
v0.41.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Nov 30, 2024 License: GPL-2.0 Imports: 1 Imported by: 0




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const (
	TagTypeNewSubfileType                 TagType                    = 254   // LONG , 1, # Default=0. subfile data descriptor
	TagValueNewSubfileTypeNil             TagValueNewSubfileType     = 0     //
	TagValueNewSubfileTypeReduced         TagValueNewSubfileType     = 1     // # bit0, reduced resolution version
	TagValueNewSubfileTypePage            TagValueNewSubfileType     = 2     // # bit1, one page of many
	TagValueNewSubfileTypeReducedPage     TagValueNewSubfileType     = 3     //
	TagValueNewSubfileTypeMask            TagValueNewSubfileType     = 4     // # bit2, transparency mask
	TagValueNewSubfileTypeReducedMask     TagValueNewSubfileType     = 5     //
	TagValueNewSubfileTypePageMask        TagValueNewSubfileType     = 6     //
	TagValueNewSubfileTypeReducedPageMask TagValueNewSubfileType     = 7     //
	TagTypeSubfileType                    TagType                    = 255   // SHORT, 1, # kind of data in subfile
	TagValueSubfileTypeImage              TagValueSubfileType        = 1     // # full resolution image data
	TagValueSubfileTypeReducedImage       TagValueSubfileType        = 2     // # reduced size image data
	TagValueSubfileTypePage               TagValueSubfileType        = 3     // # one page of many
	TagTypeImageWidth                     TagType                    = 256   // SHORT/LONG/LONG8, 1, # Required
	TagTypeImageLength                    TagType                    = 257   // SHORT/LONG/LONG8, 1, # Required
	TagTypeBitsPerSample                  TagType                    = 258   // SHORT, *, # Default=1. See SamplesPerPixel
	TagTypeCompression                    TagType                    = 259   // SHORT, 1, # Default=1
	TagValueCompressionTypeNil            TagValueCompressionType    = 0     //
	TagValueCompressionTypeNone           TagValueCompressionType    = 1     //
	TagValueCompressionTypeCCITT          TagValueCompressionType    = 2     //
	TagValueCompressionTypeG3             TagValueCompressionType    = 3     // # Group 3 Fax.
	TagValueCompressionTypeG4             TagValueCompressionType    = 4     // # Group 4 Fax.
	TagValueCompressionTypeLZW            TagValueCompressionType    = 5     //
	TagValueCompressionTypeJPEGOld        TagValueCompressionType    = 6     // # Superseded by cJPEG.
	TagValueCompressionTypeJPEG           TagValueCompressionType    = 7     //
	TagValueCompressionTypeDeflate        TagValueCompressionType    = 8     // # zlib compression.
	TagValueCompressionTypePackBits       TagValueCompressionType    = 32773 //
	TagValueCompressionTypeDeflateOld     TagValueCompressionType    = 32946 // # Superseded by cDeflate.
	TagTypePhotometricInterpretation      TagType                    = 262   // SHORT, 1,
	TagValuePhotometricTypeWhiteIsZero    TagValuePhotometricType    = 0     //
	TagValuePhotometricTypeBlackIsZero    TagValuePhotometricType    = 1     //
	TagValuePhotometricTypeRGB            TagValuePhotometricType    = 2     //
	TagValuePhotometricTypePaletted       TagValuePhotometricType    = 3     //
	TagValuePhotometricTypeTransMask      TagValuePhotometricType    = 4     // # transparency mask
	TagValuePhotometricTypeCMYK           TagValuePhotometricType    = 5     //
	TagValuePhotometricTypeYCbCr          TagValuePhotometricType    = 6     //
	TagValuePhotometricTypeCIELab         TagValuePhotometricType    = 8     //
	TagTypeThreshholding                  TagType                    = 263   // SHORT, 1, # Default=1
	TagTypeCellWidth                      TagType                    = 264   // SHORT, 1,
	TagTypeCellLenght                     TagType                    = 265   // SHORT, 1,
	TagTypeFillOrder                      TagType                    = 266   // SHORT, 1, # Default=1
	TagTypeDocumentName                   TagType                    = 269   // ASCII
	TagTypeImageDescription               TagType                    = 270   // ASCII
	TagTypeMake                           TagType                    = 271   // ASCII
	TagTypeModel                          TagType                    = 272   // ASCII
	TagTypeStripOffsets                   TagType                    = 273   // SHORT/LONG/LONG8, *, # StripsPerImage
	TagTypeOrientation                    TagType                    = 274   // SHORT, 1, # Default=1
	TagTypeSamplesPerPixel                TagType                    = 277   // SHORT, 1, # Default=1
	TagTypeRowsPerStrip                   TagType                    = 278   // SHORT/LONG/LONG8, 1,
	TagTypeStripByteCounts                TagType                    = 279   // SHORT/LONG/LONG8, *, # StripsPerImage
	TagTypeMinSampleValue                 TagType                    = 280   // SHORT,    *, # Default=0
