Path | Synopsis |
Package appsec provides application security features in the form of SDK functions that can be manually called to monitor specific code paths and data.
Package appsec provides application security features in the form of SDK functions that can be manually called to monitor specific code paths and data. |
Package gqlgen contains an implementation of a gqlgen tracer, and functions to construct and configure the tracer.
Package gqlgen contains an implementation of a gqlgen tracer, and functions to construct and configure the tracer. |
Package sarama provides functions to trace the IBM/sarama package (
Package sarama provides functions to trace the IBM/sarama package ( |
Package sarama provides functions to trace the Shopify/sarama package (
Package sarama provides functions to trace the Shopify/sarama package ( |
Package aws provides functions to trace aws/aws-sdk-go-v2 (
Package aws provides functions to trace aws/aws-sdk-go-v2 ( |
Package aws provides functions to trace aws/aws-sdk-go (
Package aws provides functions to trace aws/aws-sdk-go ( |
Package memcache provides functions to trace the bradfitz/gomemcache package (
Package memcache provides functions to trace the bradfitz/gomemcache package ( |
Package pubsub provides functions to trace the package.
Package pubsub provides functions to trace the package. |
Package kafka provides functions to trace the confluentinc/confluent-kafka-go package (
Package kafka provides functions to trace the confluentinc/confluent-kafka-go package ( |
Package kafka provides functions to trace the confluentinc/confluent-kafka-go package (
Package kafka provides functions to trace the confluentinc/confluent-kafka-go package ( |
Package sql provides functions to trace the database/sql package (
Package sql provides functions to trace the database/sql package ( |
Package httptreemux provides functions to trace the dimfeld/httptreemux/v5 package (
Package httptreemux provides functions to trace the dimfeld/httptreemux/v5 package ( |
Package elastic provides functions to trace the packages.
Package elastic provides functions to trace the packages. |
Package restful provides functions to trace the emicklei/go-restful package (
Package restful provides functions to trace the emicklei/go-restful package ( |
Package restful provides functions to trace the emicklei/go-restful package (
Package restful provides functions to trace the emicklei/go-restful package ( |
Package redigo provides functions to trace the garyburd/redigo package (
Package redigo provides functions to trace the garyburd/redigo package ( |
Package gin provides functions to trace the gin-gonic/gin package (
Package gin provides functions to trace the gin-gonic/gin package ( |
Package mgo provides functions and types which allow tracing of the MGO MongoDB client (
Package mgo provides functions and types which allow tracing of the MGO MongoDB client ( |
Package chi provides tracing functions for tracing the go-chi/chi package (
Package chi provides tracing functions for tracing the go-chi/chi package ( |
Package chi provides tracing functions for tracing the go-chi/chi/v5 package (
Package chi provides tracing functions for tracing the go-chi/chi/v5 package ( |
Package redis provides tracing functions for tracing the go-redis/redis package (
Package redis provides tracing functions for tracing the go-redis/redis package ( |
Package redis provides tracing functions for tracing the go-redis/redis package (
Package redis provides tracing functions for tracing the go-redis/redis package ( |
Package redis provides tracing functions for tracing the go-redis/redis package (
Package redis provides tracing functions for tracing the go-redis/redis package ( |
Package mongo provides functions to trace the mongodb/mongo-go-driver package (
Package mongo provides functions to trace the mongodb/mongo-go-driver package ( |
Package gocql provides functions to trace the gocql/gocql package (
Package gocql provides functions to trace the gocql/gocql package ( |
Package fiber provides tracing functions for tracing the fiber package (
Package fiber provides tracing functions for tracing the fiber package ( |
Package redigo provides functions to trace the gomodule/redigo package (
Package redigo provides functions to trace the gomodule/redigo package ( |
Package api provides functions to trace the package.
Package api provides functions to trace the package. |
Package grpc provides functions to trace the package v1.2.
