
v4.20.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Nov 9, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 0 Imported by: 2




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const (
	AnchorCast                = "AnchorCast"
	AnchorOn                  = "AnchorOn"
	AnchorOff                 = "AnchorOff"
	BlindCast                 = "BlindCast"
	BlindOn                   = "BlindOn"
	BlindOff                  = "BlindOff"
	BlinkCast                 = "BlinkCast"
	BurnCast                  = "BurnCast"
	CleansingFlameCast        = "CleansingFlameCast"
	CreatureCageAppear        = "CreatureCageAppear"
	ChannelLifeCast           = "ChannelLifeCast"
	ChannelLifeEffect         = "ChannelLifeEffect"
	ChannelLifeStop           = "ChannelLifeStop"
	CancelCast                = "CancelCast"
	CharmCast                 = "CharmCast"
	CharmSuccess              = "CharmSuccess"
	CharmFailure              = "CharmFailure"
	ConfuseCast               = "ConfuseCast"
	ConfuseOn                 = "ConfuseOn"
	ConfuseOff                = "ConfuseOff"
	CounterspellCast          = "CounterspellCast"
	CurePoisonCast            = "CurePoisonCast"
	CurePoisonEffect          = "CurePoisonEffect"
	DeathCast                 = "DeathCast"
	DeathOn                   = "DeathOn"
	DeathOff                  = "DeathOff"
	DeathTimer                = "DeathTimer"
	DeathRayCast              = "DeathRayCast"
	DemonBreath               = "DemonBreath"
	DetonateGlyphCast         = "DetonateGlyphCast"
	DrainManaCast             = "DrainManaCast"
	EarthquakeCast            = "EarthquakeCast"
	EmberDemonDies            = "EmberDemonDies"
	EnergyBoltCast            = "EnergyBoltCast"
	FearCast                  = "FearCast"
	FearOn                    = "FearOn"
	FearOff                   = "FearOff"
	ForceOfNatureCast         = "ForceOfNatureCast"
	ForceOfNatureReflect      = "ForceOfNatureReflect"
	ForceOfNatureRelease      = "ForceOfNatureRelease"
	GlyphCast                 = "GlyphCast"
	GlyphDetonate             = "GlyphDetonate"
	FireballCast              = "FireballCast"
	FireBallCast              = "FireBallCast"
	FireballExplode           = "FireballExplode"
	FireBallExplode           = "FireBallExplode"
	FirewalkCast              = "FirewalkCast"
	FirewalkOn                = "FirewalkOn"
	FirewalkOff               = "FirewalkOff"
	FirewalkFlame             = "FirewalkFlame"
	FistCast                  = "FistCast"
	FistHit                   = "FistHit"
	ForceFieldCast            = "ForceFieldCast"
	FrostCast                 = "FrostCast"
	FrostOn                   = "FrostOn"
	FrostOff                  = "FrostOff"
	FumbleCast                = "FumbleCast"
	FumbleEffect              = "FumbleEffect"
	GreaterHealCast           = "GreaterHealCast"
	GreaterHealEffect         = "GreaterHealEffect"
	GreaterHealStop           = "GreaterHealStop"
	HasteCast                 = "HasteCast"
	HasteOn                   = "HasteOn"
	HasteOff                  = "HasteOff"
	HugeFoot                  = "HugeFoot"
	InfravisionCast           = "InfravisionCast"
	InfravisionOn             = "InfravisionOn"
	InfraVisionOff            = "InfraVisionOff"
	InversionCast             = "InversionCast"
	InvisibilityCast          = "InvisibilityCast"
	InvisibilityOn            = "InvisibilityOn"
	InvisibilityOff           = "InvisibilityOff"
	InvulnerabilityCast       = "InvulnerabilityCast"
	InvulnerabilityOn         = "InvulnerabilityOn"
	InvulnerabilityOff        = "InvulnerabilityOff"
	InvulnerableEffect        = "InvulnerableEffect"
	LesserHealCast            = "LesserHealCast"
	LesserHealEffect          = "LesserHealEffect"
	LightCast                 = "LightCast"
	LightOn                   = "LightOn"
	LightOff                  = "LightOff"
	LightningBolt             = "LightningBolt"
	LightningCast             = "LightningCast"
	LockCast                  = "LockCast"
	ManaBombCast              = "ManaBombCast"
	ManaBombEffect            = "ManaBombEffect"
	MarkCast                  = "MarkCast"
	MagicMissileCast          = "MagicMissileCast"
	MagicMissileDetonate      = "MagicMissileDetonate"
	MechGolemHit              = "MechGolemHit"
	MeteorCast                = "MeteorCast"
	MeteorShowerCast          = "MeteorShowerCast"
	MeteorHit                 = "MeteorHit"
	MoonglowCast              = "MoonglowCast"
	MoonglowOn                = "MoonglowOn"
	MoonglowOff               = "MoonglowOff"
	NullifyCast               = "NullifyCast"
	NullifyOn                 = "NullifyOn"
	NullifyOff                = "NullifyOff"
	PhantomCast               = "PhantomCast"
	PixieSwarmCast            = "PixieSwarmCast"
	PixieHit                  = "PixieHit"
	PlasmaCast                = "PlasmaCast"
	PoisonCast                = "PoisonCast"
	PoisonEffect              = "PoisonEffect"
	PressurePlateRelease      = "PressurePlateRelease"
	ProtectionFromFireCast    = "ProtectionFromFireCast"
	ProtectionFromFireOn      = "ProtectionFromFireOn"
	ProtectionFromFireOff     = "ProtectionFromFireOff"
	ProtectionFromFireEffect  = "ProtectionFromFireEffect"
	ProtectionFromPoisonCast  = "ProtectionFromPoisonCast"
	ProtectionFromPoisonOn    = "ProtectionFromPoisonOn"
	ProtectionFromPoisonOff   = "ProtectionFromPoisonOff"
	ProtectionFromPoisonEffec = "ProtectionFromPoisonEffec"
	ProtectionFromElectricity = "ProtectionFromElectricity"
