oy-expose reads a metrics file and exposes its content to be scraped by a
Prometheus server.
This is similar to the Node Exporter Textfile Collector,
with a few differences:
- oy-expose only exposes on file.
- oy-expose does not embed other collectors.
Example usage
Let's create a file called "metrics" with the following content:
maintenance_script_run_timestamp_seconds 1647524557
maintenance_script_return_code 0
We can run oy-expose
$ oy-expose --web.disable-exporter-metrics
And query the metrics:
$ curl localhost:9099/metrics
# HELP maintenance_script_return_code Metric read from metrics
# TYPE maintenance_script_return_code untyped
maintenance_script_return_code 0
# HELP maintenance_script_run_timestamp_seconds Metric read from metrics
# TYPE maintenance_script_run_timestamp_seconds untyped
maintenance_script_run_timestamp_seconds 1.647524557e+09
# HELP node_textfile_mtime_seconds Unixtime mtime of textfiles successfully read.
# TYPE node_textfile_mtime_seconds gauge
node_textfile_mtime_seconds{file="metrics"} 1.647530635e+09
# HELP node_textfile_scrape_error 1 if there was an error opening or reading a file, 0 otherwise
# TYPE node_textfile_scrape_error gauge
node_textfile_scrape_error 0