Index ¶
- func CalculatedAllowedSlots(semesterConfigSlots []*model.Slot, goSlots [][]int, isGO bool, ...) []*model.Slot
- func PrintGOSlots(semesterConfigSlots []*model.Slot, goSlots [][]int) error
- type BookedEntry
- type CsvExam
- type CsvExamEXaHM
- type Email
- type Event
- type ExportNtas
- type ExportPlannedRooms
- type GeneratedExamMailData
- type HandicapExam
- type HandicapStudent
- type HandicapsEmail
- type KnownConflict
- type NTAEmail
- type NTAEmailExamAndRoom
- type NTAEmailWithRooms
- type Planer
- type Plexams
- func (p *Plexams) AddAdditionalExam(ctx context.Context, exam model.AdditionalExamInput) (bool, error)deprecated
- func (p *Plexams) AddAncode(ctx context.Context, zpaAncode int, program string, primussAncode int) error
- func (p *Plexams) AddExamGroupToSlot(ctx context.Context, dayNumber int, timeNumber int, examGroupCode int) (bool, error)deprecated
- func (p *Plexams) AddExamToSlot(ctx context.Context, ancode int, dayNumber int, timeNumber int) (bool, error)
- func (p *Plexams) AddExternalExam(ctx context.Context, primussExam *model.PrimussExam, duration int) error
- func (p *Plexams) AddInvigilation(ctx context.Context, room string, day, slot, invigilatorID int) error
- func (p *Plexams) AddInvigilatorsToInvigilationTodos(ctx context.Context, todos *model.InvigilationTodos) error
- func (p *Plexams) AddMucDaiExam(ctx context.Context, zpaAncode int, mucdaiExam *model.MucDaiExam) (*model.ZPAExam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) AddNta(ctx context.Context, input model.NTAInput) (*model.NTA, error)
- func (p *Plexams) AddRoomToExam(ctx context.Context, input model.RoomForExamInput) (bool, error)
- func (p *Plexams) AddZpaExamToPlan(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (bool, error)
- func (p *Plexams) AdditionalExams(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.AdditionalExam, error)deprecated
- func (p *Plexams) AllProgramsInPlan(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error)
- func (p *Plexams) AllowedSlots(ctx context.Context, ancode int) ([]*model.Slot, error)
- func (p *Plexams) AncodesInPlan(ctx context.Context) ([]int, error)
- func (p *Plexams) AwkwardSlots(ctx context.Context, ancode int) ([]*model.Slot, error)
- func (p *Plexams) CacheExam(ancode int) error
- func (p *Plexams) CacheExams() error
- func (p *Plexams) CachedExam(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (*model.Exam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) CachedExams(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.Exam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) ChangeAncode(ctx context.Context, program string, ancode, newAncode int) (*model.PrimussExam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) ChangeAncodeInConflicts(ctx context.Context, program string, ancode, newAncode int) (*model.Conflicts, error)
- func (p *Plexams) ChangeAncodeInStudentRegs(ctx context.Context, program string, ancode, newAncode int) ([]*model.StudentReg, error)
- func (p *Plexams) ChangeRoom(ctx context.Context, ancode int, oldRoomName, newRoomName string) (bool, error)
- func (p *Plexams) ConflictingAncodes(ctx context.Context, ancode int) ([]*model.Conflict, error)
- func (p *Plexams) ConflictingGroupCodes(ctx context.Context, examGroupCode int) ([]*model.ExamGroupConflict, error)deprecated
- func (p *Plexams) ConnectExam(ancode int, program string) error
- func (p *Plexams) ConstraintForAncode(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (*model.Constraints, error)
- func (p *Plexams) Constraints(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.Constraints, error)
- func (p *Plexams) ConstraintsMap(ctx context.Context) (map[int]*model.Constraints, error)
- func (p *Plexams) ConstraintsPDF(ctx context.Context, outfile string) error
- func (p *Plexams) CsvForEXaHM(filename string) error
- func (p *Plexams) CsvForProgram(program, filename string) error
- func (p *Plexams) DraftExahmPDF(ctx context.Context, outfile string) error
