
package module
v2.2.3 Latest Latest

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Published: Nov 8, 2021 License: MIT Imports: 18 Imported by: 0


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GoGM Golang Object Graph Mapper v2

go get -u github.com/ohbonsai/gogm/v2


  • Struct Mapping through the gogm struct decorator
  • Full support for ACID transactions
  • Underlying connection pooling
  • Support for HA Casual Clusters using bolt+routing through the Official Neo4j Go Driver
  • Custom queries in addition to built in functionality
  • Builder pattern cypher queries using MindStand's cypher dsl package
  • CLI to generate link and unlink functions for gogm structs.
  • Multi database support with Neo4j v4

What's new in V2

  • GoGM is an object now! This means you can have multiple instances of GoGM at a time
  • OpenTracing and Context Support
  • Driver has been updated from v1.6 to v4
  • Log interface, so anyone can use the logger of their choice instead of being forced to use logrus
  • Primary Key strategies to use any type of primary key. GoGM is no longer UUID only!
  • TLS now supported


Primary Key Strategy

Primary key strategies allow more customization over primary keys. A strategy is provided to gogm on initialization.
Built in primary key strategies are:

  • gogm.DefaultPrimaryKeyStrategy -- just use the graph id from neo4j as the primary key
  • gogm.UUIDPrimaryKeyStrategy -- uuid's as primary keys
// Example of the internal UUID strategy
	// StrategyName is the name to reference the strategy
    StrategyName: "UUID",
    // DBName is the name of the field in the database
    DBName:       "uuid",
    // FieldName is the name of the field in go, this will validate to make sure all pk's use the same field name
    FieldName:    "UUID",
    // Type is the reflect type of the primary key, in this case it's a string but it can be any primitive
    Type:         reflect.TypeOf(""),
    // GenIDFunc defines how new ids are generated, in this case we're using googles uuid library
    GenIDFunc: func() (id interface{}) {
        return uuid.New().String()
Struct Configuration
text notates deprecation

Decorators that can be used

  • name=<name> -- used to set the field name that will show up in neo4j.
  • relationship=<edge_name> -- used to set the name of the edge on that field.
  • direction=<INCOMING|OUTGOING|BOTH|NONE> -- used to specify direction of that edge field.
  • index -- marks field to have an index applied to it.
  • unique -- marks field to have unique constraint.
  • pk=<strategy_name> -- marks field as a primary key and specifies which pk strategy to use. Can only have one pk, composite pk's are not supported.
  • properties -- marks that field is using a map. GoGM only supports properties fields of map[string]interface{}, map[string]<primitive>, map[string][]<primitive> and []<primitive>
  • - -- marks that field will be ignored by the ogm
Not on relationship member variables

All relationships must be defined as either a pointer to a struct or a slice of struct pointers *SomeStruct or []*SomeStruct

Use ; as delimiter between decorator tags.


type TdString string

type MyNeo4jObject struct {
  // provides required node field
  // use gogm.BaseUUIDNode if you want to use UUIDs

  Field string `gogm:"name=field"`
  Props map[string]interface{} `gogm:"properties;name=props"` //note that this would show up as `props.<key>` in neo4j
  IgnoreMe bool `gogm="-"`
  UniqueTypeDef TdString `gogm:"name=unique_type_def"`
  Relation *SomeOtherStruct `gogm="relationship=SOME_STRUCT;direction=OUTGOING"`
  ManyRelation []*SomeStruct `gogm="relationship=MANY;direction=INCOMING"`

GOGM Usage
package main

import (

type tdString string
type tdInt int

//structs for the example (can also be found in decoder_test.go)
type VertexA struct {
	// provides required node fields

