
v1.12.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Jan 14, 2025 License: BSD-3-Clause Imports: 13 Imported by: 0




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func NewExecutableSchema

func NewExecutableSchema(cfg Config) graphql.ExecutableSchema

NewExecutableSchema creates an ExecutableSchema from the ResolverRoot interface.


type ComplexityRoot

type ComplexityRoot struct {
	AdditionalExam struct {
		Ancode         func(childComplexity int) int
		Duration       func(childComplexity int) int
		Groups         func(childComplexity int) int
		IsRepeaterExam func(childComplexity int) int
		MainExamer     func(childComplexity int) int
		MainExamerID   func(childComplexity int) int
		Module         func(childComplexity int) int

	AnCode struct {
		Ancode func(childComplexity int) int

	Conflict struct {
		AnCode        func(childComplexity int) int
		NumberOfStuds func(childComplexity int) int

	ConflictPerProgram struct {
		Conflicts func(childComplexity int) int
		Program   func(childComplexity int) int

	Conflicts struct {
		AnCode     func(childComplexity int) int
		Conflicts  func(childComplexity int) int
		MainExamer func(childComplexity int) int
		Module     func(childComplexity int) int

	ConflictsPerProgramAncode struct {
		Ancode    func(childComplexity int) int
		Conflicts func(childComplexity int) int
		Program   func(childComplexity int) int

	ConnectedExam struct {
		Errors            func(childComplexity int) int
		OtherPrimussExams func(childComplexity int) int
		PrimussExams      func(childComplexity int) int
		ZpaExam           func(childComplexity int) int

	Constraints struct {
		Ancode          func(childComplexity int) int
		ExcludeDays     func(childComplexity int) int
		FixedDay        func(childComplexity int) int
		FixedTime       func(childComplexity int) int
		NotPlannedByMe  func(childComplexity int) int
		Online          func(childComplexity int) int
		PossibleDays    func(childComplexity int) int
		RoomConstraints func(childComplexity int) int
		SameSlot        func(childComplexity int) int

	Emails struct {
		Fs    func(childComplexity int) int
		Lbas  func(childComplexity int) int
		Profs func(childComplexity int) int

	EnhancedPrimussExam struct {
		Conflicts   func(childComplexity int) int
		Exam        func(childComplexity int) int
		Ntas        func(childComplexity int) int
		StudentRegs func(childComplexity int) int

	Exam struct {
		Ancode          func(childComplexity int) int
		Conflicts       func(childComplexity int) int
		ConnectErrors   func(childComplexity int) int
		Constraints     func(childComplexity int) int
		ExternalExam    func(childComplexity int) int
		NtaStudents     func(childComplexity int) int
		PrimussExams    func(childComplexity int) int
		RegularStudents func(childComplexity int) int
		Rooms           func(childComplexity int) int
		Slot            func(childComplexity int) int
		StudentRegs     func(childComplexity int) int
		ZpaExam         func(childComplexity int) int

	ExamDay struct {
		Date   func(childComplexity int) int
		Number func(childComplexity int) int

	ExamGroup struct {
		ExamGroupCode func(childComplexity int) int
		ExamGroupInfo func(childComplexity int) int
		Exams         func(childComplexity int) int

	ExamGroupConflict struct {
		Count         func(childComplexity int) int
		ExamGroupCode func(childComplexity int) int

	ExamGroupInfo struct {
		Conflicts      func(childComplexity int) int
		ExcludeDays    func(childComplexity int) int
		FixedDay       func(childComplexity int) int
		FixedSlot      func(childComplexity int) int
		MaxDuration    func(childComplexity int) int
		MaxDurationNta func(childComplexity int) int
		NotPlannedByMe func(childComplexity int) int
		PossibleDays   func(childComplexity int) int
		PossibleSlots  func(childComplexity int) int
		Programs       func(childComplexity int) int
		StudentRegs    func(childComplexity int) int