Package grpc provides functions to trace the package v1.2. |
Package grpc is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package grpc is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package gorm provides helper functions for tracing the jinzhu/gorm package (
Package gorm provides helper functions for tracing the jinzhu/gorm package ( |
Package mux provides tracing functions for tracing the gorilla/mux package (
Package mux provides tracing functions for tracing the gorilla/mux package ( |
Package gorm provides helper functions for tracing the package (
Package gorm provides helper functions for tracing the package ( |
Package graphql provides functions to trace the graph-gophers/graphql-go package (
Package graphql provides functions to trace the graph-gophers/graphql-go package ( |
Package vault contains functions to construct or augment an http.Client that will integrate with the and collect traces to send to Datadog.
Package vault contains functions to construct or augment an http.Client that will integrate with the and collect traces to send to Datadog. |
Package httptrace provides functionalities to trace HTTP requests that are commonly required and used across contrib/** integrations.
Package httptrace provides functionalities to trace HTTP requests that are commonly required and used across contrib/** integrations. |
Package namingschematest provides utilities to test naming schemas across different integrations.
Package namingschematest provides utilities to test naming schemas across different integrations. |
Package gorm provides helper functions for tracing the jinzhu/gorm package (
Package gorm provides helper functions for tracing the jinzhu/gorm package ( |
Package sqlx provides functions to trace the jmoiron/sqlx package (
Package sqlx provides functions to trace the jmoiron/sqlx package ( |
Package httprouter provides functions to trace the julienschmidt/httprouter package (
Package httprouter provides functions to trace the julienschmidt/httprouter package ( |
Package kubernetes provides functions to trace (
Package kubernetes provides functions to trace ( |
Package echo provides functions to trace the labstack/echo package (
Package echo provides functions to trace the labstack/echo package ( |
Package echo provides functions to trace the labstack/echo package (
Package echo provides functions to trace the labstack/echo package ( |
Package http provides functions to trace the net/http package (
Package http provides functions to trace the net/http package ( |
Package elastic provides functions to trace the{3,5} packages.
Package elastic provides functions to trace the{3,5} packages. |
Package redis provides functions to trace the redis/go-redis package (
Package redis provides functions to trace the redis/go-redis package ( |
Package logrus provides a log/span correlation hook for the sirupsen/logrus package (
Package logrus provides a log/span correlation hook for the sirupsen/logrus package ( |
Package leveldb provides functions to trace the syndtr/goleveldb package (
Package leveldb provides functions to trace the syndtr/goleveldb package ( |
Package twirp provides tracing functions for tracing clients and servers generated by the twirp framework (
Package twirp provides tracing functions for tracing clients and servers generated by the twirp framework ( |
Package negroni provides helper functions for tracing the urfave/negroni package (
Package negroni provides helper functions for tracing the urfave/negroni package ( |
Package fasthttp provides functions to trace the valyala/fasthttp package (
Package fasthttp provides functions to trace the valyala/fasthttp package ( |
Package web provides functions to trace the zenazn/goji/web package (
Package web provides functions to trace the zenazn/goji/web package ( |
Package ddtrace contains the interfaces that specify the implementations of Datadog's tracing library, as well as a set of sub-packages containing various implementations: our native implementation ("tracer"), a wrapper that can be used with Opentracing ("opentracer") and a mock tracer to be used for testing ("mocktracer").
Package ddtrace contains the interfaces that specify the implementations of Datadog's tracing library, as well as a set of sub-packages containing various implementations: our native implementation ("tracer"), a wrapper that can be used with Opentracing ("opentracer") and a mock tracer to be used for testing ("mocktracer"). |
Package ext contains a set of Datadog-specific constants.
Package ext contains a set of Datadog-specific constants. |
Package mocktracer provides a mock implementation of the tracer used in testing.
Package mocktracer provides a mock implementation of the tracer used in testing. |
Package opentelemetry provides a wrapper on top of the Datadog tracer that can be used with OpenTelemetry.
Package opentelemetry provides a wrapper on top of the Datadog tracer that can be used with OpenTelemetry. |
Package opentracer is in "Maintenance" mode and limited support is offered.
Package opentracer is in "Maintenance" mode and limited support is offered. |
Package tracer contains Datadog's core tracing client.
