Index ¶
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
View Source
var BindingTemplate = template.Must(template.New("binding").Funcs(funcMap).Parse(
`// Code generated by ObjectBox; DO NOT EDIT.
// Learn more about defining entities and generating this file - visit
{{define "property-getter-with-converter-val"}}{{/* used in Load*/}}
{{- if .Converter}} prop{{.Name}}
{{- else}} {{template "property-getter" .}}
{{- end}}
{{- end -}}
{{define "property-getter"}}{{/* used in Load*/}}
{{- if .CastOnWrite}}{{.CastOnWrite}}({{end}}
{{- if eq .FbType "UOffsetT"}} fbutils.Get{{.ObTypeString}}{{if .GoField.IsPointer}}Ptr{{end}}Slot(table, {{.ModelProperty.FbvTableOffset}})
{{- else}} fbutils.Get{{.GoType | StringTitle}}{{if .GoField.IsPointer}}Ptr{{end}}Slot(table, {{.ModelProperty.FbvTableOffset}})
{{- end}}
{{- if .CastOnWrite}}){{end}}
{{- end -}}
{{define "property-access"}}{{/* used in Flatten*/ -}}
{{- if .Converter}} {{if .GoField.IsPointer}}*{{end}}prop{{.Name}}
{{- else if .CastOnRead}}{{.CastOnRead}}({{if .GoField.IsPointer}}*{{end}}obj.{{.Path}})
{{- else}}{{if .GoField.IsPointer}}*{{end}}obj.{{.Path}}{{end}}
{{- end -}}
package {{.Binding.Package.Name}}
import (
{{range $alias, $path := .Binding.Imports -}}
{{if not (eq $alias $path)}}{{$alias}}{{end}} "{{$path}}"
{{range $entity := .Model.EntitiesWithMeta -}}
{{$entityNameCamel := $entity.Name | StringCamel -}}
type {{$entityNameCamel}}_EntityInfo struct {
Uid uint64
var {{$entity.Name}}Binding = {{$entityNameCamel}}_EntityInfo {
Entity: objectbox.Entity{
Id: {{$entity.Id.GetId}},
Uid: {{$entity.Id.GetUid}},
// {{$entity.Name}}_ contains type-based Property helpers to facilitate some common operations such as Queries.
var {{$entity.Name}}_ = struct {
{{range $property := $entity.Properties -}}
{{$property.Meta.Name}} *objectbox.{{with $property.RelationTarget}}RelationToOne{{else}}Property{{$property.Meta.GoType | TypeIdentifier}}{{end}}
{{end -}}
{{range $relation := $entity.Relations -}}
{{$relation.Name}} *objectbox.RelationToMany
{{end -}}
{{range $property := $entity.Properties -}}
{{$property.Meta.Name}}: &objectbox.
{{- with $property.RelationTarget}}RelationToOne{
{{- else}}Property{{$property.Meta.GoType | TypeIdentifier}}{
{{- end -}}
Id: {{$property.Id.GetId}},
Entity: &{{$entity.Name}}Binding.Entity,
},{{with $property.RelationTarget}}
Target: &{{.}}Binding.Entity,{{end}}
{{end -}}
{{range $relation := $entity.Relations -}}
{{$relation.Name}}: &objectbox.RelationToMany{
Id: {{$relation.Id.GetId}},
Source: &{{$entity.Name}}Binding.Entity,
Target: &{{$relation.Target.Name}}Binding.Entity,
{{end -}}
// GeneratorVersion is called by ObjectBox to verify the compatibility of the generator used to generate this code
func ({{$entityNameCamel}}_EntityInfo) GeneratorVersion() int {
return {{$.GeneratorVersion}}
// AddToModel is called by ObjectBox during model build
func ({{$entityNameCamel}}_EntityInfo) AddToModel(model *objectbox.Model) {
model.Entity("{{$entity.Name}}", {{$entity.Id.GetId}}, {{$entity.Id.GetUid}})
{{with $entity.Flags -}}
{{end -}}
{{range $property := $entity.Properties -}}
model.Property("{{$property.Name}}", {{$property.Type}}, {{$property.Id.GetId}}, {{$property.Id.GetUid}})
{{with $property.Flags -}}
{{end -}}
{{if $property.RelationTarget}}model.PropertyRelation("{{$property.RelationTarget}}", {{$property.IndexId.GetId}}, {{$property.IndexId.GetUid}})
{{else if $property.IndexId}}model.PropertyIndex({{$property.IndexId.GetId}}, {{$property.IndexId.GetUid}})
