Telegram Operator
This is an example operator used for learning purposes.
The operator will create a pod for each BotMessage
CR created which will send a message toa Telegram channel.
Telegram Configuration
The following steps will help you create a telegram bot:
Start a conversation with bot father:
Type /newbot
Follow bot father instructions to create a new bot
Create a new public channel (you can make it a private one later) and add/invite you newly created bot there, all it needs is post message permissions.
Send a dummy message into your channel: curl '$API_TOKEN/sendMessage' -d 'chat_id=@$CHANNEL_NAME&text=hello'
Expected value: {"ok":true,"result":{"message_id":4,"chat":{"id":$CHAT_ID,"title":"asdf","username":"asdf","type":"channel"},"date":1564334481,"text":"hello"}}
(you need the chat_id value for our channel definition)
OPTIONAL: you can now make it a private channel if you want to.
Create a generic secret containing both telegram chat id and bot api token:
kubectl \
create secret generic telegram-bot \
--from-literal=TG_BOT_TOKEN=CHANGEME \
Deploy the operator:
make install && make deploy
You can check for the operator readiness by running:
kubectl get po -w -n telegram-operator-system
You can apply the botmessage custom resource once the pod is ready:
kubectl apply -f config/samples/telegram_v1alpha1_botmessage.yaml
You should see a new pod being created in the default namespace which will run send the telegram message.
You can check your custom resource status by running:
$ kubectl get botmessage/sample -o yaml
The output should be something like this:
kind: BotMessage
annotations: |
{"apiVersion":"","kind":"BotMessage","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"sample","namespace":"default"},"spec":{"image":"","secret":{"name":"telegram-bot"},"text":"sample message from custom resource"}}
creationTimestamp: "2020-12-29T17:32:37Z"
generation: 1
name: sample
namespace: default
resourceVersion: "1010"
selfLink: /apis/
uid: 42e7ea05-22bb-47dd-8adb-15d0302861a7
name: telegram-bot
text: sample message from custom resource
message: Message successfully sent
reason: Sent
status: "True"
type: Sent
You can create as many CRs you want, as long as each CR has a unique name.