
v0.1.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Jun 4, 2019 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 8 Imported by: 0




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const AddressABI = "[]"

AddressABI is the input ABI used to generate the binding from.

View Source
const AddressBin = `` /* 242-byte string literal not displayed */

AddressBin is the compiled bytecode used for deploying new contracts.

View Source
const ArbBalanceTrackerABI = "" /* 8043-byte string literal not displayed */

ArbBalanceTrackerABI is the input ABI used to generate the binding from.

View Source
const ArbBalanceTrackerBin = `` /* 16282-byte string literal not displayed */

ArbBalanceTrackerBin is the compiled bytecode used for deploying new contracts.

View Source
const ArbProtocolABI = "" /* 5020-byte string literal not displayed */

ArbProtocolABI is the input ABI used to generate the binding from.

View Source
const ArbProtocolBin = `` /* 16642-byte string literal not displayed */

ArbProtocolBin is the compiled bytecode used for deploying new contracts.

View Source
const ArbValueABI = "" /* 2084-byte string literal not displayed */

ArbValueABI is the input ABI used to generate the binding from.

View Source
const ArbValueBin = `` /* 5926-byte string literal not displayed */

ArbValueBin is the compiled bytecode used for deploying new contracts.

View Source
const BytesLibABI = "[]"

BytesLibABI is the input ABI used to generate the binding from.

View Source
const BytesLibBin = `` /* 242-byte string literal not displayed */

BytesLibBin is the compiled bytecode used for deploying new contracts.

View Source
const ERC165ABI = "" /* 323-byte string literal not displayed */

ERC165ABI is the input ABI used to generate the binding from.

View Source
const ERC165Bin = `0x`

ERC165Bin is the compiled bytecode used for deploying new contracts.

View Source
const ERC20ABI = "" /* 2558-byte string literal not displayed */

ERC20ABI is the input ABI used to generate the binding from.

View Source
const ERC20Bin = `` /* 3012-byte string literal not displayed */

ERC20Bin is the compiled bytecode used for deploying new contracts.

View Source
const ERC721ABI = "" /* 3354-byte string literal not displayed */

ERC721ABI is the input ABI used to generate the binding from.

View Source
const ERC721Bin = `` /* 5078-byte string literal not displayed */

ERC721Bin is the compiled bytecode used for deploying new contracts.

View Source
const IChallengeManagerABI = "" /* 392-byte string literal not displayed */

IChallengeManagerABI is the input ABI used to generate the binding from.

View Source
const IChallengeManagerBin = `0x`

IChallengeManagerBin is the compiled bytecode used for deploying new contracts.

View Source
const IERC165ABI = "" /* 229-byte string literal not displayed */

IERC165ABI is the input ABI used to generate the binding from.

View Source
const IERC165Bin = `0x`

IERC165Bin is the compiled bytecode used for deploying new contracts.

View Source
const IERC20ABI = "" /* 1993-byte string literal not displayed */

IERC20ABI is the input ABI used to generate the binding from.

View Source
const IERC20Bin = `0x`

IERC20Bin is the compiled bytecode used for deploying new contracts.

View Source
const IERC721ABI = "" /* 3286-byte string literal not displayed */

IERC721ABI is the input ABI used to generate the binding from.

View Source
const IERC721Bin = `0x`

IERC721Bin is the compiled bytecode used for deploying new contracts.

View Source
const IERC721ReceiverABI = "" /* 359-byte string literal not displayed */

IERC721ReceiverABI is the input ABI used to generate the binding from.

View Source
const IERC721ReceiverBin = `0x`

IERC721ReceiverBin is the compiled bytecode used for deploying new contracts.

View Source
const MerkleLibABI = "" /* 800-byte string literal not displayed */

MerkleLibABI is the input ABI used to generate the binding from.

View Source
const MerkleLibBin = `` /* 2868-byte string literal not displayed */

MerkleLibBin is the compiled bytecode used for deploying new contracts.

View Source
const OwnableABI = "" /* 1013-byte string literal not displayed */

OwnableABI is the input ABI used to generate the binding from.

View Source
const OwnableBin = `0x`

OwnableBin is the compiled bytecode used for deploying new contracts.

View Source
const SafeMathABI = "[]"

SafeMathABI is the input ABI used to generate the binding from.

View Source
const SafeMathBin = `` /* 242-byte string literal not displayed */

SafeMathBin is the compiled bytecode used for deploying new contracts.

View Source
const VMTrackerABI = "" /* 9270-byte string literal not displayed */

VMTrackerABI is the input ABI used to generate the binding from.

View Source
const VMTrackerBin = `` /* 43510-byte string literal not displayed */

VMTrackerBin is the compiled bytecode used for deploying new contracts.


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type Address

type Address struct {
	AddressCaller     // Read-only binding to the contract
	AddressTransactor // Write-only binding to the contract
	AddressFilterer   // Log filterer for contract events

Address is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func DeployAddress

func DeployAddress(auth *bind.TransactOpts, backend bind.ContractBackend) (common.Address, *types.Transaction, *Address, error)

DeployAddress deploys a new Ethereum contract, binding an instance of Address to it.

func NewAddress

func NewAddress(address common.Address, backend bind.ContractBackend) (*Address, error)

NewAddress creates a new instance of Address, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type AddressCaller

type AddressCaller struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AddressCaller is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewAddressCaller

func NewAddressCaller(address common.Address, caller bind.ContractCaller) (*AddressCaller, error)

NewAddressCaller creates a new read-only instance of Address, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type AddressCallerRaw

type AddressCallerRaw struct {
	Contract *AddressCaller // Generic read-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

AddressCallerRaw is an auto generated low-level read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*AddressCallerRaw) Call

func (_Address *AddressCallerRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

type AddressCallerSession

type AddressCallerSession struct {
	Contract *AddressCaller // Generic contract caller binding to set the session for
	CallOpts bind.CallOpts  // Call options to use throughout this session

AddressCallerSession is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call options.

type AddressFilterer

type AddressFilterer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AddressFilterer is an auto generated log filtering Go binding around an Ethereum contract events.

func NewAddressFilterer

func NewAddressFilterer(address common.Address, filterer bind.ContractFilterer) (*AddressFilterer, error)

NewAddressFilterer creates a new log filterer instance of Address, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type AddressRaw

type AddressRaw struct {
	Contract *Address // Generic contract binding to access the raw methods on

AddressRaw is an auto generated low-level Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*AddressRaw) Call

func (_Address *AddressRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

func (*AddressRaw) Transact

func (_Address *AddressRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*AddressRaw) Transfer

func (_Address *AddressRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type AddressSession

type AddressSession struct {
	Contract     *Address          // Generic contract binding to set the session for
	CallOpts     bind.CallOpts     // Call options to use throughout this session
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

AddressSession is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call and transact options.

type AddressTransactor

type AddressTransactor struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AddressTransactor is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewAddressTransactor

func NewAddressTransactor(address common.Address, transactor bind.ContractTransactor) (*AddressTransactor, error)

NewAddressTransactor creates a new write-only instance of Address, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type AddressTransactorRaw

type AddressTransactorRaw struct {
	Contract *AddressTransactor // Generic write-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

AddressTransactorRaw is an auto generated low-level write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*AddressTransactorRaw) Transact

func (_Address *AddressTransactorRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*AddressTransactorRaw) Transfer

func (_Address *AddressTransactorRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type AddressTransactorSession

type AddressTransactorSession struct {
	Contract     *AddressTransactor // Generic contract transactor binding to set the session for
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts  // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

AddressTransactorSession is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set transact options.

type ArbBalanceTracker

type ArbBalanceTracker struct {
	ArbBalanceTrackerCaller     // Read-only binding to the contract
	ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor // Write-only binding to the contract
	ArbBalanceTrackerFilterer   // Log filterer for contract events

ArbBalanceTracker is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func DeployArbBalanceTracker

func DeployArbBalanceTracker(auth *bind.TransactOpts, backend bind.ContractBackend) (common.Address, *types.Transaction, *ArbBalanceTracker, error)

DeployArbBalanceTracker deploys a new Ethereum contract, binding an instance of ArbBalanceTracker to it.

func NewArbBalanceTracker

func NewArbBalanceTracker(address common.Address, backend bind.ContractBackend) (*ArbBalanceTracker, error)

NewArbBalanceTracker creates a new instance of ArbBalanceTracker, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type ArbBalanceTrackerApproval

type ArbBalanceTrackerApproval struct {
	Owner   common.Address
	Spender common.Address
	Value   *big.Int
	Raw     types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

ArbBalanceTrackerApproval represents a Approval event raised by the ArbBalanceTracker contract.

type ArbBalanceTrackerApprovalIterator

type ArbBalanceTrackerApprovalIterator struct {
	Event *ArbBalanceTrackerApproval // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ArbBalanceTrackerApprovalIterator is returned from FilterApproval and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for Approval events raised by the ArbBalanceTracker contract.

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerApprovalIterator) Close

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerApprovalIterator) Error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerApprovalIterator) Next

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

type ArbBalanceTrackerCaller

type ArbBalanceTrackerCaller struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ArbBalanceTrackerCaller is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewArbBalanceTrackerCaller

func NewArbBalanceTrackerCaller(address common.Address, caller bind.ContractCaller) (*ArbBalanceTrackerCaller, error)

NewArbBalanceTrackerCaller creates a new read-only instance of ArbBalanceTracker, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerCaller) Allowance

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerCaller) Allowance(opts *bind.CallOpts, owner common.Address, spender common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

Allowance is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xdd62ed3e.

Solidity: function allowance(address owner, address spender) constant returns(uint256)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerCaller) BalanceOf

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerCaller) BalanceOf(opts *bind.CallOpts, owner common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

BalanceOf is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x70a08231.

Solidity: function balanceOf(address owner) constant returns(uint256)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerCaller) GetNFTTokens

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerCaller) GetNFTTokens(opts *bind.CallOpts, _owner [32]byte) ([]common.Address, []*big.Int, error)

GetNFTTokens is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x0aa114ae.

Solidity: function getNFTTokens(bytes32 _owner) constant returns(address[], uint256[])

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerCaller) GetTokenBalance

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerCaller) GetTokenBalance(opts *bind.CallOpts, _tokenContract common.Address, _owner [32]byte) (*big.Int, error)

GetTokenBalance is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xa35be443.

Solidity: function getTokenBalance(address _tokenContract, bytes32 _owner) constant returns(uint256)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerCaller) GetTokenBalances

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerCaller) GetTokenBalances(opts *bind.CallOpts, _owner [32]byte) ([]common.Address, []*big.Int, error)

GetTokenBalances is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x2a8a8e7f.

Solidity: function getTokenBalances(bytes32 _owner) constant returns(address[], uint256[])

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerCaller) HasNFT

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerCaller) HasNFT(opts *bind.CallOpts, _tokenContract common.Address, _owner [32]byte, _tokenId *big.Int) (bool, error)

HasNFT is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x82512757.

Solidity: function hasNFT(address _tokenContract, bytes32 _owner, uint256 _tokenId) constant returns(bool)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerCaller) IsOwner

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerCaller) IsOwner(opts *bind.CallOpts) (bool, error)

IsOwner is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x8f32d59b.

Solidity: function isOwner() constant returns(bool)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerCaller) Owner

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerCaller) Owner(opts *bind.CallOpts) (common.Address, error)

Owner is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x8da5cb5b.

Solidity: function owner() constant returns(address)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerCaller) TotalSupply

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerCaller) TotalSupply(opts *bind.CallOpts) (*big.Int, error)

TotalSupply is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x18160ddd.

Solidity: function totalSupply() constant returns(uint256)

type ArbBalanceTrackerCallerRaw

type ArbBalanceTrackerCallerRaw struct {
	Contract *ArbBalanceTrackerCaller // Generic read-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

ArbBalanceTrackerCallerRaw is an auto generated low-level read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerCallerRaw) Call

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerCallerRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

type ArbBalanceTrackerCallerSession

type ArbBalanceTrackerCallerSession struct {
	Contract *ArbBalanceTrackerCaller // Generic contract caller binding to set the session for
	CallOpts bind.CallOpts            // Call options to use throughout this session

ArbBalanceTrackerCallerSession is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call options.

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerCallerSession) Allowance

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerCallerSession) Allowance(owner common.Address, spender common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

Allowance is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xdd62ed3e.

Solidity: function allowance(address owner, address spender) constant returns(uint256)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerCallerSession) BalanceOf

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerCallerSession) BalanceOf(owner common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

BalanceOf is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x70a08231.

Solidity: function balanceOf(address owner) constant returns(uint256)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerCallerSession) GetNFTTokens

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerCallerSession) GetNFTTokens(_owner [32]byte) ([]common.Address, []*big.Int, error)

GetNFTTokens is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x0aa114ae.

Solidity: function getNFTTokens(bytes32 _owner) constant returns(address[], uint256[])

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerCallerSession) GetTokenBalance

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerCallerSession) GetTokenBalance(_tokenContract common.Address, _owner [32]byte) (*big.Int, error)

GetTokenBalance is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xa35be443.

Solidity: function getTokenBalance(address _tokenContract, bytes32 _owner) constant returns(uint256)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerCallerSession) GetTokenBalances

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerCallerSession) GetTokenBalances(_owner [32]byte) ([]common.Address, []*big.Int, error)

GetTokenBalances is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x2a8a8e7f.

Solidity: function getTokenBalances(bytes32 _owner) constant returns(address[], uint256[])

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerCallerSession) HasNFT

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerCallerSession) HasNFT(_tokenContract common.Address, _owner [32]byte, _tokenId *big.Int) (bool, error)

HasNFT is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x82512757.

Solidity: function hasNFT(address _tokenContract, bytes32 _owner, uint256 _tokenId) constant returns(bool)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerCallerSession) IsOwner

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerCallerSession) IsOwner() (bool, error)

IsOwner is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x8f32d59b.

Solidity: function isOwner() constant returns(bool)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerCallerSession) Owner

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerCallerSession) Owner() (common.Address, error)

Owner is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x8da5cb5b.

Solidity: function owner() constant returns(address)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerCallerSession) TotalSupply

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerCallerSession) TotalSupply() (*big.Int, error)

TotalSupply is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x18160ddd.

Solidity: function totalSupply() constant returns(uint256)

type ArbBalanceTrackerFilterer

type ArbBalanceTrackerFilterer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ArbBalanceTrackerFilterer is an auto generated log filtering Go binding around an Ethereum contract events.

func NewArbBalanceTrackerFilterer

func NewArbBalanceTrackerFilterer(address common.Address, filterer bind.ContractFilterer) (*ArbBalanceTrackerFilterer, error)

NewArbBalanceTrackerFilterer creates a new log filterer instance of ArbBalanceTracker, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerFilterer) FilterApproval

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerFilterer) FilterApproval(opts *bind.FilterOpts, owner []common.Address, spender []common.Address) (*ArbBalanceTrackerApprovalIterator, error)

FilterApproval is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925.

Solidity: event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerFilterer) FilterOwnershipTransferred

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerFilterer) FilterOwnershipTransferred(opts *bind.FilterOpts, previousOwner []common.Address, newOwner []common.Address) (*ArbBalanceTrackerOwnershipTransferredIterator, error)

FilterOwnershipTransferred is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x8be0079c531659141344cd1fd0a4f28419497f9722a3daafe3b4186f6b6457e0.

Solidity: event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerFilterer) FilterTransfer

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerFilterer) FilterTransfer(opts *bind.FilterOpts, from []common.Address, to []common.Address) (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransferIterator, error)

FilterTransfer is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef.

Solidity: event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerFilterer) WatchApproval

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerFilterer) WatchApproval(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *ArbBalanceTrackerApproval, owner []common.Address, spender []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchApproval is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925.

Solidity: event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerFilterer) WatchOwnershipTransferred

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerFilterer) WatchOwnershipTransferred(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *ArbBalanceTrackerOwnershipTransferred, previousOwner []common.Address, newOwner []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchOwnershipTransferred is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x8be0079c531659141344cd1fd0a4f28419497f9722a3daafe3b4186f6b6457e0.

Solidity: event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerFilterer) WatchTransfer

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerFilterer) WatchTransfer(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *ArbBalanceTrackerTransfer, from []common.Address, to []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchTransfer is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef.

Solidity: event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value)

type ArbBalanceTrackerOwnershipTransferred

type ArbBalanceTrackerOwnershipTransferred struct {
	PreviousOwner common.Address
	NewOwner      common.Address
	Raw           types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

ArbBalanceTrackerOwnershipTransferred represents a OwnershipTransferred event raised by the ArbBalanceTracker contract.

type ArbBalanceTrackerOwnershipTransferredIterator

type ArbBalanceTrackerOwnershipTransferredIterator struct {
	Event *ArbBalanceTrackerOwnershipTransferred // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ArbBalanceTrackerOwnershipTransferredIterator is returned from FilterOwnershipTransferred and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for OwnershipTransferred events raised by the ArbBalanceTracker contract.

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerOwnershipTransferredIterator) Close

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerOwnershipTransferredIterator) Error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerOwnershipTransferredIterator) Next

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

type ArbBalanceTrackerRaw

type ArbBalanceTrackerRaw struct {
	Contract *ArbBalanceTracker // Generic contract binding to access the raw methods on

ArbBalanceTrackerRaw is an auto generated low-level Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerRaw) Call

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerRaw) Transact

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerRaw) Transfer

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type ArbBalanceTrackerSession

type ArbBalanceTrackerSession struct {
	Contract     *ArbBalanceTracker // Generic contract binding to set the session for
	CallOpts     bind.CallOpts      // Call options to use throughout this session
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts  // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

ArbBalanceTrackerSession is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call and transact options.

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerSession) AddNFTToken

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerSession) AddNFTToken(_user [32]byte, _tokenContract common.Address, _tokenId *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

AddNFTToken is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xd339bf3c.

Solidity: function addNFTToken(bytes32 _user, address _tokenContract, uint256 _tokenId) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerSession) AddToken

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerSession) AddToken(_user [32]byte, _tokenContract common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

AddToken is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x974765a1.

Solidity: function addToken(bytes32 _user, address _tokenContract, uint256 _value) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerSession) Allowance

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerSession) Allowance(owner common.Address, spender common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

Allowance is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xdd62ed3e.

Solidity: function allowance(address owner, address spender) constant returns(uint256)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerSession) Approve

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerSession) Approve(spender common.Address, value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Approve is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x095ea7b3.

Solidity: function approve(address spender, uint256 value) returns(bool)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerSession) BalanceOf

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerSession) BalanceOf(owner common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

BalanceOf is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x70a08231.

Solidity: function balanceOf(address owner) constant returns(uint256)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerSession) DecreaseAllowance

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerSession) DecreaseAllowance(spender common.Address, subtractedValue *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

DecreaseAllowance is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xa457c2d7.

Solidity: function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) returns(bool)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerSession) DepositERC20

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerSession) DepositERC20(_tokenContract common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

DepositERC20 is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x97feb926.

Solidity: function depositERC20(address _tokenContract, uint256 _value) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerSession) DepositERC721

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerSession) DepositERC721(_tokenContract common.Address, _tokenId *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

DepositERC721 is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xd29a4bf6.

Solidity: function depositERC721(address _tokenContract, uint256 _tokenId) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerSession) DepositEth

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerSession) DepositEth(_destination [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

DepositEth is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xda63d7b6.

Solidity: function depositEth(bytes32 _destination) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerSession) GetNFTTokens

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerSession) GetNFTTokens(_owner [32]byte) ([]common.Address, []*big.Int, error)

GetNFTTokens is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x0aa114ae.

Solidity: function getNFTTokens(bytes32 _owner) constant returns(address[], uint256[])

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerSession) GetTokenBalance

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerSession) GetTokenBalance(_tokenContract common.Address, _owner [32]byte) (*big.Int, error)

GetTokenBalance is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xa35be443.

Solidity: function getTokenBalance(address _tokenContract, bytes32 _owner) constant returns(uint256)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerSession) GetTokenBalances

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerSession) GetTokenBalances(_owner [32]byte) ([]common.Address, []*big.Int, error)

GetTokenBalances is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x2a8a8e7f.

Solidity: function getTokenBalances(bytes32 _owner) constant returns(address[], uint256[])

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerSession) HasFunds

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerSession) HasFunds(_vmId [32]byte, _tokenTypes [][21]byte, _amounts []*big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

HasFunds is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xc2465106.

Solidity: function hasFunds(bytes32 _vmId, bytes21[] _tokenTypes, uint256[] _amounts) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerSession) HasNFT

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerSession) HasNFT(_tokenContract common.Address, _owner [32]byte, _tokenId *big.Int) (bool, error)

HasNFT is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x82512757.

Solidity: function hasNFT(address _tokenContract, bytes32 _owner, uint256 _tokenId) constant returns(bool)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerSession) IncreaseAllowance

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerSession) IncreaseAllowance(spender common.Address, addedValue *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

IncreaseAllowance is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x39509351.

Solidity: function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) returns(bool)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerSession) IsOwner

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerSession) IsOwner() (bool, error)

IsOwner is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x8f32d59b.

Solidity: function isOwner() constant returns(bool)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerSession) Owner

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerSession) Owner() (common.Address, error)

Owner is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x8da5cb5b.

Solidity: function owner() constant returns(address)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerSession) RemoveNFTToken

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerSession) RemoveNFTToken(_user [32]byte, _tokenContract common.Address, _tokenId *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

RemoveNFTToken is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x26a6939a.

Solidity: function removeNFTToken(bytes32 _user, address _tokenContract, uint256 _tokenId) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerSession) RemoveToken

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerSession) RemoveToken(_user [32]byte, _tokenContract common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

RemoveToken is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x0e227be3.

Solidity: function removeToken(bytes32 _user, address _tokenContract, uint256 _value) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerSession) RenounceOwnership

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerSession) RenounceOwnership() (*types.Transaction, error)

RenounceOwnership is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x715018a6.

Solidity: function renounceOwnership() returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerSession) TotalSupply

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerSession) TotalSupply() (*big.Int, error)

TotalSupply is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x18160ddd.

Solidity: function totalSupply() constant returns(uint256)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerSession) Transfer

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerSession) Transfer(to common.Address, value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xa9059cbb.

Solidity: function transfer(address to, uint256 value) returns(bool)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerSession) TransferFrom

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerSession) TransferFrom(from common.Address, to common.Address, value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferFrom is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x23b872dd.

Solidity: function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) returns(bool)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerSession) TransferNFT

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerSession) TransferNFT(_from [32]byte, _to [32]byte, _tokenContract common.Address, _tokenId *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferNFT is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xcdf25dc1.

Solidity: function transferNFT(bytes32 _from, bytes32 _to, address _tokenContract, uint256 _tokenId) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerSession) TransferOwnership

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerSession) TransferOwnership(newOwner common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferOwnership is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xf2fde38b.

Solidity: function transferOwnership(address newOwner) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerSession) TransferToken

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerSession) TransferToken(_from [32]byte, _to [32]byte, _tokenContract common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferToken is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x1240117b.

Solidity: function transferToken(bytes32 _from, bytes32 _to, address _tokenContract, uint256 _value) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerSession) WithdrawERC20

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerSession) WithdrawERC20(_tokenContract common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

WithdrawERC20 is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xa1db9782.

Solidity: function withdrawERC20(address _tokenContract, uint256 _value) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerSession) WithdrawERC721

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerSession) WithdrawERC721(_tokenContract common.Address, _tokenId *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

WithdrawERC721 is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xf3e414f8.

Solidity: function withdrawERC721(address _tokenContract, uint256 _tokenId) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerSession) WithdrawEth

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerSession) WithdrawEth(_value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

WithdrawEth is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xc311d049.

Solidity: function withdrawEth(uint256 _value) returns()

type ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor

type ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewArbBalanceTrackerTransactor

func NewArbBalanceTrackerTransactor(address common.Address, transactor bind.ContractTransactor) (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor, error)

NewArbBalanceTrackerTransactor creates a new write-only instance of ArbBalanceTracker, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) AddNFTToken

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) AddNFTToken(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _user [32]byte, _tokenContract common.Address, _tokenId *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

AddNFTToken is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xd339bf3c.

