A template web app with a React / TypeScript frontend and a Go GraphQL backend that uses SQLBoiler alongside gqlgen for a fast, database schema driven development style.
Golang backend server
Postgres database
SQLBoiler to generate Go ORM models based on database tables
gqlgen to generate a graphQL API based on the models
Gorilla sessions for authentication (sign up / log in / log out resolvers are implemented)
React / TypeScript frontend
Apollo GraphQL client
SQLBoiler and gqlgen work really well together to generate nearly an entire graphQL API from the database:
Add Postgres table definitions to the /migrations/ folder
Generate ORM based on tables in the database make db
Add a graphQL schema in the /api/ folder that reflects the generated ORM
Generate a graphQL server from the schema that binds to the ORM make graphql (bonus: complete 2 & 4 with make models)
Fill in the graphQL resolvers using the ORM in /internal/resolvers/
Create a new file .env.sh at the top level directory, copy in .env.example.sh and fill in the missing variables
Start the React app make run-client and start the backend make run-server (migrations are run automatically with golang-migrate)