    TestField         string                `gogm:"name=test_field"`
	TestTypeDefString tdString          `gogm:"name=test_type_def_string"`
	TestTypeDefInt    tdInt             `gogm:"name=test_type_def_int"`
	MapProperty       map[string]string `gogm:"name=map_property;properties"`
	SliceProperty     []string          `gogm:"name=slice_property;properties"`
    SingleA           *VertexB          `gogm:"direction=incoming;relationship=test_rel"`
	ManyA             []*VertexB        `gogm:"direction=incoming;relationship=testm2o"`
	MultiA            []*VertexB        `gogm:"direction=incoming;relationship=multib"`
	SingleSpecA       *EdgeC            `gogm:"direction=outgoing;relationship=special_single"`
	MultiSpecA        []*EdgeC          `gogm:"direction=outgoing;relationship=special_multi"`

type VertexB struct {
	// provides required node fields

	TestField  string     `gogm:"name=test_field"`
	TestTime   time.Time  `gogm:"name=test_time"`
	Single     *VertexA   `gogm:"direction=outgoing;relationship=test_rel"`
	ManyB      *VertexA   `gogm:"direction=outgoing;relationship=testm2o"`
	Multi      []*VertexA `gogm:"direction=outgoing;relationship=multib"`
	SingleSpec *EdgeC     `gogm:"direction=incoming;relationship=special_single"`
	MultiSpec  []*EdgeC   `gogm:"direction=incoming;relationship=special_multi"`

type EdgeC struct {
	// provides required node fields

	Start *VertexA
	End   *VertexB
	Test  string `gogm:"name=test"`

func main() {
	// define your configuration
	config := gogm.Config{
		Host:                      "",
		Port:                      7687,
		// deprecated in favor of protocol
	    // IsCluster:                 false,
	    Protocol:                  "neo4j", //also supports neo4j+s, neo4j+ssc, bolt, bolt+s and bolt+ssc
	    // Specify CA Public Key when using +ssc or +s
	    CAFileLocation: "my-ca-public.crt",
		Username:                  "neo4j",
		Password:                  "password",
		PoolSize:                  50,
		IndexStrategy:             gogm.VALIDATE_INDEX, //other options are ASSERT_INDEX and IGNORE_INDEX
		TargetDbs:                 nil,
		// default logger wraps the go "log" package, implement the Logger interface from gogm to use your own logger
		Logger:             gogm.GetDefaultLogger(),
		// define the log level
		LogLevel:           "DEBUG",
		// enable neo4j go driver to log
		EnableDriverLogs:   false,
		// enable gogm to log params in cypher queries. WARNING THIS IS A SECURITY RISK! Only use this when debugging
		EnableLogParams:    false,
		// enable open tracing. Ensure contexts have spans already. GoGM does not make root spans, only child spans
		OpentracingEnabled: false,

	// register all vertices and edges
	// this is so that GoGM doesn't have to do reflect processing of each edge in real time
	// use nil or gogm.DefaultPrimaryKeyStrategy if you only want graph ids
	// we are using the default key strategy since our vertices are using BaseNode
	_gogm, err := gogm.New(&config, gogm.DefaultPrimaryKeyStrategy, &VertexA{}, &VertexB{}, &EdgeC{})
	if err != nil {

	//param is readonly, we're going to make stuff so we're going to do read write
	sess, err := _gogm.NewSessionV2(gogm.SessionConfig{AccessMode: gogm.AccessModeWrite})
	if err != nil {

	//close the session
	defer sess.Close()

	aVal := &VertexA{
		TestField: "woo neo4j",

	bVal := &VertexB{
		TestTime: time.Now().UTC(),

	//set bi directional pointer
	bVal.Single = aVal
	aVal.SingleA = bVal

	err = sess.SaveDepth(context.Background(), aVal, 2)
	if err != nil {

	//load the object we just made (save will set the uuid)
	var readin VertexA
	err = sess.Load(context.Background(), &readin, aVal.UUID)
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Printf("%+v", readin)

Migrating from V1 to V2


Initialization in gogm v1

config := gogm.Config{
    IndexStrategy: gogm.VALIDATE_INDEX, //other options are ASSERT_INDEX and IGNORE_INDEX
    PoolSize:      50,
    Port:          7687,
    IsCluster:     false, //tells it whether or not to use `bolt+routing`
    Host:          "",
    Password:      "password",
    Username:      "neo4j",

err := gogm.Init(&config, &VertexA{}, &VertexB{}, &EdgeC{})
if err != nil {

Equivalent in GoGM v2

// define your configuration
config := gogm.Config{
    IndexStrategy: gogm.VALIDATE_INDEX, //other options are ASSERT_INDEX and IGNORE_INDEX
    PoolSize:      50,
    Port:          7687,
    IsCluster:     false, //tells it whether or not to use `bolt+routing`
    Host:          "",
    Password:      "password",
    Username:      "neo4j",