{{end -}}
{{end -}}
model.EntityLastPropertyId({{$entity.LastPropertyId.GetId}}, {{$entity.LastPropertyId.GetUid}})
{{range $relation := $entity.Relations -}}
model.Relation({{$relation.Id.GetId}}, {{$relation.Id.GetUid}}, {{$relation.Target.Name}}Binding.Id, {{$relation.Target.Name}}Binding.Uid)
{{end -}}
// GetId is called by ObjectBox during Put operations to check for existing ID on an object
func ({{$entityNameCamel}}_EntityInfo) GetId(object interface{}) (uint64, error) {
{{- if $.ByValue}}
if obj, ok := object.(*{{$entity.Name}}); ok {
return {{$entity.IdProperty.Meta.TplReadValue "obj" ""}}
} else {
return {{$entity.IdProperty.Meta.TplReadValue "object" "val-cast"}}
{{- else -}}
return {{$entity.IdProperty.Meta.TplReadValue "object" "ptr-cast"}}
{{- end}}
// SetId is called by ObjectBox during Put to update an ID on an object that has just been inserted
func ({{$entityNameCamel}}_EntityInfo) SetId(object interface{}, id uint64) error {
{{- if $.ByValue}}
if obj, ok := object.(*{{$entity.Name}}); ok {
{{$entity.IdProperty.Meta.TplSetAndReturn "obj" "" "id"}}
} else {
// NOTE while this can't update, it will at least behave consistently (panic in case of a wrong type)
_ = object.({{$entity.Name}}).{{$entity.IdProperty.Meta.Path}}
return nil
{{- else -}}
{{$entity.IdProperty.Meta.TplSetAndReturn "object" "ptr-cast" "id"}}
{{- end}}
// PutRelated is called by ObjectBox to put related entities before the object itself is flattened and put
func ({{$entityNameCamel}}_EntityInfo) PutRelated(ob *objectbox.ObjectBox, object interface{}, id uint64) error {
{{- block "put-relations" $entity}}
{{- range $field := .Meta.Fields}}
{{- if $field.StandaloneRelation}}
{{- if $field.IsLazyLoaded}} if object.(*{{$field.Entity.Name}}).{{$field.Path}} != nil { // lazy-loaded relations without {{$field.Entity.Name}}Box::Fetch{{$field.Name}}() called are nil {{end}}
if err := BoxFor{{$field.Entity.Name}}(ob).RelationReplace({{.Entity.Name}}_.{{$field.Name}}, id, object, object.(*{{$field.Entity.Name}}).{{$field.Path}}); err != nil {
return err
{{if $field.IsLazyLoaded}} } {{end}}
{{- else if $field.Property}}
{{- if and (not $field.Property.IsBasicType) $field.Property.ModelProperty.RelationTarget}}
if rel := {{if not $field.IsPointer}}&{{end}}object.(*{{$field.Entity.Name}}).{{$field.Path}}; rel != nil {
if rId, err := {{$field.Property.ModelProperty.RelationTarget}}Binding.GetId(rel); err != nil {
return err
} else if rId == 0 {
// NOTE Put/PutAsync() has a side-effect of setting the rel.ID
if _, err := BoxFor{{$field.Property.ModelProperty.RelationTarget}}(ob).Put(rel); err != nil {
return err
{{- end}}
{{- else}}{{/* recursively visit fields in embedded structs */}}{{template "put-relations" $field}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}{{end}}
return nil
// Flatten is called by ObjectBox to transform an object to a FlatBuffer
func ({{$entityNameCamel}}_EntityInfo) Flatten(object interface{}, fbb *flatbuffers.Builder, id uint64) error {
{{if $entity.Meta.HasNonIdProperty -}}
{{- if not $.ByValue}}obj := object.(*{{$entity.Name}})
{{- else -}}
var obj *{{$entity.Name}}
if objPtr, ok := object.(*{{$entity.Name}}); ok {
obj = objPtr
} else {
objVal := object.({{$entity.Name}})
obj = &objVal
{{- end -}}
{{- range $property := $entity.Properties}}{{if and $property.Meta.Converter (not (eq $property.Name $entity.IdProperty.Name))}}
var prop{{$property.Name}} {{$property.Meta.AnnotatedType}}