	TagTypeMaxSampleValue                 TagType                    = 281   // SHORT,    *, # Default=2^BitsPerSample-1
	TagTypeXResolution                    TagType                    = 282   // RATIONAL, 1, # Required?
	TagTypeYResolution                    TagType                    = 283   // RATIONAL, 1, # Required?
	TagTypePlanarConfiguration            TagType                    = 284   // SHORT,    1, # Defaule=1
	TagTypePageName                       TagType                    = 285   // ASCII
	TagTypeXPosition                      TagType                    = 286   // RATIONAL,   1
	TagTypeYPosition                      TagType                    = 287   // RATIONAL,   1
	TagTypeFreeOffsets                    TagType                    = 288   // LONG/LONG8, *
	TagTypeFreeByteCounts                 TagType                    = 289   // LONG/LONG8, *
	TagTypeGrayResponseUnit               TagType                    = 290   // SHORT, 1,
	TagTypeGrayResponseCurve              TagType                    = 291   // SHORT, *, # 2**BitPerSample
	TagTypeT4Options                      TagType                    = 292   // LONG,  1, # Default=0
	TagTypeT6Options                      TagType                    = 293   // LONG,  1, # Default=0
	TagTypeResolutionUnit                 TagType                    = 296   // SHORT, 1, # Default=2
	TagValueResolutionUnitTypeNone        TagValueResolutionUnitType = 1     //
	TagValueResolutionUnitTypePerInch     TagValueResolutionUnitType = 2     // # Dots per inch.
	TagValueResolutionUnitTypePerCM       TagValueResolutionUnitType = 3     // # Dots per centimeter.
	TagTypePageNumber                     TagType                    = 297   // SHORT, 2,
	TagTypeTransferFunction               TagType                    = 301   // SHORT, *, # {1 or SamplesPerPixel}*2**BitPerSample
	TagTypeSoftware                       TagType                    = 305   // ASCII
	TagTypeDateTime                       TagType                    = 306   // ASCII, 20, # YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS, include NULL
	TagTypeArtist                         TagType                    = 315   // ASCII
	TagTypeHostComputer                   TagType                    = 316   // ASCII
	TagTypePredictor                      TagType                    = 317   // SHORT, 1, # Default=1
	TagValuePredictorTypeNone             TagValuePredictorType      = 1     //
	TagValuePredictorTypeHorizontal       TagValuePredictorType      = 2     //
	TagTypeWhitePoint                     TagType                    = 318   // RATIONAL, 2
	TagTypePrimaryChromaticities          TagType                    = 319   // RATIONAL, 6
	TagTypeColorMap                       TagType                    = 320   // SHORT, *, # 3*(2**BitPerSample)
	TagTypeHalftoneHints                  TagType                    = 321   // SHORT, 2
	TagTypeTileWidth                      TagType                    = 322   // SHORT/LONG, 1
	TagTypeTileLength                     TagType                    = 323   // SHORT/LONG, 1
	TagTypeTileOffsets                    TagType                    = 324   // LONG/LONG8, *, # TilesPerImage
	TagTypeTileByteCounts                 TagType                    = 325   // SHORT/LONG, *, # TilesPerImage
	TagTypeBadFaxLines                    TagType                    = 326   // ingore # Used in the TIFF-F standard, denotes the number of 'bad' scan lines encountered by the facsimile device.
	TagTypeCleanFaxData                   TagType                    = 327   // ingore # Used in the TIFF-F standard, indicates if 'bad' lines encountered during reception are stored in the data, or if 'bad' lines have been replaced by the receiver.
	TagTypeConsecutiveBadFaxLines         TagType                    = 328   // ingore # Used in the TIFF-F standard, denotes the maximum number of consecutive 'bad' scanlines received.
	TagTypeSubIFD                         TagType                    = 330   // IFD,   *  # IFD pointer
	TagTypeInkSet                         TagType                    = 332   // SHORT, 1, # Default=1
	TagTypeInkNames                       TagType                    = 333   // ASCII
	TagTypeNumberOfInks                   TagType                    = 334   // SHORT, 1, # Default=4
	TagTypeDotRange                       TagType                    = 336   // BYTE/SHORT, # Default=[0,2^BitsPerSample-1]
	TagTypeTargetPrinter                  TagType                    = 337   // ASCII
	TagTypeExtraSamples                   TagType                    = 338   // BYTE,  1,
	TagTypeSampleFormat                   TagType                    = 339   // SHORT, *, # SamplesPerPixel. Default=1
	TagValueSampleFormatTypeUint          TagValueSampleFormatType   = 1     //
	TagValueSampleFormatTypeTwoInt        TagValueSampleFormatType   = 2     //
	TagValueSampleFormatTypeFloat         TagValueSampleFormatType   = 3     //