- func (p *Plexams) DraftFS(ctx context.Context, outfile string) error
- func (p *Plexams) DraftFk08PDF(ctx context.Context, outfile string) error
- func (p *Plexams) DraftFk10PDF(ctx context.Context, outfile string) error
- func (p *Plexams) DraftLbaRep(ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *Plexams) DraftMucDaiPDF(ctx context.Context, outfile string) error
- func (p *Plexams) DraftSI(ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *Plexams) Exahm(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (bool, error)
- func (p *Plexams) ExahmRoomsFromBooked() ([]BookedEntry, error)
- func (p *Plexams) Exam(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (*model.Exam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) ExamGroup(ctx context.Context, examGroupCode int) (*model.ExamGroup, error)deprecated
- func (p *Plexams) ExamGroups(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.ExamGroup, error)
- func (p *Plexams) ExamGroupsWithoutSlot(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.ExamGroup, error)deprecated
- func (p *Plexams) ExamWithRegs(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (*model.ExamWithRegs, error)deprecated
- func (p *Plexams) ExamerInPlan(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.ExamerInPlan, error)
- func (p *Plexams) ExamsInPlan(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.ExamInPlan, error)
- func (p *Plexams) ExamsInSlot(ctx context.Context, day int, time int) ([]*model.ExamInPlan, error)deprecated
- func (p *Plexams) ExamsInSlotWithRooms(ctx context.Context, day int, time int) ([]*model.ExamWithRegsAndRooms, error)
- func (p *Plexams) ExamsWithRegs(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.ExamWithRegs, error)deprecated
- func (p *Plexams) ExamsWithoutSlot(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.PlannedExam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) ExcludeDays(ctx context.Context, ancode int, dayStrings []string) (bool, error)
- func (p *Plexams) ExportPlannedRooms(jsonfile string) error
- func (p *Plexams) ExternalExams(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.ExternalExam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GenerateExamsToPlanPDF(ctx context.Context, outfile string) error
- func (p *Plexams) GeneratePlan(ctx context.Context) errordeprecated
- func (p *Plexams) GeneratedExam(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (*model.GeneratedExam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GeneratedExams(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.GeneratedExam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GeneratedExamsForExamer(ctx context.Context, examerID int) ([]*model.GeneratedExam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetAllSemesterNames(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.Semester, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetConflicts(ctx context.Context, exam *model.PrimussExam) (*model.Conflicts, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetConnectedExam(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (*model.ConnectedExam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetConnectedExams(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.ConnectedExam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetExamGroupForAncode(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (*model.ExamGroup, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetExamsForStudent(name string) errordeprecated
- func (p *Plexams) GetExamsInSlot(ctx context.Context, day int, time int) ([]*model.PlannedExam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetFk07programs(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.FK07Program, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetGoSlots() [][]int