	ExamInPlan struct {
		Constraints func(childComplexity int) int
		Exam        func(childComplexity int) int
		Nta         func(childComplexity int) int
		Slot        func(childComplexity int) int

	ExamToPlan struct {
		Constraints func(childComplexity int) int
		Exam        func(childComplexity int) int

	ExamWithRegs struct {
		Ancode        func(childComplexity int) int
		Conflicts     func(childComplexity int) int
		ConnectErrors func(childComplexity int) int
		PrimussExams  func(childComplexity int) int
		StudentRegs   func(childComplexity int) int
		ZpaExam       func(childComplexity int) int

	ExamWithRegsAndRooms struct {
		Exam            func(childComplexity int) int
		NormalRegsMtknr func(childComplexity int) int
		Ntas            func(childComplexity int) int
		Rooms           func(childComplexity int) int

	ExamerInPlan struct {
		MainExamer   func(childComplexity int) int
		MainExamerID func(childComplexity int) int

	ExternalExam struct {
		Ancode     func(childComplexity int) int
		Duration   func(childComplexity int) int
		MainExamer func(childComplexity int) int
		Module     func(childComplexity int) int
		Program    func(childComplexity int) int

	FK07Program struct {
		Name func(childComplexity int) int

	GeneratedExam struct {
		Ancode           func(childComplexity int) int
		Conflicts        func(childComplexity int) int
		Constraints      func(childComplexity int) int
		MainExamer       func(childComplexity int) int
		MaxDuration      func(childComplexity int) int
		Ntas             func(childComplexity int) int
		PrimussExams     func(childComplexity int) int
		StudentRegsCount func(childComplexity int) int
		ZpaExam          func(childComplexity int) int

	Invigilation struct {
		Duration           func(childComplexity int) int
		InvigilatorID      func(childComplexity int) int
		IsReserve          func(childComplexity int) int
		IsSelfInvigilation func(childComplexity int) int
		RoomName           func(childComplexity int) int
		Slot               func(childComplexity int) int

	InvigilationSlot struct {
		Reserve               func(childComplexity int) int
		RoomsWithInvigilators func(childComplexity int) int

	InvigilationTodos struct {
		InvigilatorCount                    func(childComplexity int) int
		Invigilators                        func(childComplexity int) int
		SumExamRooms                        func(childComplexity int) int
		SumOtherContributions               func(childComplexity int) int
		SumOtherContributionsOvertimeCutted func(childComplexity int) int
		SumReserve                          func(childComplexity int) int
		TodoPerInvigilator                  func(childComplexity int) int
		TodoPerInvigilatorOvertimeCutted    func(childComplexity int) int

	Invigilator struct {
		Requirements func(childComplexity int) int
		Teacher      func(childComplexity int) int
		Todos        func(childComplexity int) int

	InvigilatorRequirements struct {
		AllContributions       func(childComplexity int) int
		ExamDateTimes          func(childComplexity int) int
		ExamDays               func(childComplexity int) int
		ExcludedDates          func(childComplexity int) int
		ExcludedDays           func(childComplexity int) int
		Factor                 func(childComplexity int) int
		FreeSemester           func(childComplexity int) int
		LiveCodingContribution func(childComplexity int) int
		MasterContribution     func(childComplexity int) int
		OnlyInSlots            func(childComplexity int) int
		OralExamsContribution  func(childComplexity int) int
		OvertimeLastSemester   func(childComplexity int) int
		OvertimeThisSemester   func(childComplexity int) int
		PartTime               func(childComplexity int) int

	InvigilatorTodos struct {
		DoingMinutes     func(childComplexity int) int
		Enough           func(childComplexity int) int
		InvigilationDays func(childComplexity int) int
		Invigilations    func(childComplexity int) int
		TotalMinutes     func(childComplexity int) int

	InvigilatorsForDay struct {
		Can  func(childComplexity int) int
		Want func(childComplexity int) int