{{if $property.Meta.GoField.IsPointer}}if obj.{{$property.Meta.Path}} != nil {{end}} {
var err error
prop{{$property.Name}}, err = {{$property.Meta.Converter}}ToDatabaseValue(obj.{{$property.Meta.Path}})
if err != nil {
return errors.New("converter {{$property.Meta.Converter}}ToDatabaseValue() failed on {{$entity.Name}}.{{$property.Meta.Path}}: " + err.Error())
{{- range $property := $entity.Properties}}{{if eq $property.Meta.FbType "UOffsetT"}}
{{if $property.Meta.GoField.IsPointer}}
var offset{{$property.Meta.Name}} flatbuffers.UOffsetT
if obj.{{$property.Meta.Path}} != nil {
{{else}}var {{end -}}
offset{{$property.Meta.Name}} = fbutils.Create{{$property.Meta.ObTypeString}}Offset(fbb, {{template "property-access" $property.Meta}})
{{- if $property.Meta.GoField.IsPointer -}} } {{- end}}
{{- end}}{{end}}
{{- block "store-relations" $entity}}
{{- range $field := .Meta.Fields}}
{{if $field.Property}}
{{- if $field.Property.ModelProperty.RelationTarget}}
{{- if $field.Property.IsBasicType}}{{/* manual relation links (just ID) */}}
var rId{{$field.Name}} = {{template "property-access" $field.Property}}
{{- else}}
var rId{{$field.Name}} uint64
if rel := {{if not $field.IsPointer}}&{{end}}obj.{{$field.Path}}; rel != nil {
if rId, err := {{$field.Property.ModelProperty.RelationTarget}}Binding.GetId(rel); err != nil {
return err
} else {
rId{{$field.Name}} = rId
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- else}}{{/* recursively visit fields in embedded structs */}}{{template "store-relations" $field}}
// build the FlatBuffers object
{{- if $entity.IdProperty.Meta.GoField.HasPointersInPath }}{{/* when Id property's path (embedded) contains pointers, make sure it's always set */}}
fbutils.Set{{$entity.IdProperty.Meta.FbType}}Slot(fbb, {{$entity.IdProperty.FbSlot}}, id)
{{- end}}
{{- block "fields-setter" $entity -}}
{{- range $field := .Meta.Fields}}
{{- if $field.IsPointer}}
if obj.{{$field.Path}} != nil { {{- end -}}
{{with $field.Property}}{{if or (not .ModelProperty.IsIdProperty) (not .GoField.HasPointersInPath) }}
fbutils.Set{{.FbType}}Slot(fbb, {{.ModelProperty.FbSlot}},
{{- if .ModelProperty.RelationTarget}}rId{{.Name}})
{{- else if eq .FbType "UOffsetT"}} offset{{.Name}})
{{- else if .ModelProperty.IsIdProperty}} id)
{{- else -}}
{{- if or (eq .GoType "int") (eq .GoType "uint") }} {{.GoType}}64( {{end}}
{{- template "property-access" . -}})
{{- if or (eq .GoType "int") (eq .GoType "uint")}} ) {{end}}
{{- end}}{{end}}
{{- else}}{{template "fields-setter" $field}}{{end -}}
{{- if $field.IsPointer -}} } {{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
return nil
// Load is called by ObjectBox to load an object from a FlatBuffer
func ({{$entityNameCamel}}_EntityInfo) Load(ob *objectbox.ObjectBox, bytes []byte) (interface{}, error) {
if len(bytes) == 0 { // sanity check, should "never" happen
return nil, errors.New("can't deserialize an object of type '{{$entity.Name}}' - no data received")
var table = &flatbuffers.Table{
Bytes: bytes,
Pos: flatbuffers.GetUOffsetT(bytes),
{{if not $entity.IdProperty.Meta.Converter}}
var prop{{$entity.IdProperty.Name}} = table.Get{{$entity.IdProperty.Meta.GoType | StringTitle}}Slot({{$entity.IdProperty.FbvTableOffset}}, 0)
{{end -}}
{{range $property := $entity.Properties}}{{if $property.Meta.Converter}}
prop{{$property.Name}}, err := {{$property.Meta.Converter}}ToEntityProperty({{template "property-getter" $property.Meta}})