- func (p *Plexams) GetInvigilationTodos(ctx context.Context) (*model.InvigilationTodos, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetInvigilator(ctx context.Context, invigilatorID int) (*model.Invigilator, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetInvigilatorInSlot(ctx context.Context, roomname string, day, time int) (*model.Teacher, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetInvigilators(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.ZPAInvigilator, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetPrimussExam(ctx context.Context, program string, ancode int) (*model.PrimussExam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetPrimussExamsForAncode(ctx context.Context, ancode int) ([]*model.PrimussExam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetReservations() (map[string][]TimeRange, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetRoomInfo(roomName string) *model.Room
- func (p *Plexams) GetRoomsForNTA(name string) error
- func (p *Plexams) GetRoomsForNTAOld(name string) error
- func (p *Plexams) GetSemester(ctx context.Context) *model.Semester
- func (p *Plexams) GetSemesterConfig() *model.SemesterConfig
- func (p *Plexams) GetStarttime(dayNumber, slotNumber int) (*time.Time, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetStudentRegs(ctx context.Context, exam *model.PrimussExam) ([]*model.StudentReg, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetStudentRegsForAncode(ancode int) (*model.StudentRegsForAncode, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetStudentRegsPerAncodePlanned(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.StudentRegsPerAncode, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetStudents(ctx context.Context, mtknr string) ([]*model.ZPAStudent, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetSupervisorRequirements(ctx context.Context) ([]*zpa.SupervisorRequirements, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetTeacher(ctx context.Context, id int) (*model.Teacher, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetTeachers(ctx context.Context, fromZpa *bool) ([]*model.Teacher, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetWorkflow(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.Step, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetZPAExam(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (*model.ZPAExam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetZPAExams(ctx context.Context, fromZpa *bool) ([]*model.ZPAExam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetZPAExamsGroupedByType(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.ZPAExamsForType, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetZpaAnCodes(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.AnCode, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetZpaAnCodesToPlan(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.AnCode, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetZpaExamByAncode(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (*model.ZPAExam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetZpaExamsNotToPlan(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.ZPAExam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) GetZpaExamsToPlan(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.ZPAExam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) InvigilationTodos(ctx context.Context) (*model.InvigilationTodos, error)deprecated
- func (p *Plexams) InvigilatorsForDay(ctx context.Context, day int) (*model.InvigilatorsForDay, error)
- func (p *Plexams) InvigilatorsWithReq(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.Invigilator, error)
- func (p *Plexams) Lab(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (bool, error)
- func (p *Plexams) LockExam(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (*model.PlanEntry, *model.GeneratedExam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) LockPlan(ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *Plexams) Log(ctx context.Context, subj, msg string) error
- func (p *Plexams) MakeSelfInvigilations(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.Invigilation, error)