	MucDaiExam struct {
		Duration       func(childComplexity int) int
		ExamType       func(childComplexity int) int
		IsRepeaterExam func(childComplexity int) int
		MainExamer     func(childComplexity int) int
		MainExamerID   func(childComplexity int) int
		Module         func(childComplexity int) int
		PlannedBy      func(childComplexity int) int
		PrimussAncode  func(childComplexity int) int
		Program        func(childComplexity int) int

	Mutation struct {
		AddAdditionalExam   func(childComplexity int, exam model.AdditionalExamInput) int
		AddExamGroupToSlot  func(childComplexity int, day int, time int, examGroupCode int) int
		AddExamToSlot       func(childComplexity int, day int, time int, ancode int) int
		AddNta              func(childComplexity int, input model.NTAInput) int
		AddRoomToExam       func(childComplexity int, input model.RoomForExamInput) int
		AddZpaExamToPlan    func(childComplexity int, ancode int) int
		Exahm               func(childComplexity int, ancode int) int
		ExcludeDays         func(childComplexity int, ancode int, days []string) int
		Lab                 func(childComplexity int, ancode int) int
		NotPlannedByMe      func(childComplexity int, ancode int) int
		Online              func(childComplexity int, ancode int) int
		PlacesWithSockets   func(childComplexity int, ancode int) int
		PossibleDays        func(childComplexity int, ancode int, days []string) int
		RemovePrimussExam   func(childComplexity int, input *model.PrimussExamInput) int
		RmExamFromSlot      func(childComplexity int, ancode int) int
		RmExamGroupFromSlot func(childComplexity int, examGroupCode int) int
		RmZpaExamFromPlan   func(childComplexity int, ancode int) int
		SameSlot            func(childComplexity int, ancode int, ancodes []int) int
		Seb                 func(childComplexity int, ancode int) int
		SetSemester         func(childComplexity int, input string) int
		ZpaExamsToPlan      func(childComplexity int, input []int) int

	NTA struct {
		Compensation         func(childComplexity int) int
		Deactivated          func(childComplexity int) int
		DeltaDurationPercent func(childComplexity int) int
		Email                func(childComplexity int) int
		Exams                func(childComplexity int) int
		From                 func(childComplexity int) int
		LastSemester         func(childComplexity int) int
		Mtknr                func(childComplexity int) int
		Name                 func(childComplexity int) int
		NeedsHardware        func(childComplexity int) int
		NeedsRoomAlone       func(childComplexity int) int
		Program              func(childComplexity int) int
		Until                func(childComplexity int) int

	NTAExam struct {
		AnCode     func(childComplexity int) int
		MainExamer func(childComplexity int) int
		Module     func(childComplexity int) int
		Semester   func(childComplexity int) int

	NTAWithRegs struct {
		Nta  func(childComplexity int) int
		Regs func(childComplexity int) int

	NTAWithRegsByExam struct {
		Exam func(childComplexity int) int
		Ntas func(childComplexity int) int

	NTAWithRegsByExamAndTeacher struct {
		Exams   func(childComplexity int) int
		Teacher func(childComplexity int) int

	Plan struct {
		SemesterConfig func(childComplexity int) int
		Slots          func(childComplexity int) int

	PlanEntry struct {
		Ancode     func(childComplexity int) int
		DayNumber  func(childComplexity int) int
		Locked     func(childComplexity int) int
		SlotNumber func(childComplexity int) int
		Starttime  func(childComplexity int) int

	PlannedExam struct {
		Ancode           func(childComplexity int) int
		Conflicts        func(childComplexity int) int
		Constraints      func(childComplexity int) int
		MainExamer       func(childComplexity int) int
		MaxDuration      func(childComplexity int) int
		Ntas             func(childComplexity int) int
		PlanEntry        func(childComplexity int) int
		PlannedRooms     func(childComplexity int) int
		PrimussExams     func(childComplexity int) int
		StudentRegsCount func(childComplexity int) int
		ZpaExam          func(childComplexity int) int