	// register all vertices and edges
	// this is so that GoGM doesn't have to do reflect processing of each edge in real time
	// use nil or gogm.DefaultPrimaryKeyStrategy if you only want graph ids
	_gogm, err := gogm.New(&config, gogm.UUIDPrimaryKeyStrategy, &VertexA{}, &VertexB{}, &EdgeC{})
	if err != nil {
Note that we call gogm.SetGloablGogm so that we can still access it from a package level
Create a session

Creating a session in GoGM v1

sess, err := gogm.NewSession(false)
Note this still works in v2, its using the global gogm to create the session. Also note this is making an instance of the deprecated ISession

Equivalent in GoGM v2

// this would also work with a local instance of gogm (localGogm.NewSessionV2)
sess, err := gogm.G().NewSessionV2(gogm.SessionConfig{AccessMode: gogm.AccessModeWrite})
  • Minimal change requires creating a global gogm, everything else should still work with ISession (gogm v1 session object)
  • ISession is now deprecated but still supported
  • SessionV2 is the new standard

CLI Installation

go get -u github.com/ohbonsai/gogm/v2/cli/gogmcli

CLI Usage

   gogmcli - used for neo4j operations from gogm schema

   gogmcli [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   generate, g, gen  to generate link and unlink functions for nodes
   help, h           Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --debug, -d    execute in debug mode (default: false)
   --help, -h     show help (default: false)
   --version, -v  print the version (default: false)


Inspiration came from the Java OGM implementation by Neo4j.

Road Map

  • Schema Migration
  • Errors overhaul using go 1.13 error wrapping

How you can help

  • Report Bugs
  • Fix bugs
  • Contribute (refer to contribute.md)




View Source
const AccessModeRead = neo4j.AccessModeRead
View Source
const AccessModeWrite = neo4j.AccessModeWrite


View Source
var (
	UUIDPrimaryKeyStrategy = &PrimaryKeyStrategy{
		StrategyName: "UUID",
		DBName:       "uuid",
		FieldName:    "UUID",
		Type:         reflect.TypeOf(""),
		GenIDFunc: func() (id interface{}) {
			return uuid.New().String()
		noop: false,
	DefaultPrimaryKeyStrategy = &PrimaryKeyStrategy{
		StrategyName: "default",
		DBName:       "id",
		FieldName:    "Id",
		Type:         reflect.TypeOf(int64Ptr(0)),
		GenIDFunc: func() (id interface{}) {
			return ""
		noop: true,
View Source
var ErrConfiguration = errors.New("gogm: configuration was malformed")
View Source
var ErrConnection = errors.New("gogm: connection error")
View Source
var ErrInternal = errors.New("gogm: internal error")
View Source
var ErrInvalidParams = errors.New("gogm: invalid params")
View Source
var ErrNotFound = errors.New("gogm: data not found")

base errors for gogm 1.13 errors, these are pretty self explanatory

View Source
var ErrTransaction = errors.New("gogm: transaction error")
View Source
var ErrValidation = errors.New("gogm: struct validation error")


func PathLoadStrategyEdgeConstraint

func PathLoadStrategyEdgeConstraint(startVariable, startLabel, endLabel, endTargetField string, minJumps, maxJumps, depth int, additionalConstraints dsl.ConditionOperator) (dsl.Cypher, error)

PathLoadStrategyEdgeConstraint is similar to load many, but requires that it is related to another node via some edge

func PathLoadStrategyMany

func PathLoadStrategyMany(variable, label string, depth int, additionalConstraints dsl.ConditionOperator) (dsl.Cypher, error)

PathLoadStrategyMany loads many using path strategy

func PathLoadStrategyOne

func PathLoadStrategyOne(variable, label, fieldOn, paramName string, isGraphId bool, depth int, additionalConstraints dsl.ConditionOperator) (dsl.Cypher, error)

PathLoadStrategyOne loads one object using path strategy

func SetGlobalGogm

func SetGlobalGogm(gogm *Gogm)

SetGlobalGogm sets the global instance of gogm


type BaseNode

type BaseNode struct {
	// Id is the GraphId that neo4j uses internally
	Id *int64 `json:"-" gogm:"pk=default"`