	TagValueSampleFormatTypeUndefined     TagValueSampleFormatType   = 4     //
	TagTypeSMinSampleValue                TagType                    = 340   // *,     *, # SamplesPerPixel, try double
	TagTypeSMaxSampleValue                TagType                    = 341   // *,     *, # SamplesPerPixel, try double
	TagTypeTransferRange                  TagType                    = 342   // SHORT, 6,
	TagTypeClipPath                       TagType                    = 343   // ingore # Mirrors the essentials of PostScript's path creation functionality.
	TagTypeXClipPathUnits                 TagType                    = 344   // ingore # The number of units that span the width of the image, in terms of integer ClipPath coordinates.
	TagTypeYClipPathUnits                 TagType                    = 345   // ingore # The number of units that span the height of the image, in terms of integer ClipPath coordinates.
	TagTypeIndexed                        TagType                    = 346   // ingore # Aims to broaden the support for indexed images to include support for any color space.
	TagTypeJPEGTables                     TagType                    = 347   // ingore # JPEG quantization and/or Huffman tables.
	TagTypeOPIProxy                       TagType                    = 351   // ingore # OPI-related.
	TagTypeGlobalParametersIFD            TagType                    = 400   // ingore # Used in the TIFF-FX standard to point to an IFD containing tags that are globally applicable to the complete TIFF file.
	TagTypeProfileType                    TagType                    = 401   // ingore # Used in the TIFF-FX standard, denotes the type of data stored in this file or IFD.
	TagTypeFaxProfile                     TagType                    = 402   // ingore # Used in the TIFF-FX standard, denotes the 'profile' that applies to this file.
	TagTypeCodingMethods                  TagType                    = 403   // ingore # Used in the TIFF-FX standard, indicates which coding methods are used in the file.
	TagTypeVersionYear                    TagType                    = 404   // ingore # Used in the TIFF-FX standard, denotes the year of the standard specified by the FaxProfile field.
	TagTypeModeNumber                     TagType                    = 405   // ingore # Used in the TIFF-FX standard, denotes the mode of the standard specified by the FaxProfile field.
	TagTypeDecode                         TagType                    = 433   // ingore # Used in the TIFF-F and TIFF-FX standards, holds information about the ITULAB (PhotometricInterpretation = 10) encoding.
	TagTypeDefaultImageColor              TagType                    = 434   // ingore # Defined in the Mixed Raster Content part of RFC 2301, is the default color needed in areas where no image is available.
	TagTypeJPEGProc                       TagType                    = 512   // SHORT, 1,
	TagTypeJPEGInterchangeFormat          TagType                    = 513   // LONG,  1,
	TagTypeJPEGInterchangeFormatLength    TagType                    = 514   // LONG,  1,
	TagTypeJPEGRestartInterval            TagType                    = 515   // SHORT, 1,
	TagTypeJPEGLosslessPredictors         TagType                    = 517   // SHORT, *, # SamplesPerPixel
	TagTypeJPEGPointTransforms            TagType                    = 518   // SHORT, *, # SamplesPerPixel
	TagTypeJPEGQTables                    TagType                    = 519   // LONG,  *, # SamplesPerPixel
	TagTypeJPEGDCTables                   TagType                    = 520   // LONG,  *, # SamplesPerPixel
	TagTypeJPEGACTables                   TagType                    = 521   // LONG,  *, # SamplesPerPixel
	TagTypeYCbCrCoefficients              TagType                    = 529   // RATIONAL, 3
	TagTypeYCbCrSubSampling               TagType                    = 530   // SHORT, 2, # Default=[2,2]
	TagTypeYCbCrPositioning               TagType                    = 531   // SHORT, 1, # Default=1
	TagTypeReferenceBlackWhite            TagType                    = 532   // LONG , *, # 2*SamplesPerPixel
	TagTypeStripRowCounts                 TagType                    = 559   // ingore # Defined in the Mixed Raster Content part of RFC 2301, used to replace RowsPerStrip for IFDs with variable-sized strips.
	TagTypeXMP                            TagType                    = 700   // ingore # XML packet containing XMP metadata
	TagTypeImageID                        TagType                    = 32781 // ingore # OPI-related.
	TagTypeImageLayer                     TagType                    = 34732 // ingore # Defined in the Mixed Raster Content part of RFC 2301, used to denote the particular function of this Image in the mixed raster scheme.
	TagTypeCopyright                      TagType                    = 33432 // ASCII
	TagTypeWangAnnotation                 TagType                    = 32932 // ingore # Annotation data, as used in 'Imaging for Windows'.
