This is an open source benchmark to test the performance of ObjectBox and other databases that offer persistence of Go structs (e.g. GORM, Storm/bbolt).
Tests include:
- CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations using batches of structs
- Lookup by IDs
- Query by prefix
How to run
For each database to test there's a command line executable represented by a main.go file in those directories:
- objectbox
- gorm
- bolt-storm
The following examples refer to the objectbox directory, but you can do the same for others.
To get good numbers, close all programs before running, build & run outside of IDE:
cd objectbox
go build
or you can use go run ./objectbox
which does yield about the same results
A typical invocation looks like this (e.g. 3 runs with 100K objects each run):
./objectbox -count 100000 -runs 3
You can specify some parameters, see ./objectbox -h
Usage of ./objectbox:
-count int
number of objects (default 10000)
-db string
database directory (default "testdata")
-runs int
number of times the tests should be executed (default 10)
Dev notes
To regenerate ObjectBox entity bindings
mv objectbox/obx/objectbox-model.* internal/models/
go run internal/models/entity.go
mv internal/models/entity.obx.go objectbox/obx/
mv internal/models/objectbox-model.* objectbox/obx/
for f in objectbox/obx/*.go; do sed -i 's/package models/package obx/g' "$f"; done
for f in objectbox/obx/*.obx.go; do sed -i '7 a . ""' "$f"; done