Hidden Lake Remoter
The Hidden Lake Remoter
this is a service that provides the ability to make remote calls on the anonymous network core (HLS) with theoretically provable anonymity.
This application can be extremely dangerous. Use HLR with caution.
More information about HLR in the habr.com/ru/articles/830130
$ go install github.com/number571/hidden-lake/cmd/hlr@latest
How it works
Most of the code is a call to API functions from the HLS kernel. Thanks to this approach, implicit authorization of users is formed from the state of the anonymizing service.
The server providing the remote access service is waiting for a request in the form of a command. The command does not depend on the operating system and therefore should have a small additional syntax separating the launch of the main command and its arguments.
As an example, to create a file with the contents of "hello, world!" and then reading from the same file, you will need to run the following command:
bash[@remoter-separator]-c[@remoter-separator]echo 'hello, world' > file.txt && cat file.txt
The [@remoter-separator]
label means that the arguments are separated for the main command.
- Windows (x86_64, arm64)
- Linux (x86_64, arm64)
- MacOS (x86_64, arm64)
Build and run
Default build and run
$ go run ./cmd/hlr
> [INFO] 2023/06/03 15:30:31 HLR is running...
> ...
Open port 9532
(HTTP, incoming).
Creates ./hlr.yml
Default config hlr.yml
exec_timeout_ms: 5000
password: 4otg9sohTw8Lv8PheDZ7fOD5j5v5sU
- info
- warn
- erro
Running options
$ hlr -path=/root
# path = path to config
The example will involve three nodes recv_hlc, send_hls
and three repeaters middle_hlt_1, middle_hlt_2, middle_hlt3_
. The three remaining nodes are used only for the successful connection of the two main nodes. In other words, HLT nodes are traffic relay nodes.
Build and run nodes
$ cd examples/anonymity/remoter/routing
$ make
Than run command
$ cd examples/anonymity/remoter
$ make request # go run ./_request/main.go
Got response