package implements the TSCH client protocol.
The tsch package implements the TSCH client protocol.
The tsgu package implements the TSGU client protocol.
The tsgu package implements the TSGU client protocol.
The w32t package implements the W32T client protocol.
The w32t package implements the W32T client protocol.
The wkst package implements the WKST client protocol.
The wkst package implements the WKST client protocol.
package ndr implements the NDR encoding.
package ndr implements the NDR encoding.
package ssp contains definitions for security service providers.
package ssp contains definitions for security service providers.
This package implements the KRB5 security service client as described in https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-kile/190ab8de-dc42-49cf-bf1b-ea5705b7a087.
This package implements the KRB5 security service client as described in https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-kile/190ab8de-dc42-49cf-bf1b-ea5705b7a087.
package netlogon implements the Netlogon secure channel client security service client as described in https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-nrpc/fb50db72-7f71-478d-a180-12eb0ca3b36b.
package netlogon implements the Netlogon secure channel client security service client as described in https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-nrpc/fb50db72-7f71-478d-a180-12eb0ca3b36b.
package ntlm implements the NTLM client security service as described in MS-NLMP (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-nlmp).
package ntlm implements the NTLM client security service as described in MS-NLMP (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-nlmp).
spnego package implements the SPNEGO security service client.
spnego package implements the SPNEGO security service client.
Code generated by maketables.go.
Code generated by maketables.go.

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