
v0.0.0-...-392c9ed Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 1, 2019 License: BSD-3-Clause Imports: 0 Imported by: 0




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This section is empty.


type Axis

type Axis uint8
const (
	AxisX Axis = 0
	AxisY Axis = 1
	AxisZ Axis = 2

type Blending

type Blending uint8
const (
	NormalBlending      Blending = 1
	AdditiveBlending    Blending = 2
	SubtractiveBlending Blending = 3
	MultiplyBlending    Blending = 4
	CustomBlending      Blending = 5

type Color

type Color uint8
const (
	NoColors     Color = 0
	FaceColors   Color = 1
	VertexColors Color = 2

type Condition

type Condition uint32
const (
	Never        Condition = 0
	Less         Condition = 1
	Equal        Condition = 2
	LessEqual    Condition = 3
	Greater      Condition = 4
	NotEqual     Condition = 5
	GreaterEqual Condition = 6
	Always       Condition = 7

type DrawMode

type DrawMode uint8
const (
	TrianglesDrawMode     DrawMode = 0
	TriangleStripDrawMode DrawMode = 1
	TriangleFanDrawMode   DrawMode = 2

type Encoding

type Encoding uint8
const (
	LinearEncoding Encoding = 1

	RGBEEncoding      Encoding = 3
	LogLuvEncoding    Encoding = 4
	RGBM7Encoding     Encoding = 5
	RGBM16Encoding    Encoding = 6
	RGBDEncoding      Encoding = 7
	GammaEncoding     Encoding = 8
	BasicDepthPacking Encoding = 20
	RGBADepthPacking  Encoding = 21

type Equation

type Equation uint8
const (
	NilEquation             Equation = 0
	AddEquation             Equation = 1
	SubtractEquation        Equation = 2
	ReverseSubtractEquation Equation = 3
	MinEquation             Equation = 4
	MaxEquation             Equation = 5

type Factor

type Factor uint8
const (
	NilFactor              Factor = 0
	ZeroFactor             Factor = 1
	OneFactor              Factor = 2
	SrcColorFactor         Factor = 3
	OneMinusSrcColorFactor Factor = 4
	SrcAlphaFactor         Factor = 5
	OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor Factor = 6
	DstAlphaFactor         Factor = 7
	OneMinusDstAlphaFactor Factor = 8
	DstColorFactor         Factor = 9
	OneMinusDstColorFactor Factor = 10
	SrcAlphaSaturateFactor Factor = 11

type Format

type Format uint8
const (
	AlphaFormat          Format = 1
	RGBFormat            Format = 2
	RGBAFormat           Format = 3
	LuminanceFormat      Format = 4
	LuminanceAlphaFormat Format = 5
	RGBEFormat           Format = RGBAFormat
	DepthFormat          Format = 6
	DepthStencilFormat   Format = 7
	RedFormat            Format = 8

	RGB_S3TC_DXT1_Format     Format = 20
	RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_Format    Format = 21
	RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_Format    Format = 22
	RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_Format    Format = 23
	RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format  Format = 24
	RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format  Format = 25
	RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format Format = 26
	RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format Format = 27
	RGB_ETC1_Format          Format = 28
	RGBA_ASTC_4x4_Format     Format = 29
	RGBA_ASTC_5x4_Format     Format = 30
	RGBA_ASTC_5x5_Format     Format = 31
	RGBA_ASTC_6x5_Format     Format = 32
	RGBA_ASTC_6x6_Format     Format = 33
	RGBA_ASTC_8x5_Format     Format = 34
	RGBA_ASTC_8x6_Format     Format = 35
	RGBA_ASTC_8x8_Format     Format = 36
	RGBA_ASTC_10x5_Format    Format = 37
	RGBA_ASTC_10x6_Format    Format = 38
	RGBA_ASTC_10x8_Format    Format = 39
	RGBA_ASTC_10x10_Format   Format = 40
	RGBA_ASTC_12x10_Format   Format = 41
	RGBA_ASTC_12x12_Format   Format = 42

type MagFilter

type MagFilter uint8
const (
	NearestMagFilter MagFilter = 3
	LinearMagFilter  MagFilter = 6

type Mapping

type Mapping int
const (
	UVMapping                        Mapping = 1
	CubeReflectionMapping            Mapping = 2
	CubeRefractionMapping            Mapping = 3
	EquirectangularReflectionMapping Mapping = 4
	EquirectangularRefractionMapping Mapping = 5
	SphericalReflectionMapping       Mapping = 6
	CubeUVReflectionMapping          Mapping = 7
	CubeUVRefractionMapping          Mapping = 8

type MinFilter

type MinFilter uint8
const (
	NearestMinFilter           MinFilter = 3
	NearestMipMapNearestFilter MinFilter = 4
	NearestMipMapLinearFilter  MinFilter = 5
	LinearMinFilter            MinFilter = 6
	LinearMipMapNearestFilter  MinFilter = 7
	LinearMipMapLinearFilter   MinFilter = 8

type Operation

type Operation uint8
const (
	MultiplyOperation Operation = 0
	MixOperation      Operation = 1
	AddOperation      Operation = 2

type Side

type Side uint8
const (
	NoSide     Side = 0
	FrontSide  Side = 1
	BackSide   Side = 2
	DoubleSide Side = 3

type ToneMapping

type ToneMapping int
const (
	NoToneMapping         ToneMapping = 0
	LinearToneMapping     ToneMapping = 1
	ReinhardToneMapping   ToneMapping = 2
	Uncharted2ToneMapping ToneMapping = 3
	CineonToneMapping     ToneMapping = 4

type Type

type Type int
const (
	UnsignedByteType      Type = 1
	ByteType              Type = 2
	ShortType             Type = 3
	UnsignedShortType     Type = 4
	IntType               Type = 5
	UnsignedIntType       Type = 6
	FloatType             Type = 7
	HalfFloatType         Type = 8
	UnsignedShort4444Type Type = 9
	UnsignedShort5551Type Type = 10
	UnsignedShort565Type  Type = 11
	UnsignedInt248Type    Type = 12

type Wrapping

type Wrapping int
const (
	RepeatWrapping         Wrapping = 1
	ClampToEdgeWrapping    Wrapping = 2
	MirroredRepeatWrapping Wrapping = 3

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