TinySeed is a fork of Binary Holding's Tenderseed, which is a fork of Polychain's Tenderseed
Familiarity with Tendermint network operation is NOT a pre-requisite to understanding how to use TinySeed.
To make it easier to use in Docker on Aakash, everything else has been given a default value.
If you do nothing, eg:
git clone https://github.com/notional-labs/tinyseed
go mod tidy
go install .
Theyn you'll become a seed node on Osmosis-1. Let's do Cosmoshub-4, shall we? We've made Osmosis zeroconf, but hey this thing here reads 2 env vars!
export ID=cosmoshub-4
export SEEDS=bf8328b66dceb4987e5cd94430af66045e59899f@public-seed.cosmos.vitwit.com:26656,cfd785a4224c7940e9a10f6c1ab24c343e923bec@,d72b3011ed46d783e369fdf8ae2055b99a1e5074@,ba3bacc714817218562f743178228f23678b2873@public-seed-node.cosmoshub.certus.one:26656,3c7cad4154967a294b3ba1cc752e40e8779640ad@,366ac852255c3ac8de17e11ae9ec814b8c68bddb@
git clone https://github.com/notional-labs/tinyseed
go mod tidy
go install .
Blue Oak Model License 1.0.0