Aggregate tech news articles from multiple news sources, filter them based on
your favorite subjects and send them to a chat platform of your choice.
Supported news sources
To run this bot, you must provide at least a discord token and the channel ID
where to dump all of the interresting articles via environment variables. You
can also use a .env
file to set the environment variables. The env file looks like this:
DISCORD_TOKEN=<Your token here>
DISCORD_CHANNEL=<Your text channel id here>
Project vision
- This project is not configurable as of right now, aside from the discord token
and channel id, but will aim to be fully configurable via text commands in the
- I'm not sure if this bot should only support Discord for now. It would be
interresting to add support for many chat services such as Slack or Matrix.
This project aims to aggregate news from tons of different news sources
into one place. If you would like to have a news source added, feel free to
either contribute support for it or open an
issue explaining why
the news source should be added.