Detect secrets
This project it a rewrite of in Go.
It is meant to be imported in other projects and uses as a Secret Detection Engine - given a piece of data, determine whether data contains a secret.
How to use
In order to use it in another project, get the go module:
go get
Then you can import it in your Go code and use it:
import (
func main() {
scanner := scanner.NewDefaultScanner()
// scanner input can be a file path
detectedSecrets, err := scanner.ScanFile("path/to/file")
// or an io.Reader
var in io.Reader
detectedSecrets, err := scanner.ScanReader(in)
// or just a simple string
var secrets string
detectedSecrets, err := scanner.Scan(secrets)
// print the results
for secret := range detectedSecrets {
fmt.Printf("Secret of type '%s' found in '%s'\n", d.Type, d.Key)
How it works
The tool has a plugin-based architecture. The scanner.Scanner
has a collection of plugins, and it feeds the data to each plugin, combining the results.
There are two types of plugins:
type Transformer interface {
Transform(in string) (map[string]string, bool)
SupportedFormats() []dataformat.DataFormat
SupportFiles() bool
Transformer receives a string
input and tries to convert it into a key-value map[string]string
. Each transformer supports a different data structure, like yamltransformer
, jsontransformer
, etc.
type Detector interface {
Scan(in string) ([]DetectedSecret, error)
ScanMap(keyValueMap map[string]string) ([]DetectedSecret, error)
SecretType() string
Detector receives an input string
or a key-value 'map[string]string', and will try to find secrets in it.
Each detector look for a different type of secret.
For example, keyword.detector
checks for keywords like password
or api_key
checks whether a value is a valid JWT.
Load Scanner using a config file
import (
func main() {
// load config from json
jsonCfg := `{
"transformers": ["json", "yaml"],
"detectors": ["github", "jwt", "keyword"],
"threshold_in_bytes": 1000000}`
cfg, err := scanner.NewConfigFromJson(strings.NewReader(jsonCfg))
// or from yaml
yamlCfg := "transformers:\n" +
" - json\n" +
" - yaml\n" +
"detectors:\n" +
" - github\n" +
" - jwt\n" +
" - keyword\n" +
"threshold_in_bytes: 1000000"
cfg, err := scanner.NewConfigFromYaml(strings.NewReader(yamlCfg))
// create a scanner
scanner := scanner.NewScannerFromConfig(cfg)