This directory contains an echo websocket server.
It authenticates with a token in header.
The example go code based on: https://github.com/nhooyr/websocket/tree/master/examples/echo
# ## wait for server to start
# listening on
# ## authenticated with a hardcoded token in header
# ## now you can type like echo command
# Connected (press CTRL+C to quit)
# > echo
# < echo
# > test
# < test
# > kjlfads
# < kjlfads
# > failed to echo with failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNoStatusRcvd and reason = ""
# Terminated
We use package https://pkg.go.dev/nhooyr.io/websocket
How to play with websocket
Use wscat to connect to a WebSocket API and send messages to it
Or use hashrocket/ws, but it doesn't support sub-protocol.