	TagTypeMDFileTag                      TagType                    = 33445 // ingore # Specifies the pixel data format encoding in the Molecular Dynamics GEL file format.
	TagTypeMDScalePixel                   TagType                    = 33446 // ingore # Specifies a scale factor in the Molecular Dynamics GEL file format.
	TagTypeMDColorTable                   TagType                    = 33447 // ingore # Used to specify the conversion from 16bit to 8bit in the Molecular Dynamics GEL file format.
	TagTypeMDLabName                      TagType                    = 33448 // ingore # Name of the lab that scanned this file, as used in the Molecular Dynamics GEL file format.
	TagTypeMDSampleInfo                   TagType                    = 33449 // ingore # Information about the sample, as used in the Molecular Dynamics GEL file format.
	TagTypeMDPrepDate                     TagType                    = 33450 // ingore # Date the sample was prepared, as used in the Molecular Dynamics GEL file format.
	TagTypeMDPrepTime                     TagType                    = 33451 // ingore # Time the sample was prepared, as used in the Molecular Dynamics GEL file format.
	TagTypeMDFileUnits                    TagType                    = 33452 // ingore # Units for data in this file, as used in the Molecular Dynamics GEL file format.
	TagTypeModelPixelScaleTag             TagType                    = 33550 // DOUBLE # Used in interchangeable GeoTIFF files.
	TagTypeIPTC                           TagType                    = 33723 // ingore # IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council) metadata.
	TagTypeINGRPacketDataTag              TagType                    = 33918 // ingore # Intergraph Application specific storage.
	TagTypeINGRFlagRegisters              TagType                    = 33919 // ingore # Intergraph Application specific flags.
	TagTypeIrasBTransformationMatrix      TagType                    = 33920 // DOUBLE, 17 # Originally part of Intergraph's GeoTIFF tags, but likely understood by IrasB only.
	TagTypeModelTiepointTag               TagType                    = 33922 // DOUBLE # Originally part of Intergraph's GeoTIFF tags, but now used in interchangeable GeoTIFF files.
	TagTypeModelTransformationTag         TagType                    = 34264 // DOUBLE, 16 # Used in interchangeable GeoTIFF files.
	TagTypePhotoshop                      TagType                    = 34377 // ingore # Collection of Photoshop 'Image Resource Blocks'.
	TagTypeExifIFD                        TagType                    = 34665 // IFD    # A pointer to the Exif IFD.
	TagTypeICCProfile                     TagType                    = 34675 // ingore # ICC profile data.
	TagTypeGeoKeyDirectoryTag             TagType                    = 34735 // SHORT, *, # >= 4
	TagTypeGeoDoubleParamsTag             TagType                    = 34736 // DOUBLE
	TagTypeGeoAsciiParamsTag              TagType                    = 34737 // ASCII
	TagTypeGPSIFD                         TagType                    = 34853 // IFD    # A pointer to the Exif-related GPS Info IFD.
	TagTypeHylaFAXFaxRecvParams           TagType                    = 34908 // ingore # Used by HylaFAX.
	TagTypeHylaFAXFaxSubAddress           TagType                    = 34909 // ingore # Used by HylaFAX.
	TagTypeHylaFAXFaxRecvTime             TagType                    = 34910 // ingore # Used by HylaFAX.
	TagTypeImageSourceData                TagType                    = 37724 // ingore # Used by Adobe Photoshop.
	TagTypeInteroperabilityIFD            TagType                    = 40965 // IFD    # A pointer to the Exif-related Interoperability IFD.
	TagTypeGDALMETADATA                   TagType                    = 42112 // ingore # Used by the GDAL library, holds an XML list of name=value 'metadata' values about the image as a whole, and about specific samples.
	TagTypeGDALNODATA                     TagType                    = 42113 // ingore # Used by the GDAL library, contains an ASCII encoded nodata or background pixel value.
	TagTypeOceScanjobDescription          TagType                    = 50215 // ingore # Used in the Oce scanning process.
	TagTypeOceApplicationSelector         TagType                    = 50216 // ingore # Used in the Oce scanning process.
	TagTypeOceIdentificationNumber        TagType                    = 50217 // ingore # Used in the Oce scanning process.
	TagTypeOceImageLogicCharacteristics   TagType                    = 50218 // ingore # Used in the Oce scanning process.
	TagTypeDNGVersion                     TagType                    = 50706 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.
	TagTypeDNGBackwardVersion             TagType                    = 50707 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.