- func (p *Plexams) MucDaiExam(ctx context.Context, program string, ancode int) (*model.MucDaiExam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) MucDaiExamsForProgram(ctx context.Context, program string) ([]*model.MucDaiExam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) MucdaiExams(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.MucDaiExam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) NextDeadline(ctx context.Context) (*model.Step, error)
- func (p *Plexams) NotPlannedByMe(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (bool, error)
- func (p *Plexams) Nta(ctx context.Context, mtknr string) (*model.NTAWithRegs, error)deprecated
- func (p *Plexams) NtaByMtknr(ctx context.Context, mtknr string) (*model.NTA, error)
- func (p *Plexams) Ntas(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.NTA, error)
- func (p *Plexams) NtasWithRegs(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.Student, error)
- func (p *Plexams) NtasWithRegsByTeacher(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.NTAWithRegsByExamAndTeacher, error)deprecated
- func (p *Plexams) Online(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (bool, error)
- func (p *Plexams) PartitionGroups() error
- func (p *Plexams) PlacesWithSockets(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (bool, error)
- func (p *Plexams) PlanEntries(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.PlanEntry, error)
- func (p *Plexams) PlannedExam(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (*model.PlannedExam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) PlannedExams(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.PlannedExam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) PlannedExamsByExamer(ctx context.Context, examerID int) ([]*model.PlannedExam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) PlannedExamsForProgram(ctx context.Context, program string, onlyPlannedByMe bool) ([]*model.PlannedExam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) PlannedRoomForStudent(ctx context.Context, ancode int, mtknr string) (*model.PlannedRoom, error)
- func (p *Plexams) PlannedRoomNames(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error)
- func (p *Plexams) PlannedRoomNamesInSlot(ctx context.Context, day int, time int) ([]string, error)
- func (p *Plexams) PlannedRooms(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.PlannedRoom, error)
- func (p *Plexams) PlannedRoomsInSlot(ctx context.Context, day int, time int) ([]*model.PlannedRoom, error)
- func (p *Plexams) PossibleDays(ctx context.Context, ancode int, dayStrings []string) (bool, error)
- func (p *Plexams) PostStudentRegsToZPA(ctx context.Context, jsonOutputFile string) ([]*model.ZPAStudentReg, []*model.RegWithError, error)
- func (p *Plexams) PrepareConnectedExam(ancode int) error
- func (p *Plexams) PrepareConnectedExams() error
- func (p *Plexams) PrepareExamGroup(ancodesToGroup []int) error
- func (p *Plexams) PrepareExamGroups() errordeprecated
- func (p *Plexams) PrepareExamsWithRegs() errordeprecated
- func (p *Plexams) PrepareGeneratedExams() error
- func (p *Plexams) PrepareInvigilationTodos(ctx context.Context) (*model.InvigilationTodos, error)
- func (p *Plexams) PrepareNta() errordeprecated
- func (p *Plexams) PreparePlannedExams() error
- func (p *Plexams) PrepareRoomForExams() error
- func (p *Plexams) PrepareRoomForExamsOld() error
- func (p *Plexams) PrepareRoomsForSemester(approvedOnly bool) error
- func (p *Plexams) PrepareSelfInvigilation() error
- func (p *Plexams) PrepareStudentRegs() error
- func (p *Plexams) PrimussExamExists(ctx context.Context, program string, ancode int) (bool, error)
- func (p *Plexams) PrimussExams(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.PrimussExamByProgram, error)
- func (p *Plexams) PrintInfo()
- func (p *Plexams) PrintSameName()
- func (p *Plexams) PrintSemesterConfig()
- func (p *Plexams) PrintStatistics() error
- func (p *Plexams) PrintStudentInfo(name string, long, zpa bool) error
- func (p *Plexams) PrintWorkflow()