Solidity: function addNFTToken(bytes32 _user, address _tokenContract, uint256 _tokenId) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) AddToken

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) AddToken(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _user [32]byte, _tokenContract common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

AddToken is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x974765a1.

Solidity: function addToken(bytes32 _user, address _tokenContract, uint256 _value) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) Approve

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) Approve(opts *bind.TransactOpts, spender common.Address, value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Approve is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x095ea7b3.

Solidity: function approve(address spender, uint256 value) returns(bool)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) DecreaseAllowance

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) DecreaseAllowance(opts *bind.TransactOpts, spender common.Address, subtractedValue *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

DecreaseAllowance is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xa457c2d7.

Solidity: function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) returns(bool)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) DepositERC20

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) DepositERC20(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _tokenContract common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

DepositERC20 is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x97feb926.

Solidity: function depositERC20(address _tokenContract, uint256 _value) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) DepositERC721

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) DepositERC721(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _tokenContract common.Address, _tokenId *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

DepositERC721 is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xd29a4bf6.

Solidity: function depositERC721(address _tokenContract, uint256 _tokenId) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) DepositEth

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) DepositEth(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _destination [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

DepositEth is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xda63d7b6.

Solidity: function depositEth(bytes32 _destination) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) HasFunds

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) HasFunds(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _vmId [32]byte, _tokenTypes [][21]byte, _amounts []*big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

HasFunds is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xc2465106.

Solidity: function hasFunds(bytes32 _vmId, bytes21[] _tokenTypes, uint256[] _amounts) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) IncreaseAllowance

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) IncreaseAllowance(opts *bind.TransactOpts, spender common.Address, addedValue *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

IncreaseAllowance is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x39509351.

Solidity: function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) returns(bool)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) RemoveNFTToken

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) RemoveNFTToken(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _user [32]byte, _tokenContract common.Address, _tokenId *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

RemoveNFTToken is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x26a6939a.

Solidity: function removeNFTToken(bytes32 _user, address _tokenContract, uint256 _tokenId) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) RemoveToken

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) RemoveToken(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _user [32]byte, _tokenContract common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

RemoveToken is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x0e227be3.

Solidity: function removeToken(bytes32 _user, address _tokenContract, uint256 _value) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) RenounceOwnership

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) RenounceOwnership(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

RenounceOwnership is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x715018a6.

Solidity: function renounceOwnership() returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) Transfer

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts, to common.Address, value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xa9059cbb.

Solidity: function transfer(address to, uint256 value) returns(bool)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) TransferFrom

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) TransferFrom(opts *bind.TransactOpts, from common.Address, to common.Address, value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferFrom is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x23b872dd.

Solidity: function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) returns(bool)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) TransferNFT

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) TransferNFT(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _from [32]byte, _to [32]byte, _tokenContract common.Address, _tokenId *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferNFT is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xcdf25dc1.

Solidity: function transferNFT(bytes32 _from, bytes32 _to, address _tokenContract, uint256 _tokenId) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) TransferOwnership

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) TransferOwnership(opts *bind.TransactOpts, newOwner common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferOwnership is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xf2fde38b.

Solidity: function transferOwnership(address newOwner) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) TransferToken

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) TransferToken(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _from [32]byte, _to [32]byte, _tokenContract common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferToken is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x1240117b.

Solidity: function transferToken(bytes32 _from, bytes32 _to, address _tokenContract, uint256 _value) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) WithdrawERC20

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) WithdrawERC20(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _tokenContract common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

WithdrawERC20 is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xa1db9782.

Solidity: function withdrawERC20(address _tokenContract, uint256 _value) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) WithdrawERC721

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) WithdrawERC721(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _tokenContract common.Address, _tokenId *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

WithdrawERC721 is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xf3e414f8.

Solidity: function withdrawERC721(address _tokenContract, uint256 _tokenId) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) WithdrawEth

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor) WithdrawEth(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

WithdrawEth is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xc311d049.

Solidity: function withdrawEth(uint256 _value) returns()

type ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorRaw

type ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorRaw struct {
	Contract *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor // Generic write-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorRaw is an auto generated low-level write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorRaw) Transact

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorRaw) Transfer

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession

type ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession struct {
	Contract     *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactor // Generic contract transactor binding to set the session for
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts            // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set transact options.

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) AddNFTToken

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) AddNFTToken(_user [32]byte, _tokenContract common.Address, _tokenId *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

AddNFTToken is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xd339bf3c.

Solidity: function addNFTToken(bytes32 _user, address _tokenContract, uint256 _tokenId) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) AddToken

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) AddToken(_user [32]byte, _tokenContract common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

AddToken is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x974765a1.

Solidity: function addToken(bytes32 _user, address _tokenContract, uint256 _value) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) Approve

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) Approve(spender common.Address, value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Approve is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x095ea7b3.

Solidity: function approve(address spender, uint256 value) returns(bool)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) DecreaseAllowance

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) DecreaseAllowance(spender common.Address, subtractedValue *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

DecreaseAllowance is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xa457c2d7.

Solidity: function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) returns(bool)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) DepositERC20

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) DepositERC20(_tokenContract common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

DepositERC20 is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x97feb926.

Solidity: function depositERC20(address _tokenContract, uint256 _value) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) DepositERC721

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) DepositERC721(_tokenContract common.Address, _tokenId *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

DepositERC721 is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xd29a4bf6.

Solidity: function depositERC721(address _tokenContract, uint256 _tokenId) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) DepositEth

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) DepositEth(_destination [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

DepositEth is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xda63d7b6.

Solidity: function depositEth(bytes32 _destination) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) HasFunds

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) HasFunds(_vmId [32]byte, _tokenTypes [][21]byte, _amounts []*big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

HasFunds is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xc2465106.

Solidity: function hasFunds(bytes32 _vmId, bytes21[] _tokenTypes, uint256[] _amounts) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) IncreaseAllowance

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) IncreaseAllowance(spender common.Address, addedValue *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

IncreaseAllowance is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x39509351.

Solidity: function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) returns(bool)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) RemoveNFTToken

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) RemoveNFTToken(_user [32]byte, _tokenContract common.Address, _tokenId *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

RemoveNFTToken is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x26a6939a.

Solidity: function removeNFTToken(bytes32 _user, address _tokenContract, uint256 _tokenId) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) RemoveToken

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) RemoveToken(_user [32]byte, _tokenContract common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

RemoveToken is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x0e227be3.

Solidity: function removeToken(bytes32 _user, address _tokenContract, uint256 _value) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) RenounceOwnership

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) RenounceOwnership() (*types.Transaction, error)

RenounceOwnership is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x715018a6.

Solidity: function renounceOwnership() returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) Transfer

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) Transfer(to common.Address, value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xa9059cbb.

Solidity: function transfer(address to, uint256 value) returns(bool)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) TransferFrom

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) TransferFrom(from common.Address, to common.Address, value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferFrom is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x23b872dd.

Solidity: function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) returns(bool)

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) TransferNFT

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) TransferNFT(_from [32]byte, _to [32]byte, _tokenContract common.Address, _tokenId *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferNFT is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xcdf25dc1.

Solidity: function transferNFT(bytes32 _from, bytes32 _to, address _tokenContract, uint256 _tokenId) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) TransferOwnership

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) TransferOwnership(newOwner common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferOwnership is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xf2fde38b.

Solidity: function transferOwnership(address newOwner) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) TransferToken

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) TransferToken(_from [32]byte, _to [32]byte, _tokenContract common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferToken is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x1240117b.

Solidity: function transferToken(bytes32 _from, bytes32 _to, address _tokenContract, uint256 _value) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) WithdrawERC20

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) WithdrawERC20(_tokenContract common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

WithdrawERC20 is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xa1db9782.

Solidity: function withdrawERC20(address _tokenContract, uint256 _value) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) WithdrawERC721

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) WithdrawERC721(_tokenContract common.Address, _tokenId *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

WithdrawERC721 is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xf3e414f8.

Solidity: function withdrawERC721(address _tokenContract, uint256 _tokenId) returns()

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) WithdrawEth

func (_ArbBalanceTracker *ArbBalanceTrackerTransactorSession) WithdrawEth(_value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

WithdrawEth is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xc311d049.

Solidity: function withdrawEth(uint256 _value) returns()

type ArbBalanceTrackerTransfer

type ArbBalanceTrackerTransfer struct {
	From  common.Address
	To    common.Address
	Value *big.Int
	Raw   types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

ArbBalanceTrackerTransfer represents a Transfer event raised by the ArbBalanceTracker contract.

type ArbBalanceTrackerTransferIterator

type ArbBalanceTrackerTransferIterator struct {
	Event *ArbBalanceTrackerTransfer // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ArbBalanceTrackerTransferIterator is returned from FilterTransfer and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for Transfer events raised by the ArbBalanceTracker contract.

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransferIterator) Close

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransferIterator) Error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*ArbBalanceTrackerTransferIterator) Next

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

type ArbProtocol

type ArbProtocol struct {
	ArbProtocolCaller     // Read-only binding to the contract
	ArbProtocolTransactor // Write-only binding to the contract
	ArbProtocolFilterer   // Log filterer for contract events

ArbProtocol is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func DeployArbProtocol

func DeployArbProtocol(auth *bind.TransactOpts, backend bind.ContractBackend) (common.Address, *types.Transaction, *ArbProtocol, error)

DeployArbProtocol deploys a new Ethereum contract, binding an instance of ArbProtocol to it.

func NewArbProtocol

func NewArbProtocol(address common.Address, backend bind.ContractBackend) (*ArbProtocol, error)

NewArbProtocol creates a new instance of ArbProtocol, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type ArbProtocolCaller

type ArbProtocolCaller struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ArbProtocolCaller is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewArbProtocolCaller

func NewArbProtocolCaller(address common.Address, caller bind.ContractCaller) (*ArbProtocolCaller, error)

NewArbProtocolCaller creates a new read-only instance of ArbProtocol, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*ArbProtocolCaller) AppendInboxMessages

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolCaller) AppendInboxMessages(opts *bind.CallOpts, _inboxHash [32]byte, _pendingMessages [32]byte) ([32]byte, error)

AppendInboxMessages is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xf11fcc26.

Solidity: function appendInboxMessages(bytes32 _inboxHash, bytes32 _pendingMessages) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbProtocolCaller) AppendInboxPendingMessage

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolCaller) AppendInboxPendingMessage(opts *bind.CallOpts, _pendingMessages [32]byte, _newMessage [32]byte) ([32]byte, error)

AppendInboxPendingMessage is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xd78d18ea.

Solidity: function appendInboxPendingMessage(bytes32 _pendingMessages, bytes32 _newMessage) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbProtocolCaller) CalculateBeforeValues

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolCaller) CalculateBeforeValues(opts *bind.CallOpts, _tokenTypes [][21]byte, _messageTokenNums []uint16, _messageAmounts []*big.Int) ([]*big.Int, error)

CalculateBeforeValues is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x0f89fbff.

Solidity: function calculateBeforeValues(bytes21[] _tokenTypes, uint16[] _messageTokenNums, uint256[] _messageAmounts) constant returns(uint256[])

func (*ArbProtocolCaller) CountSignatures

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolCaller) CountSignatures(opts *bind.CallOpts, _signatures []byte) (*big.Int, error)

CountSignatures is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x33ae3ad0.

Solidity: function countSignatures(bytes _signatures) constant returns(uint256)

func (*ArbProtocolCaller) GenerateAssertionHash

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolCaller) GenerateAssertionHash(opts *bind.CallOpts, _afterHash [32]byte, _numSteps uint32, _firstMessageHash [32]byte, _lastMessageHash [32]byte, _firstLogHash [32]byte, _lastLogHash [32]byte, _totalMessageValueAmounts []*big.Int) ([32]byte, error)

GenerateAssertionHash is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x20903721.

Solidity: function generateAssertionHash(bytes32 _afterHash, uint32 _numSteps, bytes32 _firstMessageHash, bytes32 _lastMessageHash, bytes32 _firstLogHash, bytes32 _lastLogHash, uint256[] _totalMessageValueAmounts) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbProtocolCaller) GenerateLastMessageHash

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolCaller) GenerateLastMessageHash(opts *bind.CallOpts, _tokenTypes [][21]byte, _messageData []byte, _messageTokenNum []uint16, _messageAmount []*big.Int, _messageDestination [][32]byte) ([32]byte, error)

GenerateLastMessageHash is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x25200160.

Solidity: function generateLastMessageHash(bytes21[] _tokenTypes, bytes _messageData, uint16[] _messageTokenNum, uint256[] _messageAmount, bytes32[] _messageDestination) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbProtocolCaller) GenerateLastMessageHashStub

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolCaller) GenerateLastMessageHashStub(opts *bind.CallOpts, _tokenTypes [][21]byte, _messageDataHashes [][32]byte, _messageTokenNum []uint16, _messageValueAmounts []*big.Int, _messageDestination [][32]byte) ([32]byte, error)

GenerateLastMessageHashStub is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xb3277495.

Solidity: function generateLastMessageHashStub(bytes21[] _tokenTypes, bytes32[] _messageDataHashes, uint16[] _messageTokenNum, uint256[] _messageValueAmounts, bytes32[] _messageDestination) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbProtocolCaller) GenerateMessageStubHash

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolCaller) GenerateMessageStubHash(opts *bind.CallOpts, _data [32]byte, _tokenType [21]byte, _value *big.Int, _destination [32]byte) ([32]byte, error)

GenerateMessageStubHash is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xccf69dd7.

Solidity: function generateMessageStubHash(bytes32 _data, bytes21 _tokenType, uint256 _value, bytes32 _destination) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbProtocolCaller) GeneratePreconditionHash

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolCaller) GeneratePreconditionHash(opts *bind.CallOpts, _beforeHash [32]byte, _timeBounds [2]uint64, _beforeInbox [32]byte, _tokenTypes [][21]byte, _beforeBalances []*big.Int) ([32]byte, error)

GeneratePreconditionHash is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x3e285598.

Solidity: function generatePreconditionHash(bytes32 _beforeHash, uint64[2] _timeBounds, bytes32 _beforeInbox, bytes21[] _tokenTypes, uint256[] _beforeBalances) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbProtocolCaller) GenerateSentMessageHash

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolCaller) GenerateSentMessageHash(opts *bind.CallOpts, _dest [32]byte, _data [32]byte, _tokenType [21]byte, _value *big.Int, _sender [32]byte) ([32]byte, error)

GenerateSentMessageHash is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x2a0500d8.

Solidity: function generateSentMessageHash(bytes32 _dest, bytes32 _data, bytes21 _tokenType, uint256 _value, bytes32 _sender) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbProtocolCaller) ParseSignature

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolCaller) ParseSignature(opts *bind.CallOpts, _signatures []byte, _pos *big.Int) (struct {
	V uint8
	R [32]byte
	S [32]byte
}, error)

ParseSignature is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xb31d63cc.

Solidity: function parseSignature(bytes _signatures, uint256 _pos) constant returns(uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s)

func (*ArbProtocolCaller) RecoverAddresses

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolCaller) RecoverAddresses(opts *bind.CallOpts, _messageHash [32]byte, _signatures []byte) ([]common.Address, error)

RecoverAddresses is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xf0c8e969.

Solidity: function recoverAddresses(bytes32 _messageHash, bytes _signatures) constant returns(address[])

func (*ArbProtocolCaller) UnanimousAssertHash

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolCaller) UnanimousAssertHash(opts *bind.CallOpts, _fields [5][32]byte, _timeBounds [2]uint64, _tokenTypes [][21]byte, _messageData []byte, _messageTokenNum []uint16, _messageAmount []*big.Int, _messageDestination [][32]byte) ([32]byte, error)

UnanimousAssertHash is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x014bba5b.

Solidity: function unanimousAssertHash(bytes32[5] _fields, uint64[2] _timeBounds, bytes21[] _tokenTypes, bytes _messageData, uint16[] _messageTokenNum, uint256[] _messageAmount, bytes32[] _messageDestination) constant returns(bytes32)

type ArbProtocolCallerRaw

type ArbProtocolCallerRaw struct {
	Contract *ArbProtocolCaller // Generic read-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

ArbProtocolCallerRaw is an auto generated low-level read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*ArbProtocolCallerRaw) Call

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolCallerRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

type ArbProtocolCallerSession

type ArbProtocolCallerSession struct {
	Contract *ArbProtocolCaller // Generic contract caller binding to set the session for
	CallOpts bind.CallOpts      // Call options to use throughout this session

ArbProtocolCallerSession is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call options.

func (*ArbProtocolCallerSession) AppendInboxMessages

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolCallerSession) AppendInboxMessages(_inboxHash [32]byte, _pendingMessages [32]byte) ([32]byte, error)

AppendInboxMessages is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xf11fcc26.

Solidity: function appendInboxMessages(bytes32 _inboxHash, bytes32 _pendingMessages) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbProtocolCallerSession) AppendInboxPendingMessage

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolCallerSession) AppendInboxPendingMessage(_pendingMessages [32]byte, _newMessage [32]byte) ([32]byte, error)

AppendInboxPendingMessage is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xd78d18ea.

Solidity: function appendInboxPendingMessage(bytes32 _pendingMessages, bytes32 _newMessage) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbProtocolCallerSession) CalculateBeforeValues

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolCallerSession) CalculateBeforeValues(_tokenTypes [][21]byte, _messageTokenNums []uint16, _messageAmounts []*big.Int) ([]*big.Int, error)

CalculateBeforeValues is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x0f89fbff.

Solidity: function calculateBeforeValues(bytes21[] _tokenTypes, uint16[] _messageTokenNums, uint256[] _messageAmounts) constant returns(uint256[])

func (*ArbProtocolCallerSession) CountSignatures

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolCallerSession) CountSignatures(_signatures []byte) (*big.Int, error)

CountSignatures is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x33ae3ad0.

Solidity: function countSignatures(bytes _signatures) constant returns(uint256)

func (*ArbProtocolCallerSession) GenerateAssertionHash

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolCallerSession) GenerateAssertionHash(_afterHash [32]byte, _numSteps uint32, _firstMessageHash [32]byte, _lastMessageHash [32]byte, _firstLogHash [32]byte, _lastLogHash [32]byte, _totalMessageValueAmounts []*big.Int) ([32]byte, error)

GenerateAssertionHash is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x20903721.

Solidity: function generateAssertionHash(bytes32 _afterHash, uint32 _numSteps, bytes32 _firstMessageHash, bytes32 _lastMessageHash, bytes32 _firstLogHash, bytes32 _lastLogHash, uint256[] _totalMessageValueAmounts) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbProtocolCallerSession) GenerateLastMessageHash

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolCallerSession) GenerateLastMessageHash(_tokenTypes [][21]byte, _messageData []byte, _messageTokenNum []uint16, _messageAmount []*big.Int, _messageDestination [][32]byte) ([32]byte, error)

GenerateLastMessageHash is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x25200160.

Solidity: function generateLastMessageHash(bytes21[] _tokenTypes, bytes _messageData, uint16[] _messageTokenNum, uint256[] _messageAmount, bytes32[] _messageDestination) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbProtocolCallerSession) GenerateLastMessageHashStub

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolCallerSession) GenerateLastMessageHashStub(_tokenTypes [][21]byte, _messageDataHashes [][32]byte, _messageTokenNum []uint16, _messageValueAmounts []*big.Int, _messageDestination [][32]byte) ([32]byte, error)

GenerateLastMessageHashStub is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xb3277495.

Solidity: function generateLastMessageHashStub(bytes21[] _tokenTypes, bytes32[] _messageDataHashes, uint16[] _messageTokenNum, uint256[] _messageValueAmounts, bytes32[] _messageDestination) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbProtocolCallerSession) GenerateMessageStubHash

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolCallerSession) GenerateMessageStubHash(_data [32]byte, _tokenType [21]byte, _value *big.Int, _destination [32]byte) ([32]byte, error)

GenerateMessageStubHash is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xccf69dd7.

Solidity: function generateMessageStubHash(bytes32 _data, bytes21 _tokenType, uint256 _value, bytes32 _destination) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbProtocolCallerSession) GeneratePreconditionHash

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolCallerSession) GeneratePreconditionHash(_beforeHash [32]byte, _timeBounds [2]uint64, _beforeInbox [32]byte, _tokenTypes [][21]byte, _beforeBalances []*big.Int) ([32]byte, error)

GeneratePreconditionHash is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x3e285598.

Solidity: function generatePreconditionHash(bytes32 _beforeHash, uint64[2] _timeBounds, bytes32 _beforeInbox, bytes21[] _tokenTypes, uint256[] _beforeBalances) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbProtocolCallerSession) GenerateSentMessageHash

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolCallerSession) GenerateSentMessageHash(_dest [32]byte, _data [32]byte, _tokenType [21]byte, _value *big.Int, _sender [32]byte) ([32]byte, error)

GenerateSentMessageHash is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x2a0500d8.

Solidity: function generateSentMessageHash(bytes32 _dest, bytes32 _data, bytes21 _tokenType, uint256 _value, bytes32 _sender) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbProtocolCallerSession) ParseSignature

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolCallerSession) ParseSignature(_signatures []byte, _pos *big.Int) (struct {
	V uint8
	R [32]byte
	S [32]byte
}, error)

ParseSignature is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xb31d63cc.

Solidity: function parseSignature(bytes _signatures, uint256 _pos) constant returns(uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s)

func (*ArbProtocolCallerSession) RecoverAddresses

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolCallerSession) RecoverAddresses(_messageHash [32]byte, _signatures []byte) ([]common.Address, error)

RecoverAddresses is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xf0c8e969.

Solidity: function recoverAddresses(bytes32 _messageHash, bytes _signatures) constant returns(address[])

func (*ArbProtocolCallerSession) UnanimousAssertHash

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolCallerSession) UnanimousAssertHash(_fields [5][32]byte, _timeBounds [2]uint64, _tokenTypes [][21]byte, _messageData []byte, _messageTokenNum []uint16, _messageAmount []*big.Int, _messageDestination [][32]byte) ([32]byte, error)

UnanimousAssertHash is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x014bba5b.

Solidity: function unanimousAssertHash(bytes32[5] _fields, uint64[2] _timeBounds, bytes21[] _tokenTypes, bytes _messageData, uint16[] _messageTokenNum, uint256[] _messageAmount, bytes32[] _messageDestination) constant returns(bytes32)

type ArbProtocolFilterer

type ArbProtocolFilterer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ArbProtocolFilterer is an auto generated log filtering Go binding around an Ethereum contract events.

func NewArbProtocolFilterer

func NewArbProtocolFilterer(address common.Address, filterer bind.ContractFilterer) (*ArbProtocolFilterer, error)

NewArbProtocolFilterer creates a new log filterer instance of ArbProtocol, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type ArbProtocolRaw

type ArbProtocolRaw struct {
	Contract *ArbProtocol // Generic contract binding to access the raw methods on

ArbProtocolRaw is an auto generated low-level Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*ArbProtocolRaw) Call

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

func (*ArbProtocolRaw) Transact

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*ArbProtocolRaw) Transfer

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type ArbProtocolSession

type ArbProtocolSession struct {
	Contract     *ArbProtocol      // Generic contract binding to set the session for
	CallOpts     bind.CallOpts     // Call options to use throughout this session
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

ArbProtocolSession is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call and transact options.

func (*ArbProtocolSession) AppendInboxMessages

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolSession) AppendInboxMessages(_inboxHash [32]byte, _pendingMessages [32]byte) ([32]byte, error)

AppendInboxMessages is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xf11fcc26.

Solidity: function appendInboxMessages(bytes32 _inboxHash, bytes32 _pendingMessages) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbProtocolSession) AppendInboxPendingMessage

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolSession) AppendInboxPendingMessage(_pendingMessages [32]byte, _newMessage [32]byte) ([32]byte, error)

AppendInboxPendingMessage is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xd78d18ea.

