This tool automates the creation of an SGX-enabled Azure VM running a full Obscuro network and its associated L1
Install the Azure CLI by following the instructions here
Set up file-based authentication by following the instructions here
Set the AZURE_AUTH_LOCATION environment variable to where the authorization file is located
Log into the Azure CLI using az login
Choose values for the vm_password and email_recipient fields in the vm-params.json file
vm_password will be the Azure VM's SSH password. It must meet the requirements set out here
email_recipient will be the email used for notifications
Create the VM using the main method in network_deployer.go
SSH into the VM using the obscuro user (e.g. ssh obscuro@XX.XX.XXX.XXX)
Start the components (two Geth nodes, two Obscuro hosts, and two Obscuro enclave containers in Docker) by running
sh go-obscuro/tools/azuredeployer/networkdeployer/
After running the script, if you run ps, you should see two geth-v1.10.17 processes and two host processes
If you run docker container ls, you should see two Docker containers built from the obscuro_enclave image
Each component type will produce logs:
The host logs are found under ~/host_logs.txt
The enclave logs can be viewed using docker logs <container-id>
The Geth network logs are found under ~/go-obscuro/integration/.build/geth/<run-id>/node_logs.txt
The first Obscuro host can be connected to remotely via WS on port 13001
This repo contains a tool under tools/obscuroclient/ that can be used to connect remotely to the running
Obscuro host and retrieve the current block head height