This fork aims to stabilize deletion (so far for AWS) and add extended regex filtering support.
How to release
There is a release pipeline on runway: here. The configuration is located at ci/pipeline.yml
and creds come from Vault/ppe-release.
Leftovers 🦃
Go cli & library for cleaning up orphaned IaaS resources.
Why might you use this?
- You
terraform apply
'd way back when and lost your terraform.tfstate
. Happens to the best of us.
- You used the console or cli for some IaaS to create some infrastructure and want to clean up!
- Your acceptance tests in CI failed, the container disappeared, and
infrastructure resources were tragically orphaned. :-(
terraform destroy
isn't working because the refresh step is failing due to a missing resource.
- You're too lazy to
terraform destroy
What's it look like?
It will prompt you before deleting any resource by default, ie:
$ leftovers --filter banana
[Firewall: banana-http] Delete? (y/N)
It can be configured to not prompt, ie:
$ leftovers --filter banana --no-confirm
[Firewall: banana-http] Deleting...
[Firewall: banana-http] Deleted!
Or maybe you want to see all of the resources in your IaaS, ie:
$ leftovers --filter banana --dry-run
[Firewall: banana-http]
[Network: banana]
You might want to delete a single resource type::
$ leftovers types
$ leftovers --filter banana --type service-account --no-confirm
[Service Account:] Deleting...
[Service Account:] Deleted!
Or you might want to filter using regex (this is a beta feature)
$ BBL_IAAS=gcp leftovers --gcp-service-account-key="gcp-service-account.json" --filter '^(?=.*pull-1234)(?!.*iless-).*' --filter-as-regex --dry-run
[Compute Instance: vm-137e7129-aaa-bbb-cccc-e3ddb3aaec23 (pull-1234-pcf-network, cf-1234567890abc1234567, cf-1234567890abc1234567-control, control, p-bosh, p-bosh-cf-1234567890abc1234567, p-bosh-cf-1234567890abc1234567-control, pcf-lb, pull-1234-cf-ssh, pull-1234-vms)]
Option 1
Install go. Then:
$ go get -u
Option 2
Linux and OSX binaries for this fork can be found on the releases page.
$ ./leftovers --help
leftovers [OPTIONS]
Application Options:
-v, --version Print version.
-i, --iaas= The IaaS for clean up. [$BBL_IAAS]
-n, --no-confirm Destroy resources without prompting. This is dangerous, make good choices!
-d, --dry-run List all resources without deleting any.
-f, --filter= Filtering resources by an environment name.
--filter-as-regex Interpret the filter as regex. (**This is a beta feature** Tested on AWS, Azure, and GCP)
-t, --type= Type of resource to delete.
--debug Print debug information.
--aws-access-key-id= AWS access key id. [$BBL_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID]
--aws-secret-access-key= AWS secret access key. [$BBL_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY]
--aws-session-token= AWS session token. [$BBL_AWS_SESSION_TOKEN]
--aws-region= AWS region. [$BBL_AWS_REGION]
--azure-client-id= Azure client id. [$BBL_AZURE_CLIENT_ID]
--azure-client-secret= Azure client secret. [$BBL_AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET]
--azure-tenant-id= Azure tenant id. [$BBL_AZURE_TENANT_ID]
--azure-subscription-id= Azure subscription id. [$BBL_AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID]
--gcp-service-account-key= GCP service account key path. [$BBL_GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY]
--vsphere-vcenter-ip= vSphere vCenter IP address. [$BBL_VSPHERE_VCENTER_IP]
--vsphere-vcenter-password= vSphere vCenter password. [$BBL_VSPHERE_VCENTER_PASSWORD]
--vsphere-vcenter-user= vSphere vCenter username. [$BBL_VSPHERE_VCENTER_USER]
--vsphere-vcenter-dc= vSphere vCenter datacenter. [$BBL_VSPHERE_VCENTER_DC]
--nimbus-user= nimbus user. [$BBL_NIMBUS_USER]
--nsxt-manager-host= NSX-T manager IP address or domain name. [$BBL_NSXT_MANAGER_HOST]
--nsxt-username= NSX-T manager username. [$BBL_NSXT_USERNAME]
--nsxt-password= NSX-T manager password. [$BBL_NSXT_PASSWORD]
--openstack-auth-url= Openstack auth URL. [$BBL_OPENSTACK_AUTH_URL]
--openstack-username= Openstack username. [$BBL_OPENSTACK_USERNAME]
--openstack-password= Openstack password. [$BBL_OPENSTACK_PASSWORD]
--openstack-domain-name= Openstack domain name. [$BBL_OPENSTACK_DOMAIN]
--openstack-project-name= Openstack project name. [$BBL_OPENSTACK_PROJECT]
--openstack-region-name= Openstack region name. [$BBL_OPENSTACK_REGION]
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
Maintainers of the actual project