Numaflow Perfman

Running Perfman
Perfman assumes your system already has a local kubernetes cluster with at least a single node configured. Perfman can be
run in two different ways.
With an executable:
- Clone the repo and make it the active working directory:
git clone && cd numaflow-perfman
- Run
make build
. This will produce an executable: dist/perfman
- Use perfman with desired commands:
./dist/perfman help
Note: if you use your current terminal session to port-forward, since this is a blocking operation, open a new
terminal tab to run new commands.
With Docker:
- Pull the stable image from registry:
docker pull
- Run the container with
mkdir -p output && docker run -it --network host -v ~/.kube/config:/perfmanuser/.kube/config:ro -v ./output:/home/perfman/output
(if you have the repo cloned, this can be
accomplished with make run
). This assumes that the local kubernetes configuration file for your cluster is located at
- The above command will spawn a shell inside the container, and perfman can be used with the desired commands:
perfman help
Note: As above, port-forwarding is a blocking operation, and with the Docker option, open a new terminal tab and:
- Identify the name/ID of the currently running perfman container with
docker ps
- Run
docker exec -it <name/ID> /bin/ash
. This will provide a new terminal session inside the same container,
where you can run additional commands
Collecting Metrics
The following steps can be followed in order to collect metrics for the base perfman pipeline. Note that the metrics
are outputted as CSV files under the output/
directory. The following steps assume that you are running the perfman
executable, but the same steps can easily be modified for the Docker case.
- Run
./dist/perfman setup
, this will deploy the Prometheus Operator and create the service monitors for scraping
pipeline and ISB metrics. Pass the -n
and/or -j
flags to the command if you do not have Numaflow and/or
NATS Jetsream ISB running on the cluster
- In a separate terminal, port-forward the Prometheus service to
with ./dist/perfman portforward -p
- Deploy the perfman base pipeline:
./dist/perfman pipeline
. Allow n
minutes to pass in order for metrics to be
collected for your desired length of time
- Collect metrics with:
./dist/perfman -n=<dir-name> -l=<time-period> -m=<metric-group>
. dir-name
corresponds to the name of the subdirectory that will be created under output/
, where each file in this subdirectory
will be a CSV file with data pertaining to the metrics associated with the specified metric group. time-period
the amount of time you would like to look back from the current time for the metric collection, and must be less than or
equal to n
in step 4. metric-group
is the metric group to use. The metrics corresponding to a
metric group can be found in metrics/metric_groups.go