See the Proofpoint - Meta Networks Provider documentation to get started using the provider.
Terraform proofpoint registry:
Developing the Provider
To compile and run the provider locally run:
$ make debug-build
And then export the printed TF_REATTACH_PROVIDERS
as env variable.
This will compile the provider in debug mode and will allow you to execute terraform command with it.
In order to generate or update documentation, run make generate
The documentation are auto-generated using the docs generation tool
and are based on the resources descriptions in the schema and on the files in the examples
There are two types of tests that can be executed:
- unit-tests
- acceptance-tests
Acceptance tests are expressed in terms of Test Cases, each using one or more Terraform configurations designed to create a set of resources under test, and then verify the actual infrastructure created.
Note: Acceptance tests create real resources, see more about it here
In order to run the full suite of Acceptance tests:
- Configure the authentication env variables or configuration file specified in provider documentation.
- Execute:
$ make acc_tests
In order to run unit-tests only run
$ make unittest
Creating a resource and data-source
Client package:
In the client package, add the module with the following:
- Private endpoint for the resource(i.e
const accessBridgeEndpoint = "v1/access_bridges"
- Public struct that defines the resource (should be similar to how it's represented in the mgmt API)
- Public constructor for that struct.
- Public CRUD functions for the resource.
- Note:all CRUD functions must take a context object as an argument with which terraform enforces deadlines.
Provider folder:
Create a new package named after the created resource.
This package should contain three files:
- contains the resource's schema definition
- contains the data source's definition
- contains common descriptions and functions for both resource and data source.
provider.go file:
Adding the resource and data-source to the provider.go
file to the resource and data source mapping.
Acceptance tests:
Under acc_tests folder and a file named <resource>_test.go
In that test make sure you're covering all CRUD operations of the resource, and be sure to sanity check the data-source as well.
In order to run the tests you can either trigger a jenkins build, or run it locally using:
make acc_tests TEST_KW=<test_pattern>
Note: In order to run it locally you'll have to configure credentials for the TF provider. See for details.
Note [2]: The default base url is configured to be
, if you want to run acceptance tests with other base url use the PFPTMETA_BASE_URL
The documentation is auto generated using this plugin.
All the files in the docs folder are auto generated from the following:
- resource and data source
attribute - This comes from the schema (make sure you document both resource itself and its attributes)
- terraform examples in examples folder - Add a resource and data-source folders with valid examples (see other resources for reference).
- Templates - The templates are important mostly for the subcategory attribute that's decides the hierarchy of the resource in the terraform doc page. Make sure you add a resource and data source templates in the templates folder.
Generate the docs and commit:
Once all the development is done, you need to build the doc fmt your tf and go code.
In order to do that run:
make verify_clean