	ProtectionFromMagicCast   = "ProtectionFromMagicCast"
	ProtectionFromMagicOn     = "ProtectionFromMagicOn"
	ProtectionFromMagicOff    = "ProtectionFromMagicOff"
	ProtectionFromMagicEffect = "ProtectionFromMagicEffect"
	PullCast                  = "PullCast"
	PushCast                  = "PushCast"
	ReflectiveShieldCast      = "ReflectiveShieldCast"
	ReflectiveShieldOn        = "ReflectiveShieldOn"
	ReflectiveShieldOff       = "ReflectiveShieldOff"
	ReflectiveShieldEffect    = "ReflectiveShieldEffect"
	RegenerationOn            = "RegenerationOn"
	RegenerationOff           = "RegenerationOff"
	RunCast                   = "RunCast"
	RunOn                     = "RunOn"
	RunOff                    = "RunOff"
	SecretWallSecret          = "SecretWallSecret"
	ShieldCast                = "ShieldCast"
	ShieldOn                  = "ShieldOn"
	ShieldOff                 = "ShieldOff"
	ShieldRepelled            = "ShieldRepelled"
	ShockCast                 = "ShockCast"
	ShockOn                   = "ShockOn"
	ShockOff                  = "ShockOff"
	Shocked                   = "Shocked"
	SlowCast                  = "SlowCast"
	SlowOn                    = "SlowOn"
	SlowOff                   = "SlowOff"
	StoneBlockMove            = "StoneBlockMove"
	StunCast                  = "StunCast"
	StunOn                    = "StunOn"
	StunOff                   = "StunOff"
	SpikeBlockMover           = "SpikeBlockMover"
	SpikesDown                = "SpikesDown"
	SummonCast                = "SummonCast"
	SwapCast                  = "SwapCast"
	TagCast                   = "TagCast"
	TagOn                     = "TagOn"
	TagOff                    = "TagOff"
	TeleportOut               = "TeleportOut"
	TeleportIn                = "TeleportIn"
	TeleportToMarkerCast      = "TeleportToMarkerCast"
	TeleportToMarkerEffect    = "TeleportToMarkerEffect"
	TeleportPopCast           = "TeleportPopCast"
	TeleportToTargetCast      = "TeleportToTargetCast"
	TelekinesisCast           = "TelekinesisCast"
	TelekinesisOn             = "TelekinesisOn"
	TelekinesisOff            = "TelekinesisOff"
	ToxicCloudCast            = "ToxicCloudCast"
	TriggerGlyphCast          = "TriggerGlyphCast"
	TurnUndeadCast            = "TurnUndeadCast"
	TurnUndeadEffect          = "TurnUndeadEffect"
	VampirismCast             = "VampirismCast"
	VampirismOn               = "VampirismOn"
	VampirismOff              = "VampirismOff"
	DrainHealth               = "DrainHealth"
	VillainCast               = "VillainCast"
	VillainOn                 = "VillainOn"
	VillainOff                = "VillainOff"
	WallCast                  = "WallCast"
	WallOn                    = "WallOn"
	WallOff                   = "WallOff"
	BerserkerChargeInvoke     = "BerserkerChargeInvoke"
	BerserkerCrash            = "BerserkerCrash"
	BerserkerChargeOn         = "BerserkerChargeOn"
	BerserkerChargeOff        = "BerserkerChargeOff"
	WarcryInvoke              = "WarcryInvoke"
	WarcryOn                  = "WarcryOn"
	WarcryOff                 = "WarcryOff"
	HarpoonInvoke             = "HarpoonInvoke"
	HarpoonOn                 = "HarpoonOn"
	HarpoonOff                = "HarpoonOff"
	TreadLightlyInvoke        = "TreadLightlyInvoke"
	TreadLightlyOn            = "TreadLightlyOn"
	TreadLightlyOff           = "TreadLightlyOff"
	EyeOfTheWolfInvoke        = "EyeOfTheWolfInvoke"
	EyeOfTheWolfOn            = "EyeOfTheWolfOn"
	EyeOfTheWolfOff           = "EyeOfTheWolfOff"
	SpellPhonemeUp            = "SpellPhonemeUp"
	SpellPhonemeUpRight       = "SpellPhonemeUpRight"
	SpellPhonemeRight         = "SpellPhonemeRight"
	SpellPhonemeDownRight     = "SpellPhonemeDownRight"
	SpellPhonemeDown          = "SpellPhonemeDown"
	SpellPhonemeDownLeft      = "SpellPhonemeDownLeft"
	SpellPhonemeLeft          = "SpellPhonemeLeft"
	SpellPhonemeUpLeft        = "SpellPhonemeUpLeft"
	FemaleSpellPhonemeUp      = "FemaleSpellPhonemeUp"
	FemaleSpellPhonemeUpRight = "FemaleSpellPhonemeUpRight"
	FemaleSpellPhonemeRight   = "FemaleSpellPhonemeRight"
	FemaleSpellPhonemeDownRig = "FemaleSpellPhonemeDownRig"
	FemaleSpellPhonemeDown    = "FemaleSpellPhonemeDown"
	FemaleSpellPhonemeDownLef = "FemaleSpellPhonemeDownLef"
	FemaleSpellPhonemeLeft    = "FemaleSpellPhonemeLeft"
	FemaleSpellPhonemeUpLeft  = "FemaleSpellPhonemeUpLeft"
	NPCSpellPhonemeUp         = "NPCSpellPhonemeUp"
	NPCSpellPhonemeUpRight    = "NPCSpellPhonemeUpRight"
	NPCSpellPhonemeRight      = "NPCSpellPhonemeRight"
	NPCSpellPhonemeDownRight  = "NPCSpellPhonemeDownRight"
	NPCSpellPhonemeDown       = "NPCSpellPhonemeDown"
	NPCSpellPhonemeDownLeft   = "NPCSpellPhonemeDownLeft"
	NPCSpellPhonemeLeft       = "NPCSpellPhonemeLeft"
	NPCSpellPhonemeUpLeft     = "NPCSpellPhonemeUpLeft"
	NPCFemaleSpellPhonemeUp   = "NPCFemaleSpellPhonemeUp"
	NPCFemaleSpellPhonemeUpRi = "NPCFemaleSpellPhonemeUpRi"
	NPCFemaleSpellPhonemeRigh = "NPCFemaleSpellPhonemeRigh"
	NPCFemaleSpellPhonemeDown = "NPCFemaleSpellPhonemeDown"
	NPCFemaleSpellPhonemeLeft = "NPCFemaleSpellPhonemeLeft"
	NPCFemaleSpellPhonemeUpLe = "NPCFemaleSpellPhonemeUpLe"
	FireballWand              = "FireballWand"
	SmallFireballWand         = "SmallFireballWand"
	FlareWand                 = "FlareWand"
	LightningWand             = "LightningWand"
	DepletedWand              = "DepletedWand"
	Ricochet                  = "Ricochet"
	WeaponEffectFire          = "WeaponEffectFire"
