Hobbyist's Assembler for 6502 microprocessors
This is a simple 2-pass assembler. Features are still being added. It's not efficient, but it's fun to tinker with.
- Labels for automated addressing
- A few pseudo-ops (only org and equ are currently implemented)
- Pretty printing of the object code next to the listing
- Symbol table
Source files should use a format similar to the following. Note that addresses must be either 2 (zero-page) or 4 (elsewhere) hex digits long, i.e. you must have leading 0s:
; test program
; will ring the bell on an Apple II
; also does some useless stuff with the x register
org $5000
bell equ $fbe4 ;subroutine in ROM
start: ldx #$00 ;x = 0
cpx #$ff
beq ring ;ring bell if x == $ff
inx ;otherwise increment
jmp start
ring: jsr bell
Output currently looks like this (in addition to the object file written to disk):
Hobbyist's Assembler for 6502 microprocessors
Assembly Listing =========================================================
| 1 ; test program
| 2 ; will ring the bell on an Apple II
| 3 ; also does some useless stuff with the x register
| 4
| 5 org $5000
5000 00 | 6 bell equ $fbe4 ;subroutine in ROM
| 7
5001 A2 00 | 8 start: ldx #$00 ;x = 0
5003 E0 FF | 9 cpx #$ff
5005 F0 03 | 10 beq ring ;ring bell if x == $ff
5007 E8 | 11 inx ;otherwise increment
5008 4C 00 50 | 12 jmp start
500B 20 E4 FB | 13 ring: jsr bell
500E 60 | 14 rts
500F 00 | 15 brk
Object will fill from $5000 through $500F. ($0010 bytes)
Symbol Table =============================================================
bell $FBE4 ring $500A start $5000
Wrote 16 bytes to ./files/out.o.