	TagTypeUniqueCameraModel              TagType                    = 50708 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.
	TagTypeLocalizedCameraModel           TagType                    = 50709 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.
	TagTypeCFAPlaneColor                  TagType                    = 50710 // ingore # Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.
	TagTypeCFALayout                      TagType                    = 50711 // ingore # Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.
	TagTypeLinearizationTable             TagType                    = 50712 // ingore # Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.
	TagTypeBlackLevelRepeatDim            TagType                    = 50713 // ingore # Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.
	TagTypeBlackLevel                     TagType                    = 50714 // ingore # Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.
	TagTypeBlackLevelDeltaH               TagType                    = 50715 // ingore # Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.
	TagTypeBlackLevelDeltaV               TagType                    = 50716 // ingore # Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.
	TagTypeWhiteLevel                     TagType                    = 50717 // ingore # Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.
	TagTypeDefaultScale                   TagType                    = 50718 // ingore # Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.
	TagTypeDefaultCropOrigin              TagType                    = 50719 // ingore # Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.
	TagTypeDefaultCropSize                TagType                    = 50720 // ingore # Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.
	TagTypeColorMatrix1                   TagType                    = 50721 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.
	TagTypeColorMatrix2                   TagType                    = 50722 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.
	TagTypeCameraCalibration1             TagType                    = 50723 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.
	TagTypeCameraCalibration2             TagType                    = 50724 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.
	TagTypeReductionMatrix1               TagType                    = 50725 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.
	TagTypeReductionMatrix2               TagType                    = 50726 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.
	TagTypeAnalogBalance                  TagType                    = 50727 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.
	TagTypeAsShotNeutral                  TagType                    = 50728 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.
	TagTypeAsShotWhiteXY                  TagType                    = 50729 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.
	TagTypeBaselineExposure               TagType                    = 50730 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.
	TagTypeBaselineNoise                  TagType                    = 50731 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.
	TagTypeBaselineSharpness              TagType                    = 50732 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.
	TagTypeBayerGreenSplit                TagType                    = 50733 // ingore # Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.
	TagTypeLinearResponseLimit            TagType                    = 50734 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.
	TagTypeCameraSerialNumber             TagType                    = 50735 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.
	TagTypeLensInfo                       TagType                    = 50736 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.
	TagTypeChromaBlurRadius               TagType                    = 50737 // ingore # Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.
	TagTypeAntiAliasStrength              TagType                    = 50738 // ingore # Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.
	TagTypeDNGPrivateData                 TagType                    = 50740 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.
	TagTypeMakerNoteSafety                TagType                    = 50741 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.
	TagTypeCalibrationIlluminant1         TagType                    = 50778 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.
	TagTypeCalibrationIlluminant2         TagType                    = 50779 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.
	TagTypeBestQualityScale               TagType                    = 50780 // ingore # Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.
	TagTypeAliasLayerMetadata             TagType                    = 50784 // ingore # Alias Sketchbook Pro layer usage description.