Solidity: function appendInboxPendingMessage(bytes32 _pendingMessages, bytes32 _newMessage) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbProtocolSession) CalculateBeforeValues

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolSession) CalculateBeforeValues(_tokenTypes [][21]byte, _messageTokenNums []uint16, _messageAmounts []*big.Int) ([]*big.Int, error)

CalculateBeforeValues is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x0f89fbff.

Solidity: function calculateBeforeValues(bytes21[] _tokenTypes, uint16[] _messageTokenNums, uint256[] _messageAmounts) constant returns(uint256[])

func (*ArbProtocolSession) CountSignatures

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolSession) CountSignatures(_signatures []byte) (*big.Int, error)

CountSignatures is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x33ae3ad0.

Solidity: function countSignatures(bytes _signatures) constant returns(uint256)

func (*ArbProtocolSession) GenerateAssertionHash

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolSession) GenerateAssertionHash(_afterHash [32]byte, _numSteps uint32, _firstMessageHash [32]byte, _lastMessageHash [32]byte, _firstLogHash [32]byte, _lastLogHash [32]byte, _totalMessageValueAmounts []*big.Int) ([32]byte, error)

GenerateAssertionHash is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x20903721.

Solidity: function generateAssertionHash(bytes32 _afterHash, uint32 _numSteps, bytes32 _firstMessageHash, bytes32 _lastMessageHash, bytes32 _firstLogHash, bytes32 _lastLogHash, uint256[] _totalMessageValueAmounts) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbProtocolSession) GenerateLastMessageHash

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolSession) GenerateLastMessageHash(_tokenTypes [][21]byte, _messageData []byte, _messageTokenNum []uint16, _messageAmount []*big.Int, _messageDestination [][32]byte) ([32]byte, error)

GenerateLastMessageHash is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x25200160.

Solidity: function generateLastMessageHash(bytes21[] _tokenTypes, bytes _messageData, uint16[] _messageTokenNum, uint256[] _messageAmount, bytes32[] _messageDestination) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbProtocolSession) GenerateLastMessageHashStub

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolSession) GenerateLastMessageHashStub(_tokenTypes [][21]byte, _messageDataHashes [][32]byte, _messageTokenNum []uint16, _messageValueAmounts []*big.Int, _messageDestination [][32]byte) ([32]byte, error)

GenerateLastMessageHashStub is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xb3277495.

Solidity: function generateLastMessageHashStub(bytes21[] _tokenTypes, bytes32[] _messageDataHashes, uint16[] _messageTokenNum, uint256[] _messageValueAmounts, bytes32[] _messageDestination) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbProtocolSession) GenerateMessageStubHash

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolSession) GenerateMessageStubHash(_data [32]byte, _tokenType [21]byte, _value *big.Int, _destination [32]byte) ([32]byte, error)

GenerateMessageStubHash is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xccf69dd7.

Solidity: function generateMessageStubHash(bytes32 _data, bytes21 _tokenType, uint256 _value, bytes32 _destination) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbProtocolSession) GeneratePreconditionHash

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolSession) GeneratePreconditionHash(_beforeHash [32]byte, _timeBounds [2]uint64, _beforeInbox [32]byte, _tokenTypes [][21]byte, _beforeBalances []*big.Int) ([32]byte, error)

GeneratePreconditionHash is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x3e285598.

Solidity: function generatePreconditionHash(bytes32 _beforeHash, uint64[2] _timeBounds, bytes32 _beforeInbox, bytes21[] _tokenTypes, uint256[] _beforeBalances) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbProtocolSession) GenerateSentMessageHash

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolSession) GenerateSentMessageHash(_dest [32]byte, _data [32]byte, _tokenType [21]byte, _value *big.Int, _sender [32]byte) ([32]byte, error)

GenerateSentMessageHash is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x2a0500d8.

Solidity: function generateSentMessageHash(bytes32 _dest, bytes32 _data, bytes21 _tokenType, uint256 _value, bytes32 _sender) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbProtocolSession) ParseSignature

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolSession) ParseSignature(_signatures []byte, _pos *big.Int) (struct {
	V uint8
	R [32]byte
	S [32]byte
}, error)

ParseSignature is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xb31d63cc.

Solidity: function parseSignature(bytes _signatures, uint256 _pos) constant returns(uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s)

func (*ArbProtocolSession) RecoverAddresses

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolSession) RecoverAddresses(_messageHash [32]byte, _signatures []byte) ([]common.Address, error)

RecoverAddresses is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xf0c8e969.

Solidity: function recoverAddresses(bytes32 _messageHash, bytes _signatures) constant returns(address[])

func (*ArbProtocolSession) UnanimousAssertHash

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolSession) UnanimousAssertHash(_fields [5][32]byte, _timeBounds [2]uint64, _tokenTypes [][21]byte, _messageData []byte, _messageTokenNum []uint16, _messageAmount []*big.Int, _messageDestination [][32]byte) ([32]byte, error)

UnanimousAssertHash is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x014bba5b.

Solidity: function unanimousAssertHash(bytes32[5] _fields, uint64[2] _timeBounds, bytes21[] _tokenTypes, bytes _messageData, uint16[] _messageTokenNum, uint256[] _messageAmount, bytes32[] _messageDestination) constant returns(bytes32)

type ArbProtocolTransactor

type ArbProtocolTransactor struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ArbProtocolTransactor is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewArbProtocolTransactor

func NewArbProtocolTransactor(address common.Address, transactor bind.ContractTransactor) (*ArbProtocolTransactor, error)

NewArbProtocolTransactor creates a new write-only instance of ArbProtocol, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type ArbProtocolTransactorRaw

type ArbProtocolTransactorRaw struct {
	Contract *ArbProtocolTransactor // Generic write-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

ArbProtocolTransactorRaw is an auto generated low-level write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*ArbProtocolTransactorRaw) Transact

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolTransactorRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*ArbProtocolTransactorRaw) Transfer

func (_ArbProtocol *ArbProtocolTransactorRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type ArbProtocolTransactorSession

type ArbProtocolTransactorSession struct {
	Contract     *ArbProtocolTransactor // Generic contract transactor binding to set the session for
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts      // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

ArbProtocolTransactorSession is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set transact options.

type ArbValue

type ArbValue struct {
	ArbValueCaller     // Read-only binding to the contract
	ArbValueTransactor // Write-only binding to the contract
	ArbValueFilterer   // Log filterer for contract events

ArbValue is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func DeployArbValue

func DeployArbValue(auth *bind.TransactOpts, backend bind.ContractBackend) (common.Address, *types.Transaction, *ArbValue, error)

DeployArbValue deploys a new Ethereum contract, binding an instance of ArbValue to it.

func NewArbValue

func NewArbValue(address common.Address, backend bind.ContractBackend) (*ArbValue, error)

NewArbValue creates a new instance of ArbValue, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type ArbValueCaller

type ArbValueCaller struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ArbValueCaller is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewArbValueCaller

func NewArbValueCaller(address common.Address, caller bind.ContractCaller) (*ArbValueCaller, error)

NewArbValueCaller creates a new read-only instance of ArbValue, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*ArbValueCaller) DeserializeValidValueHash

func (_ArbValue *ArbValueCaller) DeserializeValidValueHash(opts *bind.CallOpts, data []byte, offset *big.Int) (*big.Int, [32]byte, error)

DeserializeValidValueHash is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x615c39b0.

Solidity: function deserialize_valid_value_hash(bytes data, uint256 offset) constant returns(uint256, bytes32)

func (*ArbValueCaller) DeserializeValueHash

func (_ArbValue *ArbValueCaller) DeserializeValueHash(opts *bind.CallOpts, data []byte) ([32]byte, error)

DeserializeValueHash is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x92516ac7.

Solidity: function deserialize_value_hash(bytes data) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbValueCaller) GetNextValidValue

func (_ArbValue *ArbValueCaller) GetNextValidValue(opts *bind.CallOpts, data []byte, offset *big.Int) (*big.Int, []byte, error)

GetNextValidValue is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x4d00ef7a.

Solidity: function get_next_valid_value(bytes data, uint256 offset) constant returns(uint256, bytes)

func (*ArbValueCaller) HashCodePointBasicValue

func (_ArbValue *ArbValueCaller) HashCodePointBasicValue(opts *bind.CallOpts, opcode uint8, nextCodePoint [32]byte) ([32]byte, error)

HashCodePointBasicValue is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x53409fab.

Solidity: function hashCodePointBasicValue(uint8 opcode, bytes32 nextCodePoint) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbValueCaller) HashCodePointImmediateValue

func (_ArbValue *ArbValueCaller) HashCodePointImmediateValue(opts *bind.CallOpts, opcode uint8, immediateVal [32]byte, nextCodePoint [32]byte) ([32]byte, error)

HashCodePointImmediateValue is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x264f384b.

Solidity: function hashCodePointImmediateValue(uint8 opcode, bytes32 immediateVal, bytes32 nextCodePoint) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbValueCaller) HashEmptyTuple

func (_ArbValue *ArbValueCaller) HashEmptyTuple(opts *bind.CallOpts) ([32]byte, error)

HashEmptyTuple is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x364df277.

Solidity: function hashEmptyTuple() constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbValueCaller) HashIntValue

func (_ArbValue *ArbValueCaller) HashIntValue(opts *bind.CallOpts, val *big.Int) ([32]byte, error)

HashIntValue is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x1667b411.

Solidity: function hashIntValue(uint256 val) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbValueCaller) IsValidTupleSize

func (_ArbValue *ArbValueCaller) IsValidTupleSize(opts *bind.CallOpts, size *big.Int) (bool, error)

IsValidTupleSize is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xb2b9dc62.

Solidity: function isValidTupleSize(uint256 size) constant returns(bool)

type ArbValueCallerRaw

type ArbValueCallerRaw struct {
	Contract *ArbValueCaller // Generic read-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

ArbValueCallerRaw is an auto generated low-level read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*ArbValueCallerRaw) Call

func (_ArbValue *ArbValueCallerRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

type ArbValueCallerSession

type ArbValueCallerSession struct {
	Contract *ArbValueCaller // Generic contract caller binding to set the session for
	CallOpts bind.CallOpts   // Call options to use throughout this session

ArbValueCallerSession is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call options.

func (*ArbValueCallerSession) DeserializeValidValueHash

func (_ArbValue *ArbValueCallerSession) DeserializeValidValueHash(data []byte, offset *big.Int) (*big.Int, [32]byte, error)

DeserializeValidValueHash is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x615c39b0.

Solidity: function deserialize_valid_value_hash(bytes data, uint256 offset) constant returns(uint256, bytes32)

func (*ArbValueCallerSession) DeserializeValueHash

func (_ArbValue *ArbValueCallerSession) DeserializeValueHash(data []byte) ([32]byte, error)

DeserializeValueHash is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x92516ac7.

Solidity: function deserialize_value_hash(bytes data) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbValueCallerSession) GetNextValidValue

func (_ArbValue *ArbValueCallerSession) GetNextValidValue(data []byte, offset *big.Int) (*big.Int, []byte, error)

GetNextValidValue is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x4d00ef7a.

Solidity: function get_next_valid_value(bytes data, uint256 offset) constant returns(uint256, bytes)

func (*ArbValueCallerSession) HashCodePointBasicValue

func (_ArbValue *ArbValueCallerSession) HashCodePointBasicValue(opcode uint8, nextCodePoint [32]byte) ([32]byte, error)

HashCodePointBasicValue is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x53409fab.

Solidity: function hashCodePointBasicValue(uint8 opcode, bytes32 nextCodePoint) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbValueCallerSession) HashCodePointImmediateValue

func (_ArbValue *ArbValueCallerSession) HashCodePointImmediateValue(opcode uint8, immediateVal [32]byte, nextCodePoint [32]byte) ([32]byte, error)

HashCodePointImmediateValue is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x264f384b.

Solidity: function hashCodePointImmediateValue(uint8 opcode, bytes32 immediateVal, bytes32 nextCodePoint) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbValueCallerSession) HashEmptyTuple

func (_ArbValue *ArbValueCallerSession) HashEmptyTuple() ([32]byte, error)

HashEmptyTuple is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x364df277.

Solidity: function hashEmptyTuple() constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbValueCallerSession) HashIntValue

func (_ArbValue *ArbValueCallerSession) HashIntValue(val *big.Int) ([32]byte, error)

HashIntValue is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x1667b411.

Solidity: function hashIntValue(uint256 val) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbValueCallerSession) IsValidTupleSize

func (_ArbValue *ArbValueCallerSession) IsValidTupleSize(size *big.Int) (bool, error)

IsValidTupleSize is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xb2b9dc62.

Solidity: function isValidTupleSize(uint256 size) constant returns(bool)

type ArbValueFilterer

type ArbValueFilterer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ArbValueFilterer is an auto generated log filtering Go binding around an Ethereum contract events.

func NewArbValueFilterer

func NewArbValueFilterer(address common.Address, filterer bind.ContractFilterer) (*ArbValueFilterer, error)

NewArbValueFilterer creates a new log filterer instance of ArbValue, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type ArbValueRaw

type ArbValueRaw struct {
	Contract *ArbValue // Generic contract binding to access the raw methods on

ArbValueRaw is an auto generated low-level Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*ArbValueRaw) Call

func (_ArbValue *ArbValueRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

func (*ArbValueRaw) Transact

func (_ArbValue *ArbValueRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*ArbValueRaw) Transfer

func (_ArbValue *ArbValueRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type ArbValueSession

type ArbValueSession struct {
	Contract     *ArbValue         // Generic contract binding to set the session for
	CallOpts     bind.CallOpts     // Call options to use throughout this session
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

ArbValueSession is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call and transact options.

func (*ArbValueSession) DeserializeValidValueHash

func (_ArbValue *ArbValueSession) DeserializeValidValueHash(data []byte, offset *big.Int) (*big.Int, [32]byte, error)

DeserializeValidValueHash is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x615c39b0.

Solidity: function deserialize_valid_value_hash(bytes data, uint256 offset) constant returns(uint256, bytes32)

func (*ArbValueSession) DeserializeValueHash

func (_ArbValue *ArbValueSession) DeserializeValueHash(data []byte) ([32]byte, error)

DeserializeValueHash is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x92516ac7.

Solidity: function deserialize_value_hash(bytes data) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbValueSession) GetNextValidValue

func (_ArbValue *ArbValueSession) GetNextValidValue(data []byte, offset *big.Int) (*big.Int, []byte, error)

GetNextValidValue is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x4d00ef7a.

Solidity: function get_next_valid_value(bytes data, uint256 offset) constant returns(uint256, bytes)

func (*ArbValueSession) HashCodePointBasicValue

func (_ArbValue *ArbValueSession) HashCodePointBasicValue(opcode uint8, nextCodePoint [32]byte) ([32]byte, error)

HashCodePointBasicValue is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x53409fab.

Solidity: function hashCodePointBasicValue(uint8 opcode, bytes32 nextCodePoint) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbValueSession) HashCodePointImmediateValue

func (_ArbValue *ArbValueSession) HashCodePointImmediateValue(opcode uint8, immediateVal [32]byte, nextCodePoint [32]byte) ([32]byte, error)

HashCodePointImmediateValue is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x264f384b.

Solidity: function hashCodePointImmediateValue(uint8 opcode, bytes32 immediateVal, bytes32 nextCodePoint) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbValueSession) HashEmptyTuple

func (_ArbValue *ArbValueSession) HashEmptyTuple() ([32]byte, error)

HashEmptyTuple is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x364df277.

Solidity: function hashEmptyTuple() constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbValueSession) HashIntValue

func (_ArbValue *ArbValueSession) HashIntValue(val *big.Int) ([32]byte, error)

HashIntValue is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x1667b411.

Solidity: function hashIntValue(uint256 val) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*ArbValueSession) IsValidTupleSize

func (_ArbValue *ArbValueSession) IsValidTupleSize(size *big.Int) (bool, error)

IsValidTupleSize is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xb2b9dc62.

Solidity: function isValidTupleSize(uint256 size) constant returns(bool)

type ArbValueTransactor

type ArbValueTransactor struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ArbValueTransactor is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewArbValueTransactor

func NewArbValueTransactor(address common.Address, transactor bind.ContractTransactor) (*ArbValueTransactor, error)

NewArbValueTransactor creates a new write-only instance of ArbValue, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type ArbValueTransactorRaw

type ArbValueTransactorRaw struct {
	Contract *ArbValueTransactor // Generic write-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

ArbValueTransactorRaw is an auto generated low-level write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*ArbValueTransactorRaw) Transact

func (_ArbValue *ArbValueTransactorRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*ArbValueTransactorRaw) Transfer

func (_ArbValue *ArbValueTransactorRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type ArbValueTransactorSession

type ArbValueTransactorSession struct {
	Contract     *ArbValueTransactor // Generic contract transactor binding to set the session for
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts   // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

ArbValueTransactorSession is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set transact options.

type BytesLib

type BytesLib struct {
	BytesLibCaller     // Read-only binding to the contract
	BytesLibTransactor // Write-only binding to the contract
	BytesLibFilterer   // Log filterer for contract events

BytesLib is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func DeployBytesLib

func DeployBytesLib(auth *bind.TransactOpts, backend bind.ContractBackend) (common.Address, *types.Transaction, *BytesLib, error)

DeployBytesLib deploys a new Ethereum contract, binding an instance of BytesLib to it.

func NewBytesLib

func NewBytesLib(address common.Address, backend bind.ContractBackend) (*BytesLib, error)

NewBytesLib creates a new instance of BytesLib, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type BytesLibCaller

type BytesLibCaller struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

BytesLibCaller is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewBytesLibCaller

func NewBytesLibCaller(address common.Address, caller bind.ContractCaller) (*BytesLibCaller, error)

NewBytesLibCaller creates a new read-only instance of BytesLib, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type BytesLibCallerRaw

type BytesLibCallerRaw struct {
	Contract *BytesLibCaller // Generic read-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

BytesLibCallerRaw is an auto generated low-level read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*BytesLibCallerRaw) Call

func (_BytesLib *BytesLibCallerRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

type BytesLibCallerSession

type BytesLibCallerSession struct {
	Contract *BytesLibCaller // Generic contract caller binding to set the session for
	CallOpts bind.CallOpts   // Call options to use throughout this session

BytesLibCallerSession is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call options.

type BytesLibFilterer

type BytesLibFilterer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

BytesLibFilterer is an auto generated log filtering Go binding around an Ethereum contract events.

func NewBytesLibFilterer

func NewBytesLibFilterer(address common.Address, filterer bind.ContractFilterer) (*BytesLibFilterer, error)

NewBytesLibFilterer creates a new log filterer instance of BytesLib, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type BytesLibRaw

type BytesLibRaw struct {
	Contract *BytesLib // Generic contract binding to access the raw methods on

BytesLibRaw is an auto generated low-level Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*BytesLibRaw) Call

func (_BytesLib *BytesLibRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

func (*BytesLibRaw) Transact

func (_BytesLib *BytesLibRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*BytesLibRaw) Transfer

func (_BytesLib *BytesLibRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type BytesLibSession

type BytesLibSession struct {
	Contract     *BytesLib         // Generic contract binding to set the session for
	CallOpts     bind.CallOpts     // Call options to use throughout this session
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

BytesLibSession is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call and transact options.

type BytesLibTransactor

type BytesLibTransactor struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

BytesLibTransactor is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewBytesLibTransactor

func NewBytesLibTransactor(address common.Address, transactor bind.ContractTransactor) (*BytesLibTransactor, error)

NewBytesLibTransactor creates a new write-only instance of BytesLib, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type BytesLibTransactorRaw

type BytesLibTransactorRaw struct {
	Contract *BytesLibTransactor // Generic write-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

BytesLibTransactorRaw is an auto generated low-level write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*BytesLibTransactorRaw) Transact

func (_BytesLib *BytesLibTransactorRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*BytesLibTransactorRaw) Transfer

func (_BytesLib *BytesLibTransactorRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type BytesLibTransactorSession

type BytesLibTransactorSession struct {
	Contract     *BytesLibTransactor // Generic contract transactor binding to set the session for
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts   // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

BytesLibTransactorSession is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set transact options.

type ERC165

type ERC165 struct {
	ERC165Caller     // Read-only binding to the contract
	ERC165Transactor // Write-only binding to the contract
	ERC165Filterer   // Log filterer for contract events

ERC165 is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func DeployERC165

func DeployERC165(auth *bind.TransactOpts, backend bind.ContractBackend) (common.Address, *types.Transaction, *ERC165, error)

DeployERC165 deploys a new Ethereum contract, binding an instance of ERC165 to it.

func NewERC165

func NewERC165(address common.Address, backend bind.ContractBackend) (*ERC165, error)

NewERC165 creates a new instance of ERC165, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type ERC165Caller

type ERC165Caller struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ERC165Caller is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewERC165Caller

func NewERC165Caller(address common.Address, caller bind.ContractCaller) (*ERC165Caller, error)

NewERC165Caller creates a new read-only instance of ERC165, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*ERC165Caller) SupportsInterface

func (_ERC165 *ERC165Caller) SupportsInterface(opts *bind.CallOpts, interfaceId [4]byte) (bool, error)

SupportsInterface is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x01ffc9a7.

Solidity: function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) constant returns(bool)

type ERC165CallerRaw

type ERC165CallerRaw struct {
	Contract *ERC165Caller // Generic read-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

ERC165CallerRaw is an auto generated low-level read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*ERC165CallerRaw) Call

func (_ERC165 *ERC165CallerRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

type ERC165CallerSession

type ERC165CallerSession struct {
	Contract *ERC165Caller // Generic contract caller binding to set the session for
	CallOpts bind.CallOpts // Call options to use throughout this session

ERC165CallerSession is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call options.

func (*ERC165CallerSession) SupportsInterface

func (_ERC165 *ERC165CallerSession) SupportsInterface(interfaceId [4]byte) (bool, error)

SupportsInterface is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x01ffc9a7.

Solidity: function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) constant returns(bool)

type ERC165Filterer

type ERC165Filterer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ERC165Filterer is an auto generated log filtering Go binding around an Ethereum contract events.

func NewERC165Filterer

func NewERC165Filterer(address common.Address, filterer bind.ContractFilterer) (*ERC165Filterer, error)

NewERC165Filterer creates a new log filterer instance of ERC165, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type ERC165Raw

type ERC165Raw struct {
	Contract *ERC165 // Generic contract binding to access the raw methods on

ERC165Raw is an auto generated low-level Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*ERC165Raw) Call

func (_ERC165 *ERC165Raw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

func (*ERC165Raw) Transact

func (_ERC165 *ERC165Raw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*ERC165Raw) Transfer

func (_ERC165 *ERC165Raw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type ERC165Session

type ERC165Session struct {
	Contract     *ERC165           // Generic contract binding to set the session for
	CallOpts     bind.CallOpts     // Call options to use throughout this session
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

ERC165Session is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call and transact options.

func (*ERC165Session) SupportsInterface

func (_ERC165 *ERC165Session) SupportsInterface(interfaceId [4]byte) (bool, error)

SupportsInterface is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x01ffc9a7.