	WeaponEffectElectricity   = "WeaponEffectElectricity"
	PermanentFizzle           = "PermanentFizzle"
	ManaEmpty                 = "ManaEmpty"
	Lock                      = "Lock"
	Unlock                    = "Unlock"
	ElevEnable                = "ElevEnable"
	ElevDisable               = "ElevDisable"
	OpenWoodenDoor            = "OpenWoodenDoor"
	MoveWoodenDoor            = "MoveWoodenDoor"
	CloseWoodenDoor           = "CloseWoodenDoor"
	WoodenDoorLocked          = "WoodenDoorLocked"
	OpenGate                  = "OpenGate"
	MoveGate                  = "MoveGate"
	CloseGate                 = "CloseGate"
	GateLocked                = "GateLocked"
	OpenWoodenGate            = "OpenWoodenGate"
	CloseWoodenGate           = "CloseWoodenGate"
	OpenHeavyWoodenDoor       = "OpenHeavyWoodenDoor"
	CloseHeavyWoodenDoor      = "CloseHeavyWoodenDoor"
	ElevStoneUp               = "ElevStoneUp"
	ElevStoneDown             = "ElevStoneDown"
	ElevWoodUp                = "ElevWoodUp"
	ElevWoodDown              = "ElevWoodDown"
	ElevMechUp                = "ElevMechUp"
	ElevMechDown              = "ElevMechDown"
	ElevLavaUp                = "ElevLavaUp"
	ElevLavaDown              = "ElevLavaDown"
	ElevGreenUp               = "ElevGreenUp"
	ElevGreenDown             = "ElevGreenDown"
	ElevLOTDUp                = "ElevLOTDUp"
	ElevLOTDDown              = "ElevLOTDDown"
	Gear1                     = "Gear1"
	Gear2                     = "Gear2"
	Gear3                     = "Gear3"
	SmallRockMove             = "SmallRockMove"
	MediumRockMove            = "MediumRockMove"
	LargeRockMove             = "LargeRockMove"
	BoulderMove               = "BoulderMove"
	WalkOnSnow                = "WalkOnSnow"
	WalkOnStone               = "WalkOnStone"
	WalkOnDirt                = "WalkOnDirt"
	WalkOnWood                = "WalkOnWood"
	WalkOnWater               = "WalkOnWater"
	WalkOnMud                 = "WalkOnMud"
	RunOnSnow                 = "RunOnSnow"
	RunOnStone                = "RunOnStone"
	RunOnDirt                 = "RunOnDirt"
	RunOnWood                 = "RunOnWood"
	RunOnWater                = "RunOnWater"
	RunOnMud                  = "RunOnMud"
	PlayerFallThud            = "PlayerFallThud"
	BarrelMove                = "BarrelMove"
	BlackPowderBurn           = "BlackPowderBurn"
	FireExtinguish            = "FireExtinguish"
	PolypExplode              = "PolypExplode"
	PowderBarrelExplode       = "PowderBarrelExplode"
	BarrelBreak               = "BarrelBreak"
	WaterBarrelBreak          = "WaterBarrelBreak"
	LOTDBarrelBreak           = "LOTDBarrelBreak"
	WineCaskBreak             = "WineCaskBreak"
	BarrelStackBreak          = "BarrelStackBreak"
	CoffinBreak               = "CoffinBreak"
	WaspHiveBreak             = "WaspHiveBreak"
	WorkstationBreak          = "WorkstationBreak"
	CrushLight                = "CrushLight"
	CrushMedium               = "CrushMedium"
	CrushHard                 = "CrushHard"
	SentryRayHitWall          = "SentryRayHitWall"
	SentryRayHit              = "SentryRayHit"
	DeathRayKill              = "DeathRayKill"
	TauntLaugh                = "TauntLaugh"
	TauntShakeFist            = "TauntShakeFist"
	TauntPoint                = "TauntPoint"
	FlagPickup                = "FlagPickup"
	FlagDrop                  = "FlagDrop"
	FlagRespawn               = "FlagRespawn"
	FlagCapture               = "FlagCapture"
	TreasurePickup            = "TreasurePickup"
	TreasureDrop              = "TreasureDrop"
	GameOver                  = "GameOver"
	ServerOptionsChange       = "ServerOptionsChange"
	CamperAlarm               = "CamperAlarm"
	PlayerEliminated          = "PlayerEliminated"
	CrownChange               = "CrownChange"
	HumanMaleEatFood          = "HumanMaleEatFood"
	HumanMaleEatApple         = "HumanMaleEatApple"
	HumanMaleDrinkJug         = "HumanMaleDrinkJug"
	HumanMaleHurtLight        = "HumanMaleHurtLight"
	HumanMaleHurtMedium       = "HumanMaleHurtMedium"
	HumanMaleHurtHeavy        = "HumanMaleHurtHeavy"
	HumanMaleHurtPoison       = "HumanMaleHurtPoison"
	HumanMaleDie              = "HumanMaleDie"
	HumanMaleExertionLight    = "HumanMaleExertionLight"
	HumanMaleExertionHeavy    = "HumanMaleExertionHeavy"
	HumanFemaleEatFood        = "HumanFemaleEatFood"
	HumanFemaleEatApple       = "HumanFemaleEatApple"
	HumanFemaleDrinkJug       = "HumanFemaleDrinkJug"
	HumanFemaleHurtLight      = "HumanFemaleHurtLight"
	HumanFemaleHurtMedium     = "HumanFemaleHurtMedium"
	HumanFemaleHurtHeavy      = "HumanFemaleHurtHeavy"
	HumanFemaleHurtPoison     = "HumanFemaleHurtPoison"
	HumanFemaleDie            = "HumanFemaleDie"
	HumanFemaleExertionLight  = "HumanFemaleExertionLight"
	HumanFemaleExertionHeavy  = "HumanFemaleExertionHeavy"
	MonsterEatFood            = "MonsterEatFood"
	BatMove                   = "BatMove"
	BatRecognize              = "BatRecognize"
	BatBite                   = "BatBite"
	BatDie                    = "BatDie"
	SmallSpiderMove           = "SmallSpiderMove"
	SmallSpiderIdle           = "SmallSpiderIdle"
	SmallSpiderRecognize      = "SmallSpiderRecognize"
	SmallSpiderBite           = "SmallSpiderBite"
	SmallSpiderDie            = "SmallSpiderDie"
	LargeSpiderMove           = "LargeSpiderMove"
	LargeSpiderIdle           = "LargeSpiderIdle"
	LargeSpiderRecognize      = "LargeSpiderRecognize"
	LargeSpiderBite           = "LargeSpiderBite"