	PlannedExamWithNTA struct {
		Constraints func(childComplexity int) int
		Exam        func(childComplexity int) int
		Nta         func(childComplexity int) int

	PlannedRoom struct {
		Ancode            func(childComplexity int) int
		Day               func(childComplexity int) int
		Duration          func(childComplexity int) int
		Handicap          func(childComplexity int) int
		HandicapRoomAlone func(childComplexity int) int
		NtaMtknr          func(childComplexity int) int
		Reserve           func(childComplexity int) int
		Room              func(childComplexity int) int
		Slot              func(childComplexity int) int
		StudentsInRoom    func(childComplexity int) int

	PrimussExam struct {
		AnCode     func(childComplexity int) int
		ExamType   func(childComplexity int) int
		MainExamer func(childComplexity int) int
		Module     func(childComplexity int) int
		Presence   func(childComplexity int) int
		Program    func(childComplexity int) int

	PrimussExamAncode struct {
		Ancode        func(childComplexity int) int
		NumberOfStuds func(childComplexity int) int
		Program       func(childComplexity int) int

	PrimussExamByProgram struct {
		Exams   func(childComplexity int) int
		Program func(childComplexity int) int

	PrimussExamWithCount struct {
		Ancode           func(childComplexity int) int
		ExamType         func(childComplexity int) int
		MainExamer       func(childComplexity int) int
		Module           func(childComplexity int) int
		Presence         func(childComplexity int) int
		Program          func(childComplexity int) int
		StudentRegsCount func(childComplexity int) int

	Query struct {
		AdditionalExams               func(childComplexity int) int
		AllProgramsInPlan             func(childComplexity int) int
		AllSemesterNames              func(childComplexity int) int
		AllowedSlots                  func(childComplexity int, ancode int) int
		AncodesInPlan                 func(childComplexity int) int
		AwkwardSlots                  func(childComplexity int, ancode int) int
		ConflictingAncodes            func(childComplexity int, ancode int) int
		ConnectedExam                 func(childComplexity int, ancode int) int
		ConnectedExams                func(childComplexity int) int
		ConstraintForAncode           func(childComplexity int, ancode int) int
		DayOkForInvigilator           func(childComplexity int, day int, invigilatorID int) int
		Exam                          func(childComplexity int, ancode int) int
		ExamGroup                     func(childComplexity int, examGroupCode int) int
		ExamGroups                    func(childComplexity int) int
		ExamGroupsWithoutSlot         func(childComplexity int) int
		ExamWithRegs                  func(childComplexity int, ancode int) int
		ExamerInPlan                  func(childComplexity int) int
		Exams                         func(childComplexity int) int
		ExamsInPlan                   func(childComplexity int) int
		ExamsInSlot                   func(childComplexity int, day int, time int) int
		ExamsInSlotWithRooms          func(childComplexity int, day int, time int) int
		ExamsWithRegs                 func(childComplexity int) int
		ExamsWithoutSlot              func(childComplexity int) int
		ExternalExams                 func(childComplexity int) int
		Fk07programs                  func(childComplexity int) int
		GeneratedExam                 func(childComplexity int, ancode int) int
		GeneratedExams                func(childComplexity int) int
		InvigilatorTodos              func(childComplexity int) int
		Invigilators                  func(childComplexity int) int
		InvigilatorsForDay            func(childComplexity int, day int) int
		InvigilatorsWithReq           func(childComplexity int) int
		MucdaiExams                   func(childComplexity int) int
		NextDeadline                  func(childComplexity int) int
		Nta                           func(childComplexity int, mtknr string) int
		Ntas                          func(childComplexity int) int
		NtasWithRegs                  func(childComplexity int) int
		NtasWithRegsByTeacher         func(childComplexity int) int
		PlannedExam                   func(childComplexity int, ancode int) int
		PlannedExams                  func(childComplexity int) int
		PlannedExamsInSlot            func(childComplexity int, day int, time int) int
		PlannedRoomForStudent         func(childComplexity int, ancode int, mtknr string) int
		PlannedRoomNames              func(childComplexity int) int
		PlannedRoomNamesInSlot        func(childComplexity int, day int, time int) int
		PlannedRoomsInSlot            func(childComplexity int, day int, time int) int
		PrimussExam                   func(childComplexity int, program string, ancode int) int
		PrimussExams                  func(childComplexity int) int
		PrimussExamsForAnCode         func(childComplexity int, ancode int) int
		Rooms                         func(childComplexity int) int
		RoomsForSlot                  func(childComplexity int, day int, time int) int
		RoomsWithConstraints          func(childComplexity int, handicap bool, lab bool, placesWithSocket bool, exahm *bool) int
		RoomsWithInvigilationsForSlot func(childComplexity int, day int, time int) int
		Semester                      func(childComplexity int) int
		SemesterConfig                func(childComplexity int) int
		StudentByMtknr                func(childComplexity int, mtknr string) int
		StudentRegsForProgram         func(childComplexity int, program string) int
		StudentRegsImportErrors       func(childComplexity int) int
		Students                      func(childComplexity int) int
		StudentsByName                func(childComplexity int, regex string) int
		Teacher                       func(childComplexity int, id int) int
		Teachers                      func(childComplexity int, fromZpa *bool) int
		Workflow                      func(childComplexity int) int
		ZpaAnCodes                    func(childComplexity int) int
		ZpaExam                       func(childComplexity int, ancode int) int
		ZpaExams                      func(childComplexity int, fromZpa *bool) int
		ZpaExamsByType                func(childComplexity int) int
		ZpaExamsNotToPlan             func(childComplexity int) int
		ZpaExamsPlaningStatusUnknown  func(childComplexity int) int
		ZpaExamsToPlan                func(childComplexity int) int
		ZpaExamsToPlanWithConstraints func(childComplexity int) int