Solidity: function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) constant returns(bool)

type ERC165Transactor

type ERC165Transactor struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ERC165Transactor is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewERC165Transactor

func NewERC165Transactor(address common.Address, transactor bind.ContractTransactor) (*ERC165Transactor, error)

NewERC165Transactor creates a new write-only instance of ERC165, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type ERC165TransactorRaw

type ERC165TransactorRaw struct {
	Contract *ERC165Transactor // Generic write-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

ERC165TransactorRaw is an auto generated low-level write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*ERC165TransactorRaw) Transact

func (_ERC165 *ERC165TransactorRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*ERC165TransactorRaw) Transfer

func (_ERC165 *ERC165TransactorRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type ERC165TransactorSession

type ERC165TransactorSession struct {
	Contract     *ERC165Transactor // Generic contract transactor binding to set the session for
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

ERC165TransactorSession is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set transact options.

type ERC20

type ERC20 struct {
	ERC20Caller     // Read-only binding to the contract
	ERC20Transactor // Write-only binding to the contract
	ERC20Filterer   // Log filterer for contract events

ERC20 is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func DeployERC20

func DeployERC20(auth *bind.TransactOpts, backend bind.ContractBackend) (common.Address, *types.Transaction, *ERC20, error)

DeployERC20 deploys a new Ethereum contract, binding an instance of ERC20 to it.

func NewERC20

func NewERC20(address common.Address, backend bind.ContractBackend) (*ERC20, error)

NewERC20 creates a new instance of ERC20, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type ERC20Approval

type ERC20Approval struct {
	Owner   common.Address
	Spender common.Address
	Value   *big.Int
	Raw     types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

ERC20Approval represents a Approval event raised by the ERC20 contract.

type ERC20ApprovalIterator

type ERC20ApprovalIterator struct {
	Event *ERC20Approval // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ERC20ApprovalIterator is returned from FilterApproval and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for Approval events raised by the ERC20 contract.

func (*ERC20ApprovalIterator) Close

func (it *ERC20ApprovalIterator) Close() error

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*ERC20ApprovalIterator) Error

func (it *ERC20ApprovalIterator) Error() error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*ERC20ApprovalIterator) Next

func (it *ERC20ApprovalIterator) Next() bool

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

type ERC20Caller

type ERC20Caller struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ERC20Caller is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewERC20Caller

func NewERC20Caller(address common.Address, caller bind.ContractCaller) (*ERC20Caller, error)

NewERC20Caller creates a new read-only instance of ERC20, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*ERC20Caller) Allowance

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Caller) Allowance(opts *bind.CallOpts, owner common.Address, spender common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

Allowance is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xdd62ed3e.

Solidity: function allowance(address owner, address spender) constant returns(uint256)

func (*ERC20Caller) BalanceOf

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Caller) BalanceOf(opts *bind.CallOpts, owner common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

BalanceOf is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x70a08231.

Solidity: function balanceOf(address owner) constant returns(uint256)

func (*ERC20Caller) TotalSupply

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Caller) TotalSupply(opts *bind.CallOpts) (*big.Int, error)

TotalSupply is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x18160ddd.

Solidity: function totalSupply() constant returns(uint256)

type ERC20CallerRaw

type ERC20CallerRaw struct {
	Contract *ERC20Caller // Generic read-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

ERC20CallerRaw is an auto generated low-level read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*ERC20CallerRaw) Call

func (_ERC20 *ERC20CallerRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

type ERC20CallerSession

type ERC20CallerSession struct {
	Contract *ERC20Caller  // Generic contract caller binding to set the session for
	CallOpts bind.CallOpts // Call options to use throughout this session

ERC20CallerSession is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call options.

func (*ERC20CallerSession) Allowance

func (_ERC20 *ERC20CallerSession) Allowance(owner common.Address, spender common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

Allowance is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xdd62ed3e.

Solidity: function allowance(address owner, address spender) constant returns(uint256)

func (*ERC20CallerSession) BalanceOf

func (_ERC20 *ERC20CallerSession) BalanceOf(owner common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

BalanceOf is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x70a08231.

Solidity: function balanceOf(address owner) constant returns(uint256)

func (*ERC20CallerSession) TotalSupply

func (_ERC20 *ERC20CallerSession) TotalSupply() (*big.Int, error)

TotalSupply is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x18160ddd.

Solidity: function totalSupply() constant returns(uint256)

type ERC20Filterer

type ERC20Filterer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ERC20Filterer is an auto generated log filtering Go binding around an Ethereum contract events.

func NewERC20Filterer

func NewERC20Filterer(address common.Address, filterer bind.ContractFilterer) (*ERC20Filterer, error)

NewERC20Filterer creates a new log filterer instance of ERC20, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*ERC20Filterer) FilterApproval

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Filterer) FilterApproval(opts *bind.FilterOpts, owner []common.Address, spender []common.Address) (*ERC20ApprovalIterator, error)

FilterApproval is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925.

Solidity: event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value)

func (*ERC20Filterer) FilterTransfer

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Filterer) FilterTransfer(opts *bind.FilterOpts, from []common.Address, to []common.Address) (*ERC20TransferIterator, error)

FilterTransfer is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef.

Solidity: event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value)

func (*ERC20Filterer) WatchApproval

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Filterer) WatchApproval(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *ERC20Approval, owner []common.Address, spender []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchApproval is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925.

Solidity: event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value)

func (*ERC20Filterer) WatchTransfer

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Filterer) WatchTransfer(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *ERC20Transfer, from []common.Address, to []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchTransfer is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef.

Solidity: event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value)

type ERC20Raw

type ERC20Raw struct {
	Contract *ERC20 // Generic contract binding to access the raw methods on

ERC20Raw is an auto generated low-level Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*ERC20Raw) Call

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Raw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

func (*ERC20Raw) Transact

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Raw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*ERC20Raw) Transfer

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Raw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type ERC20Session

type ERC20Session struct {
	Contract     *ERC20            // Generic contract binding to set the session for
	CallOpts     bind.CallOpts     // Call options to use throughout this session
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

ERC20Session is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call and transact options.

func (*ERC20Session) Allowance

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Session) Allowance(owner common.Address, spender common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

Allowance is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xdd62ed3e.

Solidity: function allowance(address owner, address spender) constant returns(uint256)

func (*ERC20Session) Approve

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Session) Approve(spender common.Address, value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Approve is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x095ea7b3.

Solidity: function approve(address spender, uint256 value) returns(bool)

func (*ERC20Session) BalanceOf

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Session) BalanceOf(owner common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

BalanceOf is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x70a08231.

Solidity: function balanceOf(address owner) constant returns(uint256)

func (*ERC20Session) DecreaseAllowance

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Session) DecreaseAllowance(spender common.Address, subtractedValue *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

DecreaseAllowance is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xa457c2d7.

Solidity: function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) returns(bool)

func (*ERC20Session) IncreaseAllowance

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Session) IncreaseAllowance(spender common.Address, addedValue *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

IncreaseAllowance is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x39509351.

Solidity: function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) returns(bool)

func (*ERC20Session) TotalSupply

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Session) TotalSupply() (*big.Int, error)

TotalSupply is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x18160ddd.

Solidity: function totalSupply() constant returns(uint256)

func (*ERC20Session) Transfer

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Session) Transfer(to common.Address, value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xa9059cbb.

Solidity: function transfer(address to, uint256 value) returns(bool)

func (*ERC20Session) TransferFrom

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Session) TransferFrom(from common.Address, to common.Address, value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferFrom is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x23b872dd.

Solidity: function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) returns(bool)

type ERC20Transactor

type ERC20Transactor struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ERC20Transactor is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewERC20Transactor

func NewERC20Transactor(address common.Address, transactor bind.ContractTransactor) (*ERC20Transactor, error)

NewERC20Transactor creates a new write-only instance of ERC20, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*ERC20Transactor) Approve

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Transactor) Approve(opts *bind.TransactOpts, spender common.Address, value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Approve is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x095ea7b3.

Solidity: function approve(address spender, uint256 value) returns(bool)

func (*ERC20Transactor) DecreaseAllowance

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Transactor) DecreaseAllowance(opts *bind.TransactOpts, spender common.Address, subtractedValue *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

DecreaseAllowance is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xa457c2d7.

Solidity: function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) returns(bool)

func (*ERC20Transactor) IncreaseAllowance

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Transactor) IncreaseAllowance(opts *bind.TransactOpts, spender common.Address, addedValue *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

IncreaseAllowance is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x39509351.

Solidity: function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) returns(bool)

func (*ERC20Transactor) Transfer

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Transactor) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts, to common.Address, value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xa9059cbb.

Solidity: function transfer(address to, uint256 value) returns(bool)

func (*ERC20Transactor) TransferFrom

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Transactor) TransferFrom(opts *bind.TransactOpts, from common.Address, to common.Address, value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferFrom is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x23b872dd.

Solidity: function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) returns(bool)

type ERC20TransactorRaw

type ERC20TransactorRaw struct {
	Contract *ERC20Transactor // Generic write-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

ERC20TransactorRaw is an auto generated low-level write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*ERC20TransactorRaw) Transact

func (_ERC20 *ERC20TransactorRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*ERC20TransactorRaw) Transfer

func (_ERC20 *ERC20TransactorRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type ERC20TransactorSession

type ERC20TransactorSession struct {
	Contract     *ERC20Transactor  // Generic contract transactor binding to set the session for
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

ERC20TransactorSession is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set transact options.

func (*ERC20TransactorSession) Approve

func (_ERC20 *ERC20TransactorSession) Approve(spender common.Address, value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Approve is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x095ea7b3.

Solidity: function approve(address spender, uint256 value) returns(bool)

func (*ERC20TransactorSession) DecreaseAllowance

func (_ERC20 *ERC20TransactorSession) DecreaseAllowance(spender common.Address, subtractedValue *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

DecreaseAllowance is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xa457c2d7.

Solidity: function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) returns(bool)

func (*ERC20TransactorSession) IncreaseAllowance

func (_ERC20 *ERC20TransactorSession) IncreaseAllowance(spender common.Address, addedValue *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

IncreaseAllowance is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x39509351.

Solidity: function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) returns(bool)

func (*ERC20TransactorSession) Transfer

func (_ERC20 *ERC20TransactorSession) Transfer(to common.Address, value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xa9059cbb.

Solidity: function transfer(address to, uint256 value) returns(bool)

func (*ERC20TransactorSession) TransferFrom

func (_ERC20 *ERC20TransactorSession) TransferFrom(from common.Address, to common.Address, value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferFrom is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x23b872dd.

Solidity: function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) returns(bool)

type ERC20Transfer

type ERC20Transfer struct {
	From  common.Address
	To    common.Address
	Value *big.Int
	Raw   types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

ERC20Transfer represents a Transfer event raised by the ERC20 contract.

type ERC20TransferIterator

type ERC20TransferIterator struct {
	Event *ERC20Transfer // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ERC20TransferIterator is returned from FilterTransfer and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for Transfer events raised by the ERC20 contract.

func (*ERC20TransferIterator) Close

func (it *ERC20TransferIterator) Close() error

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*ERC20TransferIterator) Error

func (it *ERC20TransferIterator) Error() error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*ERC20TransferIterator) Next

func (it *ERC20TransferIterator) Next() bool

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

type ERC721

type ERC721 struct {
	ERC721Caller     // Read-only binding to the contract
	ERC721Transactor // Write-only binding to the contract
	ERC721Filterer   // Log filterer for contract events

ERC721 is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func DeployERC721

func DeployERC721(auth *bind.TransactOpts, backend bind.ContractBackend) (common.Address, *types.Transaction, *ERC721, error)

DeployERC721 deploys a new Ethereum contract, binding an instance of ERC721 to it.

func NewERC721

func NewERC721(address common.Address, backend bind.ContractBackend) (*ERC721, error)

NewERC721 creates a new instance of ERC721, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type ERC721Approval

type ERC721Approval struct {
	Owner    common.Address
	Approved common.Address
	TokenId  *big.Int
	Raw      types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

ERC721Approval represents a Approval event raised by the ERC721 contract.

type ERC721ApprovalForAll

type ERC721ApprovalForAll struct {
	Owner    common.Address
	Operator common.Address
	Approved bool
	Raw      types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

ERC721ApprovalForAll represents a ApprovalForAll event raised by the ERC721 contract.

type ERC721ApprovalForAllIterator

type ERC721ApprovalForAllIterator struct {
	Event *ERC721ApprovalForAll // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ERC721ApprovalForAllIterator is returned from FilterApprovalForAll and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for ApprovalForAll events raised by the ERC721 contract.

func (*ERC721ApprovalForAllIterator) Close

func (it *ERC721ApprovalForAllIterator) Close() error

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*ERC721ApprovalForAllIterator) Error

func (it *ERC721ApprovalForAllIterator) Error() error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*ERC721ApprovalForAllIterator) Next

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

type ERC721ApprovalIterator

type ERC721ApprovalIterator struct {
	Event *ERC721Approval // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ERC721ApprovalIterator is returned from FilterApproval and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for Approval events raised by the ERC721 contract.

func (*ERC721ApprovalIterator) Close

func (it *ERC721ApprovalIterator) Close() error

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*ERC721ApprovalIterator) Error

func (it *ERC721ApprovalIterator) Error() error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*ERC721ApprovalIterator) Next

func (it *ERC721ApprovalIterator) Next() bool

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

type ERC721Caller

type ERC721Caller struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ERC721Caller is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewERC721Caller

func NewERC721Caller(address common.Address, caller bind.ContractCaller) (*ERC721Caller, error)

NewERC721Caller creates a new read-only instance of ERC721, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*ERC721Caller) BalanceOf

func (_ERC721 *ERC721Caller) BalanceOf(opts *bind.CallOpts, owner common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

BalanceOf is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x70a08231.

Solidity: function balanceOf(address owner) constant returns(uint256)

func (*ERC721Caller) GetApproved

func (_ERC721 *ERC721Caller) GetApproved(opts *bind.CallOpts, tokenId *big.Int) (common.Address, error)

GetApproved is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x081812fc.

Solidity: function getApproved(uint256 tokenId) constant returns(address)

func (*ERC721Caller) IsApprovedForAll

func (_ERC721 *ERC721Caller) IsApprovedForAll(opts *bind.CallOpts, owner common.Address, operator common.Address) (bool, error)

IsApprovedForAll is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xe985e9c5.

Solidity: function isApprovedForAll(address owner, address operator) constant returns(bool)

func (*ERC721Caller) OwnerOf

func (_ERC721 *ERC721Caller) OwnerOf(opts *bind.CallOpts, tokenId *big.Int) (common.Address, error)

OwnerOf is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x6352211e.

Solidity: function ownerOf(uint256 tokenId) constant returns(address)

func (*ERC721Caller) SupportsInterface

func (_ERC721 *ERC721Caller) SupportsInterface(opts *bind.CallOpts, interfaceId [4]byte) (bool, error)

SupportsInterface is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x01ffc9a7.

Solidity: function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) constant returns(bool)

type ERC721CallerRaw

type ERC721CallerRaw struct {
	Contract *ERC721Caller // Generic read-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

ERC721CallerRaw is an auto generated low-level read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*ERC721CallerRaw) Call

func (_ERC721 *ERC721CallerRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

type ERC721CallerSession

type ERC721CallerSession struct {
	Contract *ERC721Caller // Generic contract caller binding to set the session for
	CallOpts bind.CallOpts // Call options to use throughout this session

ERC721CallerSession is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call options.

func (*ERC721CallerSession) BalanceOf

func (_ERC721 *ERC721CallerSession) BalanceOf(owner common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

BalanceOf is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x70a08231.

Solidity: function balanceOf(address owner) constant returns(uint256)

func (*ERC721CallerSession) GetApproved

func (_ERC721 *ERC721CallerSession) GetApproved(tokenId *big.Int) (common.Address, error)

GetApproved is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x081812fc.

Solidity: function getApproved(uint256 tokenId) constant returns(address)

func (*ERC721CallerSession) IsApprovedForAll

func (_ERC721 *ERC721CallerSession) IsApprovedForAll(owner common.Address, operator common.Address) (bool, error)

IsApprovedForAll is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xe985e9c5.

Solidity: function isApprovedForAll(address owner, address operator) constant returns(bool)

func (*ERC721CallerSession) OwnerOf

func (_ERC721 *ERC721CallerSession) OwnerOf(tokenId *big.Int) (common.Address, error)

OwnerOf is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x6352211e.

Solidity: function ownerOf(uint256 tokenId) constant returns(address)

func (*ERC721CallerSession) SupportsInterface

func (_ERC721 *ERC721CallerSession) SupportsInterface(interfaceId [4]byte) (bool, error)

SupportsInterface is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x01ffc9a7.

Solidity: function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) constant returns(bool)

type ERC721Filterer

type ERC721Filterer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ERC721Filterer is an auto generated log filtering Go binding around an Ethereum contract events.

func NewERC721Filterer

func NewERC721Filterer(address common.Address, filterer bind.ContractFilterer) (*ERC721Filterer, error)

NewERC721Filterer creates a new log filterer instance of ERC721, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*ERC721Filterer) FilterApproval

func (_ERC721 *ERC721Filterer) FilterApproval(opts *bind.FilterOpts, owner []common.Address, approved []common.Address, tokenId []*big.Int) (*ERC721ApprovalIterator, error)

FilterApproval is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925.

Solidity: event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed approved, uint256 indexed tokenId)

func (*ERC721Filterer) FilterApprovalForAll

func (_ERC721 *ERC721Filterer) FilterApprovalForAll(opts *bind.FilterOpts, owner []common.Address, operator []common.Address) (*ERC721ApprovalForAllIterator, error)

FilterApprovalForAll is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x17307eab39ab6107e8899845ad3d59bd9653f200f220920489ca2b5937696c31.

Solidity: event ApprovalForAll(address indexed owner, address indexed operator, bool approved)

func (*ERC721Filterer) FilterTransfer

func (_ERC721 *ERC721Filterer) FilterTransfer(opts *bind.FilterOpts, from []common.Address, to []common.Address, tokenId []*big.Int) (*ERC721TransferIterator, error)

FilterTransfer is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef.

Solidity: event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed tokenId)

func (*ERC721Filterer) WatchApproval

func (_ERC721 *ERC721Filterer) WatchApproval(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *ERC721Approval, owner []common.Address, approved []common.Address, tokenId []*big.Int) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchApproval is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925.

Solidity: event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed approved, uint256 indexed tokenId)

func (*ERC721Filterer) WatchApprovalForAll

func (_ERC721 *ERC721Filterer) WatchApprovalForAll(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *ERC721ApprovalForAll, owner []common.Address, operator []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchApprovalForAll is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x17307eab39ab6107e8899845ad3d59bd9653f200f220920489ca2b5937696c31.

Solidity: event ApprovalForAll(address indexed owner, address indexed operator, bool approved)

func (*ERC721Filterer) WatchTransfer

func (_ERC721 *ERC721Filterer) WatchTransfer(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *ERC721Transfer, from []common.Address, to []common.Address, tokenId []*big.Int) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchTransfer is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef.

Solidity: event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed tokenId)

type ERC721Raw

type ERC721Raw struct {
	Contract *ERC721 // Generic contract binding to access the raw methods on

ERC721Raw is an auto generated low-level Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*ERC721Raw) Call

func (_ERC721 *ERC721Raw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

func (*ERC721Raw) Transact

func (_ERC721 *ERC721Raw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*ERC721Raw) Transfer

func (_ERC721 *ERC721Raw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type ERC721Session

type ERC721Session struct {
	Contract     *ERC721           // Generic contract binding to set the session for
	CallOpts     bind.CallOpts     // Call options to use throughout this session
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

ERC721Session is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call and transact options.

func (*ERC721Session) Approve

func (_ERC721 *ERC721Session) Approve(to common.Address, tokenId *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Approve is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x095ea7b3.

Solidity: function approve(address to, uint256 tokenId) returns()

func (*ERC721Session) BalanceOf

func (_ERC721 *ERC721Session) BalanceOf(owner common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

BalanceOf is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x70a08231.

Solidity: function balanceOf(address owner) constant returns(uint256)

func (*ERC721Session) GetApproved

func (_ERC721 *ERC721Session) GetApproved(tokenId *big.Int) (common.Address, error)

GetApproved is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x081812fc.

Solidity: function getApproved(uint256 tokenId) constant returns(address)

func (*ERC721Session) IsApprovedForAll

func (_ERC721 *ERC721Session) IsApprovedForAll(owner common.Address, operator common.Address) (bool, error)

IsApprovedForAll is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xe985e9c5.

Solidity: function isApprovedForAll(address owner, address operator) constant returns(bool)

func (*ERC721Session) OwnerOf

func (_ERC721 *ERC721Session) OwnerOf(tokenId *big.Int) (common.Address, error)

OwnerOf is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x6352211e.

Solidity: function ownerOf(uint256 tokenId) constant returns(address)

func (*ERC721Session) SafeTransferFrom

func (_ERC721 *ERC721Session) SafeTransferFrom(from common.Address, to common.Address, tokenId *big.Int, _data []byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

SafeTransferFrom is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xb88d4fde.

Solidity: function safeTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId, bytes _data) returns()

func (*ERC721Session) SetApprovalForAll

func (_ERC721 *ERC721Session) SetApprovalForAll(to common.Address, approved bool) (*types.Transaction, error)

SetApprovalForAll is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xa22cb465.

Solidity: function setApprovalForAll(address to, bool approved) returns()

func (*ERC721Session) SupportsInterface

func (_ERC721 *ERC721Session) SupportsInterface(interfaceId [4]byte) (bool, error)

SupportsInterface is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x01ffc9a7.

Solidity: function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) constant returns(bool)

func (*ERC721Session) TransferFrom

func (_ERC721 *ERC721Session) TransferFrom(from common.Address, to common.Address, tokenId *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferFrom is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x23b872dd.

Solidity: function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId) returns()

type ERC721Transactor

type ERC721Transactor struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ERC721Transactor is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewERC721Transactor

func NewERC721Transactor(address common.Address, transactor bind.ContractTransactor) (*ERC721Transactor, error)

NewERC721Transactor creates a new write-only instance of ERC721, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*ERC721Transactor) Approve

func (_ERC721 *ERC721Transactor) Approve(opts *bind.TransactOpts, to common.Address, tokenId *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Approve is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x095ea7b3.

Solidity: function approve(address to, uint256 tokenId) returns()

func (*ERC721Transactor) SafeTransferFrom

func (_ERC721 *ERC721Transactor) SafeTransferFrom(opts *bind.TransactOpts, from common.Address, to common.Address, tokenId *big.Int, _data []byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

SafeTransferFrom is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xb88d4fde.

Solidity: function safeTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId, bytes _data) returns()

func (*ERC721Transactor) SetApprovalForAll

func (_ERC721 *ERC721Transactor) SetApprovalForAll(opts *bind.TransactOpts, to common.Address, approved bool) (*types.Transaction, error)

SetApprovalForAll is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xa22cb465.

Solidity: function setApprovalForAll(address to, bool approved) returns()

func (*ERC721Transactor) TransferFrom

func (_ERC721 *ERC721Transactor) TransferFrom(opts *bind.TransactOpts, from common.Address, to common.Address, tokenId *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferFrom is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x23b872dd.

Solidity: function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId) returns()

type ERC721TransactorRaw

type ERC721TransactorRaw struct {
	Contract *ERC721Transactor // Generic write-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

ERC721TransactorRaw is an auto generated low-level write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*ERC721TransactorRaw) Transact

func (_ERC721 *ERC721TransactorRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*ERC721TransactorRaw) Transfer

func (_ERC721 *ERC721TransactorRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type ERC721TransactorSession

type ERC721TransactorSession struct {
	Contract     *ERC721Transactor // Generic contract transactor binding to set the session for
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

ERC721TransactorSession is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set transact options.

func (*ERC721TransactorSession) Approve

func (_ERC721 *ERC721TransactorSession) Approve(to common.Address, tokenId *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Approve is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x095ea7b3.

Solidity: function approve(address to, uint256 tokenId) returns()

func (*ERC721TransactorSession) SafeTransferFrom

func (_ERC721 *ERC721TransactorSession) SafeTransferFrom(from common.Address, to common.Address, tokenId *big.Int, _data []byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

SafeTransferFrom is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xb88d4fde.

Solidity: function safeTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId, bytes _data) returns()

func (*ERC721TransactorSession) SetApprovalForAll

func (_ERC721 *ERC721TransactorSession) SetApprovalForAll(to common.Address, approved bool) (*types.Transaction, error)

SetApprovalForAll is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xa22cb465.

Solidity: function setApprovalForAll(address to, bool approved) returns()

func (*ERC721TransactorSession) TransferFrom

func (_ERC721 *ERC721TransactorSession) TransferFrom(from common.Address, to common.Address, tokenId *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferFrom is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x23b872dd.