Type(A/B/C/*), Num(1/*), Required, # comment

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const IFDLengthInBytes = 12

Length of an IFD entry in bytes.


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type DataType

type DataType uint16
const (
	DataTypeNil       DataType = 0  // placeholder, invalid
	DataTypeByte      DataType = 1  // 8-bit unsigned integer
	DataTypeASCII     DataType = 2  // 8-bit bytes w/ last byte null
	DataTypeShort     DataType = 3  // 16-bit unsigned integer
	DataTypeLong      DataType = 4  // 32-bit unsigned integer
	DataTypeRational  DataType = 5  // 64-bit unsigned fraction
	DataTypeSByte     DataType = 6  // !8-bit signed integer
	DataTypeUndefined DataType = 7  // !8-bit untyped data
	DataTypeSShort    DataType = 8  // !16-bit signed integer
	DataTypeSLong     DataType = 9  // !32-bit signed integer
	DataTypeSRational DataType = 10 // !64-bit signed fraction
	DataTypeFloat     DataType = 11 // !32-bit IEEE floating point
	DataTypeDouble    DataType = 12 // !64-bit IEEE floating point
	DataTypeIFD       DataType = 13 // %32-bit unsigned integer (offset)
	DataTypeLong8     DataType = 16 // BigTIFF 64-bit unsigned integer
	DataTypeSLong8    DataType = 17 // BigTIFF 64-bit signed integer
	DataTypeIFD8      DataType = 18 // BigTIFF 64-bit unsigned integer (offset)

func (DataType) ByteSize

func (d DataType) ByteSize() int

type IFDEntry

type IFDEntry struct {
	Tag      TagType
	DataType DataType
	Data     []uint32

An IFDEntry is a single entry in an Image File Directory. A value of type DataTypeRational is composed of two 32-bit values, thus data contains two uints (numerator and denominator) for a single number.

func (IFDEntry) PutData

func (e IFDEntry) PutData(p []byte)

type SortByTagInterface

type SortByTagInterface []IFDEntry

func (SortByTagInterface) Len

func (s SortByTagInterface) Len() int

func (SortByTagInterface) Less

func (s SortByTagInterface) Less(i, j int) bool

func (SortByTagInterface) Swap

func (s SortByTagInterface) Swap(i, j int)

type TagType

type TagType uint16

type TagValueCompressionType

type TagValueCompressionType TagType

type TagValueNewSubfileType

type TagValueNewSubfileType TagType

type TagValuePhotometricType

type TagValuePhotometricType TagType

type TagValuePredictorType

type TagValuePredictorType TagType

type TagValueResolutionUnitType

type TagValueResolutionUnitType TagType

type TagValueSampleFormatType

type TagValueSampleFormatType TagType

type TagValueSubfileType

type TagValueSubfileType TagType

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