- func (p *Plexams) ReadMucdaiICS(filename string) error
- func (p *Plexams) RemovePrimussExam(ctx context.Context, input *model.PrimussExamInput) (bool, error)
- func (p *Plexams) RemoveStudentReg(ctx context.Context, program string, ancode int, mtknr string) (int, error)
- func (p *Plexams) RemoveUnlockedExamGroupsFromPlan(ctx context.Context) (int, error)
- func (p *Plexams) RequestRooms() error
- func (p *Plexams) RmCacheExams() error
- func (p *Plexams) RmExamGroupFromSlot(ctx context.Context, examGroupCode int) (bool, error)
- func (p *Plexams) RmZpaExamFromPlan(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (bool, error)
- func (p *Plexams) Room(ctx context.Context, roomForExam *model.RoomForExam) (*model.Room, error)
- func (p *Plexams) RoomFromName(ctx context.Context, roomName string) (*model.Room, error)
- func (p *Plexams) Rooms(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.Room, error)
- func (p *Plexams) RoomsForNTAsWithRoomAlone() error
- func (p *Plexams) RoomsForNTAsWithRoomAloneOld() error
- func (p *Plexams) RoomsForSlot(ctx context.Context, day int, time int) (*model.SlotWithRooms, error)
- func (p *Plexams) RoomsWithInvigilationsForSlot(ctx context.Context, day int, time int) (*model.InvigilationSlot, error)
- func (p *Plexams) SafeExamBrowser(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (bool, error)
- func (p *Plexams) SameModulNames(ctx context.Context, outfile string) error
- func (p *Plexams) SameSlot(ctx context.Context, ancodeInput int, ancodesInput []int) (bool, error)
- func (p *Plexams) SendEmailConstraints(ctx context.Context, run bool) error
- func (p *Plexams) SendGeneratedExamMail(ctx context.Context, ancode int, run bool) error
- func (p *Plexams) SendGeneratedExamMails(ctx context.Context, run bool) error
- func (p *Plexams) SendHandicapsMailToMainExamer(ctx context.Context, to []string, handicapsEmail *HandicapsEmail) errordeprecated
- func (p *Plexams) SendHandicapsMailToStudentPlanned(ctx context.Context, to []string, cc []string, ...) error
- func (p *Plexams) SendHandicapsMailToStudentRoomAlone(ctx context.Context, to []string, cc []string, handicapsEmail *NTAEmail) error
- func (p *Plexams) SendHandicapsMails(ctx context.Context, run bool) errordeprecated
- func (p *Plexams) SendHandicapsMailsNTAPlanned(ctx context.Context, run bool) error
- func (p *Plexams) SendHandicapsMailsNTARoomAlone(ctx context.Context, run bool) error
- func (p *Plexams) SendTestMail() error
- func (p *Plexams) SetSemester(ctx context.Context, s string) (*model.Semester, error)
- func (p *Plexams) SetZPA() error
- func (p *Plexams) SlotForAncode(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (*model.Slot, error)
- func (p *Plexams) SlotForExamGroup(ctx context.Context, examGroupCode int) (*model.Slot, error)deprecated
- func (p *Plexams) SlotsWithRoomsFromBookedEntries(bookedEntries []BookedEntry) (map[SlotNumber][]*model.Room, error)
- func (p *Plexams) StudentByMtknr(ctx context.Context, mtknr string, ntas map[string]*model.NTA) (*model.Student, error)
- func (p *Plexams) StudentRegsForProgram(ctx context.Context, program string) ([]*model.StudentReg, error)
- func (p *Plexams) StudentRegsImportErrors(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.RegWithError, error)
- func (p *Plexams) StudentRegsPerStudentPlanned(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.Student, error)
- func (p *Plexams) Students(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.Student, error)
- func (p *Plexams) StudentsByName(ctx context.Context, regex string) ([]*model.Student, error)
- func (p *Plexams) StudentsFromStudentRegs(ctx context.Context, studentRegs []*model.StudentRegsPerAncodeAndProgram) (regularStuds, ntaStuds []*model.Student, err error)
- func (p *Plexams) UnlockExam(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (*model.PlanEntry, *model.GeneratedExam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) UploadPlan(ctx context.Context, withRooms, withInvigilators, upload bool) ([]*model.ZPAExamPlan, error)
