| simple file encryption CLI
NB: You probably shouldn't use this! Go find you a battle tested
encryption CLI. I'm sure its out there somewhere.
is a very simple command line tool for file encryption
and decryption.
Usage of ncrypt:
-d, --decrypt decrypt input instead of encrypt
-i, --input string input filename (default "stdin")
-o, --output string output filename (default "stdout")
--passwd-stdin read password from stdin
# Encrypt
ncrypt -i input.txt > input.txt.ncrypt
# Decrypt
ncrypt -i input.txt.ncrypt
uses argon2id for key
derivation (turning your password input into an encryption key) and
for authenticated encryption.
In a recent conversation with some folks we were dismayed at the state of
encryption of private keys output by openssl. We were wanting for a simple CLI
that used modern authenticated encryption to encrypt files with a password.
While greate libraries exist like
we couldn't find a simple ubiquitous encryption CLI that exposed these
libraries for command line users.
Whats with the name?
n -> Nathan (me)
crypt -> encrypt / decrypt