	RegWithError struct {
		Error        func(childComplexity int) int
		Registration func(childComplexity int) int

	Room struct {
		Exahm            func(childComplexity int) int
		Handicap         func(childComplexity int) int
		Lab              func(childComplexity int) int
		Name             func(childComplexity int) int
		NeedsRequest     func(childComplexity int) int
		PlacesWithSocket func(childComplexity int) int
		Seats            func(childComplexity int) int
		Seb              func(childComplexity int) int

	RoomAndExam struct {
		Exam func(childComplexity int) int
		Room func(childComplexity int) int

	RoomConstraints struct {
		Exahm            func(childComplexity int) int
		Lab              func(childComplexity int) int
		PlacesWithSocket func(childComplexity int) int
		Seb              func(childComplexity int) int

	RoomForExam struct {
		Ancode       func(childComplexity int) int
		Duration     func(childComplexity int) int
		Handicap     func(childComplexity int) int
		Reserve      func(childComplexity int) int
		Room         func(childComplexity int) int
		SeatsPlanned func(childComplexity int) int
		Students     func(childComplexity int) int

	RoomWithInvigilator struct {
		Invigilator  func(childComplexity int) int
		MaxDuration  func(childComplexity int) int
		Name         func(childComplexity int) int
		RoomAndExams func(childComplexity int) int
		StudentCount func(childComplexity int) int

	Semester struct {
		ID func(childComplexity int) int

	SemesterConfig struct {
		Days       func(childComplexity int) int
		Emails     func(childComplexity int) int
		GoDay0     func(childComplexity int) int
		GoSlots    func(childComplexity int) int
		GoSlotsRaw func(childComplexity int) int
		Slots      func(childComplexity int) int
		Starttimes func(childComplexity int) int

	Slot struct {
		DayNumber  func(childComplexity int) int
		SlotNumber func(childComplexity int) int
		Starttime  func(childComplexity int) int

