Duplicate ./config/.env.example named ./config/.env.local, fill the value of the variable accordingly (the recommended port is 3000)
Install the project simply by executing :
make install
Run DB migration by executing :
# Replace the placeholders with your DB credential
Alternatively, you could run a seed script to populate the DB :
# Replace the placeholders with your DB credential
You could either directly run the app using development environment or build it into a binary first using following command :
# Run as development environment
make run
# Or you could build if first than run as a service
make build
To open up API Docs, you could visit the Swagger on /v1/swagger.
Project Structure
bin is where the binary file is generated and ready to execute natively
cmd is a service(s) entry point
config is where the key-value variable and other configurable file located
db is a place for writing database related scripts inside
pg all PostgreSQL related script were hosted
factory a directory for writing table Schema
migration all migration file went here (including initial data)
seed only use seed on development, contain dummy data
docs REST API documentation (Swagger/OpenAPI Spec)
internal is a place where all services/modules located. The services/modules will and should be encapsulated
pkg almost identical with internal but all the module/packages should not be encapsulated
scripts all the shell script for building, deploying, or other related to ops