	LargeSpiderSpit           = "LargeSpiderSpit"
	WebGooHit                 = "WebGooHit"
	LargeSpiderDie            = "LargeSpiderDie"
	SkeletonMove              = "SkeletonMove"
	SkeletonRecognize         = "SkeletonRecognize"
	SkeletonHitting           = "SkeletonHitting"
	SkeletonMissing           = "SkeletonMissing"
	SkeletonAttackInit        = "SkeletonAttackInit"
	SkeletonDie               = "SkeletonDie"
	SkeletonLordMove          = "SkeletonLordMove"
	SkeletonLordRecognize     = "SkeletonLordRecognize"
	SkeletonLordHitting       = "SkeletonLordHitting"
	SkeletonLordMissing       = "SkeletonLordMissing"
	SkeletonLordAttackInit    = "SkeletonLordAttackInit"
	SkeletonLordDie           = "SkeletonLordDie"
	BomberRecognize           = "BomberRecognize"
	BomberSummon              = "BomberSummon"
	BomberMove                = "BomberMove"
	BomberDie                 = "BomberDie"
	DemonRecognize            = "DemonRecognize"
	DemonTaunt                = "DemonTaunt"
	DemonSpellInit            = "DemonSpellInit"
	DemonMove                 = "DemonMove"
	DemonHurt                 = "DemonHurt"
	DemonDie                  = "DemonDie"
	GruntTaunt                = "GruntTaunt"
	GruntIdle                 = "GruntIdle"
	GruntBowTwang             = "GruntBowTwang"
	GruntRecognize            = "GruntRecognize"
	GruntMove                 = "GruntMove"
	GruntAttackInit           = "GruntAttackInit"
	GruntHitting              = "GruntHitting"
	GruntMissing              = "GruntMissing"
	GruntHurt                 = "GruntHurt"
	GruntDie                  = "GruntDie"
	OgreBruteTaunt            = "OgreBruteTaunt"
	OgreBruteIdle             = "OgreBruteIdle"
	OgreBruteListen           = "OgreBruteListen"
	OgreBruteAttackInit       = "OgreBruteAttackInit"
	OgreBruteMeleeMiss        = "OgreBruteMeleeMiss"
	OgreBruteEngage           = "OgreBruteEngage"
	OgreBruteRecognize        = "OgreBruteRecognize"
	OgreBruteMove             = "OgreBruteMove"
	OgreBruteHurt             = "OgreBruteHurt"
	OgreBruteMeleeHit         = "OgreBruteMeleeHit"
	OgreBruteDie              = "OgreBruteDie"
	OgreWarlordTaunt          = "OgreWarlordTaunt"
	OgreWarlordIdle           = "OgreWarlordIdle"
	OgreWarlordListen         = "OgreWarlordListen"
	OgreWarlordAttackInit     = "OgreWarlordAttackInit"
	OgreWarlordMeleeMiss      = "OgreWarlordMeleeMiss"
	OgreWarlordEngage         = "OgreWarlordEngage"
	OgreWarlordRecognize      = "OgreWarlordRecognize"
	OgreWarlordThrow          = "OgreWarlordThrow"
	OgreWarlordMove           = "OgreWarlordMove"
	OgreWarlordHurt           = "OgreWarlordHurt"
	OgreWarlordMeleeHit       = "OgreWarlordMeleeHit"
	OgreWarlordDie            = "OgreWarlordDie"
	ScorpionMove              = "ScorpionMove"
	ScorpionIdle              = "ScorpionIdle"
	ScorpionRecognize         = "ScorpionRecognize"
	ScorpionStingHit          = "ScorpionStingHit"
	ScorpionStingMiss         = "ScorpionStingMiss"
	ScorpionAttackInit        = "ScorpionAttackInit"
	ScorpionHurt              = "ScorpionHurt"
	ScorpionDie               = "ScorpionDie"
	LeechMove                 = "LeechMove"
	LeechIdle                 = "LeechIdle"
	LeechRecognize            = "LeechRecognize"
	LeechHitting              = "LeechHitting"
	LeechMissing              = "LeechMissing"
	LeechAttackInit           = "LeechAttackInit"
	LeechHurt                 = "LeechHurt"
	LeechDie                  = "LeechDie"
	ZombieMove                = "ZombieMove"
	ZombieIdle                = "ZombieIdle"
	ZombieRecognize           = "ZombieRecognize"
	ZombieHitting             = "ZombieHitting"
	ZombieMissing             = "ZombieMissing"
	ZombieAttackInit          = "ZombieAttackInit"
	ZombieHurt                = "ZombieHurt"
	ZombieDie                 = "ZombieDie"
	VileZombieMove            = "VileZombieMove"
	VileZombieIdle            = "VileZombieIdle"
	VileZombieRecognize       = "VileZombieRecognize"
	VileZombieHitting         = "VileZombieHitting"
	VileZombieMissing         = "VileZombieMissing"
	VileZombieAttackInit      = "VileZombieAttackInit"
	VileZombieHurt            = "VileZombieHurt"
	VileZombieDie             = "VileZombieDie"
	BearMove                  = "BearMove"
	BearRecognize             = "BearRecognize"
	BearHitting               = "BearHitting"
	BearMissing               = "BearMissing"
	BearAttackInit            = "BearAttackInit"
	BearHurt                  = "BearHurt"
	BearDie                   = "BearDie"
	WolfMove                  = "WolfMove"
	WolfIdle                  = "WolfIdle"
	WolfRecognize             = "WolfRecognize"
	WolfHitting               = "WolfHitting"
	WolfMissing               = "WolfMissing"
	WolfAttackInit            = "WolfAttackInit"
	WolfHurt                  = "WolfHurt"
	WolfDie                   = "WolfDie"
	PlantRecognize            = "PlantRecognize"
	PlantHitting              = "PlantHitting"
	PlantMissing              = "PlantMissing"
	PlantAttackInit           = "PlantAttackInit"
	PlantHurt                 = "PlantHurt"
	PlantDie                  = "PlantDie"
	MimicMove                 = "MimicMove"
	MimicIdle                 = "MimicIdle"
	MimicRecognize            = "MimicRecognize"
	MimicAttackInit           = "MimicAttackInit"
	MimicHitting              = "MimicHitting"
	MimicMissing              = "MimicMissing"
	MimicHurt                 = "MimicHurt"