- func (p *Plexams) ValidateConflicts(onlyPlannedByMe bool, ancode int) error
- func (p *Plexams) ValidateConstraints() error
- func (p *Plexams) ValidateDB() error
- func (p *Plexams) ValidateInvigilationDups() error
- func (p *Plexams) ValidateInvigilationsTimeDistance() error
- func (p *Plexams) ValidateInvigilatorRequirements() error
- func (p *Plexams) ValidateInvigilatorSlots() error
- func (p *Plexams) ValidateRoomsNeedRequest() error
- func (p *Plexams) ValidateRoomsPerExam() error
- func (p *Plexams) ValidateRoomsPerSlot() error
- func (p *Plexams) ValidateRoomsTimeDistance() error
- func (p *Plexams) ValidateZPADateTimes() error
- func (p *Plexams) ValidateZPAInvigilators() error
- func (p *Plexams) ValidateZPARooms() error
- func (p *Plexams) ZpaExamsPlaningStatusUnknown(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.ZPAExam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) ZpaExamsToPlan(ctx context.Context, input []int) ([]*model.ZPAExam, error)
- func (p *Plexams) ZpaExamsToPlanWithConstraints(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.ZPAExamWithConstraints, error)
- type PrepareRoomsCfg
- type PrimussAncode
- type Slot
- type SlotNumber
- type TimeRange
- type ZPA
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func CalculatedAllowedSlots ¶
Types ¶
type BookedEntry ¶
type CsvExamEXaHM ¶
type ExportNtas ¶ added in v1.15.0
type ExportPlannedRooms ¶ added in v1.15.0
type ExportPlannedRooms struct { MainExamer string `json:"mainExamer"` MainExamerID int `json:"mainExamerID"` Module string `json:"module"` Room string `json:"room"` Date string `json:"date"` Starttime string `json:"starttime"` NumberOfStudents int `json:"numberOfStudents"` Duration int `json:"duration"` MaxDuration int `json:"maxDuration"` Invigilator string `json:"invigilator"` Ntas []ExportNtas `json:"ntas"` }
type GeneratedExamMailData ¶
type HandicapExam ¶
type HandicapExam struct { AnCode int Module string TypeExamFull string HandicapStudents []*HandicapStudent }
type HandicapStudent ¶
type HandicapsEmail ¶
type HandicapsEmail struct { MainExamer string Exams []*HandicapExam PlanerName string }
type KnownConflict ¶
type KnownConflict struct {
Mtknr, Ancode1, Ancode2 string
type NTAEmail ¶
type NTAEmail struct { NTA *model.Student Exams []*model.PlannedExam PlanerName string }
type NTAEmailExamAndRoom ¶ added in v1.11.0
type NTAEmailExamAndRoom struct { Exam *model.PlannedExam Room *model.PlannedRoom Invigilator *model.Teacher }
type NTAEmailWithRooms ¶ added in v1.11.0
type NTAEmailWithRooms struct { NTA *model.Student ExamsWithRoom []NTAEmailExamAndRoom PlanerName string }
type Plexams ¶
type Plexams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPlexams ¶
func (*Plexams) AddAdditionalExam
func (*Plexams) AddExamToSlot ¶
func (*Plexams) AddExternalExam ¶
func (*Plexams) AddInvigilation ¶
func (*Plexams) AddInvigilatorsToInvigilationTodos ¶
func (*Plexams) AddMucDaiExam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (*Plexams) AddRoomToExam ¶
func (*Plexams) AddZpaExamToPlan ¶
func (*Plexams) AdditionalExams
func (*Plexams) AllProgramsInPlan ¶
func (*Plexams) AllowedSlots ¶
func (*Plexams) AwkwardSlots ¶
func (*Plexams) CacheExams ¶
func (*Plexams) CachedExam ¶
func (*Plexams) CachedExams ¶
func (*Plexams) ChangeAncode ¶
func (*Plexams) ChangeAncodeInConflicts ¶
func (*Plexams) ChangeAncodeInStudentRegs ¶
func (*Plexams) ChangeRoom ¶
func (*Plexams) ConflictingAncodes ¶
func (*Plexams) ConflictingGroupCodes
func (*Plexams) ConnectExam ¶
TODO: check if there are Exams with same Ancode in other programs
func (*Plexams) ConstraintForAncode ¶
func (*Plexams) Constraints ¶
func (*Plexams) ConstraintsMap ¶
func (*Plexams) ConstraintsPDF ¶
func (*Plexams) CsvForEXaHM ¶
func (*Plexams) CsvForProgram ¶
func (*Plexams) DraftExahmPDF ¶
func (*Plexams) DraftFk08PDF ¶
func (*Plexams) DraftFk10PDF ¶
func (*Plexams) DraftMucDaiPDF ¶
func (*Plexams) ExahmRoomsFromBooked ¶
func (p *Plexams) ExahmRoomsFromBooked() ([]BookedEntry, error)