Solidity: function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId) returns()

type ERC721Transfer

type ERC721Transfer struct {
	From    common.Address
	To      common.Address
	TokenId *big.Int
	Raw     types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

ERC721Transfer represents a Transfer event raised by the ERC721 contract.

type ERC721TransferIterator

type ERC721TransferIterator struct {
	Event *ERC721Transfer // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ERC721TransferIterator is returned from FilterTransfer and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for Transfer events raised by the ERC721 contract.

func (*ERC721TransferIterator) Close

func (it *ERC721TransferIterator) Close() error

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*ERC721TransferIterator) Error

func (it *ERC721TransferIterator) Error() error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*ERC721TransferIterator) Next

func (it *ERC721TransferIterator) Next() bool

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

type IChallengeManager

type IChallengeManager struct {
	IChallengeManagerCaller     // Read-only binding to the contract
	IChallengeManagerTransactor // Write-only binding to the contract
	IChallengeManagerFilterer   // Log filterer for contract events

IChallengeManager is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func DeployIChallengeManager

func DeployIChallengeManager(auth *bind.TransactOpts, backend bind.ContractBackend) (common.Address, *types.Transaction, *IChallengeManager, error)

DeployIChallengeManager deploys a new Ethereum contract, binding an instance of IChallengeManager to it.

func NewIChallengeManager

func NewIChallengeManager(address common.Address, backend bind.ContractBackend) (*IChallengeManager, error)

NewIChallengeManager creates a new instance of IChallengeManager, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type IChallengeManagerCaller

type IChallengeManagerCaller struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IChallengeManagerCaller is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewIChallengeManagerCaller

func NewIChallengeManagerCaller(address common.Address, caller bind.ContractCaller) (*IChallengeManagerCaller, error)

NewIChallengeManagerCaller creates a new read-only instance of IChallengeManager, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type IChallengeManagerCallerRaw

type IChallengeManagerCallerRaw struct {
	Contract *IChallengeManagerCaller // Generic read-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

IChallengeManagerCallerRaw is an auto generated low-level read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*IChallengeManagerCallerRaw) Call

func (_IChallengeManager *IChallengeManagerCallerRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

type IChallengeManagerCallerSession

type IChallengeManagerCallerSession struct {
	Contract *IChallengeManagerCaller // Generic contract caller binding to set the session for
	CallOpts bind.CallOpts            // Call options to use throughout this session

IChallengeManagerCallerSession is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call options.

type IChallengeManagerFilterer

type IChallengeManagerFilterer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IChallengeManagerFilterer is an auto generated log filtering Go binding around an Ethereum contract events.

func NewIChallengeManagerFilterer

func NewIChallengeManagerFilterer(address common.Address, filterer bind.ContractFilterer) (*IChallengeManagerFilterer, error)

NewIChallengeManagerFilterer creates a new log filterer instance of IChallengeManager, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type IChallengeManagerRaw

type IChallengeManagerRaw struct {
	Contract *IChallengeManager // Generic contract binding to access the raw methods on

IChallengeManagerRaw is an auto generated low-level Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*IChallengeManagerRaw) Call

func (_IChallengeManager *IChallengeManagerRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

func (*IChallengeManagerRaw) Transact

func (_IChallengeManager *IChallengeManagerRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*IChallengeManagerRaw) Transfer

func (_IChallengeManager *IChallengeManagerRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type IChallengeManagerSession

type IChallengeManagerSession struct {
	Contract     *IChallengeManager // Generic contract binding to set the session for
	CallOpts     bind.CallOpts      // Call options to use throughout this session
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts  // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

IChallengeManagerSession is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call and transact options.

func (*IChallengeManagerSession) InitiateChallenge

func (_IChallengeManager *IChallengeManagerSession) InitiateChallenge(vmId [32]byte, players [2]common.Address, escrows [2]*big.Int, challengePeriod uint32, challengeRoot [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

InitiateChallenge is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x2b50d42b.

Solidity: function initiateChallenge(bytes32 vmId, address[2] players, uint128[2] escrows, uint32 challengePeriod, bytes32 challengeRoot) returns()

type IChallengeManagerTransactor

type IChallengeManagerTransactor struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IChallengeManagerTransactor is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewIChallengeManagerTransactor

func NewIChallengeManagerTransactor(address common.Address, transactor bind.ContractTransactor) (*IChallengeManagerTransactor, error)

NewIChallengeManagerTransactor creates a new write-only instance of IChallengeManager, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*IChallengeManagerTransactor) InitiateChallenge

func (_IChallengeManager *IChallengeManagerTransactor) InitiateChallenge(opts *bind.TransactOpts, vmId [32]byte, players [2]common.Address, escrows [2]*big.Int, challengePeriod uint32, challengeRoot [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

InitiateChallenge is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x2b50d42b.

Solidity: function initiateChallenge(bytes32 vmId, address[2] players, uint128[2] escrows, uint32 challengePeriod, bytes32 challengeRoot) returns()

type IChallengeManagerTransactorRaw

type IChallengeManagerTransactorRaw struct {
	Contract *IChallengeManagerTransactor // Generic write-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

IChallengeManagerTransactorRaw is an auto generated low-level write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*IChallengeManagerTransactorRaw) Transact

func (_IChallengeManager *IChallengeManagerTransactorRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*IChallengeManagerTransactorRaw) Transfer

func (_IChallengeManager *IChallengeManagerTransactorRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type IChallengeManagerTransactorSession

type IChallengeManagerTransactorSession struct {
	Contract     *IChallengeManagerTransactor // Generic contract transactor binding to set the session for
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts            // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

IChallengeManagerTransactorSession is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set transact options.

func (*IChallengeManagerTransactorSession) InitiateChallenge

func (_IChallengeManager *IChallengeManagerTransactorSession) InitiateChallenge(vmId [32]byte, players [2]common.Address, escrows [2]*big.Int, challengePeriod uint32, challengeRoot [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

InitiateChallenge is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x2b50d42b.

Solidity: function initiateChallenge(bytes32 vmId, address[2] players, uint128[2] escrows, uint32 challengePeriod, bytes32 challengeRoot) returns()

type IERC165

type IERC165 struct {
	IERC165Caller     // Read-only binding to the contract
	IERC165Transactor // Write-only binding to the contract
	IERC165Filterer   // Log filterer for contract events

IERC165 is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func DeployIERC165

func DeployIERC165(auth *bind.TransactOpts, backend bind.ContractBackend) (common.Address, *types.Transaction, *IERC165, error)

DeployIERC165 deploys a new Ethereum contract, binding an instance of IERC165 to it.

func NewIERC165

func NewIERC165(address common.Address, backend bind.ContractBackend) (*IERC165, error)

NewIERC165 creates a new instance of IERC165, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type IERC165Caller

type IERC165Caller struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IERC165Caller is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewIERC165Caller

func NewIERC165Caller(address common.Address, caller bind.ContractCaller) (*IERC165Caller, error)

NewIERC165Caller creates a new read-only instance of IERC165, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*IERC165Caller) SupportsInterface

func (_IERC165 *IERC165Caller) SupportsInterface(opts *bind.CallOpts, interfaceId [4]byte) (bool, error)

SupportsInterface is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x01ffc9a7.

Solidity: function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) constant returns(bool)

type IERC165CallerRaw

type IERC165CallerRaw struct {
	Contract *IERC165Caller // Generic read-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

IERC165CallerRaw is an auto generated low-level read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*IERC165CallerRaw) Call

func (_IERC165 *IERC165CallerRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

type IERC165CallerSession

type IERC165CallerSession struct {
	Contract *IERC165Caller // Generic contract caller binding to set the session for
	CallOpts bind.CallOpts  // Call options to use throughout this session

IERC165CallerSession is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call options.

func (*IERC165CallerSession) SupportsInterface

func (_IERC165 *IERC165CallerSession) SupportsInterface(interfaceId [4]byte) (bool, error)

SupportsInterface is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x01ffc9a7.

Solidity: function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) constant returns(bool)

type IERC165Filterer

type IERC165Filterer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IERC165Filterer is an auto generated log filtering Go binding around an Ethereum contract events.

func NewIERC165Filterer

func NewIERC165Filterer(address common.Address, filterer bind.ContractFilterer) (*IERC165Filterer, error)

NewIERC165Filterer creates a new log filterer instance of IERC165, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type IERC165Raw

type IERC165Raw struct {
	Contract *IERC165 // Generic contract binding to access the raw methods on

IERC165Raw is an auto generated low-level Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*IERC165Raw) Call

func (_IERC165 *IERC165Raw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

func (*IERC165Raw) Transact

func (_IERC165 *IERC165Raw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*IERC165Raw) Transfer

func (_IERC165 *IERC165Raw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type IERC165Session

type IERC165Session struct {
	Contract     *IERC165          // Generic contract binding to set the session for
	CallOpts     bind.CallOpts     // Call options to use throughout this session
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

IERC165Session is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call and transact options.

func (*IERC165Session) SupportsInterface

func (_IERC165 *IERC165Session) SupportsInterface(interfaceId [4]byte) (bool, error)

SupportsInterface is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x01ffc9a7.

Solidity: function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) constant returns(bool)

type IERC165Transactor

type IERC165Transactor struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IERC165Transactor is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewIERC165Transactor

func NewIERC165Transactor(address common.Address, transactor bind.ContractTransactor) (*IERC165Transactor, error)

NewIERC165Transactor creates a new write-only instance of IERC165, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type IERC165TransactorRaw

type IERC165TransactorRaw struct {
	Contract *IERC165Transactor // Generic write-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

IERC165TransactorRaw is an auto generated low-level write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*IERC165TransactorRaw) Transact

func (_IERC165 *IERC165TransactorRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*IERC165TransactorRaw) Transfer

func (_IERC165 *IERC165TransactorRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type IERC165TransactorSession

type IERC165TransactorSession struct {
	Contract     *IERC165Transactor // Generic contract transactor binding to set the session for
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts  // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

IERC165TransactorSession is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set transact options.

type IERC20

type IERC20 struct {
	IERC20Caller     // Read-only binding to the contract
	IERC20Transactor // Write-only binding to the contract
	IERC20Filterer   // Log filterer for contract events

IERC20 is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func DeployIERC20

func DeployIERC20(auth *bind.TransactOpts, backend bind.ContractBackend) (common.Address, *types.Transaction, *IERC20, error)

DeployIERC20 deploys a new Ethereum contract, binding an instance of IERC20 to it.

func NewIERC20

func NewIERC20(address common.Address, backend bind.ContractBackend) (*IERC20, error)

NewIERC20 creates a new instance of IERC20, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type IERC20Approval

type IERC20Approval struct {
	Owner   common.Address
	Spender common.Address
	Value   *big.Int
	Raw     types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

IERC20Approval represents a Approval event raised by the IERC20 contract.

type IERC20ApprovalIterator

type IERC20ApprovalIterator struct {
	Event *IERC20Approval // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IERC20ApprovalIterator is returned from FilterApproval and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for Approval events raised by the IERC20 contract.

func (*IERC20ApprovalIterator) Close

func (it *IERC20ApprovalIterator) Close() error

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*IERC20ApprovalIterator) Error

func (it *IERC20ApprovalIterator) Error() error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*IERC20ApprovalIterator) Next

func (it *IERC20ApprovalIterator) Next() bool

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

type IERC20Caller

type IERC20Caller struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IERC20Caller is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewIERC20Caller

func NewIERC20Caller(address common.Address, caller bind.ContractCaller) (*IERC20Caller, error)

NewIERC20Caller creates a new read-only instance of IERC20, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*IERC20Caller) Allowance

func (_IERC20 *IERC20Caller) Allowance(opts *bind.CallOpts, owner common.Address, spender common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

Allowance is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xdd62ed3e.

Solidity: function allowance(address owner, address spender) constant returns(uint256)

func (*IERC20Caller) BalanceOf

func (_IERC20 *IERC20Caller) BalanceOf(opts *bind.CallOpts, who common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

BalanceOf is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x70a08231.

Solidity: function balanceOf(address who) constant returns(uint256)

func (*IERC20Caller) TotalSupply

func (_IERC20 *IERC20Caller) TotalSupply(opts *bind.CallOpts) (*big.Int, error)

TotalSupply is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x18160ddd.

Solidity: function totalSupply() constant returns(uint256)

type IERC20CallerRaw

type IERC20CallerRaw struct {
	Contract *IERC20Caller // Generic read-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

IERC20CallerRaw is an auto generated low-level read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*IERC20CallerRaw) Call

func (_IERC20 *IERC20CallerRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

type IERC20CallerSession

type IERC20CallerSession struct {
	Contract *IERC20Caller // Generic contract caller binding to set the session for
	CallOpts bind.CallOpts // Call options to use throughout this session

IERC20CallerSession is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call options.

func (*IERC20CallerSession) Allowance

func (_IERC20 *IERC20CallerSession) Allowance(owner common.Address, spender common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

Allowance is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xdd62ed3e.

Solidity: function allowance(address owner, address spender) constant returns(uint256)

func (*IERC20CallerSession) BalanceOf

func (_IERC20 *IERC20CallerSession) BalanceOf(who common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

BalanceOf is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x70a08231.

Solidity: function balanceOf(address who) constant returns(uint256)

func (*IERC20CallerSession) TotalSupply

func (_IERC20 *IERC20CallerSession) TotalSupply() (*big.Int, error)

TotalSupply is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x18160ddd.

Solidity: function totalSupply() constant returns(uint256)

type IERC20Filterer

type IERC20Filterer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IERC20Filterer is an auto generated log filtering Go binding around an Ethereum contract events.

func NewIERC20Filterer

func NewIERC20Filterer(address common.Address, filterer bind.ContractFilterer) (*IERC20Filterer, error)

NewIERC20Filterer creates a new log filterer instance of IERC20, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*IERC20Filterer) FilterApproval

func (_IERC20 *IERC20Filterer) FilterApproval(opts *bind.FilterOpts, owner []common.Address, spender []common.Address) (*IERC20ApprovalIterator, error)

FilterApproval is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925.

Solidity: event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value)

func (*IERC20Filterer) FilterTransfer

func (_IERC20 *IERC20Filterer) FilterTransfer(opts *bind.FilterOpts, from []common.Address, to []common.Address) (*IERC20TransferIterator, error)

FilterTransfer is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef.

Solidity: event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value)

func (*IERC20Filterer) WatchApproval

func (_IERC20 *IERC20Filterer) WatchApproval(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *IERC20Approval, owner []common.Address, spender []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchApproval is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925.

Solidity: event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value)

func (*IERC20Filterer) WatchTransfer

func (_IERC20 *IERC20Filterer) WatchTransfer(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *IERC20Transfer, from []common.Address, to []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchTransfer is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef.

Solidity: event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value)

type IERC20Raw

type IERC20Raw struct {
	Contract *IERC20 // Generic contract binding to access the raw methods on

IERC20Raw is an auto generated low-level Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*IERC20Raw) Call

func (_IERC20 *IERC20Raw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

func (*IERC20Raw) Transact

func (_IERC20 *IERC20Raw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*IERC20Raw) Transfer

func (_IERC20 *IERC20Raw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type IERC20Session

type IERC20Session struct {
	Contract     *IERC20           // Generic contract binding to set the session for
	CallOpts     bind.CallOpts     // Call options to use throughout this session
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

IERC20Session is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call and transact options.

func (*IERC20Session) Allowance

func (_IERC20 *IERC20Session) Allowance(owner common.Address, spender common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

Allowance is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xdd62ed3e.

Solidity: function allowance(address owner, address spender) constant returns(uint256)

func (*IERC20Session) Approve

func (_IERC20 *IERC20Session) Approve(spender common.Address, value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Approve is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x095ea7b3.

Solidity: function approve(address spender, uint256 value) returns(bool)

func (*IERC20Session) BalanceOf

func (_IERC20 *IERC20Session) BalanceOf(who common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

BalanceOf is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x70a08231.

Solidity: function balanceOf(address who) constant returns(uint256)

func (*IERC20Session) TotalSupply

func (_IERC20 *IERC20Session) TotalSupply() (*big.Int, error)

TotalSupply is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x18160ddd.

Solidity: function totalSupply() constant returns(uint256)

func (*IERC20Session) Transfer

func (_IERC20 *IERC20Session) Transfer(to common.Address, value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xa9059cbb.

Solidity: function transfer(address to, uint256 value) returns(bool)

func (*IERC20Session) TransferFrom

func (_IERC20 *IERC20Session) TransferFrom(from common.Address, to common.Address, value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferFrom is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x23b872dd.

Solidity: function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) returns(bool)

type IERC20Transactor

type IERC20Transactor struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IERC20Transactor is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewIERC20Transactor

func NewIERC20Transactor(address common.Address, transactor bind.ContractTransactor) (*IERC20Transactor, error)

NewIERC20Transactor creates a new write-only instance of IERC20, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*IERC20Transactor) Approve

func (_IERC20 *IERC20Transactor) Approve(opts *bind.TransactOpts, spender common.Address, value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Approve is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x095ea7b3.

Solidity: function approve(address spender, uint256 value) returns(bool)

func (*IERC20Transactor) Transfer

func (_IERC20 *IERC20Transactor) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts, to common.Address, value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xa9059cbb.

Solidity: function transfer(address to, uint256 value) returns(bool)

func (*IERC20Transactor) TransferFrom

func (_IERC20 *IERC20Transactor) TransferFrom(opts *bind.TransactOpts, from common.Address, to common.Address, value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferFrom is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x23b872dd.

Solidity: function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) returns(bool)

type IERC20TransactorRaw

type IERC20TransactorRaw struct {
	Contract *IERC20Transactor // Generic write-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

IERC20TransactorRaw is an auto generated low-level write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*IERC20TransactorRaw) Transact

func (_IERC20 *IERC20TransactorRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*IERC20TransactorRaw) Transfer

func (_IERC20 *IERC20TransactorRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type IERC20TransactorSession

type IERC20TransactorSession struct {
	Contract     *IERC20Transactor // Generic contract transactor binding to set the session for
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

IERC20TransactorSession is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set transact options.

func (*IERC20TransactorSession) Approve

func (_IERC20 *IERC20TransactorSession) Approve(spender common.Address, value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Approve is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x095ea7b3.

Solidity: function approve(address spender, uint256 value) returns(bool)

func (*IERC20TransactorSession) Transfer

func (_IERC20 *IERC20TransactorSession) Transfer(to common.Address, value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xa9059cbb.

Solidity: function transfer(address to, uint256 value) returns(bool)

func (*IERC20TransactorSession) TransferFrom

func (_IERC20 *IERC20TransactorSession) TransferFrom(from common.Address, to common.Address, value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferFrom is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x23b872dd.

Solidity: function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) returns(bool)

type IERC20Transfer

type IERC20Transfer struct {
	From  common.Address
	To    common.Address
	Value *big.Int
	Raw   types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

IERC20Transfer represents a Transfer event raised by the IERC20 contract.

type IERC20TransferIterator

type IERC20TransferIterator struct {
	Event *IERC20Transfer // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IERC20TransferIterator is returned from FilterTransfer and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for Transfer events raised by the IERC20 contract.

func (*IERC20TransferIterator) Close

func (it *IERC20TransferIterator) Close() error

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*IERC20TransferIterator) Error

func (it *IERC20TransferIterator) Error() error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*IERC20TransferIterator) Next

func (it *IERC20TransferIterator) Next() bool

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

type IERC721

type IERC721 struct {
	IERC721Caller     // Read-only binding to the contract
	IERC721Transactor // Write-only binding to the contract
	IERC721Filterer   // Log filterer for contract events

IERC721 is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func DeployIERC721

func DeployIERC721(auth *bind.TransactOpts, backend bind.ContractBackend) (common.Address, *types.Transaction, *IERC721, error)

DeployIERC721 deploys a new Ethereum contract, binding an instance of IERC721 to it.

func NewIERC721

func NewIERC721(address common.Address, backend bind.ContractBackend) (*IERC721, error)

NewIERC721 creates a new instance of IERC721, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type IERC721Approval

type IERC721Approval struct {
	Owner    common.Address
	Approved common.Address
	TokenId  *big.Int
	Raw      types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

IERC721Approval represents a Approval event raised by the IERC721 contract.

type IERC721ApprovalForAll

type IERC721ApprovalForAll struct {
	Owner    common.Address
	Operator common.Address
	Approved bool
	Raw      types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

IERC721ApprovalForAll represents a ApprovalForAll event raised by the IERC721 contract.

type IERC721ApprovalForAllIterator

type IERC721ApprovalForAllIterator struct {
	Event *IERC721ApprovalForAll // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IERC721ApprovalForAllIterator is returned from FilterApprovalForAll and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for ApprovalForAll events raised by the IERC721 contract.

func (*IERC721ApprovalForAllIterator) Close

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*IERC721ApprovalForAllIterator) Error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*IERC721ApprovalForAllIterator) Next

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

type IERC721ApprovalIterator

type IERC721ApprovalIterator struct {
	Event *IERC721Approval // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IERC721ApprovalIterator is returned from FilterApproval and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for Approval events raised by the IERC721 contract.

func (*IERC721ApprovalIterator) Close

func (it *IERC721ApprovalIterator) Close() error

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*IERC721ApprovalIterator) Error

func (it *IERC721ApprovalIterator) Error() error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*IERC721ApprovalIterator) Next

func (it *IERC721ApprovalIterator) Next() bool

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

type IERC721Caller

type IERC721Caller struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IERC721Caller is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewIERC721Caller

func NewIERC721Caller(address common.Address, caller bind.ContractCaller) (*IERC721Caller, error)

NewIERC721Caller creates a new read-only instance of IERC721, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*IERC721Caller) BalanceOf

func (_IERC721 *IERC721Caller) BalanceOf(opts *bind.CallOpts, owner common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

BalanceOf is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x70a08231.

Solidity: function balanceOf(address owner) constant returns(uint256 balance)

func (*IERC721Caller) GetApproved

func (_IERC721 *IERC721Caller) GetApproved(opts *bind.CallOpts, tokenId *big.Int) (common.Address, error)

GetApproved is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x081812fc.

Solidity: function getApproved(uint256 tokenId) constant returns(address operator)

func (*IERC721Caller) IsApprovedForAll

func (_IERC721 *IERC721Caller) IsApprovedForAll(opts *bind.CallOpts, owner common.Address, operator common.Address) (bool, error)

IsApprovedForAll is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xe985e9c5.

Solidity: function isApprovedForAll(address owner, address operator) constant returns(bool)

func (*IERC721Caller) OwnerOf

func (_IERC721 *IERC721Caller) OwnerOf(opts *bind.CallOpts, tokenId *big.Int) (common.Address, error)

OwnerOf is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x6352211e.

Solidity: function ownerOf(uint256 tokenId) constant returns(address owner)

func (*IERC721Caller) SupportsInterface

func (_IERC721 *IERC721Caller) SupportsInterface(opts *bind.CallOpts, interfaceId [4]byte) (bool, error)

SupportsInterface is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x01ffc9a7.

Solidity: function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) constant returns(bool)

type IERC721CallerRaw

type IERC721CallerRaw struct {
	Contract *IERC721Caller // Generic read-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

IERC721CallerRaw is an auto generated low-level read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*IERC721CallerRaw) Call

func (_IERC721 *IERC721CallerRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

type IERC721CallerSession

type IERC721CallerSession struct {
	Contract *IERC721Caller // Generic contract caller binding to set the session for
	CallOpts bind.CallOpts  // Call options to use throughout this session

IERC721CallerSession is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call options.

func (*IERC721CallerSession) BalanceOf

func (_IERC721 *IERC721CallerSession) BalanceOf(owner common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

BalanceOf is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x70a08231.

Solidity: function balanceOf(address owner) constant returns(uint256 balance)

func (*IERC721CallerSession) GetApproved

func (_IERC721 *IERC721CallerSession) GetApproved(tokenId *big.Int) (common.Address, error)

GetApproved is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x081812fc.

Solidity: function getApproved(uint256 tokenId) constant returns(address operator)

func (*IERC721CallerSession) IsApprovedForAll

func (_IERC721 *IERC721CallerSession) IsApprovedForAll(owner common.Address, operator common.Address) (bool, error)

IsApprovedForAll is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xe985e9c5.