	MimicDie                  = "MimicDie"
	MechGolemRecognize        = "MechGolemRecognize"
	MechGolemHitting          = "MechGolemHitting"
	MechGolemMissing          = "MechGolemMissing"
	MechGolemMove             = "MechGolemMove"
	MechGolemAttackInit       = "MechGolemAttackInit"
	MechGolemHurt             = "MechGolemHurt"
	MechGolemDie              = "MechGolemDie"
	ImpMove                   = "ImpMove"
	ImpRecognize              = "ImpRecognize"
	ImpSteal                  = "ImpSteal"
	ImpShoot                  = "ImpShoot"
	ImpDie                    = "ImpDie"
	GolemRecognize            = "GolemRecognize"
	GolemMove                 = "GolemMove"
	GolemHitting              = "GolemHitting"
	GolemMissing              = "GolemMissing"
	GolemHurt                 = "GolemHurt"
	GolemDie                  = "GolemDie"
	TowerRecognize            = "TowerRecognize"
	TowerShoot                = "TowerShoot"
	SkullRecognize            = "SkullRecognize"
	SkullShoot                = "SkullShoot"
	GhostMove                 = "GhostMove"
	GhostRecognize            = "GhostRecognize"
	GhostHitting              = "GhostHitting"
	GhostHurt                 = "GhostHurt"
	GhostDie                  = "GhostDie"
	WizardTalkable            = "WizardTalkable"
	WizardMove                = "WizardMove"
	WizardRecognize           = "WizardRecognize"
	WizardEngage              = "WizardEngage"
	WizardRetreat             = "WizardRetreat"
	WizardHurt                = "WizardHurt"
	WizardDie                 = "WizardDie"
	WaspMove                  = "WaspMove"
	WaspIdle                  = "WaspIdle"
	WaspRecognize             = "WaspRecognize"
	WaspSting                 = "WaspSting"
	WaspDie                   = "WaspDie"
	EmberDemonMove            = "EmberDemonMove"
	EmberDemonTaunt           = "EmberDemonTaunt"
	EmberDemonRecognize       = "EmberDemonRecognize"
	EmberDemonHitting         = "EmberDemonHitting"
	EmberDemonMissing         = "EmberDemonMissing"
	EmberDemonThrow           = "EmberDemonThrow"
	EmberDemonHurt            = "EmberDemonHurt"
	EmberDemonDie             = "EmberDemonDie"
	UrchinMove                = "UrchinMove"
	UrchinTaunt               = "UrchinTaunt"
	UrchinIdle                = "UrchinIdle"
	UrchinRecognize           = "UrchinRecognize"
	UrchinThrow               = "UrchinThrow"
	UrchinHurt                = "UrchinHurt"
	UrchinFlee                = "UrchinFlee"
	UrchinDie                 = "UrchinDie"
	UrchinShamanMove          = "UrchinShamanMove"
	UrchinShamanTaunt         = "UrchinShamanTaunt"
	UrchinShamanIdle          = "UrchinShamanIdle"
	UrchinShamanRecognize     = "UrchinShamanRecognize"
	UrchinShamanHurt          = "UrchinShamanHurt"
	UrchinShamanFlee          = "UrchinShamanFlee"
	UrchinShamanDie           = "UrchinShamanDie"
	ArcherMove                = "ArcherMove"
	ArcherTaunt               = "ArcherTaunt"
	ArcherIdle                = "ArcherIdle"
	ArcherRetreat             = "ArcherRetreat"
	ArcherRecognize           = "ArcherRecognize"
	ArcherMissileInit         = "ArcherMissileInit"
	ArcherShoot               = "ArcherShoot"
	ArcherHurt                = "ArcherHurt"
	ArcherDie                 = "ArcherDie"
	SwordsmanMove             = "SwordsmanMove"
	SwordsmanTaunt            = "SwordsmanTaunt"
	SwordsmanIdle             = "SwordsmanIdle"
	SwordsmanRecognize        = "SwordsmanRecognize"
	SwordsmanHitting          = "SwordsmanHitting"
	SwordsmanMissing          = "SwordsmanMissing"
	SwordsmanRetreat          = "SwordsmanRetreat"
	SwordsmanAttackInit       = "SwordsmanAttackInit"
	SwordsmanHurt             = "SwordsmanHurt"
	SwordsmanDie              = "SwordsmanDie"
	BeholderMove              = "BeholderMove"
	BeholderIdle              = "BeholderIdle"
	BeholderRecognize         = "BeholderRecognize"
	BeholderAttackInit        = "BeholderAttackInit"
	BeholderHurt              = "BeholderHurt"
	BeholderDie               = "BeholderDie"
	DryadMove                 = "DryadMove"
	DryadTaunt                = "DryadTaunt"
	DryadRecognize            = "DryadRecognize"
	DryadHurt                 = "DryadHurt"
	DryadDie                  = "DryadDie"
	EvilCherubMove            = "EvilCherubMove"
	EvilCherubTaunt           = "EvilCherubTaunt"
	EvilCherubIdle            = "EvilCherubIdle"
	EvilCherubMissileInit     = "EvilCherubMissileInit"
	EvilCherubRecognize       = "EvilCherubRecognize"
	EvilCherubShoot           = "EvilCherubShoot"
	EvilCherubHurt            = "EvilCherubHurt"
	EvilCherubDie             = "EvilCherubDie"
	FishDie                   = "FishDie"
	FrogDie                   = "FrogDie"
	FrogRecognize             = "FrogRecognize"
	HecubahTaunt              = "HecubahTaunt"
	HecubahTalkable           = "HecubahTalkable"
	HecubahMove               = "HecubahMove"
	HecubahRecognize          = "HecubahRecognize"
	HecubahAttackInit         = "HecubahAttackInit"
	HecubahHurt               = "HecubahHurt"
	HecubahDie                = "HecubahDie"
	HecubahDieFrame0A         = "HecubahDieFrame0A"
	HecubahDieFrame0B         = "HecubahDieFrame0B"
	HecubahDieFrame98         = "HecubahDieFrame98"
	HecubahDieFrame194        = "HecubahDieFrame194"
	HecubahDieFrame283        = "HecubahDieFrame283"
	HecubahDieFrame439        = "HecubahDieFrame439"
	NecromancerTaunt          = "NecromancerTaunt"