func (*Plexams) ExamGroups ¶
FIXME: Remove me
func (*Plexams) ExamWithRegs
func (*Plexams) ExamerInPlan ¶
func (*Plexams) ExamsInPlan ¶
func (*Plexams) ExamsInSlot
func (*Plexams) ExamsInSlotWithRooms ¶
func (p *Plexams) ExamsInSlotWithRooms(ctx context.Context, day int, time int) ([]*model.ExamWithRegsAndRooms, error)
TODO: rewrite me or delete me
func (*Plexams) ExamsWithRegs
func (*Plexams) ExamsWithoutSlot ¶
func (*Plexams) ExcludeDays ¶
func (*Plexams) ExportPlannedRooms ¶ added in v1.15.0
func (*Plexams) ExternalExams ¶
func (*Plexams) GenerateExamsToPlanPDF ¶
func (*Plexams) GeneratePlan
func (*Plexams) GeneratedExam ¶
func (*Plexams) GeneratedExams ¶
func (*Plexams) GeneratedExamsForExamer ¶
func (*Plexams) GetAllSemesterNames ¶
func (*Plexams) GetConflicts ¶
func (*Plexams) GetConnectedExam ¶
func (*Plexams) GetConnectedExams ¶
func (*Plexams) GetExamGroupForAncode ¶
func (*Plexams) GetExamsForStudent
func (*Plexams) GetExamsInSlot ¶
func (*Plexams) GetFk07programs ¶
func (*Plexams) GetGoSlots ¶
func (*Plexams) GetInvigilationTodos ¶
func (*Plexams) GetInvigilator ¶
func (*Plexams) GetInvigilatorInSlot ¶
func (*Plexams) GetInvigilators ¶
func (*Plexams) GetPrimussExam ¶
func (*Plexams) GetPrimussExamsForAncode ¶
func (*Plexams) GetReservations ¶
func (*Plexams) GetRoomsForNTA ¶
FIXME: rewrite me
func (*Plexams) GetRoomsForNTAOld ¶
FIXME: rewrite me
func (*Plexams) GetSemesterConfig ¶
func (p *Plexams) GetSemesterConfig() *model.SemesterConfig
func (*Plexams) GetStarttime ¶
func (*Plexams) GetStudentRegs ¶
func (p *Plexams) GetStudentRegs(ctx context.Context, exam *model.PrimussExam) ([]*model.StudentReg, error)
func (*Plexams) GetStudentRegsForAncode ¶
func (p *Plexams) GetStudentRegsForAncode(ancode int) (*model.StudentRegsForAncode, error)
func (*Plexams) GetStudentRegsPerAncodePlanned ¶
func (*Plexams) GetStudents ¶
func (*Plexams) GetSupervisorRequirements ¶
func (*Plexams) GetTeacher ¶
func (*Plexams) GetTeachers ¶
func (*Plexams) GetWorkflow ¶
func (*Plexams) GetZPAExam ¶
func (*Plexams) GetZPAExams ¶
func (*Plexams) GetZPAExamsGroupedByType ¶
func (*Plexams) GetZpaAnCodes ¶
func (*Plexams) GetZpaAnCodesToPlan ¶
func (*Plexams) GetZpaExamByAncode ¶
func (*Plexams) GetZpaExamsNotToPlan ¶
func (*Plexams) GetZpaExamsToPlan ¶
func (*Plexams) InvigilationTodos
func (*Plexams) InvigilatorsForDay ¶
func (*Plexams) InvigilatorsWithReq ¶
func (*Plexams) MakeSelfInvigilations ¶
func (*Plexams) MucDaiExam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (*Plexams) MucDaiExamsForProgram ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (*Plexams) MucdaiExams ¶
func (*Plexams) NextDeadline ¶
func (*Plexams) NotPlannedByMe ¶
func (*Plexams) NtaByMtknr ¶
func (*Plexams) NtasWithRegs ¶
func (*Plexams) NtasWithRegsByTeacher
func (*Plexams) PartitionGroups ¶
func (*Plexams) PlacesWithSockets ¶
func (*Plexams) PlanEntries ¶
func (*Plexams) PlannedExam ¶
func (*Plexams) PlannedExams ¶
func (*Plexams) PlannedExamsByExamer ¶
func (*Plexams) PlannedExamsForProgram ¶
func (*Plexams) PlannedRoomForStudent ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (*Plexams) PlannedRoomNames ¶
func (*Plexams) PlannedRoomNamesInSlot ¶
func (*Plexams) PlannedRooms ¶
func (*Plexams) PlannedRoomsInSlot ¶
func (*Plexams) PossibleDays ¶
func (*Plexams) PostStudentRegsToZPA ¶
func (p *Plexams) PostStudentRegsToZPA(ctx context.Context, jsonOutputFile string) ([]*model.ZPAStudentReg, []*model.RegWithError, error)
func (*Plexams) PrepareConnectedExam ¶
func (*Plexams) PrepareConnectedExams ¶
func (*Plexams) PrepareExamGroup ¶
func (*Plexams) PrepareExamGroups
func (*Plexams) PrepareExamsWithRegs
func (*Plexams) PrepareGeneratedExams ¶
func (*Plexams) PrepareInvigilationTodos ¶
func (*Plexams) PrepareNta
func (*Plexams) PreparePlannedExams ¶
func (*Plexams) PrepareRoomForExams ¶
func (*Plexams) PrepareRoomForExamsOld ¶
TODO: rewrite me.
func (*Plexams) PrepareRoomsForSemester ¶
func (*Plexams) PrepareSelfInvigilation ¶
func (*Plexams) PrepareStudentRegs ¶