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("converter {{$property.Meta.Converter}}ToEntityProperty() failed on {{$entity.Name}}.{{$property.Meta.Path}}: " + err.Error())
{{- block "load-relations" $entity}}
{{- range $field := .Meta.Fields}}
{{if $field.StandaloneRelation -}}
{{if not $field.IsLazyLoaded -}}
var rel{{$field.Name}} {{$field.Type}}
if rIds, err := BoxFor{{$field.Entity.Name}}(ob).RelationIds({{.Entity.Name}}_.{{$field.Name}}, prop{{.Entity.ModelEntity.IdProperty.Name}}); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if rSlice, err := BoxFor{{$field.StandaloneRelation.Target.Name}}(ob).GetManyExisting(rIds...); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
rel{{$field.Name}} = rSlice
{{- end -}} {{/* see Fetch* for lazy loaded relations */}}
{{else if $field.Property -}}
{{- if and (not $field.Property.IsBasicType) $field.Property.ModelProperty.RelationTarget }}
var rel{{$field.Name}} *{{$field.Type}}
if rId := {{template "property-getter-with-converter-val" $field.Property}}; {{if $field.Property.GoField.IsPointer}}rId != nil && *{{end}}rId > 0 {
if rObject, err := BoxFor{{$field.Property.ModelProperty.RelationTarget}}(ob).Get({{if $field.Property.GoField.IsPointer}}*{{end}}rId); err != nil {
return nil, err
{{if not $field.IsPointer -}}
} else if rObject == nil {
rel{{$field.Name}} = &{{$field.Type}}{}
{{end -}}
} else {
rel{{$field.Name}} = rObject
{{if not $field.IsPointer -}}
} else {
rel{{$field.Name}} = &{{$field.Type}}{}
{{end -}}
{{- end}}
{{else}}{{/* recursively visit fields in embedded structs */}}{{template "load-relations" $field}}
{{- end}}
return &{{$entity.Name}}{
{{- block "fields-initializer" $entity}}
{{- range $field := .Meta.Fields}}
{{- if $field.StandaloneRelation}}
{{- if $field.IsLazyLoaded}}nil, // use {{$field.Entity.Name}}Box::Fetch{{$field.Name}}() to fetch this lazy-loaded relation
{{- else}}rel{{$field.Name}}
{{- end}}
{{- else if $field.Property}}
{{- if and (not $field.Property.IsBasicType) $field.Property.ModelProperty.RelationTarget}}{{if not $field.IsPointer}}*{{end}}rel{{$field.Name}}
{{- else if $field.Property.ModelProperty.IsIdProperty}} prop{{$field.Property.Name}}
{{- else}}{{template "property-getter-with-converter-val" $field.Property}}
{{- end}}
{{- else}}{{if $field.IsPointer}}&{{end}}{{$field.Type}}{ {{template "fields-initializer" $field}} }
{{- end}},
{{- end}}
}, nil
// MakeSlice is called by ObjectBox to construct a new slice to hold the read objects
func ({{$entityNameCamel}}_EntityInfo) MakeSlice(capacity int) interface{} {
return make([]{{if not $.ByValue}}*{{end}}{{$entity.Name}}, 0, capacity)
// AppendToSlice is called by ObjectBox to fill the slice of the read objects
func ({{$entityNameCamel}}_EntityInfo) AppendToSlice(slice interface{}, object interface{}) interface{} {
if object == nil {
return append(slice.([]{{if not $.ByValue}}*{{end}}{{$entity.Name}}), {{if $.ByValue}}{{$entity.Name}}{}{{else}}nil{{end}})
return append(slice.([]{{if not $.ByValue}}*{{end}}{{$entity.Name}}), {{if $.ByValue}}*{{end}}object.(*{{$entity.Name}}))
// Box provides CRUD access to {{$entity.Name}} objects
type {{$entity.Name}}Box struct {
// BoxFor{{$entity.Name}} opens a box of {{$entity.Name}} objects
func BoxFor{{$entity.Name}}(ob *objectbox.ObjectBox) *{{$entity.Name}}Box {
return &{{$entity.Name}}Box{
Box: ob.InternalBox({{$entity.Id.GetId}}),
// Put synchronously inserts/updates a single object.
// In case the {{$entity.IdProperty.Meta.Path}} is not specified, it would be assigned automatically (auto-increment).