	SlotWithExamGroups struct {
		DayNumber  func(childComplexity int) int
		ExamGroups func(childComplexity int) int
		SlotNumber func(childComplexity int) int

	SlotWithRooms struct {
		DayNumber   func(childComplexity int) int
		ExahmRooms  func(childComplexity int) int
		LabRooms    func(childComplexity int) int
		NormalRooms func(childComplexity int) int
		NtaRooms    func(childComplexity int) int
		SlotNumber  func(childComplexity int) int

	Starttime struct {
		Number func(childComplexity int) int
		Start  func(childComplexity int) int

	Step struct {
		Deadline func(childComplexity int) int
		Done     func(childComplexity int) int
		Name     func(childComplexity int) int
		Number   func(childComplexity int) int

	Student struct {
		Group   func(childComplexity int) int
		Mtknr   func(childComplexity int) int
		Name    func(childComplexity int) int
		Nta     func(childComplexity int) int
		Program func(childComplexity int) int
		Regs    func(childComplexity int) int

	StudentReg struct {
		AnCode   func(childComplexity int) int
		Group    func(childComplexity int) int
		Mtknr    func(childComplexity int) int
		Name     func(childComplexity int) int
		Presence func(childComplexity int) int
		Program  func(childComplexity int) int

	StudentRegsPerAncode struct {
		Ancode     func(childComplexity int) int
		PerProgram func(childComplexity int) int

	StudentRegsPerAncodeAndProgram struct {
		Ancode      func(childComplexity int) int
		Program     func(childComplexity int) int
		StudentRegs func(childComplexity int) int

	StudentRegsPerStudent struct {
		Ancodes func(childComplexity int) int
		Student func(childComplexity int) int

	Teacher struct {
		Email        func(childComplexity int) int
		FK           func(childComplexity int) int
		Fullname     func(childComplexity int) int
		ID           func(childComplexity int) int
		IsLBA        func(childComplexity int) int
		IsProf       func(childComplexity int) int
		IsProfHC     func(childComplexity int) int
		IsStaff      func(childComplexity int) int
		LastSemester func(childComplexity int) int
		Shortname    func(childComplexity int) int

	ZPAConflict struct {
		Ancode         func(childComplexity int) int
		NumberOfStuds  func(childComplexity int) int
		PrimussAncodes func(childComplexity int) int

	ZPAExam struct {
		AnCode         func(childComplexity int) int
		Duration       func(childComplexity int) int
		ExamType       func(childComplexity int) int
		ExamTypeFull   func(childComplexity int) int
		Groups         func(childComplexity int) int
		IsRepeaterExam func(childComplexity int) int
		MainExamer     func(childComplexity int) int
		MainExamerID   func(childComplexity int) int
		Module         func(childComplexity int) int
		PrimussAncodes func(childComplexity int) int
		Semester       func(childComplexity int) int
		ZpaID          func(childComplexity int) int

	ZPAExamWithConstraints struct {
		Constraints func(childComplexity int) int
		ZpaExam     func(childComplexity int) int

	ZPAExamsForType struct {
		Exams func(childComplexity int) int
		Type  func(childComplexity int) int

	ZPAInvigilator struct {
		HasSubmittedRequirements func(childComplexity int) int
		Teacher                  func(childComplexity int) int

	ZPAPrimussAncodes struct {
		Ancode  func(childComplexity int) int
		Program func(childComplexity int) int

	ZPAStudentReg struct {
		AnCode  func(childComplexity int) int
		Mtknr   func(childComplexity int) int
		Program func(childComplexity int) int

