Index ¶
Constants ¶
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const ( TagTypeNewSubfileType TagType = 254 // LONG , 1, # Default=0. subfile data descriptor TagValueNewSubfileTypeNil TagValueNewSubfileType = 0 // TagValueNewSubfileTypeReduced TagValueNewSubfileType = 1 // # bit0, reduced resolution version TagValueNewSubfileTypePage TagValueNewSubfileType = 2 // # bit1, one page of many TagValueNewSubfileTypeReducedPage TagValueNewSubfileType = 3 // TagValueNewSubfileTypeMask TagValueNewSubfileType = 4 // # bit2, transparency mask TagValueNewSubfileTypeReducedMask TagValueNewSubfileType = 5 // TagValueNewSubfileTypePageMask TagValueNewSubfileType = 6 // TagValueNewSubfileTypeReducedPageMask TagValueNewSubfileType = 7 // TagTypeSubfileType TagType = 255 // SHORT, 1, # kind of data in subfile TagValueSubfileTypeImage TagValueSubfileType = 1 // # full resolution image data TagValueSubfileTypeReducedImage TagValueSubfileType = 2 // # reduced size image data TagValueSubfileTypePage TagValueSubfileType = 3 // # one page of many TagTypeImageWidth TagType = 256 // SHORT/LONG/LONG8, 1, # Required TagTypeImageLength TagType = 257 // SHORT/LONG/LONG8, 1, # Required TagTypeBitsPerSample TagType = 258 // SHORT, *, # Default=1. See SamplesPerPixel TagTypeCompression TagType = 259 // SHORT, 1, # Default=1 TagValueCompressionTypeNil TagValueCompressionType = 0 // TagValueCompressionTypeNone TagValueCompressionType = 1 // TagValueCompressionTypeCCITT TagValueCompressionType = 2 // TagValueCompressionTypeG3 TagValueCompressionType = 3 // # Group 3 Fax. TagValueCompressionTypeG4 TagValueCompressionType = 4 // # Group 4 Fax. TagValueCompressionTypeLZW TagValueCompressionType = 5 // TagValueCompressionTypeJPEGOld TagValueCompressionType = 6 // # Superseded by cJPEG. TagValueCompressionTypeJPEG TagValueCompressionType = 7 // TagValueCompressionTypeDeflate TagValueCompressionType = 8 // # zlib compression. TagValueCompressionTypePackBits TagValueCompressionType = 32773 // TagValueCompressionTypeDeflateOld TagValueCompressionType = 32946 // # Superseded by cDeflate. TagTypePhotometricInterpretation TagType = 262 // SHORT, 1, TagValuePhotometricTypeWhiteIsZero TagValuePhotometricType = 0 // TagValuePhotometricTypeBlackIsZero TagValuePhotometricType = 1 // TagValuePhotometricTypeRGB TagValuePhotometricType = 2 // TagValuePhotometricTypePaletted TagValuePhotometricType = 3 // TagValuePhotometricTypeTransMask TagValuePhotometricType = 4 // # transparency mask TagValuePhotometricTypeCMYK TagValuePhotometricType = 5 // TagValuePhotometricTypeYCbCr TagValuePhotometricType = 6 // TagValuePhotometricTypeCIELab TagValuePhotometricType = 8 // TagTypeThreshholding TagType = 263 // SHORT, 1, # Default=1 TagTypeCellWidth TagType = 264 // SHORT, 1, TagTypeCellLenght TagType = 265 // SHORT, 1, TagTypeFillOrder TagType = 266 // SHORT, 1, # Default=1 TagTypeDocumentName TagType = 269 // ASCII TagTypeImageDescription TagType = 270 // ASCII TagTypeMake TagType = 271 // ASCII TagTypeModel TagType = 272 // ASCII TagTypeStripOffsets TagType = 273 // SHORT/LONG/LONG8, *, # StripsPerImage TagTypeOrientation TagType = 274 // SHORT, 1, # Default=1 TagTypeSamplesPerPixel TagType = 277 // SHORT, 1, # Default=1 TagTypeRowsPerStrip TagType = 278 // SHORT/LONG/LONG8, 1, TagTypeStripByteCounts TagType = 279 // SHORT/LONG/LONG8, *, # StripsPerImage TagTypeMinSampleValue TagType = 280 // SHORT, *, # Default=0 TagTypeMaxSampleValue TagType = 281 // SHORT, *, # Default=2^BitsPerSample-1 TagTypeXResolution TagType = 282 // RATIONAL, 1, # Required? TagTypeYResolution TagType = 283 // RATIONAL, 1, # Required? TagTypePlanarConfiguration TagType = 284 // SHORT, 1, # Defaule=1 TagTypePageName TagType = 285 // ASCII TagTypeXPosition TagType = 286 // RATIONAL, 1 TagTypeYPosition TagType = 287 // RATIONAL, 1 TagTypeFreeOffsets TagType = 288 // LONG/LONG8, * TagTypeFreeByteCounts TagType = 289 // LONG/LONG8, * TagTypeGrayResponseUnit TagType = 290 // SHORT, 1, TagTypeGrayResponseCurve TagType = 291 // SHORT, *, # 2**BitPerSample TagTypeT4Options TagType = 292 // LONG, 1, # Default=0 TagTypeT6Options TagType = 293 // LONG, 1, # Default=0 TagTypeResolutionUnit TagType = 296 // SHORT, 1, # Default=2 TagValueResolutionUnitTypeNone TagValueResolutionUnitType = 1 // TagValueResolutionUnitTypePerInch TagValueResolutionUnitType = 2 // # Dots per inch. TagValueResolutionUnitTypePerCM TagValueResolutionUnitType = 3 // # Dots per centimeter. TagTypePageNumber TagType = 297 // SHORT, 2, TagTypeTransferFunction TagType = 301 // SHORT, *, # {1 or SamplesPerPixel}*2**BitPerSample TagTypeSoftware TagType = 305 // ASCII TagTypeDateTime TagType = 306 // ASCII, 20, # YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS, include NULL TagTypeArtist TagType = 315 // ASCII TagTypeHostComputer TagType = 316 // ASCII TagTypePredictor TagType = 317 // SHORT, 1, # Default=1 TagValuePredictorTypeNone TagValuePredictorType = 1 // TagValuePredictorTypeHorizontal TagValuePredictorType = 2 // TagTypeWhitePoint TagType = 318 // RATIONAL, 2 TagTypePrimaryChromaticities TagType = 319 // RATIONAL, 6 TagTypeColorMap TagType = 320 // SHORT, *, # 3*(2**BitPerSample) TagTypeHalftoneHints TagType = 321 // SHORT, 2 TagTypeTileWidth TagType = 322 // SHORT/LONG, 1 TagTypeTileLength TagType = 323 // SHORT/LONG, 1 TagTypeTileOffsets TagType = 324 // LONG/LONG8, *, # TilesPerImage TagTypeTileByteCounts TagType = 325 // SHORT/LONG, *, # TilesPerImage TagTypeBadFaxLines TagType = 326 // ingore # Used in the TIFF-F standard, denotes the number of 'bad' scan lines encountered by the facsimile device. TagTypeCleanFaxData TagType = 327 // ingore # Used in the TIFF-F standard, indicates if 'bad' lines encountered during reception are stored in the data, or if 'bad' lines have been replaced by the receiver. TagTypeConsecutiveBadFaxLines TagType = 328 // ingore # Used in the TIFF-F standard, denotes the maximum number of consecutive 'bad' scanlines received. TagTypeSubIFD TagType = 330 // IFD, * # IFD pointer TagTypeInkSet TagType = 332 // SHORT, 1, # Default=1 TagTypeInkNames TagType = 333 // ASCII TagTypeNumberOfInks TagType = 334 // SHORT, 1, # Default=4 TagTypeDotRange TagType = 336 // BYTE/SHORT, # Default=[0,2^BitsPerSample-1] TagTypeTargetPrinter TagType = 337 // ASCII TagTypeExtraSamples TagType = 338 // BYTE, 1, TagTypeSampleFormat TagType = 339 // SHORT, *, # SamplesPerPixel. Default=1 TagValueSampleFormatTypeUint TagValueSampleFormatType = 1 // TagValueSampleFormatTypeTwoInt TagValueSampleFormatType = 2 // TagValueSampleFormatTypeFloat TagValueSampleFormatType = 3 // TagValueSampleFormatTypeUndefined TagValueSampleFormatType = 4 // TagTypeSMinSampleValue TagType = 340 // *, *, # SamplesPerPixel, try double TagTypeSMaxSampleValue TagType = 341 // *, *, # SamplesPerPixel, try double TagTypeTransferRange TagType = 342 // SHORT, 6, TagTypeClipPath TagType = 343 // ingore # Mirrors the essentials of PostScript's path creation functionality. TagTypeXClipPathUnits TagType = 344 // ingore # The number of units that span the width of the image, in terms of integer ClipPath coordinates. TagTypeYClipPathUnits TagType = 345 // ingore # The number of units that span the height of the image, in terms of integer ClipPath coordinates. TagTypeIndexed TagType = 346 // ingore # Aims to broaden the support for indexed images to include support for any color space. TagTypeJPEGTables TagType = 347 // ingore # JPEG quantization and/or Huffman tables. TagTypeOPIProxy TagType = 351 // ingore # OPI-related. TagTypeGlobalParametersIFD TagType = 400 // ingore # Used in the TIFF-FX standard to point to an IFD containing tags that are globally applicable to the complete TIFF file. TagTypeProfileType TagType = 401 // ingore # Used in the TIFF-FX standard, denotes the type of data stored in this file or IFD. TagTypeFaxProfile TagType = 402 // ingore # Used in the TIFF-FX standard, denotes the 'profile' that applies to this file. TagTypeCodingMethods TagType = 403 // ingore # Used in the TIFF-FX standard, indicates which coding methods are used in the file. TagTypeVersionYear TagType = 404 // ingore # Used in the TIFF-FX standard, denotes the year of the standard specified by the FaxProfile field. TagTypeModeNumber TagType = 405 // ingore # Used in the TIFF-FX standard, denotes the mode of the standard specified by the FaxProfile field. TagTypeDecode TagType = 433 // ingore # Used in the TIFF-F and TIFF-FX standards, holds information about the ITULAB (PhotometricInterpretation = 10) encoding. TagTypeDefaultImageColor TagType = 434 // ingore # Defined in the Mixed Raster Content part of RFC 2301, is the default color needed in areas where no image is available. TagTypeJPEGProc TagType = 512 // SHORT, 1, TagTypeJPEGInterchangeFormat TagType = 513 // LONG, 1, TagTypeJPEGInterchangeFormatLength TagType = 514 // LONG, 1, TagTypeJPEGRestartInterval TagType = 515 // SHORT, 1, TagTypeJPEGLosslessPredictors TagType = 517 // SHORT, *, # SamplesPerPixel TagTypeJPEGPointTransforms TagType = 518 // SHORT, *, # SamplesPerPixel TagTypeJPEGQTables TagType = 519 // LONG, *, # SamplesPerPixel TagTypeJPEGDCTables TagType = 520 // LONG, *, # SamplesPerPixel TagTypeJPEGACTables TagType = 521 // LONG, *, # SamplesPerPixel TagTypeYCbCrCoefficients TagType = 529 // RATIONAL, 3 TagTypeYCbCrSubSampling TagType = 530 // SHORT, 2, # Default=[2,2] TagTypeYCbCrPositioning TagType = 531 // SHORT, 1, # Default=1 TagTypeReferenceBlackWhite TagType = 532 // LONG , *, # 2*SamplesPerPixel TagTypeStripRowCounts TagType = 559 // ingore # Defined in the Mixed Raster Content part of RFC 2301, used to replace RowsPerStrip for IFDs with variable-sized strips. TagTypeXMP TagType = 700 // ingore # XML packet containing XMP metadata TagTypeImageID TagType = 32781 // ingore # OPI-related. TagTypeImageLayer TagType = 34732 // ingore # Defined in the Mixed Raster Content part of RFC 2301, used to denote the particular function of this Image in the mixed raster scheme. TagTypeCopyright TagType = 33432 // ASCII TagTypeWangAnnotation TagType = 32932 // ingore # Annotation data, as used in 'Imaging for Windows'. TagTypeMDFileTag TagType = 33445 // ingore # Specifies the pixel data format encoding in the Molecular Dynamics GEL file format. TagTypeMDScalePixel TagType = 33446 // ingore # Specifies a scale factor in the Molecular Dynamics GEL file format. TagTypeMDColorTable TagType = 33447 // ingore # Used to specify the conversion from 16bit to 8bit in the Molecular Dynamics GEL file format. TagTypeMDLabName TagType = 33448 // ingore # Name of the lab that scanned this file, as used in the Molecular Dynamics GEL file format. TagTypeMDSampleInfo TagType = 33449 // ingore # Information about the sample, as used in the Molecular Dynamics GEL file format. TagTypeMDPrepDate TagType = 33450 // ingore # Date the sample was prepared, as used in the Molecular Dynamics GEL file format. TagTypeMDPrepTime TagType = 33451 // ingore # Time the sample was prepared, as used in the Molecular Dynamics GEL file format. TagTypeMDFileUnits TagType = 33452 // ingore # Units for data in this file, as used in the Molecular Dynamics GEL file format. TagTypeModelPixelScaleTag TagType = 33550 // DOUBLE # Used in interchangeable GeoTIFF files. TagTypeIPTC TagType = 33723 // ingore # IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council) metadata. TagTypeINGRPacketDataTag TagType = 33918 // ingore # Intergraph Application specific storage. TagTypeINGRFlagRegisters TagType = 33919 // ingore # Intergraph Application specific flags. TagTypeIrasBTransformationMatrix TagType = 33920 // DOUBLE, 