Solidity: function isApprovedForAll(address owner, address operator) constant returns(bool)

func (*IERC721CallerSession) OwnerOf

func (_IERC721 *IERC721CallerSession) OwnerOf(tokenId *big.Int) (common.Address, error)

OwnerOf is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x6352211e.

Solidity: function ownerOf(uint256 tokenId) constant returns(address owner)

func (*IERC721CallerSession) SupportsInterface

func (_IERC721 *IERC721CallerSession) SupportsInterface(interfaceId [4]byte) (bool, error)

SupportsInterface is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x01ffc9a7.

Solidity: function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) constant returns(bool)

type IERC721Filterer

type IERC721Filterer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IERC721Filterer is an auto generated log filtering Go binding around an Ethereum contract events.

func NewIERC721Filterer

func NewIERC721Filterer(address common.Address, filterer bind.ContractFilterer) (*IERC721Filterer, error)

NewIERC721Filterer creates a new log filterer instance of IERC721, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*IERC721Filterer) FilterApproval

func (_IERC721 *IERC721Filterer) FilterApproval(opts *bind.FilterOpts, owner []common.Address, approved []common.Address, tokenId []*big.Int) (*IERC721ApprovalIterator, error)

FilterApproval is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925.

Solidity: event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed approved, uint256 indexed tokenId)

func (*IERC721Filterer) FilterApprovalForAll

func (_IERC721 *IERC721Filterer) FilterApprovalForAll(opts *bind.FilterOpts, owner []common.Address, operator []common.Address) (*IERC721ApprovalForAllIterator, error)

FilterApprovalForAll is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x17307eab39ab6107e8899845ad3d59bd9653f200f220920489ca2b5937696c31.

Solidity: event ApprovalForAll(address indexed owner, address indexed operator, bool approved)

func (*IERC721Filterer) FilterTransfer

func (_IERC721 *IERC721Filterer) FilterTransfer(opts *bind.FilterOpts, from []common.Address, to []common.Address, tokenId []*big.Int) (*IERC721TransferIterator, error)

FilterTransfer is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef.

Solidity: event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed tokenId)

func (*IERC721Filterer) WatchApproval

func (_IERC721 *IERC721Filterer) WatchApproval(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *IERC721Approval, owner []common.Address, approved []common.Address, tokenId []*big.Int) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchApproval is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925.

Solidity: event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed approved, uint256 indexed tokenId)

func (*IERC721Filterer) WatchApprovalForAll

func (_IERC721 *IERC721Filterer) WatchApprovalForAll(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *IERC721ApprovalForAll, owner []common.Address, operator []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchApprovalForAll is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x17307eab39ab6107e8899845ad3d59bd9653f200f220920489ca2b5937696c31.

Solidity: event ApprovalForAll(address indexed owner, address indexed operator, bool approved)

func (*IERC721Filterer) WatchTransfer

func (_IERC721 *IERC721Filterer) WatchTransfer(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *IERC721Transfer, from []common.Address, to []common.Address, tokenId []*big.Int) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchTransfer is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef.

Solidity: event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed tokenId)

type IERC721Raw

type IERC721Raw struct {
	Contract *IERC721 // Generic contract binding to access the raw methods on

IERC721Raw is an auto generated low-level Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*IERC721Raw) Call

func (_IERC721 *IERC721Raw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

func (*IERC721Raw) Transact

func (_IERC721 *IERC721Raw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*IERC721Raw) Transfer

func (_IERC721 *IERC721Raw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type IERC721Receiver

type IERC721Receiver struct {
	IERC721ReceiverCaller     // Read-only binding to the contract
	IERC721ReceiverTransactor // Write-only binding to the contract
	IERC721ReceiverFilterer   // Log filterer for contract events

IERC721Receiver is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func DeployIERC721Receiver

func DeployIERC721Receiver(auth *bind.TransactOpts, backend bind.ContractBackend) (common.Address, *types.Transaction, *IERC721Receiver, error)

DeployIERC721Receiver deploys a new Ethereum contract, binding an instance of IERC721Receiver to it.

func NewIERC721Receiver

func NewIERC721Receiver(address common.Address, backend bind.ContractBackend) (*IERC721Receiver, error)

NewIERC721Receiver creates a new instance of IERC721Receiver, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type IERC721ReceiverCaller

type IERC721ReceiverCaller struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IERC721ReceiverCaller is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewIERC721ReceiverCaller

func NewIERC721ReceiverCaller(address common.Address, caller bind.ContractCaller) (*IERC721ReceiverCaller, error)

NewIERC721ReceiverCaller creates a new read-only instance of IERC721Receiver, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type IERC721ReceiverCallerRaw

type IERC721ReceiverCallerRaw struct {
	Contract *IERC721ReceiverCaller // Generic read-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

IERC721ReceiverCallerRaw is an auto generated low-level read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*IERC721ReceiverCallerRaw) Call

func (_IERC721Receiver *IERC721ReceiverCallerRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

type IERC721ReceiverCallerSession

type IERC721ReceiverCallerSession struct {
	Contract *IERC721ReceiverCaller // Generic contract caller binding to set the session for
	CallOpts bind.CallOpts          // Call options to use throughout this session

IERC721ReceiverCallerSession is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call options.

type IERC721ReceiverFilterer

type IERC721ReceiverFilterer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IERC721ReceiverFilterer is an auto generated log filtering Go binding around an Ethereum contract events.

func NewIERC721ReceiverFilterer

func NewIERC721ReceiverFilterer(address common.Address, filterer bind.ContractFilterer) (*IERC721ReceiverFilterer, error)

NewIERC721ReceiverFilterer creates a new log filterer instance of IERC721Receiver, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type IERC721ReceiverRaw

type IERC721ReceiverRaw struct {
	Contract *IERC721Receiver // Generic contract binding to access the raw methods on

IERC721ReceiverRaw is an auto generated low-level Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*IERC721ReceiverRaw) Call

func (_IERC721Receiver *IERC721ReceiverRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

func (*IERC721ReceiverRaw) Transact

func (_IERC721Receiver *IERC721ReceiverRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*IERC721ReceiverRaw) Transfer

func (_IERC721Receiver *IERC721ReceiverRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type IERC721ReceiverSession

type IERC721ReceiverSession struct {
	Contract     *IERC721Receiver  // Generic contract binding to set the session for
	CallOpts     bind.CallOpts     // Call options to use throughout this session
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

IERC721ReceiverSession is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call and transact options.

func (*IERC721ReceiverSession) OnERC721Received

func (_IERC721Receiver *IERC721ReceiverSession) OnERC721Received(operator common.Address, from common.Address, tokenId *big.Int, data []byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

OnERC721Received is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x150b7a02.

Solidity: function onERC721Received(address operator, address from, uint256 tokenId, bytes data) returns(bytes4)

type IERC721ReceiverTransactor

type IERC721ReceiverTransactor struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IERC721ReceiverTransactor is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewIERC721ReceiverTransactor

func NewIERC721ReceiverTransactor(address common.Address, transactor bind.ContractTransactor) (*IERC721ReceiverTransactor, error)

NewIERC721ReceiverTransactor creates a new write-only instance of IERC721Receiver, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*IERC721ReceiverTransactor) OnERC721Received

func (_IERC721Receiver *IERC721ReceiverTransactor) OnERC721Received(opts *bind.TransactOpts, operator common.Address, from common.Address, tokenId *big.Int, data []byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

OnERC721Received is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x150b7a02.

Solidity: function onERC721Received(address operator, address from, uint256 tokenId, bytes data) returns(bytes4)

type IERC721ReceiverTransactorRaw

type IERC721ReceiverTransactorRaw struct {
	Contract *IERC721ReceiverTransactor // Generic write-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

IERC721ReceiverTransactorRaw is an auto generated low-level write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*IERC721ReceiverTransactorRaw) Transact

func (_IERC721Receiver *IERC721ReceiverTransactorRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*IERC721ReceiverTransactorRaw) Transfer

func (_IERC721Receiver *IERC721ReceiverTransactorRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type IERC721ReceiverTransactorSession

type IERC721ReceiverTransactorSession struct {
	Contract     *IERC721ReceiverTransactor // Generic contract transactor binding to set the session for
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts          // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

IERC721ReceiverTransactorSession is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set transact options.

func (*IERC721ReceiverTransactorSession) OnERC721Received

func (_IERC721Receiver *IERC721ReceiverTransactorSession) OnERC721Received(operator common.Address, from common.Address, tokenId *big.Int, data []byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

OnERC721Received is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x150b7a02.

Solidity: function onERC721Received(address operator, address from, uint256 tokenId, bytes data) returns(bytes4)

type IERC721Session

type IERC721Session struct {
	Contract     *IERC721          // Generic contract binding to set the session for
	CallOpts     bind.CallOpts     // Call options to use throughout this session
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

IERC721Session is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call and transact options.

func (*IERC721Session) Approve

func (_IERC721 *IERC721Session) Approve(to common.Address, tokenId *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Approve is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x095ea7b3.

Solidity: function approve(address to, uint256 tokenId) returns()

func (*IERC721Session) BalanceOf

func (_IERC721 *IERC721Session) BalanceOf(owner common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

BalanceOf is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x70a08231.

Solidity: function balanceOf(address owner) constant returns(uint256 balance)

func (*IERC721Session) GetApproved

func (_IERC721 *IERC721Session) GetApproved(tokenId *big.Int) (common.Address, error)

GetApproved is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x081812fc.

Solidity: function getApproved(uint256 tokenId) constant returns(address operator)

func (*IERC721Session) IsApprovedForAll

func (_IERC721 *IERC721Session) IsApprovedForAll(owner common.Address, operator common.Address) (bool, error)

IsApprovedForAll is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xe985e9c5.

Solidity: function isApprovedForAll(address owner, address operator) constant returns(bool)

func (*IERC721Session) OwnerOf

func (_IERC721 *IERC721Session) OwnerOf(tokenId *big.Int) (common.Address, error)

OwnerOf is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x6352211e.

Solidity: function ownerOf(uint256 tokenId) constant returns(address owner)

func (*IERC721Session) SafeTransferFrom

func (_IERC721 *IERC721Session) SafeTransferFrom(from common.Address, to common.Address, tokenId *big.Int, data []byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

SafeTransferFrom is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xb88d4fde.

Solidity: function safeTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId, bytes data) returns()

func (*IERC721Session) SetApprovalForAll

func (_IERC721 *IERC721Session) SetApprovalForAll(operator common.Address, _approved bool) (*types.Transaction, error)

SetApprovalForAll is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xa22cb465.

Solidity: function setApprovalForAll(address operator, bool _approved) returns()

func (*IERC721Session) SupportsInterface

func (_IERC721 *IERC721Session) SupportsInterface(interfaceId [4]byte) (bool, error)

SupportsInterface is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x01ffc9a7.

Solidity: function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) constant returns(bool)

func (*IERC721Session) TransferFrom

func (_IERC721 *IERC721Session) TransferFrom(from common.Address, to common.Address, tokenId *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferFrom is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x23b872dd.

Solidity: function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId) returns()

type IERC721Transactor

type IERC721Transactor struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IERC721Transactor is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewIERC721Transactor

func NewIERC721Transactor(address common.Address, transactor bind.ContractTransactor) (*IERC721Transactor, error)

NewIERC721Transactor creates a new write-only instance of IERC721, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*IERC721Transactor) Approve

func (_IERC721 *IERC721Transactor) Approve(opts *bind.TransactOpts, to common.Address, tokenId *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Approve is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x095ea7b3.

Solidity: function approve(address to, uint256 tokenId) returns()

func (*IERC721Transactor) SafeTransferFrom

func (_IERC721 *IERC721Transactor) SafeTransferFrom(opts *bind.TransactOpts, from common.Address, to common.Address, tokenId *big.Int, data []byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

SafeTransferFrom is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xb88d4fde.

Solidity: function safeTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId, bytes data) returns()

func (*IERC721Transactor) SetApprovalForAll

func (_IERC721 *IERC721Transactor) SetApprovalForAll(opts *bind.TransactOpts, operator common.Address, _approved bool) (*types.Transaction, error)

SetApprovalForAll is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xa22cb465.

Solidity: function setApprovalForAll(address operator, bool _approved) returns()

func (*IERC721Transactor) TransferFrom

func (_IERC721 *IERC721Transactor) TransferFrom(opts *bind.TransactOpts, from common.Address, to common.Address, tokenId *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferFrom is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x23b872dd.

Solidity: function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId) returns()

type IERC721TransactorRaw

type IERC721TransactorRaw struct {
	Contract *IERC721Transactor // Generic write-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

IERC721TransactorRaw is an auto generated low-level write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*IERC721TransactorRaw) Transact

func (_IERC721 *IERC721TransactorRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*IERC721TransactorRaw) Transfer

func (_IERC721 *IERC721TransactorRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type IERC721TransactorSession

type IERC721TransactorSession struct {
	Contract     *IERC721Transactor // Generic contract transactor binding to set the session for
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts  // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

IERC721TransactorSession is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set transact options.

func (*IERC721TransactorSession) Approve

func (_IERC721 *IERC721TransactorSession) Approve(to common.Address, tokenId *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Approve is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x095ea7b3.

Solidity: function approve(address to, uint256 tokenId) returns()

func (*IERC721TransactorSession) SafeTransferFrom

func (_IERC721 *IERC721TransactorSession) SafeTransferFrom(from common.Address, to common.Address, tokenId *big.Int, data []byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

SafeTransferFrom is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xb88d4fde.

Solidity: function safeTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId, bytes data) returns()

func (*IERC721TransactorSession) SetApprovalForAll

func (_IERC721 *IERC721TransactorSession) SetApprovalForAll(operator common.Address, _approved bool) (*types.Transaction, error)

SetApprovalForAll is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xa22cb465.

Solidity: function setApprovalForAll(address operator, bool _approved) returns()

func (*IERC721TransactorSession) TransferFrom

func (_IERC721 *IERC721TransactorSession) TransferFrom(from common.Address, to common.Address, tokenId *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferFrom is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x23b872dd.

Solidity: function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId) returns()

type IERC721Transfer

type IERC721Transfer struct {
	From    common.Address
	To      common.Address
	TokenId *big.Int
	Raw     types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

IERC721Transfer represents a Transfer event raised by the IERC721 contract.

type IERC721TransferIterator

type IERC721TransferIterator struct {
	Event *IERC721Transfer // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IERC721TransferIterator is returned from FilterTransfer and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for Transfer events raised by the IERC721 contract.

func (*IERC721TransferIterator) Close

func (it *IERC721TransferIterator) Close() error

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*IERC721TransferIterator) Error

func (it *IERC721TransferIterator) Error() error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*IERC721TransferIterator) Next

func (it *IERC721TransferIterator) Next() bool

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

type MerkleLib

type MerkleLib struct {
	MerkleLibCaller     // Read-only binding to the contract
	MerkleLibTransactor // Write-only binding to the contract
	MerkleLibFilterer   // Log filterer for contract events

MerkleLib is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func DeployMerkleLib

func DeployMerkleLib(auth *bind.TransactOpts, backend bind.ContractBackend) (common.Address, *types.Transaction, *MerkleLib, error)

DeployMerkleLib deploys a new Ethereum contract, binding an instance of MerkleLib to it.

func NewMerkleLib

func NewMerkleLib(address common.Address, backend bind.ContractBackend) (*MerkleLib, error)

NewMerkleLib creates a new instance of MerkleLib, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type MerkleLibCaller

type MerkleLibCaller struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MerkleLibCaller is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewMerkleLibCaller

func NewMerkleLibCaller(address common.Address, caller bind.ContractCaller) (*MerkleLibCaller, error)

NewMerkleLibCaller creates a new read-only instance of MerkleLib, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*MerkleLibCaller) GenerateAddressRoot

func (_MerkleLib *MerkleLibCaller) GenerateAddressRoot(opts *bind.CallOpts, _addresses []common.Address) ([32]byte, error)

GenerateAddressRoot is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x6a2dda67.

Solidity: function generateAddressRoot(address[] _addresses) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*MerkleLibCaller) GenerateRoot

func (_MerkleLib *MerkleLibCaller) GenerateRoot(opts *bind.CallOpts, _hashes [][32]byte) ([32]byte, error)

GenerateRoot is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x9898dc10.

Solidity: function generateRoot(bytes32[] _hashes) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*MerkleLibCaller) VerifyProof

func (_MerkleLib *MerkleLibCaller) VerifyProof(opts *bind.CallOpts, proof []byte, root [32]byte, hash [32]byte, index *big.Int) (bool, error)

VerifyProof is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xb792d767.

Solidity: function verifyProof(bytes proof, bytes32 root, bytes32 hash, uint256 index) constant returns(bool)

type MerkleLibCallerRaw

type MerkleLibCallerRaw struct {
	Contract *MerkleLibCaller // Generic read-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

MerkleLibCallerRaw is an auto generated low-level read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*MerkleLibCallerRaw) Call

func (_MerkleLib *MerkleLibCallerRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

type MerkleLibCallerSession

type MerkleLibCallerSession struct {
	Contract *MerkleLibCaller // Generic contract caller binding to set the session for
	CallOpts bind.CallOpts    // Call options to use throughout this session

MerkleLibCallerSession is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call options.

func (*MerkleLibCallerSession) GenerateAddressRoot

func (_MerkleLib *MerkleLibCallerSession) GenerateAddressRoot(_addresses []common.Address) ([32]byte, error)

GenerateAddressRoot is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x6a2dda67.

Solidity: function generateAddressRoot(address[] _addresses) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*MerkleLibCallerSession) GenerateRoot

func (_MerkleLib *MerkleLibCallerSession) GenerateRoot(_hashes [][32]byte) ([32]byte, error)

GenerateRoot is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x9898dc10.

Solidity: function generateRoot(bytes32[] _hashes) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*MerkleLibCallerSession) VerifyProof

func (_MerkleLib *MerkleLibCallerSession) VerifyProof(proof []byte, root [32]byte, hash [32]byte, index *big.Int) (bool, error)

VerifyProof is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xb792d767.

Solidity: function verifyProof(bytes proof, bytes32 root, bytes32 hash, uint256 index) constant returns(bool)

type MerkleLibFilterer

type MerkleLibFilterer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MerkleLibFilterer is an auto generated log filtering Go binding around an Ethereum contract events.

func NewMerkleLibFilterer

func NewMerkleLibFilterer(address common.Address, filterer bind.ContractFilterer) (*MerkleLibFilterer, error)

NewMerkleLibFilterer creates a new log filterer instance of MerkleLib, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type MerkleLibRaw

type MerkleLibRaw struct {
	Contract *MerkleLib // Generic contract binding to access the raw methods on

MerkleLibRaw is an auto generated low-level Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*MerkleLibRaw) Call

func (_MerkleLib *MerkleLibRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

func (*MerkleLibRaw) Transact

func (_MerkleLib *MerkleLibRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*MerkleLibRaw) Transfer

func (_MerkleLib *MerkleLibRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type MerkleLibSession

type MerkleLibSession struct {
	Contract     *MerkleLib        // Generic contract binding to set the session for
	CallOpts     bind.CallOpts     // Call options to use throughout this session
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

MerkleLibSession is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call and transact options.

func (*MerkleLibSession) GenerateAddressRoot

func (_MerkleLib *MerkleLibSession) GenerateAddressRoot(_addresses []common.Address) ([32]byte, error)

GenerateAddressRoot is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x6a2dda67.

Solidity: function generateAddressRoot(address[] _addresses) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*MerkleLibSession) GenerateRoot

func (_MerkleLib *MerkleLibSession) GenerateRoot(_hashes [][32]byte) ([32]byte, error)

GenerateRoot is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x9898dc10.

Solidity: function generateRoot(bytes32[] _hashes) constant returns(bytes32)

func (*MerkleLibSession) VerifyProof

func (_MerkleLib *MerkleLibSession) VerifyProof(proof []byte, root [32]byte, hash [32]byte, index *big.Int) (bool, error)

VerifyProof is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xb792d767.

Solidity: function verifyProof(bytes proof, bytes32 root, bytes32 hash, uint256 index) constant returns(bool)

type MerkleLibTransactor

type MerkleLibTransactor struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MerkleLibTransactor is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewMerkleLibTransactor

func NewMerkleLibTransactor(address common.Address, transactor bind.ContractTransactor) (*MerkleLibTransactor, error)

NewMerkleLibTransactor creates a new write-only instance of MerkleLib, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type MerkleLibTransactorRaw

type MerkleLibTransactorRaw struct {
	Contract *MerkleLibTransactor // Generic write-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

MerkleLibTransactorRaw is an auto generated low-level write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*MerkleLibTransactorRaw) Transact

func (_MerkleLib *MerkleLibTransactorRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*MerkleLibTransactorRaw) Transfer

func (_MerkleLib *MerkleLibTransactorRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type MerkleLibTransactorSession

type MerkleLibTransactorSession struct {
	Contract     *MerkleLibTransactor // Generic contract transactor binding to set the session for
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts    // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

MerkleLibTransactorSession is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set transact options.

type Ownable

type Ownable struct {
	OwnableCaller     // Read-only binding to the contract
	OwnableTransactor // Write-only binding to the contract
	OwnableFilterer   // Log filterer for contract events

Ownable is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func DeployOwnable

func DeployOwnable(auth *bind.TransactOpts, backend bind.ContractBackend) (common.Address, *types.Transaction, *Ownable, error)

DeployOwnable deploys a new Ethereum contract, binding an instance of Ownable to it.

func NewOwnable

func NewOwnable(address common.Address, backend bind.ContractBackend) (*Ownable, error)

NewOwnable creates a new instance of Ownable, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type OwnableCaller

type OwnableCaller struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

OwnableCaller is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewOwnableCaller

func NewOwnableCaller(address common.Address, caller bind.ContractCaller) (*OwnableCaller, error)

NewOwnableCaller creates a new read-only instance of Ownable, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*OwnableCaller) IsOwner

func (_Ownable *OwnableCaller) IsOwner(opts *bind.CallOpts) (bool, error)

IsOwner is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x8f32d59b.

Solidity: function isOwner() constant returns(bool)

func (*OwnableCaller) Owner

func (_Ownable *OwnableCaller) Owner(opts *bind.CallOpts) (common.Address, error)

Owner is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x8da5cb5b.

Solidity: function owner() constant returns(address)

type OwnableCallerRaw

type OwnableCallerRaw struct {
	Contract *OwnableCaller // Generic read-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

OwnableCallerRaw is an auto generated low-level read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*OwnableCallerRaw) Call

func (_Ownable *OwnableCallerRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

type OwnableCallerSession

type OwnableCallerSession struct {
	Contract *OwnableCaller // Generic contract caller binding to set the session for
	CallOpts bind.CallOpts  // Call options to use throughout this session

OwnableCallerSession is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call options.

func (*OwnableCallerSession) IsOwner

func (_Ownable *OwnableCallerSession) IsOwner() (bool, error)

IsOwner is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x8f32d59b.

Solidity: function isOwner() constant returns(bool)

func (*OwnableCallerSession) Owner

func (_Ownable *OwnableCallerSession) Owner() (common.Address, error)

Owner is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x8da5cb5b.

Solidity: function owner() constant returns(address)

type OwnableFilterer

type OwnableFilterer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

OwnableFilterer is an auto generated log filtering Go binding around an Ethereum contract events.

func NewOwnableFilterer

func NewOwnableFilterer(address common.Address, filterer bind.ContractFilterer) (*OwnableFilterer, error)

NewOwnableFilterer creates a new log filterer instance of Ownable, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*OwnableFilterer) FilterOwnershipTransferred

func (_Ownable *OwnableFilterer) FilterOwnershipTransferred(opts *bind.FilterOpts, previousOwner []common.Address, newOwner []common.Address) (*OwnableOwnershipTransferredIterator, error)

FilterOwnershipTransferred is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x8be0079c531659141344cd1fd0a4f28419497f9722a3daafe3b4186f6b6457e0.

