NuageKubeMon is a daemon that runs on the master node of a Openshift
installation and monitors the Openshift ReST API for creation of Openshift
entities that are interesting from network orchestration perspective. It is
also responsible for communicating with the VSD and providing VSD state
information to all the nodes of the Openshift cluster.
Installation Instructions
From source:
First git clone the repository
Make sure GOPATH is set appropriately.
Install godep using go get\tools\godep
Go to openshift-integration/nuagekubemon directory and run godep restore
Finally do godep go build and godep go install
Run nuagekubemon on the server passing the path to the kubeconfig file
used for connecting to the kubernetes client (admin.kubeconfig) and the
master config.yaml file. There are other configurable parameters associated
with nuagekubemon that can be seen using --help option.