	// LoadMap represents the state of how a node was loaded for neo4j.
	// This is used to determine if relationships are removed on save
	// field -- relations
	LoadMap map[string]*RelationConfig `json:"-" gogm:"-"`

BaseNode contains fields that ALL GoGM nodes are required to have

type BaseUUIDNode

type BaseUUIDNode struct {
	// UUID is the unique identifier GoGM uses as a primary key
	UUID string `gogm:"pk=UUID"`

type Config

type Config struct {
	// Host is the neo4j host
	Host string `yaml:"host" json:"host" mapstructure:"host"`
	// Port is the neo4j port
	Port int `yaml:"port" json:"port" mapstructure:"port"`

	// deprecated
	// IsCluster specifies whether GoGM is connecting to a casual cluster or not
	IsCluster bool   `yaml:"is_cluster" json:"is_cluster" mapstructure:"is_cluster"`
	Protocol  string `json:"protocol" yaml:"protocol" mapstructure:"protocol"`

	// Username is the GoGM username
	Username string `yaml:"username" json:"username" mapstructure:"username"`
	// Password is the GoGM password
	Password string `yaml:"password" json:"password" mapstructure:"password"`

	// PoolSize is the size of the connection pool for GoGM
	PoolSize int `yaml:"pool_size" json:"pool_size" mapstructure:"pool_size"`

	DefaultTransactionTimeout time.Duration `json:"default_transaction_timeout" yaml:"default_transaction_timeout" mapstructure:"default_transaction_timeout"`

	Realm string `yaml:"realm" json:"realm" mapstructure:"realm"`

	// these security configurations will be ignored if the protocol does not contain +s
	UseSystemCertPool bool   `yaml:"use_system_cert_pool" mapstructure:"use_system_cert_pool"`
	CAFileLocation    string `yaml:"ca_file_location" mapstructure:"ca_file_location"`

	// Index Strategy defines the index strategy for GoGM
	IndexStrategy IndexStrategy `yaml:"index_strategy" json:"index_strategy" mapstructure:"index_strategy"`
	TargetDbs     []string      `yaml:"target_dbs" json:"target_dbs" mapstructure:"target_dbs"`

	Logger Logger `yaml:"-" json:"-" mapstructure:"-"`
	// if logger is not nil log level will be ignored
	LogLevel         string `json:"log_level" yaml:"log_level" mapstructure:"log_level"`
	EnableDriverLogs bool   `json:"enable_driver_logs" yaml:"enable_driver_logs" mapstructure:"enable_driver_logs"`
	EnableLogParams bool `json:"enable_log_properties" yaml:"enable_log_properties" mapstructure:"enable_log_properties"`

	OpentracingEnabled bool `json:"opentracing_enabled" yaml:"opentracing_enabled" mapstructure:"opentracing_enabled"`

Config Defined GoGM config

func (*Config) ConnectionString

func (c *Config) ConnectionString() string

ConnectionString builds the neo4j bolt/bolt+routing connection string

type Edge

type Edge interface {
	// GetStartNode gets start node of edge
	GetStartNode() interface{}
	// GetStartNodeType gets reflect type of start node
	GetStartNodeType() reflect.Type
	// SetStartNode sets start node of edge
	SetStartNode(v interface{}) error

	// GetEndNode gets end node of edge
	GetEndNode() interface{}
	// GetEndNodeType gets reflect type of end node
	GetEndNodeType() reflect.Type
	// SetEndNode sets end node of edge
	SetEndNode(v interface{}) error

Edge specifies required functions for special edge nodes

type GenerateNewIDFunc

type GenerateNewIDFunc func() interface{}

type Gogm

type Gogm struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func G

func G() *Gogm

G returns the global instance of gogm

func New

func New(config *Config, pkStrategy *PrimaryKeyStrategy, mapTypes ...interface{}) (*Gogm, error)

func NewContext

func NewContext(ctx context.Context, config *Config, pkStrategy *PrimaryKeyStrategy, mapTypes ...interface{}) (*Gogm, error)

func (*Gogm) Close

func (g *Gogm) Close() error

func (*Gogm) Copy

func (g *Gogm) Copy() *Gogm

func (*Gogm) NewSession

func (g *Gogm) NewSession(conf SessionConfig) (ISession, error)

func (*Gogm) NewSessionV2

func (g *Gogm) NewSessionV2(conf SessionConfig) (SessionV2, error)

type ISession

type ISession interface {
	//transaction functions

	//load single object
	Load(respObj interface{}, id string) error

	//load object with depth
	LoadDepth(respObj interface{}, id string, depth int) error

