Danger Zone
It is dangerous, and so is $danger.
this is a live fire mainnet, whose purpose it is to be attacked by anyone who wants to, for research purposes.
Sane default research
We've allowed default settings in cosmos to get insane, but we don't know which and how. Danger will launch entirely with default settings, like a 100 block signed block window. Validators are responsible for changing this.
It is currently not possible to do high quality research on chain performance due to the fact that many testnets, like the cosmos hub replicated security testnet, do not resemble reality. Danger solves this by being a mainnet that people are encouraged to attack.
Genesis procedure
- Star the repository
- Make a tweet announcing somehting along the lines of "Validatorname will validate danger and facilitate security research in cosmos. Anyone can contact us to run tests or report danger. We're committed to keeping information about danger inside the validator set until the danger has been resolved by fixes to the wider cosmos. We commit to helping to relaunch the chain if danger breaks. We will never advise anyhone to invest in $danger at any time, for any reason."
- Be in the Danger twitter DM group
- Give youself a billion udanger in genesis
- Make the usual pull request
Number of validators
Likely to be unlimited, but this will be decided by governance.
Economics info
The cosmos software community