	ZPAStudentRegError struct {
		AnCode   func(childComplexity int) int
		Exam     func(childComplexity int) int
		Mtknr    func(childComplexity int) int
		Program  func(childComplexity int) int
		Semester func(childComplexity int) int

type Config

type Config struct {
	Schema     *ast.Schema
	Resolvers  ResolverRoot
	Directives DirectiveRoot
	Complexity ComplexityRoot

type DirectiveRoot

type DirectiveRoot struct {

type GeneratedExamResolver

type GeneratedExamResolver interface {
	MainExamer(ctx context.Context, obj *model.GeneratedExam) (*model.Teacher, error)

type MutationResolver

type MutationResolver interface {
	SetSemester(ctx context.Context, input string) (*model.Semester, error)
	ZpaExamsToPlan(ctx context.Context, input []int) ([]*model.ZPAExam, error)
	AddZpaExamToPlan(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (bool, error)
	RmZpaExamFromPlan(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (bool, error)
	AddAdditionalExam(ctx context.Context, exam model.AdditionalExamInput) (bool, error)
	RemovePrimussExam(ctx context.Context, input *model.PrimussExamInput) (bool, error)
	AddNta(ctx context.Context, input model.NTAInput) (*model.NTA, error)
	NotPlannedByMe(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (bool, error)
	ExcludeDays(ctx context.Context, ancode int, days []string) (bool, error)
	PossibleDays(ctx context.Context, ancode int, days []string) (bool, error)
	SameSlot(ctx context.Context, ancode int, ancodes []int) (bool, error)
	PlacesWithSockets(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (bool, error)
	Lab(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (bool, error)
	Exahm(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (bool, error)
	Seb(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (bool, error)
	Online(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (bool, error)
	AddExamGroupToSlot(ctx context.Context, day int, time int, examGroupCode int) (bool, error)
	RmExamGroupFromSlot(ctx context.Context, examGroupCode int) (bool, error)
	AddRoomToExam(ctx context.Context, input model.RoomForExamInput) (bool, error)
	AddExamToSlot(ctx context.Context, day int, time int, ancode int) (bool, error)
	RmExamFromSlot(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (bool, error)

type PlanEntryResolver

type PlanEntryResolver interface {
	Starttime(ctx context.Context, obj *model.PlanEntry) (*time.Time, error)

type PlannedExamResolver

type PlannedExamResolver interface {
	MainExamer(ctx context.Context, obj *model.PlannedExam) (*model.Teacher, error)

type PlannedRoomResolver

type PlannedRoomResolver interface {
	Room(ctx context.Context, obj *model.PlannedRoom) (*model.Room, error)