	//load with depth and filter
	LoadDepthFilter(respObj interface{}, id string, depth int, filter *dsl.ConditionBuilder, params map[string]interface{}) error

	//load with depth, filter and pagination
	LoadDepthFilterPagination(respObj interface{}, id string, depth int, filter dsl.ConditionOperator, params map[string]interface{}, pagination *Pagination) error

	//load slice of something
	LoadAll(respObj interface{}) error

	//load all of depth
	LoadAllDepth(respObj interface{}, depth int) error

	//load all of type with depth and filter
	LoadAllDepthFilter(respObj interface{}, depth int, filter dsl.ConditionOperator, params map[string]interface{}) error

	//load all with depth, filter and pagination
	LoadAllDepthFilterPagination(respObj interface{}, depth int, filter dsl.ConditionOperator, params map[string]interface{}, pagination *Pagination) error

	//load all edge query
	LoadAllEdgeConstraint(respObj interface{}, endNodeType, endNodeField string, edgeConstraint interface{}, minJumps, maxJumps, depth int, filter dsl.ConditionOperator) error

	//save object
	Save(saveObj interface{}) error

	//save object with depth
	SaveDepth(saveObj interface{}, depth int) error

	Delete(deleteObj interface{}) error

	//delete uuid
	DeleteUUID(uuid string) error

	//specific query, responds to slice and single objects
	Query(query string, properties map[string]interface{}, respObj interface{}) error

	//similar to query, but returns raw rows/cols
	QueryRaw(query string, properties map[string]interface{}) ([][]interface{}, error)

	//delete everything, this will literally delete everything
	PurgeDatabase() error

	// closes session
	Close() error

deprecated session object for ogm interactions

type ITransaction

type ITransaction interface {
	// Begin begins transaction
	Begin() error
	// Rollback rolls back transaction
	Rollback() error
	// RollbackWithError wraps original error into rollback error if there is one
	RollbackWithError(err error) error
	// Commit commits transaction
	Commit() error

ITransaction specifies functions for Neo4j ACID transactions

type IndexStrategy

type IndexStrategy int

Index Strategy typedefs int to define different index approaches

const (
	// ASSERT_INDEX ensures that all indices are set and sets them if they are not there
	ASSERT_INDEX IndexStrategy = 0
	// VALIDATE_INDEX ensures that all indices are set
	VALIDATE_INDEX IndexStrategy = 1
	// IGNORE_INDEX skips the index step of setup
	IGNORE_INDEX IndexStrategy = 2

type InvalidDecoratorConfigError

type InvalidDecoratorConfigError struct {
	Field string
	Issue string

func NewInvalidDecoratorConfigError

func NewInvalidDecoratorConfigError(issue, field string) *InvalidDecoratorConfigError

func (*InvalidDecoratorConfigError) Error

type InvalidStructConfigError

type InvalidStructConfigError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewInvalidStructConfigError

func NewInvalidStructConfigError(issue string) *InvalidStructConfigError

func (*InvalidStructConfigError) Error

func (i *InvalidStructConfigError) Error() string

type LoadStrategy

type LoadStrategy int

Specifies query based load strategy

const (
	// PathLoadStrategy uses cypher path
	PATH_LOAD_STRATEGY LoadStrategy = iota
	// SchemaLoadStrategy generates queries specifically from generated schema

type Logger

type Logger interface {
	Debug(s string)
	Debugf(s string, vals ...interface{})

	Info(s string)
	Infof(s string, vals ...interface{})

	Warn(s string)
	Warnf(s string, vals ...interface{})

	Error(s string)
	Errorf(s string, vals ...interface{})