Solidity: event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner)

func (*OwnableFilterer) WatchOwnershipTransferred

func (_Ownable *OwnableFilterer) WatchOwnershipTransferred(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *OwnableOwnershipTransferred, previousOwner []common.Address, newOwner []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchOwnershipTransferred is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x8be0079c531659141344cd1fd0a4f28419497f9722a3daafe3b4186f6b6457e0.

Solidity: event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner)

type OwnableOwnershipTransferred

type OwnableOwnershipTransferred struct {
	PreviousOwner common.Address
	NewOwner      common.Address
	Raw           types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

OwnableOwnershipTransferred represents a OwnershipTransferred event raised by the Ownable contract.

type OwnableOwnershipTransferredIterator

type OwnableOwnershipTransferredIterator struct {
	Event *OwnableOwnershipTransferred // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

OwnableOwnershipTransferredIterator is returned from FilterOwnershipTransferred and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for OwnershipTransferred events raised by the Ownable contract.

func (*OwnableOwnershipTransferredIterator) Close

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*OwnableOwnershipTransferredIterator) Error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*OwnableOwnershipTransferredIterator) Next

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

type OwnableRaw

type OwnableRaw struct {
	Contract *Ownable // Generic contract binding to access the raw methods on

OwnableRaw is an auto generated low-level Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*OwnableRaw) Call

func (_Ownable *OwnableRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

func (*OwnableRaw) Transact

func (_Ownable *OwnableRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*OwnableRaw) Transfer

func (_Ownable *OwnableRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type OwnableSession

type OwnableSession struct {
	Contract     *Ownable          // Generic contract binding to set the session for
	CallOpts     bind.CallOpts     // Call options to use throughout this session
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

OwnableSession is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call and transact options.

func (*OwnableSession) IsOwner

func (_Ownable *OwnableSession) IsOwner() (bool, error)

IsOwner is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x8f32d59b.

Solidity: function isOwner() constant returns(bool)

func (*OwnableSession) Owner

func (_Ownable *OwnableSession) Owner() (common.Address, error)

Owner is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x8da5cb5b.

Solidity: function owner() constant returns(address)

func (*OwnableSession) RenounceOwnership

func (_Ownable *OwnableSession) RenounceOwnership() (*types.Transaction, error)

RenounceOwnership is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x715018a6.

Solidity: function renounceOwnership() returns()

func (*OwnableSession) TransferOwnership

func (_Ownable *OwnableSession) TransferOwnership(newOwner common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferOwnership is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xf2fde38b.

Solidity: function transferOwnership(address newOwner) returns()

type OwnableTransactor

type OwnableTransactor struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

OwnableTransactor is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewOwnableTransactor

func NewOwnableTransactor(address common.Address, transactor bind.ContractTransactor) (*OwnableTransactor, error)

NewOwnableTransactor creates a new write-only instance of Ownable, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*OwnableTransactor) RenounceOwnership

func (_Ownable *OwnableTransactor) RenounceOwnership(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

RenounceOwnership is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x715018a6.

Solidity: function renounceOwnership() returns()

func (*OwnableTransactor) TransferOwnership

func (_Ownable *OwnableTransactor) TransferOwnership(opts *bind.TransactOpts, newOwner common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferOwnership is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xf2fde38b.

Solidity: function transferOwnership(address newOwner) returns()

type OwnableTransactorRaw

type OwnableTransactorRaw struct {
	Contract *OwnableTransactor // Generic write-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

OwnableTransactorRaw is an auto generated low-level write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*OwnableTransactorRaw) Transact

func (_Ownable *OwnableTransactorRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*OwnableTransactorRaw) Transfer

func (_Ownable *OwnableTransactorRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type OwnableTransactorSession

type OwnableTransactorSession struct {
	Contract     *OwnableTransactor // Generic contract transactor binding to set the session for
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts  // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

OwnableTransactorSession is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set transact options.

func (*OwnableTransactorSession) RenounceOwnership

func (_Ownable *OwnableTransactorSession) RenounceOwnership() (*types.Transaction, error)

RenounceOwnership is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x715018a6.

Solidity: function renounceOwnership() returns()

func (*OwnableTransactorSession) TransferOwnership

func (_Ownable *OwnableTransactorSession) TransferOwnership(newOwner common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferOwnership is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xf2fde38b.

Solidity: function transferOwnership(address newOwner) returns()

type SafeMath

type SafeMath struct {
	SafeMathCaller     // Read-only binding to the contract
	SafeMathTransactor // Write-only binding to the contract
	SafeMathFilterer   // Log filterer for contract events

SafeMath is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func DeploySafeMath

func DeploySafeMath(auth *bind.TransactOpts, backend bind.ContractBackend) (common.Address, *types.Transaction, *SafeMath, error)

DeploySafeMath deploys a new Ethereum contract, binding an instance of SafeMath to it.

func NewSafeMath

func NewSafeMath(address common.Address, backend bind.ContractBackend) (*SafeMath, error)

NewSafeMath creates a new instance of SafeMath, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type SafeMathCaller

type SafeMathCaller struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SafeMathCaller is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewSafeMathCaller

func NewSafeMathCaller(address common.Address, caller bind.ContractCaller) (*SafeMathCaller, error)

NewSafeMathCaller creates a new read-only instance of SafeMath, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type SafeMathCallerRaw

type SafeMathCallerRaw struct {
	Contract *SafeMathCaller // Generic read-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

SafeMathCallerRaw is an auto generated low-level read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*SafeMathCallerRaw) Call

func (_SafeMath *SafeMathCallerRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

type SafeMathCallerSession

type SafeMathCallerSession struct {
	Contract *SafeMathCaller // Generic contract caller binding to set the session for
	CallOpts bind.CallOpts   // Call options to use throughout this session

SafeMathCallerSession is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call options.

type SafeMathFilterer

type SafeMathFilterer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SafeMathFilterer is an auto generated log filtering Go binding around an Ethereum contract events.

func NewSafeMathFilterer

func NewSafeMathFilterer(address common.Address, filterer bind.ContractFilterer) (*SafeMathFilterer, error)

NewSafeMathFilterer creates a new log filterer instance of SafeMath, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type SafeMathRaw

type SafeMathRaw struct {
	Contract *SafeMath // Generic contract binding to access the raw methods on

SafeMathRaw is an auto generated low-level Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*SafeMathRaw) Call

func (_SafeMath *SafeMathRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

func (*SafeMathRaw) Transact

func (_SafeMath *SafeMathRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*SafeMathRaw) Transfer

func (_SafeMath *SafeMathRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type SafeMathSession

type SafeMathSession struct {
	Contract     *SafeMath         // Generic contract binding to set the session for
	CallOpts     bind.CallOpts     // Call options to use throughout this session
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

SafeMathSession is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call and transact options.

type SafeMathTransactor

type SafeMathTransactor struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SafeMathTransactor is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewSafeMathTransactor

func NewSafeMathTransactor(address common.Address, transactor bind.ContractTransactor) (*SafeMathTransactor, error)

NewSafeMathTransactor creates a new write-only instance of SafeMath, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type SafeMathTransactorRaw

type SafeMathTransactorRaw struct {
	Contract *SafeMathTransactor // Generic write-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

SafeMathTransactorRaw is an auto generated low-level write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*SafeMathTransactorRaw) Transact

func (_SafeMath *SafeMathTransactorRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*SafeMathTransactorRaw) Transfer

func (_SafeMath *SafeMathTransactorRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type SafeMathTransactorSession

type SafeMathTransactorSession struct {
	Contract     *SafeMathTransactor // Generic contract transactor binding to set the session for
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts   // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

SafeMathTransactorSession is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set transact options.

type VMTracker

type VMTracker struct {
	VMTrackerCaller     // Read-only binding to the contract
	VMTrackerTransactor // Write-only binding to the contract
	VMTrackerFilterer   // Log filterer for contract events

VMTracker is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func DeployVMTracker

func DeployVMTracker(auth *bind.TransactOpts, backend bind.ContractBackend, _balanceTrackerAddress common.Address) (common.Address, *types.Transaction, *VMTracker, error)

DeployVMTracker deploys a new Ethereum contract, binding an instance of VMTracker to it.

func NewVMTracker

func NewVMTracker(address common.Address, backend bind.ContractBackend) (*VMTracker, error)

NewVMTracker creates a new instance of VMTracker, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type VMTrackerCaller

type VMTrackerCaller struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

VMTrackerCaller is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewVMTrackerCaller

func NewVMTrackerCaller(address common.Address, caller bind.ContractCaller) (*VMTrackerCaller, error)

NewVMTrackerCaller creates a new read-only instance of VMTracker, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*VMTrackerCaller) IsOwner

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerCaller) IsOwner(opts *bind.CallOpts) (bool, error)

IsOwner is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x8f32d59b.

Solidity: function isOwner() constant returns(bool)

func (*VMTrackerCaller) Owner

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerCaller) Owner(opts *bind.CallOpts) (common.Address, error)

Owner is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x8da5cb5b.

Solidity: function owner() constant returns(address)

func (*VMTrackerCaller) WithinTimeBounds

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerCaller) WithinTimeBounds(opts *bind.CallOpts, _timeBounds [2]uint64) (bool, error)

WithinTimeBounds is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x42c0787e.

Solidity: function withinTimeBounds(uint64[2] _timeBounds) constant returns(bool)

type VMTrackerCallerRaw

type VMTrackerCallerRaw struct {
	Contract *VMTrackerCaller // Generic read-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

VMTrackerCallerRaw is an auto generated low-level read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*VMTrackerCallerRaw) Call

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerCallerRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

type VMTrackerCallerSession

type VMTrackerCallerSession struct {
	Contract *VMTrackerCaller // Generic contract caller binding to set the session for
	CallOpts bind.CallOpts    // Call options to use throughout this session

VMTrackerCallerSession is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call options.

func (*VMTrackerCallerSession) IsOwner

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerCallerSession) IsOwner() (bool, error)

IsOwner is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x8f32d59b.

Solidity: function isOwner() constant returns(bool)

func (*VMTrackerCallerSession) Owner

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerCallerSession) Owner() (common.Address, error)

Owner is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x8da5cb5b.

Solidity: function owner() constant returns(address)

func (*VMTrackerCallerSession) WithinTimeBounds

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerCallerSession) WithinTimeBounds(_timeBounds [2]uint64) (bool, error)

WithinTimeBounds is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x42c0787e.

Solidity: function withinTimeBounds(uint64[2] _timeBounds) constant returns(bool)

type VMTrackerConfirmedAssertion

type VMTrackerConfirmedAssertion struct {
	VmId     [32]byte
	NewState [32]byte
	Raw      types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

VMTrackerConfirmedAssertion represents a ConfirmedAssertion event raised by the VMTracker contract.

type VMTrackerConfirmedAssertionIterator

type VMTrackerConfirmedAssertionIterator struct {
	Event *VMTrackerConfirmedAssertion // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

VMTrackerConfirmedAssertionIterator is returned from FilterConfirmedAssertion and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for ConfirmedAssertion events raised by the VMTracker contract.

func (*VMTrackerConfirmedAssertionIterator) Close

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*VMTrackerConfirmedAssertionIterator) Error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*VMTrackerConfirmedAssertionIterator) Next

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

type VMTrackerConfirmedUnanimousAssertion

type VMTrackerConfirmedUnanimousAssertion struct {
	VmId        [32]byte
	SequenceNum uint64
	Raw         types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

VMTrackerConfirmedUnanimousAssertion represents a ConfirmedUnanimousAssertion event raised by the VMTracker contract.

type VMTrackerConfirmedUnanimousAssertionIterator

type VMTrackerConfirmedUnanimousAssertionIterator struct {
	Event *VMTrackerConfirmedUnanimousAssertion // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

VMTrackerConfirmedUnanimousAssertionIterator is returned from FilterConfirmedUnanimousAssertion and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for ConfirmedUnanimousAssertion events raised by the VMTracker contract.

func (*VMTrackerConfirmedUnanimousAssertionIterator) Close

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*VMTrackerConfirmedUnanimousAssertionIterator) Error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*VMTrackerConfirmedUnanimousAssertionIterator) Next

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

type VMTrackerDisputableAssertion

type VMTrackerDisputableAssertion struct {
	VmId            [32]byte
	Fields          [3][32]byte
	Asserter        common.Address
	TimeBounds      [2]uint64
	TokenTypes      [][21]byte
	NumSteps        uint32
	LastMessageHash [32]byte
	LogsHash        [32]byte
	Amounts         []*big.Int
	Raw             types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

VMTrackerDisputableAssertion represents a DisputableAssertion event raised by the VMTracker contract.

type VMTrackerDisputableAssertionIterator

type VMTrackerDisputableAssertionIterator struct {
	Event *VMTrackerDisputableAssertion // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

VMTrackerDisputableAssertionIterator is returned from FilterDisputableAssertion and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for DisputableAssertion events raised by the VMTracker contract.

func (*VMTrackerDisputableAssertionIterator) Close

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*VMTrackerDisputableAssertionIterator) Error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*VMTrackerDisputableAssertionIterator) Next

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

type VMTrackerFilterer

type VMTrackerFilterer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

VMTrackerFilterer is an auto generated log filtering Go binding around an Ethereum contract events.

func NewVMTrackerFilterer

func NewVMTrackerFilterer(address common.Address, filterer bind.ContractFilterer) (*VMTrackerFilterer, error)

NewVMTrackerFilterer creates a new log filterer instance of VMTracker, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*VMTrackerFilterer) FilterConfirmedAssertion

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerFilterer) FilterConfirmedAssertion(opts *bind.FilterOpts, vmId [][32]byte) (*VMTrackerConfirmedAssertionIterator, error)

FilterConfirmedAssertion is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x8bf82ba359336cefa1c284ed9d3864f99aa1cd41dddf9330afd656bcb9dd7a7b.

Solidity: event ConfirmedAssertion(bytes32 indexed vmId, bytes32 newState)

func (*VMTrackerFilterer) FilterConfirmedUnanimousAssertion

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerFilterer) FilterConfirmedUnanimousAssertion(opts *bind.FilterOpts, vmId [][32]byte) (*VMTrackerConfirmedUnanimousAssertionIterator, error)

FilterConfirmedUnanimousAssertion is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0xd23ef3a25058f2acee4ca7aee5cc78a587b9fc76d2875098af1ffdfc2bcc74c9.

Solidity: event ConfirmedUnanimousAssertion(bytes32 indexed vmId, uint64 sequenceNum)

func (*VMTrackerFilterer) FilterDisputableAssertion

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerFilterer) FilterDisputableAssertion(opts *bind.FilterOpts, vmId [][32]byte) (*VMTrackerDisputableAssertionIterator, error)

FilterDisputableAssertion is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0xe3457847513bb99aa86c769d9800b4a4c1f0758755234d78d40c406de93935d1.

Solidity: event DisputableAssertion(bytes32 indexed vmId, bytes32[3] fields, address asserter, uint64[2] timeBounds, bytes21[] tokenTypes, uint32 numSteps, bytes32 lastMessageHash, bytes32 logsHash, uint256[] amounts)

func (*VMTrackerFilterer) FilterFinalUnanimousAssertion

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerFilterer) FilterFinalUnanimousAssertion(opts *bind.FilterOpts, vmId [][32]byte) (*VMTrackerFinalUnanimousAssertionIterator, error)

FilterFinalUnanimousAssertion is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0xd13341838a6e5e2972e2b8638f8d2652f77945f3755d3a2829ec5076b5147067.

Solidity: event FinalUnanimousAssertion(bytes32 indexed vmId, bytes32 unanHash)

func (*VMTrackerFilterer) FilterInitiatedChallenge

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerFilterer) FilterInitiatedChallenge(opts *bind.FilterOpts, vmId [][32]byte) (*VMTrackerInitiatedChallengeIterator, error)

FilterInitiatedChallenge is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0xb8d6a904566965067cb7e3e946d2a494a4b1f955ffec3e72e1e6ebe4e8e52c72.

Solidity: event InitiatedChallenge(bytes32 indexed vmId, address challenger)

func (*VMTrackerFilterer) FilterMessageDelivered

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerFilterer) FilterMessageDelivered(opts *bind.FilterOpts, vmId [][32]byte) (*VMTrackerMessageDeliveredIterator, error)

FilterMessageDelivered is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x983eec3b16cf85cbe329d288a7863b78dc7d1c9a0d690b21434d4cc1f73539e5.

Solidity: event MessageDelivered(bytes32 indexed vmId, bytes32 destination, bytes21 tokenType, uint256 value, bytes data)

func (*VMTrackerFilterer) FilterOwnershipTransferred

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerFilterer) FilterOwnershipTransferred(opts *bind.FilterOpts, previousOwner []common.Address, newOwner []common.Address) (*VMTrackerOwnershipTransferredIterator, error)

FilterOwnershipTransferred is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x8be0079c531659141344cd1fd0a4f28419497f9722a3daafe3b4186f6b6457e0.

Solidity: event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner)

func (*VMTrackerFilterer) FilterProposedUnanimousAssertion

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerFilterer) FilterProposedUnanimousAssertion(opts *bind.FilterOpts, vmId [][32]byte) (*VMTrackerProposedUnanimousAssertionIterator, error)

FilterProposedUnanimousAssertion is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0xa1d1249870ac5b939cf041991350480912abf0af99cf0337b13e440e1e150b96.

Solidity: event ProposedUnanimousAssertion(bytes32 indexed vmId, bytes32 unanHash, uint64 sequenceNum)

func (*VMTrackerFilterer) FilterVMCreated

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerFilterer) FilterVMCreated(opts *bind.FilterOpts) (*VMTrackerVMCreatedIterator, error)

FilterVMCreated is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0xe251d26fa5921a42fd8dfa2415cfa1f48aae04e9c147d0edb7fd63d5bdc9e6f4.

Solidity: event VMCreated(uint32 _gracePeriod, uint128 _escrowRequired, address _escrowCurrency, uint32 _maxExecutionSteps, bytes32 _vmId, bytes32 _vmState, uint16 _challengeManagerNum, address _owner, address[] validators)

func (*VMTrackerFilterer) WatchConfirmedAssertion

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerFilterer) WatchConfirmedAssertion(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *VMTrackerConfirmedAssertion, vmId [][32]byte) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchConfirmedAssertion is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x8bf82ba359336cefa1c284ed9d3864f99aa1cd41dddf9330afd656bcb9dd7a7b.

Solidity: event ConfirmedAssertion(bytes32 indexed vmId, bytes32 newState)

func (*VMTrackerFilterer) WatchConfirmedUnanimousAssertion

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerFilterer) WatchConfirmedUnanimousAssertion(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *VMTrackerConfirmedUnanimousAssertion, vmId [][32]byte) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchConfirmedUnanimousAssertion is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0xd23ef3a25058f2acee4ca7aee5cc78a587b9fc76d2875098af1ffdfc2bcc74c9.

Solidity: event ConfirmedUnanimousAssertion(bytes32 indexed vmId, uint64 sequenceNum)

func (*VMTrackerFilterer) WatchDisputableAssertion

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerFilterer) WatchDisputableAssertion(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *VMTrackerDisputableAssertion, vmId [][32]byte) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchDisputableAssertion is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0xe3457847513bb99aa86c769d9800b4a4c1f0758755234d78d40c406de93935d1.

Solidity: event DisputableAssertion(bytes32 indexed vmId, bytes32[3] fields, address asserter, uint64[2] timeBounds, bytes21[] tokenTypes, uint32 numSteps, bytes32 lastMessageHash, bytes32 logsHash, uint256[] amounts)

func (*VMTrackerFilterer) WatchFinalUnanimousAssertion

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerFilterer) WatchFinalUnanimousAssertion(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *VMTrackerFinalUnanimousAssertion, vmId [][32]byte) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchFinalUnanimousAssertion is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0xd13341838a6e5e2972e2b8638f8d2652f77945f3755d3a2829ec5076b5147067.

Solidity: event FinalUnanimousAssertion(bytes32 indexed vmId, bytes32 unanHash)

func (*VMTrackerFilterer) WatchInitiatedChallenge

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerFilterer) WatchInitiatedChallenge(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *VMTrackerInitiatedChallenge, vmId [][32]byte) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchInitiatedChallenge is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0xb8d6a904566965067cb7e3e946d2a494a4b1f955ffec3e72e1e6ebe4e8e52c72.

Solidity: event InitiatedChallenge(bytes32 indexed vmId, address challenger)

func (*VMTrackerFilterer) WatchMessageDelivered

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerFilterer) WatchMessageDelivered(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *VMTrackerMessageDelivered, vmId [][32]byte) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchMessageDelivered is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x983eec3b16cf85cbe329d288a7863b78dc7d1c9a0d690b21434d4cc1f73539e5.

Solidity: event MessageDelivered(bytes32 indexed vmId, bytes32 destination, bytes21 tokenType, uint256 value, bytes data)

func (*VMTrackerFilterer) WatchOwnershipTransferred

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerFilterer) WatchOwnershipTransferred(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *VMTrackerOwnershipTransferred, previousOwner []common.Address, newOwner []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchOwnershipTransferred is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x8be0079c531659141344cd1fd0a4f28419497f9722a3daafe3b4186f6b6457e0.

Solidity: event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner)

func (*VMTrackerFilterer) WatchProposedUnanimousAssertion

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerFilterer) WatchProposedUnanimousAssertion(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *VMTrackerProposedUnanimousAssertion, vmId [][32]byte) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchProposedUnanimousAssertion is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0xa1d1249870ac5b939cf041991350480912abf0af99cf0337b13e440e1e150b96.

Solidity: event ProposedUnanimousAssertion(bytes32 indexed vmId, bytes32 unanHash, uint64 sequenceNum)

func (*VMTrackerFilterer) WatchVMCreated

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerFilterer) WatchVMCreated(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *VMTrackerVMCreated) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchVMCreated is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0xe251d26fa5921a42fd8dfa2415cfa1f48aae04e9c147d0edb7fd63d5bdc9e6f4.