type QueryResolver

type QueryResolver interface {
	Workflow(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.Step, error)
	NextDeadline(ctx context.Context) (*model.Step, error)
	AllSemesterNames(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.Semester, error)
	Semester(ctx context.Context) (*model.Semester, error)
	SemesterConfig(ctx context.Context) (*model.SemesterConfig, error)
	AdditionalExams(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.AdditionalExam, error)
	PrimussExam(ctx context.Context, program string, ancode int) (*model.PrimussExam, error)
	PrimussExamsForAnCode(ctx context.Context, ancode int) ([]*model.PrimussExam, error)
	StudentRegsForProgram(ctx context.Context, program string) ([]*model.StudentReg, error)
	ExamWithRegs(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (*model.ExamWithRegs, error)
	ExamsWithRegs(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.ExamWithRegs, error)
	ConstraintForAncode(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (*model.Constraints, error)
	ZpaExamsToPlanWithConstraints(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.ZPAExamWithConstraints, error)
	ExamGroups(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.ExamGroup, error)
	ExamGroup(ctx context.Context, examGroupCode int) (*model.ExamGroup, error)
	NtasWithRegsByTeacher(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.NTAWithRegsByExamAndTeacher, error)
	Nta(ctx context.Context, mtknr string) (*model.NTAWithRegs, error)
	ExamGroupsWithoutSlot(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.ExamGroup, error)
	PlannedExamsInSlot(ctx context.Context, day int, time int) ([]*model.PlannedExamWithNta, error)
	ExamsInPlan(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.ExamInPlan, error)
	ExamsInSlotWithRooms(ctx context.Context, day int, time int) ([]*model.ExamWithRegsAndRooms, error)
	RoomsWithConstraints(ctx context.Context, handicap bool, lab bool, placesWithSocket bool, exahm *bool) ([]*model.Room, error)
	RoomsForSlot(ctx context.Context, day int, time int) (*model.SlotWithRooms, error)
	DayOkForInvigilator(ctx context.Context, day int, invigilatorID int) (*bool, error)
	ConnectedExam(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (*model.ConnectedExam, error)
	ConnectedExams(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.ConnectedExam, error)
	ExternalExams(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.ExternalExam, error)
	MucdaiExams(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.MucDaiExam, error)
	GeneratedExams(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.GeneratedExam, error)
	GeneratedExam(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (*model.GeneratedExam, error)
	PlannedExams(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.PlannedExam, error)
	PlannedExam(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (*model.PlannedExam, error)
	ConflictingAncodes(ctx context.Context, ancode int) ([]*model.Conflict, error)
	Exam(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (*model.Exam, error)
	Exams(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.Exam, error)
	InvigilatorTodos(ctx context.Context) (*model.InvigilationTodos, error)
	InvigilatorsWithReq(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.Invigilator, error)
	RoomsWithInvigilationsForSlot(ctx context.Context, day int, time int) (*model.InvigilationSlot, error)
	InvigilatorsForDay(ctx context.Context, day int) (*model.InvigilatorsForDay, error)
	Ntas(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.NTA, error)
	NtasWithRegs(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.Student, error)
	AllProgramsInPlan(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error)
	AncodesInPlan(ctx context.Context) ([]int, error)
	ExamerInPlan(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.ExamerInPlan, error)
	ExamsInSlot(ctx context.Context, day int, time int) ([]*model.PlannedExam, error)
	ExamsWithoutSlot(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.PlannedExam, error)
	AllowedSlots(ctx context.Context, ancode int) ([]*model.Slot, error)
	AwkwardSlots(ctx context.Context, ancode int) ([]*model.Slot, error)
	PrimussExams(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.PrimussExamByProgram, error)
	Rooms(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.Room, error)
	PlannedRoomNames(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error)
	PlannedRoomNamesInSlot(ctx context.Context, day int, time int) ([]string, error)
	PlannedRoomsInSlot(ctx context.Context, day int, time int) ([]*model.PlannedRoom, error)
	PlannedRoomForStudent(ctx context.Context, ancode int, mtknr string) (*model.PlannedRoom, error)
	StudentByMtknr(ctx context.Context, mtknr string) (*model.Student, error)
	StudentsByName(ctx context.Context, regex string) ([]*model.Student, error)
	Students(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.Student, error)
	Teacher(ctx context.Context, id int) (*model.Teacher, error)
	Teachers(ctx context.Context, fromZpa *bool) ([]*model.Teacher, error)
	Invigilators(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.ZPAInvigilator, error)
	Fk07programs(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.FK07Program, error)
	ZpaExams(ctx context.Context, fromZpa *bool) ([]*model.ZPAExam, error)
	ZpaExamsByType(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.ZPAExamsForType, error)
	ZpaExamsToPlan(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.ZPAExam, error)
	ZpaExamsNotToPlan(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.ZPAExam, error)
	ZpaExamsPlaningStatusUnknown(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.ZPAExam, error)
	ZpaExam(ctx context.Context, ancode int) (*model.ZPAExam, error)
	ZpaAnCodes(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.AnCode, error)
	StudentRegsImportErrors(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.RegWithError, error)

type ResolverRoot

type ResolverRoot interface {
	GeneratedExam() GeneratedExamResolver
	Mutation() MutationResolver
	PlanEntry() PlanEntryResolver
	PlannedExam() PlannedExamResolver
	PlannedRoom() PlannedRoomResolver
	Query() QueryResolver
	RoomForExam() RoomForExamResolver

type RoomForExamResolver

type RoomForExamResolver interface {
	Room(ctx context.Context, obj *model.RoomForExam) (*model.Room, error)

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