// When inserting, the {{$entity.Name}}.{{$entity.IdProperty.Meta.Path}} property on the passed object will be assigned the new ID as well.
func (box *{{$entity.Name}}Box) Put(object *{{$entity.Name}}) (uint64, error) {
return box.Box.Put(object)
// Insert synchronously inserts a single object. As opposed to Put, Insert will fail if given an ID that already exists.
// In case the {{$entity.IdProperty.Meta.Path}} is not specified, it would be assigned automatically (auto-increment).
// When inserting, the {{$entity.Name}}.{{$entity.IdProperty.Meta.Path}} property on the passed object will be assigned the new ID as well.
func (box *{{$entity.Name}}Box) Insert(object *{{$entity.Name}}) (uint64, error) {
return box.Box.Insert(object)
// Update synchronously updates a single object.
// As opposed to Put, Update will fail if an object with the same ID is not found in the database.
func (box *{{$entity.Name}}Box) Update(object *{{$entity.Name}}) error {
return box.Box.Update(object)
// PutAsync asynchronously inserts/updates a single object.
// Deprecated: use box.Async().Put() instead
func (box *{{$entity.Name}}Box) PutAsync(object *{{$entity.Name}}) (uint64, error) {
return box.Box.PutAsync(object)
// PutMany inserts multiple objects in single transaction.
// In case {{$entity.IdProperty.Meta.Path}}s are not set on the objects, they would be assigned automatically (auto-increment).
// Returns: IDs of the put objects (in the same order).
// When inserting, the {{$entity.Name}}.{{$entity.IdProperty.Meta.Path}} property on the objects in the slice will be assigned the new IDs as well.
// Note: In case an error occurs during the transaction, some of the objects may already have the {{$entity.Name}}.{{$entity.IdProperty.Meta.Path}} assigned
// even though the transaction has been rolled back and the objects are not stored under those IDs.
// Note: The slice may be empty or even nil; in both cases, an empty IDs slice and no error is returned.
func (box *{{$entity.Name}}Box) PutMany(objects []{{if not $.ByValue}}*{{end}}{{$entity.Name}}) ([]uint64, error) {
return box.Box.PutMany(objects)
// Get reads a single object.
// Returns nil (and no error) in case the object with the given ID doesn't exist.
func (box *{{$entity.Name}}Box) Get(id uint64) (*{{$entity.Name}}, error) {
object, err := box.Box.Get(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if object == nil {
return nil, nil
return object.(*{{$entity.Name}}), nil
// GetMany reads multiple objects at once.
// If any of the objects doesn't exist, its position in the return slice is {{if $.ByValue}}an empty object{{else}}nil{{end}}
func (box *{{$entity.Name}}Box) GetMany(ids ...uint64) ([]{{if not $.ByValue}}*{{end}}{{$entity.Name}}, error) {
objects, err := box.Box.GetMany(ids...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return objects.([]{{if not $.ByValue}}*{{end}}{{$entity.Name}}), nil
// GetManyExisting reads multiple objects at once, skipping those that do not exist.
func (box *{{$entity.Name}}Box) GetManyExisting(ids ...uint64) ([]{{if not $.ByValue}}*{{end}}{{$entity.Name}}, error) {
objects, err := box.Box.GetManyExisting(ids...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return objects.([]{{if not $.ByValue}}*{{end}}{{$entity.Name}}), nil
// GetAll reads all stored objects
func (box *{{$entity.Name}}Box) GetAll() ([]{{if not $.ByValue}}*{{end}}{{$entity.Name}}, error) {
objects, err := box.Box.GetAll()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return objects.([]{{if not $.ByValue}}*{{end}}{{$entity.Name}}), nil
{{- block "fetch-related" $entity}}
{{- range $field := .Meta.Fields}}
{{if .StandaloneRelation}}
{{- if .IsLazyLoaded -}}
// Fetch{{.Name}} reads target objects for relation {{.Entity.Name}}::{{.Name}}.