Package tracer contains Datadog's core tracing client. |
Package dyngo is the Go implementation of Datadog's Instrumentation Gateway which provides an event-based instrumentation API based on a stack representation of instrumented functions along with nested event listeners.
Package dyngo is the Go implementation of Datadog's Instrumentation Gateway which provides an event-based instrumentation API based on a stack representation of instrumented functions along with nested event listeners. |
Package emitter provides functions and types used to instrument go libraries to integrate them with Datadog AppSec features.
Package emitter provides functions and types used to instrument go libraries to integrate them with Datadog AppSec features. |
Package graphql is the GraphQL instrumentation API and contract for AppSec defining an abstract run-time representation of AppSec middleware.
Package graphql is the GraphQL instrumentation API and contract for AppSec defining an abstract run-time representation of AppSec middleware. |
Package grpcsec is the gRPC instrumentation API and contract for AppSec defining an abstract run-time representation of gRPC handlers.
Package grpcsec is the gRPC instrumentation API and contract for AppSec defining an abstract run-time representation of gRPC handlers. |
Package httpsec defines is the HTTP instrumentation API and contract for AppSec.
Package httpsec defines is the HTTP instrumentation API and contract for AppSec. |
Package listener provides functions and types used to listen to AppSec instrumentation events produced by code usintrumented using the functions and types found in
Package listener provides functions and types used to listen to AppSec instrumentation events produced by code usintrumented using the functions and types found in |
Package trace provides functions to annotate trace spans with AppSec related information.
Package trace provides functions to annotate trace spans with AppSec related information. |
Package globalconfig stores configuration which applies globally to both the tracer and integrations.
Package globalconfig stores configuration which applies globally to both the tracer and integrations. |
Package cachedfetch provides a read-through cache for fetched values.
Package cachedfetch provides a read-through cache for fetched values. |
Package validate provides hostname validation helpers
Package validate provides hostname validation helpers |
Package httpmem provides an in-memory HTTP server and client, for testing
Package httpmem provides an in-memory HTTP server and client, for testing |
Package log provides logging utilities for the tracer.
Package log provides logging utilities for the tracer. |
Package namingschema allows to use the naming schema from the integrations to set different service and span/operation names based on the value of the DD_TRACE_SPAN_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA environment variable.
Package namingschema allows to use the naming schema from the integrations to set different service and span/operation names based on the value of the DD_TRACE_SPAN_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA environment variable. |
Package normalizer provides tag normalization
Package normalizer provides tag normalization |
Package osinfo provides information about the current operating system release
Package osinfo provides information about the current operating system release |
Package telemetry implements a client for sending telemetry information to Datadog regarding usage of an APM library such as tracing or profiling.
Package telemetry implements a client for sending telemetry information to Datadog regarding usage of an APM library such as tracing or profiling. |
Package telemetrytest provides a mock implementation of the telemetry client for testing purposes
Package telemetrytest provides a mock implementation of the telemetry client for testing purposes |
Package traceprof contains shared logic for cross-cutting tracer/profiler features.
Package traceprof contains shared logic for cross-cutting tracer/profiler features. |
Package testapp has the protbuf/grpc definitions for the test application implemented in traceproftest.
Package testapp has the protbuf/grpc definitions for the test application implemented in traceproftest. |
Package traceproftest contains test cases and test helpers for testing cross-cutting tracer/profiler features such as code hotspots and endpoints.
Package traceproftest contains test cases and test helpers for testing cross-cutting tracer/profiler features such as code hotspots and endpoints. |
Package profiler periodically collects and sends profiles to the Datadog API.
Package profiler periodically collects and sends profiles to the Datadog API. |
Package fastdelta tries to match up samples between two pprof profiles and take their difference.
Package fastdelta tries to match up samples between two pprof profiles and take their difference. |
Package immutable provides read-only types
Package immutable provides read-only types |
Package pproflite implements zero-allocation pprof encoding and decoding.
Package pproflite implements zero-allocation pprof encoding and decoding. |
Package pprofutils is a fork of, see README.
Package pprofutils is a fork of, see README. |
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