func (*Plexams) PrimussExamExists ¶
func (*Plexams) PrimussExams ¶
func (*Plexams) PrintSameName ¶
func (p *Plexams) PrintSameName()
func (*Plexams) PrintSemesterConfig ¶ added in v1.12.0
func (p *Plexams) PrintSemesterConfig()
func (*Plexams) PrintStatistics ¶
func (*Plexams) PrintStudentInfo ¶ added in v1.14.0
func (*Plexams) PrintWorkflow ¶
func (p *Plexams) PrintWorkflow()
func (*Plexams) ReadMucdaiICS ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (*Plexams) RemovePrimussExam ¶
func (*Plexams) RemoveStudentReg ¶
func (*Plexams) RemoveUnlockedExamGroupsFromPlan ¶
func (*Plexams) RequestRooms ¶
func (*Plexams) RmCacheExams ¶
func (*Plexams) RmExamGroupFromSlot ¶
func (*Plexams) RmZpaExamFromPlan ¶
func (*Plexams) RoomFromName ¶
func (*Plexams) RoomsForNTAsWithRoomAlone ¶
func (*Plexams) RoomsForNTAsWithRoomAloneOld ¶
func (*Plexams) RoomsForSlot ¶
func (*Plexams) RoomsWithInvigilationsForSlot ¶
func (p *Plexams) RoomsWithInvigilationsForSlot(ctx context.Context, day int, time int) (*model.InvigilationSlot, error)
TODO: rewrite me
func (*Plexams) SafeExamBrowser ¶
func (*Plexams) SameModulNames ¶
func (*Plexams) SendEmailConstraints ¶ added in v1.12.0
func (*Plexams) SendGeneratedExamMail ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (*Plexams) SendGeneratedExamMails ¶
func (*Plexams) SendHandicapsMailToMainExamer
func (*Plexams) SendHandicapsMailToStudentPlanned ¶ added in v1.11.0
func (*Plexams) SendHandicapsMailToStudentRoomAlone ¶ added in v1.11.0
func (*Plexams) SendHandicapsMailsNTAPlanned ¶ added in v1.11.0
func (*Plexams) SendHandicapsMailsNTARoomAlone ¶
func (*Plexams) SendTestMail ¶
func (*Plexams) SetSemester ¶
func (*Plexams) SlotForAncode ¶
func (*Plexams) SlotsWithRoomsFromBookedEntries ¶
func (p *Plexams) SlotsWithRoomsFromBookedEntries(bookedEntries []BookedEntry) (map[SlotNumber][]*model.Room, error)
func (*Plexams) StudentByMtknr ¶
func (*Plexams) StudentRegsForProgram ¶
func (*Plexams) StudentRegsImportErrors ¶
func (*Plexams) StudentRegsPerStudentPlanned ¶
func (*Plexams) StudentsByName ¶
func (*Plexams) StudentsFromStudentRegs ¶
func (*Plexams) UnlockExam ¶
func (*Plexams) UploadPlan ¶
func (*Plexams) ValidateConflicts ¶
func (*Plexams) ValidateConstraints ¶
func (*Plexams) ValidateDB ¶
TODO: all planned_rooms okay? especially after moving an exam? check room -> slot -> ancode sameslot?
func (*Plexams) ValidateInvigilationDups ¶
func (*Plexams) ValidateInvigilationsTimeDistance ¶
func (*Plexams) ValidateInvigilatorRequirements ¶
func (*Plexams) ValidateInvigilatorSlots ¶
TODO: NTA- und Reserve-Aufsicht (wenn NTA) nicht im folgenden Slot einteilen!
func (*Plexams) ValidateRoomsNeedRequest ¶
func (*Plexams) ValidateRoomsPerExam ¶
func (*Plexams) ValidateRoomsPerSlot ¶
func (*Plexams) ValidateRoomsTimeDistance ¶
func (*Plexams) ValidateZPADateTimes ¶
func (*Plexams) ValidateZPAInvigilators ¶
func (*Plexams) ValidateZPARooms ¶
func (*Plexams) ZpaExamsPlaningStatusUnknown ¶
func (*Plexams) ZpaExamsToPlan ¶
func (*Plexams) ZpaExamsToPlanWithConstraints ¶
type PrepareRoomsCfg ¶
type PrepareRoomsCfg struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type PrimussAncode ¶
type SlotNumber ¶
type SlotNumber struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Source Files
- constraints.go
- csv.go
- email.go
- email_constraints.go
- exam.go
- exam_cache.go
- export.go
- external_exam.go
- generate.go
- generatedExams.go
- group_partition.go
- ics.go
- invigilation.go
- invigilators.go
- mucdai.go
- nta.go
- pdf.go
- pdfDraft.go
- pdfDraftFS.go
- pdfDraftSI.go
- plan.go
- plan_examgroups.go
- plannedExams.go
- plexams.go
- prepare.go
- prepare_groups.go
- primuss.go
- primuss_fixData.go
- request_rooms.go
- rooms.go
- roomsPrepare.go
- roomsPrepareOld.go
- samename.go
- slots.go
- statistics.go
- student.go
- studentRegs.go
- validate.go
- validate_db.go
- validate_invigilation.go
- validate_rooms.go
- validate_zpa.go
- workflow.go
- zpa.go
- zpa_get.go
- zpa_post.go
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