// It will "GetManyExisting()" all related {{.StandaloneRelation.Target.Name}} objects for each source object
// and set sourceObject.{{.Name}} to the slice of related objects, as currently stored in DB.
func (box *{{.Entity.Name}}Box) Fetch{{.Name}}(sourceObjects ...*{{.Entity.Name}}) error {
var slices = make([]{{.Type}}, len(sourceObjects))
err := box.ObjectBox.RunInReadTx(func() error {
// collect slices before setting the source objects' fields
// this keeps all the sourceObjects untouched in case there's an error during any of the requests
for k, object := range sourceObjects {
{{if .Entity.ModelEntity.IdProperty.Meta.Converter -}}
sourceId, err := {{.Entity.ModelEntity.IdProperty.Meta.Converter}}ToDatabaseValue(object.{{.Entity.ModelEntity.IdProperty.Meta.Path}})
if err != nil {
return err
{{end -}}
rIds, err := box.RelationIds({{.Entity.Name}}_.{{.Name}}, {{with .Entity.ModelEntity.IdProperty}} {{if .Meta.Converter}}sourceId{{else}}object.{{.Meta.Path}}{{end}}{{end}})
if err == nil {
slices[k], err = BoxFor{{.StandaloneRelation.Target.Name}}(box.ObjectBox).GetManyExisting(rIds...)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err == nil { // update the field on all objects if we got all slices
for k := range sourceObjects {
sourceObjects[k].{{.Name}} = slices[k]
return err
{{- else if not .Property}}{{/* recursively visit fields in embedded structs */}}{{template "fetch-related" $field}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}{{end}}
// Remove deletes a single object
func (box *{{$entity.Name}}Box) Remove(object *{{$entity.Name}}) error {
return box.Box.Remove(object)
// RemoveMany deletes multiple objects at once.
// Returns the number of deleted object or error on failure.
// Note that this method will not fail if an object is not found (e.g. already removed).
// In case you need to strictly check whether all of the objects exist before removing them,
// you can execute multiple box.Contains() and box.Remove() inside a single write transaction.
func (box *{{$entity.Name}}Box) RemoveMany(objects ...*{{$entity.Name}}) (uint64, error) {
var ids = make([]uint64, len(objects))
{{- if $entity.IdProperty.Meta.Converter}}
var err error{{end}}
for k, object := range objects {
{{if $entity.IdProperty.Meta.Converter -}}
ids[k], err = {{$entity.IdProperty.Meta.TplReadValue "object" ""}}
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.New("converter {{$entity.IdProperty.Meta.Converter}}ToDatabaseValue() failed on {{$entity.Name}}.{{$entity.IdProperty.Meta.Path}}: " + err.Error())
{{else -}}
ids[k] = {{with $entity.IdProperty -}}
{{- if not (eq .Meta.GoType "uint64")}} uint64( {{end -}}
{{- if not (eq .Meta.GoType "uint64")}} ) {{end -}}
{{- end}}
{{end -}}
return box.Box.RemoveIds(ids...)
// Creates a query with the given conditions. Use the fields of the {{$entity.Name}}_ struct to create conditions.
// Keep the *{{$entity.Name}}Query if you intend to execute the query multiple times.
// Note: this function panics if you try to create illegal queries; e.g. use properties of an alien type.
// This is typically a programming error. Use QueryOrError instead if you want the explicit error check.
func (box *{{$entity.Name}}Box) Query(conditions ...objectbox.Condition) *{{$entity.Name}}Query {
return &{{$entity.Name}}Query{
// Creates a query with the given conditions. Use the fields of the {{$entity.Name}}_ struct to create conditions.
// Keep the *{{$entity.Name}}Query if you intend to execute the query multiple times.
func (box *{{$entity.Name}}Box) QueryOrError(conditions ...objectbox.Condition) (*{{$entity.Name}}Query, error) {
if query, err := box.Box.QueryOrError(conditions...); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
return &{{$entity.Name}}Query{query}, nil
// Async provides access to the default Async Box for asynchronous operations. See {{$entity.Name}}AsyncBox for more information.
func (box *{{$entity.Name}}Box) Async() *{{$entity.Name}}AsyncBox {
return &{{$entity.Name}}AsyncBox{AsyncBox: box.Box.Async()}
// {{$entity.Name}}AsyncBox provides asynchronous operations on {{$entity.Name}} objects.
// Asynchronous operations are executed on a separate internal thread for better performance.
// There are two main use cases:
// 1) "execute & forget:" you gain faster put/remove operations as you don't have to wait for the transaction to finish.
// 2) Many small transactions: if your write load is typically a lot of individual puts that happen in parallel,
// this will merge small transactions into bigger ones. This results in a significant gain in overall throughput.
// In situations with (extremely) high async load, an async method may be throttled (~1ms) or delayed up to 1 second.