17 # Originally part of Intergraph's GeoTIFF tags, but likely understood by IrasB only. TagTypeModelTiepointTag TagType = 33922 // DOUBLE # Originally part of Intergraph's GeoTIFF tags, but now used in interchangeable GeoTIFF files. TagTypeModelTransformationTag TagType = 34264 // DOUBLE, 16 # Used in interchangeable GeoTIFF files. TagTypePhotoshop TagType = 34377 // ingore # Collection of Photoshop 'Image Resource Blocks'. TagTypeExifIFD TagType = 34665 // IFD # A pointer to the Exif IFD. TagTypeICCProfile TagType = 34675 // ingore # ICC profile data. TagTypeGeoKeyDirectoryTag TagType = 34735 // SHORT, *, # >= 4 TagTypeGeoDoubleParamsTag TagType = 34736 // DOUBLE TagTypeGeoAsciiParamsTag TagType = 34737 // ASCII TagTypeGPSIFD TagType = 34853 // IFD # A pointer to the Exif-related GPS Info IFD. TagTypeHylaFAXFaxRecvParams TagType = 34908 // ingore # Used by HylaFAX. TagTypeHylaFAXFaxSubAddress TagType = 34909 // ingore # Used by HylaFAX. TagTypeHylaFAXFaxRecvTime TagType = 34910 // ingore # Used by HylaFAX. TagTypeImageSourceData TagType = 37724 // ingore # Used by Adobe Photoshop. TagTypeInteroperabilityIFD TagType = 40965 // IFD # A pointer to the Exif-related Interoperability IFD. TagTypeGDALMETADATA TagType = 42112 // ingore # Used by the GDAL library, holds an XML list of name=value 'metadata' values about the image as a whole, and about specific samples. TagTypeGDALNODATA TagType = 42113 // ingore # Used by the GDAL library, contains an ASCII encoded nodata or background pixel value. TagTypeOceScanjobDescription TagType = 50215 // ingore # Used in the Oce scanning process. TagTypeOceApplicationSelector TagType = 50216 // ingore # Used in the Oce scanning process. TagTypeOceIdentificationNumber TagType = 50217 // ingore # Used in the Oce scanning process. TagTypeOceImageLogicCharacteristics TagType = 50218 // ingore # Used in the Oce scanning process. TagTypeDNGVersion TagType = 50706 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files. TagTypeDNGBackwardVersion TagType = 50707 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files. TagTypeUniqueCameraModel TagType = 50708 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files. TagTypeLocalizedCameraModel TagType = 50709 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files. TagTypeCFAPlaneColor TagType = 50710 // ingore # Used in Raw IFD of DNG files. TagTypeCFALayout TagType = 50711 // ingore # Used in Raw IFD of DNG files. TagTypeLinearizationTable TagType = 50712 // ingore # Used in Raw IFD of DNG files. TagTypeBlackLevelRepeatDim TagType = 50713 // ingore # Used in Raw IFD of DNG files. TagTypeBlackLevel TagType = 50714 // ingore # Used in Raw IFD of DNG files. TagTypeBlackLevelDeltaH TagType = 50715 // ingore # Used in Raw IFD of DNG files. TagTypeBlackLevelDeltaV TagType = 50716 // ingore # Used in Raw IFD of DNG files. TagTypeWhiteLevel TagType = 50717 // ingore # Used in Raw IFD of DNG files. TagTypeDefaultScale TagType = 50718 // ingore # Used in Raw IFD of DNG files. TagTypeDefaultCropOrigin TagType = 50719 // ingore # Used in Raw IFD of DNG files. TagTypeDefaultCropSize TagType = 50720 // ingore # Used in Raw IFD of DNG files. TagTypeColorMatrix1 TagType = 50721 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files. TagTypeColorMatrix2 TagType = 50722 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files. TagTypeCameraCalibration1 TagType = 50723 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files. TagTypeCameraCalibration2 TagType = 50724 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files. TagTypeReductionMatrix1 TagType = 50725 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files. TagTypeReductionMatrix2 TagType = 50726 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files. TagTypeAnalogBalance TagType = 50727 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files. TagTypeAsShotNeutral