Web-Service for Converting SIF to JSON & Vice Versa
Build Prerequisite
Except 'config.toml' content, Do NOT change any project structure & file name & content.
Make sure current working directory of your command line environment is identical to the directory of this README.md file.
i.e. under "/n3-sif2json/"
Native Build
It is NOT supported to make building on Windows OS. If you are using Windows OS, please choose 'Docker Build'.
Make sure Golang dev package & Git are available on your machine.
Run ./build.sh to build service which embedded with SIF Spec 3.4.6 & 3.4.7.
Run ./release.sh [linux64|win64|mac] 'dest-path' to extract minimal executable package on different.
e.g. ./release.sh win64 ~/Desktop/sif2json/ extracts windows version bin package into "/Desktop/sif2json/".
then 'server' executable is available under "/Desktop/sif2json/".
Jump into "~/Desktop/sif2json/", modify 'config.toml' if needed.
Please set [Service] & [Version] to your own value.
Run server.
Default port is 1324, can be set from config.toml.
Docker Build
Make sure Docker is available and running on your machine.
Run docker build --rm -t nsip/n3-sif2json:latest . to make docker image.
Fetch a copy of configuration from '/n3-sif2json/Config/config.toml' to your current directory, modify it if needed.
Please set [Service] & [Version] to your own value.
Run docker run --rm --mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/your-config.toml,target=/config.toml -p nsip/n3-sif2json.
Default port is 1324, can be set from config.toml. If it is not 1324, change above command's '1324' to your own number.
Make sure curl is available on your machine.
Run curl IP:Port to get the list of all available API path of n3-sif2json.
IP : your n3-sif2json server running machine ip.
Port: set in 'config.toml' file, default is 1324, can be changed in 'config.toml'.
Run curl -X POST IP:Port/Service/Version/2json?sv=3.4.7 -d @path/to/your/sif.xml
to convert a XML SIF to JSON.
IP : your n3-sif2json server running machine ip.
Port: Get from server's 'config.toml'-[WebService]-[Port], default is 1324.
Service: service name. Get from server's 'config.toml'-[Service].
Version: service version. Get from server's 'config.toml'-[Version].
sv: SIF Spec Version, available 3.4.6 & 3.4.7
Run curl -X POST IP:Port/Service/Version/2sif?sv=3.4.7 -d @path/to/your/sif.json
to convert a JSON to XML SIF.
IP : your n3-sif2json server running machine ip.
Port: Get from server's 'config.toml'-[WebService]-[Port], default is 1324.
Service: service name. Get from server's 'config.toml'-[Service].
Version: service version. Get from server's 'config.toml'-[Version].
sv: SIF Spec Version, available 3.4.6 & 3.4.7