	Fatal(s string)
	Fatalf(s string, vals ...interface{})

func GetDefaultLogger

func GetDefaultLogger() Logger

type Pagination

type Pagination struct {
	// specifies which page number to load
	PageNumber int
	// limits how many records per page
	LimitPerPage int
	// specifies variable to order by
	OrderByVarName string
	// specifies field to order by on
	OrderByField string
	// specifies whether orderby is desc or asc
	OrderByDesc bool

pagination configuration

func (*Pagination) Validate

func (p *Pagination) Validate() error

type PrimaryKeyStrategy

type PrimaryKeyStrategy struct {
	// StrategyName is the name of strategy to map field
	StrategyName string
	// DBName for field in the database
	DBName    string
	FieldName string
	// Type of uuid
	Type reflect.Type
	// GenIDFunc function to generate new id
	GenIDFunc GenerateNewIDFunc
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type RelationConfig

type RelationConfig struct {
	// stores graph ids
	Ids []int64 `json:"-" gomg:"-"`
	// specifies relationship type
	RelationType RelationType `json:"-"  gomg:"-"`

RelationConfig specifies how relationships are loaded

type RelationType

type RelationType int

Specifies Type of testRelationship

const (
	// Side of relationship can only point to 0 or 1 other nodes
	Single RelationType = 0

	// Side of relationship can point to 0+ other nodes
	Multi RelationType = 1

type Session deprecated

type Session struct {
	DefaultDepth int
	LoadStrategy LoadStrategy
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Deprecated: Session will be removed in a later release in favor of SessionV2

func NewSession

func NewSession(readonly bool) (*Session, error)

uses global gogm Deprecated: Gogm.NewSession instead

func NewSessionWithConfig deprecated

func NewSessionWithConfig(conf SessionConfig) (*Session, error)

Deprecated: Gogm.NewSessionWithConfig instead

func (*Session) Begin

func (s *Session) Begin() error

func (*Session) Close

func (s *Session) Close() error

func (*Session) Commit

func (s *Session) Commit() error

func (*Session) Delete

func (s *Session) Delete(deleteObj interface{}) error

func (*Session) DeleteUUID

func (s *Session) DeleteUUID(uuid string) error

func (*Session) Load

func (s *Session) Load(respObj interface{}, id string) error

func (*Session) LoadAll

func (s *Session) LoadAll(respObj interface{}) error

func (*Session) LoadAllDepth

func (s *Session) LoadAllDepth(respObj interface{}, depth int) error

func (*Session) LoadAllDepthFilter

func (s *Session) LoadAllDepthFilter(respObj interface{}, depth int, filter dsl.ConditionOperator, params map[string]interface{}) error

func (*Session) LoadAllDepthFilterPagination

func (s *Session) LoadAllDepthFilterPagination(respObj interface{}, depth int, filter dsl.ConditionOperator, params map[string]interface{}, pagination *Pagination) error

func (*Session) LoadAllEdgeConstraint

func (s *Session) LoadAllEdgeConstraint(respObj interface{}, endNodeType, endNodeField string, edgeConstraint interface{}, minJumps, maxJumps, depth int, filter dsl.ConditionOperator) error

func (*Session) LoadDepth

func (s *Session) LoadDepth(respObj interface{}, id string, depth int) error

func (*Session) LoadDepthFilter

func (s *Session) LoadDepthFilter(respObj interface{}, id string, depth int, filter *dsl.ConditionBuilder, params map[string]interface{}) error

func (*Session) LoadDepthFilterPagination

func (s *Session) LoadDepthFilterPagination(respObj interface{}, id string, depth int, filter dsl.ConditionOperator, params map[string]interface{}, pagination *Pagination) error

func (*Session) PurgeDatabase

func (s *Session) PurgeDatabase() error

func (*Session) Query

func (s *Session) Query(query string, properties map[string]interface{}, respObj interface{}) error

func (*Session) QueryRaw

func (s *Session) QueryRaw(query string, properties map[string]interface{}) ([][]interface{}, error)

func (*Session) Rollback

func (s *Session) Rollback() error

func (*Session) RollbackWithError

func (s *Session) RollbackWithError(originalError error) error

func (*Session) Save

func (s *Session) Save(saveObj interface{}) error

func (*Session) SaveDepth

func (s *Session) SaveDepth(saveObj interface{}, depth int) error

type SessionConfig

type SessionConfig neo4j.SessionConfig

type SessionV2

type SessionV2 interface {
	//transaction functions

	// Begin begins transaction
	Begin(ctx context.Context) error

	// ManagedTransaction runs tx work managed for retry
	ManagedTransaction(ctx context.Context, work TransactionWork) error