Solidity: event VMCreated(uint32 _gracePeriod, uint128 _escrowRequired, address _escrowCurrency, uint32 _maxExecutionSteps, bytes32 _vmId, bytes32 _vmState, uint16 _challengeManagerNum, address _owner, address[] validators)

type VMTrackerFinalUnanimousAssertion

type VMTrackerFinalUnanimousAssertion struct {
	VmId     [32]byte
	UnanHash [32]byte
	Raw      types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

VMTrackerFinalUnanimousAssertion represents a FinalUnanimousAssertion event raised by the VMTracker contract.

type VMTrackerFinalUnanimousAssertionIterator

type VMTrackerFinalUnanimousAssertionIterator struct {
	Event *VMTrackerFinalUnanimousAssertion // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

VMTrackerFinalUnanimousAssertionIterator is returned from FilterFinalUnanimousAssertion and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for FinalUnanimousAssertion events raised by the VMTracker contract.

func (*VMTrackerFinalUnanimousAssertionIterator) Close

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*VMTrackerFinalUnanimousAssertionIterator) Error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*VMTrackerFinalUnanimousAssertionIterator) Next

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

type VMTrackerInitiatedChallenge

type VMTrackerInitiatedChallenge struct {
	VmId       [32]byte
	Challenger common.Address
	Raw        types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

VMTrackerInitiatedChallenge represents a InitiatedChallenge event raised by the VMTracker contract.

type VMTrackerInitiatedChallengeIterator

type VMTrackerInitiatedChallengeIterator struct {
	Event *VMTrackerInitiatedChallenge // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

VMTrackerInitiatedChallengeIterator is returned from FilterInitiatedChallenge and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for InitiatedChallenge events raised by the VMTracker contract.

func (*VMTrackerInitiatedChallengeIterator) Close

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*VMTrackerInitiatedChallengeIterator) Error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*VMTrackerInitiatedChallengeIterator) Next

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

type VMTrackerMessageDelivered

type VMTrackerMessageDelivered struct {
	VmId        [32]byte
	Destination [32]byte
	TokenType   [21]byte
	Value       *big.Int
	Data        []byte
	Raw         types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

VMTrackerMessageDelivered represents a MessageDelivered event raised by the VMTracker contract.

type VMTrackerMessageDeliveredIterator

type VMTrackerMessageDeliveredIterator struct {
	Event *VMTrackerMessageDelivered // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

VMTrackerMessageDeliveredIterator is returned from FilterMessageDelivered and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for MessageDelivered events raised by the VMTracker contract.

func (*VMTrackerMessageDeliveredIterator) Close

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*VMTrackerMessageDeliveredIterator) Error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*VMTrackerMessageDeliveredIterator) Next

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

type VMTrackerOwnershipTransferred

type VMTrackerOwnershipTransferred struct {
	PreviousOwner common.Address
	NewOwner      common.Address
	Raw           types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

VMTrackerOwnershipTransferred represents a OwnershipTransferred event raised by the VMTracker contract.

type VMTrackerOwnershipTransferredIterator

type VMTrackerOwnershipTransferredIterator struct {
	Event *VMTrackerOwnershipTransferred // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

VMTrackerOwnershipTransferredIterator is returned from FilterOwnershipTransferred and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for OwnershipTransferred events raised by the VMTracker contract.

func (*VMTrackerOwnershipTransferredIterator) Close

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*VMTrackerOwnershipTransferredIterator) Error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*VMTrackerOwnershipTransferredIterator) Next

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

type VMTrackerProposedUnanimousAssertion

type VMTrackerProposedUnanimousAssertion struct {
	VmId        [32]byte
	UnanHash    [32]byte
	SequenceNum uint64
	Raw         types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

VMTrackerProposedUnanimousAssertion represents a ProposedUnanimousAssertion event raised by the VMTracker contract.

type VMTrackerProposedUnanimousAssertionIterator

type VMTrackerProposedUnanimousAssertionIterator struct {
	Event *VMTrackerProposedUnanimousAssertion // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

VMTrackerProposedUnanimousAssertionIterator is returned from FilterProposedUnanimousAssertion and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for ProposedUnanimousAssertion events raised by the VMTracker contract.

func (*VMTrackerProposedUnanimousAssertionIterator) Close

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*VMTrackerProposedUnanimousAssertionIterator) Error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*VMTrackerProposedUnanimousAssertionIterator) Next

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

type VMTrackerRaw

type VMTrackerRaw struct {
	Contract *VMTracker // Generic contract binding to access the raw methods on

VMTrackerRaw is an auto generated low-level Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*VMTrackerRaw) Call

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

func (*VMTrackerRaw) Transact

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*VMTrackerRaw) Transfer

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type VMTrackerSession

type VMTrackerSession struct {
	Contract     *VMTracker        // Generic contract binding to set the session for
	CallOpts     bind.CallOpts     // Call options to use throughout this session
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

VMTrackerSession is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call and transact options.

func (*VMTrackerSession) AddChallengeManager

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerSession) AddChallengeManager(_challengeManager common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error)

AddChallengeManager is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x2e6bf2e6.

Solidity: function addChallengeManager(address _challengeManager) returns()

func (*VMTrackerSession) CompleteChallenge

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerSession) CompleteChallenge(_vmId [32]byte, _players [2]common.Address, _rewards [2]*big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

CompleteChallenge is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x63d84637.

Solidity: function completeChallenge(bytes32 _vmId, address[2] _players, uint128[2] _rewards) returns()

func (*VMTrackerSession) ConfirmAsserted

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerSession) ConfirmAsserted(_vmId [32]byte, _preconditionHash [32]byte, _afterHash [32]byte, _logsHash [32]byte, _numSteps uint32, _tokenTypes [][21]byte, _messageData []byte, _messageTokenNums []uint16, _messageAmounts []*big.Int, _messageDestination [][32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

ConfirmAsserted is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x89d9957e.

Solidity: function confirmAsserted(bytes32 _vmId, bytes32 _preconditionHash, bytes32 _afterHash, bytes32 _logsHash, uint32 _numSteps, bytes21[] _tokenTypes, bytes _messageData, uint16[] _messageTokenNums, uint256[] _messageAmounts, bytes32[] _messageDestination) returns()

func (*VMTrackerSession) ConfirmUnanimousAsserted

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerSession) ConfirmUnanimousAsserted(_vmId [32]byte, _afterHash [32]byte, _logsHash [32]byte, _newInbox [32]byte, _tokenTypes [][21]byte, _messageData []byte, _messageTokenNum []uint16, _messageAmount []*big.Int, _messageDestination [][32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

ConfirmUnanimousAsserted is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xd0b41b6c.

Solidity: function ConfirmUnanimousAsserted(bytes32 _vmId, bytes32 _afterHash, bytes32 _logsHash, bytes32 _newInbox, bytes21[] _tokenTypes, bytes _messageData, uint16[] _messageTokenNum, uint256[] _messageAmount, bytes32[] _messageDestination) returns()

func (*VMTrackerSession) CreateVm

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerSession) CreateVm(_fields [3][32]byte, _gracePeriod uint32, _maxExecutionSteps uint32, _challengeManagerNum uint16, _escrowRequired *big.Int, _escrowCurrency common.Address, _owner common.Address, _signatures []byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

CreateVm is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x8dbc44f6.

Solidity: function createVm(bytes32[3] _fields, uint32 _gracePeriod, uint32 _maxExecutionSteps, uint16 _challengeManagerNum, uint128 _escrowRequired, address _escrowCurrency, address _owner, bytes _signatures) returns()

func (*VMTrackerSession) DisputableAssert

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerSession) DisputableAssert(_fields [5][32]byte, _numSteps uint32, timeBounds [2]uint64, _tokenTypes [][21]byte, _messageDataHash [][32]byte, _messageTokenNum []uint16, _msgAmount []*big.Int, _msgDestination [][32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

DisputableAssert is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x1c0fc42c.

Solidity: function disputableAssert(bytes32[5] _fields, uint32 _numSteps, uint64[2] timeBounds, bytes21[] _tokenTypes, bytes32[] _messageDataHash, uint16[] _messageTokenNum, uint256[] _msgAmount, bytes32[] _msgDestination) returns()

func (*VMTrackerSession) InitiateChallenge

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerSession) InitiateChallenge(_vmId [32]byte, _assertPreHash [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

InitiateChallenge is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xffd134c9.

Solidity: function initiateChallenge(bytes32 _vmId, bytes32 _assertPreHash) returns()

func (*VMTrackerSession) IsOwner

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerSession) IsOwner() (bool, error)

IsOwner is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x8f32d59b.

Solidity: function isOwner() constant returns(bool)

func (*VMTrackerSession) Owner

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerSession) Owner() (common.Address, error)

Owner is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x8da5cb5b.

Solidity: function owner() constant returns(address)

func (*VMTrackerSession) OwnerShutdown

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerSession) OwnerShutdown(_vmId [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

OwnerShutdown is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xfd0961b6.

Solidity: function ownerShutdown(bytes32 _vmId) returns()

func (*VMTrackerSession) ProposeUnanimousAssert

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerSession) ProposeUnanimousAssert(_vmId [32]byte, _unanRest [32]byte, _sequenceNum uint64, _timeBounds [2]uint64, _tokenTypes [][21]byte, _messageTokenNum []uint16, _messageAmount []*big.Int, _signatures []byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

ProposeUnanimousAssert is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x7d5d7b77.

Solidity: function proposeUnanimousAssert(bytes32 _vmId, bytes32 _unanRest, uint64 _sequenceNum, uint64[2] _timeBounds, bytes21[] _tokenTypes, uint16[] _messageTokenNum, uint256[] _messageAmount, bytes _signatures) returns()

func (*VMTrackerSession) RenounceOwnership

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerSession) RenounceOwnership() (*types.Transaction, error)

RenounceOwnership is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x715018a6.

Solidity: function renounceOwnership() returns()

func (*VMTrackerSession) SendEthMessage

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerSession) SendEthMessage(_destination [32]byte, _data []byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

SendEthMessage is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xfa3eebe6.

Solidity: function sendEthMessage(bytes32 _destination, bytes _data) returns()

func (*VMTrackerSession) SendMessage

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerSession) SendMessage(_destination [32]byte, _tokenType [21]byte, _amount *big.Int, _data []byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

SendMessage is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x3cd8a322.

Solidity: function sendMessage(bytes32 _destination, bytes21 _tokenType, uint256 _amount, bytes _data) returns()

func (*VMTrackerSession) TransferOwnership

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerSession) TransferOwnership(newOwner common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferOwnership is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xf2fde38b.

Solidity: function transferOwnership(address newOwner) returns()

func (*VMTrackerSession) UnanimousAssert

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerSession) UnanimousAssert(_vmId [32]byte, _afterHash [32]byte, _newInbox [32]byte, _logsHash [32]byte, _timeBounds [2]uint64, _tokenTypes [][21]byte, _messageData []byte, _messageTokenNum []uint16, _messageAmount []*big.Int, _messageDestination [][32]byte, _signatures []byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

UnanimousAssert is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x6c94603a.

Solidity: function unanimousAssert(bytes32 _vmId, bytes32 _afterHash, bytes32 _newInbox, bytes32 _logsHash, uint64[2] _timeBounds, bytes21[] _tokenTypes, bytes _messageData, uint16[] _messageTokenNum, uint256[] _messageAmount, bytes32[] _messageDestination, bytes _signatures) returns()

func (*VMTrackerSession) WithinTimeBounds

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerSession) WithinTimeBounds(_timeBounds [2]uint64) (bool, error)

WithinTimeBounds is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x42c0787e.

Solidity: function withinTimeBounds(uint64[2] _timeBounds) constant returns(bool)

type VMTrackerTransactor

type VMTrackerTransactor struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

VMTrackerTransactor is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewVMTrackerTransactor

func NewVMTrackerTransactor(address common.Address, transactor bind.ContractTransactor) (*VMTrackerTransactor, error)

NewVMTrackerTransactor creates a new write-only instance of VMTracker, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*VMTrackerTransactor) AddChallengeManager

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerTransactor) AddChallengeManager(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _challengeManager common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error)

AddChallengeManager is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x2e6bf2e6.

Solidity: function addChallengeManager(address _challengeManager) returns()

func (*VMTrackerTransactor) CompleteChallenge

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerTransactor) CompleteChallenge(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _vmId [32]byte, _players [2]common.Address, _rewards [2]*big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

CompleteChallenge is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x63d84637.

Solidity: function completeChallenge(bytes32 _vmId, address[2] _players, uint128[2] _rewards) returns()

func (*VMTrackerTransactor) ConfirmAsserted

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerTransactor) ConfirmAsserted(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _vmId [32]byte, _preconditionHash [32]byte, _afterHash [32]byte, _logsHash [32]byte, _numSteps uint32, _tokenTypes [][21]byte, _messageData []byte, _messageTokenNums []uint16, _messageAmounts []*big.Int, _messageDestination [][32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

ConfirmAsserted is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x89d9957e.

Solidity: function confirmAsserted(bytes32 _vmId, bytes32 _preconditionHash, bytes32 _afterHash, bytes32 _logsHash, uint32 _numSteps, bytes21[] _tokenTypes, bytes _messageData, uint16[] _messageTokenNums, uint256[] _messageAmounts, bytes32[] _messageDestination) returns()

func (*VMTrackerTransactor) ConfirmUnanimousAsserted

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerTransactor) ConfirmUnanimousAsserted(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _vmId [32]byte, _afterHash [32]byte, _logsHash [32]byte, _newInbox [32]byte, _tokenTypes [][21]byte, _messageData []byte, _messageTokenNum []uint16, _messageAmount []*big.Int, _messageDestination [][32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

ConfirmUnanimousAsserted is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xd0b41b6c.

Solidity: function ConfirmUnanimousAsserted(bytes32 _vmId, bytes32 _afterHash, bytes32 _logsHash, bytes32 _newInbox, bytes21[] _tokenTypes, bytes _messageData, uint16[] _messageTokenNum, uint256[] _messageAmount, bytes32[] _messageDestination) returns()

func (*VMTrackerTransactor) CreateVm

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerTransactor) CreateVm(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _fields [3][32]byte, _gracePeriod uint32, _maxExecutionSteps uint32, _challengeManagerNum uint16, _escrowRequired *big.Int, _escrowCurrency common.Address, _owner common.Address, _signatures []byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

CreateVm is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x8dbc44f6.

Solidity: function createVm(bytes32[3] _fields, uint32 _gracePeriod, uint32 _maxExecutionSteps, uint16 _challengeManagerNum, uint128 _escrowRequired, address _escrowCurrency, address _owner, bytes _signatures) returns()

func (*VMTrackerTransactor) DisputableAssert

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerTransactor) DisputableAssert(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _fields [5][32]byte, _numSteps uint32, timeBounds [2]uint64, _tokenTypes [][21]byte, _messageDataHash [][32]byte, _messageTokenNum []uint16, _msgAmount []*big.Int, _msgDestination [][32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

DisputableAssert is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x1c0fc42c.

Solidity: function disputableAssert(bytes32[5] _fields, uint32 _numSteps, uint64[2] timeBounds, bytes21[] _tokenTypes, bytes32[] _messageDataHash, uint16[] _messageTokenNum, uint256[] _msgAmount, bytes32[] _msgDestination) returns()

func (*VMTrackerTransactor) InitiateChallenge

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerTransactor) InitiateChallenge(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _vmId [32]byte, _assertPreHash [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

InitiateChallenge is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xffd134c9.

Solidity: function initiateChallenge(bytes32 _vmId, bytes32 _assertPreHash) returns()

func (*VMTrackerTransactor) OwnerShutdown

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerTransactor) OwnerShutdown(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _vmId [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

OwnerShutdown is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xfd0961b6.

Solidity: function ownerShutdown(bytes32 _vmId) returns()

func (*VMTrackerTransactor) ProposeUnanimousAssert

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerTransactor) ProposeUnanimousAssert(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _vmId [32]byte, _unanRest [32]byte, _sequenceNum uint64, _timeBounds [2]uint64, _tokenTypes [][21]byte, _messageTokenNum []uint16, _messageAmount []*big.Int, _signatures []byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

ProposeUnanimousAssert is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x7d5d7b77.

Solidity: function proposeUnanimousAssert(bytes32 _vmId, bytes32 _unanRest, uint64 _sequenceNum, uint64[2] _timeBounds, bytes21[] _tokenTypes, uint16[] _messageTokenNum, uint256[] _messageAmount, bytes _signatures) returns()

func (*VMTrackerTransactor) RenounceOwnership

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerTransactor) RenounceOwnership(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

RenounceOwnership is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x715018a6.

Solidity: function renounceOwnership() returns()

func (*VMTrackerTransactor) SendEthMessage

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerTransactor) SendEthMessage(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _destination [32]byte, _data []byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

SendEthMessage is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xfa3eebe6.

Solidity: function sendEthMessage(bytes32 _destination, bytes _data) returns()

func (*VMTrackerTransactor) SendMessage

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerTransactor) SendMessage(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _destination [32]byte, _tokenType [21]byte, _amount *big.Int, _data []byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

SendMessage is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x3cd8a322.

Solidity: function sendMessage(bytes32 _destination, bytes21 _tokenType, uint256 _amount, bytes _data) returns()

func (*VMTrackerTransactor) TransferOwnership

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerTransactor) TransferOwnership(opts *bind.TransactOpts, newOwner common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferOwnership is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xf2fde38b.

Solidity: function transferOwnership(address newOwner) returns()

func (*VMTrackerTransactor) UnanimousAssert

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerTransactor) UnanimousAssert(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _vmId [32]byte, _afterHash [32]byte, _newInbox [32]byte, _logsHash [32]byte, _timeBounds [2]uint64, _tokenTypes [][21]byte, _messageData []byte, _messageTokenNum []uint16, _messageAmount []*big.Int, _messageDestination [][32]byte, _signatures []byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

UnanimousAssert is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x6c94603a.

Solidity: function unanimousAssert(bytes32 _vmId, bytes32 _afterHash, bytes32 _newInbox, bytes32 _logsHash, uint64[2] _timeBounds, bytes21[] _tokenTypes, bytes _messageData, uint16[] _messageTokenNum, uint256[] _messageAmount, bytes32[] _messageDestination, bytes _signatures) returns()

type VMTrackerTransactorRaw

type VMTrackerTransactorRaw struct {
	Contract *VMTrackerTransactor // Generic write-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

VMTrackerTransactorRaw is an auto generated low-level write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*VMTrackerTransactorRaw) Transact

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerTransactorRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*VMTrackerTransactorRaw) Transfer

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerTransactorRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type VMTrackerTransactorSession

type VMTrackerTransactorSession struct {
	Contract     *VMTrackerTransactor // Generic contract transactor binding to set the session for
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts    // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

VMTrackerTransactorSession is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set transact options.

func (*VMTrackerTransactorSession) AddChallengeManager

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerTransactorSession) AddChallengeManager(_challengeManager common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error)

AddChallengeManager is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x2e6bf2e6.

Solidity: function addChallengeManager(address _challengeManager) returns()

func (*VMTrackerTransactorSession) CompleteChallenge

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerTransactorSession) CompleteChallenge(_vmId [32]byte, _players [2]common.Address, _rewards [2]*big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

CompleteChallenge is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x63d84637.

Solidity: function completeChallenge(bytes32 _vmId, address[2] _players, uint128[2] _rewards) returns()

func (*VMTrackerTransactorSession) ConfirmAsserted

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerTransactorSession) ConfirmAsserted(_vmId [32]byte, _preconditionHash [32]byte, _afterHash [32]byte, _logsHash [32]byte, _numSteps uint32, _tokenTypes [][21]byte, _messageData []byte, _messageTokenNums []uint16, _messageAmounts []*big.Int, _messageDestination [][32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

ConfirmAsserted is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x89d9957e.

Solidity: function confirmAsserted(bytes32 _vmId, bytes32 _preconditionHash, bytes32 _afterHash, bytes32 _logsHash, uint32 _numSteps, bytes21[] _tokenTypes, bytes _messageData, uint16[] _messageTokenNums, uint256[] _messageAmounts, bytes32[] _messageDestination) returns()

func (*VMTrackerTransactorSession) ConfirmUnanimousAsserted

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerTransactorSession) ConfirmUnanimousAsserted(_vmId [32]byte, _afterHash [32]byte, _logsHash [32]byte, _newInbox [32]byte, _tokenTypes [][21]byte, _messageData []byte, _messageTokenNum []uint16, _messageAmount []*big.Int, _messageDestination [][32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

ConfirmUnanimousAsserted is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xd0b41b6c.

Solidity: function ConfirmUnanimousAsserted(bytes32 _vmId, bytes32 _afterHash, bytes32 _logsHash, bytes32 _newInbox, bytes21[] _tokenTypes, bytes _messageData, uint16[] _messageTokenNum, uint256[] _messageAmount, bytes32[] _messageDestination) returns()

func (*VMTrackerTransactorSession) CreateVm

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerTransactorSession) CreateVm(_fields [3][32]byte, _gracePeriod uint32, _maxExecutionSteps uint32, _challengeManagerNum uint16, _escrowRequired *big.Int, _escrowCurrency common.Address, _owner common.Address, _signatures []byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

CreateVm is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x8dbc44f6.

Solidity: function createVm(bytes32[3] _fields, uint32 _gracePeriod, uint32 _maxExecutionSteps, uint16 _challengeManagerNum, uint128 _escrowRequired, address _escrowCurrency, address _owner, bytes _signatures) returns()

func (*VMTrackerTransactorSession) DisputableAssert

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerTransactorSession) DisputableAssert(_fields [5][32]byte, _numSteps uint32, timeBounds [2]uint64, _tokenTypes [][21]byte, _messageDataHash [][32]byte, _messageTokenNum []uint16, _msgAmount []*big.Int, _msgDestination [][32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

DisputableAssert is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x1c0fc42c.

Solidity: function disputableAssert(bytes32[5] _fields, uint32 _numSteps, uint64[2] timeBounds, bytes21[] _tokenTypes, bytes32[] _messageDataHash, uint16[] _messageTokenNum, uint256[] _msgAmount, bytes32[] _msgDestination) returns()

func (*VMTrackerTransactorSession) InitiateChallenge

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerTransactorSession) InitiateChallenge(_vmId [32]byte, _assertPreHash [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

InitiateChallenge is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xffd134c9.

Solidity: function initiateChallenge(bytes32 _vmId, bytes32 _assertPreHash) returns()

func (*VMTrackerTransactorSession) OwnerShutdown

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerTransactorSession) OwnerShutdown(_vmId [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

OwnerShutdown is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xfd0961b6.

Solidity: function ownerShutdown(bytes32 _vmId) returns()

func (*VMTrackerTransactorSession) ProposeUnanimousAssert

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerTransactorSession) ProposeUnanimousAssert(_vmId [32]byte, _unanRest [32]byte, _sequenceNum uint64, _timeBounds [2]uint64, _tokenTypes [][21]byte, _messageTokenNum []uint16, _messageAmount []*big.Int, _signatures []byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

ProposeUnanimousAssert is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x7d5d7b77.

Solidity: function proposeUnanimousAssert(bytes32 _vmId, bytes32 _unanRest, uint64 _sequenceNum, uint64[2] _timeBounds, bytes21[] _tokenTypes, uint16[] _messageTokenNum, uint256[] _messageAmount, bytes _signatures) returns()

func (*VMTrackerTransactorSession) RenounceOwnership

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerTransactorSession) RenounceOwnership() (*types.Transaction, error)

RenounceOwnership is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x715018a6.

Solidity: function renounceOwnership() returns()

func (*VMTrackerTransactorSession) SendEthMessage

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerTransactorSession) SendEthMessage(_destination [32]byte, _data []byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

SendEthMessage is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xfa3eebe6.

Solidity: function sendEthMessage(bytes32 _destination, bytes _data) returns()

func (*VMTrackerTransactorSession) SendMessage

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerTransactorSession) SendMessage(_destination [32]byte, _tokenType [21]byte, _amount *big.Int, _data []byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

SendMessage is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x3cd8a322.

Solidity: function sendMessage(bytes32 _destination, bytes21 _tokenType, uint256 _amount, bytes _data) returns()

func (*VMTrackerTransactorSession) TransferOwnership

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerTransactorSession) TransferOwnership(newOwner common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferOwnership is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xf2fde38b.

Solidity: function transferOwnership(address newOwner) returns()

func (*VMTrackerTransactorSession) UnanimousAssert

func (_VMTracker *VMTrackerTransactorSession) UnanimousAssert(_vmId [32]byte, _afterHash [32]byte, _newInbox [32]byte, _logsHash [32]byte, _timeBounds [2]uint64, _tokenTypes [][21]byte, _messageData []byte, _messageTokenNum []uint16, _messageAmount []*big.Int, _messageDestination [][32]byte, _signatures []byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

UnanimousAssert is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x6c94603a.

Solidity: function unanimousAssert(bytes32 _vmId, bytes32 _afterHash, bytes32 _newInbox, bytes32 _logsHash, uint64[2] _timeBounds, bytes21[] _tokenTypes, bytes _messageData, uint16[] _messageTokenNum, uint256[] _messageAmount, bytes32[] _messageDestination, bytes _signatures) returns()

type VMTrackerVMCreated

type VMTrackerVMCreated struct {
	GracePeriod         uint32
	EscrowRequired      *big.Int
	EscrowCurrency      common.Address
	MaxExecutionSteps   uint32
	VmId                [32]byte
	VmState             [32]byte
	ChallengeManagerNum uint16
	Owner               common.Address
	Validators          []common.Address
	Raw                 types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

VMTrackerVMCreated represents a VMCreated event raised by the VMTracker contract.

type VMTrackerVMCreatedIterator

type VMTrackerVMCreatedIterator struct {
	Event *VMTrackerVMCreated // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

VMTrackerVMCreatedIterator is returned from FilterVMCreated and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for VMCreated events raised by the VMTracker contract.

func (*VMTrackerVMCreatedIterator) Close

func (it *VMTrackerVMCreatedIterator) Close() error

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*VMTrackerVMCreatedIterator) Error

func (it *VMTrackerVMCreatedIterator) Error() error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*VMTrackerVMCreatedIterator) Next

func (it *VMTrackerVMCreatedIterator) Next() bool

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

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