ntail streams
ntail streams is currently in pre-alpha and is not ready for production use.
ntail streams is a fast message broker written in Go that uses Google BigQuery as a storage backend.
- Design improvements for scalability:
- Improved coordination buffer nodes for picking up assigning hash ranges.
- Improved coordination when subscribers pick up bookmarks.
- Access Control
helm repo add bitnami https://charts.ntail.io/ntail
helm install ntail-streams ntail/streams
Why use ntail streams
By storing messages directly in BigQuery, you have a shorter data pipeline and quicker insights.
Cost savings
By utilizing cheap BigQuery storage, cost the is a fraction of other SaaS solutions.
Sub-millisecond response times
ntails streams stores the tail of each topic in memory to serve messages blazingly fast.
Faster insights
Messages are accessible on BigQuery atomically. This means you have access to real-time analytics, not near time analytics.
No partitions
Ntail streams has no fixed partitions, instead messages are grouped by segments dynamically (this feature is not yet implemented).
Ordering guarantee
ntail streams messages are ordered sequentially by key. This makes it excellent to use for communication in a microservice architecture.
Infinite retention without compromises
Unlike other message brokers there is no limit to the amount of data that can be stored.