	NecromancerTalkable       = "NecromancerTalkable"
	NecromancerMove           = "NecromancerMove"
	NecromancerRecognize      = "NecromancerRecognize"
	NecromancerEngage         = "NecromancerEngage"
	NecromancerRetreat        = "NecromancerRetreat"
	NecromancerAttackInit     = "NecromancerAttackInit"
	NecromancerHurt           = "NecromancerHurt"
	NecromancerDie            = "NecromancerDie"
	LichMove                  = "LichMove"
	LichRecognize             = "LichRecognize"
	LichAttackInit            = "LichAttackInit"
	LichHurt                  = "LichHurt"
	LichDie                   = "LichDie"
	FlyingGolemMove           = "FlyingGolemMove"
	FlyingGolemRecognize      = "FlyingGolemRecognize"
	FlyingGolemShoot          = "FlyingGolemShoot"
	FlyingGolemHurt           = "FlyingGolemHurt"
	FlyingGolemDie            = "FlyingGolemDie"
	NPCIdle                   = "NPCIdle"
	NPCTalkable               = "NPCTalkable"
	NPCRecognize              = "NPCRecognize"
	NPCRetreat                = "NPCRetreat"
	NPCHurt                   = "NPCHurt"
	NPCDie                    = "NPCDie"
	MaidenIdle                = "MaidenIdle"
	MaidenTalkable            = "MaidenTalkable"
	MaidenFlee                = "MaidenFlee"
	MaidenHurt                = "MaidenHurt"
	MaidenDie                 = "MaidenDie"
	RatDie                    = "RatDie"
	ShadeMove                 = "ShadeMove"
	ShadeRecognize            = "ShadeRecognize"
	ShadeAttackInit           = "ShadeAttackInit"
	ShadeHurt                 = "ShadeHurt"
	ShadeDie                  = "ShadeDie"
	WeirdlingMove             = "WeirdlingMove"
	WillOWispMove             = "WillOWispMove"
	WillOWispIdle             = "WillOWispIdle"
	WillOWispRecognize        = "WillOWispRecognize"
	WillOWispEngage           = "WillOWispEngage"
	WillOWispHurt             = "WillOWispHurt"
	WillOWispDie              = "WillOWispDie"
	TrollMove                 = "TrollMove"
	TrollIdle                 = "TrollIdle"
	TrollRecognize            = "TrollRecognize"
	TrollHurt                 = "TrollHurt"
	TrollAttackInit           = "TrollAttackInit"
	TrollFlatus               = "TrollFlatus"
	TrollDie                  = "TrollDie"
	MaleNPC1Idle              = "MaleNPC1Idle"
	MaleNPC1Talkable          = "MaleNPC1Talkable"
	MaleNPC1Recognize         = "MaleNPC1Recognize"
	MaleNPC1Engage            = "MaleNPC1Engage"
	MaleNPC1Retreat           = "MaleNPC1Retreat"
	MaleNPC1Hurt              = "MaleNPC1Hurt"
	MaleNPC1AttackInit        = "MaleNPC1AttackInit"
	MaleNPC1Die               = "MaleNPC1Die"
	MaleNPC2Idle              = "MaleNPC2Idle"
	MaleNPC2Talkable          = "MaleNPC2Talkable"
	MaleNPC2Recognize         = "MaleNPC2Recognize"
	MaleNPC2Engage            = "MaleNPC2Engage"
	MaleNPC2Retreat           = "MaleNPC2Retreat"
	MaleNPC2Hurt              = "MaleNPC2Hurt"
	MaleNPC2AttackInit        = "MaleNPC2AttackInit"
	MaleNPC2Die               = "MaleNPC2Die"
	Maiden1Talkable           = "Maiden1Talkable"
	Maiden1Idle               = "Maiden1Idle"
	Maiden1Recognize          = "Maiden1Recognize"
	Maiden1Retreat            = "Maiden1Retreat"
	Maiden1Hurt               = "Maiden1Hurt"
	Maiden1AttackInit         = "Maiden1AttackInit"
	Maiden1Die                = "Maiden1Die"
	Maiden2Idle               = "Maiden2Idle"
	Maiden2Talkable           = "Maiden2Talkable"
	Maiden2Recognize          = "Maiden2Recognize"
	Maiden2Retreat            = "Maiden2Retreat"
	Maiden2Hurt               = "Maiden2Hurt"
	Maiden2AttackInit         = "Maiden2AttackInit"
	Maiden2Die                = "Maiden2Die"
	HorvathTalkable           = "HorvathTalkable"
	HorvathEngage             = "HorvathEngage"
	HorvathHurt               = "HorvathHurt"
	HorvathDie                = "HorvathDie"
	Wizard1Idle               = "Wizard1Idle"
	Wizard1Talkable           = "Wizard1Talkable"
	Wizard1Recognize          = "Wizard1Recognize"
	Wizard1Engage             = "Wizard1Engage"
	Wizard1Retreat            = "Wizard1Retreat"
	Wizard1Hurt               = "Wizard1Hurt"
	Wizard1AttackInit         = "Wizard1AttackInit"
	Wizard1Die                = "Wizard1Die"
	Wizard2Idle               = "Wizard2Idle"
	Wizard2Talkable           = "Wizard2Talkable"
	Wizard2Recognize          = "Wizard2Recognize"
	Wizard2Engage             = "Wizard2Engage"
	Wizard2Retreat            = "Wizard2Retreat"
	Wizard2Hurt               = "Wizard2Hurt"
	Wizard2AttackInit         = "Wizard2AttackInit"
	Wizard2Die                = "Wizard2Die"
	FireKnight1Idle           = "FireKnight1Idle"
	FireKnight1Talkable       = "FireKnight1Talkable"
	FireKnight1Recognize      = "FireKnight1Recognize"
	FireKnight1Engage         = "FireKnight1Engage"
	FireKnight1Retreat        = "FireKnight1Retreat"
	FireKnight1Hurt           = "FireKnight1Hurt"
	FireKnight1AttackInit     = "FireKnight1AttackInit"
	FireKnight1Die            = "FireKnight1Die"
	FireKnight2Idle           = "FireKnight2Idle"
	FireKnight2Talkable       = "FireKnight2Talkable"
	FireKnight2Recognize      = "FireKnight2Recognize"
	FireKnight2Engage         = "FireKnight2Engage"
	FireKnight2Retreat        = "FireKnight2Retreat"
	FireKnight2Hurt           = "FireKnight2Hurt"
	FireKnight2AttackInit     = "FireKnight2AttackInit"
	FireKnight2Die            = "FireKnight2Die"
	Guard1Idle                = "Guard1Idle"
	Guard1Talkable            = "Guard1Talkable"
	Guard1Recognize           = "Guard1Recognize"