TagType = 50728 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files. TagTypeAsShotWhiteXY TagType = 50729 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files. TagTypeBaselineExposure TagType = 50730 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files. TagTypeBaselineNoise TagType = 50731 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files. TagTypeBaselineSharpness TagType = 50732 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files. TagTypeBayerGreenSplit TagType = 50733 // ingore # Used in Raw IFD of DNG files. TagTypeLinearResponseLimit TagType = 50734 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files. TagTypeCameraSerialNumber TagType = 50735 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files. TagTypeLensInfo TagType = 50736 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files. TagTypeChromaBlurRadius TagType = 50737 // ingore # Used in Raw IFD of DNG files. TagTypeAntiAliasStrength TagType = 50738 // ingore # Used in Raw IFD of DNG files. TagTypeDNGPrivateData TagType = 50740 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files. TagTypeMakerNoteSafety TagType = 50741 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files. TagTypeCalibrationIlluminant1 TagType = 50778 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files. TagTypeCalibrationIlluminant2 TagType = 50779 // ingore # Used in IFD 0 of DNG files. TagTypeBestQualityScale TagType = 50780 // ingore # Used in Raw IFD of DNG files. TagTypeAliasLayerMetadata TagType = 50784 // ingore # Alias Sketchbook Pro layer usage description. )
Type(A/B/C/*), Num(1/*), Required, # comment
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const IFDLengthInBytes = 12
Length of an IFD entry in bytes.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type DataType ¶
type DataType uint16
const ( DataTypeNil DataType = 0 // placeholder, invalid DataTypeByte DataType = 1 // 8-bit unsigned integer DataTypeASCII DataType = 2 // 8-bit bytes w/ last byte null DataTypeShort DataType = 3 // 16-bit unsigned integer DataTypeLong DataType = 4 // 32-bit unsigned integer DataTypeRational DataType = 5 // 64-bit unsigned fraction DataTypeSByte DataType = 6 // !8-bit signed integer DataTypeUndefined DataType = 7 // !8-bit untyped data DataTypeSShort DataType = 8 // !16-bit signed integer DataTypeSLong DataType = 9 // !32-bit signed integer DataTypeSRational DataType = 10 // !64-bit signed fraction DataTypeFloat DataType = 11 // !32-bit IEEE floating point DataTypeDouble DataType = 12 // !64-bit IEEE floating point DataTypeIFD DataType = 13 // %32-bit unsigned integer (offset) DataTypeLong8 DataType = 16 // BigTIFF 64-bit unsigned integer DataTypeSLong8 DataType = 17 // BigTIFF 64-bit signed integer DataTypeIFD8 DataType = 18 // BigTIFF 64-bit unsigned integer (offset) )
type IFDEntry ¶
An IFDEntry is a single entry in an Image File Directory. A value of type DataTypeRational is composed of two 32-bit values, thus data contains two uints (numerator and denominator) for a single number.
type SortByTagInterface ¶
type SortByTagInterface []IFDEntry
func (SortByTagInterface) Len ¶
func (s SortByTagInterface) Len() int
func (SortByTagInterface) Less ¶
func (s SortByTagInterface) Less(i, j int) bool
func (SortByTagInterface) Swap ¶
func (s SortByTagInterface) Swap(i, j int)
type TagValueCompressionType ¶
type TagValueCompressionType TagType
type TagValueNewSubfileType ¶
type TagValueNewSubfileType TagType
type TagValuePhotometricType ¶
type TagValuePhotometricType TagType
type TagValuePredictorType ¶
type TagValuePredictorType TagType
type TagValueResolutionUnitType ¶
type TagValueResolutionUnitType TagType
type TagValueSampleFormatType ¶
type TagValueSampleFormatType TagType
type TagValueSubfileType ¶
type TagValueSubfileType TagType
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