// In the unlikely event that the object could still not be enqueued (full queue), an error will be returned.
// Note that async methods do not give you hard durability guarantees like the synchronous Box provides.
// There is a small time window in which the data may not have been committed durably yet.
type {{$entity.Name}}AsyncBox struct {
// AsyncBoxFor{{$entity.Name}} creates a new async box with the given operation timeout in case an async queue is full.
// The returned struct must be freed explicitly using the Close() method.
// It's usually preferable to use {{$entity.Name}}Box::Async() which takes care of resource management and doesn't require closing.
func AsyncBoxFor{{$entity.Name}}(ob *objectbox.ObjectBox, timeoutMs uint64) *{{$entity.Name}}AsyncBox {
var async, err = objectbox.NewAsyncBox(ob, {{$entity.Id.GetId}}, timeoutMs)
if err != nil {
panic("Could not create async box for entity ID {{$entity.Id.GetId}}: %s" + err.Error())
return &{{$entity.Name}}AsyncBox{AsyncBox: async}
// Put inserts/updates a single object asynchronously.
// When inserting a new object, the {{$entity.IdProperty.Meta.Path}} property on the passed object will be assigned the new ID the entity would hold
// if the insert is ultimately successful. The newly assigned ID may not become valid if the insert fails.
func (asyncBox *{{$entity.Name}}AsyncBox) Put(object *{{$entity.Name}}) (uint64, error) {
return asyncBox.AsyncBox.Put(object)
// Insert a single object asynchronously.
// The {{$entity.IdProperty.Meta.Path}} property on the passed object will be assigned the new ID the entity would hold if the insert is ultimately
// successful. The newly assigned ID may not become valid if the insert fails.
// Fails silently if an object with the same ID already exists (this error is not returned).
func (asyncBox *{{$entity.Name}}AsyncBox) Insert(object *{{$entity.Name}}) (id uint64, err error) {
return asyncBox.AsyncBox.Insert(object)
// Update a single object asynchronously.
// The object must already exists or the update fails silently (without an error returned).
func (asyncBox *{{$entity.Name}}AsyncBox) Update(object *{{$entity.Name}}) error {
return asyncBox.AsyncBox.Update(object)
// Remove deletes a single object asynchronously.
func (asyncBox *{{$entity.Name}}AsyncBox) Remove(object *{{$entity.Name}}) error {
return asyncBox.AsyncBox.Remove(object)
// Query provides a way to search stored objects
// For example, you can find all {{$entity.Name}} which {{$entity.IdProperty.Meta.Name}} is either 42 or 47:
// box.Query({{$entity.Name}}_.{{$entity.IdProperty.Meta.Name}}.In(42, 47)).Find()
type {{$entity.Name}}Query struct {
// Find returns all objects matching the query
func (query *{{$entity.Name}}Query) Find() ([]{{if not $.ByValue}}*{{end}}{{$entity.Name}}, error) {
objects, err := query.Query.Find()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return objects.([]{{if not $.ByValue}}*{{end}}{{$entity.Name}}), nil
// Offset defines the index of the first object to process (how many objects to skip)
func (query *{{$entity.Name}}Query) Offset(offset uint64) *{{$entity.Name}}Query {
return query
// Limit sets the number of elements to process by the query
func (query *{{$entity.Name}}Query) Limit(limit uint64) *{{$entity.Name}}Query {
return query
{{end -}}`))
BindingTemplate is used to generated the binding code
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var ModelTemplate = template.Must(template.New("model").Parse(
`// Code generated by ObjectBox; DO NOT EDIT.
package {{.Package}}
import (
// ObjectBoxModel declares and builds the model from all the entities in the package.
// It is usually used when setting-up ObjectBox as an argument to the Builder.Model() function.
func ObjectBoxModel() *objectbox.Model {
model := objectbox.NewModel()
{{range $entity := .Model.Entities -}}
{{end -}}
model.LastEntityId({{.Model.LastEntityId.GetId}}, {{.Model.LastEntityId.GetUid}})
{{if .Model.LastIndexId}}model.LastIndexId({{.Model.LastIndexId.GetId}}, {{.Model.LastIndexId.GetUid}}){{end}}
{{if .Model.LastRelationId}}model.LastRelationId({{.Model.LastRelationId.GetId}}, {{.Model.LastRelationId.GetUid}}){{end}}
return model
ModelTemplate is used to generate the model initialization code
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