	// closes session
	Close() error

session version 2 is experimental to start trying breaking changes

type SessionV2Impl

type SessionV2Impl struct {
	DefaultDepth int
	LoadStrategy LoadStrategy
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SessionV2Impl) Begin

func (s *SessionV2Impl) Begin(ctx context.Context) error

func (*SessionV2Impl) Close

func (s *SessionV2Impl) Close() error

func (*SessionV2Impl) Commit

func (s *SessionV2Impl) Commit(ctx context.Context) error

func (*SessionV2Impl) Delete

func (s *SessionV2Impl) Delete(ctx context.Context, deleteObj interface{}) error

func (*SessionV2Impl) DeleteUUID

func (s *SessionV2Impl) DeleteUUID(ctx context.Context, uuid string) error

func (*SessionV2Impl) Load

func (s *SessionV2Impl) Load(ctx context.Context, respObj, id interface{}) error

func (*SessionV2Impl) LoadAll

func (s *SessionV2Impl) LoadAll(ctx context.Context, respObj interface{}) error

func (*SessionV2Impl) LoadAllDepth

func (s *SessionV2Impl) LoadAllDepth(ctx context.Context, respObj interface{}, depth int) error

func (*SessionV2Impl) LoadAllDepthFilter

func (s *SessionV2Impl) LoadAllDepthFilter(ctx context.Context, respObj interface{}, depth int, filter dsl.ConditionOperator, params map[string]interface{}) error

func (*SessionV2Impl) LoadAllDepthFilterPagination

func (s *SessionV2Impl) LoadAllDepthFilterPagination(ctx context.Context, respObj interface{}, depth int, filter dsl.ConditionOperator, params map[string]interface{}, pagination *Pagination) error

func (*SessionV2Impl) LoadDepth

func (s *SessionV2Impl) LoadDepth(ctx context.Context, respObj, id interface{}, depth int) error

func (*SessionV2Impl) LoadDepthFilter

func (s *SessionV2Impl) LoadDepthFilter(ctx context.Context, respObj, id interface{}, depth int, filter *dsl.ConditionBuilder, params map[string]interface{}) error

func (*SessionV2Impl) LoadDepthFilterPagination

func (s *SessionV2Impl) LoadDepthFilterPagination(ctx context.Context, respObj, id interface{}, depth int, filter dsl.ConditionOperator, params map[string]interface{}, pagination *Pagination) error

func (*SessionV2Impl) ManagedTransaction

func (s *SessionV2Impl) ManagedTransaction(ctx context.Context, work TransactionWork) error

func (*SessionV2Impl) Query

func (s *SessionV2Impl) Query(ctx context.Context, query string, properties map[string]interface{}, respObj interface{}) error

func (*SessionV2Impl) QueryRaw

func (s *SessionV2Impl) QueryRaw(ctx context.Context, query string, properties map[string]interface{}) ([][]interface{}, neo4j.ResultSummary, error)

func (*SessionV2Impl) Rollback

func (s *SessionV2Impl) Rollback(ctx context.Context) error

func (*SessionV2Impl) RollbackWithError

func (s *SessionV2Impl) RollbackWithError(ctx context.Context, originalError error) error

func (*SessionV2Impl) Save

func (s *SessionV2Impl) Save(ctx context.Context, saveObj interface{}) error

func (*SessionV2Impl) SaveDepth

func (s *SessionV2Impl) SaveDepth(ctx context.Context, saveObj interface{}, depth int) error

type TransactionV2

type TransactionV2 interface {
	// Rollback rolls back transaction
	Rollback(ctx context.Context) error
	// RollbackWithError wraps original error into rollback error if there is one
	RollbackWithError(ctx context.Context, err error) error
	// Commit commits transaction
	Commit(ctx context.Context) error
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

TransactionV2 specifies functions for Neo4j ACID transactions

type TransactionWork

type TransactionWork func(tx TransactionV2) error


Path Synopsis
gen provides code to generate link and unlink functions for gogm structs
gen provides code to generate link and unlink functions for gogm structs
Code generated by GoGM v1.0.1.
Code generated by GoGM v1.0.1.

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