	Guard1Engage              = "Guard1Engage"
	Guard1Retreat             = "Guard1Retreat"
	Guard1Hurt                = "Guard1Hurt"
	Guard1AttackInit          = "Guard1AttackInit"
	Guard1Die                 = "Guard1Die"
	Guard2Idle                = "Guard2Idle"
	Guard2Talkable            = "Guard2Talkable"
	Guard2Recognize           = "Guard2Recognize"
	Guard2Engage              = "Guard2Engage"
	Guard2Retreat             = "Guard2Retreat"
	Guard2Hurt                = "Guard2Hurt"
	Guard2AttackInit          = "Guard2AttackInit"
	Guard2Die                 = "Guard2Die"
	WoundedNPCIdle            = "WoundedNPCIdle"
	WoundedNPCTalkable        = "WoundedNPCTalkable"
	WoundedNPCRecognize       = "WoundedNPCRecognize"
	WoundedNPCRetreat         = "WoundedNPCRetreat"
	WoundedNPCHurt            = "WoundedNPCHurt"
	WoundedNPCAttackInit      = "WoundedNPCAttackInit"
	WoundedNPCDie             = "WoundedNPCDie"
	HorrendousTalkable        = "HorrendousTalkable"
	HorrendousRecognize       = "HorrendousRecognize"
	HorrendousRetreat         = "HorrendousRetreat"
	HorrendousHurt            = "HorrendousHurt"
	HorrendousAttackInit      = "HorrendousAttackInit"
	HorrendousDie             = "HorrendousDie"
	PotionUse                 = "PotionUse"
	RestoreHealth             = "RestoreHealth"
	RestoreMana               = "RestoreMana"
	SecretWallOpen            = "SecretWallOpen"
	SecretWallClose           = "SecretWallClose"
	SecretWallEarthOpen       = "SecretWallEarthOpen"
	SecretWallEarthClose      = "SecretWallEarthClose"
	SecretWallMetalOpen       = "SecretWallMetalOpen"
	SecretWallMetalClose      = "SecretWallMetalClose"
	SecretWallStoneOpen       = "SecretWallStoneOpen"
	SecretWallStoneClose      = "SecretWallStoneClose"
	SecretWallWoodOpen        = "SecretWallWoodOpen"
	SecretWallWoodClose       = "SecretWallWoodClose"
	TriggerPressed            = "TriggerPressed"
	TriggerReleased           = "TriggerReleased"
	PotionBreak               = "PotionBreak"
	WallDestroyed             = "WallDestroyed"
	WallDestroyedStone        = "WallDestroyedStone"
	WallDestroyedWood         = "WallDestroyedWood"
	WallDestroyedMetal        = "WallDestroyedMetal"
	ChestOpen                 = "ChestOpen"
	CryptChestOpen            = "CryptChestOpen"
	SackChestOpen             = "SackChestOpen"
	EggBreak                  = "EggBreak"
	ButtonPress               = "ButtonPress"
	ButtonRelease             = "ButtonRelease"
	LeverToggle               = "LeverToggle"
	SwitchToggle              = "SwitchToggle"
	ChainPull                 = "ChainPull"
	ShortBellsUp              = "ShortBellsUp"
	LongBellsUp               = "LongBellsUp"
	LongBellsDown             = "LongBellsDown"
	BigBell                   = "BigBell"
	MetallicBong              = "MetallicBong"
	Chime                     = "Chime"
	BigGong                   = "BigGong"
	SmallGong                 = "SmallGong"
	MysticChant               = "MysticChant"
	TripleChime               = "TripleChime"
	Clank1                    = "Clank1"
	Clank2                    = "Clank2"
	Clank3                    = "Clank3"
	MapOpen                   = "MapOpen"
	MapClose                  = "MapClose"
	BookOpen                  = "BookOpen"
	BookClose                 = "BookClose"
	PageTurn                  = "PageTurn"
	InventoryOpen             = "InventoryOpen"
	InventoryClose            = "InventoryClose"
	InventoryPickup           = "InventoryPickup"
	InventoryDrop             = "InventoryDrop"
	SpellPickup               = "SpellPickup"
	SpellDrop                 = "SpellDrop"
	SpellPopOffBook           = "SpellPopOffBook"
	TrapEditorOpen            = "TrapEditorOpen"
	TrapEditorClose           = "TrapEditorClose"
	ChangeSpellbar            = "ChangeSpellbar"
	ExpandSpellbar            = "ExpandSpellbar"
	CollapseSpellbar          = "CollapseSpellbar"
	CreatureCageAppears       = "CreatureCageAppears"
	CreatureCageHides         = "CreatureCageHides"
	ShopRepairItem            = "ShopRepairItem"
	MetalArmorPickup          = "MetalArmorPickup"
	MetalArmorDrop            = "MetalArmorDrop"
	MetalArmorBreak           = "MetalArmorBreak"
	LeatherArmorPickup        = "LeatherArmorPickup"
	LeatherArmorDrop          = "LeatherArmorDrop"
	LeatherArmorBreak         = "LeatherArmorBreak"
	WoodenArmorPickup         = "WoodenArmorPickup"
	WoodenArmorDrop           = "WoodenArmorDrop"
	WoodenArmorBreak          = "WoodenArmorBreak"
	ClothArmorPickup          = "ClothArmorPickup"
	ClothArmorDrop            = "ClothArmorDrop"
	ClothArmorBreak           = "ClothArmorBreak"
	ShoesPickup               = "ShoesPickup"
	ShoesDrop                 = "ShoesDrop"
	MetalWeaponBreak          = "MetalWeaponBreak"
	WoodWeaponBreak           = "WoodWeaponBreak"
	KeyPickup                 = "KeyPickup"
	KeyDrop                   = "KeyDrop"
	AmuletPickup              = "AmuletPickup"
	AmuletDrop                = "AmuletDrop"
	TrapPickup                = "TrapPickup"
	TrapDrop                  = "TrapDrop"
	BookPickup                = "BookPickup"
	BookDrop                  = "BookDrop"
	ScrollPickup              = "ScrollPickup"
	ScrollDrop                = "ScrollDrop"
	WandPickup                = "WandPickup"
	WandDrop                  = "WandDrop"
	PotionPickup              = "PotionPickup"
	PotionDrop                = "PotionDrop"
	MeatPickup                = "MeatPickup"
	MeatDrop                  = "MeatDrop"
	ApplePickup               = "ApplePickup"
	AppleDrop                 = "AppleDrop"
	ShroomPickup              = "ShroomPickup"
	ShroomDrop                = "ShroomDrop"
	SpectaclesPickup          = "SpectaclesPickup"
	SpectaclesDrop            = "SpectaclesDrop"
	MetalWeaponPickup         = "MetalWeaponPickup"
	WoodenWeaponPickup        = "WoodenWeaponPickup"
	MetalWeaponDrop           = "MetalWeaponDrop"
	WoodenWeaponDrop          = "WoodenWeaponDrop"
	BearTrapTriggered         = "BearTrapTriggered"
	PoisonTrapTriggered       = "PoisonTrapTriggered"
	StoneHitStone             = "StoneHitStone"
	StoneHitEarth             = "StoneHitEarth"
	StoneHitWood              = "StoneHitWood"
	StoneHitMetal             = "StoneHitMetal"
	StoneHitFlesh             = "StoneHitFlesh"
	WoodHitStone              = "WoodHitStone"
	WoodHitEarth              = "WoodHitEarth"
	WoodHitWood               = "WoodHitWood"
	WoodHitMetal              = "WoodHitMetal"
	WoodHitFlesh              = "WoodHitFlesh"
	MetalHitStone             = "MetalHitStone"
	MetalHitEarth             = "MetalHitEarth"
	MetalHitWood              = "MetalHitWood"
	MetalHitMetal             = "MetalHitMetal"
	MetalHitFlesh             = "MetalHitFlesh"
	FleshHitStone             = "FleshHitStone"
	FleshHitEarth             = "FleshHitEarth"
	FleshHitWood              = "FleshHitWood"
	FleshHitMetal             = "FleshHitMetal"
	FleshHitFlesh             = "FleshHitFlesh"
	DiamondHitStone           = "DiamondHitStone"
	DiamondHitEarth           = "DiamondHitEarth"
	DiamondHitWood            = "DiamondHitWood"
	DiamondHitMetal           = "DiamondHitMetal"
	DiamondHitFlesh           = "DiamondHitFlesh"
	HitStoneBreakable         = "HitStoneBreakable"
	HitEarthBreakable         = "HitEarthBreakable"
	HitWoodBreakable          = "HitWoodBreakable"
	HitMetalBreakable         = "HitMetalBreakable"
	HitMagicBreakable         = "HitMagicBreakable"
	HitMetalShield            = "HitMetalShield"
	PunchMissing              = "PunchMissing"
	LongswordMissing          = "LongswordMissing"
	SwordMissing              = "SwordMissing"
	HammerMissing             = "HammerMissing"
	AxeMissing                = "AxeMissing"
	MaceMissing               = "MaceMissing"
	BowEmpty                  = "BowEmpty"
	CrossBowEmpty             = "CrossBowEmpty"
	BowShoot                  = "BowShoot"
	CrossBowShoot             = "CrossBowShoot"
	ArrowTrapShoot            = "ArrowTrapShoot"
	GreatSwordReflect         = "GreatSwordReflect"
	ChakramThrow              = "ChakramThrow"
	ChakramCatch              = "ChakramCatch"
	ChakramFallToGround       = "ChakramFallToGround"
	StaffBlock                = "StaffBlock"
	NextWeapon                = "NextWeapon"
	HeartBeat                 = "HeartBeat"
	GenerateTick              = "GenerateTick"
	SummonClick               = "SummonClick"
	SummonComplete            = "SummonComplete"
	SummonAbort               = "SummonAbort"
	ManaClick                 = "ManaClick"
	LevelUp                   = "LevelUp"
	JournalEntryAdd           = "JournalEntryAdd"
	SecretFound               = "SecretFound"
	EarthRumbleMajor          = "EarthRumbleMajor"
	EarthRumbleMinor          = "EarthRumbleMinor"
	ElectricalArc1            = "ElectricalArc1"
	FloorSpikesUp             = "FloorSpikesUp"
	FloorSpikesDown           = "FloorSpikesDown"
	SpikeBlockMove            = "SpikeBlockMove"
	BoulderRoll               = "BoulderRoll"
	ArcheryContestBegins      = "ArcheryContestBegins"
	HorrendousIsKilled        = "HorrendousIsKilled"
	StaffOblivionAchieve1     = "StaffOblivionAchieve1"
	StaffOblivionAchieve2     = "StaffOblivionAchieve2"
	StaffOblivionAchieve3     = "StaffOblivionAchieve3"
	StaffOblivionAchieve4     = "StaffOblivionAchieve4"
	FireGrate                 = "FireGrate"
	MechGolemPowerUp          = "MechGolemPowerUp"
	ShellSelect               = "ShellSelect"
	ShellClick                = "ShellClick"
	ShellSlideIn              = "ShellSlideIn"
	ShellSlideOut             = "ShellSlideOut"
	ShellMouseBoom            = "ShellMouseBoom"
	NoCanDo                   = "NoCanDo"
	BallThrow                 = "BallThrow"
	BallGrab                  = "BallGrab"
	BallBounce                = "BallBounce"
	BallHitGoal               = "BallHitGoal"
	HarpoonBroken             = "HarpoonBroken"
	HarpoonReel               = "HarpoonReel"
	MonsterGeneratorDie       = "MonsterGeneratorDie"
	MonsterGeneratorHurt      = "MonsterGeneratorHurt"
	MonsterGeneratorSpawn     = "MonsterGeneratorSpawn"
	PlayerExit                = "PlayerExit"
	AwardLife                 = "AwardLife"
	SoulGateTouch             = "SoulGateTouch"
	QuestRespawn              = "QuestRespawn"
	QuestFinalDeath           = "QuestFinalDeath"
	QuestPlayerJoinGame       = "QuestPlayerJoinGame"
	QuestStatScreen           = "QuestStatScreen"
	QuestIntroScreen          = "QuestIntroScreen"
	QuestPlayerExitGame       = "QuestPlayerExitGame"
	QuestLockedChest          = "QuestLockedChest"
	StoneDoorOpen             = "StoneDoorOpen"
	StoneDoorClose            = "StoneDoorClose"
	DiamondPickup             = "DiamondPickup"
	DiamondDrop               = "DiamondDrop"
	EnableSharedKeyMode       = "EnableSharedKeyMode"


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